A new issue of Tuntreet is here!

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Organ for Studentsamfunnet i Ås

NR. 9 \ November 18th, 2019

Tuntreet Year 74





TUNTREET Issue 6 7 8 9 10

Deadline Publication 04.09 25.09 16.10 06.11 27.11

13.09 03.10 24.10 14.11 05.12



EDITOR IN CHIEF Julie Westergaard Karlsen JOURNALIST COORDINATOR Anne Tove Græsdal Tornes Våge JOURNALISTS Jane Bergan Børge Høysæter Ole-Johan Næss Holm Caroline Lensjø-Alvin Maiken Fosse Halvorsen Guro Størdal HEAD OF PHOTOGRAPHY Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz PHOTOGRAPHERS Merete Guldhav Tord Kristian F. Andersen Herman Bjørnson Hagen Hanna Bruun Tørnby Simen Walbækken Tangen Stella Weiß HEAD OF CORRECTION Kjersti Rustad Kvisberg CORRECTION Rebecca Biong Julie Andrea Glemminge Ida Lunde Naalsund LAYOUT COORDINATOR Martin Reigstad LAYOUT Runa Gjerland Emilie Netskar Martine Hana Løken Undis Furuberg Sunniva Herrestad GAME PAGE MASTER Andreas Bjørne Jacobsen HEAD OF TRANSLATION Hanna Sahlström TRANSLATION Ingrid Tangvik Vegard Hansen Nora Helgeland Astrid Kisen Tilde Milia Skaatun Kristian Sjaastad Hansen DISTRIBUTION Ingvild Munz Halvor Ekeland Tuntreet, an organ for Studentsamfunnet i Ås Tuntreet, Post box 1211 1432 Ås E-mail: tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no www.tuntreet.org Print: 1000 Publication: BK Grafisk, Sandefjord Cover: Anne Tove Græsdal Tornes Våge Centerfold: Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz


Julie Westergaard Karlsen Editor in Chief tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no

When it gets difficult It’s incredibly hard to lose someone. I think everyone is aware of that at this moment. It’s difficult because it’s so unimaginably sad. It’s difficult because you feel so helpless. It’s difficult because you don’t know how to feel. There are a lot of emotions among the students at this moment. Sorrow, anger, shock. Someone feels empty. Someone is afraid they feel too much, or too little. No feeling is wrong. Everybody copes differently. Many of us like to gather together. Others would like to be alone. The most important is that no one is lonely. You aren’t necessary lonely just because you are alone. And you can be lonely, even among others. I hope that everybody will be a bit kinder looking forward – to others, but also to themselves. I also hope that nobody’s blaming themselves. The whole community has turned their

attention towards mental health in the past year. It hasn’t gone to waste. And we must keep it up. We can’t give up now. It seems like everyone is eager to help others, but aren’t willing to ask for it themselves. I hope this will end soon. We need to put shame, or pride, away and open up. There are a lot of services available. Ås Helsestasjon is always willing to help. The Student Priest as well. And Mental Helse, your doctor, your representatives, your friends and family. LEVE is an organization for those left behind. They can offer help, should you need a support group, a confidant or comforting words. Stay together. It’s in times like these that you’ll notice that Studentsamfunnet is a samfunn – a community. We’re in this together.



























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Why do women fall for Exit-men? Mathilde Moe Strand Journalist Tilde Skaatun Translator

NRK- gamble Exit is the state channels most viewed drama. The series is based on interviews with men from Norways finance-world and paints a pretty grotesque and cynical picture of their lives. They are arrogant, power-hungry and sexist. Despite this, they can often pick and choose among the “hottest” women. Why is this? What is it about these Exit-men that make women weak at the knees? This is something I have pondered on ever since I first saw the series. I have seen it myself many times. Women fall for narcissistic men who treat them badly. They lie, cheat, are controlling and have double standards, and even then it seems these traits are something many women find

attractive. Are there evolutionary reasons for this? Psychological? Materialistic? Or maybe a combination of the three? There is no straight answer, but I will present to you my theories. Additionally, there are scientific research proving most of this, if you only bother to google it. Number one is that these men appear attractive from an evolutionary standpoint because they seem resourceful and powerful. Especially historically, these traits were important as they could increase your species chance of survival. Women today are not dependant on a “strong” male for the survival of her children, but I would argue that there are still remnants of this instinct in our biology. From a psychological standpoint I think

these men appear irresistible because of their self-confidence and charisma. It cannot be ignored that many men in powerful or leading positions have narcissistic traits. Narcissists are often very charming at first glance, but also have very manipulative tendencies. Because of this, many can get “trapped” in their web and not realize the mistake before it is too late. There are also those who find the money, and thereby social status, appealing. At the end of the day it is likely a combination of these different theories that play a part. I just think it is an interesting phenomenon, when it in my opinion goes against all logic to get romantically involved with an Exit-man.


Elections are for voting!  The student elections are taking place between the 20-26th of November. Here the students have the opportunity to vote in their student representatives for the faculty board (for their faculties) and for the university board.    The students are highly encouraged to vote in the elections. The more people who vote, the more support the ones on the board have in the student body. And those who are on the board have a great deal of power!   Voting takes about 1-2 minutes and is done via a link: https://valg.usit.no/valg/login.do​ which is open during the dates mentioned.    It is also possible to run for the student board the 25th of November, which has 4 different part time positions for elections with on-campus offices. It is possible to run for marketing manager, environment and research manager, welfare manager and international manager, which are respectively 20%, 20%, 30% and 30% honoured positions. To run, you have to come to the student parliament elections at TF 102, wing III at 17:15-21:00 the 25th of November. You are more than welcome to let Valgnemda know ahead of time, by sending an email to studenttingets.valgnemd@nmbu.no.   If you would like to read more about the elections you can visit http://www.studentdemokratiet.no  Tilde Skaatun Translator

Issue 09 Year 74



A divided Students You must commit murder to get meat

During this semester’s GF (Generalforsamling) for Studentsamfunnet i Ås, there were multple intense debates around which measures in regards to climate Studentsamfunnet should take, or not take. Natalie Genvieve Bjørneby Photographer

Kristian Bones Enger Translator

The hottest topic was if Studentsamfunnet should implement «vegonorm». Vegonorm means that they would serve vegan food, and if you would like meat, you need to ask or request for this beforehand. This would mean that, on a general basis, vegan food is served during samfunnstjeneste, Urpremierer and anywhere else that Studentsamfunnet serves food. In regards to places where you can order your own food, i.e. Rosehagen on party nights, these would not be affected by the vegonorm. This suggestion was presented as a measure to reduce climate gas, which is associated more with a meal with meat, rather than just plants. This is quite a sensitive topic here at NMBU, considering that we are a university with deep roots in Norwegian agriculture, which is largely connected to meat production. The Kjernestyret (Core board) members considered this divide as problematic. A part of their job is to work towards a Studentsamfunn for everyone, and therefore proposed a new suggestion that would unite the two parties. This suggestion says that Samfunnet should focus on sustainable, local and season based food, rather than a vegonorm. This suggestion had the most votes, which means that there will be a bigger focus on what food Studentsamfunnet will serve in the future. Studentsamfunnet i Ås decided to declare a climate crisis. This means that, on paper, Samfunnet supports the fact that the climate crisis is an actual crisis. It was also discussed if Studentsamfunnet should set specific goals in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The suggestions were to cut down by 50, 35 or 25 percent. In order to reach these goals, it was discussed that one should start using electronic cars instead of fuel based cars, and to use electronic fires instead of firewood. 6

Issue 09 Year 74

Tilde Birgitte Dalberg Journalist

Tord Kristian F. Andersen Statistician

Multiple arguments against the proposal suggested that this would influence the amount of offers Studentsamfunnet could provide, and would result in more expensive tickets. Many members considered it difficult to measure emissions, while others questioned whether Studentssamfunnet even has any direct emissions. The members voted against a suggestion to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A carbon audit was proposed as a way to specify how much climate gas emissions Samfunnet actually is responsible for, and was accepted. This means that Studentsamfunnet will receive a larger perspective on how much climate gas they emit, and where these emissions are at their worst. A report on the previous year was put forth at the Generalforsamling, a new and exciting strategy, and other measures were added. A summary of everything else that was discussed during the GF will be available on Studentsamfunnet’s website.


tsamfunn is united at GF It is not murder, it is called butchering

Percentage of attending faculties 25

Subjects Veterinary medicine


Science and Technology


Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management 10

Landscape and Society Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science


Election Candidates were voted on, and elected. Thes following candidates were selected: Samfunnet’s board members: Vice president - Erik Sand Head of Administration - Sigrid Fause Lian Head of Events - Ruben Rygh Head of Concerts - Marie Hellan Iversen Kjernestyret (Core Board) members: External representative - Lars Raaen

School of Economics and Business



Percentage of candidates per faculty 35



Veterinary medicine


Science and Technology


Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management


Landscape and Society


Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science


NU: Leader - Lars Engesæth Head of Sponsors - Thea Sanner Marketing Manager - Kristoffer Pinheiro Head of Administration - Anna Syrstad Tuntreet: Editor in Chief - Herman Bjørnson Hagen Election Official: Marek Zimmermann Vegard Sjaastad Hansen

School of Economics and Business



Percentage of candidates elected 40 35 30 25

Subjects Veterinary medicine Science and Technology


Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management


Landscape and Society

10 5 0

Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science School of Economics and Business Biosciences

• Of those who were nominated, only 25% agreed to run. • Average speaking time (except for Election issues who only got 1 minute) was 02:20 of the allowed 3 minutes (73,92% of allowed time). • Of the newly elected, there was a balanced distribution where 2., 3., and 4. grade wins. Especially 4. grade excel with a 100% success rate. • All Lærker who ran, got elected.

Utgåve 04 Årgang 74



How to spend your Sunday in Ås Marit Andrisdotter Kvam Journalist Kristian Bones Enger Translator Natalie Genvieve Bjørneby Photographer

People consider Sundays in Ås a quiet and relaxing day; every washing maching is busy, common areas are cleaned, one might exercise at Eika, or some might spend it watching Netflix. Maybe it is time to spend your day doing something else, but what is there to do on a Sunday in Ås? Activity calendar There is a lot more going on than what meets the eye, even though Ås seems a bit dead on the final day of the week. You can find a lot of activities happening in the local community. Ås Avis (The Ås Paper) has a daily activity calendar on their website. Here, you can find an overview on what is happening every day in Follodistriktet (The Follo district). This is a great opportunity for those who would like to engage themselves more in the local community.


Issue 04 Year 74

Go outside If you follow the calendar, you might notice the sporatic thrift- and flea market. The cafés in the city center are open on Sundays, and there are plenty of beautiful hiking options in the surrounding area. You could catch a bus to Breivoll gard (Breivoll farm), which is connected to Bunnefjorden and the nature surrounding it. Vardåsen is easily reached by either walking or by bicycle from NMBU. Østmarka is also close, and a Sunday trip to Hjellsåstårnet is also highly recommended. Here, you can find countless ladders and ponds, and you may reach different heights for a beautiful view.

Common Area Sunday Is your common area not social enough? Use your Sunday to entertain the idea of fellowship; have a board game night, make dinner together (Coop Extra is open on Sundays) or start a collective project. Brew some beer, grow vegetables, bake something – there are many options to unify your roommates with fun activities. Even though Samfunnet is quiet on Sundays, the conclusion here is there are many free activities available. Be it a peaceful walk in nature, checking out the local community to see what Ås has to offer, or just spending the day with your roommates. The options are endless.


The cost of locking yourself out Tilde Birgitte Dalberg Journalist Vegard Sjaastad Hansen Translator Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Photographer

This fall, SiÅs has set an unlocking fee at 500kr. This means that the key keepers no longer have to unlock the dorms of students that have lost their keys, for free. Mathilde Wingeng is a key keeper at Samfunnet and was part of establishing this fee. The increase in calls for unlocking doors over the last couple of years made the job as keykeeper way too big. In August she went to unlock 45 times in 20 days, and experienced people not respecting her time, as well as people abusing the service. To be a keykeeper is after all a lot more than just unlocking doors, and they are students with a lot to do as well. Mathilde talks about some calls she could have been without. “It is dumb when I’m for example called by the girlfriend of some guy who managed to bring her key when he went to work out at Eika. In addition, it has happened that I had to go out to unlock for someone, and they managed to get in in the meantime, without telling me. When I get there, I’m greeted with ‘Oh yeah… my roomie let me in’”. A cheap fee Mathilde says she thinks it is a pity that students who are in distress, must pay the fee. It is after all not implemented to punish students. This is a necessary measure to sieve out the calls made without a good reason. The service was after all made for emergencies. If you lose your key and don’t want to pay the fee it is also possible to borrow one from SiÅs Housing, and if they aren’t open, she feels that people can wait until they open again. Mathilde thinks students have to take some responsibility themselves: “People have to be able to handle a little responsibility. This fee is a nice way to prepare the students for when they move from Pentagon, where it can cost several thousands to call a locksmith to open the door. People have become a bit spoiled to be honest. There are more solutions that ought to be considered before calling the keykeeper.”

A fee of 500 NOK is therefore small, even when compared to Studentsamskipnaden in Innlandet that have a fee of 850 NOK. Self-locking doors There have been several problems around the doors at Palisaden that locks themselves, something students have found challenging especially when moving in. If you are so unlucky as to lock yourself out then, it will still mean you have to pay the fee if you need to get in immediately. Mathilde however feels that it isn’t a valid excuse to be locked in for free. “You do get a folder about this when moving in, and people have to actually read this to know how the doors work, and therefore bring their key.”

Seeking key keeper Mathilde explains that to be a key keeper is a very nice job, and that it has been giving to be able to help people that have locked themselves out. At the same time it has been very time consuming, and she has experienced that people don’t acknowledge how much time and volunteer work that goes into Samfunnet. Finally she adds that she hopes that students apply for the position as key keeper, because the key keeper does a very important job when it comes to making sure Samfunnet runs smoothly. Also, if we don’t get a new key keeper we might have to get a proper locksmith to unlock the doors for us, which will cost a lot more money.

Janitors locking the door Several students have experienced that janitors have locked the doors after fixing things in the rooms, and that they therefore can’t get in. Mathilde doesn’t feel like this is SiÅs’ fault. “The janitors have a duty to lock the doors after themselves after fixing things. This is so that they won’t get blamed if someone goes into the room and steals something after they’ve been there”. Mathilde adds that she thinks it’s irresponsible to leave without locking the door, and especially without bringing the key.

Issue 04 Year 74


TUNTREET Julie Westergaard Karlsen Journalist

Simen Walbækken Tangen Photographer

Hanna Sahlström Translator

A TRØNDER REVUE FOR TRØNDERS Trøndernes Fagforening did not revolutionize the revue stage on Friday, but managed to entertain the masses anyway. Bergen sucks The name of the revue was “96 problems”, but a more fitting name could arguably be “Bergen sucks”. Sober students did not get to wander through the Pearl Gates and were instead sent to the world’s worst city: Bergen. The students that could not make moonshine were obviously from Bergen. “Bergen SUCKS!” was also the name and the chorus of one of the songs. At times it was funny, but it became rather repetitive. Trøndernes Fagforening could to their own benefit cut out some of the dissing, so that everybody isn’t bored by the time the good jokes start to arrive. Compliments to their Singing Trøndernes Fagforening is not known as a choir, but a fagforening (a student organization). And I have to say, it is rare to hear such lovely singing from a fagforening. The melodies mainly came from Trøndelag, which ensured a good atmosphere in the 10

Issue 09 Year 74


room. Especially The song “Langflat” (Long flat) hit a the room. Especially The song “Langflat” (Long flat) hit a note with me. It hit me almost as hard as the ground did yesterday. Internal Humor The revue was, at times, relevant to current events. Meant in a very literal sense, when you consider the news sketch, which the revue fraternities seemed to particularly enjoy. It was also obvious that several Trøndere had been to Studentsamfunnet’s General Assembly, where they performed a two-piece sketch with the theme being vegonorm and security. It is nice to see that they are actively following along in student life. Although, the sketch was yet again too long to keep everyone’s attention from start to finish.

and yes to free-roaming – both to buffet and boobs! Best Served Drunk It is apparent that the revue is not only written by, but also written for, Trøndere. Occasionally, a sparkle appears, but for most of the show it is probably a bit too much karsk (liquor mixed with coffee), moonshine and Dahls for the students born outside of Trøndelag. Including me. However, I enjoyed myself anyway – partly because I accepted the challenge presented at the beginning of the revue, to drink a lot of karsk. It is of course okay to have a home longing revue, but if they wished for a higher dice roll from Tuntreet, they should try something a bit more original.

My personal favorite is probably the sketch about bras and free-roaming farm animals. Yes to local research,

Issue 09 Year 74



Food on a budget Caroline Lensjø-Alvin Journalist

Herman Bjørnson Hagen Photographer

Nora Helgeland Translator

What do you do when you have less than 100 kr left on your account and there is no food left in the kitchen? Do not be afraid, it is possible to survive a week on 66kr. Tuntreet tests cheap living. On the menu When you are short on money it can be difficult to keep a varied diet. In this experiment we preferably wanted to eat different things for each meal, while simultaneously making it as cheap as possible. For breakfast there is oatmeal, a classic. Most people also have cinnamon and sugar in a cupboard, and you can treat yourself to a peace of butter if you want. For lunch there are two RugSprø with chocolate spread, enough to make some people full. Dinner consists of one potato and some cabbage, remember to vary the way you prepare them.


Issue 04 Year 74

Even if this looks boring there are a surprisingly many things you can do with a cabbage! Cabbage stew, fried cabbage, cabbage rolls, salad, there are so many opportunities! It can be a good idea to change it up as much as possible since breakfast and lunch are very monotonous. It will be boring If you are going to spend as little as possible on food for one week, you have to be prepared for quite boring and bland food. Of course it is also possible to eat water-based oatmeal for every meal of the week, but this is not recommended. It is also incredibly bleak.

You will probably get hungry With a budget this tight, many people will get quite hungry. If you really splurge and decide to set your budget at 100 NOK, you will be able to buy other food to make this week a little bit easier to survive. You could for example buy fruit muesli and milk instead of oats. Another alternative is to buy a frozen vegetable mix to “mix” it up a bit. It is possible to survive on less than 100 NOK a week, but I cannot promise that it will be fun or particularly tasty.

A cold November night, with a warm choir


Alexander James Fjeld Ugland Journalist

Kristian Bones Enger Translator

On one of the bluest Mondays of the semester, a gig was held with the one and only female choir of Ås, Pikekoret IVAR. Café Klubben was filled to the brim with students, but other enthusiasts like Rævnekarer and what seemed to be parents showed up as well.

Sigrid Tier Kjær Photographer

on, they performed a version of «Splitter Pine», which I personally mean was far better than the original. The beautiful choir then performed “The Sound of Silence”, which gave countless audience members goosebumps. The writer believes that this song would get a lot more engagement from the audience if the choir IVAR had been a backup on Woodstock for Simon and Garfunkel.

My expectations for the night was to leave with a warm heart with the help of glitter, glamour and beautiful female singing. I can with confidence say that my expecations Against our wishes, we ended the night were met. It all started with a song about with a good night from the choir. (thank Olga, followed by a promise that the you for a lovely evening) glamorous girls would warm our hearts this dark November evening. They continued with a song they are known for, called Kjell, which is always a hit. Their crowns and dresses were beautiful, as always. The speaker, and the toaster, moved us along with poetry this song-filled evening. The audience was introduced to IVAR’s crazy world, where the voluptuous, intense, yet amorous beauties showed us what it is truly like to be a girl of the all girls choir, IVAR. After this experience, the writer himself wished he was a girl, and a part of the most dedicated, all girls choir of Ås. They also sang a song to pay homage to Norway’s first female Prime Minister. If you don’t know who she is, you should get yourself together and google it. The song was introduced by speaking of the different things that make a student go crazy. Later

Issue 04 Year 74



TT TABOO: SELF-DIAGNOSIS Jane Bergan Journalist

Ina Kristine Rykkelid Illustrator

Have you ever experienced symptoms, and thought “oh, I wonder what this might be”, and then spent 20 minutes googling all kinds of creepy illnesses? In this issue of Tuntreet we have examined selfdiagnosis and how common it really is.


Issue 09 Year 74

Ingrid Tangvik Translator


Who is looking up symptoms? In the survey Tuntreet posted on Facebook we got 95 responses, where one third are 18-21 years, about half are 22-24 years, one fifth are 25-27 years and the rest are over 28 years. Of those who responded, as many as 90% looked up symptoms they had, in an attempt to find out what might be wrong with them. Of course, it is not the largest selection, especially since those who have responded are probably more curious about the topic. Equally, it is quite important that a good portion of the students in Ă…s are quick to look for a solution on their own.




Very varied results We’ve all made jokes about the hopelessness of googling symptoms, because even a headache can be enough for every single medical site to tell you that you probably have eight different types of cancer. It was kind of assumed that this was where most people would end up, but according to the survey, first place goes with a good 20% for the diagnosis of mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression. Immediately after are deficiency diseases, chronic illness, the notorious cancer and allergies. We also got answers about other results, such as eczema, stretching, influenza, strain injury, infection and pregnancy.



22-24 18-21


Darn, I wonder what it could be?

Did you find something? What did you find?


20,3% 27,8%

13,9% 10,1%




Allergi/allergy Kronisk sykdom/chronic disease Psykisk lidelse/mental illness Issue 09 Year 74



The diagnosis is not always correct Two out of three who responded to the study chose to follow up their self-diagnosis with a doctor, and of these, 66% confirmed the disease they had come up with on their own. In 13% of the cases, the self-diagnosis did not agree, but another illness was discovered when they were at the doctors. The remaining 21% responded that it was a waste of time to seek out professionals as it proved to be of no importance. Is it wise to self-diagnose? That 4/5 who went to a doctor after diagnosing themselves discovered a disease, suggests that it might be a good idea to check what it might be. Often a small pill fixes most things, while other times it is enough to just rest for a few days. After all, you never know if there is something that will go away by itself eventually, or if it gets worse over time. If the latter is the case, you should get medication or other preventive measures as soon as possible, which can only be done if you are aware of it. In the worst case scenario, one has been given the wrong diagnosis, and thus started on the wrong treatment, which could make the pain worse. The statistic that may be a bit unfortunate here is the high proportion who have symptoms of mental illnesses. A few years back, it was almost a “trend” to advertise on websites like Tumblr that you had depression and anxiety, even though most people had been diagnosed and/or were on medication for it. A 2018 study from the Public Health Institute states that “every fourth participant states that they are struggling mentally. When the survey was conducted in 2010, this proportion was one of six, in 2014 it was one in five, and now it is more than one in four”. Does this indicate that self-diagnosis has become so normalized that it is taken as the truth? If so, this means that more people must seek help and treatment if they suspect that the


Issue 09 Year 74

Did you follow it up with a doctor?

33% 66%

If yes, was the self-diagnosis correct?





Nei/no Ja/yes

self-diagnosis is correct. The same applies to allergies, chronic disorders and deficiency diseases, as this can significantly affect the quality of life in the long run. Fortunately, it is often a relatively achievable solution, once you have been properly diagnosed. Ultimately, it is you who know your body best, and you are the first to realize that something is wrong. Often it is good to have a starting point when you go to the

doctor, but it can be scary to be too sure of a definitive diagnosis if you have not consulted a professional. While Google may have a clue as to what the disease may be, it’s probably best not to sell the hide until your doctor has helped you shoot the bear first.

That 4/5 who went to a doctor after diagnosing themselves discovered a disease, suggests that it might be a good idea to check what it might be.

Nei, men vi oppdaga noe annet/no but we discovered another disease Nei, det var bortkasta tid/no, it was a waste of time Ja/yes

Ultimately, it is you who know your body best.

Issue 09 Year 74



Great Cheers for Åsblæst’n’s Anniversary Martine Hana Løken Journalist Vegard Sjaastad Hansen Translator Stella K. Weiß Photographer

“En gjeng siderumpa amatører” delivers a lot of pure notes, some sour notes, but no mistakes. With a whole bunch of energy, Åsblæst’n presents the best revue I have seen in my 5 years at Ås. In untraditional Ås spirit Revues. The entertainment phenomenon from the 1920s have become the callsign of the Agrarmetropole. Usually performed by half-drunken students and only appreciated by an even drunker audience. The average society-revue seems to have been written the day before and is full of bad, indecent humour. It is only fun if you have drunk half a bottle of rum and taken a dozen body shots of tequila before rambling into Samfunnet. In my years at Ås these stereotypes against society-revues have only been strengthened. Åsblæst’n’s anniversary revue removes all these prejudices.


Issue 09 Year 74

conductor wants a uniform with pants, and gets the choice between skirt or “skirt-forpants”. Creative and relatable on several accounts. As in all revues some sketches are worse than others, and in a few cases I missed a better punchline. A lot of sketches, logically enough, base themselves on music terminology, which can make them less understandable for people who don’t play an instrument themselves. But the total is a masterpiece in true Ås spirit.

Good humour gives a longer life Now I probably seem uptight. I appreciate indecent humour. It just has to be good. And Blæst’n came to deliver.

It is important to be technically sound Let us talk about the composition. Song lyrics in revues are difficult. There is no rule or norm which states that visitors have to be silent at Samfunnet while someone performs. You have a higher chance of hearing your neighbour, loudly discussing their sex life, rather than hearing the lyrics of the song that is being performed. Åsblæst’n solves this phenomenally by including the lyrics on a screen above the stage. Not only do you get to experience the show, but is allows you some time to appreciate the puns as well.

The sketches is a nice combination of indecent, absurd, timely and relatable, and delivers well on every point. One of the highlights was a sketch comparing requirements to female uniforms with Vy’s tendency to cancel trains. The train

“No pun goes un-pun-ished” The puns. On the World Wide Web one often encounters the sentence “no pun intended”. On the other hand, this revue operates with “all puns intended”. You have a student running the school courses,

TUNTREET and both figuratively and literally being struck by the workload. I am betting that the curriculums used as bats hurt less than what an actual book would. Anyway, the feeling is relatable, and the metaphor strikes a home run. A suspect fabric (slang for drugs) dealer trades in textile. Tone Døv (tone-deaf ) plays the trumpet and Per Kusjon (percussion) is a drummer. The lack of punchlines is replaced by the serving of punch or a fist out at the audience. The humour is unexpected, strikes home, and is a fresh breath on the often exclusively crude humour other revues contain. Blæst’n’s musical tones are often a bit sour, but the revue’s humoristic notes are sound as a bell. This is a revue where the writers obviously have worked long and hard. The cheers from the room were overwhelming.

Issue 04 Year 74



GRF100: Introduction course in Green Fingers Martine Hana Løken Journalist ans photographer

Are you suffering from chronically dirty fingers? Are your plants dying just from you lookin at them? Do not despair! With information given in GRF100, even you can become a plant whisperer. Speak the green language Plants communicate visually. To understand your green friends it is important to learn their language. A common signal of distress is yellow leaves, which is commonly caused by wrong level of moisturization. If the leaves are evenly yellow and the soil constantly moist, the plant has had too much water. Green, but soft leaves indicate too little water. For the average plant too much water is a bigger problem than too little water. Therefore, follow this golden watering rule; “If in doubt, wait one day”. We have to talk about well-being needs On the other hand, yellow spots or uneven discolourings are often caused by nutrient deficiency. Switch out coffee spills and leftover beer with full spectrum fertilizer,

20 Issue 04 Year 74

and observe as your plant regains it’s zest for life. A saturated plant, is a happy plant. Another common plant injury is brown spots and edges on the leaves. This is often caused by low air moisture, but can also be caused by too much sunshine. If the air is dry, you can use air moisturizer or put out bowls with water near the plants, and if you suspect sunburn, you should move the plant further into the room. Sunbathing leads to cancer, after all. Soil is not soil Peat is one of nature’s miracles. Not only does it store carbon, but it also has an extraordinary ability to retain water. It is also very cheap. That is why nearly all soil in gardening stores consist of almost solely peat, and is the reason for most plants being planted in peat based soil. Unfortunately, not all plants are able to grow in peat. Many tropical plants also have the nerve to grow on top of other plants (trees or bushes) instead of in the soil. These are called


Nora Helgeland Translator

epiphytes, and require air around their roots. No epiphytes will die from too much water, but all epiphytes will die from a lack of air. It is therefore extremely important to use an airy growing medium. The growing medium must at the same time have good water retency, as these plants don’t like to dry up. Diva-plants. Peat moss that has been loosely packed (not decomposed peat) or chopped-up bark makes them happy. Another category of plants that need special treatment are succulents. Unlike epiphytes, they prefer not to drink as much water, and thrive in a growing medium that dries quickly. Peat would give them too much to drink. In a mixture of coarse sand, gravel and other minerals is where they find their true home. Keep the dormancy sacred Houseplants here in Norway are usually tropical, but temperate (which means non-tropical, but they thrive in warm environments). A common presumption is that indoor plants that are sold are

evergreen, which is not always true. Many tropical plants, and most of the temperate species, have some form of dormancy with needs for cold, draught or both. Many of these types wither and go into hibernation when the conditions dictate it, and this hibernation is necessary for the plants long term health. Common houseplants of this type are cyclamens, calla lilies, venus’ flytrap and Dendrobium-hybrids (section dendrobium or section callista). These plants are often believed to be dead when they are resting. it is therefore important to know what kind of plant you have. Do not throw your sleeping green friends in the compost; consult with Google the almighty first. In short, green fingers are a learned skill, and knowing what kind of plant you have is the key to keeping it alive. If you have any questions I will answer them after the lecture, or you can contact me by email or on Facebook. Good luck on the exam.

Issue 04 Year 74



New rules for Rockeklubben  For many years now, Rockeklubben has used the  band room  relatively freely.  The Board of Samfunnet has now looked at room distributions and needs, and decided that this has to end.

Poor follow-up on guidelines The band room is located in the basement, below the office wing. This room was first used by Rockeklubben in the late 90s as a practice room, and the agreement with Samfunnet was that they could use it for free, as long as they played on revues and helped out whenever they could. The club disbanded after a few years, before it was brought back again in 2012 and started using the band room again. No new deal was made with Samfunnet until the end of 2018, but Rockeklubben never signed. There were also guidelines that specified when it had to be quiet because of meetings upstairs, and that it should be empty on party-nights etc. Rockeklubben has a plan and description of which groups may use the room and when, but the Board of Samfunnet felt the guidelines were poorly followed, and that it was difficult to get a hold of the earlier board. 22 Issue 04 Year 74

Guro Størdal Journalist Astrid Kisen Translator Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Photographer

Newly elected board and a big social society This fall,  Rockeklubbens  new board was elected. Amund  Filseth  is president, and Peter Langdalen is vice president and finance manager. A brief month later, they were called into a meeting with the Board of Samfunnet and got the message: “the Board of Samfunnet has decided that Rockeklubben will move out of the band room before December 1st. This is to ensure that social societies are treated equally in regard to booking rooms and that  Samfunnet  wishes to use the room as storage.” Rockeklubben interpreted this as being bluntly kicked out. They were told that they could attend the meeting regarding room distribution together with the other social societies and book a room the same way as everyone else. They view this as difficult. “We are 40+ active members, divided into 12groups/bands.” Most social societies book a room for four hours. “As it usually takes about an hour to set everything up, this leaves around 15 minutes of practise for each band”, they calculate.


Unfair to other social societies The Board of Samfunnet explains that there are several reasons for this decision. The room is for example defined as a storage room and is not on the list of which rooms social societies may use. Therefore, they feel it is unfair to the other social societies that Rockeklubben has been allowed to use the room to such a degree. “We wish to treat Rockeklubben the same way as the other teams and social societies”. This is despi te the fact that none of the other social societies have complained about the current system. The Board of Samfunnet suggests that Rockeklubben books Halvors Hybel, and that it is possible to book for several days, “as long as a room is available. The evening hours are high in demand, so they will have to be distributed among the social societies.” To rig everything up shouldn’t take too long, as both Blæsten and Storbandet can manage. Rockeklubben says they cannot be compared to Blæsten or Storbandet, as they are two large units, and Rockeklubben is much smaller in numbers. “To use Halvors would not work in reality. It would be very inefficient and just a complete mess”, they say.  A need for storage space The Board of Samfunnet thinks that putting the band room on the list of rooms to book is not possible. In the past there has been a storage room in Kajaveien for important protocols and documents. When this got flooded, the Board of Samfunnet decided to move everything to Samfunnet where they think it will be safer. Other places in the building were cleared out for storage, but these have now all been filled up again, and the Board of Samfunnet thinks it is best to use the band room. The Board of Samfunnet is not the only one in need of storage space. Rockeklubben have a lot of equipment currently in the band room, and they have invested a lot to build up to what they have today. The Board of Samfunnet  wishes to help and has offered storage where they have their own storage space for technical equipment. Rockeklubben received the offer, but the ones responsible for the room were not excited, as they said it was already full. Because of this you would have to move things to make everything fit anyway. “If there is not enough space, we will move and organize so everything will fit. It would be easier to offer a smaller storage space for equipment than a whole room to practise in.” says Samfunnstyret.

The future seems grim Rockeklubben also find it hard to find an adequate room to practice in. They have looked at opportunities outside of Samfunnet, but have had no luck. Until the issue with a practice room is solved, without having to increase the membership fee, they have decided to disband the club. “In my opinion Samfunnet is only shooting themselves in the foot, and you will notice during revues and such”, says Amund. Rockeklubben explains that many social societies without their own band ask their members if they can help out during revues. This opportunity will disappear with Rockeklubben, as will the opportunity for people to play in a band and maintain or improve their musical talents. The club also contributes to and arranges events such as a concert the night before 17th of May, Rock Bodega and different shows during Graskurs and Grand Prix. A sticky situation Both parties agree that they are tired of the situation. The Board of Samfunnet does not wish for Rockeklubben to disband. They hope Rockeklubben understands that it is the need for more storage space, that has led them to this decision, and that they don’t wish to treat the social societies unfairly. They explain that they are trying to map out how and by who the rooms in Samfunnet are being used. They do not expect there to be any big changes during the meeting regarding the room distribution this fall, except Rockeklubben may be joining. However, this will probably happen next meeting. This is to try to adapt to bigger groups, as well as poorly sound proofed walls and the general use of the house. Rockeklubben does not wish to disband. They know that communication with the board has been difficult in the past, but that they would like to communicate and cooperate. The Board of Samfunnet says that it would be nice if the current system worked, but that it is impossible to give special treatment when things may change, and a new board may not follow the rules and guidelines. Therefore, they think it would be easiest if Rockeklubben is treated the same as everyone else and books a room where there is space. They are aware that a new board has been elected, and hope to cooperate well with them in the future. Issue 09 Year 74 23

This is a eulogy for a student who recently passed away. The text is highly personal and therefore it has not been translated.

Minneord for Vedant fra Konsertblokka og UKA

Han har stått for å gjøre blokka sammensveisa med utstrålingen sin, åpenheten, humøret og ikke minst humoren. Det er ingen tvil om at Vedant har satt sitt spor som frivillig for både UKA i Ås og Samfunnet. Vi teknikere blir ofte oppfattet som slite og irritable, noe Vedant aldri var. Han var den første og eneste teknikeren som var både høflig og hjelpsom, samtidig som han var rutinert og ansvarlig på jobb. Om det så var å dra frem gamle dokumenter fra opplæringstiden under UKA eller hjelpe sangglade foreningsjenter med å treffe tonen. Under en revy ble han nemlig så frustrert (Vedant-frustrert dvs. lett oppgitt for alle andre) over sangferdighetene, at han gikk fra tekniker til sangpedagog i to timer. Han var engasjert i jobben han meldte seg 24 Issue 04 Year 74

til og det syntes godt. På under ett år gikk han fra UKEfunkis i konsertlyd til NK med stålkontroll under TRXD med dansemoves bak lydbordet. De legendariske movesa satt alltid løst uavhengig av om det var på jobb, bordet, langs gata eller på fest. “Flossing”, “dabbing” og “bølgen” var terpa på og godt innøvd, ofte sett sammen med Fireball og små-sure. Smilet og tilstedeværelsen gjorde at Vedant var den første man la merke til i rommet. Han var veldig flink til å vise engasjement og til å løfte andre opp på sitt energinivå. Han var rolig og behersket når det gjaldt, men visste å ta en dans på bordet. Vedant viste glede i absolutt alt han holdt på med

og gjorde aldri noe halvveis. Vi sitter igjen med gode minner fra sene kvelder, møter, fester og turer, og skulle ønske vi fikk mer tid med han. Han har stått for å gjøre blokka sammensveisa med utstrålingen sin, åpenheten, humøret og ikke minst humoren. Han er savnet som KS for UKA i Ås, kollega, komitémedlem og venn. Vi har blitt en ildsjel fattigere. Vi setter virkelig pris på alt du gjorde for oss, Vedant. Du er savnet av oss alle. Konsertblokka Samfunnet i Ås og UKA i Ås 2020

Minneord for Vedant fra Sangkoret Noe Ganske Annet

Det som ikke skal skje har skjedd. Denne helgen fikk vi den ufattelige og triste beskjeden om at Vedant, vår flotte dirigent og elskede medkorist, har gått bort. Vedant var som en ledestjerne for oss, og han etterlater et tomrom som ikke kan fylles. Vi kommer aldri til å glemme hans engasjement, latter og varme. Du beskrives godt med teksten du selv skrev til koret i vår. «Et lys i et rom Det har fargene grønt og blått. Skinner så klart, Det har varme for alle!» Vi savner deg mer enn ord kan beskrive. Takk for alt du var for oss. - Sangkoret Noe Ganske Annet -


Feminin & Fornem Fall 2019 26 Issue 04 Year 74


Issue 04 Year 74 27

Photo: Natalie Genvieve Bjørneby


Common acute reactions after a traumatic experience No two people react the same in an acute situation. Reactions vary from person to person. This applies even if they have experienced the same crisis. The most common acute reactions are; 1. Changing consciousness - cognitive reactions • Feeling like time is standing still. • Not real feeling; «This did not happen to me», «Outside of your own body», «It feels like a movie.» • Feeling on guard and sensitive • Detailed rememberance or reduced memory 2. Bodily symptoms • Nausea and vomiting • Dry mouth • Sweating and shaking • Heartbeating and trouble breathing • Faintness • Need to pee or involuntary bowel movements and urination 3. Emotional reactions - emotional outbreak • Anxiety • Anger • Crying • Laughter • Worry • Feeling chaotic

Photo: Martine Hana Løken

4. Behavioural reactions – change in behaviour • Restlessness • Over-activity • Irritability • Jumpiness • Apathy • Sleeplessness Simple Advice • Talk to others! Share your thoughts, feelings and experiences with others. • For most people it is a benefit to get back to work as soon as possible. whether it be a job, school, or other regular daily routines. • Physical activity is important to decompress. Engage in the activity you know from experience you enjoy. • Be careful when using alcohol or other drugs, only use medicines after the recommendation of a doctor. • Go to your doctor for help if your reactions and struggles do not decrease after a few weeks.

Hanna Sahlström Translator

28 Issue 04 Year 74 Photo: Simen Walbækken Tangen

Photo: Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz

TUNTREET We are in the midst of a global climate crisis that affects both humanitarian and ecological relations. There would seem to be a general agreement that we can solve the crisis as long as we do so collectively. But is that really true? Couldn’t you just resolve the crisis yourself? Runa Gjerland Journalist Kristian Bones Enger Translator

How can

There has always been a focus on climate, but it has reached new heights during the last couple of years. It is quite inspiring to see Greta Thunberg hold a speech in front of UN, and to see old religious childhood friends become focused and engaged as climate activists. But at the same time, it can be demotivating. We are facing the biggest crisis to our planet in human history. We can make a change if enough stand together, but what if we can’t come together? What if too many people consider the climate crisis as no crisis at all?

This Autumn, I have bounced between one seminar to the next, and absorbed as much knowledge as I possibly could in regards to climate. It is therefore, with pleasure, that I can announce that it is possible for you as a lone individual to solve the entire climate crisis alone, without having to group up with others. For the sake of simplicity, I have compiled a recipe in a simple 30-point list, that should provide an answer to the timeless question:

I resolve the climate crisis?

1. Spread the word on what can be done today.

15. Listen to the younger generation of farmers, and implement

2. Get an education and prepare your field of study on the green change. 3. Implement the green way of living in your field of study, preferably before you are finished with your education. (remember, you don’t have a lot of time to fix the problem!)

16. Focus on developing technology to increase energy efficiency on a national scale.

4. Support an economic paradigm shift that doesn’t put unstoppable growth in front of ecological values.

18. This is not enough

more suistanable agriculture focusing on local resources and produce adapted for the Norwegian landscape.

17. Avoid habitat loss by regulating multifunctional area use in all developed areas.

5. Vote smart, and vote right! This means, vote for a party with a clear and concise plan to fulfill all of UNs 17 sustainability goals. But don’t stop there…

19. Join the election. On a global scale

6. Get engaged with politics. In your lecture room, lunch room, at work, social media etc. Spread the message!

21. Focus on educating more teachers globally to spread the word – especially women!

7. Avoid the pressure from your close ones to have a baby. Know that your daughter will be the biggest climate abuser in the world, with a three times higher consumption compared to a girl in India. 8. Watch the prognosis made by climate researchers in Norway up until 2050, and become disappointed that the 2-degree-goal is now unrealistic. 9. Emphasize the need for a stronger State and National regulations, in order to accelerate the community›s response to the global predicaments. 10. Pull yourself together and get back out there with a newly lit fire in your heart and spirit. 11. Join the election on a national scale. 12. Win the election. 13. Accept that the extra costs of the Green Change is paid by increased taxes for the 10% of Norwegian citizens with the highest income. 14. Implement a step-by-step plan to phase out oil, coal and gas by 2050.

20. Win the election, and become the worlds first global dictator.

22. Reduce the global fertility rate. 23. Just because you aren’t having babies, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get the ladies. You own the world, and you deserve something extra for your hard work. 24. Use the Chinese development model to promote growth in poorer countries. 25. Implement, in its entirety, the economical system you

argumented for, before you became Prime Minister of Norway.

26. The open press exposes your mutliple relationships. You are in a personal crisis, but you can’t let the world know. 27. Relieve your stress by self medicating yourself. 28. Friends and family go public and claim you are out of control. The masses scream. 29. Think about everything you have done to implement new systems and minimize the global climate change. You have done your part. 30. Withdraw from the screams and joy of the world›s population. Become a goat-farmer in the mountains of Western Norway. Issue 09 Year 74 29


YOU can decide who the dean’s new boss will be Nina Vold Johansen Representative on the university board

Benedikt Goodman Representative on the university board

The days keep getting shorter, the leaves on the trees are long gone, and the exams have begun breathing the students down the neck. We are now at that special time of the year when one of the dean’s bosses is to be elected. And that choice isn’t made by just anyone. It is in fact made by you. So, who is this gang sitting over the boss of all the bosses here at the agricultural metropolis? The short answer is the university board, which is often called the US in the tribal language. The long answer is 11 people who will lead the university into the future. Here the students come in, and of these 11 there are two students. A male representative and a female. Together, these 11 constitute the board to which the dean must correspond. In this election, it is the male representative that is to be elected. What this group actually does, is a mystery to most. In reality, it is not at all difficult to explain. Basically, they have the final say in all major decisions across the university. What does the campus look like? US has the last word. Merit scheme for teachers? US has the last word. What kind of system should we have to evaluate our studies? US has the last word. If this was not enough, it is also the US that has the final say in what

30 Issue 09 Year 74

Oda Braar Wæge Illustrator

the university prioritizes spending ca$h money on. The US influences most things, so it is important that the students are included in the notes that are being played. The candidates from the students must be well-

So, who is this gang sitting over the boss of all the bosses here at the agricultural metropolis? versed in the matters, they need sufficient knowledge of what is going on at the university and most of all they must be able to speak their case so that they are listened to. This November, it is going to be your decision who the new additions to this group will be. So, when you see the Student Parliament announcing that the election has started, you know what you must do. Use your voice! Vote for student choice!

Ingrid Tangvik Translator


5 at the Halloween party  Sigrid Tier Kjær Photographer Tilde Skaatun Translatorr Marit Kvam Journalist

It’s that time of year where things are scarier than usual. Maybe it  is because someone realizes that there are only two months left  until exams,  or maybe because Samfunnet has been transformed into a haunted house with a new and haunting menu, or is it because Pentagon is filled with creatures in costumes?

One thing  is for certain;  it is Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Day of the Dead, Dia de Muertos -whatever you wish to call it.  But  what do NMBU-students think of Halloween? TT tested the waters at Palisaden, and asked 5 at a Halloween preparty these questions:   What are you dressed as?  What is the best thing about today?  Who is your favorite ghost?


1. The Joker  2. To dress up  3. Casper


1. The nun  2. Kids out having fun  3. Hufsa

Ellen, Isak og Sondre 1. Thieves 2. Drinking 3. Casper


1. Zombie  2. Good atmosphere  3. (Nearly) Headless Nick


1. Vampire 2. To dress up 3. Casper

Utgåve 04 Årgang 74



Three Beers with Hans-Kristian Hartvig

- The man who discovered his true self in Ã…s

32 Issue 04 Year 74

TWO BEERS Sofia Basma Moen Journalist

Herman Bjørnson Hagen Photographer

Astrid Kisen Translator

You have probably seen Hans-Kristian in several different settings here in Ås, whether it is in  Studentrådet (the student council)  for The School of  Economics and Business NMBU, The student parliament,  Ordensvern  at  Samfunnet, Head of security at UKA, The Business Committee at NMBU or Mannskoret Over Rævne. One thing is for sure: he loves to get involved and give back to the student environment that gave him so much joy. I have tried to figure out why Ås has been such an important arena for Hans-Kristian, and in what ways the student environment here has changed him as a person. I’m meeting Hans-Kristian at Samfunnet in his standard appearance- ordensvakt (guard duty) clothing, a wire earpiece and a cup of coffee in his hand. We then walk to  BEdehuset, where Hans-Kristian previously lived. He begins by telling me that he immediately thought that he didn’t deserve “two beers”, because he has so many good friends that he thought deserved it more. My impression then, but also after the interview, is that Hans-Kristian deserves all the praise he can get for his voluntary work here in Ås.

head of security during UKA in 2016 and 2018. He can still be found as head of security for UKA 2020, but this will be his last year doing voluntary work in Ås. “It is cool to be a part of the 50th UKA in Ås. I hope many people will work voluntarily with security now, as it is important to find guards willing to do the training course before 2020. As head of security, I want the people who work here to feel like they have freedom. I believe that with freedom comes responsibility. It is also very fun to be a part of Ordensvern, because you are a part of the party.”

The road to Ås  Hans-Kristian was born in 1993 in Oslo, NU but his family soon moved to Rælingen. For the General Assembly in autumn 2016, He started studying Economics and Hans-Kristian ran for head of The Business Administration at NMBU in 2015, after Committee (NU) at NMBU . “Once I had having lived and worked in Oslo for announced my candidacy to the NU, there 3 years. He was considering studying was no going back.” He explains that his teaching in Kristiansand, but a friend of his knees were shaking and that he never really told him about the unique social life in Ås liked speaking in front of people. This has and how well he would fit in here. Already fortunately improved with time. “I usually during Buddy Week, Hans-Kristian think that there probably is someone in the understood just how unique the social life room that has something smarter to say.” really was, when a random girl said hi to He also adds that his father was a strong him. “This has to be the friendliest place believer in The Law of Jante. He continues of all time, where people greet each other, even though they don’t know each other”, he thought. It didn’t take long before he became student representative, and from there he became The Vice President of The Student Council at The School of Economics and Business, NMBU. This instantly gave him a seat among the representatives at the student parliament. Here he spent a lot of time working for the continuation of The School of Economics and Business  as its own faculty.

with saying that running for the position as NU leader was a very cool challenge that few people have experienced. As the leader of NU, Hans-Kristian was involved in creating the Career Fund, and starting collaborations with social societies, as well as making all the positions in NU into positions elected by the students. Finally, the year he was the leader of NU, the Career Day had its highest turnout ever. “UKA and Samfunnet shouldn’t make a profit from the students. It is NU that should make a profit from the businesses.”

Ordensvern (guard duty)  Since spring 2016, Hans-Kristian has been a part of Ordensvernkomiteen (guard duty committee) at Samfunnet, as well as being Issue 09 Year 74 33

TWO BEERS Mannskoret Over Rævne “Mannskoret Over Rævne has probably been the platform here in Ås that changed me the most.” Hans-Kristian joined Over Rævne in the spring  of 2017, and  is now BEste Bass. When he was attending the audition, he was very nervous and had almost decided that he wouldn’t go. In the nick of time, he changed his mind. During a NU meeting, he pretended to go to the bathroom. From here he walked into the audition and sang “Baa Baa Black Sheep”. Later that night, he got the news that he was in. But has Hans-Kristian always loved singing? “I sang in a choir when I was younger. Unfortunately, before a show, none of the other boys showed up, so I was alone up there with 12 girls. I got a lot of compliments for that. To me, getting praise

makes me uncomfortable. This caused me to not sing in front of people until I joined Rævne” he says. The wish to not do something you get a lot of praise for, is a bit backwards to me. However, appreciating constructive criticism, like Hans-Kristian does, is a very good quality. “What do I do with compliments? The beauty of criticism is that you can always improve from it.” Involvement  I eventually ask him where all his motivation come from. For that question, he has a great answer. “Samfunnet gave me a lot, and I have tried to give something back. To me, Samfunnet is a community, and voluntary work. I like to be a part of something bigger. It’s easy for others to say that it is very impressive to have a lot of positions. The truth is that we choose to spend our time doing this.” And time is another reason that the students with a lot of positions impresses us. They are exactly that, students, with a lot of studying to do too. Hans-Kristian tells me that he treats his studies like a job. He forces himself to wake up early and study from 09:00 to 16:00. “I find my studies boring, but I love being active. Positions are social activities, and you get the opportunity to discuss with others. You also make friends for life. And the fact that I’m not paid for the work doesn’t bother me.”

Greetings from friends Hans-Kristian “Hansy” Hartvig How did we become friends? I wonder how many hours we have spent together in the bakery. Maybe it was just the free coffee, buns and foccacia that made you sit down with me? I like to think that it wasn’t the desperation of student poverty that made you do it, but the wish to spend some time with me. Many incredible hours lead to a long lasting friendship. Even though we both were in the same class, it wasn’t until later on that you entered our lives. The friend group “Surrogat” was created, and of course you were in it. The party isn’t complete without your great spirit in the center. PS: Yes, we understand that it is fun studying in Ås, but we will never understand the fuzz about all the social societies. Best wishes, Kristoffer Gertz (a friend from home) 34 Issue 09 Year 74

Discovered his true self in Ås  Moving to Ås did more to Hans-Kristian than he had initially thought. “I didn’t discover my true self until I moved to Ås. I have become calmer, more reflected and engaging. My friends at home don’t recognise me. People are so warm and friendly here, and I get so many good vibes. This is a place where you educate the entire person. You can get your education on a paper anywhere, but the environment here in Ås is so unique.” Not only has Hans-Kristian been transformed as a person, he also became more interested in the climate news. “Now, I actually care about the climate, something I didn’t do before. I don’t buy clothes all the time anymore, and I make sure to have two vegetarian meals a week. I didn’t even recycle before I came here.”  The road ahead  After his bachelor’s degree in economics and administration, Hans-Kristian did a year of subjects in science. Now he studies industrial economy. When he is done in spring 2021, he hopes to work in a place where he gets the chance to talk and discuss with people. Even though he doesn’t like to be a leader, he likes to talk. Ås will follow HansKristian for the rest of his life, no matter what. He doesn’t know if he’ll end up in Oslo, as city life isn’t too appealing. He’d like to live a place where he can hear himself think, for example Southern Norway. “I like to be a bit conservative, and let things be as they always have been. I’m looking forward to getting old” he finishes. All of Ås can probably agree that your future looks bright, Hans-Kristian!



d s . k d o e t n . e o e

BEtaler, BEskaffer Hans-Kristian Hartvig is described as a BEdårer with many words and a deep voice. He always has a lot to say in gatherings, and never misses the opportunity to speak his mind. He is a great person to discuss with, and a very good conversation partner who understands other’s point of view and feelings. He appreciates the people around him, and is not afraid to show it. We appreciate having Hartvig around, both as a BEdårer and a close friend. We are looking forward to having more cups of coffee in BEde, that turn into beers and late nights. BBB BEstyrer and X-BEstyrer Ulrik Melhuus and Erik «Gregers» Sand

Brother Bear, You are probably best known for always having an inappropriate comment (to dad’s despair). Now I want people to get to know the big brother, Hans-Kristian (HK/Hansyyy/Hansemann). Because, why not get something that is about you, to be about me? At least, that’s something you would do. Even though my Disney-period lasted a bit too long, you still watched it with me. Until I went to the bathroom and you stole the remote controller to turn on documentaries about plane crashes. You have always been like this, interested in the uninteresting topics. That’s why I for a long time thought you were gonna be the nerd out of the us two. However, here we are; you as a huge contributor in Ås and a singer in Over Rævne (where did that singing voice come from?), while I work hard at UiO. Your commitments make it difficult for us to meet up, but I am sure that if I ever need you, you will always step up, no matter what. Best wishes, Your proud favourite (and only) little sister Issue 04 Year 74 35


*This page is an advertisement, and could not be translated

20% STUDENTRABATT PÅ EIENDOMSMEGLER Akkurat nå merker vi stor etterspørsel etter leiligheter for utleie og til egen studietid. Har du leilighet i Ås som du vurderer å selge? Ta kontakt med oss i Foss & Co Ski i dag. Tlf. 64 91 71 60 / E-post: ski@fossco.no

36 Issue 09 Year 74


Treasures in the park Anne Tove Græsdal Våge Journalist

Simen Walbækken Tangen Photographer

Sunniva Herrestad Photographer

The Rosarie Sun conditions: 7/10 Degree of shielding: 8 Furnished: Yes

Ingrid Tangvik Translator

The simple garden Sun conditions: 9/10 Degree of shielding: 2/10 Furnished: Yes

Now that the cold is here, one can dream of warmer days. For this reason, here comes an overview of the different places one can enjoy during the breaks when summer returns.

Rhododendron Field Sun conditions: 5/10 Degree of shielding: 7/10 Furnished: No.

Inside the hedge Sun conditions: 8/10 Degree of shielding: 9/10 Furnished: wood / stone tables

There are three themes, so you can best choose after your preferences. The first is the amount of sun, something everyone needs. Especially on these autumn days. The second is the degree of shielding. When eating your lunch, you may want to be a little bit hidden from the rest of the student body. The last theme is whether it is furnished or not. Most would prefer for there to be a bench or a table there.

Beside the tower building Sun conditions: 7/10 Degree of shielding: 5/10 Furnished: No, but can sit on thr stairs

Geo Garden Sun conditions: 8/10 Utgåve 04Degree Årgang 37 2/10 of 74 shielding: Furnished: Partly a bench


Good Atmosphere and a Small Crowd

On Saturday,  November 2nd, it was time for the annual Grand Prix at Samfunnet. There were nine different musical numbers of different genres, and Sangkoret Lærken won the entire competition. Despite a small audience, the atmosphere in Festsalen was great.   The hosts of the evening, Tuva and BjørnEirik, started the show well, and upheld a great atmosphere the entire night. There were jokes, puns and questions for the audience in between each number. The hosts joked about bringing up the vegetarian debate from the General Assembly. It caused a variety of reactions, but a bit of comedy never hurt anybody.  38 Issue 09 Year 74

Rockeklubben set the bar high  Rockeklubben’s band “Satans Fiskegrateng” started the night with their impressive interpretation of “Uprising” by Muse. Pikekoret IVAR followed up with their dark and seductive number. After that, a well-timed ballad by Daniel Gulbrandsen. Hankattforeningen was up next and made everyone laugh with their song “Forbanna Hankatt” and some keyboard play that awarded them the prize of best instrumental solo.   Best clothing awarded to a clothes swap  Gents Academy performed their version of the Pokémon song. I noticed that the lyrics weren’t completely rehearsed. Broderskapet Unity and Feminin and Fornem won Best Clothing,

TUNTREET Sofia Basma Moen Journalist Astrid Kisen Translator Hanna Bruun Tørnby Photographer

as the boys were dressed in cheerleading dresses, and the girls were wearing typical “Unityclothes”. Pusekattene from Hunkattene showed up with their song about their beloved Kildebrygg.     Lærken won with “Wannabe”  It was difficult to predict who would win, but Sangkoret Lærken brought home the trophy this year. They performed a Norwegian version of “Wannabe”. The number was great, even though it was hard to hear what they sang from time to time. Koneklubben Freidig ended the show with their own and hilarious Norwegian version of “Take on me”.  In Ås, we party on Fridays.   All in all, it was a fun and varied show with less skin exposure compared to similar events. Otherwise, we shall hope for a greater attendance next time. I believe it is better to organise Grand Prix on a Friday instead, as it looks like the students in Ås are not used to partying on Saturdays.

Issue 09 Year 74 39


Find love with Tuntreet

A certain retiring committee leader, who is pretty nice and cute anyhow:) Bill.mrk. 52

Hi <3 I am a girl who is 21 years old, searching for a guy who can steal the show, is charming and looks good! Random boners a fun too. <3 Send DM xoxo Ida Bill.mrk. 98

I am searching for a sporty chick! Preferably someone who loves cross-country skiing more than anything else on this planet, even over me! Please contact ASAP!! Pb. 666 Bill.mrk: 43

Searching for a Sunday girlfriend with the possibility of fulltime employment. Jovial chick with a master in cuddling. I can give you cuddles! Kiss and hugs. Post box 410, is emptied every day during busy times... Bill.mrk: 85

40 Issue 09 Year 74

Hi I am searching for a girl who is nice, has one brown eye and one blue eye who dances on their left leg who has a lot of boob but not too much. Greetings Mikkel Bill.mrk. 88

Hi <3 I am looking for a tall, lovely and jovial man!!! I am likeable and I like to read, I am not boring. Bill.merk: 4

Thomas Reime Bethelsen 91713103...Hot! Heart, love <3 Bill.mrk: 41

Hanna wants to send her love to Oliver Bill.mrk: 191

Can anyone beat me in arm wrestling? Tlf: 95872243 <3 Bill.merk: 38

Hi I am a 22 year old man who is searching for a girl who is extroverted and nice. If you ski that is definitely a plus. Random boners a fun too. Send dm xP xoxo Bill.mrk: 74

Hard single =D Bill.mrk.12

Looking for a sporty girl. Needs to like dogs. - Nr: 97744209 Waiting for you :) Bill.mrk 10 Looking for a good swimmer. NjĂĽl Kolberg Olsen Bill.mrk: 105

PERSONAL ADS Hanna Sahlström Translator

Pasta lover with celiac disease is looking for someone to live this glutenfree life with. You need to be good a drinking coffee and talking to people. Pb.1004 Bill.mrk. 1946

Have you seen an interesting person? Pretty appearance, 1 million NOK. (1.000.000) Anne Reitan <3 (476 44 123) Bill.mrk: 14 Searching for an Au-pair who can clean for my roommate. You do not need to know Norwegian and finish within 15 minutes. Ref: Delirium <3 Bill.mrk. 42

Guy (23) searching for another guy to eat pizza and watch movies and tv shows with. You should also be willing to go out and do things with me so that I can avoid being the third/fiftt/seventh wheel. Done at Ås next year, so there is a time cruch on this!! Bill.mrk. byreg 96

I am 20 years old. I am searching for a girl who is positive, caring, has spent time in the military, and you have not been on “Ex and the Beach”, natural, no silicon, blue eyes. Nr: 941 67 214 Bill.mrk: 163

Dear reader, Searching for a man, am interested in physics and music. Should enjoy food and skiing activties. Mark your letter with “R” and place it in Pb. 298 Bill.mrk.29

Vetle Skaset Sexy guy with big muscles and a nice set of teeth. Contact 99068536 Bill.mrk: 69

Searching for someone to watch Dark Materials with. Preferably someone who likes cacao and has a small intimate zone. Sunniva 99494600 Bill.mrk: 61

Do you want to answer an ad or wish to send in your own? Place your contribution in the Tuntreet post box or send it in to tuntreet@samfunnetiaas. no.

Bartender for Hannkattforeningen st. 1902. Tlf: 928 86 915 Bill.mrk: 204

Marry Tuntreet, fuck Tuntreet, kill Kjernestyret (the Core Board). xoxo ATs lover Bill.mrk: 19

24 year old plant fanatic, woman looking for the woman of my life. You will be entrusted with the care of my rare orchids. I can otherwise offer a Harry Potter marathon, delicious cocktails and way too much obscure knowledge about fandoms. Friends are also okay. Plant mom (92629401) Bill.mrk.77

Issue 09 Year 74



A Cheapskate’s guide: 6 tips and tricks Mathilde Moe Strand Journalist

Oda Braar Wæge Illustrator

Astrid Kisen Translator

Christmas is coming up. The time of year when a already tight student budget is pushed to the limit. Below are six strategies on how to make the money last, by freeloading off others. NB! Some of these tactics may have a negative effect on your social reputation. 1) If you don’t wanna pay for Netflix, Spotify, Viaplay etc.? Use your friend or family’s account. 2) Invite yourself to dinner. Maybe a bit cheeky? You have to risk it to get the biscuit. 3) Try dumpster diving, and make the environment happy at the same time. This is a popular trend in Ås, so leech onto someone who knows how it’s done.

42 Issue 04 Year 74

4) This one isn’t directly freeloading, but use your student status for all it’s worth. There are student discounts on almost everything, so never be afraid to ask. 5) Do you want free food? A lot of events on Campus offers catering. Who says you can’t show up just for the food? 6) And last but not least, -“forget” your wallet at home and hope that someone will pay for you

The Waterfall I feel the water flowing forcefully and comfortably between my feet as I wade upwards through the river. For every step I take, I am filled with an energy that tickles upwards from my toes. It then takes a turn downwards, and gathers in my crotch. It feels like my entire pelvic region is vibrating. The thought of yesterday makes me want to moan from excitement. The way she pulled me close, and let her hands slide up my thighs, while she kissed me tenderly on my cheek. She leaned close, and licked my cheek playfully, before slowly whispering a time and place. At the same time, her hand is tenderly caressing my wet and sensitive lower Temple. Her fingers, weathered and calloused, were slowly filling me with pleasure before she pulled her hand back, seductively inserting one of them in her mouth, sucking gently. I felt completely obsessed while I watched her lucious, red lips tightening around her finger. Every cell in my skin were longing to be touched by her tender lips, as she disappeared with the sexiest smile on her face. A sudden gust of wind catches my blouse, stroking gently over my stiff nipples. I smile towards the sun, and start skipping from rock to rock. Like a gazelle, I fly upwards against the stream with my naked feet and fast steps. The sun is warm, and small droplets of sweat starts slithering down my body until they become one with the river. The sound of torrenting water becomes stronger,

TUNTREET Kristian Bones Enger Translator

Oda Braar WĂŚge Illustrator

and I feel my heart beat faster as I climb up the last of the bigger rocks. I pull myself up, and see the oasis open up before me; layer upon layer of polished slate surrounding a magnificent lagoon. There she is. The dew from the waterfall surrounds her naked, beautiful body as she penetrates its wall and comes swimming towards me. She gets up, and her big, wet breasts blind me with their beauty, one a bit larger than the other. I move towards her, and feel my nether region give way. I am thrusted forwards, and fall powerless into her deep and moist cleavage. Intoxicated with arousal, I embrace her bodacious booty, and gently start kissing my way upwards towards her left breast. She holds my ear, and pushes her lips against mine. She rips my blouse off, and proceeds to find my nipples. She pinches them slowly and sensually, while she kisses my neck. Her tongue slithers down to my already wet shorts. Before I am able to react, my shorts are off, and my underwear has been replaced with pure joy. Her tongue rubs my clitoris in a rhythmic manner, and I can’t help but moan as her thumb finds her way into my smooth jar of honey. With her thumb deep inside me, she kisses her way up to my mouth, and pushes me gently towards the ground. Our wet and hot tongues meet, and dance a sensual tango in beat with the distant song of swallows. Her fingers fill me up with rapid motions. She grabs my breasts and bites my lip. My pelvic floor gives in, and I climax harder than the waterfall behind us.

Written by Sacris Gaudens

Issue 04 Year 74 43

TUNTREET Sigrid Tier Kjær Photographer

Behind the scenes:

Guro Størdal Journalist

Lost in translation The translators are often overlooked, but it is this gang who makes sure that Tuntreet can be read by everyone - also by those who do not read Norwegian. Google Translate <3 Vegard Hansen have been on board this translation boat since the spring of 2019. He is very content, and thinks that one of the best things about this position is that you get to read many of the texts before they are printed. He also enjoys the feeling he gets when he finally manages to translate something he has been struggling with for a long time. “There is a lot of googling and use of the thesaurus when you are stuck, but it is often just as good to ask the other people in the translation group,” says Vegard. Linguistic balance As a translator you work with texts written by other people, and you have to be able to forward their “message” in another language. “You have to find a balance

Nora Helgeland Translator

between the journalist’s tone and the correct English grammer”, says Vegard. Descriptive imagery is often a challenge, and he claims that after a while you can tell which journalist it is by the style and the tone of the text. “You get a little nerdy after a while, and you end up criticizing a bit, but what is written is usually of very high quality!”

a cup of tea. When asked if this helps him to get into a more English mood, he laughs and replies that it is as simple as the fact that he likes tea. “I am one of the few who do not like coffee that much, and therefore the Head of Translation found it very funny to put me in charge of translating a coffee column. There is a lot of humor and a good tone among the translators”.

How translating works Tuntreet is published every third week, and every issue has to be translated. This means that, as a translator, you work every third week. All of this takes place during the layout weekend when Tuntreet is put together. The translators are given about six pages each to translate, and six pages that they have to proofread. “Proofreading goes very fast, there are seldom any grammar mistakes”, says Vegard. The following Monday they all meet at the Tuntreet office and they edit the texts into the layout. This is just fun, with tons of “shit talk” and a chill atmosphere.

Apply for Translating! Vegard really recommends applying for the position as translator. He says that this is a golden opportunity to get to know Tuntreet. You get a foot on the inside and are invited to editorial meetings, and there are also good opportunities for a bit of freelancing. The only experience needed are basic skills in Norwegian and English.

«Cuppa’ tea» Being able to translate means finding a comfortable sitting position, and for Vegard,

Making tea

44 Issue 09 Year 74

«You have to find a balance between the journalist’s tone and the correct english grammer»

The joy that comes from finding a good translation

coffee? coffee.


Oda Braar WĂŚge Illustrator Emilie Netskar Journalist Nora Helgeland Translator

Many take great precaution when choosing where to get their vegetables, meat and clothes, and they also think about how they are produced. Are you just as picky when it comes to a certain energizing black liquid? Cheap coffee vs. quality coffee It is not easy for us, as consumers, to know exactly where our food is produced, but coffee is in short produced at coffee plantations - certainly of varying quality. The biggest difference between quality coffee and budget coffee is how the berries are harvested. On one single branch, one will find everything from unripe to overly ripe, rotten berries. To make the harvesting as cheap and efficient as possible, it is common to use machines that gather all of the berries, regardless of the quality, before

they are dried and sent of to be heavily roasted, which removes the bad tastes from the possibly bad berries. To ensure a better quality, the workers on a quality coffee plantation handpick the berries, before they are sent off to production. Expensive coffee = best? The most secure token of quality is usually the price. The more expensive the coffee is, the more is given to the workers who are struggling in the burning heat every day so that the people up here in the north can fight their way through the dark months. The biggest exception must be Kopi Iuwak. This is a coffee that is produced, among other places, in Indonesia, where a

catlike animal eats coffee beans and poops them out again. Later they are roasted as normal coffee. The coffee has a kilo price of 7000NOK- not exactly student budget friendly. Moreover, it is not a nice thought to be supporting a production method that treats animals in this way. A sign of quality What I look for when I am buying coffee is if there is a lot of information about the beans on the bag, the price, and the distributor. Quality coffee is often sold as whole beans. The description on the bag often includes the type of beans, land of origin, roast rate, taste note and the drying process. The price varies with the different quality coffees, but is usually around 120200NOK per bag with 250kg of coffee. Firms like Nordic Approach is contributing to making the coffee trade more ethical, and function as a middle-man between plantations around the world and roasteries in Europe and North-America. Usually I buy coffee at coffee places where I know that they roast their own coffee. My favorites are Fuglen and Tim Wendelboe, but I also keep a bag from Kolonihagen in my cupboard. Many coffee places have a certificate from Speciality Coffee Association, this usually indicates good quality and an ethical production. Gourmet coffee can be expensive, but you have to choose your own everyday luxury.

Issue 09 Year 74 45


THE GAME PAGES by Andreas Bjørne Jacobsen


by quizmaster Andreas Bjørne Jacobsen

1. what does the word orchid mean? 2. What species of tree is Tuntreet? 3. How old was the world’s oldest cat? 4. How would you write 1946 in roman numbers? 5. How many buildings are in Eplehagen? 6. What is the most used hair typing system? 7. What year was Ås Rådhus (town hall) built? 1959, 1969, 1979 or 1989? 8. What was the name of the first ship that came to the rescue of the Titanic after the shipwreck? 9. Are there 15, 19, 23 or 27 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)? 10. Which color is the least popular for new cars, yellow orange or beige?





































Accidents Beer Cocoa Cold













































































































46 Issue 04 Year 74

Fire Frozen Ice Icicle Melting November Slippery Snow Storm White Winter


FIND 10 DIFFERENCES Answers on p.49





1 6




















1 4


7 9 5


5 9




4 4






3 3 5


3 8 5






7 8











9 7

5 5




7 1














Killer Sudoku follows the same rules as regular sudoku, but the sum of the values in the striped boxes need to equal the number in the corner of each box. There can be no identical numbers in the same striped box.

8 1





6 9

5 7

8 9


4 1

4 9

9 3












6 3









9 15





5 9





6 3


2 9



5 6

9 1

Utgåve 01 Årgang 74 47


*This page could not be translated

Foreningsprat Skaal FFD! Skaal Skriver! Skaal $paregris! Skaal Hunkatter! Skaal Qlturelle samt Xklusive! Skaal Pusekatter! Skaal Tora samt Thorvald! Minusgradene haver meldt sin Ankomst, der sammen med gule Blader faar de pentagonske Stepper til at straale i all sin Prakt. Det første Snøfallet haver drysset over Agrarmetropolen, dog ville det hvite Teppet ei legge sig enda. Skaal for at have en nydelig Vinter i vente! Stadig mørkere Kvelder byr paa Udfordringer. Det er viktig at tage vare paa hverandre samt strekke ud en hjelpende Pote til de der trenger det. Skaal for at have et Nattsyn der finder fram til de der trenger det mest! Høstmørket var ei et Hinder for farverike samt kreative Opptredener paa Samfunnets Grand Prix. Det var deilig at se meget med Talent udfolde sig i Samfunnets Festsal. Skaal for at by paa fantastisk Underholdning! Qlturell Hilsen Budbringer Synnøve, Fotogen Erika, Marekatt Mette, Pusekatt Astrid samt Pusekatt Maren

48 Issue 09 Year 74

Da er november godt i gang, Og skippertaket bør du begynne med! For eksamensperioden den blir lang. På revyen vet vi at du ble forført, For en bedre anmeldelse har vi ikke hørt! Det har vært en god del drikking, Men levra har enda ikke mistet sin virkning. Litt til og vi ble plutselig helt viking Drikke, pule og slåss, Det blir fort julebord hos oss! Xoxo Forfatterfrøken

Vil du eller din forening sende inn noe til Foreningsprat? Alle lag og foreninger knyttet til NMBU kan skrive i spalten Foreningsprat. Foreningsprat skal sendes inn til e-post tuntreet@ samfunnetiaas.no Neste frist er 27. november. Du kan også sende inn etter fristen, så forsøker vi å få det med. Leserinnlegg kan også sendes til samme e-postadresse. Samtlige kan sende inn, men det er ingen garanti for at det kommer på trykk. Send også gjerne ris og ros, samt egne innspill.

Adjektivhistorie: Fyll inn selv. Det var en dag på den Agrarmetropolen. Bakken begynte å fryse til og en gjeng med utvekslingsstudenter tok bilde av den solnedgangen bak Eika. På pentagon kunne man høre lyden av studenter som gjorde seg klare for fest. Fra et av de kollektivene kunne man høre musikk, og i vinduene kunne man skimte en gjeng i sort og gull. Stemningen var og alle sammen var . En flaske tequila gikk flere runder rundt i rommet, helt til alle jentene var . Dørene på Samfunnet åpnet og i døra sto en vakt. Hun sjekket legitimasjonen til alle hun syns var for , og sendte hjem de som var for . De festgjengerne danset i Halvors, og stemningen i Bodegaen var som alltid . Gjengen i sort og gull var imidlertid ikke å se. De hadde blitt altfor og kom seg aldri av gårde. Det var den festansvarlige glad for.



Krepsen: 21. juli - 10. august Du vil settes på prøve denne måneden. Men husk, man kjenner ikke sine egne grenser før man trår over dem.

OBS. Vi følger det nye horoskopet

Steinbukken: 19. januar - 15. februar

Løven: 10. august - 15. september

Er du avgangsstudent fra NMBU og skriver masteroppgave høsten 2019, våren 2020 eller høsten 2020?

Du blir flinkere på å spise sunt og trene, selv om det er ren prokastrinering. Hvis du har kreative prosjekter bør disse utvikles videre.

Du vil føle deg forpliktet til ditt arbeid. Men hvorfor gjøre i dag, det man kan få andre til å gjøre i morgen?

Da ønsker vi i Ringfestkomiteen å komme i kontakt med deg!

Vannmannen: 16. februar - 11. mars

Vekten: 31. oktober - 22. november

Fiskene: 12. mars - 18. april Gratisbilletter til neste semesterkickoff havner i ditt fang. Husk derfor, det vil alltid komme en ny fest

Du en tendens til å utsette og det er ikke alltid bra for helsen din. Men det du sliter med vil løsne seg som magen din på sydentur.

Væren: 19. april - 13. mai

Skorpionen: 23.- 29. november

Du føler deg rik og velger å donere arven din til Tuntreet. Karma gjør at det går strålende på eksamen.

Vis mer kjærlighet og tålmodighet for deg selv og andre. Nærhetenen du har lengtet etter er like rundt hjørnet.

Tyren: 14. mai - 19. juni

Slangebæreren: 30. november - 17. desember

Du vil bli over gjennomsnittet full på julebordet. Husk på at #metoo fortsatt er en greie.

Du kommer til å få hull i lommene dine. Men husk: hull er hull og det finnes viktigere ting i livet.

Tvillingene: 21. juni - 20. juli

Skytten: 18. desember - 18. januar

Du har lenge følt deg glemt, men dette er på vei til å snu. Bruk tiden fremover til å være der for de rundt deg.












9 7



13 9










14 17


4 9

8 6

15 3


8 6


4 5 3 7


1 9 2










12 10 4












12 15 9 9


5 8


1 3 7 2


9 4 6





7 9 1


5 3


2 8


3 7

4 8 6 7 1 5

Answers for the Game Pages

Du kommer til å få julegaver tidlig, men det er bare ræl fra TGR. Tillat deg å føle sorg.


Med vennlig hilsen Ringfestkomiteen 2020

Studiet har vært tungt denne høsten og gjort livet ditt vanskelig, men alt arbeidet vil få sin avkastning snart.

Du vil føle deg hørt og forstått. Men husk “Den verste høna er den som kakler mest.”


På vår Facebook-gruppe «Avgangsstudenter NMBU | Ringfesten 2020» og i vårt Canvas-rom «Ringfest 2020» finner du nyttig informasjon om prøving av kandidatringen, kandidatfotografering og selvfølgelig om selve Ringfesten som avholdes 02. mai 2020. Første runde med prøving av kandidatring og kandidatfotografering blir allerede 27. og 28. november. Få med deg ytterligere og oppdatert informasjon ved å melde deg inn her: FB-gruppe: www.facebook.com/ groups/423105908589700/ Canvas-rom: https://nmbu.instructure. com/courses/4828 Dersom du kjenner en avgangsstudent uten Facebook, setter vi stor pris på om informasjonen og linkene deles med dem. Vi trenger din hjelp for å nå ut til alle!

Jomfruen: 16. september - 30. oktober



Issue 09 Year 74 49

1. Testicle 2. Common linden 3. 38 years(1967-2005) 4. MCMXLVI 5. 10 6. Andre Walker Hair Typing System 7. 1969 8. RMS Carpathia 9. 23 10. Yellow (0,3 %)


STUDENT ADVOCATE Christmas is coming. One of the first dilemmas I came across as a student advocate at NMBU was the deadline for the grading of exams. If a law student wrote on their exam that when the law states “3 weeks” it naturally means 15 days, there would have been a high chance that they would fail the exam. This is clearly wrong, but NMBU and other institutions practiced this up until recently.   So, what happened.  To postpone the deadline for grading -3 weeks- there must be “specific reasons” for it.  The board at NMBU postponed the deadline for grading of all courses last autumn semester. The decision was based on the quality of the education and the fact that the university cannot make their employees work during the Christmas holiday. The students got their grades later than they were supposed to, and the faculties got away with lower fines than they should have gotten.   To be completely clear.

The university board cannot decide that Norwegian laws don’t apply to NMBU. The institution should know that Christmas is an annual event. In my opinion, Christmas celebrations fall outside the “specific reasons” the law is referring too. The decision should never have been made, as it was invalid.   Will we have Christmas again this year?  This week in Khrono, we can read that the health and safety representative in OsloMet claims that their employees “never have holidays”.  This Christmas, five public holidays occur on weekdays. But, dear students, is it okay that institutes for higher education rather breaks the law, instead of planning an exam one week earlier than last year?  I believe NMBU makes a good decision to be a role model for both students and employees by respecting the democracy and the rule of law. Comply by the law, and we will have Christmas again this year too- with a clean conscience.     Astrid Kisen Translator

50 Issue 09 Year 74


Preaching Pries How are you doing? Are you in good health? Try this definition from WHO (World Health Organisation): “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and not just an absence of disease and impairment.”

Kolbjørn Falkeid reminds us about the following: Who said that our day should be free of charge? That they should spin the wheel of fortune in our heart, and every night stop at the jackpot?

What do you think? Do you feel in good health?

Who said our life should be easy to build up? That the bricks are square balloons that flew into place?

This definition is often criticized for promoting a utopian picture of health. It makes us all sick. Because how often do we experience a state of complete wellbeing? The World Council of Churches has formulated an alternative definition on of health: Health is something dynamic, it concerns the mental, spiritual, economical, and the social. It concerns our relation to God, to each other and to the material world. Here health is tied to basic existential questions and to the expectations we have towards happiness and the meaning of life. We cannot avoid the basic needs of existence. World health concerns all life. It is harder today than before to say what good health means. It is always some new trends within fitness, diets, alternative treatment, and medicine. The suggestions we get for what the good life is can be many.

Who said it? Where did we get it from? And who said that the shortcuts often were passable? That mountain passes never snowed in? That just we were to avoid being stuck in the tunnel? Yes, who said it? Wherever did we get it from? The Christian world view upholds man’s greatness and at the same time it›s frailty. Life is lived in the tension between being created in God’s image and at the same time being “shaped by the Earth”. Man is both dust and at the same time Spirit. Sigurd Bakke SP, NMBU

Vegard Sjaastad Hansen Translator

Sigurd A. Bakke is the student priest at NMBU. You’ll find Sigurd’s office in the basement to the left in the Clock Building. The student priest is available if you should need somebody to speak to, discuss with or consult. He is available for drop-in on Wednesdays 11.00-15.00, but is also available for appointments on other days. Appointments can be made to sigurd.bakke@as.kommune.no

Utgåve 04 07 Årgang 74 51 Utgåve


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Is there money involved? Is it a tea test or an ad from Lipton when 4/6 of the teas being tested are from Lipton? Waiting TREGONORM Did not know that the meeting would last for 6000 hours But if the animals have it so bad isn’t it a good thing to end their miserable lives?! Muuuuu Crisis ??? Næringsmiddelutvalget <3 Toravald Think the mentometerman’s pole can be a little bigger Historic Mentometerman’s most stressfull GF? GF-enthusiast GF and voting is an adventure in itself Alone Where is the odelskatalogen? Impressed Trying to compare FF and PB’s revues with Åsblæst’n’s is like sending Molde FK’s reserves out to Barcelona. Pure entertainment, clearly in a league of their own Revue critics Why doesn’t Tuntreet roll a dice on revues? Is the scale too small to represent the gigantic differences in talent? No 7/7 to Blæst’n. This is the year’s decidedly best revue. Thank you Miaow Advertisement: Brede is hoping for as many followers as hardusettat judah ben solomon harizi if Moses had seen the way my friend’s face blushes when he’s drunk, and his beautiful curls and wonderful hands, he would not have written in his Torah: do not lie with a man NTusiast 2 Slush machine, God’s gift to Åss has been ripped away from us. habibi Winning at life when the enough to get you back 52 Issue 04 08 Year 74

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