Part of Studentsamfunnet i Ås
No. 10 \ 02.12 2021
Tuntreet Volume 76
LEADER (Scar)EdiTor(d) There are many scary things in the world: exams, ticket inspections, inlaws, hearing deadlines, your bank account the morning after a night out, coughs, r e n t , cleaning weeks, and the electricity bill from autumn 2021. I myself have developed some sort of stage fright. So, what exactly is fear? A French saying reads: “The nerves, are indeed the whole human”. Is it just a part of us? There is a difference between just being scared of something and allowing that fear hold you back from something you would like to do. To be outside of your comfort zone can make you more aware of what you actually want to do. When you are aware of your fears and phobias, it gets easier to notice whether you’re just nervous, or if you’re actively disliking something. Being unaware of these fears can, in worst case scenarios, prohibit you from doing things you might find exciting or important.
isn’t the main point to just be true to yourself, regardless of your state of mind? A good friend of mine once told me: “we are not weird, we are just ourselves”, and this is the level of confidence I want to have. It might not be easy to reach, but we all have an idea of what we want to achieve, deep within ourselves. Sometimes, you just have to try and fail. Feel it, and understand. To have been an editor of Tuntreet has been scary, but all the more rewarding. Doing this for the past year has shaped me into who I am today. The fear is still a part of me, but I might have become better at knowing when to listen to it and when to ignore it. I am now done as an editor. One thing I am definitely not scared of, is the future of Tuntreet. The staff are pushing the boundaries of what I thought we could achieve with each edition. Following, I would, of course, like to congratulate Simen and Sofie on becoming the new editors. I know they will do a wonderful job. I would like to leave you with my final words, do not let what you fear hold you back. Today, you should try doing something you find uncomfortable. Whether that means challenging the rent prices, arranging Norway’s largest culture festival in the middle of a pandemic, or submitting an erotic short story. You won’t regret it :)
A short-term fear can turn into a long-term joy. Whether it is bungee jumping or speaking up in a meeting,
STAFF Edition
6 7 8 9 Utgåve 10
09.09 01.09 30.09 22.09 21.10 13.10 03.11 09 Årgang11.11 76 10 Årgang 76 02.12 24.11
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tord Kristian Fjellheim Andersen MANAGING EDITOR Simen Walbækken Tangen
JOURNALISTS Nora Helgeland Sofie Bergset Janols Elina Turbina Benjamin Alexander Faulkner Arthur Devold Ingvild Lauvstad Sunde HEAD OF PHOTOGRAPHY Nathalie Genevieve Bjørneby PHOTOGRAPHY Åsne Sørlie-Nordnes Margreta Brunborg
Tord Kristian Fjellheim Andersen Editor-in-chief tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no
Lina Grünbeck Pauline Hovland Borghild S. Oterholdt Synne Louise Stromme Iris van Brunschot HEAD OF PROOFREADING Kristin Gilboe PROOFREADING Rebecca Biong Hedda Jørgensen Solveig Johansen Bjørg Øymo
The Studentombud
Student parliament 6
Students’ purchasing power is decreasing - what can SiÅs do?
Letter to the editor - Statsbudsjett for dummies!
Intimate Concerts
Christmas Concert in the Church
Concert: FOG at Samfunnet
Revue: Collegium Alfa
The Ultimate Cheap Coffee Taste Test: The Final Words
Review: Dating in the 21st Century is Ridiculous
Basse and B - A New National Sport?
No Matter the Weather, Cycling is Better!
Celebrating the founding of Tradenigheten
Centre spread: Tuntreet’s Front Page game+staff autumn 21
Letters to the editor: The Student Journal + Ås feministiske
Two beers: Fimke Frederika Pijfers
Tea Test
Tuntreet celebrates its 75-year anniversary
Erotic Short Story: A Late Night in the Reading Room
Tuntreet by the decade: The Covid Years
Tun and Things
Tuntreet’s Front Page Contest
Priestly Thoughts
Spillsider HEAD OF LAYOUT Sara Thu LAYOUT Sigrid Solstad Thokle Yngve Rasmussen HEAD OF GAME PAGES Tilde Skåtun
HEAD OF TRANSLATIONS Julie Hauge Blindheim TRANSLATORS Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Sofie Palmstrøm Thea Samskott Pauline Marie Søndenå Amalie Pedersen Brønmo Angelique Rein
DISTRIBUTION Vegard Sjaastad Hansen WEB DISTRIBUTION Celine Våga ILLUSTRATION Oda Braar Wæge Anne Trætteberg Reitan
Tuntreet, a part of Studentsamfunnet i Ås Tuntreet, postbox 1211 1432 Ås Email: tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no www.tuntreet.org Printed: 200 Publisher: BK Grafisk, Sandefjord Front page: Ruben Rygh Utgåve Utgåve 10 Årgang Centre spread: Knut 09 Sørbø
Athur Devold Journalist
Pauline Hovland Photographer
Anne Trætteberg Reitan Illustrator
Amalie Pedersen Brønmo Translator
Arne Dag Hestnes knows the nooks and crannies of Norwegian administration and regulations better than most people, after years of being a jurist. Still, a meeting with a Russian asylum seeker would also have a great influence on his motivation in the work as the Studentombud. 4
Edition 10 Volume 76
TUNTREET Hestnes has worked in NHO, Utlendingsnemda and with HR in Politiets fellesforbund. This has taught him a lot about the rules and who you should talk to in the system to get what you want. His experience from Utlendingsnemda is especially important because he saw how hard it could be to understand a new system when you came from another country. Hestnes has worked in NHO, Utlendingsnemda and with HR in Politiets fellesforbund. This has taught him a lot about the rules and who you should talk to in the system to get what you want. His experience from Utlendingsnemda is especially important because he saw how hard it could be to understand a new system when you came from another country. The exam guru Another typical problem is the carrying out of exams. Arne Dag points to the problem with requiring two external examiners for exams. “It can ensure that the students get fairly graded, but in small subjects, there might not be a sufficient amount of qualified examinators.” I notice that he seems to have all the knowledge about the rules and requirements of exams. If you feel unjustly treated, you should have a chat with Arne Dag. He has been an examiner himself. Next stop is… «The first thing you should learn when you’re new to Norway is “neste stop er” (the next stop is)”, he says and smiles. He goes on, talking about the time he worked at Utlendingsnemda and was meeting a Russian asylum seeker. She was taking the train and was supposed to get off in Oslo, but ended up in Lillestrøm. When she arrived, Arne Dag saw that she was stressed and a bit scared. “She felt she had insulted the government”. A Russian doesn’t take it as lightly as most Norwegians would. It did go well, but Arne Dag was left with a clear example of how hard it could be to get to know a system quite different than the one you are used to. He takes this experience with him into his job at NMBU. “There are many international students here”, he says.
The parallel to the Russian he met is obvious: “Who?” and “How?” are hard questions to answer when you are faced with a new system. “Luckily the intention of the Norwegian system is to help, not to work against, even though it sometimes can feel that way. It’s a nice intention.” It is also Arne Dag’s intention. The Agrarian metropole What separates working as a studentombud in Ås compared to say Oslo, Bergen or London? “It’s a smaller university. At the same time, it’s big compared to the surroundings.” By that, he means that the university and student life is more defined and closed off in Ås compared to big cities where the university only makes up a small part that blends into other parts of the city. “That makes the student life more important here”, he says referring to all the clubs and everything happening at Samfunnet. For the Studentombud, this results in having more cases relating to the institutions that are existing for the students than there would be with other universities, because these institutions matter more to the NMBU student. The Studentombud has recently moved into their new office. The door is found in the basement of the Clock building.
Edition 10 Volume 76
Student Parliament 6
Sofie Bergset Janols Journalist
Thea Samskott Translator
This year’s last Student Parliament was held Monday November 8th. A number of orientation and decision cases were on the agenda. ORIENTATION CASES SiÅs on SiÅs SiÅs’s board director, Selma Sollihagen, took the opportunity to explain what kind of organization a student welfare organization is, including its purpose and how they are run. Afterwards she answered questions from the students. It was discovered that SiÅs´ current main goal is to increase student housing opportunities. They also wish to collaborate more closely with the student democracy to better meet students´ needs and wishes. The increasing cafeteria prices were also brought up. The reason why is because the prices stayed put in 2020. News from the University Board Tilde and Børge from the University Board informed the Parliament that, now that the campuses have been united, the university’s main focus is sustainability. Thus, a position as vice-rector in charge of sustainability has been created, and will hopefully be filled in 2022. New vice-rectors are also being hired, as both Solve Sæbø and Siri Fjellheim are stepping down. In addition to focusing on sustainability, work towards making the University Board more visible, for instance in social media, is also planned. 6
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Creating a “Scholars at risk”-position Scholars at risk (SAR) is an international network of universities and colleges working together to protect threatened academics and to forward academic freedom. They do this, for example by granting persecuted scholars temporary refuge as host institutions. NMBU is now a part of this network and will provide one “Scholars at risk”-position each year. NMBU´s green action plan adopted NMBU´s environmental action plan has now been adopted. Some highlights in the action plan are that every part of NMBU shall consider its environmental impact, and that NMBU is going to become climate neutral. NMBU will also be leading in research and will educate candidates who are well prepared for fighting for a sustainable future. If you want to read more about the environmental action plan, you can find it on NMBU´s website. Consultation: semester structure models The consultation, which declares the opinion of the Student Board and the Student Parliament, is now available at the Student Democracy´s website. The Student Board has added voluntary spirit, student
welfare, psychosocial environment and student contribution as factors that need to be weighed. These were not included in the original document but are points that the students have valued greatly in the debate. DECISION CASES Student Democracy´s 2022 budget The Student Democracy´s budget for 2022 looks very similar to the budget from 2021, but the student democracy is receiving more funds in 2022. The increased funds are going towards these items: compensation to the buddy general and the buddy secretary, guidance for the elected representatives, and an increase in welfare funds so the social clubs can really get going again. Action plan for Student Democracy 2022 The action plan for the Student Democracy was approved. Some key points are inclusion of international students, two-way-integration between VET and NMBU, and compensating the leaders and seconds-in-command in the student councils. The action plan will be available on the Student Democracy´s website, in case you want to learn more about what the Student Board is going to work on in the next year. 6
TUNTREET Resolution about unjustified furlough from studies A resolution was approved regarding giving all students the option to apply for unjustified furlough from their studies. This practice is common amongst other universities and colleges in Norway. It has been possible to apply at NMBU before, but the faculties have had varying criteria. Resolution concerning SiÅs rent prices This case was also up for discussion under Student Parliament 5 and was not approved without discussion now either. The resolution states that SiÅs cannot worsen the students’ purchasing power through increasing the prices for their services. They are also going to support the students’ fight for binding the student aid to 1.5G, and work actively towards this along with other student welfare organizations. You can read more about this on pages 8-10. Resolution about equal access to sanitary products Work is now being put towards making tampons and sanitary pads available and free in all restrooms in every building at NMBU, as an important measure for equality by NMBU. It was discussed whether this resolution can be made more
environmentally friendly by offering more sustainable products such as menstrual cups. The menstrual cup discussion was postponed to another time, while the original resolution was approved. DISCUSSION CASES Demands for digital lecture opportunities This discussion will most likely end up as a report to the Ministry of Education and Research. The basis for this debate was that only digital lectures cannot replace physical lectures, educators should have sufficient skills with digital solutions, and students who cannot be present for obligatory activities must be able to participate digitally. The chaos that erupts without guidelines was a theme during the debate. On the other hand, it was pointed out that the lecturers know best what is essential for their course, and that there should not be too many set rules. Some concerns regarding more digital lectures include less contact with your educator, loss of the good debate, and that the social life within your class suffers.
The system for electing class representatives was discussed. It was also proposed that Student Councils should be able to appoint missing representatives at the faculty level. ELECTIONS Ada Marie Orthe Karlsen was elected as Buddy General. August Reierstad Haugen was elected as control committee leader, and Wilhelm Anthun is the new Student Parliament chairman. Sunniva Steiro and Simen Bredesen were elected to the election committee, but there is still room for two more. New representatives (Vegard Sjaastad Hansen, Jens Bartnes, Wilhelm Anthun and Rakel Stennsen) and seconds-in-command (Siril Bjørke, Jørgen Måleng, Lise Benette Hovd and Ina Maria Finnerud) were chosen for NSO´s national meeting April 21-22.
Revision of Student Council Instructions The Instructions for the Student Councils are being revised and strengthened, to clarify their function and how they should be run.
Great photos that we didn’t have room for elsewhere!
Photo: Åsne Sørlie-Nordnes
Photo: Synne Lousie Stromme
Photo: Margreta Brunborg
Edition 10 Volume 76
STUDENTS’ PURCHASING POWER IS DECREASING – what can SiÅs do? On the 8th of November, the 6th Student parliament carried a resolution on how SiÅs’ increases in price will not make the purchasing power of students worse. The resolution also says that SiÅs are to support the students’ wish of binding the financial support of students to 1,5G and actively work for this together with the other student welfare organizations.
Sofie Bergset Janols Journalist
Anne Trætteberg Reitan Illustrator Simen Walbækken Tangen Photographer
If you have been living in SiÅs housing for a few years and are living of the financial support for students, you might have noticed that your budget has become a bit tighter the last few years. From 2016 to 2020, the financial support increased by 8,03%. In the same time period, the prices of rent for a room in a 16-person collective in Palisaden increased with 13,51%. If the rent had followed the increase of the financial support, it should have cost 4396,80 kr to live in Palisaden last fall. However, those who lived there last year were paying 4620kr. “In an ordinary month in the fall of 2020, you had 203kr less than in the fall of 2016”, Jardar Lindaas Bringedal explains 8
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when we meet at Klubben a few days after the Student parliament. He is the one responsible for the calculations above and the resolution about SiÅs. The students’ welfare organizations Jardar felt the need to forward the resolution because the purpose of SiÅs and the student welfare organizations are to work for student welfare and for everyone to have equal opportunity for education. As the students have received decreasing funds several years in a row, he worries that the direction which this development is going “could lead to consequences far beyond student budgets”. Even if the resolution is aimed at SiÅs and their prices, Jardar points out that the
Amalie Pedersen Brønmo Translator
main problem is the financial support. He believes that SiÅs is doing many great things, but thinks they could reach out even more to help the students. That is why part of the resolution is that SiÅs are to support and help students in their fight to tie the financial support to 1,5G (1,5 times the basic amount of the national insurance). As of today, the financial support for students is a bit more than 1,2G. Controversial The process of getting the resolution into the Student parliament has taken time, Jardar says. It is more controversial than other resolutions. This was made clear in the Student parliament, when questions were raised about how this would affect the running of SiÅs.
A resolution is a collective statement that summarizes what an organization or an assembly, in this case the student democracy of NMBU, think of an issue.
Resolution about SiÅs, passed in Student parliament 6, 08.11.2021 The student democracy of NMBU thinks that: • The University Foundation for Student Life in Ås (SiÅs) shall not weaken the purchasing power of students through its price increases in housing, food offerings, exercise offerings, etc. • The University Foundation for Student Life in Ås (SiÅs) will support the students’ desire to lock and increase student support to 1.5 G and work actively towards achieving this goal in collaboration with the rest of the country’s organizations. The SiÅs board leader, Selma Sollihagen, showed that the income of SiÅs Bolig went to operations and maintenance, and that the profit is not very large. Although they want to listen to the signals from the students, they will not manage SiÅs in a way that brings risk of deficit. Jardar disagrees: “SiÅs absolutely can go through with this”. That is the impression he is left with after a meeting he had with the Student board and the board leader of SiÅs during the process of forwarding the resolution. Furthermore, he refers to a Khrono article from 2019, where it became clear that SiÅs was the student welfare organization with the biggest profit. How are the prices of SiÅs really decided? In the time following, Tuntreet has been in contact with Selma Sollihagen by mail, where she elaborated on how SiÅs set their rent. Selma explains that the new prices are based on the general increase in prices (CPI) which are used in the state budget. The state budget is presented in the fall, then SiÅs decide on their budget in December and the new prices are implemented in July. Edition 10 Volume 76
TUNTREET She adds that there was an additional increase in prices in 2020: “Up until this moment, NMBU provided founding and support for IT-network in student housing, until they wanted to opt out of the agreement. We feel it is essential that students have access to stable internet in their housing. That is why we had our own network established via UNINETT in 2020. That is the reason why there was an increase in 80kr as well as the general increase in price for establishing the wireless network in student housings to cover the investment and operating cost related to this.” When asked about how the resolution will affect the setting of prices of SiÅs, Selma answers: “I cannot comment on the effect of the resolution, as the budget for next year has not been discussed in the board yet. This will be done in the board meeting in December. I would still say that what the resolution request in their first point is already are being considered to the possible extent. The point of supporting the claim of binding the student financial support to 1,5G, is not something we will have an issue with, making it clear that we agree with the students.” What happens next? Now that the resolution has passed, it is the Student Board who has to continue the work. Tuntreet asked the Student Board leader Ina Maria Finnerud about how they have planned to do that. “Moving forward we will continue to work with and have a good relation to and dialogue with the administration and board of SiÅs, where we already have presented
Edition 10 Volume 76
the demands of the resolution to the board leader. The first thing we will look into is how NMBU can help fund the cafeterias to a greater extent than they do now, and be contributors to the student welfare in collaborative agreements.”, Ina answers by mail. The Student board will also be working with The National Union of Students in Norway (NSO) to raise the issue on a national level, and to get the student democracies in other universities and colleges to join. She continues: “This resolution is also heard as a local product of a bigger national movement, where the students have become the losing part, between bad support arrangements and low financial support. To achieve student political breakthroughs, we must work together to a greater extent across student democracy, university, municipality and student union.”
“You have to start somewhere” So, what does it really mean to the students that the resolution about SiÅs was passed? Ina answers this: “Like with all politics, it is about the process. Matters will not change overnight, neither in this case, and will not be instantly significant to the students of NMBU. Still, we are sending a very clear signal of the welfare situation of the students, and it gives us in the Student Board some terms of reference to use when we share our suggestions and advice to SiÅs. (…) The Student parliament is the arena where the students can speak out about things they want to change or improve aspects of their own student life, and that is why this will be the top priority moving forward.” Even though it will take some time before we see the effects, Jardar is very pleased with the resolution being passed and to be worked with more: “You have to start somewhere”.
The state budget for dummies! Dear students, these days there is a lot of talk about this famous state budget of the Kingdom of Norway. It is both complicated and tedious. But do not despair! I have taken on the responsibility of unraveling this for you and will therefore take you on a journey through the key elements of the state budget. On October 12, 2021, the Solberg government presented its proposal for the state budget and national budget for 2022. Then the Støre government’s addendum came November 8, 2021. This addendum is based on the first state budget from the Solberg government, and it is estimated that it will be possible to move around 15- 20% of the funds in the short month in between. Despite big promises from the new redgreen government, my verdict is that this is a state budget that disappoints the entire university and college sector. NSO states that there have been no reprioritizations for the students, and we once again end up as losers. Nevertheless, there are some elements of great importance to NMBU. Ina Marie Finnerud, leader of the Student Parliament and the Student Board
The government will increase the allocation for the construction of the Veterinary Building by 75 million kroner. In practice, this means that we are closer to the goal of a well-functioning building, but we would like to see a triple sum to reach the goal.
Students with children will receive 12 months of student support. This is truly a happy thing! Very long-awaited, and makes everyday life more stable.
The “debureaucratization and efficiency reform” / ABE continues to be cut by 0.5%. In practice, this means that the government continues to reduce the administration at the university, which I think will be negative for the students.
The government proposes to reduce the allocation to the higher education sector by 33.4 million kroner. In practice, this means less funding of state universities such as NMBU, and means that we are more exposed to competition.
Furthermore, there will be a large pension cut for employees. There is great uncertainty associated with this cut, and we will not see the consequences until the new year.
The government eliminates a fund of 30 million kroner for the self-governing universities. Because NMBU owns our own buildings, it means that we lose funds for maintenance and upgrading of the campus.
The government has proposed to provide subsidies for 1650 new student dorms, which is 550 less than what was given in the 2020 budget, and only half of what the students’ national requirements are.
No new study places for NMBU. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as we got many new study places in aquaculture, urban agriculture, bioeconomy and public health science in 2021.
No increase in student support. We are therefore still at around 1.19G (the basic amount in the National Insurance Scheme), despite a desire for 1.5G.
‡ The student organizations do not receive increased grants. This means that
SiÅs will not have a larger base.
‡ The government will increase the allocation for flexible and decentralAngelique Rein Translator
ized education by 100 million kroner. This will have a negative effect on NMBU, as this is money that will be prioritized in the establishment of a campus at Nesna. Edition 10 Volume 76
An intimate intimate concert with S. Lærken Ingvild Lauvstad Journalist
Synne Lousie Stromme Photographer
There was great diversity of both hats and people in Klubben when the stage was set for an intimate intimate concert with S. Lærken. Did they keep their promises of singing, spasming, funny hats, jokes and nonsense? You would find the answer by attending an intimate concert, but Tuntreet will try to give a report of the night anyway. Movements here and there What meets the audience is a choir consisting of the type of student who cannot seem to stand still. Both arms and legs are constantly moving throughout the concert and the choir’s atmosphere is contagious to the mentioned audience. The stage for tonight’s concert is not only defined by the choir benches, but all of Klubben is used and both soloist and the choir move far beyond the defined boundaries. Climate-conscious students ready for battle The writer of this article is unfamiliar with Lærken’s CO2-footprint but has the feeling that it is not particularly high, and that there is a very climate-conscious group standing up there, when the choir performs a ballad about recycling. There will not only be ballads, but also battle songs - and what could be more important
Edition 10 Volume 76
Pauline Marie Søndenå Translator
and contemporary than pussy? This shows that Lærken stands out as a good example of how socially engaged the youth of today are. «Dyr i drift» og «Skit e’ skit» The concert is led by a steady conductor accompanied by a choir that knows the repertoire well and impresses you. They serve blues and songs with re-written lyrics, and the classic “Dyr i drift” is of course on the program. Sometimes lyrics can be a bit difficult to make out, but as the atmosphere is so good and the choir is so excited, the excitement spreads to the audience. It should be pointed out that it is not the T in the word «shit» we are talking about. For this particular number (“skit e’ skit” or “Shit is shit”) there was also no shortage of suitable sound effects or props. Your money’s worth of entertainment! A telegram was, of course, received and read out with great courage and to great laughter from the audience. Lærken really lives up to its history as a revue choir. Even without singing, there is not a moment without entertainment throughout the intimate concert. We can report that, yes, Lærken kept its promise of singing, spasming, funny hats, jokes and nonsense, and we look forward to experiencing it again!
Intimate concert with Mannskoret Over Rævne Benjamin Alexander Faulkner Journalist
“Here and there, sat the men of the people, filthy, stocky, sturdy working men, eating and drinking so serenely and heartily as if there was no existence of a day tomorrow.” So depicts the Jæren poet Arne Garborg a good-natured bunch of country students in his book “Bondestudentane”. Under their stoic and quiet conduct lies the “spirit of the Northman from ancestral times”, and it was so joyfully present during this evening event at Klubben. Over the blue-tinted mountains, mouths wide open under the beer keg taps, the men’s choir Over Rævne reached all the way from Ås to the ends of the four cardinal directions. The vocal dynamics waxes and wanes like the moon, and the beer goes down the throat like a fresh mountain river from the cold white walls of a glacier. From forests to mountains Sixpence on head and beer in hand, the boys were ready to charm our senses. First, we were drawn into the Småländska forests of Sweden by the song “Fattig bonddreng” (eng: poor farmer) by Astrid Lindgren. We did not linger for long, and were brought by a strong gust of national romanticism to “Norges Fjelde”, the mountains, written by Wergeland and Halfdan Kjerulf. However entrancing, the song had to end, and the spell was broken. But the evening was not yet over.
Margreta Brunborg Photographer
Mountains, beer and women We listened to the the poignant song about a man sitting byhind bars in prison, and forbidden from cultivating his love for mountains, beer and women. Luckily, our souls were comforted as the choir continued by the song “Naar fardane blaaner”. One could almost smell the white-blooming apple orchards in a Hardanger garden, and gaze upon the glimmering snow on the mountainside. Engaging choir music Over Rævne have the ability to coerce the audience towards the edge of their seats in excitement, especially when they sang the “Rocky Road to Dublin”, a well-known song about an Irish lad seeking his fortune in Liverpool. To music enthusiasts, it is interestingly sung in 9/8-time signature. This drives a seemingly unending and complicated flow of rhythm. This was the first time the choir sang this song, and it must be said: we want to hear it more! A male choir of merit It was a pity that the concert had to end so early. Never before has ale tasted as good as it did during the song “Gammelt øl”. I am certain Bacchus, the guardian god of all students, smiled down upon us during the whole event, and the vorsprices at Klubben consecrated the path for all those who would pursue a night at the Bodega. Thank you, Over Rævne, for a delightful concert!
Edition 10 Volume 76
INTIMATE CONCERT WITH THE UKE REVUE 2020 Ingvild Lauvstad Journalist Margreta Brunborg Photographer Angelique Rein Translator
The darkness has settled, and it is getting colder and colder each day, which are good signs that the exam period is quickly approaching. For the last time this semester, the audience sat down for another intimate concert in Klubben, and the performers (as well as pianist) from last year’s UKE revue had the honor of closing out the events for the year . And the mood could not have been better.
it can rightly be called an intimate concert as they sat so squeezed that some had to sit on each other’s laps. The ceiling height was low, and the stage was small, but this was quickly dismissed, and the room no longer set limits on the possibilities of the performance. You have not heard true desperation until you have heard Knekkebrød rap. The savage walked around on the chairs and over the heads of the audience, and Klubben was filled to the brim with catchy songs. The revue ensemble performed last year in Aud.Max., and they managed it in Klubben this year too!
Backstreet Boys, Pizza, and Norwegian politicians The lyrics have been taken from 2020 and adapted for 2021. The actors were accompanied by piano, but also acted on their own as a band by beatboxing and throwing out From Aud.Max. to Klubben sound effects. There were both well-known Clad in red, white, and gold, the performers and beloved melodies, but also some new came in and took their seats, not on choir sketches that had not been part of the revue benches, but in a slightly too small sofa, and last year. Among other things, Kjell Ingolf
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Ropstad took the stage with a song about how children must be allowed to be themselves, as long as they are not gay, to great laughter from the audience. When Erna and Bent Høie sang their heroic song about how they had handled the pandemic, they quickly changed places with Trygve and Jonas at the end. And most importantly - who would have thought that Backstreet Boys and pizza was such a good combo? There was deafening applause and an additional song, which is often part of an intimate concert. Until next year, then The semester’s intimate concerts are over, but fear not, there will be a new semester with new opportunities. And who knows, maybe you have finally managed to keep those New Year’s resolutions and come as a new and better person at the next intimate concert? The only thing we can be sure of is probably that both the choirs, revue people, the audience, and students in general are very much looking forward to the next round.
of NMBU invited to a Christmas concert in Ås Church, the 25th of The tickets sold out quickly, and requests popped up all over of people in search of Christmas spirit. Simen Walbækken Tangen Photographer
Synne Lousie Stromme Photographer
The welcoming in the church porch, where the choirs stood singing while the audience entered the church, sat the standard for what the rest of the concert would be like. Over Rævne started it off nicely with “O Helga Natt (O Holy Night)” from the gallery, followed by Pikekoret Ivar who made many an eye teary with “Nordnorsk Julesalme (North Norwegian Christmas Psalm”). Sangkoret Noe Ganske Annet and Tonus Uteri lined up with ”Hark how the bells” and “Rocking around the Christmas
Alexander Mæland Munkejord Translator
tree”, while Sangkoret Lærken sung, or joiked, “Joik to the world”. Then followed a reading from the Nativity of Jesus by student priest Ingrid U. Øygard. Then, the choirs gathered for a joint performance where the church hall was filled by even louder and more melodious tones. A beautiful Christmas appeal about hope was then held by Øygard, before the concert was rounded off with a singalong of “Deilig er jorden (Beautiful Savior)” with everyone in the church.
Edition 10 Volume 76
FOG at Samfunnet
It was the time for trønder party and the atmosphere in the Bodega felt good. The chief of marketing suddenly stood up and proclaimed “There is a concert in Festsalen in 5 minutes!!”. Everyone in the Bodega now realized that they had to head upstairs. Simen’s Recollections FOG came on stage and the audience met them with cheerful applause. A group from Trondheim (who the band has known since they started) lined up at first row and danced against the fence. The air was filled with smoke, and it smelled of sodd after the sales in Rosehagen. Closest to the stage there was party dancing, of modern type, while further back in festsalen Swing was the preferred form of dancing. FOG mostly played music from their new album to be released in December, but at the end they performed one of their old hits. It was at this moment the editors came up with the idea that Tuntreet should interview FOG (or was it Fruits and Greens?). With a good mood and a camera, he gathered another editor and got to it: FOG? Fruits and Greens? After a successful concert we meet the band members Gaute, Henrik, David and Trym, backstage. The origin of the name Fruits and Greens comes from a ukulele owned by Gaute with FOG written on it. What does FOG mean? Fruits and Greens of course! 16
Edition 10 Volume 76
When they were making a Spotify account they couldn’t decide whether they should use FOG or Fruits and Greens, so the result was FOG(Fruits and Greens). Sources of Inspiration The band is open about the fact that they gather inspiration from many sources. On their YouTube channel they are described as a “Post-punk band or a neo-punk band from Trondheim”, of which the band share a laugh. “It’s all about breaking boundaries” Henrik tells about their musical style. Even if they might be a bit hesitant to describe themselves with only one genre, they are certain of one thing: they will not be making Trønder-rock á la The Kids. A Long Career Fruits and Greens have been playing since secondary school. This has resulted in some funny incidents, getting kicked out of places and denied entry both backstage and to concerts after playing, because they were younger than 18. Other than that, they have been around on different backyard festivals. After some constellation changes they are now closer to the original line-up
than they have been for a long time. How is it possible to be veterans and only 22 years of age? FOG has the answer. Mafja? Fruits and Greens are very proud of having established their own record company. Trondheim Mafia, umm, cough cough, Trondheim Mafja is the correct name. “Mafja is so much cooler!”. A funny story related to this name is when Henrik was going to the bank to open an account for this company. It went through, with some strange looks, considering how the “mafia” suddenly wanted to open a bank account. They are very proud of the fact that they now have everything in-house, and are confident that they can bring the noncompromising music further on without limitations. Simen Walbækken Tangen Journalist and Photographer Tord Kristian F. Andersen Journalist Sofie Palmstrøm Translator
New Music, New Album Even though the band has given out several EPs and singles in the past, the upcoming album will be their first. The band is open about their wish to focus on making new music, and that they want to make a point out of live shows. A problem with the content on Spotify is how outdated it has become. That is why they are currently looking forward to releasing the album called “Trondhjem Tandoori”, which will be out sometime between the 27th and 30th of December, with 12 songs. What could have been a chill Wednesday on November 10th, instead became a Trønder-mecca at Samfunnet, and Fruits and Greens brought the goods. So now the only thing to do is to pay attention to the band’s art project and what boundaries they will be breaking in the near future. You should all be excited for the release of the new album, and if you were one of those who missed out on the trønder party at Samfunnet, you can always check out FOG on Spotify and invite your collective to sodd and karsk.
Photo: Sander Husnlende Alfredsen
Photo: Sander Husnlende Alfredsen
Photo: Sander Husnlende Alfredsen
Photo: Sander Husnlende Alfredsen
Edition 10 Volume 76 Photo: Sander Husnlende Alfredsen
Big cake birthday with Collegium Alfa As the last carriage in the long train of the revues of this semester, we now finally get to see what Collegium Alfa has to offer. Collegium. This year they turn 10 years old, and they will be celebrated. There was not much else to do this October night than wait and see whether Collegium Alfa takes the cake (meaning: wins it all). The revue starts with an opening video where Collegium celebrates its 10-year anniversary with cake and dance, and a lot of glitter and glam. Common things for a 10th birthday. They really excel when it comes to dancing, something they also show further in the revue. Nora Helgeland Journalist
“With the boys”-atmosphere From the first moment, Collegium seems very comfortable on stage. A group of boys stroll out on the stage from behind the curtain. They agree that they will have “No nuts November”. Finally, there was someone who had misunderstood and thought he should not eat nuts. This was a good attempt at a punchline, but it was probably a little too dry for an audience out on a relatively wet night. Furthermore, the atmosphere is continued when they check what PB has under their hats. One had a rabbit. One had a swastika, and the last had a penis. This joke was a bit, what should I say? ... limp.
Womanizer and hearing protection In another sketch, they open the “Student pack”. They get hearing protectors to save their ears against Over Rævne, a Womanizer for Hankattloftet since they: “Need all the help they can get up there”, Koneklubben’s 18
Edition 10 Volume 76
Margreta Brunborg Photographer
cake which they thought was a rock, and last but not least a lot of advertising. It’s always fun to make fun of the other student associations. So, this was a pretty sure recipe for success, and the audience laughed a lot!
Pauline Marie Søndenå Translator
Nachspiel Then a handful of nachspiel sketches follows. One person claims that Skogveien nachspiels are better than nachspiels at Pentagon, and reluctantly pulls along a friend. They sing about the long road, and the friend thinks that Skogveien is a place without a soul. Suddenly the mood changes when they meet an old acquaintance who has had children. With a baby crying in the background, they flee back to Pentagon. This sketch had some truth to it, but otherwise, it was a bit tame. Revue in its proper sense A revue should be relevant, and Collegium Alfa is aware of the fact that SiÅs is a hot topic at the moment. They performed a SiÅs rock song where they sang that all SiÅs cares about is money. Sharp criticism of capitalism here. They also had a sketch where a long-tailed silverfish complains to SiÅs about loud students, and the students end up being kicked out.
Later followed another quasi-relevant sketch about consent in the Labor Party, where (Trond) Giske had difficulty taking no for an answer. Then, they parodied the new semester structure, where there would be exams on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, and UKA had to be shortened to one afternoon. They referred even more to the administration when Curt Rice sang that he would make NMBU great again, and Sjur appeared to remind everyone that he is not completely gone yet.
Artsy A highlight was an artistic film clip where a person was introduced in a sort of slam poetry type of way. In the galaxy, the universe – no, the bodega, we meet the peculiarity. It was not something I understood a 100%, but it was a lot of fun. It was beautiful. It was cool and it was artsy.
Spice it up Collegium tried to spice up the revue a bit with some slightly bolder sketches. Of course, not something super wild, it is Collegium we are talking about here, but something appropriate and PG-13 (Media rating: suitable for children above 13). They had a gingerbread baking song where they, among other things, put some prudishness in a bowl. They agreed to spice it up a bit with…. tits! Here they added a lot of self-irony, but not enough to make it fun unfortunately. Furthermore, they had a strip tease, where they wore animal costumes with underwear over. Giske comes out on stage again and runs after the cow. This hint of a red thread gives the whole performance a little boost.
Took the cake Somebody came out on stage and took the cake.
We are 10 years old! “Take tequila shots because it is our birthday. Took a strip of cocaine because it is our birthday”, Collegium Alfa raps and shows off the slightly more edgy side. Finally, they end with a really good music number to the melody of “La det swinge la det rock´n´roll”, or “Let us celebrate that we are ten years old”. On their own 10th anniversary, Collegium Alfa hosted a great show. The most important question, however, was whether they took the cake; and except physically, they did not. Was it perhaps the most PG-13 revue this semester? Yes, yes it was.
Edition 10 Volume 76
THE ULTIMATE CHEAP COFFEE TASTE TEST: THE FINAL WORDS A serious coffee review of non-serious coffee During the last couple of months, we have tested the cheapest coffee you can find in the most common stores at Ås to try and find the best coffee for the best price. With that being said, it has been tough to drink through all the different coffee blends and try to come up with serious recommendations. Elina Turbina Journalist
Anne Tove Græsdal Tornes Våge Journalist and photpgrapher
Anne Sofie Hovden Contributor
We have done the coffee test primarily to review the different coffee blends from an angle that is enjoyable for the drinker, but not necessarily for the average student and its needs. If you just need the caffeine to make it through the lectures, or to do schoolwork, most of the coffee (except the cheapest ones, for example Prima) will do you and your wallet good. If you want coffee that has a better taste and texture you might have to settle with paying a bit more. Like all kinds of products, you’re unfortunately paying for the quality.
Coffee brand
Price pr. kg
Xtra Coop
51.80 kr
Rema 1000 Prima
52.80 kr
67.60 kr
Löfbergs’ Medium Roast
88.58 kr
Coop Frokostkaffe
94.00 kr
Rema 1000
99.80 kr
Ali Frokostkaffe
113.71 kr
122.40 kr
If you want to try some high-end specialty coffee (some only sell beans, so you will have to have a coffee grinder), we suggest you start your journey with coffee in one of these places:
Coop Fyldig og Aromatisk
131.60 kr
IKEA påtår
140.00 kr
155.60 kr
Friele Frokostkaffe
158.40 kr
• • • •
Änglamark Økologisk Arabica
159.60 kr
Fuglen Roastery Solberg & Hansen Økologihagen Java
Without further ado, here are all the results from our ultimate cheap coffee testing summed up in a table to the right, where the taste and smell are combined into a mean of our individual evaluations. As this coffee testing and reviewing comes to end we would like to thank everyone that has been with us on our coffee journey. And what an intense, but fun journey it has been! Our last pro tip to you: if you have had too much coffee and feel like you’re too caffeinated, drinking citrus juice is a great way to lower the caffein level in your blood! 20 Edition 10 Volume 76
The recommended coffee over 100,The recommended coffee under 100,-
Dating in the 21st Century is Ridiculous Åsne Sørlie-Nordnes Journalist Alexander Mæland Munkejord Translator
Former NMBU students Synneva Gjelland and Maria Refsland guide us through the romance with their new album, “Dating i det 21. Århundre” (Dating in the 21st Century). The musical duo, with the same name as their first album, “Kor faen blei det av Norge?!” (Where the hell did Norway go?!), do not stop after just recording music (under their own record label, Olivia’s Records), but also fill the songs with chitchat about our time, described from a future perspective. This makes the album a worthy saga, lasting 53 minutes and 37 seconds. The sound consists mainly of Gjelland on the piano, Refsland on the bass, and
vocals from both; but if you listen through all of the album, from “Chris Cockside” to “Da som va bra (That which was good)”, you also get to experience guitar, saxophone, trumpet, and a recorder. Inga Haugdahl Solberg and Ragnhild Bruseth also contribute, with fiddle and drums. Unrelated to the diversity of instruments, all the songs are a romantic symbiosis of folk rock and lieders. And even though the album is at its best when listened to chronologically, it is the songs like “Ærlig hit” (Honest Hit), “Lesbisk bad ass-sang” (Lesbian badass song), “Påskejenta” (Easter Girl), “Tok lua og dro” (Grabbed the hat and left”) that one (I) listens to on repeat, not the tracks with chitchat.
fall, and Refsland is also member of Føkkefjord, who have also entertained Ås-students fueled by alcohol. Maybe we will see more musical artist branching on Spotify over the course of the 21st century? Anyways, the future is looking bright for Gjelland and Refsland, and even though they obviously do not consider dating to be a hasslefree activity, it seems like the music production is raised to the n-th power, to put it that way.
“Kor faen blei det av Norge?!“ is not the only musical project Gjelland and Refsland actively work on. They are both part of Sliteneliten, who played at Samfunnet this
Basse and B
A New National Sport?
Simen Walbækken Tangen Journalist and Photographer Sofie Palmstrøm Translator
Have you heard of basse? The Trønderian game has now entered the Agrarian metropole. National Sport? For those who hail from Trøndelag, basse will probably sound familiar. Maybe they even had their own basse-squares in the school yard. The people behind “Basse and B” now want the game to be known across the nation; but they start right here in Ås. Tuntreet met three of the initiators in Klubben while they were making basses. B-----? A basse is made using a thread and shredded bicycle tubes that are attached to the thread. The thread is tied into two somewhat tight ribbons. The idea is that the B in “Basse and B” is short for something else that they do when Basse and B meet. Sunday, November 14th, Tuntreet took part in a game of basse at Olav L. Moens plass, this time with Basse and Bringebærsyltetøy (raspberry jam).
How to Play The game is played with a basse that is kicked between the players. Each person has their own square, and this is where it gets weird, because the square is round! Many theories claim that the square eventually turned round so it would be easier to defend or draw. The player must defend their square. If the player gets a basse on their square, they get a dot, but it is important that the basse doesn’t hit the line or rolls into the square; in this case the player doesn’t get a dot. For every dot the players rotate around the squares. After three dots you are out, and after this the game can often go to a sudden death. When someone is out, the square they occupied becomes a dead square. If a player were to hit his square now, the player will get a dot or get taken out. Tuntreet experiences that there are a multitude of different game rules and has based this article on the rules that were taught to the journalist. Edition 10 Volume 76 21
Lina Grünbeck Photographer
Are you but a summer sloth, or a skilled winter cyclist? Winter is coming, and you might consider it a bit tedious changing to winter tires. Also, it may not seem too enticing to fall on the slippery ice and end up with crutches or a broken arm all winter. However, there is no need to be afraid of winter cycling. If you have never cycled during winter before, you should be thinking: “Cool, something new to try!” rather than “no, I cannot be bothered…”. Not only will it make you part of the tough elite if you are ever asked how you get to work or school; you also deny winter the pleasure of preventing you from commuting sustainably. Try Beating the Statistics! There is no doubt that 2021 has made us stop doing some of the small everyday activities that people used to do more of. Walking for fifteen minutes instead of sitting three minutes on the bus is one of the small decisions that make big differences. During summer, this kind of activity comes for free through days filled with outdoor activities, trips to the beach, and cycling. But when the darkness, the cold and winter slush take hold throughout the fall, many will find comfort with a teacup on the couch more often than during the summer. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but on average the activity level is lower during this season. So, defying the rough weather by cycling during these months could be just the right thing to do. The “Doorstep Mile” of Cycling Changing to winter tires is a step that is wise to take before cycling during winter times. Even if there are several good reasons to cycle during the winter, there is no
22 Edition 10 Volume 76
Alexander Mæland Munkejord Translator
getting around the fact that many people never manage to take this first step. Especially for students with limited economies, purchasing studded tires is a task can be given low priority. That is why Ås Municipality and NMBU have joined forces with SPIRE together with the Society for the Conservation of Nature in Ås, the Students of Nature Conservation, The Norwegian Association for Company Sports, Follo Bicycle Club, Ås Bicycle Repairs, Intersport Vinterbro and the National Cyclist Association in Ås, to host a winter bicycle party at Vitenparken. There was food and drinks, music, lots of learning, not to mention professional bicycle mechanics. They were offering free assistance with changing tires. Lena Marie Kjøbli is the environmental coordinator at NMBU and she is proud of the people in Ås; “So many people are cycling”. She is also pleased with how today’s bicycle party helps even more people take the important first step: changing tires. Bicycle Parties I must admit that I had never heard of bicycle parties before. They have been
DID YOU KNOW: • • • • •
Only 10% of summer cyclists cycle during winter. A cyclist is the most energy efficient creature on earth if you consider how much energy comes out of how little is “invested”. It is most important that you change to studded tires on the front wheel. If you find it too expensive to buy studded tires, this may change your mind. A fuel-efficient car goes 20 km on one liter of gasoline. An average cyclist can go 1037 km with the corresponding amount of energy. Just remember to take breaks! The National Cyclist Association has plenty of great videos with cycling tips on YouTube.
hosted in Ås for several years and are surely here to stay. Apparently, the enthusiasm is so widespread that today’s party was even visited by a kind of spy. Jarle Ring from the communication company JPC Arena is planning the great bicycle day at the City Hall Square in Oslo. Together with the National Cyclist Association, among others represented by Olav Fjeld Kraugerud, he is hoping for a proper bicycle party there next summer. The bicycle parties in Ås are causing ripple effects! Olav’s Hottest Tips Other than keeping the bicycle clean from salt and oil, I was wondering what else is important in order to be a proper winter cyclist. Olav Fjeld Kraugerud offers three clever tricks. By lowering the seat, you get a lower center of mass, and more stability. It also lowers the distance to the ground, so that you can put your foot down if you fall. A skilled winter cyclist keeps their seat lower than the summer sloth. His second tip is to pump the tires a little less full than in the summer, to get a larger surface
contact with the ground, and better grip. Tip number three is that you really only need to change your front tire. That is the one that matters most in terms of stability. He also offers a couple of tips regarding equipment. Lobster gloves work! They keep you warm, but you still manage to brake and change gears. “This is where the DIY spirit comes in … home-sewn lobster gloves … Christmas present hit of the year?” Tip two should fit the students of what used to be the College of Agriculture well: Wellingtons. “DeLaval wellingtons on your feet, with wool socks inside. (Is this “The revenge of livestock students”?)”. Thanks, Olav! Winter Surfing “Cycling in the snow on the roadside is a bit like surfing”, a buddy told me when I said I didn’t want to cycle during winter. It is something you simply cannot do during summer, and I felt enticed to try it out. So, this year, my studded tires are on, and I am no longer just a summer sloth. Edition 10 Volume 76 23
Tuntreet har hatt 771 forsider inkludert denne utgavens. Her er et lite knipe utvalg av noen av de peneste, sprøeste og artigste forsidene i vårt forsidespill. I tidligere tider var trykking av fotografi en lang prosess. Fremkalling i mørkerom og seinere rastifisering hos trykkeriet. Derfor forekom det oftere illustrasjoner og bilder som ikke nødvendigvis var så dagsaktuelle. Fargetrykk var såpass dyrt at budsjettet kunne sprenges kun av en fargeforside.
Fisken flykter opp på land! Gå 2 skritt tilbake og rydd opp i havet.
Kollektivet arrangerer fest! Gå 1 skritt frem.
Celebrating the founding of Tradenigheten
Men verden gikk fremover. Trykking med farge ble billigere og den digtale verden kom. Plutselig sto alle verdens hjelpemidler Du er med på klare for å spice opp forsidene. Ikke alltid idrettsfesten og like fint, men veldig morsomt. From Ås kommune newest hytte at Kinnsåsen, the sounds of fiddle, guitar, accordion, banjo blir andsprek. mandolin Gå pour out through the Follobanen står 4 skritt snart klar. StåLeikarringen cracks. What on earth is going on? Three associations, Spelemannslaget Flatlusa, Frøyfrem. and Budeieforeningen have overand 2 runder førat the celebration. It lasted the whole night. made a historical pact: “Tradenigheten”. Tuntreet was present, with pen fiddle, de nye avgangene er på plass.
T-raad, trad-samband and tradlenders
Du er stup full og blir kasta utTradition is the running theme in this av Samfunnet. partnership. After a tasty meal, proposals Gå 1 skritt for statutes were announced – and they tilbake. were not few. The board of administration
will be known as the Trad-samband, elected at the yearly T-raad, and the common calendar is to be known as the “tradlender”. A new logo is already in the works. Perhaps it will be mounted in the Bodega in January!
The tradSamle associations sammen venner eller kollektivet og slå terning the klippe party Leikarringen was du founded in terning 1924, såQuite etter Frøy tur. Har ikke en kan du The founding documents were stamped and is ut theterningen fourth oldest association at oppe til høyre, eller du kan bruke en to much rejoice. Spelemannslaget Flatlusa Ås. During the last ten years, traditional terningsapp. played through the night, and more types dancing was about to lose its footing , but now, it isMan starting to catch med up. Together with ogof dances starter et skihopp hopperthan ut you i can count on one hand mangled the wooden floor: reinlender, Spelemannslaget Flatlusa, which appeared forsidelandskapet. Den som kommer fram til dagens rørospols, finnskogpols, polka, gangar, in 1979,forside they are an inseparable pair in vinner. vals, stockholmschottis, tsjekkisk polka, perfect symbiosis. Budeieforeningen, the jenka som and enten halling dance. Mikkel Rev, a youngestUnderveis of the trio,kan wasman founded støte inpå2014. ulike forsider band consisting With crafts and household traditions vil hjelpe deg fram, holde deg tilbake eller sende deg of two on fiddles and a swede on the mandolin, turned up to play; poured into the butter churn, they have tilbake. a bottle of booze loosely sitting in the back made it their work to mend clothes with pocket. At about twelve, after four hours the one handDu andgår brew beer with the other. ekstra framover On a cold November night on top of a hill, Du må stå over X antall runderof everlasting dance, people finally began strolling home under the moon light. the arrangements for a proper collaboration Du må gå tilbake were finally ratified. 24 Edition 10 Volume 76
The past shows the way Where the future lies for Tradenigheten, no one knows. But one thing is for certain. The passion for the old days isn’t just a flight of fancy or a promise of temporary self-realization. One longs for an age when excessive consumption and materialism was looked down upon, and clothes and tools were made to last through generations. Give Tr a d e n i g h e t e n a few years, and you may drop in on a porridge-nach at their association house. Give them a few more years, the future may not arrive together with robotic servants, but a well-used sewing machine. Benjamin Alexander Faulkner Journalist
Åsne Sørlie-Nordnes Photographer
Klubben is serving coffee. Skip 1 turn.
There is a party at Samfunnet. You get one more throw!
You get a scholarshop to study insects. Skip 2 rounds.
You get into a spicy ménage à trois. Advance 7 steps.
Pusen Bredes ancestors guide you. Advance 3 steps.
A housemate gets a horse. Skip 1 turn while you muck horse shit.
You have finished your studies and want to move from Ås. Skip 1 turn while you figure out where to go!
Organ for Studentsamfunnet i Ås
NR. 10 \ 02.12 2021
Tuntreet Årgang 76
The earth becomes overpopulated. Move 6 steps backwards. HØYDEPUNKT: TUNTREETS 75 ÅRS JUBILEUM
A handful o editors and st
26 Utgåve 10 Årgang 76
of Tuntreet’s taff since 1956
Utgåve 10 Årgang 76 27
Front Page Game By Sara Thu and Simen Walbækken Tangen The fish escapes onto land! Take 2 steps backwards and do some ocean cleaning.
Tuntreet has had 771 front pages, including this edition. Here is a small selection of some of the most beautiful, crazy, and funny front pages in our Front Page Game. In the earlier editions, the printing of photographies was a long process. Developing photographs in darkrooms and then to the printing shop. This is how the presence of illustrations and images which were not very contemporary, was explained. Colour-pringing was so expensive that one would blow ones budget even if one wanted to include just one front page in colour. But the world advanced. Printing with colour became cheaper and the digital era arrived. Suddenly all the tools in the world stood ready to spicy up the front pages. Not always in a You are beautiful way, but usually shitfaced and in a funny one.
Kollektivet throws a party! Advance 1 step.
Follobanen is almost ready. Skip 2 turns before the new routes are in place.
You joined Idrettsfesten and became fit. Advance 4 steps.
is kicked out of Samfunnet. Take 1 step backwards.
THIS IS HOW YOU PLAY: Gather your friends or your kollektiv and take turns throwing the dice. If you don’t have a dice, you can make one using the cut-out in the upper right corner, or just use a dice app. One starts with a ski jump, and head out into the front page landscape. The first to reach our current front page, wins. On the way, one can be faced with various front pages which want to help you, hold you back, or send you backwards.
Advance x number of steps Skip X amount of turns Take X amount of steps backwards
f d
Your uncle and aunt want you to join in drying hay, but you want to attend a concert. Take 2 steps backwards.
Your nudes are shared online! Take 6 steps backwards.
HOW TO AVOID BECOMING Klubben serverer AN ET AL. kaffe. Stå Amalie Pedersen Brønmo Translator over 1
Do you often find yourself slaving for hours over your articles and term papers before the deadlines? Or, maybe, for once in your life you actually worked steadily on the assignment? Maybe you’re thinking «Holy shit, I’ve created a piece of art, this text deserves to be read by more people». Nevertheless, you hand in your masterpiece and never see it again. After all the inhumane suffering, you’re left with a tiny letter on your report card. Talk about wasted potential. NMBU student journal of Life Sciences is a yearly journal which Du får is special about the Det eris posted during the spring semester. What stipend for fest påacademic journal is that it is led by students, å studerepeer-reviewed by Samfunnet. students and all the published papers are written by students. I think insekter. Kast ettit’s cool that we as students have the opportunity Stå over 2to contribute to, ekstra kast runder. and! impact academia with our ideas and understanding in different fields of study. A year ago, I had not heard about NMBUs journal and did not know what it would lead to when I decided to apply to be a part of the editorial staff. I read and reviewed articles about everything from the role of the wolverine in the Norwegian mountain ecosystems, problems with the global food system to domestic violence and the construction of masculinity in Rwanda. It was inspiring to read fellow students articles about subjects they are passionate about, and which I would not usually learn about within my own field of study. Through this process I have opened my eyes to how many
Pusen Bredes forfedre hjelper deg. Gå 3 skritt frem.
Thea Samskott Translator
Dear youatfor bringing body hairsom as a tema themeforinTTTTKjæreTT, TT,thank takk for dere tok oppupkroppshår tabu! Here thoughts and fra input us in Ås Her erare et some tilleggadditional med tanker og innspill ossfrom i Ås FeminisFeministiske Studenter (Ås Feminist Students). tiske Studenter. As Helgeland writes, it seems “asdet if women arekvinnene the ones who Som Helgeland skriver så virker «som om er defeel the pressure from society to be hairless.” the big sommost opplever størst press fra samfunnet til åHere værelies hårløse.» taboo we should focus on! Men´s beards, “how you remove body Her ligger det store tabuet vi bør fokusere på! Menns skjeggvekst, hair”, andfjerner do youdu usekroppshår», “cream or serum” for du faster haireller growth is «hvordan og bruker «krem serum» on hand not andlite maybe not even that interesting? for the å fåother økt hårvekst er taboo derimot tabubelagt og kanskje til og med litt uinteressant? We want to talk more about the structures in society that lie behind the beauty ideals! How could it be, that norm for Vi vil snakke mer om samfunnsstrukturene bak the skjønnhetsidewomen is to have no hair but on for their heads?erWhy is it alene! Hvordan kunne detanywhere skje, at normen kvinner å ikke so is sopå natural? ha shameful hår andrewhen stederit enn hodet? Hvorfor er det så skambelagt med noe så naturlig? In the article, it is said that Jorden blir you can find evidence of shaving in ancient Egypt and that: at “Here, being clean shaven a sign of Det skrives i artikkelen man kan finne spor etterwas barbering i overbefolket. hygiene femininity.” Theble argument about hygiene et pops up oldtidensand Egypt og at: «Her det å være glattbarbert tegn Flytt 6 skritt tilbake. even in ourog time, but that sounds kind ofom weird, something på hygiene femininitet». Argumentet hygiene dukkeristiloff.
talented students who study at NMBU, and I’m looking forward to see their full potential in this year’s edition. Being part of the editorial staff is a good opportunity to improve your analytical skills, through reading and assessing the work of students. It also is a practice in formulating constructive feedback to help the writers improve their writing skills. In other words, NMBUs journal is a big collaboration between students from every level of study and subject. Last, but not least, we need your contribution to be able to make a journal. Imagine how magical it would be to have your work published. Maybe you will be a bit more motivated to write your next text when you know it won’t necessarily just be gathering dust in a drawer after it’s been sent in for assessment? Instead, your excellent work could get the recognition it deserves in NMBU’s journal, which is shared both internally in the university and Du havner externally on the internet. i et pikant trekantforhold.
7 skrittinto your own hands My advice to you is this; take theGå matter and submit your contribution to thefrem. journal. Avoid your worst nightmare – becoming an et al.!
Follow our Facebook page @nmbujournal for more information about how you can get involved. If you have any questions, send an e-mail to studentjournal@nmbu.no. Goodbye. Live Røstadsand, boss of all bosses in NMBU Student Journal of Life Sciences (in addition to Hareen Chhabra, for being politically correct #internæsj) et al. aka Helene Godhavn.
stadig i vår to tid,shave menyour det lyder rart–i why våre isn’t ører,everyone det er noe If it is opp goodogså hygiene armpits som skurrer. Hvis det er et godt hygienetiltak å barbere seg under doing it? armene – hvorfor gjør ikke alle det? CAPITALISM AND PATRIARCHY? KAPITALISMEN OG PATRIARKATET? A lot of money is being made from removing their hair, En women du bor med Noen penger på at kvinner hår, pånecessary skjønnheton thetjener beautystore ideals and the sales ofskaffer all fjerner theseg products to hest. Ståskal over sidealene av alle produktene som til for åstructures leve opp live up to og thesalg unrealistic expectations. Subconscious 1and runde mens strukturer til de urealistiske Underliggende der where women areforventingene. being sexualized objectified are obviously du vasker opp kvinner er seksualisert objektivisert har to selvsagt noe å si i relevant in blitt this matter. You og cannot be immune the influence etter hesten. dennethe sammenhengen. ikke sånn ator man fri not fra å bli from society you liveDet in. er Subconscious not,kan yougåare påvirket the av det samfunnet man lever i. Underbevisst eller ei, det er making decision to shave your body hair separately from society’s ikke influence. kun du som You upåvirket carry your tar society´s valget omexpectations. å barbere bort håret. Du bærer på samfunnets forventninger. Du er ferdig å how people remove their body hair, It is not interesting to know studere og vil razor Det eroruinteressant wax; focus rather for osson å vite what hvordan really matters: folk fjerner beauty håret ideals sitt, flytte fra Ås. Stå that barberhøvel create unrealistic eller voks, expectations fokuser heller about på det how som women virkelig are er supviktig: over 1 runde posed skjønnhetsidealene to lookmens and du contribute skaper to more forventninger restricted gender til hvordan norms for finner urealistiske everybody. kvinner skal ut se hvor ut ogdubidrar skal! til trangere kjønnsnormer for alle. Organ for Studentsamfunnet i Ås
NR. 10 \ 02.12 2021
Tuntreet Årgang 76
Og, hvor tidofi løpet av livet skalgoing vi gidde å bruke å fjerne Also, howmye much our lives are we to waste on på removing noe som uansett kommer av seg selv?! something that grows backtilbake anyway?! Ås Feministiske Studenter, By vedRebecca RebeccaBiong Biong HØYDEPUNKT: TUNTREETS 75 ÅRS JUBILEUM
Utgåve 10 Årgang 76 29
Fimke Frederika Pijfers
30 Edition 10 Volume 76
For many of us, the name Fimke still rings a neon orange UKA-bell. This half Dutch-Molde girl has been at the heart of the Ås student society for almost six years now. But what is Fimke Frederika Pijfers really about? We brought two Coronas to Fimke’s dorm in Pomona to figure it out.
Elina Turbina Journalist
Borghild S.Oterholt Photographer
Sponsored by Corona Extra “Oh, I actually have a story about Corona”, Fimke says as we enter the living room, an eclectic space with decorations ranging from the beloved Collegium Alfa banner, UKA i Ås flag and a bar-cartel, to a cardboard cutout of Niall Horan. As I pick up yet another piece of décor to open our bottles, a wooden bottle opener in the shape of a dick, the host recalls going straight into quarantine during the first ever covid lockdown in Norway. “I just returned from the Netherlands, and all my roommates left for home. So, I just bought a bunch of Coronas and drank one every day of my quarantine”. For better or worse, one of the main highlights of Fimke’s time here at Ås is inseparable from the pandemic. Being a veteran of UKA i Ås, first joining the volunteer squad in 2016 and later becoming the Kitchen KS for UKA 2018, the natural progression for this environmental physicist was becoming the Chief of UKA 2020. This, of course, was an unpredictable year that left UKEstyret in a position that they never expected to encounter. “Every time I walked outside, I was at work”, she notes while recalling daily emails with the Chief of Security at NMBU and frequent encounters with the Chief Physician of Ås. Despite the constant fear of shutdown, changes in restrictions and press conference watch parties at Samfunnet, Fimke made sure UKA happened no matter what. “We knew how much it meant to the students; we knew it would be a light in a dark period”. Fellesskapet No matter which part of Fimke’s life we would talk about, whether it was her 11-year saxophone career in a school band, work at linjeforeningen Miljøfysikerne, being a part of Collegium Alfa, or volunteering at various organizations back in Molde and at Samfunnet – she always emphasized the people she met along the way. “I don’t see myself as a determined person, actually! I do things for the felleskap (the feeling of community, of belonging). In a music band, it isn’t about putting yourself forward – it’s about playing together, and every part is important for a good sound”. While we can argue on the degree of determination Fimke possesses, it is undeniable that meeting new people and working together has been one of the main sources of energy for Fimke. She firmly believes that people she has met here will be her friends for life, some of them she proudly calls her family.
Margreta Brunborg Photographer
Alexander Mæland Munkejord Translator (Greetings)
Fimke spent most of her days in the UKA-office
Someone has to be the boss The supportive and exciting environment around her has made Fimke realize that she can handle more than she previously thought. That is something she hopes everyone can realize for themselves as well. She has also been in a process of learning to ask for help from others, but also stand her ground and demand respect. As a woman, Fimke believes that finding that courage to do something that women would not usually do or would get stigmatized for is essential, as it paves the way for others. “I actually have this weird story!”, she exclaims and begins telling us about the time she was considering joining the army. As she was going through a variety of tests, she noticed that one of the captains present at the site was acting sexist towards the other recruits. He would make fun of guys getting worse results than girls on physical tests, kept making remarks about the place girls would take up in the army. He was also Fimke’s interviewer. Her annoyance with him built up throughout the day, and when he dismissed her ambition of studying physics and renewable energy and told her to take night courses in the army for engineering, she realized that she did not want to put up with this kind of treatment. After she declined all his persuasions to join the army, the captain snapped and told her they could get better girls than her. When she stood up to shake his hand after the interview, he told her: “Maybe I’ll see you someday”, to which she replied: “Yeah, I’ll see you when I’m your boss!”. Needless to say, despite good results on the tests, she is officially unfit for service even in the case of war.
Edition 10 Volume 76
FIVE QUICK ONES: Favorite drink: Kyoto Favorite candy: Smågodt’s sour diamonds Favorite Beyoncé song: Flawless Favorite show: Friends Favorite city: Berlin “When i saw these neon boobs I knew I had to get them”
“Can’t we all just chill?” Nowadays, Fimke is trying to enjoy her last year of studies in a calmer way. She is still actively engaged in Samfunnetrelated things as well as Collegium; however, her main priority is enjoying the student life. “We often say that there is a difference between being a student and being a studying student. I think I’ve been a student for four years and a studying student for around a year and a half. I hope my professors don’t read this”. She is trying to chill more, even though she calls herself a “master procrastinator since day one”. “What’s the worst thing that’s gonna happen? You fail a subject. Okay! You take it again!” Slowing down is something Fimke finds very important in the academic environment. “I chose to take an extra year even though I could’ve written my thesis after UKA. I wanted to have a student experience and I’m so glad I chose this”. Now that her time at NMBU is coming to an end, Fimke has already been thinking of some plans that include life both inside and outside of Norway, as well as humanitarian work and, hopefully, more music. Who run the world? Speaking of music, one cannot mention the love Fimke has for Beyoncé. “When I went to see her concert during Formation 32 Edition 10 Volume 76
World tour, I waited for three hours in a queue. And when we got into the venue and saw the stage I started crying”. Beyoncé is for Fimke a source of inspiration, an embodiment of a talented woman who has gone through a lot, and still kept putting in a lot of work to get to where she is, despite all the criticism along the way. Ironically, Fimke is, in many ways, like her favorite musician: a young woman who gives her all to the community by working hard no matter the obstacles and loving what she does.
Fimke still owns UKA 2020’s own UKA-wine
With greetings from: Fimke Frederika Pijfers, what a woman! She always made the room shine The fellowship in Lyxfellan was the best she was the glue of Lyxfellan, everyday a fest(ivity) Within the golden walls of Lyxfellan, all worries and stress were put away Ever so sharp in speech, but none of us fancied the drama We were each other’s vents, because always smiling can be intense The born leader, Who gladly accepts any praise Annoyingly smart at school, but also lining up in the Collegium Alfa dress Passionate about it all, a true feminist, and a prosperous saxophonist. Multitasking was always your thing, but nobody ever doubted you would get the master’s ring Your ambitions and qualities spark, and nobody would be surprised if you end up as prime minister You care for your friends and are always kind, and at parties, sometimes lose your mind. We find it you look the best in gold and it doesn’t hurt if you’re loaded Lyxfellan with you are only good memories better than these, we will not find.
(Guro, Fimke,Trude)
(Elise, Fimke, Agnes)
Heya Fimmmi <33 We think you are such a cool, fun and pretty woman, and so much fun to hang out with: whether it is to drink deliiiicious homemade caffé latte, chug down some 6L bottles of Dom Pé or laugh/cry of cute dogs with waving ears. You’re a real go-getter who doesn’t give in, no matter what stands in your way. You care a lot for those around you, «i e i å i» and make any rainy day seem as if filled by sun, rainbows, and butterflies. As big sister and big brother in law it has been so great to have a big little sister in law in Ås who could teach us all about the bodega- and UKE-life. You will be missed here in Ås; but if the adult life ever proves to be boring, you will always have an alibi to come visit us and the Bodega for coffee and beer.
Student life with you was pure joy and pleasure, in our solid friendship we always feel secure Even if the core was just the five of us, Lyxfellan was always open for all of Collegium Alfa Now the world is at your feet, but remember us, and your roots Even if our ways separate as we grow, our love for you will always glow. Hugs from: Lyxfellan 23B; Elise, Agnes, Trude, Guro Fimke Frederika Pijfers, or rather, “I, Fimke”, for who else could it be? The girl who doesn’t like to be called boss, but was the supreme leader of UKA, at least ours. We know it hasn’t always been easy to keep track of us in the UKE-board, when everyone throws opinions and wishes all around. Luckily, you managed to be a strict, but also a super kind and lol boss. We are so lucky to know you, maybe in particular when a certain doctor calls in on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night, all of UKA. You are always there for us, with open arms and listening ears, no matter what the case may be. We have no doubt that everyone in the organization has felt looked after by you, to some extent. Not so hard, perhaps, with your 187cm ;-) Thanks for being an “alle tiders” UKEsjef. Hugs, UKEstyret 2020
Utgåve 10 Årgang 76 33
TUNTREET Ingvild Lauvstad Journalist
Ylva Wedmark Contributor
Ragnhild Aaberg Stenvik Contributor
Magnus Dybdahl Contributor
Anne Trætteberg Reitan Illustrator
There are countless puns you can make with the word ‘tea’, and that is why all this tea had to be te(a)sted by TT (read: TeaTea). Palisaden, where you can get boiling tap water, is made for tea lovers. Tuntreet visited an average collective, where there – believe it or not – actually lived some tea lovers, in the middle of A4 students who usually are a little too addicted to coffee. The tea panel of the night consisted of Ragnhild, Ylva, the journalist Ingvild and eventually Magnus. A bunch of different teas were thoroughly tested, for all of us who do not only like coffee.
Rema 1000 Prima – Earl Grey – “Cheap and good” The test starts with the most basic and cheap tea you can find (13 NOK). Wikipedia states that the Earl Grey tea gets its taste from the oil in the peel of the bergamot orange. Ylva begins the whole testing by accidentally ripping her teabag, but the atmosphere is still great. She thinks Earl Gray and beer will work (“Beer Gray”) - Ragnhild and Ingvild are skeptical of the concept. Ylva thinks it smells sweet, but that it tasted too much. Ingvild thinks it tasted too little, if not a little bitter. Ragnhild thinks honey helped against the bitterness and that it was perfectly fine. Smell: Taste:
3 4 2,5 1
34 Edition 10 Volume 76
Lipton «Forest Fruit» Ingvild’s favorite Lipton comes with its classic fruit tea collection, called “taste collection”, which Ingvild swears by. Thus, she may be a bit ineligible. According to the overly alluring package, Forest Fruit should be composed of wild berries, cherries, raspberries and strawberries. Of course, Ingvild is the most positive one. She thinks the tea balances the sweet and bitter without tasting too strong. Ragnhild is surprised that it tastes more than it smells. Ylva tries to suck the water straight out of the wet tea bag but concludes that it still does not taste so much. Smell: Taste:
4 4
Pauline Marie Søndenå Translator
Clipper “Happy Mondays” – Magnus’ favorite Magnus has now entered the collective, and it is then natural to review his favorite. Clippers “Happy Mondays” promises to give “a little weekday whoosh” with its “Organic lemon, ginger and black pepper infusion”. Ylva notices that this is exactly what it smells like. Ingvild, despite being a ginger of hair, does not like ginger, and thus neither this tea. Ragnhild thinks it smells like a children’s pool with pee, and the faint yellow color does not do much to make it any better. Magnus was probably the only one who actually liked this tea, which was only natural, since he drinks it daily. It gave the drinkers “a little weekday whoosh” - but in the wrong way. Smell: Taste:
2,5 2,5 3 4
2 4 3,5 4
Twinings - passion fruit, mango and orange In this test, there is yet another fruit tea, but this time a bit more tropical. Again, Ylva states that it smells like what it consists of, and Magnus agrees. He suggests the slogan “Twining’s winning”, which he says he should take a lot of money on. Other than that, he became very “zen” and concentrated by this tea because it tasted so much. Ylva, on the other hand, was almost stressed because it tasted too much. Ragnhild thinks the smell of mango drowns out the taste, which was a disappointment. Ingvild was the most skeptical and thought it both tasted and smelled a little too sweet. Smell:
2,5 2,5 2 4 2,5 3,5 2,5 4
CO oomin Bonus: The M t) fruit house’s (secre tea s that the It so happen re this test collective whe t actually is carried ou signature has its own nt co ains of fruit tea. It raspberries, blackberries, ies. There and strawberr ore to say, is nothing m is a secret. since the recipe es that it Everyone agre and that it is very good d tastes like both smells an The readers blueberry pie. rience this may never expe et reserves re taste, but Tunt ake your m the right to mouth water. Smell: Taste:
6 6 6 4 4 4
2,5 5 Taste: 2 Smell:
Pukka – Chamomile, vanilla & manuka honey – Ragnhild’s favorite Ingvild is not so fond of Pukka tea. This one smells and tastes like something she does not like, but she cannot put her finger on what. She thinks it looks like pee and is perhaps a little too influenced by Ragnhild. Magnus also thinks it smells strange; a bit like steam sauna and something very clean. Ylva points out again that the tea smells and tastes of what it contains. Here Ragnhild is the most positive one (shocker) and she thinks it smells and tastes good.
2,5 4 7 2,5
English tea shop organic - chocolate, rooibos and vanilla Chocolate tea is a good idea but can go both ways. Here the fruit had to be googled again. Rooibos is supposedly an African fruit and means «red bush» in Afrikaans. Despite the incredible smell of chocolate, it did not get a full score. Ylva points out, somewhat dryly, that it tasted like cardboard. Ingvild thinks it tasted much better now than she remembered it, but previous experiences hold her back. Ragnhild is disappointed as she does not think it tasted like anything. Magnus is reminded of low-quality chocolate from cheap Christmas calendars. He could drink this tea for a long time but would not have enjoyed it.
4 3 3 Taste: 2 Smell:
3 4 2,5 3
When the panel did not completely disagree, it was usually because they could agree on the tea not tasting any good. As Ragnhild says: “There are no winners here, only losers”, and we believe there should be as much diversity between tea types as between humans, and peace on earth and all that. Pukka with chamomile, vanilla and manuka honey and Forest Fruit seem to get the highest scores. We will let this be the conclusion of the test and hope you as a reader has at least gotten a bit of entertainment, even if you are as far away from finding the ultimate tea as before you spent your time reading this article.
Edition 10 Volume 76 35
Tuntréet’s 75-year anniversary Benjamin Alexander Faulkner Journalist
It is a rare occurrence for so many retired editors to be in the same room. The tables were topped with an autumn air, Sangkoret Lærken stood ready to serve booze and brown sauce, and well-dressed personalities at Samfunnet in tailcoats and dark-green dresses conversed in the foyer, aperitif in hand. Tuntreet’s sense of etiquette must be applauded, as no one dared sit down at their tables until the toastmaster of the evening specifically asked them to sit down. The evening was about to commence. Soon after the red wine was retrieved from the freezer, it was poured to the rim of the glasses, served with a delicate beetroot tart, the main course – roast beef, gratinated potatoes, broccoli and brown sauce for the carnists and ratatouille to the vegetarians. For dessert, a quite luscious chocolate and caramel tart. A high-standing Leader of Samfunnet confirmed that the wine “tastes like the wine you get at Samfunnet”. Fredrik Skistad, Chief of Concerts – in a tipsy demeanour, said the red wine was “good and red, slightly neutral – just like Tuntreet.” 36 Edition 10 Volume 76
Knut Sørbø Photographer
ANNIVERSARY “I have had two interests in my life: women and foreign affairs.” - Ole Bjerke, editor 1959
Just about an hour and a half afterwards, something sparked in the old editors, and a queue formed to entertain the guests from the stage. Ole Bjerke, editor in 1959, promoted nine books he had written in the course of his life. Right after, an even older editor from 1956 appeared on stage and brought two others with him. Sending the microphone around, they reminisced of their editorial days. If that wasn’t enough, confessions emerged: “Why on earth did I have to do all that work?” an editor said, met by roaring laughter by the ex-editors in the audience. They knew his toil.
Edition 10 Volume 76 37
ANNIVERSARY The gifts were presented with pomp and circumstance. It turned out to be historic, as the editors received the items they most subconsciously desired: fine sashes with the colours of Tuntreet, and a medallion that would have come with it if it wasn’t for the fact that the medallion wasn’t produced yet. The editors were presented with a certain dark digestif, apparently one of the Bord of Samfunnet’s favourites, alongside a box full of waffle mix. Finally, the Tuntre office was bestowed three works of art from two former staff members. The rest of the night was spent on the dancefloor, and in a makeshift Bodega in Foajeen where Skigardsvisa was sung while standing.
38 Edition 10 Volume 76
It has been quite a feat, carrying this 75year jubilee through! A big thank you to Sangkoret Lærken for their service, in spite of their slightly undermanned position; the rest of the choir is obviously working in Tuntreet. Least but primarily, one of the eternal editors of Tuntreet, Guro Størdal, has our thanks for this highly entertaining evening!
Edition 10 Volume 76 39
TA KRÆSJKURS MED NITO STUDENTENE Få en god repetisjon og et nytt perspektiv på pensum, slik at du er godt rusta for eksamen.
Kræsjkurs høsten 2021 2. desember: TBM120 3. desember: INF120 5. desember: BIO100 7. desember: STAT100 9. desember: MATH113
Les mer her eller gå inn på www.nito.no/student
40 Utgåve 10 Årgang 76
12. desember: MATH111 15. desember: MATH100
A late night in the reading room
It was late December. He had just spent another day in the reading room, from the darkness of the morning into the darkness of the eve. It was a Saturday, too. Tomorrow was a Sunday, and he was planning to be here then, as well. He was so damn tired of the Maths course, but he only had this one exam left before Christmas! She was sitting on the other side of the of the partition. She had been sitting on the opposite side for several days. He was a bit unsure whether he had talked to her before. Maybe it was at the Oktoberfest? But that was a long time ago, and he had gotten too drunk, went home, and fell asleep before seven o’clock. Either way, she has had the same Maths course as him this autumn. He has seen her in many lectures. Usually, she’d be sitting on the front row in the auditorium. At best, they had shared some shy glances on their way in and out of the hall. Each time he made eye-contact with her, she had maintained it for a little while before looking down, all bashful. Over the partition, a note came falling down. “Stay until everyone have left? <3” it read. His pulse was raising. What did she want? He sent a note back, which read “Sure, what do you want?”. While he solved yet another theorem, a condom landed on top of his book! With every fifteen minutes passing, another student disappeared, one by one. 11pm was closing in. Other than the two, there was just one person left in the reading room. There was barely any traffic outside. It was so silent he could hear her breathing on the other side of the partition. He had been
unable to concentrate at all for the past two hours. They looked over at the last person, seated at the other end of the reading room. Was he not going to leave soon? Then, they heard the last person pack up his things. He was trembling with excitement. He had been sporting a semi for a while now. But the sound of the last guy gathering his stuff made his cock get rock hard. The guy left and the door closed with a click. At the same time as hearing the click, she was coming around the corner of the partition. She looked at him with a horny gaze, before almost jumping into a wet kiss. He threw his books on the floor and lifted her up on the desk while her tongue bounced wildly in his mouth. It almost became too much, so he countered with biting her tongue gently. She responded by sucking hard on his upper lip. As she started to jerk him off, he found his way to her clit, and started to gently massage it. After a while, he dared to put a finger in her. A weak whimper escaped from her mouth. She jerked him off faster and faster. He was massaging both her insides and outsides, until her legs closed around him, saying: “Squeeze me like the Sandwich Theorem!” He pushed into her while she sat on top of the desk. She was soft and nice. He led his hips into her crotch, harder and harder, while she moaned loudly. He sucked on her neck until she exclaimed: “I don’t want a hickey!”. She locked her legs around him, leaving him in a position where she decided the tempo just as much as he did. He almost struggled to keep up as her speed increased.
It went faster and faster. He realised he couldn’t hold back much longer now. Suddenly, a sound came from the door. “Shit! The last guy is back!”, he thought. He brought her down behind the partition. “What the fuck is he doing back here?” she asked, her voice as low as a whisper, yet still heated. Slowly, he moved to look over the wall, seeing the last guy picking up a few sheets of paper lying underneath the table he sat at. Before he had time to realise what was happening, she started sucking him off. His cock grew hard again, and he felt her tongue massage the head of his penis. When the door clicked shut, he lifted her on top of the desk again and lowered his head into her crotch. And found his way to her pussy. He licked at her clit as she grabbed at his head. He sucked and licked, his tongue at a high speed until she was trembling. She was so close to coming, so he got up again, and let her hands lead him into her warmth. Again, she locked her legs around him and pulled him in deeper and deeper with each thrust. He thought, “How long can she last?”, and noticed her clenching hard around his cock. She came with a loud cry which she was unable to contain. He kept going at it until he felt an incredible sensation! Dripping, he pulled out of her and decided to head to the reading room tomorrow too, even though it was a Sunday. - Hugh G. Coq
Edition 10 Volume 76
TUNTREET Tuntreet by the deacade: The Corona Years - an epilogue If what I have written so far is a biography, this is in many ways an autobiography. As mentioned, Tuntreet was founded in 1946, after the war. Because of this, I am not unsure of my claim that the corona pandemic has been the biggest challenge the magazine has had. Tuntreet was not alone in this challenge, and as a body of the Student Society in Ås, I have in this regard also included the rest of the boards’ perspectives on when the pandemic hit Ås. Let’s take a look:
Before the shutdown What began as some uncertain news from China quickly transformed into a real danger that eventually reached Norway. The student community then had to make many decisions, and the HouSE and Finance Board (then called the Core Board) had frequent meetings during the period. At first, Fimke Pijfers, who was UKE manager in 2020, heard about an outbreak in Bergen and thought it could not possibly reach here. At the same time, Lars Engesæth, chair of the Business Committee (NU) was more confident that it would become a worldwide problem. The ski festival in Holmenkollen was cancelled, and miniKollen, or “koronakollen”, took its place as a local event in Ås. Week 11 came, and then everything happened quickly. The then-leader of the Society, Oscar Mork, had to make many decisions. Is it fair to call people into the Community Service, given the situation? Should one stay open? Should one close? Ås is closed down One of the first things that happened in the Ås context was that Kurt Stille’s memorial race was canceled. The energy seminar went quickly afterwards. Tickets at Samfunnet were reduced to 500 participants. On Wednesday March 11, Fimke met with NMBU, and understood that it was really serious. That same evening, it was decided that miniUKA should be canceled. Samfunnet also decided to shut down. These were initially local measures, but it would soon turn out to be more comprehensive. During week 11, more than half of Tuntreet’s agenda disappeared. March 12 In addition to a press conference that Norway should be shut down, TT03 was also published on March 12th. On the back of the center section you can see the miniUKE program which never was actualized. It was 42 Edition 10 Volume 76
encouraged to go to the General Assembly which also did not happen at the scheduled time. But it should be said that one could also enjoy the corona quiz. The editor-inchief ended up in quarantine (as can be seen on the penultimate page in TT04). The UKE manager also had to put up with this and drank a Corona every day until the quarantine was over. I even describe the period after this a bit like a fever dream. It took some time for courses to work digitally in a good way, and there was therefore quite a bit of downtime. However, one thing was decided relatively quickly. Tuntreet should continue in one form or another.
somewhat shorter. Layout was a challenge that also had to be solved. Normally, layout employees gather in the office. This was suddenly not possible. Much of the work had to be done online instead. Of course, this also applied to editorial meetings and other work. Some cases are therefore characterized by what was possible to write collectively, and with limited contact with other people. “I’m incredibly proud to have made something while nothing else happened, and I was really happy to have Anne Tove as co-editor,” says Herman.
When physical meetings are not allowed, the traditional Oscar party is digital instead
Tuntreet exists! The fact that many students went home at once meant that editor-in-chief Anne Tove Græsdal Tornes Våge, and journalist editor Herman Bjørnson Hagen, decided that the last two issues this semester should be fully digital, but that they should be completed. The fact that little happened made the cases less situational. “You just had to invent other things,” says Herman thoughtfully. There was no point in filling the magazine just to fill it up, so these issues became
The rest of the spring While Tuntreet kept things afloat, the other organizations were fully occupied with what they were going to do in the autumn. Oscar is especially proud of the event committee at Samfunnet, which worked even though there were limited opportunities and benefits. “This is real volunteer work!”. Something that had to happen before the autumn was the general assembly. This was postponed until May, and carried out over Zoom, with some growing pains. NU had
Journalist Editor Herman enjoying a brand new TT03 as the press conferance announcing the lockdown plays in the background
managed to get through the Business Day before the closures, but now had to plan digital solutions for the Career Day. UKA went back and forth on what to do. Carry it out in the fall as planned, postpone until the spring, or cancel the entire festival. The Housing and Finance Board saw it as inappropriate to cancel UKA, both in terms of experiences that could be lost, and to be able to provide cultural experience s. In the past, HuFS has had the most financial focus, but now it was as much “how to keep the house alive” as Oscar puts it. UKA remained in October. Autumn During the summer holidays, things opened up a bit more. Tuntreet’s editorial meetings could take place again, but with a set distance between editorial members. The reopening made it easier to write cases. The campus was largely closed, and it was therefore distributed in the student villages instead. UKA happened all according to plan, as one of the only major cultural events in 2020. When Society again took over the baton, there was unfortunately a new shutdown. “They were probably a little lucky with the timing, yes,” says Maylinn Dramstad, leader of Samfunnet at the time. Being leader took a lot of time and effort beyond the normal, and the board members had to pursue much more detailed management. In this position, Maylinn had to seem motivating, even when it was difficult. Nevertheless, there was more time to re-evaluate structures of Samfunnet, something that could not have been done otherwise. “You see how important experience transfer really is”.
A new spring The closures from the autumn continued more or less throughout the spring. The content of Tuntreet was then a mixture of nonsense, thoughts, research, and history. The magazine became less dependent on events in the Society out of sheer necessity. Nevertheless, Tuntreet kept going, and I’m proud that we managed to stand for a little normalcy. It should be mentioned that this would not have been possible without the employees. In Herman’s words: “I’m proud that we managed to produce Tuntreet during the whole pandemic, and I’m proud of the editors.”
At the time of writing, the worst shutdowns are currently over, but the pandemic is not yet behind us. It should be said that at the time of writing, most of the operation has returned to normal. So then one can really only speculate on what challenges and changes will affect Tuntreet in the future. This series was written in connection with us celebrating our 75th anniversary (which you can read about on pages 36-39). Who knows what the next 75 years will bring? I’ll be waiting. See you then!
Digital generall assemblys are not as easy as they may seem Tord Kristian F. Andersen Journalist and photographer Oda Braar Wæge Illustrator Angelique Rein Translator
Edition 10 Volume 76 43
Sofie Bergset Janols Journalist
Tun and Things Green Friday On Friday, November 26th, the Nature Conservation Students, Student Mentors, Spire, Bua, the Sustainability Committee, and NMBU Friluftsliv arranged Green Friday at NMBU. As a way to counter the use-and-throw mentality of Black Friday, the event featured a repair workshop at the Student Life Center and a swap market at Bikuben. Attendees were also served warm drinks and baked goods outside Bua. Photo: Iris van Brunschot
Input for the Municipal Plan Ås municipality invites residents, political parties, and volunteer organizations to provide input on the municipal plan for 20222034. The deadline to provide input is January 14, 2022. The municipal council is asking specifically for goals, strategies, and measures that can make Ås a pioneering municipality in circular economy. Maybe the NMBU students have something to contribute here?
Simen W. Tangen Journalist
Angelique Rein Translator
Iris van Brunschot Photographer
Key Cards Are you struggling to get into Bikuben or the Veterinary Building? This is because a new type of card reader has been installed at these locations, and it is recommended to switch to a newer student card to get in. However, the new card does not work at Eika or when scanning into at the entrance to Samfunnet. Therapy Dog For those looking for some stress relief with a dog during the exam period , there will be a therapy dog at the Student Life Center from 10 – 14 on Tuesday December 7th and Wednesday December 8th. Urban lab On the weekend of November 12-14, Urban Lab hosted its second event of the year. This time the theme was the Grønlikaia district in Oslo, and on Saturday night Pasha held an intimate concert for the participants. Åsne Henden, Solveig Røyr Røraas, Ina Koller, and Beulah Kaneshalingam claimed victory with their entry “Skattekammeret Amfibios”, which focuses on restoring Photo: Anne Guro Røsæg marine life in the Oslo Fjord.
Tuntreet is looking for colleagues Become the new head of proofreading? Do you get annoyed when you see someone misuse commas, misunderstand verb tenses, use overly pretentious langauge with strange words, or write sentenced which are strange and unneccesarily long, amongst other things? Does this job advertisement, which was never proofread, make you want to do something about just that? If so, you might be our next head of proofreading! As the head of proofreading, you will work on perfecting the journalists’ work, through giving feedback and correcting articles. You will also be responsible for your proofreading coworkers, and will function as the link connecting the proofreading team to the journalists.
If any of these positions sound interesting to you, you should contact us through either http://www.samfunnetiaas.no/stillingsutlysninger or tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no 44 Edition 10 Volume 76
Join the proofreading team! Are you passionate about well-formulated, easily read texts with no comma mistakes? Then Tuntreet is the place for you! We are now looking for a new Head of Proofreading and proofreaders who would like to join us in raking the student newspaper to new heights. Apply now and get the opportunity to be a part of our unique Tuntre community!
Become a journalist! Are you an aspiring journalist? Yes? No? Maybe????? Do you LOVE Ås? Are you curious about what’s going on in Ås? Are you curios to know what is going on behind closed doors of the Tuntre office? Do you like words? Do you want to cover important happenings, interview interesting people, write nonsense articles, and share your thoughts with the readers of Tuntreet? Have you ever thought to yourself: Tuntreet has to write about this!? Are you a tad bit narcissistic and want to see your name published? Have you always dreamt of becoming a journalist? Or did you realise now that you want to join in on the fun? Do you want to join us? For a chance to find your life’s purpose and drink inumerable cups of coffee and publication pints – apply to become a journalist! (Did this text bother you? Apply to become a proofreader!)
Tuntreet’s front page contest
This autumn, Tuntreet has had a front page contest. Ruben Rygh’s winning entry can be observed donning the front page, but here are some honourable mentions. Iris van Brunschot
Anders Gustavsen
Isak Rakstang
Edition 10 Volume 76 45
For What Will You Light Your Candle? Every advent, the song “Tenn lys” (-Light a Candle”) by Eivind Skeie is sung countless times all around the country as the advent candles are lit. I do not know how well you know the song? Speaking for myself, I have sung it so many times that I sort of forget to even think about what I am singing. This year I have rediscovered it. No matter what you believe, or don’t believe, I think we all have something to learn from this song. It lifts the advent a bit out of the self-realization and gift shopping, and instead puts focus on hope, light, love, and compassion. This year I have brought it out and read it several times through, and discovered how well it helps me set my focus for the advent. Just look at this: Light a candle, one candle will burn, for this little earth the shining heaven star, where we all share our hearth may all share the hope, so good things can occur, may earth and heaven meet, for that, a candle is burning Light a candle, two candles will shine, for love and faith, for those who show compassion, and always builds a bridge may captives have their freedom, and refugees a home light a candle, for the crying, and the ones who comfort. Light a candle, three candles will shine, for all who must fight for justice and for freedom, they need our support may no one lose their hope until all are as one light a candle, for those who fight, for freedom and for justice. Light a candle, now they all shine, the four candles in His name who loves all that lives, every lion and every lamb light a candle for the heavenly king, whom the shepherds saw now heaven and earth meet, in the child on the hay. Light a candle for the riches of life, for earth and air and water! Light a candle for peace and friendship, for children in all places! May no one be afraid, and no one without home and bread! Light a candle and hope on Earth, against poverty and need! The candles we light can simply be physical candles which are lit. But they can also serve as actions you carry out to light up someone else’s day. At the time of writing, I light a candle for all employees and students at NMBU – hoping for a merry advent. What will you light your candle for, today? - Ingrid, student priest
Ingrid U. Øygard and Sigurd A. Bakke are the student priests here at NMBU. Their office is in the basement of Urbygningen. They are available if you need someone to talk to, seek advice or have a discussion. The office is open on Wednesdays from 11:00 to 15:00, but also available other days. Appointments are made through: io484@kirken. no , 95919318 eller Sigurd: sigurd.a.bakke@nmbu. no , 99015790
46 Edition 10 Volume 76
The Office
Hello from us! The UKE-organization keeps rolling on and we are now well into the planning of miniUKA. We have hired revue actors, writers, dancers and a revue band, who have all started working on the miniUKE-revue. We are also in the process of hiring more NKs and functionaries. UKA in Ås has also won an award since the last column! We have been awarded the Learning Price 2021 from the county executive board for the Norwegian Association for Adult Learning Viken within culture for our volunteer effort in promoting culture in Viken. This is something we are very proud of! The organization is now going to take a well-deserved Christmas vacation, and will continue at the beginning of the new year. The Business Committee is well underway with the running-in of new members, and the retiring members are starting to feel the bitterness of their time coming to a close.. Nevertheless, we are not lounging about, and are more than well underway with the planning of a new career exposition in the spring! We have now set the date for the Career Day 2022 to Wednesday, February
16th! Save the date, and start thinking early about what businesses you want to get to know better at CD! Maybe you are a bit late in getting a summer job, or are done with your studies this spring? Anyways, the businesses are there in Aud.Max from 12.00 – 15:30, just to talk to you! See you there! November is over and Samfunnet has closed the doors for the semester. Something that is appropriate considering the stress of exams has spread across the student mass. Now that the semester is over it’s all about looking forward to the next. The Event Block has made a great effort and has secured the spring program. We are looking forward to share it with you when the time comes. The time leading up to Christmas will be all about working further on with current committees and making new work contracts for the operating NK’s and committee members. Since last time, much of the time has gone to overlap with new board members and hiring committee leaders. I would like to thank all those who are now done in their positions for their effort, and to wish all those who take over in the spring good luck, I look forward to
getting to know you and to work with you. The wing wishes to thank everyone for an amazing effort throughout the semester, and to wish everyone good luck with their exams. Merry Christmas!
Jørgen Bonden UKEChief for UKA in Ås 2022 Michelle Seigerud Leader of NMBU’s Business Committee Hedda Mejlænder-Larsen Leader of Samfunnet
Student Things Winter is coming to the Agrarian Metropole this year too! A cold and cosy December has yet again arrived in Ås. Unlike the rest of the student body, us student board members are entering a slower period. The student parliament season has finished, and now we have time to work on exciting projects. This, however, does not mean we are getting lazy. On the contrary, we have several ongoing processes to improve student welfare and improve student life. An example of this is Ina giving an appeal to the municipality board in Ås 14th of December and will comment on the update process of the municipality plan (psst Vollskogen). She is also involved in the hiring of new vice-chancellors of education and research, who will all be hired before Christmas! Vegard is also working with several interesting projects related to learning areas at NMBU, and how these can improve the quality of studying and make students feel welcome on campus. Nisha is working to get the diversity committee up and running, and the first item on their agenda is to make a Christmas celebration for students who are staying in Ås for Christmas. Last, but not least, is Vegard and Ina’s visit to the NTNU student parliament in the first week of December. We are looking forward to it a lot, even if we all know which UKE and which Samfunn is the best!
We hope that you get to catch a break in between exams, watch a good movie, drink LOADS of julebrus and listen to mediocre Christmas songs at the highest volume. Hold on, be strong, guys! The light at the end of the tunnel is within reach. Remember that the door to U119 is always open, whether you want to chat informally, formally, or just want to chat nonsense. Other than that, we are more active on social media than ever, so remember to keep an eye on Instagram, studenttingetnmbu, and studentdemokratiet.no for updates! <3 Hugz & Kissez!
Edition 10 Volume 76 47
by Tilde Skåtun
4 7
1 5
4 8
2 3
6 6 3
Utgåve 10 Årgang 76 48
7 5
7 3
1 1 7
6 5
9 5
6 5
9 3
4 1
Answers on page 50.
6 3
7 2
9 1
8 3
7 1
8 5
7 5 9
Norwegian Invention
Nonograms are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid must be colored or left blank according to numbers at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. The numbers tell how many cells which should be connected. Between these should be at least one empty cell. If there are more than one solution on a row, you can see if they have some coloured cells in common. You can fill these in and maybe that will help you fill another row or column.
Place to rest your legs
Falls from the sky
The most high
Utgåve 10 Årgang 76 49
Foreningsprat Skaal FFD! Skaal Skriver! Skaal $paregris! Skaal Hunkatter! Skaal Qlturelle samt Xklusive! Skaal Pusekatter! Skaal Thorvald samt Tora! Hankattene
have decorated beautifully, as tradition calls for. On the Agrar, we are hoping for a Christmas calmnes. Further, the exam period is upon us, maybe it is time to make an effort now? Skaal for the final Push! A day in December will Pentagon be filled with beautiful cat song. In the hallways, there will be eternal echos. From Kollectiv to Kollektiv will enlightened cats walk, and juicy Lussekatter will also be possible to obtain.
Last edition of the year It feels like we started yesterday Exams are getting closer And many are already tired Collegium Alfa executed a great revue The day after, our eyelids were heavy as lead The last weekends have brought loads of gin Cause we partied in both Bede & IVARinn Christmas party w/ Unity was a nice night It was like a brothel Vors with Bjældeklang, we have also had Many of us became a little obsessed The year’s last bodega was yesterday Last opportunity to get shaking thighs Now’s the time to drop all social life We will be back & excited in the new year! Forfatterfrøken
Skaal for Christian Holidays! Finally, we want to send wellwishes and good luck with exams, and remember that there is a Christmas vacation at the end of the tunnelSkaal samt Merry Christmas! Qlturell Hilsen Læge Marthe, Løpekatt Agnes, Kunstnerisk Ingeborg samt Pusekatt Ingrid
50 Edition 10 Volume 76
Hey ho! Since last we spoke, we have had our jubilee revue and celebrated our 10-year jubilee. It was a wild weekend, and we are left with good memories of the autumn. Weeks of intense revue work and planning of the jubilee has made us more tightknit than ever. We hope you had as much fun watching the revue as we had making it. We would like to thank all you students for an unforgettable re-opening of Samfunnet this autumn – we’ve really started off with a bang together! Now, sadly, the fun has come to a tentative end, and the exam period has started. We are really looking forward to a long-awaited Christmas vacation, where we can relax and enjoy our time off. Best of luck for your exams, everyone <3
Dear fellow students at the Agrarian Metropole, As the snow’s about to fall And the semester is coming to an end, are we in Gents Academy looking back on a semester rich with excitement. In November, we held a general assembly were we got a new board with many talented faces. We wish everyone in the new board good luck and are sure that they will do a fantastic job, while also contributing significantly to the association. When the house was still black and white, have we in Gents Academy had the honour of celebrating ten years. We did this in a wonderful and grand way in create company of Gents of Honours, and others from the Agrarian Metropole. Gents academy is looking forward to more years of proliferating the traditional values of a Gentleman. We will congratulate Collegium Alfa with their ten-year anniversary, which we celebrated in good company. We wish you more great years here at the Agrarian Metropole. We would also like to thank Hankattene For a fantastic Christmas dinner and A traditional event Gents Academy wishes everyone good luck on your exams and we are looking forward to seeing you again Gents Academy v/ Lord Ambassador
Joy after, first Christmas stress Uncountable exams Let’s read and read Eventually, it will be over Trees will be decorated Rectangles on aprons Experiencing real joy Kiss someone you love! Uncounted amounts of food Lean back Ease off with a cold one in your hand Ringing bells, welcoming Christmas in!
Kim Friele passed away on the 22nd of November 2021. She is an incredibly important pioneer in the fight for lesbian and gay rights. In 1963, she stated publicly that she was a lesbian, and do you know what? She was the first Norwegian to do this! Her work has been crucial for the gay rights movement and in the fight for equality. Ås Feministiske Studenter
Koneklubben Freidig
Dearly beloved! The autumn frost is clutching the ground, yet a new era has come for old traditions! We get check for dirt under hooves, rub at sheep intestines, and pull udders until every thick and dulling layer of postmodern, soul-destroying and spirit killing fog is driven away. At the break of dawn, a clean, untouched culture remains, on the shoulders of our creation: nature. This is our point of departure. In spirit of this glowing engagement, a medicinal curiosity came into being a late december night in 2019. On the 21st of November this year, the foetus saw the light of day. A three-headed association troll has appeared on the Agrarian Metropole.
Good Alfening to you Alf
Hey ho – long time no see! The sheep flock has been so caught up in grazing that we haven’t heard Tuntreet calling for us to come to the Club Banter pages until now. Lots has happened since last time – once again, we have committed vandalism at Rævne’s, attended more jubilees than what can be counted on your trotters, taught Koneklubben some new moves they can impress Gents with and learned loads of new and useful stuff at our Monday practices. Other than the usual, the flock has been in demand for several performances this autumn, both by the School of Veterinary Sciences (which makes sense - BAA), Ås high school and Terra Forma. Performances are nice, so call us, beep us, if you wanna reach us and meet us this spring too!
There are jubilees galore this year Alfo ----- is aimed at Gents, Ivar, Tuntreet, Alfa, PB and Unity, and there has been Alf way too small focus on the most important of them all, namely the five-year anniversity of Collegium Alf.
Winter Solstice Greeting, Agrarmetropolens Tradenighet
Answers to the game pages TT09:
Therefore, we want to highlight the importance of maintaining the fish population in the Alfta river. The salmon lice experiences a julebord atmosphere in Alfta river, with several salmons tugged. But alfways, there is too little time between alfiversaries. I wish everyone alf nice pentecost! Alfly greetings, KandidAlfer and StoreAlf
Baa-ye for now! Utgåve 10 Årgang 76
Have you heard...
Samfunnets Grand Prix fan Holy Moly. Vertens/Vendels dress change is on point!
Audience member Hankattene can expect a bill of about 5000 kr for a new microphone Have you heard that... The seniors have risen from the dead? Was locked inside a toilet ! The cleaning ladies are the best people at NMBU! <3 Newly banana twist saved The banana twist is actually pretty good! Master student 9100,- and 7350,- for the candidate ring is NOOOOOOT worth it :’) Someone wearing a question mark on their head Why do we even bother buying the candidate rings (irregardless of price)? An old-fashioned tradition which only exists today due to society’s need for exposure in 2021 Ukkwnt It was the same last year, and it is incredibly annoying that the prices are so exclusive for so many graduate students! I also don’t get why it still has to be made in gold? Couldn’t it at least be made from a material which represents NMBU better, like wood? I know that the design of the ring is decided on at Samfunnet’s GAs, but I definitely think that it should be evaluated to pose a change there, to make the price of the ring more surmountable in the future! Someone with a question mark on their head Why do some girls wear orange facial makeup? Either someone has misunderstood and thought UKA was next year, or that less is more, or that many prefer girls without filters..
orange is the new black UKA is a lifestyle! They don’t seek your approval, u know? ;)
slightly frustrated student in a lecture at Festsalen Festsalen is a great and nice lecture hall, by all means, but why are the desks too small to fit anything on? I can barely fit myself, a notebook, pencil case, phone, and maybe if I am super lucky, my pc....
Keeping the hallowed day sacred! Are you spending your Sundays in Festsalen?
Pain builds character “When you start working, you might not be able to choose your own desk....”
display better. Especially with so many different variables. 9. If you have to use a pie chart, at least have a more aesthetically pleasing colour palette. PS: This is meant for the managing editor of Tuntreet, not the individual journalists. 😊 Man.Ed. Thank you for concrete and constructive feedback! We will keep this in mind when we publish similar articles in the future. Not angry, just very very disappointed... who is Anders Gustavsen and why is he so concerned with free food? Enjoyer of free food, but not old men Yes, who on earth is he? Have never seen him at the free food events! And he must be about 50-60 years old! A bit creepy Not angry, just very very disappointed... HAVE YOU SEEN THE FRONT PAGE OF THE NEWEST EDITION OF TUNTREET? It is absolutely horrific that this puke gets published when there are two geomaticians who are responsible for the magazine. Even a first year would know that the earth does not look like that!!! This should particularly someone who has worked THREE YEARS (!) at Kartverket know. They must be complete meatheads!
Oncoming managing editor In light of these revelations, the editor-in-chief will step down after Christmas and focus on his studies.
Every-day whisperer Tip to those without electricity in your rental contract: Bring your phone charger, powerbank, and other thingies which can be charged to campus and charge them there.
Alessandro Volta Why not just bring a large car battery in your backpack?
Eletrical Engineer Or, you can use serial connection, and connect 40 extension cords from campus and get endless free electricity.
SSB Regarding the statistics in TT Taboo in the newest edition of tuntreet: 1. Change the y axis in the bar chart to perecntages. Or at least standardise them. With pure numbers, the scale changes from chart to chart, and some bars reach the clouds while others remain tiny, making it difficult to notice the difference. 2. Always. Name.The. Axes 3. Feel free to state the percentage for each group who responses to the survey. 4. What is the difference between «I don’t prefer beards» and «I don’t like bears»??? 5. Whats up with the order of the categorical variables? Try googling “the Likert scale”. 6. Why no specific questions about hair on shins, hair in armpits, and pubic hair? Beard growth isn’t /that/ interesting. 7. Why did women have to answer the question about one’s own beard? Would have been more useful to insert a “not relevant” or changed “beard growth” to “facial hair”, to include upper lip hair and between eyebrows. 8. Pie charts are out. All a pie chard can exhibit, a bar chart can