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Organ for Studentsamfunnet in Ã…s
NR. 4 \ April 19th 2018
The Tree Penis Dumpster diving
Maria Refsland The New Samfunnet Board members
Sangkoret Noe Ganske Annet Issue 04 Year 73
ww Issue
1 2 3 4 5
Deadline Publication
27.01 17.02 10.03 07.04 28.04
08.02 01.03 22.03 19.04 10.05
Editor in Cheif Margit Fausko Journalist Coordinator Gunnar Størseth Haarr Journalists Julie Westergaard Karlsen Kaja Mie Botnen Stine Lise Wanneboe Jardar Lindaas Bringedal Astrid Fuglseth Rasmussen Yngvild Darbo Rhia Aden Erik Tylleskär Ørjan Olsen Furunes Tarjei Tvedten Photography Coordinator Sara Bagheri Margit Fausko Editor in Cheif tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no
Photography Merete Guldhav Øyvind Nyheim Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Inga Elen Årvoll Eidsvik Sigrid Knag Illustration Lina Westermann Correction Coordinator Karoline M. Birkeland Correction Olivia Rypdal Kjersti Rustad Kvisberg Karina Eileen Finn Magnus Dybdahl Layout Coordinator Ingvill Eidesen Layout Kristian Haraldsen Malin Sandven Runa Gjerland Anne Tove Græsdal Våge Translation Coordinator Hanna Sahlström Translation Alicia Earnest Maren Oftebro Rebekka Bedringås Magnus Horgen Rekkedal Ingrid Tangvik Distribution Tonje Eilerås Net Distribution Halvor Ekeland Tuntreet, an organ for Studentsamfunnet in Ås Tuntreet, Post box 1211, 1432 Ås E-mail: tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no www.tuntreet.org Print: 1000 Press: BK Grafisk, Sandefjord Cover: Gunnar S. Haarr Back of centerfold: Gunnar S. Haarr Back cover: Ruben Rygh
Translated By: Alicia Earnest
About this time in 2016, I saw a friend from high school was tagged in a Facebook video containing a naked butt, a tall red top hat, and a chainsaw, filmed at the roof of a place called “Samfunnet i Ås.” This wasn’t exactly what made me leave my studies at NTNU and switch to NMBU - that was strickly due to academics. Two years later, however, I must say that I’ve never ever used less time for school. The Ås culture overwhelmed me in a way I was completely unprepared for. I felt more at home here in Ås after one week than I did in Trondheim aftter a whole year - and it wasn’t because Trondheim was terrible. You could say that the student life there was like instant coffee for me: I thought it was good, until I came to Ås and tasted Aeropress from Tim Wendelboe. The difference? Mostly the people. People in Ås are wither stingy, super involved, or both. It creates a colorful environment where you can end up discussing things like the size of owl eggs at an afterparty. In Tronndheim, a greater majority of the people I knew were generally normal and didn’t care about much. Something that definitely helps in Ås is the size - it is easy
to get to know a lot of people when there is a big probability of seeing them all over, walking to the store, campus, or Samfunnet. It enhanses the culture. It also enhanses the studi oppportunities - a town is much cozier than a city. The foundation and history of this town and our wonderful campus has a lot do with the old NLH. Trondheim was great too. Besides our great foreningsliv, they have everything we have to offer x10. But there, when you first participate or take on a responsibility, it can be hard to combine it with others. Here in Ås it’s easier to take on multiple roles, which is something I appreciate. Al in all, these are the reasons that I, and many of my fellow students, end up using a lot more time for social community projects instead of studying. To conclude I would like to summarize something I learned from my year in Trondheim - a quote from the first leader of their “Studentersamfundet”, Edgar B. Schieldrop: “The school will makes you studiers. We, Samfundet, will make you students.”
Cabaret: NGA
p. 12
The Penis
p. 20
Dumpster Diving
p. 32
Two Beers: Maria Refsland
p. 38
Revue: Lærken
p. 40
Issue 04 Year 73
Normal to Feel Lonely
Tarjei Tvedten Journalist
Inga Elen Årvoll Eidsvik Photographer
Translated By: Magnus Rekkedal
It is normal to feel lonely as a student, according to public health nurse Anne Bentzrød. She is happy that SiÅs now offers students a psychologist working full time at the health station.
Depression and Anxiety Depression and anxiety are the most common mental problems, says Anne. It is of course completely normal to feel stressed out during the exam period, but if you have problems with sleep or reduced quality of life, it is smart to seek help.
The Norwegian Directorate of Health decided that SiÅs and (Helsestasjonen) would be granted almost 1 million kroner to strengthen the students mental health.
- People are generally quite good at getting help, says Anne who almost has 20 years of experience from working with youths and students in Ås. Her impression is that many young people ask for help when they need it.
- It is quite a big thing, that Ås has been granted such a big amount of the total 5 million kroner which has been divided between the whole country, she says. Loneliness - We have been granted funds to open up a brand-new position. It is one of several initiatives we will use these funds for. Jorunn and Anne has been thinking that having the Fadderarrangement for one week is too short. The SHoT-survey from 2014 (The same as the HELT ÆRLIG-survey of this year) revealed that Ås-students were particularly lonely. 20% said that they felt lonely. The Fadderuke can be improved by following up on the students for a longer period of time. This will prevent the students from ending up alone, and instead have someone who is following up on how they are doing throughout the first term. This prevents loneliness among students in Ås, explains the experienced public health nurse. 4
Issue 04 Year 73
- We see that both boys and girls seek help and talk to us about their problems. Friends also take good care of each other, especially among boys the last couple of years. They tell each other when they have to get up off the couch and go for a walk instead, or when they should talk to someone about what is bothering them. Seminar in grief In addition to a full-time psychologist the public health center in Ås will arrange seminars. - We are planning to hold seminars on how to handle grief this autumn. It is very common that the first big hardship in life comes during the student days. -Grief is very common. It could be that you lose a parent and you might think that you have become depressed or mentally ill. This is perfectly natural when you are mourning, assures Anne.
Ås health station for youths and students: ● Ås health station is a low-threshold service and is free for ● ● ●
students at NMBU Helps with mental and sexual health, testing of STDs and contraception Has drop-in appointments and scheduled appointments Next to Ås middle-school, a five minute walk from the city center
Psychologist Jorunn Storeheier who just started working full time at the health station.
Take care of your mental health – make sure you: ● Sleep enough
Psychologist Jorunn Storeheier and public health nurse Anne Bentzrød at the pop-up health station by Økonomikantina. Breakups can be particularly difficult, and a serious case of heartsickness can be quite hard to bear, she says. In addition to a grief seminar they offer an ACT course in coping with stress around the exam period, plus courses in handling social situations. To be social Anne and Jorunn saw that some students had difficulties with social interaction. At first they had planned a flirting course, but the social skills were so bad that they had to start at a more basic level. - We saw that some, especially boys, had little training in social interactions and we felt that we needed to offer a course to make people more confident in these situations. - Some of them had been sitting a little bit too much in their mom’s basement playing video games. Being social is extremely important for both boys and girls. However, the girls are often better at it than boys. - We are social beings. After all, without social interaction we die... Well equipped The public health center in Ås does only offer a female psychologist, they also have a male psychologist. Morten, as he is called works there part-time and will see everyone who would rather go to a man.
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Structure your days to prevent stress Work out and eat healthy Do things that are meaningful to you Take time to chill out Be social Have a good friend to talk to if things get difficult Ask for help if you need it
- There are probably those who feel safer with people of the same sex, says Jorunn. She saysthat she is relatively new to working with students and that her background is in family related situations. - Keep in mind that students often bring with them a whole lot of psychological baggage when they leave home. It might do you some good to vent out your thoughts. This can often be enough, until you eventually get offered a permanent time to see a psychologist if that becomes necessary. Low-threshold service Both Anne and Jorunn clearly state that a conversation often is enough. We do have several follow-up meetings but sometimes a simple conversation is all you need. Do not be afraid to get in touch with us to vent out the things on your mind. The most important thing is to feel comfortable as a student. Prevention of psychological problems happens in the social arena, so take good care of each other, says public health nurse Anne. If you should ever need us we are a very competent team at the health station. We promise to take good care of everyone and we help everyone who asks, assures Anne.
Issue 04 Year 73
The Studentdemokratiet Voted Against The Sustainability Project Translated By: Hanna Sahlström
Text: Eva Nagelhus, Ås kooperativ Bua On the 19th of March, the Studentdemokratiet hosted Studentting 2 here in Ås. Among other things, it was decided that Hankattene would receive 14 000 NOK and that Oikås Økolag would receive about 7 000 NOK in welfare funds. At the same time, “Ås kooperativ Bua” received 0 NOK. Ås kooperativ Bua, (commonly referred to as Bua) is a nonprofit organisation run independently by volunteering students. Among other things, Bua runs a small vegetable garden next to Biotek, holds lectures about sustainable food and offers NMBU students a source of sustainable food.There are about 140 students who are members, and they benefit from Bua the same way that Hannkattene benefit from their union. And the same way that Oikås benefit from theirs. Nonetheless, the Studentdemokratiet voted no to Bua receiving welfare funds. Why? Yep, the Studentdemokratiet voted that Bua would receive 0 NOK in welfare funds. Why? Bua has for a long time wished to offer students at NMBU fresh, locally produced and cheap vegetables. Earlier Bua has only been able to provide locally produced flour, quinoa, fairtrade chocolate and other dry foods. The products that Bua has received have been sold at purchase price, so that it is easier for students to choose sustainable and local at a low cost. To be able to provide vegetables to students
at NMBU, Bua started a collaboration with “Ås kooperativ” last fall. Similar to Bua, Ås kooperativ is a nonprofit organisation run completely by volunteers. They already had an established agreement with Ramme gård(farm) and Linnestad gård about delivering vegetables. By combining the two organisations, these two farms started delivering their produce directly to campus so that students can buy produce locally. Pretty neat, isn’t it? Unfortunately the Studentdemokratiet voted against providing welfare funds to the new organisation that would run Bua, as well as the kitchen garden and its social events. The reason for this? “It is an economic organisation where those who help in production and the members benefit from this.” Those who help in production and the members of Bua benefit from the operation in the same way that nonmembers...Everyone who uses the platform save money as grocery stores are not used as a middle man. Bua ensures that our money goes to those who have produced the products, and all students are welcome to their open events! I believe that one of the reasons Bua was not given welfare funds was due to the disorganisation of the vote. Both “Kooperativet Ås”and “Ås kooperativ Bua”applied for finds separately but were brought up as a combined case by Studentdemokratiet. It is comparable to Hunnkattene not being granted funds
because Hannkattene was not granted funds, and the two separate cases wereapproached as a single case when people tried to complain. In addition, several people said afterwards (including those who counted the votes) that they had not understood the formulation of the question. One of the three who counted the votes implied that there was a unanimous vote for that Bua should receive welfare funds - others implied that the vote was for no funds. I hope that the whole thing was a misunderstanding. An incredibly tragic misunderstanding, but a misunderstanding that can be solved. Bua will of course try to sort this out so that Bua’s members will have the same opportunities to social engagements as other unions. However, if it is not a misunderstanding, and therefore cannot be solved, I have to ask: If Bua does not deserve welfare funds, who can actually claim they do? We study in Ås, at the University of Life Sciences. Bua is working to build a platform where people who are interested in the environment and sustainable markets can meet up. Bua promotes local products and an environment friendly lifestyle. If there is anyone who should welcome an organisation such as Bua, it is us, the students in Ås.
The sound committee fixes the sound system at Storebrand. Committee Member Bjørn-Eirik fixes it while concert manager Lars watches. Photo: Gunnar S. Haarr
Utgave Issue 04 Year 73
Cabaret, the Poor Man’s Revue? Jardar Lindaas Bringedal Journalist
Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Photographer
Translated By: Alicia Earnest
NGA made fun of Tuntreet in their Revy. They shouldn’t have. Welcome to a cabaret in Festsalen, not a revy. What is the difference between a revy and a cabaret? According to the internet, apparently a revy should offer more humor, and that the venue for a revy and cabaret is a bit different. I should have taken some time to look into this before the revy - no excuse me, the cabaret - I had high hopes for good humor, but NGA carried on with their proud cabaret tradition on this fine evening in April.
show before even seeing it. I have to disclose that I didn’t actually write this beforehand, I waited to write it the day of. Now I feel pressured to write a more positive report in order to prove neutrality, but I would rather write an honest report.
Before I continue with my report, I have to make it clear that NGA is always wonderful at singing.
The NGA cabaret went straight to their theme (after their opening song) with a sketch about a planning meeting for MikroUKA. The punchline of the sketch was that the committee was “loose” with their funds for their committee parties. Hehe. This joke set the standard, and the rest of the jokes fell a bit short of this.
As expected, they had a sketch about Tuntreet and Lærken. I think the audience enjoyed this part a lot. “If you’re not Lærken, you can’t be editor!” was sung out in loud voices. During the sketch there were jokes about the journalist writing a terrible review of the
One repeated gag in the cabaret was the 300m beer run (yeah, 300m since it’s MikroUKA,) where the Hankatts, Over Rævne, NGA and Unity stood at the starting line. The costumes for these different characters were quite good. More on this to come
Issue 04 Year 73
REVUE The joke about UKAvolunteers only being good for stunts was well received by the audience. The follow up with the Book of Mormon/UKA 2014 “Hallo” was also done well. There were particularly good vibes from the audience when NGA pointed out the fact that 1 out of 10 don’t get relevant jobs after their studies at NMBU. The song “dreaming of a job” made this hilarious, and the soloist did an amazing job. Not long after that, the ladies sang their own version of Auroras “Running with the Wolves” This song gave me goosebumps.
When you’re one of the 1/10 that don’t get a relevant job after NMBU.
Back to the 300m beer run. We now see that Unity had huge difficulties drinking beer. NGA and Over Rævne did better at keeping up, but just as the Rævne guy was about to cross the finish line, he got distracted by an IVARinne. He ended up just running off with the IVARinne instead. And just when the audience assumed that NGA would be the winners and cross the finish line, he stopped and threw up. Great self-humor. The queue system at Samfunnet was the next sketch, and it was funny. Way too many queues and confusing information about which one to stand in when going to Samfunnet, the crowd enjoyed it. This sketch peaked about half way through, but ended up being dragged out a bit too much. My personal favorite of the entire cabaret was the “Chemistry Lab” The song they sang was hilarious. The slow motion sequences after the fatal mixture had been made was performed with precision and clear movements. A few minus points though for a bad punch line, when the sketch was ended with a clueless person coming into the lab with food
Watch out for MONSTERS!
To summarize, it definitely needs to be said that NGA can really sing wonderfully. Most of the song numbers were good and entertaining, but not so funny. When it came to the sketches, they were unfortunately at a lower quality level. Most sketches were lost with bad punchlines, while others were just not interesting. People can relate when you make jokes about fellow students and UKA, but I needed a bit more zing. Generally, a lot of the sketches were a bit too Dzsafe.dz Either way, I got the impression that a lot of people were entertained and had fun that night. Maybe the audience had done some research on the difference between a revy and a cabaret beforehand?
Issue 04 Year 73
10 Issue 04 Year 73
Desse vart vald inn på Samfunnet si generalforsamling 19. mars. These are the people who were elected at Samfunnets General Assembly This is the most updated information available from samfunnetiaas.no as of April 16 Leader of the Samfunnet Board: Ane Magnussen Marketing Officet: Lars Martin Hval Treasurer Inger Marie Rostad Tuntreet Editor in Cheif: Jardar Lindaas Bringedal Sponsor officer in NU: NAVN came in meeting (Nora Bakke iflg. eye witnesses) Event coordinator in NU: NAVN came in meeting (Maria Larsen Wigestrand iflg. eye witnesses). Student rep. in central board: NAME came in meeting (Iselin Been Simensen. eye witnesses) Election Committee: Torbjørn Haugland Wistrøm (og Peter Hovda eye witnesses)
Issue 04 Year 73 11 Photo: Mats Langeid
Translated By: Rebekka Bedringås
It appears there were seven people present during the “crime”.
This cut was seen some time before Easter this year.
The dick executioner was dressed in a red jacket during the “crime”.
Action is Taken Against the Hannkatt Cock
Margit Fausko Journalist
Gunnar S. Haarr Photographer
This is what we know about the dick initiative: During the beer- and politics bodega on the 11th of April,
between 22:40 and 22:45, 6-7 people entered pentagon with a ladder and a chainsaw. After they had left the crime scene the head of the cut out dick located on the tree outside Hannkattloftet also called “Hannkattkuken” (“Hannkattdick”) Issue was gone. 04 Year 73
THE COCK THAT GOT BLOCKED It was a sad Administrerende Direktør that entered Loftets Kulturelle Altan (balcony) to drink some water, Thursday morning the 12th of April. It was weird not being able to look down on the big wooden dick anymore. He was more pissed than sad the night before. At the Bodega he spoke of the event as “despicable” and said that he didn’t know what to do with himself, before he talked about both vandalism of SiÅs’s property and the loss of biodiversity. The erected dick was a tribute to women and their bodies, or “the cultural objects” as Hannkattene calls it, abbreviated to “objects”, Ole Andreas Stigsrud, Adm.Dirk. in Hannkattforeningen st. 1902 says the day after. Han says that the women’s nickname can be explained by saying that one night stands is a Cultural matter (with a capital C), and is a central part of the Hannkatt culture. - Sequence penetration is uncultured, Direktøren adds. He continues to explain that the male member is a tool for penetration, and the big wooden dick outside Hannkattloftet, where Hannkattene lives, worked both as a symbol of the tool, but also as a signal for those passing by that “this is where you can get the D”. The symbolic function was Adm.Dirc. in Hankattforeningen, probably more important Ole-Andreas Stigsrud than the signaling function, Nordmøringen (nickname for a person from Nordmøre) says, maybe some of the newbies won’t understand it anymore, but he isn’t really worried about the absence of the signaling function will make less Cultural objects come to Loftet to get penetrated, or “get their seven seconds of Culture”, as Hankattene happily calls it. It’s a huge loss for Hannkattene, symbolically speaking. Ole-Andreas reminisces on happier times when Hannkattene has used the wooden dick for both ring throwing and arrow shooting with the wooden dick as a bull’s eye. Concerning the biodiversity, he tells us
that it used to grow fungi in the center of the dick’s head.- This has now lost it’s home, Direktøren sighs. His word to the people in charge are as following: - If you want dick so badly, you should rather come to Loftet, not walk around the trees and do as you please.Direktøren still doesn’t know where the dicks head has gone. Some rumours say that it has been cut into small pieces and spread around campus. Whether this is true or not has not been determined yet. If it ever shows up again, Ole-Andreas has decided what their plan of action will be:We’ll burn it in the fireplace during the next Kulturaften, so it can bring us one final joy, he states. What are you going to do with the remaining branch? It would just be silly to make another dick. It would just look pathetic, he states. But he reassures us that the branch will become another piece of art, but their plans remain unknown. Ole-Andreas isn’t the only one who feels that the people in charge have violated SiÅs’s property, the vandalism comments came from both Hankatter and other people at the Bodega, hours after the event. Einride Berg, administrating director at SiÅs, does not feel this way. “No”, he states shortly on the question whether he considers this vandalism. He hasn’t considered both finding out who’s responsible, or reporting it to the insurance company – but he thinks it would be funny to see what the insurance company would say. “People weren’t very pleased when the dick was made in the beginning”, the manager says. He was 98,7% sure that this was done by Hankattene. He discovered the dick sculpture when he was inspecting the Pentagon area with an external inspector; a week after the branch had been cut. They were both quite shocked, but even Einride thought it was funny, and never took any action to have it removed. Translated By: Rebekka Bedringås
The Rise of the Cock Hankattkuken on the tree between Jubilo and the dumpsters at Pentagon was cut August 2013. At first it was Henning Bruun from SiÅs who cut it, when it started growing too closely to houses and windows. The sculpture was then made before Graskurs part 2 shortly after this. The sculptor was forest science student Jakob Lajos Volent, and it was a mission given to him by Hankattene back then. As payment, he was given free beer for the rest of the day. Photo: Brita Underdal 14 Issue 04 Year 73
Hvem gjorde Who did it?det?
From the moment the news came, the people the bodega Helt fra sekund én etter at nyheten spredteat seg begynte started whosom was behind andhvorfor. why. The bodegaentoå speculate spekulere ion hvem hadde gjortthis, det og Det speculations from prank ble i bodegaenincluded diskutert everything alt mellom at det being var en simple prank gjort av done by Rævnekarer or X-Hankatter, topolitisk being aksjon a political Rævnekarer eller X-Hankatter, til at det var en med statement feministic motives –med the feminist theoryhelning being feministiskewith motiver, gjennomsnittlig en overveiende the most popular opinion. mot sistnevnte. A gang consisting of 6-7people who were hard to identify on En gjeng på seks-sju lite identifiserbare personer på Snapchatsnapchat-photos taken some time between 22:40 and 22:45 is bilder i 22.40-22.45-tida er have noe av bevismaterialet the best evidence Tuntreet in det this sikreste case. Based on these Tuntreet and kjenner til i saken. disse bildene,crowd, og frathere hva photos, information givenUtfra by the observing observatører har man fortalt, ser crime minstscene én av–dem ut was til å holding være mann was at least one at the and he the chainsaw. people pointed out that at thekuttet cutting sloppy – han som Several holdt motorsaga. Flere påpeker er was slurvete, og and it doesn’t look he til knows anything at vedkommende ikkelike ser ut å ha peiling på about saging.handling Uansett era chainsaw. he has done a better joberthan those who han flinkereAnyhow, enn sin forgjenger: Hankattkuken nemlig forsøkt came before him: there have been previous attempts to cut down kuttet ned før. Slik ser det i alle fall ut på merkene lenger ned på Hankattkuken. At least, is what it looks allerede like from den avskjærte kuken, som this visstnok ble observert før marks påske. further down on the branch, which was observed some time before Easter.valg av tidspunkt kan det være både tilfeldig og Vedrørende
taktisk at man valgte å gjøre det på en onsdagskveld. Et tidspunkt Considering time of the crime it may be both coincidental med store muligheter godtoPR? absolutt ikke det beste and tactical that they for chose doDet it a var Wednesday evening. An tidspunktet for anonymitet i alle fall, da en rekke studenter varfor på opportunity of good PR? It was certainly not the best time vors på Pentagon Samfunnet eller were en plass mellompre-parties disse, som anonymity since eller a bunch of students attending allePentagon, andre onsdager i parallellen. Likevelinerbetween. det ikkeStill, usannsynlig at Samfunnet or some place it is not at gjerningspersonene var opplyst om at skulle værebei unlikely that the perpetrators knew thatHankattene Hankattene would visiting close to Sørhellinga, this og evening and that IVARinn,IVARinn, like ved Sørhellinga, denne kvelden, at Hankattenes Hannkattenes absence the time of the Under crime. aksjonen During the fravær var det som satteset aksjonstidspunktet. ble operation Hankattene were alerted about what was going on,rakk but Hankattene varslet om det som skjedde av venner, men de they make it back in time tovar stop the crime. ikke ådidn’t komme tilbake før aksjonen over. Hankattdirektøren has no suspects the case, andnår isn’t bothered to Administrerende Direktør har ingeninfingre å peke han blir spurt do any speculations on the matter. om hvem han tror har gjort det, og gidder heller ikke å spekulere noe særlig i det. Tuntreet has gotten several tips on both individuals and organisations suspected in the big variations Tuntreet harwho’s fått inn flere tips omcase, bådewith enkeltpersoner og in both reasons and how valid they are. All individual people organisasjoner som er mistenkte, med varierende has been contacted and confronted. Maria Refsland begrunnelse was one of og validitet. Alle enkeltpersoner er kontaktet og Guns, konfrontert. them. The Universitas-article; “Union life at Ås: Booze Maria Refsland erwhich en avwas de kontaktede. Til Universitas-artikkelen and Feminism”, printed the 8th of March last year, “Foreningslivet Ås: Våpen, og feminisme”, som why komshe på she presents thepåpenis as one fyll of the reasons behind helped Ås Feministiske Studenter of 2016: trykk 8.start marsupi fjor, omtalte ho penisen sominenthe av Fall bakgrunnene “forI at walked the erected penis av outside where Hannkattene ho varpast delaktig i oppstarten Ås Feministiske Studenter lives tiredpenisen of it.” som Like ertheutenfor other høstenevery 2016:day, ”Jegand gikkI was forbisick den and erigerte individuals who were contacted, she rejects the allegations der hver dag, og jeg ble bare drittlei.” Menoni her Hankattene involvementholder in the til incident. likhet med alle andre enkeltpersoner som er kontaktet, avviser hun påstanden om at hun er involvert i nedkappingen.
Organisasjonene somwere ble contacted kontaktetare varPikekoret PikekoretIVAR IVARand og The organisations that Ås Studenter. Anne Anne Hetzenberg, Bestyrerinne Ås Feministiske Feministiske Studenter. Bestyrerinnen ini Pikekoret IVAR svarer gives dette Tuntreet this statement: Pikekoret IVAR, til Tuntreet: “I anything on for who was involved, because I don’t ”Jegcan’t har say ingen bakgrunn å kunne uttale meg om hvem somhave var any facts on the ikke case vet , other thanom thehva rumours I’veskjedd been enn told.det It involvert, da jeg noe mer som har is correctharthat Pikekoret ryktene fortalt meg. IVAR had Sangria with Hankattene last night, but thisatwas arrangedIVAR in IVARinn and I can’t I’ve seen ori Det stemmer Pikekoret hadde Sangria medsay Hankattene heard anything. går, men dette ble arrangert i IVARinn og dermed kan jeg på ingen måte beskrive verken å ha sett eller hørt noe som helst. If you want my opinion, I have no interest in seeing a wooden dick walking and frommening school,har so jeg I’mingen not really sad Hvis every du er day ute etter mintopersonlige interesse about has happened. that Isåam, in av å sewhat en trekuk hver dagAspåthe veihappy til og champ fra skolen, jeg and gråter the IVAR I choose to rather make limerick to the ikkeproper akkurat overspirit, det som har skjedd. Som dena rødstrømpa jeg fraternity who consistently chooses worship penises refer til to er, og i riktig IVARånd, velger jegtoheller å lage en and limerick women as “objects”; foreningen som holder fast ved å tilbe peniser og omtaler kvinner som “objekter”; One should think that they soon would understand what is forsto lost EnDon’t skullecry troover at de snart Their is overrated Ikke gråthaughtiness over det som ikke besto t’s time come uperwith something Derestohovmod altfor oppskryttnew We’re the year of 1902 Det ernopålonger tide åinfinne på noe nytt (ThisViis er way better in iNorwegian) ikke lenger 1902” Anne’s statements on av thehenne behalf of og herself, and not Uttalelsene til Anneare er made på vegne selv, ikke Pikekoret Pikekoret IVAR.Fra There is not a Studenter single individual from Ås IVAR som helhet. Ås Feministiske er det ikke én person Feministiske Studenter who came with a statement; they don’t som uttaler seg, de har ingen leder, men en koordinasjonsgruppe. have a leader a coordination group. This group’s statement to Denne skriverbut til Tuntreet: Tuntreet is: ”Det er ikke ÅsStudenter Feministiske som bak kapping “Ås Feministiske is notStudenter responsible for står the cutting of the av trepenisen. Som dere sikkert vi ved flere anledninger wooden penis. We’re critical as to vet whyhar Hankattene portray women stilt oss kritiske til hvordan fremstiller kvinner som as penetrable objects, and we’veHankattene made that clear on several occasions “penetrerbare objekter”, og har derfor full understand forståelse for at noen har as you might know, and therefore we fully why someone would wanted to have thesom penissagt removed. notaksjon something ønsket have å fjerne penisen. Men er detteThis ikkeis en som we as anorganisasjon organisationhar hastatt taken the initiative to do.” vi som initiativ til.” Tuntreet like tokomme come ini kontakt contact with perpetators. Tips Tuntreetwould vil gjerne medthe gjerningspersonene. or is recieved tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no. Tipsconfessions eller tilståelser mottas tilattuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no. DetThe vil public would like an answer to the unanswered questions: nok være av manges interesse å få oppklaring i de uløste spørsmålene: -- What was the motive behindhandlingen? this action? Hva var motivet bak denne -- Skjedde Did it det happen because was cockdet orvar because it was a fordi det var en it kuk, ellera fordi en Hankattkuk? Hannkattcock? - Hvor er det blitt av kukhodet? -Tuntreet Where vil hasogså the dekke dick head gone? hva som skjer med stubben videre - følg 04-Year 73med! Tuntreet will also cover what happens further toIssue the stub stay updated!
Tuntreet and UKA Ingvild Darbo Journalist
Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Photographer
With new equipment, Tuntreet and UKA i Ås have jumped on the bandwagon and joined the podcast craze that has swept the country. With a bunch of cool new programs, all you need to do is sit in the sun and enjoy the podcasts – now spring can finally come! Renovated studio and new podcast equipment Every third week students in Ås can enjoy a new issue of Tuntreet, but then they just have to sit around and wait until the next issue comes out (although we are lucky here in Ås – at Adamstuen they have to wait a half year between issues of their Hippi Tidend magazine). But now, Tuntreet and UKA I Ås have received funds from the central board to buy equipment to record podcasts, and with wonderful effort from UKEvolunteers, the recording studio at Samfunnet is now ready to be used! Building a bridge between the students Earlier this winter, Tuntreet wrote about international students’ thoughts about studying here in Ås, and they were generally happy with the student life here. Now Tuntreet is also being published in English, wohoo! With the new international podcast, Word of the World, it will be even easier for international students to be a part of
16 Issue 04 Year 73
student life. The podcast is meant to work as a bridge between international andNorwegian students at NMBU, and challenge stereotypes and exclusion of internationalstudents. Editorial Meeting is Tuntreet’s latest podcast program, where the idea is that there should be one serious case in each episode while the rest will be entertaining and light. It was Erik Tylleskär (better known as Tylle) who took the initiative for the podcast, and the plan is to release a new episode every three weeks to coincide with the release of the Tuntreet. In the series’ first - and so far only - episode, the panel takes on digital exams. Amongst other things, they discuss the typical ‘computational subjects’ that have digital exams, while computer science such as INF exams still done by hand. Even though the intention is for the topic to be serious, it’s still enjoyable to listen to, and the radio hosts tell about their own fun, experiences (or sometimes, their lack of experience around the subject).
– right in your ear New life in the UKEradio UKA in Ås is bringing new life to the old UKEradio in the form of UKEpodkast! Here you can hear about UKA and the various UKEevents, stories from student life, interviews with artists and much more. There will also be UKEpodkasts under miniUKA. There is a creative gang behind the UKEradio. They hope to publish episodes on a regular basis and that during the UKA there will be a couple of episodes each week. There will be links to the UKEpodkasts on UKA in Ås’ website and on facebook, so keep an eye out during miniUKA and as UKA approaches, it will be very exciting! The UKEradio is open for input and tips for student topics. Maybe you have a problem you want to get some advice on, or maybe you just want to give them a little shout out? Whatever the theme, the radio hosts can be reached at ukeradioen@ukaiaas.no.
It is also worth mentioning that recordings from the Intimate Concert with Mannskoret Over Rævne and Sangkoret Lærken now lies on Tuntreets SoundCloud-profile together with Word of the World and Redaksjonsmøte.
Utgave 04 Årgang Issue 04 Year 73
TUNTREET Kaja Mie Botnen Poet and Illustrator
Fellesskapet En gang for ikke lenge siden kom en navnløs vandrer drivende med tiden til en liten plass som lå midt i grå luft og blå jorder, der trær var gule og solen blass. Her var fest og fullt av folk, fulle, fine, rare. Her var tenkeren, sangeren, rølperen, tølperen. Ingen var vare på vandreren, som bare snek imellom dem. Tiden gikk, vandreren ble en svart prikk i hvitt landskap. Med hus og hjem, men ingen klem, med blått i sitt blikk ga den navnløse slipp, på drømmen om å finne frem.
Vandreren klatret høyt og bratt, men snøen gikk og alt var glatt. For slapp og matt satt den navnløse seg på sin sten alene en natt, midt i grå luft og blå jorder, der trær var sorte og himmelen hvit.
Over jordet hang sangen som gull i grå luft, og vandreren lette etter kilden til dette. Varm, men enda med et savn etter noen å være med. Avsted, med ett ikke lenger trett, klar for vår og venner og der! Der var dét vandreren visste var her.
Mørket blåste opp til blæst, og merket ikke mye til vandrerens slit og sukk og hulk. Blått, sort og hvitt virvlet og bølget opp, vått, så fort bort og vips - tom stillhet, etter stormen på stenen.
Her var fest og fullt av folk, fulle, fine, rare. Her var tenkeren, sangeren, rølperen, tølperen. Inne i rødme og rungende rop, i klemmer og samhold og kos.
Så blinket solen blidt i vandrerens blåe blikk og blandingen ble grønn. I skogen spilte spirene til dans, med spillopper, sang og glans, som en bønn i landet midt i grå luft og blå jorder, der trærne blomstret og solen var skjønn.
Inne i solen i luften ved jorden gror det et skap i et tre på et tun. Her bor folk, fulle, fine og rare, alle var vandrere før de fikk navn. Midt i blå jorder, der trærne er gamle og solen er ung, kjenner de ikke savn. This is a poem, and couldn’t be translated.
MELD FLYTTING - BLI EN AV ÅS! Vi tar i mot nye søknader! Kampanjeperiode våren 2018 fra 1. mai til 1. juni.
ALLE STUDENTER SOM MELDER FLYTTING FÅR: • Lokal innflytelse ved valg • 4.000,- kroner utbetalt • Gavekort på 1000,- til kino eller kulturarrangementer i Ås kulturhus • Innbyggerstatus i Ås Mer informasjon og søknadsskjema finner du på Ås kommunes hjemmeside: www.as.kommune.no/jeg-flytter-til-ås
18 Utgave 04 Årgang 73
– Jeg fisker etter enda flere innbyggere til vekstkommunen Ås! Hilsen ordfører Ola Nordal
Intimate Concert with Pikekoret IVAR
Translated By: Hanna Sahlström
Inga Elen Årvoll Eidsvik Photographer
Based on changes by Mads Erik Tveraa Assigned by Pirumitt from Nidaros On what appeared to be a completely ordinary Monday, a spectacle like no other appeared in Norway’s main attraction, Ås. An intimate concert had been promised, and one cannot say that it did not live up to the expectations. The rumours circling this grand and seductive performance had travelled far and wide, over seas and mountaintops. Yes, all the way to Nidaros to lure enticed men on a spontaneous trip south to observe this act. If you did not know better, you would think that it was a hulder who had spellbound these men to drop what they were doing and come to please Røyene with their presence. There was no doubt that Cafeklubben was the place to be that Monday night in April. Peace and calm had settled over the packed crowd, even though the walls shook from the excitement in the souls of those in the audience ready to be seduced by the flowerdressed temptresses. The admirers got what they came for when they floated in line into the room to the tunes from Olga. That being a bouquet that would make Blomster-Finn have a change of heart and turn his eyes away from pulsating stems to the lovely rosebuds. Intense, voluminous and amorous. Yes, Røyene keeps their promise when they ask you to dance. Despite the surprisingly large turnout of their lovers from the north, the masks stayed on. Although, you could sense
that the mood was somewhat aroused due to the closeness an intimate concert entails. This was an intimate concert with a capital I, where the most fortunate would sit only centimetres from the IVARinnene and felt their pulse rise as they walked in. What followed was a repertoire that felt like an adventure story, where they met at Kjell, a wander up the aisle to Bruremarsj before the party broke out with cake and bravado, because everybody knows that IVAR baker (bakes). the attune mood carried on drunk on cava and dressed in Røyetøy, before they merrily danced on after having asked to dance Halling. Like a dream come true, memories of the time with Den du veit (The one you know) were FISKet (fished) out from the moments Ved Rondane, (in Rondane) where time stretched into a murmuring night. The symphonic image of the Sound of Silence was painted in front of us, before the hourglass was bare of sand and it was time for Goodnight sweetheart. Oh yes, the memories from this adventure felt so realistic that one will not soon overlook what occurred on this magical evening. Unable to grasp what had just happened, the audience was left gaping after watching the intense scene they had just witnessed. Due to the rapture of Røyenes flourishing power, it is still uncertain whether the concert lasted for several hours or only for a few minutes. Undoubtedly, there will be enough praise from this night to last a lifetime, and one was left hungry after the evening’s all too abrupt end. The memory of this euphoric infatuation has beyond a shadow of doubt been burned into the minds of each and every one of the onlookers. May that memory never be forgotten.
Utgave Issue 04 Årgang 04 Year 73 19
Dumpster Diving in Ås
One Thursday evening in April some of Tuntreets staff set out to steal garbage. We wanted to battle food waste and tried to save goodies that undeservingly had ended up in the bin. We got an introduction on it by Jørgen Narvestad Anda, one of the authorities of the trade. Astrid Fugleseth Rasmussen Journalist
Øyvind Nyheim Photographer
Jørgen shares his experiences from his trade
We met quarter past eleven in the city center. It’s dark, the temperature has crept down towards zero and the streets are empty. Tuntreet’s chosen ones shiver a little, and with anticipation to get out their headlights, before Jørgen leads the way towards REMA1000 on the far side of the railway tracks. The store is quiet and empty and it seems like the employees have gone home. It suits us nicely, as encounters with the employees isn’t at the top of the list of things we want this evening. A poster hanging on the dumpster says: “dumpster diving at your own risk” and warns us that we risk cutting ourselves on broken glass if we try to searching through it.
“Dive at your own risk”
Big catch. 20 Issue 04 Year 73
Jørgen pays no heed to the warnings, opens the door and jumps into the darkness of the dumpster. Despite the somewhat scarce content, he quickly finds some forgotten treasures. In addition to a pack of strawberries we also find a lot of bottles of organic apple juice of the highest quality. Jørgen wipes of some spots and pieces of broken glass from the cap to assess the contents. The juice has not fermented and we happily put away the bottles. “It’s important to use all of your senses when checking if something is edible”, leaning against the container hatch, our experienced freegan guide shares his knowledge with us. “Check the date first - that’ll give you some idea of how long it’s been sitting in the dumpster. It’s also good to know what the temperature has been like for the last couple of days. Your most important tools however, is your nose, eyes and taste buds”, he says. He has never gotten sick of eating dumpster food but says that you should
be a bit sceptical to certain products, like chicken In Norway there’s still ridiculous amounts of edible food being thrown away and resources equivalent to 20,5 billion kroners per year winds up at the landfill. Norwegian convenience stores is partly to blame as each year they throw away 60.000 tonnes of food. So if you want to spend less money on food, there is no good reason to leave REMAs dumpsters alone. Jørgen started his freegan career in 2012, mainly as a reaction to the wasting of food, but says that it has some pleasant side effects. It’s a very social activity while being exciting and also economically beneficial. Since he gets food he wouldn’t necessarily buy otherwise
Freegan code of conduct • Clean up after yourself! This is the
golden rule of dumpster diving. Make sure everything is as tidy as you found it and close all hatches properly. This way you don’t risk the shop owners getting angry and locking things, and contribute to a good atmosphere. on’t take more than you need. In the heat of the moment it might not seem like it, but you most likely don’t need 40 packs of shrimp salad. It doesn’t matter what bin it ends up in; yours or the store’s, it’s still waste. Share it with friends or let it be, there might be other dumpster divers. someone asks what you’re doing; answer politely and maybe give them a lectureabout food waste. Dumpster diving is by definition stealing but so far no one has been convicted of it. In the end though you’ve got the upper hand, morally speaking.
An experienced dumpster diver in action
it also opens up for some creative cooking. Next up after REMA1000 is Coop Extra. According to Jørgen the employees here are somewhat protective of their garbage, and with a sly grin he tells us of the time he had to hide inside one of the dumpsters so as not to be seen by some of the staff on a smoking break. He has also seen that employees sometimes come back after hours in order to scare off potential dumpster divers. It’s nice to shop there during opening hours though. Luckily we only met other freegans this evening. They haven’t found much and are on their way home slightly disappointed. Jørgen doesn’t give up that easy though, and dives deep into the dumpster just to be sure. “Nothing but trash” he says in high spirits while wading around in plastic packaging and garbage bags full of inedible stuff. Suddenly we hear an excited outcry from inside the dumpster - Jørgen found bread. One of the loafs is broken in half and inspected thoroughly. Jørgen tells us that bread often absorbs smells and because of the paper packaging you should be observant of what’s lying around it. These ones however looks impeccable – except being rock hard - and it is decided that they will do fine as french toast, garlic croutons or ordinary toast. “Alright, this will be good” says the happy man from Randaberg, while more bread comes out of the hatch. With a total yield of five breads, a quite nice fennel and eight bottles of apple juice we close the dumpster and share the spoils Jørgen continues to tell us tall tales about big catches of beef, easter eggs, garbage bags full of chocolate and of the 50 packs
of butter he found during the Norwegian butter crisis. It doesn’t sound half bad and the chances of even bigger spoils tempts us to do it again. Eventually we split up and go home to wash our foods and call it a day.
Check the date first - that’ll give you some idea of how long it’s been sitting in the dumpster. It’s also good to know what the temperature has been like for the last couple of days.
Dry bread, better than no bread
Jørgen tells tall tales of the dumpster life
Today’s spoils Issue 04 Year 73 21
Saturday Night Out Testing “LørdagsLounge” Jardar Lindaas Bringedal Journalist and Photographer
The brand new LørdagsLounge at the Café Klubben is the new thing to join on Saturday nights. Café Klubben is open from 7 pm to 11 pm, and in that time you can chill out with your friends, play board games, play billiards or sing your favourite song on the karaoke. Matt Chernin was the one who started the whole project. When he arrived in Ås last autumn he met Runa and Håkon from Samfunnets event committee, and told them that he missed a place to sing karaoke. Now this semester the LørdagsLounge has started. Every last Saturday of the month it is UBUNTU – night, runned by the African student union. The other Saturdays Matt is running the karaoke and the Kahoot. Matt is going to stay in Ås until next summer; he is planning to arrange karaoke at the LørdagsLounge until then. So we can happily get used to it!
22 Issue 04 Year 73
I interviewed five people who attended the LørdagsLounge with open mic on the 17th of March. 1. What is the best thing about the LørdagsLounge? 2. Is this your first time attending? If yes, why did you come tonight? 3. What is your favourite song to sing at the karaoke? 4. What could attract more people to the LørdagsLounge?
Inga-Britt Morken 1. It’s a place to go on Saturdays to have a little party. 2. Yes. I know the host and I wanted to sing on the karaoke. 3. “Fucking you gently” by Jack Black. 4. Talk more about it.
Gea Johanne Prytz 1. Nice people and Follospillet. 2. Yes. To show my guest what Ås has to offer. 3. “Disko Boy” by Shantel. More people should get to know about that song. 4. Cheaper beer and more PR.
Matt Chernin 1. It is not a big party, you can just come here and chill with new and old friends. 2. I am hosting it, so this time is my sixth time. 3. “Wagon Wheel” by Old Crow Medicine Show. A classic. 4. Cheaper beer. Get people to try it and see how fun it is. And spread it to people, word of mouth. Raoul Hoekmon 1. Being together with friends and sing. It is just great. When you go here several times, you also get some inside humor. Matt sings a lot of the same songs every time. 2. Been here every time. 3. “I am an alcoholic” by NOFX. 4. PR. It is a new project, so it will take a bit of time before people get to know about it. Also it would be nice if more Norwegians got involved.
Celia López 1. Nice place to chill and a good hangover cure. 2. Yes. Had to check out the karaoke. 3. “Turn around” by Bonnie Taylor. 4. Let people know how good it is!
I am really glad I gave the LørdagsLounge a shot myself. People were singing from top of their voice on the karaoke for several hours. The atmosphere was light, cheerful and people seemed to enjoy themselves. A well spent Saturday night at Samfunnet, with no hangover! Issue 04 Year 73 23
Spring Cleaning Translated By: Ingrid Tangvik
Lina Westermann Illustrator
Now that the semester is coming to an end, and exams are breathing down your neck, it is nice that Samfunnet still offers excuses to not spend the days inside. This time you can even have a clear conscience for participating!
Spring Cleaning is the event where Samfunnet is cleaned and tidied up for the summer. When the weather’s finally good and we can dig up the spring collection from the bottom of ourclosets, it is extra nice to have a good excuse to not spend the entire day in the reading hall. The Samfunnet building needs an overhaul, and there is much to be done. So bring a friend, or two, and join spring’s dirtiest adventure.
24 Issue 04 Year 73
Gunnar Størseth Haar Journalist
Things that need doing: ● Paint the office wing Build a storage room beneath the office wing Paint the stage in Aud. Max.
There will be a barbeque payed for by Samfunnet when the spring cleaning is done (only for the participants).
Housing design volunteers enjoy the sun while decorating for miniUKA. Utgave Issue 04 Ă…rgang 04 Year 73 25
Studenttingets arbeidsutvalg
Rosie “Sonja” Jones Jørgen “Harald” Kaupang-Marthinsen
26 Issue 04 Year 73
Hanne “Märtha” Jonas “Haakon” We
” Berggreen ettre Thorsen
Henriette “Mette-Marit” Vågen Aase Jan-Henrik “Lille-Marius” Skisland
Photographer: Anonymous Issue 04 Year 73 27
28 Issue 04 Year 73
Fantabulous Concert with Åsblæst’n
Ørjan Furnes Journalist
The time had come for the show that Åsblæst’n actually practice for; the spectacular FF-Variety Show. It has to be said that we should cut them some slack when it comes to playing clean tones, as it isn’t easy to play a brass instrument. This I know all too well as I was forced to play the tenor horn when I was seven years old and quit relatively quick. I’ve also borrowed Blæst’n’s toys from time to time. In other words, I am highly qualified to review this musical event. Imagination is the only limit This year’s show’s was named Fantasia, which I thought, didn’t quite fit with all of the well-known and lesser known tunes that was played. Luckily this was explained to me during the break after asking around a bit. The running theme of the show was that you had to use your imagination (fantasi in Norwegian) to work out what it was. It’s hard to argue with that. The show could definitely dive deep into the world of the imagination/fantasy. Fantastical modulations The concert started off a bit slow, but had it’s turning point when they stared playing “Månemannen”. The song was played well enough to give me the chills, but at the same I felt like something was a little bit off. They’d managed to integrate “Fairytale” by Alexander Rybak seamlessly into the song, which I didn’t notice before it was pointed out to me. Afterwards we were introduced to what you might call musical pornography for beginners; a sequence of modulations that seemed like it would never end, before a sign with the words “demanding key” emerged from the back row. As if this wasn’t funny enough, the show might’ve reached it’s high point when the sign was lifted once again during the somewhat unpolished musical interlude by Sangkoret Lærken.
Erik Tylleskär Photographer
Translated By: Magnus Rekkedal
Medleys and a hint of blasphemy Blæst’n took us into the universe of Harry Potter through a medley. Everything was top notch until the whole thing turned into the international hit song “Bailando”. Luckily it didn’t take long before we’re back to the iconic “Hedwig’s theme” and could try to rid ourselves of the traumas of yet another song that we’re quite fed up with. Blæste’n made up for it however with great medleys from Les Misérables and Disney. Outsourcing of inclusion Since Blæst’n, and especially their conductor Mathias, had to concentrate 100% on their notes through several changes of pace and “demanding keys”, the role of host had to be given to someone else. Sticking to tradition it had been outsourced to Sangkoret Lærken. Bussformtronsmoen took full responsibility and even did the whole thing in English. I’m not sure if it was intentional, or a side-effect of the foreign language, but I felt like some of the points fell a bit short and I felt myself missing some of the shows that we’ve seen before. There and back again The concert was finished off in grandiose style with the tension building throughout several tunes from The Lord of the Rings. Among them, “Concerning Hobbits”, with wonderful interactions between a few instruments such as the flute and the saxophone. When I say finished, that is in reality wishful thinking. Instead of ending on a high note Blæst’n chose to play their own theme song followed by a reprise of “Bonanza” with a constantly increasing tempo. In the end the most important thing is to have fun, which I believe both the entertainers and the audience had. The repertoire that Blæst’n took us through, time and time again enthralled the audience, whether they knew the songs or not.
Issue 04 Year 73 29
Exams on the 18th of May – What the fuck? Astrid Fuglseth Rasmussen Journalist
Lina Westermann Illustrator
Translated By: Rebekka Bedringås
The 17th of May! Norway’s birthday. You’re excited and bursting with expectations for the champagne breakfast, getting drunk in the morning and taking the bus instead of the train. Putting on your bunad (the national suit), maintaining traditions and you’re able to take a break from everything else to enjoy this wonderful day. But no. Not you. You’re stuck at Sør, feeling the anxiety creeping up on you because of the six chapters you still have left to read and repeat before the next day. You’re one of the lucky ones, who’s has their exam on the 18th of May. All in all, the month of May pretty much sucks. While all the reasonable people use the numerous cramped days off to head up to the mountains or maybe enjoy the first “utepils” (drinking a beer outdoors) of the year, you’re stuck with your exams. Your study sessions look something like the workday of the underpaid textile workers in Bangladesh. While your stressed out neck slowly but surely knots up, the first nice days of summer makes sure that it’s a beautifully sweaty and tropical climate inside, behind the glass windows at Sørhellinga.
30 Issue 04 Year 73
To make the month of May even worse, NMBU makes sure that even the National day will suck. While the rest of Norway eats ice cream, you’re sitting inside, hyperventilating and trying to avoid that your office chair doesn’t get stuck in your bunad, that you put on just to make an illusion of a festive day (You might not recognise this problem and are one of those people who is done studying two days before your exam? In that case – fucking good for you). We contacted the central administration to hear their reasoning behind this horrible thing. They made it clear that we should blame the block class system:“Considering that we need time to carry out a large number of resubmissions and four weeks of June block, after the exam period in May is over, we have to use the days available
in week 20 and 21 for the written exams. “In plain hindsight we see that we possibly could have added an extra day off the 18th of May and prolonged the exam period to Wednesday the 30th of May this year.“ According to the central administration this arrangement also sucks for the proctors, subject coordinators and the central administration who have to work on a cramped day. Yes, I get that. If even the central administration has to sit inside all day on the national day to prepare for the following workday, they have my deepest compassion. If so, they’d understand why they might as well preserve the 18th of May as a national holiday for the foreseeable future. And if not, the National day luckily lands on a Friday next year, and we won’t have this problem. The next time it lands on a Thursday (2029), please: We really appreciate this day off. Thank you.
Give the teacher students Nynorsk-competence Tekst: Ingunn V. Steinsvåg, leiar i Ås Studentmållag og Jørgen Waagen, Lokallagsleiar i Pedagogstudentene ved NMBU In Norway, there are several different teacher’s educations, and the University of Life Sciences offer lektorutdanning and practical teacher training. Students come from all over the country to become teachers who will eventually teach in schools around Norway.
ly skilled in both Nynorsk and Bokmål. There are not similar demands for lektorutdanning, but those student teachers should be able to teach all students, regardless of their main language. Therefore it is a matter of course to secure the Nynorsk-competence in the lektorene as well.
We have to equal Norwegian written languages; Nynorsk and Bokmål. The majority of students have Bokmål as their main language, but about 12% of students in grunnskolen have Nynorsk as their opplæringsspråk. These students have a rightto be thought in Nynorsk. The main requirement for this, is that their teachers master the language. In a Proba-report from 2014, students with Nynorsk as their main language report thattheir teachers have very low competence in Nynorsk, and that they rarely meet their main language in other subjects than Norwegian. The teacher training institutions needs to take responsibility and give the teacher students good nynorskopplæring.
Even though the Univeristy of Life Sciences does not lie within the core area for Nynorsk, the institution educate teachers which will work throughout the country. Students with Nynorsk as their main language can be found in all parts of the country, so a good comprehension of Nynorsk is important for the student teachers that pictures themselves working in a typical Bokmål-area.
In a survey done by Språkrådet and TNS Gallup, only 24% of the Bokmål-users say they have good competence in Nynorsk. In contrary, they report that most Nynorsk-users have good competence in Bokmål. This shows how important it is that the student teacher institutions make sure that future teacher receive good language learning, with extra weight on Nynorsk.The regulation for the framework plan for grunnskolelærerutdanninga says that teachers should be high-
By not giving the students offers of proper education in both written languages, the institutions hinders the students in reaching the targets in the framework plans. When the student teachers graduate from their studies without mastering both languages, it will in its turn hinder them from giving their students education in their language which they have a claim to. The most important job an institution does, is to make their students capable of executing their future profession. Among other things, that involves being able to use both of the two Norwegian written languages in a qualified way. The educationist students and Norsk Målungdom demands that the institutions take responsibility and improved the language education. Translated By: Ingrid Tangvik
Issue 04 Year 73 31
32 Issue 04 Year 73
· Grew up in Flekkefjord, which is in Southern Norway and part of the bible belt. · Her hometown inspired the name of her band Føkkefjord (fucking fjord). · Fluent in Portuguese after spending 5 months in Brazil on a political exchange. · Chose to study biology at NMBU to learn more about the scientific aspect of environmental politics. · One of the founders of Ås feminist students. · Will live in a sailboat next year with her best friend Lisa who she met in Ås. Rhia Aden Journalist
Her social activism started with her involvement in LatinAmerikagruppenes brigade project, where she spent 5 months in Brazil on a political exchange. There we she was involved with the largest social movement in Latin-America, The Landless Workers’ Movement. The exchange and her year in folk school peaked her interest in politics, and subsequently, she decided that she wanted to learn about the scientific aspect of the environment and organisms. Currently, she is in her last year of the bachelor’s degree in biology at NMBU. While she was pursuing her degree, she got involved in a wide variety of social and political aspects in Ås. Booking manager for UKA i Ås Maria mentions she isn’t as engaged in her studies here, but music, on the other hand, is a big part of her extracurricular activities. Prior to coming to Ås she already oversaw the booking artists for Fjellparkfestivalen, a rock music festival in her hometown. Thus, when there was an opening for booking artists for UKA i Ås 2016 she went for it. Looking back at the last UKA, she explains some of her highlights, one being that the lineup of artists was strong and quite diverse in terms of genre. For example, booking Cezinando in Halvors Hybel, a big and upcoming Norwegian rapper. “We had a feeling that he was going to be a big artist, but he turned out even bigger than we would have expected,” she says. The concerts on Sundays are another aspect of the UKA lineup she is proud of, as it was an opportunity for a chill time for people to enjoy music who need a break from the party concerts. But the greatest part of her time in UKA, she says, was that she met her best friend Lisa there, and that together with the rest of the team they cooperated very well and had a great time socially, drinking lots of UKE-
Øyvind Nyheim Photographer
beers. She is no longer a part of managing artists for UKA but definitely enjoyed working for the festival and is now currently mentoring the new manager. Booking manager for Samfunnet After UKA was over, she and Lisa continued booking artists for Samfunnet. I sense there is a bit of a complex relationship Maria has with Samfunnet when we discussed her experience there. When she discussed her involvement of booking artists, she picked those she clearly enjoyed. However, the built-in hierarchy in the bureaucracy of Samfunnet was frustrating. The core of her frustration is based around how Samfunnet and the student associations are so intertwined that it is hard to get involved and to offer new ideas from an outsider perspective. For example, they had a hard time getting the artists that they wanted, especially those who aren’t performing the typical rural party music, because the board was sceptical of how good it would sell. Maria is smiling as she tells me that after persevering, they ended up getting what they wanted, and for the first time all the concerts sold out last semester. “People that do the same things, like being in fraternities, they go to the same parties, listen to the same music and so on, so it was hard to convince them to try a new thing, when almost all the people at Samfunnet are part of these groups. But that’s what we need to do if we want diversity at Samfunnet. Samfunnet should be for all kinds of people, like the people in charge say every year at GF. And like we saw, it sold better than the “business as usual” way of doing things. However, it’s easy to see why it is like this, why the fraternities dominate Samfunnet. It’s probably due to the fact that student associations get to have their own bars under UKA, to have revues as well as a lot of coverage in Tuntreet. That said, these people work a lot and are very dedicated to Samfunnet, and I admire that, but we should open up for other people as well, and to do that we need to give them room.”
Issue 04 Year 73 33
TWO BEERS As much as she problematizes the rhetoric of how Samfunnet operates and caters to the student associations that exist, she felt it was important to attend the GF and run for a position and take up space in the decision-making process. Simply complaining from the sideline and not taking action is not something she believes in. She felt compelled to be involved and make her involvement a political statement. One not conforming to the social status culture that is predominant in Samfunnet and Ås. She takes pride in how she stayed true to herself instead of conforming to a stereotypical female, where we live in a society where stereotypes are dominant and constantly reinforced. Feminist Maria was part of those who formed the feminist group in her second year here in Ås. She recalls how frustrated she and her friends were at the fraternities’ “worshipping of gender stereotypes”. The feminist group reacted to how often and normalised sexist, racist and homophobic humour were in revues at Samfunnet, and to the fraternity culture with their use of words, such as a fraternity speaking of “penetrating objects” and so on. The presence of the penis carved tree in Pentagon angered her as well, again reminding her of the frat culture and stereotypes. She mentions how these same frustrations were written about in the university article and it received backlash as the fraternity people in Ås were angry. As a result of mutual frustration, the Ås feminist group came to exist in 2016, which surprisingly had a large turnout at it’s first meeting. What was special about the group who showed up was the fact they were made of a diverse group of people who aren’t part of the ‘usual political/social activist bubble’ that exist in Ås. Rather, there were many unsuspected people who came to support the group and share stories of frustrating everyday sexism they experience. As I watch her telling me this, it is visible that this group and it’s work is sentimental to her and she is proud of what they have achieved, such as the #aldriok campaign. Prior to the Current Ås feminist network, the university has had other feminist groups, some of them no longer around, while others remain somewhat active. Maria tells me how Hunkattene started out as a feminist group as they were formed in 1960 by the onlyten women who studied at the university at the time. Ivar, the all-female choir is also founded as a feminist group. However, due to the nature of the sorority/fraternity culture, the feminism in their sororities is not accessible and the sororities are more socially oriented than politically. Thus, there was a need for a new feminist group, where there is no board and hierarchy; it’s more organic
everyone is equal and their goal is to fight the patriarchy.
“I dream of a world where everyone is treated equally and with dignity, regardless of what is between their legs, or their background, religion and sexual orientation.” The feminism she refers to is intersectional feminism, where the cause goes further than fighting for wage gap and the right to vote, but also takes on privilege theory and social stereotypes. “For example, when people find that I know a lot about rock music, I want to be able to say that without having a man look surprised. This also goes for when I can build a bench or whatever, I get an underhanded compliment, and it’s not a compliment if you didn’t think I could do it.” Maria explains how everyday sexism occurs in society and she finds it offensive that if you do not conform to a gender stereotype, one often gets ridiculed.
I think that we are not free as long as we have those norms and rules for how one is supposed to act, based on gender, religion, colour, sexual orientation and so on.” The norms that exist in society are also harmful to men, she elaborates, because of the idea of “masculinity” where it’s not socially acceptable for men to show emotions or be vulnerable, or to like to ride horses or do ballet or whatever. Thus, the traps of gender stereotypes prevent people from being themselves and to be free to find out what they like without the concern of what people will say. What’s next Maria tells me how she values her time in Ås. She has made great friends, and gotten involved in causes she believes in. The interview takes place in her cozy home that is secluded next to the forest and large fields just off campus. Her view of this cool rustic barn is one thing she will miss, as she faces it when she has her morning coffee. It is evident she will miss Ås dearly, as she talks about how happy she has been with her living situation and roommates. However, she is glad to be finishing up school this year, and in terms of career aspirations she doesn’t see herself ending up in an office. Instead, she hopes to find something where she can be more creative.
Photo: Petter Berntsen
Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich
Photo: Ingrid Fadnes
Illustration: Maren Oftebro
Issue 04 Year 73
Yum Yum Stine Lise Wannebo Journalist
ร yvind Nyheim Photographer
Translated By: Hanna Sahlstrรถm
It is soon that time of the year again, that time of the year that no one wants to mention by name. The time that starts with an e- and ends with -xamination period. Those weeks where you are always hungry, but never seem to be able to find something good to eat. With one exception:
36 Issue 04 Year 73
Sweet Potato Soup (4 portions) 800g sweet potato (about 3 whole) 2 large carrots 8 dl vegetable stock (2 bouillon cubes) 1 box coconut milk 1 lime Ekstra smak: Ginger Chili Garlic Coriander Salt and pepper This recipe can be easily adapted based on time, effort and money on hand. The soup can be made simply by just adding salt and pepper, or be transformed into a true explosion of flavour with ginger, chili and garlic.
1) Rinse, cut and cook the carrots and sweet potatoes in a pot. The carrots take a longer time to cook, so cut these into smaller pieces than the sweet potatoes. 2) Drain the water when the vegetables are so soft that they can be crushed with a fork. Whether you choose to crush them with a fork, potato masher, hand blender or food processor is completely up to you. 3) When the vegetables are mashed, pour in the coconut milk and let the soup come to a boil while you stir. 4) Add cut or dried chili, grated ginger or chopped garlic. Cut the lime in two and squeeze the lime juice into the soup while tasting it can quickly become too sour! Finish withsalt and pepper. 5) Sprinkle some coriander on top if you have any - it looks so nice! Ready – set - eat! P.S.: Think it is boring to mash vegetables? Grate them before you boil them, it cooks faster and tastes just as good!
Issue 04 Year 73 37
A Daily Dose Out of the Ordinary Ørjan Furnes Journalist Mats Langeid and Cornelia Aasuldsen Samfunnets photo committee
The revue by Lærken begins as any revue should; straight to the point and with a lively opening number which sets the tone immediately. It does not take long before we get into the head of a somewhat suspicious looking character with a hat and coat trying to get into Samfunnet on a quiet night out. We now find ourselves in a noir mystery where we can only sit tight and wait in suspense. The number is played out from the perspectives of the guard watching the entrance, the bartender and some mysterious character going by the initials “VA”. It tells their stories about how they know the main character. This happens while a cigarette is passed back and forth, and the mood fluctuates effectively between the
38 Utgåve 04 Årgang 73
boosted confidence that only alcohol can provide, and the harsh reality of life. I think there were many people in the room recognising themselves in the situation, as the character ultimately had to face defeat and head home. Why doesn’t anyone smoke anymore? This year’s overall theme, or common thread if you will, was about everyday social criticism. Lærken brings up important topics like school shootings, and how pictures of life events are being decorated and staged for maximised dramatic effect. Here there is a birthing scene where chili was actually eaten on stage, possibly to give the whole number some kind of dual bottom... line. We were also served quite a grand vocal number with a chorus sounding “Tobacco, yes please. It is just what I need!” with dancing packs of cigarettes in the background decorated with slogans like “Smoking grants status” instead of the usual clichés of how deadly it is and stuff like that. At this point I get the idea that the general social
critique is meant with some kind of ironic distance. Although, I dare proclaim that I think they were somewhat serious with this number in particular. Everyday weekend arguments One of the highlights of the revue was definitely the emotionally loaded arguments between two guys from deep within the forests of Fredrikstad as they attempted to survive eating a meal of tacos. This escalated from the standard discussion about the order of ingredients to the radical opinion of serving the salad as a side dish so it doesn’t get warm. Furthermore, everything went nuts as one suggested Thousand Islands as a dressing. When one could be so naive as to think that the blasphemy had reached it’s climax, we heard “Just let me fetch the pineapple”. The scene ends as a new character proceeds to the stage annoyed and points out that “Tacos are not for the weekdays, tacos are for the weekend”, something that created a nice humoristic tangle in the common thread.
REVUE Open about their corruption First, I just have to say that I am writing this without a gun to my head, and that what I say is honest. Still, this is hard for you as a reader to confirm, so I will leave it up to you to choose what to believe. It is however no secret that the representation of unions in Tuntreet is a bit weighted towards Lærken these days in terms of both journalists and the editors, in the past and in the future. Instead of hiding this, Lærken has chosen to give us insight into a meeting with the editorial group. Here we get to learn how everything should preferably be about Lærken. Suddenly the editor Margit enters the scene with a foreboding
message that Tuntreet must, “unfortunately”, do some downsizing. This results in a somewhat suspicious selection process where Kaja, the only one present who has not plead allegiance to Lærken, has to go. Next, the newly elected “führer” of Tuntreet and, you guessed it, Lærke: BringedillogBringedall, marches out on stage to “The Imperial March”, babbling in German. I choose to interpret this as a wish to achieve a greater representation of the student masses in the editorial group for the future.
were told already in the opening number, the show was written “in a hurry”, like it usually is. Most people would probably say the revue tasted quite good, but personally I think it could have been even more delectable with a couple extra hours in the oven, some spices and something funky on the side. However, this should be taken with a pinch of salt as Lærken actually has a talent for making shows, and this night was no exception. One should not underestimate the value of a Big Mac once in a while.
Fast food The best analogy to summarise this year’s best Lærke revue must be fast food. Like we
Issue 04 Year 73 39
The sheep and the palm. I have tattooed myself twice, once drunk and the other one sober. You can guess which is which. Anne Tove Græsdal Våge: Had a lot of different things on my underarms, on one there was a smiley, a sun that is looking at its reflection in the water in a circle + more on the other arm, such as a diver, an astronaut and a frame on my foot.
Tattoo me beautiful
Spring is on its way, which means that the flowers are blooming, and the tattoos are beginning to peak out after a long winter covered in thick clothes. Here are some of the tattoos that students at NMBU can show off this spring: tildekket av tykke klær. Her er noen av tatoveringene studentene ved NMBU kan vise frem i våres! Ingvild Darbo Journalist
Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Photographer
Inga Elen Årvoll Eidsvik Photographer
Mikkel Bae Næss: BAE på armen
ven: C
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n the
unde ra
Aranee Sinnathurai: Elephant on the finger
Helene Midttun: “Small T-rex on the forearm, which I think is really fun and has a affective value because my best friend got a Triceratops on her left arm at the same time. It was done in Vietnam for 50 kr, so maybe it’s filled with lead. Who knows. But anyway, I love it, and that’s the most important thing!”
Nadia Marlen Aasen: Sleeve
Did you know that: • the earliest tattoos are dated 3351 B.C? • about 10% of Norwegians have one or more tattoos? • more women get tattoos than men? • you can get ”glow in the dark” tattoos that light up under UV light?
Heidi Mørkhagen Granum: “I got the dragon on my back almost three years ago, and it’s the biggest I’ve got. It’s drawn for me personally, and I got it because I have always been fascinated by mythical creatures and dragons. I got the horse on my upper arm on vacation in Crete. It’s done by a very skilled tattoo artist who has clients from all over the world. It’s about breaking the norm a bit. It breaks out of a geometric shell, and it’s important to be comfortable with yourself regardless of what others think. I was bullied a lot as a child, but I’m still going strong. The butterfly and the sphingidae, one under each arm, I simply got because I love insects! I have a bachelor’s degree in biology, and now I’m getting a master’s degree in ecology, where I will write about the insect’s ability to break down material in the mountains.”
Issue 04 Year 73
The New Members of the Samfunnet Board Ole-Andreas Stigsrud Journalist
On March 19th, Samfunnet held their General Assembly in Aud.Max. This assembly included the election of three new members of the Samfunnet Board: the leader, the marketing officer, and the treasurer. Tuntreet sat down for a chat with all three to find out more about them.
Leader: Ane Magnussen
Marketing Officer: Lars Martin Hval
Treasurer: Inger Marie Rostad
21 years old from Bryne, a little town half an hour south of Stavanger. Collegium Alfa. Why did you choose to study in Ås? I heard a lot of good things about both the study programs as well as the social life in Ås. The ambassador from Ås that came to our school gave a good impression. When you’re not at Samfunnet or at school, what are you doing? For now I spend quite a lot of time at Samfunnet, both working and partying. Other than that I’m active with my sorority, and I spend a lot of time with my boyfriend, or just hanging with friends. Do you have a life goal you really want to accomplish? Right now it’s to get as much out of my time studying as possible, both academically and socially, so that I’m well prepared for my professional life afterwards. What made you want to run for the Samfunnet Board? I’ve been involved with Samfunnet before, and I wanted to contribute more. Contribute to the bigger picture. I wasn’t ready to back down, and wanted to make it better for students so that they can have fun.
23 years old from Jevnaker. Potato chip king. Former Hankattforeningen st.1902. Why did you choose to study in Ås? I wanted to study agriculture at this famous agricultural school so that I can take over the farm at home. When you’re not at Samfunnet or at school, what are you doing? In Bodega’s cave or at the Faderloftet. I play cards there and just hang out. I also work bulldozing snow during the winter and visit home to help on the farm every so often. Do you have a life goal you really want to accomplish? A night with Princess Ingrid Alexandra, and with my good friend King Harold. What made you want to run for the Samfunnet Board? I want to help organise things. Make sure there is milk in Johannes and wieners in Bodega.
23 years old from Fredrikstad. Feminin&Fornem. Why did you choose to study in Ås? It was one of the only places that had what I wanted to study. I also have a brother that went here and shared many stories about Ås and the student life here. When you’re not at Samfunnet or at school, what are you doing? At parties or other social events. I am active with my sorority and spend a lot of time with them. Do you have a life goal you really want to accomplish? No not really, prefer to take things as they come.
With UKA in Ås in Mind
Finally, miniUKA has arrived. Over one year of planning has led to this moment. The moment when Ås is filled with UKEjoy again. The tractor is fixed, the UKEbarbeque is on, the liquor bars are built, the musicians are in place and the activity committee is well prepared. The UKA organization 2018 is ready to give you a miniUKE you’ll never forget. Today the UKA organization consists of over 500 people who work together to give you the best festival experience. You’ve heard it before, but without these amazing volunteers neither UKA in Ås nor Samfunnet would function. Therefore, we are forever grateful for each and every one of you and all the hours you have spent and will spend for UKA in Ås. Even though miniUKA is short it doesn’t mean that the events won’t be as big as during UKA itself in October. The miniUKAprogram is filled with exciting activities which can make anyone burst with
42 Issue 04 Year 73
Translated By: Alicia Earnest
excitement. The event planners have put much weight on variation in the program so that everyone can have something to look forward to during miniUKA. Just think, Ole Ivars and Kjartan Lauritzen on the same night, you can’t really get a much bigger genre gap. In addition there is a broad spectre of smaller activities to look forward to. Who hasn’t dreamt about watching a horror movie under the pavilion outside Samfunnet or experience the cosmic atmosphere when Halvors is level loaded with dancing people without loud music during silent disco? There is loads to look forward to! Friday during the miniUKErevue, the slogan for UKA in Ås 2018 - which the UKEboard is really proud of - will be released. A little UKEsecret from the UKEleader’s interview on the UKEblog is that this slogan has been used in all promotion since February. Enough big words, there’s only one thing left to say: enjoy miniUKA! Best regards, Marketing manager Hanne Tveter Åmdal – on behalf of the UKEorganization 2018
Multiconsult skal være et norsk kraftsenter med internasjonalt nedslagsfelt i bransjen. Selv om vi vurderes som en av de mest attraktive arbeidsgiverne, er konkurransen tøff. Som student er du nøkkelen til at vi når målene våre. Multiconsult verdsetter unge nye medarbeidere som kan tenke nytt, og vi trenger deg som tør å utfordre etablerte standarder.
MUST WORK www.multiconsult.no/must
Issue 04 Year 73
SPILLSIDENE av Kristian Haraldsen
FASIT PÅSKEKRIMMEN UTG 3. Kattedrapet i Ås Kommunes venner av quizmaster Hauk Liebe
Det var Oddvar Bild Rapsen som kjørte over katten til Nora Puus. Oddvars forklaring henger ikke på greip. Café Klubben holder ikke caféen åpen i påsken og de serverer ikke sin caffé latte i kopp, den serveres i glass.
1. Hvis foten din er 24 cm lang, hvilken skostørrelse skal du da i utgangspunktet bruke? 2. Hvilken avis er tradisjonelt sett på som bøndenes avis? 3. Hva er Sachsen, Schleswig-Holstein og Rheinand-Pfalz eksempler på? 4. Hva er likheten mellom sykdommene malaria og denguefeber? 5. Hvem vant årets norske Melodi Grand Prix? 6. I hvilket tiår flytta Hankattene loftet sitt fra Cirkus til Jubilo? 7. Hva er skrei? 8. Hvilken kjent vitenskapsmann døde 14. mars i år, 76 år gammel? 9. Hvilket Asiatisk land skal spille åpningskampen mot Russland i sommerens fotball-VM? 10. Hva heter psykologen til Jokke i tegneserien Pondus?
Send inn løsningen til spillsidett@gmail.com innen 4. mai og vær med i trekningen av et flakslodd. Tuntreet gratulerer Henrik Hveding som ble vinner av forrige
44 utgaves Issuekryssord. 04 YearDu73 vil bli Åsblæst’ns kontaktet av redaksjonen! *Kryssordets premie er et flakslodd med vinnersjangser opp til en million.
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Foto: Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz
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Killer Sudoku følger de samme reglene som vanlig sudoku, men summen av rutene i de stripete feltene må samsvare med det lille tallet i hjørnet på hver av disse feltene. Det kan ikke være like tall innen de stripete feltene.
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Fasit quiz og killer sudoku side Issue 04på Year 7351.45
Silje Kvist Simonsen
Results from the Photography Contest in TT03, theme: Life 1st Place: Ruben Rygh (pĂĽ baksida av bladet) 2nd Place: Silje Kvist Simonsen 3rd Place: Anne-Marie Austad
Tuntreets Photography Competition TT04, Theme: Play Send in your entry to tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no before the 1st of May, 23.59.
46 Issue 04 Year 73
Anne-Marie Austad
Find Out What’s Going on in April- May
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 miniUKA Bike day in town
Studentting 3
Members Party: Western
Theme Quiz
X-traordinary Culture X-plosion
Saturday Lounge with UBUNTU
Spring Cleaning
Intimate Dance with Flatlusa and Frøy
Tuesday Refill with Studenttingets Arbeidsutvalg
Lost and Found Bodega
47 Utgave 01 Year 73
Finale Quiz
Issue 04 Year 73 47
Separated at birth?
48 Issue 04 Year 73
Have You Heard... Translated By: Hanna Sahlström
The Tree Dick: Hope you rise up again and walk through the gates of heaven. The Troll Dick: next up? Tragic people. Morning Wood: Not this morning. Hoping: The vandals can come out at least, vandalism is vandalism. Lumberjack: Yeah, it had to. It was defiling the environment. Samfunn server: The dick had to go. Dendrophile: I thought all sexualities were accepted in 2018. R.I.P - rest in penis Dendrophile: The dry humping adventure is over, for me at least. Missed: Life but how to live. Can promise bounty. The Jungle Telegraph: Even August Bremnes Stokke is single?? It’s true. Allrommet: Actual chili was eaten on stage during the Lærke revue that ended with vomit?!! Anonymous: Lærke revue: it was ok, under par, oh well. Tobacco: Yes please. Lærke revue: Annoyingly good. Pussy cat: Have you heard that Teknisk Disponent wrecked their car when they were in the mountains and had to hike? The Rumour Mill: An old engineer from Property Studies and a mammoth of a man persistently reach new mountaintops. Bitter miser: Have you heard that ukesjefen and the old samfunnsklovnenen have become best friends? Bitter and Boastfull: F&F have a healthy amount of self-irony. Guys: There is a good testosterone charged atmosphere when 90% of KS are girls. GF: Incredible GF this year! Looking forward to the next time! GF: Carl Henrik Kobbeltvedt was not at GF???? GF: Margit is still standing in AudMax and talking about the report on Tuntreet. At GF: Why did the questions the candidates responded to have to be so damn boring? 4. Lærkeredaktør?: #Lærkestreet? GF: GF is best, no protest! Social Student: It is worth giving kareoke nights at the Saturday Lounges a try at the Café Klubben
Have you heard other rumours agrarmetropolen Issue 04 02 Year 73 49 should know about? tuntreet.org/har-du-hort/
Foreningsprat DERES REF: Eiketreet VÅR REF: Ingen tenker på FADERLOFTET, DEN 18. februar I DET 115. K.Å. Under den korte tiden Materialforvalter har beveget sitt legeme mellom Universitetsområdet og Jubilo, har Han bemerket seg noe underlig som foregår i nordlig ende av Herumveien, på vestlig side av GG hallens parkeringsplass. Det virker som en slik besettelse for den Gemene student å ikke kunne unngå å bli tiltrukket av dens hypnose, der den så i øyenfallende står dag som natt. Hvor kommer denne entusiasmen og fanatismen ovenfor dette treet fra? Skål for Georg Guttormsen, Administrerende Direktør! Undertegnede har håpefullt konkludert med at dette kun har vært en ubestandig trend. Med varierende utseende, avhengig av lyskildens umiddelbare nærhet og vinkel, kaster den tilsynelatende en større skygge enn noe annet tre her på Agrarmetropolen. Eksponerer treet i takt med all oppmerksomhet som det i tide og utide får gjennom visninger og likerklikk på sosiale medier? Skål så ingenlunde for Narsissisme, Administrerende Direktør! «Jeg kaster stor skygge, for kortvokst å være» postulerte en gang en liten tykk mann. Det er allment kjent at solen søker himmelen fra øst for så å vandre ned i vest, uavhengig av hvilket Eiketre som befinner seg i linsen. Undertegnede ønsker med dette å oppfordre den Gemene student å ta veien innom og se til at Eiketreet i vest får sin velfortjente anerkjennelse. MKH _____________________ Materialforvalter Mikael Franzén Rønningen
50 Issue 04 Year 73
Skaal FFD! Skaal Skriver! Skaal $paregris! Skaal Hunkatter! Skaal Qlturelle samt Xklusive! Skaal Tora samt Thorvald! Det er endelig Tid for Vaar igjen, og dende Vaaren er det meget med Festligheder i vente. Kattene haver allerede trimmet samt striglet Pelsen, og er klare til alt der miniUKA maatte tilby. Skaal for at gjøre de riktige Forberedelser! Om faa Uger skal endelig Puppene faa lov til at skinde i Vaarsolen. Puppcakessalget er snart i Gang, samt Kattene oppfordrer Samtlige til at legge igjen store Summer til Brystkreftforeningen. Skaal for at støtte en god Sak! Akekonk er ogsaa lige rundt Hjørnet. Pusekattene haver allerede startet at koste Ringneskleiva og Irma er oljet og klar for at suse ned Bakken. Det er bare at gjøre sig klar for at blive sveipet av Banen. Skaal for Irma samt Hendes fabelaktige Kjøreskills! Qlturell Hilsen Muskatt Stine Marie, Løpekatt Maria, Pusekatt Kristine, Pusekatt Hanne samt Pusekatt Ellen
Jubileumshelgen er vel overstått, Både revy og fest ble feiret godt. Kropp et topp og det synes jo vi, Selvom ikke alle skjønte vår selvironi. En ny og hektisk TITSepoke er igang, Frøknenes kalender er ganske så trang. Men vi fortviler ikke, Det skal bli mer å drikke. Vårfest og andre festligheter står for tur, Vi fortsetter å bruke kjolen for å lufte våre jur. Frøknene har beveget seg ut på eksotisk farvann, Og inviterte de internasjonale på Vors med pizza og dram. Hittil har semesteret bydd på mye kjekt, Nå må vi nyte våren selvom penisen er knekt. Huff og huff så slemt å gå på penis slang, Kanskje det dukker opp en ny som er like lang. Roser er røde, fioler er blå. Eksamen kommer snart, og sommeren like så. Xoxo Forfatterfrøken
2 6 4 5 9 7 3 8
8 1 2 4 5 3 9 7
4 3 9 7 8 1 6 5 2
Killer sudoku Fasit
3 5 4 6 9 7 8 2 1
2 6 7 5 1 8 9 4 3
Quizfasit 1. 38 2. Nationen 3. Tyske delstater 4. Begge smittes med mygg 5. Alexander Rybak 6. 1960-tallet 7. Norsk-arktisk torsk som er klar til å gyte 8. Stephen Hawking 9. Saudi-Arabia 10. Dr. Zimmerknaben
Mennene våre er våryre, Men husk at det er DU som skal styre. Selvom du har glatte lår, Betyr det ikke at han noe får.
BullDÅs Kristin Einan Storeide
Valgene er så mange. Kanskje epilator er det beste for meg? Vi i Koneklubben Freidig Gir valget fullt og helt til deg.
Vi teller også ned dagene til MiniUKA, og vi er stolte over at tre av våre medlemmer bidrar i UKErevyen 2018. Alle vi i DÅs ønsker både dem og resten av revygjengen masse lykke til med forestillingen!
Vinterpelsen må bort! Da kommer det store spørsmålet Som alle tidligere år, Skal jeg bruke høvel, Eller skal jeg vokse mine lår?
Vi er allerede nesten halvveis i april og kalenderen er fullpakket med begivenheter før vi går over til den femte måneden dette året. Allerede denne helgen reiser vi på hustur, et nytt konsept som i prinsippet er en hyttetur i byen. I skrivende stund har vi akkurat hatt trening der vi lærte koreografien vi skal opptre med på Kultur-X-plosjonen. Vi lover at det blir et nummer som vil blow your mind, med mye selvtillit og slengkyss.
Etter mange vintermåneder Under utallige lag med klær, Må man spørre seg selv, Er det mulig å komme til her?
Endelig er det vår og et begivenhetsrikt semester nærmer seg slutten. Akkurat nå er vi i full gang med barbygging sammen med Koneklubben og vi gleder oss enormt til å vise baren frem når miniuka setter i gang. Etter et hardt og langt opptak med fabelaktig innsats tok vi før påske opp fire nye gentlemen. Vi satser på at de bringer mye liv og røre i fremtiden. Ellers er vi i startfasen av å planlegge et utrolig spennende arrangement for studentmassen på Ås til neste skoleår, så det er bare å glede seg!
Når nettene blir kortere Og klærne enda litt freidigere Skal bar vinterhud frem.
Issue 04 Year 73 51
Winner of the Photography Contest TT04: Ruben Rygh 52 Issue 04 Year 73