MARCHING INTO NEW ERAS Anna Coburn @cANNAgohome Staff Writer A seemingly normal chaotic din of musicians, filling a band hall with the sounds of music, metronomes, and chatter, the Tupelo High School Varsity Band makes history. The band was selected, for the first time since 1989, to represent the state of Mississippi in the 45th Presidential Inaugural Parade. “The band started practicing on the very first week of school, and began practicing on marching the week after,” said Drum Major Kyle Woodward. The band wasted no time and got down to business right away. After receiving the news of the honor of being chosen, the band got straight to work and began raising funds to get to Washington, D.C. Their starting goal was $100,000, but by the end of winter break, they reached an amount of $130,000. Along with the tremendous honor to represent came tremendous pressure, or so it seemed. “I didn’t feel like there was a lot of pressure, but it felt very important,” Woodward http://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/local/2016/12/25/ms-high-school-bandperform-inaugural-parade/95771970/ said, “I wasn’t nervous about how we were going to do.” However, when interviewed before the band left for D.C., Assistant Director, Jeremy Greenwood said, “I’m ready for it to be over.” Greenwood said that it was a lot of work and pressure combined to get the band to Washington safely, and prepared. The band played A Tribute to America - a combination of God Bless America and America, the Beautiful. The band departed on Wednesday, January 18th, at 8 p.m., and the parade began on Friday, January 20th, at 2 p.m; but, even though the band did not make an appearance until later in the evening, they put on the performance of a lifetime. Representing Mississippi with 49 other state bands, THS Varsity Band was one of the few high school bands to actually perform in the parade. The other states were represented by colleges or drum corps. A somber, but proud event, the streets of D.C. were lined with security detail and railings to separate the civilians and protesters from the actual participants of the parade. The event took about four to six hours to complete, and the line up started hours before the members of the parade even began to move. As the band marched past the numerous television network representatives of BBC, ABC News Live, PBS, WTVA, and WCBI, thousands of Tupelo’s occupants and state occupants were watching. The band received enormously positive feedback upon their return and an increasingly upstanding reputation as a successful band in Mississippi. “It is something that I will always rememberwelcoming the 45th United States president to Washington D.C.,” said Woodward. Upon their return to Tupelo, the Varsity band went back to working on their pieces for their spring competitions, where they will be competing against other bands of their division in the state.
DREAMS AND FIGHTS EQUAL VICTORY Emery Pinson @12monthsofemery Staff Writer On August 28, 1963, a speech still used today was delivered and would help change the course of history. That speech is “I Have a Dream,” by Martin Luther King, Jr. Not only is it empowering and meaningful, but it is one of the most read and recited speeches in the month of February. February is known as Black History Month, and is dedicated to those who have made a large impact in history by helping to gain equal rights for African Americans. Though there have been many dedicated Civil Rights leaders, a few really stood out in showing hope and courage for many of the rights African Americans have today. A few of these great Civil Rights leaders include Rosa Parks, Booker T. Washington and Malcolm X. All of these http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/modern/jb_modern_parks_1_e.html supported and stuck with the 14th Amendment; which states that “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” African Americans were not being granted their due rights. Although they were promised to them with birth, they were never received. These determined leaders would not stop until every single person had equal rights. A year and a few months after King’s famous speech was delivered, segregation was abolished, and from then on rights were rightfully gained progressively. Rosa Parks once said “I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would also be free.” Parks, one of many leaders, made a big impact by doing something so relatively small. In 1955, she refused to give up her seat to a white man and was arrested. She also said “People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true. I was not tired physically… No the only tired I was, was tired of givin’ in.” Many believed that such an iconic and impactful hero deserves a physical memorial; so on February 27, 2013, former President Barack Obama unveiled a statue of Parks located in Statuary Hall in Washington, D.C. The statue is placed there so that we may never forget how some Americans in the past were not allowed to live with the freedoms enjoyed by all Americans today. A time to stand together, hand in hand, with fellow neighbors and rejoice in the many rights African Americans have today is what Black History Month is all about. It is a month dedicated to the souls who fought with all of their strength for equality. February, a month for remembrance, is to remember that without the achievements, lynchings, beatings, and jail-time that happened in the past, African Americans would not be equal in education, equal in strength nor equal with Caucasian people. But, today there are African American lawyers, doctors, and Nobel Peace Prize winners, all thanks to civil rights fighters who still stand as icons in history, that are still honored til this day.
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