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12 routes


the Pre-Pyrenees of Aragรณn

Lying between the plains and the mountains, Hoya de Huesca boasts a rich cultural and natural heritage set in the most diverse countryside. From the cereal plains to the Pyrenean foothills, 120 towns and villages offer visitors different testimonies to their past, many with a marked medieval character. This is a list of 12 routes to be taken by car to discover this fascinating land. You will find a selection of the main places to visit, along with proposals for trekking at differing levels of difficulty and duration on each route. A wide assortment to be enjoyed any time of the year.













6 7 8 9


10 11 Comarca Hoya de Huesca / Plana de Uesca



SIERRAS OF LOARRE AND CABALLERA STEPPE LANDSCAPES ABADIADO DE MONTEARAGÓN AT THE FEET OF THE SIERRA OF GUARA THE CITY OF HUESCA ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF HUESCA CEREAL PLAINS AND WETLANDS Joins a trekking route Places of ornithological interest Open during the district «Open Doors» programme See schedule at www.hoyadehuesca.es

Tourist information Huesca Tourist Office Plaza López Allué, s/n. Huesca T. 974 292 170 oficinaturismo@huesca.es Ayerbe Tourist Office Centro Ramón y Cajal C/ Rafael Gasset, 19 infoayerbe@gmail.com T. 974 380 554 El Viñedo Tourist Office (summer) Castilsabás T. 974 262 055 Loarre Castle Visitors' Center Castillo de Loarre T. 974 342 161 informacionyreservas@castillodeloarre.es «Arcaz» Bird Interpretation Centre (Riglos) T. 974 561 910 arcaz@hoyadehuesca.es


1 18 km

42 km

SIERRA DE SANTO DOMINGO & VALLE DE LA PEÑA A route through beautiful parts of the San Juan de la Peña Cultural Park alongside the foothills of the neighbouring districts of Jacetania and Cinco Villas. Gorges (“foces”) inhabited by birds of prey, shale landscapes, silent streams and villages where time stands still await you on this fascinating route around the north western part of the district.

Trekking routes • Salinas de Jaca:


de Salinas - Corrales de La Rabosera (PR-HU 97) •

La Peña- Foz de Escalete

• Ena: Route of Saint James (part of the La Peña Estación – Botaya stage) (GR-95 Roman road)



Villalangua Salinas de Jaca



Murillo de Gállego

Sta. María de la Peña Yeste Triste

What to visit



La Peña

What to visit

VILLALANGUA: An interesting town and the starting point for many different trips to areas of fantastic countryside, such as Foz de Salinas or La Osqueta San Miguel (19th century).

The Kingdom of The Mallos is a paradise for nature lovers and for enthusiasts of adventure sports such as climbing or rafting, in unbeatable setting. The Gállego River gives life to this land populated by historic and legendary personalities. What’s more, the spectacular rock formations known as Mallos give shelter to one of the largest colonies of griffon vulture in Europe.

AGÜERO: A Pre-Pyrenean village with steep streets full of beautiful corners. Church of El Salvador (12th-16th century and Church of Santiago (17th century). Organ museum at La Casa Abadía. Mallos (Natural Monument).

. The parish of

SANTA MARÍA DE LA PEÑA: Wonderful panoramic views over the reservoir and the valley of La Peña

MURILLO DE GÁLLEGO: town with entangled streets, founded in medieval times. Interesting local architecture. Church of El Salvador (12th-16th century) and Church of La Virgen de la Liena (of Romanesque origins). Remains of a medieval necropolis with anthromorphic tombs. Renaissance town hall. Panoramic views. Peña Rueba (Natural Monument) . Gállego river, where white-water and adventure sports can be enjoyed.


TRISTE: A town with beautiful stone houses with roofs in a mixture of slate and tile, Romanesque church of Santa María (10th-11th century). Textile craft workshop. Access to the La Peña reservoir, an ideal place for canoeing and fishing. YESTE: An abandoned village. Romanesque church of La Transfiguración del Señor (11th-12th century) with an impressive tympanum, adjoining cemetery. CENTENERO: Historic quarter with unique 13th-18th century manor houses. ENA: Typical mountain village near the Royal Monastery of San Juan de la Peña, to which it belonged during medieval times. Local Pyrenean architecture with wonderful examples of truncated cone-shaped chimneys decorated with engravings known as espantabrujas or "scare witches" designed to keep evil forces at bay. Church of San Pedro (14th-17th century).

Trekking routes •

Circular route, Mallos of Agüero and Al-Foraz cave

• Hoya de Huesca Nature Trail (Stage 1)-(GR-1): Agüero- Murillo de Gállego-Riglos •

Circular route, Mallos of Riglos

RIGLOS: Picturesque village. Parish Church of Ntra. Sra. del Mallo (17th century). Mallos (Natural Monument). Olive grove with hundred-year-old species next to the village. «Arcaz» Bird Interpretation Centre, specialising in birds of prey and necrophagous birds.

Events of interest • Fiesta d’as Mascaretas (Mask Party, Carnival, in Agüero). • Descent of navatas, traditional rafts on the Gállego River (between Murillo de Gállego and Santa Eulalia de Gállego, on the Sunday nearest to 23rd April). Of great ethnographic interest.


4 Lúsera


Belsué Santa María de Belsué

An unforgettable route through one of the most unknown areas of the district: the northern slopes of the Sierra de Guara, declared a Natural Park in 1990. The valleys of Belsué and Nocito are home to a magical encounter between man, art and nature. The beech and fir forests bury travellers into silent Pyrenean countryside. At an altitude of 2.077 metres, El Tozal de Guara is the highest peak in the Pre-Pyrenees and a wonderful backdrop.

Trekking routes • Circular route around the reservoir of Santa María de Belsué and cliffs of Cienfuens • From Nocito: Ravine of La Pillera • Hoya de Huesca Nature Trail: Nocito-Lúsera section on Stage 5

35 km



21 km

THE NORTHERN SLOPES OF GUARA What to visit BELSUÉ: A unique village located in the Natural Park of Cañones de Guara. Large manor houses stand as examples mountain architecture. Church of San Martín (Romanesque11th century). Poplar grove of Belsué and sculpture of the Alberto Carneiro «The trees blossom in Huesca». SANTA MARÍA DE BELSUÉ: Abandoned, Romanesque Church of Santa María (11th century). LÚSERA: Abandoned village on a sandstone promontory. NOCITO: A charming village with a typical Pyrenean appearance at the feet of El Tozal de Guara, with lovely examples of local and residential architecture. Aristocratic coats of arms decorate the façades. Medieval bridge. Church of San Pedro (Romanesque origins, refurbished in 16th century) and Church of San Juan (18th century). A beautiful path connects the village with the Shrine of San Úrbez, (12th century Romanesque origins, refurbished in 16th and 18th century). An area of great natural beauty and huge oak trees.


La Sierra y los of the local Lombard origins, Portuguese

Bentué de Rasal

Legends, superstitions and popular beliefs blend with the landscape in these lands of transition between the plains and the mountains in the north of the district. Flying witches, the knight Roldán, the lovers Gratal and Gabardiella, the giant Guara or the Moorish Queen of Rasal are just some of the characters waiting for you in these mysterious places.


What to visit


RASAL: A pre-Pyrenean settlement with noteworthy stone façades, semi-circular arch doorways, slate roofs and chimneys protected by espantabrujas. Church of San Vicente (17th century). Chapel of San Juan Bautista (originally from the 11th century, later refurbished), forming part of the group of churches of El Serrablo. ARGUIS: A unique village. Church of San Miguel (12th century Romanesque origins, refurbished in 17th-18th century). Chapel of Ntra. Sra. de Soldevilla (17th century), beautiful panoramic views. Reservoir of Arguis (originally from 1704, the oldest in Aragon), fishing. Nearby, the «Pascual Garrido» Interpretation Centre on the Natural Park of La Sierra y los Cañones de Guara. NUENO: Hamlet adapted to the slopes of the Sierra of Gratal. Church of San Martín (originally from the 12th century, extended in the 18th century) with Mudejar tower, the northernmost of this style of art.


Peña Aman (“mallos”), with spectacular panoramic views. (access trhough narrow two-ways paved track).

Salto de Roldán

Trekking routes • Climb up the Peiró peak and beech forest (start of path between Arguis and Bentué de Rasal) • From Nueno or Arascués: Gorges and cave

SABAYÉS: Town. Church of San Andrés (16th century). «Espacio Salto de Roldán» Interpretation Centre. SALTO DE ROLDÁN: An area of nature in the Natural Park of La Sierra y los Cañones de Guara with Peña San Miguel and

Sta. Eulalia de la Peña

Chapel of San Julián •

Salto de Roldán – Peña de San Miguel, medieval remains on the former (access up pitons).


6 41 km

LA GALLIGUERA AND THE MANOR OF MARCUELLO The Gállego River has been a traditional connection between Zaragoza and France since Roman times and the wood from the Pyrenees descended down its waters in the form of navatas, or log rafts. These same waters are now used for rafting. Its banks were home to the Nobel Prize laureate in medicine, Santiago Ramón y Cajal, and its villages and countryside offer the senses a paradise of water and life.

Sarsamarcuello Santa Eulalia de Gállego Ayerbe

What to visit BISCARRUÉS: A village with many different examples of civil and residential architecture on the so-called «Stone Route». Church of La Asunción (18th century, 12th century tower). Easter Monument (18th century). SANTA EULALIA DE GÁLLEGO: Village and panoramic views. AYERBE: Important historic quarter full of manor houses and palazzo with aristocratic coats of arms. Towers of San Pedro (12th century) and El Reloj (17th century). Palace of the Marquises of Urriés (15th-16th century). Church of San Pedro (16th century). Ramón y Cajal Interpretation Centre in what was his home. Fountain of Los Tres Caños (16th century). Chapel of San Miguel (12th century), panoramic views. 3 km away, the Shrine of Ntra. Sra. de Casbas (18th century) , with wonderful paintings inside. SARSAMARCUELLO: Many different examples of residential architecture in the centre of the village. Church of San Nicolás de Bari (18th century). Nearby (access by trail), Chapel of San Miguel (12th century), remains of the Castle of Marcuello (11th century) and the Vulture Observation Point.


Events of interest

34 km


Castillo de Loarre

Linás de Marcuello


• Re-enactment of «La Enclavación» (Nailing to the Cross), (in Ayerbe, Maundy Thursday. Declared a Tourist Attraction in Aragón). • Descent of navatas (traditional rafts) on the Gállego River (on the Sunday nearest to 23rd April). Of great ethnographic interest.

Aniés The sierras of Loarre and Caballera acted as a border in medieval times between two civilisations, cultures that left their mark in the form of castles, fortified towers, walls, etc. This route runs through places full of history, taking visitors back to a time of wars with one shared goal: to rule the fertile Bolea land. Events of interest • Cherry Festival (in Bolea, What to visit on the Sunday nearest to 13th th th LINÁS DE MARCUELLO: Church of Santa Ana (17 -18 June. Typical produce from century). Museum of the «Rural School» in the former the area). school building and teacher’s house. • Hang Gliding and

• Wine Festival (in Santa Eulalia de Gállego, April). • Pre-Pyrenees Rural Alternatives Festival (in Ayerbe, September).

LOARRE: Interesting village centre and square with a central fountain and the Hostelry building, a Renaissancestyle former Guild Hall (16th century). Church of San Esteban (17th century) with Romanesque engravings inside and tower (16th century). Fountain of Tres Caños (16th century). 5 km away, Loarre Castle, the best preserved Romanesque fortress in Europe (11th-12th century) built on a rocky spur and the setting for many films.

• Mushroom days (in Ayerbe, October).

Trekking routes • Trail of the Senses: ErésSanta Eulalia de Gállego • Hoya de Huesca Nature Trail (Stage 2): Las Peñas de Riglos -Loarre •

Sarsamarcuello – vulture observation point (PR-HU 99)

ANIÉS: A town with 18th century manor homes. Cave Chapel of La Virgen de la Peña (17th-18th century) and House of Brothership, both up high on a crag with wonderful panoramic views (easy access on foot). BOLEA: Village centre with winding, entangled steep streets with a real medieval feel to them. Collegiate Church of Santa María la Mayor (16th century) with a magnificent altarpiece painted on board (15th century). Remains of the old Moorish fortress. Church of Ntra. Sra. de la Soledad (18th century). Ethnographic museum «Casa Santas».

Paragliding Meet (in Loarre, May). • Meeting of Historical Reenactors (in Loarre, July).

Trekking routes • Loarre castle – Puchilibrio peak (PR-HU 105, alternative 1) •

Bolea – Chapel of Santa Quiteria – Cave Chapel of (PR-HU 111)

• Hoya de Huesca Nature Trail (Stage 3): LoarreAniés-Bolea •

Aniés – Cave Chapel of La Virgen de la Peña


8 56 km

Romans, Moors and Christians all inhabited these lands, leaving behind them remains in the form of roads, bridges, irrigation channels, fortresses, churches, Chapels, wells, water tanks, ovens, etc. and left their mark in the names of many different places in this south eastern area running into the district of Monegros, characterised by peculiar, desertic and mysterious countryside where differential erosion has whimsically carved shapes that let your imagination fly.

What to visit MONFLORITE: Manor tower of the López de Gurrea family (15th century). 1 km away, Chapel of Ntra. Sra de los Dolores (12th century) and anthropomorphic tombs. ALBERO ALTO: In the surrounding area, Moorish well-fountain and medieval acropolis «Camas de los Moros». Church of La Natividad de Ntra. Sra (16th century). PIRACÉS: Peña Mediodía peak with remains of the old Moorish fortress (9th10th century), impressive panoramic views. Nearby, the Chapel of La Virgen de la Corona (12th century), the sculpture set of Fernando Casas «Trees as archaeology» and observation point. Next to the village, Moorish water tank. TRAMACED: Picturesque countryside of Torrollones, isolated, eroded sandstone formations.


ABADIADO DE MONTEARAGÓN Spreading before the Sierra of Guara is Abadiado de Montearagón, a vast land that belonged to the powerful Castle-Abbey of Montearagón in medieval times. These villages share a joint past and suggestive architecture: in them, religiousness and superstition have been merged since time immemorial, when people visited chapels and ritual stones alike in search for fertility.


SESA: Church of San Juan (originally from the 13th century, later refurbished). Porticoed square. Chapel of Ntra. Sra. de la Jarea. In the surrounding area, Cuevas fecundantes (rocks with sculpted cavities used for rituals).

38 km

Alberto Alto Antillón

San Julián de Banzo Chibluco

Vadiello Santa Eulalia la Mayor


Ayera Loporzano



What to visit


Sesa Tramaced

SALILLAS: Ice well (possibly from the 16th century). Palace of the Marquises of Montemuzo.

Events of interest • Pilgrimage to the Chapel of La Virgen del Viñedo (1st May).

PERTUSA: Church of Santa María (18th century), Romanesque crypt (12th century) and Renaissance tower (16th century) attributed to Juan de Herrera. Remains of the Roman road from Ilerda to Osca. ANTILLÓN: Communal bread oven (17th century). Remains of walls and fortified towers (12th century). Church of La Natividad de Ntra. Sra. (16th century). 1 km from the village, a well-fountain.

Trekking routes •

Circular route, «Landscapes of Piracés»: Piracés Observation Point – Cerro Patrilla Hill - Peña del Mediodía peak – Piracés Observation Point La Serreta ornithology route: Piracés - Tramaced

• Route of Saint James, Pertusa- Fañanás stage. Pertusa – Antillón section.

Trekking routes • Chapel of La Virgen del Viñedo (Castilsabás) Barluenga • Ayera - Chapel of San Esteban - Piedra de los Moros • San Julián de Banzo Cave Chapel of San Martín de la Val d’Onsera - S6 • Hoya de Huesca Natural Trail: Vadiello reservoir

RESERVOIR OF VADIELLO: A natural environment of the Guatizalema river surrounded by the Mallos of Ligüerri . Climbing. Starting point for trekking routes in the Natural Park of La Sierra de Guara. SANTA EULALIA LA MAYOR: Medieval watchtower (9th-10th century), panoramic views. Communal bread oven. Chapel of Ntra. Sra. de Sescún. CASTILSABÁS: Village with manor houses. In front of the village, Chapel of La Virgen del Viñedo (18th century) and oil mill (18th century). BARLUENGA: Chapel of San Miguel (13th century) with surprising hand-painted polychrome wall paintings inside (gothic linear style, 13th-14th century).



CHIBLUCO: Church of Santa Cecilia (originally from the 12th century). Extraordinary views. 1.5 km from the village, the ancient Chinebro, one of the best examples of juniper in Aragon. SAN JULIÁN DE BANZO: Starting point for the trekking route to the Chapel of San Martín de la Val d’Onsera (17th century, originally medieval), cave, waterfall, and wild countryside. LOPORZANO: Interesting site of manor houses. Parisian fountain «El Amorcillo» (20th century). AYERA: 1.5 km from the village, «Piedra de los Moros», impressive rock with excavated silos dating back to medieval times. BANDALIÉS: Town with a great pottery tradition. Ceramic crafts workshop.


10 47 km


AT THE FEET OF THE SIERRA OF GUARA It is said that the outline of a sleeping giant can be seen in the Sierra of Guara, under whose careful watch is a rich, surprising cultural and natural heritage. The monastery of Casbas, the gothic linearstyle paintings of San Miguel de Foces, canyoning or the wealth of ornithology in Santa Cilia de Panzano are just some of the proposals on offer in this beautiful corner in the western part of the district.

Trekking routes • Hoya de Huesca Nature Trail: San Miguel de Foces-Sieso de HuescaCasbas de Huesca section in Stage 7 • Barranco del Formiga ravine from the Cave of Las Polvorosas (start of car park between Panzano and Santa Cilia) • Hoya de Huesca Nature Trail: Casbas de HuescaAlcanadre river section in Stage 8

What to visit LIESA: On a hill near the village, Chapel of Santa María th del Monte (13 century) with interesting 14th century painting framed in gothic linear style. IBIECA: 2 km from the village, Church of San Miguel de th Foces (13 century), an aristocratic pantheon of imposing architecture with a noteworthy set of wall paintings inside (14th century) in gothic linear style. SANTA CILIA DE PANZANO: Small, charming village set on the slopes of Guara. «Vulture House» Museum located in the old church bell tower. «Altos de Guara» Interpretation Centre devoted to the Natural Park. Observation point for birds of prey. Vultures' feeder located nearby. CASBAS DE HUESCA: Typical town from the Somontano region, with a medieval layout and many different manor houses with keystone doorways and aristocratic coats of arms. Cistercian Monastery for women of Ntra. Sra. de la Gloria (12th to 18th century). Fountain, drinking trough and wash house (19th century) in the monastery square. Church of San Nicolás de Bari (18th century). Ice well (17th century) 1 km from the village. ANGÜÉS: Church of La Purificación de Ntra. Señora (originally Romanesque with later remodelling). Well-fountain at the exit from the village.

Events of interest • Historical medieval re-enactment (around San Miguel de Foces, Ibieca. August).

The city of Huesca is the beating heart of the district of Hoya, with its busy comings and goings every day. Visitors are given a look into its 2,000-plus years of history on an interesting route past buildings from different periods and of varying artistic styles. Furthermore, its range of cuisine, culture and shopping complement and enhance any visit to this charming provincial capital.

Santa Cilia de Panzano Panzano Aguas


What to visit

Casbas de Huesca

Liesa Angüés

Trekking routes •

Route around the wetland of Valdabra (PR-HU 142)

Route around the wetland and the chapel of Loreto (PR-HU 141)

• Route of Saint James, Huesca-Shrine of Sta. Mª de Salas-Bridge over the Flumen river section (in the Fañanás – Huesca Stage)

HUESCA: City hall (16th century, Aragonese Renaissance); in the Hall of Justice, the painting: «La Campana de Huesca» by Casado del Alisal. Cathedral (13th-16th century) and Diocesan Museum. Provincial Museum (Archaeology and Fine Arts), with rooms belonging to the old Royal Palace (12th century, Sala de la Campana, or Bell Hall) and the University (17th century). Church of S. Pedro el Viejo (12th century), beautiful Romanesque cloister and Royal Pantheon. Palace of Villahermosa (15th to 17th century), Mudejar coffered ceiling (13th-14th century). The streets known as Calle Coso Alto and Calle Coso Bajo (former layout of the wall) with Renaissance palazzo. Modernist casino. Baroque Churches of S. Vicente el Real (18th century), Sto. Domingo and S. Martín (17th century) and the Royal Basilica of S. Lorenzo (17th-18th century). Olimpia Theatre (20th century, classic style). Miguel Servet Park. Provincial Government Offices. Sala Saura hall (on the ceiling, painting entitled «Elegía» by Antonio Saura) and Roman remains. Convent of S. Miguel (12th to 17th century).Nearby: CDAN (Centre of Art and Nature, by the architect Rafael Moneo). Espacio 0,42 Planetarium.

Events of interest • San Vicente Festival (on the days around 22nd January) • Easter Week: declared a Tourist Attraction in Aragón • San Jorge Festival (23rd April) • International Film Festival (June) • San Lorenzo Festival (from 9th to 15th August) declared a National Tourist Attraction • International Theatre and Dance Festival (September) • Periferias Festival (October).

35 km

ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF HUESCA The outskirts of the city of Huesca offer a varied cultural heritage that runs from the Middle Ages to the present day, and ranges from 11th century castles to trenches from the Spanish Civil War. A wide spectrum of remains that played a starring role in and witnessed our history. All in exceptional countryside full of wetlands of great ecological and ornithological interest, among large plains of cereal land and the foothills of Guara.

Chimillas Alerre

Quicena Huesca Tierz

What to visit CHIMILLAS: Pool of Cortés. ALERRE: Tower-bell tower (14th century), housing the Museum of Garments, Fans and Footwear. TIERZ: 2.5 km from the village, the Estrecho Quinto bunkers and trenches (1936) where the English authors George Orwell y John Cornford fought. QUICENA: Castle of Montearagón (11th century), built for the conquest of

Trekking routes


Moorish Huesca and transformed into a powerful abbey that led to the region known as «Abadiado de Montearagón». Panoramic views. Fortress of Montearagón (machine-gun nest, 200 metres before reaching the castle). Historic bridge-aqueduct on the outskirts of the village. SIÉTAMO: Its town centre is a chance to see the characteristic architecture of War-Torn Regions (20th century): Town hall, the Civil Guard barracks, farm workers’ homes and the fountainwash house-drinking trough site. Air raid shelter (20th century) (inside a restaurant in the town). Church of San Vicente (16th century). Remains of the castle where the 10th count of Aranda was born (15th-16th century).

Large cereal plains spread out at the feet of the Pre-Pyrenees. A mosaic of cropland dotted with wetlands that form ecosystems of great environmental value. Furthermore, Llanos de la Violada and its villages offer visitors an interesting route among traditional architecture, colony villages and Mudejar towers.

Events of interest • «Rompida de la Hora» (mass drum beating) (in Almudévar, Maundy Thursday). • Migration of cranes in La Alberca de Arboré (from December; highest concentration in February and March).

Trekking routes • Green route: Montmesa Alberca de Alboré

• From Chimillas, route around the wetland of Cortés (PR-HU 140)

• Route around the Tormos dam

• Remnants of the war: trenches of Tierz and Loporzano

• Pedro Saputo Nature Trail. Almudévar – Valsalada Section

42 km


CEREAL PLAINS AND WETLANDS What to visit MONTMESA: Baroque Church of San Miguel Arcángel with a noteworthy Mudejar tower. “Alberca de Alboré” Nature Centre, specialising in migratory and water birds. Nearby, the area of nature of La Alberca de Alboré, a Moorish pool forming part of the La Sotonera reservoir, the main resting area for the common crane after Gallocanta.

Alcalá de Gurrea

LA SOTONERA RESERVOIR: A 20th century construction, and the source of the Monegros Canal. An ideal place for yachting, canoeing and windsurfing. Nearby, Colony-Town of Tormos* (20th century) built to house reservoir workers, and the remains of a Moorish defence lookout. ALCALÁ DE GURREA: Church of San Jorge (originally from the 13th century with later refurbishments), small parish museum and narrow Mudejar tower. SAN JORGE: Typical example of a village built by the National Colonisation Institute in the mid-20th century. ALMUDÉVAR: Town hall (17th century) and group of striking houses. Parish of Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción (18th century) and museum of sacred art. Chapel of La Virgen de la Corona. Remains of the medieval castle. Ice well. «El Bodegón» Interpretation Centre on the local wine production tradition. Large site of excavated wine cellars.


San Jorge

D.L. HU-36-2018


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