Ecotourism 05. The Area North of Valladolid in Spain

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Spain Other magazines of interest

2 Ecotourism


nº 05

The Area North of Valladolid Tierra de Campos

ancient Gothic Plains of the Visigoths (Campi Gothici or Campi Gothorum), makes up an evocative landscape of wide horizons.

08. COUNTRY TERRITORIAL MUSEUM The whole of the Tierra de

Campos district at becoming a cultural theme park.


[Edited by] CM [Published by] SH [International] JAS [Commercial department] CM / PGR

[Webmaster] [Translation] Susan Mitchell [Photos] [Cover photo]

Pigeon-house in Bolaños de Campos (Valladolid, Spain) © MOLINA Y GUZMÁN


cultural heritage includes some appealing Spanish Mudejar monuments.


pigeon-house has been recovered for breeding pigeons.

18. BIRDWATCHING The extensive

landscape of Tierra de Campos is a great natural attraction.

24. ROUTES Stone Columns, mu-

seums, rivers, nature, the Castilla canal, Pilgrim Way of Saint James and pigeon-houses.


Campos has a varied cuisine based on its natural resources.

44. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Internet links and Practical information to prepare your trip.

Ecotourism 3

Tierra de Campos


Traditional adobe pigeon-houses in Roales de Campos

4 Ecotourism

The Area North of Valladolid Tierra de Campos


ierra de Campos, the ancient Gothic Plains of the Visigoths (Campi Gothici or Campi Gothorum), makes up an evocative landscape of wide horizons which transmits peace and serenity to visitors to enjoy in a place where time has no importance. It is an ideal district for those in search of relaxation with pleasant and out of the ordinary sensations. Its heritage, nature, gastronomy and traditions are recommendations for visiting, completed by an attractive museum offer as well as the interpretation centres.. The Tierra de Campos district in the province of Valladolid has a singular beauty of its own, dominated by the contrasts and intensity of the colours. To the north and northeast it borders with the province of León; to the south with the municipal area of Medina de Rioseco (Valladolid); to the east with the province of Palencia and to the west with the province of Zamora. The territory is marked by small rural villages with an average number of inhabitants of 200 to 300. Villalón de Campos and Mayorga exceed this number of inhabitants with 2.000 and in Aguilar de Campos, Becilla de Valderaduey, Bolaños de Campos and La Unión de Campos the population is between 300 and 400 inhabitants. 14 villages have a population of fewer than 100 inhabitants. The average density is low and barely reaches 8 inhabitants/km2. Tierra de Campos is characteristically made up of plains and farmland where cereal crops are grown and its economy is basically agricultural.


Ecotourism 5

Tierra de Campos




To León Dehesa de San Vicente

Endemic Birdlif Interpretation C To Valencia de Don Juan Monasterio de Game Interpretation Centre C-621 Saelices de Mayorga Torre San viewpoin Mayorga Villalba Bread Museum de La Lo Castrobol


Castroponce de Valderaduey Urones de Castroponce

Becilla de Valderaduey Villavicencio de los Caballeros

La Unión de Campos

Río Cea Roales de Campos

Ce de Villalá

Valdunquillo N-610

To Benavente

Bolaños de Campos

Quintanilla del Molar

Río Valderaduey SPAIN

Aguilar de

Villamuriel de Campos

Arroyo Ahogaborric

Palazue Pork Pro

6 Ecotourism

TOWNS/VILLAGES IN TIERRA DE CAMPOS Torre de Santiago Viewpoint and observatory Melgar de Arriba

fe Centre e Vega

Melgar de Abajo Santervás de Campos

Vega de Ruiponce n Andrés Villacarralón nts Cabezón de Valderaduey To Villada oma Fontihoyuelo Río Sequillo

Villanueva de La Condesa Viewpoint Astronomical viewpoint and observatory and observatory Bustillo y Herrín de Campos de Chaves Villalón Museum of Farming of Yesteryear Calzado Vibot shoe museum Cheese Museum and Villacid de Campos el Abuelo Pigeon-house y Museum of Religious Art Villafrades de Campos Cuenca de Campos N-610 Lesser Kestrel Gatón de Campos einos Observation point e Campos To Palencia C-611 án de Campos Villabaruz de Campos

ómez La Nueva


Moral de la Reina

e Campos Berrueces

Tamariz de Campos Observatory of the Lagoon

Canal de Castilla


elo de Vedija oduce Museum

Villanueva de San Mancio

To Valladolid Ecotourism 7

Tierra de Campos


Stone column in Mayorga

8 Ecotourism

Museum of the Countryside


he whole of the Tierra de Campos district in the north of the province of Vallodolid aims at becoming a country territorial museum and a cultural theme park by means of small projects that boost the cultural life in the villages, on one hand promoting environmental education and on the other becoming a tourist attraction. The Bread Museum in Mayorga de Campos is the first of the initiatives of this type in Spain. It is housed in the San Juan church in Mayorga de Campos which has been rehabilitated for this purpose. The Cheese Museum in Villalón de Campos is housed in the old school buildings on the avenida del Parque, where you can see the cheese making processes of the world-famous cheese from Villalón called “pata de mulo” or mule’s foot from its beginnings through to present-day. You can also visit the Interpretation Centre of Pork Products in Palazuelo de Vedija, the Interpretation Centre of the endemic birdlife in Monasterio de Vega, the Interpretation Centre of Hunting in Saelices de Mayorga; as well as the Calzado Vibot shoe museum, “El Palomar del Abuelo” (Interpretation Centre of the pigeon-house) and the Farming of Yesteryear Exhibition in Villalón de Campos not forgetting the Museum of Religious Art in Cuenca de Campos.


Additionally there are the viewpoints and observatories at Melgar de Arriba, Villanueva de la Condesa, Villalba de la Loma, Herrín de Campos, Cuenca de Campos and Tamariz de Campos. Ecotourism 9

Tierra de Campos

Valladolid San Gervasio and San Protasio Church in Santervรกs de Campos

10 Ecotourism

Mudéjar (Spanish Moorish Art) Cultural heritage San Andrés Church in Aguilar de Campos ADRI VN


he cultural heritage includes some appealing Spanish Mudejar monuments, the origins of this architectural style are here in this region. There is no town or village without an example of this architectural style and it is worth mentioning the monuments listed as Interesting Cultural Property: the church of San Andrés in Aguilar de Campos; and in Cuenca de Campos the church of San Justo y Pastor as well as the church of Santa María del Castillo which now houses the Ethnographic Museum and Exhibition Hall. There are also the church of San Miguel and the church of San Juan in Villalón de Campos with its coffered ceiling and recently restored altarpiece from the school of the master Palanquinos; in Mayorga you have the church of Santa María de Arbas; not forgetting the church of San Gervasio y San Protasio in Santervás de Campos with its unique Romanic-Spanish Moorish style.


Ecotourism 11

Tierra de Campos


From th e “m i rado res tow ers yo u ADRI VN

12 Ecotourism

The Spanish

mudéjare s ” t he S p a n i s h - M oori s h a n ci e n t ch u rch c an se e t h e w ho l e of Ti erra d e Ca m p os

h Moorish style tower and ruins of the church of San Pelayo in Villavicencio de los Caballeros


The magnificent collection of Spanish Moorish Mudejar coffered ceilings makes up a an exceptionally interesting chapter that includes some of the best the province has to offer like the ones at Cuenca de Campos, Ceinos de Campos, Cabezón de Valderaduey, Mayorga and Villalón de Campos. Just as attractive are the “miradores mudéjares” or the Moorish lookout points, ancient church towers strategically situated so from them you can see the whole of the countryside that makes up Tierra de Campos and on clear days you can even see the foothills of the Cantabrian Mountains to the north. The outstanding heritage in the district includes the Roman road and bridge at Becilla de Valderaduey, part of the itineraries that the Romans mapped over the length and width of the Spanish peninsula.

Mudejar coffering of the church of St. Mary in Bolaños de Campos

Ecotourism 13

Tierra de Campos


Street in Villalón

14 Ecotourism

Civil and Folk Architecture


l Cubo or tower in Villacid de Campos is the only structure remaining of the ancient fortress. In fact it was a watchtower you entered through a low arch with an ornamental frame.

the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries on the site of a Palace–Fortress dating from the eleventh and twelfth centuries, as you can still see from the arrow slit window dating from that period.

The Villagómez Palace Castle in Villagómez La Nueva is situated within the town. All that is left standing is the façade on which you can see the family coat of arms.

There are also the ruins of the church of San Juan Bautista in Tamariz de Campos dating from the sixteenth century (1554) with the square stone tower, some brick walls and the Renaissance façade still standing.

Some of the ruins will also attract the attention of visitors like the Spanish Moorish style tower and ruins of the church of San Pelayo in Villavicencio de los Caballeros. ADRI VN

The church was

built between

Finally, the ruins of the church of Santiago Apóstol in Melgar de Arriba, a Spanish Moorish building dating from the fifteenth century. Museum of Religious Art in Cuenca de Campos The place chosen to house the museum is the church of San Justo y Pastor, a Spanish Moorish building from the sixteenth century listed as an example of Interesting Cultural Property. The church which in itself is a museum of Spanish Moorish art has an extraordinary collection of religious art including polychrome wood sculptures distributed throughout the museum.

Roman bridge in Becilla de Valderaduey

Ecotourism 15

Tierra de Campos

Th e p i g eo n-ho u o ne o f th



16 Ecotourism

Traditional adobe pigeon-houses in

use h as b e e n re c ove re d for b ree d i n g p i g e on s , he star ing re d i e n t s o f t h e l oca l cu i s i n e

n Melgar de Abajo

Out of the folk architecture worth mentioning there are the traditional pigeon-houses, a typical feature on the cereal farmland, this type is unknown outside Castilla and Le贸n. The round or square pigeonhouses were originally built to supplement the family economy and although a lot of them are not in use now, more and more are being recovered ADRI VN for breeding pigeons that have become a star ingredient of the local cuisine. Additionally the pigeon droppings are an excellent natural fertilizer. There are huts that are rounded or circular designed without much thought to how they look and intended to keep farm implements in the countryside. The bodegas or wineries, in the vine growing areas, have mainly been dug out by hand using picks and shovels to make caves in the hillsides near the towns and villages. The colonnaded streets with arcades supported by stone columns like the ones at Cuenca de Campos and Villal贸n de Campos are also a typical feature. The streets in these places are wide and long, forming blocks with shopping streets around a main square or Plaza Mayor. Above, hut en Ceinos de Campos

Ecotourism 17

Tierra de Campos


Great Bustard in Tierra de Campos

18 Ecotourism

Bird watching tourism in Tierra de Campos


he plains or cereal farmland see the varied birdlife of the zone is attractive because of the (Montagu’s harrier, great bustard, evoking landscape of wide kestrels...)as well as the symbiosis horizons which transmits peace and between agriculture and nature. serenity for visitors to enjoy where time has no importance; this landThe Bird Interpretation Centre in scape of wide horizons generates Saelices de Mayorga forms part of a demand for those in search of the European Project for Tourism, relaxation with pleasant rural planning and huntEuropean bee-eater and out of the ordinary ing called TORCAZ. Its sensations. aim is to transmit the idea that The extensive «hunting landscape of is a susTierra de tainable Campos activity is a great moving natural away attraction, from especially the its bird life, black consequentlegend ly 38% of the that has area has been surroundincluded in the ed it» and Red Natura 2000. how agriculture and farming So that you can get to contribute to improvTRINO know this natural wealth, Nature ing the biodiversity. Interpretation Centres have been set up along with several different Additionally there are: the Obserobservatories and viewpoints. It is vatory of the Tamariz de Campos worth mentioning one of the first, lake; an astronomical viewpoint the Bird Interpretation Centre at and observatory in Villanueva de La Monasterio de Vega. Condesa; the Lesser Kestrel Viewpoint in Cuenca de Campos; and The centre forms part of the Eurothe viewpoints at Torre de Santiago pean TRINO project (Rural tourism de Melgar de Arriba, the one at and bird watching), set in motion Torre de San Andrés in Villalba de by 14 local action groups from La Loma and the one at Herrín de Castilla and León, where you can Campos. ADRI VN

Ecotourism 19

Tierra de Campos


The Trino Project (Rural tourism and bird watching) is the plan of thirty Local Action Groups, it has promoted bird-watching tourism in these territories together with the towns and villages in the area. Different elements have been developed for birdwatching like the Bird Interpretation Centre in Monasterio de Vega, the Interpretation Centre of Hunting in Saelices de Mayorga as well as the Observatory of the Lagoon in Tamariz de Campos. In the area it is also worth mentioning a viewpoint and observatory for star gazing in Villanueva de la Condesa, the Lesser Kestrel Observation point at Cuenca de Campos, the Viewpoint de la Torre de Santiago in Melgar de Arriba, the Torre San Andrés viewpoint at Villalba de la Loma and viewpoint and observatory in Herrín de Campos. At almost all these places you can see birds of prey like kestrels, black kites and Montagu’s harriers; small birds like larks; or steppe birds like the little bustard, the great bustard and the black-bellied sandgrouse. TRINO

20 Ecotourism

From the viewp s m a l l birds lik

poin ts y o u c a n s e e b i rd s of p re y l i ke kes trel s w i t h ke Cala nd ra l a r ks a n d St e p p e b i rd s l i ke th e g reat bust a rd a n d the l i ttl e b u s ta rd

Land of wolves In the territory of North Vallladolid, from Cooperation Project "WOLF: WildLife & Farmers", has done some work to make available to any interested hiking trails and points of interest related to the wolf, both the animal and wildlife related and uses livestock and customs related to it. The European Union’s Habitat Directive of 1992 established the wolf population south of the Duero as a species of EC interest, designating conservation zones in order to protect it. To the north of the Duero, the situation is very different, and the wolf is considered a game animal. In the last twenty years the wolf has come back to Tierra de Campos and it is surprising how this animal co-exists alongside humans and livestock, however the large mastiff dogs that keep the sheep put the wolves off attacking. So now in the twenty-first century we have this jewel of biodiversity that can be called “the Steppe wolf�. Little bustard

Ecotourism 21

Tierra de Campos



22 Ecotourism

Nature Areas


his district in the province of Valladolid has six protected areas: Five SPAs (Special protection areas for birds) and one SCI (Sites of Community Importance). The Nava-Campos Norte (SPA). The landscape is mainly flat or slightly undulating (at 700 metres) practically unforested and mainly used for growing cereal crops. Several rivers and streams run through here. La Nava-Campos Sur (SPA). The relief is flat or slightly undulating (the elevations are below 800 metres) and with marked deforestation, mainly used for unirrigated cereal crops. It is worth mentioning a group of small steppe type lakes. Oteros-Cea (SPA). On the right bank of the Cea river. The whole area is lowland (700 -800 metres). There are small seasonal lakes which have some interest for water birds. Penillanuras-Campos Norte (SPA). Between the Cea and Valderaduey rivers. You can find some seasonal steppe type lakes. Penillanuras-Campos Sur (SPA). A small area in the province of Valladolid between the Cea and Valderaduey rivers. A series of streams form small valleys where there are some poplar groves. Ribera del RĂ­o Cea (SCI). The area includes and is marked out by the river and takes in 25 metres along each bank on both sides. Canal de Castilla

Ecotourism 23

Tierra de Campos


The VĂ­tor Festival in Mayorga

24 Ecotourism

Routes through Tierra de Campos North Valladolid


Ecotourism 25

Tierra de Campos


San AndrĂŠs Church, Aguilar de Campos

26 Ecotourism

Route of the Stone Columns (Rollos)


ollos Jurisdiccionales in Spanish, the word “rollo” comes from the Latin “rotulus” which means cylindrical, referring to the stone columns that are symbols of nobility and jurisdiction and a sign that in the town justice was administrated in the name of the Crown. Later they were used as public pillories where convicts were shamed. The 1812 Constitution decreed that all the symbols of vassalage had to be removed. An order that was repeated during the Second Republic. The columns that remain standing (acts of civil disobedience because they were not destroyed) have been listed as artistic historic heritage. The outstanding columns in Tierra de Campos include the Flamboyant Gothic column in Villalón de Campos dating from 1523; the column in Mayorga from 1426 built in Isabelline Gothic style; the column in Aguilar de Campos in Gothic Mudejar style from the end of the sixteenth century; and finally the column in Bolaños de Campos, probably the most primitive in the province of Valladolid. One of the most famous of these stone columns in Spain stands in the centre of the Plaza Mayor. ALFREDO MIGUEL ROMERO

Ecotourism 27

Tierra de Campos


Torre de Santiago Viewpoint and observatory Melgar de Arriba

Endemic Birdlife Interpretation Centre Monasterio de Vega

Melgar de Abajo

Saelices de Mayorga

Hunting Interpretation Centre

Mayorga de Campos

Bread Museum Castrobol

RĂ­o Cea

28 Ecotourism

Route along the Banks of the Cea river

Route along the Banks of the Cea river


n fact this route is made up of ten easy itineraries for you to enjoy the riverbank landscapes of the CEA river. It is one of the most complete and extensive paths through Tierra de Campos with a few outstanding landmarks worth mentioning.

tination, besides the simple pleasure of walking, you can see steppe birds including the great bustard, also present between Melgar de Abajo and Monasterio de Vega and Santervás de Campos.

From Monasterio de Vega we can go on to Saelices de Mayorga where there is an Between Melgar de Arriba and Melgar de Abajo you will lovely area of pigeon-houses discover the river woodland or along to Dehesa de la Aldea to the Rebollar lake and and the Zamorana ravine. an ancient oak tree. On route from Melgar de Arriba to Páramo, our desMÓNICA TRISTÁN

From Saelices de Mayorga you can go to Mayorga where you follow the riverside woodland where there are birds like herons or mallards, or continue on to Izagre to see the fauna associated with the stream through the Izagre valley, the longest affluent of the Cea river. Finally, from Mayorga to Castrobol where you can visit the Molino farm and walk along the Cañada Zamorana ravine.

Cea River, Monasterio de Vega

Ecotourism 29

Tierra de Campos



he vast extensions of the cereal farmland in Tierra de Campos is dotted with some original and beautiful examples of traditional architecture made of local clay ideal for making adobe and mud walls. And one of the most important instances of this kind of folk architecture is the traditional adobe pigeon-houses where the birds live.

The variety is the common denominator of this route, with square, rectangular, horseshoe-shaped, cylindrical pigeon-houses, with or without patios, ornamented or not, etc… Two kinds of pigeons live in the pigeon-houses: the feral pigeon (Columba livia) and the stock dove (Columba oenas).

Torre de Santiago Viewpoint and observatory Melgar de Arriba

Endemic Birdlife Interpretation Centre

Monasterio de Vega

Melgar de Abajo

Hunting Interpretation Centre Saelices de Mayorga

Villalba de La Loma Mayorga de Campos

Bread Museum

Santervás de Campos Villacarralón

Torre San Andrés viewpoints

Fontihoyuelo Viewpoint Villanueva de La Condesa and observatory Astronomical viewpoint Herrín de Campos and observatory Becilla de Valderaduey Museum of Villalón Farming of Yesteryear Villacid de Campos de Campos Calzado Vibot shoe museum Cheese Museum and el Abuelo Pigeon-house Villafrades de Campos Villavicencio de los Caballeros

Bolaños de Campos

30 Ecotourism

As well as Tierra de Campos this route also goes through Palencia, Zamora and the North of Portugal, the idea is that visitors do not only go to the places where they can see these constructions but also to where there are other artistic and cultural elements along the way.

Transnational route of the pigeon-houses

Transnational route of the pigeon-houses

Pingeon-house, Villalón Campos


Ecotourism 31

Tierra de Campos


Melgar de Arriba

Torre de Santiago Viewpoint and observatory

Route of Astronomical viewpoint and observatory the Bird Hotspots Viewpoint and observatory and Lesser Kestrel Observatories Observation point Villanueva de La Condesa

HerrĂ­n de Campos

Cuenca de Campos

Tamariz de Campos

Observatory of the Lagoon

32 Ecotourism

Route of the Bird Hotspots and Observatories



he Bird Route in Tierras de Campos follows two paths that are well signposted to guide you along the tracks so that you can appreciate and see the species you will find on route.

Lesser kestrel observation point in Cuenca de Campos

You have to go to Cuenca de Campos to start the second route, where there is a viewpoint where you can watch the local colony of lesser kestrels. This itinerary also runs through the municipal area of Villabruz de Campos.

Castilla and León has 17 The first route runs through interesting bird-watching routes through nature arthe municipal area of Melgar de Arriba where you can eas where you can also see other fauna, you can fulfill see western marsh harrier, your expectations relatively mallards, lesser kestrels, bustards and grey herons, to easily if you pick the right mention a few. time of year.

You have to hold in mind that the species may vary from winter to spring. The great bustard is queen of the cereal farmland, at 0.9 metres high, a metre long and with a wingspan of two metres, its weight of over 18 kilos makes it the heaviest bird in the world that can fly. Out of the many birds it is worth mentioning the little bustard. The lesser kestrel becomes a habitual resident in spring, the same as the black kite. You can also see other interesting raptors. Ecotourism 33

Tierra de Campos

Route of the Museums


Museum of Farming of Yesteryear in Villal贸n de Campos


To Sahag煤n


To Le贸n To Valencia de Don Juan C-621

Endemic Birdlife Interpretation Centre Monasterio de Vega

Saelices de Mayorga Hunting Interpretation Centre Mayorga Bread Museum

To Villada

Route of of Farming the Museums Museum of Yesteryear Villal贸n

Calzado Vibot shoe museum Cheese Museum and el Abuelo Pigeon-house

Cuenca de Campos N-610

To Benavente

Lesser Kestrel Observation point Museum of Religious Art



Pork Produce Museum Palazuelo de Vedija

To Valladolid

34 Ecotourism


To Palencia

Calzado Vibot shoe museum in Villalón de Campos


his route includes the most attractive museums and interpretation centres in the district. The Bread Museum in Mayorga de Campos is the first of its kind in Spain. It is housed in the church of San Juan de Mayorga de Campos, which has been specifically rehabilitated to do this. The Cheese Making Museum in Villalón de Campos is housed in the buildings of the old schools in avenida del Parque. Additionally you can visit the Interpretation Centre of Pork Products in Palazuelo


tation Centre in Monasterio de Vega. Town Hall. +34 987 785 151 Cheese Museum and el Abuelo Pigeon-house. Villalón de Campos Town Hall. +34 983 740 011 Calzado Vibot shoe museum. Villalón de Campos Tel. +34 983 740 213 Museum of Farming of Yesteryear. Villalón de Campos Tel. +34 983 740 951 Museum of Religious Art Cuenca de Campos in the parish church of the Saints Justo and Pastor Bread Museum. Mayorga Tel. +34 983 751 625 Tel. +34 983 740 479 / Hunting Interpretation Cen- +34 645 127 866 tre. Saelices de Mayorga Pork Produce Museum Palazuelo de Vedija Town Hall. +34 987 785 143 Town Hall. +34 983 700 025 Endemic Birdlife Interprede Vedija, the Endemic Birdlife Interpretation Centre in Monasterio de Vega, the Hunting Interpretation Centre in Saelices de Mayorga; as well as the Calzado Vibot shoe museum, “El Palomar del Abuelo” is the Interpretation Centre of the pigeon-houses and the Farming of Yesteryear Exhibition in Villalón de Campos not forgetting the Museum of Religious Art in Cuenca de Campos.

Ecotourism 35

Tierra de Campos AlBERTO TOTXO

36 Ecotourism

Valladolid Church of San Pedro Ap贸stol in Berrueces

Pilgrim Way of Saint James to Santiago Sahagún Melgar de Arriba

Torre de Santiago Viewpoint and observatory Santervás de Campos

Pilgrim Way of Saint James of Farming to Santiago Museum of Yesteryear Fontihoyuelo

Calzado Vibot shoe museum Villalón de Campos Cheese Museum and el Abuelo Pigeon-house Cuenca de Campos

Museum of Religious Art Lesser Kestrel Observatory of Observation point

the Lagoon

Moral de la Reina

Tamariz de Campos

Berrueces Other option


Medina de Rioseco

his is one of the main stretches of the pilgrim way.

The stretch through Tierra de Campos goes through Berrueces (landmarks: Church of San Pedro Apóstol, the hermitage of Virgen de Pedrosa and the pigeonhouses in the surrounding area); Moral de la Reina (the church of Santa María, tower and ruins of the

church of San Juan); Cuenca de Campos (the church of Santa María del Castillo– Museum of Religious Art, the church of Santos Justo y Pastor–Parish Museum, Monastery of the Claras and Hermitage of San Bernardino); Villalón de Campos (the stone Column, church of San Miguel, church of San Juan Bautista, hermitage dedicated to Our Lady of Fountains); Fontihoyuelo (church

of San Salvador); Santervás de Campos, birthplace of the Conquistador Ponce de León (church of the martyrs Gervasio and San Protasio); and finally Melgar de Arriba (church of San Miguel and the church of Santiago). There is an alternative route by accessing Cuenca de Campos directly from Medina de Rioseco through Tamariz de Campos.

Ecotourism 37

Tierra de Campos



38 Ecotourism

Not to be missed Plazas Mayores One of the characteristic elements of folk architecture in Castilla and Leon are the plazas mayors or main squares. They are open spaces framed by arcades supported by stone columns which form arcaded shopping streets. The plaza or square also had other uses as well as the usual urban functions, popular uses like markets, political acts, religious (acts of faith) and festivals (bullfights). The Castilla canal The Castilla canal cuts through the district from north to south, a great work of hydraulic engineering from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, it runs along 207 kilometres through the provinces of Palencia, Burgos and Valladolid, divided in three branches. It was built to transport wheat to the ports in the north by towed river transport (barges towed by horses and beasts of burden), the Campos branch goes through Villanueva de San Mancio and Tamariz de Campos. Rollo: Flamboyant Gothic column in Villal贸n de Campos

Ecotourism 39

Tierra de Campos

Valladolid JUAN BLANCO

Roman road and bridge in Becilla de Valderaduey The Iberian network of Roman roads mentions the one that runs along the Duero valley from Astúrica Augusta (Astorga) to Caesar Augusta (Zaragoza), crossing the plateau through this district with remains in Becilla de Valderaduey and the only Roman bridge in the province of Valladolid stretching over the river together with parts of the Roman road, declared to be of Cultural Interest. Mudejar or Spanish Moorish art There are many churches in Spanish Moorish Mudejar art style in the north of the province of Valladolid. As an example we can mention the church of Santa María de Arbás in Mayorga. Declared to be an Artistic Historic Monument, it is one of the best examples of Mudejar art in the district. The building with its two naves was built in the fifteenth century with a door that opens in a horseshoe arch. 40 Ecotourism

Roman road and bridge in Becilla de Valderaduey

Ecotourism 41

Tierra de Campos


Paloteo dance in Herrín de Campos

Festivals and Traditions

Tourist Interest and there has been a torch lit procession commemorating the relics of Santo Toribio every Three towns in the district 27th September since 1737. have had their Holy Week Mayorga also celebrates celebrations declared to be of Provincial Tourist Interest: their Trovadas and HabaneCuenca de Campos, Villalón ras famous song festival on de Campos and Villavicencio the last weekend in July. de los Caballeros. The Provincial Market in Villalón de Campos also atThe Vítor festival in Maytracts many visitors on the orga. This festival has been second weekend in June declared to be of Spanish commemorating when 42 Ecotourism


King Fernando III granted the town the right to hold a market in 1250. It is also worth mentioning the Paloteo dance, a folk dance with sticks or poles, in Villafrades de Campos and the Auto sacramental, a kind of morality or passion play in Herrín de Campos, La Corderada, a Nativity play enacted on Christmas Eve in Castroponce de Valderaduey.

Festivals and Gastronomy

Without a doubt it is worth mentioning out of the summer festivals the Spanish festival of Alternative Theatre in Urones de Castroponce during the second fortnight of August.

Gastronomy Tierra de Campos has a varied cuisine based on its natural resources that have conditioned a cuisine and food products that mix craft and tradition with the creativity and originality of the local people.

of its tradition and fame. Pigeons or young doves from Nidal. The traditional pigeon-houses hold a delicious delicacy inside the mud walls. The stock doves and pigeons are a quality product that until relatively recently were only for their own use. Suckling lamb from Castilla and León. The Geographical Indication (GI) was created to protect the quality and also to guarantee the origin of the products, certifying that the meat comes from lambs of Churra, Castilian and Ojalada breeds exclusively fed on ewes’ milk.

pulse vegetable, because of its special characteristics of size, taste and flavour, makes a simple dish of lentils a pleasure with its own name. It has its own Geographical Indication (GI). Wines from Tierra de León. This district comes under the denomination of origin and quality of “Vino de la Tierra de León” that due to the prieto picudo red wine grape produces good value wine.

Other delicacies. You should also try the sparkling wine, made using craft methods; White Bread. Very fresh Castilian cheese made with bread, soft and white inside pasteurized ewes’ milk; with a crispy crust, made doughnuts dipped in egg to with a special kind of local make them shiny and goldSausages, cooked meats wheat flour. and hams. Thanks to the cli- en; olive oil buns, round, flat mate this district has always bread loaves; pork scratchPata de Mulo or cheese ings; fried cakes called had a tradition of cooked from Villalón. The cereal meats; spicy sausages, pork orejuelas, typical during the farmland is a great grazing area for sheep and the result loin, chorizo and salami type carnival; and finally buns dedicated to Our Lady of sausage called salchichon is magnificent ewes’ milk Fountains that are eaten in are unforgettable starters. cheeses, the Pata de Mulo Villalón de Campos in Sepor cheese from Villalón is an Castilian or small grey lentils tember. excellent example because from Tierra de Campo. This Ecotourism 43

Tierra de Campos

North of Valladolid


Audio-guides in Spanish Villal贸n de Campos

Villavicencio de los Caballeros


Herr铆n de Campos

Urones de Castroponce


Audio-guides in Spanish in Youtube. 44 Ecotourism

a帽os de Campos

lgar de Abajo

INTERNET LINKS 01. LANDSCAPES AND NATURE Observe the beauty of the landscapes and nature of Tierra de Campos. Not everything is dry and yellow in Castilla and Le贸n.

02. RURAL TOURISM Are you in

need of a weekend break? In Tierra de Campos you can enjoy direct contact with the nature

03. GASTRONOMY The Tierra de

Campos cuisine mixes craft and tradition with the creativity and originality of the local people.


offers a great artistic wealth with stately buildings and churches that have seen the pass of centuries.


extensive and beautiful heritage where they are trying to keep the birdlife for future generations.

06. VILLAGES Discover the beauty of the villages and small towns in Tierra de Campos. The wealth of the local people, their customs and culture. 07. ROUTES Discover the most beau-

tiful routes through Tierra de Campos. Places full of history, landscapes and monuments.

08. AMENITIES 09. INTERNET LINKS Ecotourism 45

Tierra de Campos



Ceinos de Campos


Avda. del Parque, 10 47600 Villalón de Campos (Valladolid) Tel. +34 983 761 145 OT Mayorga. Panera de San Juan. Ctra, de Sahagún, 47. Tel. +34 983 752 027

Cuenca de Campos

Vega de Ruiponce



Gatón de Campos

Villacid de Campos

Herrín de Campos

Villafrades de Campos

Mayorga de Campos

Villagómez La Nueva

OT Villalón de Campos

Melgar de Abajo

Villalán de Campos

Melgar de Arriba

Villalón de Campos

Monasterio de Vega

Villamuriel de Campos

Moral de la Reina

Villanueva de La Condesa

ADRI Valladolid Norte

C/ Rabanal, 4. Tel. +34 983 761 185

Town Halls

Tel. +34 983 760 001

Tel. +34 983 740 006 Tel. +34 983 741 161 Tel. +34 983 760 401 Tel. +34 983 740 963 Tel. +34 983 751 003

Tel. +34 983 785 041 Tel. +34 983 785 003

Tel. +34 983 754 301 Tel. +34 987 785 181

Tel. +34 983 740 435 Tel. +34 983 740 002

Tel. +34 983 740 488 Tel. +34 983 756 006 Tel. +34 983 757 301

Tel. +34 983 740 011

Mancomunidad Zona Norte

Tel. +34 983 785 151

Aguilar de Campos

Tel. +34 983 710 001

Tel. +34 983 756 111

Palazuelo de Vedija

Becilla de Valderaduey

Tel. +34 983 700 025

Villavicencio de losCaballeros


Tel. +34 980 666 436

Bolaños de Campos

Tel. +34 980 665 006

Bustillo de Chaves

Tel. +34 983 785 143

Cabezón de Valderaduey

Tel. +34 983 785 196

Tel. +34 983 741 039

Tel. +34 983 730 001

Tel. +34 983 746 001

Tel. +34 983 700 002

Tel. +34 983 757 101

Tel. +34 983 740 027

Quintanillla del Molar Roales de Campos

Saelices de Mayorga Santervás de Campos

Tel. +34 983 756 062

La Unión de Campos

Castroponce de Valderaduey

Urones de Castroponce

Tel. +34 983 756 101

46 Ecotourism

Tel. +34 983 754 101

Tel. +34 983 754 202

Tel. +34 983 716 151

Tel. +34 983 757 201

Accommodation Casa Rural El Cantón Becilla de Valderaduey Tel. +34 983746019

CTR La Huerta Mantilla

Bolaños de Campos Tel. +34 983757302


Cuenca de Campos Tel. +34 983740006

Practical information to prepare your trip

CTR Bodega la Tata

Cuenca de Campos Tel. +34 983761131

CTR Los Oficios

Gatón de Campos Tel. +34 983760442

HRte el Madrileño

HR La Venta del Alón

Villalón de Campos Tel. +34 983740951

PRte Becares

El Arco

La Posada del Canal


Villalón de Campos Tel. +34 983740011

Casa Rural El Encuentro Villalón de Campos Tel. +34 983740767

HRte Casa Peña

Villalón de Campos Tel. +34 983740233

Tel. +34 983751127

Santa Ana

Tel. +34 983751598 Mayorga de Campos

Casa Peña

Hotel Rural La Hidalga


Villavicencio de los Caballeros Tel. +34 983757069


Tamariz de Campos Buenavista Tel. +34 983760423 Tel. +34 983746110 Becilla de Valderaduey


Tel. +34 983751039

Villanueva de San Mancio Tel. +34 983700705, Mov. +34 610521204

Santervás de Campos

CTR Quinta del Canal

Tel. +34 983760442 Gatón de Campos

CTR Rincón de Doña Inés

Casa Rural La Huerta

Palazuelo de Vedija Tel. +34 983701910

Los Oficios

El Madrileño

Mayorga de Campos Tel. +34 983751039 http://www.hotelmadrileñ

CTR Fuerte San Mauricio

Tel. +34 983761131

Villalón de Campos Tel. +34 983740167 Villanueva de La Condesa Tel. +34 983756067, Mov. +34 679077055

Palazuelo de Vedija Tel. +34 983303301

La Tata.

La Huerta Mantilla Tel. +34 983757302 Bolaños de Campos

La Fortaleza

Tel. +34 983756003 Castroponce de Valderaduey

Tel. +34 983740233

PRte Becares

Tel. +34 983740167 Tel. +34 983740762 Villalón de Campos

El Rincón de Doña Inés Tel. +34 983756067 Villanueva de la Condesa


Tel. +34 983757427 Villavicencio de los Caballeros Attention: All the links in the magazine take you to pages in Spanish


Tel. +34 983760014 Ceinos de Campos

Ecotourism 47

48 Ecotourism

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