YURTDIŞI DEĞİŞİM PROGRAMI SEÇME DENEME SINAVI KİTAPÇIĞI ADAYIN ADI :................................................................................... SOYADI
(Adınızı, Soyadınızı, T.C. Kimlik Numaranızı ve Sınav Salonunuzu yukarıya yazınız)
GENEL AÇIKLAMA 1. Bu sınavda her adaya bir cevap kağıdı ve bir soru kitapçığı verilecektir. Soru kitapçığınızın kapağındaki ilgili yerlere adınızı, soyadınızı, T.C. kimlik numaranızı ve sınav salonunuzu yazmayı unutmayınız. 2. Bu soru kitapçığı 80 yabancı dil, 80 tıp bilimleri sorularından oluşmaktadır. 3. Bu kitapçıktaki soruların cevapları, kitapçıkla birlikte verilen cevap kağıdındaki ayrılmış olan yerlere, kurşunkalemle işaretlenecektir. Cevap kağıdı buruşturulmayacak, üzerine gereksiz hiçbir işaret konulmayacaktır. Sorunun doğru cevabını cevap kağıdındaki ilgili yere aşağıda gösterilen şekilde aynen kodlayınız. A
4. Bu kodlamaları cevap kağıdınıza yapmadığınız taktirde sınavınızın değerlendirilmesi mümkün değildir.
5. Bu kitapçıktaki her sorunun sadece bir doğru cevabı vardır. Bir soru için birden fazla cevap yeri işaretlenmişse o soru yanlış cevaplanmış sayılacaktır. 6. Bu testler puanlanırken doğru cevaplarınızın sayısından yanlış cevaplarınızın sayısının dörtte biri düşünülecek ve kalan sayı ham puanınız olacaktır. Her iki sınavının değerlendirilmesinden sonra 100 ham puan üzerinden hesaplanan yabancı dil sınavının toplam puanı 0.7 ile; 100 ham puan üzerinden hesaplanan tıp bilimleri sınavının toplam puanı 0.3 ile çarpılır. 7. Cevaplama süresi biter cevap kağıtları toplanacak ve her adayın cevap kağıdı kontrol edilecektir. Cevap kağıdında T.C kimlik numaranızın eksik olması halinde sınavınız değerlendirlmeyecektir. 8. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. Bir soru ile ilgili cevabınızı, cevap kağıdında o soru için ayrılmış olan yer işaretlemeyi unutmayınız.
Cevap kağıdında, sınav yabancı dilinizi (İNGİLİZCE) işaretlemeyi unutmayınız. Bu testten alacağınız standart puan, genel puanınızın hesaplanmasında 0,7 katsayısı ile çarpılacaktır. Bu testte 80 soru vardır. Cevaplamaya istediğniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. Sayfalar üzerinde boş yerleri müsvedde olarak kullanabilirsiniz.
4. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they are telling you, and –––– how your emotions affect people around you.
1.– 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Although she was under no ––––, the saleswoman replaced the defective cell phone free of charge. A) inquiry
B) regulation
C) obligation
D) authority
A) allow
B) acquire
C) realize
D) recall
E) recapture
E) ignorance
5. Dependent personality disorder is a long–term condition in which people –––– others to meet their emotional and physical needs.
2. Understanding mental health issues faced by young homeless persons is –––– to the development of successful targeted interventions. A) instrumental
B) inappropriate
A) put forward
B) rely on
C) obvious
D) detrimental
C) give in
D) catch up with
E) sentimental
3. Hobbies offer broadened areas of interest and ways to pass the time ––––.
E) keep up with
6. One can easily –––– armpit odor from clothes by using a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice.
A) profoundly
B) extremely
A) put up with
B) lead to
C) restlessly
D) pleasantly
C) withdraw from
D) take after
E) virtually
E) get rid of
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
10. Salt, which –––– as valuable as gold in ancient days, –––– something not wanted in health circles in recent years.
7.– 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) was / has become 7. The FDA –––– in 1940 to enforce the laws that –––– standards for the sale of food and drugs.
B) had been / became C) was / will become
A) had been set up / maintained
D) is / has become
B) was set up / would maintain
E) had been / has become
C) was set up / maintain D) has been set up/ will maintain E) was set up/ had maintained
8. One of the unknown factors with tax cuts –––– what consumers will do with the extra income thereby –––– available to them.
11. –––– the psychological effects –––– heavy marijuana use cited by teachers and parents is a loss interest in schoolwork.
A) is / made
A) From / on
B) With / on
B) has been / will make
C) From / of
D) Among / of
C) is / will be made
E) Off / on
D) is / would make E) has been / will have been made
12. Although the soldiers were armed –––– the latest weapons, they were defeated –––– the enemy.
9. If the tumor in his brain –––– early, it –––– to grow, spread and become even more deadly. A) was not discovered / will continue
A) for / to
B) to/ by
B) is not discovered / would continue
C) with / to
D) through / of
C) has not been discovered / would continue D) had not been discovered / would have continued E) has not been discovered / will have continued
E) with / by
YABANCI DİL TESTİ – İNGİLİZCE 13. Candidates will be given three minutes to say anything they would like to the voters, –––– they do not speak poorly of other candidates.
16. Bacteria are –––– widespread that it is possible only to make the most general statements about their life history and ecology.
A) because
B) although
A) very
B) too
C) unless
D) whereas
C) such
D) only
E) provided
E) so
14. Geography determines –––– natural resources a country has that may be traded as commodities on world markets – oil, diamonds, copper, rubber, coltan, to name a few. A) how
B) what
C) that
D) where
E) how much
15. Innovation differs from invention –––– innovation refers to the use of a better and, as a result, novel idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself. A) so that
B) providing that
C) in that
D) namely
E) in terms of
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
17. – 21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) plenty
C) rough
B) abundant D) scarce
E) vicious
Languages are full of sayings with interesting stories. The old saying “worth their salt”, which means to be valuable, (17) –––– from the custom of payment during the Roman Empire. Throughout history, the search for salt (18) ––––an important role in society. Where it was (19) ––––, it was traded ounce for ounce with gold. Rome’s major highway was called the Via Salaria, that is, the Salt Road. (20) –––– that road, Roman soldiers transported salt crystals from the salt flats at Ostia up the Tiber River. In return, they received a salarium, or salary, (21) –––– was literally money paid to soldiers to buy salt.
20. A) derives
B) refers
A) Towards
C) bears
D) continues
C) Along D) Within
E) results
B) Below
E) Among
21. A) had played
B) will play
A) of which
B) which
C) played
D) has played
C) where
D) in that
E) plays
E) whose
22. – 26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) due to
B) provided
C) unlike
D) in spite of
The Declaration of Independence of the U.S. (22) –––– more than 200 years ago, but its ideas are as important now as they were in 1776. In it, the leaders of the American Revolution expressed their belief that all men are born equal and that all men have the right to live in freedom (23) –––– their race, the color of their skin, or their social class. (24) –––– this belief in equality, however, equal rights were not enjoyed by everyone. The history of the U.S. to this day contains many examples of different groups of people who had to (25) –––– for their rights which were promised (26) –––– them.
E) in comparison with
25. A) was written
B) had been written
A) compensate
B) take
C) would be written
D) were to be written
C) realize
D) discuss
E) has been written
E) struggle
26. A) owing to
B) in contrast to
A) for
B) of
C) regardless of
D) because of
C) from
D) with
E) thanks to
E) to
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
29. –––– as both discuss the question of what is good and how people should live.
27.– 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) The notions of justice and injustice do not exist when there is a civil power sufficient to compel men
27. A common belief among economists and the financial community in general is ––––.
B) Investment return and risk are fundamental to understanding market behavior
A) why people buy low and sell high for improving the market prediction
C) There are two fundamental approaches to ethical reasoning in a business environment
B) that prediction markets based on play money cannot possibly generate credible predictions
D) Politics and ethics are traditionally inter–linked subjects
C) how big money traders make the big money
E) Modern political discourse focuses on democracy and the relationship between people and politics
D) using real–money prediction market contracts as a form of insurance can also affect the price of the contract E) that there are a number of commercial prediction markets
28. Although they are quite distressing and can last from 5 minutes to several hours, ––––.
30. Many infants born into poverty have a low birth weight, ––––.
A) most of them disappear without any medical attention
A) because of the fact that they do not feed well during the first months of life
B) the therapies for perinatal depression can be essential
C) although neighborhood poverty accelerates the rise in moderately low birth weight
C) certain herbal preparations are also recommended for their anti–depressant effects
B) which is associated with many preventable mental and physical disabilites
D) panic attacks are not life–threatening on their own
D) since the combination of physiological vulnerability and poor caregiving may lead these children to show increased problem behaviors later in childhood.
E) combined drug effects can sometimes be beneficial
E) while the best way to reduce poverty is to give a hand to pregnant women
YABANCI DİL TESTİ – İNGİLİZCE 33. ––––, the national divorce rate has dropped steadily.
31. While there are different types of fuel that may power cars, ––––.
A) Since most couples enter into marriage expecting to succeed
A) most rely on gasoline or diesel B) diesel fuel is also used for commercial trucks, home and industrial generators, and heating oil
B) Though individuals who had a happy childhood are more likely to be successful in marriage
C) thanks to new engine technology, today’s diesel cars run quitely
C) As marriage is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts until death
D) diesel fuel doesn’t result in flashy high–speed performance
D) Owing to the fact that couples with shared interests participate in activities together and develop greater understanding for each other
E) the big problem with electric cars is that the public charging infrastructure is just beginning to be built
E) After peaking at 50 percent in the 1980s
34. ––––, the employee must prove that work was the prevailing factor in causing both the medical condition and disability resulting from the claimed occupational disease.
32. The research showed that when it comes to conveying emotion, ––––. A) body posture should be supported by magnetic resonance in order to show the emotional state of a person
A) In order for an occupational disease to be covered under the workers’ compensation law
B) the body could be just as important as the face
B) Because the employee had a work–related accident
C) perception of emotion cannot always be achieved D) one of the hardest steps in the journey of becoming a skilled actor is developing the ability to convey emotion
C) Although a variety of factors are responsible for the present underrecognition of ocuupational diseases D) So long as an employee suffering from an occupational disease can seek compensation for his or her condition under workers’ compensation law
E) you just need to learn to show emotions and show some empathy
E) Since occupational exposures contribute to the morbidity and mortality of many diseases
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
35. A person –––– must accept that revealing a secret is not a betrayal but a necessity.
37. – 42. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
A) since some secrets can lead to painful miscommunication within a family B) although keeping secrets is part of human nature
37. Experts have found that obese people who lose weight slowly and constantly, say half or one kilo each week, are more successful in keeping their weight down when they have reached their target weight.
C) who seeks to undo the damage caused by family secrets D) as long as the secret isn’t hurting the person or anyone else
A) Uzmanlar, hedef kilolarına ulaştıklarında, yavaş ve sürekli olarak kilo vermeye devam eden obez insanların, diyelim ki haftada yarım veya bir kilo, kilolarını aşağıda tutmada daha başarılı olduklarını buldular.
E) though making secrets with a professional helper is a double–edged sword
B) Uzmanlar, obez insanların kilolarını aşağıda tutarak yavaş ve sürekli olarak kilo verdiklerinde, diyelim ki haftada yarım veya bir kilo, hedef kilolarına ulaşmada daha başarılı olduklarını buldular. C) Uzmanlara göre, yavaş ve sürekli olarak kilo veren obez insanlar, diyelim ki haftada yarım veya bir kilo, kilolarını aşağıda tutarak hedef kilolarına ulaşmada daha başarılılar. 36. Whereas functionalism understands society as a complex system striving for equilibrium, ––––.
D) Uzmanlar, yavaş ve sürekli olarak kilo veren obez insanların, diyelim ki haftada yarım veya bir kilo, hedef kilolarına ulaştıklarında kilolarını aşağıda tutmada daha başarılı olduklarını buldular.
A) competition, rather than consensus, is characteristic of human relationships
E) Uzmanlar, yavaş ve sürekli olarak kilo veren obez insanların, diyelim ki haftada yarım veya bir kilo, kilolarını aşağıda tutarak hedef kilolarına ulaşmada daha başarılı olduklarını buldular.
B) sociologists who work from the conflict perspective study the distribution of resources, power, and inequality C) the conflict perspective views social life as competition D) society is constantly in conflict over resources, and conflict derives social change E) inequalities in power and reward are built into all social structures
YABANCI DİL TESTİ – İNGİLİZCE 40. Genellikle bir ürüne karşı tüketicinin tutumunu değiştirmek, ürünün kendisini değiştirmekten daha zordur.
38. People complained so bitterly about radios played at full blast in public places that the government of New Jersey passed an ordinance forbidding this.
A) To change a product itself is generally more difficult than to change consumers’ attitudes toward it.
A) Vatandaşların yoğun şikayetleri karşısında, New Jersey yönetimi tarafından çıkarılan bir kanunla, açık alanlarda radyo çalınması yasaklanmıştır.
B) For a consumer to change his attitude toward a product is generally harder to change the product itself.
B) Vatandaşlar, halka açık yerlerde sesleri sonuna kadar açılmış olarak çalınan radyolardan öyle şiddetle şikayetçi oldular ki New Jersey yönetimi bunu yasaklayan bir kanun çıkardı.
C) It is generally more difficult for a consumer to change a product than to change his attitude toward it.
C) New Jersey yönetimi, vatandaşların şiddetli şikayetlerine cevap olarak, bir kanun çıkararak halka açık yerlerde yüksek sesle radyo çalınmasını yasaklamıştır.
D) To change consumers’ attitudes toward a product is generally harder than to change consumers themselves.
D) New Jersey yönetimi, şiddetli şikayetleri önlemek için, vatandaşların istemedikleri alanlarda yüksek sesle radyo çalınmasını bir kanun çıkararak yasaklamıştır.
E) It is generally harder to change consumers’ attitudes toward a product than it is to change the product itself.
E) Vatandaşlar halka açık alanlarda yüksek sesle çalınan radyolardan öyle çok şikayetçi oldular ki New Jersey yönetimi radyo çalınmasını yasaklamıştır.
39. However beneficial some drugs may appear, they must nevertheless be employed carefully. A) Bazı ilaçlar ne kadar faydalı görünürlerse görünsünler, yine de dikkatle kullanılmalıdırlar. B) Bazı ilaçlar faydalı görünürler, ancak dikkatle kullanılmazlarsa zararlı olabilirler. C) Dikkatli bir şekilde kullanılan bazı ilaçlar, sanıldığından daha faydalı olabilirler. D) Bazı ilaçlar ne kadar dikkatle kullanılsa da, beklendiği kadar faydalı olmayabilir. E) Faydalı görünen bazı ilaçlar, yine de dikkatli bir şekilde incelenmelidirler.
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
42. Baltık Denizi’nin deniz tabanının büyük bölümlerinin oksijensiz kalacak derecede ciddi bir kirlenme içinde olduğu biliniyor.
41. Yoksulluk, açlık ve hastalıklar insanoğlunun en büyük düşmanlarıdır ve eğer güçlü uluslar kimyasal silahlara ayırdıkları para ve çabanın yarısını bu sorunlara ayırsalardı, dünya çok daha iyi bir yer olurdu.
A) It is known that large areas of the sea bottom of the Baltic Sea are without oxygen, making the sea seriously polluted.
A) Since poverty, hunger, and diseases are man’s greatest enemies, the powerful nations should devote half as much money and effort to these problems as they to chemical weapons, and the world would be a much better place.
B) The Baltic Sea is known to be seriously polluted when it is discovered that large areas of the sea bottom are without oxygen. C) It is known that the Baltic Sea is seriously polluted because large areas of the sea bottom lack oxygen.
B) Poverty, hunger, and diseases are man’s greatest enemies, and the world would be a much better place if the powerful nations devoted half as much money and effort to these problems as they to chemical weapons.
D) The Baltic Sea is known to be seriously polluted to the extent that large areas of the sea bottom are without oxygen.
C) Poverty, hunger, and diseases, which are man’s greatest enemies prevent the world from being a better place though the powerful nations devote half as much money and effort to these problems as they to chemical weapons.
E) The Baltic Sea is known to be very polluted to the extent that large areas lack oxygen.
D) Poverty, hunger, and diseases are man’s greatest enemies, and the world would be a much better place if the powerful nations did not devote half as much money and effort to these problems as they to chemical weapons. E) Since the powerful nations do not devote half as much money and effort to these problem as they to chemical weapons, poverty, hunger and diseases continue to be man’s greatest enemies not making the world a much better place.
YABANCI DİL TESTİ – İNGİLİZCE 44. It is made clear in the passage that ––––.
43. – 46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) in order for China to regain its economic power, market–oriented reforms should be introduced before 2030
China was the largest and one of the most advanced economies in the world before the eighteenth century, yet declined precipitately thereafter and degenerated into one of the world’s poorest economies by the late nineteenth century. Despite generations’ efforts for national rejuvenation, China did not reverse its fate until it introduced market–oriented reforms in 1979. Since then it has been the most dynamic economy in the world and is likely to regain its position as the world’s largest economy before 2030. Based on economic analysis and personal reflection on policy debates, Justin Yifu Lin provides insightful answers to why China was so advanced in premodern times, what caused it to become so poor for almost two centuries, how it grew into a market economy, where its potential is for continuing dynamic growth and what furher reforms are needed to complete the transition to a well–functioning, advanced market economy.
B) the Chinese economy declined so suddenly before the eighteenth century that it took a lot of time to regain its power until the twentieth century C) China will probably become the world’s largest economy in a few decades D) the key point for China to become the world’s largest economy is national rejuvenation E) China protected its position as one of the most advanced economies in the world until 1979
45. According to the passage, Justin Yifu Lin provides answers to ––––. A) why China cannot turn into an advanced market economy B) how China has become the world’s largest economy as it once was
43. According to the passage, China ––––. A) regained its position as the world’s largest economy thanks to efforts of its generations
C) what kind of marketing strategies China should use to regain its power
B) was the largest economy until the late nineteenth century
D) what caused China to lose its economic power in the past
C) is expected to introduce market–oriented reforms to regain its position as the world’s largest economy
E) to what extent Chinese economy will continue to grow
D) turned into one of the world’s poorest economies slowly by the late nineteenth century
46. We can understand from the passage that ––––. A) China relied on its generations to regain its economic power in the early twentieth century
E) has been the most dynamic economy in the world since it introduced market–oriented reforms
B) it was not until 1979 that China started to lose its economic power C) China started to overcome its economic problems in spite of generations’ efforts for national rejuvenation D) Chinese economy has experienced many ups and down E) China was the world’s poorest economy before the eighteenth century 13
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
48. It can be inferred from the passage that ––––.
47. – 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) the main reason for the construction of skyscrapers has been to accommodate as many people as possible to solve housing problems
In the organization of industrial life, the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected. Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible. It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, and without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory. The great cities have been built with no regard for us. The shape and dimensions of the skyscrapers depend entirely on the necessity of obtaining the maximum income per square foot of ground, and of offering to the tenants offices and apartments that please them. This caused the construction of gigantic buildings where too large masses of human beings are crowded together. Civilized men like such a way of living. While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling, they do not realize that they are deprived of the necessities of life.
B) modern industry favors only a small group of individuals C) the great cities have been built according to our needs D) people still enjoy modern life while being aware of what they have been deprived of E) the construction of skyscrapers pleases mostly the tenants offices
49. We can understand from the passage that modern industry––––. A) not only offers a comfortable and luxurious life but also provides a healthy living environment for people of modern cities B) creates lots of job opportunities with good salaries C) has made people’s life somewhat complicated with the introduction of skyscrapers
47. According to the passage, people who live in cities ––––. A) are not aware of the potential harm modern life is doing to them
D) has made both the workers and owners of factories wealthy
B) do not enjoy the comforts and design of modern cities
E) has some negative mental and physiological effects on the workers
C) try to earn as much money as they can D) are well aware of the dangers of the construction of gigantic buildings
50. According to the author, the main force behind the way cities are growing is ––––.
E) are willing to leave the cities
A) the desire to live in a healthier environment B) the desires of urban dwellers C) the demands of the growing industry D) the banal taste of the people E) the requirements of factory owners
YABANCI DİL TESTİ – İNGİLİZCE 52. According to the passage ––––.
51. – 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) our personalities make us unique because social relationships impact our personality development B) personality development is no more a major topic of interest for thinkers since it has been explained in various stages by many theorists
Personality development has been a major topic of interest for some of the most prominent thinkers in psychology. Our personalities make us unique, but how does personality develop? How exactly do we become who we are today? In order to answer this question, many prominent theorists developed theories to describe various steps and stages that occur on the road of personality development. In his well–known stage theory of psychosexual development, Freud suggested that personality develops in stages that are related to specific erogenous zones. Failure to successfully complete these stages, he suggested, would lead to personality problems in adulthood. Erik Erikson’s eight–stage theory of human development is also one of the best known theories in psychology. While the theory builds on Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, Erikson chose to focus on how social relationships impact personality development. The theory also extends beyond childhood to look at development across the entire lifespan.
C) failure to complete personality development may cause some problems in adulthood D) Erikson’s well–known stage theory of psychosexual development contributed a lot to our understanding of personality development E) Both Freud and Erikson developed theories to describe several stages that affect personality development
53. We can understand from the passage that Erikson ––––. A) suggested that personality develops in stages that affect one another B) put forward the stage theory of psychosexual development
51. We can infer from the passage that Freud ––––.
C) was not influenced by Freud’s stages of psychosexual development
A) suggested that some personality problems may occur in adulthood unless the stages of psychosexual development has been successfully completed
D) was interested in effects of social relationships on personality development
B) put more effort to explain how personality develops compared to other thinkers in psychology
E) did not contribute to personality developmet as much as Freud did
C) failed to complete the stages of psychosexual development successfully
54. It is clear from the passage that ––––.
D) was influenced by Erikson’s theories on personality development
A) our personality is made up of three main parts which are the intellect, the will, and the emotions
E) suggested that personality develops in stages which must successfully be monitored until adulthood
B) the genes we inherit from our biological parents play a big role in our personality development C) there are a lot of factors that contribute to our personality development D) personality development has been interest of a few prominent thinkers, namely Freud and Erikson E) social relationships have no effects on our personality development 15
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
56. According to the passage, ––––.
55. – 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) researchers have been trying to find out whether gravity waves exist B) physicists haven’t discovered how gravity waves behave yet
Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, published in 1915, is our most detailed mathematical theory for how gravity works. With it, astronomers and physicists have explored the origin and evolution of the universe, its future destiny, and the mysterious landscape of black holes and neutron stars. General Relativity has survived many different tests, and it has made many predictions which have been confirmed. So far, after 90 years of detailed study, no error has yet been discovered in Einstein’s original, simple theory. Currently, physicists are exploring two of its most fundamental predictions: The first is that gravity waves exist and behave as the theory predicts; the second is that a phenomenon called ‘frame–dragging’ exists around rotating massive objects. Other tests focus on the laboratory–scale measurements of the force of gravity to look for signs of ‘extra dimensions’. Data from any of these experimental studies will greatly improve our understanding of gravity, and will show us how to go beyond the mathematics of General Relativity to create an even–better theory.
C) physicists were able to understand the mysterious landscape of blackholes despite the misleadings of Einstein’s theory D) physicists are currently exploring the phenomenon which is called ‘frame–dragging” E) there are two fundamental predictions in Einstein’s theory of General Relativity
57. We can infer from the passage that ––––. A) thanks to experimental studies, physicists have developed a better theory than General Relativity B) our understanding of gravity has improved thanks to Einstein’s theory of General Relativity C) there has been too much focus on the force of gravity to look for signs of ‘extra dimensions’
55. We can understand from the passage that Einstein’s theory of General Relativity ––––.
D) the first prediction in Einstein’s theory of General Relativity is that gravity waves exist
A) has made a lot of predictions, only some of which have been confirmed
E) scientists need to carry out some experiments to disprove the mathematics of General Relativity
B) has had little contribution to the understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe
58. As clearly pointed out in the passage, there is ––––.
C) has been a guideline to astronomers and physicists
A) a great controversy as to whether or not experimental studies will greatly improve our understanding of gravity
D) is such a successful theory that no other experimental study can go beyond it E) has only been able to explain the mysterious landscape of black holes and neutron stars
B) still a lot to discover about gravity C) no evidence of the effect called ‘frame–dragging’ around rotating objects D) a need to prove all predictions of Einstein E) much controversy among physicists on the development of ‘extra dimensions’
YABANCI DİL TESTİ – İNGİLİZCE 60. According to the passage, some sportspeople are more prone to injuries ––––.
59. – 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) when they participate in traditional sports such as baseball Broken bones, head trauma, shark attacks, and casualties all while playing the sport you love. Is it worth it? With extreme sports come extreme risks. There are many controversies over these sports as to whether they are ethical or not and why anybody with the right mindset would consider participating in such events. These sports often involve high speed, great heights, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts. Some popular and quickly growing extreme sports in today’s society are snowboarding, speed and freestyle skiing, surfing, sky diving, mountain climbing, and wake boarding. Many researchers, psychologists, and sociologists look for the reasons athletes choose to participate in these high risk sports rather than more traditional sports such as baseball and football. A few researchers argue that there are specific demographics that are more likely to engage in these activities. Also, they believe that people with certain personality traits are more likely to participate in high risk activities.
B) if they are obliged not to play the sport they love C) due to high risk activities they participate in D) as it is believed that extreme sports may lead to unethical outcomes E) because high risk activities may cause heart attack as a result of stress
61. According to the passage, some researchers ––––. A) believe that people who engage in high risk activities are more likely to have some psychological problems B) suggest that people with the right mindset do not even consider playing extreme sports C) suggest that participating in extreme sports may increase the risk of heart diseases since these sports involve a high level of physical exertion
59. One of the points made in the passage is that ––––.
D) cannot agree on the reasons why athletes never play traditional sports such as baseball and football
A) some certain personality traits can lead people to prefer high risk activities
E) believe that there are personality differences between the ones who participate in extreme sports and who don’t
B) there are many extreme sports which are considered more dynamic than traditional sports C) specific demographics are likely to involve in traditional sports such as baseball and football
62. One can understand from the passage that ––––. A) extreme sports would not be dangerous if they did not involve high speed or great heights
D) many researchers argue that people with the right mindset do not prefer extreme sports
B) though risky, extreme sports continue to be favored by many
E) people are willing to engage in high risk activities as they are unaware of the risks of these activities
C) people with certain personality traits such as wildness and aggressiveness are more likely to prefer extreme sports D) mountain climbing is among traditional sports of today’s society E) people should take part in the sport they love, whether it is dangerous or not 17
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
64. Molly:
63. – 67. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
– I hear that you are working hard lately. Richard: – Well, yes. We are working on a new project, and we are supposed to finish it in three weeks, which I believe impossible.
63. Louis: – My friend Ryan never seems to have time for me these days. I just can’t count on him anymore.
– Why is the management expecting something impossible from you if you believe so?
– ––––
– ––––
– Yeah, I’m sure he is. But, he used to drop by or call me all the time.
A) I don’t know. Maybe, they are trying to decide on whom to promote.
B) I believe three weeks is too short for us to complete the project.
– He might be feeling stressed out from the job. Or he could be upset with you about something.
C) It depends on the expectations of the customer.
A) I think he is seeing someone else lately.
D) Well, we are getting prepared for a bidding. I think they don’t want to miss the deadline.
B) You shouldn’t say that. Isn’ t he your best friend?
E) I think they want us to complete as many projects as we can.
C) Well, he started a new job, right? He must be really busy. D) If I were you, I wouldn’t count on him either. E) He is out of the city, isn’t he?
66. Amanda:
– What’s so special about traditional Chinese medicine?
– People continue destroying the nature in spite of advancing technologies, especially computer technology.
– One special point is that it’s all natural. Chinese medicine is made from plants, not chemicals, which means there are few side–effects.
– Sorry, but I can’t get what you mean. What is the relation between them?
– ––––
– ––––
– Yes, that’s true!
– Now, I see.
A) Another advantage is that Chinese medicine works slowly, so it keeps your body healthy in the long run.
A) People must be aware of the dangers of the destruction of the nature. B) There is no reduction in the consumption of writing paper yet, although computer technology offers us re–writable CDs, flash cards and even e–books.
B) Ok, but I still prefer to be examined by a doctor. C) That’s a big advantage. Some people can’t stand the thought of taking medicine because of all the chemicals.
C) People should use recyclable materials instead of plastic and other hazardous materials.
D) I don’t think Chinese medicine is as effective as Western medicine.
D) What I am trying to tell is that we could have taken precautions against the destruction of nature.
E) If it is all natural, why does it still have side– effects?
E) People prefer buying new models although they can upgrade their exisitng computers.
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
67. Grandson:
68. – 71. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
– Grandma, what were schools like when you were little? Grandmother:
68. Never have I seen anyone speaking that fast before.
– Well, they were quite different from how they are today. Your school is much bigger than mine was. I attended a one–room schoolhouse.
A) It is the first time I have seen someone speaking that fast.
B) I never see people speaking that fast.
– ––––
C) I have seen people speaking that fast before.
D) I wish I could speak that fast.
– All of the kids were in one room. All different ages and levels were in one room with one teacher.
E) I have never seen anyone speaking faster than me before.
A) How did the teacher keep the kids from misbehaving? B) Wow, I am very lucky, then.
69. The doctors tried in vain to find a way to save the life of the young woman.
C) Was the school really that small?
A) The doctors failed to save the life of the young woman.
D) How could the teacher handle all of the different levels?
B) The doctors finally found a way to save the life of the young woman.
E) What’s that?
C) The doctors tried in every way possible to save the life of the young woman, and eventually they did. D) The doctors are still trying to find a way to save the life of the young woman. E) The doctors tried to make life good for the young woman.
YABANCI DİL TESTİ – İNGİLİZCE 70. The revocation of death penalty is an issue about which there is widespread disagreement, not only among people in countries where it is applied, but also among other nations.
72. – 75. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
A) All nations are willing to revoke the death penalty. 72. Identical twins are the result of a single fertilized egg splitting into two separate embryos. The two embryos can share a single placenta and can be in the same or different sac. Since identical twins come from the same fertilized egg, they have the exact same DNA. ––––. Testing the DNA of twins is one way to determine if they are identical or fraternal.
B) Countries where death penalty is legal are in favour of the punishment. C) Death penalty will soon be revoked in the world. D) All countries agree on the revocation of death penalty. E) There are opposing views all over the world concerning the revocation of death penalty.
A) The chances of having twins that are identical are approximately 1 in 250 or 0.4% B) The environment that the twins are exposed to (in the womb or out of the womb) determine fine physical characteristics C) They are always of the same sex and they have the same blood type
71. Overuse of salt contributes to hypertension and heart diseases, the cause of almost 100,000 deaths in the United States every year.
D) It is unknown as to why a fertilized egg splits to form identical twins
A) Overuse of salt may prevent almost 100,000 deaths in the United States caused by hypertension and heart diseases.
E) Even though identical twins have the same DNA, it can be expressed in different ways
B) People in the United States should cut down on salt in their diet in order to prevent 100,000 deaths caused by hypertension and heart diseases. C) Hypertension and heart diseases are responsible for almost 100,000 deaths in the United States every year. D) Eating too much salt causes 100,000 deaths in the United States, which results in more hypertension and heart diease cases. E) People with hypertension and heart diseases need to be aware of the results of overuse of salt, which causes 100,000 deaths in the United States every year.
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
74. Social media is one of the most powerful tools a designer, developer, writer, or freelance entrepreneur on the web has to use for their business. ––––. It is also a great way to announce new business ventures and other facets of your business that your customers might need to know. Unfortunately, a lot of mistakes are made leading to a less effective marketing strategy.
73. It is important to deal with your anger before it causes you discomfort or pain. Studies have shown that anger can cause serious health problems, such as ulcers and heart disease. It can also make you behave in ways that could cause you to lose your job or friends, or result in the break–up of your marriage. There are some things you can do to deal with your anger as it happens. ––––.
A) The biggest way to effectively use and grow your social media presence is to stay dedicated
A) When you have dealt with a difficult situation by being assertive instead of aggressive, give yourself a treat or reward for your positive actions, attitudes, and thoughts
B) The way you communicate and target different customer segments on social media is crucial for success
B) Other things you can do involve changing your way of approaching life by learning new attitudes and taking a number of practical actions
C) Social media can be your best opportunity for enhancing friendships D) Being real in the virtual world will expand your influence, connecting you more quickly to those who need what you offer
C) Some of your anger may be coming from a lack of faith in the capabilities of other people D) If the actions or words of the person are hurting you, step back from the situation
E) It can help you network while bringing in new clients.
E) Despite the sources of anger changing over time, the underlying triggers for anger are much the same today as they were for our ancestors
YABANCI DİL TESTİ – İNGİLİZCE 75. In a global economy and increasingly multilingual society, the acquisition of a foreign language (FL) has emerged as one of the major goals for children of the new century. Public schools and universities often require their students to demonstrate this competency in FL coursework prior to graduation. ––––. Numerous explanations have been proposed and debated concerning why some students who do well in other courses (e.g., mathematics, science) do not perform well in or fail FL courses.
76. – 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
76. (I) The Earth’s environment is in a sorry state, with no hope of it getting better any time soon. (II) Wherever one looks, one encounters pollution in all its forms. (III) Green areas around cities are being replaced by concrete buildings. (IV) There are concerns about how long life on Earth is going to survive. (V) Waste products are being dumped indiscriminately.
A) However, this requirement is difficult for many students of average to above–average ability who do not perform well in FL courses
A) I
B) Students who have moderate to severe language learning difficulties may need more intensive instruction than that provided in the general FL classroom
E) V
77. (I) Making children understand the importance of money is a very important responsibility of parents. (II) Once children understand the importance of money, they can make wise decisions relating to money matters in their prospective life. (III) Today’s parents aim at providing each and every facility to their child. (IV) Therefore, it is very critical to make children understand the importance of money at the right time. (V) Such maturity amongst them relating to money matters will definitely help them achieve more in life.
C) One challenge for students might be finding the appropriate learning environment for their particular needs D) In some cases, despite considerable time and effort, a student may not experience success in a foreign language classroom E) Sometimes students need extra time to learn a foreign language concept
A) I
E) V
78. (I) Steroid use and and high–protein diets are two reasons why bodybuilders can be at an increased risk for kidney disease (II) According to to the “Journal of the American Society of Nephrology”, steroid abuse can negatively affect the endocrine system. (III) Bodybuilders often have an excess of creatinine in their blood, which can lead to kidney problems. (IV) While high–protein diets are considered safe for short periods of time, too much protein might worsen already existing kidney problems. (V) Carbohydrates are particularly important if your doctor has recommended a low–protein diet because of your kidney disease. A) I
E) V
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
79. (I) Although hot and extremely dry today, it is believed that the Sahara Desert has undergone various climatic shifts for the last few hundred thousand years. (II) For example, during the last glaciation, it was bigger than it is today because precipitation in the area was low. (III) But from 8000 BCE to 6000 BCE, precipitation in the desert increased because of the development of low pressure over ice sheets to its North. (IV) Around 3400 BCE, the monsoon moved south where it is today and the desert again dried out to the state it is in today. (V) Once these ice sheets melted, however, the low pressure shifted and the northern Sahara dried out, but the South continued to receive moisture due to the presence of a monsoon. A) I
E) V
80. (I) Nightmares, and dreams in general, occur during the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage. (II) Being chased or attacked is the most common nightmare which most people have had at one time or another. (III) These dreams are caused by the fear of a confrontation of some sort in your life. (IV) When one doesn’t know how to deal with a difficult situation in their life, it may manifest itself into the dream of being chased. (V) How you react in your dream may be how you are reacting to the situation in real life. A) I
E) V
Bu testten alacağınız standart puan, genel puanınızın hesaplanmasında 0,3 katsayısı ile çarpılacaktır. Bu testte 80 soru vardır. Cevaplamaya istediğniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. Sayfalar üzerinde boş yerleri müsvedde olarak kullanabilirsiniz.
1. Aşağıdaki kaslardan labiorum’a tutunmaz?
4. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi fossa infratemporalis’i, fossa cranii media’ya bağlar?
A) M. risorius
A) Foramen rotundum
B) M. zygomaticus minor
B) Canalis pterygoideus
C) M. buccinator
C) Foreman spinosum
D) M. levator anguli oris
D) Fissura orbitalis superior
E) M. depressor anguli oris
E) Foramen ovale
2. Aşağıdaki eklemlerden hangisinde fibröz kıkırdak yapısında bir discus articularis bulunur?
5. A. thoracica interna aşağıda verilen damarlardan hangisinin bir dalıdır?
A) Art. humeri
A) A. vertebralis
B) Art. radiocarpalis
B) A. axillaris
C) Art. carpometacarpalis pollicis
C) A. subclavia
D) Art. coxae
D) Aorta thoracica
E) Art. humeroulnaris
E) Truncus brachiocephalicus
3. Çift taraflı kasıldığında çeneyi açan ve öne çeken kas aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
6. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi beyin sapını arka yüzünden terk eden kraniyal sinirdir?
A) M. pterygoideus lateralis
A) N. abducens
B) M. pterygoideus medialis
B) N. accessorius
C) M. buccinator
C) N. trochlearis
D) M. masseter
D) N. vagus
E) M. temporalis
E) N. glossopharyngeus 25
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
7. Scrotum’un etrafındaki hangi tabaka karındaki fascia transversalis’in devamıdır?
10. Amniyon sıvısında a–fetoproteinin yüksek değerde bulunması hangi anomalinin göstergesidir?
A) Fascia spermatica externa
A) Spina bifida
B) Fascia cremasterica
B) Plasental yetmezlik
C) Fascia spermatica interna
C) Ekstremite kısalığı
D) Tunica vaginalis
D) ASD (Atriyal septal defekt)
E) Tunica dartos
E) Maksiller hipoplazi
8. Aşağıdaki solunum yollarından hangisinde Clara hücreleri daha fazla izlenir?
11. Sertoli hücreleri aşağıdaki hormonlardan hangisini salgılar?
A) Trakea
A) Östrojen
B) Lobar bronş
B) Testesteron
C) Terminal bronşiol
C) Anti–Müllerian hormonu
D) Respiratuar bronşiol
D) Follikül stimüle edici hormon
E) Duktus alveolaris
E) Lüteinleştirici hormon
9. Golgi tendon organının afferent siniri hangisidir?
12. Eritropoietin aşağıdaki tarafından sentezlenir?
A) Ia
A) Kemik iliği
B) Ib
B) Dalak
C) Lenf nodu
D) Alfa
D) Böbrek
E) Gamma
E) İnce bağırsak
13. Meme süt bezlerinden süt lipidlerinin salgılanması ne tür bir salgılanma örneğidir?
16. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi herhangi bir reaksiyonun hız kısıtlayıcı enzimi değildir?
A) Endokrin
A) Asetil coA Kaboksilaz
B) Ekrin
B) Yağ Asidi Sentaz
C) Merokrin
C) Glukokinaz
D) Apokrin
D) Glikojen Sentaz
E) Holokrin
E) PEP Karboksikinaz
14. İmplante olmuş bir aylık bir embriyoda aşağıdaki hücrelerden hangisi anne dokusuyla direk temas halindedir?
17. Keton cisimleri sırasıyla hangi sentezlenir, hangi organelde kullanılır? A) Sitoplazma–Mitokondri
A) Ekstraembriyonik ektoderm
B) Mitokondri–Sitoplazma
B) Ekstraembriyonik mezoderm
C) Mitokondri–Mitokondri
C) Sitotrofoblast
D) Mitokondri–Peroksizom
D) Sinsityotrofoblast
E) Sitoplazma–Peroksizom
E) Embriyonik ektoderm
15. Aşağıdaki metabolik olay gerçekleştiği eşleştirmelerinden hangisi yanlıştır?
18. Replikasyon esnasında DNA polimeraz’ın sentezlediği zincirin doğruluğunu kontrol edip yanlışlık bulduğunda tamir etmesine ne ad verilir?
A) Pirimidin sentezi–Sitoplazma
A) Proofreading
B) Yağ asidi yıkımı–Mitokondri
B) İntron
C) Glikojen sentezi–Sitoplazma
C) Palindrom
D) Heksoz Monofosfat Yolu–Peroksizom
E) rRNA sentezi–Çekirdekçik
E) Revers Transkriptaz
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
19. Aşağıdakilerden olmaz?
22. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Lesitin kolesterol açil transferaz enzim aktivörüdür?
A) PRPP sentaz enzim eksikliği
A) Apoprotein A–I
B) HGPRT enzim eksikliği
B) Apoprotein A–II
C) Glikojen Depo Hastalığı Tip I
C) Apoprotein E
D) Preeklampsi
D) Apoprotein B
E) APRT enzim eksikliği
E) Apoprotein C–II
20. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi glikolizin en önemli düzenlenme basamağı olan PFK–1 enzimini aktive eden moleküldür?
23. mRNA splicing işleminde rol alan RNA molekülü aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) tRNA
A) Sitrat
B) Florur
C) Fruktoz 1,6 bisfosfat
D) snRNA
D) Fruktoz 2,6 bisfosfat
E) siRNA
E) İyodoasetat
21. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi glikozaminoglikandır?
24. Aşağıdaki bakterilerden hangisinin poliribitol fosfat yapısındadır?
A) Hyaluronik asit
A) Haemophilus influenzae
B) Keratan Sülfat
B) Bacillus anthracis
C) Dermatan Sülfat
C) Streptococcus pneumoniae
D) Heparin
D) Streptococcus pyogenes
E) Heparan Sülfat
E) Streptococcus agalactia
25. Aşağıdaki bakterilerden hangisi tarafından oluşturulan ishalde, dışkının fosfat tamponu içinde +4°C de zenginleştirilmesi etkenin izolasyon şansını artırır?
28. Sklerotik (Madler) cisimcik aşağıdaki infeksiyonların hangisinde enfekte dokuda oluşan karakteristik yapıdır? A) Miçetom
A) Campylobacter jejuni
B) Kromoblastomikoz
B) Clostridium perfringens
C) Sporotrikoz
C) Enteroaderan Escherichia coli
D) Kandidoz
D) Yersinia enterocolitica
E) Dermatofitoz
E) Shigella sonnei
29. Menenjitli bir hastanın Beyin Omurilik Sıvı (BOS) yaymasında hücre içi gram negatif koklar tespit edildi.
26. Aşağıdaki gastroenterit etkenlerinden hangisi dışkıda eritrosit ve lökositin görülmediği non– invaziv (non– inflamatuvar) ishale neden olur?
A) Bacillus cereus
Bu etkenin aşağıdakilerden hangisine yol açma olasılığı vardır?
B) Enteroinvaziv E.coli
A) Waterhouse–Friderichsen Sendromu
C) Yersinia enterocolitica
B) Toksik Şok Sendromu
D) Clostridium difficile
C) Reye Sendromu
E) Campylobacter jejuni
D) Fitz–Huge Curtis Sendromu E) Yüzücü kaşıntısı
27. Granülomatozis infantiseptika klinik formu, aşağıdaki bakterilerden hangisinin yaptığı bir hastalıktır? A) Vibrio cholerae B) Listeria monocytogenes C) Clostridium tetani D) Haemophilus parainfluenzae E) Bacillus cereus
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
30. Kavitasyonla giden pulmoner enfeksiyonu olan ve aynı zamanda beyin absesi gelişen immün süpresif bir hastanın balgam yaymasında gram ile zayıf boyanan, gram negatif görünümlü, içinde gram pozitif boyanmış tanecikler bulunan, dallanan ince filamantöz yapılar saptanıyor.
33. Aşağıdaki görülür?
A) Koagulasyon nekrozu B) Kazeifikasyon nekrozu C) Likefaksiyon nekrozu
Bu hastada etken olarak aşağıdakilerden en çok hangisini düşünürsünüz?
D) Gangrenöz nekroz
A) Fusobacterium
E) Yağ nekrozu
B) Actinomyces C) Nocardia D) Aspergillus E) Tüberküloz dışı mikobakteri
31. Kanlı ishal yakınması olan bir hastanın sigmoidoskopisinde ağzı dar, dibi geniş ülserasyonlar belirlenmiştir.
34. Her üç germ yaprağına ait elemanları içeren neoplazilere ne ad verilir? A) Hamartom
En olası etken aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
B) Koristom
A) Entamoeba hartmanni
C) Sarkom
B) Trichomonas hominis
D) Hipernom
C) Cryptosporidium
E) Teratom
D) Giardia E) Entamoeba histolytica
35. Aşağıdaki testis tümörlerinin hangisi uygun tanım veya eşlik ettiği durumla eşlenmemiştir?
32. Herpangina ve el–ayak–ağız hastalığının etkeni olan virus aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Enterovirüs 72
A) Seminom – Lenfosit infiltraasyonu
B) Coxsackie virüs A
B) Endodermal sinüs (yolk kesesi) tümörü – 3 yaş altı en sık testis tümörü
C) Herpes virüs HHV–6
C) Teratom – Reinke kristalleri.
D) Echovirüs 20
D) Koryokarsinom – insan koryonik gonatropininde artış
E) Flavivirüs
E) Sertoli–leydig hücreli tümör – sık geç puberte gelişimi 30
36. C3 nefritik faktör aşağıdakilerden hangisinde en sık olarak saptanır?
39. HPV virüsü ile enfekte bir hücrede, virüs tarafından üretilen E6 ve E7 proteinleri, hücre içerisinde hangi geni inaktive ederek apoptozisi durdurur?
A) Mesanjiyoproliferatif glomerülonefrit
A) P16
B) Membranoproliferatif glomerülonefrit–Tip I
B) P21
C) Membranoproliferatif glomerülonefrit–Tip II
C) Bax
D) Membranöz nefropati
D) P53
E) Minimal değişiklik hastalığı
E) P27
40. Mallory hyalen cisimleri aşağıdakilerden hangisinin hücre içerisinde birikmesi ile oluşur?
37. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi CD4(+) T hücrelerinden kaynaklanan ve deri tutulumu ile karakterize bir lenfoma türüdür?
A) Yağ
A) MALT lenfoma
B) Lipofuscin
B) Mikozis fungoides
C) Hemosiderin
C) Mantle hücreli lenfoma
D) Sitokeratin
D) Burkitt lenfoma
E) Safra
E) Folliküler lenfoma
38. En sık görülen karaciğer aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
41. Asbest maruziyeti sonucu plevrada görülme ihtimali en fazla olan tablo aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Adenom
A) Akciğer kanseri
B) Hepatosellüler karsinom
B) Malign mezotelyoma
C) Hemanjiyom
C) Diffüz fibrozis
D) Kolanjiyokarsinom
D) Lokalize fibröz plaklar
E) Metastatik tümör
E) Hemorojik eksuda
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
42. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi uyku bozukluğunda kullanılan melatonin reseptör agonistidir?
45. Aşağıdaki antiepileptik ilaçlardan hangisi GABA üzerinden etki göstermez?
A) Meprobamat
A) Valproik asit
B) Fenobarbital
B) Klonazepam
C) Ramelton
C) Fenobarbital
D) Kloral hidrat
D) Lamotrigin
E) Felbamat
E) Vigabatrin
43. Hipertansiyonu, angina pektoris hikayesi olan hastada gelişen sinüs taşikardisinin tedavisi için aşağıdakilerden hangisi öncelikle tercih edilmelidir?
46. Osteoporozu ve esansiyel hipertansiyonu olan bir hastada aşağıdaki antihipertansiflerden hangisi öncelikle tercih edilmelidir? A) Karvedilol
A) Karvedilol
B) Hidroklorotiyazid
B) Digoksin
C) Ramipril
C) Teofilin
D) Nifedipin
D) Metildopa
E) Valsartan
E) İzoproterenol
44. Aşağıda Alzheimer tedavisinde kullanılan santral etkili antikolinesteraz inhibitörlerinden aynı zamanda nikotinik reseptör modülatörüdür?
47. Aşağıdaki ilaçlardan hangisi yetmezliğinde kontrendikedir? A) Verapamil
A) Galantamin
B) Karvedilol
B) Donepezil
C) Furosemid
C) Takrin
D) Ramipril
D) Rivastigmin
E) Spirinolakton
E) Eptastigmin
48. Mikrotübül formasyonunu bozan, mitoz zehiri olarak bilinen antineoplastik ilaç hangisidir?
51. Septumunda myokard enfarktüsü geçiren bir hastanın EKG’sinde ST elevasyonu hangi derivasyonlarda gözlenir?
A) Metotreksat
A) V1, V7, V8
B) 6–merkaptopürin
B) V1, V2R, V3R
C) Vinblastin
C) D1, aVL, V6
D) Adriamisin
D) D2, D3, aVF
E) Sisplatin
49. Glukokortikoidlerin etkilerinin birkaç gecikmeyle ortaya çıkmasının aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
E) V1, V2
52. Aşağıdakilerden hangisinin ölçümü spirometri ile yapılamaz ve pletismografi gerektirir?
saatlik nedeni
A) Zorlu vital kapasite
A) Hedef hücrelerde yeni protein sentezine ihtiyaç duymaları
B) Vital kapasite
B) Albumin yerine transkortine bağlanmaları
C) Total akciğer kapasitesi
C) Biyoyararlanımlarının az olması
D) Tidal volüm
D) Vücutta yaygın etkinlik göstermeleri
E) Zirve akım hızı
E) Yarılanma ömürlerinin uzun olması
50. Motilin reseptörlerini uyararak bağırsak hareketlerini arttırdığı için diyabete bağlı gastroparezinin tedavisinde kullanılan ilaç aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
53. Aşağıdakilerden görülür?
A) Tüberküloz
A) Metoklopramid
B) Tifo
B) Betanekol
C) Bruselloz
C) Neostigmin
D) Mycoplasma enfeksiyonları
D) Sisaprid
E) Sarkoidoz
E) Eritromisin
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
54. En sık rastlanan herediter aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
57. Santral diyabetes insipiduslu bir hastada aşağıdaki bölgelerden hangisi zedelenmiştir?
A) Protein C eksikliği
A) Ön hipofiz
B) Protein S eksikliği
B) Anterior nükleus
C) Anti–trombin III eksikliği
C) İntermedial nükleus
D) Aktive protein C rezistansı
D) Supraoptik, paraventriküler nükleus
E) Protrombin II anomalisi
E) Nucleussolitarius
55. Otuz sekiz yaşında bayan hasta halsizlik, ateş, zayıflama, sol üst kadranda ağrı şikayeti ile doktora başvuruyor. Fizik muayenede dalak kosta kenarından 12 cm, karaciğer 6 cm palpabl, aksiller 3 adet 4x4 cm lenfadenopati bulunuyor. Laboratuvarda hemoglobin 11 g/dl, lökosit 111.000/mm3, trombosit 775.000/ mm3 olarak saptanıyor. Periferik yaymada monositoz, eozinofili, myelosit, metamyelosit ve normoblastlar görülüyor. Lökosit alkalen fosfataz düzeyi düşük bulunuyor.
58. Kırk iki yaşında erkek hasta, 3 aydır her iki el proksimal interfalangeal, metokarpofalangeal, elbileği, diz ve ayak bileği eklemlerinde ağrı, şişlik ve sabahları 1 saat süren tutukluk yakınmalarıyla başvuruyor. Yapılan fizik muayenede bu eklemlerde artrit saptanıyor. Laboratuvar incelemelerinde eritrosit sedimentasyon hızı 58 mm/saat, C–reaktif protein düzeyi 24.6 mg/L (Normali 0.08–3.1 mg/L) ve romatoid faktör düzeyi 160 U olarak belirleniyor.
Bu hastada en muhtemel tanı nedir? A) KLL
Aşağıdaki testlerden hangisinin pozitif olması, hastada romatoid artrit olduğunu kuvvetle destekler? A) ANA
C) P. vera
C) Anti–SSA
D) İdiopatik myelofibrozis
D) Anti–CCP
E) Primer trombositemi
E) Anti–kardiyolipin antikor
56. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi fizyolojik koşullarda glomerüler filtrasyon hızı (GFR)’nın majör belirleyicilerinden biri değildir? A) Filtrasyon basıncı B) Renal plazma akımı C) Kapiller geçirgenlik D) Sistemik kan basıncı E) Glomerüler filtrasyon alanı 34
59. Kronik aktif hepatit B tablosunda aşağıdakilerden hangisi görülür? HBsAg
Anti Hbc IgM
Anti Hbc IgG
62. On iki yaşındaki erkek çocuk, 1 gündür yürümediği için getiriliyor. Öncesinde sağlıklı olan çocuğun 12 gün önce gastroenterit geçirdiği belirtiliyor. Nörolojik muayenede alt ekstremitelerde simetrik proksimal kas güçsüzlüğü ve arefleksi saptanmıştır.
A) Negatif
B) Pozitif
Negatif Negatif
C) Pozitif
D) Pozitif
E) Negatif
Negatif Pozitif
Bu hasta için en olası tanı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Poliomiyelitis B) Guillain–Barré sendromu C) Musküler distrofi D) Parapleji E) Spinal musküler atrofi
63. Gebeliğin 37. haftasında sezaryen ile 2800 gram doğan bir bebekte ilk saat içinde takipne ve interkostal retraksiyonlar gelişiyor. Akciğer grafisinde pulmoner damarlarda hafif belirginleşme ve fissürlerde sıvı görünümü gözleniyor.
60. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi APGAR skorlamasında kullanılan parametrelerden biridir? A) Saturasyon ölçümü B) Moro refleksi
C) Vucüt ısısı
Bu bebek için en olası tanı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
D) Refleks yanıt
A) Respiratuvar distres sendromu
E) Emme refleksi
B) Mekonyum aspirasyon sendromu C) Hiyalen membran hastalığı D) Yenidoğanın geçici takipnesi E) Konjenital pnömoni
61. Altı aylık çocuk beslenirken çabuk yorulma yakınmasıyla getiriliyor. Fizik değerlendirmesinde göğüs ön–sol ortada 2/6 üfürüm duyuluyor. Bu çocukta en olası yapısal aşağıdakilerden hangisi olabilir?
A) ASD B) VSD C) PDA D) Masum üfürüm E) Aort koarktasyonu
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
64. Aşağıdaki aşılardan hangisi adölesan erişkinlerde uygulanması önerilmez?
67. Çocukluk çağında görülen Kızamık virüsunun neden olduğu hastalık için aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi yanlıştır?
A) Aselüler boğmaca aşısı B) Tetanoz aşısı
A) Kızamık virüsü sadece insanlarda hastalığa neden olur.
C) Rotavirus aşısı
B) Kızamık hastalığı hayat boyu bağışıklık bırakır.
D) İnfluenza aşısı
C) Prodromal döneminde patogonomiktir.
E) Human papilloma virüs aşısı
D) Döküntüleri gövdeden başlar ve ekstremitelere ve baş bölgesine doğru yayılan makülopapüler karakterdedir. E) Laboratuvarda
nötropeni ve rölatif lenfositoz görülür.
68. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi kromozomal hastalıklardan biri değildir?
65. Akut glomerülonefrit nedenlerinden hangisinde kompleman düşüklüğü görülür? A) Akut poststreptokokal nefrit
A) Klinifelter sendromu
B) Good pasture sendromu
B) Edward’s sendromu
C) Henoch Schönlein purpurası
C) Patau sendromu
D) IgA nefriti
D) Turner sendromu
E) Memranöz glomerülonefrit
E) Noonan Sendromu
66. Demir eksikliği anemisinde laboratuar bulgusu görülmez?
69. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi gastroözefageal tanısında en kesin teşhis yöntemidir?
A) Hemoglobulin ve hematokrit düşüktür
A) Radyografi
B) MCV, MCH, MCHC düşüktür
B) 24 saat pH monitorizasyonu
C) Serbest eritrosit protoporfirini azalır
C) Endoskopi
D) RDW artar
D) Manometre
E) Trombositoz
E) Özefageal asit perfüzyon testi (Bernstein testi)
70. Otuz üç yaşında erkek hasta ataklar halinde gelen karın ağrısı ile acil servise başvuruyor. Hastaya kolonoskopik biyopsi ile ülseratif kolit tanısı konuluyor ve remisyon sağlanamaması ve toksik megakolon gelişmesi üzerine hastaya proktokolektomi uygulanıyor. Hastanın postoperatif takiplerinde ikinci yılında AST: 78U/L ALT: 84U/L ALP: 573U/L olarak tesbit ediliyor.
73. Trafik kazası soncu acil servise getirilen 40 yaşındaki kadın hastanın yakınlarının verdiği anemnezde travma sonrası kısa bilinç kaybını takiben hastanın şuurunun açıldığı hastaneye getirilirken tekrar kapandığı bildirildi. Nörolojik muayenesinde bilinç kapalı, sağ pupil fiks dilate ve sol hemiparezi saptanıyor. Çekilen Bilgisayarlı tomografisinde temporal kemikte fraktür ve lens şeklinde kanama alanı saptanıyor.
Karın ağrısı ve halsizlik dışında şikayeti olmayan hastanın olası tanısı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
Bu hastada hangisidir?
A) Alkolik hepatit
A) Epidural hematom
B) Primer sklorozan kolanjit
B) Subaraknoid kanama
C) Sekonder bilier siroz
C) Subdural hematom
D) Toksik hepatit
D) İntraserebral hematom
E) Primer bilier siroz
E) Putaminal hematom
71. Malign solid tümörlerde görülen hümoral hiperkalseminin nedeni aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
75. Aşağıdaki 2. trimestr prenatal ultrason bulgularından hangisi soft marker (minör marker) değildir?
A) Paratroid hormon ilişkili peptit
A) Koroid pleksus kisti
B) Kalsiyumun renal atılımında azalma
B) Ventrikülomegali
C) Familyal hipokalsiürik hiperkalsemi
C) Kistik higroma
D) Hemokonsantrasyon
D) Pelviektazi
E) 25–hidroksi vitamin D 1–alfa hidroksilaz aktivitesinde artma
E) Femur kısalığı
72. Aşağıdaki sitokinlerden hangisi büyüme faktörü olarak isimlendirilir?
76. Pelvik girim düzleminin en dar yeri aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) IL–1
A) İnterspinöz mesafe
B) IL–2
B) Conjugata vera anatomica
C) IL–4
C) Conjugata vera obstetrica
D) IL–10
D) Conjugata diagonalis
E) IL–11
E) Diameter anteroposterior
Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
77. Onkojenik potansiyeli en yüksek olan HPV tipleri aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
80. Otuz altı yaşında günde bir paket sigara kullanan ve PİD tedavisi gören multipar bir kadın için aşağıdaki kontraseptif yöntemlerden hangisi en uygundur?
A) HPV 6–11
A) Düşük doz oral kontraseptif
B) HPV 5
B) Kondom
C) HPV 8
C) Bakırlı RİA
D) HPV 16–18
D) Koitus interaptus
E) HPV 34
E) Progesteronlu RİA
78. Reinke kristalleri aşağıdaki over tümörlerinden hangisinde gözlenir? A) Seröz kistadenokarsinom B) Brenner tümörü C) Granüloza hücreli over tümörleri D) Sertoli–leydig hücreli over tümörleri E) Disgerminom
79. Foliküler gelişim sırasında dominant folikül aşağıda verilen mekanizmalardan hangisi ile belirlenir? A) Foliküler fazda FSH azalması sonucunda B) Foliküler fazda estrojen yükselmesi sonucunda C) Foliküler fazda progesteron artış sonucunda
D) Foliküler fazda LH yükselmesi sonucunda E) Foliküler fazda inhibin değerlerinde artıs ̧sonucunda