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Ceres Street Faire always a ‘rain or shine’ event
Anyone who’s been to the Ceres Street Faire knows that the biggest unknown factor is weather. Since organizers can’t do a thing about the skies, the Faire is billed as a “rain or shine” event. This year’s event could be a mixture of clouds
Street Faire Committee Members
Brandy Meyer (Chair)
Lisa Mantarro Moore
Kim & Dave Johnson
Angela and Bret Durossette
Ken Lane
Eric Ingwerson
Renee Ledbetter
Austin Mantarro Moore
Austin Mantarro Moore
Irene Ortiz
Doug Wallick
Shane Parson and sun. As of the printing of this guide, weather.com was forecasting temperatures in the low 70s with mostly cloudy skies on Saturday and partly cloudly on Sunday.
Downtown Ceres hosts the 33rd annual Ceres Street Faire this weekend, May 6-7. The fun starts at 10 a.m. Saturday, including the Saturday morning car show on Fourth Street between Magnolia and North streets. An RV & OffRoad Vehicle Show will take its place on Sunday.
The Faire includes arts & crafts booths, commercial booths, food booths operated by non-profit Ceres groups, local entertainment and fun things for kids and families to do in the park.
Service clubs and other groups will be selling food items along Third Street. The Ceres Lions Club and Ceres Chamber of Commerce members founded the Ceres Street Faire in October 1988. For information, contact the Chamber at 537-2601.