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Classic cars on Saturday, RVs on Sunday
• Sunday show offers RVs

By JEFF BENZIGER Editor of the C eres (C alif .) C ourier
FOURTH STREET north of North Street will be lined with twoand four-wheeled eye candy this Saturday for the annual Ceres Street Faire Car Show.
In 2022 the show attracted 120 entries and as many are expected this year. The show runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday only. At the end of the car show at 3 p.m. the Street Faire Committee will be handing out awards in 10 categories.

Anyone may show off their car by turning out from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the sign-up booth at Fourth and Magnolia. Space is limited so early registration is urged. To preregister a vehicle costs $25, or $35 on the morning of the show. All entries will receive a Street Faire specialty T-shirt to commemorate the 2023 Car Show, and a dash plaque.
Entry forms are also available at the Ceres Chamber of Commerce office at the northeast corner of Fourth and North streets.
Any car that is special enough to show off – whether a lifted truck, restored classic Model A, or a cherried out muscle car – is welcome at the show. Classic and modified automobiles – with their colors and designs – have always pulled an audience at the Street Faire.
On Sunday will be the RV & Bike Show which will be displayed on Fourth Street from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The show will feature bass fishing boats and off-road vehicles, motorcycles and travel trailers.
For more information on the car show, call (209) 409-2676 or email ceresstreetfaire@gmail.com