GLOW: EXCERPTS FROM BEAUTY REIGNS June 9th -‐ June 30th, 2015
P 505.986.9800 F 505.986.5027 | | 725 Canyon Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA |
Turner Carroll Gallery is pleased to announce our June show Glow: Excerpts on Beauty Reigns, in which we will show two exclusive pieces by extraordinary ar9st and dear friend Rex Ray, who passed away in February. It is through the arres9ng intricacy of Ray's composi9ons and his powerful sense of life and beauty that we catch a glimpse of his genius and shall remember his life.
Alongside Ray's work, Glow: Emphasis on Beauty Reigns will also pop and glow with a range of sophis9cated works by Fausto Fernandez and Jamie Brunson. This show explores the interplay between the melancholy and sublime, with an emphasis on vivid color, paGern work, ornamenta9on, and layered surface imagery. All three ar9sts have work in major private and public collec9ons, placing them among the leading mixed-‐media and abstract contemporary ar9sts today.
OKen, museum-‐level contemporary art is perceived as brooding, in9mida9ng, and aloof, valuing only the conceptual. Turner Carroll Gallery, however, believes contemporary art can connect us to feelings of euphoria, inspire, and even challenge us through work that is colorful, approachable, and invigora9ng. Rather than focus on aliena9on and isola9on, we look for and uphold quali9es of beauty. Through Glow: Excerpts from Beauty Reigns, we celebrate museum-‐level contemporary art that is flamboyantly confident and exuberant while simultaneously evincing the ar9st's undeniable mastery and skill.
Join us in commemora9ng the beau9ful and the daring in the work of Rex Ray, Fausto Fernandez, and Jamie Brunson.
cover image: Rex Ray, Mylopronesta, mixed media and collage on linen, 54 x 54”, 2011 40,000. 2
Rex Ray, Un9tled, mixed media and collage on linen, 65 x 54”, 2010 40,000. 3
Fausto Fernandez, Manipula9on of Inanimate Objects by Living Things, collage and acrylic on canvas, 36 x 60”, 2014 5000.
Fausto Fernandez, Dominant Influence in the Evolu9on of Courtship, oil on canvas, 72 x 144”, 2014 17,000.
Jamie Brunson, Petal Yantra, oil, alkyd, and wax on panel, 17.5 x 17.5”, 2009 2200. 6
Jamie Brunson, Granada, oil, alkyd, and wax on polyester over panel, 30 x 30”, 2006 3600. 7
Fausto Fernandez, Love is What you Make it Out to Be, oil on canvas, 72 x 72”, 2013 10,000. 8
Rex Ray, Pyzinerol, 15 plate color lithograph, 44.5 x 30.25”, 2010 3600. 9
Fausto Fernandez, The Fourfold Nature of the Ceiba Tree, collage, gel image transfer, and acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36”, 2015 5000.
Fausto Fernandez, Basic Mechanisms of Evolu9on, collage and acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48”, 2014 5000.
Fausto Fernandez, Maintenance of Social Distance, collage, gel image transfer, and acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60”, 2015 7000.
Fausto Fernandez, Studies on Symbolic Play, collage, gel image transfer, and acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60”, 2015 7000.
Fausto Fernandez, Spectators, collage, acrylic, aerosol, and photo image transfer on canvas, 72 x 96”, 2015 16,900.
Jamie Brunson, Golden State, oil, alkyd, and wax on polyester over panel, 36 x 36”, 2011 4500. 12
Fausto Fernandez, The Heights of Summer, collage and acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48”, 2015 5000. 13
Fausto Fernandez, Broken Down and Simplified, acrylic, spray paint, pastel, and collage on canvas, 84 x 48”, 2014 6800. 14
Fausto Fernandez, Cylinders in Blossom, acrylic, spray paint, pastel, and collage on canvas, 66.25 x 52”, 2011 5000. 15
Jamie Brunson, Reflec9on, oil, alkyd, and wax on polyester over panel, 36 x 36”, 2013 4500. 16
Fausto Fernandez, All Nature Consists of Harmony, oil on canvas, 72 x 72”, 2013 10,000. 17
Fausto Fernandez, The 7th Annual Teddy Bear Toss, collage, gel image transfer, and acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36”, 2015 3800. 18
Fausto Fernandez, Faceless Self Portrait, collage and acrylic on canvas, 44 x 36”, 2014 3500. 19
Jamie Brunson, Gawa, oil, alkyd, and wax on polyester over panel, 36 x 36”, 2015 4500. 20
Fausto Fernandez, Reunion at the Villa Borghese, collage, gel image transfer, and acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36”, 2015 3800. 21
Fausto Fernandez, Magazine Skin Tones, collage, magazine clippings, wallpaper, 18 x 24”, 2013 650 22
Jamie Brunson, Skirt, oil, alkyd, and wax on polyester over panel, 14 x 14”, 2008 1800. 23
Want to learn more? Our website Email Facebook Turner Carroll Gallery TwiGer @Turner_Carroll Instagram @turnercarrollgallery Please come visit the gallery any of day of the week between 10 and 6. Essay and Catalogue Design by Caroline M. Orr