Method Putkisto Studio UK C H A N G E - Performance
“What is required to guarantee results when exercising? Thursday 27th January 2011 7.00-9.15pm Professor Esko Mälkiä, Professor of Physiotherapy, Jyväskylän University, Finland and advisor to Method Putkisto Institute can now provide the science behind why and how Method Putkisto works. We will review the benefits of stretching: • Can I get stronger with stretching? • How does muscle tone change with stretching? • Can my body shape be redefined with stretching? • Why do I feel so much better when stretching? • How is Method Putkisto different from normal stretching? • How much is enough? Come and join us for a glass of wine with friends – guests warmly invited!
Marja & Team
by Tuesday 25th January 2011 020 8878 7384 /