Turning Point Scotland Annual Report 2012

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Making services fit people


Substance Misuse Learning Disability Mental Health Criminal Justice Homelessness Autism Huntington’s Disease Early Onset Dementia Acquired Brain Injury

Substance Misuse MAKING SERVICES FIT PEOPLE Learning Disability Mental Health Criminal Justice Homelessness Autism Huntington’s Disease Early Onset Dementia Acquired Brain Injury

“Glad to be part of a service that takes service users views, opinions and comments seriously.�


Welcome from the Chair of the Board “For Board members, the highlight of our year is having the privilege of meeting our frontline staff, volunteers and people from all walks of life who use Turning Point Scotland services.”

Last year was one of the most challenging in Turning Point Scotland’s history. Public expenditure constraints and the economic recession made life increasingly difficult. We lost some services and had to cut others but won some tenders - against fierce competition - and proved adept at expanding and developing many of our existing services. I am delighted to record that our turnover overall and the total number of vulnerable people we were able to support both increased. Considering what is currently happening in the care charity sector this was an amazing achievement and the Board congratulates the many people at all levels in Turning Point Scotland who worked so hard to make it happen. To help make it possible, the Board had to make several difficult decisions regarding the allocation of resources, to ensure the long term sustainability of Turning Point Scotland. Like most organisations in the current economic climate, prudent financial management is of vital importance and we appreciate the patience and understanding shown by staff during this challenging period.

Member, Deputy Chair and Chair, between them giving over a quarter of a century of voluntary service to Turning Point Scotland. We owe them a deep debt of gratitude. We were delighted to welcome our new Board colleagues: Sheila Fazal, Peter Hamilton, Jo Pike, Alyn Smith and Tony Wringe. May I end by thanking my fellow Board members, our Chief Executive Martin Cawley and his senior staff, for their kindness and support to us and all our staff for their dedication, helping improve the lives of individuals who use Turning Point Scotland’s services.


For Board members, the highlights of our year are not studying the Board papers, important though that is, but having the privilege of meeting our front line staff and witnessing the help they give to our service users, who are the reason we are all devoted to the charity. At our AGM last September we said au revoir to our three most senior and longest serving Board colleagues. Keith Howell, Colin Rae and Vinay Ruparealia each served as Board


Welcome from the Chief Executive “Turning Point Scotland is one of the country’s most respected social care charities and this is something we are very proud of.”

Despite the financial challenges we face in the present climate 2011/12 was another successful year for Turning Point Scotland. A significant factor in this has been the stability and high morale amongst our staff team. This is reflected directly in the quality of support they provide to the people who use our services. We have developed new services and helped improve the lives of more people, supporting them overcome some of the challenges and complex issues they face. We held three highly successful conferences for people we support through our TPS Connects brand. These were planned and organised by people who use our services and proved to be exciting and engaging events, people were full of enthusiasm and took full advantage by getting involved. We have learned much from them and this feeds directly into our service and organisational review processes. Satisfaction levels among people who use our services also remains high and this is a key indicator of the quality of our work. Our Care Inspectorate gradings were also positive with particularly high grades for service user involvement and leadership and management. We have kept our day to day expenditure and income in balance, despite the poor economic climate. This is evidence of good housekeeping and diligent management. Stable finances are an important part of the long term future of the organisation but it is only one aspect of the overall strategy. The real measurement of the success of Turning Point Scotland is evidenced by the improvement in the quality of lives of the thousands of individuals who use our services each year. There are so many stories in this respect. Whether it be helping people to achieve sustained recovery from substance


misuse, developing the independence, autonomy and self directed support for someone with a learning disability, supporting people to sustain their own tenancies following periods of homelessness, working with people with persistent offending behaviour to reconsider their ways or simply signposting people to a more appropriate resource our task is to help people improve their lives. 2011/12 was the last year of Turning Point Scotland’s three year Strategic Plan. We are one of the country’s most respected social care charities and this is something we are very proud of. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff, our purchasers and partners, the people who use our services and their families for helping make this happen. But it doesn’t stop there. Our next three year plan is already underway. This focuses on building on previous success and working in partnership and collaboration to improve the way services are delivered. I hope you enjoy reading our annual report and learn more about the work we do. If you think you can work with us in whatever way to help us achieve our objectives then please do not hesitate to contact myself or a member of the staff team.


“Your attitude will determine your altitude, a kind word, smile, and aim high.�


Enhancing community safety Working in partnership with others, Turning Point Scotland helps support people to address their offending behaviour, and this contributes to the wider public benefit of reducing reoffending and building safer communities.

Moving Forward: Reducing Reoffending There has been a renewed effort in Scotland to tackle overcrowding in the prison system and reduce reoffending with the introduction of Community Payback Orders(CPOs). Turning Point Scotland’s criminal justice services have helped to deliver alternatives to custody in line with this approach. Promoting the benefits of this policy and sharing experiences and best practice with partners will be critical to ensuring the overall success of the national strategy. Turning Point Scotland brought a range of key stakeholders and partners in Criminal Justice Social Work, the Scottish Prison Service, Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and other voluntary sector organisations together to highlight the work of Turnaround, 218 and CACTUS and our substance misuse services. In May 2011 we hosted ‘Moving Forward: Reducing Reoffending through Community Payback Orders (CPOs)’ at St Mirren Football Club in Paisley. The aim of the event was to promote the services to the wider criminal justice community but rather than purely a

‘sales pitch’ the idea was to share good practice with partners and other agencies. By discussing the experiences of our criminal justice services, featuring both positive and negative aspects, it was hoped everyone attending would be inspired to build on the good work already being put into practice. Over 70 people attended on the day and took part in discussions on community based alternatives to custody and CPOs from their perspective with speakers including; Ian Donaldson, Scottish Government; Sheriff Lindsay Wood, Glasgow Drug Court; Jim Hunter, North Strathclyde Community Justice Authority; and Martin Cawley, our Chief Executive, who spoke about Turning Point Scotland’s criminal justice services, drawing on the evidence gathered by the external evaluation of Turnaround and 218, and plans for developing our approach to support the delivery of CPOs. By bringing together partners and key players under one roof, many of the conversations helped to channel the enthusiasm behind CPOs and also address any anxieties about how they would work in practice.

• More than three quarters of people evaluated the content very good or excellent. • Over 90% who responded would be interested in attending future CPO events. REF: EVENT EVALUATION FORM


“My worker has supported me through loads of stuff not just my offending but my drug use and relationships which has helped me turn things around.“ gSERVICE USER “If it hadn’t been for ORCA supporting me I would have ended up in jail.” gSERVICE USER “I am delighted that Grampian Police and Turning Point Scotland do such positive business so well together and that the ORCA project offers such positive outcomes for it's clients in times of difficulty in their lives.” gLORNA HEPPOLETTE SUBSTANCE MISUSE & EDUCATION SERGEANT, GRAMPIAN POLICE PROGRESS REPORT 1ST OCT 2011 TO 31ST MARCH 2012

The Big River By working in partnership, Turning Point Scotland’s Big River service in Galashiels was commended for an innovative scheme that has benefited the local community, when it won the national Better Outcomes for Communities Award at the Scottish Government’s Safer Communities Awards 2012. Drug related litter in public places was highlighted as a concern and Big River worked alongside Lothian and Borders Police, community pharmacies, Scottish Borders Council and the Borders Alcohol and Drug Partnership to tackle the issue. People supported by Big River helped to design a publicity poster campaign promoting the safe disposal of injecting equipment, this was also featured on needle exchange packs.

Turnaround “Turnaround has helped me look at my life. I know what to do to keep myself in recovery. I know I can’t do it on my own as I’ve tried many times and kept failing in the past, so I’m ready to put 100 per cent into my recovery this time.”

Turnaround provides support to people whose offending is persistent, high volume, low tariff and who are failing in other community based alternatives. The service aims to address issues around substance misuse, mental health, homelessness or lack of coping skills. The Scottish Government has recognised the work Turnaround has done to enhance community safety by continuing to fund this effective alternative to custody.

Northern Horizons & Opportunity to Reduce Criminal Activity (ORCA) Turning Point Scotland is building on existing partnerships in the criminal justice system by supporting people with substance misuse issues who are involved in low risk offending behaviour. The Opportunity to Reduce Criminal Activity (ORCA partnership) involving Turning Point Scotland’s Northern Horizons service and Grampian Police is having a positive impact on reducing offending in North Aberdeenshire and Grampian Police have praised the initiative in the impact it is having in the force area. The ORCA partnership has received funding from the Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership. The main aim of the service is to stabilise and reduce an individual’s substance misuse and increase access to community based services such as education, employment, health and housing. Service users are referred directly through the courts by the police. A number of interventions are carried out in relation to their offending behaviour, including substance misuse, anger management, victim awareness and relapse prevention through one to one session or group work. Reviews of the service have been carried out since it was established. Grampian Police have evidence based statistics that show that people who engage with the service record a drop in the number of offences committed. This is backed up by our outcomes through a custom built database. This shows positive outcomes regarding criminal activity, psychological wellbeing and social functioning.


Female Offending: Breaking the Cycle Following a sharp rise in the number of female offenders in Scotland’s only female prison Cornton Vale, the Commission on Women Offenders report made significant recommendations to improve the treatment of women in the justice system. Chaired by Dame Elish Angiolini QC, the Commission looked at programmes that offered support for addiction, mental or physical health issues, and family trauma, as a more effective route out of reoffending than a short term custodial sentence. Turning Point Scotland’s 218 service was highlighted as being a positive example of an alternative to custody. The 218 service is a partnership between Turning Point Scotland and Glasgow Addiction Services. This initiative aims to address female offending behaviour including issues such as substance use,

physical and mental health and provide support around other social needs including housing and childcare. In the lead up to the Commission’s report the Cabinet Secretary for Justice Kenny MacAskill and the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee visited the service. Staff were commended for the work that was being done to break the cycle of offending which results in the ‘revolving door’ syndrome that characterises many female offenders’ relationships with prison, by addressing the cause of their offending behaviour. Staff and the women in the service engaged proactively with both broadcast and print media during the publicity surrounding the Commission’s report. Scepticism among politicians, the media and wider public regarding alternatives to custody remains a significant challenge and positive engagement in debates will be important to the success of the policy.

“I was hugely impressed by the quality of the service, the dedication of the staff and the engagement by the women using it.” gKENNY MACASKILL CABINET SECRETARY FOR JUSTICE




of Turning Point Scotland services scored very good or excellent for Person centred / Recovery practice in 2011/2012* *Self assessment by Turning Point Scotland services using IMPAQT quality assurance tool

“We gained a great deal of insight into the wideranging work of 218 and the challenges which it faces” gCHRISTINE GRAHAME MSP CONVENER OF THE JUSTICE COMMITTEE, THE SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT

“I had kids really early in my life. I wasn’t taught right from wrong. I moved into my house and had a wee cleaning job and I really liked it, but then I chucked it as I wanted to go to my Mums and drink and I left my boyfriend at the time with the weans, because I thought it was normal, because that was all I saw when I was young. Then, before I knew it, I was fleeing domestic violence in houses all over the city; no stability for my kids; me drinking and then my kids were taken off me and then I had three more to another person and they are also with social work. I was going out and getting lifted for breach of the peace and police assault. Then I was in prison for a domestic and later I got the jail again; a three week remand and I was scared but then I got out. I was always in trouble when on the drink, but when I was sober, I’ve never been in trouble. Since I’ve been in 218, it’s been good and all the support I need is in here. If I never got help, I would either drink myself to death or get killed. I get a lot of group work as it’s all about everything you do when you were intoxicated. I really want it as I was totally out of my head before I came in here. I see myself, in a year’s time, settled in a tenancy, alcohol free. My confidence and self esteem back and contacting my kids. “


Working together to develop new services Working together can provide better value for money as well as the core benefit of enhancing the quality of service delivery.

Building Local Partnerships This financial year saw the launch of the Glasgow Abstinence Project (GAP), a partnership between three community rehabilitation services in the city focusing on recovery from addiction through abstinence based approaches. This service is funded by a grant of £150,000 from the Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Partnership.

“The GAP partnership is close to our heart, ties in well with homelessness and the problems of addiction around that, it was a very worthwhile afternoon” gALEX RAE FORMER RANGERS PLAYER

Turning Point Scotland’s South East Alternatives and Milestone services in Glasgow are working with an independent service, The Second Chance Project based in Possilpark, to form the combined service. The 12-step daytime abstinence service is now available in most parts of the city for the first time. The service can now reach more people than previously and thereby helping more individuals. Sharing resources and pooling skills, contacts and knowledge helps improve delivery through a single approach while maintaining the unique individual dynamics and operational independence of each service. Former Scottish footballer Alex Rae is chair of the trustees of the Second Chance Project and to raise awareness of the GAP partnership, a football match featuring former SPL players and football pundits against Scotland’s Homeless World Cup winning team was held at New Douglas Park in Hamilton. The match was mentioned across radio, local and national media reaching tens of thousands of people.


Taking A Flexible Approach Turning Point Scotland has taken another new step this year to provide self directed support to individuals in North Lanarkshire. This is an opportunity to provide a personalised service to suit individual needs. Based in Coatbridge the service will provide support to people with a range of different needs. The aim of the service is to help people live as independent and to have fulfilling lives by improving self esteem, building self confidence and encouraging involvement in their local community. The type of practical support on offer is wide and ranges from helping people with personal finance, going to college or meeting with friends and family.

Supporting The Work Of Partners In an effort to reduce the impact of drug and alcohol misuse, South Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) launched a new four year strategy. Many different organisations in the community had come together to identify ways to reduce the harm caused by substance misuse and support people in recovery. Turning Point Scotland’s SEASTAR service helped play a part on the day the strategy was launched, as people supported by SEASTAR

talked openly about their own experiences with substance misuse and their own recovery journeys. Kenny Leinster, Chair of the ADP and South Ayrshire Council's Head of Community Care and Housing, Roseanna Cunningham MSP, Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs, Councillor Bill McIntosh, Leader of South Ayrshire Council and chair of the Community Planning Partnership all attended the launch day and heard the role SEASTAR was playing in the local area.

“Back in May 2011 I was homeless and in a detox centre and had nothing. Today I have lots of lovely things in my life. That’s because I was prepared to change and listen and do the deal. Recovery is great.” gJOHN GLASGOW ABSTINENCE PROJECT


“I’ve been with Turning Point Scotland for two weeks and I feel better than I’ve been in the last 20 years.”


Building on our success Growing and developing new services is vital if we continue to support the most vulnerable members of society in Scotland. Taking an evidence-based approach and using peer support ensures that we further add value to the service we provide.

Over the past year we have hosted a number of visits to our services from people and groups from other countries. The interest generated is recognition that we provide high quality services and we are recognised for the work we do with people with complex needs.

During the year staff presented to the Welsh Minister for Housing Hugh Lewis AM, while a French film crew made a short feature about the Glasgow Housing First pilot as part of wider coverage about homelessness policy in Scotland.

There are many areas of work that are not common practice in other parts of the UK or Europe. In particular Turning Point Scotland’s Housing First pilot has attracted attention from agencies across the UK and Europe. Housing First provides assertive outreach and social housing support to people who are homeless, aged 18 or over and involved in drug and alcohol misuse.

Turning Point Scotland also hosted a formal visit from a delegation from Vienna, Paris, Barcelona and Helsinki, as part of an adult lifelong learning programme partly funded by Grundtvig. This helped shared ideas and practice about Housing First services across Europe. These exchanges are important to help foster relationships and develop further knowledge in key areas of interest. Strengthening existing domestic networks and partnerships will remain the core aim of the business. To raise awareness of the Housing First pilot Turning Point Scotland is hosting a conference in Glasgow in September 2012 for key stakeholders in the Scottish Government, local authorities, social work, housing associations and voluntary sector.

Turning Point Scotland’s Housing First service was awarded funding to test and evaluate projects working within a Housing First framework in Europe by the European Parliament as part of the Progress Programme. ‘Housing First Europe’ is a two year project that will assess and compare the various models across different European cities and share experiences.

Taking New Approaches “Turning Point Scotland has established a brand name that can be trusted to help support some of the most vulnerable members of society. The organisation aims to maintain the existing business and grow and develop new services.” gMARTIN CAWLEY



Heriot-Watt University are carrying out an independent evaluation of the Housing First service in Glasgow. Looking back at the initial stages of the service, the initial evidence collected has been largely positive. The role of Peer Support Workers has been a positive aspect of this service. This has helped add a different level of experience to the team. They feel they picked up confidence, skills, experience and knowledge to help their career development. Peer support workers add value to service delivery. Housing First Glasgow has undergone a successful year in terms of growth, not only in terms of individuals supported, but by increasing the number of housing associations they are now working with. These include Queen’s Cross, Southside, Thenue, ng homes and New Gorbals.

“I’m looking forward to the prospect that I don’t have to lie. The thing is that when you start lying, the whole deceit thing kicks in. You lie for a lie, then have to tell another lie...Lies kind of roll off my tongue naturally, probably because I’ve been doing it so long. But I’m just tired of doing it. The prospect that I can be honest and just say ‘look, I’m too drunk today, or too full of it today’, and they won’t give up on me...It seems quite exciting. It’s going to help me a lot, just because I don’t need to lie anymore.” gMALE SERVICE USER, IN 30s

“They (peer support workers) have been there and done it. It makes a big difference to my life, having people you can look up to who say ‘well I did it this way’.” gMALE SERVICE USER, IN 30s

Rosie’s Big Lottery Rosie’s Social Enterprises in Aberdeen has developed as a brand in their own right. Staff provide vocational training and employment to people who have experienced mental health issues, participate in vocational training and employment in the cafe, framers, gift shop and wedding stationary. The employment market in the UK is going through one of the most challenging periods in decades and competition for jobs is extremely fierce. For people who have gaps in their employment or face additional challenges due to their mental ill health,


finding stable employment is even harder. Rosie’s Social Enterprises has secured additional funding to continue this work. Individuals working in the enterprise can get work experience in professional business within a supported environment to build confidence and gain experience in dealing with the public and developing practical skills. The Big Lottery recognised this commitment to helping those furthest from the employment market make the transition towards a job as part of their Investing in Communities Life Transitions Programme

and awarded a grant of £380,000 over the next five years. This funding is helping Rosie’s continue supporting people to return to full or part time mainstream employment. The money will also be used to deliver outcomes for individuals to actively engage with job seeking services, improve their employment prospects and improve their self-esteem. This will enhance their opportunity to return to mainstream employment.

“Rosie’s Cafe has been a lifeline for me. Working in the cafe has been fantastic and has helped me to get some confidence back. At Rosie’s they see the person, not the illness and they are very patient with you.” gKEVIN

Recognised For Excellence Turning Point Scotland aims for the highest standards of service delivery and has an established reputation for improving the lives of people with a number of complex issues. To enhance our reputation further to maintain existing services and grow the business, the organisation is aiming to achieve Recognised for Excellence (R4E), an international quality award. This standard can apply to not just voluntary sector organisations but also against those in the public and private sectors. Having a mark of quality will become increasingly important as part of the personalisation agenda as people will know they are receiving the highest levels of service available whilst achieving value for money from their personal budget. Turning Point Scotland’s partners and stakeholders will view an international quality award as recognition of the high standards the organisation strives to achieve. Employees will also benefit from being part of an organisation with an enhanced reputation for their career and professional development.


TPS Connects Service User Involvement has played a key role in helping to bring the organisation closer to the people it supports, by giving them a say in the service they receive.

TPS Connects has been designed to bring together all aspects of service user involvement and inclusion at Turning Point Scotland. Three service user conferences were held last year. Hundreds of service users and staff came together to share activities, discussions and experiences. These events were held in Aberdeen, Clydebank and Glasgow. People supported by Turning Point Scotland were involved in decision-making from the beginning in the early planning stages right through to delivery in order to make them feel more involved and valued and to ensure the conferences would be events that other service users would want to attend. Everything from choice of food at the hotel to the format of the workshops was taken into account. A working group was set up to meet every six weeks for six months to help plan the events. Service users were at the heart of this process at every stage. The aims of the conferences were to identify areas of the services that were working well or needed improving, explore ways to improve

“From the beginning to the end of the conference I really enjoyed it and I enjoyed the workshops.” gBRIAN


communication between individuals and the Board, and to meet new people and to inspire others by sharing experiences. With the aims of the conference in mind it was important the activities got people more involved. Members of the Board also attended. Staff and service users shared experiences and most importantly it did make people feel comfortable about speaking out. The conferences brought people from services from across the country to take part in drama workshops, origami, art, music and computing. Video clips of personal stories were played to the delegates to inspire and motivate people and there were a whole range of different ways of creating discussion and encouraging people to express how they feel about the support they receive. Members of the Board, the Chief Executive, a colleague from Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Partnership, and a service user sat on a panel to take questions from delegates in the popular ‘Question Time’ style debate.

Roberto, who uses the Mile End service in Renfrew, was part of the working group for TPS Connects. Talking about his experience he said:

People were given the opportunity to record a short video diary about their experiences or leave a comment on the Talking Wall. There were also evaluation and feedback forms filled out on the day and a system of voting what people liked or disliked. The idea was to create a number of ways for the people Turning Point Scotland supports to express how they feel about the support they receive and to build their confidence about speaking out. The high level of attendance across all three events, the participation in all of the activities, as well as the general positive atmosphere indicated there is a great demand for this kind of interaction and involvement. Feedback was very positive. All the information was pulled together and collated into a conference report.


of Turning Point Scotland services were graded good, very good or excellent for Service User Involvement in 2011/2012* *As inspected by Care Inspectorate across all Turning Point Scotland services

“I wanted to be part of it. It was good to get together and put forward our own ideas. We spoke about the hotel and all of the things we wanted to happen. There were no disagreements!” “It turned out very well, all the ideas from everybody. I enjoyed the computer workshops and the disco but my favourite part was when I got to make a speech to everyone on the day. I wasn’t nervous, I do quite a lot of speaking in my drama class.” “Everyone had the chance to speak out on the day. Everyone took part in the Video Diaries and share how they were feeling. We got a chance to say what’s good or not so good about Turning Point Scotland in different ways.” “I got to meet up with a couple of friends from the other services too.” “We should do it again, it was a good experience to speak out and it is good for Turning Point Scotland.”






of people said the Glasgow event fully or to a large extent achieved its aim of providing motivation for people in recovery.


of service users attending the event in Clydebank said they met new people

Developing TPS Connects

TPS Connects Digital

TPS Connects is not just about one off events but a continuous open forum for people who use services to get involved in helping to shape Turning Point Scotland as an organisation and to meet each other and share experiences. Listening to feedback from service users and acting on it to improve service delivery is a key objective of the charity. Service users identified that the way they receive information about their support could be delivered in a better format that is easier to read and understand. Acting on a commitment made to develop and publish a number of ‘easy read policies’, service users Brian Robertson and Elizabeth Irving joined Aileen Reid, Access & Inclusion Coordinator to form a planning group to design new policies. The group also looked at the Charter for Involvement to consider what was important to service users so this could be included. The group also looked at existing staff policies and how they needed to be adapted from a service user’s perspective. ‘Things to Know About Support Planning’ was launched at TPS Connects and ‘Things to Know About Involvement’ and ‘Things to Know About Holidays’ followed later. More policies are being planned. The process was all in response to feedback from people the organisation supports.

The popularity of the computer workshops at TPS Connects and the confidence shown by those attending using online technology shows the high level of engagement people Turning Point Scotland supports have with digital media. The organisation has invested considerable time and resources into the online aspect of the business and how it can engage with existing service users and reach out to potential new service users and their families, as well as relevant stakeholders and our partners. The revamped Turning Point Scotland website now has a dedicated ‘Service User Zone’. This is being developed as an online portal to share information, photographs and videos. Regular newsletters are hosted online as well as news about upcoming TPS Connects events and the Easy Read policies. This existence of TPS Connects on the web means this aspect of the service is now available to service users whenever they like. This is an area the organisation is looking to grow and develop as digital media continues to evolve and Turning Point Scotland continues to look at different ways to engage and interact with the people it supports.

“Good to hear other peoples stories and how they have tackled their problems.” “The format has been fun, not boring.”

“The conference went smoothly, the way the planning group wanted it to.” “From the beginning to the end of the conference I really enjoyed it and I enjoyed the workshops.”

“I like that at 218 all the staff and residents are equal.” “Turnaround has helped me look at my life and I know what to do to keep myself in recovery.” gTALKING WALL COMMENTS (SYT, GLASGOW)

“I enjoyed meeting the Board members and staying in a nice hotel.”

“Turning Point Scotland is the perfect name, it has helped me turn my life around and be at a point in my life I am happy with, Thanks Milestone.” “I’ve been at the GDCC 2 weeks and I feel better than I’ve been for the last 20 years.” gTALKING WALL COMMENTS (SYT, GLASGOW)


Board of Directors and Executive Team

Board Tony Cameron C.B. - Appointed as Chair September 2011 Elizabeth Gray - Appointed Vice Chair September 2011 Vinaykant Ruparelia - Retired after his final term September 2011 Keith Howell - Retired after his final term September 2011 Colin Rae - Retired after his final term September 2011 Dr Eilidh Whiteford - Resigned September 2011 Callum Allan Raymond Edwards Ewan McIntyre Margaret Nash Sheila Low Sheila Fazal - Appointed to Board September 2011 Tony Wringe - Appointed to Board September 2011 Peter Hamilton - Appointed to Board September 2011 Jo Pike - Appointed to Board September 2011 Alyn Smith - Appointed to Board September 2011 Executive Team Martin Cawley, Chief Executive Kenneth Crawford, Finance and Resources Manager Wendy Spencer, Senior Operations Manager Craig Winter, Business Development and Improvement Manager

“As a Board Member I look forward to visiting the various services and people who work with and benefit from Turning Point Scotland. To listen to where we as a Board can change and develop our approach or investment to better service the Turning Point Scotland community.� gTONY WRINGE BOARD MEMBER


Financial Statement Extract

Statement of Financial Activities (incorporating income and expenditure account) For the year ended 31 March 2012


Unrestricted Funds £

Restricted Funds £

2012 £

2011 £

2 3 4

1,282,186 10,296 25,342,468

95,789 -

1,377,975 10,296 25,342,468

431,703 9,901 25,951,978





39,595 30,178 24,793,515


39,595 30,178 24,889,304

39,574 37,248 26,228,315









Total funds brought forward





Total funds carried forward





Incoming resources Incoming resources from generated funds - Voluntary income - Investment income Incoming resources from charitable activities Total incoming resources Resources expended Costs of generating funds - Costs of generating voluntary income Governance costs Charitable activities

5 6 7

Total resources expended

Net incoming resources


All income and expenditure is from continuing activities. All recognised gains and losses in the current and previous year are included in the Statement of Financial Activities.


Directory of Services Learning Disability Services

Housing Support Services

Dumfries & Galloway Services 22 Newall Terrace Dumfries, DG1 1LW T 01387 247 123 E d&g@turningpointscotland.com

Dumfries & Galloway Housing Support Service Burns House 30 Harbour Street Stranraer, DG9 7RD T 01776 700 666 E d&g@turningpointscotland.com

Dundee & Angus Services 2 Coldside Road Dundee, DD3 8DF T 01382 818 094 E dundee@turningpointscotland.com Greyfriars Close Elgin Moray, IV30 1ER T 01343 556 466 E greyfriarsclose@turningpointscotland.com Inverclyde 4 Argyle Street Greenock, PA15 1XA T 01475 729 124 E inverclyde@turningpointscotland.com Mile End Studio 908 Mile End Mill Abbey Mill Business Centre Paisley, PA1 1TJ T 0141 840 2299 E mileend@turningpointscotland.com Perth & Kinross 3 Grosvenor House Shore Road Perth, PH2 8BD T 01738 639 950 E perth&kinross@turningpointscotland.com SAIL 4B Citadel Place Ayr, KA7 1JN T 01292 267 439 E sail@turningpointscotland.com The Courtyard 31 Ardfin Court Prestwick, KA9 2LU T 01292 671 396 E thecourtyard@turningpointscotland.com

North Lanarkshire Housing Support Service Unit 74 Fountain Business Centre 19 Ellis Street, ML5 3AA T 01236 426807 E northlan@turningpointscotland.com Substance Misuse Services Big River 79 High Street Galashiels Selkirkshire, TD1 1RZ T 01896 759 740 E bigriver@turningpointscotland.com Edinburgh Substance Misuse Services 5 Links Place Edinburgh EH6 7EZ T 0131 553 2222 E cars@turningpointscotland.com E leith@turningpointscotland.com GDCC 123 West Street Glasgow, G5 8BA T 0141 420 6969 E gdcc@turningpointscotland.com Milestone 26 Orr Street Bridgeton, G40 2AJ T 0141 556 5880 E milestone@turningpointscotland.com Northern Horizons 9 St Peter Street Peterhead Aberdeenshire, AB42 1QB T 01779 470 490 E northernhorizons@turningpointscotland.com

Viewpoint 4C Citadel Place Ayr, KA7 1JN T 01292 886 589 E viewpoint@turningpointscotland.com

SEASTAR 2nd Floor 3 Killoch Place Ayr, KA7 2EA T 01292 619 940 E seastar@turningpointscotland.com

Weavers Mill Studio 908 Mile End Mill Abbey Mill Business Centre Paisley, PA1 1TJ T 0141 840 2299 E weaversmill@turningpointscotland.com

South East Alternatives Adelphi Centre Room 13a 12 Commercial Road Glasgow, G5 0PQ T 0141 429 7229 E sea@turningpointscotland.com


Studio 8 73 High Street Elgin, IV30 1EE T 01343 543 792 E studio8@turningpointscotland.com Glasgow Abstinence Project South East Alternatives The Adelphi Centre 12 Commercial Road Glasgow, G5 0PQ T 0141 429 7229 E gap@turningpointscotland.com Mental Health Services Midway Services 54 Govan Road Glasgow, G51 1JL T 0141 419 4520 E midway@turningpointscotland.com Midway Supported Living Service 11 Bressay Road Barlanark Glasgow, G33 4UX T 0141 781 1496 E midway@turningpointscotland.com Rosie’s Social Enterprises 45-49 Holburn Street Aberdeen, AB10 6BR T 01224 575 196 E rosies@turningpointscotland.com

Homelessness Services Glasgow Alcohol Rehabilitation Service Garscube House 840 Garscube Road Glasgow, G20 7ET T 0141 948 0092 E garscubehouse@turningpointscotland.com Housing First 121 West Street Glasgow, G5 8BA T 0141 429 8032 E housingfirst@turningpointscotland.com Link Up 112 Commerce Street Tradeston Glasgow, G5 8DW T 0141 420 1929 E LinkUp@turningpointscotland.com Midpoint 5 Links Place Edinburgh, EH6 7EZ T 0131 553 2222 E midpoint@turningpointscotland.com Moving On 1 Shawpark Court Flat 0/4 Maryhill, G20 9AG T 0141 946 5870 E movingon@turningpointscotland.com

STABLE 45-49 Holburn Street Aberdeen, AB10 6BR T 01224 577 322 E stable@turningpointscotland.com

PITSTOP 63 Moray Road Fraserburgh Aberdeenshire, AB43 9QX T 01346 512 056 E pitstop@turningpointscotland.com

Criminal Justice Services

Huntington’s Disease & Early Onset Dementia Services

218 218 Bath Street Glasgow, G2 4HW T 0141 331 6200 E 218@turningpointscotland.com

Midway Social Opportunities 54 Govan Road Glasgow, G51 1JL T 0141 419 4520 E midway@turningpointscotland.com

CACTUS 2nd Floor 45 High Street Paisley, PA1 2AH T 0141 889 3872 E cactus@turningpointscotland.com

SHAPE Top Floor 45-49 Holburn Street Aberdeen, AB10 6BR T 01224 577 327 E shape@turningpointscotland.com

Turnaround 219 Gleniffer Road Paisley, PA2 8UL T 01505 810 800 E turnaround@turningpointscotland.com

Acquired Brain Injury Services Dumfries and Galloway Services Newall House 22 Newall Terrace Dumfries, Dg1 1LW T 01387 247 123 E d&g@turningpointscotland.com Autism Dumfries and Galloway Services 22 Newall Terrace Dumfries, DG1 1LW T 01387 247 123 E d&g@turningpointscotland.com


Making services fit people

Turning Point Scotland 54 Govan Road Glasgow G51 1JL

Thank you to everyone who agreed to their photograph being used.

T 0141 427 8200 F 0141 427 8201 E info@turningpointscotland.com W www.turningpointscotland.com Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/turningpointscotland and follow us on Twitter @turningpointsco Scottish Charity, number SCO28827

designed and produced by Michael Dancer 0141 424 0401

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