Season's Greetings Language Game

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seasons greetings inuvialuktun language games #2

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2014 from Tusaayaksat May you and your loved ones enjoy a beautiful holiday season! enjoy connecting by playing this game together.

Illustrations by Marten Sims. Game concept by Marten Sims & Zoe Ho

Christmas Day


Happy New Year Nutaami Ukiumi Quviahugluhi New Year’s Day

Nutaaq Ukiutchiam Uvlua

Peace on Earth

Nukuuruakun nunami


Merry Christmas Quviahugluhi Qitchirvingmi

Look at the scene, what are they saying? write the inuvialuktun words into the space provided.

seasons greetings inuvialuktun language games #2



Look at the scene, what are they saying? write the inuvialuktun words into the space provided.

JANU 201


Look at the scene, what are they saying? write the inuvialuktun words into the space provided.

seasons greetings inuvialuktun language games #2 Merry Christmas Quviasuglusi Qitchirvingmi Christmas Day


Nutaaq Ukiuq Ubluanga

Peace on Earth

Nukuuyukkun Nunami


New Year’s Day

Look at the scene, what are they saying? write the inuvialuktun words into the space provided.

Happy New Year Nutaami Ukiumi Quviasuglusi


JANUARY 2014 Look at the scene, what are they saying? write the inuvialuktun words into the space provided.

JANU 201


Look at the scene, what are they saying? write the inuvialuktun words into the space provided.

seasons greetings Inuinnaqtun language games #2


Happy New Year Nutaami Ukiumi Quviahukvik New Year’s Day

Nutaaq Ukiumi Ublua

Peace on Earth

Nakuuyukkun Nunami


Christmas Day

Look at the scene, what are they saying? write the Inuinnaqtun words into the space provided.

Merry Christmas Quviahukluhi Quviahukvingmi



Look at the scene, what are they saying? write the Inuinnaqtun words into the space provided.

JANU 201


Look at the scene, what are they saying? write the Inuinnaqtun words into the space provided.

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