2 minute read

Level Up Your Fitness

Tired of your tedious workout routine? There’s an app for that.



If your muscles send 2-pound dumbbells fl ying and you’re sick of trudging around the same ten blocks in your neighborhood, then it’s time for a new quarantine routine. Here are fi ve apps that will help you escape your exercise rut and challenge you in unique ways.

Zombies, Run!

As if exercise wasn’t already horrifying enough, this app will have you sprinting from zombies. Transform your surroundings into a post-apocalyptic world where the more you run, the more supplies you collect and missions you complete. As you run, the narrator will create a scene through your headphones and the adrenaline rush of having zombies grasp at your heels will be enough to cut down your mile time.

Price: Free, o ers in-app purchases Platform: iOS, Android

Burn Your Fat With Me!!

This fi tness app connects the worlds of exercise and anime. The app’s goal is to motivate you to work out through “moé,” a Japanese word which loosely translates to “feelings of love toward anime characters.” A character of your choice motivates you while you focus on four di erent exercises to get fi t — situps, push-ups, squats, and back extensions. The best part is that you have the opportunity to unlock new voices and experiences as you go, hopefully earning you the a ection of your virtual love along the way.

Price: Free, o ers in-app purchases Platform: iOS, Android


This is the snarkiest health coach you will ever encounter. Fitness overlord CARROT demands all your attention and e ort during its HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) focused seven-minute workouts. You might walk away with shaky confi dence from their constant smack talk, but you’ll also have shaky knees from a killer cardio session.

Price: $4.99, o ers in-app purchases Platform: iOS


Every step you take in Walkr is converted into fuel for your spaceship, allowing you to explore over 50 planets with unique names like Caramel Apple and Octopus Cavern. Long runs outside and short trips to the refrigerator are both crucial steps toward completing missions and helping cute space creatures fi nd their way home. Every step counts.

Price: Free, o ers in-app purchases Platform: iOS, Android

Fitness RPG

The Dark Force has taken over Fitland, who is now awaiting their savior — you. This app syncs steps from your phone or Fitbit and converts them to energy to help you train your dream team, gather weapons, fi nd equipment, and crush the Dark Force. Do you dare to be fi t enough?

Price: Free, o ers in-app purchases Platform: iOS, Android TU SK

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