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Strategic Goal 2
by Tusla
Strategic Goal 2: Objective 2.1. Advance children’s safety, development, and wellbeing by strengthening partnership and communications with stakeholders.
2.1(a) Complete implementation of the 5-Year Child Safeguarding Statement Strategy.
2.1(b) All registered pre-school and school age services will have new certificates of registration issued to them.
2.1(c) Assist DCEDIY in supporting childminders towards universal registrations.
Strategic Goal 2: Objective 2.2.
Ensure that we have effective systems, and we can identify where regulated services are not meeting the required standard.
2.2(a) Attain External accreditation for the Early Years Inspectorate.
2.2(b) Continue monitoring high risk data indicators for regulated services.
2.2(c) Tusla will publish a report on National Registration Enforcement Panel (NREP) activity each year.
School age services will be followed up in relation to any unsolicited information received or risks identified.
2.2(e) Undertake a review with Pobal and Department of Education in relation to data sharing requirements to identify challenges and make recommendations.
2.2(f) Establish and implement an Early Years Registered Providers Vetting Unit.
Strategic Goal 2: Objective 2.3.
Provide information, guidance, and support to regulated services to enable them to meet their requirements.
Publish the % of early years services that achieve compliance following the inspection process.