Examples Of Real Numbers Examples Of Real Numbers Real Numbers are a set of all numbers ‘x’ such that ‘x’ relates to a point on the number line. The group of real numbers comprises of entire set of the rational numbers as well as the irrational numbers. To understand the real numbers examples, consider given set S = 3 / 61, 28, - √ 3, - 31, 0, 1.7, - 612, 8, - 5 / 4, √ 16, - 5 ½, ∏. Now, make a list of all the constituents of the set S that belong to the set of: a) Integers, b) Whole numbers, c) Natural numbers, d) Irrational numbers, Know More About Antiderivative Of 2
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e) Irrational numbers, and, f) Real numbers Let us first rewrite the elements of the set S in simplified manner. S = 3 / 61, 256, - √ 3, - 31, 0, 1.7, - 612, 8, - 5 / 4, ± 4, - 11 / 2, ∏ We can clearly classify the elements of the set in the following way: 28, √ 16, - 5 ½, a) Integers: 256, - 31, 0, - 612, 8, ± 4 b) Whole numbers: 256, 8, + 4 c) Natural numbers: 0, 256, 8, + 4 d) Irrational numbers: - √ 3, ∏ e) Rational numbers: 256, - 31, 0, - 612, 8, ± 4, 3 / 61, - 5 / 4, - 11 / 2, 1.7 f) Real numbers: 3 / 61, 256, - √ 3, - 31, 0, 1.7, - 612, 8, - 5 / 4, ± 4, - 11 / 2, ∏ Thus, all the elements of the set S are indeed real numbers examples. Just about whichever number you can think of is an example of a Real Number. The only numbers that are not real are included in the set of complex numbers (or the imaginary numbers). Read More About Antiderivative Of 0
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The Real Numbers were not given an identifying name prior to the discovery of the Imaginary Numbers. They were called ‘Real’ since they were not imaginary.All numbers on the number line are the real numbers. This list consists of (but is not restricted to) positive and negative numbers, integer figures and all the rational and irrational numbers (like square and cube roots, π etc.). The set of real numbers is indicated by ‘R’. Some properties of the Real Numbers are described below: Consider three numbers X, Y and Z, which belong to the set of real numbers. 1. Commutative Property for Addition and Commutative Property for Multiplication of real numbers holds true. a. X + Y = Y + X
b. X * Y = Y * X
2. Associative Property for Addition and Associative Property for Multiplication also holds true. a. X + (Y + Z) = (X + Y) + Z
b. X * (Y * Z) = (X * Y) * Z
3. Identity Property for Addition and Identity Property for Multiplication are verifiable. a. X + 0 = 0 + X = X
b. X * 1 = 1 * X = X
4. Inverse Property for Addition and Inverse Property for Multiplication are also verifiable. a. X + (- X) = - X + X = 0
b. X * 1/X = 1/X * X = 1
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