Art of testing_TC

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德國杜塞道夫電視塔:窗戶清潔平台每年皆由德國萊因 TÜV 檢驗。 On the Düsseldorf TV tower: Window cleaners’ platforms are checked annually.


胡志明市,越南:檢驗製造外套工廠的工作環境設計。 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Inspection of the workplace design at a production facility for outerwear.

科隆,德國:依據規定之定期車輛技術檢查項目,檢查電子零件和系統。 Cologne, Germany: Examination of electronic components and systems as part of the prescribed regular technical inspection of cars.

魯姆布坦,印尼:監督棕櫚油種植採收過程。 Rambutan, Indonesia: Monitoring of the harvesting process at a palm oil plantation.

聖保羅,巴西:在都會化及新建案的背景下,對都會貧民區居民進行調查。 São Paulo, Brazil: Survey of the residents of the poor districts of the metropolis in the context of modernization and new construction projects.

艾森納赫,德國:危險材料安全運輸訓練課程時的轉彎練習。 Eisenach, Germany: Cornering during a safety training session for hazardous materials transportation.

聖保羅,巴西:在產品檢測實驗室中進行七千盞燈的耐久性測試。 São Paulo, Brazil: Long-term tests of roughly 7,000 lamps at the product testing laboratory.

聖米歇爾山,法國:檢測獨特的車輛概念。雙頭觀光巴士無法調頭,而是朝著兩個方向「直行」。 Mont Saint-Michel, France: Testing a unique vehicle concept. The two-headed bus for transporting tourists is unable to turn around and instead drives “forwards” in both directions.

紐倫堡,德國:在空調檢測箱中測量不同材料內的有害物質。 Nuremberg, Germany: Measurement of harmful substances in different materials in air-conditioned test chambers.

胡志明市,越南:在傢俱實驗室進行木頭長凳的機械壓力檢測。 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Mechanical stress test of a wooden bench in a furniture laboratory.

紐倫堡,德國:在護目檢測中心檢測焊工之防護頭盔的品質和安全。 Nuremberg, Germany: Quality and safety test of protective helmets for welders at the test center for eye protection.

卡斯特羅市,智利:在世界最南端的檢測中心進行車輛的技術檢驗。 Castro, Chile: Technical inspection of a vehicle at the southernmost test center in the world.

馬里亞納,巴西:在德國萊因TÜV的指導下建造現代化的鐵礦加工工廠。 Mariana, Brazil: Construction of a modern plant for processing iron ore under the direction of TÜV Rheinland.

杜塞道夫,德國:進行電視塔升降機井的年度技術檢查。 Dusseldorf, Germany: Annual technical inspection in the elevator shaft of the TV tower.

巴德布魯茂,奧地利:由一位稽核員檢查布魯茂百水溫泉大飯店的天花板結構。 Bad Blumau, Austria: At Hotel Rogner, an auditor checks the structural condition of ceiling elements.

胡志明市,越南:德國萊因TÜV的員工一起享受夜晚。 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: TÜV Rheinland employees enjoy their evening together.

德國,科隆:稽核德甲科隆第一足球會(1. FC Köln)足球場安全相關區域檢查事宜。 Cologne, Germany: Audit for the inspection of safety-relevant areas at the soccer stadium of German Bundesliga club 1. FC Köln.

開普敦,南非:檢查SPA的健康品質標準。 Cape Town, South Africa: Check of the quality standard for wellness at a spa.

巴德布魯茂,奧地利:測量布魯茂百水溫泉大飯店之戶外溫泉池水的流速。 Bad Blumau, Austria: Measurement of the flow velocity of the water in the outdoor thermal pool at Hotel Rogner.

魯姆布坦,印尼:在橡樹種植地進行品管檢驗。 Rambutan, Indonesia: Checking quality management at a rubber tree plantation.

布魯爾,德國:在夢幻樂園主題公園裡進行雲霄飛車的技術檢查。 Brühl, Germany: Technical inspection of the Black Mamba rollercoaster at the Phantasialand theme park.

魯姆布坦,印尼:檢查棕櫚油廠之品質管理作業為年度稽核工作的一部分。 Rambutan, Indonesia: Annual audit as part of checking quality management of a palm oil factory.

開普敦,南非:檢查橄欖油廠的品質管理作業。 Cape Town, South Africa: Checking quality management at an olive tree plantation.

慕尼黑,德國:進行海拉布倫動物園之品質與環境管理系統的年度檢查作業。 Munich, Germany: Annual inspection of the quality and environmental management systems at Hellabrunn Zoo.

魯姆布坦,印尼:棕櫚油廠的年度檢查作業。 Rambutan, Indonesia: Annual inspection of a palm oil factory.

巴德布魯茂,奧地利:在布魯茂百水溫泉大飯店檢驗溫泉池的光線強度。 Bad Blumau, Austria: Checking the light intensity of a thermal bath at Hotel Rogner.

科隆,德國:在一般車檢活動中檢查車身底座。 Cologne, Germany: Inspecting a car’s underbody as part of the routine general vehicle inspection.

雅加達,印尼:在實驗室檢測輪胎的滾動特性。 Jakarta, Indonesia: Testing the rolling characteristics of a tire in the laboratory.

胡志明市,越南:在化學實驗室檢測織品的有害物質。 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Examination of textiles for harmful substances in the chemical laboratory.

開普敦,南非:於橄欖園中檢查製程與方法。 Cape Town, South Africa: Inspection of the processes and methods at an olive tree plantation.

德國,紐倫堡:在玩具檢測實驗室使用填充動物玩具進行拉力檢測。 Nuremberg, Germany: Tensile test with stuffed animals in the toy testing laboratory.

開普敦,南非:於太陽能模組工廠的製造過程中進行檢查。 Cape Town, South Africa: Check of the production processes at a solar module manufacturer.

科隆,德國:檢測研究太陽能發電模組曝曬於陽光下的老化情形。 Cologne, Germany: Test to examine how solar modules for electricity generation age under exposure to light.

普勒托利亞,南非:在德國萊因TÜV進行檢查的過程中,一名可能成為焊接工的工人。 Pretoria, South Africa: A prospective welder during the TÜV Rheinland inspection.

新興縣,越南:在生產基地對腰果仁進行抽樣,在食品實驗室進行分析檢驗。 Tan Hung, Vietnam: Sampling cashew kernels from production for analysis in the food laboratory.

淡目,印尼:監控木材來源。 Demak, Indonesia: Monitoring the origin of wood.

萊沃庫森,德國:部分國家法令要求進行太陽能模組的防火檢測。 Leverkusen, Germany: Fire tests for solar energy modules are required by law in some countries.

約翰尼斯堡,南非:針對凱爾文火力發電站進行夜間檢查。 Johannesburg, South Africa: Night-time inspection of the coal-fired Kelvin Power Station.

科隆,德國:準備檢測太陽能聚光模組,確認是否能達到高效率的太陽能發電。 Cologne, Germany: Preparation of a test for what are known as solar concentrator modules for the highly efficient generation of solar energy.

米納斯吉拉斯州,巴西:監控造橋工作。德國萊因TÜV的檢測人員與工業潛水夫 正在談話。 Minas Gerais, Brazil: Monitoring construction work on a bridge. A TÜV Rheinland tester speaks with an industrial diver.

新興縣,越南:隨機採樣以檢測腰果仁的農藥殘留狀況。 Tan Hung, Vietnam: Random sampling of cashew kernels to test them for pesticides.

科隆,德國:檢查太陽能發電之光電模組的安全性和效率。 Cologne, Germany: Checking the safety and efficiency of photovoltaic modules for generating solar electricity.

三寶瓏,印尼:監控生產傢俱的木材來源。 Semarang, Indonesia: Monitoring of origin of wood for furniture production.

胡志明市,越南:在檢測實驗室針對挑選自工廠之輪胎進行每月品管檢查作業。 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Selecting tires from production for the monthly quality control check in the testing laboratory.

三寶瓏,印尼:在天然氣站進行每月之獨立校正儀表檢測活動。 Semarang, Indonesia: Monthly independent test of the correct gauging at a gas station.

哥印拜陀,印度:德國萊因TÜV在Mahalingam博士工程科技學院設立焊接工程課程。 Coimbatore, India: TÜV Rheinland offers courses for welding engineers at the Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology.

新興縣,越南:在實驗室內檢測腰果仁採樣的農藥殘留情況。 Tan Hung, Vietnam: Sampling cashew nuts to test them for pesticides in the laboratory.

哥印拜陀,印度:德國萊因TÜV員工下班後採購晚餐食材。 Coimbatore, India: TÜV Rheinland employees shopping at the local market after work.

聖保羅,巴西:與居民合作監督都會貧民區的興建和整修案。 São Paulo, Brazil: Supervision of construction and renovation projects in the poor districts of the metropolis in cooperation with the residents.

巴德布魯茂,奧地利:檢查布魯茂百水溫泉大飯店休息區的衛生情況。 Bad Blumau, Austria: Inspection of the hygiene on the relaxation loungers at Hotel Rogner.

杜塞多夫,德國:在經典老爺車測試中心進行BMW lsetta的照明系統檢驗。 Dusseldorf, Germany: Examination of the lighting system for a BMW Isetta at the Competence Center Classic Cars.

聖保羅,巴西:在產品實驗室中分析測試針筒針頭。 São Paulo, Brazil: Analyzing syringe needles in the product test laboratory.

埃施韋勒,德國:品質管理稽核員在舞廳營運期間檢查各項作業流程。 Eschweiler, Germany: Inspection of processes at a disco during operation by a quality management auditor.

馬瑙斯,巴西:正在進行亞馬遜歌劇院建築結構檢驗的初次討論,該劇院建於 19世紀。 Manaus, Brazil: Preliminary discussion regarding the inspection of the building services and structure in the 19th century Teatro Amazonas opera house.

杜塞多夫,德國:在經典老爺車測試中心檢查古董車的烤漆。 Düsseldorf, Germany: Inspecting the paintwork on a vintage vehicle at the Competence Center for Classic Cars.

蒂魯普,印度:在紡織廠檢查品質管理作業。 Tiruppur, India: Checking quality management at a textile factory.

紐倫堡,德國:在人工氣候室分析材料和產品的有害物質。 Nuremberg, Germany: Climatic chambers used to analyze materials and products for harmful substances.

胡志明市,越南:在傢俱實驗室進行檢測。 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Tests in the furniture laboratory.

紐倫堡,德國:檢測電動玩具鴨之電磁相容性是否會干擾其它電子裝置。 Nuremberg, Germany: Testing an electrically operated toy duck for electromagnetic compatibility so that it doesn’t disrupt other electrical devices.

哥印拜陀,印度:在瑪哈林甘博士工程技術學院為400位汽車工程師提供培訓。 Coimbatore, India: Training of 400 students as engineers for vehicle technology by TÜV Rheinland.

紐倫堡,德國:以模擬高海拔地區的使用情況,針對電池和可充電式電池進 行真空檢測。 Nuremberg, Germany: Vacuum test of batteries and rechargeable batteries to simulate use at high elevations.

普勒托利亞,南非:培訓交通警察如何更好地保存交通事故的證據。 Pretoria, South Africa: Training of traffic police force members for best-practice conservation of traffic accident evidence.

紐倫堡,德國:在檢測實驗室檢查省電燈具的特性。 Nuremberg, Germany: Inspection of the properties of an energy-saving lamp in the test laboratory.

韋利亞鎮,巴西:檢查鑽油平台的海底電纜電力與通訊品質。 Vila Velha, Brazil: Quality check of an underwater cable that provides a drilling platform with electricity and telecommunications.

索維托,南非:針對行動通訊基地臺之結構和穩定性進行年度檢查作業。 Soweto, South Africa: Annual inspection of the structure and stability of a cell tower.

慕尼黑,德國:在評估海拉布倫動物園的品質管理作業之同時,檢查動物飼料是否符合規範。 Munich, Germany: During the quality management assessment at Hellabrunn Zoo, the animal feed is also checked to see if it complies with specifications.

胡志明市,越南:在化學實驗室中檢測食品中的有害物質。 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Testing food for harmful substances in the chemistry laboratory.

科隆,德國:使用大型人造光線,測量太陽能發電模組的電力輸出表現。 Cologne, Germany: Power output measurement of solar modules for generating electricity under a large artificial sun.

馬瑙斯,巴西:德國萊因TÜV的員工於夜晚下班時搭船返家。 Manaus, Brazil: TÜV Rheinland employees return from work in the evening by boat.

蒂魯普,印度:在產品檢測實驗室進行織品的化學分析作業。 Tiruppur, India: Chemical analysis of textiles in the product testing laboratory.

艾森納赫,德國:危險材料安全運輸訓練課程時的轉彎練習。 Eisenach, Germany: Cornering exercise during safety training for vehicles transporting hazardous goods.

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