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In 2022, TU's accounting major within the Hertzer Department of Accounting and Finance received an endorsement from the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA®). The IMA® Endorsement Program awards stamps of approval to colleges and universities with curricula proven to effectively prepare students to perform well on the industry’s Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Exam, as well as meet the demands of jobs in their field post-graduation.
Fewer than 70 accounting programs nationwide have received this accolade.
To qualify for an IMA® endorsement, schools must meet four criteria. Their accounting program must substantially cover the content featured on the CMA exam, the program must have the faculty resources needed to deliver said content, the department must be accredited by a recognized accreditation organization and a faculty member within the major must be designated as an IMA® Campus Advocate.
““To receive this endorsement from the IMA highlights the value received by students enrolled in the accounting major at Tiffin University. The endorsement from the IMA indicates the quality of the content within this academic program and the hard work of the faculty teaching in this program. Knowing that the Tiffin University accounting program has been endorsed by this professional accounting organization should provide every graduate piece of mind and great confidence when entering the competitive and rewarding profession of accounting.”

- Dr. Thomas Marben, Dean of the School of Business
“Not only is it a testament to the hard work and dedication of the faculty, as well as the quality of instruction they provide, but our graduates can now say they received their education from an IMA®endorsed institution. The reputation of the IMA® precedes it and having their official support further enhances the value of a degree in accounting from TU.”
- Dr. Peter J. Holbrook, Provost and Chief Academic Officer.