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Do you know someone who could be a future Dragon?
Are you interested in learning more about Tiffin University and the programs that we offer?
As an alum of Tiffin University, we encourage you to share information about Tiffin University and all it has to offer with your family, friends and future college students and their families. We want you to encourage others to join Dragon Nation!
All first-year students who have been accepted to TU and who plan to attend TU on-campus in the fall of 2023 receive an academic scholarship ranging from $10,000 to $17,000 towards four years of attendance. This scholarship is awarded based on their cumulative, unweighted high school grade point average.
First-year students with a parent/guardian who is an alum also qualify for a $1,000 Legacy Scholarship.
New transfer students who plan to attend TU oncampus also qualify for academic scholarships based on their cumulative, college grade point average. Transfer students must have achieved at least a 2.0 to qualify for a scholarship ranging from $10,000 to $16,000 and must start in the fall of 2023.
Our alumni are our international ambassadors! You create invaluable word-of-mouth marketing and take your knowledge of TU to your hometowns, countries and into your professional and social networks. By communicating with prospective students, you will enable Tiffin University to expand into diverse places. By helping the institution become bigger, stronger and more successful, you are also enhancing the value of your own degree qualification. You illustrate the benefits of a TU education by sharing your collegiate experience and professional success with prospective students.
You may be the reason a student chooses to become a Tiffin Dragon!
For more information please visit, tiffin.edu/apply. If you have any questions or would like a brochure mailed to you, please contact Senior Vice President for Campus Enrollment and Student Affairs Dr. Amy Wood at woodar@tiffin.edu.