Empowering our Culture Upward & Forward

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Culture Book

Empowering our Culture Upward & Forward

Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union’s

Knowledge, Teamwork, Vision and Agility Empower our Community Upward & Forward.

Table of Contents

Intro Letter 4 Vision, Mission, Formula for Success


Employee Quotes 6 Our Identity 7 Knowledge 13 Teamwork 14 Vision 15 Agility 16 Empower 17 Community 18 Upward & Forward 19 Our Services 21 Our History 22 Timeline 23 Fun Times 25 Our Family 26 Words That Describe Us


Intro Letter

Together, we propel our culture upward and forward. We take great pride in knowing Members trust Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union as their financial partner. Our growth is a testament to the Credit Union Difference, and we will continue to communicate the many benefits of joining a not-for-profit financial institution. Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union is a valuable, long-term partner helping Members live better lives and achieve their financial goals. We connect our growth trajectory and success to our employees’ steadfast commitment to providing value, convenience, and exceptional service to Members. We focus every day on putting Members first and delivering financial solutions, convenience, and exceptional service. Our Member-focused philosophy has helped us grow and thrive throughout East Tennessee. Since 1934, we have remained committed to financial strength and security. Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union’s success is also a reflection of our employees’ commitment to being a caring community partner, giving back in every way we can. As the Credit Union grows, so does our capacity to serve Members, make financial dreams a reality, and give back to our communities.

Intro Letter



Glenn W. Siler President & CEO

The Roadmap That Moves Us Upward and Forward Our Vision

To Be Members’ First Choice for All Financial Services Our Mission

To Help Members Grow Financially Our Formula for Success

Member Service + Teamwork + Caring Attitude = Success

“The Credit Union offers so much to its Members and employees. They’re willing to go above and beyond to help whenever they can.”

Employee Quotes

A Word on What It’s Like to Work Here “We honestly try to help people. Whether giving a young Member knowledge of how banking works, helping straighten out a young adult’s credit because they may not have been given the knowledge of how banking works, or helping a mature adult Member transition to a fixed income, we, as a credit union, genuinely care about our Members and their financial needs.”

“The overall culture, how employees interact with one another, how employees interact with Members, the huge plethora of FREE services offered to employees and Members, the outstanding and unbeatable benefits, the huge amount of community service we do—I could keep listing reasons why it’s great to work here. We are truly an empathetic and loving company, and we care more about people than self-gain and profit.”

“I feel that the Credit Union appreciates and values their employees. The benefits are awesome. I enjoy our Members and promoting the Credit Union because I see how our Credit Union makes a difference in our Members’ lives and in our community. I take great pride in working for the Credit Union.”

Our Identity

Empowering our Culture Upward and Forward Since 1934, when Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union was chartered, we have experienced significant growth. Even during the recession, our Credit Union experienced outstanding growth.

Our Identity

As we go into the future, our Vision must be kept fresh and our culture encouraged. Size isn't the defining factor that will propel us forward. How we operate the business, how our culture is maintained, how we build our relationships, service delivery and what services we offer to Members—all determine our future. As we look ahead, we must remain true to what propelled us in the past—our exceptional culture and how that overflows into all other areas of the Credit Union.


Our Identity

Our Identity

A look at Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union’s culture:


We’re always looking for new ways to WOW everyone we come in contact with.

Our internal relationships are such that we treat each other like family. Teamwork, having fun, and not taking ourselves too seriously, characterizes our employees. We’re growing, both personally and professionally. Achieving the impossible is a frequent occurrence. We believe in openness and taking risks. Most of all, we have faith that doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances will make the Credit Union succeed and continue to be something great.

Empowering our Coworkers Upward and Forward

Empowering our Community Upward and Forward

We always try to WOW our employees, vendors and business partners with which we work. The Credit Union provides very competitive salaries and the best benefit package of any organization in the area.

Possibly the biggest difference about our Credit Union is the way we treat our Members. We are caring, knowledgeable and helpful. We don’t give Members a handout; we give them a hand up to help them grow financially.

Our internal culture and the Credit Union’s success go hand-in-hand. When every employee believes and stands behind our Vision and Mission, the Credit Union grows. When the Credit Union grows, our benefits continue and our employees are happy. Happy employees help make us the best Credit Union in the area!

Every interaction with Members, staff or a potential Member is an opportunity to live our brand and show others what it means to move upward and forward.

I love my coworkers so much. I honestly couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work with. Everyone is always willing to help each other out.

Ribbon Cutting, Morristown West Branch Grand Opening

What We Stand For

What KTVAECU Really Stands For Knowledge Teamwork Vision Agility Empower Community Upward & Forward

What We Stand For

Knowledge Power For Our Members Knowledge is facts, information and skills acquired from years of experience and education. At the Credit Union, we offer many years of expertise from our more than 375 employees. All this knowledge allows us to best assist Members with their financial needs. We are constantly pursuing growth and learning opportunities. "I love a challenge, and I have learned so much from working at this branch…" "The services that we offer, [our knowledge of] our products and services…"


"A place where I help Members in financial situations that they might not be helped anywhere else…"


What We Stand For

Teamwork Better Together Teamwork is the combined action of a group of people. We work as a team for the benefit of our Members, teammates and community in a positive and flexible manner. We encourage and support one another. We are committed to, and truly care about, our Members, teammates, and the communities we serve. We are motivated by team results. "We have fun. We help people with lots of firsts. First home, first card, first account for their children. It’s a fabulous feeling helping others." "I have described it as busy, fun, challenging, entertaining. I absolutely love it here, and a big part of that is because of the positive teamwork environment that we work in."


"Everyone is willing to help each other—there is no 'my job,' 'your job.'"


"We are a team and, at the end of the day, I can count on them to help–whether it’s work related or personal."

What We Stand For

Vision Focused on the Main Thing If we accomplish our goal of being our Members’ First Choice for all Financial Services, we eliminate all our competition. All Members will look to our Credit Union for all their financial services and everyone will benefit from the cooperative effort. "The Credit Union values employees just as much as Members. This is not just a place to work. The culture and values are very rare and special. We don’t just talk the talk. We are who we are."


"It is a nonprofit organization that exists solely for the purpose of helping every person it can to learn and grow financially."


What We Stand For

Agility Meeting the Needs of Our Members Because Members have urgent needs, we must be quick. Because Members are unique, we must be flexible. Because Members' needs change, we must be innovative. This agility makes us the best. We are in a relentless pursuit to exceed Members’ expectations. Exceeding Members’ expectations puts the Credit Union on the path to being Members’ First Choice for all Financial Services. "The Credit Union offers so much to Members and employees, and they are willing to go above and beyond to help wherever they can."


"We watch and listen to find any way possible to make their next visit easier and then we act on it. Whether it is big or small. So many changes made within the CU have come from listening to Members and staff."


What We Stand For

Empower Helping Members Make Wise Financial Choices The role of leaders is not to get other people to follow them but to empower others to lead. As you grow in knowledge, you will be empowered to make more decisions. We empower employees to make decisions to help Members and communities grow financially. Before any action, ask yourself two questions: Will it help the Member? Does it hurt the Credit Union? “I feel like I am the Credit Union to everyone I encounter. I feel like Members look at me and they see the Credit Union. I love that I am someone they look up to and respect. I truly appreciate my job and all the opportunities I have been given while working here.”

“I work somewhere in which we get to make a difference everyday. I work for a company that cares about its staff, its Members and the community. A place where no matter who you are or what you do, we treat all our Members like royalty.” “An opportunity to assist those in need of financial guidance.”


“It’s meaningful, and I enjoy being part of the community’s financial life. As a teller, you get to know the people and feel like you are doing a service. If I can help someone figure something out or make their life easier, it makes my day.”


What We Stand For

Community A Service-Minded Community of People We are actively involved in supporting the growth and quality of life in our communities. We support local organizations by making donations of time, talent and money. We offer support and encouragement to worthy causes. "[I love] how big the Credit Union’s heart is for their community. Always listening to Members’ wants and needs."


"Some may not realize how much the Credit Union is involved in the community. Whether it's helping out at a community event, donating to a need, or sponsoring something or someone. I'm not sure that most people realize that the Credit Union helps both Members and nonmembers in different ways."


"Most people probably do know that our branches adopt schools in their service area and help out whenever possible. For that matter, they probably do not know that employees are required to volunteer for community events on a regular basis. This alone shows that we care about our fellow neighbors. Anyone or any company can write a check. Only a great person or company will give their time.

What We Stand For

Upward & Forward Helping Our Members Grow Financially Together, we have the power to create new opportunities, help Members every step of the way along life’s journey, and build a better future. Focus on the Member and all else will follow. "I believe what makes this financial institution different from others is the detailed attention to Members’ needs. We try to make banking (Credit Union-ing) as easy as possible."

Upward & Forward

"I would describe [the credit union] as a fun and rewarding place to work. It is awesome to be able to help Members in all their financial services because we are benefitting them—whether buying a car or house, helping them open an account and saving money on a vacation, or maybe at Christmas when money is really tight. Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union is a great place to work. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me with this amazing Credit Union."


"We have an established reputation as a full-service financial organization with friendly, professional services."

Our Services

Services as Diverse as Our Members By offering a wide variety of services, benefits and programs, the Credit Union helps Members save for the future, purchase cars and boats, build dream homes and more. Credit Union services are as diverse as the Membership, enabling us to fulfill the financial needs of each individual Member.

Upward & Forward

We attribute our growth to Members and our professional, courteous, caring staff. Every Member shares in the success of the Credit Union through better rates, lower fees, and smarter services offered. Members’ money is at work, helping all Members grow financially.


Our History

A Long History of Service A Service-Minded Community of People

Our History

Created in 1934 to serve employees and families of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Credit Union originally offered basic saving and borrowing services. Over the years, the Credit Union has expanded its services and its field of Membership to include thousands of people throughout the East Tennessee service area.


From the aftermath of the Great Depression and now into better economic times, Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union has remained steadfast in our Mission to be the financial cooperative Members can always count on. Going beyond money, we’ve been putting personal prosperity over corporate profits since 1934. We’re here to lend, support, and help individuals and businesses in our community reach their financial dreams. We want to be there to help Members with a lifetime of financial solutions.

Timeline We believe in Members. Helping Members grow financially is the best business plan. It has been proven for over 80 years and will prove to be successful in the future.

1934: Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union chartered with 300 Members and $7,500 in assets. 1959: The Credit Union reaches $1 million in assets. 1970s: Membership expands to make all of TVA eligible. 1980s: Changes in Tennessee law allows the Credit Union to serve employees of select area businesses. 1984: The Credit Union celebrates 50 years, and assets reach $100 million. 2003: Membership expands to eight East Tennessee counties, and assets exceed $400 million. 2008: Membership approved to include metro Johnson City, and our 100,000th Member joins the Credit Union. 2011: Assets exceed $1 billion. 2014: We celebrate 80 years of service! Timeline

Our History


Every once in a while, life brings you an experience that will last forever in your heart and mind.

Fun Times

Great memories and relationships that are rare—that is how I feel about being a Credit Union employee. There has never been one day that I have dreaded coming to work. The Member/employee environment is awesome!


Our Family

Investing in Each Other

Our Family

When we invest in our jobs, we invest in something big‌ each other!


"I know whether it's work-related or home-related, they'll always be there to help me. We aren't just coworkers; we're family."

I enjoy coming to work because my coworkers are like family to me.

Our Family

I love hearing their family stories. No one is perfect, and neither am I. I embrace daily life to make people happy. I love encouraging someone when they are not feeling their best— whether it helps or not.






challenging CO-WORKERS



fortunate UPLIFTING
















"I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back...

tvacreditunion.com Knoxville area: (865) 544-5400 Morristown: (423) 581-0981 Tri-Cities: (423) 246-7511 Everywhere: (800) 467-5427 Routing number: 264279567

Federally insured by NCUA.

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

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