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Canadian Publication Mail Product Agreement No. 40005367

Vol. 24 No. 1


Top 1% for Ribeye and top 5% for marbling EPDs

PLCC 20A 680S x Shear Force Homo Polled

LOTS of testicle

WLB Doll grandson Top 10% for Ribeye and Marbling EPDs PLCC 221A

Ranked #1 in our herd for performance

Full sibs out of our KOP 110W flush cow

Another full sib sells!

Very balanced EPDs

PLCC 2121A Dynamite Black x WLB Doll (Power Drive)

Hard Rock x Bodybuilder

PLCC 451A 786T x CMS Tradmark & PLCC 551A Homo Polled

Selling 5 red bulls and 19 black bulls Thank you to our past customers for their support. We look forward to discussing everyone’s breeding needs this spring.

All bulls sell at the

Mar Mac & Guests Bull Sale March 5, 2014

at the farm at 1:30 pm

Darryl & Tanya & Family Elgin, MB

PH: 204-769-2159 Cell: 204-534-8137

Email: tanyabeech@msn.com www.perkinlandandcattle.com


Exclusive Genetics

Tombstone X Hustler HOMO POLLED

why not make your next herdsire a toMBStone!

Tombstone X Rocco


Tombstone X Red Label HOMO POLLED

Please join us for the

10th AnnuAl Bull SAle

Wednesday, March 5, 2014 :: Brandon, Manitoba :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

80 Bulls On Offer Red AnguS :: BlAck AnguS :: SiMMentAl


The McRae’s Blair, Lois, Brett and Melissa Brandon, Manitoba (h) 204-728-3058 (c) 204-729-5439 (e) marmac@inetlink.ca

downhill Simmentals :: Perkin cattle co. :: Magnusville Angus

cAtAlogue online At MARMAcfARMS.net

sale broadcasted by Cattle In Motion



Offering: 60 Yearling & 15 Two Year Old Bulls

BLCC 160A S: Stubby

BLCC 118A S: Stubby

BLCC 29A S: Stubby

BLCC 326Z S: Baron

BLCC 295Z S: R Plus 110X

BLCC 257Z S: Autobahn

BLCC 220A S: Ponderosa

BLCC 257A S: Stubby

BLCC 179A S: Sledge

DAVE (204) 773-0467

WAYNE (204) 796-0004

MEL (204) 842-3838


This issue we “focus” on: Down The Trail...................................................7 On The Roundup.................................................7 Ad Index.............................................................66 Maple Lake Stock Farms Sale............................8 Spring Creek 40th Anniversary Sale..................10 Harvest Hoedown Sale.......................................14 The Source of Elite Genetics Sale......................16 Keystone Association 35th Anniversary.............20 Shades of the Prairies Sale.................................30 MSA Ambassador Award...................................38 Fleckvieh Equation Sale....................................38 Cow-A-Rama Sale.............................................40 Checkers Sale.....................................................40 Simmsational Sale..............................................42 Grant Moffat Herdbuilder Award.......................44 Keystone Konnection Sale.................................44 Bonchuk Farms Female Sale..............................50 Camrose Classic Female Sale.............................50 Muirhead Cattle Co. Sale....................................54 GJR Dispersal Sale..............................................54 MSA Voucher Winners........................................54 Ultimate Red & Black Sale.................................56 New Years Frozen Genetics Sale.........................56 Black Diamond Dispersal Sale............................58 SSA PB & Commercial Breeders........................60 CSA Hall of Fame................................................62 Friday Night Lights Sale......................................64



On The Cover.......... Bring on bull season! This guy is ready, striking a pose in the bull pen at Handford Simmentals Snowflake, MB (Pix by BJ photo)

Simmental Focus The official publication of the Manitoba Simmental Association published six times per year by Cactus Communications Box 538, Carman, Manitoba R0G 0J0 Phone/Fax Toll Free 1-866-374-3317 204-745-3048 Email: goulds@mymts.net PUBLISHER/EDITOR/SALES- Lois Gould Cell 204-745-7456 MARKETING ASSISTANT- Joanne Best Home 204-745-3255 Cell 204-750-2350 Email: jjbest@mymts.net SUBSCRIPTIONS: All members of the Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Simmental Associations receive Simmental Focus free of charge. As well, Simmental Focus is mailed to approximately 2000 commercial producers in the prairie provinces and to interested breeders throughout Canada and the U.S. If you would like to receive Simmental Focus, send your name and COMPLETE mailing address to Simmental Focus, Box 538, Carman MB R0G 0J0. Outside Canada, please enclose $10 (U.S. Funds) to cover first-class postage. CURRENT CIRCULATION: 3400 POSTMASTER: Please return undelivered covers to: Simmental Focus, Box 538, Carman, MB R0G 0J0


www.gouldranch.ca and follow the link

For all address changes contact Cactus Communications: phone or fax toll-free 1-866-374-3317 email goulds@mymt.net

Are you a member of the Manitoba Simmental Association? To join us, just send a cheque for $50 for a life membership to: Manitoba Simmental Association c/o Donalee Jones, sec-treas. Box 142, Cartwright, MB R0K 0L0 Ph 204-529-2444 email: donalee@midcan.com

ADVERTISING RATES Full Color Black & White Full Page $450 $400 Half Page $275 $225 Quarter Page $160 $125 Business Card $60 $50 *GST must be added to above rates. Contract rates available on request. The publisher reserves the right to accept or refuse any advertising or editorial material. All contents under copyright of Simmental Focus. Printed by The Prolific Group, Winnipeg, MB Canadian Publication Mail Product #40005367 Upon placing an ad, the advertiser agrees the publisher shall not be liable beyond the cost of the advertisement where error has occurred. The publisher makes every attempt to ensure the material printed is correct.


Down The Trail............. February 9 Diamond M Ranch Bull Sale, Estevan, SK February 10 Rendezvous Farms Bull Sale, Ste. Rose du Lac, MB February 13 M & J Farms Bull Sale, Russell, MB February 14 Mader Ranches Bull Power Sale, Carstairs, AB February 15 Double Bar D Farms Bull & Female Sale, Grenfell, SK February 16 Bonchuk Farms Bull Sale, Virden, MB February 17 Kopp Farms Final Bull Sale, Amaranth, MB February 19 Crossroad Farms Bull Sale, Shell Lake, SK February 23 Pro-Char & Triangle Stock Farm Bull Sale, Glenevis, AB February 26 Muirhead Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Shellbrook, SK February 26 Herdmaster Bull Sale, Camrose, AB February 26 Erixon Simmentals Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK February 27 Pheasantdale Simmentals Bull & Female Sale, Balcarres, SK February 28 LaBatte Simmentals Bull & Female Sale,, Moose Jaw, SK March 1 McMillen Ranching 20th Annual Bull Sale, Carievale, SK March 2 R Plus Simmentals Bull Sale, Estevan, SK March 3 Ashworth Farm & Ranch Bull Sale, Oungre, SK March 4 Bull Spectrum, Innisfail, AB March 5 Mar Mac Farms & Guests Bull Sale, Brandon, MB March 5 Sunny Valley Simmentals Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK March 6 In Pursuit of Perfection Bull Sale, Moosomin, SK March 7 Genetic Destination Bull Sale, Grenfell, SK March 8 Next Generation Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK March 9 Rebels of the West Bull Sale, Virden, MB March 10 Genetic Source Bull Sale, Brandon, MB March 11 Prairie Partners Bull Sale, Killarney, MB March 12 Premium Beef Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB March 12 South Saskatchewan Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK March 14 Family Tradition Bull Sale, Dropmore, MB March 17 10th Annual Butts, Guts, Nuts Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK (cont’d on page 66)


...howdy folks, Happy New Year....and isn’t it great so far......snow, snow, and more snow...not to mention wind and cold....I don’t know why I am surprised, it is a typical prairie winter.....still, it’s getting harder to deal with every year.....you know it’s cold when you don’t want to make the commute to the office....and it’s in your house.......but alas the weather experts have made us all feel better by giving this weather a catchy name......no more Arctic air mass....now it’s a “Polar Vortex”.....oh it’s a vortex, oh well then that explains it.......I feel much better now........ .......in the news, Darryl Snider has joined the staff at Bohrson Marketing Services...so we will still see his smiling face at many events...and the good news is there will be no interruption in his donut consumption........best wishes in her your new career man...... .....our congratulations to Everett More & Irene Vanin on being awarded the MSA Ambassadors of the Year honours.....very well-deserved as they devote their summer to showing cattle & promoting the Simmental breed & have done so for many, many years....it’s dedication like theirs that keeps the Simmental breed at the forefront of the industry........ .......congratulations to all of the Simmental breeders who were inducted into the CSA Hall Of Fame.....well deserved all around....thank you for all of your valued contributions to the Simmental breed........ .....no news to report from the MSA annual meeting as the weather and other circumstances prevented many from attending.....no word whether or not the annual meeting will be rescheduled.......... .......the MSA will host the CSA AGM this summer at Elkhorn Resort, and they are in need of additional volunteers to make it all happen......give Donalee or Everett a call, they would love to hear from you.... and do make plans to attend, it promises to be a good time.....and it is the place to weigh in on the important issues affecting your business and your breed.......... ......okay folks, we are off to warmer climates so please send all of your inquiries and ads for the March issue to Joanne, 204-750-2350, call or text or email & she will take good care of you......and may the vortex vamoose.....



Maple Lake Stock Farms Female & Prospect Sale

November 28th, 2013 ● Grande Clairiere Hall

Congratulations to Richie & Teri Joynt, Joynt Cattle Services, Alexander, MB who were married September 28, 2013 in Souris, MB.

Bred Female Average: $1,596 Prospect Heifer Average: $2,400 Prospect Steer Average: $1,566 High Sellers: Bred Females: Lot 54 – ML 9909, S: Wheatland Bull 786T, D: Angus to Warren Speers for $2,150 Lot 1 – ML 105, S: IPU Roughrider 2T, D: AngusSim to Warren Speers for $2,050 Prospect Heifers: Lot 70 – Maple Lake 3352, S: Amen, D: SimAngus to Cody Tataryn for $2,800 Lot 69 – Maple Lake 3390, S: Amen, D: Simmental to Richard Gallenger for $2,000 Prospect Steers: Lot 64 – Maple Lake Dirty Hairy 7711, S: Amen, D: SimAngus to Hunter Tataryn for $2,100 Lot 69 – Maple Lake 4677, S: Wheatland Headline 872U, D: SimAngus to Brett Remillard for $1,700

Join us for

MAR MAC FARMS & GUESTS BULL SALE March 5, 2014 on the farm Brandon, MB

DHS 11A Nophalt x Wheatland 786T BW: 95 lb Homo Polled

Everett Olson Minnedosa, MB H: (204) 826-2643 C: (204) 867-0076 Email: everettolson@hotmail.com

DHS 16A MRL 127Y (Heritage son) x Hustler BW: 106 lb Homo Polled



Spring Creek Simmentals 40th Anniversary Female Sale November 23, 2013 Virden, MB

107 head ave $3053 High Selling Cows Lot 3-Springcreek Linne 33R, s-RCC/TF Line Drive, dsBlack Joker bred Springcreek Align sold to Rancier Farms, Cedar Creek & Canadian Donors for $14,500. Lot 1-Springcreek Linne 6R, s-Line Drive, ds-Springcreek Dakota 50D bred Springcreek Lotto sold to Dugdale Ag for $10,750. Lot 2-Springcreek Linne 23R, s-Line Drive, ds-LBR Black Reward J157 bred Captain Morgan, sold to Boundary Ranch for $8500. Lot 28-Springcreek Linne 72R, s-Line Drive, ds-PPSR Nophalt bred Captain Morgan sold to Scissors Creek Cattle Co. for $8000. Lot 31-Springcreek Red Tara 40S, s-Springcreek Tank 57P, ds-Red Reality bred Springcreek Liner, sold to Ryan Downey for $7750. Lot 14-Springcreek Blk Tess 73T, s-Springcreek Tank 63P, ds-BDV Blackjack 8K bred Hart All In, sold to Black Sand Cattle Co. for $7750.

High Selling Bred PB Heifers Lot 55-Springcreek Mistress 165Y, s-Hart All In, ds-MSR Kansas Tank bred Springcreek Wallbanger sold to Black Sand Cattle Co. for $4300. Lot 64-Springcreek Rea 160Z, s-TNT Empire, ds-Springcreek Tank bred JL Upward sold to Dugdale Ag for $3600. Lot 78-Springcreek Jaycee 110Z, s-Erixon Wellington, dsLine Drive bred JL Upward sold to Circle M for $3600. Lot 76-Springcreek Honey 104Z, s-Harvie JDF Wallbanger, ds- Line Drive bred JL Upward sold to Circle M for $3300. High Selling Hybrid Heifers Lot 84-Springcreek Mistress 1Z, s-SAV Final Answer, dsMr NLC Superior bred Bar-E-L Zenith sold to Maple Lake Stock Farms for $4500. Lot 87-Springcreek Honey 16Z, s-SAV Final Answer, ds-Line Drive bred Bar-E-L Zenith sold to Dugdale Ag for $4000. Lot 85-Springcreek Polly 3Z, s-Final Answer, ds-Sand Ranch Hand bred JL Upward sold to Maple Lake for $3900.

Boynecrest Stock Farm

the 1

 Transcon Winnipeg Bull Sale consigns to




March 27, 2014 at Winnipeg Livestock Sales We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Fall Female buyers: Czech-Mate Simmentals, Carstairs, AB Andrea Bertram, Portage la Prairie, MB 3-G Simmentals, Inglis, MB

Oakview Simmentals, Darlingford, MB Scott and Jennifer Seward, Carman, MB Steppler Farms, Miami, MB

Kelly & Elaine Ferris & Family Box 4 Stephenfield, MB R0G 2R0 Ph (204) 828-3483 Kelly (204) 745-7168 Nikki (204) 745-8849 Email: boynecreststockfarm@sdnet.ca www.boynecreststockfarm.com

JG (403) 556-5563 DP (403) 323-3985 GN (780) 542-0634 BW (403) 540-3084



You’re Invited!

Consigned to PREMIUM


More’s Tank x Trademark

BEEF BULL SALE March 12, 2014


MRL Destination x Gunner


Wheatland Bull 15X x Kosmo

**Homo Polled tests pending**

Neepawa, MB


MRL Destination x R Plus Titan

Thanks to the bidders and buyers at our Annual cow sale in Killarney & at Keystone Sale in Brandon: Perkin Land & Cattle, Blair Workman & Sons, TGJ Cattle Co., Larissa and Cade Rutten

Give us a call for more information & catalogs!

WORKMAN FARMS Minto, MB Pat 204-776-2386 C: 204-534-8530 Greg 204-776-2164 C: 204-724-0564



Harvest Hoedown Sale November 25, 2013 Neepawa, MB 1 open heifer $4,400 48 bred heifers ave $2,729

High Selling Open Heifer Lot 21- Twin Brae Ms Ainsley, s- LFE BS Lewis 322U, ds- NLC 64Y Tomcat, consigned by Twin Brae Simmentals, Inglis, MB sold to Maple Lake Stock Farm, Hartney, MB for $4,400 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 49- Triple T Heather 414Z, s- Double Bar D Hemi 201T, ds- Oh Kay Ulrich 76U, AI’d to Anchor D Viper 103W, consigned by Triple T Diamond Simmentals, Lundar, MB sold to Big Hills Simmentals, Sandy Lake, MB for $5,800 Lot 50- Triple T Josie 432Z, s- Eagle-Ridge 27W, ds- Solway Adonis, AI’d to Prostock Hugo 7052T, consigned by Triple T Diamond Simmentals, sold to Peterbuilt Simmentals, Cardale, MB for $4,400 Lot 3- SBSF Mocha 8Z, s- SBSF Vegas 1L, ds- Bar 5 Mr Landmark 320F, bred to IPU Romano 90X, consigned by Schweitzer Simmentals, Decker, MB sold to Creekside Cattle Co, Eden, MB for $4,000 Lot 15- Twin Brae Red Hot 15Z, s- SHS Enticer P1B, ds- NLC 64Y Tomcat, AI’d to Remington Red Label HR, consigned by Twin Brae Simmentals, sold to Glasman Farms, Russell, MB for $3,800 Lot 7- SBSF Ebony 59Z, s- ACS Black Jack 758T, ds- IPU Red Warrior 29N, AI’d to HTP SVF In Dew Time, consigned by Schweitzer Simmentals, sold to Downhill Simmentals, Minnedosa, MB for $3,400 Lot 19- Twin Brae Zulu, s- Hooks Shear Force 38K, ds- LBR Crocket R81, AI’d to TNT Tanker U263, consigned by Twin Brae Simmentals, sold to Dana & Megan Johns, Kenton, MB for $3,250

Storthoaks, SK

Selling Quality Purebred Simmental & crossbred bulls at the

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK Kevin Granger Bonnie Brooks Kianna Brooks (306) 485 8087 (306) 449 2536 (306) 485 8046 Email: brooks.granger@xplornet.com or follow us on Facebook Come As U R



The Source of Elite Simmental Genetics Sale December 2, 2013 Lloydminster, SK 33 open heifers ave $3,685 21 bred heifers ave $5,976 2 bulls ave $12,500 56 head gross $272,100 ave $4,859 High Selling Open Heifers Lot 110- Crossroad Athens 392A, s- Springcreek All In 155Y, ds- Remington Red Label HR, consigned by Crossroad Farms, Shell Lake, SK sold to LaBatte Simmentals for $8,500 Lot 111- Crossroad Avon Lou 754A, s- Springcreek All In 155Y, ds- Muirheads Red Heat 33S, consigned by Crossroad Farms sold to Little Willow Creek Ranch for $6,000 Lot 119- SAJ Red Lady 12A, s- Muirheads Ranchmen 28Y, ds- Remington Red Label HR, consigned by SAJ Simmentals, Edam, SK sold to Maxwell Simmentals for $5,750 Lot 109- Crossroad Aspen 255A, s- LFE BS Lewis 322U, ds- LFE Red Hemi 391N, consigned by Crossroad Farms sold to Ferme B.M.S for $5,000 Lot 132- LWC Miss Hemi 870Z, s- NGDB Hemi 15W, ds- Shawacres Jahari 50L, consigned by Little Willow Creek Ranch, sold to LaBatte Simmentals for $5,000 Lot 159- 2R Leslie 4A, s- IPU 52N Accelerator 222U, ds- PPSR Fireball 66M, consigned by 2R Simmentals, Viking, AB sold to Crossroad Farms for $4,700 Lot 157- 2R Marci 3A, s- LRX Black 86Y, ds- Westfall Voyager 721P, consigned by 2R Simmentals sold to Maxwell Simmentals for $4,500 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 105- Crossroad Zibbons 129Z, s- Bar 5 SA Harrach 801P, ds- MFI Whistler 47L, AI’d to LJB Jade, consigned by Crossroad Farms, sold to Lenny Mark for $10,250 Lot 101- Crossroad Zweet Pea 14Z, s- KOP Crosby 137W, ds- TNT Gunner N208, AI’d to Crossroad Navigator 338Y, consigned by Crossroad Farms sold to Doug Krepps for $10,000

Lot 104- Crossroad Zula 600Z, s- Crossroad Bartender 380W, ds- STR H813 Pay Day P403, AI’d to Crossroad Navigator 338Y, consigned by Crossroad Farms sold to Doug Krepps for $10,000 Lot 103- Crossroad Zalicious 120Z, s- Crossroad Bartender 380W, ds- Double Bar D Max 51K, AI’d to WS Beefmaker R13, consigned by Crossroad Farms sold to Tri K Cattle for $9,000 Lot 151- South Seven Miss 55Z, s- MFL Country 24D, ds- Anchor D Harrison, AI’d to Anchor D Imax 250Y, consigned by South Seven Simmentals, Vegreville, AB sold to Kulyk Simmentals for $8,600 Lot 106- Crossroad Zumbrella 203Z, s- Crossroad Radium 789U, ds- Virginia Santiago 960S, AI’d to Anchor D Imax 250Y, consigned by Crossroad Farms sold to Black Gold Simmentals for $7,500 Lot 126- Ms BGS Evanly 52Z, s- Bar 5 SA Evan 440L, ds- Diamond J Rambo 56S, AI’d to BGS Western Red 61C, consigned by Black Gold Simmentals, Lloydminster, SK sold to Lenny Mark for $7,200 High Selling Bulls Lot 139- LWC Hemi 868Z, s- NGDB Hemi 15W, dsLWC Jahari 24P, consigned by Little Willow Creek Ranch sold to Crossroad Farms for $15,000 Lot 138- LWC Hemi 855Z, s- NGDB Hemi 15W, dsLRX Ranger 8S, consigned by Little Willow Creek Ranch sold to Haegl Farms for $10,000

Friends, if your mailing address has changed or been updated, e.g. new postal code, or a box # or site # added, please send us the updated address.

Canada Post will stop delivering your copy of Simmental Focus without the correct address. Contact us toll-free 1-866-374-3317 or email goulds@mymts.net to have your address corrected


Got Enuff Bull Power?


MARCH 25, 2014

10th Annual WLB Bull Sale 2:00 pm cdt at the farm 6 miles north, 1 mile east, ½ mile north of Douglas, MB

Catalogs mailed on request.

Videos will be online at Wlb 361a - good time/black edition

Wlb 356a - sv force 47y/zinger

50 + Black/Red Simmental &

Polled Hereford Yearling Bulls

Wlb 364a - x-t red turbo/accelerator 122u


Wlb 401a - stubby/oil patch

Get an experienced opinion! Wilf Davis - 204 841 0211 Darryl Snider -780 385 5561 Dennis Erickson - 780 361 9347

Wlb 423a - sv force 47y/Maverick/zinger

Wlb livestock

Wlb 4170a - good time/Blk label

Bill & Nancy Biglieni, Douglas, MB wlblivestock@inetlink.ca

204 763 4697 - 204 729 7925


Thank You

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Thank you to Sunny Valley Simmentals, Mader Ranches, LaBatte Simmentals and Section 19 Cattle Co. for purchasing our Pembina Triangle Sale heifers.

5 Corner Cattle Co. would like to send out a Huge Thank You to all the breeders and neighbors for showing interest in our herd reduction sale. Special Thank You to:  Silverlake Farms and Maple Lake Stock Farms for purchasing our Black Package.  Twin Oak Livestock for purchasing our Red Package and a yearling bull.  Oakview Simmentals for purchasing a Fullblood Package and a Red Herd Sire.  Tim McVicar and Curtis Mattson for purchasing Sunny Valley Dakota 9Z.  Perkin Land and Cattle Co. and Conray Cattle Co. for purchasing our Recip and Embryo Package.  Corey and Maurice Desrochers for purchasing an open heifer package and bred cow package. 5 Corner Cattle Co. isn’t ready to say good bye just yet, as we have decided to keep a few Elite Black and Red Cows and a few Recips, as well as 5 top cows on half shares.



WEST 25A Hills Wild Child

WEST 82A Hills Moneyshot

Sunny Valley Wildcard 10X x Ankonian Colossal BW – 90 lbs WW – 800 lbs

Mader Underdog 90Y x R Plus Blackout BW – 94 lbs WW – 756 lbs

WEST 3A Hill Tennessee 3A

WEST 85A Hills Lightning Struck

WXR Redpaths Haedley 45X (Tennessee) x D Bar C Northstar 40N BW- 87 lbs WW- 784 lbs

RKTS Alliance 2Y x GFI Brando H02 BW – 81 lbs WW – 758 lbs

WEST 63A Hills Dominator

WEST 77A Hills Rambo

WXR Redpaths Haedley 45X (Tennassee) x MRL Red Force 12U BW – 87 lbs WW – 897 lbs

Mader Underdog 90Y x RF Double Up 37W BW – 87 lbs WW – 792 lbs

Westin & Dana Hill & family Miami, MB Ph: (204) 435-2585 Cell: (204) 750-2139 Email: 5cornercattle@gmail.com


Keystone Konnection Sale Celebrates 35th Anniversary December 3, 2013 Brandon, MB A strong group of Full Fleckvieh, Red and Black Genetics were on offer for the 35th Annual Keystone Konnection Simmental Sale, held December 3, 2013 in Brandon. The quality of the cattle and the enthusiastic group of sale consignors always keeps the sale upbeat. The event started out with all of the past and present members being honored with pins. Over 40 past consignors were in attendance for the group photo and the anniversary cake. 35 years- AWL Simmentals, Mar Mac Farms, Jerry Kanewsicher. 25 years- Wilf Davis and Ron Mitchell, Scott and Anne Clement, Broken Oak Black Simmentals, Cherry Creek Farm, JR Simmentals. 20 years- Crest View Land and Cattle Co. 15 years- RKT Simmentals, Evergreen Farms and Moffatt Farms. 10 years- Blue Ridge Simmmentals,More Bros Simmentals, WLB Livestock, and Double D Farms. And many more members under 10 years. Current members displayed posters on their involvement in the Simmental industry. Darryl Snider ( Simmental Country) and Lois Gould ( Simmental Focus ) received pins for their Dedication to the Simmental Breed. The Sim –Acta was held a heifer calf Calcutta show. Winning the event was 1st-Lot 39 from Mar Mac Farms 2nd-Lot 56 from Workman Farms 3rd-Lot 34 from Lazy Rainbow Ranch The holders of the winning tickets were Greg Workman and Lionel Kaskiw , they received a cash award to be used on a heifer calf in the sale. (Please see sale results on page 44)

First place in the Simm-Acta went to Mar Mac Deb 212A. Pictured from left: Greg Workman, winning ticket-holder; Brett McRae, Blair McRae.



Enhance your purchase with our Customer Care Programs. Check them out online!



Poker Face x Line Drive-Homo Polled, Homo Black

SC All In 155Y x Line Drive-Homo Polled, Homo Black


MBJ 903A

SC Lotto 52Y x Line Drive-Homo Polled, Hetero Black

SC All In 155Y x (TNT Knockout x Line Drive)-Homo Polled, Homo Black



Power Play 102Y x Line Drive-Homo Polled

Power Play102Y x SC Tank 57P-Homo Polled

Brian McCarthy & Family Box 467 Moosomin SK S0G 3N0

PH 306-435-3590 Cell 306-435-7527





Our sincere thanks to the purchasers of our female consignments at the 2013 Pembina Triangle Simmental Association Sale Breds Arik Lindal, Fisher Branch, MB Gerald Dequier, Haywood, MB Opens Triple R Simmentals, Haywood, MB Section 19 Cattle Co., Portage la Prairie, MB

Emma Thorgilsson gets up close and personal with a newborn baby calf at Triple T Diamond Simmentals, Lundar, MB. in January. (photo courtesy of Angela Thorgilsson)

Rene Rouire Sharon Southam & family

Box 91 Elm Creek, MB R0G 0N0

H: (204) 436-3013 C: (204) 745-8508

Email: rsrouire@mymts.net

We would like to thank these contributors for their generous support of our Artwork Fundraiser:

Wilf Davis, Heartland Livestock, Steve Dorran, Dennis Ericson, Mark Stock, Bouchard Livestock, Spring Creek Simmentals, Northern Lights Simmentals, M&J Farms, Arrow Creek Simmental, Darryl Snider-Simmental Country, Twin Brae Simmentals, Mar Mac Farms, Maple Lake Stock Farms.

Special thanks to Margaret Chastko for generously donating her artwork & to Northern Light Simmentals for purchasing the picture. Your support of the Manitoba YCS is greatly appreciated!

President: Kolton McIntosh 204-280-0359


Secretary-treasurer: Taylor Carvey 204-752-2285


яВо Homo Polled Homo Black


11 Heifers 50 Bulls February 26, 2014 Saskatoon Livestock Sales  Reds, Baldies, Blacks  Semen Tested  Delivered  Fully Guaranteed  Large Sire Groups

Erixon Liberty 23A

Erixon Revelstock 41A

Stubby x Crosby *Homo Polled & Hetro Blk*

Wallbanger x Showoff *Homo Polled*

As wide based as they come, full of meat and muscle

Reserve Grand Champion Bull and All Breeds Jackpot Champion at MLE

Erixon Devil’s Cut 54A

Erixon Bookers 78A

Full Throttle x Full Back *Homo Polled &

Diablo x Red Baron *Homo Polled*

*Hetro Blk* 3/4 brother to our 2013 2 yr. old show cow, Erixon Lady 126Y

Heifer Bull Potential

Erixon Lady 108A

Scott (403) 370-3010 View catalog online at www.erixonsimmentals.com

David (306) 270-2893 Krista (306) 270-1263

Diablo x Red Ace


Integrity  Commitment  Quality


34th Annual Bull & Female Sale

*Guest Consignor: Meadow Acres Farms

February 28, 2014

FRIDAY, 1:00 PM at Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK Sale Offering: *80 Beef Bulls -Reds & Blacks *30 Open Heifers Reds & Blacks

IPU 36A Horizon x Gunner

IPU 65A Horizon x Red Label

IPU 162A Liner 56U x Heavyweight

IPU 3A Lotto x Black Joker

IPU 16A Horizon x Powerline

IPU 5A Horizon x Accelerator

IPU 309Z Nov.18/12 Horizon x Red Chief

IPU 312Z-Nov.29/12 Horizon x Red Chief

IPU 313Z-Nov.30/12 Full Throttle x Black Joker

IPU 322Z-Dec.6/12 Full Throttle x Black Joker

IPU 74A-Open PB Heifer Esposito x Stubby

IPU 57A-Open PB Heifer Horizon x Exciter

Sale Day Phones: 306-815-7900 Barry’s cell Barry & Brenda LaBatte Box 72, Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0 306-487-7510 Dustin’s cell 306-693-4715 Auction Mart Sale Consultants: 306-969-4820 Cell 306-815-7900 For catalogue or DVD of sale bulls email: labattesimmentals@sasktel.net Transcon Livestock 403-556-5563 Bouchard Livestock 403-813-7999 Wilf Davis Livestock 204-834-2479 Visit our website Bohrson Marketing 403-370-3010 for online viewing of sale catalogue T Bar C-Shane 403-363-9973

labatte simmentals



We are excited to introduce

the 1 st bulls to sell off our new herdsires!!! Selling these outstanding herd sire prospects at the Genetic Source Bull Sale March 10, 2014 - Keystone Center - Brandon, MB Selling Fullblood & Red Factor Simmental Bulls with top notch customer service!

Big Sky Asher

Big Sky Applejack

HORNED FULL FLECKVIEH MMVI 3A S: Great Guns TX Ramses DS: Arnolds Zamutwo D9 BD: Jan. 5 BW: 100 lbs Jan.2 Wt.: 1505 lbs

Big Sky Aalto HORNED FULL FLECKVIEH MMVI 22A S: Great Guns Regio 9R DS: CEN Laredo BD: Jan.11 BW: 90 lbs Jan.2 Wt: 1410 lbs

Big Sky Albert HORNED FULL FLECKVIEH MMVI 66A S: Great Guns TX Gus x DS: Afri-Can Hadau BD: Mar.5 BW: 108 lbs Jan.2 Wt: 1195 lbs Watch for outstanding herdsire prospects out of: Great Guns Regio, Great Guns Ramses, Great Guns TX Gus, Great Guns TX Astro, Prostock Hugo, Gibbons Jeremiah, Great Guns Moses, RJY Caesars Revolution, WFL Commander 78R, EGC Exceptional 37X Check out our website for more pictures & info:


POLLED PUREBRED MMVI 32A S: WFL Commander 78R x DS: Ankonian Caesar BD: Jan.15 BW: 102 lbs Jan.2 Wt: 1520 lbs

Contact us for more information or to request a catalog

Trevor & Amy Peters (204) 573-0587 Brad & Lauren Smith (204) 723-0254 Matt & Marguerite Smith (204) 526-7423

JG (403) 556-5563 DP (403) 323-3985 GN (780) 542-0634 CM (306) 365-8432 BW (403) 540-3084


DARLINGFORD, MB Todd, Danna, Brooke & Hayden Collins  Performance  Calving Ease  Milk  Selling 25 bulls

OVS 57Z Top Shelf x Bodybuilder

OVS 68A Top Shelf x Red Nugget

OVS 71A Revolution x LRX Red Raspberry 71T (Caesar)

FULL FLECK OVS 6A Gravity x DLH Miss Pixie 6P (Houston)



OVS 16A Radium x Hemisphere

OVS 3A Titan x Metro




OVS 151A Radium x Jeremiah

OVS 101A Sheriff x Laredo

OVS 20A Romano x Benz

Homo Polled and Non Diluter testing results available in February, call for details

Ph: (204) 246-2166 Cell: (204) 823-1434

Monday March 10, 2014 Keystone Center Brandon, MB

View catalog online at www.transconlivestock.com

JG (403) 556-5563 DP (403) 323-3985 GN (780) 542-0634 BW (403) 540-3084


Shades of the Prairies Sale

December 9, 2013 Brandon, MB 21 open heifers ave $4,195 Lot 3- MRL Miss 3376A, s- MRL Integrity 76Y 19 bred heifers ave $5,574 ds- GW Lucky Dice 187H, consigned by McMillen 40 lots gross $194,000 ave $4,850 Ranching Ltd, sold to Quinn Wilson for $6,500 5 embryo lots ave $4,585 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 1- MRL Miss 2423Z, s- LFE Bundi 300X, dsHigh Selling Open Heifers Hook’s Shear Force 38K, bred to IPU Red Western Lot 5- TSN Predator 30A, s- Wheatland Predator 49X, consigned by McMillen Ranching Ltd, Car922W, ds- Remington Red Label HR, consigned by ievale, SK sold to Come As U R for $13,500 TSN Livestock, Brandon, MB sold to Quinn Wilson Lot 10- Downhill Ms Steamy 18Z, s- Tess Black 38X, for $9,250 ds- Wheatland Bull 459P, AI’d to Drake Poker Face Lot 19- AJB Blk Bambi’s Shadow 1A, s- LFE BS 2X & exposed to ACS Brick 112Y, consigned by Lewis 322U “Stubby”, ds- Hook’s Shear Force 38K, Downhill Simmentals, Minnedosa, MB sold to Silver consigned by AJB Livestock, Rossburn, MB sold to Lake Simmentals, Cartwright, MB for $11,250 Hannah Simmentals for $8,800 Lot 29- Swan Lake Cali 45Z, s- RF Double Up 37W, Lot 22- Crowe Diamond Doll 4A, s- Mr HOC Brods- D Bar C Newsman 17N, AI’d to Wheatland Bull ker, ds- GWS Ebony’s Trademark 6N, consigned by Crowe Bros, Gilbert Plains, MB sold to Stewart Cattle 215Z & exposed to YR King Ranch 692Z, consigned by Swan Lake Farms, Stoughton, SK sold to 5 Corner Co. for $8,200 Cattle Co., Miami, MB for $6,900 Lot 6- MAF Twisted Star 66A, s- MAF R Horizon Lot 4- MRL Miss 2416Z, s- IPU Red Western 49X, 7Y, ds- Wheatland Bull 680S, consigned by Meadow ds- IPU Red Nugget 132N, consigned by McMillen Acres Farms, Lampman, SK sold to Sunny Valley Ranching Ltd., sold to Dana Johns for $6,250 Simmentals for $7,250


Dam: LFE Charo 3N

TRI-R ADRENALINE 16A S: LFE BS Lewis 322U “ Stubby” Roland & Rick Dequier (204) 745-3925 Cell (204) 771-0280 Carman, MB R0G 0J0

Email: rdequier@westmansteel.ca


Dam: KWD Ms Ryder 1L


March 10, 2014 Keystone Center Brandon, MB


CMS Sundance 310A

Thank You

JR Simmentals for purchasing Sundance, and to Starwest Farms for selecting CMS Ramona 217Z at the National Trust in Brandon!

MAF Horizon x JRFS 50W

CMS Keystone 332A

Consigning 25 Red & Black Bulls, including 5 exciting Horizon sons who are stout, hairy and full of muscle. CMS Skyline 311A

 Homo Polled

MAF Horizon x CMS 601S (Wheatland Inferno)

 Homo Polled

MAF Horizon x CMS 112Y (Crosby)



For supporting our program at the Shades of the Prairies Sale.

Thank you to Silver Lake Simmentals, Cartwright, MB for purchasing Downhill Ms Steamy 18Z.

Downhill Ms Red 13Z was purchased by Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals, Edson, AB.

DHS Miss Autumn 9A was purchased by Ashworth Farm & Ranch, Oungre, SK.

Also Thank you to: Crowe Bros Daryl Gerrard Corey Desrochers Len Bergen

Everett Olson Minnedosa, MB H: (204) 826-2643 C: (204) 867-0076 Email: everettolson@hotmail.com

FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY IN MARCH 2014 20 Cow Calf pairs with Jan/ Feb calves at foot, call for details



90 red & black simmental bulls

ross leblanc & sons box 1476 estevan sk s4a 2l7

marlin 306-421-2470 ross 306-421-1824 jason 306-421-9909 SALES MANAGEMENT:


ROB HOLOWAYCHUK 780-916-2628 MARK HOLOWAYCHUK 403-896-4990







Penfulls of Performance Red Bulls

155 Bulls: *50 Polled Red

Simmental Bulls


Red Western



Low birth weight bulls with muscle & performance by Western & Destination

*50 Polled Black Simmental Bulls

*10 Fullblood

Fleckvieh Bulls

*30 Reg. Red Angus Bulls





Outcross Genetics found only at MRL

*15 Simm/Angus Bulls *New for 2014

25 Coming 2-Yr Olds Ready to cover some ground! Come see for yourself what keeps the Commercial Cowboys coming back year after year!




Power Surge

10 Powerful Fullblood Bulls 15 Simm/Angus Bulls (Red & Black)


50A 30 Registered Red Angus Bulls


*Free Delivery *Semen Evaluated *Volume Discounts *Affordable

The majority of our bulls sell in the $2000-$5000 price range, over 70% to repeat customers & nearly all to commercial cattlemen.

*Sight Unseen Buyers Program

This program has worked very well for busy cattlemen unable to attend our sale. We have sent several herdbulls to satisfied cattlemen across Canada with this program. Almost 25% of our bulls sell SUS annually, many to repeat customers. Your next herdbull purchase is as close as your phone. Please contact Lee, Dave or Jim for info on this program.

The Commercial Cattleman’s

“One Stop Bull Shop”





The first MRL Integrity sons to sell- a must -see group!





You gotta see the black bulls for 2014!

for Elite Simmental & Angus Genetics At MRL we have built a reputation around suppling Thick Beef Bulls to Commercial Cattlemen & standing behind them. Herdbulls packed full of economic & convenience traits that will accelerate your breeding program. Managing over 600 mother cows with limited manpower, these bulls are raised under ranch conditions similar to yours, & are developed on a silage based ration to ensure soundness & longevity. Over 40 years of genetic selection with the commercial cattleman in mind: calving ease, consistency, natural thickness, maternal values & carcass traits bred right in.





Outcross pedigrees for our repeat customers




Final Answer

Calving Ease & Performance Black Bulls by the Penfulls

Give us a call, we would enjoy visiting with you about your operation and herdbull needs. Call for a catalogue or bull video.


Everett More and Irene Vanin Manitoba Simmental Association Ambassador Award

Transcon’s Fleckvieh Equation Fullblood Simmental Sale

Everett’s involvement with Simmental cattle began in 1972 when his brother Elton registered his 1st half bloods, mothered by their father Mel’s purebred Hereford cows. As More Brothers Simmentals they began showing cattle at local summer fairs in the early 1980’s. With only the occasional interruption since then this has been part of each summer’s schedule. Everett and Irene enjoy the camaraderie and friendly competition of the summer show schedule attending 7or 8 fairs annually, using this as an opportunity to promote their program and the breed in general to cattlemen in South Western Manitoba. As a large animal veterinarian Everett enjoys the opportunity to promote Simmental genetics to local producers and finds this provides a chance to see first hand the breed working under various management systems. Everett and Irene have been members of the Keystone Simmental association for 14 years, with Irene currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer and Everett as President. Everett served a term as an MSA director in the late 80’s and was a founding member of the now disbanded South West Manitoba Simmental Association serving as its president for a time. With a small herd of only 25 cows, they are very hands on and stress disposition in their herd. Calves are worked with while still young to evaluate and modify their temperment. Virtually all breeding is done with AI and that is Everett’s favorite part of the year, especially if conception is good. Everett enjoys assisting at Simmental events. He has announced numerous cattle shows including the Agribiton Simmental show, the Keystone Konnection Bull Calf Jackpot Show and Simmental Show at M L E as well as an occasional shows of other breeds. Everett and Irene would like to express their appreciation to the Manitoba Simmental Association for this Award.

2 bull calves ave $6,750 17 heifer calves $3,053 25 bred females ave $7,158 19 semen lots ave $4,818 5 embryo lots ave $2,495

December 15, 2013 Red Deer, AB

High Selling Lots Lot 136- LFS Zaharah 1Z, s- Crossroad Radium 789U, ds- MFL Freshman 27F, AI’d to Richmond Mr Shareholder 43E, consigned by Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals, Edson, AB sold to Prospect Hills Simmentals, Granton, ON for $20,000 Lot 104- BEE Mathilda 263Z, s- Anchor D Viper 103W, ds- Anchor “T” Impact 2H, AI’d to Crossroads Radium 789U & exposed to JNR’s Sherif, consigned by Beechinor Bros Simmentals, Bentley, AB sold to Prospect Hills Simmentals for $19,750 Lot 127- Wolfes Helga FF39Z, s- Wolfes Thunder FF60T, ds- Verte Vallee Jacob, AI’d to Smithbilt Molson 21M & exposed to Beech Bros Xman 918X, consigned by Wolfe’s Fleckvieh, Sundre, AB sold to Crossroad Farms, Shell Lake, SK for $12,000 Lot 118A- Keato Crown Royale, s- MFI Whistler 47L, ds- Sanmar Jackson Triggs, consigned by Keato Meadow Simmentals, Ft Saskatchewan, AB sold to Jason Boon, Bruderheim, AB for $11,500 Lot 145- BLI Special 207Z, s- Emperor, ds- Shawacres Jahari 50L, AI’d to ABR Sir Arnold’s Image, consigned by SIBL/Clay Simmentals, Cherhill, AB sold to Alliance Simmental Farms, North Gower, ON for $11,000 Lot 137- LFS Crystal 11Z, s- Salamon 504285, ds- Salom Arm Haulven 4R, AI’d to Bar None Shareholder, consigned by Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals, sold to Rand-Mar Management and Farm, Calgary, AB for $9,500 Lot 103- Bee Vendetta 243Z, s- Anchor D Viper 103W, dsABR Sir Arnolds Image, AI’d to Crossroads Radium 789U, consigned by Beechinor Bros Simmentals, sold to Applecross Simmentals, Markerville, AB for $8,750 Lot 106- Bee Janeiro 272Z, s- Eagle-Ridge Rio 9R, dsSouth Seven Nestor 7N, AI’d to Anchor D Viper, consigned by Beechinor Bros Simmentals, sold to EDN Simmentals, Maple Creek, SK for $8,750 Lot 110- Applecross Iris 10Z, s- Sanmar Polled Pharo 12P, ds- Sunny Valley Sargent 24S, AI’d to Dora Lee Eclipse FF9R, consigned by Applecross Simmentals, sold to James Creek Simmentals, Heaton, ND for $7,500


consigns to the Premium Beef Bull Sale Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB RKTS TUNDRA 13A


 Homo Polled

Homo Polled

Stubby x Mader P Black Gold 110S


Enticer x Trademark


Stubby x Mader P Black Gold 110S


Enticer x Wheatland “Hummer”


 Homo Polled

Dominator x Top Gun

RKT Alliance x Red Label

For more information call

Kyle Taylor (204) 867-7918 Brendon Taylor (204) 867-0229 Rick Taylor (204) 867-7551 Box 1353 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0

JG (403) 556-5563 DP (403) 323-3985 GN (780) 542-0634 BW (403) 540-3084


Checkers Sale December 14, 2013 Red Deer, AB 18 open heifers ave $5,711 12 bred heifers ave $7,658 2 bulls ave $5,000 32 lots gross $204,700 ave $6,394 High Selling Open Heifers Lot 4- LRX Raspberry 163A, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, ds- IPU Revolution 172U, consigned by Robb Farms, Maidstone, SK sold to Come As U R for $15,000 Lot 10- MRX Miss Broker 481A, s- Mr HOC Broker, ds- Twin Chief Nexus 56N, consigned by M & R Cattle Co., Wimborne, AB sold to Black Gold Simmentals for $11,500 Lot 26- YR Lady in Black 326A, s- KOP Black Blazer 146X, ds- YR King Ranch 13S, consigned by Yellow Rose Cattle Co., Didsbury, AB sold to Destiny Simmentals for $8,000 Lot 30B-MLL Victory Glow, s- MAF R Horizon 7Y, ds- KOP Crosby 137W, consigned by Maxwell Land & Livestock, Perth, ON sold to Maxwell Simmentals for $8,000 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 1- LRX Ms Black 14Z, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, ds- TCF/RCC Temptation GJ640, bred to NCB Cobra 47Y, consigned by Robb Farms sold to Sharian Farm for $21,000 Lot 5- CSI Tina 94Z, s- LFE Tomcat 389X, ds- LFE Mr Lewis 462P, bred to TNT Bootlegger Z268, consigned by Sharian Farm, Lashbrun, SK sold to Randy Ward for $14,000 Lot 12- RJY Sweet Signature 36Z, s- McIntosh Sweet Talker 32Z, ds- HC Power Drive 88H, bred to 3D Mr Sure Fire 449X, consigned by High Country Cattle Services, Breton, AB sold to Rising Star Simmentals for $10,000 Lot 3- LRX Ms Black 69Z, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, ds- LFE Mr Lewis 347P, bred to NCB Cobra 47Y, consigned by Robb Farms sold to Deeg Simmentals for $8,500 Flush Lot Lot 37- s- Remington On Target 2S, ds- SV Charlies Applause, consigned by GR Simmentals & Kade Earley sold to Andersen Simmentals for $8,000

Transcon’s Simmental Cow-A-Rama XIV November 23, 2013 Innisfail, AB 7 heifer calves ave $2,700 3 bull calves ave $3,367 70 bred heifers ave $3,655 9 mature females ave $2,944 1 herd bull $4,300

High Selling Lots Lot 60- CMS Lola 242Z, s- WLB Red 462P 375T, ds- LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F, AI’d to KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z, Exposed to IPU Liner 56U 213Y, consigned by Czech Mate Livestock, Carstairs, AB, sold to Flying F Ranch, Weyburn, SK for $8,500 Lot 23- Virginia Ms Zaneth, s- IPU Red Specialist 70T, ds- IPU Red Warrior 26S, bred to KOP Final Drive, consigned by Virginia Ranch, Cremona, AB sold to Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB for $8,200 Lot 62- CMS Proud Mary 225Z, s- WLB Red 462P 375T, ds- Virginia Red Texas, AI’d to KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z, consigned by Czech Mate Livestock, sold to Diamond K Cattle Co., Maple Creek, SK for $8,000 Lot 61- CMS Maggie May 234Z, s- WLB Red 462P 375T, ds- STF Starquest N114, Exposed to IPU Liner 56U 213Y, consigned by Czech Mate Livestock, sold to Diamond K Cattle Co. for $7,000 Lot 8- Virginia Ms Zillow, s- IPU Laramie 6S, ds- Eagle-Ridge Jumper 7J, bred to TTU Canyon, consigned by Virginia Ranch, sold to Applecross Simmentals, Markerville, AB for $5,750 Lot 4- Virginia Ms Zora, s- TTU Canyon, ds- SU Fabulous, bred to Virginia Great Selection, consigned by Virginia Ranch, sold to LaBatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK for $5,600 Lot 10- Virginia Ms Zevida, s- Virginia Michelangelo 27W, ds- Dora Lee Native Son, bred to TTU Canyon, consigned by Virginia Ranch, sold to Miller Ranches, Okotoks, AB for $5,600 Lot 15- Virginia Ms Zuri, s- Crossroad Radium 789U, ds- Gibby’s Real Deal 25T, bred to TTU Canyon, consigned by Virginia Ranch, sold to WJ Simmentals, Amisk, AB for $5,400


te New Da ation New Loc

12 noon Lunch 1:00 PM Sale

Sale Offering: *50 Yearling Bulls *10 Long Yearling Bulls *10 Open PB Heifers *Pens of Commercial Heifers

PTS 138A

PTS 253Z

MLC Mr Justice W744 x Powerline 204L


Wheatland Bull 932W x Hooks Shear Force

PTS 260Z NCB Cobra 47Y x TNT Top Cut

Wheatland Red Teddy x Red Label

For DVD & catalog requests contact:


Lionel, Pat & Lee Stilborn Box 760, Balcarres, SK S0G 0C0 Home Phone: 306-335-2828 Lee’s cell: 306-335-7553 Lionel’s cell: 306-335-7708 View catalog online at www.bohrson.com


Transcon’s 36th ­ Annual Simmsational Sale December 5, 2013 Moose Jaw, SK

38 bred heifers ave $5,765 9 bred females ave $1,600 10 heifer calves ave $2,255 1 bull calf $2,000 1 herd bull $3,300 High Selling Lots Lot 7- IPU Ms. Steffi 32Z, s- LFE BS Lewis 322U, dsRed Baron HR, AI’d to Drake Poker Face 2X,from LaBatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK to Rust Mountain View Ranch, Mercer, ND for $18,500 Lot 1- IPU Barbi 17Z, s- LFE Hot Iron 812W, ds- IPU T-Bone 13R, AI’d to KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z, from LaBatte Simmentals to Ashworth Farm & Ranch, Oungre, SK for $16,500 Lot 4- IPU Ms. Hot Iron 113Z, s- LFE Hot Iron 812W, ds- Remington Red Label HR, AI’d to KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z,from LaBatte Simmentals to Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK for $16,000 Lot 10- IPU Ms. Tula 109Z, s- Drake Poker Face 2X, dsKBR Black Exciter 758T, AI’d to NCB Cobra 47Y, from LaBatte Simmentals to Bar M Simmental Group, Gillette,

WY for $15,000 Lot 6- IPU 66R Lucy 8Z, s- LFE BS Lewis 322U, ds- BF L113 Hero, AI’d to Drake Poker Face 2X, from LaBatte Simmentals to Bar M Simmental Group for $13,750 Lot 8- IPU Ms. Steffi 36Z, s- LFE BS Lewis 322U, dsIPU Black Dream Maker 1S, AI’d to Drake Poker Face 2X, from LaBatte Simmentals to Amanda Libke, Hanley, SK for $13,000 Lot 3- IPU Redskin 65Z, s- IPU Redskin 105X, ds- TNT Red Mercedes S293, AI’d to KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z, from LaBatte Simmentals to Big Sky Simmentals, Treherne, MB for $12,000 Lot 2- IPU Ms. Revlon 34Z, s- IPU Revolution 172U, dsLFE Red Tanker 490P, AI’d to KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z,from LaBatte Simmentals, to Black Gold Simmentals, Lloydminster, SK for $9,000 Lot 9- IPU Ms. Tula 104Z, s- Drake Poker Face 2X, dsDouble Bar D Bolt 13P, AI’d to NCB Cobra 47Y, from LaBatte Simmentals to Frehlich Farms, Estevan, SK for $9,000


Wheatland Circuit Breaker 325A

Selling 30 Red & Black Simmental Herd Builders- Purebred & Simm/Angus

Tried - Tested - True

In the Ring - In the Pasture - In the Progeny

All the Grand Champion Females at the 4 major shows sired by 4 different Wheatland bulls View catalog online at

Wheatland High Voltage x Wheatland Lady 81X

Wheatland Bull 319A

Wheatland High Octane x Wheatland Lady 168Y

Wheatland Bull 364A


Box 118 Bienfait, SK S0C 0M0

Lock N Load x Wheatland Lady 752T

Vernon, Denise, Riley & Cody-Ray LaFrentz PH: 306-634-7765 cell: 306-421-2297 wheatlandcattle@sasktel.net


Manitoba Youth Win Purebred Heifers In the past seven years 18 Manitoba youth have been awarded up to $2,000 toward the purchase of a heifer calf selected from a Manitoba purebred sale. The funds have come from the Grant Moffat Herdbuilder Fund. The youth submitted essays on why they wanted to start or build their own purebred herd of cattle and were picked by a committee of six of Grant’s friends and family representing many breeds. The participants were evaluated on desire, need and previous expression of interest in the industry. This year the committee combed through 17 excellent entries to pick the three final winners. Bennett Foster, a 14 year old from Dropmore purchased a Hereford heifer to start his purebred herd. Andria Bertram, a 12 year old from Portage la Prairie purchased a Simmental heifer for her new herd and Wyatt Inglis, an 11 year old from Rapid City selected a Shorthorn heifer for his herd builder. Grant Moffat, Holmsyde Charolais, Forrest, went missing in August, 2006. The funds generously donated by cattlemen, friends and relatives across the country were offered as a reward for tips leading to his whereabouts. After a year, a committee handling the funds made a decision to channel the money to Manitoba youth for the purpose of starting their own purebred herd. More funds were raised at auctions during a couple of Manitoba Beef Producer’s Annual Meetings 2010 & 2011 making it possible to continue this worthwhile cause in his memory. Grant invested a lot of energy in actively helping youth get started in the business and this seemed the most fitting way to utilize the funds. The complete story of Grant Moffat and the past winners can be seen at www.grantmoffat.com.

Keystone Konnection 35th Anniversary Sale-December 3, 2013 Brandon, MB High Selling Bulls Lot 6 Cherry Creek Royale 1A, Jan 3, 2013 Full Fleck FB S: Crossroad Tuxedo 222T ds: Shawacres Jahari 50L consigned by Cherry Creek Farms, Boissevain sold to Corey Mack, North Dakota for $ 5000. Lot 2 Cherry Creek Gates 10A, Jan 10, 13 S/Polled Full Fleck S; FGAF Barbossa 707X ds: Champs Trilogy consigned by Cherry Creek Farms, Boissevain sold for $4500 to John Orr, Elkhorn Lot 7 Cherry Creek Sure Fire 43Z, Oct 17, 12 S/ Polled Full Fleck S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X Ds: DFM Marcus 14M consigned by Cherry Creek Farm sold for $4000, to Schultz Simmentals and CRM Simmentals , Neepawa. Lot 3 Cherry Creek Sheraton 6A, Jan 2, 13 horned Full Fleck S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X ds: Gidso Appollo 3F consigned by Cherry Creek Farm sold for $ 4000. to Michael Momotiuk, Winnipegosis for $ 4000. High Selling Bred Females Lot 44 More’s Ms Zenya 2127Z, Feb 6, 12 Polled PB S: Wheatland Red Ace 747T ds: TNT Gunner Bred to MRL Red Force 12U consigned by More Bros Simmentals sold for $4700 to Big Hills Simmentals Sandy Lake. Lot 32 JFRS Ms Topsy 43Z, a Jan 18, 12 Polled PB S: TNT Top Gun DS: Red Label bred to MRL Red Force consigned by JR Simmentals sold for $ 4200 to Crest View Land and Cattle Co.Erickson Lot 42 Mar Mac Twisted Sister 124Z, Feb 18, 12 S: OBB Hot Rod Son 322U ds: PPSR Nophalt 20H consigned by Mar Mac Farms sold for $ 4100 to Crest View Land and Cattle Co, Erickson High Selling Opens Lot 39 Mar Mac Deb 212A,Polled PB Feb 6, 2013 S: RRFS Red iron T 20 ds: TNT Survivor consigned by Mar Mac Farms to Pat Workman, Minto for $ 4100. Lot 56 PWK Moo Moo 107T 5A, Polled PB S: WS Beef Maker ds: PWK Moo Moo 145R 107Y Consigned by Workman Farms sold for $ 2900 to TGJ Cattle Co, Sinclair Lot 11 Cherry Creek Elyse 12A, Full Fleck S: Anchor T Metro ds: Crossroad Tuxedo Consigned by Cherry Creek sold for $ 2600 to Reid Farms, Brandon 10 Bulls Averaged $3330 23 Bred Females ave $ 2794. 18 Heifer Calves Averaged $ 2120. 52 head of Simmentals Total $ 137,400 average $ 2642



10 power ful year ling & 2-year old r ed & black bulls

Visit our website www.SimmentalBreeders.ca Call us for more information & a catalog! Allan & Jacquie, Ryan, Kyle & Beverley-Jean PH 204-649-2260 Cell 204-522-0838

General Delivery Coulter, MB R0M 0G0 ajdowney@xplornet.com



Sire: Crosby

Sire: Beefmaker



Sire: Beefmaker


Sire: Beefmaker

Selling at Transcon’s Cattle Country Bull Sale April 5, 2014 Neepawa, MB

Robert & Pam Handford

Box 103 Snowflake, MB R0G 2K0 Ph: (204) 876-4658 Cell: (204) 242-4359




We invite you to visit our NEW website www.SunRiseSimmentals.com launched for the NEW Year to announce a NEW focus for our breeding program.

We offer “industry leading” genetics for the discriminating buyer

Come to the farm and look over our 2014 herd bull prospects such as Sun Rise Black 26A above (photo at 10 months of age) by Springcreek Lotto 52Y, Homo Polled & Homo Black, BD: Feb.2, 2013, and BW: 88 lbs. A select offering of Springcreek Lotto 52Y, JDF Harvie Wallbanger 111X and Springcreek Heritage 51X progeny will catch your eye. Farm visits are always welcome. Selling through private treaty and the Proudly Western Bull Sale on March 22, 2014 at Whitewood Livestock Sales, SK

Thank you to Kyle Martin, ON, for buying our Captain Morgan embryos, consigned to the recent 2013 New Year’s Resolution Frozen Genetics Sale, for $6000.

Evan & Linda Cuss, Box 70, Spy Hill, SK S0A 3W0 Phone: 306-534-4700 Email: cuss@sasktel.net


2nd Annual Camrose Country Classic

Bonchuk Farms Female Production Sale

December 11, 2013 Camrose, AB

December 17, 2013 Virden, MB

19 open heifers ave $3,813 35 bred heifers ave $5,081 54 lots gross $250,300 ave $4,635

69 lots gross $231,650 ave $3,357

High Selling Open Heifers Lot 18- MECK Chalet 49A, s- Double Bar D Chesapeke, ds- LFE Durango 827H, consigned by Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB sold to Robb Farms for $6,750 Lot 63- Skors Ms Bravo 31A, s- 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X, ds- KS Bravado P68, consigned by Skor Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB sold to Quinn Wilson for $6,500 Lot 21- NUG Nuttela 26A, s- IPU 52N Accelerator 222U, ds- BF K030 Red Snapper, consigned by Maxwell Simmentals sold to Kuntz Simmentals for $4,700 Lot 23- NUG Copper 55A, s- IPU 52N Accelerator 222U, ds- Wheatland Red Teddy 457P, consigned by Maxwell Simmentals sold to Chad Beagle for $4,600 Lot 17- NUG 10A, s- NUG Ramada 319X, ds- Anchor “T” Rusty 59G, consigned by Maxwell Simmentals sold to SAJ Simmentals for $4,500 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 11- NUG Susie 67Z, s- IPU 52N Accelerator 222U, ds- LRX Red Wizard 80T, bred to Beef King, consigned by Maxwell Simmentals sold to Beechinor Bros for $9,000 Lot 15- NUG Kiwi 63Z, s- 2R Bulls Eye 1X, dsACC1 Hustler 2N, bred to WFL Absolute 51Y, consigned by Maxwell Simmentals sold to Ter-Ron Farms for $8,500 Lot 41- ZSL Miss Mango 153Z, s- ZSL Mr Red Mango 65X, ds- Skors Red Precision 79S, bred to MRL Red Force 12U & exposed to Wheatland Red Earth 294Z, consigned by Spring Lake Simmentals, Daysland, AB sold to Westgold Simmentals for $8,500 Lot 6- NUG Shelly 77Z, s- IPU Classic 1X, ds- Bar 5 SA Kaptain 427R, bred to Arnold’s Image, consigned by Maxwell Simmentals sold to Robb Farms for $8,250 Lot 1- NUH Rosie 23Z, s- Anchor “T” Legend 7H, ds- NUG Ranger 68R, bred to Anchor D Imax, consigned by Maxwell Simmentals sold to Robb Farms for $7,500

High Selling Lots Lot 66- BLCC Miss Renegade 323Z, s- NCK Renegade 16R, ds- PRL Houston 005H, AI’d to Anchor D Imax 250Y, sold to Triple T Diamond Simmentals for $6,250 Lot 33- BLCC Miss Sledge 155Z, s- R Plus 110X, ds- CNS Dream On L186, AI’d to LFE BS Lewis 322U “Stubby”, sold to R Plus Simmentals for $6,200 Lot 23- BLCC Miss Blacksting 104Z, s- BLCC Mr Black Sting 155S, ds- SU Rochester 75R, AI’d to HOC Broker, sold to Beechinor Bros for $6,100 Lot 4- BLCC Miss Rochfort 18Z, s- LFE Rochfort 3013T, ds- LFE Red Hemi 391N, bred to LFE BS Lewis 322U “Stubby” sold to Maxwell Simmentals for $5,700 Lot 19- BLCC Miss Ridgeline 84Z, s- LFE Black Ridgeline 536W, ds- BLCC Mr Dynamite 2S, AI’d to KWA Red Rock 5T, sold to Lewis Farms for $5,500 Lot 61- BLCC Miss Ridgeline 305Z, s- LFE Black Ridgeline 536W, ds- Kenco/MF Powerline 204L, AI’d to KWA Red Rock 5T, sold to Ashworth Farm & Ranch for $5,500 Lot 11- BLCC Miss Justified 38Z, s- LFE Justified 7328X, ds- SU Rochester 75R, AI’d to Anchor D Viper 103W, sold to Maxwell Simmentals for $5,300 Lot 12- BLCC Miss Justified 42Z, s- LFE Justified 7328X, ds- PRL Houston 005H, AI’d to Anchor D Imax 250Y, sold to John Gillan for $5,000 Lot 47- BLCC Miss Renegade 227Z, s- NCK Renegade 16R, ds- PRL Porterhouse Regent, AI’d to MF Evan 14P, sold to South Seven Farms for $5,000 Lot 2- BLCC Miss Red Bull 8Z, s- KNK/CRSR Red Bull 53T, ds- IPU Revolution 172U, AI’d to KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z, sold to Bouchard Livestock for $4,800 Lot 63- BLCC Miss Renegade 311Z, s- NCK Renegade 16R, ds- SU Rochester 75R, AI’d to KS Bravado P68, sold to LaBatte Simmentals for $4,700




GBV JNB Red York 13Y (Red Hummer) x FSP Macho Man 6M (Bodybuilder)

JNB Black Yukon 14Y (680S) x MSC Fantasy (Dream On)

JNB 35A GBV JNB Red York 13Y x RF Lexus L60


RF Double Up 37W x NAC Stout 9S (GGL 230K)

3 brothers also sell!


JNB 20A MRL 67X (Red Force) x FSP Macho Man 6M

Wheatland Predator 922W x MRL Hurricane 27R

*Semen Tested *Guaranteed *Free Delivery Thank You to our 2013 Bull Buyers (*repeat buyer): A-8 Ranches* (2) Usick Land & Cattle Van D Farms Ltd. Cloet Farms Ltd* Brad Thompson*(2) Armin Lach Anthony Chuhai Craig Pearson Mervyn Smith Morley Walker

Minnedosa, MB Jennilee Bernier & Dustin Stewart 204-763-4580 jenbernier4@hotmail.com


Twin Brae Zoro S: Twin Brae Tennasee DS: Dynamite Black Born Sept/2012 Weight Jan. 10/14: 1510 lbs

BGD 633Z

Twin Brae Aries 100A S: LFE Lewis 322U (Stubby) DS: MSC Trailblazer Born Feb.11/2013 Weight Jan. 10/14: 1200 lbs

BGD 100A

Barry & Glenda Chescu Inglis, MB PH 204-564-2509 or cell 204-937-7180


Cameron & Myrna

Brodie, Stacey & Kolbie McColl Josh, Ashley & Kaelyn Berg

20 Yearling Bulls sell at


Quiet died Deep Bo ls ul Thick B

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB

Additio na ACS B l Sires: lackjac k Prosto ck Hug o Red La bel

off of Progeny es: dsir these her IPU Romano 90X-Full Fleck

IPU Accelerator 53U-Homo Pol PB

Champs Romano x IPU Ms Legend 42P

TNT Accelerator x Red Quorum

KOP Brier 96Y-Full Fleck

Gladiator x BHR Three Sixes

For more info call:

Home 204-764-2604

Cam’s Cell 204-365-6092

Myrna’s Cell 204-365-7307

Email: schweitz@mymts.net Visit our webpage www.simmentalbreeders.ca Located 1 mile east & 2 1/2 miles north of Decker, MB “Coffee is always on”


Muirhead Cattle Co. Female Sale December 20, 2013 Saskatoon, SK

GJR Simmentals Complete Dispersal December 18, 2013 Saskatoon, SK

17 open heifers ave $5,026 38 bred females ave $4,195 55 lots gross $244,850 ave $4,452 High Selling Open Heifers Lot 3- Muirheads Luster 4A, s- WLB Bull 223W 400, ds- Muirheads TNT 202U, sold to Rust Mountain View Ranch & Rancier Farms for $10,500 Lot 1- Muirheads Gemstone 32A, s- Mr Hoc Broker, ds- TNT Dynamite Black L137, sold to Poplar Meadows Angus & Simmentals for $9,500 Lot 5- Muirheads Tosca 14A, s- Mr Hoc Broker, dsPVF-CW Rapid Fire 0195K, sold to Jarvis Simmentals for $8,900 Lot 2- Muirheads Peggy 16A, s- LFE Boardwalk 3009X, ds- Muirhead’s Kosmo 27N, sold to Quinn Wilson for $6,900 Lot 6- Muirheads Myski 60A, s- JS Sure Bet 4T, dsWheatland Bull 680S, sold to Tableland Cattle Co for $6,000 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 19- Muirheads Gemstone 95Z, s- Wheatland Bull 680S, ds- TNT Dynamite Black L137, Bred to JS Sure Bet 4T & exposed to Deeg Triple Play 48Z, sold to Crossroad Farms for $9,500 Lot 28- Muirheads Blk Sass 56Z, s- HTP SVF In Dew Time, ds- KS Laredo J923, bred to JS Sure Bet 4T, sold to Poplar Meadows Angus & Simmentals for $9,500 Lot 27- Muirheads Red Hot 131Z, s- Wheatland Bull 96X, ds- Muirheads Kosmo 27N, bred to Nichols Manifest T79, sold to Lewis Farms for $8,500 Lot 24- Muirheads Gemstone 84Z, s- TCF/Rcc Temptation GJ640, ds- TNT Dynamite Black L137, bred to Deeg Triple Play 48Z, sold to Bristol View Farms for $7,800 Lot 20- Muirheads Isadora 105Z, s- RF/BOHR/ASB El Dinero 17X, ds- TNT Gunner N208, bred to WFL Identity 23X, sold to Robb Farms for $7,750 Lot 26- Muirheads Timberland 17Z, s- Wheatland Bull 96X, ds- TNT Dynamite Black L137, bred to Deeg Triple Play 48Z, sold to Deeg Simmentals for $6,000

14 bred heifers ave $2,168 4 bulls ave $2,750 31 cow/heifer calf pairs ave $3,561 5 cow/bull calf pairs ave $3,630 20 bred cows ave $1,898 2 bull calves ave $3,000 12 heifer calves ave $1,434 88 lots gross $231,050 ave $2,626 High Selling Bred Heifer- $4,250 Lot 41- GJR Miss 10Z, sired by Hooks Shear Force 38K was purchased by Handford Simmentals, Snowflake, MB High Selling Bull- $3,100 Lot 91- GJR Mr Dreamer 65Z sired by CNS Dream On L186 was purchased by Lazy RC Ranch, Beechy, SK High Selling Cow/Heifer calf Pair- $6,000 Lot 15 & 15A- Miss GJR 34U sired by Parkwood Mr Navajo 53N was purchased by Mappin Simmentals, Byemoor, AB; GJR Miss 38A sired by Circle S Leachman 600U was purchased by Regan Schlacter, Humboldt, SK High Selling Cow/Bull calf Pair- $4,800 Lot 34 & 34A- Miss GJR 509T sired by Parkwood Mr. Navajo 53N was purchased by Regan Schlacter and GJR Mr Black 40A sired by Sand Ranch Hand was purchased by Bruce Neudorf, Vanscoy, SK High Selling Bred Cow- $4,100 Lot 74- Miss GJR 30Y sired by TNT Top Gun R244 was purchased by Moonshine Simmentals, Stettler, AB High Selling Bull Calf- $4,000- Lot 14- GJR Mr Black 43A sired by Sand Ranch Hand was purchased by Jo-Jon Farms Ltd., Mayfair, SK High Selling Heifer Calf- $2,000- Lot 38- GJR Miss 44A sired by BDSF Edition 37X was purchased by North Creek Simmentals, Borden, SK

MSA Voucher Winners The Manitoba Simmental Association has announced the winners of the 4-H vouchers. The winners are Virginia Olson, Russell, MB and Viktor Popp, Erickson, MB. They each received a $500 voucher to be used toward the purchase of a Simmental for their heifer project.


MARCH 8, 2014

Lloydminster Exhibition Grounds - 1:00 PM With Guest Consignor Little Willow Creek Ranch-The Harlands Sale Offering: *60 Bulls *10 Heifers Polled & Horned Fullbloods, Full Fleckvieh, Reds & Blacks

Black Gold Radioactive 36A

Black Gold Simmental Ltd. Box 593, Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y7

S: Crossroad Radium DS: Anchor D Deglo 66L

Red Willow Ranch

Randy, Ryley & Toby: 306-825-9465 Randy cell: 306-821-0113 Lyle: 306-825-2164 Neil: 306-387-6696 Owen: 780-872-4029 info@blackgoldsimmental.com www.blackgoldsimmental.com

TFL Rough and Ready 75A

Formerly “Tyler Farms” The Tyler Family Box 542, Cut Knife, SK S0M 0N0 Home: 306-398-2811 Josh: 306-390-7745 jtyler_14@hotmail.com Darren: 306-398-7554 dttyler@yourlink.ca

S: LFE Justified 7328X DAM: IPU Ms Marcus 69T LWC Colossal 75A FULL FLECKVIEH

Little Willow Creek Ranch The Harlands Box 38, Frenchman Butte, SK S0M 0W0

Ervin & Pat 306-344-4807 Scott & Bev 306-344-2027 c:780-214-1198 Blaine & Shelly 306-344-4962 c:306-821-0112 Ted & Adele 306-825-6109 c:780-872-0903

S: ALLM Colossal DS: BHR Three Sixes

View catalog online at www.buyagro.com


Ultimate Red & Black Bull & Female Sale December 15, 2013 Red Deer, AB 21 bred heifers ave $4,162 20 heifer calves ave $4,655 1 herd bull $17,500 3 embryo lots ave $661 5 semen lots ave $1,976 Herd Bull Lot 1- Skors Enticer 139Y, s- SHS Enticer P1B, ds- CNS Dream On L186, consigned by Severtson Land and Cattle, Innisfail, AB sold to Sunberry Valley Ranch, Sundre, AB for $17,500 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 33- Harvie JDF Ms Baron 27Z, s- Black Baron, ds- CG Tracker 45T, AI’d to Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, consigned by Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB & Jaydawn Farms, Sexsmith, AB, sold to LC Ranch, Medicine Hat, AB for $9,000 Lot 37- Berwest Amber 236Z, s- Skors Crocket 252X, ds- Erixon Sunrise 85S, bred to McIntosh Cash 29Z, consigned by Berwest Farms, Bittern Lake, AB sold to Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB for $9,000 Lot 3- CMS Mustang Sally 201Z, s- Drake Poker Face 2X, ds- CMS Unique 853U, AI’d to PVF-BF26 Black Joker, consigned by Czech Mate Livestock sold to MI Simmentals, Okotoks, AB for $8,500 Lot 15- Skors Ms Kitkat 230Z, s- LBR Crocket R8, ds- STF Starquest N114, AI’d to TNT Bootlegger Z268, consigned by Skor Simmentals sold to Crossroad Farms, Shell Lake, SK for $8,250 High Selling Open Heifers Lot 5- CMS Sunrise 320A, s- MAF R Horizon 7Y, dsSTF Jalapeno, consigned by Czech Mate Livestock, Carstairs, AB sold to Stout Bros Simmentals, Bluffton, AB for $9,000 Lot 16- Skors Prairie Rose 43A, s- LFE BS Lewis 322U, ds- IPU Red Nugget 132N, consigned by Skor Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB sold to Quinn Wilson, Calgary, AB for $8,600 Lot 43- STBS Something Royal 68A, s- MRL Red Force 12U, ds- JDF Brave Heart 11W, consigned by Stout Brothers Simmentals sold to McIntosh Ranch, Eriksdale, MB for $8,000

New Years Resolution FrozenGenetics Sale December 31, 2013 Saskatoon, SK High Selling Flush Lot 30-Sunny Valley Jenna 88U, s-RLA Redstream, ds-Rock Solid from Sunny Valley Simmentals to Come As U R Simmentals for $12,500. High Selling Black Embryos Lot 47A-HPF Cream Soda Y010, s-JF Milestone 999W, ds-Dream On. 3 embryos x Mr Hoc Broker from Oattes Cattle to Rancier Farms for $1700 each. Lot 47B-HPF Cream Soda 3 embryos by FBF1 Combustible to Rancier Farms for $1700 each. Lot 50-Mader P Iron Sugar s-Mader P Black Ironman 22U x Blackedge. 6 embryos by FBF1 Combustible from Mader Ranches & 5 Corner Cattle Co. to Lockhart Valley for $1400 each. Lot 52-RF Flirtin For Certain ,s-LFE Street Legal, ds- Powerline. 5 embryos by Wheatland Stout from Rancier Farms & Reay’s Unlimited to Danny Hansen for $1400 each. Lot 59-Sunrise Black 45R, s-Line Drive, ds-Knight Stinger. 5 embryos by Captain Morgan from Sun Rise Simmentals to Kyle Martin for $1200 each. High Selling Red Embryos Lot 58-Harvie Ms Truffle 35X, s-Top Gun, ds-Red Deck. 4 embryos from Harvie Ranching to Silver Lake Simmentals for $1150 each. Lot 56-Erixon Lady 2P, s-Red Quorum, ds-Future Vision. 5 embryos by TNT Bootlegger from Erixon Simmentals to Black Sand/Spring Creek for $1100 ea. High Selling Fullblood Embryos Lot 63-WLSF Pegsly, s-Klyber, ds-Overal Birner. 3 embryos by RV Nickelback from Double Bar D Farms to Crossroad Farms for $1200 each. Lot 64-Crossroad Whisper 930W, s-MF Mr Evan, ds-Doorn. 3 embryos by ALLM Colossal from Black Gold Simmentals to Kulyk Simmentals for $1100 each. High Selling Black Semen Lot 35-Wheatland Bull 131L-4 doses from Reay’s Unlimited to Travis Herter for $625 each. Lot 36-HC Power Drive-2 doses from Muirhead Cattle Co. to Travis Herter for $550 each. High Selling Red Semen Lot 39-ER Red Deck-6 does from Glen-Lynn Simmentals to Clear Water for $650 each.


Canadian Semen Rights Owned by: Ridgeline Cattle Co. Silvercreek Simmentals Lake Bottom Cattle Co. To purchase Canadian semen contact: Travis Fisk 403-363-4126 Austin Fisk 403-501-4171 Dacie Prezpok 780-656-5513 SEMEN AVAILABLE: 10 doses $60/dose 20 doses $50/dose

Kenco Miley Cottontail The $90,000 Dam of SS/PRS Tailgater

HS Sweet Gem Full sib to Tailgater

SS/PRS High Voltage Full sib to Tailgater. Owned by Hartman

SS/PRS Gunslinger Maternal sib to Tailgater


Black Diamond Simmentals Complete Herd Dispersal December 21, 2013 Virden, MB 5 herd bulls ave $5,830 12 two year old bulls ave $3,296 19 fall open heifers ave $1,753 17 bred heifers ave $2,953 24 black cows with bull calves ave $5,917 20 black cows with heifer calves ave $4,600 15 red cows with heifer calves ave $4,073 29 fall calving pairs ave $2,671 11 bred cows $2,509 1 semen lot $3,100 High Selling Lots Lot 56- BDS Miss Blk Diamond 62Y, s- Muirheads High Tide 82R, ds- PVF-BF-BF26 Black Joker sold to Westgold Farms, Minburn, AB for $7,750 Lot 56ABDS Bull 41A, a black polled PB male by WLB Bull 223W 416Y sold to Circle H Simmentals, Hudson, SD for $9,000 Lot 2- WLB Bull 223W 416Y, s- Hart Good Time W223, ds- IPU Black Label 156S sold to William Burnett, McAuley, MB for $7,900 Lot 59- BDS Enticer 56Y, s- SHS Enticer P1B, dsBH Cool Down 821H sold to Triple T Diamond Simmentals, Lundar, MB for $3,800 Lot 59A- BDS Shear Force 26A, a black polled PB male by Hook’s Shear Force 38K sold to Jean Paul Morin, Saint George de Windsor, PQ for $4,000 Lot 69- BDS Miss Bombshell 40T, s- LFE Bombshell 508N, ds- TNT Black Boxx F131 sold to M & J Farms, Russell, MB Lot 69A- BDS Enticer 72A, a blk polled PB male by Skors Enticer 91Y sold to Peeco Ranch, Miniota, MB for $4,400 Lot 5- SRH Dream Weaver 11Z, s- LFE Playmaker 447X, ds- SF What a Dream sold to Gordon Jones Simmentals, Baldur, MB for $7,250 Lot 110- BDS Miss Blk Diamond 8S, s- LFE Bombshell 508N, ds- TNT C-Americana F99 sold to Edgehill Farms, Shoal Lake, MB for $2,600 Lot 110ABDS Miss Blk Diamond 7A, a blk polled PB female by Skors Enticer 91Y sold to Circle 7, Shaunavon, SK for $4,600 Lot 1- Skors Enticer 91Y, s- SHS Enticer P1B, dsCNS Dream On L186 sold to M & J Farms for $7,100

Lot 73- BDS Miss Blk Diamond 518R, s- LFE Mr Lewis 302M, ds- GW Lucky Dice 187H, sold to M & J Farms for $3,100 Lot 71A- BDS Enticer 20A, a blk polled PB male by Skors Enticer 91Y sold to Kelly Bray, Eddystone, MB for $4,000 Lot 108- BDS Miss Black Diamond 54S, s- LFE Bombshell 508N, ds- LGW Black Preminition 5D sold to Triple T Diamond Simmentals for $3,500 Lot 108A- BDS Black Diamond 59A, a blk polled PB female by Skors Enticer 91Y sold to Westgold Farms for $3,600 Lot 39- BDS Miss Gunner 10Z, s- Muirhead Online 83S, ds- TNT Gunner N208 sold to Circle H Simmentals for $7,000 Lot 66- BDS Miss High Tide 7U, s- Muirheads High Tide 82R, ds- BDS Mr. Black Diamond 234K sold to LaBatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK for $3,900 Lot 66A- BDS Enticer 62A, a blk polled PB male by Skors Enticer 91Y sold to Sandy Bar E Ranch, Carberry, MB for $3,000

DR. ALLAN DIXON AND TREVOR VANCE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED Calgary, Alberta, Canada – The Garth Sweet Simmental Foundation (GSSF) along with the Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) are pleased to announce the 2013 recipients of the Dr. Allan Dixon and Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarships. The Dr. Allan Dixon Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Dr. Allan Dixon, President of the CSA from 1970-71 and 1974-75. Eligible recipients of these scholarships must have had involvement with beef cattle, have recognized scholastic achievement and be pursuing post-secondary education. This year’s worthy recipients of the Dr. Allan Dixon Scholarships are: Kathleen Murphy, Lacombe, Alberta; Bethany Harland French Butte, Saskatchewan and Victoria McEldon, Millbrook, Ontario. The Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarship was established in 1995 by the Canadian Simmental Belles in memory of Trevor Vance, the son of long-time Simmental breeders Barbara and (the late) Bennie Vance of Kanata, Ontario. The 2013 recipient of the Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarship is Cathryn Thompson of Calahoo, Alberta. This year’s worthy scholarship recipients have all been active members in their family operations and youth programs within the cattle industry. We wish them all the success in their chosen careers and know that their contributions will continue to provide leadership within the Canadian Beef Industry.



Saskatchewan Simmental Association Commercial Breeder of the Year Sentes Farms, Raymore, SK

Sentes Farms is a family run ranch located 10 miles south of Raymore in the Touchwood Hills. The ranch is owned and operated by William and Lucille and their two sons Mark (wife Shelly) and Paul (wife Tracey) along with their families. The operation has been in the family for 5 generations. William bought his first Simmental bull from ABC Simmentals in the mid 1970’s. From that point forward the cow herd was Simmental based. In the 90’s Mark and Paul joined the farm and decided to take the direction of ranching. With this they used the strong Simmental genetics and crossed them with Red Angus to get the best of both breeds and build a strong foundation of females which has built their herd to where it is today with approximately 800 breeding females.

The Sentes Family with SSA President Dave Erixon (right).

SSA Purebred Breeder of the Year

Sentes Farms has had great success showing and selling Simmental influence commercial females at Canadian Western Agribition and off the farm. They have been really happy with the overall performance of the Simmental breed in both their heifers and steers. Sentes Farms is a true family farm. If at any time you are in the Raymore area stop by or give them a call. In closing they would like to thank the Saskatchewan Simmental Association for the honor of being Saskatchewan Simmental Commercial Breeder of the Year 2013. BJ

The Sentes family was presented with a commemmorative sign during the Canadian Western Agribition Simmental Show on November 15, 2013 in Regina,SK.

Sunny Valley Simmentals, the Libke family, Hanley, SK were recognized as the SSA 2013 Breeder of the Year, during the CWA Simmental show.



Long-time Simmental Breeders Inducted Into CSA Hall of Fame

Calgary, Alberta, Canada - The Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) is pleased to announce the induction of a group of very influential Simmental breeders into the Canadian Simmental Hall of Fame. Ron & Carla Nolan, Markdale, ON; Barry LaBatte, Gladmar, SK; Earl Ballard, Saskatoon, SK; and Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB are all long time-leaders within the Simmental breed and well-deserving of this honourable award. The prestigious Canadian Simmental Hall of Fame award is given to past or present CSA members who have contributed to the expansion and growth of the Simmental breed, and who are leaders not only within the Association but also within the entire beef industry and their community. Inductees are nominated by their fellow breeders and recognized for their involvement in their provincial association and their contribution to the Canadian Simmental Association.

Barry LaBatte (right) received his award at Agribition from CSA President Fraser Redpath (left) & CSA Vice-president Kelly Ashworth. (Focus photo)

“On behalf of the CSA Board of Directors and all of its members, we would like to welcome these Simmental breeders into the CSA Hall of Fame and thank them for their many years of dedication and commitment to the Simmental breed and the Canadian beef industry,� states CSA General Manager, Bruce Holmquist.

Earl Ballard (right) also received his award at Agribition from President Redpath. (Focus photo)

Ron & Carla Nolan receiving their award at the Toronto Royal from CSA Director Dave Milliner (right) & CSA General Manager Bruce Holmquist. (CSA photo)

The Maxwell Family receiving their award at FarmFair in Edmonton from CSA Director Deanne Young (centre)-CSA photo



Friday Night Lights December 13, 2013 Olds, AB 31 open heifers ave $7,766 15 bred females ave $10,450 1 herdsire $87,500

High Selling Herdsire Lot 1- Come As U R Red Rocket 29A, s- MRL 130Y, ds- MRL Heritage 131U, consigned by Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK sold to Rust Mountain View Ranch & Canadian Sires for $87,500 High Selling Maternal Sibs Lot 8A- Chub Rush 5Z, s- Remington Lock N Load 54U, ds- WFL Mr Westway 200M, bred to ANDI Black Ice 2Y, consigned by Lundago Livestock & Gardner Livestock, Olds, AB sold to Diamond M Cattle Co for $21,000 Lot 3A- Mader Lady Antebellum 3A, s- LFE BS Lewis 322U “Stubby”, ds- THSF Freedom 300N, consigned by Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB sold to Tree Line Simmentals for $10,000 Lot 2A- Drake Hollyhock 1A, s- JS Sure Bet 4T, ds- TCF/RCC Temptation GJ640, consigned by Drake Cattle Co., Kathryn, AB sold to Twisted Sister for $8,000 Lot 6A- MOES Divine Candy Land 783Z, s- SHS Enticer P1B, ds- KLC Mr Limited 63M, AI’d to KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z, consigned by Mappin Simmentals, Byemoor, AB sold to Mader Ranches for $7,000 Lot 2B- Drake Talula 9Z, s- KBR Black Exciter 758T, ds- TCF/RCC Temptation GJ640, AI’d to Mr Hoc Broker, consigned by Drake Cattle Co sold to Hannah Farms for $6,750 High Selling Open Heifers Lot 11- RF/RU Flirtin 304A, s- Mr Hoc Broker, dsLFE Street Legal 510S, consigned by Rancier Farms, Killam, AB sold to Oattes Cattle Co. for $26,000 Lot 13- SVS Black Jenna 65A, s- Wheatland Bull 680S, ds- RLA Redstream 152S, consigned by Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK sold to Prospect Hills Simmentals for $18,000 Lot 19- Deeg Ms Hot Gossip 3A, s- MAF R Horizon 7Y, ds- KJLI No Mercy 380P, consigned by Deeg Simmentals, Strathmore, AB sold to Come As U R for $15,000

Lot 17- Mader Dirty Martini 6A, s- LFE BS Lewis 322U “Stubby”, ds- TNT Dynamite Black L137, consigned by Mader Ranches sold to Rust Mountain View Ranch for $14,000 Lot 27- Barlee Abbey Road, s- Wheatland Bull 680S, ds- Remington On Target 2S, consigned by Jerry Barber, Shawville, PQ sold to Kyle Martin for $11,500 Lot 29- RF Intense 359A, s- Wheatland Stout 930W, ds- SS Ebonys Intuition 802, consigned by Rancier Farms, sold to Rock Star Cattle for $10,000 Lot 21- JDF Sister Anne 361A, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, ds- Wheatland Bull 680S, consigned by JayDawn Farms, Sexsmith, AB sold to Perkin Land & Cattle & Workman Farms for $9,250 Lot 23- RF Famous 317A, s- RF Strut 106Y, ds- SS Ebonys Intuition 802, consigned by Rancier Farms sold to Sunny Valley Simmentals & Reay’s Unlimited for $9,250 Lot 12- Erixon Lady 63A, s- Wheatland Bull 680S, ds- PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker, consigned by Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK sold to Downhill Simmentals & Silver Lake Simmentals for $9,000 Lot 15- Mader Sweet Medicine 37A, s- R Plus Hard Rock 145X, ds- Wheatland Bull 680S, consigned by Mader Ranches sold to RKT Simmentals for $8,000 Lot 20- Deeg Ms Hollywood 64A, s- MAF R Horizon 7Y, ds- RDD Mr 153R, consigned by Deeg Simmentals sold to 5 Corner Cattle Co. for $8,000 Lot 14- LRX Jewel 58A, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, ds- PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker, consigned by Robb Farms, Maidstone, SK sold to Hannah Farms for $7,000 Lot 18- Deeg Ms Honey Bee 37A, s- MAF R Horizon 7Y, ds- LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F, consigned by Deeg Simmentals, sold to Rust Mountain View Ranch for $7,000 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 34- WCC Wells’ Zaviera 23ZZ, s- PHS X-Pansion, ds- IPU Laramie 6S, consigned by Wells’ Crossing Cattle Co. sold to Prospect Hills Simmentals for $34,000 Lot 35- LRX Ms Black 12Z, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, consigned by Robb Farms sold to Muirhead Cattle Co for $15,000

Deadline for March issue of Simmental Focus: February 10



Down the Trail (cont’d)

March 18 City View & Guests Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK March 19 Advantage Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK March 19 Adair Ranch Bull Sale, Provost, AB March 20 Maple Lake Stock Farm Bull Sale, Grand Clairiere, MB March 22 Proudly Western Bull Sale, Whitewood, SK March 23 Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, Leross, SK March 25 WLB Livestock Bull Sale, Douglas, MB March 27 Wheatland Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Alameda, SK March 27 Winnipeg Bull Sale, Winnipeg, MB March 31 Southwest Showcase Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK April 5 Cattle Country Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB July 25-27 CSA 2014 AGM YCSA National Classic Riding Mountain National Park, MB August 1-3 MB Youth Beef Roundup Neepawa, MB

**IMPORTANT NOTICE** New Mailing Address for Simmental Focus/ Cactus Communications: Please send all correspondence to: Box 538, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 effective immediately. (Former addressRR1 Box 100- is cancelled as Canada Post rural delivery has been discontinued)

AD INDEX 5 Corner Cattle Co...............................................................................18.19 AJB Livestock......................................................................................63 Alameda Agencies................................................................................69 Ashworth Farm & Ranch.....................................................................65 Big Sky Simmentals.............................................................................28 Blacksand Cattle Co.............................................................................23 Black Gold Simmentals........................................................................55 Bohrson Marketing Services................................................................11 Bonchuk Farms.....................................................................................4 Bouchard Livestock..............................................................................70 Boynecrest Stock Farm........................................................................10 Come As U R Simmentals...................................................................14 Czech-Mate Livestock.........................................................................31 Davis Livestock Services.....................................................................70 Don Oberg Auctions.............................................................................70 Double Bar D Farms............................................................................59 Downey Farms.....................................................................................45 Downhill Simmentals..........................................................................8,32 Ellingson Simmentals..........................................................................33 Erixon Simmentals...............................................................................26 Forden Fairview Farm.........................................................................13 Gordon Jones Simmentals....................................................................9 Handford Simmentals..........................................................................47 High Bluff Stock Farm.........................................................................70 Jerry Kanewischer................................................................................70 Joynt Cattle Services............................................................................70 Keystone Livestock Services...............................................................70 Kolton McIntosh..................................................................................69 Labatte Simmentals..............................................................................27 Lake Bottom Cattle Co........................................................................57 Lazy Rainbow River Ranch.................................................................51 Little Willow Creek Ranch...................................................................55 M & J Farms........................................................................................72 Manitoba Simmental Association.........................................................6 Maple Lake Stock Farm.......................................................................61 Mar Mac Farms....................................................................................3 Maxwell Simmentals............................................................................48 McCormack Family Ranch..................................................................21 McMillen Ranching Ltd.......................................................................36.37 Meadow Acres Farms..........................................................................42 Miracle Ranch Equipment...................................................................69 More Bros Simmentals........................................................................15 Murray Chev Cadillac..........................................................................69 MYCSA...............................................................................................24 Oakview Simmentals...........................................................................29 Pembina Triangle Simmental Association...........................................12 Perkin Land & Cattle Co......................................................................2 Pheasantdale Cattle Co.........................................................................41 Prairie Pistol Designs...........................................................................69 R Plus Simmentals...............................................................................34 Redpath Simmentals............................................................................9 Red Willow Ranch...............................................................................55 Rendezvous Simmentals......................................................................35 Ridgeline Cattle Co..............................................................................57 RKT Simmentals..................................................................................39 Saskatchewan Simmental Association.................................................67 Schweitzer Simmentals........................................................................53 Silver Creek Simmentals.....................................................................57 Southam Simmentals............................................................................24 Spring Creek Simmentals....................................................................22 Sunny Valley Simmentals....................................................................46 Sun Rise Simmentals...........................................................................49 Swan Valley Veterinary Clinic.............................................................70 Transcon Livestock Services...............................................................71 Trevor Walls.........................................................................................25 Triple R Simmentals.............................................................................30 Twin Brae Simmentals.........................................................................52,70 Wheatland Cattle Co............................................................................43 WLB Livestock....................................................................................17 Workman Farms...................................................................................12



Scan this code to see our horses for sale, or stop in and scan them in person!

Quarter Horses Blaine & Lois Gould Home: 204-745-3082 Cell: 204-745-7456

Joanne & John Jayci Jo, Jackson & Jorja Best Home: 204-745-3255 Cell: 204-750-2350

Box 538 #22077 Rd 36N Carman, MB Canada R0G 0J0 gouldranch@mymts.net

Home of: Some Little Peppy (Peppy San Badger x Doc Bar) Boon Doc Dually (Dual Pep x Boon Bar)


Web Design Print Advertising Catalogues Logo & Identity

Melissa McRae P: 204.728.3058 C: 204.573.9903 E: prairiepistoldesigns@gmail.com


Advertising & Sale Catalog Photography John (BJ) Best

Box 2296 Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Ph 204-745-3255 cell 204-750-4270 email: jjbest@mymts.net For All Your Insurance Needs

To keep your name in front of your customersPlace your business card here

Friends, if your mailing address has changed or been updated, e.g. new postal code, or a box # or site # added, please send us the updated address.

Canada Post will stop delivering your copy of Simmental Focus without the correct address. Contact us toll-free 1-866-374-3317 or email goulds@mymts.net to have your address corrected .

Livestock - Farm - Commercial - Personal Lines

BONNIE THOMPSON Box 340, Alameda, SK S0C 0A0 Ph: 306-489-2258 Fax: 306-489-2053 Cell: 306-483-7311 E-mail: alamedaagencies@sasktel.net


TWIN BRAE SIMMENTALS Auction and Ring Service Fullbloods, Purebred, Red and Black

The coffee is always on!


3 miles east, 6.5 miles north of Inglis

Box 250 Stirling, AB T0K 2E0

Barry & Glenda Chescu www.chescu.com

Ph (403)382-9374

(204)564-2509 Cell (204)937-7180 Box 139, Inglis, MB Email: chescu@xplornet.ca

Brian Bouchard Export/Import Marketing & Consulting Domestic Sales Consullting/Management & Order Buying Embryos*Live Cattle*Semen Export Qualified Semen Storage Facility Box 1409, Crossfield, AB CANADA T0M 0S0 Ph (403)946-4999 Fax (403)946-4919 cell (403)813-7999 e-mail: info@bouchardlivestock.com Website: www.bouchardlivestock.com


Box 575 Fisher Branch, MB R0C 0Z0

PH: (204)372-8801 Email: jdgreen@mts.net “Experienced advice for your Hyland seed corn & Northstar forage seed requirements in the northern Interlake”

Carman & Donna Jackson & Family toll-free 1-866-738-9211 email: jackson7@mymts.net CHAROLAIS & SIMMENTAL CATTLE *REGISTERED SEED GROWER

Joynt Cattle Services

Richie Joynt 204-724-6838 joynt5@hotmail.com

Custom Show & Sale Service On Farm Torching & Clipping

RR#1 Alexander, MB R0K 0A0

Davis Livestock Services Wilf Davis

* Marketing Consultant * Photography * Order Buying

P.O. Box 177 Douglas, Manitoba R0K 0R0 Ph (204)834-2479 Fax (204)834-3999



Offering: Red, Black & Fullblood Simmental Bulls “A Tradition of Quality” For catalogs & information & a complete listing of upcoming sales visit


Jay Good 403-556-5563

Bob Wilson 403-540-3084

Glenn Norton 780-542-0634

Darren Paget 403-323-3985

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