Canadian Publication Mail Product Agreement No. 40005367
Vol. 26 No. 1
On Offer: 17 Two-Year-Old Bulls 69 Yearling Bulls
SIMMENTAL FOCUS-5 This issue we “focus” on: Down The Trail.............................................................................................7,72 On The Roundup................................................................................................7 Ad Index...........................................................................................................82 New Arrivals......................................................................................................8 MSA Hires.......................................................................................................10 A.O Henuset Memorial Award.........................................................................12 CWA Simmental Show Results...................................................................14,16 Agribition Sale Results....................................................................................18 Workman Farms & Guests Female Sale Results.............................................18 CSA Hall Of Fame Inductee............................................................................18 Harvest Hoedown Sale Results........................................................................22 Camrose Country Classic Sale Results............................................................22 Maple Lake Stock Farms Female & Prospect Sale Results.............................22 Transcon Hires.................................................................................................26 Lone Stone Farms Female Sale Results...........................................................26 M & S, Ty-D & Colt Cattle Herd Dispersal Results........................................26 The Source Sale Results...................................................................................28 MSA Scholarship Heifer Winner......................................................................28 Keystone Association Commercial Producer...................................................28 Keystone Konnection Sale Results..................................................................36 SSA Commercial Producer..............................................................................38 Simmsational Sale Results..............................................................................40 Mar Mac Farms Female Sale Results..............................................................40 Shades of the Prairies Sale Results..................................................................42 Bonchuk Farms Female Sale Results...............................................................42 Southern Alberta Round-Up Group Female Sale Results................................42 Friday Night Lights Sale Results.....................................................................46 National Trust Sale Results..............................................................................46 First Female CSA President........................................................................48,60 Checkers Sale Results......................................................................................52 Fleckvieh Equation Sale Results......................................................................52 Ultimate Red & Black Sale Results.................................................................68 Spring Creek Simmentals Female Sale Results...............................................68 New Year’s Resolution Sale Results................................................................72 MSA YCSA Scholarship Recipients................................................................76 Peace Country Beef Congress Show Results...................................................78
www.gouldranch.ca and follow the link For all address changes please contact Simmental Focus: phone 204-745-3255 or email jjbest@mymts.net
Are you a member of the Manitoba
Simmental Association? To join us, just send a cheque for $50 for a life membership to: Manitoba Simmental Association c/o Laurelly Beswitherick Box 274 Austin, MB R0H 0C0 204.637.2046 b2@inetlink.ca
On The Cover.......... ‘Tis the season to do some shopping....bull shopping that is! Take a look at this unique marked bull at Meadow Acres Farms, Lampman, SK. Probably the neatest “chrome” you’ll ever see! (Photo courtesy of Kirstin Fornwald, Meadow Acres Farms, Lampman, SK)
Simmental Focus
The official publication of the Manitoba Simmental Association published six times per year. Box 2296, Carman, Manitoba R0G 0J0 PUBLISHER/EDITOR- Joanne Best Phone 204-745-3255 Cell 204-750-2350 Email: jjbest@mymts.net MARKETING & SALES- John Best Cell 204-750-4270 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT- Cheryl Lehmann Cell 204-851-3808 Email: cheryl@darkhorseandcattle.com SUBSCRIPTIONS: All members of the Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Simmental Associations receive Simmental Focus free of charge. As well, Simmental Focus is mailed to approximately 2000 commercial producers in the prairie provinces and to interested breeders throughout Canada and the U.S. If you would like to receive Simmental Focus, send your name and COMPLETE mailing address to Simmental Focus, Box 2296, Carman MB R0G 0J0. Outside Canada, please enclose $10 (U.S. Funds) to cover first-class postage. CURRENT CIRCULATION: 3400 POSTMASTER: Please return undelivered covers to: Simmental Focus, Box 2296, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 ADVERTISING RATES Full Color Black & White Full Page $450 $400 Half Page $275 $225 Quarter Page $160 $125 Business Card $60 $50 *GST must be added to above rates. Contract rates available on request. The publisher reserves the right to accept or refuse any advertising or editorial material. All contents under copyright of Simmental Focus. Printed by The Prolific Group, Winnipeg, MB Canadian Publication Mail Product #40005367 Upon placing an ad, the advertiser agrees the publisher shall not be liable beyond the cost of the advertisement where error has occurred. The publisher makes every attempt to ensure the material printed is correct.
Down The Trail.............
February 6 Hill 70 Quantock Ranch “Barn Burnin” Bull Sale, Lloydminster, AB/SK February 11 Janzen Ranches 23rd Annual Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale, Rosemary, AB February 12 Bata/Olafson Simmental Sale, Rugby, ND February 14 Diamond M Ranch 4th Annual Bull Sale, Estevan, SK February 15 Rendezvous Farms “Holiday Monday” 12th Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale, Ste Rose du Lac, MB February 18 M & J Farms Bull Sale, Russell, MB February 19 Mader Ranches Bull & Female Sale, Carstairs, AB February 20 Ellingson Simmentals Performance Bull & Female Sale, Rugby, ND February 21 Bonchuk Farms Annual Bull Sale, Virden, MB February 22 Select Opportunity Bull Sale, Olds, AB February 24 Crossroad Farms 9th Annual Bull Sale, Shell Lake, SK February 25 11th Annual Robb/Hoegl Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK February 27 Lewis Farms 31st Annual Bull Sale, Spruce Grove, AB February 29 14th Annual Muirhead Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Shellbrook, SK Simmental Summit 4th Annual Bull Sale, Bentley, AB March 1 Double Bar D “Best of Both Worlds” Bull & Female Sale, Grenfell, SK March 2 Erixon Simmentals Annual Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK 21st Annual Herdmaster Bull Sale, Camrose, AB March 3 Pheasantdale Cattle Co. Bull & Female Sale, Balcarres, SK March 4-6 Rainbow River Simmentals Online Bull Sale March 4 LaBatte Simmentals with guest Meadow Acres Farm 36th Annual Bull & Female Sale, Moose Jaw, SK (continued on page 72)
Happy New Year y’all!! Well, the holiday season is well behind us (thankfully, don’t think I could eat any more turkey, although I do miss the rum balls!) and as we get a jump start on a brand new year, I guess you could say, “It came in like a wrecking ball.” Frigid temperatures, snow up to your knees in some places, and that nasty ole Canadian wind blowing right thru ya! Brrrrrrr.... but hey, what am I complaining about!?! Haven’t had to thaw a single water bowl this year, things are lookin’ up!! Figures, the year the inlaws decide not to go south, everything works, tickety boo! Oh well, Spring is just around the corner, right? Calving is underway across the country, and next up...... the 5th season of the year.... you betcha, Herdbull shopping time!!! The only kind of shopping I like! Don’t have to carry my wife’s purse or wait in line ups, or answer the loaded question, “Does this make me look fat?” Phew!!! As you cowboys make your lists, I’d say the offering is as diverse as it can be. It don’t matter what you’re looking for- red, black, fullblood or fleckvieh, Simm hybrid- there’s lots out there to chose from. Do your homework and you won’t have to go far to find one! So, as they say, “grab life by the horns”, or maybe grab the genetically polled version, and use a Simmental bull this year, you won’t be sorry! On the news front, a few new additions to announce, details on page 8. Our sincere sympathies go out to the Shologan families on the loss of their father, grandfather, uncle, brother and friend Patrick. Also our condolences go out to the McRae family on the passing of Blair’s mom, Marge. The sale season has begun for some, and as we gear up to head up & down the road, here’s hoping the prices stay steady and the roads stay dry! See you in the lunch line.... John
New Arrivals
Welcome Brogan Dee Birmingham, born December 1, 2015 weighing 8 lbs 11 oz and 21.5� long. Proud parents are Alisha GeorgeBirmingham and Tyson Birmingham, TSN Livestock, Rapid City, MB.
Nash Michael Beutler born December 29, 2015 weighing 8 lbs 3 oz. Welcomed by parents Mark & Jennalee Beutler and proud big brothers Ryder and Jace, Scissors Creek Cattle Co., Whitewood, SK.
Manitoba Simmental Association Hires New Secretary
Laurelly Beswitherick of Austin has been hired as the new Secretary/Treasurer for the Manitoba Simmental Association. Laurelly and her family operate B2 Cattle Co. a multi-enterprise farming operation, including cow/calf production, backgrounding feedlot and crop production, where their herd is largely influenced by Simmental genetics. In 2003 Laurelly and her husband, Lyndon, were named Manitoba’s Outstanding Young Farmers. Much of the farm’s success can be attributed to the Beswitherick’s determination and ingenuity in dealing with the aftermath of the BSE crisis. During that time, they opened an an on-farm government inspected store to market their beef. The store grew to include additional Made in Manitoba products, and became so successful they had to expand to a location in MacGregor. Laurelly, owned and operated Bison Boutique Flower & Gift from 2006 – 2013. Previously Laurelly was on the Manitoba Outstanding Young Farmers Board of Directors, serving as treasurer as well as on the nominating committee, and the hosting committee for the National Outstanding Young Farmers conference when it was held in Manitoba. She also volunteers as a basketball coach for MacGregor Collegiate Institute and is actively involved with various committees within the Evangelical Free Church of Carberry. The Beswitherick’s 3 daughters are 4H members and look forward to participating in YCSA activities, as they build a purebred Simmental herd. Laurelly looks forward to working with the board of directors to help promote Simmental genetics and the activities of the MSA breeders and members beginning at Ag Days in Brandon, January 18 – 21.
A.O Henuset Memorial Distinguished Service Award for 2015
Several weeks ago when Donalee contacted me and told me the MSA wanted to present me with the award of distinguished breeder I do believe I laughed and said “are you that stumped to find a proper recipient”? As I look through the people/farms who have been given this award I felt a huge honour to be even considered to be in their company, as I am just a guy who fed cattle and drove fence staples, exactly the same as everyone in this great breed. Up until recent years there have always been cows on our farm. Dad always said it seemed like a good fit as we have some land not suitable for grain production. In the early seventies, Dad, like all our neighbours had a British based cow herd. He loved the temperament and the hardiness of these cattle but could see it was pounds that were being rewarded in the fall and his calves just failed in pushing down scales at the auction market. He did try a couple breeds before settling into the Simmental breed. The first bull he bought came from Whitfield Farms in Souris for an exorbitant amount of $700. He was hooked forever as the calves grew all summer and the calves in the fall were a huge hit at the auction barn. Well, if that didn’t hook him, totally calving the first ½ blood females sure did. As well as buying bulls in the next few years he also started buying some ¾ blood females as well as some purebreds at Manitoba sales. In 1979 we became lifetime members of the CSA with membership number 14169 and at this time began registering some females. In 1991 we joined the MSA so we could show a pair at the summer show, yes you heard correctly we showed cattle in small numbers. Although AI and embryo work was done on our farm it wasn’t a major component of our operation. We went with the assumption if we bought a herdbull it was used on all cows on the farm. In 2001 started talking with a local Hereford neighbour and Gordon Jones about the possibility of a bull sale. With tons of planning and a lot of work we had our first sale at Guilford Hereford Ranch. With bulls from their farm, bulls from Gordon Jones Simmentals, bulls from Snowflake Creek Ranch and with Fullblood and red purebred bulls from Redpath Simmentals the Prairie Partners multi breed bull sale was a reality. I am proud to say the sale still runs today with the veterans Gordon and Lauren Jones as well as the young aggressive Silver Lake Farms bunch. In the very early 80’s I was on the original Manitoba YCS organization. Over the next couple years we went on local breeder tours, helped at Ag Ex and attended showmanship/grooming courses all under the supervision of Bev Beech, Bob Thompson and Blair McRae. There was probably more than those three, but trust me after you spend a few weekends with at least 2 of those 3 people the rest, as they say, is history. A highlight for my YCS encounters would be going to Nova Scotia for a two week stint to help show cattle for Brian & Stephanie Forsyth. People I am still proud to say are friends to this day. In the late 1990’s I was on the board of the Pembina Triangle Assoc. and was president for 4 years. At that time there was an opening on the MSA, so I did my 6-year tour of duty there. I enjoyed the MSA board as it was a great avenue to get to know the local personalities of the breed. If that wasn’t enough, I then threw my hat in the CSA race in the fall of 2009 with Gordon Jones as my campaign manager. He did a good enough job campaigning and I was elected to the board in Regina and served my first 3-year term. I ran again at Farm Fair in Edmonton for another 3-year term and was re-elected. My second year of that term I was elected vice president and the last year I sat as President of the CSA. Being on these boards did take a certain amount of my time away from the day to day operation of the farm. Neighbours as well as my wife Kate and our son Corey stepped up and filled in while I was away. Two years ago our cow herd went up for sale and was purchased by Clint and Andrea of Silver Lake Farms and am very pleased they are involved with the Jones’ in continuing on with the Prairie Partner Bull Sale name. Would I change a thing over my cow years? Not one thing (well, maybe better winters). I have met people from all over the world and will never forget any of them. I would like to thank the MSA for adding me (the guy who feeds cows not unlike anyone else) to the list of distinguished breeders. THANK YOU Fraser
DMJ Miss 2B
Purchased by Meadow Acres Farms at the Shades of the Prairies Sale.
2015 Female Buyers: Dequier Farms Darryl Gerrard Everett More Larry Logan Mario Dion Mar Mac Farms Perkin Land and Cattle Co. Schweitzer Simmentals Swan Lake Farms Twin Brae Simmentals Thank you for your suppport, and good luck with your purchases!
Bulls for sale by private treaty on the farm. Also consigning to Transcon’s Cattle Country Bull Sale, April 9, 2016 Neepawa, MB (watch for details in the next issue!)
Canadian Western Agribition Simmental Show
November 25, 2015 Regina, SK Judge: Kasey Phillips, Waskatenau, AB
Junior Champion Heifer Calf, Wheatland Lady 5100C, exhibited by Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer Calf, RF Certainly Flirtin 532C, exhibited by Rancier Farms, Killam, AB
Senior Champion Heifer Calf, New Trend Karizma 5C, exhibited by New Trend Cattle Co., Strathmore, AB
Reserve Senior Champion Heifer Calf, McIntosh Addictive 5C, exhibited by McIntosh Livestock, Maymont, SK
Junior Champion Female & Reserve Champion Female, Wheatland Lady 447B, exhibited by Wheatland Cattle Co.
Reserve Junior Champion Female, CMS Soda Pop 425B, exhibited by Black Gold Simmentals, Lloyminster, SK
vaila Not A
Senior Champion Female & Grand Champion Female, Mader/Rust/CD Centerfold 52C & LFE BS Sheila 82A, exhibited by Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB
Reserve Senior Champion Female, Rock Star Capone 5C & RF Intense 359A, exhibited by Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB
Junior Champion Bull Calf, Wheatland Bull 579C, exhibited by Wheatland Cattle Co.
Reserve Junior Champion Bull Calf, MRK Hammer Down 3C, exhibited by McIntosh Ranch, Eriksdale, MB
Senior Champion Bull Calf, Erixon Lad 54C, exhibited by Erixon Simmentals Inc., Clavet, SK
Reserve Senior Champion Bull Calf, RJY Casino 11C, exhibited by High Country Cattle Services, Breton, AB
Junior Champion Bull & Reserve Grand Champion Bull, Wheatland Bull 435B, exhibited by Wheatland Cattle Co.
Reserve Junior Champion Bull, RLC Hustle 428B, consigned by Ridgeline Cattle Co., Parry, SK
Senior Champion Bull & Grand Champion Bull, KOP Spartan 113A, exhibited by High Country Cattle Services
Reserve Senior Champion Bull, XS Atomic Load 3A, exhibited by Regan Schlacter, Humboldt, SK
Champion Produce of Dam, exhibited by Trendsetter Livestock, Big Valley, AB
Champion Get of Sire, Exhibited by Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK
“Follow The Leader” Trailing cows home on a bright January day at Long Lake Simmentals, Poplar Point, MB
30 Simmental Bulls Sell
25 Angus Bulls Sell
20 Hereford Bulls Sell Now offering commercial replacement heifers sired by previous sale bulls. Call for details. city view simmentals
Sunnyside simmentals
Moose Jaw, SK
Belle Plaine, SK
Regina, SK
Lumsden, SK
The Barnett Family The Mountenay Family
(306) 691-3747
(306) 345 2560
The Duke Family
(306) 536-4490
The Turnbull Family
(306) 731-2703
Agribition Sale
November 25, 2015 Regina, SK Sale Gross $285,550 28 lots ave $10,198 1 bull calf $25,000 4 bred heifers ave $11,688 22 open heifers ave $9,364 1 embryo $7,800 High Selling Bull Calf Lot 1- Rock Star Capone 5C, s- Mr TR Hammer 308A ET, ds- Wheatland Stout 930W, consigned by Rock Star Cattle sold to Fallen Timber Farms for $25,000 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 5- WHS Miss Hannah 65B, s- MAF R Horizon 7Y, dsIPU Red Specialist 70T, consigned by Hannah Simmentals sold to Remington Land & Cattle for $19,000 Lot 4- Sunny Valley Lexus 2B, s- KWA FlyF Red Mountain 16Z, ds- RLA Redstream 152S, consigned by Sunny Valley Simmentals sold to Smithers Land & Livestock for $14,000 High Selling Open Heifers Lot 6- McIntosh Addictive 5C, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, ds- SAST101 Sweet Meat, consigned by McIntosh Livestock sold to Twisted Sister/Halls Cattle Co. for $19,000 Lot 8- Erixon Lady 133C, s- FBF1 Combustible, dsWheatland Predator 922W, consigned by Erixon Simmentals Inc. sold to LaBatte Simmentals for $17,500 Lot 25- Come As U R Stacy 540C, s- ACS Gangster 351A, ds- MRL 28Y, consigned by Come As U R Simmentals sold to Robb Farms for $15,500 Lot 19- MDR/Rust/CD Centerfold 52C, s- LFE Poker Face 399Z, ds- LFE The Dark Night 350U, consigned by Mader Ranches/Rust Mountain View Ranch/Canadian Donors sold to Maxwell Land & Livestock for $15,000 Lot 20-Mader One Night Stand 18C, s- LRX The Godfather 141Z, ds-Wheatland Bull 468P, consigned by Mader Ranches sold to Downhill Simmentals for $10.500
Workman Farms & Guests Female Sale
November 28, 2015 Killarney, MB 77 commercial bred cows and heifers ave $3,174 Bred heifers 41 ave $3,388 a high of $3,650 Bred cows 26 ave $2,929 a high of $3,485 Volume buyer: Richard Unrau of Boissevain, MB.
Hanley Hi Lite Simmental Breeders Inducted Into Canadian Simmental Association Hall Of Fame
In the early 1970’s a number of cattle producers interested in promoting Simmental cattle and their breeding programs in the Hanley - Dundurn area got together and formed a group known as Hanley Hi Lite Simmental Breeders. This was a family based group and they included the following: Earl & Jeanette Ballard Don & Bea Bates Syd & Lena Beaumont Marvin & Dorothy Booker Ed & Marg Peters John & Jean Reeves John & George Schellenberg Later the club was joined by Gordon and Pat Libke. This active group held Field Days in July & Production sales in December. Individual Breeders and their family members were active in local, provincial and Canadian events as well as the Young Canadian Simmental Association always promoting the Simmental breed. While some of the original group are no longer with us there are some operations that still have family members actively involved in the breed today. THE DEADLINE FOR THE MARCH ISSUE OF SIMMENTAL FOCUS IS FEBRUARY 10, PLEASE CALL 204-745-3255, TEXT 204-7502350 OR EMAIL JJBEST@MYMTS.NET TO BOOK YOUR SPACE!
TNT Bootlegger
TNT Bootlegger
170 BULLS 15 Elite Open Heifers
Red Western
55 Polled Red Simmental Bulls 55 Polled Black Simmental Bulls 30 Registered Red Angus Bulls New for 2016 30 Coming 2-Year Old Bulls Red & Blk Simmental Red Angus
MRL To The Max
MRL To The Max
Red Western
Black Baron
Come see for yourself what keeps the Commercial Cowboys coming back year after year!
Eye Spy
* Free Delivery * Semen Evaluated * Volume Discounts * Affordable Quality bulls in every operations price range. Over 70% to repeat customers & nearly all to commercial cattlemen.
*Sight Unseen Buyers Program
This program has worked very well for busy cattlemen unable to attend our sale. We have sent several herd bulls to satisfied cattlemen across Canada with this program. Almost 24% of our bulls sell SUS annually, many to repeat customers. Your next herdbull purchase is as close as your phone. Please contact Lee, Dave or Jim for info on this program.
The Commercial Cattleman’s “One Stop Bull Shop” for Elite Simmental & Angus Genetics
At MRL we have built a reputation around supplying Thick Beef Bulls to commercial cattlemen & standing behind them. Herdbulls packed full of economic & convenience traits that will accelerate your breeding program. Managing over 600 mother cows with limited manpower, these bulls are raised under ranch conditions similar to yours, and are developed on a silage based ration to ensure soundness & longevity. Over 40 years of genetic selection with the commercial cattleman in mind: calving ease, consistency, natural thickness, maternal values & carcass traits bred right in.
El Tigre
El Tigre
Red Rocket
Give us a call, we would enjoy visiting with you about your operation and herdbull needs. Call for a catalog or bull video.
Harvest Hoedown Sale
Camrose Country Classic Sale
November 30, 2015 Neepawa, MB Sale Gross $298,850 58 females ave $5,153 21 FB bred females ave $5,183 20 Red PB bred females ave $5,053 16 Black PB bred females ave $5,316 1 Black PB open female $3,900 High Selling Females Lot 21- Twin Brae Bettina 402B, s- PWK Wise Guy 29X 20Z, ds- Twin Brae Tomahawk, consigned by Twin Brae Simmentals, Inglis, MB sold to X-T Simmentals, Eastend, SK for $9,700 Lot 26- NAC Noel 36B, s- TNT Gunner N208, ds3D Trustin 47T, consigned by Northern Light Simmentals, Rossburn, MB sold to Triple T Diamond Simmentals, Lundar, MB for $9,000 Lot 32- NAC Winny 104B, s- 3D Trustin 47T, dsWinchester HR P8315, consigned by Northern Light Simmentals sold to X-T Simmentals for $9,000 Lot 19- Twin Brae Ms Zodiak 194B, s- KOP Zodiak 92Z, ds- Twin Brae Willie 20W, consigned by Twin Brae Simmentals sold to Dana & Megan Johns, Kenton, MB for $8,000 Lot 41- PWK Ms Bravo 19T 22B, s- Champs Bravo, ds- Gidsco Appollo 3F, consigned by Big Sky Simmentals, Treherne/Rivers, MB sold to Ray J Simmentals, Ste. Rose du Lac, MB for $7,900 Lot 45- Big Sky Britney 76B, s- Great Guns Tx Gus 124X, ds- Afri-Can Hadau, consigned by Big Sky Simmentals sold to Storebo Farms, Beechy, SK for $7,600 Lot29- NAC Joce 30B, s- Winchester HR, ds- 3D Trustin 47T, consigned by Northern Light Simmentals sold to JP Cattle Co., McAuley, MB for $7,000 Lot 40- Big Sky Bailey 4B, s- CEN Laredo 519L, ds- Prostock Hugo 7052T, consigned by Big Sky Simmentals sold to KSL Simmentals, Beaverlodge, AB for $7,000 Lot 57- DMJ Miss 22B, s- PWK Dynamite 6T 49Y, ds- Wheatland Bull 680S, consigned by Dana & Megan Johns sold to Dequier Farms, Haywood, MB for $6,700
December 1, 2015 Camrose, AB
Sale Gross $496,750 62 females ave $8,000 High Selling Lots Lot 15- NUG Classy 530C, s- NUG Royal Red 324A, ds- MRL High Voltage 155X, consigned by Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB sold to South Seven for $26,500 Lot 33- Skors Katarina 205C, s- Erixon Pit Boss 21Z, ds- LBR Crocket R81, consigned by Skor Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB sold to Quinn Wilson for $20,000 Lot 23- NUG Rihanna 598C, s- Bar KR Avalanche 52X, ds- NUG Colorado 13U consigned by Maxwell Simmentals sold to Westgold for $19,000 Lot 9- NUG Mary 207B, s- Crossroad Radium 789U, ds- NUG Colorado 13U consigned by Maxwell Simmentals sold to Westgold for $17,000
Maple Lake Stock Farms Female & Prospect Sale December 3, 2015 Hartney, MB
67 bred heifers ave $3,248 3 prospect heifers ave $3,725 Volume Buyer: Marvin & Richard Unrau (17hd)
Friends, if you would like to continue receiving Simmental Focus & your mailing address has changed or been updated, e.g. new postal code, or a box # or site # added, please send us the updated address. Canada Post will not deliver it without the correct address, and you will be removed from the mailing list. Please take a moment to check the mailing address on your copy, & contact us by calling (204) 745-3255 or email to have your address corrected (particularly if it says General Delivery). Please help us continue to send your free copy of Simmental Focus. Thank You!
Transcon Hires New Team Member
We’re excited to announce that Cody Haney has joined the Transcon team. Cody was born and raised on his family farm, west of Caroline. He still lives on the ol’ Haney place with his beautiful wife, Erin, and their son, Crue. You may recognize Cody from the rodeo world as he has announced rodeos throughout Alberta. Cody and Erin run Simmental cross cattle with his parents. He is excited to be joining our team, and is looking forward to walking through the best Simmental cattle in Canada and working alongside some great cattle people. Welcome Cody!
Lone Stone Farms Red Angus & Simmental Female Sale December 4, 2015 Westlock, AB Sale Gross $467,750 81 Females ave $5,775 33 Red Angus Bred Heifers ave $5,041 13 Red Angus Open Hiefers ave $2,739 24 Simmental Bred Heifers ave $8,540 11 Simmental Open Heifers ave $5,532 High Selling Simmental Females LNK 82B- Lone Stone Ms Envoy 82B, s- APLX Envoy 2B, ds- Wells’ PLD Stampeder 19S sold to Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC for $24,000 LNK 85B- Lone Stone Ms Envoy 85B, s- s- APLX Envoy 2B, ds- Wells’ PLD Stampeder 19S sold to Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC for $22,000 LNK 57B- Lone Stone Ms Envoy 57B, s- APLX Envoy 2B, ds- Lonestone Eisenherz 6M sold to Keet Simmentals, Dalmeny, SK for $12,000
LNK 91B- Lone Stone Ms Envoy 91B, s- APLX Envoy 2B, ds- Great Guns Regio 9R sold to Tri K Cattle Co., Beaverlodge, AB for $12,000 LNK 75B- Lone Stone Ms Envoy 75B, s- APLX Envoy 2B, ds- Wolfes Titan FF 51T sold to Bonchuk Farms, Solsgirth, MB for $9,500 LNK 96B- Lone Stone Ms Western 96B, s- Wolfe’s Western FF 12X, ds- Anchor “T” Metro 4E sold to KSL Simmentals, Beaverlodge, AB for $9,000
M & S Cattle Co., Ty-D Livestock & Colt Cattle Co. Complete Herd Dispersal Sale December 7, 2015 Lloydminster, SK Sale Gross $576,150 67 Simmental females ave $4,750 15 Simmental bulls ave $5,500 5 pregnant recips ave $4,290 57 Commercial Cows ave $2,650 High Selling Lots Lot 72- Ty-D’s Dream Catcher 6B, s- CNS Dream on L186, ds- Wheatland Bull 468P sold to Leewood Ranch for $14,000 Lot 3- RJY Blk Sure Power 17B, s- 3D Mr Red Sure Fire 449X, ds- HC Power Drive 88H sold to Sandy Hill for $10,000 Lot 29- M & S Ms Spring Fling 12C, s- WFL Commander 78R, ds- My NLC Upgrade U8676 sold to Skor Simmentals for $10,000 Lot 60- Ty-D Ms Snooki 9Y, s- Wheatland Bull 680S, ds- Wheatland Bull 468P sold to Robb Farms for $10,000
The Source of Elite Simmental Genetics Sale
Keystone Simmental Association Commercial Producer Of The Year
December 7, Lloydminster, SK Sale Gross $469,000 58 females ave $8,000
High Selling Lots Lot 27- RWR Showdown 12B, s- Champs Wallace, ds- NUG TObby 29T, consigned by Red Willow Ranch sold to Noble Country for $30,000 Lot 7- Crossroad Bikini 661B, s- KOP Esposito 95Y, ds- WS Beef Maker R13, consigned by Crossroad Farms sold to Hairy Hill Cattle Co. for $18,000 Lot 19- LWC Miss Radar 32B, s- NUG Radar 202Y, ds- SU Rio Grande 55R, consigned by Little Willow Creek sold to Red Willow Ranch for $16,000 Lot 8- Crossroad Caryn 8C, s- CMS/BMD Paparazzi 205Z, ds- SFM Red Dynamite 3P, consigned by Crossroad Farms sold to Leewood Ranch & Colt Arnold for $15,000
2015 MSA Scholarship Heifer
Congratulations to Rose Lake Farms, Rossburn, MB who had the winning ticket for this years Scholarship heifer. A total of $7,670 was raised for the Manitoba YCS Association. Thank you again to the Pembina Triangle Association for donating TWL Corissa 235C.
Keith and Brad Oliver started farming in 1979 with a grain and livestock operation. The farm had been established by their grandfather in the late 30’s. Their livestock herd started with Hereford cows that have since been crossed with traditional Simmental and later Charolais, and are currently bred red Simmental. Their herd consists of 450 cows with calving starting February 1st. The calves are weaned in October and backgrounded until the end of January. The cow herd and the bull battery is composed of 90% Simmental genetics. The cow herd is fed a blend of corn and alfalfa silage with free choice straw and hay. Calves are backgrounded on a prepared grain ration which is fed free choice. Along with their livestock operation they farm 8000 acres of grain land which is sown primarily to canola, wheat, soybeans and corn. Keith is married to Penny and they have three children, Brooke, Lance and Wade. Brad is married to Rochelle and they also have three children, Alex, Luke and Cole. They all work together to make this fourth generation family operation a success. The Olivers would like to thank the Keystone Simmental Association and the Manitoba Simmental Association for this honour.
23 Bulls On Offer 12 Fullbloods Sell
Full Fleck
SBSF CADILLAC 41C Sire: IPU Romano 90X
Full Fleck
SBSF COWBOY 31C Sire: IPU Romano 90X
5 Black Polled Purebreds Sell
Polled PB
Polled PB
6 Red Polled Purebreds Sell
Polled PB
Polled PB
SBSF CANUCK 40C Sire: KOP Crosbyson 89Z
Cameron & Myrna & Family
Coffee is always on!!
H: 204-764-2604 Cam’s cell: 204-365-6092 Myrna’s cell: 204-365-7307 Email: schweitz@mymts.net www.simmentalbreeders.ca Located 1 mile East & 2 1/2 miles North of Decker, MB
Sim-Acta Heifers all lined up and ready for the show at the Keystone Konnection Sale held at the Keystone Center on December 8, 2015.
Andrea Bertholet (left) presents retiring Secretary/Treasurer Donalee Jones with a token of \ appreciation from the Manitoba Simmental Association. Good luck in your future endeavors Doll!
Consigning 5 Yearling Bulls To Transcon’s
PREMIUM BEEF BULL SALE March 16th in Neepawa, MB Bert’s Chuck 3C
Revelstock x Lakota
Bert’s Conan 26C
Lights Out x Warden
Thank you to those who purchased heifers at the 2015 PTSA Sale! Northern Light Simmentals (2 lots- High Seller & PTSA’s Open Heifer) Gordon Jones Simmentals Eric Schultz Storebo Farms T & M Livestock
Norbert, Pam, Sam & Nathan de Rocquigny Haywood, MB Ph: 204-745-7930 (cell)
View sale catalogue online at www.transconlivestock.com
JG: 403-556-5563 GN: 780-512-0634 DP: 403-323-3985
Join us on
March 16, 2016 in Neepawa, MB for the
MRL Destination 91Y x Inspiration
Premium Beef Bull Sale
Consigning 14 Red & Black Bulls
**All Polled (many Homo Polled)**
Red Mountain x MRL Destination 91Y HOMO POLLED
Red Mountain x Winchester
Thanks to the bidders and buyers at our 12th Annual Female Sale in Killarney: ∙ Dale Raymer, Minto, MB ∙ Richard Unrau, Boissevain MB ∙ Creek Side Cattle Co., Eden, MB ∙ Dillon Milliken, Reston, MB And to our Keystone Sale buyers: ∙ Maurice Desrochers, Mariapolis, MB ∙ Dana & Megan Johns Kenton, MB Your support of our program is greatly appreciated!
More’s Tank x First Dream
JG: 403-556-5563 GN: 780-542-0634 DP: 403-323-3985
Minto, MB Pat (204) 776-2386 C: (204) 534-8530 Greg (204) 776-2164 C: (204) 724-0564
Keystone Konnection Simmental Sale December 8, 2015 Brandon, MB
The 37th Annual Keystone Simmental Association Sale was held on December 8th with an enthusiastic crowd of Simmental enthusiasts in attendance. Sale Managed By Keystone Sale Management. The day started off with the Sim Acta heifer calf show. Winners were: 1. Lot 21- Northern Light Simmentals 2. Lot 16- Rainbow River Simmentals 3. Lot 43- Dana and Megan Johns 9 bulls total $59,550 ave $6,617 23 heifer calves total $72,550 ave $3,154 17 bred heifers total $90,150 ave $5,303 49 lots total $222,350 AVERAGE $4,538 1 semen $ 1200
High Selling Bulls Lot 9- Cherry Creek Ritz 5C, A Smooth Polled Full Fleck Son of Sunny Valley Dakota 9Z consigned by Cherry Creek Farm , Boissevain, MB sold for $12,500 to Pelton Ranch, North Dakota. Lot 1- Cherry Creek Jaguar 21B , a Full Fleck Son of FGAF Magnum 901Z consigned by Cherry Creek Farms, Boissevain, MB sold for $ 12,000 to Ray J Simmentals Ste Rose, MB High Selling Bred Females Lot 24- More’s Ms Belle 406B, a Hooks Shear Force Female consigned by More Brothers, Virden, MB sold for $8,900 to WKN Land and Cattle, Oak Lake, MB Lot 45- Crest’s View 8B, a WFL Identity 23X Polled Red Purebred consigned by Crest View Land and Cattle Co., Erickson, MB sold to Dana and Megan Johns, Kenton, MB for $7,000 High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 21- NAC Princess 43C, a EGC Moneystripe 82A Black Purebred Female consigned by Northern Light Simmentals, Rossburn, MB sold for $7,500 to Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK Lot 16- Rainbow River Chance 12C, a LRX the Godfather Red Purebred Female consigned by Rainbow River Simmentals, Minnedosa, MB sold for $ 5300 to Drew Don Simmentals, ON
Sim Acta Heifer Calf Show Winner & High Selling Heifer Calf- NAC Princess 43C, consigned by Northern Light Simmentals, Rossburn, MB purchased by Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK
High Selling Bred Female- More’s Ms Belle 406B, consigned by More Bros Simmentals, Virden, MB purchased by WKN Land & Cattle, Oak Lake, MB
Saskatchewan Simmental Association Commercial Breeder Of The Year-Raymond Land & Cattle, Aneroid, SK
Dave and Crystal Raymond own and operate Raymond Land & Cattle Ltd located 10 miles south of Aneroid, Sk along with their 3 young children Tristen, Brooke & Owen and Dave’s parents Alan and Elva Raymond. The operation is a 6th generation family farm that began in 1907. With a long history of raising livestock, Dave’s grandfather made his mark in the industry in the 60’s with Horned Herefords. Today the operation has grown to 20, 500 acres; 7000 acres is farmed for cash crops and feed while the remaining land base is grown for hay and houses nearly 900 breeding cows and 350 open replacements. Alan and Dave began raising and selling commercial bred heifers in 1995. They were not afraid to cross breed using continental cattle in an area of predominately British origin. They quickly discovered cross breeding improved productivity in the calves they were weaning off of a largely Hereford based cowherd. Hybrid Bulls consisting of 3/8 Simmental and 5/8 Red Angus were purchased in an attempt to acquire all of the desired characteristics that each breed could contribute to the calf crop. Dave knew his cow herd well from a young age and it didn’t take him long to realize the inconsistency the hybrid bulls were creating. In 2006 Dave married Crystal Blake of Wood River Charolais at McCord, Sk. Together, they strategized over the perfect cowherd, and while they both believe they are still not quite there, they have progressed considerably. In 2005 they started seeking easy keeping registered purebred Simmental bulls to use on their commercial cows with now a largely Red Angus base. Currently they are backgrounding 875 calves that need to prove themselves as both breeding females for their annual Bred Heifer Sale that takes place the first week of December and as finished steers. Calving of the Cowherd takes place in late March and early April on open pasture. These cows have little to no problem calving out on their own. Cow calf pairs are then grazed on summer pastures and are weaned in late October then backgrounded to the following March. This March a handful of these steers were taken to finish due to their impressive size and rate of gain. Production is not the single most important trait they are looking for though. With females raised to be sold as bred heifers, it’s equally important to have easy keeping females with fantastic udders, good feet, and the eye appeal to boot. Dave and Crystal have been taking bred heifers to Agribition since 2009. In 2014 they took home the banner for the Champion Pen of 5 Commercial Bred Heifers and sold that group for $3550 a piece. They couldn’t have been happier with the success that they have had the last few years.
Sale Offering: *58 Yearling Bulls *12 Two Year Old Bulls *10 Purebred Open Heifers
PTS 349B
LFE 391Y X T-BONE 500U
For DVD & catalog requests contact:
Lionel, Pat & Lee Stillborn Box 760, Balcarres, SK S0G 0C0 Home Ph: (306) 335-2828 Lionel’s cell: (306) 335-7708 Lee’s cell: (306) 335-7553 View catalog online at www.bohrson.com
Scott cell: (403) 370-3010
38th Annual Simmsational Simmental Sale
December 10, 2015 Moose Jaw, SK Sale Gross $508,200 47 head ave $10,813 2 black yearling bulls ave $5,350 14 black bred heifers ave $13,225 5 black open heifers ave $4,860 22 red bred heifers ave $11,593 4 red open heifers ave $8,250
High Selling Females Lot 10- IPU 68M Ms. Crosby 140B, s- KOP Crosby 137W, ds- Hart Red Chief J242, consigned by LaBatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK sold to Bar M Simmental Group, Gillette, WY for $35,000 Lot 1- IPU 206S El Tigress 113B, s- MRL El Tigre 52Z, ds- Remington Red Label HR, consigned by LaBatte Simmentals sold to Ultra Livestock, Carstairs, AB for $30,000 Lot 7- IPU Ms. Bootlegger 72B, s- TNT Bootlegger Z268, ds- TNT Accelerator S226, consigned by LaBatte Simmentals sold to Quinn Wilson, Calgary, AB for $25,000 Lot 8- IPU Ms. Code Red 88B, s- IPU Code Red 53Y, dsIPU Red Specialist 70T, consigned by LaBatte Simmentals sold to Quinn Wilson for $24,000 Lot 35- Erixon Lady 16B, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, ds- Triple C Singletary S3H, consigned by Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK sold to Crossroad Farms, Shell Lake, SK for $21,000 Lot 27- X-T Black Ms Tracker 106B, s- MRL Tracker 17Z, ds- TNT Fortune Builder P247, consigned by X-T Simmentals, Eastend, SK sold to LC Ranch, Medicine Hat, AB for $20,500 Lot 23- Sunny Valley Emma 28B, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, ds- Snider’s 30 Below, consigned by Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK sold to JR Simmentals, Carberry, MB for $18,000 Lot 25- SVS Blk Desire 452B, s- MRL Summit 65Z, ds- ACS Everready 970W, consigned by Sunny Valley Simmentals sold to Deeg Simmentals, Strathmore, AB for $17,500 Lot 2- IPU 206S El Tigress 120B, s- MRL El Tigre 52Z, ds- Remington Red Label HR, consigned by LaBatte Simmentals sold to Robb Farms Ltd., Maidstone, SK for $17,500 Lot 4- IPU 56U Ms Blackbird 96B, s- Springcreek Liner 56U, ds- Golden Opportunity Hr R851, consigned by LaBatte Simmentals sold to R Plus Simmentals & Frehlich Farms, Estevan, SK for $17,500
Mar Mac Farms New Generation Female Sale December 13, 2015 Brandon, MB
The first time event at Mar Mac Farms was a female sale with Red Angus, Simmental and Commercial females breds and opens on offer. An enthusiastic crowd of over 200 people attended the event with auctioneer, Chris Poley along with ring staff Shane Michelson and Nate Marin. Consultants: Bryan Mackenzie (Mackenzie Marketing) and Darryl Snider ( Bohrson Marketing) 18 Red Angus bred heifers total $130,550 ave $7,253 8 Red Angus open heifers total $42,200 ave $5,275 16 Simmental bred heifers total $124,750 ave $7,797 7 Simmental open heifers total $49,100 ave $7,014 1 embryo lot $1,800. 12 Commercial heifers total $42,650 ave $3,554
Top Selling Bred Simmental Lot 2- Mar Mac Carli 305B, a black homo Polled Purebred female s: Swan Lake Tombstone and donor cow Mar Mac Carli 14N bred to NLC Upgrade for $15,000 to Maxwell Simmentals, AB Lot 1- Mar Mac Sorority Girl 133B , a red homo Polled Purebred female s: Swan Lake Tombstone out of a Carli 14N daughter bred to Upgrade sold for $13,500 to Circle G Simmentals, AB Lot 8- Mar Mac GR Red Macho 111B, a red homoPolled Purebred female s: Swan Lake Tombstone out of OBB Hot Rod daughter bred to High Stakes sold for $11,000 to Swan Lake Farms, SK Lot 11- Mar Mac Ms Rockfort 130B, a red Polled Purebred female s: Swan Lake Tombstone out of a LFE Rockfort cow bred to Kuntz Sheriff sold for $11,000 to Deeg Farms, AB Lot 10- Mar Mac GR Macho 201B, a red Polled Purebred female s: Swan Lake Tombstone out of a Tennessee cow bred to Upgrade sold for $10,000 to Circle G Simmentals, AB Top selling Simmental heifer calves Lot 20- Mar Mac Crest 91C, a Red homo polled purebred daughter of IPU Marksman out of a Hooks Shear Force daughter sold for $12,000 to Blair’s.Ag, SK Lot 18- Mar Mac Carli 85B , a Black Polled purebred daughter of IPU Marksman out of a daughter of Mar Mac Carli 14N sold for $10,500 to Quinn Wilson, AB Lot 19- Mar Mac Gypsy Soul 126C , a Black Polled Purebred daughter of Mr NLC Upgrade out of a Powerline female sold for $10,000 to North Hill Simmentals, AB
Consigning to the
Premium Beef Bull Sale March 16, 2016 Neepawa, MB POLLED, HOMO BLK
The Taylor’s Box 1353 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 Kyle: 204-867-7918 Brendon: 204-867-0229 Rick: 204-867-7551
JG: 403-556-5563 GN: 780-542-0634 DP: 403-323-3985
Shades Of The Prairies Sale
December 14, 2015 Brandon, MB Sale Gross $448,500 25 bred heifers ave $12,000 16 open heifers ave $7,200 1 bull $14,000 High Selling Lots Lot 10- KWA Ms Western 24B, s- IPU Red Western 49X, ds- KWA Red Rock 5T, consigned by Ashworth Farm & Ranch, Oungre, SK sold to Casey Claffy for $38,500 Lot 17- MRL Miss 4400B, s- LFE Red Casino 3036X, ds- Triple C El Ponderoso Rey, consigned by McMillen Ranching Ltd., Carievale, SK sold to Bouchard Livestock for $31,000 Lot 11- KWA Ms Mountain 12B, s- KWA FlyF Red Mountain 16Z, ds- LFE Bundi 300X, consigned by Ashworth Farm & Ranch sold to Meadow Acres Farms for $21,000 Lot 35- Swan Lake Camille 38C, s- STF Royal Affair Z44M, ds- RF Double Up 37W, consigned by Swan Lake Farms Ltd., Stoughton, SK sold to Sun Rise Simmentals for $18,000
Bonchuk Farms Female Production Sale
December 15, 2015 Virden, MB Sale Gross $570,800 94 bred heifers ave $5,100 19 bred cows ave $4,775 High Selling Lots Lot 117- BLCC Miss Stubby 343A, s- LFE Bs Lewis 322U, ds- IPU Red Nugget 132N sold to Berts NR Simmentals for $10,000 Lot 70- BLCC Miss Heartland 255B, s- BLCC Heartland 434X, ds- Salmon Arm Ferris 20N sold to Silver Lake Farms for $9,500 Lot 17- BLCC Miss Ridgeline 61B, s- LFE Black Ridgeline 536W, ds- Wheatland Red Teddy 457P sold to Silver Lake Farms for $8,750 Lot 95- BLCC Miss Heartland 352B, s- BLCC Heartland 434X, ds- SU Rochester 75R sold to Crowe Bros for $8,500
Southern Alberta Round-Up Group 22nd Annual Fleckvieh & Black Simmental Bull & Female Production Sale December 15, 2105 Stavely, AB Sale Gross $407,100 63 Lots ave $ 6,462 1 two year old black bull $5,000 5 two year old Fleckvieh bulls ave $7,410 34 yearling Fleckvieh bulls ave $7,466 5 yearling black bulls ave $5,980 13 Fleckvieh bred heifers ave $5,204 5 Fleckvieh open heifers ave $2,730 High Selling Lots Lot 73- Parview Mr Walker 453B, s- JB Cdn Wind Walker, ds- Shawacres Jahari 50L, consigned by Parview Stock Farms, sold to East Cardston Farming Co. Ltd., Cardston, AB for $12,750 Lot 75- Parview Mr Walker 459, s- JB Cdn Wind Walker, ds- S S Guiness Original 29U, consigned by Parview Stock Farms, sold to Bar None Farms Inc., Westlock, AB for $12,000 Lot 50- Okofleck Caden 11C, s- Virginia Premierleague, ds- Double Bar D MP 190U, consigned by Okotoks Fleckvieh Group, sold to East Cardston Farming Co. Ltd., Cardston, AB for $12,000 Lot 6-Ricochet Cody 59C, s- Ricochet Ace 347A, dsWNLP Usher 32U, consigned by Ricochet Stock Farms, sold to B Bar C Simmentals, Bowden, AB for $11,500 Lot 68- MTV Dash 6C, s- Silver Lake Lagacy , ds- MTV Pol Kolby 5S, consigned by Vernon Properties, sold to East Cardston Farming Co. Ltd., Cardston, AB for $11,500 Lot 70-MVS Drake 2C, s- Silver Lake Lagacy, ds- MTV POL Kolby 5S, consigned by Marty Vernon, sold to East Cardston Farming Co. Ltd., Cardston, AB for $11,500 Lot 53- JKL Calix 50C, s- Virginia Premierleague, dsHEMR Texas 8T, consigned by Okotoks Fleckvieh Group, sold to Granum Colony Farming Co. Ltd., Granum, AB for $11,000 Lot 55- MJB Cash 4C, s- Virginia Premierleague, ds- MJB Sensation 39S, consigned by Okotoks Fleckvieh Group, sold to Granum Colony Farming Co. Ltd., Granum, AB for $10,750 Lot 37- Ricochet Blaise 4103B, s- Anchor D Weiser 24W, ds- Grinalta’s Pol Supremacy, consigned by Ricochet Stock Farms, sold to Blackacre Farms Ltd., Fort McLeod, AB for $10,500
At The Farm, Double Bar D Farms, Grenfell, SK
Consigning 15 Bulls I am pleased to once again be consigning to the Double Bar D “Best of Both Worlds” Bull Sale. We have an outstanding set of bulls on offer sired by Red Mountain, Combustible, Vision, Bridgestone, and Lock n Load. If you have any questions, please give me a call. See you on sale day!
Circuit Breaker x Sun Rise Black 31U ** Homo Polled, Homo Black **
Vision x Ebonys Trademark
Guest Consignor at the
** Homo Polled **
Red Mountain x Black Lakota Stoughton, SK
Greg Goudy Ph: 306-457-7730 Email: simmentalman@hotmail.com
w w w. s w a n l a k e f a r m s . c o m
Thank you to Sun Rise Simmentals and Floyd Pederson for their purchases at the Shades of the Prairies Sale.
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Friday Night Lights Sale December 18, 2015 Olds, AB
Sale Gross $834,500 58 lots ave $14,388 40 open heifers ave $14,513 18 bred heifers ave $14,111 High Selling Open Heifers Lot 1B- RF Certainly Flirtin 532C, s-SVS Captain Morgan 11Z, ds- Wheatland Stout 930W, consigned by Rancier Farms & Westman Farms sold to Rust Mountain View Ranch/Black Gold Simmentals/Canadian Donors for $45,000 Lot 1A- RF Certainly Flirtin 528C, s- SVS Captain Morgan 11Z, ds- Wheatland Stout 930W, consigned by Rancier Farms & Westman Farms sold to Hilltop Holdings/ Me N My Simmentals for $42,500 Lot 24- SVS Blk Jenna 518C, s- WFL Absolute 51Y, ds- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, consigned by Sunny Valley Simmentals sold to Rust Mountain View Ranch for $35,000 Lot 1E- RF Certainly Flirtin 526C, s- SVS Captain Morgan 11Z, ds- Wheatland Stout 930W, consigned by Rancier Farms & Westman Farms sold to West Gold Farms/Rusylvia Cattle Co. for $30,000 Lot 2A- CMS Lady Morgan 505C, s- SVS Captain Morgan 11Z, ds- ER Red Deck 639D, consigned by Czech-Mate Livestock sold to Bar-T-5 Farms Ltd. for $25,000 Lot 1D- RF Certainly Flirtin 525C, s- SVS Captain Morgan 11Z, ds- Wheatland Stout 930W, consigned by Rancier Farms & Westman Farms sold to Mader Ranches/Royal Western for $20,000 Lot 30- Double Bar D Linne 410C, s- SVS Captain Morgan 11Z, ds- RCC/TCF Line Drive M181, consigned by Double Bar D Farms sold to Blacksand Cattle Co. for $20,000 Lot 1C- RF Certainly Flirtin 518C, s- SVS Captain Morgan 11Z, ds- Wheatland Stout 930W, consigned by Rancier Farms & Westman Farms sold to High Country Cattle Co. for $18,000 Lot 8- Erixon Lady 7C, s- NUG Royal Red 324A, ds- KOP Crosby 137W, consigned by Erixon Simmentals Inc. sold to Come As U R Simmentals for $18,000 Lot 34- Bee Vixen 567C, s- Brink Bullet Proof A342, ds- BHR Three Sixes SA, consigned by Beechinor Bros Simmentals sold to Clear Water Simmentals for $17,000 Lot 36- NGDB Lady Grace 518C, s-Champs Bravo, ds- Anchor D Imax 250Y, consigned by Hoegl Livestock Ltd./Y Coulee Land & Cattle sold to Canadian Donors for $17,000 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 52-Erixon Lady 201A, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, dsKOP Crosby 137W, consigned by Erixon Simmentals Inc. sold to Maxwell Simmentals for $30,000 Lot 38- SBV Pixie 793A, s- Double Bar D Chesapeake, ds- PRL Houston 005H, consigned by Mark Land & Cattle Co. sold to Crossroad Ranch/Groupe BBBG for $29,000 Lot 50- LFE BS Violet 641A, s- NCB Cobra 47Y, ds- Drake Poker Face 2X, consigned by Lewis Farms Ltd. sold to Mader Ranches/Rust Mountain View Ranch/Canadian Donors for $28,000
Lot 49- Mader Honey Pot 109B, s- Mader Shadelton 57Y, dsMader P Black Ironman 22U, consigned by Mader Ranches sold to Lewis Farms for $22,000 Lot 47- MOES Smart Bomb 616B, s- WFL Mr Westway 10Z, ds- Twin Chief Player 290P, consigned by SilverSmith Farms Ltd. sold to Jim Graham Farming for $20,000
National Trust Chapter VIII “On Ice” Semen & Embryo Auction
December 19, 2015 Red Deer, AB Sale Gross $163,985 Choice Heifer lot 2 $11,200 Flush on MFI Red Petra 5179 $4,500 Semen Gross $109,535 Embryo Gross $38,425 Semen Tank $325 Volume Buyers 8 lots- Clearwater Simmentals, Olds, AB $13,820 4 lots- Horizon Fleckvieh, Saint Gerard Mejella, PQ $7,965 11 lots- Nolara Farms, Mayerthorpe, AB $5,810 3 lots- Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC $5,265 3 lots- Jamieson Genetics, Avonmore, ON $3,085 3 lots- Jayshaw Simmentals, Lavoy, AB $2,950 3 lots- Cameo Farms, Chilliwack, BC $2,500 6 lots- Ginalta Farms, Holden, AB $2,135 3 lots- Lazy RS Ranch, Wildwood, AB $1,225 3 lots- Henry M. Roy, Yellowhead County, AB $1,200 4 lots- Circle 7 Simmentals, Shaunavon, SK $1,030 3 lots- JB Farms, Shawville, PQ $800 3 lots- Double J Ranches, Okotoks, AB $300
Congratulations to Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK who were awarded Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor at Canadian Western Agribition 2015.
Is Your Program In Need Of A Change??
Check out these sons of NLC Upgrade...they are moderate framed, but packed with thickness, style, performance and have tremendous hair coats!
Come out to the
Premium Beef Bull Sale March 16, 2016 Neepawa, MB for your next herdsire!
Other sires include: ∙ Tanker ∙ Cobra ∙ Zodiak ∙ Wise Guy ∙ Black Joker
Farm visits are welcome if you would like to see the bulls in their natural setting and check out their mommas!
TWIN BRAE SIMMENTALS Ph: (204) 564-2509 E: chescu@xplornet.ca
Barry & Glenda Chescu Inglis, MB
C: (204) 937-7180 or (204) 247-0187
Canadian Simmental Association Elects First Female President, Lacey Fisher, Amherst, Nova Scotia
Where are you going? Why are you going there? What board do you sit on? What does Simmental mean? CSA President... ah. These are just a few of the questions and comments I have received over the last 6 years since being elected to this rewarding position as a Director on the Canadian Simmental Association. My husband Jacob and I, along with our daughters Adelynn & Grace, live in Amherst, Nova Scotia, a small town on the border with New Brunswick. Timberwood Farms consists of a land base of 1100 acres, 800 acres in woodland & 300 acres agriculture land with 45 breeding Purebred Simmental and Simmental influenced cattle, 6 Registered Quarter Horses, 7 Registered Labrador Retrievers and various other animals that somehow landed on our farm. Our girls are the 7th generation on the Fisher family farm and farming is truly a way of life for our family, not just a job. It is where we want to be when we are not where we need to be, at our jobs or school. Jacob and I have always enjoyed touring Canadian & USA cattle shows and sales and sitting on various boards. Over the past 15 years I have sat on Boards of various associations in different capacities. I am currently a part of the Cumberland County 4H Club as a leader, a member of the Nova Scotia 4H Royal Beef Committee, a member of the Maritime Simmental Association, the Secretary and Executive member of the Board of Directors for the Cumberland County 4H Council, Cumberland North Home & School Treasurer, a Rotarian and most importantly President of the Canadian Simmental Association. My career in the corporate business world began with an entry level position of providing Customer Service and ended my last ten years in People Management. Over the last 4 years, I decided to change careers and began selling Agriculture & Residential real estate. This allows me to work within my community and to be closer for my family and our farm. Real Estate is a true testament of helping others and watching dreams come true, by assisting families through one of the most stressful & life changing experience in their life. What makes me love my job even more is the people to whom I get to talk farming all day. Over my six years with CSA, I have had the opportunity to oversee the YCS portfolio for my first four years, then was Promotion Committee Chair along with Vice President in my fifth year and this year was elected CSA President. (continued on page 60)
21st Annual Checkers Sale
December 19, 2015 Ponoka, AB Sale Gross $593,725 1 bull $7,000 1 pick $17,000 15 bred heifers ave $15,650 22 open heifers ave $10,150 High Selling Lots Lot 25- SBV Ms Beat 815B, s- LFE Justified 7328X, ds- Bar 5 SA Stimulation 415P, consigned by Mark Land & Cattle, Irma, AB sold to Westgold Simmentals for $37,000 Lot 8- LRX Blk Ruby 9C, s- MR CCF Vision, ds- LFE Red Casino 3036X, consigned by Robb Farms, Maidstone, SK sold to South Paw Simmentals for $36,000 Lot 2- LRX Ms Red 182B, s- Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X, ds- Wheatland Red Ace 747T, consigned by Robb Farms sold to Crowe Bros for $31,000 Lot 6- LRX Ms Black 70B, s- LRX Wallbanger 73Z, ds- Springcreek Liner 56U, consigned by Robb Farms sold to LaBatte Simmentals for $25,000 Lot 28A- Early Sunset Kate 6C, s- MR CCF Vision, ds- SS/PRS High Voltage 244X, consigned by Early Sunset Ranch, Edam, SK sold to Little Valley Simmentals for $21,000
Fleckvieh Equation Fullblood Simmental Sale December 20, 2015 Red Deer, AB Sale Gross $642,800 70 lots ave $9,183 6 bulls ave $18,500 47 bred heifers ave $9,167 17 open heifers ave $5,938
High Selling Bulls Lot 23- JNR’s Titanium, s- JNR Steele 248Z, ds- Shawacres Jahari 50L, consigned by JNR Farms, Willingdon, AB sold to Beechinor Bros. Simmental, Bentley, AB & Black Gold Simmentals, Lloydminster, SK for $54,000 Lot 47- BLI All Castle 504C, s- Great Guns Regio 9R, ds- Emperor, consigned by SIBL Simmentals & Alliance Simmentals sold to Mountainview Holdings, Sangudo, AB for $16,000 Lot 53- LFS Banshee 14C, s- Virginia Thunderous 407A, dsAnchor D Weiser 24W, consigned by Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals, Edson, AB sold to H.A. Smith, Irma, AB for $15,000 Lot 24- JNR’s Diffusion, s- Brink Bullet Proof A342, ds- LS Legacy M565, consigned by JNR Farms sold to V5 Simmentals, Kanata, ON & Dylan Foley Simmentals, Kinburn, ON for $10,000 Lot 52- LFS Torque 4C, s- JNR Genesis, ds- Virginia Redford FF, consigned by Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals sold to Sawley Ranches Ltd., Nanton, AB for $10,000
High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 4- Bee Heide 434B, s- Great Guns TX Mac 52Y, ds- Anchor “T” Legend 7H, consigned by Beechinor Bros. Simmentals sold to JNR Farms & Kulyk Simmentals, North Battleford, SK for $28,000 Lot 3- Bee Meeka 461B, s- GGT Willy Joe 64Y, ds- Shawacres Jahari 50L, consigned by Beechinor Bros. Simmentals sold to Spruce View Acres, Round Hill, AB for $24,000 Lot 5- Bee Etcetera 424B, s- Anchor D Viper 103W, ds- BHR Three Sixes SA L666E, consigned by Beechinor Bros. Simmentals sold to Daryl Renaud, Rimbey, AB for $22,000 Lot 2- Bee Sirene 480B, s- Big Sky Jerico, ds- Shawacres Jahari 50L, consigned by Beechinor Bros. Simmentals sold to Spruce View Acres for $20,000 Lot 8- Bee Rube 439B, s- FGAF Magnum 901Z, ds- Anchor “T” Impact 2H, consigned by Beechinor Bros. Simmentals sold to Anchor D Ranch Simmentals, Rimbey, AB for $16,250 High Selling Open Heifers Lot 45- Jayshaw Ms Charolate, s- South Seven Xanthus 89X, ds- DFM Marcus 14M, consigned by Jayshaw Simmentals, Lavoy, AB sold to Anchor D Ranch Simmentals for $10,500 Lot 27- JNR Elicit, s- GGT Willy Joe 64Y, ds- BEL C&B Western 2nd, consigned by JNR Farms sold to McManus Simmentals, Minnedosa, MB for $8,750 Lot 25- JNR Awaken, s- Brink Bullet Proof A342, ds- BEL C&B Western 2nd, consigned by JNR Farms sold to Keato Meadow Simmentals, Ft. Saskatchewan, AB for $8,500 Lot 63- Parview Ms Rayen, s- JB CDN Wind Walker, ds- TTU Canyon, consigned by Parview Stock Farms, High River, AB sold to Applecross Cattle, Red Deer County, AB for $8,500
Friends, if you would like to continue receiving Simmental Focus & your mailing address has changed or been updated, e.g. new postal code, or a box # or site # added, please send us the updated address. Canada Post will not deliver it without the correct address, and you will be removed from the mailing list. Please take a moment to check the mailing address on your copy, & contact us by calling (204) 745-3255 or email to have your address corrected (particularly if it says General Delivery). Please help us continue to send your free copy of Simmental Focus. Thank You!
36th Annual Bull & Female Sale *Guest Consignor: Meadow Acres Farms*
FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2016 1:00 p.m. At Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK
Sale Offering: 95 Beef Bulls- Reds, Blacks & Fullbloods 20 Open Heifers- Reds & Blacks Internet bidding available at www.dlms.ca- Mark Shologan- 780-699-5082
IPU 113C MRL El Tigre x Liner 56U
IPU 49C Cobra x Liner 56U
IPU 83C Muirhead Broker x Revolution
IPU 20C Red Zone x Red Ace
IPU 15C Sheriff x Stubby
IPU 78C Red Zone x Red Force
IPU 35C Horizon x Accelerator
IPU 100C El Tigre X Beef Maker
IPU 26C Radium x Hemi
IPU 41C Captain Morgan x Liner 56U
IPU 76C Cobra x Full Throttle x 403P
IPU 89C Red Zone x Accelerator
Barry & Brenda LaBatte Box 72 Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0 Ph: (306) 969-4820 Cell: (306) 815-7900
For catalogue or DVD of sale bulls email: labattesimmentals@sasktel.net Visit our website www.labattesimmentals.com for online viewing of sale catalogue
Sale Day Phones: 306-815-7900 Barry’s cell 306-487-7510 Dustin’s cell 306-693-4715 Auction Mart Sale Consultants: Transcon Livestock- Jay 403-556-5563 Bouchard Livestock- Brian 403-813-7999 Wilf Davis Livestock 204-841-0211 Bohrson Marketing- Scott 403-370-3010
First Female President (continued from page 48)
These last six years have been extremely rewarding and I have had the pleasure of working beside leading cattle producers, beef industry members and people who are passionate about Simmental. I have learned from each and every one who I sat with from the CSA board and CSA staff, YCS board, and Foundation board. I thank each and every one of you for this opportunity. I was asked today, what does it feel like to be the first woman President, the youngest president, the first Maritime director to receive President? My answer to that is simple, I don’t think about it. I allowed my name to stand 6 years ago because I love our breed, I have great passion for cattle and youth, sitting on the board only made sense. Over the years my professional leader personality and passion for Simmental just continued to come out. Sitting as President has been an honour, and I very much enjoy it. I do the same thing today I did 6 years ago when I joined this board. I listen, I try my best to understand others views, I voice my own thoughts, I support whatever decision we make together as a board and I don’t look back. Where will the breed go from here? I would like to see the CSA continue to grow as a breed and focus on increasing Simmental’s presence throughout all regions of Canada; to utilize the innovative work the CSA has done in genomic research and breed improvement so our members can continue to produce better genetics for commercial herds across our Country. Simmental is the best breed, you and I already know that, and now we need to continue to show commercial cattleman why our breed will help them grow their pocket books. Supporting and guiding our youth is another important priority that I see. I originally agreed to sit on the CSA board back in 2010 because I wanted to support our youth and I feel very honoured today to have sat, listened and watched our young farmers do nothing but shine! Our junior program has had its ups and down as every junior program does, but when they have a down swing, the upswing is bigger and better than before. I am so proud of what I have witnessed with these fine individuals. They are no different than the members of the CSA in that they have passion and dedication for this wonderful breed and they are our future. They have the ability and drive to try new things and take it to the next level without having a four letter word stop them, FEAR. Our youth know what the word means but never allow it to stop them from trying something new. I can’t wait to see what our breed develops into as they continue to grow the face of Simmental across our country. It does not matter if we call ourselves farmers, cattle producers or ranchers, it does not matter what corner of North America we live in; we all have a passion for our breed! One by one we will continue to educate the Country about the positive attributes and potential of Simmental cattle, and one day we will be the face of North American Beef in the eyes of all Canadians & Americians…and no longer be asked “What does Simmental mean”.
ALLM Colossal x Exodus
KOP Maximus x NCK Renegade
CMS Simmer x SU Pilot 18P Thank you to our 2015 customers: Brian Johannesson, Gimli* Delichte Simmentals, St. Alphonse,MB Lucien Gauthier, Grunthal, MB Josef Alex, Whitemouth, MB*
Section Seven Stock Farms, Roseisle, MB* Clearbrook Simmentals, Renfrew, ON Kunzelman Farms, Inwood, MB Theroux Farms, Notre-Dame, MB* * Repeat Customer
David Marynowski, Zhoda,MB JI Bar Cattle Co, Austin, MB Bruce Sholdice, Cypress River, MB Big Hills Simmentals, Sandy Lake, MB
Marcel & Aline Theroux & Sons Box 215 Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, MB R0G 1M0 Ph: (204) 248-2008 Email: matheroux@hotmail.com Marcel’s cell: (204) 750-1147 David’s cell: (204) 750-1039
Ultimate XVIII Red & Black Female Sale December 20, 2015 Red Deer, AB
Sale Gross $408,300 56 lots ave $7,291 1 long yearling black bull $7,500 3 black bull calves ave $7,950 27 bred heifers ave $7,341 25 open heifers ave $7,150 High Selling Lots Lot 116- Skors Black Fortune 111C, s- W/C Wide Track 694Y, ds- PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker, consigned by Skor Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB sold to Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB for $14,000 Lot 114- BLI Benita 436B, s- KOP Revolver 116Z, ds- BLI Warwick 911W, consigned by SIBL Simmentals, Cherhill, AB sold to Czech-Mate Livestock, Carstairs, AB for $13,750 Lot 78- SSP Ms Bullseye 491B, s- Harvie Bullseye 2Z, ds- RF Torque 6W, consigned by Sevcik Simmental Ranch, Hussar, AB sold to Meadow Acres Farms, Lampman, SK for $13,250 Lot 76- SSP Ms Blitz 434B, s- RF Red Blitz 222Z, ds- YR Red Nobleman 52N, consigned by Sevcik Simmental Ranch sold to Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK for $10,500 Lot 84- SSP Ms Sherman 585C, s- HPR Sherman 3A, ds- IPU Ranch Hand 196U, consigned by Sevcik Simmental Ranch sold to Townview Farms, Shaunavon, SK for $10,500 Lot 94- Oh Kay Brooke 53B, s- Tymarc Jep 85Z, ds- D Bar C Traction 126T, consigned by Oh Kay Farms, Red Deer, AB sold to X-T Simmentals, Eastend, SK for $10,500 Lot 131- Ultra Miss Alysa 1C, s- MRL Red Force 12U, dsWLB Red 462P 375T, consigned by Ultra Livestock, Carstairs, AB sold to Cross Bar Anchor Ranch, Elnora, AB for $10,500 Lot 77- SSP Ms Torque 444B, s- RF Torque 6W, ds- Remington Intimidator 82S, consigned by Sevcik Simmental Ranch sold to Rocky Coulee Ranch, Airdrie, AB for $10,250 Lot 85- . SSP Conan 542C, s- HPR Sherman 3A, ds- Twin-Chief Red Hot 28R, consigned by Sevcik Simmental Ranch sold to Bar 17 Little Valley Simmentals, Eckville, AB for $10,000 Lot 105- Jayshaw Ms Catrina, s- BLI Red Addiction 224Z, dsTNT Gunner N208, consigned by Jayshaw Simmentals, Lavoy, AB sold to Maxwell Simmentals for $10,000 Lot 115- Skors Good Fortune 30C, s- W/C Wide Track 694Y, ds- SHS Enticer P1B, consigned by Skor Simmentals sold to Lawnview Simmentals, Hamiota, MB for $10,000
Spring Creek Simmentals Golden Opportunity II Female Sale December 22, 2015 Moosomin, SK 14 blk Simmental bred cows ave $8,964.29 7 black Angus bred cows ave $4,464.29 14 red Simmental bred cows ave $7,928.57 15 blk Simmental bred heifers ave $7,533.33 9 red Simmental bred heifers ave $5,638.89 13 blk Hybrid bred heifers ave $7,788.46 5 blk Angus bred heifers ave $4,400 6 commercial cows ave $3,500 1 embryo $4,500 84 lots gross $580,250 ave $6,907.74 High Selling Bred Cows Lot 18- Springcreek Linne 59U, s- RCC/TCF Line Drive M181, d- Nevas L93 sold to JP Cattle Co. for $18,000 Lot 19- Springcreek Lima 31W, s- ACCI Hustler 2N, d- Springcreek Bk Stormy 21T sold to Cirlce 7 Oberle Bros for $14,000 Lot 22- Springcreek Detroit 32W, s- OLF Black Legend T14, d- Springcreek Brooke 12P sold to Sunny Valley Simmentals for $14,000 Lot 6- Springcreek Brooke 11W, s- Wheatland Red Teddy 457P, sold to Black Gold Simmentals for $13,500 Lot 8- Springcreek Jaycee 53W, s- RCC/TCF Line Drive M181, d- MJ Black Just Cause 204P sold to JP Cattle Co. for $13,500 Lot 2- Springcreek Red Tara 39T, s- Springcreek Tank 57P, d- Springcreek Demi 66J sold to Come As U R Simmentals for $13,000 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 39- Springcreek Honey 65B, s- Grinalta’s HP Ultra FF940, d- SPringcreek Blk Tess 27U sold to LaBatte Simmentals/Circle 7 for $11,000 Lot 46- Springcreek Gracie 140B, s- Springcreek All In 155Y, d- Springcreek Linne 33R sold to Dugale Agco for $10,500 Lot 47- Springcreek Arrow 150B, s- Hart All In W382, d- Springcreek Sky 27T sold to Deeg Simmentals for $10,500
Selling 20+ Bulls By Private Treaty Reds, Blacks & Full Fleck Shop Early For Best Selection!! Tracy Pizzey 204-724-4912
Calvin & Donna Pizzey 204-847-2055
All Bulls Semen Tested All Bulls Up To Date On All Vaccinations (including Ivomec)
CDP Hawkeye 12C
CDP Patrol Sargeant 14C
4 Brothers Sell
S: Cherry Creek Sargeant 7A (Romano) D: CDP Miss Marcus (Marcus x Country) BW: 98 lbs Dec 28/15 Wt: 1330 lbs
S: Hoc Broker D: CDP Black Belt 19A (Crossroad Black Belt x House) BW: 94 lbs Dec 28/15 Wt: 1290 lbs
Down The Trail............. March 5 McMillen Ranching Ltd. Production Sale, Carievale, SK March 6 R Plus Simmentals 16th Annual Bull Sale, Estevan, SK March 7 Ashworth Farm & Ranch Simmental Bull Sale, Oungre, SK Bull Spectrum Simmental Sale, Innisfail, AB March 9 Mar Mac Farms and Guests Bull Sale, Brandon, MB 26th Annual Sunny Valley Simmentals Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK March 10 In Pursuit of Perfection Bull Sale, Moosomin, SK March 12 Next Generation Bull & Female Sale, Lloydminster, SK March 13 Rebels of the West Bull Sale, Virden, MB March 14 Genetic Source Bull Sale, Brandon, MB South Sask Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK March 15 Prairie Partners Bull & Female Sale, Killarney, MB March 16 Premium Beef Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB Adair Ranch Bull Sale, Provost, AB March 18 Family Tradition Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, Dropmore, MB March 19 Proudly Western Bull Sale, Whitewood, SK March 21 Maple Lake Stock Farms “Kick Off to Spring” Bull Sale, Hartney, MB March 22 WLB Livestock Bull Sale, Douglas, MB City View Simmentals & Guests Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK March 24 Wheatland Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale, Bienfait, SK March 28 Southwest Showcase Simmental Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK March 29 McCormack Family Ranch Genetic Destination Bull Sale, Grenfell, SK April 7 Transcon’s Winnipeg Bull Sale, Winnipeg, MB April 9 Transcon’s Cattle Country Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB
Spring Creek Golden Opportunity Sale (continued from page 68)
Lot 49- Springcreek Lena 803B, s- Springcreeek Lotto 52Y, d- Springcreek Linne 23R sold to Quinn Wilson for $10,500 Lot 45- Springcreek Gracie 138B, s- Springcreek All In 155Y, d- Springcreek Linne 33R sold to Ultra Livestock for $9,500 Lot 40- Springcreek Neva 52B, s- Springcreek All In 155Y, d- Springcreek Linne 59U sold to JP Cattle Co. for $8,000 High Selling SimAngus Lot 64- Springcreek Mistress 17B, s- JL Upward 2250, d- Springcreek 121Z sold to Blacksand Cattle Co. for $18,000 Lot 67- Springcreek Mistress 45B, s- Bar-E-L-Zenith 1Z, d- Springcreek Mistress 85Z sold to Quinn Wilson for $13,000 Lot 73- Springcreek B Gold 129B, s- Bar-E-L Zenith 1Z, d- Springcreek B Gold 96Z sold to Rancier Farms for $9,000
New Year’s Resolution Frozen Genetics Sale Volume 4 December 31, 2015 Saskatoon, SK gross $698,050 21 Simmental embryos ave $1,846 17 Simmental semen lots ave $494 9 Angus embryos ave $1,511 12 Angus semen lots ave $145 2 Angus Flush lots ave $9,375 5 Red Angus embryos ave $1,288 5 Red Angus semen lots ave $80 1 Limousin Flush ave $7,750 3 Limousin embryos ave $856 3 Limousin semen lots ave $213 4 Charolais embryos ave $1,100 1 Clubby Flush $6,250 3 Clubby embryos ave $633 2 Clubby semen lots ave $240
On Offer: 80 Bulls 12 FB & PB heifers Plus 25-30 commercial heifers MARCH 12, 2016 LLOYDMINSTER EXHIBITION GROUNDS 1:00 P.M. MST
Red Willow Ranch Ltd.
RWR Boss Hawg 30C
The Tyler Family Box 542 Cut Knife, SK S0M 0N0 Josh Tyler C: (306) 390-7745 jtyler_14@hotmail.com Darren Tyler Ph: (306) 398-2811 C: (306) 398-7554 dttyler@yourlink.ca
Black Gold Crankitup 24C
Westgold Standout 42Z x Romano
Black Gold Simmentals The Noble Family Randy, Vanessa, Ryley & Toby 306-825-9465 Randy cell: 306-821-0113 Lyle: 306-825-2164 Neil & Gail: 780-808-9082 Owen: 780-872-4029
Springcreek Power 55A x Wheatland Bull 564R
Little Willow Creek Ranch
The Harlands Box 38 Frenchman Butte, SK S0M 0W0 Ervin & Pat (306) 344-4807 Scott & Bev (306) 344-2027 C: (780) 214-1198 Blaine & Shelly (306) 344-4962 C: (306) 821-0112 Ted & Adele (306) 825-6109 C: (780) 872-0903
LWC Spartacus 12C
Sibelle Spartacus 8A x BHR Three Sixes L666E
Manitoba Simmental Association Awards 2016 Manitoba YCSA Scholarships
The Manitoba Simmental Association along with the Manitoba YCSA would like to congratulate Carson Rodgers, Shailyn Madsen and Taylor Lynn Carvey on being awarded the Manitoba YCSA Scholarships for 2015-2016. Established in 2004 by the Manitoba Simmental Association and the Manitoba YCSA, the scholarship is intended to assist local youth involved in the Young Canadian Simmental Association and the children of active MSA members in pursuit of post secondary education. Recipients of the scholarship must demonstrate a high level of activity within the Manitoba Simmental beef industry, above average academic achievement, and a keen interest in agriculture. Shailyn Madsen is the daughter of Marty and Nicole Madsen of Hamiota.Shailyn grew up on the family farm raising purebred, fullblood and fleckvieh Simmental cattle. She is actively involved in 4H and YCSA, and has enjoyed showing at Fall Fair and Agribition in the past. Throughout her high school years Shailyn volunteered with the Hamitoa fair, participated in sport, drama and dance. She was lucky enough to visit Denmark on a six week school exchange in her Grade 11 year. Shailyn is currently enrolled in the Animal Science Technology and Veterinary Medical Assistant program at Lakeland College – Vermilion Campus. Upon graduation, Shailyn plans to seek employment in the agricultural industry, as either an animal nutritionist or to work at a veterinary clinic. She also hopes to travel to Australia and New Zealand to experience their agricultural practices and bring that knowledge back to her own farm. Taylor Lynn Carvey is the daughter of Darren and Shannon Carvey of Swindon Ranch, Alexander, MB. Taylor has been actively involved in her families purebred Simmental operation since purchasing her first heifer in 2008. She has exhibited cattle at Manitoba Livestock Expo and Agribition along with many 4H achievements, and the Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup. Taylor took a term as the secretary/treasurer for the Manitoba YCSA, and was very active in helping plan the 2014 YCSA National Classic which was held in Manitoba. Taylor is currently enrolled in the University of Manitoba to obtain her Bachelor of Nursing. Although this job does not pertain directly to agriculture, she hopes a stable career will assist her in obtaining the capital she needs to build a herd based on quality genetics. Carson Rodgers, current president of the Manitoba YCSA was also awarded a scholarship. Carson was raised on a 4th generation mixed farm of grains, hogs and cattle, where there was a clear emphasis on environmental concerns. He joined the Sidney 4H Beef Club in 2011 and because actively involved taking terms as club reporter, vice president, president and treasurer. Carson then moved on to the Central Plains 4H Area Council where he was president from 2013-2014 and Vice President for 2014-2015. Through 4H he was awarded a Gold Watch in 2014, he was guest speaker at the Manitoba 4H leadership Conference in 2014 and attended the Global Youth Institute World Food Prize Conference in Des Moines, Iowa. Carson became a member of the MSA in 2013 under his farm name, Firdale Simmentals. Since then he has participated in Manitoba Youth Beef Roudup, and YCSA events. While being actively involved in sports and community activities throughout high school Carson always managed to maintain honor roll status. Carson is currently enrolled in the Animal Science Technology program at Lakeland College Vermilion Campus.
Peace Country Beef Congress
January 8-9, 2016 Dawson Creek, BC
Grand Champion Single Open Heifer, exhibited by Tri K Cattle, Beaverlodge, AB
Reserve Champion Single Open Heifer, exhibited by Tri K Cattle
Grand Champion Junior Heifer Pen exhibited by KSL Simmentals, Beaverlodage, AB
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Pen & Reserve Champion Overall Heifer Pen exhibited by KSL Simmentals
Grand Champion Purebred Pen of Bulls exhibited by Willow Creek Simmentals, Crooked Creek, AB
Reserve Champion Purebred Pen of Bulls, exhibited by Tri K Cattle
Scott Bohrson 403.370.3010
Rob Voice 306.361.6775
Martin Bohrson 306.220.7901
Darryl Snider 780.385.5561
Geoff Anderson 306.731.7921
Colton Hamilton 403.507.5416
Adair Ranch.............................................................65 Alameda Agencies...................................................85 Ashworth Farm & Ranch........................................77 Bert’s NR Simmentals.............................................30 Big Sky Simmentals................................................23 Bohrson Marketing..................................................81 Bonchuk Farms.......................................................4 Bouchard Livestock...........................................74,86 Cattle Country Bull Sale........................................73 City View Simmentals............................................17 Crocus Simmentals.................................................85 Czech-Mate Livestock............................................34 Dana Johns.............................................................13 Davis Livestock Services.......................................86 Don Oberg Auctions...............................................86 Double Bar D Farms...............................................49 Downhill Simmentals..............................................71 Ellingson Simmentals..............................................37 Erixon Simmentals..................................................54 Foxy Lady Cattle Co...............................................69 Gordon Jones Simmentals......................................9 Hamm’s Trucking................................................8,85 Hannah Simmentals.....................................44,45,86 High Bluff Stock Farms....................................78,86 Homestead-T Simmentals......................................66 Jerry Kanewischer..................................................86 Keystone Livestock Services.................................86 LaBatte Simmentals...............................................58 M & J Farms..........................................................88 Manitoba Simmental Association...........................6 Maple Lake Stock Farm.........................................11 Mar Mac Farms..................................................3, 53 Maxwell Simmentals..............................................79 McMillen Ranching Ltd....................................20,21 Meadow Acres Farms.............................................59 Miracle Ranch Equipment......................................85 More Bros Simmentals...........................................10 Muirhead Cattle Co................................................62 Murray Chev Cadillac............................................85 Next Generation Bull Sale.....................................75 Oakview Simmentals.............................................24 Perkin Land & Cattle Co........................................2 Pheasantdale Cattle Co..........................................39 Pizzey Simmentals.................................................69 Prairie Pistol Designs.............................................85
Premium Beef Bull Sale.........................................55 Pure Country Simmentals.......................................70 Rainbow River Simmentals....................................57 R Plus Simmentals..................................................56 Rancier Farms.........................................................64 Rendezvous Farms.............................................50,51 RKT Simmentals.....................................................41 Robb/Hoegl Bull Sale.............................................27 Saskatchewan Simmental Association....................63 Schweitzer Simmentals..........................................29 Silver Lake Farms..................................................9 South Sask Sale......................................................83 Southwest Showcase Bull Sale..............................31 Spring Creek Simmentals..................................32,33 Sunny Valley Simmentals......................................19 Swan Lake Farms...................................................43 Swan Valley Veterinary Clinic................................86 Transcon Livestock Services...................................87 Triple R Simmentals................................................25 Twin Brae Simmentals............................................47 Wheatland Cattle Co...............................................67 Winnipeg Bull Sale.................................................61 WLB Livestock.......................................................15 Workman Farms......................................................35
Friends, if you would like to continue receiving Simmental Focus & your mailing address has changed or been updated, e.g. new postal code, or a box # or site # added, please send us the updated address. Canada Post will not deliver it without the correct address, and you will be removed from the mailing list. Please take a moment to check the mailing address on your copy, & contact us by calling (204) 745-3255 or email to have your address corrected (particularly if it says General Delivery). Please help us continue to send your free copy of Simmental Focus. Thank You!
GOULD ď‚Ť RANCH Quarter Horses
Blaine & Lois Gould Carman MB Canada Joanne & John Best H: 204-745-3082 & Famly C: 204-745-7456 H: 204-745-3255 gouldsfarm@gmail.com C: 204-750-2350
Tim, Kathy & Kale Scherger Lane & Kacie Scherger Ph: 306.773.7122 Tim cell: 306.774.6610 Lane cell: 306.750.2129 Email: tkscherger@sasktel.net
Empire-Advance VIRDEN
and Border
Weekly Newspaper & Commercial Printers Charlotte Artyshko, Sales P: 204-748-3931 • F: 204-748-1816 • E: virden@empireadvance.ca 4 - 585 Seventh Avenue South • Box 250 • Virden, MB • R0M 2C0
For All Your Insurance Needs Livestock - Farm - Commercial - Personal Lines
BONNIE THOMPSON Box 340, Alameda, SK S0C 0A0 Ph: 306-489-2258 Fax: 306-489-2053 Cell: 306-483-7311 E-mail: alamedaagencies@sasktel.net
To keep your name in front of your customersPlace your business card here
TWIN BRAE SIMMENTALS Auction and Ring Service
Fullbloods, Purebred, Red and Black The coffee is always on!
3 miles east, 6.5 miles north of Inglis
Box 250 Stirling, AB T0K 2E0
Barry & Glenda Chescu www.chescu.com
(204)564-2509 Cell (204)937-7180 Box 139, Inglis, MB Email: chescu@xplornet.ca
Brian Bouchard Export/Import Marketing & Consulting Domestic Sales Consullting/Management & Order Buying Embryos*Live Cattle*Semen Export Qualified Semen Storage Facility Box 1409, Crossfield, AB CANADA T0M 0S0 Ph (403)946-4999 Fax (403)946-4919 cell (403)813-7999 e-mail: info@bouchardlivestock.com Website: www.bouchardlivestock.com
Box 575 Fisher Branch, MB R0C 0Z0
PH: (204)372-8801 Email: jdgreen@mts.net “Experienced advice for your Hyland seed corn & Northstar forage seed requirements in the northern Interlake”
Carman & Donna Jackson & Family toll-free 1-866-738-9211 email: jackson7@mymts.net
Ph (403)382-9374
Davis Livestock Services Wilf Davis
* Marketing Consultant * Photography * Order Buying
P.O. Box 177 Douglas, Manitoba R0K 0R0 Ph (204)834-2479 Fax (204)834-3999
Thursday, February 18, 2016 on the Ranch at Russell, Manitoba
Two Year Old Bulls
Black and Red Simmentals, Angus and Simm-Angus bulls
Also Selling Bred Purebred & Commercial Females
PB Black Simmental
Red Simmental
PB Black Simmental
PB Black Angus
Miles Glasman Bonnie Glasman Jared Glasman
(204) 773-6275 (204) 773-0094 (204) 796-0999
(204) 773-3279
mjfarms@inetlink.ca Matthew & Leanne Glasman Cell: (204) 773-6055
(204) 773-3209
Visit Us At: www.mjsimmentalangus.com www.glasmanfarms.com Or Come See Us At The Auction: 2 1/2 miles South of Russell on Highway 16