The Grammarian 2024

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For the second consecutive year, our School Captains planted a tree in our Avenue of Trees, which was established in 2023 for the School’s 135th anniversary inside the historic War Memorial Gates on Paxton Street It is our intention, that by the 150th anniversary in 2038, this area will form an avenue of 15 trees (Tuckeroos - Cupaniopsis anacardioides) leading to the ovals, each with a plaque featuring the names of the School Captains of the year of planting

For 136 years, Townsville Grammar School has been proudly serving our communities, providing an exceptional education and boarding program We continue to remember our founders and acknowledge their vision and commitment to establishing this great School, of which weare thecurrent custodians

Pictured:SchoolCaptains,YasminEatonandChristiandeJerseyplantatreeintheAvenueofTrees tomarkFounders’Day.


IwritethismessagefollowingourTGSReunioneventwhichwasheldforthefirsttimeinournewlyrestoredSchoolHouse ThiswasthemostwellattendedReunioninmytimeasPrincipal,andcertainlysinceCOVIDThisyear’sReunionwelcomed backalumnifromgraduatingyearsendingin,andweweredelightedtoopenthedoorsonceagaintoPastGrammariansfrom asfarbackas,celebratingtheirthanniversary.

The Reunion was a wonderful event, where we also showcased the newly installed TGS Museum on the top floor

of School House which already features some wonderful displays I am highlighting this event as it signalled to me the enthusiasm that exists within our alumni to re-engage with the School In the days leading to the Reunion, and in the days following, we welcomed many Past Grammarians who wanted to take a wander around the School, spend some time in the Museum, and, in some cases, donate items of memorabilia

As our Museum continues to grow, we hope that the word spreads that our School is always open to Past Grammarians

Our School Archivist, and former Head of Boarding, Chris Wilson, has been working diligently for almost two years collating and sorting our massive stores of archives He is preparing the Museum as a place for our School community to visit and engage with the history and stories of our School More information about our Museum is included in this publication

We once again invited a Past Grammarian as guest speaker at our annual Cum Laude Awards Ceremonies for Years 5-12, held at the North Ward Campus We welcomed Ms Yvette Griggs from the class of 2003 who spoke of her time at the School and her career journey to date Ms Griggs is currently the Project Technical Manager at Alstom and has enjoyed a career in engineering, particularly in the field of railways and train networks Ms Griggs spoke about the decisions she made throughout her career in terms of choosing roles that best utilised her skill set, as well as matching her personal values

This year we have celebrated some impressive highs with our Past Grammarians, from Steph Kershaw’s (12/2012)

Olympic success with the Hockeyroos, through to Wade

Forster’s (12/2015) crowning as the winner of the 2024 Star

Maker Award in Tamworth We were also honoured to welcome back Colonel Siale Diro DMS OBE (12/1984) who is the Defence Adviser for the High Commission of Papua New Guinea Colonel Diro was our guest speaker for our National Boarding Week Assembly

More broadly, our School has experienced another dynamic and positive year as a community This publication will highlight only some of the wonderful occasions and achievements within our community and I encourage you to follow us on our social channels so that you can keep up to date with our latest news and share in our celebrations

At our most recent Staff Professional Development Day, I took the opportunity to address our teaching staff with a focus on what teaching and learning will look like in the years ahead The educational landscape in which we operate is currently experiencing significant transformation This can be seen in

the demographic trends of new generations;

the challenges of attracting and retaining younger staff

amidst an ageing of the profession;

technological transformations;

curriculum progression;

socialchanges; globalinfluences; customerexpectations;and atransitiontoanewworldofwork

Each of these will have an impact on the strategic and operational planning of schools, and subsequently, the learningthatoccursinthem Inmyattempttolookatthese broadtopics, Ifocusedspecificallyonfourfactorsthatwill influence thelearning of students over thenext decade –technology, the personalisation and customisation of education, mental health and wellbeing, and a consumer approachtoeducationthatisincreasinglytransactional

Thesearemacro issues that affect the wider educational landscapeandwearecurrentlyworkingthroughwhatthese meantousatTGS,whilstkeepingtruetoourSchoolvalues andpurposeofdeliveringabroadandliberaleducation

Educationshoulddevelopinstudentsstrongandtransferable intellectualandpracticalcapabilitiessuchascommunication, analytical, reflectiveandproblem-solvingskills, anabilityto applytheirknowledgeinreal-worldsettings,aswellasasense ofsocialresponsibility

Ultimately,theSchoolaimstoproducefineyoungpeoplewho arereadyandwillingtocontributetotheworldaroundthemin whatevershapeorformthatmaybe

Whilstnavigatingchangestotheeducationallandscape,the education offered must remain true to this: educational programs must seek to be transformational, to develop a depthandstrengthofcharacterthroughlivedvaluesandto guidestudentstolivelifewithasenseofhumilityandservice so they canmake their world, and the worldaround them, betterfortheirpresence

This is the aim that any change the School makes should be seeking to achieve, and it is the responsibility of each of us to provide the culture, structures and opportunities for the community to achieve this

After 136 years of providing a Grammar education to the families of North and North-West Queensland and further afield, I am assured that our School will continue to evolve, adapt and pivot to meet our changing world and continue to deliver an exceptional student experience with leading academic outcomes and a TGS alumni network for life

I trust this edition of The Grammarian Magazine will show you the level of engagement we are enjoying with our community and will encourage you to join in, where possible, to reconnect with your School I encourage you to visit, have a look at our impressive and growing Museum, and share some fond memories

Bonus Intra Melior Exi


Bonus Intra Melior Exi


We received notice that four of our long-standing staff members are moving on to new chapters, each of t

Carolyn and Michael have a very long history with Townsville

Grammar School Carolyn herself was a Grammar student, and she and Michael are parents to three children who attended theSchoolfromPrep to Year 12

Carolyn’s journey with the School over 29 years has involved beinga teacher, Head ofFaculty – Science, and, from 2020, the

Director of Curriculum During her time as Director of

Curriculum and member of the Senior Management team,

Carolyn has also been the IB Co-ordinator and, at times, has also acted as Head of Faculty – Educational Support, Head of

Faculty – Drama, and Careers Advisor In her role as Director of

Curriculum, Carolyn has worked across the School, expertly leading and supporting our staff in the delivery of the curriculumfromPrep to Year 12

Throughout Michael’s 27 years, he has been a teacher, Form teacher, Acting Head of Faculty – Mathematics, and, since 2019, Head ofFaculty – Mathematics Together with their three children, the Moores family has collectively spent almost a hundred years at Grammar

Throughout their time at Townsville Grammar School, Carolyn and Michael have always demonstrated their love for the School They have both made a very significant contribution to our School and our wider School community, and we sincerely thank them for their passion, dedication and professionalism which has benefited our students for almost three decades

We wish them the very best for their relocation to Victoria


Kristell has beenanintegral part of our TGS community for 28 years, enrolling an estimated 10,000 students in this time

In addition to her senior leadership role, she is also our office manager, international student co-ordinator, liaison with the Parents Network, and the Interact Club convenor She has been the liaison for the former Black & Gold committee and the Past Grammarians Association, and was also a debating coach and English teacher Until 2019, Kristell managed both the enrolments and marketing programfor theSchool

Kristell has been influential across all aspects of the School, from Pre-Prep to Year 12, in boarding and our international student community Her thoughtful insight and advice has shaped many of our operations and processes and her dedication to our service program through the Interact Club has seen their efforts and contribution go from strength to strength For many, Kristell has been the face of our School, and she has been a positive influence for thousands of families in their decision to enrolat TownsvilleGrammar School

Kristell has an enormous passion for the School and we are indebted to her for her significant contribution that has extended well beyond her position description We sincerely appreciate Kristell’s significant contribution and wishher the very best inher next chapter






at T

Grammar School, Mario Melchiori has announced his plans to retire at the end of the year Mario has been a valued and respected member of our teaching team, and we’re pleased to share that he will return next year for some relief teaching

Reflecting on his time at TGS, Mario expressed appreciation for the strong sense of community, the wonderful colleagues he’s worked alongside, and the privilege of teaching young people, a role that he says has kept him busy and energised throughout his career We thank Mario for his incredible contribution to our School, for his professionalism and dedication to his students and the Mathematics Faculty We wish Mario all the best in his retirement



We celebrated the academic achievements of our Class of 2023 at our annual Scholars Assembly on Monday, 5 February 2024, welcoming back our students and their family and friends, and announcing our 2023 Academic Awards


Dux : Saachi Hira

Proxime Accessit: Phillipa Dowling















SiennaCaniato MaherZulfiquer


Highest IB scores (highest score possible is 45):

Sabeer Nayyar - 43

Evangelos Yiallourides - 42

16 7% received a score of 40+


SaachiHira MaryFoley-ElliottMemorialPrizeforDuxoftheSchool





“This is my favourite assembly of the year It is our chance to celebrate the hard work and diligence of our students and to wish them well as they embark on their various pathways It is always evident that working hard and striving for personal best equates to choice when it comes to all post-school options It is fantastic to see students embarking on a wide range of tertiary courses coveringall study areas, indicating that thebroad, liberal education provided at TGS prepares our students for increasinglydiversecareerspaths

It was fantastic to see and talk to so many students and their parents who expressed their genuine appreciation of their time at TGS Regardless of their score or the offer, their gratitude for their teachers and the school is justwonderful "





AlyssaCurtis CHHodgesMemorialPrizeforProximeAccessit NaomiKutash TAGulliverMemorialPrizeforDux


HariniRamesh ProfessorIanYangPrizeforProximeAccessit GemmaMorris PFRowlandMemorialPrizeforDux


LukeBroadfoot YangFamilyPrizeforProximeAccessit ShreeyaRanabhat PFRowlandMemorialPrizeforDux


AkshayaMallya Parents&FriendsAssociationPrizeforProximeAccessit ClaraWin PastGrammarians’AssociationPrizeforDux


TenilleRound LadiesAuxiliaryAssociationPrizeforProximeAccessit EllaCumming PastGrammarians’AssociationPrizeforDux


AnishSrivastava Parents&FriendsAssociationPrizeforProximeAccessit TienErnChan LadiesAuxiliaryAssociationPrizeforDux





Our School community again gathered in the Quad at the North

Ward Campus for our 2024 ANZAC service, in front of historic

School House, where such ceremonies have been held throughout the School' s history

Thank you to special guest, Wing Commander (WGCDR) Luke

Headley, Commanding Officer 27th Squadron, and to our visiting dignitaries and invited guests, flag bearers, Cadets, performers, staff and students who gathered for this occasion where we remembered those who serve, and who have served, in particular the 60 Past Grammarians who lost their lives in service in WWI, WWII and the Vietnam War


Students from our three campuses were once again proud to march in the Townsville ANZAC parade along The Strand This year they carried posters featuring the photographs, names and details of the sixty Past Grammarians who lost their lives in service in WWI, WWII and Vietnam



We welcomed Mr Ron Degenhart from the Rotary Club of Mundingburra who presented at our Assembly on his recent visit to the Fatumasse School, Timor Leste Mr Degenhart delivered postcards, written by TGS students, to every student at Fatumasse School, along with a supply of Tetum to English dictionaries Through the help of the Rotary Club of Mundingburra, our TGS Interact Club has this year become a sponsor school for Fatumasse School, Bazartete, Timor-Leste, creating a Sister School relationship We are hoping to continue to develop this relationship to the point where we can look at students travelling to our Sister School and developing a long term partnership that sees a genuine hands-on community service opportunities for our students (pictured above)



Across our three campuses, our families once again donated food items for our annual TGS Food Appeal We packed the ute with more than 2000 food items which were delivered to Food Relief NQ The Food Appeal is organised by our

Interact Club members


We warmly welcomed back Beth Snewin from the Zonta Club of Townsville Inc who assisted our Interact students in this year ' s Zonta Birthing Kits project (pictured right) This year we collated and funded the delivery of 200 birthing kits to Uganda The students collated the kits over several weeks before they were shipped overseas to help mothers with little or no assistance during child birth


We welcomed Mr Neville Hines, President of the National Servicemen’s Association of Australian (Qld) Townsville and District Branch to our Assembly at theNorthWardCampus Mr Hines invited students to take part inRSLQueensland Postcards of Honour project In participating, students decorated and wrote messages of appreciation on cards which were distributed to veterans ahead of ANZAC Day Mr Hines is a Past Grammarian and was a class-mate of Malcolm McConaghy, who diedin servicein theVietnamWar

Pictured:OurDefenceCaptains,DylanPriceandLiamClementswithMrNevilleHines, DeputyPrincipal,MrConnorBarrettandDefenceSchoolMentor,MrsMaryGunn



As is tradition, our boarders gatheredfor a photo to markNational

BoardingWeek on the stairs of theiconicSchoolHouse - thefirst

boarding dormitory and classroom of the School, built in 1888, picturedabove

We were fortunate to welcome back Past Grammarian boarder,

Colonel Siale Diro (12/1984) to address our Assembly for National


Colonel Siale Diro DMS OBE is from Rigo District in the Central

Province of PapuaNew Guineaandis currently basedinCanberra

as the Defence Adviser for the High Commission of Papua New

Guinea Colonel Diro graduated from the Royal Military College of

Australia in 1992, and has served extensively in operational, trainingandstaffappointments Hisachievementsinclude:

AwardedPNGChief ofDefenceForceCommendations in 2004

for performance on RAMSI, 2013 for writing the PNG Defence

White Paper, and 2015 for recovering PNGDF Missing in Action remainsonBougainville

AwardedtheDistinguishedMilitaryServiceMedalin 2011

Awarded theOrder of theBritishEmpirefor his services to the PNGDFin 2017

Colonel Diro spoke beautifully about his time at TGS and in boarding, describing and comparing life in the 1980s, and parting

with some wise pieces ofadvicefor livingagoodandfulfillinglife

"Whatyouthinkiswhatyoubecome "

"Respectandcharacterarewhatmatters "



the lights of the tree in the Quad, welcoming more than 300

guests Thetreewaswrappedinfairlylightsthisyearasaproject




We have welcomed Mr David Enfantie this year as Director of

Sport & Activities and also Director of Rugby David comes to TGS following ten years at Toowoomba Grammar School as coach of the 1st XV, and prior to that he was coach of the Premier Colts at UQ


Thank you to Julia Fulton (12/2024) who donated this signed softball from the U18 Australian Softball Oceania

Championships 2023 (pictured below right) This sits proudly in our Co-Curricular Office along with other memorabilia from our TGS sporting legends


Club Sport continued in force in 2024, with four teams in

Rugby, Netball, Rowing and Touch Football Three

Rugby@Home games were scheduled at the North Ward

Campus this year Our U17 and U10 teams both made the

finals series The U17s were eliminated in the minor semifinal but can be very proud of their season

Our Club Netball teams ended the year with success with

Grammar 3 and Grammar 4 taking out the Grand Final

Grammar 12 made it to the Grand Final, but narrowly missed

the win by one point

Our two 1st VIII crews battled it out in the Head of the River Regatta, with both placing second in what was the culmination of a fantastic year on the water A team of 19

TGS rowers travelled to Wyaralong Dam for the 2024 Qld

Schools State Rowing Championships, hosted by Rowing

Queensland with more than 50 schools, and 200 races

Our girls were the winners of the Open Girls at the NQ All

Schools Touch Championships in August, to mark the beginning of what promises to be an excellent season for the Black and Gold

The Under 18 Mixed Touch Football Team put on a commendable performance at this year’s Queensland All

Schools Carnival, showcasing determination and skill against some tough competition Competing against approximately 80

teams, our team finished in 17th place, narrowly missing out on the finals by just one ladder position


TGS had a strong showing in the annual TDRU Festival of Rugby 7s, entering 16 teams (boys and girls) from Under 8 to Under 18 Performances of note were the Under 16 Boys, Under 16 Girls, and Under 18 Boys who all finished fourth in their respective competitions

Our Junior School tourists travelled to Cairns for the 2024 Junior School Sports Tour, playing netball and rugby against St Andrew’s Catholic College and Trinity Anglican Schoolfinishing the tour undefeated


Our fencing program, which started in 2018, has been extremely popular and is now offered at all three campuses, thanks to Mr Peter Millios of the North Queensland Fencing Academy (NQFA) Congratulations to our 2024 fencing champions and to all fencers on a fantastic season for the Black and Gold


The 70th annual McKimmin Mile was run on Friday, 2 August 2024, starting on the Bill Muller Oval, in memory of Past Grammarian, Alan McKimmin who died in 1945, aged 17



In 2024, the Music program expanded to include two Taiko Drumming groups, an additional string group, Vivo Strings, and an auditioned based extension choir, Cadenza Chorale These groups have sparked great enthusiasm among students, adding fresh creativity and energy to our performances

Students have been engaged in a full program of School-based performances, community performances, workshops and competitions including another highly successful Townsville

Eisteddfod season and the Australian Concert and Vocal

Competition (ACVC) In Term 3, our Choral Ensembles had the opportunity to perform in the Grammar Sings Concert at St

James Cathedral, followed by the annual Instrumental

Showcase Concert held at the School, for both Junior and Senior groups


Students in Years 4-6 had the opportunity to participate in the

School’s inaugural Junior School Production, Alice’s Magical

Adventure, and students in Years 7-9 were involved in the

Middle School Production of Mythical Mosaics: Tales of

Ancient Greece Students in Years 10-12 auditioned for the 2025 Senior School Production of SpongeBob SquarePants The Musical to be held at the Townsville Civic Theatre

Other opportunities for students in Theatre Club included The Scene Project, through Queensland Theatre, where they were challenged to create their own unique 15-minute version of the play, Flowers in Antarctica by Wendy Mocke

Our senior dance students participated in a contemporary dance workshop delivered by Dancenorth Australia The Australian Ballet also visited the School to perform, From the

Gadhu, and delivered a choreography workshop


In2024,theSchoolwasproudtoprovidestudentsan extensive,andgrowing,rangeofinstrumental,vocal, theatre and dance ensembles and performance




























This year’s Middle School Production, Mythic Mosaics: Tales from Ancient Greece, was a tremendous success with more than 400 people witnessing our Middle School students bring these ancient tales to life across three performances

This production was a unique collaborative effort, written, choreographed, and directed by our talented Senior School students, showcasing their remarkable leadership and creativity

With more than 100 students involved, the energy and enthusiasm throughout the preparation and performances was palpable The excitement and pride that the students felt after the closing night were truly incredible, a testament to their hard work and dedication

The collective efforts of everyone involved made Mythic Mosaics: Tales from Ancient Greece an unforgettable experience for both the students involved and the audience



Year 4 students were selected as the winning team of the Imagining Townsville Brickman Cities: Build the Future Schools Challenge

The challenge required students to work in teams to confront a problem that young people face in Townsville and design a new building or public space to help solve the problem Year 4 classes at both Annandale and North Shore entered the competition, with our North Shore team placing third

As the winning team, the students won an exclusive class visit to the LEGO® Brickman Cities exhibition at the Queensland Museum Tropics, where they met Ryan 'Brickman' McNaughtknown for his role in the TV series, Lego Masters Ryan Brickman spent time with the class touring the exhibition - a fantastic opportunity and experience


The Melior Exi is a year-long program of personal development for students in Year 6 Students undertake physical challenges, community service, and are tasked with learning new skill and presenting this to their peers at the completion of the program

In 2024, Year 6 students from both Junior School campuses embarked on the program Physical challenges included mountain biking and hiking Castle Hill, and the community service component involved cleaning up local neighborhoods and hosting guests from the Good Shepherd Aged Care Home

Students were also tasked with learning a new skill throughout the year under the guidance of a mentor (teacher or member of staff) In Term 4, the students presented their learnings of their new skill to their peers New skills included music composition, coding, cooking, AUSLAN, photography, refereeing and languages


Our Junior School campus communities celebrated 100 days of Prep and 100 days of learning on Thursday, 25 July

Students came to to School dressed as 100year olds and engaged in 100-themed games and activities to celebrate this learning milestone

Our 2024 Past Grammarians Reunion took place on Saturday, 10 August, this year with a special focus on the graduating years ending in 4 We welcomed Past Grammarians from 2014, 2004, 1994, 1984, 1974 and 1964/63 Sav




At this year ' s Past Grammarians’ Reunion we presented an

Honorary Life Membership to Chris Wilson, former TGS Head of

Boarding and currently the School’s Archivist developing the

Museum The criteria for this honour, as is listed in the Past

Grammarians Association Constitution, states:

"To be considered for Honorary Life Membership, a nominee

should have provided a significant service to the School as a member of the Board, teacher, administrator, coach, staff member, volunteer, or in other ways, such that they are

considered to have made a significant contribution the School or the Association”

Chris joins Brian (BC) Christensen, the late William (Bill) Muller, and former TGS Chair of the Board of Trustees, Judge

Stuart Durward, as recipients of this award - pictured below


‘Our Place, Our People, Our Stories - A Collection of

Essays ' is a wonderful trip down memory lane, as the

writer shares reflections, stories and historical accounts

of the School The Past Grammarians Association hopes to produce a series of publications over time


Copies are available for purchase ($30+ postage) via www tgs qld edu au/pastgrammarians or scan the QR code


2nd annual

We welcomed Past Grammarians from the ‘60s through to 2023 at our second annual Brisbane Catch-Up, held on Saturday, 25 May 2024

We host this event on the same weekend in May each year, and in 2025, it will be held on Saturday, 24 May Invitations will be available in early 2025 via the Past Grammarians Facebook group, the website (www tgs qld edu au/pastgrammarians), and email, providing we have your email address Please email marketing@tgs qld edu au to provide us with your contact details, or to check we have up-to-date information


WeareplanningaMelbournePastGrammarianscatch-upinthefirsthalfof2025 Victorian-based,PastGrammariancommittee member,DanThearle(1996),isassistingwiththeevent IfyouareinMelbourneandwouldliketohelpout,orattend,pleaselet theAssociationknowviapastgrammariansassoc@tgsqldeduau Informationonthedateandvenuewillbeavailableearly2025,viatheQRcodeabove,andonthePastGrammariansFBgroup


Robyn Townsend, daughter of Stanley Joseph Foster who enrolled in 1927, donated his Old Boys Association badge Robyn believes this badge is from a 1938 reunion celebrating 50 years of Townsville Grammar School

Stanley’s great granddaughter, Lily, is a current student at the School - a fourth generation Grammarian Lily is pictured next to her great grandfather’s badge on display in the Museum


School House is the historical heart of the School, established in 1888, originally housing boarders on the top floor and classrooms on the lower level School House is a fitting place to hold our stories

The need for a museum has long been recognised It is only with the recently completed refurbishment of School House that this space has become available The museum project was initiated in 2021, and, with funding from the School, the Past Grammarians Association and the Parents Network, the cabinetry was installed in July 2024

We have gratefully received donations of memorabilia from Past Grammarians for inclusion in the Museum Pictured above is Ed

Cattoni (1974) and Steven Young (1974) who both donated School blazers and items of memorabilia which are now on display in the Museum - pictured above

“Justimagineifyoucouldputyourhandononeof thewallsandhavethebuildingtellyouaboutitslife since–andknowyouwerepartofthestory”




Our objec

tive for the museum is to provide a place to:

Celebrate the rich and diverse history of our School and our people

Share our stories with our alumni, our students, and staff and the broader Townsville community

Foster the bonds between Past Grammarians and their School, and to foster the sense of pride and belonging of current students and an appreciation of our history and significance

Enjoy and engage with the ‘who and what’ we are, a place where our guests can view and learn more about Our People, Our Place and Our Stories

Preserve and display collections, photographs, artifacts, and treasures from our long and rich history, capturing our setbacks and our struggles, our triumphs, and achievements

Provide an opportunity for ongoing school related research

Recognise those who were responsible for the founding of the School and those who have been responsible for our journey

Recognise and celebrate our Past Grammarians

Encourage our community, past and present, to contribute to our ongoing story

It is our sincere wish that visitors to this ‘home of our history’ connect with, and enjoy, the stories of our past We hope that every visit enhances the appreciation of the School and its place in the history of Townsville, Queensland, and Australia


As our museum evolves and grows, permanent and temporary displays will be curated, to align with our steering objectives Envisaged display ideas include, but are not limited to the following Your ideas and suggestions are valued


Headmasters,Principalsandothersignificantmembers ofstaff

Past Grammarians Association, OldBoys UnionandOld





SchoolHouseand other significant buildings, including









Important aspects in the life of the School such as



We were delighted to welcome Pamela Saal who visited the School to donate some photographs and original letters to the new School Museum Pamela’s connection to TGS dates back to the origins of the School

Pamela’s grandfather was George Foot who attended TGS (enrolled 1896) George was one of five boys, four of whom served in WWI Two of the boys died in the war, and two returned George married Eileen in Townsville Eileen was Godmother to Sybil, who was married to Charles Henry Hodges, the first permanent Headmaster of Townsville Grammar School from 1889-1900

One of the photos Pamela donated is of CH Hodges and Jim Castling, who wrote the music for the School Song, Carmen Townsvillare (pictured right)

Pamela also donated the original letters written by Hodges to Eileen and to Eileen’s mother, Ellen Marshall One of these letters contains an Honour Roll compiled by Eileen

In 2020, the School was presented with George Foot’s rifle from Gallipoli It is on display in School House – Pamela is photographed above, next to this display

George Foot’s diary is held by the Townsville RSL

The School also has copies of the letters that Alexander Foot wrote home to his mother and sister from Gallipoli, including the one he wrote the night before his was killed

We are very grateful to Pamela for her incredible donation to our School Museum


The historic Chelmsford Cup (the Rugby Cup) and the Mary Agnes Donald Prize were awarded to School Captains, Christian de Jersey and Yasmin Eaton respectively, pictured above

The Chelmsford Cup, sometimes referred to as the Rugby Cup, has a history dating back to 1905 when Headmaster Mr Rowland introduced the Rugby Prize in honour of Mr Hodges, the School’s first Headmaster who taught at The Rugby School in England In 1907, the Chelmsford Cup was presented by Lord Chelmsford, then Governor of Queensland It has evolved over time to become the award for the Best All Round Boy in Year 12

The Mary Agnes Donald Prize was established in 1929 by Dr WH Donald in memory of his mother From 1930-1938, this prize was awarded to the girl who was considered to have best maintained the School’s traditions by her devotion to study and her general conduct From 1939-1980, the prize was awarded to the girl obtaining the best pass in the Queensland Junior E


1981, the prize has been awarded to the Best All Round Girl in Year 12


Past Grammarian, Steven Young (1974) presented former TGS staff member, Wally Lloyd, with a copy of the publicat

, The History of Townsville Grammar School 1888-1988, signed by Princip

the book, writtenbyKimAllenfortheSchool’scentenaryyear, onlyafewdaysshyofhis 100thbirthday Wally came to Townsville in 1956 and was

to Townsville Grammar School, he started Manual Arts

whenit opened Prior to this, Wally servedin theRAAF


inghis time at TGS, Wally started the Manual Arts Centre and w

Master, andmanyformerboarderswillrememberhim


OurPastGrammariansAssociationhascontinuedtogrowwithnewcommitteemembers,eventsandincreasedengagementacross thegenerations.

Our Past Grammarians Association has continued to strengthen in 2024 as we work towards the engagement of our alumni across the generations

This year we hosted two Past Grammarians events including the second annual Brisbane Catch-Up on Saturday, 25 May, and our Reunion on Saturday, 10 August 2024

Our 2024 Reunion was another wonderful occasion where we welcomed Past Grammarians from across the decades, this year with a special focus on the graduating classes of years ending in 4 Our Reunion took place for the first time in the newly restored School House, and we attracted a record number of Past Grammarians from 1964 through to the Class of 2014 This year we presented former Head of Boarding and current School Archivist, Mr Chris Wilson, with an Honorary Life

Membership Chris joins the late William (Bill) Muller, Judge

Stuart Durward and Brian (BC) Christensen as former recipients of Honorary Life Memberships of the Past Grammarians Association

The Past Grammarians Association committee supported several of the School’s events in 2024 including the North

Ward Campus Open Day and the ANZAC service We held a

pizza lunch for the Year 12s on their final day of school (pre-

exams) to welcome them to the Past Grammarians

Association A representative of the Association attended the

Year 12 Graduation ceremony, and we gifted each graduate

with a Past Grammarian pin and other memorabilia in the spirit

of welcoming them as the newest group of Past Grammarians

Our major funding project this year was a contribution toward the development of the Museum on the top floor of School House The Past Grammarians Association was

pleased to provide support to this important project, and we were able to provide a ‘soft’ launch to guests at our Reunion event

The Museum is being curated by the School’s Archivist, Chris Wilson, and already houses some fantastic memorabilia from across the decades This is a work in progress and the official launch of the Museum will take place inn 2025 The Museum is open to Past Grammarians who wish to visit, and we are always grateful to receive donations of items of memorabilia

Our Past Grammarians Facebook group has grown to more than 2,200 followers This is an important way of communicating with our Past Grammarians and also provides them with a platform to share their news and information We have plans in 2025 to expand our alumni events to include Melbourne, and possibly Canberra, as a way of broadening our connection with Past Grammarians across the country





We welcomed a group of past students from 1969 predominantly who had a tour of the School, School House and the Museum, pictured above

L-R: Neville Whitfield (8/1969), Rob Callcott (10/1969), Jack (John) Callcott (10/1969), David Lemmon (12/1971), Reg Whitfield (10/1969), Alan Whittle (10/1969), Gary Pappalardo (10/1969)

There were three Form IV (Year 10) classes in 1969 Rob, Jack and Alan were in IV 3 and Gary Pappalardo and Reg Whitfield were in IV 2 along with Greg Norman David Lemmon was School Captain in 1971


AspartoftheYear12PositivePurposeWeekofactivities, our students enjoyed hearing from a panel of Past Grammarians about their careers post-school The panelists talkedabout how their plans unfoldedafter school-eachtakingverydifferentdirections

Past Grammarian News - Marriages & Births

Lachlan CAVALLIN (1998) and Vashti HALL (1999) married in June 2024 They met in boarding at TGS and have been together for 10 years Their bridal party members were all Past Grammarians, pictured #1

Luke OLHOLM (2010) married Tahlia on 10 October 2024, pictured #2

Sarah BINDER (2012) married Lee Crawford on Saturday, 22 June 2024 Sarah is the Director of Performing Arts at Townsville Grammar School, and Lee has recently joined the team at TGS in the IT Department, pictured #3

Zachary (Zac) LUCAS (2012) married Jade BAXTER (2012) on 31 August 2024 at Airlie Beach, pictured #4

Katherine WILSON (2007) and her partner, Matt, welcomed their baby boy, Kai Ilo Harry, on 21 July 2024 in Townsville, pictured #5

Bronte LYNE (2009) and her partner, Mitchell, welcomed their first child, James Robert Palmer on 1 November 2024 in Brisbane, pictured #6

Saxon LYNE (2011) and his wife, Bree, welcomed their first child, Alexander Carter Woodd Lyne on 9 June 2024 They live in Richmond, Western Queensland, pictured #7

Past Grammarian News


We are so proud of Past Grammarian, Stephanie KERSAHW (2012), for her outstanding performance at the Paris Olympics - her second Olympics From the black and gold to the green and gold Steph is pictured (to the right) during her visit to Townsville Grammar School in 2021 where she donated a signed singlet from the Tokyo 2020 Olympics


Front row: Karin Poole (1986), Rebecca Bourquin (2016), Kerrina Corrigan (1986), Rachael Pearson (2006), Jake Vaiciulevicius (2011), Kirra Hone (2006), Carolyn Moores (1986), Sasha Lea-Rowell (2021)

Back row: Rachel Harte (2005), Angela Woodward (2001), Sarah Binder (2012), Helen Garner (1989), Susan Case (1990), Lauren Todd (2016), Roop Barring (2018)

Absent: Mia Ohlin (2009), Jenna Fielder (2004), Caitlin Ainsworth (2021), Brendan Young (2001)

Past Grammarian News

Wade FORSTER (2015), was crowned the winner of the 2024 Star Maker Award in Tamworth In 2023 he was honoured to play at the opening of the Tamworth Country Music Festival and, in 2024, the 25-year-old was nominated as one of 10 finalists in the Toyota Star Maker competition On 21 January this year, he was crowned as the 44th Toyota Star Maker, following the footsteps of country music household names like Lee Kernaghan, James Blundell, Keith Urban, Gina Jeffreys, Beccy Cole and many others At the time of writing, Wade's single, Rodeo Romeo, had reached #1 on the 2TM Country Music Chart Pictured above #1

Chelsea SMITH (2020) led the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Graduation Parade as Academy Cadet Captain for 2023 Chelsea was presented with the Chief of Air Force prize by Chief of Air Force (CAF) Air Marshal Rob Chipman AO, CSC Pictured #2

Jordan (Jordy) DUNCAN (2007)

Aquatic Centre in 2024, achie


Past Grammarian News

Bianca GRAHAM (1999) made history in London as the first Torres Strait Islander person to complete all six Abbott World Major Marathons Bianca, who was in the first female contingent of the Indigenous Marathon Project in 2011 consummated a thirteenyear journey as she crossed the TCS London Marathon finish line on 21 April 2024 As a seasoned runner, Bianca has travelled the world, racing in the UK, Tokyo, New York, Berlin, Chicago, Boston and on home soil in Australia, For more information on Bianca’s journey, visit https://www imf org au/bianca-graham/ (Photo and information sourced from this website) Pictured above #1

Adom D’AMICO (2009) and wife, Lauren, have been fost

placement of two boys “Opening our h


Kate PEDDLE (2004) was elected as Mayor of Flinders Shire Council, pictured #3

Johnty O'BRIEN (2018) on his election as Councillor of Carpentaria Shire Council, pictured #4

Mark WARNOCK (2004) starred in the hit television series Survivor Titans V Rebels in 2024, pictured #5

Past Grammarian News

Tia-Clair TOOMEY (2010) took out the title of 7-Time Crossfit Games Champion in 2024 Imaged sourced from The Female Athlete Project (FB), pictured above #1

Jack GROWDEN (2013) was named in the Forbes 30 Under 30 Social Impact List for Asia 2024 This list brings together some of the brightest young entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders in the world, pictured #2

Holly FORSTER (2020) was named the 2023 APRA All Around #NFR Ariat Australia Aggregate Champion Cowgirl and the Australian Pro Rodeo “All Around Cowgirl “ aggregate at the National Finals Rodeo 2023, pictured #3

Sasha-May FLEGLER (2023) Following her selection in the 2023 Commonwealth Youth Games in Trinidad Tobago, Sasha, pictured below, was this year named one of the 2024 training partners for the Suncorp Super Netball Club, the Queensland Firebirds She was also selected for the Netball Queensland U19 team for the National Netball Championships in Victoria, pictured #4

Dr Lee DUFFIELD (1964) has been elected to the 35th Senate (2022 - 2025) of The University of Queensland

Sid SHARMA (2017) graduated chem/bio engineering from UQ 2023 “I decided to pursue entrepreneurship and startup rather than engineering Three months ago I was accepted into the UQ Ventures ilab program with my startup (musheeco com au) Very early days but continuing to make my own path and and continuing to innovate ”


Charles‘Charlie’DonaldCUNNINGHAM(1948)passedaway August2024








Thefollowinghavebeensubmittedforpublishinginthe editionofTheGrammarianMagazine.


Professor Cook, pictured above left, was an Australian-born ballet and modern dancer and expert on reconstruction through

Labanotation He attended the Juilliard School where he studied with José Limón and Anna Sokolow, and performed in each choreographer’s works Cook divided his time between teaching, choreographing, performing, and directing in Australia and the U S

At Vassar, Professor Cook was an outstanding professor of dance from 1981 until 1996 in what was then the Physical

Education and Dance Department He literally put the “Repertory” in Vassar Repertory Dance Theatre (VRDT) After Ray arrived, Vassar changed the name of its dance company from Vassar Dance Theatre to Vassar Repertory Dance Theatre since he was an expert in reconstruction via Labanotation and introduced classic modern dance pieces to the Vassar community Vassar dance students welcomed the historical

nature of what he offered and very much enjoyed his leadership in designing VRDT performances at the Bardavon in

Poughkeepsie Professor Cook authored some classroom text materials in Labanotation as well as a few books including The Dance Director, of which he was especially proud

After his retirement from Vassar, Cook continued to do freelance notation projects with choreographers including Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, José Limón, Anna Sokolow, Helen Tamiris, Alvin Ailey, Miche Fokine, Lin HwaiMin, Walter Gore, Beth Dean, Cecil Bates, Rex Reid, George Balanchine, Lester Horton, Lucas Hoving, Jeff Duncan, and Dan Wagner Vassar was lucky to have benefited from Professor Cook’s many contributions, and he will be deeply missed

WrittenbyElizabethHBradley President VassarCollegePoughkeepsie,NY


Lenore,picturedabove,wasenrolledatTGSin1958She wasaproudGrammarianfortherestofherlifeVery capableandclever,Lenorewasundauntedbyanythingor anyoneFromwinningEisteddfodawardsforHighland dancinginKingaroytoimplementingmanyeducational changesinherteachingcareer,Lenoreputherheartand soulintoeverythingshedid-alargerthanlifeborn entertainerwithpersonalityinspadesthatattracted peoplefromallwalksoflife

ShewasanaturalleaderandbecameaprefectinYear12 takinghernewresponsibilitiesveryseriously Lenore attendedKelvinGroveTeacher’sCollegeinBrisbanewhere sheexcelledinherstudies,graduatingin1963and returningtoTownsvilletocommenceherteachingcareer atMundingburraStateSchool

LenoremarriedJeffreyMitchellin1964andspentacouple ofyearsinPortMoresby,PapuaNewGuinea,raisingher familyofthreesonsMovingbacktoBrisbaneshetaughtat thePetrieStateSchoolforoveradecadebefore continuinghercareeratHerculesRoad,KippaRingand EvertonParkStateSchoolsShewaslovedbyherstudents manyofwhomkeptintouchovertheyearsSheregarded thefriendshipsformedinthoseTGSyearsasvery precious

WrittenbyLenore’stwosisters,LoisNishizawa(Garland)and ShelleyKaraloukas(Garland)andbyJudithJohnston(Lovell) andLloydHoneycombe-allPastGrammarians


Keith, was born in Wau, in New Guinea His first home, and life, was in the bush in Papua New Guinea, in a settlement of three houses, far from the nearest small town

His high school education was completed in Townsville and the highs and lows of that experience ran very deeply throughout his life Separation from his Mum (who was effectively single in the

early 1940s, having been evacuated from New Guinea as the enemy forces approached, and moving to Victoria to live with family during the years of the war), to attend Townsville

Grammar School so far away from his home in New Guinea was a momentous time With this background, Keith grew up tough, but sensitive and very poor But not poor of spirit or optimism

This all had a bearing on what made Keith tick He got a lot of pride out of doing things right, whether it was in his work as a

Valuer for Essendon City Council, his jobs around the home, or his volunteering that weaved all through his adult life; the main ones being church, tennis and Probus

Certainly, his links to St Andrew’s ran deeply through his life It’s the place he met Jan (when he joined the tennis club in 1958)

and his wider group of mates that remained close It’s also the

place he poured hours into, through church committees and

responsibilities to the parish, and through his dedication to the

tennis club affiliated with St Andrew’s This dedication

expanded to the wider Essendon & District Church Tennis

Association, for which he was conferred a Life Membership for the many roles he undertook – President, Treasurer, Secretary &

Match Secretary Keith was also awarded Life Membership of the

following: the St Andrew’s Tennis Club, The Essendon & District

Churches Tennis Association, the Municipal Valuer’s Group and the Strathmore Combined Probus Club all of which speak volumes to what Keith gave of himself to these groups

Keith’s love for the people he held close, was marvellously strong and simple One of the most important factors in how

Keith measured fatherhood was whether he did better than the model he grew up with

Keith’s professional life was summed up by one of the key players in the Municipal Valuer’s Group, Loretta Mason, as follows: When Keith arrived in Melbourne from Townsville he commenced work with the State Government in 1957 in the Fair Rents Board, while at the same time enrolling in the Real Estate Management night-time course at RMIT He completed that course and then followed it with a three-year Diploma in

Valuations He graduated at the end of 1961 and then began his

long municipal career, starting as a Cadet Valuer at the City of Moorabbin in 1962 when he joined our Municipal Valuers’

Discussion Group

Heimmediatelybecameinvolvedandcontributedregularlyto ourgrouprightfromthebeginningThisresultedinalifetime offriendships,manyhavinglastedover60yearsIn1967

KeithtookupthepositionofAssistantValuerinhislocal stompinggroundattheCityofEssendon Keithwas appointedCityValuerin1969andremainedatEssendon (whichbecametheMooneeValleyafterthe1994Council


Inretirement,hesoongottiredofdomesticdutiessohewas luredbacktopart-timeworkasavaluationauditorforthe 1996propertyvaluationsatManninghamandMaroondah

CouncilsWhenthattaskwasfinished,Keithresumedmaking anuisanceofhimselfathomeuntilindesperationin1999,he waspersuadedtoassistwithpropertydatacollectionforthe ruralareasofNillumbikandWhittleseaCouncils

Keith' sinvolvementandcontributionwiththeMunicipal


During that time, he volunteered on theExecutive







TosumupKeith’slife,aboveallwashisloveforJanandhis familyTheybroughthimgreatjoyandpurposeinhisroleof husbandandfatherandmuchlovedgrandfatherTogether theteamofJanandKeithhavecontributedenormouslynot onlytoStAndrew’s,butwhateverareasuchastennisand


withgreatenjoymentandlaughter Hisfamily,friends, workmates,anyonewhohadtheprivilegeofknowingKeith willmisshisuniquepersonality,hisquirksandidiosyncrasies



AReunioneventforallPastGrammarians,withaspecialfocusonthe graduatingyearsendingin.

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