to the arts; people’s ability to create beautiful pieces with their hands, draw pictures with words, as well as those who sing to pluck out one emotional string or another. For the past few weeks, the creative Expressions Team has worked ceaselessly on the Love Triangle; a musical set in the 50’s, written and directed by one of our own, it ties in all the elements we think of when we come across the word ‘creative’. In our August issue, when we talk about Making Sense of Creativity, we see it as more than just artistic expression, but as a way to express our individual calling to bring solution and change to society. The Fantastic Four and Mi-Le share their inspirations and experiences in venturing out to share their personal expressions. Even More Beautiful encourages us to refresh different areas of our lives and bring a renewal to the mundane. So get out your pen and paper and take notes. Be inspired, get creative and make moves towards being Refreshed.
Mandy Sowobi www.
EDITORIAL TEAM Ferdy ‘Ladi Adimefe Glory Edozien Mandy Sowobi Bem Iordaah Ibifiri Mobolaji-Kamson Chuka Ajuluchukwu Seun Idowu PHOTOGRAPHY Bash. 0703 2818075
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Do you ever think seriously about nature – its riveting beauty, the infinite variety of life forms, the splendour of the sea, and your being?
hink of the butterflies, one of the most beautiful insects are critical to man in natural cross pollination. What you will appreciate is that every element of the creation was made with a specific purpose in mind. If you ever wonder why God created anything, just imagine the world without it. Purpose is at the heart of creativity. This is self-evident in God's creation of nature. If it is creative, it's also functional. It is not merely for the selfsatisfying pleasures of creating a new thing. What is also common to inventions that rule the world is that they were conceived by people who understood that creativity must be purposeful and were not just focused on creating a new thing or a fascinating idea. The creators were determined to create something that has practical utility in solving human
problems. Do you desire to create something new that will outlive your time? Wait for a moment before you engage the brainpower to develop that idea. It might help to ask: why do we create? What need does it serve? Starting the creative process with some sense of purpose might determine whether the invention is worth the creative energy. Keep refining the idea till it solves a problem. It may not be exactly what you had in mind at first but don't quit! Many great inventions were developed in the turn of the century; not on the spur of brainwave. If you quit, another man will begin from where you stopped and take your place in history. You will be shocked to know later that you were just a step away from the ultimate goal. The man who takes it up from where you quit will thump his chest in
achievement and tell the world like Thomas Edison did that “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up”. Perhaps, Edison did not intend any unfair remark against those who tried, failed and quit before him but he was undoubtedly correct. If you are asked who invented the light bulb, the answer that readily comes to mind is Thomas Edison. The world knows little about many men who made the initial efforts towards inventing the light bulb invention before Edison. Edison was neither the first nor the only person trying to invent an incandescent electric lamp. Many inventors had tried and failed. Some were discouraged. Since 1800 and over the turn of the century, many inventors including Humphrey Davy, Warren De la Rue, and James Bowman Lindsay
had made initial efforts towards the light bulb invention but Edison's 1880 bulb hit the mark. It was the first to have all the essential features of a modern light bulb-the indispensable incandescent filament in an evacuated glass bulb hung everywhere around you. As a father is pleased when he sees his face copied unto his child, so we to honour God with our creative expressions. We have the same creative DNA that God creates with. Our creativity speaks of His nature that He placed in us and we must use it purposefully, just like His creations bring solution to human problems. We have to release the creative power in a way that affects cultures and the Kingdom. If we make God the focus and source of inspiration, He will activate in our hearts the beauty of His heart that created everything that was, that is; and that is to come. He will open our eyes to the needs that we may not see and inspire the creative solution we could not have conceived on our own. We have to break out of established patterns, the known certainties and be ready to see things in a different way through the eyes of God, the ultimate Creator. A shred of the creative power that brought about the world is more than enough to make a man the greatest genius in the history of mankind.
There is more to Mobowale Biobaku than meets the eye. At first glance, she is a flourishing fashion entrepreneur with several highbrow boutiques in Lagos, but underneath that glossy, sparkly exterior is a strong woman of God who is passionate about her faith and steadfastly committed to her Christian walk. For this very reason, I was delighted to interview her and was unsurprisingly inspired and encouraged by her wisdom. Life is a journey, what are the most important things you have learned about yourself on your journey thus far? I have learnt that on my own, I can't achieve much but in all I do, I must acknowledge God because He is the source of all things. I have learnt that when I pursue my goals with fervent passion and desire, circumstances invariably align in my favour. I've also learnt to enjoy where I am, on the way 6 | REFRESH
to where I am going, because I have unshakable faith in God, that though it may tarry, it will surely come; so the word worry is not in my dictionary. Lastly I found that what I make happen for others, God will make happen for me. What is your definition of happiness? On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you at this moment? Happiness is peace of mind, with God
and others around you. It is also being content with your life at every given time, while working towards the next Big Thing you want to achieve. On a scale of 1 to 10, at this very moment, I am on a 10. Tell us about a time in your life when you felt closest to God? In my early Christian days; I just had this child-like faith. If you could thank God for just one person in your faith journey, who would it be and why? I would thank Pastor Tony Rapu. I have been privileged to learn from him in so many ways. I have learnt about God, spirituality and the rudiments of prayer, to mention a few. He has impacted my life very much. He is a great teacher. He breaks down the Word of God in such a way that you understand it, and want to know more. He makes serving God
fun, instead of a cumbersome obligation. I know that you are a wife, a mum to two lovely boys and run a successful business. How do you balance your personal and professional life, with your pursuit for the heart of God? I achieve a balance by staying connected to my source, Jesus Christ and dwelling in His presence. Once I am able to do that, all other things fall into place. 24 hours seems such a short time for all the things I want to cram into the day, but I have learnt not to go ahead without committing it all to Him and then I'm good to go. That way, I am sensitive enough to know what to drop, what to concentrate on or pursue, which appointment to keep and which to cancel. I have also been blessed with one of the finest men on Planet Earth. He makes my life so beautiful, because he is so supportive of whatever I want to do. With the kids, I make sure I spend quality time with them and try to create magical moments with them as often as possible. With regards to my career as a fashion entrepreneur, I absolutely enjoy what I do, so I joyfully put in a lot of time and energy. When I get to crossroads, I just keep going, I never stop and to God's glory, I always break through. “We overcome by the word of our testimonies”. What is the one testimony you would happily share over and over again? Getting the first Mobos Store on Awolowo Road, Ikoyi. When everyone said there were no vacant properties and that it would be impossible, God made room for me. The Scripture that came to me was Genesis 18:22 "And he moved away from there and dug another well, and for that one, they did not quarrel. He named it Rehoboth, saying, for now the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land." I held on to this particular Word of God, and I can tell you that I know that I know that the word of God is active and will not return to God until it accomplishes what God has sent it to do. I was practically driving to and fro on Awolowo Road, praying this word when businesses had closed for the day and the road was less busy. It is funny. Sometimes, I would identify
a building that looked like nothing was happening in there. I would then park, point my hand towards it, pray and move on. I kept doing this and trusting until God made room for me. The word of God, once you hang on to it, will surely come to pass. What encouragement can you offer to Christians who struggle to maintain a consistent and meaningful prayer life? Line upon line, precept upon precept, they just have to take a day at a time. Once they are willing, the Holy Spirit will enable them. And most importantly, the grace of God is more than sufficient for us. They just have to wait on God and He will give His light. It takes discipline. They have to say to themselves, Pray, I MUST! They must practice praying. Practice makes perfect. I urge that they persist in the place of prayer until it becomes part of them. Whatever you keep doing, you become master of and the Holy Spirit is always there to energise us. We have a helper, and we are not alone. Which women do you regard as your role models? What about them do you admire? I admire Cindy Trimm. She has got this energy level that is contagious. I love her prayer language, she is powerful and accurate. I also admire Michelle Hammond for her way of breaking down Scriptures and making it fun and delicious to munch, and also for being diva with such a passion for God. Mrs Rapu is my role model. She is an epitome of spirituality. “Cream coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels” - What are a few of your favourite things? Wow! Now you really want to know? I love the good things of life and that's why I love this Scripture: He has given us ALL things that pertain to life and Godliness. (Laughs) I love shoes, bags, precious and semi-precious stones… Please hubby, don't run away! If you had a Magic Lamp and a genie who granted just three wishes, what would they be? A baby girl *wink*, more branches of Mobos Stores and the ability to
I achieve a balance by staying connected to my source, Jesus Christ and dwelling in His presence... with regards to my career as a fashion entrepreneur, I absolutely enjoy what I do, so I joyfully put in a lot of time and energy.
appear at my travel destination without the long haul flights. I love travelling but the long haul is starting to get to me. You are a fashionista. What pointers would you give to ladies looking to raise their Glamour Quotient? The most important thing is know how to dress to fit your body type, and also how to assemble outfits appropriately. If you are not sure how to do this, find someone you admire and that has the same body type as you, and draw inspiration from that person. It is a lot easier that way. You have been married for 12 years. Please offer some advice to single Christian ladies desiring to be married? My sincere advice is that they should not compromise or settle for what they don't like in a bid to just get married. The things they do not like will not magically disappear once they have a ring on their finger; instead these will become the major issues they will encounter once married. I always advise single ladies to marry well. It is very important. Stress in marriage will drain you and sap your energy, so if the marriage is not sweet, other parts of your life will be a struggle and will suffer. What's the one question you wish had been asked during this interview, which wasn't? All questions asked!
Osisiye Tafa
Have you ever experienced a beautiful sunset, where it seems the sky is on fire?
r on some mornings, the sun is not shining for heat, but for beauty. The sun's rays cast a sheen on the lagoon's surface and it is all so resplendent. At times like this, I wonder, what if the the earth was once gothic, you know? That would have been cool. I love black. Then the Lord tweaked it, and it became monochrome. Then he further tweaked it, and now we have these uber cool days with burning skies and moonlit silver waters. And everywhere was one huge waterfall too, a waterfall like none ever seen, cascading from the skies. Then the whole earth was made an island, and now we have beautiful islands dotting everywhere with islands of sand and oases. It strikes me that the earth was always beautiful at every stage of creation, but the Lord made it even more beautiful. Now, we have the moon on snow-capped mountain peaks, the wind playing with the leaves-strumming a song of mystery and promise and new beginnings-and sunrise, celebrated by the chorus of a thousand robins, blue jays and meadow lakes. So are our lives, every aspect of them, could be made even more beautiful with some creativity. Sometimes, just 8 | REFRESH
the novelty of change is refreshing and brings new life to the mundane. Here are some of my creative twists; Cooking: I love to cook and I love to eat. I am also open to culinary experiments. So when Ben, my chef friend says I should try sprucing my meat broth with some ginger, I try it out. And last Christmas, I marinated the chicken in red wine before frying it. I think cooking is an art. Roast instead of deep fry, royal icing instead of butter icing and give the yamarita a shot, not just yam porridge. Times off: Vacations are not all there is to the holidays. A road trip could do wonders. A summer camp would be bliss. Even a few weeks of real work would be an excellent eye opener. If your going on a trip. Homes: I have always been enamoured of Feng Shui, the Chinese art of correct placement. So I try to create conversation areas around my room, I shift my bed from the window so it is not too close to the elements... But the most important, I remix all these every once in a while, even if it creates bad Feng Shui. A creative tweaking of my room seems to change most things.
Dates & Hangouts (wink): If you're a fan of the cinema, or you go kart racing to burn off some road rage. Then try out some wildlife and natural scenery. There is always more to the mix. Office: Do you know what happened recently? I created a small stack of my favourite titles on my office table. The reassuring presence of these makes me smile midday, when I look at any of them and remember an excerpt. For you it might be family or wild life photos. Your work table, seating arrangement is a blank canvas, splash some paint on it! Life generally: Life changes with new things. New experiences, new products, new ways of doing things just make life better. I don't know much about this, but I know in Exodus 31: 1-6, the Lord filled a man with knowledge and craftsmanship to devise artistic designs and the earth speaks of His creativity. We should all go to Him when creativity is what the gist is about, because God Is Creativity and Divine c re a t i v i t y - l i k e a l l o f G o d ' s characteristics - grows in proportion to our connectedness to Him.
What Inspires You? Ona Ofunne, Writer and Wannabe Chef “Writing is my best mode of communication, I write to speak and I write to learn. Left to me, I could substitute writing for speaking, but since I cannot do that; I have learnt to let my life and the beautiful testimonies that God has allowed me to experience around me inspire the words I put on paper. “ I decided to interview a couple of people to find out what inspires their creativity, because I realized that a lot of people do not know what their inspiration is. Who knows, you may just find your own inspiration after reading theirs.
ment. At least, that's er, I'm a mirror of my environ “As a socially conscious writ r I am reading that the k my writing clones whateve what I hope to be. I also thin can never understand at books. Music is a boon; I moment, so I try to read gre tter before I tap my should be the short prayer I mu how it works. The lucky charm that the color green erstitious, I read somewhere keyboard. I am also a bit sup my writing to stare is green and I take pauses off inspires creativity so my rug Journalist siye Tafa - Blogger, Freelance deep and long at the floor. “ Osi
“My drive comes from past experiences and my folks. I am in constant competition with myself and nobody else. I am always trying to top my last record knowing that I am bringing joy to myself and warming God's heart because I am showcasing the gifts he has given to me” Tracy Atobatele Seamstress CEO Rita &Nathan
“My works promotes an appreciation of African culture and aesthetics. Africa is a continent that its cultures are influenced greatly by family and community. Thus, the warmth exuded by families in communal life inspires me… “ Emeka Ifediora - Artist in the true sense of the lly see myself as “creative” “Well first of all I do not rea ugh conscious effort. ity I may exhibit is not thro ativ cre ver ate wh so rd, wo ize the gifting in me even JOY to see people recogn te olu abs an is it , ver we Ho st to discover and reveal So I guess the constant que f. sel my in m the see I ore bef in me is what inspires talents that God has placed and ing gift of se hou re sto the stir up the creativity myself up to avenues which n ope and gs thin new try me to s Specialist ole - Brand/Communication that lies within.” Temitope Om
“Creativity for me comes from the hunger for more and becoming the person that fills the vacuum present in the g o s p e l i n d u s t r y. Nonetheless, I am inspired by the smiles on people's faces and the speed at which God keeps introducing me to the people I need to take me to the next level inspires me even more” DJ Mow -Gospel DJ
“ I a m i n s p i re d b y cultures and people of the past. Their rich heritage and history, dead and fading languages, and the rich beats of our flavorful music. All these things inspire me because they all have a story that inspires me to create my own with the help of God…” Joy Johnson Graphic Artist
“The love of food, the proces s in which it takes from plantin g to the plating has always a new meal, or play with an fascinated me, so when I cre existing one always go to ate the sources, either I am wa shopping for spices. I always lkin g in a grocery store or I am think hmmm, that should wo rk with that. Also, being sur TV shows help my creativity rounded by food and the Foo process. But in a whole Go d d led me to what I am doing mind to do the things I do.” today so he definitely moves Adeyemi Okunowo a.k.a Ch my ef Tanq - Baguettes Café/ Washroom (Owner)
“I remember vividly the first day I started writing; it was anger at a need to express what I was feeling at the time that triggered its practice and until now, it's I get the fulfillment I need.” Kemi Akinnuoye Social Worker - Genesis House REFRESH | 9
HIS WORD Mobowale Biobaku
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2. The same was in the beginning with God. 3. All things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made.� John 1:1-3
his is a fantastic Scripture! Nothing was made on earth without The Word, that tells me all things were made by the word of God and that the word of God creates. Emphasis: THE WORD OF GOD! Not the word of men. So, I have to be careful how I use my words. It can either create or destroy.
How do i speak the word? You can't be a soldier of God and be quiet, you ought to have a voice; a voice that resonates in the Spirit...... You must declare, decree ,annul, prohibit. What are you doing with your words , you can be a creator like our heavenly father that made the whole wide world with words
No Matter the situation in life that I find myself I look for the word of God that applies to it and I hold on to it No Matter the situation in life that I find myself I look for the word of God that applies to it and I hold on to it and I speak it until I see the word in action. I don't speak or dwell on the negative because i also know that The power of life and death is in Tongue!
when it was dark and void. When things are not the way you want it to be or the way God wants it to be, you have to speak the TRUTH of the word of God. The word of God has the power to take you from ground zero to the highest place, it elevates. The word of God is LIFE.
Mrs Rapu
P. Tayo & Josh
Tosin, …. & Chuks
June Birthdays Folake & P.Udy
Moji & P.Amanda
In Praise
Femi & Ola Awodipe
4 4. Kene & Rennie 5. Inem, Shayo, Suashi, Oma & Bem 6. Oyinda, Eniola, Yinka & Ife 7. Dolapo & Folake
Muse I see the world through the eyes of wonder, so everything inspires me, from the formation of the clouds to traffic on the Third Mainland Bridge. I am especially inspired by nature in its virgin form. I have enjoyed telling stories for as long as I can remember, and I like to imagine the backstory to random objects I see. Truly, there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives him inspiration.
The Animator Tayo Fasunon
As an artist, my preferred canvas is the computer. I got Introductory Training in Computer Animation at Aptech's Arena Multimedia. Since then, the World Wide Web has been my big school.
Why I got a divine word to go into Graphics during my final semester of studying Mathematics at Obafemi Awolowo University. I was having a hard time that semester, so I got praying, and out popped the word into my spirit. It did not make sense back then, but I followed up and I have stuck with it.
There are many; Lagos Uncensored, Inspaya Montage, a Silverbird advert and the Touch Port Harcourt Project, mostly because of the learning opportunities they afforded me. I am more excited about the projects yet to come- for example, a short film on waste recycling which is still in the scripting phase. Now, I am really excited about that
5 Year Horizon Creativity to me means birthing something from an idea or a thought and making it come to life.
Creativity [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee]
What Artist whose primary art form is animation. Also a singer, songwriter, guitarist, poet and voice-over artist
Notable Works
Creativity is being in touch with my inner child, taking risks, falling flat on My typical day starts with prayer. I work my face, getting up, arriving at slightly from home you see, so I just head straight unexpected places and moving forward into it from there. I typically carry out regardless.
Typical TypicalDay Day
research into the latest production processes and techniques of blockbuster movies, and spend time figuring out how these can be incorporated into my creative pipeline. My industry is a fastchanging one, so I have to be on my toes. I have learnt to be more dependent on God, because the creative process is such that you are literally walking on water until you emerge on the other side, with a completed project in tow
My creativity is how I see and experience the world. It is that which gives a personal slant to how I express myself in my art.
THE FANTASTIC created, the precision, the ideas, the sounds‌ everything. God is in everything. I am also inspired by my family and friends. I am inspired by music; the mash up of voices and instruments brought together in complex or oftentimes simplistic combinations. Lastly, I am inspired by my church (TWB); the word, the people, God's presence, the freshness and the Cool Factor. I am really blessed to be a part of it.
Notable Works Hosea, The Musical has to be my most notable work for now. It blew me away; the original songs, costumes, make up, acting... I cried like a baby after its debut. I got so many calls, huge support and requests to do major projects; at that point, I knew that the days of my day job are numbered.
5 Year Horizon
The Musical Theatre Impresario Shayo Oke What Investment banker by day, music and theatre producer by night
Why I come from a very creative and music oriented family, we could easily be the Von Trapps, given that my dad was also a Military General‌ LOL. I started writing songs, stories, poems from as far back as I can remember. I had a conversation with Pastor Del a while ago about the need for a Drama Unit at TWB. That was the beginning of this amazing journey.
Muse I am inspired by God and his awesomeness. Sometimes, I just sit back and look around me; all that was
Fine-tuning Over the years, I have developed my skills by talking to God in prayer. I try to listen for guidance and direction. I also read books from far and wide, listen to a lot of music as far back as the 40's and 50's to broaden my view and finally I read my Bible. The Bible is amazing. When I read my Bible, I actually live it. In that moment, I am back in those times, the camel, the wineskin, the feelings, the words, it truly is amazing.
I see myself winning major international awards, working with industry greats, on pieces (plays) that will close down arenas all around the world. I see myself representing my God, my country, my family and my church internationally. Big dreams but not big enough, because I am sure God's plans are way bigger.
Creativity [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee] Typical Day
Creativity is being Original, doing the never-seen-or-heard-before in your I am constantly writing songs, scribbling sphere. The concept may exist, but down a few lines here and there. My phone is my best friend. I have a zillion your interpretation of it must be voice notes of master pieces in the different, fresh and incomparable. If making. I wake up with a tune in my head you want to do something original and then God gives me words from them. and creative, get to know God. He I know for certain that God is behind all invented creativity and for proof, just my creative abilities, because the way the songs and scripts come to me is way too look around you. easy-a complete out of body experience. I can see the words and hear the tunes in my head; all I do is write them out!
The Cake Boss Kesiena Oghuvbu What Cake artist and Creative Director of the Cake Factory
Why I discovered my flare for baking at a very young age from my mother, a nutritionist. As a freshman in the university, I baked and sold
cakes to friends to spice up their parties, which was how I started commercial baking. After graduation, I was under pressure to find a job in any of the prominent oil firms but the skill of my hands just did not let me, so I found myself in Lagos trying to give my craft a voice.
Muse(s) God is the creative energy and intelligence underlying all visible
things. He is the centre of my creativity. He has practically given me recipes and designs in the most unusual and uncommon ways possible. It is spontaneous most times, my creative process I mean. I sketch away, sometimes I wake up to a new idea, or I could be driving and then it pops, I make a mental note of it and then can't wait to make a cake out of it. There is so much going on in the world every single day. When you embrace the world with an open mind and an open heart, there is no end to inspiration!
Fine-Tuning For my National Service, I was posted to Lagos State and found myself working with my mentor, Tosan Jemide as a manager at his restaurant, La Saison in Ikoyi. That was an arsenal of experience. I read books, did some research on the internet, took classes and travelled to take courses.
I have survived by learning from past mistakes, upping the ante with each new creation and with that, I have established a solid business model.
wove. It was baked with the finest ingredients. I started the baking process two months to the wedding.
5 Year Horizon Typical Day My typical workday starts with checking the production list for the day, then adding finishing touches on previous orders going out for that day. Then we deliver the cakes. I meet with clients and do some marketing. I also prepare production for the next day and oversee the production. Most of the time, we have to work round the clock to meet demand.
I am actually working towards opening a cake, pastries and coffee shop in Lekki, which I hope will grow as the years go by leaving an imprint in the lives of people through the creative array of products it will offer. I also see myself in the industry creating my own niche, being an inspiration to the youths and passing on the message that they can use their skills and talents to excel.
Creativity [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee] Notable Works That will be the wedding cake I created for Senator Uzamere's daughter's wedding in February of this year. It truly was a masterpiece - a five tier cake with handwoven fondant, which I personally
whatever I do, and that definitely reflects in my work. Life inspires me. It is full of ups and downs, highs and lows and can be extremely interesting. I draw inspiration from all aspects of life in my design and styling. As a designer, I like to think outside the box. I design for people who value individuality and are not afraid to express their creativity.
The Style Maven Tayo Shonekan What Designer, Creative Director of Aimas Ltd and Celebrity Stylist
Why I studied Manufacturing Engineering at the University Of England and lived there for several years. As a young mum in the UK, I had to make a choice between conventional employment and staying at home to raise my baby. I decided to stay at home and be creative with my time; I started designing pieces and got very positive responses. The choice was easy as I have a natural flair for fashion.
Muse Being Christ's ambassador, I am aware that I represent Christ wherever I go or
Fine-tuning I was not formally trained in designing or styling, it is my gift from God. I have however tried to refine this gift by doing several short courses in fashion design, fashion styling and graphic design. My styling signature is Afro chic with an eclectic twist. I love to push boundaries and I am constantly searching for new ways of telling a fashion story.
Creativity is having the skill and imagination to produce something new. Creativity and originality to me is infinitely more important than technical skills. My creativity is an expression of my deepest desires and feelings through cakes.
Notable Works I have worked with several publications including True Love, Fab Magazine and TW magazine as a Stylist and Fashion Director. Clients I have worked with span artists such as Sasha, Omawunmi, Nneka, Mocheddah, P Square to actors such as Joke Silva, Kate Henshaw, Stephanie Okereke-Linus to name a few. My most exciting job was styling the cast of 'For Coloured Girls' in Nigeria, but my most memorable has to be styling the Governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Raji Fashola for the cover of TW's annual men's edition.
5 Year Horizon I am slowly building an impressive list of stockists for my brand in Nigeria No two days are the same. If I am on a and West Africa. I intend to move into styling gig, we generally shoot on location East and South Africa. Internationally, or in the studio. Either way, I have diverse I already have a UK stockist and I am clients and briefs which my team and I looking at the United States now. prepare for beforehand. Being a stylist, I
Typical Day
am in charge of the entire creative process from fashion direction to the hair and makeup briefs. When I design, I like to be in a quiet place where my creative juices can flow. If I am in my studio, I am usually attending to clients and customers or overseeing production.
Creativity [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee] Creativity to me means birthing something from an idea or a thought and making it come to life
Mi-Le T
he brand Mi-Le first exploded onto the TWB scene during the 2011 Counter Kulture Fashion Show. We all sat in pleasured awe as the strong, versatile, feminine and uber creative pieces cascaded up and down the runway - an evidence of finished work which had begun long ago. Ponmile Olawoye, the creative head behind the brand, studied Fashion Design and Technology at the London Centre of Fashion Studies in 2008. She had the honour of being mentored by Martin Shoben (the founder) and thereafter, spent two years gaining work experience with Tiffany Amber Nigeria.
Ponmile's vision is to create clothes that are both skilfully draped and wearable. Her touch is a paradoxical mix of sophistication and charm, fantastical but always rational. Glory Edozien met up with her to discuss her love for fashion and how she maintains godly principles in her designs.
How would you describe the typical Mi-Le woman? Bold with elements of softness, sophisticated, well travelled, aware of her environment and appreciative of God's creativity Why fashion? I want to create garments that are beautiful. Seeing something plain and bringing life to it is a very exciting experience. How do you balance fashion with your Christian values? I believe it's important to let our light shine in everything we do. This can be 16 | REFRESH
Models: Ifeoma, Suashee, Tejiri & Emi.
experienced through fashion, when people feel like royalty when they wear your clothes. For me, my clothes are modest and appropriate and I don't allow myself to get distracted by trends. Instead, I concentrate on fulfilling God given direction and vision. Where have you exhibited your clothes so far? Counter Kulture, Twice at the Fashion Lounge at Avenue Suites and at the Lagos Style Week How do you plan on extending your brand? Right now I'm focused on pushing the ready to wear line. Ultimately, I want to go into product design. The Mi-Le brand is not just about fashion and clothes, it's also about things like designing a coke bottle for instance.
Photo Credits: REDARK Production
by Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)
What do lemons, tomatoes, yoghurt, lime, olive oil and oranges have in common?
ell, they are products of nature which we use in one way or the other in our food, and they are also ingredients in some delicious homemade remedies. These recipes are simple, cost effective and deliver amazing results, so let’s dig in!
Sweet Scrub for Dry, Chapped feet Welcome to August and a gradual transition from the wet season to the dry season. It is very common to have feet that look and feel drier than usual during this period (especially in the Northern states which have less moisture in the air). Apart from this seasonal change, the stress of walking around, often in uncomfortable shoes affects the state of our feet. This sweet scrub also has a relaxing and refreshing effect on tired, aching feet. It is made by combining half a cup of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and the fresh squeezed juice of half a lemon. 22 | REFRESH
Massage the mix on your feet, rinse, dry with a towel and moisturize. This recipe can also be used in the same way on the hands and elbows.
Shrink pores with Tomato and Lime. Everyone has facial pores (which we need) but we do not want them to be so large that they are all people see when they look at our faces. Aside their unappealing appearance, open skin pores are also a problem because they allow bacteria, sebum (oil), and dead skin to collect in them easily. This then results in acne, whiteheads and blackheads which can give skin a flawed appearance. To shrink these pores, here is a simple remedy that can be prepared within minutes. Combine one tablespoon of fresh tomato juice with two to four drops of fresh lime juice then apply the mixture with a cotton ball and massage gently into skin using circular motions. Leave on the skin for
about 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water to shrink pores even further and moisturize.
Orange Oily Skin Facial Mask Oily skin can sometimes be difficult to manage. This facial mask made with orange juice can help because orange's citrus properties cleanse the skin, remove the excess oil, and prevent any possible inflammation. You will need the juice from half of an orange and 8 tablespoons of flour. Combine the ingredients until you get a paste- like consistency. Apply on your face and leave on for 20 minutes then rinse off using warm water. Hope these give someone reading some much needed relief and hey, there’s so much more available from nature’s pharmacy at so feel free to stop by and send in your comments or questions. Have fun! Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)
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