Air Algorithmic Sketchbook

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We were introduced to Grasshopper - a design computation software intergrated with Rhino’s 3D modeling tools. For the rest of the semester, we will be using this plugin as our main medium in generating parametric designs. Our first task in grasshopper was to search for a natural object along the Merri Creek and use its abstract principles to create 5 iterations of a vase, followed with weekly tutorial videos aimed to further our skills in grasshopper. Using a dried leaf as my principle, I created a cross section of the leaf using a curve, I mirrored the curve to maintain its symmetry throughout my exploration. Here, I found that curves can easily be manipulated, this allowed me to play with the overall shape of the curve before transforming the lofted surfaces.





DEVELOPABLE GEOMETRIES This week we were tasked to create 3 methods for extracting developable geometries and for each geometries, create 5 variations from the same defiinition. The aim for this exercise was for us to start thinking about how we can create geometries that can potentially be fabricated. The first method I attempted was the use of trusses. To achieve these interlocking structural members, I looked at making the framework for the frames. Then I experimented with the UV count for the amount of grid in the frame as well at the height for the trusses using the same definition whie finishing it with a pipe command. Nevertheless of the variation, what I found from this defintion was it turned out extremely structural and therefore potentially fabricatable using truss system.


UV Count = 4,4, Length = 5

UV Count = 8,8, Length = 5

UV Count = 4,4, Length = 20

UV Count = 8,8, Length = 30

UV Count = 10,10, Length = 10


For my next attempt, I explored the use of bounding box to create a paneling system. I initially created a base geometry which allowed me to stretch the module across the surface. This is particularly interesting as the set up of bounding box helped vary the base geometry according to its shape and position. Compared to the previous method of rigid trusses, I wanted something more organic and and unpredictable. I used the random component to give the shape a more organic and dynamic look. I found that the variation with domain range of 1 to 15 and the UV count of 10,10 best fit the aesthetics. However, the one thing I did not buy from using paneling system was how modular it turned out. Which made me wonder if i can create a form that deals with less modularlity.


UV Count = 10,10, Domain = 1 to 10

UV Count = 5,5, Domain = 1 to 10

UV Count = 10,10, Domain = 1 to 15

UV Count = 15,15, Domain = 1 to 10

UV Count = 15,15, Length = 1 to 15


In contrast to the second form, I tried to challenge myself to create a definition that does not follow the modularity of a cell. To achieve this, I have used populate geometry to create a voronoi 3D and using the data collected from the intersection, I was able to create a combination of irregular cells that closely resembles the 2013 ICD\ITKE Pavilion, but without the fibre composite. Following that, I used a plugin called Weaverbird to give the surface a more organic shape. Components like the Catmull-Clark’s algorithm allowed me to smoothen the meshes. From this exploration of grasshopper definition, I began to have a strong interest in recreating biological forms in architecture. I am looking forward in bringing this to the next level in the research field of Biomimicry for part B.


Scale Offset = 0.2 C = 36, S = 33

Scale Offset = 0.5 C = 36, S = 33

Scale Offset = 0.8 C = 15, S = 26

Scale Offset = 0.8 C = 36, S = 33

Scale Offset = 0.8 C = 52, S = 53 11


This week we were tasked to apply the sampled data from a selected image and generate it in 5 different ways. This really made me think outside the box to come out with 5 different methods to represent a constant image. A precedent of image sampling can be found at the William Barak building on Swanstong Street by architects Ashton Raggatt McDougall. It was definitely interesting that computation architecture has enabeled us to create forms that replicates an image we have referenced in grasshopper.








This week we were exploring recursive algorithms, more specifically hooksnake. What’s interesting about this algorithm is that it saves us time repeating a similar spript. Not only that, it reflects the theme growth in the realm of biomimicry. The first thought that came to me when looking at recursive language was a Nautilus Shell. With reference to the image above, it has equiangular curved spirals that gradually becomes smaller. In attempt to recreate this, I started with a base 2D curve and referenced itself to scale and rotate.


Item index = 1 Parameter t = 0.2

Item index = 1 Parameter t = 0.7

Item index = 2 Parameter t = 0.2

Item index = 1 Parameter t = 0.3

Item index = 1 Parameter t = 0.3



Hoopsnake was particular useful when we were applying it in our Case Study 1.0 on the Morning Line by Aranda Lasch. We started with a base truncated tetrahedron placed at the beginning of a 3D helix curve. We established faces that can be mirrored using the volumetric centroid and chose its closest proximity to the guide curve. This gave us control over the truncated tetrahedron to follow whichever path we defined. We attempted several iterations where we could manipulate not only the curve it follows, but scale as well, which created some really interesting forms of growth.


y1 = 5 y2 = 5

y1 = 10 y2 = 5

y1 = 5 y 2 = 10

y1 = 20 y 2 = 20

3D helix = y1*sin(x) y 2 *cos(x)


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