Tweak Magazine august

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Tweak Magazine – Trimestriel – Edition française et anglaise – Gratuit - Editeur responsable : Mattéo Matriche

August 2016



© Ruben Morais Claudino






Mattéo Matriche 15 years old (Aug. 14, 2001) Lives in Liège (Belgium) Job : Student Creator and editor of Tweak Magazine

Tweak #03 est finalement sorti ! Pour ce nouveau numéro, on voulait vous présenter un photographe connu par les skateboarders portuguais, Ruben Morais Claudino. On vous décrit Kaaf movie 2 et sa crew ! On est aussi partis au Vans Shop Riot Belgique au Rampaffairz Skatepark où nous avons rencontré Jarne Verbruggen ! Le 22 juillet, on a pris la voiture jusqu’au Luxembourg pour le nouveau Péitruss Skatepark et on a interviewé Axel Cruysbergh qui était là pour l’event ! On fini par une interview de Nick Steenbeke. Enjoy ! Tweak #03 is out! For this new issue, we wanted to introduce to all of you a photographer known in Portugal: Ruben Morais Claudino. We took a glance at the new belgian movie, Kaaf 2 and its crew! We also went to Belgium’s Vans Shop Riot at the Rampaffairz Skatepark, where we met Jarne Verbruggen too! July 22nd, we took the road to Luxembourg for the new Péitruss Skatepark where we interviewed Axel Cruysbergh who was there for the event! Finally, we interviewed Nick Steenbeke. Enjoy!

Tweak Magazine est un magazine de skate gratuit imprimé à 1000 exemplaires. C’est un trimestriel disponible dans les meilleurs skateshops de Belgique et PaysBas. Pour permettre l’édition des prochains numéros, nous cherchons des sponsors. Nos tarifs publicitaires se trouvent sur notre site internet à l’adresse Nous vendons des t-shirts et des sweats Tweak, supportez-nous et achetez-les sur Tweak Magazine is a free skate magazine printed in 1000 copies. It is a quarterly available in the best skateshops in Belgium and Netherlands. To allow publishing of the next issues, we are searching for sponsors. Our advertising rates are on our website at We sell Tweak tees and hoodies, support us and buy them on

En couverture, une photo de @Ruben Morais Claudino Directeur de publication : Mattéo Matriche, Quai Churchill 37, 4020 Liège - Remerciements : Fred Mortagne, Ruben Morais Claudino, La team KAAF Movie, Philippe Mottet, Dominique De Vreese, Jarne Verbruggen, Axel Cruysbergh, Nick Steenbeke, Vans Belux, Patrick Poth, Guy Sharma, Frits Verheijen, Element Europe, Stéphane Halleux, Naomi Pire Contact :, +32 491 311 555 Tous droits de reproduction réservés.

Contents 06 - Ruben MORAIS CLAUDINO --- 12 - KAAF Movie 2 --- 16 - VANS Shop Riot --- 20 - Jarne VERBRUGGEN --22 - Grand Opening SKATEPARK PÉITRUSS --- 24 - Axel CRUYSBERGH --- 26 - Nick STEENBEKE



Ruben MORAIS CLAUDINO Where do you live? How is the skating there? I live in Lisbon, Portugal. I think the skate scene there is growing each day, the pieces are coming together and the skaters are stronger than ever, we get a good skate culture here at the capital, always with our doors open to new people who want to get fun and a good skate sesh. We got a few emblematic spots here, like “Praça da Figueira” where the roots of skateboarding life lies, a ‘must go’ for every skater who comes to our country. Most of the time, when I’m not shooting street skate, I spend the day at my local skatepark, Expo-Skatepark. This place means a lot to me, I think it’s where “my thing” started. People who usually skate there have the best feeling I know, always having fun, taking this lifestyle to the limit. The place has a beautiful view on the river and in the summer, a purple/pink sunset like I’ve never seen anywhere else, just super rad for some skate photos. Do you skate yourself? Yeah, I started skating when I was 14, and I haven’t stopped since then. Long Live Skateboarding! What do you like about taking pictures? The pleasure I get out of it; I think photography is part of me. I always carry a camera with me, I like the freedom of being

able to shoot whatever I want and not have someone tell me what to do or not. Photography doesn’t have rules, it’s just me and my sense of creativity. How do you like to take photos? I just don’t know how to explain that, I like to go to places I haven’t been before. Usually when that happens, there’s always something that catches my eye, so I like to shoot something that to me is a great moment, memory or just looks good to my eyes. I don’t have certain rules or things to follow; if I can choose some keywords that describe my work and photos I would pick something like: lines, shadows, architecture, great times. Do you prefer black and white or colored? If you have seen my photos you already know, B&W for life! I prefer them because it gives me that feeling of a memory, a thing that never gets old, a photo that documents the “happening”. I have some color work too, but I usually prefer to shoot in black and white, so the colors don’t disturb the eye. There’s only one thing to worry about: the moment itself, not the color of the old granny on the sidewalk, not the red Porsche at the other side of the street. Just the moment. >

© Ruben Morais Claudino


Š Ruben Morais Claudino


What camera are you using? I’m the type of photographer that keeps telling people “You don’t need good gear to take good photos, even with a cellphone you can capture a good moment” So I usually work with a Canon 550d and a Canon AE-1. With whom do you work (skaters)? I actually don’t work with skaters, if you know what I mean. I spend a good time with people who skate. Most of the time, I go skate and shoot with my friends, but I shoot every person who has some good shit to show me. It’s like a change, people give me something good to show me and to do, and most of the time, I get a good photo to take of them. I love to “work” with people who understand my visual concept, it feels easier to take a good photo when the person knows what you’re looking for. But obviously I’m always open to new ideas. What works have you been doing (associations or other)? I’ve been shooting with some small brands, shops, taking pictures for the Surge Skateboard Magazine.Now I’m working on a small Fanzine -DIY book, or whatever you want to call it- that will show a piece of myself and my work through the years, and maybe get some exhibitions later, so keep in touch guys! Do you travel (taking photos of skaters in other places)? Yeah of course, like every human being who wants to enlarge their (visual) culture, travelling is one of the main keys to get ideas and new perspectives of this lifestyle. This summer I’m going to have an independent skate trip with my boys to the North of Spain, just to skate, take pictures and the most important thing: have fun doing what we love most!

If you are traveling other than for taking photos, do you still take your material? Yeah for sure, we will never know if something exciting will happen! What do you do apart from this work? I love to shoot skateboarding and my buddies, I’m really not thinking too much about the things that will or not come, I don’t shoot to be the next x/y mag photographer or get tons of cash or something like that. If those things come, I will grab them for sure; if not, I already get lots of pleasure doing what I love most. Do you like filming? Yeah of course, who doesn’t, it’s always good to capture some footage and memories for later. Final word? First I would like to thank all the skaters who usually ride and have the patience to work with me. Second: please love skateboarding, art, and freedom. Not “Street League”, or the brands. And for those who recently began to shoot this lifestyle, always keep in mind to be true to it. Don’t post tricks that aren’t landed, and always have fun doing it. Big thanks to Surge Skateboard Mag who always believed in me, thanks TWEAK too! And last but not least, THANKS SKATEBOARDING, for saving my life!

© Ruben Morais Claudino

Š Ruben Morais Claudino


KAAF est une production 100% belge. Un premier film était sorti en 2012. Les skateboarders avaient donné le meilleur d’eux-mêmes pour ce premier opus. Le producteur Philippe Mottet était déjà très fier du résultat obtenu par l’équipe, mais il ne comptait pas s’arrêter en si bon chemin et il a décidé d’entamer un deuxième film, dans la foulée de la sortie du précédent. La team KAAF s’est donc mise au boulot pour livrer un film encore plus impressionnant que le premier.

KAAF is a 100% Belgian skate film. A first movie was released in 2012, In which the skateboarders gave the best of themselves to make the film outstanding. The Director, Philippe Mottet, was already really proud of the work obtained by the team, but didn’t stop there and decided to start a second movie following the release of the first one. The KAAF team was thus put to work in order to give us an even more spectacular footage.


Phil Mottet a entamé le deuxième volet de la série voici trois ans. Au départ, il a travaillé avec les skateboarders qui avaient collaboré au premier film. Tous les dimanches, l’équipe se réunissait pour le tournage. Mais pour apporter du sang neuf et renouveler le genre, Phil a aussi fait appel à d’autres skateboarders motivés à donner un esprit différent à ce second film. Il a donc pris Barnabé Canart pour ses gros tricks et sa technique. Et dans les derniers mois du tournage, Raphaël Detienne a rejoint l’équipe, amenant un autre style et de la fraîcheur au groupe. Raphaël a réussi à condenser ses prestations sur quelques mois seulement, sans sacrifier la qualité ! La team KAAF se compose donc maintenant de dix membres : Jonathan Franc, Romain Gielis, Louis Bauvir, Guillaume Patigny, Aura Brédart, Max Sterno, Antony Baclene, Philippe Mottet, Barnabé Canart et Raphaël Detienne. Cette deuxième aventure fut beaucoup plus difficile à gérer pour Philippe Mottet car il devait jongler entre le tournage, l’école et le travail. Ce ne fut pas non plus de tout repos pour les skateboarders qui ont terminé le tournage complètement vidés. >

Anthony Baclene, Crooked

After an initial positive outcome, Phil Mottet started a second edition of the series three years ago. He contacted all the skateboarders from the first movie with as goal to film mainly on Sundays. Since the skateboarders were tired of their first efforts, Phil hired different people that would be ready and willing to give something more to the film. He chose Barnabé Canart for his big tricks and his technical abilities. Towards the end of the recording, Raphaël Détienne joined the team, giving another style to the group. Raphaël filmed his part in only a few months and it was just as terrific! The KAAF team is now composed of ten members: Jonathan Franc, Romain Gielis, Louis Bauvir, Guillaume Patigny, Aura Brédart, Max Sterno, Antony Baclene, Philippe Mottet, Barnabé Canart and Raphaël Detienne. This second movie was a lot harder to shoot for Philippe Mottet because he needed to film as much as possible while he had just finished school and started working. But also for the skateboarders who, as I mentioned before, did their best and were exhausted. >

Raphaël Détienne, Blunt stall


Raphaël Détienne, Crooked Drop-in

Raphaël Détienne, Bluntslide Pop Out

Finalement, Ce deuxième film est une réussite pour tous les contributeurs de celui-ci. Malgré les complications et toutes les choses qui pouvaient les retenir, La team KAAF a tout de même réussi à faire un super bon film et à rendre le milieu du skate belge plus que fier de leur pays !


Finally, this second movie is a true success for all of its contributors. Despite the complications and all the things that could have retained, the KAAF team still managed to create a great movie and make the Belgian skaters proud of their country!

Anthony Baclene, Nosegrind Pop Out

Raphaël Détienne, 50-50


VANS Shop Riot Cette année le skatepark Rampaffairz à Wevelgem (Belgique) accueillait pour la première fois un événement bien connu en Europe : le Vans Shop Riot. Cette contest annuelle a été créée en 2009, dans le but de réunir les skateboarders de chaque shop qui donnent le meilleur d’eux-mêmes pour faire gagner celui-ci ! Le Shop Riot se déroule dans plusieurs pays d’Europe, à chaque fois dans l’un des plus grands parks du pays. La dernière contest belge disputée au Flesh & Bones (Alost) avait été remportée par le shop Twits de Louvain. Mais revenons en détail sur cette édition 2016 qui s’est déroulée ce 15 mai.


This year the Rampaffairz Skatepark in Wevelgem (Belgium) welcomed for the first time a well known event in Europe: The Vans Shop Riot. This annual contest started back in 2009, with as goal to unite skateboarders from skate shops who will give the best of themselves to win the title for their shop! The Shop Riot takes place in some European countries, often in one of the best skate parks of that country. The winner of the last Belgian contest at the Flesh & Bones park (Aalst) was the Twits skate shop from Leuven. Now let’s dig into this 2016 edition which happened to take place last May 15.

Le Vans Shop Riot a eu lieu à Rampaffairz, l’un des plus grands parks de Belgique. Le shop ‘skateboutique’ est situé juste à côté du skatepark et celui-ci participait aussi à la contest. Les 24 différents skate shops de Belgique se sont affrontés en montrant leurs best tricks. Ceux-ci ont réussi à chauffer le public toujours captivé par le niveau de certains skateboarders envoyant des gros tricks ! Ce qui a créé une belle ambiance dans toute la salle et même en dehors ! De plus, Vans avait sorti l’artillerie lourde pour rendre l’événement le plus sympa possible avec notamment les fameuses Vans Waffles (des gaufres signées Vans) gratuites et des aménagements plutôt cool ! Mais revenons aux skateboarders, qui étaient bien sûr au centre de toutes les attentions ! Les plus connus de Belgique étaient de la partie, venus défendre les couleurs de leur team. Certaines teams ont été plébiscitées par le public, comme Lockwood ou Twits. Les plus impressionnants étaient sans conteste les gars de Lockwood (Jarne Verbruggen, Phil Zwijsen and Yeelen Moens) qui ont fait un show d’enfer. En effet, ils étaient véritablement en démonstration, utilisant tout ce qui était à leur disposition comme un balais, évidemment (voir photo au-dessus). >

As mentioned, the Vans Shop Riot took place at Rampaffairz, one of the biggest parks in Belgium. The Skate Boutique shop is situated just next to the park and also participated to the contest. Twenty-four different skate shops faced each other showing their best tricks, heating up the public which was captivated by the level of some riders and their awesome performance! This built up to a crazy vibe in the Skatepark and outside of it! Vans took it all out to make this event as pleasant as possible with the free Vans Waffles and other pretty cool facilities! The skateboarders took of course the leading roles under the spotlight! The biggest skaters from Belgium were also present at the event to fight for their team. Some teams were very much appreciated by the public, like Lockwood or Twits; the most impressive probably being the Lockwood guys (Jarne Verbruggen, Phil Zwijsen and Yeelen Moens) who put on a great show. They played the game by using what they had near them like a sweeper, of course (see photos above). They were following each other making their run even more entertaining. By this we understand why the team won this edition! >



Ils se suivaient aussi l’un l’autre rendant leur run encore plus agréable à regarder. On comprend pourquoi ils ont remporté cette édition ! Mais les autres compétiteurs étaient aussi très bons et performants, ce qui a fait de cette contest une succession d’étonnements de la part du public. Pour conclure, le Vans Shop Riot reste et restera une des meilleures contest que l’on peut retrouver dans notre pays. Après y avoir assisté, nous comprenons enfin pourquoi la contest a toujours été appréciée par les riders Belges. Une chose est sûre : on y reviendra avec plaisir !

The other competitors were also as good and efficient, which caused heavy cheering from the spectators! All in all, the Vans Shop Riot remains one of the best contests we have here in Belgium. After going there, we finally understand why the contest was always so appreciated by the Belgian riders. Anyway, one thing is certain: we’ll gladly join the next edition and will be expecting exciting things again!


Jarne VERBRUGGEN How old are you? 23 years old Where do you live? I live near Malines What’s your stance? I skate regular How did you get your first sponsor? It was a skateshop in Mechelen actually, and I knew all the guys who were skating for the shop, I was always skating with them. Then, I got sponsored too, after a while. Who are your sponsors now? Element, Independent, Spitfire and Lockwood Shop. How long have you been skating? I think 13 years now! It’s almost your age (laughs). Your favourite spot? Oh that’s hard… Anywhere in the world! Maybe Mechelen Skatepark is nice to skate and hangout at; it’s the best. Favourite food ? My favourite food now is avocado and bread (laughs). Your favourite movie ? That’s a tough one! Favourite skate movie: Mindfield

What would you do without skating? I would probably play soccer, I think… Because I played soccer before. It would be a miserable life (laughs). Do you think there’s a life without skating? No. (laughs) I mean yes but it wouldn’t be as good What don’t you like about skating? People doing the same stuff as everybody else, I think. There’s a lot I like and I don’t like but the biggest thing I don’t like is just hypes in skateboarding I think. A lot of people are following hypes. I do it too but some people are doing it in an extreme way. People should be doing their own thing… Do you think you’ll be able to skate your whole life? If I die young, yes! (laughs) But I will try to and I’ll do it as long as I can! Favourite trick? It depends, I would say backside Tailslides in quarters not on curbs. Or backside Powerslides, they feel the best ! What do your parents think of skateboarding? I think it’s a bit crazy but my parents really like it, they don’t know that much about it but they say it’s a good thing. In the beginning, they didn’t really like it and didn’t care too much but they liked it better than soccer and that’s good ! (laughs)

Bs Tailslide, Barcelona © Fred Mortagne

© Fred Mortagne

Fs 180 To Bank Fred Mortagne © Fred©Mortagne 21


Grand Opening Skatepark PÉITRUSS Ça y est ! Le skatepark le plus attendu vient d’ouvrir ce 22 juillet. En effet, l’équipe de (skateparks au Luxembourg) a créé un nouveau skatepark pour les riders du Grand-Duché. Les skateboarders belges ont de quoi être jaloux : ce nouveau park est digne de ceux qu’on trouve aux Etats-Unis. D’ailleurs, le Grand Opening du park avait attiré un grand nombre de skateboarders, scooters et bikers venus découvrir les installations.

Finally! The most expected skatepark just opened this July 22. The team (Luxembourg skateparks) created a new skatepark for the riders from the Lux. They managed be the envy of all the Belgian skateboarders by constructing a park worthy of the ones in the states. Once ready to be presented to the public, the skatepark held a Grand Opening, which attracted a huge number of skaters, scooters and bikers who came to test the new venue. avait tout mis en place pour faire de l’ouverture un event incontournable dans tout le Benelux. L’opening était annoncé depuis quelques mois et cela avait rendu tout le monde impatient. Le grand jour arrivé, ils ont accueilli dignement les riders avec des stands de hot dogs, pâtes, boissons, etc. Ils ont aussi fait venir quelques skateboarders européens de premier plan. Des gars comme Nassim Guammaz ou encore Axel Cruysbergh ont impressionné tout le monde en maîtrisant déjà super bien ce tout nouveau park et en lâchant d’entrée d’énormes tricks ! did their best to make the opening a grand event in the entire Benelux. The opening was already announced a few months beforehand and this made us all impatient. On the big day, team managed to provide the riders with hot dogs, pasta and drinking stands. Of course, they also invited the best European skateboarders. They called guys like Nassim Guammaz or Axel Cruysbergh who impressed everyone by already controlling agilely the new park and by landing big tricks.

Dévoilé dans le cadre de cet événement festif, le park est une superbe réussite. Tout le monde compte bien y retourner et faire de ce park l’un des plus fréquentés d’Europe !

All in all, the park as well as the event was a big success for them. Everyone is already dying to go back there and make this park one of the most popular in Europe !


Switch Back Lip


Switch Front Board


How old are you? 21 years old. Where do you live? I lived in Poperinge (Belgium) but now I’m always in Long Beach, CA. What’s your stance? I’m regular. How did you get your first sponsor? I think I was just skating at the skatepark where there was a skateshop, and the guy from the skateshop was like « Hey, you want to ride for the skateshop? ». You know, nothing crazy... Your sponsors now? Volcom, Toy Machine, Independent, Spitfire, Red Bull… Oh fuck, New Balance ! Yeah that’s it. How long have you been skating ? I want to say like twelve years, I don’t know, maybe fourteen. I started when I was really little. What’s your favourite spot? That’s hard; I like a lot of spots. But as far as a skatepark, I love the Mechelen park and this new park in my hometown that I really like. It’s brand new and they killed it. What’s your favourite food? Oh man, just like fries, joppie sauce,… I miss it, when I’m in the states I’m like « Fuck, I want to have joppie sauce ». Yeah, Belgian food. Your favorite movie? Fuck, give me a second. Man, I’m just going to say any AVE (Anthony Van Engelen) part, I watch all his parts. He’s good, I like him. What do you do when you’re not skating? I don’t know just thinking about skating I guess. I always want to skate, I don’t do much other than skating; just sitting there and drinking beers…

What don’t you like about skating? Getting hurt, but it’s alright, it happens but it’s annoying you know you’re like depressed. Do you think you can skate your whole life? Nah, I mean you can skate until forty or something, but you’re gonna have to slow down. You can’t skate until seventy, well not hard skating, your body will be tired. Favorite trick? Uhm, right now, I really love switch front feebles for some reason. I don’t know why, it’s really funny. Yeah! I’ve seen you doing some… Yeah, I’ve done some on the rail over there, now that I learned them, I try it on everything. It’s like I have to do it (laughs). What do your parents think about skating? They like it. I know it because when I was little, they drove me everywhere and they just love it. How is KOTR? It was really cool; I mean it’s something you always see on Thrasher and you’re like « Oh it looks like fun ». And then they asked me to go and I was like « Fuck yeah man! ». Yeah it’s crazy and super fun, I would go again straight away! It’s really hard, man. There are so many things you need to do. Every day you skate from early morning until midnight or later, just skating skating skating! It’s insane! What was the worst challenge? In general, I think the butt thing, that’s gnarly. I would not do it, anything else I would do but this is too much. For me, everything was alright, I mean I had a piercing and stuff but that’s alright. I didn’t do that many crazy things… There’s a couple but I was like fuck that’s all right.


What’s your age? 23 Where are you from? Ghent, Belgium where do you live? Ghent what’s your stance? Regular What are your sponsors? Primitive, DC Shoes, Slick Wheels & Stance How long have you been skating? 12 years Favorite skate spot? Dirty South


Favorite food? Pizza Favorite movie? Lordz They Don’t Give A Fuck About Us What would you do if you weren’t skating? Bottle Flipping


50-50, Ghent


SINCE 1922

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