Consumer Guide

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2 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose a



any consumers spend an inordinate amount of time considering other financial transactions, but they rarely put so much effort into their choice of banks. Banking services can influence a wide range of financial matters, and there are several details to consider when choosing a commercial bank. Interest Rate and Fees The true value of a bank account can be found in its interest rates. Each bank has a slightly different interest rate for savings accounts, although most will adjust these rates based on the federal funds rate. Differences in interest rates may seem insignificant, but they can result in big changes when large deposits are concerned. Banks services also usually involve fees and penalties for certain transactions. A checking account might restrict the number of checks you are allowed to write per month before you pay a fee, or you might be required to maintain a minimum

balance in your savings account. Every bank has its own policies, and these should always be taken into account by anyone who is choosing a bank.

you have to stop at a bank on your way home from work or make a mad dash to deposit a check before a bank closes. Having a convenient location (or several convenient locations) will make your life much easier.

Convenience Convenience is another factor to consider Overdraft Protection As much as you try to avoid it, the occawhen choosing a bank. Try to find one that sional overdraft haphas plenty of convenient pens to nearly everyone. branch locations not Each bank has spejust close to where you Every bank has its cific policies regarding live, but wherever you own policies, and overdrafts. Some offer might travel on a reguoverdraft protection in lar basis. these should always the form of a high interIt’s more difficult be taken into account est credit line that kicks to conduct financial by anyone who is in when you bounce matters on the road if you’re using a local or a check, while other choosing a bank. banks charge a fee for regional bank. The imeach overdraft. portant thing is your Some banks don’t bank is accessible when cover bounced checks at all. Consider the you need it. policies of your potential banks of choice There will most likely come a time when before you come to a final decision. Bank Stability Stability is often an overlooked element of commercial banking. When you deposit money into a bank, it is important to consider the solvency of the bank’s balance sheet. Most funds held on deposit are invested by the bank under a fractional reserve banking system, and a bank with a clean balance sheet can best weather the turbulence caused by market corrections. Most banks are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for up to $250,000 per depositor. This value can vary depending on the type and number of accounts held by a customer. Your money should be safe in any bank, but failures can occur. A solid bank should have limited exposure to toxic assets that put its balance sheet at risk. Services You Need Banks offer a wide range of services. Whether you need to take out a loan or open a checking account, choose a bank that satisfies your concerns with lost cost and high return rate. Careful and vigilant shoppers can expect positive experiences with a trustworthy commercial bank.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 3

FMB Personalized Customer Service… We Do It Best!

FMB takes a personal interest in all customers. Just ask Greg Sikes, owner of Sikes Farms. His meetings with Commercial Lending officer, Clay Price, are held not only in Clay’s office, but also in the middle of Sikes’ planted fields. Clay takes a personal interest in his customers because at FMB, You Matter to Us.

YOU M ATTER TO US 201 North Main Street • Statesboro, Georgia 30458 • • 912-489-2600


Greg Sikes, Sikes Farms (Left) Clay Price, Commercial Lending Officer (Right)

4 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose an



he most important aspects to considWhen looking for an audiologist you want er when choosing an audiologist are to find a person who has a good understandcredentials, reputation in the coming of your situation. The biggest thing is munity and years of experience in the field. they listen to you and communicate with All audiologists you, not at you. You have a master’s deneed to feel you gree in audiology. trust the An audiologist is the However, most now audiolohave a doctorate gist and professional who and a few top docspecializes in evaluating tors have Ph.D.s. and treating people with However, the degree most audihearing loss. ologists have is the Au.D. An audiologist must, obviously, have a license to practice audiology. It is also important to check on the continuing competence of the audiologist. An thatthey are honest and trustworthy. audiologist should be up to date with the You might be spending a lot of time with latest technology. It is important to find an this person, so you definitely want to know audiologist who attends seminars or conferhow many years they have been in practice. ences that discuss new audiological techCheck with the physicians in your area and nology or developments in hearing analysis. friends and family. Audiology associations and consumer asThe audiologist should give the patient sociations have patient satisfaction proenough time to make a detailed evaluagrams that evaluate the competence of an tion of the level of hearing impairment on audiologist. the initial visit. It is advisable to consult an Periodically, a certificate of clinical comaudiologist who treats a number of patients petence is awarded to audiologists who give without compromising the amount of time up to date treatment adhering to professpent with them. The audiologist should sional ethics. Audiologists who constantly offer hearing aids with a trial period to update themselves with the research and evaluate patient comfort in different sound development of audio-assistance aids will be atmospheres. An assessment of whether better equipped to fit patients with newer the patient requires one or two hearing aids and better hearing aids and will be able to should be conducted. A detailed appraisal of program the instrument based on the needs what model of hearing aid will suit the paof the patient. An audiologist who attends tient and the amount of amplification which courses and workshops will be a step ahead will be required should be the core compeof the changing needs of his patient. tence of the audiologist. An audiologist also specializes in evaluatMany hearing aids have automatic data ing and treating people with hearing loss. logging. A competent audiologist should reAudiologists conduct a wide variety of tests spond positively to the data feedback to determine the exact nature of the hearing and fine tune instruments accordproblem. Audiologists then present a wide ing to the need of the patients. An variety of treatment options and refer to ear, audiologist should assist the panose and throat physicians for the medical tient with testing and fitting the portion of the problem. Audiologists not hearing aid, and the rehabilitation only dispense and fit hearing aids when apof the patient’s communication propriate, but administer tests for dizziness, capabilities. balance problems, acoustic tumors, tinnitus The hearing aid fitted by the auand rehabilitation training. An audiologist’s diologist should be with reference to training makes them the most qualified to the shape of the outer ear and the depth administer these tests. of the inner ear; it should also have enough All audiologists are legally licensed to dis- ventilation so the patient does not feel a pense hearing aids, although they can only clogged sensation in the ear. The audiologist dispense hearing aids after the proper diagshould suggest fully automatic or simplified nosis and evaluation of hearing loss. hearing aids for patients who do not have

the manual dexterity to deal with complicated programs. A periodical reassessment should be scheduled by an audiologist to understand the patient’s problems in varied hearing atmospheres, and the hearing aid should be suitably altered or repaired as the case requires. In complicated cases, the audiologist can custom order hearing aids to help the patient with a better instrument fit. Pediatric audiologists look after the hearing impairment and sound rehabilitation for young children. The audiologist should take measures to accurately assess the level of hearing loss in a child and a suitable BTE (behind the ear) instrument can be fitted so the child can lead a nearly normal communicative life. Parents should be governed by the experience the pediatric audiologist has in working with children. A pediatric audiologist should be able to properly train parents and counsel them on helping the child cope with his hearing aid. A pediatric audiologist should make ear mold impressions accurately, dispense hearing aids on a trial basis and be ready to repair damaged hearing aids frequently.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 5

Karen Lockridge, M.S. Katherine Neufeld, Cori Palmer, Susan Timna, AuD AuD AuD

Affordable Hearing Should Not Mean Sacrificing Quality Products from Experienced Doctors of Audiology Quality + Education = Better Hearing

Introducing 2 new services: Trade-In Allowances & Quality Used Hearing Aids • Many Levels of Technology to Fit any Budget • All Sizes of Hearing Aids from Invisible to Behind the Ear • Extended Wear Hearing Aids • Good Technology Used Hearing Aids • Trade in Allowances • “Starter” Hearing Aids • Extended Warranties • Blue Tooth Accessories to Connect to Cell Phones,Telephones, Television, Etc...

• Doctors of Audiology on Staff • Dedicated Support Team to Assist with All of Your Hearing Needs • 5 Convenient Locations to Better Serve You • Most Insurances Accepted • No Interest Payment Plans • 60 Day Trial Period • Loaners Available When Repairs are Necessary


For Your Convenience We Have Locations In: Savannah • Pooler • Statesboro Skidaway Island • Richmond Hill

Call today to schedule your appointment: Deadline Sept. 15

6 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose a


Dance Studio

hen becoming a new client of a business, many times you are asked, “How did you hear about us?” The choices – Yellow Pages, advertisement, drive by, flier, word of mouth, website, referred by – usually hold the reason you have chosen this business. If you are considering enrolling either yourself or a child in a dance studio, the following information may be helpful in finding the studio that is a perfect fit for you. First, call for information. The facts needed to assist you typically consist of the age you are looking to find a class for and the specific style of dance you are interested in. For example, if you have an eight year old who would like to start dancing, the studio will give you information for your specific request. They should also provide the following information: What styles are offered for which ages? Is a trial class free? This is a great way to allow potential students the opportunity to try a class to see if it suits them without any financial obligation. What are the tuition fees? A few additional possibilities to consider regarding costs are enrollment fees, additional class discounts, family discounts, average cost of costumes for performances and ticket prices. Are the sizes of classes limited? The answer to this question may vary by age and styles. For example, a creative movement class for two year olds may be limited to eight children, while an advanced pointe class may have as many as sixteen students. Both classes could be equally productive for the age, level and style. Also, a more experienced instructor may be able to instruct a larger class very efficiently. Limited sized classes may result in closed classes and interest lists being formed in order to begin additional classes. You may have to wait a short time, but this could be a good sign of a successful studio. What is the experience of the instructors? Of course you want to make sure your classes or your child’s classes are being taught by instructors with dance

backgrounds – in training, performing and instructing. At the same time, the instructors should be positive, friendly, caring people who passionately love dance and children. Ask how long instructors have been involved with the studio. Along with this, take into consideration how long this studio has been in business. If a studio has been in operation for years and much of the staff has been affiliated with them for a long period of time, again, this could be a good sign. Inquire about performance opportunities. Most studios will present annual recitals and possibly more. Performances provide an excellent means to commit to and work toward accomplishing

goals, and then sharing the end result with an audience. The lessons in this are many. From building self-esteem and confidence to becoming passionate about and inspired by an art, these lessons will be carried with students through many different life experiences. If timing allows, attending a performance would be ideal. You will learn about what may be important to you. Do the students know the dances? Is the event organized? Are music and choreography

age appropriate? Are there advanced level students who demonstrate the quality of training the students will be receiving over the years? While all of the information mentioned above may help you in your decision, the most important deciding factor will be your first impression when you visit the studio. How is the atmosphere? Do the students seem upbeat? Are classes busy and productive? Is the environment happy, clean, safe, and organized? Is there a reception desk and someone there to help you? If your child becomes passionate about dance, is this a place you will feel comfortable spending years at? For experienced dancers, you will know what you are looking for in a studio. Maybe you are moving to a new area after having trained at another studio. Do you want to be part of a performance team, attend competition, pursue a professional dance career, join a high school dance team, or continue to attend one class per week because you love to dance but cannot make a huge time and financial commitment? Depending on the answers to these questions, the right dance studio is out there for you.

Wait until after the trial class before purchasing the appropriate shoes and attire.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 7

8 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose a



ne of the most important things your insurance company to make sure that you can do to safeguard your your visits to this doctor will be covered. health is to choose the right physiPaying for medical care out of pocket can cian — someone who will work proactively become very expensive. with you on your health issues. The best way to find a new doctor, howThere are some important factors to conever, is through a referral from friends, sider when you’re in family or someone else whose the process of selectjudgment in this matter you ing your doctor. can trust. Under ideal The personal physiPeople who like and trust circumstances, cian you choose will their own physicians are eager often be mandated to share their experiences. the very first by the type of health Another good source of visit you make to insurance you carry. physician referrals may be the Frequently your inlocal chapter of the American your new doctor surance company Medical Association or other will involve a will contract with professional physicians organiroutine physical a physicians’ group, zations in your area. and you will be reBefore you make your final examination during quired to choose your decision, be sure to check which your new personal doctor from with the state mediwithin that primary cal board to make doctor will take a care physician (PCP) sure the physician detailed patient network. you’ve chosen has history. Your primary care a current medical physician is responlicense. The medsible for all your ical board will also medical needs, and should you need the atbe able to tell you whether the tentions of a specialist, your primary care physician you’ve chosen is facing physician is responsible for making that any pending disciplinary actions referral. against his or her license The doctors in PCP networks will have Not every physician accepts agreed beforehand on certain requirements new patients. Once you’ve drawn and your insurance may not cover you if you up a list of a few likely candidates, choose a doctor who is outside this PCP contact these doctors’ offices network. to make sure they are addSome types of medical insurance, howing new patients to their ever, put no restrictions on the doctors you practice and they accan see. If that’s the case with your medicept the type of incal insurance, a quick perusal of ads in your surance you carry. local newspaper or phone book will yield many qualified candidates. Most people will want to choose a generalist as their primary care physician, whether a family practice doctor or an internist. But in some cases, you may want to choose a physician who specializes in a certain area of medical practice. A woman, for example, may feel most comfortable with a primary care physician who’s an obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/ GYN). A parent may be most comfortable going with a pediatrician. Finally, if you’re a senior citizen over the age of 55, your choice of primary care physician may be a geriatric specialist. Whoever your choice turns out to be, once you’ve contacted the physician and found whether they can add you to their patient rostrum, it’s a good idea to check with

Under ideal circumstances, the very first visit you make to your new doctor will involve a routine physical examination during which your new doctor will take a detailed patient history. Some insurance companies will not pay for routine physicals, however. Other factors to consider when choosing a physician include making sure his or her office is convenient to either your home or your workplace. You’ll want to make sure the physician you’ve chosen has admitting privileges at a hospital where you’d feel comfortable should you have to become a patient there. Is your physician able to perform diagnostic tests and procedures in his or her office or will you have to visit a separate facility when you need these services? Finally, verify how long it will take to book an appointment. Not every one of your medical needs will require seeing a doctor the same day, but when an emergency arises you’ll want to make sure that your doctor can handle it.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 9

Trust Is A must ... Now Specializing in Robotic Surgery

James L. Hiller, M.D., F.A.C.o.g.

sHAnnon HALl, PA-C

Next to your spouse or a very close friend, there is no more intimate relationship than the one you share with your OBGYN. From babies to bladder issues, mood swings to menopause, the topics are decidedly delicate. At Southern OBGYN you can trust that if it’s on your mind, you can share it with us. • Prenatal Care/ 4-D Ultrasound • Physicals/ Paps • Gardasil - HPV Vaccine Outpatient Surgery For: • Abnormal PAPS • Pelvic Pain • Heavy Bleeding • Incontinence • Hysterectomy

Please call today for an appointment.

Southern ob/gyn Specialists • 912.681.3111 1 0 9 4 B e r m u d a R u n r o a d • s tat e s b o r o

10 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose a


diamond Store

ould you buy a car without taking it for a test drive? Would you buy a house without taking a tour? The diamond buying process is similar and deserves the same “hands-on” approach. Finding the perfect diamond should be a personal experience between the shopper and a reputable gemologist. Numerous diamond guides are available for the cyber shopper, but buyers beware: not all information online comes from accurate sources. Diamond buying can be confusing and frustrating, especially in this cyber age. Consult these diamond industry web sites for more information: Gemological Institute of America. ( and American Gem Society ( A shopper who buys a wholesale diamond online through a faceless, impersonal site may save some money but they forfeit the benefits of developing a personal relationship with their jeweler. Furthermore, they often find the qualities of the diamond are grossly misrepresented. Buyers should consider these questions: will the online jeweler personally assist in your future jewelry buying needs, and more importantly, will the company be there in the future if you experience a problem with the ring? Choose a jeweler who has been a long-standing, honest member of your community. Become acquainted with the jeweler who can assist your future purchases instead of making a one-time sale.

What does a buyer need to know before shopping for a diamond? A prospective buyer should have a general ideal of what they want before they enter the store. A car shopper might tell the dealer, “I am looking for a newer model foreign sedan, in black, with cruise control, leather interior and a sunroof.” These details narrow the options and speed up the decision process. A diamond has similar specifications. A jeweler can guide you to the exact diamonds that match your preferences if you provide exact details, such as, “I am looking for a I-carat round brilliant cut stone mounted in platinum.” Diamond quality is measured by these criteria: Color: refers to the amount of body color in a diamond. Color grades range from “D” (colorless/ white) to “Z” (yellow) and into the intense yellow colors. The Gemological Institute of America’s grading scale lists “D” as the finest white; stones of this grade are very rare. Diamonds with grades “E” through “I” are also high quality white colors and appear white in a white gold or platinum setting. Grade “T’ is a stone with more yellowish color, and the intensity of the stone’s color corresponds to the alphabet letters. Diamonds can also show other colors such as brown, silver, and grey, as well as blue, pink, green, and red colors. A diamond’s quality is determined by the lack of color, since color is the first to catch the viewer’s eye. Clarity: refers to the amount of natural inclusions in a diamond. Inclusions occur naturally in diamonds. Some Acquaint yourselves with appear as chips, feathers, tiny crystals inside the the jeweler who can assist diamond, or fractures on

your future purchases...

the edge. Often the inclusions have little effect on the diamond’s beauty or durability; however, heavily included diamonds will not reflect light as well and may appear cloudy. Some inclusions may appear dark or black to the naked eye. Clarity grades range from “FL” (flawless under l Ox magnification) to “I-3” (inclusions visible to the naked eye). “I-1” clarity is the first grade where inclusions are visible without magnification. The best buys in diamonds are found in the mid-clarity ranges (“VS” ‘ to “SP) where the inclusions are present but are not visible and do not diminish the diamond’s beauty and durability. Terms such as “VS” (very slight or very small), “S1” (slight or small inclusions) refer to the number of imperfections that determine clarity. Cut: refers to the angles and proportions of the diamond A diamond’s cut affects the amount of light that enters the stone, reflects inside it and returns to the viewer’s eye as sparkling brilliance. The angles of the pavilion are critical for light return. Brilliance is lost if the angles are too shallow or too deep. A diamond with a lower grade cut may appear cloudy and dark. The facets on the top or crown of the stone break white light into the spectral colors and produce the “chandelier” effect. The angles of the crown must be good to give the viewer the maximum sparkle and produce the variety of colors (blue, green, yellow, red, and violet shades) that are very special diamond traits. What does a buyer need to know before shopping for a diamond? Diamonds are an investment item and should be insured, just like a house or a car. A reputable jeweler provides the buyer with certificates and detailed information about the stone for insurance evaluation purposes. A diamond investment pays emotional dividends to the wearer.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 11

12 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose a


mattress Store

ood health and sleep are closely linked. Just as we improve our eating habits for better health, we should also improve our sleep habits for better health. Sleep debt is a costly problem in our society, both fiscally and physically. Four out of every five people suffer from back pain and studies show we are not as productive or safe when we do not get enough rest. Back pains come as a close second to the common cold as the most frequent cause of lost work time. Sleep should be a priority and not just a negotiable need that is determined by our busy schedules. Good sleep not only lessens costly back problems but helps to prepare us for a more productive, alert and safe day ahead. Poor sleep and back problems are like the chicken and the egg theory. Which came first? Are backaches the cause of lack of sleep or does lack of sleep cause back problems? Both may be helped with the right mattress. The lower back or lumbar region is the most common area for back pain because it bears the wear and tear of bending, stooping, sitting and lifting. A good mattress supports the back and allows the muscles to rest and rejuvenate during sleep. Poor sleep does not allow this to happen, nor does a poor sleep surface. Experts recommend mattresses that offer superior support without being too hard. The bottom line is: The right mattress is very important to our overall health. THE BIGGEST MATTRESS MYTH The old adage “hard is better” is truly a myth. No single sleep surface is right for everyone. Therefore a store that carries a varied selection of comfort levels made by the top “S” brand mattress manufacturers, is the place to start. Such variables as body temperature, sleep position, and lighting should be taken into account. Mattresses come in plush, pillow-top, ultra plush, ultra plush pillow-top, firm and

cushion firm. And all these comfort levels are just that -comfort levels. It is different from support level. Support level has to do with the coil count and coil construction. The proper support may be achieved in all of the different comfort levels. Depending on whether you are a stomach, side or back sleeper (or a combination) will determine the comfort level you will sleep better and longer on. And that is the goal.Although there are some exceptions to the rule, a good coil count number to keep in mind for proper support is as follows: twin, 420 or higher; full, 600 or higher; queen, 736 or higher; king, 930 or higher. The quality of fabric and different foams used should also be taken into consideration.It is important to find a mattress with edgeguard because it gives you more mattress surface to actually sleep on. You might as well use all of it since you are paying for all of it! Everyone has natural curves in their back. Usually the harder the surface, the more the back has to drop out of alignment to meet the mattress. The optimal mattress has enough padding to support your back without allowing it to drop out of its natural alignment. A plush mattress with good support will do just that. VALUE Most people sleep about one-third of their life. What else do you do for that amount of time that affects the other twothirds of your life? We think nothing of spending $300 to $400 on a VCR that comes with a one-year warranty and that, if you are lucky, will last five years. But many people think it is appalling to spend $600

to $700 on a new queen mattress that comes with a 10-year non-prorated warranty and will easily last 10 years. This same mattress, if picked properly, will give you many nights of great sleep and ultimately better productive days, too. Many will pay up to 40 percent more for a new car than they did a decade ago, yet the same person expects to pay the $299.99 prices of a decade ago when it comes to buying a new mattress. Value is relative, but when you think of using an item everyday, 365 days a year for 10 years, a good quality mattress for say $700 is costing you a little less than 22 cents per day. Shopping for the best value doesn’t mean finding the lowest price. Bargain bedding is no bargain when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Are you the type of person who will spend $150 on running shoes that you wear three or four times a week but is only willing to spend $330 on a mattress that you sleep on eight hours a night for 10 years? There have been many advancements in mattress manufacturing. Many are designed by orthopedic doctors with the proper support and great comfort levels to keep you properly aligned all night. Mattresses have many price points to meet everyone’s pocket book. Bottom line: If you aren’t satisfied with your current bedding and sleep comfort, there is a proper support mattress out there for you in your price range. Come see Craig Deal, And remem“The Deal Maker”, ber: How you sleep at night (owner of Deal’s generally deFurniture & Mattress termines how Outlet, (the ‘Boro’s you will feel best mattress store) for the rest of for all your the day.

mattress needs!

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 13


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Furniture, Mattress Outlet & GiFts Hwy. 67 at Fairground • Statesboro (912) 681-3824 Mon-Fri: 10am - 6pm Saturday: 10am - 4:30pm Sunday: 1-5pm

14 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose a


Private School

hoosing the right private school for your child may sound like a daunting task. It is indeed an important choice, but don’t let it overwhelm you. If you are anxious, then your child may become anxious. Consider the following tips as you begin this process. First Steps First, observe your child for a day or two. This may seem odd, but as you make your way through this search you will see how Pay attention to how you important this first step is. You will want to ask yourare treated by the staff self what your child’s natumembers. Are they friendly ral gifts are. What are her and helpful? Are your strengths and weaknesses? Are you interested in having questions being answered? the weaknesses addressed by Remember these will be the a private school? What are his interests or talents? Do you people you will be dealing want those nurtured? with throughout your child’s Secondly, make a general school career. mental list of the things your ideal school would offer. Do you plan on having your child attend a local day school or are you open to an overnight school, (often you and your child think should be in the referred to as a boarding school)? Maybe running. Even if it has, for example, only you will come to love a certain school that two main positives, they may be really imis just far enough away that it doesn’t work portant positives. with your own tight schedule, but with the right transportation options, it still might be Get More Details a match for your family. Don’t rule anything Once you have your long list compiled, go out at this point. through each school name and ask yourself what questions still need to be answered. Look Online You may want to call schools for which you You may want to peruse the Internet, but have questions. be cautious that websites can sometimes be Pay attention to how you are treated by misleading. Most school sites have informathe staff members. Are they friendly and tion such as admission and values statehelpful? Are your questions being anments as well as policy summaries. swered? Remember these will be the people You also want to look at the photo galyou will be dealing with throughout your leries and video/virtual tours. This can give child’s school career. you some idea of what to expect on the Next, you will want to go and visit some campus; but again, photos can be misleadof your top private school choices. Take a ing. Nothing replaces the experience of a few notes as you walk around campus. Ask real-life tour. questions about the enrollment paperwork Depending on how far away the school and any testing your child will have is, you should check out the transportation to complete. options. You will want to know what your Picture your family engaging in school acchoices are in case you find a school you are tivities, and particularly picture your child really interested in that may make it tough spending time there. Try to meet as many of to fit transportation into your schedule. the staff and teachers as are available which, At this point, you should make the long of course, depends largely on what time of list of schools. It should include every school year you go on your tours.

If your child attends the tours, make sure to ask her what she thinks of the schools. Narrow The List After your tours have been completed, start reviewing your notes. At this point you will already have begun to make a short list of schools in your mind. You have been considering the location, the type of school, how your child will be treated and the setting of the campus. Now turn your thoughts to financial matters. Make wise and comfortable choices regarding how much should be spent on this education. Don’t forget to ask each school on your short list if they have any financial aid. Many do have some funding in this area, and it could make the difference in your final decision. Finally, make sure to have admission procedures at your fingertips. Timing is everything as many of the best schools have wait lists. If all goes well, you’ll be able to apply and have your child accepted at a school that meets your needs. And the rewards will last a lifetime.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 15

It’s not too late! RegIsteR now foR the 2011-2012 school yeaR!

• Grades Pre-K4 through 12th • College Preparatory Curriculum • Dual Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools, and the Southern Association of Independent Schools. (SACS/SAIS) • 10-1 student-teacher ratio • Small-school atmosphere • Average size of 17 students per classroom • Exceptional athletic programs for girls & boys 873 Westside Rd. • Statesboro, GA • Phone: 912-764-6297 • Fax: 912-764-3165

16 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose a



t is important to choose the right hospital when suffering with injury or illness. With many hospitals, standards of care are very much alike; but for different reasons some hospitals offer better care than others. When choosing the best hospital for you, these reasons need to be investigated. When identifying which hospital is best, the hospital’s location is an important consideration. In a time of an unforeseen emergency, the only solution is often the nearby hospital. For many, people only one hospital is close by, so visiting one farther away would be a problem. Due to reasons of family and travel time, most people want to be treated in a hospital near their home. Depending on the severity of the situation, a hospital that is farther away but offers more specialized care may be a better choice. People will often choose a hospital where their primary doctor has an affiliation. Many doctors have referred patients to the same hospital for years, as they are known there and can often see and perform surgery on patients quickly. Hospitals are categorized as preferred providers by medical insurance companies. Patients choosing a hospital not listed in their medical insurance plan will often pay higher fees than those recommended by their insurance company. Many medical procedures that are needed, such as surgery and convalescent care, can quickly become a large expense. When choosing a hospital, your insurance coverage may be the top consideration. It is worth considering what other options keep these standards continuously updated. a hospital offers if location and insurance Hospitals that have been awarded certiwill not affect your decision. Many hospification in areas such as quality and consistals offer different medical accreditations tency are well worth considering. than others, such as the Joint CommisAnother way of distinguishing excelsion, or have achieved lence is the Magnet high status in treating Recognition Prospecialized medical gram, which covers You should know procedures. outstanding nursIf a hospital is acing work and other about the strengths credited by the Joint forms of patient care. of your local hospitals Commission, cerIt is awarded to select before the need for tain areas of quality hospitals across the will be followed in nation. If you are able emergency care arises. areas that cover storto enter a hospital age management and that has achieved this nursing care practice. status, you can expect When hospitals receive accreditation by the excellent patient care. Joint Commission, they are subjected to Depending on what procedures must be frequent evaluation of their standards and done, selecting a hospital specializing in a

particular surgical procedure may be essential. Patients needing medical attention arrive at hospitals every day, but many hospitals will specialize in several areas. Two hospitals within a city may offer similar services, but one might specialize in gastroenterology while another supports an advanced cardiac unit. You should know which is which. To ensure quality care, hospitals may transfer patients to a more suitable facility. Depending on the seriousness of an injury or illness, a hospital with more specialized care will receive the patient. To be sure of the best outcome when caring for an injury or illness, choosing the right hospital is important. That’s why you should know about the strengths of your local hospitals before the need for emergency care arises.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 17


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18 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

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‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 19


‘How-To’ Choose


f you’re like most people, you didn’t choose a pharmacist, you chose a pharmacy for your medication needs. Your pharmacist is a very important part of your health care team and should be chosen carefully. In between doctor visits, your pharmacist can be an important resource for you. This is especially true if you are using multiple medications or need help with products such as blood glucose meters, asthma inhalers, or other special care items. Some key questions to ask when choosing a pharmacist include: - Does the pharmacist take time to answer your questions in a manner that you understand? - Does the pharmacist tell you about each new medication and explain such things as how and when to take the medication and The right pharmacy what you can and cannot take with it? may offer special - Does the pharmacist have services that set any special training in disthem apart from the ease management, such as a certified asthma counselor? other pharmacies. - Does the pharmacist show concern for you and your family? - Does the pharmacist recommend vitamins or supplements to take or tell you which ones you account or have a credit card kept on file for should NOT take with your prescriptions? charging prescriptions is a convenient feature, If your current pharmacist doesn’t meet your especially when you are on a trip or someone needs or doesn’t take the necessary time to else is picking up the prescription for you. make sure that you understand your medicaThe pharmacy may offer any special services tions, visit other pharmacies and ask if the phar- that set them apart from the other pharmamacist has any special certifications or training. cies. You might be interested in special packagFind out if the pharmacy has any special servicing to make it easier to remember to take your es that they can offer you such as demonstrating medications. If you have diabetes, finding a a new inhaler. See if you can find a pharmacist pharmacy that can demonstrate several glucose that is easy to talk to, yet shows concern and monitors to find which one works best for you is able to explain what you need to know as a can make testing your blood sugar easier. Some consumer of both prescription medications and pharmacies also have the ability to “download” vitamin supplements. the readings off of your diabetes monitor and print them out for you. This will help both you WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A PHARMACY and your doctor control your diabetes. Ask if Where your family pharmacist works should the pharmacy can measure your “Alc” level to also be an important consideration when decidcheck your long-term glucose control. Look for ing where your medication needs are going to a pharmacy that offers a private counseling area take place. Most people taking medications visit so you can ask personal questions without bea pharmacy monthly and should consider seving overheard. Other conveniences that should eral factors when choosing which pharmacy to be taken into account include a toll-free phone patronize. number to use if you live out-of-town or are on vacation. Ordering refills over the InterConvenience is an important issue with all of net is something new that many progresthe time pressures that people feel these days. sive pharmacies now offer. Many times, The pharmacy should be in a convenient locayou can also look up health information on tion with convenient parking nearby. If you are the pharmacies’ web sites as well. unable to get to the pharmacy, the pharmacy It’s a good idea to get all of your prescripshould make sure that your prescriptions are tions filled at a single pharmacy. The pharmailed to your home or delivered to your home macy keeps a complete medication profile or work. Having the ability to open a charge

on you. These profiles record all medications that you are taking, health problems, and drug allergies that you have told your pharmacist about. By going to one pharmacy, your pharmacist will be able to continuously update your patient profile - making sure all the information is accurate. This will help avoid problems that occur when some medications are mixed. With a little effort, you should be able to find a pharmacy that will be your partner in your goal living a healthful life.

20 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose a


Funeral Home

hen a death occurs, it often happens unexpectedly. Many decisions have to be made in a short period of time leaving families feeling overwhelmed. Often, these decisions must be made when a family is grieving and unprepared. That’s why it’s important to consider preplanning your funeral or cremation service. Many people have done everything they can to protect their families from various events that may happen through purchasing such things as fire or theft insurance; but the one inevitable event often goes ignored. Preplanning will help protect your family from some emotional and financial burden that often occurs after the loss of a loved one. Preplanning your funeral or cremation service will make life much easier for those who will have to handle your affairs. Preplanning gives you the opportunity to become informed about your options and the various costs in an unpressured environment; you will have time to think things through. You’re in full control and can select and specify funeral or cremation services that truly have meaning to you and your family. Preplanning benefits your survivors the most. When a funeral or cremation service is not preplanned, someone who many not be aware of your wishes will have to make all the decisions. Unfortunately, they are often clouded by grief and other emotions. Preplanning gives you the opportunity to discuss your wishes and involve those who will be most affected by your death. More importantly, knowing your wishes will be carried out will bring comfort, peace of mind and relief to surviving family members and friends. When you preplan your funeral or cremation service, you can make decisions that are right for you and your family. Consider the following questions when making your decision: • Would you like a traditional or a simple, less elaborate service? • Do you prefer cremation or burial? • Would you like the service in a funeral home chapel or a place of worship? • Will it be a private family service or open to all? • What type of casket or cremation container would you prefer? • If cremation is your choice, would you like to rent a casket?

• Will the casket be open or closed? • Will there be visitation for family and friends or a private family gathering? • How much would you like to pay for your services? • What type of permanent memorial would you prefer? All these are very personal decisions only you can decide. What is important is the funeral or cremation service is personalized to reflect your wishes and brings comfort to your family and friends. Like any event — such as a wedding, birthday or anniversary — a funeral or cremation service gives your family and friends time to support each other, to share memories and an opportunity to celebrate your life. And today, no two ceremonies are alike. Photographs, favorite music, special readings and the involvement of family members and friends are all appropriate and encouraged. Preplanning your funeral or cremation

The total cost can easily run over $10,000, with the casket alone making up over half of the sum. service also makes financial sense. When you preplan your funeral or cremation service you benefit from purchasing at today’s prices, free from inflationary pressures of the future. Once you have determined the costs, you can make an objective decision regarding affordability. You may decide to spend less or more, but the decision remains yours. Preplanning also enables you to purchase the services you select in a planned and managed fashion. It helps keep your financial commitment at a comfortable level, while eliminating the financial burden placed on your surviving family members. Preplanning your funeral or cremation service is a decision only you can make. But it’s a decision that will affect all the people you love most.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 21










We respect the tradition of family-owned funeral homes. We used to be one, however it was limiting. Now we are part of a bigger family, able to give you the flexibility and service you want and the attention we only dreamed of giving before. We are proud to serve our community by offering: • Bereavement Travel • Child/Grandchild Protection • 24 Hour Compassion Helpline • 100% Service Guarantee • Everlasting Memorial • National Transferability • Healing Hearts Children’s Program • Aftercare Planner • Grief Management Library To learn more about the services that we offer and to receive a FREE Personal Planning Guide, we invite you to visit or call us at your convenience.

Hodges-Moore Funeral Home 22757 Hwy. 80 East • Statesboro, Ga. 30458


We are local people dedicated to serving local people.

22 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose a



hoosing the perfect salon is crucial to highlights that look great or a manicure that lasts for weeks. Many people find they need their bangs trimmed or a blowout, but they have no idea which salon to try. Because appearances are so powerful in our society, choosing the right salon is a must. Whether you only want a simple trim or an entirely new look with a manicure and pedicure, there is a salon for you. It’s a great idea is to ask for references. It makes sense to ask for referrals from people who have their hair done in a way you love. Perhaps you adore your best friend’s haircut or a neighbor’s perfect trim. Whatever the case, simply ask where they get their hair done. Also, be sure to get the specific name of a hair stylist at the salon so you know exactly how to achieve your friend’s hair style. It pays to ask for referrals from friends or neighbors because some salons offer a price break for referrals, as well as the person who referred them. Also, remember to ask for referrals for manicures, pedicures or waxing procedures. It can be helpful to run an Internet search for the salon as well; this is a good way to make sure a salon is acIt pays to ask for tually located near your referrals from home or still exists. Be sure to check out a friends or neighbors salon’s website. By lookbecause some ing at a salon’s site, you can gauge the type of salons offer a price atmosphere at the salon break for referrals, and the types of things as well as the person they do. For example, if you simply want an who referred them. affordable trim, then a luxury boutique salon is probably not the best place to go. On the other hand, if you want an entirely new look and are willing to reputable source. spend money on it, then a luxury boutique Many people go get a manicure or eyesalon may be the perfect place to visit. brow wax during their lunch hour. HowevIt is also a good idea to check the hours er, if a salon is located far from your workand location of a salon. Check to see place, then this option is cut out entirely. whether or not the salon is located near Before getting your hair cut, be sure to your home. It is also a good idea to see if the know exactly how much the cut will cost. salon’s hours work for you. It may or may You do not want to spend a fortune without not be worth it to travel an hour just to get realizing it. a simple trim. This is also a good time to If you still have questions, speaking with check in to the stylist’s qualifications and a receptionist at the salon is always a great what type of advanced training he or she re- idea. It is his or her job to answer any quesceived and make sure the training is from a tions you have and make you feel at ease

with the salon. Consultations with stylists are a great idea for those looking to find someone new. A hair stylist can discuss your hair type and face shape with you in order to find the best possible style for you. Another tip: bring a picture of the hair style you want to emulate. This can be a great way to show a stylist exactly what you want. After finding the best salon, it is easy to relax and enjoy the hair styling process.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 23

• Skin Care & Makeovers • Cuts, Color & Style • Manicures & Pedicures • Waxing • Microdermabrasion • Facial Peels • Revitalight • Spray Tanning • Teeth Whitening

Made in


ay! d o t t n e pointm p a r u o .3870 y 4 r 6 o f 7 . l l 2 a 1 C 9 Ave h a n n a v 106A Sa boro, GA States

24 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose an


Urgent Care Center

t is nice to have the help of a general simple fractures and provide stitches. practitioner who has knowledge of your If an urgent care center does not have family and individual health history; but the resources to treat a medical issue that they are not always available. poses an immediate threat, it will typically When you find yourself in a situation transport you to an emergency facility in an where you can’t get in touch with your phyambulance in order to treat the issue. In the sician, you need to visit an urgent meantime, the clinic will do everything in care center. its power to keep you stable until emergenHealth problems do not only occur on cy help arises. weekdays during business hours. Despite While an urgent care center will accept this, as long as you are not dealing with an insurance, it is the responsibility of the paimmediate medical emergency, you can cer- tient to determine if any individual center is tainly do a bit of research to make sure the covered by their insurance. If mediurgent care center you are considering is the cal insurance is not available, right choice for you. a flexible payment plan There are several factors that should be taken into consideration before choosing an urgent care center. First and foremost, you will want to visit a location that is nearby. Even so, you will also want to think about the level of care and assistance that it is capable of providing you, the hours in which it operates, and if it will accept the insurance company you are working with. It is a good idea to do some research about the urgent care centers in your area before a medical need arises. You can find much of this information by looking through the telephone book, the newspaper or online. In most cases, you will find there are several urgent care centers located nearby. Consider your needs before deciding which option is best. One important factor is whether or not you have children. If you do, make sure the physicians not only have the qualifications to work with children, but are comfortable working with them as well. An urgent care center can be chosen as a backup plan if your normal doctor is not available. If this is why you are lookAn urgent care center can ing, make sure the hours are extended. In some be chosen as a backup cases, there are urgent plan if your normal doctor care centers that are open is not available. Make sure 24 hours a day and seven days a week. the hours are extended. Generally speaking, an In some cases, there are urgent care center has the equipment to handle an urgent care centers that acute illness like a cold or are open 24 hours a day flu, strep throat or ear inand seven days a week. fection. It may also be able to help with certain types of long-term conditions, such as high blood pressure. It can typically do basic lab work such as X-rays, treat

can almost always be set up. In most cases, the center will accept cash, check or credit cards. Many patients find they enjoy receiving treatment from an urgent care facility. In many cases, facilities now also provide preventive services such as immunizations and blood work. Many can also manage longterm issues like diabetes and hypertension. While they cannot resolve all medical issues a person may have, it is good to know that there is a place to go if you need professional medical help sooner than a doctor’s appointment will allow.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 25


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26 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

‘How-To’ Choose an



he terms agent, broker and REALTORS are often used interchangeably, but have very different meanings. For example, not all agents (also called salespersons) or brokers are REALTORS°. Learn who is a REALTOR’ and the reasons why you should use one. As a prerequisite to selling real estate, a person must be licensed by the state in which they work, either as an agent/salesperson or as a broker. Before a license is issued, minimum standards for education, examinations and experience, which are determined on a state by state basis, must be met. After receiving a real estate license, most agents go on to join their local board or association of REALTORS’ and the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS’, the world’s largest professional trade association. They can then call themselves REALTORS. The term “REALTOR”’ is a registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS- and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics (which in many cases goes beyond state law) It is the REALTOR’ who shares information on the homes they are marketing, through a Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Working with a REALTOR’ who belongs to an MLS will give you access to the greatest number of homes. HOW TO EVALUATE AN AGENT Without any obligation, you can invite local REALTORS’ to visit your home and give you a “listing presentation” about why they’re the best ones to market it for you. Two to three presentations will probably give you a good opportunity for choice. A listing presentation includes having the REALTORS° review with you the reasons why you should list with that particular individual, and providing you with information that will assist you in making initial decisions about selling your home. Recent laws in every state have defined the duties of someone specifically retained as a real estate agent. Most states require a real estate agent to explain his or her role at the outset of any conversation A professional agent will promptly provide this such a disclosure. Look for an agent who: • Is a member of the local board or association of REALTORS. • Explains and discloses agency relationships (the role of the agent, i.e., who they are representing - the buyer or the seller) early on in the process at “serious first contact,” • Advises you on how to prepare your home for the market. • Shows some enthusiasm for your property, listens attentively, instills confidence, operates in a professional manner, and has a complementary

personality style to yours. • Has researched your property in the public records and the MLS. • Brings data on nearby homes that have sold (or failed to sell) recently. The following am important questions to ask a potential agent: *Are you a REALTOR`? • Do you have an active real estate license in good standing? To find this information, you can check with your state’s governing agency. • Do you belong to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and/or a reliable online home buyer’s search service? Multiple Listing services are cooperative information networks of REALTORS’ that provide descriptions of most of the houses for sale in a particular region. If there’s on nearby MLS, how often do you cooperate with other local brokers on a sale? • What have you listed or sold in this neighborhood lately? • Do you cooperate with buyer’s brokers? • What share of the commission will you offer a cooperating broker who finds the buyer? And in addition to the criteria mentioned above, there are a number of very important reasons you will typically prefer to work with a REALTOR.. Among them is the fact that they adhere to the NAR’s highest standards of ethical conduct and professional training. WHAT A REALTOR° WILL DO FOR YOU Some of the duties your REALTORS° will perform for you include: • Walk through the process of selling your home from beginning to end. • Provide comparable information about the

The terms agent, broker and REALTORS are often used interchangeably, but have different meanings.

prices for which other properties have sold and analyzing data for you to gain a true comparison. • Supply information regarding local customs and regulations you may want to consider. • Share information about your home through the Multiple Listing service and on the Internet. • Place advertisements for your home. • Field phone calls. • “Qualify” potential buyers to make sure they would be financially able to buy your property. • Negotiate the sales contract. • Alert you to potential risks. • Comply with the disclosures required by law. • Provide you with an estimate of the closing costs you will incur. • Help you prepare for a smooth closing of the transaction. SELLING ON YOUR OWN “You can get rid of the broker, but you cannot get rid of the broker’s work” is an old caution for those who intend to offer their homes “For Sale By Owner.” Selling on your own is not an easy undertaking. It requires a significant amount of time to study the process, understand your obligations, and do some of the complicated work that a real estate agent does. In addition, selling on your own requires extra help from outside professionals, such as REALTORS, accountants or attorneys for some of the jobs that require specific expertise.

‘How-To’ Guide • 2011 • 27

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408 S. Z et terower Ave. • Statesboro, G A 30458

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28 • ‘How-To’ Guide • 2011

Answers from local experts at Log on to post questions and view answers. Are you an expert? Call 764-9031 to join our team. Addiction Recovery Bulloch Recovery Resources Cindy Howard

Assisted Living

Business Consultant/Acct.

Willow Pond Assisted Living Karen Martin

Dalton Consulting & Financial Services, Inc. Erin C. Dalton, CPA

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Electrolysis By Alice J. Paul

Hunting/Fishing Georgia Wilderness Outfitters Jimmy Bennett

Land Surveying James M. Anderson & Assoc. Jim Anderson

Personal Training Fit 4 Life Sheila Parker

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Clinical Evaluator Bulloch DUI Vernon Howard

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Heating & Air Eagle Heating & Air Marvin Deal

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Pharmacy McCook’s Pharmacy Len McCook

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Gastroenterology Institute Joseph M. Hathaway, Jr., MD

Gymnastics America’s Finest Kristy Glenn

Long Term Care Brown’s Health & Rehab Ctr.

New Cars Franklin Toyota Scott Noblitt

Orthodontics Wall Orthodontics Michael Wall

Tammy Royal

Plastic Surgery Statesboro Plastic Surgery Dr. Marc Bisseck

Podiatry Specialist Atlantic Foot & Ankle Kristian Jeffress

Pools & Hot Tubs Pride Pools, Spas & Leisure Alex Smith

Real Estate Manack Signature Properties Nick Propps

Dentistry Larry G. Hubbard, DDS Larry Hubbard

Keith Sutton

Women’s Health Southern OB/GYN Dr. James Hiller

Hube & Tucker, LLC Josh D. Tucker

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