Tweed Valley Weekly, September 27, 2018

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the September school holidays this year. As part of the reunion the family is having a big ‘community service’ clean-up of rubbish around the campground and estuary this

Friday, September 28. For all your Tweed Shire holiday activities to keep the kids busy check out page 39 in Entertainment.


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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Residents raise concerns over Kingscliff flooding

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Call – 1300 678 443 Looking east along the south side of Kingfisher Circuit towards the Turnock Street and Elrond Drive roundabout days after the March 2017 flood.

Mr Cornford and his neighbours who live in the Noble Park, Kingfisher Circuit, Bellbird Drive areas say that any future filling of the natural flood basin West of the Kingscliff Shopping Village “poses a threat” leaving flood water nowhere to go as state environment regulations prohibit further drainage into the ocean. “The simple fact is that when the Tweed River floods, the adjoining land fills to the same level and no amount of extra drainage can solve that problem,” he said. “Any drainage system out-letting to the river simply increases access for flood water to cover the Pacific Highway, the Tweed Coast Road and all land up to the rear of the Kingscliff Shopping Centre.” Mr Cornford said that at a meeting with Council after the 2017 floods, residents had been assured that filling all the remaining land earmarked for “residential development” would only raise the flood level by an extra three centimetres in the worst-case scenario. He said that residents on the west side of Bellbird Drive had ankle-deep water in their backyards from the drainage canal between them and Noble Park Estate in the 2013 flood. “An extra three centimetres would flood those residences plus many more in Noble Park and the Monarch Dr, Kingfisher Crt, Bellbird Dr precinct,” he said. Mr Cornford said that all current State Government guidelines for residential development on flood land stated that individual DAs for fill and build should not be considered in isolation but take regard of the cumulative effect of all such filling in adjacent areas. “Bearing this in mind, and knowing that a rise of three centimetres would certainly flood existing residences, it’s hard to imagine why Council would

even consider approval of any future residential fill,” he said. “A new flood study planned by Council next year should not consist simply of experts talking to experts on the basis of computer modelling; but should include on-site inspections of previously flooded and threatened residences, anecdotal evidence and photographic records held by residents from previous floods.” Mr Cornford said many of the current residents were fearful of the current development taking place at Tweed Coast Road, Cudgen, where the land has been filled for a 96-lot subdivision. “This is another example of what could result in greater impact to current Kingscliff residents,” he said. “There’s a lot of unknowns and we need Council to go back and review the current flood study.” Meanwhile Council is assessing an application by Gales Holdings to increase the area of land to be filled behind the Kingscliff Shopping Village. Gales have Council approval to fill around 3.8 hectares of land south of Turnock street to a height of 3.6 metres for a 50-lot subdivision and applied to Council last year to fill an additional 2.8 hectares of land to a height of between 4 to 4.5 metres above sea level and to reroute a drain to “ensure the site drains appropriately”. A flood study completed by Venant Solutions for Gales found that flood levels would increase by 21mm with the additional filling which they said is within Council’s acceptable limit of 35mm. They also said the realignment of the drain would have “at least the same main channel conveyance area as the existing drain”. Tweed Shire Council were questioned in relation to flooding concerns at Kingscliff but were unable to respond by the print deadline.

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By Jonathon Howard KINGSCLIFF residents are expressing concern with potential flooding of their homes should major backfilling and development take place on existing drainage lands. Several residents have felt so passionate about their concerns they formed a flood committee following the March 2017 flood and have since developed a petition of fellow concerned residents that was tabled in the NSW Parliament’s Legislative Council last week by NSW Shadow Minister for the North Coast, Walt Secord. Labor candidate for Tweed Craig Elliot received the petition which included the names of 570 residents opposed to rezoning of residential land in floodprone areas. The petition states that the filling and residential development on land zoned for Future Urban Use under the draft Kingscliff Locality Plan poses “an unacceptable flood risk to both current and future residents” and requests the House to call on Tweed Shire Council to review and upgrade the current Flood Management Study in light of the flood levels reached in the West Kingscliff and Turnock Street precincts during the 2017 flood. Mr Elliot met with the group of concerned residents in Kingcliff last week and said the petition cites the 2017 and 2013 flood events and calls for a halt to all filling of flood-prone land within Kingscliff. “I met with a number of Kingscliff residents and heard first-hand their experiences and ongoing concerns regarding possible future flooding and the associated impacts to their homes,” he said. “My police training taught me the power of witness statements and the importance of making decisions and managing risks based on the evidence. “It is important that these individual and community views are taken into account when planning decisions are made.” The Weekly spoke with longtime Kingscliff resident and petitioner Jeremy Cornford who said there were “major concerns” for the future of Kingscliff’s drainage and the way flood waters move throughout the popular seaside community. Mr Cornford lives on the eastern side of Bellbird Drive and like many of his neighbours has concerns that raising flood-prone land would mean shifting flood waters. Mr Cornford said that any filling of land for residential development in areas designated as “flood land” in the draft Kingscliff Locality Plan posed a serious flood risk to both new and existing residences.

Local News 3

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4 Letters to the Editor Thursday, September 27, 2018

Letter of the Week

CONGRATULATIONS DAVID PATON You have won a double pass* to the film of your choice, courtesy of


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Out of sight and out of mind

John Tymans letter last week regarding offsore detention was rightly judged to be ‘letter of the week’. It is an absolute disgrace what this Australian Government is doing to these families. Anyone that has children would be outraged if they knew what is going on in our name. Out of sight and out of mind seems to be their plan. The threat of legal action to keep all information suppressed is not the Australian way. What are they trying to hide? Full and open disclosure needs to be addressed urgently. I unlike John am of no particular faith, but one thing that I try to follow is ‘do unto others’. Another would be ‘unless you can walk in another persons shoes’ do not judge. I would do anything for the protection of my children and grandchildren as would most parents. Even risking their lives to get them to a safe environment. John is right. Australians care. Australians vote. As Barack Obama said recently ‘change comes from the ballot box’ It’s up to us to put an end to this. Gwyn Hooper, Uki I wholeheartedly agree with John Tyman’s views about our appalling treatment of asylum seekers on Nauru. It is a matter of national and international shame that Australians are prepared to stand by and watch as men, women and particularly children are reduced to such despair that they are prepared to self harm, refuse food and as John says “effectively withdraw from life” as a result of our government’s policy of imprisonment, neglect and abuse. It is shameful of Scott Morrison to refuse the Australian Medical Association’s request to conduct a full and public assessment of the asylum seekers’ medical condition. To claim, as he does, that the government is seeking a solution

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through resettlement in the US is a plain distortion of the facts. The Americans have accepted only about 300 of the promised 1,200 (and rejected 121) after two years and it is obvious that President Trump has no intention of taking any more. Furthermore, Morrison refuses a generous New Zealand offer to take 150. Meanwhile the trauma continues on Nauru. The situation on Nauru has reached a crisis with a coalition of medical, human rights and religious bodies calling for all asylum seeker children on the island to be brought to Australia so that they can receive the medical care they so urgently need. Surely we can find it in our hearts to allow this to happen and to accede to the AMA request. David Cross, Tweed Heads

School funding no shock at all

Why am I not at all surprised that the Morrison Government has just decided to give very large funding increases to Catholic and independent schools while ignoring the needs of children in public schools. It doesn’t surprise me because this is what the conservative side of politics has been doing federally for years. Re m e m b e r Jo h n H o w a r d introduced a funding model during his early years that clearly favoured private schools and left public schools largely ignored. The decisions made at the time had huge impacts on our schools and intentionally accelerated the drift of students from the public sector to the private sector. It certainly was not needs-based. When Labor came to office there was an effort made to make the system more needs based even though Julia Gillard said that no school would lose a dollar as a result of her reforms. The so called Gonski model was supposed to be sector blind and more was to go to the schools with the greatest need and of course the most needy schools are, by a great majority, public schools. Scott Morrison, in all of his public comments, favours private education over public education, so it is little wonder that the extra funding announced recently all goes to private schools, many of whom are already wealthy by any measure. All pretence of being sector blind or funding according to need has gone out the window. But do you hear any concerns about the widening inequality gap in this country from the religious organisations that own and operate private schools. No you don’t.

They’re happy to take the money despite the social problems all this inequality creates. C h r i s t i a a n G o u d k a m p, Murwillumbah

ABC dominated by lefties

P. Zamattia of Crystal Creek (Tweed Valley Weekly, 20/09/2018) wonders “what the real agenda is to privatise” the ABC. That suggestion of course arises out of widespread public frustration and for a range of sensible reasons. The ABC receives over a billion dollars a year of taxpayer funds, and continues year after year (contrary to legal obligation) to flagrantly ignore the strict impartiality and balance requirement of its charter. It is yet another of the cultural institutions in our country, along with state education (including our public universities) and much of the print and digital media, through which radical leftist politics has made its “long march”. “ Their ABC is now an unrepresentative echo chamber of political correctness with not one non-leftist presenter of any of its major new or current affairs programs. It is a state sponsored conservative-free zone. Furthermore, with the exception of Classic FM radio and its sports coverage, the quality of ABC produced programs is usually lamentable. What we typically get is often woefully mindless and slavish conformity to the current fads of gutter crudity, and victim and identity politics, and abuse and distortion of alternative views. In short, why shouldn’t taxpayers critically evaluate what they get for this gigantic annual government expenditure on the ABC? Why not question whether or not this huge taxpayer funding could be better spent in the public interest? After all, anyone with a mute button on their TV remote control can block out unwanted commercials. Inconvenient to be sure, but sometimes worth the effort. Lawrence Clifford, Murwillumbah

Hospital independent review

The independent review into NSW major projects has found development proposals are being assessed in a manner which is ‘opaque’ in both logic and rationale. The review was commissioned to address criticism from stakeholders that assessment reports were ‘difficult to understand, inconsistent, lacked technical rigour, insufficient attention to community issues and fail to fully address relevant statutory matters’. An audit into corruption risks in the State’s planning system is also due to be handed down this month.

The Planning Minister has stated another anti-corruption measure would be securing updated local environment plans to determine the shape of development in local areas, and “the best way to prevent corrupt rezoning is to have strong local strategic plans.” But regardless the Health Minister has made the call to ignore all local/ state planning instruments, strategic plans and policies and rezone the Cudgen State Significant Farmland to relocate the Tweed Hospital from the population centre to the outskirts of the coastal village of Kingscliff. And with no assessment of the subject sites suitability for the proposed hospital they plough full steam ahead with this sudden proposal. No consideration has been given to the social and economic impacts to the Tweed City centre and the rural and coastal villages of Cudgen and Kingscliff and their long term strategic plans, with the big windfall of the domino effect instead to political allies who have failed in several previous proposals to rezone the Cudgen farmlands for development. An urgent independent inquiry into the sudden hospital proposal which is contrary to documented records, planning instruments and policies is needed. And to include the sudden sacking of Local Health District Board members and replacements in a very short time frame which appears not to have allowed for the required regulatory process and members who could have a potential conflict of interest and aquainted with previous proponents of proposals to rezone the Cudgen farmlands. Lindy Smith, Tweed Heads

Absolute power - such is life

I only have to open the daily papers to see some new embarrassment threatening disaster for the sitting coalition governments in Sydney and Canberra. Dare I mention Wagga Wagga, or the shambolic leadership bloodletting in the national capital to attest to the downward spiral that those who wield absolute power for too long succumb to. Health Minister, Brad Hazzard, has a fight on his hands with preselection in his own Sydney electorate, staffing difficulties at his new Northern Beaches Hospital which is to be run by a private health services provider and protests over the closure of both Mona Vale and Manly Hospitals. This will be soon be familiar territory here on the Tweed. Meanwhile, Geoff Provest has called for an investigation into delays to the new Tweed Valley Hospital.

It turns out that the Cudgen site presents some additional problems – who would have thought, and to save us all the cost of an inquiry into such a self-inflicted wound, maybe we should all revisit a 2014 article in a local paper entitled, ‘Doctors diagnose a case of sick hospital’. The chair of the Medical Staff Council four years ago said he was shocked by the response of Liberal/ National party members and that they had completely lost their faith in Mr Provest’s ability to lobby on their behalf. Procrastination, delay, obfuscation saw $211 million promised for a three-staged redevelopment of the current hospital at Tweed Heads put into the too hard basket or into the Sydney is all that matters piggy bank. Stage 1 was supposed to be completed in 2017. Such is life. Mark Baxter, Kingscliff

We all make driving mistakes

I have been following the saga and opinion about elderly drivers and while fitting into the category of those being pilloried, after 70 years of driving, I have never been in a road accident causing harm or damage. No one wants to see other drivers and their passengers hurt but as someone recently pointed out in your paper, it is the younger generation that cause or are involved in road accidents but that seems to be okay. Most of us oldies just like the freedom of having our own transport mostly for short trips and getting about, and yes, sometimes we make mistakes on the road just like anyone else but this does not mean we should not have a licence to drive. We a re n o t j u n k h e a d s o r drunkards, we do not talk on phones while driving and we don’t send and receive text messages while driving and we don’t drive intent on breaking the land speed record. We leave all that to the younger generation who it appears are the “best drivers ever”. Most of us oldies have been driving longer than the actual age of many of these more perfect individuals. Just remember this. If you are alive long enough to reach old age, you too will receive disparaging remarks about oldies driving or for just being old. Yes, us oldies do make mistakes at times because we obviously are not as perfect as the younger generation of drivers see themselves. David Paton, Tweed Heads Please note the views on the letters page are that of the letter writer and not of the Tweed Valley Weekly. Send your letters to




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Trauma continues on Nauru

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

NBN construction causing sleepless nights By Jo Kennett N B N C O N S T RU C T I O N i n Murwillumbah with unannounced night works that have continued until 3am for several weeks have angered several residents. The company has been using concrete saws, jack hammers and vacuum trucks to cut through the footpath in Main Street. Paula Miller said the works suddenly started on September 3 at 7pm and continued until 3am. “We thought it was some sort of emergency,” Mrs Miller said. “My husband Barry called Council the next day and they said there were no night works scheduled but then they called back and said it was NBN construction. “They gave us the number of an NBN Field Supervisor to speak to, but he said that Council had required the work be done at night and that Council was supposed to have informed residents.” The Field Supervisor told Mr Miller there had been eight complaints from residents in Bent Street. However a spokesperson from Tweed Shire Council said NBN Co and their contractors are required to notify Council and residents of proposed works. “ T h i s i s s p e c i f i e d i n Fe d e ra l G ov e r n m e n t l e g i s l at i o n ,” t h e spokesperson told The Weekly last Thursday, September 20. “It is the responsibility of NBN Co to notify the community. “It is our understanding that the night works will finish this week but less intrusive day works will continue for several more weeks.

“This will need to be clarified by NBN Co - the details of NBN lines and assets are not divulged to Council.” The spokesperson said that before NBN Co commenced the works in Murwillumbah they provided Council with details for complaints; Mrs Miller said the noise had continued at various levels over the next three weeks. “Nobody could tell us the duration of the planned works and no one from NBN Co had been in contact,” she said. “ O n S e p t e m b e r 1 8 ve r y l o u d construction noise commenced at 7pm and continued until 3.15 am. “The noise was incredibly loud along with deep vibrations coming through the ground and shaking the house. Sleep was virtually impossible.” Mrs Miller rang the Environment Protection Authority who raised an incident report for extreme noise pollution and provided her with a complaint contact number for NBN Co. “After I complained to EPA they did it during the day for two days,” she said. That may not be why but it seemed like a strange coincidence. “I told her I wanted it on record that blaming Council was not the truth. “I said I can’t think of any other organisation that can just roll in without communication to a neighbourhood and

cause such a noise disruption and then just roll on to the next town.” Mrs Miller said that her neighbours on the west side of Hospital Hill which faces Main Street had also been kept awake by the noise. Despite no residents receiving the notification required by the Environmental Protection Authority the couple have been told by an NBN Co representative that the night work will continue until October 12. A similar problem was reported in Sydney and Mullumbimby early this year. A spokesperson for NBN Co said the work being done is regulated under the federal Telecommunications Act “but NBN Co works closely with council to ensure work is done with minimum disruption”. “We had notified those businesses and residents in the immediate vicinity of the planned works and we continue to liaise with those businesses that have evening operating hours,” the spokesperson said. “The work is expected to continue up until mid-October; most of the noise (the concrete cutting) should cease by around 11pm. We apologise for any inconvenience.” NBN Complaints Team: www.nbnco., email: or phone: 1800 687 626.

Local News 5

Two charged after Banora break-in

POLICE HAVE charged two men suspected of being involved in a spate of crimes across the Tweed and Gold Coast with a number of offences committed on Thursday September 20 at Banora Point. The two men broke into a Banora Point home by climbing a balcony and entering through an unlocked sliding door before stealing a wallet and jewellery and them using a stolen credit card to buy cigarettes and alcohol. The next day, Friday, September 21, police attended a Banora Point address and arrested a 20-year-old male and a 23-yearold man from Casino. The 20-year old resisted arrest and police found a folding knife in his pocket and drugs in the home. He was charged with aggravated break, enter and steal, fraud, resisting arrest, carrying a cutting weapon and drug possession and cultivation. The Casino man had three outstanding warrants and was charged with aggravated break enter and steal and the outstanding warrants. Both men were refused bail and appeared Tweed Heads Local Court on Monday, September 24. Tweed Byron Police District Road Policing Chief Inspector Luke Arthurs said it was a great result as police believe the men were one of two gangs that were responsible for a crime wave from the Gold Coast to Tweed.

Graveyard chase causes no damage

THE MURWILLUMBAH Catholic Cemetery has sustained minimal damage, according to the groundskeeper, who told The Weekly that he could not see any specific damage to headstones and graves following a police chase through the Bray Park cemetery on Sunday, September 23. Tweed Police said they were patrolling Bray Park about 12.45am when they came across a car being driven across the cemetery grounds. Police said the man attempted to drive away from officers before the vehicle mounted a number of tombstones and became stuck. The driver, a 23-year-old Banora Point man was later arrested following a foot chase with officers. Police said he allegedly threw a bag of cannabis and ice onto the ground. Their enquiries revealed the car was stolen in early September, from Labrador in Qld. The man was charged with being carried in conveyance without consent, possessing a weapon and two counts of possessing a prohibited drug. The man was bailed and will appear in Tweed Heads Local Court on October 15.


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6 Local News Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

THE LEGAL LIGHT! Four teens charged after dramatic police chase De facto isn’t quite the same as married when it comes to wills It is generally thought that when it comes to the law, there is no difference between being in a de facto relationship and being married. However, people in a de facto relationship who don’t have a will and an estate plan can be treated differently to married couples when one of them dies, says Joshua Crowther, Accredited Specialist in Wills and Estates at Stacks Law Firm. “For instance, what happens when a partner in a de facto relationship who owns the house or was paying the mortgage for the home dies without leaving a will?” Mr Crowther said. “What happens if they die without providing adequately for their de facto partner in their will?” In NSW in order to challenge a will you need to be what the law defines as an “eligible person”. “The surviving de facto partner could have to prove they satisfy the requirements to be legally recognised as having been in a de facto relationship to be one of the ‘eligible’ people.” This could include a number of factors, including how long they had been together as a couple, how long they had lived together, the degree of financial dependence and whether they had shared care and support of children. “They might also have to find witnesses to establish that they were regarded as a couple by others, and that they lived a shared life.” A de facto couple who live together for at least two years generally have the same rights as married couples with respect to property settlements. But if there is a dispute about the care of one of the de facto partners, it is not automatic that the other partner is considered next of kin and able to make decisions for the incapacitated one. Married couples don’t have this problem, as they are automatically considered to be next of kin. “It is important for couples who are about to get married to remember that marriage generally revokes an existing will automatically, unless it has been specifically worded for the impending marriage,” Mr Crowther said. This is not the case when a couple becomes de facto, and if one de facto partner dies before making a new will, there could be a dispute among eligible beneficiaries that ends up in court deciding how assets are to be allocated. This hurts everyone involved, as costs are usually borne by the estate. “These prospective problems can best be solved by sitting down with a lawyer specialising in wills and estates to ensure your life savings will go to people you want them to go to,” Mr Crowther said.


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By Jo Kennett FOUR TEENAGERS have been charged with a number of offences after a crime spree and dramatic police pursuit across the Gold Coast and Tweed that ended in a lockdown of Tweed City Shopping Centre on Monday, September 24. A man who challenged the gang as they attempted to break into a motor vehicle on the Isle of Capri was stabbed and taken to hospital. It’s believed the stolen Skoda the gang were travelling in is the same vehicle that was involved in a crime spree across the Tweed Shire which began on Thursday September 20 (see story below). Tweed Police were notified by Queensland Police’s Polair that a stolen Skoda was crossing the border at Numinbah shortly before 4pm on Monday September 24. Police officers intercepted the vehicle on Tweed Valley Way at Stotts Creek where they deployed a tyre deflation device that punctured the vehicle’s two side tyres. The vehicle continued with the flat tyres and police initiated a pursuit, that ended at Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South, after the stolen car hit a Nissan Patrol. Federal member for Richmond Justine Elliot and her husband Craig Elliot were shopping at Tweed City when they heard police sirens. “We were in the top carpark at the time, when we saw this car come flying through a red light at the traffic lights and run into another car,” Mr Elliot told The Weekly. “I saw the four men get out of the car, all dressed in mostly black and running from the car.” Both Craig and Justine are former police officers and Craig said there were multiple sirens and a police helicopter overhead. “I looked at Justine and said it’s on here,” Craig said. The Elliots watched the four men approach the shopping centre stairs attempting to avoid the police helicopter from following them. “Police were behind the men and calling out to stop police, I knew I had to do something,” Craig said. “I grabbed the first one as he came towards me and tackled him to the

Police locked down Tweed City as the searched for the teens. Photo: Craig Elliot.

ground as Justine came in over the top and helped hold him down. “The other three offenders ran into the shopping centre which is an advantage to them to mingle with the public and Polair can’t follow them.” Craig and Justine held the juvenile down until police handcuffed him and took him into custody. Staff in the centre’s shops were told to shut their doors and turn out the lights as police searched for the offenders, with frightened shoppers hiding with staff in change rooms or lying on the floor out of sight. Numerous people took to social media later saying they had been terrified for their lives with some being told there was a gunman on the loose. Three teens, two aged 15 and the other 16, were arrested at the scene with the assistance of the Police Dog. Unit. A fourth juvenile escaped, but was arrested at his Varsity Lakes home at 8pm that night. Craig said he wanted to praise local police who he said do an outstanding job. “We don’t want people coming down thinking we’re a soft touch in the Tweed Shire, coming down and doing break and enters, targeting our cars and making people feel unsafe so this is a great result from our local police force,” he said. “They do this every day are the real heroes.” Two police officers were injured during a foot pursuit were taken to The Tweed Hospital for treatment. Tweed Byron Police District Road Policing Chief Inspector Luke Arthurs said one of the police officers has his leg

in plaster and another was having scans on his shoulder. “We have worked very closely with the Qld Police and if you look at the last three days we have made significant arrests in relation to break and enters, car thefts and steal from motor vehicles,” Ch Insp Arthurs told The Weekly “Of the three offenders arrested one was for 13 offences and the other two were for two. “In another unrelated incident we have charged another two at Banora and I believe those two separate gangs of offenders were responsible for a crime wave from Tweed Byron to the Gold Coast and it’s great that we’ve got them off the street.“ The 16-year-old boy was charged with 13 offences including armed robbery, aggravated break enter and steal, aggravated enter dwelling with intent, police pursuit – dangerous driving, two counts of larceny, travelling in a stolen vehicle and other serious offences. Both 15-year-old boys have been charged with travelling in a stolen vehicle and hindering an investigation. The 15-year-old Varsity Lakes boy was charged with one count each of unlawful use of a motor vehicle and drug possession. More charges are expected. They have all been refused bail and appeared in court on Tuesday, September 15. Police are asking anyone with information for police to contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form with Crime Stoppers.

Teen gang’s crime spree across the Tweed By Jo Kennett POLICE ARE investigating a series of crimes across the Tweed Shire on Thursday night, September 20. Thieves travelling in a grey Skoda broke into multiple cars and properties at Murwillumbah, Pottsville, Cabarita, Casuarina, Salt, Fingal and Tweed Heads. The gang is believed to be the same one involved in a crime spree including a stabbing at the Isle of Capri and a dramatic police pursuit on Monday, September 24, that ended in a lockdown of Tweed City Shopping Centre and the arrest of four teens. A woman in River Street, South Murwillumbah, was woken up at around 12.50am on Friday, September 21. “I realised what they were doing when one of them yelled out “it’s manual,” she told The Weekly. “I woke my partner up and he went running down and I yelled out the window, ‘what do you think you’re doing’ and one of them yelled back, ‘what are you gonna do?’ “When my partner got down the same guy kept being smart and saying, ‘what are you gonna do’ so my partner hit the one sitting in the passenger seat in

the side of the head and started hitting their car window to deter them and that’s when he heard the girl screaming.” The gang drove down the road and then started reversing back. “My partner thought they were coming back but a young one ran out of a house across the road with a handful of stuff and jumped in the car and then they drove off and we phoned the police,” she said. “Another man from down the road also ran down the street and said they’d been through his car as well along with some other people we know in this area as well.” The thieves in the Skoda were later seen around Pottsville trying to break into a number of cars. Catherine Underwood was woken by her neighbour at 2am on September 21 at Ballina Street, Pottsville. “My neighbour, who lives opposite us, banged on my door just after 2am and woke me up,” Mrs Underwood told The Weekly. “She said our ute had been broken into and all the doors were left open. “She said our neighbour’s car (parked behind our ute) had also been broken into. I think she said that she had heard someone trying to open her car and had

come out and had seen someone going through our ute with a torch. She said there were three men.” Mrs Underwood woke her husband, who went out and shut and locked the utility. “He said that two of our neighbours jumped in to a car together and went looking for the men.” Cars were also broken into in Tathra Street and Urunga Street in Pottsville. Five men were caught trying to break into cars and properties at Salt the same night but fled before police arrived. Police also received reports of someone trying to break into a car between 5am and 7.30am at Fingal Head and keys, sunglasses, a mobile phone and wallet were stolen from a car in Tweed Heads after that. Witnesses managed to get the number plate, which matched the number plate of the Skoda taken from the crime scene at Tweed City on Monday, September 24. The car is a 2011 Octavia Skoda Wagon that was reported stolen on September 18. In an unrelated incident two men and two women in a black Hyundai were witnessed trying to break into cars around Murwillumbah on September 23.

Justine Elliot

On your side

“As your local MP, I’m always fighting for you on the issues that are important to us. Let’s keep working together to make our area an even better place to live.”

107 Minjungbal Dr (P.O. Box 6996) Tweed Heads South, NSW, 2486 JustineElliotMP

always available

Authorised by Justine Elliot, Australian Labor Party, 107 Minjungbal Drive Tweed Heads South.


Find me on Facebook

(07) 5523 4371 @JElliotMP (Instagram, Twitter)


Tweed Link Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Link A Tweed Shire Council publication

(02) 6670 2400 or 1300 292 872


Issue 1073


25 September 2018


ISSN 1327–8630

Women at the helm Councillor Katie Milne has been returned as Mayor of Tweed for the next two years until the next Council elections in September 2020, following a Mayoral election at an Extraordinary Meeting of Council last Thursday. Councillor Chris Cherry was elected unopposed to the position of Deputy Mayor. Councillor Cherry will be in the position until September 2019, a one-year term. She was also Deputy Mayor from September 2016 to September 2017. In the Tweed, the position of Mayor and Deputy Mayor is decided by a vote among the Councillors, rather than by a popular vote by residents, as is the case in some local government areas. The Tweed is represented by seven Councillors, who cover the whole Shire, as the Tweed does not have a ward system. If you would like to contact a Councillor, please visit where there is a list of the Councillors names, phone numbers and email addresses. Council meeting and Planning Committee meetings are open to the public, except for confidential items. For a list of Council meeting dates and locations, visit and click on ‘meeting dates’. The agendas and minutes of past meetings and the agendas of upcoming meetings are also available here. For more information about last Thursday’s vote, see

The Tweed’s first rubber roundabout will soon be installed at Bilambil Heights, saving money and time compared to traditional methods.

Rubber to the rescue at roundabout Tweed Shire is about to get its first rubber roundabout as a test model – and it will all happen at Bilambil Heights within a day. The rubber roundabout is being freighted from Victoria and will arrive in segments on the back of a truck to be installed at the intersection of Bilambil Road/Scenic Drive and McAllisters Road/ Simpson Drive in the next few weeks. Overnight, Council workers will linemark the road in preparation for contractors to install the six-metre-round roundabout the next day. Once the roundabout segments are fixed to the road, Council will then install the medians and signage and infill the centre of the roundabout with cold-mix asphalt. The whole job will take one day and cost about $25,000. In comparison, traditional concrete roundabouts take many months to construct and cost much more. The roundabout at the intersection of Terranora Road and Fraser Drive, Terranora, cost $800,000 due to significant height and water issues during construction and the one at the corner of Gollan and Lakes drives,

Tweed Heads West, cost $223,000. Both the Fraser and Gollan drive roundabouts were funded by the Federal Government under its Black Spot Program. This intersection at Bilambil Road/Scenic Drive and McAllisters Road/ Simpson Drive, however, does not have a significant enough crash history to allow an application for funding under the Black Spot Program but nevertheless does require traffic calming measures to be put in place. “Council has received many representations from the community over the potential crash risk at the intersection due to the limited sight distance of vehicles coming up Bilambil Road from the village,” Manager Roads and Stormwater Danny Rose said. “The roundabout will require all approaching traffic streams to give way at the intersection and only enter when it is safe to do so.” The effectiveness of the roundabout will be monitored by Council. Signage will be posted on the approaches to the intersection warning of changed traffic conditions prior to the roundabout being installed.

Councillor Katie Milne (left) has been returned as Mayor of Tweed for another two-year term alongside Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Cherry.

Cudgera Creek Road open again, as Clothiers Creek repairs near completion Cudgera Creek Road was reopened last week after being closed for 18 months following the March 2017 floods. Council contractors Roman Contractors Pty Ltd completed the final slip repairs on the road on Monday, reopening to traffic immediately afterwards. The flood caused six major landslips on Cudgera Creek Road, with the worst of these closing the road for 18 months as it was left seriously undermined and at risk of collapse. This site was blocked off using 2.5-tonne concrete barriers to prevent any traffic traversing the section due to the danger posed. This slip was repaired using 500 tonnes of rock fill to stabilise the road. A further 1000 tonnes of rock was used at the other five slip sites, two of which also had post and panel walls constructed on the downside embankments. There were a further 66 repairs on the road as a result of flood damage. All repairs have been completed at a total costs of more than $800,000. “Council would like to thank the residents of Cudgera Creek Road for their patience over the past 18 months as we know that the detour around the major slip site was very long and very inconvenient,” Coordinator Flood Restoration Nigel Dobson said. “The repair that has been undertaken will make that section of road less susceptible to landslips in the future.” Council contractors also have practically completed repairs of the major slip on Clothiers Creek Road. Once guardrail is installed

possibly as early as next week, that road will be reopened and the current weight restriction lifted. Clothiers Creek Road has been closed to heavy vehicles since the flood and had one-lane only opened to cars and light vehicles

A section of repairs on Cudgera Creek Road.

Living and Loving the Tweed

under the control of temporary traffic lights. The March flood caused approximately $27.4 million of damage to roads and bridges. Council is expected to complete all flood road repairs before the end of this year.

Tweed Link Thursday, September 27, 2018

Head to your local library for holiday fun There’s plenty of school holiday fun coming up at your local library over the next two weeks. In the bin: Join our storytime guest Tarra from Tweed Shire Council to learn and read stories about using bins for our rubbish. For children aged up to five years. Come along on Wednesday 3 October at 11am at Murwillumbah Library. Kids in the kitchen: Come along and make some healthy snacks. For children aged 7 and over on Thursday 4 October at 10.30am at Tweed Heads Library. Bookings essential, phone (07) 5569 3150. Watch me grow: Decorate your own greenhouse and watch your seeds germinate and grow. For children aged 5 to 8 on Thursday 4 October 10am at Murwillumbah Library. Bookings preferred, phone (02) 6670 2427. Robotics workshop: Learn the skills that you will need in the future. Join the team at the library for a Robotics beginners workshop, suitable for children aged eight and over. Bookings essential: • Murwillumbah Library – Tuesday 9 October at 3pm, phone (02) 6670 2427 to book. • Kingscliff Library – Thursday 11 October at 10am, phone (02) 6674 1607 to book. • Tweed Heads Library – Friday 12 October at 10am, phone (07) 5569 3150 to book. Fire Brigade visit: Special guests from Fire and Rescue NSW will be talking about fire safety and bringing along their fire engine. Best suited for children aged four and over. Please note that in the event of an emergency this visit may be cancelled without notice. Booking essential for this event on Wednesday 10 October at 11am at Tweed Heads Library, call (07) 5569 3150. Create your own super heroes and villains: Learn tips and techniques used by comic book artists to create your favourite

Members of the public are welcome to attend the inaugural symposium of the new National Centre for Flood Research at Lismore.

super heroes and villains. Suitable for young people aged 10–17. • Tweed Heads Library – Thursday 11 October at 10am Tweed Heads library. Bookings essential, phone (07) 5569 3150. • Murwillumbah Library – Thursday 11 October at 2pm. Bookings essential, phone (02) 6670 2427. Medieval times craft: Go on a medieval adventure! Travel back in time to the middle ages and build your own historical castle and fort facade. For children aged five to 12 years. It’s on Wednesday 3 October at 2pm at Kingscliff Library. Bookings essential, phone (02) 6674 1607. Build your own mini garden: Create and decorate your own mini garden. Then choose what you want to grow, plant it and let it flourish. For children aged five to 10 years, on Friday 5 October at 10am at Kingscliff Library. Bookings essential, please phone (02) 6674 1607. LEGO®: Discover your inner architect. Free LEGO® play available on Tuesday 2 October to Friday 5 October in the childrens’ area at Murwillumbah Library. For more information, phone (02) 6670 2427.

Keep track of TRAC


Library branches closed – Please note that all Richmond Tweed Regional library branches will be closed on Wednesday 17 October for a staff development and networking day. Kingscliff, Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads Library branches have after hours’ returns chutes. New look children’s area – Tweed Heads library has a newly decorated children’s area. Please come along and explore this magical space, where you can discover and create. Tweed Heads library is open – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9am – 6pm, Thursday 9am – 7pm and Saturday 9am – 1pm.

Tweed Regional Aquatic Centres is making a splash online with a brand new Facebook page. Like and follow TRAC for the latest on opening times, classes and find out more about their three facilities across the Tweed. Be sure to try the giant waterslide and outdoor 50m pool at TRAC in Murwillumbah both back open in time for the school holidays!

A closer look at floods

New sustainability grants

Southern Cross University is hosting an inaugural symposium of the recently developed National Centre for Flood Research next week in Lismore. This event will be held from 9am – 4.30pm on Tuesday 2 October at the Innovation Hub at the Lismore campus. There will be a number of thematic speed talks from experts on various aspects of floods and three panel discussions with Q&A sessions. Council’s Manager Roads and Stormwater, Danny Rose will take part in one of the panel sessions ‘Lessons from Local Governments’. If you wish to attend, there are some spaces left, but it is important to register your attendance on the website, so organisers can finalise the catering arrangements. For more information and to register, go to

An exciting new $60,000 annual grant program was officially launched at Council’s recent Sustainable Living Home Expo at Kingscliff TAFE. Funding is available under the following categories: • Water demand management – maximum $15,000 • Waste management – maximum $15,000 • Sustainable agriculture – maximum $10,000 • Wastewater management – maximum $10,000 • River health and riparian management – maximum $5,000 • Biodiversity and habitat management – maximum $5,000 The Innovative Solutions Grant Fund is now open with criteria and entry forms available at Applications can be made at any time will be assessed four times a year.

New two-lane bridge for Save yourself more money with less to landfill Byrrill Creek Road Last week Council awarded the piling contract to start building the new $4.35 million two-lane concrete bridge across Tweed River on Byrrill Creek Road. Council crews will start work downstream of the existing temporary one-lane timber bridge as early as 2 October to prepare the site for the piling contractor to start founding the piers in late October. The timber bridge fording Tweed River on Byrrill Creek Road was washed away in the March 2017 floods. Council recovered sufficient quantities of the timbers from the flood debris and purchased a few additional bridge girders to build a temporary one-lane timber bridge and restore access for the residents of Byrrill Creek and Cedar Creek roads within weeks of the flood. Council then applied to the Australian Government’s Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development to fund half the cost of a new concrete bridge under its Bridges Renewal Program. That application was successful, with Council receiving up to $2.17 million towards the cost of the new bridge. The new concrete bridge will be two metres higher than the existing bridge and will be designed to allow floods to go over the deck without damaging the structure. Council has been working closely with the bridge designer, Peter Lowndes Consulting Engineer, to identify potential cost savings from the 40-metre-long, three-span bridge concept proposed for the funding application. After extensive flood modelling and geotechnical investigation, the optimum configuration for the new bridge will be a 45-metrelong two-span bridge. It will have an 8.2-metre-wide deck (two standard-width traffic lanes plus shoulders) and traffic barriers on either side. The bridge has been designed to last 100 years with minimal maintenance required and minimum whole-of-life costs.


Here’s some tips for Tweed householders to save money, have less going to landfill and making the most out of unwanted bulky items: 1. Sell items online and make some extra money e.g. Gumtree, eBay or through local Facebook buy, swap and sell pages. It is surprising how fast an item can be picked up and how much pocket money you can make (you can always offer it for free as well). If you are unsure, ask a family member or friend to help. It’s amazing what people can do to repurpose an item. 2. Drop off items that are in good condition at a local Op Shop during open hours (outside of open hours is considered illegal dumping – some shops now have cameras). A pickup service may be offered at certain locations. 3. Free drop off at Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre for a variety household items, including problem waste: batteries, chemicals, computers, televisions, fluorescent light globes and tubes, freezers, fridges, gas bottles, metal, motor oils, office electronics, ovens, paints, smoke detectors. Proof of Tweed Shire residency required. For specific information on items please visit 4. Hold a garage sale: The biggest yearly garage sale on the North Coast was very successful on 22 September. Left over garage sales are being held on 29 September, so keep the

reuse momentum alive! For an extra boost of customers, post your garage sale on your local Facebook page. Make sure you save the date for next year. 5. Book the On Call Household Clean Up Collection: Households with a domestic red wheelie bin collection service qualify for two collections of larger items each financial year of two cubic metres each or one larger collection of four cubic metre collection (if notified during booking). If moving house, please book your waste collection well in advance of vacating your property to ensure you get rid of your waste before you leave you house. Residents of multi-unit developments must organise collections through Strata Managers/Body. Items to be placed out only one day prior to the agreed collection date to avoid fines or penalties. This service is not provided for vacant allotment clearing, commercial (eg caravan parks and mobile homes), trade waste, or general farm clean-ups. There could be periods of high demand, so book early to avoid any disappointment. For more information or to make a booking visit or call (02) 6670 2400.

On-call household cleanup waste items

On-Call Household Clean Up Collection

Maximum 2 cubic metres



1 metre 1 metre



Living and Loving the Tweed

(02) 6670 2400

2 metres

10 Tweed Link Thursday, September 27, 2018 Resident and Ratepayer Association meetings Chinderah Districts Residents Association Inc. – meet at Cudgen Leagues Club at 7pm, every first Tuesday of the month except January and December. Next meeting Tuesday 2 October.

Wild dog control in Cudgen Nature Reserve Wild dog control using 1080 ground baits in Cudgen Nature Reserve

Mobile Black Spot Database Do you have a mobile black spot that needs upgrading? The Federal Government has invited Council to make a submission to the National Mobile Black Spot Database. This database will inform round four of the National Black Spot Funding Program which is worth $25 million. The funding is available to mobile network operators (Optus, Telstra and Vodaphone) to invest in telecommunications infrastructure.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) will be laying 1080 ground baits in Cudgen Nature Reserve from 25 September 2018 to 26 October 2018. Wild dogs are being controlled to reduce their impacts on neighbouring properties.

Community members and organisations are encouraged to provide the details of known mobile black spots to Council. This should include street address and location details including latitude and longitude. In order to be deemed eligible, a black spot location must have poor or no mobile coverage.

1080 warning signs have been placed at main entrance points to the parts of the reserve where the wild dog baits will be laid.

Submissions must be made through the following email address no later than 10 October 2018.

Warning: 1080 is lethal to dogs and other domestic animals. Dogs are prohibited in national parks and nature reserves. Please be aware of the risk of lethal 1080 poisoning to dogs and always keep domestic animals away from baiting areas. For more information contact the NPWS Tweed-Byron Area office in Murwillumbah on (02) 6670 8600.

Vacancies Pound Attendant × 2 For more information and to apply: • • • •

On exhibition Amendment to the Tweed Local Environmental Plan 2014 – Draft Amendment No 15 PP17/0003 for Bob Whittle Murwillumbah Airfield. Lot 17 DP 712954 Quarry Road, South Murwillumbah On 20 July 2017 Council resolved to publicly exhibit Planning Proposal PP17/0003 for the Bob Whittle Murwillumbah Airfield site. The purpose of the planning proposal is to resolve existing land use conflicts between the airfield and adjacent industrial land by way of regulating development in the vicinity of the airfield. Specifically, the proposal seeks to introduce an additional, site specific clause into the Tweed Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 regulating height of buildings in the vicinity of the airfield with reference to the Obstacle Limitation Surface Map for the airfield. The draft Planning Proposal and supporting material is on public exhibition from Tuesday 25 September to Friday 26 October 2018. Hard copies may be viewed at Council’s offices at Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads from 8.30am to 4.15pm weekdays. An electronic version is available on Council’s website, through the ‘What’s On Exhibition’ link.

Visit Council’s website Contact Human Resources on (02) 6670 2495 All positions close at 12 noon (NSW time) Late applications not permitted.


Australian Marine and Civil



Under traffic control – expect short delays Nunderi

Clothiers Creek

Reduced speed/changed traffic conditions – expect short delays Kunghur Contractor

Heron Crosana



Mt Warning

Mt Warning

Written submissions should be addressed as follows:

Rowlands Creek

Rowlands Creek

Bob Whittle Murwillumbah Airfield Planning Proposal PP17/0003 General Manager, Tweed Shire Council PO Box 816, Murwillumbah NSW 2484



Email submissions can be sent to


The public exhibition is being held in accordance with the conditions of the Gateway Determination issued by the Department of Planning on 27 June 2018.

Under traffic control – expect short delays Murwillumbah


Council has not sought plan making delegations in respect of the draft Planning Proposal.


Reserve Creek



Farrants Hill







RFO2018109 Expressions of Interest For Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) Clarrie Hall Dam Raising RFO2018120 Tweed Heads Civic Centre: Venue Management (Separable Portion A) and Cleaning Services (Separable Portion B) for the Auditorium, Library and Meeting Rooms

Above offers close: Wednesday 4pm (DST) 17 October 2018 RFO2018072 Supply, Installation and Product Support of a Vehicle-mounted Mobile Parking Infringement System Offers close: Wednesday 4pm (DST) 24 October 2018 Offers must be lodged as specified in the offer documentation. Request For Offer documentation is available at no charge from Council’s website at Hard copy documentation is available and costs will be in accordance with Council’s advertised photocopying fees. All Offers will be opened at closing time and will be considered by Council in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005. The lowest or any offer is not necessarily accepted and canvassing of Councillors or staff will disqualify. For further information please contact Sharne Booth-Ford (02) 6670 2606.


Geostabilise Road

Road closure Mt Warning – Mt Warning Road will be closed to repair an upslope rockface slip for nine days from: • 10pm Tuesday 25 September until 4pm Thursday 27 September • 10pm Monday 1 October until 4pm Thursday 4 October, and • 10pm Sunday 7 October until 4pm Thursday 11 October inclusive.

RFO2018121 Murwillumbah Civic Centre: Venue Management and Cleaning Services for Auditorium and Canvas and Kettle Kitchen

Check when your water meter is read at

If you are planning to climb Wollumbin/Mt Warning or know someone who is, you need to be aware of some upcoming closures. Mt Warning Road will be closed to repair an upslope rockface slip for nine days from: • 10pm Tuesday 25 September until 4pm Thursday 27 September • 10pm Monday 1 October until 4pm Thursday 4 October, and • 10pm Sunday 7 October until 4pm Thursday 11 October inclusive. There will be no access to the National Parks during these closures. The park will be accessible on Fridays, weekends and public holidays. See Road Wrap below for other roadworks information.

Flood road repair works schedule site and weather conditions permitting)

One lane road closure – expect short delays

Request for offer

Mt Warning Road closure

Road wrap: Week starting 25 September 2018

Submissions on the content of the draft planning proposal must be made in writing, either by post or email, and received by Council no later than close of business on Friday 26 October 2018.

For further information contact Council’s Strategic Planning and Urban Design Unit on (02) 6670 2503.

In brief ...

There will be no access to the National Parks during these closures. The park will be accessible on Fridays, weekends and public holidays. Expect short delays Bilambil – road reconstruction Urliup Road. Casuarina – cobblestone replacement along Casuarina Way, between Riberry Drive and Dianella Drive. Cudgen – sub-division works may cause delays on Crescent Street between Tweed Coast Road and Cudgen Road. There are two separate subdivisions with road works and trucks accessing the sites (reduced speed limits in place). Dulguigan – guardrail footing construction Dulguigan Road. Hastings Point – construct bus stop lane on Tweed Coast Road. Kingscliff – Cudgen Creek boardwalk reconstruction. Murwillumbah – stormwater replacement Condong Street; replace kerb and gutter William Street Tweed Heads – sewer rising main upgrade Meridian Way; road reconstruction Enid Street. Uki – guardrail installation for Black Spot Program Kyogle Road, between Glenock Road and Gold Gully; and resealing, patching various locations Kyogle Road. Maintenance South – grading Commissioners Creek Road; bridge maintenance Nobby Creek Road; patching Stokers Siding. Maintenance North – maintenance Banora, Pottsville and Kingscliff; Cudgera Creek and Burringbar areas.

Development Application Determinations Notification of Development Application Determinations for the purposes of Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 (as amended). Application details Approved DA18/0111 – Depot Lot 9 DP 9563, No. 130 Tweed Coast Road, Chinderah DA17/0575 – Alterations and additions to ‘Kelly Brothers’ Store Lot 12 DP 1169038, No. 5913 Tweed Valley Way, Mooball DA18/0273 – Two lot strata subdivision Lot 1 DP 772596, Lot 2 DP 772596, No. 1–3 Wollumbin Street, Murwillumbah DA18/0435 – Dwelling, secondary dwelling and swimming pool Lot 217 DP 1237760, No. 29 Ossa Boulevard, Terranora DA18/0439 – Use of existing pontoon and gangway Lot 305 DP 30961, Lot 488 DP 30961, No. 45 Gollan Drive, Tweed Heads West DA18/0492 – Skydiving landing site Lot 16 DP 755749, No. 185 Racecourse Road, Tygalgah DA18/0691 – Portable above-ground spa and retaining wall Lot 1038 DP 1067598, No. 23 Buncrana Terrace, Banora Point DA18/0597 – Two storey dwelling and retaining walls Lot 2 NPP 270708, Unit 2/No. 116 Broadwater Esplanade, Bilambil Heights DA18/0623 – Swimming pool Lot 1 DP 1062132, No. 243 Duranbah Road, Duranbah DA18/0543 – Two storey dwelling with attached garage and in-ground swimming pool Lot 1 DP 547207, No. 2 Lagoon Road, Fingal Head DA18/0638 – In-ground swimming pool Lot 1 DP 375162, No. 71 Glengarrie Road, Glengarrie DA18/0607 – In-ground swimming pool and 1.8 m high front fence Lot 44 DP 1214044, No. 1 Spoonbill Lane, Kingscliff DA18/0648 – Dwelling and attached garage Lot 213 DP 1232814, No. 7 Nautilus Way, Kingscliff DA18/0651 – In-ground swimming pool Lot 7 DP 701689, No. 275 Mount Burrell Road, Mount Burrell DA18/0679 – Dwelling Lot 608 DP 1243648, No. 3 Candleberry Street, Murwillumbah DA18/0628 – In-ground swimming pool, deck and gazebo Lot 5 DP 868655, No. 28 Eva Crescent, Piggabeen DA18/0603 – Carport Lot 7 DP 9871, Lot 8 DP 9871, No. 108 River Street, South Murwillumbah CDC18/0128 – Demolition of existing dwelling Lot 58 DP 264646, No. 12 Tattler Court, Tweed Heads West DA18/0620 – Covered deck Lot 1 SP 13010, Unit 1/No. 1 Red Bass Avenue, Tweed Heads West The above development determinations are available for public inspection free of charge at the Planning and Regulation Division, Murwillumbah Civic Centre, during ordinary office hours or viewed on Council’s DA Tracking site located at

1300 292 872 or (02) 6670 2400

Subscribe to the Tweed Link online at

PO Box 816, Murwillumbah NSW 2484

or follow Council on:

Living and Loving the Tweed

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Local News 11

Valuer General receives acquisition notice for new hospital is the design, construction and operation of the hospital. Council was asked to provide feedback on the DPE’s draft SEARs and outlined several areas that require more detail in a report to councillors. The feedback compiled by Council officers noted that the Kings Forest and Gales Holdings’ developments should be considered when assessing the impacts of the hospital as well as the Kingscliff Locality Plan. Council officers also added detailed comments regarding impacts on State Significant Farmland as well as housing, transport and future development that will be required to support the hospital. Mayor Katie Milne and Cr Reece Byrnes moved to endorse the planning officer’s comments and also added several other areas of concern, which was passed with votes from Cr Chris Cherry and Cr Ron Cooper. Mayor Milne and Cr Byrnes' comments said the fundamental project description is untrue because it fails to disclose the relocation of an existing hospital. “As the application is currently posed, the significant impacts of relocation will never be publicly examined in the first or second EIS or any other forum before the project is fully committed,” the submission reads. “The applicants must be formally required to examine the impacts of relocation.” The second area of concern related to the characteristation of stage one as “early or enabling works” when it in fact the stage includes

How Much Can a Koala Bear?

In My Humble Opinion Vincent Selleck

Choosing solar power is not just about saving money.

Every time someone puts solar panels on their roof, less coal is burnt. Less carbon is released into our atmosphere and less habitat is destroyed. Yes, it will also save you money on your power bill, but don't think that is the only reason for doing something. When money becomes the only reason for doing things, Prime Ministers are knifed in the back for trying to link emission targets to power reliability and prices. More koala food trees are bulldozed and burnt and these iconic Australian animals will be extinct by 2050. Is that a world you want to live in? September is Save the Koala Month and at 888 Solar Tek we are planting more koala food trees. We live on 20 acres of forest at Federal and just planted another 100 tallowwood and swamp mahogany trees to enlarge a koala corridor from Stoney Creek to the ridge. We are also donating $100 from every solar sale this month to Bangalow Koalas to help coordinate and plant more koala food corridors in the hinterland from Federal to Bangalow. Find out how you can help at or call Linda Sparrow on 0411 491 991. You do not have to throw away your old solar system to buy a new one. This just creates more waste and burns more coal somewhere. New solar technology allows old solar panels to work with new solar panel regardless of size or voltage. We recommend paying a little bit more to get a SolarEdge system with panel optimisation that allows old and new panels to be mixed for more energy production and less waste. SolarEdge optimisers have a 25 year warranty and this month we are also providing a free warranty upgrade to 20 years for SolarEdge inverters as well.

When governments are puppets to fossil fuel corporations and neo-liberalism has diseased all their heads, we have to take power into our own hands. Let's save our koalas and put more solar on our roofs.

earthworks, piling, retaining walls, stormwater and drainage, which the submission said equates to “substantial commencement”. The submission said these works require knowledge of the building and carpark levels, subterranean floor levels and foundation levels, which will only be available when detailed hospital drawings and their associated environmental impacts have been completed. The submission said splitting the development into two stages allows for work to commence without substantial public disclosure of the impacts of the development including social, economic and environmental impacts. The submission also said the stage one application should be assessed under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

Loss of significant farmland

Concerns over loss of State Significant Farmland (SSF) were also raised, and noted that a contiguous area of 500 hectares of farmland is required to receive the classification. According to the submission the Cudgen Plateau State Significant Farmland cluster totals 534 hectares, of which the Cudgen site comprises 16 hectares. “The removal of 16 hectares from this cluster, along with other SSF lands, apparently land-banked or not currently farmed, will greatly jeopardise the viability of this rural cluster and its current protection for posterity,” the submission reads. The submission also notes that the “Health Minister has advised

Council a “Tweed City Action Plan” is already being implemented to encourage the growth of private health infrastructure development in immediate proximity to the new hospital, presumably on the fringes of what is now to be called the “City of Kingscliff ”, a town not even mentioned in the NCRP”. “The community has been assured by the government that the hospital will always remain a solitary glass and concrete block in isolation in the fields of vegetables,” the submission reads. “This is absurd. Despite assurances, it is inevitable that further State Significant Farmland will be put under pressure to meet private health infrastructure needs as the City of Kingscliff’s Hospital expands to its 900 bed ultimate capacity.”

Environmental concerns

Meanwhile Federal Member for Richmond Justine Elliot has put Questions In Writing to the Federal Minister for Environment concerning the environmental i m p a c t s f ro m t h e h o s p i t a l development. “I’ve asked the Minister for Environment, Melissa Price, numerous questions about the inappropriate Cudgen site and drawn the Minister's attention to the potential and unacceptable environmental impact on listed threatened species, ecological communities and migratory species under the Environment Protection Biodiversity and Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act),” Mrs Elliot said. Under the EPBC Act, a proponent mu s t re f e r a p ro j e c t t o t h e Commonwealth Minister for the

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Environment if it will or is likely to have a significant impact on matters of national environmental significance. Mrs Elliot said the Minister has 20 business days to decide if the proposed action is a controlled action and therefore requires a formal assessment and approval. “These laws provide federal oversight and a framework to ensure that developments such as the proposed Cudgen development on state significant farmland maintain integrity," she said. “The decision by the NSW State Government and the Tweed Nationals MP, Geoff Provest, to push this contentious project against community wishes and prior to Commonwealth assessment would be a contradiction of the conditions of the EPBC Act." In response, State Member for Tweed Geoff Provest said Mrs Elliot was circumnavigating NSW planning legislation. “Mrs Elliott has today shown complete contempt for proper processes when it comes to developments, which begs the question why?” Mr Provest said. “Never in my time have I seen someone so adamant to avoid p ro p e r p l a n n i n g p ro c e s s e s including circumnavigating Health Infrastructure, and NSW planning legislation. “We are fully aware of the reasons for the Labor Party to push the Kings Forest site and frankly, this is why the NSW Labor Government was voted out in the first place."


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By Jonathon Howard THE FIRST step has been made this week in the compulsory acquisition process to purchase part of the 771 Cudgen Road, site for the Tweed Valley Hospital. The Weekly received confirmation of the proposed partial acquisition from the Valuer General's office on Tuesday night (September 25). “The Valuer General received the proposed acquisition notice for the partial acquisition of land at 771 Cudgen Road, Cudgen on 25 September 2018,” a spokesperson for the Office of the Valuer General said. The Valuer General’s office said the acquisition process can take at least 90 days and up to 120 days from issue of the proposed acquisition notice if a price cannot be negotiated. The partial acquisition is for 16 hectares of the total 23-hectare site. M e a n w h i l e, Tw e e d S h i r e Councillors have voted to provide feedback to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) that criticises Health Infrastructure’s preliminary Tweed Valley Hospital application. The preliminary application was recently submitted to the DPE for Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) that will be used to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the state significant project. Health Infrastructure’s application outlines a two-stage development with the first stage being early and enabling works, while the second

12 Local News Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Tweed dairy farmers welcome milk levy By Jo Kennett DAIRY FARMERS in the Tweed Shire struggling with high feed prices have welcomed the announcement of a temporary 10 cent a litre levy on milk for drought-affected farmers on some Coles and Woolworths products. Local dairy farmer Debbie Allard, who runs award-winning cheese company Cheeses Loves You, said she welcomed the increase. “10 cents might not sound like much but it’s a massive increase to farmers,” Ms Allard told The Weekly. “With so much demand the price we are paying for grain has doubled from $300 a tonne to $600 and they think it will take about 18 months to settle down. “It’s disappointing its only on three-litre milk so far with Coles and if it’s only temporary it won’t cover enough in the big scheme of things but it can still make a difference to farmers.” Ms Allard said they were lucky they had the cheese business and weren’t just reliant on milk sales like most dairy farmers. “If we were just feeding them up for milk we would have been out of business by now,” she said. “10 cents a litre will cover the rise in grain but it has to be on every litre and a permanent increase. “It disturbs me that people say poor people can’t afford that 10 cents - but it’s okay to make dairy farmers poor and have all the dairy farms closing down. They will end up having to buy milk from China.” Member for Lismore Thomas George recently said he supported the milk levy which was called for by Kyogle dairy farmer Shannon Hickey when he

launched a petition in conjunction with Queensland Dairyfarmers Organisation. Mr George said he believed the petition could go further in challenging the major supermarkets to support farmers regardless of whether there is a drought. “While the Northern Rivers has fared the drought better than other areas in NSW, the low farmgate price of milk and higher feed costs has had a major impact on the productivity of our farmers,” Mr George said. “An increase of 10 cents per litre would hardly be noticed by consumers. However, it would be a godsend to dairy farmers, not only in NSW, but right across the eastern coast of Australia. “The regular operating and feed costs for dairy farmers are high during a good season, let alone when they are competing with other primary producers during the drought.” Mr George said it was time the major supermarket chains gave farmers a fair go, “not only now, but also into the future”. Norco recently asked consumers to support Coles after calls to boycott the company by some dairy farmers. Norco’s Chairman, Greg McNamara said Norco supported anyone who helped raise awareness about “the dire situation” dairy farmers faced. “In response to those who are calling for a boycott of Coles until a milk levy is

applied to all brands and products, we do not condone nor support this sentiment,” Mr McNamara said in a media release. “We encourage consumers to continue to show their support for Norco by purchasing Norco products from all retailers, including Coles. “This initiative by Coles will not impact the five cent per litre increase that Norco has applied to its farmgate milk price for the duration of September and October, which will provide an extra $1.8 million directly back to its dairy farmer members. “It is Norco’s desire to be able to continue to fund this increase beyond October.” Some NSW and Qld dairy farmers called for the boycott after Coles initially announced it did enough droughtfunding and then backtracked and said the company would put the 10 cent levy on its three-litre Coles brand milk until the end of the year. Wo o l w o r t h s a n n o u n c e d t h e introduction of a temporary drought relief milk range with a 10 cent a litre levy to go to dairy farmers in droughtaffected regions. On September 7 Norco, who already pay farmers well above the market rate of other processors, announced it would pay dairy farmers an extra five cents per litre until the end of October.

Solar Chapel and Hanielle presenting a cheque to Tyalgum RFS captain Terry Turner and volunteer firefighter Tristan.

Tyalgum RFS receive boost TYALGUM’S FLUTTERBIES Cottage Café recently handed a cheque for $1,000 to the Tyalgum Rural Fire Service (RFS) to assist in preparation for what’s expected to be a blazing hot fire season. The funds were raised by Flutterbies and will help the local fire brigade to prepare for a busy fire season. RFS Tyalgum captain Terry Turner said he wanted to thank Flutterbies for the donation which he said will go towards updating old equipment. “We plan on replacing some of the older equipment and getting a new laptop,” he said. Captain Turner said he was concerned about the upcoming summer season and has urged all residents to be fire ready. “There were actually more fires in the last month than the whole last season,” he said. “We really need people to be fire ready this year and ensure they are doing everything they can around their property to address any potential fire hazards. “Get your fire plan in place and check the RFS website.” Captain Turner said residents unsure about whether their properties were fire safe can call a local firefighter to check their property. “Anyone has access to this service and it’s a great way to assess your property,” he said. To find out more residents can contact the NSW Rural Fire Service headquarters on (02) 8741 5555. Finally, Captain Turner said he was eager to hear from any locals interested in becoming volunteer firefighters. To find out more phone Tyalgum Rural Fire Brigade on: 0427 013 543.


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14 Local News Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

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The Casuarina Town Centre under the proposed changes to the concept plan.

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�e have a strong crea�ve arts program at our school which provides many opportuni�es for all of our students. Each class across the school has a music lesson with teacher Ms Harris. The children explore different styles of music, sing a range of song types and have access to a variety of musical instruments with which to experiment. Ms Harris also coordinates our dance program which is open to our stage two and three students. Our dancers are an enthusias�c group and thanks to their talent and dedica�on have performed at several different school func�ons and wowed the audiences at last terms Performing Arts Fes�val. At any given �me across our school children will be inves�ga�ng different art mediums and expressing their crea�vity. Our school is burs�ng with beau�ful art and cra� works displayed with great pride by our classroom teachers.

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devices to create their work. Our students are also able to access private tutoring in piano, singing and guitar with our very talented, re�red music teacher, Mrs Brooks and new member of our school community, Mr Paul Carrig.

In Term four each year we hold a talent quest known as the MEPS Factor in which students can showcase their own unique talents. The audience is always treated to a vast array of very keen and talented performers.

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Early in term 4 our en�re school will be showcasing their considerable talents at our “MEPS Takes to the Stage” performing and crea�ve arts presenta�on. There will be two performances on Tuesday October 23, one during the day and the other in Art lessons are linked to the literacy and wellbeing the evening. Tickets for curriculums to enhance our children’s both shows are booked understanding of the content and give them the seats and are selling fast. opportunity to express their responses to it. Please contact the office to Technology in the form of video and s�ll cameras purchase your �cket to and tablets are regularly u�lised for art based and what promises to be an inves�ga�ve work, helping to develop our amazing showcase of our students ability to use a range of electronic talented students.

THE NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) has recommended proposed changes to the Casuarina Town Centre plans be approved with conditions following two rounds of public exhibition. The DPE said they considered the plans to be acceptable and they would result in an appropriate design for the town centre that would not result in any significant environmental, amenity or traffic impacts beyond those already assessed and approved. Their assessment said the plans would provide an appropriate mix of housing types to meet current market demand and would continue to provide sufficient open space, infrastructure and facilities to support the development. One of the major concerns raised by the community in their submissions was uncertainty around surf life saving facilities and plans to delay the construction of the beach access to the second stage of the development. The DPE has recommended imposing a condition that the surf life saving facilities and the beach access be completed as part of the first stage and prior to the occupation of other medium density, mixed use and commercial development on the site. “The Department acknowledges there are alternative beach access paths that can be used by future residents until the new access point is constructed,” the DPE’s report reads. “However, the Department considers the central beach access path is required to support the development of the Casuarina Town Centre as it provides an important link between Grand Parade, the community park and beach. “The Department also notes public submissions emphasised the importance of the surf life saving facilities and the beach access to the community.” The tenth modification to the town centre plans were submitted to the DPE in 2016 and proposed to reduce the number of medium density residential lots, while increasing the number of single residential lots from 97 to 177. The plans also sought to increase the maximum building height along the central street (Grand Parade) from three storeys to four storeys, removed a hotel, reduced the northern green corridor, reduced open space, altered road layout, changed stormwater drainage from open drains to piping and delayed the construction of beach access and surf life saving facilities. A total of 111 public submissions were received following exhibition of the plans

which included 105 objections and six in support, with the main concerns being the reduction in the green corridor, amenity impacts, lack of vegetation buffers and an increase in building heights. In response to the concerns the developer, Clarence Property, made several changes including reinstatement of the 20m green corridor, maintaining open stormwater drains and increasing on-street parking. Clarence Property Development Manager James Webb told The Weekly last year that Clarence Property and its consultant team had been working hard with residents of Casuarina and Tweed Shire Council to address issues which had been raised. “In this time, Clarence Property has responded positively to resident and Council’s concerns and has invested a significant amount of time and resources into amending the proposal to address the matters raised,” Mr Webb said. “To this end, the modified proposal addresses the previously raised issues in respect to the northern green buffer, subdivision design and stormwater management for the Town Centre. “Re-instatement of the northern green buffer will provide greater separation between future residential dwellings to the adjoining northern houses. “The proposed layout has been amended to increase the width of the pedestrian/cycleway from 2.5m to 3.5m linking from the coastal pathway through to the Coles supermarket site.” Mr Webb said the main benefits of the new Concept Plan will result in a population decrease of around 47 per cent and an additional 26 public parking spaces. Following these changes and a second round of public exhibition, 72 per cent of the 54 submissions supported the application with the remaining concerns around the fourstorey building height that was opposed by 11 residents, surf life saving services that attracted nine concerns and parking (seven). Tweed Shire Council did not object to the four-storey limit along Grand Parade, as their planning controls allow a maximum building height of 13.6 metres and the DPE agreed the change was acceptable. A condition is recommended to be imposed that the four-storey buildings will be subject to Council’s apartment design controls and all residential lots will retain a two-storey height limit. The Independent Planning Commission will make the final decision on the application.

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018 Local News


Canada’s Magical Mountains By Kate Webster

With incredible snow peaks, turquoise glacier lakes, deep canyons and magical waterfalls everywhere you go, there is no wonder the Canadian Rockies draw travellers from near and far. Vast and filled with inspiring scenery, wildlife, and a multitude of recreational activities for all ages, the Canadian Rockies comprise the Canadian segment of the North American Rocky Mountains and are the eastern part of the Canadian Cordillera, which spans all the way to the Pacific Coast. This stunning mountain system lies between the Interior Plains of Alberta and northeastern British Columbia on the east to the Rocky Mountain Trench of BC on the west. The southern end borders Idaho and Montana of the United States. Canada is a destination that offers up a pretty tough choice: winter or summer? Both seasons offer a sensational but different experience when travelling through the Rockies. Winter

delivers snow-capped mountains, you can ski or snowboard, dog sled tours and snow mobile touring, whereas in summer you can camp, hike, swim and cycle. It is a tough choice! Discovering the Canadian Rockies and all its beautiful destinations such as Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper, and Waterton can be done in a number of ways. While self-drive offers the freedom to go as you please and create your own route, it also often means someone (the driver) will miss out on just what makes the area so spectacular, the scenery while concentrating on the drive. Within the unique world of rail travel, Rocky Mountaineer is so much more than just a train. It’s the key to unlocking a hidden world of unparalleled beauty as you carve through otherwise inaccessible terrain in the Canadian Rockies. All the while, travellers onboard can indulge in the most luxurious journey. Since 1990, Rocky Mountaineer has been inviting travellers to experience Western Canada through their eyes. With two levels

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16 Local News Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Tweed Shire Councillors two years on OUR SEVEN Tweed Shire Councillors have reached the halfway point in their fouryear local government term and The Weekly thought what better time for a catch up. Several councillors were first timers to the challenging role, and others bring a wealth of knowledge, but all have demonstrated a strong passion for the Tweed and have contributed to help the Shire thrive. To find out more about each councillor’s progress and campaign commitments, The Weekly has looked back through the archives and complied a range of questions tailored to each councillor. The questions range from their proudest achievements to looking towards the next two years and their priorities for the future. As there is no good report done quickly, The Weekly has decided to spread this report across two editions with three councillors this week and four councillors next week. Councillor and Deputy Mayor Chris Cherry was among four first-time councillors and she pledged to fight hard for a Pottsville high school site, address issues with the Banora Point drains, campaign for sustainable development, build on the region’s tourism success, creating a plan for Jack Evans Boat Harbour and regulating water extraction. “I am most proud of standing

up for people’s rights and defending their right to the peace and enjoyment of the homes they invested in,” Cr Cherry said. “I know it is something of a sport to criticise Council for the legal costs we incur when doing this, but the reality is, if we can’t take a stand for our community what can we do. “All of our planning controls and laws are only as good as the enforcement we give them.” Cr Cherry said her priority for the next two years is getting the Plan of Management for the Jack Evans Boat Harbour completed. “This area is a very special place for our community and Council is about to go out to consultation on how people would best like it managed,” Cr Cherry said. “I will also do everything I can to protect our water. It belongs to the people and I believe water will become our most precious resource in the years to come.” Cr Cherry said her most important role is on the Airport Committee, where her focus is ensuring that noise and air pollution are properly monitored. “We need a noise monitor installed as soon as possible in the Banora area to measure noise levels before the airport relocates their landing threshold 300m closer to our residents, so we can prove the impact that this change has,” Cr Cherry said. “Air Services Australia, who are responsible for monitoring aircraft noise, have been fighting this but Council is pushing as hard as we can to try to protect our residents.” On the topic of the Banora Point canals, or Western Drainage System, Cr Cherry said it has been a “really tricky thing to manage”.

“On one hand it serves a function to drain the area and carries with it a lot of fertiliser and runoff from people’s backyards, but on the other hand it is a wonderful recreational asset to enjoy walking and cycling along,” she said. “Council has funnelled an extra $118,000 into the management of this system to get better water quality there as we know it is a very important issue for the community and we are trying to find a balance between functionality and aesthetics.” Cr Cherry said another focus for the next two years is to get more senior specific exercise equipment installed for the community. “There is a real need there and the social and physical benefits are immense,” she said. “I will also continue my long fight to try to get a high school secured for the Pottsville community.” One question The Weeky asked new Councillors, is what they have learnt in the role and if they are enjoying their duties. “As to whether I am enjoying being a councillor and Deputy Mayor, it depends on the day,” Cr Cherry said. “Sometimes when you have to make a decision that will impact on someone but it is legally correct, or when your children get hassled or blamed for decisions you make, it can be tough, but I always try to turn the other cheek and teach my children that as long as you make the best decisions you can and believe in the reasons you have for doing something, then that’s all people can really ask of you.

“At the end of the day, each of us as councillors, are trying to best represent the people who voted for us. “As a councillor I have learnt that it is easy being kind to people when they are being nice but the real test is being kind to them when they are not.” Next up is Councillor Ron Cooper, who was largely voted in on his persistent campaigning to maintain threestorey height limits at Kingscliff. However, since taking on the role as a councillor, Cr Cooper has since found his calling in refining the council’s process around community consultation and challenging the way Council engages with Tweed Shire residents. Among some of the commitment’s Cr Cooper made prior to the 2016 election was addressing rate rises and working hard on the Kingscliff Locality Plan which included greater efforts around community consultation. Cr Cooper said among his proudest moments as a councillor included being able to ensure that the draft Kingscliff Locality Plan limited building heights to three storeys. “In doing so, I gave a voice to the 16,150 residents and visitors who signed the petition and the 1,250 people who filled out my survey,” he said.


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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Local News 17

Tweed Shire Councillors two years on “97 per cent of these survey respondents also supported Kingscliff remaining at three storeys.” He said his future goals included conducting a locality by locality, grassroots round-table consultation on how the Tweed might manage its growth. “We have sufficient land identified for development to accommodate our growth to 2035,” he said. “This is under the present planning laws including the three-storey height limit. “In short, we have to decide whether we go up and if so where, or out over farmlands and bushlands, or shut the gate. “The community, not developers, will need to decide this well before 2035.” Cr Cooper said the only way he will be happy is if the community itself shapes the Tweed’s future: “not developers and their mates in Council”. “When the community’s expectations are identified through grassroots round-table consultation, I will use all the power I have as a councillor to ensure their expectations are embedded in future planning,” Cr Cooper said. “I have learned that my ideal of genuine grassroots democracy will not be realised until the life experience, imagination and common sense of our community members become a major contributor to better Council decisionmaking. “That is the intent of Council’s trials of grassroots round-table meetings like the recent ones in Kingscliff.” When asked whether Cr Cooper believes consultation could improve across the Tweed Shire, he responded with a four-part summary. “Council documents should be in plain English,” he said. “All Council documents should be available in summary form. Reference to the detailed document should occur throughout the summary for those who need specific detailed information. “Round-table grassroots consultation should occur before Council staff put pen to paper on policy and plans. “The draft Kingscliff Locality Plan consultation was more difficult because the bulk of the work had been done before the broad-scale consultation.

“It was, nevertheless well received, and that was very much enabled by the great effort and commitment by Council staff who facilitated the consultation.” Cr Cooper said his future goal is to trial a Tiny House Village as a low rental lifestyle – “for those who have to leave their homes because they can’t keep up with the rising rent,” he said. “As well as those who are going without to feed their kids – those who are about to start living in their cars or couch surfing – and those who choose a Tiny House lifestyle instead of tying up their sometimes-unreliable income trying to keep up with the rising rents or paying off a house,” he said. “Living with the supportive benefits of a community while retaining the family unit is fundamental to our lifestyle.” Next up is Councillor Reece Byrnes, who is also new to the local government role and drew a lot of support from the Labor party during the 2016 election. Cr Byrnes, like his fellow councillors, demonstrates a strong passion for the Tweed Shire and during his campaigning he expressed his support for the rail trail, helping small business, creating renewable projects, addressing potholes, utilising social media for council and committing to a progressive shire. “It has been an honour to serve the people of the Tweed Shire these last two years,” Cr Byrnes said. “I am especially proud of getting council on social media which proved vital during our devastating floods. “I am also proud of my achievements in securing a Men's Shed for Pottsville and facilitating a parking fee amnesty for South Murwillumbah to help our small businesses bounce back after the floods. “As for my election commitments, I continue to work with the staff and with community to achieve this.

“Most recently, in terms of roads, I have pushed for a much-needed roundabout at Bilambil Heights and early work on this project has already started. “I now also continue to work with other councillors as the sensible centre and Labor's voice on Council, to create opportunities where possible but also support our environment.” Cr James Owen already b ro u g h t s o m e experience with local government and politics when he was elected to local government in 2016 under the Liberal banner. Cr Owen brings a highly motivated approach to business and campaigned to lobby the Liberal and National state and federal governments to provide greater funding for the Tweed Shire. He also campaigned to maintain rates in line with CPI and put rate funding to work as hard as possible, as well as supporting development at Tweed Heads to focus growth in the cities and protect the sensitive coastal and inland areas and productive farmland. Among his other commitments was to push for Tweed Heads to become a regional city and to become a hub for knowledge, service and health-based industries He’s also been a strong campaigner for Kings Forest and Cobaki to progress. Cr Owen listed a range of highlights since taking office including being a part of the Tweed Community, “an amazing place full of inspirational, passionate and hard-working people,” Cr Owen said. “Working with Council staff, whom are smart, dedicated and hard working - under the leadership of our excellent general manager. “Water security - Clarrie Hall dam and Bray Park Weir and the response to the devasting flood of 2017 from both the community and Tweed Shire Council. “Strategic thinking and planning around employment generating land for example at industry central and the Kingscliff foreshore redevelopment (Rowan Robinson Park).

“New Cudgen Creek bridge and helping address speeding along Casuarina Way through my involvement on the local traffic committee.” Cr Owen said building relationships with the local business community through the Chambers of Commerce was also a highlight. “I am always looking to support the innovative and hard-working people of the Tweed and encourage investment and growth in our prosperity,” he said. “Initiating a strategic partnership with Currumbin Wildlife sanctuary to protect our wildlife. “Supporting Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers so they can continue the great work they do to look after injured animals in our local area.” Cr Owen also listed social engagements as his two year highlights including I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here – “what a great asset for Tweed” and filming of Aquaman at Hastings Point. “Taking part in Dancing With The Stars,” Cr Owen said. Cr Owen said the encouragement he received from the wider community when he announced his intention to put his hand up for Mayor, “was overwhelming”. “I was humbled by the number of people who have contacted me to wish me luck,” he said. “I believe this is an endorsement of my vision for the Tweed, and shows the community support for, and satisfaction of, my performance and actions to date. “Looking forward, I am going to keep advocating for sensible, strategic growth that will ensure we can conserve our precious natural environment whilst providing the homes, jobs, services, infrastructure, and lifestyle needs of our the rapidly growing population.” Look out for next week’s edition (Thursday, October 4) when you can read all about the most senior councillors Cr Warren Polglase and Mayor Cr Katie Milne as well as Cr Pryce Allsop.



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18 Local Food Bowl Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Your Local

What’s new at the market? weather. Kaye said that it is so important for a productive crop this year that they provide the best conditions to encourage root growth and sap flow. Their delicious pecan nuts are available every week from Rob at Spice Palace. Barefoot Farm – one of our newer farm stalls brings to the market each week the most delicious chocolate coated pecans as well as maple roasted and Texan barbecue flavoured pecan nuts. Ash and Matt - both chefs who had a passion to farm are now pecan growers in what they say is their “own little piece of paradiseâ€?. They personally process and value add to their pecans. The Pantry – Eltham Valley – another part of their paradise - is open 7 days a week so if you are looking for a weekend drive with delicious food then visit Ash and Matt’s paradise. Being chefs they have selected only the very best chocolate to coat their pecans – Callebaut’s finest Belgium chocolate. Established in 1911 this family business has since merged with another but remains in Belgium. Over many generations they have refined and perfected their chocolate to produce one with surprising flavours and aromatic top notes loved by chefs. I discovered this snippet when I commented to Ash last week about how beautiful the chocolate is that they use to coat their pecans. Now I know why đ&#x;˜‹ Ash also brings to the market a range of delicious condiments and gluten free slices

including individual serve pecan tarts that I find irresistible. Summit Organics still has Rhubard. It will continue until the heat arrives so enjoy the last of this delicious locally grown fruit while you can. Jamie Oliver serves his stewed rhubarb (cooked with the juice and zest of an orange plus fresh ginger) with vanilla yoghurt while Tania (from Summit Organics) makes a great rhubarb crumble (see her recipe on the market’s Recipe and Tips page). Commencing in October We are excited to announce that we have two new stalls commencing in October. Andrew Morris and Amanda Callan from Church Farm will be bringing their value added pickles and sauces including Billinudgel Smoked Hot Sauce, Billinudgel Brown Sauce and Thai style curry pastes. They will also bring their amazing handmade soaps. Also commencing is Organic Sugar Cane Juice made by local Murwillumbah resident Zijing Barber. Returning in October: • Week One Pop Up is Bloom Edible Flowers and their sister business The Native Collection • Week Three Pop Up is Mad Mountain Family Farm. Both these pop ups bring very different produce and value added products made using produce from their farms adding a great diversity to what we can enjoy and that also make fabulous gifts as does the Week 2 and 4 pop up The Murwillumbah Men’s Shed.

Thank you for supporting our farming families and local producers at our market every Wednesday. For more details and weekly updates follow us on Facebook at www.facebook. com/Murwillumbah-Farmers-Market or visit our ‘What’s New’ page at http:// whats-new/ Weekly updates go live at 4pm every Monday, so sign up to receive all the latest news directly to your inbox. See you at the Murwillumbah Farmers’ Market, rain or shine, every Wednesday - 7am until 11am (NSW time) at the Murwillumbah Showgrounds via the Harry Williams Gate. Sue Beckinsale - Market Manager

At Murwillumbah Farmers Market


Blueberry Fields has returned to the market with their deliciously sweet blueberries. They will attend the market fortnightly, so weeks one and three each month. If you have been a longstanding fan of Blueberry Fields blueberries you will be delighted to know that they are finally recovering from last year’s storm damage that destroyed more than one million dollars worth of netting used to protect their crop. I visited the farm several weeks ago and was so impressed at the vastness of the netted growing areas. Looking from a distance it was like seeing these huge cloudlike waves that went on forever. For such a tiny fruit, blueberries pack a powerful punch especially when eaten with probiotics - natural sugar free yoghurt is a great one. Blueberry skins add great fibre to your diet giving you intestinal benefits such as reducing inflammation while providing antimicrobial and antioxidant benefits. They are also rich in health enhancing polyphenols. Spring means beautiful new growth on so many plants and this prompted Kaye McNaught from Tweed River Pecans to send me their spring news. Kaye said that “on the tips of those silvery branches pecan buds are appearing this week, the trees are waking up from their winter dormancy�. Imagine that! Next years crop is on its way. Kaye and David are busy watering their orchard constantly right now due to the dry

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Authentic Farmers Market • Bio Organic Farm • Everest Farm • Jumping Red Ant • Narbey’s Best Avocados • Nimbin Valley Dairy • Nudgel Nuts • Rainbow Fruit Flats • Spice Palace

• Sylva Lining Organics • The Gourmet Salad Hut • Tweed River Pecans • Summit Organics • Costanzo Apples • Caldera Honey • Blueberry Fields and Tallogum Raspberries

• Crabbes Creek Woodfired • Chai Harem • 11th Hour Coffee • Huckleberry Bakes • Wollumbin Gourmet Mushrooms

Become a Stallholder The Murwillumbah Farmers’ Market is managed by the not-for-proďŹ t – Caldera Farmers’ Market Murwillumbah. We are focused on providing local fresh produce and artisan products. If you are interested in becoming a stallholder email



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Fresh Vietnamese Pork Rolls Spring Rolls - Buncha Vegan & Gluten Free Options

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Local News 19

y d a e r t e g o t e Tim for summer The stolen Suzukis

By Jo Kennett POLICE ARE investigating the theft of three trail bikes from a Murwillumbah property on the same night as criminals hit cars and properties across the Tweed Shire. The bikes were taken from a shed on a cane farm on Tumbulgum Road at Tygalgah between 9pm and 5am on Thursday, September 20. Kylie West said that one of the bikes belonged to her son and the other two to friends that stored them on the property. “My son was really upset. The friends were shattered as well,” she told The Weekly. “My father was in the shed at 9pm and they were there but when he went out at 5am the lawnmower had been pushed outside and the bikes were gone. “Those bikes were seen being ridden by two males at 4.45am that Friday morning on the south side of Murwillumbah near St Josephs Primary School.” The bikes were a green 2009 Kawasaki KX85 with black silver rims and two yellow 2014

Suzuki JR80s with blue seats. One helmet was also stolen. Mrs West said the shed the bikes were stored in was “quite a distance from the house and quite a distance from the road”. “I talked to some neighbours and they had someone snooping around just recently, walking around the house with a torch,” she said. “Another neighbour said they saw two guys down at the riverbank near his back door and he asked what they were doing and they said they were just looking for bottles. “Then they ran and got into a car and took off, so obviously they have been snooping around.” Ms West said there was another motorbike stolen in the area recently and police had told her there were numerous reports of crimes that night in Murwillumbah. Tweed Byron Police District Road Policing Chief Inspector Luke Arthurs said police attended the property and are investigating. Ch Insp Arthurs said they had reports of motorbikes being ridden around Murwillumbah early that morning.

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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

LABOR CANDIDATE for the Lismore seat, Janelle Saffin, has praised the commitment by NSW Labor Leader Luke Foley that a $4.1 billion windfall from the sale of the Snowy Hydro Scheme to the Commonwealth will all be spent on transformative projects across rural and regional NSW. Mrs Saffin said it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do a new thing for the prosperity of communities by creating jobs with carefully chosen projects. “We know that over the past five years as 324,000 jobs came online in Sydney we in Regional NSW lost 17,000 jobs,” she said. Janelle said that Mr Foley used his address to the annual NSW Country Labor Conference to pledge that, if elected in 2019, all proceeds from the sale will be spent in rural and regional NSW through the establishment of the Regional Job Funds that are consistent with the ‘Chifley Criteria’ three principles that built the Snowy Hydro Scheme under the Ben Chifley Government. The three principals included that the money must be spent on projects that promote the creation of jobs and growth of industry in rural and regional NSW, the decentralisation of population and the generation of new and renewable energy supplies. “I have commenced a conversation with Mr Foley regarding how the criteria can apply to us,” she said. “Importantly I shall also begin discussions with stakeholders in our region, including our

mayors, Chambers of Commerce, TAFEs, farmers and the renewable energy industry to begin the task about a process for agreement about our priorities. “Some infrastructure projects may need cooperation with areas to our north, south and west.” Mrs Saffin said one such project is the Regional Integrated Transport Plan that she previously advanced and shall continue to promote, as one of our regional priority needs. “We have the right priorities that will deliver real jobs, better health and hospitals, upgraded schools, rebuilding TAFE, and transformation to a renewables future,” she said. “Of, course, that money is welcome and important, but in Tenterfield, Kyogle, Lismore and Murwillumbah, we need more. “Planning and funding for needed infrastructure to transform our region and support industry and business prosperity and enhance the quality of life of our people and the health of our natural environment, have largely been faltering, and reliant on decisions made in Sydney and/or Canberra.” “The Regional Jobs Fund announcement has opened the door for people in the State Electorate of Lismore. “Working together we can turn this opportunity into real jobs, that will ensure our regional and rural economies and environments are sustainable. It is up to us to seize this opportunity and I am ready to lead.”


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Snowy Hydro sale could help boost Tweed Shire

Thursday, September 27, 2018 Local News



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Preschool places are expected to increase following an investment announcement

More preschool places to be available “The government recently announced a $197.8 million investment to subsidise all three-year-olds in community preschools, so this round of Capital Works is integral in ensuring there is enough space for the anticipated increase in enrolments in Tweed preschools.,” he said. Minister for Early Childhood Education Sarah Mitchell said preschool enrolments are expected to boom in the coming years, so the Government must be prepared. “Looking forward, population data shows the number of preschool-aged children in NSW will increase by six per cent by 2021,” she said. “The NSW Government is meeting this head on, and recognises that children and families living in growth areas require high quality preschool services that suit their needs. “Since the Capital Works Grants program was introduced in 2013, the NSW Government has invested $28 million to help almost 70 preschools either extend their existing preschool or build a brand new one. It is estimated that this investment has increased preschool places in NSW by more than 1,500.” Applications are currently open for Capital Works Grants here: https://education.nsw.

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THERE WILL be more opportunities on offer for preschool-aged kids in the Tweed Shire after a $6 million infrastructure investment was recently announced to provide support for almost 400 new preschool places across the state. The funding is part of the additional $42.1 million investment in the NSW Government’s Capital Works Grants program, which was announced in the 2018-19 State Budget to support NSW preschools over the next four years. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the grants will allow preschool services to build, extend or renovate facilities to increase preschool places where there is evidence of high need and growing demand. “There are more children attending preschool for 600 hours in the year before school than ever before, and the Government is making sure services are supported,” Ms Berejiklian said. “The NSW Liberals and Nationals Government has reduced preschool fees, is continuing to improve the quality of services, and is meeting the demand for future enrolment growth through ongoing investment in infrastructure.” Member for Tweed Geoff Provest said he is proud the NSW government is investing more in early childhood education than ever before.


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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Just for Seniors 23

Successful Get Ready open day as fire season looms Armistice Centenary Grants

Murwillumbah Rural Fire Brigade receiving the cheque for $500 from Central Rotary Club with Cr Pryce Allsop (left).

MURWILLUMBAH RURAL Fire Service president Don Bentley said the community enjoyed a successful Get Ready open day event on Saturday, September 22. The event attracted dozens of local families with awareness being the focus of the day for the impeding fire season. Mr Bentley said he wanted to extend a special thank you to the community and Murwillumbah Central Rotary who donated $500, and Murwillumbah Lions Club who donated $1,000.

“Being a volunteer organisation financial support is needed to ensure the equipment of the brigade is adequate to carry out the tasks required, and a thermal imaging camera is currently on the list of needs,” Mr Bentley said. “With the support of local clubs including Lions and Rotary the Murwillumbah Rural Fire Brigade hope to soon be able to acquire this item.” The funds are expected to go towards an infrared heat detection device and radio hand set that will keep volunteers attending fires connected and informed

by tracking individual positions whilst fighting fires. “This is important for the safety of all these individuals,” Mr Bentley said. Mr Bentley said the RFS Open Day crew had a consistent roll up of visitors and it was a successful day with a sausage sizzle, drinks and RFS were selling locally made Flying Fox Ice Block Fruit Bars that were donated to help raise money for the organisation. “Flying Fox Ice Blocks are locally made using locals produce,” he said. “I had one and they really do taste great.”

FEDERAL MEMBER for Richmond Justine Elliot has announced $21,819 in additional federal funding to two local veterans’ associations through the Armistice Centenary Grants Program. The Armistice Centenary Grants Program provides grants of between $3,000 to $50,000 for local community-based projects and activities that commemorate the end of the First World War, remembering Australian service men and women from all conflicts and celebrate a just and secure peace. “This year will mark the 100th anniversary since the armistice was signed to end the First World War,” Mrs Elliot said. “These grants have been designed to deliver local projects and activities to communities like ours, to commemorate Australia’s role in the First World War and pay tribute to service men and women and the Armistice Centenary. “The commitment of organisations such as our local RSL’s and RSL Lifecare ensures communities like ours can preserve our local history for future generations.” RSL LifeCare Limited received $8,182 in grant funding and will commemorate the centenary of Armistice by delivering presentations at local schools and halls about district residents who fought in the First World War. A proportion of the grant funding will also go to the installation of a sculpture in Patrick Budgen VC Gardens. Tweed Heads and Coolangatta RSL Sub-branch were also successful recipients, having previously received $19,000 through the Armistice Centenary Grants program to facilitate a commemorative event and restore the Anzac Memorial Fountain in Chris Cunningham Park. “These grants will help local organisations commemorate the Centenary of Armistice,” Mrs Elliot said. “I am very pleased that these local organisations have been successful in their applications and I look forward to seeing their projects on completion.”



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24 Local News Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Organics waste facility needs operator By Jonathon Howard TWEED SHIRE Councillors have voted to scrap plans for the construction of an Organics Processing Facility at Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre in favour of a new tender that includes both construction and operation of a future organics facility by a third party. The motion was voted on by councillors during the Thursday, September 20, meeting at Tweed Heads. Council is currently sending the Tweed’s green bin organic waste to a Lismore Organic Waste processing facility at a rate of $80 per tonne. Council’s director of community and natural resources Tracey Stinson said the Stotts Creek facility is expected to commence construction by September 2019. “This will be dependent on planning and licensing approvals,” she said. “The construction timeframe will be determined by the successful contractor, however, Council anticipates the facility being operational by the end of 2020. “The Expression of Interest will be advertised once endorsed by Council and the tender process will follow after that.” Council said in a recent report that the future facility could save on long-term costs and maintenance under a third party. “This change in focus from design and construct to design, construct and operate will provide better value for money for the Council, reduce longterm Council operational risk and environmental compliance risk; due to the successful contractor having full responsibility for the delivery of the processing service for an extended period of time, risks associated with

planning approval, licensing approval, technology, and operational systems,” Council’s report read. “The organics processing facility will be run by the successful tenderer as a commercial operation with all material processed for value-added reuse,” Ms Stinson said. “The material processed will be owned by the operators and likely resold back into the market to cover the costs of processing. “The contract will be to design, construct and operate the facility for at least 10 years. “Council is looking at including the ability to buy material from the facility for our own use in parks and gardens and also to allow some material to be made available to the public.” Council previously went to market with an Expressions of Interest (EOI)

in October 2016, for the design and construction of an organics processing facility at the Stott’s Creek Resource Recovery Centre, with submissions closing on November 23, 2016. At the close of offers Council received 14 submissions and following a decision at the Council meeting held April 20, 2017, Council engaged Port Macquarie Hastings Council to review the EOI submissions received. Ms Stinson said the final cost for the construction of the facility will be determined through the competitive tender process. “The construction costs for other similar facilities around the State have been in the order of $8 million,” she said. “The successful tenderer will also provide a cost per tonne for the processing of the material.”

Last flood repairs to start TWEED SHIRE Council is gearing up to undertake two of the largest post flood repair projects, following the 2017 March flood, as Council approaches the home straight on a mammoth repair list. Council has recently secured $3.75 million from the State and Federal Government’s Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) to repair the South Murwillumbah Flood Levee, while works to replace the Byrrill Creek Bridge are expected to commence in early October. Council received $2.17 million to replace the Byrrill Creek Bridge, which washed away during last year’s floods, and has a total cost of $4.35 million to repair. Both these works signal the last important efforts to repair flood damage to Council road, bridge and flood infrastructure with dozens of smaller repair jobs now completed. On the roads, Council contractors are nearing completion of the final major works, with the reopening of Clothiers Creek Road set for this week and work on the last three landslips on Urliup Road due for completion next month. Council's Manager of Roads and Stormwater Danny Rose said securing NDRRA funding to repair the South Murwillumbah Flood Levee was one of the last key steps in the Tweed’s flood recovery efforts. “We are now very much into the home straight and all before applications for disaster funding close,” Mr Rose said. “This is an amazing achievement and I would like to thank the state agencies for working so well with us to fund the bulk of repairs to our roads, bridges and flood infrastructure.” South Murwillumbah was one of the hardest hit areas in the March 2017 flood, sustaining widespread damage and losses to both businesses and homes. “Flooding rapidly cuts road access to the area and represents a significant risk to both life and property,” Council said. After the flood, Council installed a temporary emergency repair to reinstate the levee crest, but a more permanent solution was required as the levee does offer some protection to the community in minor flood events. Repairs to the flood levee will include stabilisation of the riverbank, which supports the levee, using rock revetment. NSW Public Works Advisory has been engaged to design and manage the levee repair and design work is well underway. The work will be undertaken by contractors and take several months to complete.

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26 Local News Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Free swim lessons

The treacherous stretch of Kyogle Road has been redesigned for safety

Bless this Road event at Uki

UKI AND surrounding locals are invited to a special Bless this Road event to honour the lives lost on Kyogle Road, taking place at the Uki Hall on Sunday, September 30, from 9.30am. The event has been organised to also celebrate the upgrading of the stretch of road under the Federal Government’s black spot funding, as well as community discussions around road safety and a luncheon. The event was arranged via a dedicated blog post (blessthisroad. blog), which was created by Wendy Sarkissian, John Bevelander and his son Liam Bevelander. “We have created this blog for the friends, family, carers, and communities of Matilda and Cecilia Bevelander and Karl Langheinrich, who lost their lives on the Kyogle Road near Uki in 2015 and 2016,” the blog reads. “In their honour, and to celebrate the opening of the repaired Kyogle Road,

we are holding a day of community education, healing, and gratitude.” The plan for the day includes a road safety workshop from 9.30am to 12.15pm. “We begin with a two-hour Road Safety Workshop, which will be factual, informative and hard-hitting,” the blog reads. “We will learn what best practice road safety looks like and feels like from highly qualified specialists, as well as sharing fine-grain, essential local knowledge and wisdom.” This is followed by Matilda’s Rainbow Lunch from 12.15pm to honour Matilda Bevelander, who was only 16 when she died on Wendy’s birthday. “At this time, we will greet other guests and enjoy an informal bringa-plate lunch where everyone can mingle,” the blog reads. “Matilda’s Rainbow Lunch will culminate in the symbolic naming of this rebuilt stretch of Kyogle Road as The Matilda Way.

“Tweed Shire Mayor, Councillor Katie Milne, will ceremonially cut the ribbon to declare open The Matilda Way. “And we vow to call this stretch of road The Matilda Way from this moment on.” The lunch and ribbon cutting will be followed by appreciations from 12.50pm to 2.30pm. “Part three of our day of celebration will offer Wendy and John and his son, Liam, survivors who lost our beloved family members, an opportunity to give thanks to a wide range of people who helped us deal with the harsh reality of losing our loved ones and the task of rebuilding our lives,” the blog reads. ‘We will especially celebrate the caring ethics of the local police and paramedics, as well as the Tweed Shire Council for rebuilding the road.” RSVP are encouraged for this event and residents can reserve their place by emailing:

LOCAL SWIM school Laurie Lawrence Banora Point has got behind the national Learn2Swim Week campaign and is offering free swimming lessons for local children under five - in a bid to curb childhood drowning. Matthew Graves from Poolwerx Tweed Heads, the company behind the week-long event, said the response from local swim schools had been fantastic and he was urging parents to take advantage of the free-swimming lessons for their under-fives. “Last year there were tragically 29 drowning deaths in children aged zero to four years, with three quarters of these deaths resulting from a fall into the water,” Mr Graves said. “That is why it is so important to familiarise kids with water at an early age and swimming lessons can provide under-fives with the lifesaving skills they need to know to get themselves out of trouble.” Mr Graves said Learn2Swim Week was helping to get the message across to parents that children can begin water familiarisation lessons from as early as four to six months of age and that by 18 months of age, children who have attended regular swimming lessons have the skills they need to get themselves safely back to the side of the pool. “Our survey of parents who participated in Learn2Swim Week last year showed that 60 per cent went on to enroll their under-fives in regular swimming lessons,” Mr Graves. “The free swimming lessons our local swim schools are providing during Learn2Swim Week give parents the opportunity to get their under-fives familiar with water and see firsthand the benefits of teaching them lifesaving water skills.” Laurie Lawrence from Kids Alive - Do the Five is the program ambassador and has once again partnered with Poolwerx to deliver the initiative and said local swim schools were once again showing they were at the forefront of water safety awareness in young children. “Learn2Swim Week has been running for four years now and each year we get more and more swim schools participating,” Laurie said. “Local swim schools like Laurie Lawrence Banora Point are helping us to reach our goal of zero drownings in under-fives and I encourage all parents with children under five to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.” This year Learn2Swim Week will run from October 2 to October 9. Parents can visit to find out more.

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28 Local News Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Dining Guide


Malaysian Delights Malaysian Delights is a fully licensed venue and is situated at Tweed Heads just metres away from one of Gold Coast’s most popular surfing beaches and is a popular location for both locals and visitors, who enjoy quality and well-priced meals in casual and relaxed surroundings. We serve a range of authentic Malaysian cuisines. An experienced chef plates up stunning dishes that offer a fusion of delicious flavours. We serve the roti curry, Malaysian laksa,

Christmas or Birthday Parties

curry rendang etc. We have a large seating capacity and welcome party/group bookings. Let us cater for your next function.

Lucid Pure Vegetarian


Malaysian Style Buffet price start $55@ (min 30 people) Book the Function before 12Oct, free room hire , Christmas table decoration and cracker Bon Bon for every guest.


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Private Function and Party Venue for up to 100 people,

Lucid Pure Vegetarian creates incredible dishes from around the world that are cooked with love and devotion, to warm the heart and soothe the soul. The Lucid story began with a common interest in cooking and serving food shared by couple Krishna and David. Due to popular demand, Lucid Pure Vegetarian is now open 10am to 7pm Monday to Saturday. You can now enjoy the Lucid experience for lunch and dinner! Testimonials from happy customers: "This place has everything; excellent laksa soup, Dosa’s and Idlis to die for, Acai bowls and much more. Can't wait to come back!," Julia. "I love their burgers. The taste and texture surpass a meat hamburger. Great Nachos too. Really friendly atmosphere," Lee. "Best laksa my wife and I have ever had. Love the south Indian style food as well. Clean and first class," Dennis. We invite you to come and try our menu and enjoy the unique experience of Lucid Pure Vegetarian.

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Dining Guide


Coriander Indian Restaurant

Sunnyside Take a Break Café Sunnyside Take a Break Café is locally owned family business that aims to please with outstanding coffee and exceptional food every day of the week. Locals love Take a Break for the friendly atmosphere in a relaxed and central cafe space that also serves up a range of delicious takeaway meals for those on the move. Whether you’re looking for a delicious breakfast, lunch or want a salad on the go, Take a Break offers some amazing options. At Take a Break Café, you will always find a warm welcome with a wonderful range of food with outstanding flavours in every bite.

Coriander Indian Restaurant offers a spacious, friendly, sophisticated and attentive service with a range of delicious authentic Indian food. Coriander Indian Restaurant strive to always use the freshest produce and give the best value for money. Indian cuisine or Indian food encompasses a wide variety of regional cuisines native to India. Given the range of diversity in soil type, climate. Indian cuisines vary significantly from each other and use locally available spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits.


Café 81 (formerly Re-Café-Nate) At Café 81 we offer family-friendly dining in a casual & relaxed atmosphere. The perfect place to relax with a hot or cold drink or a bite to eat from the budget-friendly menu. Kids of all ages enjoy playing in our newly added kids area, while Mum & Dad enjoy a coffee. Easy on-site parking. All day breakfast menu, Burgers, Hot Chips, Sandwiches, freshly baked cakes. Local family owned and operated.


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Local News 29

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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Holistic Wellbeing and Healing

Healing art of Moxibustion


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Call to have a psychic reading or make an inquiry to learn more! You can experience Moxibustion at Banora Holistic Healing with Heather Tilden who is an AHPRA registered nurse and practitioner of TCM with 40 years experience. Banora Holistic Healing is a tranquil sanctuary overlooking Lake Ash with its birds and flowers. Call Heather to make an appointment and experience this ancient healing art today on 0414 852 856.


Learn to Heal Yourself & Others

Taking time to be mindful

Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner

Notice four things that you can feel – your clothing, the breeze or sun, floor? Notice three things you can hear – traffic, birds, talking, your breathing? Notice two things you can smell – fresh or stale air, kitchen smells, perfume? Notice one thing you can taste – sip a drink, eat something, make saliva moving your tongue! Written by Sara Sullivan – Natural Therapist & Counsellor at Clear Minds Natural Therapy Phone: 0423 830 920 My Mission Normalising getting help for everyday concerns

The Libra Star Sign September 23 October 22


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TAKING TIME to be mindful is actually restful for a busy mind so the next time you are feeling mentally ‘scattered’ or ‘anxious’ or just perhaps needing to think about ‘something else’ – try this quick and relatively easy five sense exercise to bring you to a mindful state quickly. It will refocus you and assist you to bring your awareness to the present, in the here and now. Not in the past or the future, but right here right now. Helpful Hint: Count each thing you notice with your fingers, again assisting your mindfulness. Notice five things that you can see – just look around you


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Element – Air LIBRA IS the seventh Sign of the Zodiac, represented by the Scales. Librans are fixated on balance and harmony, obsessed with symmetry and strive to create equilibrium in all areas of their life. They love beautiful objects and create environments that reflect their own taste. Librans are diplomatic, romantic, highly aesthetic and a little indulgent! They strive for justice and fairness and are not afraid to speak up for what they believe is right. They make good leaders and often show a lot of initiative. They can be peaceful and loving but also moody, stubborn and indecisive. Libras become upset when the balance in life is out of equilibrium. This is a sign that needs their Scales to be weighed evenly! Difficult traits of the Libra sign include indulgence, indecisiveness, laziness and excessiveness. Although they talk a good game about their independence, many Libras secretly like to be taken care of. They can also be extremely complimentary, championing their loved ones with praise. While some traits of the Libra sign can make them frustrating, their kindness and diplomacy is also endearing, and their decadent charm is irresistible.

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MOXA IS a plant fibre from the leaf of the mugwort tree and has literally been used for centuries for its warming, soothing qualities. It has a pleasant aroma as it slowly smolders and several ways it can be used in Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM. Made into small cones and applied to tight inflamed areas like the back or neck region, or needle head moxa ideal for knees and shoulders particularly where you want to heat deeply and directly. A hand-held moxa stick is used over certain acupoints for maximum effect and is very nice on the lower tummy or back. Moxibustion is a unique way to inspire a healing response from local tissue as well as having a systemic effect. An important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Local News 31

BANORA HOLISTIC HEALING A tranquil healing sanctuary - Receive quality treatments for pain, stress, illness and injury

Ph: 0414 852 856

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32 Local News Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Look out for shorebirds as nesting season opens By Jo Kennett IT’S SHOREBIRD nesting season and the NSW Parks and Wildlife Service is asking the public to take care when using the shire’s beaches. The Tweed Coast is home to five beach-nesting species - the Australian Pied Oystercatcher, the Little Tern, the Sooty Oystercatcher, the Red-Capped Plover and the Beach Stone-Curlew and they are all now close to extinction due to disturbances from water craft, humans and pets. According to Tweed Shire Council these birds struggle to successfully produce young with only one or two Pied Oystercatchers chicks surviving on the coast each year, while there has only been one Little Tern chick raised on the coast since 1994. The local population of Sooty Oystercatchers is also declining with very few chicks surviving. The Red-Capped Plover and the Beach Stone-Curlew no longer even try to nest on the Tweed Coast. Chicks and eggs blend in with their environment on the dunes and in the soft sand and are very difficult to see, making them vulnerable to being accidentally crushed by beachgoers or dogs. According to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), Pied Oystercatchers are very vulnerable to human activity on beaches, domestic animals such as dogs, predatory birds, foxes, reptiles and 4WDs on beaches. The NPWS is asking beachgoers to assist shorebirds during the nesting season which runs from August to the end of summer by doing six things. First, learn to identify beach-nesting birds. If you are seeing them during the warmer months it is likely that they are nesting nearby.

Endangered Pied Oystercatchers with their young.

Read the signage as you enter the beach. These will tell you if there are birds nesting on your beach and how best to share the beach with them. Give the birds some space. If you see the nesting birds, move away quickly. Staying at least 100 metres clear of a signed or fenced area where birds are nesting gives them a much greater chance of hatching and raising their chicks. Keep near the water’s edge if you are jogging, walking, or cycling along the beach. Keep your dog on the lead at all times and respect the boundaries in off-leash areas. Keep dogs right away from fencedoff nesting areas. Avoid taking dogs onto islands and remote beaches. Collect and appropriately dispose of plastics such as unused plastic bags, fishing line, fishing lures, plastic bottles, and bottle caps. Program Leader of Pest Management at Tweed Shire Council, Pamela Gray, said that if anyone sees birds nesting on the beach and there is no signage or fencing protecting them from disturbance, they should notify either NSW NPWS or Tweed Shire Council.

According to Council, beach-nesting birds react defensively if you get too close and may call out or dive bomb or try to lure you away from the nest. “If beach-nesting birds alert you that you are too close, move away,” Ms Gray said. “When the adult stays off the eggs for more than 30 minutes, the embryo in the egg dies. “Tweed Coast beaches are busy during the summer months. In most cases the parent birds spend the day off the eggs trying to lead people away from their nest.” Cudgera Creek Estuary at Hastings Point is home to several species of beachnesting birds including the critically endangered Beach Stone-Curlew. The estuary and beaches also provide habitat for migratory shorebirds such as Little Terns that fly from as far as Siberia and stop to rest and replenish their fat reserves for the trip home, yet suffer continue disturbances from humans and dogs. If you identify a nesting pair of Pied Oystercatchers over the coming months, please register your sighting with the NPWS by calling: (02) 6652 0900.

Thomas George rolls out funding MEMBER FOR Lismore Thomas George has recently announced $533,219 in funding for community and local sporting facilities across Murwillumbah through round two of the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund (SCCF). The winners in the latest funding round include $50,000 to upgrade Stokers Siding Dunbible Memorial Hall, $243,000 for Murwillumbah Hockey Centre lighting, $50,219 for the Tweed Regional Gallery’s Gallery DownTown at M-Arts and $190,000 for parking and fencing at Jim Devine Football Field. Mr George said the significant investment in community facilities will make the Tweed more attractive as a destination. “This round of the SCCF there has been an effort to bring Tweed’s pre-existing facilities up to standard, like upgrades to Jim Devine Football Field and Murwillumbah Hockey Centre, work on Stokers Siding Dunbible Hall and the development of a Downtown Gallery,” he said. Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW John Barilaro said the rollout of the second round of projects takes Stronger Country Communities funding to $300 million. “I congratulate Tweed Shire Council and look forward to the local sports and community facility improvements that will make the region an even more attractive place to work and raise a family,” Mr Barilaro said. “The $300 million Stronger Country Communities Fund is part of the NSW Government’s $1.6 billion Regional Growth Fund that is employing local tradies, putting local suppliers to work and providing the right environment to operate regional businesses.” For more information, please visit: strongercountrycommunities.

Saturday 27th October 2018 - 6:30pm – 10:00pm Murwillumbah Showground Function Room

The Board of Directors of Tweed River Agricultural Society Limited and 2018 Murwillumbah Showgirl Contestants are Pleased to Invite Local Residents to a Charity Dinner to Raise Financial Support for Our Farmers.

Bar Available

MENU Roast Beef or Chicken Roast Vegetables with Gravy Vegetarian Option on Request Chocolate Mousse or Cheesecake

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Please RSVP by 17th October 2018 with Payment and Meal Selection










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Drawn Saturday 1st December at 6.45pm To enter simply spend $10 or more at the bar or restaurant PLUS earn more chances when gaming*

Some of our friendly staff

Manager’s Brief POTTSVILLE BEACH Sports Club is proud to announce our first Club News to be published in the Tweed Valley Weekly at the end of each month. The Club News is a great way for our members, locals and visitors to stay up-to-date with the club’s activities, events and special offers. We currently have a competition to win a new Toyota Yaris, valued at $15,500 when you spend $10 or more at the club. I would encourage everyone to get their tickets in for the chance to win, which is set to be drawn on Saturday, December 1st The team at Pottsville Beach Sports Club are a passionate group of locals who care about their community and thrive on helping everyone enjoy what the beautiful Tweed Coast has to offer. They are equally proud of this outstanding local club, which over the years has established itself as an outstanding family-friendly location for locals and visitors alike. The club was established primarily for the game of lawn bowls and since it’s inception in 1984 the club has grown to be the hub of sporting activity in the town. We are proud to say the club now has seven sporting bodies that we are affiliated with and also we are the major sponsors of a number of sporting organisations. During the past year the club has reinvested a lot back into the venue through exciting initiatives such as the development of the new Lawn outdoor entertainment area, which has been a huge hit with families. The club is now the proud operator of The Kitchen restaurant, which is a first in the club’s history and has been a great step up. Head chef Stephen Somers has been working wonders in The Kitchen creating some amazing flavours with great local service. I’d like to thank our members, locals and visitors for their support of the Pottsville Beach Sports Club and encourage them to come down, say hello and get your tickets in for the chance to win the Toyota Yaris.

Melbourne Cup LAWN PARTY Tuesday 6th November, Starts 12

Tickets $89 Members • $95 Non Members

Includes: 3 Hour Drink Package* , Canapes on the Lawn, Live Entertainment, Lucky Door Prizes, FREE Courtesy Bus

melbourne cup BUFFET LUNCH Salads

Seafood & Specialty Dishes

Fresh prawns, Oysters natural & Kilpatrick, Bugs Roast beef, Honey baked ham, Southern fried chicken, Pumpkin & fetta frittata, Lamb Rogan Josh

$75 Members $80 Non Members


Spin to Win! Every Saturday Spinning starts at 2.30pm Sharp Numbers on Sale Daily

Purchase a $5 spot on the wheel or $20 for 5 numbers

100 Spots Available Each Week

Spin to WIN a selection of Prizes including: $50 or spin again for the “Spin to Win!” Jackpot! Jackpot starts at $100 - pick high or low to win - if not won. Jackpots up $50

THIS SATURDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER PIZZA’S Margherita, Zucca, Pepperoni, Troppo PASTA’S Italian spicy meatballs with penne Chicken with fusilli & carbonara sauce Potato gnocchi puttanesca (V) (VE) Ricotta tortellini with spinach alfredo sauce (V) PLUS Garlic & cheese potato gratin Mixed grilled vegetable salad w/ balsamic Garlic bread

General Manager, Michael Judd

Courtesy Bus

Apple slaw, Waldorf salad, Potato salad, Fresh bread rools, Complimentary glass of champagne on arrival

$20 per person

Kids 5-12 $10 Kids under 5 FREE

LIVE MUSIC OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 5.30PM - FRIDAY 6.30PM - SUNDAY 1PM Enjoy door to door service with our FREE COURTESY BUS Monday to Sunday from 11am until late. Call 6676 1077 to book your pick up.




Cathy Drummond

Mackenzie Duo

Tommy Memphis




Captain WOW

Dave Cavanagh

Common Ground




Lone Wolf

David Lee

Rick Hay

WEDNESDAY 24TH Pottsville Party People FRIDAY 26TH Jason Delphin SUNDAY 28TH Tracey Leigh WEDNESDAY 31ST Michael Hickey


Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Local Entertainment 35

One Purpose One Solution Foundation Presents

Twin Towns Flower and Garden Show

WHITE LIGHT EXPOS Pottsville Beach Community Hall 1 Tweed Coast Road, Pottsville Saturday 6th October 10am to 4pm

ALONG WITH SIX EXCELLENT PSYCHIC READERS WE HAVE MANY EXHIBITORS WHICH MAY INCLUDE: * Healers * Complete Health * Crystals * Books & Cd’s * Candles * Jewellery * Soaps * Essential Oils * Magnesium Products * Himalayan Salt/Herb Grinders * & much more!

their monthly meetings which are held on the second Monday of the month at the South Tweed Sports Club, downstairs auditorium.

R U O IT'S y a d h t r i B y t r Pa

! o r e h r e p u s e it r u o v a f r u Come dressed as yo

visit to choose your reader

For information call 0419 709 661


The club welcomes members and guests to

Gold Coin Entry

th, 3pm 6 R BE O T C O Y A D R U T SA HIS


’s Animal iv V , l l u B g ian uckin Giant Slidep,inBg Castle, roving magic Farm, Jum & Face Painting

m p 7 @ S K FIREWOR



SPRING WILL be in full bloom this weekend at the Twin Towns & District Garden Club Annual Flower and Garden Show on Saturday, September 29, at Tweed Heads Civic Centre. There will be approximately 400 exhibits on display from 8.30am to 2.30pm with entries accepted on Friday, September 28, from 2pm. There will be prizes for cut flowers, pot plants, floral art, produce and photography. President of Twin Towns & District Garden Club Monika Ross said there will be plenty of great things to do and see for the whole family. “Our benching is always a highlight,” Ms Ross told The Weekly. “It showcases the member’s ability to produce beautiful plants regardless of the season. “Then we have our workshops which are very popular with gardening enthusiasts and we also have a trading table with quality plants at good prices.” Admission for children is free and they will be able to learn how to do floral art to take home for a small fee. There is no fee to exhibit any entries and entry is open to everyone. Admission for adults is $5 and morning tea will be available. Twin Towns and District Garden Club has in excess of 150 members who come from a wide catchment area. M e m b e r s t r av e l f r o m N e r a n g , Murwillumbah, Pottsville and everywhere in between to attend meetings.

36 Local Entertainment Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals Free admission Gallery open Wed–Sun 10am – 5pm (DST)

Three Decades

celebrating the Tweed Regional Gallery collection 24 August 2018 – 30 June 2019

T: (02) 6670 2790 W: 2 Mistral Road, South Murwillumbah NSW


EVERY WEEK at Condong Bowls Club


Friday 28th Sept

Mon Night:

‘Rock ‘n Roll’ Dance Classes Tuesday: Ladies Bowls Wednesday: Social Bowls Line Dancing Classes Thursday: Happy Hour, Raffles, Poker Eatery Open Lunch & Dinner Friday: Happy Hour, Raffles, Eatery Open Lunch & Dinner Saturday: Poker, Social Bowls. Eatery Open Lunch


Hump Day Horns

from 7.30pm with the Early Birds from 6.00pm

We can cater for all functions and special events

Members Draw Permit Number LTPS/16/07085

For Bookings Ph: (02) 6672 2238



Friday Night Members Draw


Kenneth Macqueen (1897–1960) Mount Warning and the Tweed River (detail) c.1930s watercolour on paper, 32 x 40cm Gift of the Friends of Tweed Regional Gallery and Margaret Olley Art Centre Inc., 2017 Tweed Regional Gallery collection © Reven Macqueen

Laura Erskine as the Duck and Jacqui Harris as the Wolf

Peter and The Wolf is coming

By Jo Kennett THE MAGIC and music of Sergei Prokofiev’s classical masterpiece Peter and The Wolf will light up the stage of the Murwillumbah Civic Centre from Friday, October 12. Written by Murwillumbah Theatre Company’s Bryanne Jardine and directed by both Bryanne and David Thomas, this version of the renowned story is sure to please young and old alike. Peter is a young tearaway who lives with his grandfather in the Russian town of Gplod. As many boys do, Peter is always getting up to mischief, creating headaches for his grandfather and other residents of the village. He has a menagerie of animal friends, including Quackers the duck, Twitter the bird and MacTavish the cat. Along with his young human friends Tim and Pam, Peter lives life to the fullest, getting into scrapes, mucking about and generally creating havoc in the tiny village. Things change when wolf threatens the village and Peter must take on the biggest

challenge of his life to protect his friends and animals. What follows is a rollicking tale of derringdo that has been captivating audiences for generations. Peter and The Wolf is a joyous interpretation of the symphonic work by Prokofiev. The master composer would be thoroughly pleased with this updated version of his classic work. Murwillumbah Theatre Company presents Peter and The Wolf at Murwillumbah Civic Centre on Friday, October 12, at 7.30pm, Saturday, October 13, at 5.30pm, Sunday, October 14, at 2pm, Saturday, October 20, at 5.30pm, Sunday, October 21, at 2pm, Saturday, October 27, at 7.30pm and Sunday, October 28, at 2pm. Tickets are $15 adults and $6 school students and are available at www., from Larkins Electrical in Main Street, Murwillumbah (cash only) or at the door on the night. For further enquiries phone: 0498 831 575.

Season 2 Reflections on Vivaldi CONCERT 1 Friday 5th October 7pm St Peter’s Anglican Church 83 Nerang Street, Southport CONCERT 2 Sunday 7th October 2.30pm Tamborine Mountain Presbyterian Church 34 Main Street, North Tamborine

Choir to visit Pottsville Hall

Tickets: $35 adults / $30 concession / $10 students (tickets at the door - cash only) for more information and online bookings go to:


....renowned violinist Margaret Blades performs with GCCO the ever popular Vivaldi Four Seasons, Mendelssohn Octet 1st Movement and more....

CHILLINGHAM VOICE Community Choir will present a special choral concert at Pottsville Community Hall on Sunday, October 7, from 2pm. The choir is also set to take the concert on tour to South Australia at the end of the month. Earlier this year, the Chillingham Voice Community Choir drew a full house at Pottsville, combining with the Brisbane-based choir Momentum. They will present a varied program including the classical Lacrymosa, the haunting Amarilli, the jazzy Mack the Knife, the popular Moondance and the lively musical version of the Jabberwocky.

As well as the full choir there will be performances by the Hot Chilli Chicks and Cool Chill Dudes ensembles. “We have enjoyed a busy year, gaining positive reports from our Pottsville Gaining Momentum concert in March, our All Saints Hallelujah Concert in June and our Chillingham Concert in the Park in early September,” Conductor Harlie Axford OAM said. “One new item in the repertoire to look out for is O Fortuna from Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana.” Admission (including sherry and cake) is $10 per adult and $8 concession. Children under 12 are free. Tickets will be available at the door one hour before the performance.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Matt Buggy set to rock Ocsober “I’ve already raised $200 - the idea is to give kids the information they need about drugs and alcohol that we didn’t have when we were their age, to show them there are other choices.” Matt said he had been thinking about it for a while and thought about doing dry July but had a few weddings on so decided to go for Ocsober instead. “At the end of August I decided to cut right back in September - we had the Raiders grand final and my wedding anniversary and the NRL grand final is on at the end of September so they are my three cheats for this month and next month it will be nothing,” Matt said. “I started bike riding and running to wear myself out during the day so I would sleep well at night. “I’m trying to encourage people to get out there and enjoy life and the sunshine and the oxygen in your lungs rather than just sitting around drinking.” Matt said he was inspired by other local musicians who had given up drinking. “The people that really inspired me were Matty Rogers and Mason Rack - neither of them drink anymore and they’re gigging heaps more and travelling and doing all sorts of things,” he said. “Mason was like me, he went through a dark time and now he’s come out the other side. “If we can do it - and we are around it constantly - anyone can.” There is a donation tin at the Pottsville Tavern in support of Matt’s fundraiser

and there will also be tins at all Buggy Brothers and Fat Albert gigs. “If anyone wants to donate that would be good because it’s a great cause but also for anyone who is thinking of giving it a break they can contact us through the Fat Albert band page if they are struggling and need some help and encouragement,” Matt said. “I’m here for them.” To donate to Matt’s fund visit: ocsober., hit the donate link and type in Matt Buggy.


FILMS th Mia wi


In recent times we have seen more and more films with stories revolving around characters of an older demographic that are still “children at heart”. This is no truer than in the romantic comedy Book Club, a story about four girlfriends in their later years who find - finally or unexpectedly - love again. They have been friends for forty years and meet every month to discuss a book. One is a widow, another a divorcee, another has never really recovered from her first sentimental disappointment, and only one is still married with her first boyfriend. The thing is, these women are contemporary creatures, educated, successful, independently wealthy, still very attractive and not really aware that something is missing in their life. Things start changing when one of them suggests that they read Fifty Shades of Grey - the infamous erotic best-seller novel - triggering something in their psyche that makes them unconsciously ready to experience sexual desire and to pursue love again. The plot develops from there like a fairy-tale, featuring the most romantic and exciting encounters in the lives of these four friends and ending in a quite predictable way, but the whole story is a very humorous ride that doesn’t take itself too seriously, so I found it enjoyable.

Matt Buggy is fired up for Octsober

And the bonus is that the four characters are played by four great dames of American cinema: Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen, who lend the film some gravity despite the lighthearted mood. From the other-side of the Atlantic they seem to echo the wisdom, humor and grace abundantly displayed in Tea with the Dames by the equivalent quartet of great British actresses a few months ago. Book Club is a film for people who don’t take themselves too seriously..!!

MELBOURNE CUP LUNCH TUESDAY 6 NOVEMBER Waves Function Room 12pm - 4pm Races on the big screen 3 course lunch Live entertainment Complimentary glass of bubbles Fashions on the field prizes Lucky door prizes

$50 PP

B O O KI N G S E SSE N T I A L P HO N E 02 6674 1 4 04


By Jo Kennett FAT ALBERT lead singer Matt Buggy is gearing up to defy the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle stereotype by participating in Ocsober to help reduce drug and alcohol related harm in young people. Matt said being in a band meant that they were constantly encouraged to drink. “You are working six or seven nights a week a lot and there are beers on stage when you get there and punters will buy you beers as well,” he told The Weekly. “It’s really encouraged in the music industry, you get paid to drink. “It’s because people are out and everyone is drinking and they look like they’re having fun and so they must be drinking.” Matt said with gigs every night and drinking every night he used to spend half the day hungover. “Then it’s time to go shower and go to another gig and have another drink and you’re never completely sober,” he said. “It’s a kind of a dark, depressing place to be. “Alcohol is a depressant, it really is.” Matt said that he realises things were serious after repeated drink-driving convictions. “I’ve got an interlock device in my car and when that happens after a few runins with the law you start to see a bit of a trend,” he said. “A lot of people don’t think I will last but I’m here to prove them wrong.

Local Entertainment 37


Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

38 Local Entertainment Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals


s n o i t a r i p s In

Conductor - Spiros Rantos

Soloist - Leanne McGowan

Overture to the Barber of Seville - by Rossini Violin Concerto No.1 Opus No.6 in D Major - by Paganini Beethoven’s 5th Symphony Opus 67 in C Minor Sunday 21st October 2018 2:30pm NSW time Tweed Heads Civic Centre, Brett Street, Tweed Heads Adults: $45 - Concession $40 Students $20 - School children 18yrs and under free.

Cane burn social Murwillumbah oils on canvas 120cm x 120cm By Scott McDougall

(accompanied by concert going adult)

New exhibition at M-Arts

Tickets can be purchased at: Online at Murwillumbah Music on 02 6672 5404 (credit card facility) Box Office at Tweed Heads Civic Centre Mon 15th - Fri 19th October 10am-3pm (cash only please) Tickets also available at the door if not sold out (cash only please)



Enquiries & Bookings 0478 012 324



TUTTI FRUITY FRIDAY LITTLE STEVIE & THE TAIL FINS Fri 28 SEP - 7pm JAZZ JAM Sat 29 Sep - 1.30pm THE BEST OF BUBLE Sat 29 Sep - 7.30pm WALLY & THE GATORS Sun 30 Sep - 2pm JOE PHILIPS Tue 2 oct - 5.30pm


Everyday in The Bistro

connections with the area on my mother’s side, the Cranney family who settled in Tumbulgum in the 1800s,” he said. “I had a happy childhood spending holidays, exploring the banana plantations and dairy farms with my nan and pop, who lived in Tweed Heads. “Since my move north I’m now confronted with a very different landscape, so very green and lush and so far from my painting urban comfort zone, swathes of cane fields and rolling hills and mountain ranges.” He said another recent project that opened up a new door for him, was a month-long art residency in Vietnam, sponsored by Chula, a Spanish fashion house based in Hanoi. “This inspired a move to figurative paintings again chasing my theme of beauty,” he said. “I’m excited to have the opportunity to exhibit and bring a range of paintings to M-Arts Precinct with three other talented local artists this September.” The exhibition is open to the public Wednesday to Friday from 10am to 2pm and Saturday to Sunday from 10am to 1pm. Progress has also been made on the M-Arts precinct which is expected to house an exhibition by the Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre later this year who will have a dedicated space upstairs at M-Arts to display some artworks from the collection, and feature exhibitions by artists of our region. “Soon visitors will be able to linger at the Precinct to soak up the atmosphere over a drink or two when fitz+potts open their fabulous bar. M-Arts Precinct is still a work in progress but there’s lots going on,” the website said.


Big Country Radio

The Best of Bublé


Sat 29 Sep - 7.30pm

All of the best hits and foot tapping tunes to feature in Michael Bublés world tour and top selling albums. $5 RESERVED SEAT (bookings essential)


FREE SEATING (first in best dressed)



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ic s u M GUIDE


A NEW exhibition featuring four extremely talented local artists is set to open at the M-Arts Precinct on Friday, September 28 until Sunday, November 4. Exhibition of Four Artists at M-Arts will feature the extraordinary works of Scott McDougall, Belinda Smith, Phil Barron and Judy Oakenfull. The exhibition will take place in the spacious and brand-new upstairs gallery space at the corner of Proudfoots Lane and Brisbane Street. Mr McDougall wrote to The Weekly on Monday to drum up some support for the new exhibition, which he said was a must see for both locals and visitors. Mr McDougall is a realist painter with 35 years experience and he’s recently revealed his latest painting of a cane fire (pictured above). The immensely realistic portrayal is what Mr McDougall strives to achieve, as he believes his work is not only amazing for people to witness, but also keeps an historical reference of Tweed Shire life. “As a professional contemporary realist painter of 35 years, I have been chasing beauty in one form or another for most of my painting life,” he said. “I find it in the smallest of things - a curling arabesque of flaking paint, the soft fold of fabric, colour slowly leaching from an ancient wall, fine cracks lacing a rendered wall, verdigris, scrapes and scratches. “It’s all scar tissue that stand witness to moments in time and history.” Mr McDougall said using this as a starting point he weaves a narrative into his paintings. “In 2013, I relocated from Sydney to the Tweed Valley, where my family have


Date: Time: Venue: Tickets:

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Local Entertainment 39 80615

Regent Cinema 5 Brisbane Street Murwillumbah

FRIDAY 28TH BANORA POINT • Club Banora: Raku O’Gaia 3pm, Delisch 7pm • Twin Towns Juniors: Bill Jacobi 5pm CABARITA • Cabarita Beach Bowls Club: Rockks 7.30pm CHINDERAH • Chinderah Tavern: Back Trackin 6pm COOLANGATTA • Coolangatta Hotel: Brooke Supple 5pm, The Pin Up Girls 9.30pm CURRUMBIN • Currumbin Pub: Stoker, Rumours Edge, EchoWave, Cosmic Dad 8pm • Currumbin RSL The Deck: Sarah Archer 5pm • Soundlounge: Tim Rogers 7.30pm KINGSCLIFF • Beach Bowls Club: Karaoke 7.30pm • Beach Hotel: Sneaky Sound System (sold out) 8pm • Salt Bar: Average Joes Trio 8.30pm MURWILLUMBAH • Haven Bar: Sticky Rock Duo 7pm • Riverview Hotel: Mangrove Jack 7.30pm • Services Club: Ino Pio 7.30pm NIMBIN • Nimbin Bush Theatre: Gurrumul. Fundraiser for Pay the Rent 7.30pm POTTSVILLE • Pottsville Beach Sports Club: Jason Delphin 5.30pm TWEED HEADS • South Tweed Sports Club: Rockin’ Bodgies 5.30pm • Tweed Heads Bowls Club: Bob Mildren 11am, The Street 7.30pm • Twin Towns Showroom: Michael Jackson: The Legacy Tour 8.30pm • Twin Towns: Triple Js 4.30pm, The Frocks 9pm

SATURDAY 29TH BANORA POINT • Club Banora: Customline 7.30pm BRUNSWICK HEADS • Hotel Brunswick: Micka Scene Duo 7pm CABARITA • Cabarita Beach Bowls Club: Jason Kafoa & Black Pearl 7pm CHINDERAH • Chinderah Tavern: Leah May 7pm COOLANGATTA • Coolangatta Hotel: The Titanix 5pm CURRUMBIN • Currumbin RSL The Deck: Jerome Williams 4pm FINGAL HEAD • Sheoak Shack: Odio Chief 2pm, Dubarray 7pm KINGSCLIFF • Salt Bar: DJ Jake 8.30pm MURWILLUMBAH • Haven Bar: Chris Evans 7.30pm • Services Club: Sweet Mixjah 6pm NIMBIN

• Nimbin Bush Theatre: Art Womb 12.30pm POTTSVILLE • Pottsville Beach Sports Club: 50 Years of Legends 7.30pm TWEED HEADS • South Tweed Sports Club: Jazz Jam 1.30pm • Tweed Heads Bowls Club: Kaffene Trio 7.30pm • Twin Towns Showroom: The Bootleg Beatles 8.30pm • Twin Towns: Sat Raff 1.30pm, Matty Rogers Band 4.30pm, The Frocks 9pm

SUNDAY 30TH BANORA POINT • Club Banora: Adam Thomas 5pm • Twin Towns Juniors: Ben Amor 2.30pm COOLANGATTA • Coolangatta Hotel: Agent 77 2pm • Coolangatta Surf Club: Daniel Stoneman 2pm CHINDERAH • Chinderah Tavern: Buggy Brothers 2.30pm CURRUMBIN • Currumbin RSL The Deck: Brooke Supple 4pm KINGSCLIFF • Beach Hotel: Lisa Hunt 4pm MT BURRELL • Sphinx Rock Cafe: Thor 12pm MURWILLUMBAH • Haven Bar: Jam Sessions hosted by Brett Healy from 1pm • Riverview Hotel: Mr Troy 3pm • Services Club: Dusty Trax 1pm NIMBIN • Nimbin Bush Theatre: Sonic Bliss 10am, Ewan James 12.30pm POTTSVILLE • Pottsville Beach Sports Club: Michael Hickey 4pm TWEED HEADS • Tweed Heads Bowls Club: Mustangs 2pm • Twin Towns: Eureka Funk 1pm, The Hodads 6pm

WEEK FROM THU 27 SEPTEMBER TO WED 3 OCTOBER 2018 BOOK CLUB (M/104MIN/COMEDY/DRAMA/ROMANCE) THU 27 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:00PM FRI 28 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:00PM SAT 29 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:00PM SUN 30 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:00PM MON 1 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00PM WED 3 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00PM BLACKKKLANSMAN (MA/135MIN/BIOGRAPHY/COMEDY/CRIME) MON 1 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00PM TUE 2 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00PM WED 3 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00PM ON CHESIL BEACH (M/109MIN/DRAMA/MUSIC/ROMANCE) THU 27 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:00PM FRI 28 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00PM SAT 29 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:00PM SUN 30 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:00PM TUE 2 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00PM WED 3 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00PM THE INSULT (M/113MIN/DRAMA/THRILLER) THU 27 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00PM FRI 28 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:00PM SAT 29 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00PM SUN 30 SEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00PM MON 1 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:30PM TUE 2 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00PM CHRISTOPHER ROBIN (G/104MIN/ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) THU 27, FRI 28, SAT 29, SUN 30 SEPT 1:00PM MON 1, TUE 2, WED 3 OCT 12:00PM SMALL FOOT (G/96MIN/ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) THU 27, FRI 28, SAT 29, SUN 30 SEPT 11:15AM MON 1, TUE 2, WED 3 OCT 10:15AM

LADIES IN BLACK: An alluring and tender comedy drama about the lives of a group of department store employees in 1959 Sydney, adapted from the best-selling novel by the same title. Directed by Bruce Beresford. BLACKKKLANSMAN: An African-American police officer successfully manages to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan with the help of a white surrogate. Based on real events. ON CHESIL BEACH: Based on Ian McEwan’s novel. In 1962 England a young couple find their idyllic romance colliding with issues of sexual freedom and societal pressure. THE INSULT: After an emotional exchange between a Lebanese Christian and a Palestinian refugee escalates, the men end up in a court case that gets national attention. BOOK CLUB: Four lifelong friends have their lives forever changed after reading 50 Shades of Grey in their monthly book club. CHRISTOPHER ROBIN: A working-class family man encounters his childhood friend Winnie-thePooh, who helps him to rediscover the joys of life. SMALLFOOT: A Yeti is convinced that the elusive creatures known as “humans” really do exist. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL THEATRE: WHARF REVUE. For 15 years and 21 shows, the Revue has mercilessly mocked Australia’s political landscape, a who’s who of 21st century embarrassments, from the politicians to the celebrities. Filmed live at Sydney Theatre Company’s iconic Finger Wharf Theatre 1. 6:00pm Friday 5th and 2:00pm Sunday 7th October. Tickets: $20/$15.

WEEK FROM THU 4 OCTOBERTO WED 10 OCTOBER 2018 (subject to change) BOOK CLUB (M/104MIN/COMEDY/DRAMA/ROMANCE) THU 4, FRI 5, MON 8, WED 10 OCT, . . . . .4:00PM SAT 6, SUN 7, TUE 9 OCT, . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00PM CHRISTOPHER ROBIN (G/104MIN/ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) THU 4 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00AM. FRI 5, SUN 7, MON 8, TUE 9, WED 10 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:00PM. SAT 6 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00PM LADIES IN BLACK (PG/109MIN/COMEDY/DRAMA) THU 4, FRI 5, MON 8, TUE 9, WED 10 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:00PM, 8:00PM. SAT 6, SUN 7 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00PM, 8:00PM THE INSULT (M/113MIN/DRAMA/THRILLER) THU 4, MON 8, WED 9 OCT, . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00PM TUE 9 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00PM SMALLFOOT

(G/96MIN/ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) THU 4, SAT 6 OCT, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:00PM FRI 5, SUN 7, MON 8, TUE 9, WED 10 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00AM AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL THEATRE: (CTC/109MIN/THEATRE) FRI 5 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00PM SUN 7 OCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00PM

MONDAY 1ST KINGSCLIFF • Beach Bowls Club: David Barry 12pm TWEED HEADS • Twin Towns: Mark Wilson’s Dance Night 6.30pm

TUESDAY 2ND BANORA POINT • Club Banora: Rene Diaz 5pm TWEED HEADS • South Tweed Sports Club: Dan McCoy 5.30pm • Twin Towns Showroom: The Tom Jones & Engelbert Humperdinck Show 11am • Twin Towns: Captain Wow Duo 7pm

WEDNESDAY 3RD BANORA POINT • Club Banora: Talia Gouge 5pm POTTSVILLE • Pottsville Beach Sports Club: Cathy Drummond 5.30pm TWEED HEADS • Twin Towns: The Dukes 12.30pm, Mick Buckley & The Hepcats 4pm, Lock N Load 7.30pm


Tweed Cinemas, Minjungbal Drive, South Tweed Heads

Phone: 07 5669 9600 l See our Website for Session Times

THURSDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER - WEDNESDAY, 3 OCTOBER 2018 Alpha (PG) Book Club (M) Christopher Robin (G) Crazy Rich Asians (PG) The House With A Clock In Its Walls (PG) Johnny English Strikes Again (PG)

Ladies In Black (PG) Night School (M) The Nun (MA15) Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups (G) The Predator (MA15) A Simple Favour (M) Smallfoot (CTC)

THURSDAY 4TH MURWILLUMBAH • Services Club: Phil Guest 6pm TWEED HEADS • Tweed Heads Bowls Club: Simone Cutting 6.30pm • Twin Towns: The Kamis 7pm

Free holiday fun at your local library In the Bin - Wednesday, October 3, Murwillumbah Library, 11am - 11.30am Join storytime guest Tarra from Tweed Shire Council to learn and read stories about using bins for our rubbish. For children up to 5 years. Bookings - 02 6670 2427 Medieval Times Craft - Wednesday, October 3, Kingscliff Library 2pm - 2.45pm Go on a medieval adventure, travel back in time to the middle ages and build your own historical castle and fort. For children aged 5 to 12 years. Bookings essential, phone Kingscliff library on 02 6674 1607. Kids in the Kitchen - Thursday October 4, Tweed Heads Library 10.30am - 11.30am Come along and make some healthy snacks. For children aged 7 and over. Bookings essential, please phone Tweed Heads library on 07 5569 3150. Build Your Own Mini Garden - Friday, October 5, Kingscliff Library, 10am 10.45am Create and decorate your own mini garden then, choose what you want to grow, plant it and let it flourish. For children aged 5 to 10 years. Bookings essential. Phone 02 6674 1607. Lego Playtime - from Tuesday, October 9, Kingscliff Library, 10am - 4.45pm Kingscliff Library casual freeplay Lego. Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday

02 6672 8265

afternoon, and Friday. Activity room come and go, no bookings necessary. Robotics Workshop - Tuesday, October 9, Murwillumbah Library, 10am - 11.30 am Learn the skills that you will need in the future. Join us for a Robotics beginners workshop. Ages 8+. Bookings essential 02 6670 2427. Thursday October 11, Kingscliff Library, 10am - 11:30am. Bookings - 02 6674 1607. Friday October 12, Tweed Heads Library, 10:00am - 11:30am, Bookings - 07 5569 3150 Fire Brigade Visit: Tweed Heads Library Wednesday, October 10, 11am - 11.30am Special guests from Fire and Rescue NSW will be talking about fire safety and bringing along their Fire Engine. Best suited for children aged 4 and over. Please note that in the event of an emergency this visit may be cancelled without notice. Bookings essential, please phone Tweed Heads library (07) 5569 3150. Create Your Own Super Heroes and Villains: Thursday, October 11, Tweed Heads Library 10am - 11.30am. Learn tips and techniques used by comic book artists to create your favourite super heroes and villains. For young people aged 10 to 17 years. Bookings essential - 07 5569 3150. Thursday October 11, Murwillumbah Library, 2:00pm - 3:30pm, Bookings - 02 6670 2427



Local Markets Guide

EVERY WEDNESDAY Murwillumbah Farmers Market: 7am-11am EVERY FRIDAY Mullum Farmers Market: 7am-11am 1ST FRIDAY Kingscliff Lantern Markets: 5.30pm-9.30pm EVERY SATURDAY Bangalow Farmers Market: 8am-11am Kingscliff Farmers Markets (TAFE) 7am-11am Kyogle Farmers Markets: 8am-12pm Uki Farmers Market: 8am-12.30pm 1ST SATURDAY Brunswick Heads Markets: 7am-2pm 2ND SATURDAY Kingscliff Market: 7am-1pm Byron Flea Market: 8am-1pm 3RD SATURDAY Murwillumbah Makers and Finders Market Mullum Market: 8am-3pm Salt Village Market 8am-3pm 4TH SATURDAY Kingscliff Market: 7am-1pm LAST SATURDAY Tyalgum Village Market: 9am-3pm

EVERY SUNDAY Tweed Heads Markets: 7am-1pm 1ST SUNDAY Byron Community Market: 8am-3pm Pottsville Beach Markets: 7am-1pm 2ND SUNDAY Coolangatta Beachfront Fair: 8am-2.30pm Chillingham Community Market: 8am-1pm The Channon Craft Market: 9am-3pm Lennox Lakeside Market: 7.30am-2pm 3RD SUNDAY Uki Buttery Bazaar Market: 8am-2pm Pottsville Beach Markets: 7am-1pm Piggabeen Valley Market: 9am-2pm 4TH SUNDAY Bangalow Village Market: 9am-3pm Kyogle Bazaar Markets: 8am-2pm Murwillumbah Showground: 8am-2pm Nimbin Market: 8am-3pm 5TH SUNDAY Nimbin Market: 8am-3pm Lennox Lakeside Market: 7.30am-2pm


THURSDAY 27TH COOLANGATTA • Coolangatta Hotel: Casey Fogg 6pm MURWILLUMBAH • Services Club: Phil Guest 6pm TWEED HEADS • Tweed Heads Bowls Club: Raff De 11am, Swizzle 6pm • Twin Towns: The Frocks 7pm

40 Local News Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Outstanding Pottsville home wins multiple awards Adenbrook Homes awarded By Jonathon Howard TWO TWEED-BASED master builders have received top awards at the Housing Industry Association (HIA) Gold Coast and Northern Rivers Housing Awards announced on Friday, September 21, including Steve Kerr Homes and Adenbrook Homes Northern Rivers / Tweed. Steve Kerr Homes was awarded top honours taking out the 2018 Home of the Year, which was announced at the gala cocktail event at the Intercontinental Resort, Sanctuary Cove. The Pottsville home at 31 Elanora Avenue also won Steve Kerr Homes the Custom Built Home (between $1 million to $2 million) and Custom Built Home of the Year, making it one of the most awarded properties at the awards this year. Adenbrook Homes Northern Rivers / Tweed was awarded the Project Home for its stunning property at Lennox Head. The Weekly spoke with Mr Kerr about the dream property and whether he has seen a rise in custom builds on the increasingly popular Tweed Coast. During the awards the property was described as “uniquely designed” and a home that truly reflects the location, delivering panoramic views of the beach. “It has the ability to open up and entertain a large group of people, whilst maintaining privacy,” the HIA summary said. “This home was praised for its excellent workmanship throughout with “unique” being an understatement for this custombuilt project, the innovation carried throughout this home is flawless.” “The project, which took 13 months to complete, had 26 steel beams and more than 50 steel columns in its structure,” Mr Kerr said.

Steve Kerr’s Home of the Year at Pottsville. Inset: the team receiving the award.

“Many different finishes were used inside and out all with a high level of detail.” Mr Kerr said the architect, Graeme Spender, had weekly site meetings with the owner to ensure she was involved in the entire building process. “She hadn’t built before and it gave her a great sense of ownership,” Mr Kerr said. “She really enjoyed the process and is thrilled with the completed project.” Mr Kerr said the awards were a great achievement for the entire team. “To win this award for the second-year running is a fantastic achievement for our entire team and shows the extra effort we are all putting in to deliver quality builds,” he said. “We’ve been building custom homes on the Tweed Coast for more than 20 years. “During this time the Tweed coastal strip has become very sought after and yes, the demand for one-off custom homes is increasing, which is great for all our young local tradies.”

Mr Kerr said he would like to thank the Housing Industry Association (HIA) for hosting the awards and giving the building industry in the Tweed Shire the recognition it deserves. “Thank you also to architect Graeme Spender for a great design and a big thanks to our carpenters and subcontractors for once again delivering outstanding workmanship,” he said. HIA Executive Director for the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers region Toni Bull congratulated Steve Kerr and his team on their achievement. “Steve is a multi-award winner, and it is easy to see why with this incredibly constructed home,” she said. “The annual Housing Awards continues to be a popular concept with a record number of attendees to the event this year. “Winning an award demonstrates excellence in design, construction and professionalism and is therefore an important indicator for consumers when choosing a builder.”

ADENBROOK HOMES Northern Rivers / Tweed won the Project Home award for its stunning property at Lennox Head at the Housing Industry Association (HIA) Gold Coast and Northern Rivers Housing Awards last week. Adenbrook Homes owners and former Tweed Shire locals Glen Stewart and Sarah Vogel said the award means everything to the team, as they put their heart and soul into each build. “We had a long and thorough planning process with the clients before we even got to site,” Ms Vogel said. “Even though the floorplan is an Adenbrook standard plan the clients made some minor changes to make it work best for their family.” “Throughout the build we worked with the clients personally and extensively to ensure their vision remained the focus and that they were presented with a house they were proud to call home. “Our builder Glen Stewart puts his heart and soul into each build and it is great that his efforts and the efforts of the team and trades are being recognised.” Both Ms Vogel and Mr Stewart said they believe the Tweed Shire is becoming a hot spot for customisation. “Especially in the Kingscliff area,” she said. “Clients are looking at personalising their homes, especially with building, one size does not fit all. “With block sizes getting smaller and smaller we have to accommodate our floor plans to suit the lifestyle needs of our clients.” As well as the HIA Award for Project Home, Adenbrook Homes has had many accomplishments this year including the NSW MBA award for Display Home $300,001-350,000, for their Orion display home in Ballina and Mr Stewart also made the top three finalist of Young builder of the Year. “We are proud to say with this award from HIA, Adenbrook Homes Northern Rivers and Tweed have received seven awards in the last two years,” Ms Vogel said.

Adenbrook’s award winning project home.


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Stallholder of the Month: Cecil Farms “The nightclub owner offered me a job at his nursery and I worked there for a few years and afterwards I just kept growing vegetables. “I had a family then and wanted a more settled life. Farming is a seven day a week occupation but I’ve always done things I enjoy.” Des said he loves the interaction with the public that he gets at the markets. “I love dealing with people and having a laugh and a joke with them - I love that interaction,” he said. “You have to give people a reason to shop with you so you make it an experience. “We were the first to grow zucchinis on the Tweed and quality is the name of the game. We use a lot of organic sprays to bring customers the best quality product.”

DES CECIL is a third generation farmer who runs a stall at the Kingscliff market with a mix of fresh vegetables and fruit. “We were dairy farmers and grew small crops but when my brother Barry and I were kids we grew fruit and veg,” Des said. “We used to do turkeys, ducks and chickens for Christmas - we were pretty entrepreneurial and farming was in our blood. “Later when I was 24 I started greenkeeping because I wanted a trade then I broke my leg playing footy and ended up being offered a job at Seagulls counting poking machine money.” In 1979 Des got a job managing the Jet Club in Coolangatta “We had all the big bands and really interesting times and I was there until 1985,” Des told The Weekly.



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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Local TV Guide 41

Tiger Moth Adventure Flights


ant to experience a slice of life as a WW2 fighter pilot? Take a step back to the early 1940’s and discover what a young fighter pilot experienced as he climbed inside the open cockpit biplane for the first time. The aircraft is a fully restored 1942 De Havilland Tiger Moth. It was used by the RAAF during WWII for pilot training and is operated in the Limited category as an ex-military aircraft.

Byron Bay

A leather helmet and goggles are supplied to help transport you to a time when flying was adventurous. -

Sunday September 30

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Mass. (CC) 6.30 Hillsong. (CC) 7.00 Leading The Way. (PGa) 7.30 Finding Answers. (CC) 8.00 The Living Room. (R, CC) 9.00 Foodie Adventures With Ash Pollard. (R, CC) 9.30 St10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Luxury Escapes. (R, CC) 12.30 Cook’s Pantry. (R, CC) 1.00 Everyday Gourmet. (R, CC) 1.30 GCBC. (R, CC) 2.00 Food Fight Club. (R, CC) 3.00 Australia By Design: Landscapes. (CC) 3.30 The 48 Hour Destination. (R, CC) 4.00 RPM. (CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 The Sunday Project. (CC) 7.30 The Graham Norton Show. (CC) Return. 8.30 Movie: The Notebook. (2004) (PG, R, CC) Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling, James Garner. An old man reads a love story from a faded notebook to a woman with Alzheimer’s disease. 11.00 Elementary. (Mv, CC) 12.00 The Sunday Project. (R, CC) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

6.00 World’s Greatest Cities. (PGa, CC) 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 10.00 Sports Sunday. (PG, CC) 11.00 NRL Sunday Footy Show. (PG, CC) 1.00 Rugby League. (CC) NRL Women’s. Grand final. Brisbane Broncos v Sydney Roosters. 3.30 Rugby League. (CC) State Championship. Grand final. Canterbury Bulldogs v Redcliffe Dolphins. 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 6.30 NRL Grand Final Pre-Match Entertainment. (CC) 7.30 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Grand final. Sydney Roosters v Melbourne Storm. 9.30 NRL Grand Final Post-Match Presentation. (CC) 10.30 True Story With Hamish & Andy. (PGl, R, CC) 11.00 Two And A Half Men. (Ms, R, CC) 11.30 Conspiracy. (Mv, R, CC) 12.30 Cold Case. (M, R, CC) 1.30 Getaway. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 TV Shop. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop. (R) 4.00 Cyndi Lauper: Still So Unusual. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Surfing Australia TV. (R, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. (R) 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG, CC) 12.00 House Of Wellness. (PG, CC) 1.00 800 Words. (PGasv, R, CC) 2.00 The World’s Oddest Animal Couples. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Jump Off. (CC) Premiere. 4.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R, CC) 5.00 Seven News At 5. (CC) 5.30 Sydney Weekender. (CC) 6.00 Seven News. (CC) 7.00 Sunday Night. (CC) Hosted by Melissa Doyle. 8.00 The Story Of The Royals. (PGas, CC) Part 2 of 2. Explores pivotal moments in the history of the royal family . 10.00 Murder Uncovered. (MA15+asv, R, CC) Presented by Michael Usher. 11.15 Criminal Confessions: Carlsbad. (Malv, R, CC) Documents a homicide case. 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Sunrise. (CC)




0488 924 242

TV Guide

6.00 Rage. (PG, CC) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 10.00 Offsiders. (CC) 11.00 Compass. (PG, R, CC) 11.30 Praise. (CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 12.30 Landline. (CC) 1.30 Gardening Aust. (R, CC) 2.30 Building Australia. (R, CC) 3.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R, CC) 4.00 The Mix. (R, CC) 4.30 Everyone’s A Critic. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 To Be Advised. 5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 World’s Busiest Cities. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 ABC News Sunday. (CC) 7.40 Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road Adventure. (CC) 8.30 Rake. (Mls, CC) War is looming in the South China Sea. 9.30 Vera. (Mav, R, CC) 11.00 Miniseries: Apple Tree Yard. (MA15+av, R, CC) 11.55 Indian Summers. (Mav, R, CC) 12.40 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 2.55 Building Australia. (R, CC) 3.25 Indian Summers. (Mav, R, CC) 4.10 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Insiders. (R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Small Business Secrets. (CC) 7.30 WorldWatch. 9.30 Soccer. (CC) EPL. West Ham v Manchester United. Replay. 12.00 WorldWatch. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Speedweek. (CC) 3.00 The Bowls Show. (CC) 4.00 Cycling. (CC) UCI Road World Championships. Highlights. 5.00 Small Business Secrets. (R, CC) 5.30 True Evil: The Making Of A Nazi. (CC) Premiere. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Italy’s Invisible Cities: Naples. (PG, R, CC) 8.40 Titanic: The New Evidence. (PG, R, CC) Takes a look at the Titanic. 9.40 Drain The Titanic. (PG, R, CC) 10.40 Charlottesville: Documenting Hate. (CC) 11.45 My Brain Made Me Do It. (PGa, R, CC) 12.45 O.J. Simpson: Made In America. (Mav, R, CC) 2.30 The Catch. (MA15+l, R, CC) 4.20 Poh’s Kitchen. (R, CC) 4.55 Destination Flavour. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Rugby Union. Rugby Championship. South Africa v Australia. Replay. 10.10 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 10.30 Escape Fishing. 11.00 Fishing Edge. 11.30 Reel Action. 12.00 Snap Happy. 12.30 The Life Of Mammals. 1.30 The Doctors. (PG) 2.30 Monster Jam. 3.30 Healthy Homes. 4.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 4.30 Pooches At Play. 5.00 What’s Up Down Under. 5.30 iFish. 6.00 Scorpion. (PG) 7.00 Attenborough’s The Life Of Mammals: Return To The Water. (PG) 8.00 NCIS. (M) A deceased man is found in a Civil War-era tomb. 12.00 Car Crash Global. (PG) 1.00 RPM. 2.00 Operation Repo. (PG) 2.30 Melbourne Down Under. 3.30 The Doctors. (M) 5.30 Whacked Out Sports. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Tomorrow’s World. (PG) 7.30 Leading The Way. (PG) 8.00 David Jeremiah. (PG) 8.30 Shopping. 9.30 Harry’s Practice. 10.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 11.00 The Great Outdoors. 12.00 Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook. 1.30 Escape To The Country. 4.30 Intolerant Cooks. (PG) 5.00 Mighty Cruise Ships. (PG) 7.00 Border Security: International. (PG) A brotherly duo might not be genuine visitors. 8.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) Customs zero in on a passenger arriving on a flight from Toronto, who astonishes the staff in the interview room. 1.00 Border Security: International. (PG) 2.00 Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook. 4.00 Sydney Weekender. 4.30 The Great Australian Doorstep. (PG) 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.00 Ben 10. (PG) 10.30 Tom And Jerry. 11.00 Ninjago. (PG) 11.30 Nexo Knights. (PG) 12.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 12.30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. 1.00 Beyblade Burst Evolution. 1.30 Uncle Grandpa. (PG) 2.00 Clarence. (PG) 2.30 Over The Garden Wall. (PG) 3.00 Gumball. (PG) 3.30 Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel. (PG) 4.00 American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 6.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30 Movie: The 5th Wave. (2016) (M) Chloë Grace Moretz, Matthew Zuk, Gabriela Lopez. Earth is devastated by a series of alien attacks. 10.45 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 12.15 Adult Swim. (MA15+) 12.45 Frisky Dingo. (MA15+) 1.00 Moral Orel. (MA15+) 1.15 Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law. (M) 1.30 Balls Of Steel. (MA15+) 3.30 Thunderbirds. 4.30 Beyblade Burst. 5.10 Yo-Kai. (PG) 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.20 Hey Duggee. 5.30 Peppa Pig. 5.35 Noddy Toyland Detective. Final. 5.50 Little Roy. 6.05 Octonauts. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.30 Dot. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Prehistoric Adv. Final. 7.05 Ben And Holly. 7.20 Shaun The Sheep. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (M) 8.40 Melbourne Comedy Festival Upfront: The Queens Of Comedy. (M) 10.40 Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled. (M) 11.25 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 12.00 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 12.30 The Catherine Tate Show. (M) 1.00 Blackadder The Third. (PG) 1.30 The IT Crowd. (M) 1.55 The Inbetweeners. (MA15+) 2.20 Dynamo: Magician Impossible. (M) 3.05 Troy. (M) 3.45 News Update. 3.50 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Dofus. 6.30 The Barefoot Bandits. 7.05 Kuu-Kuu Harajuku. (C) 7.35 Invizimals. 8.05 Sanjay And Craig. 9.00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 10.00 Scope. (C) 10.30 The Bureau Of Magical Things. (C) 11.00 Pointless. (PG) Hosted by Dr Andrew Rochford and Mark Humphries. 1.30 Will & Grace. (PG) Grace receives an unexpected proposal. 12.30 Home Shopping. Shopping program. 1.30 Will & Grace. (PG) After Grace receives an unexpected marriage propsoal, Will tries his best to be supportive.

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Adventure Angler. (PG) 7.00 Life Off Road. (PG) 7.30 Shopping. 9.30 American Daredevils. (PG) 10.00 AFL Game Day. 11.30 Football. AFL. Grand final. West Coast v Collingwood. Replay. 2.30 The Fishing Show. (PG) 3.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 4.30 Fish Of The Day. 4.55 Bloopers. (PG) 5.50 World’s Craziest Fools. (PG) 6.50 Movie: Space Jam. (1996) (G) Michael Jordan, Wayne Knight, Theresa Randle. 8.30 Movie: Batman Begins. (2005) (M) Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson. A man battles organised crime. 11.15 Family Guy. (M) 12.30 Klondike Gold Fever. (PG) 1.30 American Daredevils. (M) 2.00 Fish Of The Day. (PG) 3.00 NFL. NFL. Week 4. Tennessee Titans v Philadelphia Eagles.

6.00 TV Shop. 6.30 Skippy. 7.00 Leading The Way. (PG) 7.30 Beyond Today. (PG) 8.00 Key Of David. (PG) 8.30 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PG) 9.00 TV Shop. 10.00 Skippy. 10.30 Movie: Mister Ten Per Cent. (1967) (G) 12.20 Destination Happiness. (PG) 12.50 Garden Gurus. 1.20 Getaway. (PG) 1.50 Movie: The Cruel Sea. (1953) (PG) 4.30 Movie: The 7th Dawn. (1964) (PG) 7.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 9.00 Major Crimes. (M) Three 15-year-old boys go missing. 10.00 Law & Order: SVU. (M) 11.00 The Closer. (M) 12.00 Chicago Med. (M) 1.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 1.30 Danoz Direct. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 8.00 Maltese News. 8.30 Macedonian News. 9.00 PopAsia TV. (PG) 10.00 Portuguese News. 10.50 Urdu News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 Insight. 1.00 Front Up. (PG) 1.30 Vs Arashi. (PG) 2.25 The Business Of Life. (PG) 2.50 Gaycation Presents: Orlando. (PG) 3.40 The Mindy Project. (PG) 4.35 MythBusters. (PG) 6.30 Testing Teachers. 7.30 The Gadget Show. 8.30 Movie: The Hunt For Red October. (1990) 11.05 Cycling. UCI Road World Championships. Men’s Road Race. 1.30 Wild Ride. (M) 2.00 Shot By Kern. (MA15+) 2.30 France 24. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

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42 Local TV Guide Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Monday October 1

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Headline News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R, CC) 1.00 Australian Survivor. (R, CC) 2.30 Ent. Tonight. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. (CC) 4.30 Bold. (PG, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 6.00 Pointless. (PG, CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) 7.30 Australian Survivor. (CC) 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (Malns, CC) Hosted by Tom Gleisner. 9.30 Street Smart. (PGa, CC) Final. Tia goes undercover in the gang. 10.00 When Corden Met Paul McCartney. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Man With A Plan. (PGls, CC) 11.30 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 12.30 The Project. (CC) 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.30 Home Shopping. 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, CC) 1.00 Movie: The Cobbler. (2014) (PGlnsv, R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Hot Seat. (CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 The Block. (PG, CC) Hosted by Scott Cam. 9.00 Doctor Doctor. (Ml, CC) Hugh tries to cancel the farm sale. 10.00 Dr Christian Jessen Will See You Now. (Mam, CC) 11.00 Two And A Half Men. (PGs, R, CC) 11.30 Two And A Half Men. (PGls, R, CC) 12.00 Patriot Games. (PGl, R, CC) 1.00 Extra. (CC) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 10.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 11.30 News. (CC) 12.00 Movie: Flirting With Forty. (2008) (PGls, R, CC) 2.00 The Daily Edition. (CC) 3.00 The Chase. (R, CC) 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) 6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PGa, CC) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG, R, CC) A driver does a burnout in front of officers. 8.00 Motorbike Cops. (PG, CC) Final. A school bus driver learns a lesson. 8.30 Jimmy Barnes: Working Class Boy. (Mal, CC) Takes a candid look at the life of Jimmy Barnes, providing an insight into how he became an Aussie icon. 10.45 Billy Connolly & Me: A Celebration. (Mal, R, CC) 12.00 Blood & Oil. (Mv, R, CC) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Sunrise. (CC)


6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 ABC News Mornings. (CC) 10.00 Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road Adventure. (R, CC) 11.00 Gardening Aust. (R, CC) 11.30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 Landline. (R, CC) 2.00 Pulse. (Malv, R, CC) 2.55 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R, CC) 3.40 Silvia’s Italian Table. (PG, R, CC) 4.10 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 ABC News At Five. (CC) 5.10 Drum. (CC) 6.00 Grand Designs. (R, CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 Australian Story. (CC) 8.30 Four Corners. (CC) 9.15 Media Watch. (PG, CC) 9.35 Q&A. (CC) 10.40 ABC Late News. (CC) 11.10 The Business. (R, CC) 11.25 Professor Green: Suicide And Me. (MA15+a, R, CC) 12.25 Changing Minds: The Inside Story. (Mal, R, CC) 1.25 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.40 New Inventors. (R, CC) 5.10 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC)

TV Guide 6.00 WorldWatch. 6.30 Al Jazeera. (CC) 7.30 Italian News. 8.10 Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 9.00 Rugby League. (CC) Koori Knockout. 2.30 Rugby League. (CC) Koori Knockout. Men’s and women’s grand final. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 6.00 The Chefs’ Line. (CC) 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Britain’s Most Historic Towns: Roman Chester. (CC) Premiere. 8.30 Hugh’s Fat Fight. (CC) Part 3 of 3. 9.40 24 Hours In Emergency: Someone To Come Home To. (M, CC) A man falls three metres from a ladder. 10.35 SBS World News Late. (CC) 11.05 The World Game. (CC) 11.35 Modus. (Malv, CC) 1.20 Gangland Undercover. (Madv, R, CC) 4.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle English News. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 8.30 RPM. 9.30 I Fish. 10.00 Scorpion. (PG) 12.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 12.30 Star Trek. (PG) 1.30 WIN News. 2.30 MacGyver. (PG) 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 5.30 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) Walker celebrates his birthday. 8.30 NCIS. (M) Gibbs and the team are asked to investigate the suspicious death of a naval officer linked to a US senator. 10.30 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 16. Russian Grand Prix. Highlights. From Sochi Autodrom, Russia. 11.30 CSI: Miami. (M) 12.30 Home Shopping. 2.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 3.00 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 The Doctors. (M)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo. (C) 7.30 Get Clever. (C) 8.00 Toybox. (P) 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 The Great Outdoors. 11.30 Vasili’s Garden. 12.00 Mighty Cruise Ships. 1.00 The Great Outdoors. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 House Calls To The Rescue. 4.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG) Martin’s wedding day finally arrives. 8.30 Foyle’s War. (M) Foyle agrees to take in his troubled goddaughter and her severely traumatised son who refuses to speak. 10.30 The Last Detective. (M) 12.00 Escape To The Country. 1.00 House Calls To The Rescue. 2.00 Foyle’s War. (M) 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.00 Transformers. 10.30 Yo-Kai. (PG) 11.00 Top Gear. (PG) 12.30 Deals, Wheels And Steals. (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 Dance Moms. (PG) 3.00 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.00 Adv Time. (PG) 5.30 Regular Show. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.00 Movie: World War Z. (2013) (M) Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, Matthew Fox. A man battles a zombie outbreak. 11.05 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 12.00 2 Broke Girls. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG) 1.30 Squidbillies. (MA15+) 2.00 Adventure Time. (PG) 2.30 Regular Show. (PG) 3.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.30 Beyblade Burst Evolution. 4.00 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.50 Yo-Kai. (PG) 5.10 Regal Academy. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30 Peppa Pig. 5.35 Wanda And The Alien. 5.50 Little Roy. 6.05 Octonauts. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.30 Dot. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Wild Adventures. 7.05 Ben And Holly. 7.20 Shaun The Sheep. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (M) 8.40 Josh. (PG) 9.10 Schitt’s Creek. (M) 9.35 Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled. (M) 10.20 Peep Show. (M) 10.45 Workaholics. (M) 11.10 Archer. (M) Return. 11.30 30 Rock. (M) 11.50 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.15 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 12.40 Peep Show. (M) 1.05 Workaholics. (MA15+) 1.30 Archer. (M) 1.55 30 Rock. (M) 2.15 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 2.40 The Office. (PG) 3.10 Extras. (M) 3.40 News Update. 3.45 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Dofus. 6.30 Mia And Me. 7.05 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.35 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 8.00 Totally Wild. (C) 8.35 Care Bears: Welcome To Care-A-Lot. 9.00 Littlest Pet Shop. 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Raymond. 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 2.00 The Young And The Restless. (PG) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 3.30 Becker. (PG) 4.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Frasier. (PG) 7.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 8.30 The Flash. (M) Dr Wells’ former protégé returns. 10.30 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.00 The Late Late Show With James Corden. (M) 12.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. 12.30 Home Shopping. 1.30 Becker. (PG) 2.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 James Corden. (M) 4.30 Raymond. 5.00 Frasier. (PG)

6.00 NFL. NFL. Week 4. Tennessee Titans v Philadelphia Eagles. Continued. 6.30 NFL. NFL. Week 4. New York Giants v New Orleans Saints. 9.30 World Of X Games. 10.00 NFL. NFL. Week 4. Pittsburgh Steelers v Baltimore Ravens. 2.00 Cricket. Women’s T20 Series. Australia v New Zealand. Game 2. 5.00 World’s Craziest Fools. (PG) 5.30 Brandi And Jarrod: Married To The Job. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Movie: The Simpsons Movie. (2007) (PG) Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright. 9.10 Movie: The Hangover Part II. (2011) (MA15+) Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms. 11.20 Family Guy. (M) 12.20 American Pickers. (PG) 1.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 2.00 Fishing Western Australia.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. (PG) 12.15 Movie: The Colditz Story. (1955) (G) 2.15 My Favorite Martian. 2.45 Mad About You. (PG) 3.15 Miss Marple. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. (PG) 7.30 Death In Paradise. (M) 8.40 New Tricks. (M) A patient’s death is investigated. 9.50 Born To Kill? Class Of Evil: Coleman And Brown – “A Love Affair With Death”. (MA15+) 10.50 Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders. (M) 11.50 Chicago Med. (M) 1.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 1.30 Danoz Direct. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.30 Serbian News. 10.00 Dutch News. 10.30 Tamil News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 Rex In Rome. (PG) 1.50 Cyberwar. (PG) 2.45 VICE. (PG) 3.20 PopAsia TV. (PG) 4.20 Vs Arashi. (PG) 5.15 Woman With Gloria Steinem. (PG) 5.40 If You Are The One. 6.40 Seconds From Disaster. 7.35 The Feed. 8.05 Travel Man. Return. 8.35 South Park. Return. 9.00 The Orville. 9.55 First Time Call Girl. 10.50 Undressed Italy. (PG) Final. Premiere. 12.20 Spotless. (MA15+) 1.25 Orphan Black. (M) 2.20 CGTN English News. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

Tuesday October 2

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Headline News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGl, R, CC) 1.00 Australian Survivor. (R, CC) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Neighbours. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC) 6.00 Pointless. (PG, CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) 7.30 Australian Survivor. (CC) Presented by Jonathan LaPaglia. 9.00 Bull. (Mav, CC) The team takes on a seemingly un-winnable case. 11.00 NCIS: Los Angeles. (Mv, R, CC) 12.00 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 1.00 The Project. (R, CC) 2.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 3.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, CC) 1.00 Extra. (CC) 1.30 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Hot Seat. (CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 The Block. (PG, CC) 8.40 True Story With Hamish & Andy: Jeremy. (PGa, CC) Australians recount hilarious true stories. 9.10 True Story With Hamish & Andy: Dani. (PGl, R, CC) 9.40 Kath & Kim. (PGl, R, CC) 10.15 Kath & Kim. (PGl, R, CC) 10.50 Mom. (Ms, CC) 11.45 The Closer. (Mav, R, CC) 12.35 World’s Most Expensive Food. (PG, R, CC) 1.35 Extra. (R, CC) 2.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop. (R) 4.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 11.30 News. (CC) 12.00 Movie: Crash Site: A Family In Danger. (2011) (PGav, R, CC) 2.00 Daily Edition. (CC) 3.00 The Chase. (R, CC) 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) 6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 7.30 Queen Of The World. (PG, CC) Part 1 of 2. 8.35 The Good Doctor. (PGa, CC) Return. Shaun’s proposed treatment for a homeless patient puts him and Jared in Andrews’ crosshairs. 9.35 800 Words. (PGasv, CC) Final. Big Mac’s space race plans divide the town. 10.35 Chicago Fire. (Mas, CC) 11.35 Life Sentence. (Ma, CC) 12.35 The Player. (Mv, R, CC) 1.35 Harry’s Practice. (R, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Sunrise. (CC)


TV Guide

6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 ABC News Mornings. (CC) 10.00 Grand Designs. (R, CC) 11.00 Gardening Aust. (R, CC) 11.30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 Four Corners. (R, CC) 1.45 Media Watch. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Pulse. (Mal, R, CC) 2.55 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R, CC) 3.40 Making Child Prodigies. (R, CC) 4.10 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 ABC News At Five. (CC) 5.10 Drum. (CC) 6.00 Grand Designs New Zealand. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 Ask The Doctor: Sugar. (PG, CC) Return. 8.30 Exposed: The Case Of Keli Lane. (Ml, CC) Part 2 of 3. 9.30 Tick F***ing Tock. (Malns, CC) 10.30 ABC Late News. (CC) 11.00 The Business. (R, CC) 11.15 Q&A. (R, CC) 12.20 Changing Minds: The Inside Story. (Mal, R, CC) 1.20 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.40 New Inventors. (R, CC) 5.10 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. (CC) 2.00 Heston’s Feasts. (PGan, R, CC) 2.55 Kylie Kwong: My China. (R, CC) 3.25 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG, R, CC) 4.25 Digging For Britain’s Secrets. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 6.00 The Chefs’ Line. (CC) 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Great Continental Railway Journeys: Switzerland. (R, CC) 8.30 Go Back To Where You Came From Live. (Malv, CC) Part 1 of 3. 9.30 Dateline. (CC) 10.00 Inside North Korea With Lisa Ling. (Mav, R, CC) 10.30 SBS World News Late. (CC) 11.00 The Son. (Mav, CC) 11.50 Cardinal. (MA15+av, R, CC) 12.40 Movie: Bullhead. (2011) (MA15+asv, R) 3.00 Movie: Half Of A Yellow Sun. (2013) (Msv, R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 MacGyver. (PG) 9.00 Cheers. (PG) 10.00 Scorpion. (PG) 11.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 12.30 Star Trek. (PG) 1.30 WIN News. 2.30 MacGyver. (PG) 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 5.30 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) A talent agent runs a drug cartel. 8.30 CSI: Miami. (M) A drive-by shooting from a boat leaves a beach partygoer dead, and the team protects the eight-year-old witness. 10.30 CSI: NY. (MA15+) 11.30 48 Hours: Dark Side Of The Mesa. (M) 12.30 Home Shopping. 2.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 3.00 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 4.00 Cheers. (PG) 5.00 The Doctors. (M)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo. (C) 7.30 Larry The Wonder Pup. (C) Premiere. 8.00 Toybox. (P) 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Mr Selfridge. (PG) 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 House Calls To The Rescue. 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Mrs Brown’s Boys. (M) 8.30 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries. (M) A deaf student is murdered. 10.30 Air Crash Investigation: Accident Or Assassination. (PG) 11.30 Medical Emergency. (PG) 12.00 Escape To The Country. 1.00 House Calls To The Rescue. 2.00 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries. (M) 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 9.30 Surprises. (P) 10.00 Transformers. 10.30 Yo-Kai. (PG) 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Big Bang. (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 Dance Moms. (PG) 3.00 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon. 3.30 Nexo Knights. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.00 Adv Time. (PG) 5.30 Regular Show. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.00 Movie: 300. (2006) (MA15+) Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, David Wenham. A force of 300 Spartans fights the Persians. 11.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 12.00 2 Broke Girls. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG) 1.30 Squidbillies. (MA15+) 2.00 Adventure Time. (PG) 2.30 Regular Show. (PG) 3.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.30 Beyblade Burst Evolution. 4.00 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V. (PG) 4.50 Yo-Kai Watch. (PG) 5.10 Regal Academy. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30 Peppa Pig. 5.35 Wanda And The Alien. 5.50 Little Roy. 6.05 Octonauts. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.30 Dot. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Wild Adventures. 7.05 Ben And Holly. 7.20 Shaun The Sheep. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Mock The Week. (M) 8.30 The IT Crowd. (PG) 9.00 Schitt’s Creek. (M) 9.25 Back Seat Drivers Shorts. (PG) 9.30 The Inbetweeners. (M) 9.55 Peep Show. (M) 10.20 Workaholics. (MA15+) 10.45 Archer. (M) 11.05 30 Rock. (M) 11.25 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 11.45 Schitt’s Creek. (M) 12.10 Peep Show. (M) 12.40 Workaholics. (M) 1.00 Archer. (M) 1.20 30 Rock. (M) 1.45 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 2.05 The Office. (M) 2.35 Extras. (M) 3.05 News Update. 3.10 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Dofus. 6.30 Mia And Me. 7.05 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.35 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 8.00 Totally Wild. (C) 8.35 Care Bears: Welcome To Care-A-Lot. 9.00 Littlest Pet Shop. 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Raymond. 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 2.00 The Young And The Restless. (PG) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 3.30 Becker. (PG) 4.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Frasier. (PG) 7.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 9.30 Hughesy, We Have A Problem. (M) 10.30 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.00 The Late Late Show With James Corden. (M) 12.00 Raymond. 12.30 Shopping. 1.30 Becker. (PG) 2.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 James Corden. (M) 4.30 Raymond. 5.00 Frasier. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Fish Of The Day. (PG) 7.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 9.30 Sound FX: Best Of. 10.00 America’s Game: The Super Bowl Champions. 11.00 Ice Road Truckers. (PG) 12.00 World Of X Games. 3.00 American Pickers. (PG) 4.00 Klondike Gold Fever. (PG) 5.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Outback Opal Hunters. (M) Premiere. Follows Australian opal miners. 9.30 Mine Kings. (PG) Premiere. 10.30 Yukon Gold. (M) Return. 11.30 Goldfathers. (PG) 12.30 Ice Road Truckers. (PG) 1.30 Swamp Men. (PG) 2.30 American Pickers. (PG) 3.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 4.00 Fishing Western Australia.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. (PG) 12.20 Movie: Beautiful Stranger. (1954) (PG) 2.15 My Favorite Martian. 2.45 Mad About You. (PG) 3.15 Miss Marple. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. (PG) 7.30 New Tricks. (M) 8.40 Midsomer Murders. (M) Barnaby investigates a disappearance. 10.40 Major Crimes. (M) 11.40 Law & Order. (M) 12.35 My Favorite Martian. 1.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 1.30 Danoz Direct. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 10.30 Nepali News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 Rex In Rome. (PG) 1.50 Balls Deep. (PG) 2.45 VICE. (PG) 3.20 Abandoned. (PG) 4.05 News. 4.35 PBS News. 5.35 If You Are The One. 6.35 Seconds From Disaster. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Adam Ruins Everything. (PG) 8.30 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 9.30 Post Radical. (M) 10.25 Sex In The World’s Cities. (MA15+) 11.25 World Of VICE. 11.55 Drunk History. (M) 12.45 News. 1.10 The Feed. 1.40 Orphan Black. (M) 2.30 RT News In English From Moscow. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

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Local TV Guide 43



Wednesday October 3

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Headline News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R, CC) 1.00 The Bachelor Aust. (l, R, CC) 2.40 Ent. Tonight. (CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. (CC) 4.30 Bold. (PG, CC) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC) 6.00 Pointless. (PG, CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) 7.30 The Bachelor Australia. (PG, CC) Hosted by Osher Günsberg. 8.45 Playing For Keeps. (Mls, CC) The inquest into Jack’s death heats up. 9.45 Movie: Killers. (2010) (Mlsv, R, CC) Katherine Heigl, Ashton Kutcher, Tom Selleck. A couple discover their neighbours are killers. 11.45 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 12.45 The Project. (R, CC) 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, CC) 1.00 Doctor Doctor. (PGas, R, CC) 2.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Hot Seat. (CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 The Block. (PG, CC) 8.40 Bite Club. (Mv, CC) Final. Dan confronts Stephen. 9.40 Inside Crime: Love Lost. (Mal, CC) Part 4 of 4. 10.55 Lethal Weapon. (Mv, R, CC) 11.55 Rizzoli & Isles. (Msv, R, CC) 12.45 Extra. (CC) 1.10 Destination Happiness. (PGa, R, CC) 1.35 Surfing Australia TV. (R, CC) 2.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 11.30 Seven Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Movie: Heaven Sent. (2016) (PGa, R, CC) 2.00 The Daily Edition. (CC) 3.00 The Chase. (R, CC) 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) 6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) Raffy’s life is in danger. 7.30 Queen Of The World. (PG, CC) Part 2 of 2. 8.30 9-1-1. (Ma, CC) The first responders help an unusual domestic disturbance, a “death” at a psychic’s and a horrific motorcycle crash. 9.30 Criminal Minds. (Mv, CC) The BAU is called to Taos, New Mexico, when someone targets victims’ temporal lobes. 10.30 Criminal Minds. (MA15+v, CC) 11.30 Deception. (M, CC) 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Sunrise. (CC)

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6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 ABC News Mornings. (CC) 10.00 Grand Designs NZ. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Gardening Aust. (R, CC) 11.30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 12.30 Press Club. (CC) 1.30 Aust Story. (R, CC) 2.00 Pulse. (Ma, R, CC) Final. 2.55 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R, CC) 3.45 The Cook And The Chef. (R, CC) 4.10 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 ABC News At Five. (CC) 5.10 Drum. (CC) 6.00 Grand Designs NZ. (R, CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG, CC) 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (CC) 9.00 Back In Very Small Business. (Ml, CC) 9.30 Black Comedy. (Mal, CC) 10.00 Miniseries: Bucket. (MA15+l, R, CC) 10.25 ABC Late News. (CC) 10.55 The Business. (R, CC) 11.15 Four Corners. (R, CC) 12.00 Media Watch. (PG, R, CC) 12.20 Changing Minds: The Inside Story. (MA15+al, R, CC) 1.20 Miniseries: Bucket. (MA15+l, R, CC) 1.45 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.40 Press Club. (R, CC) 4.40 New Inventors. (R, CC) 5.10 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC)

TV Guide 6.00 WorldWatch. 8.15 Soccer. (CC) Copa Libertadores. Quarter-final. River Plate v Independiente. 10.45 WorldWatch. 2.00 Heston’s Feasts. (R, CC) 3.00 Dateline. (R, CC) 3.30 The House Of Hypochondriacs. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Digging For Britain’s Secrets. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 6.00 The Chefs’ Line. (CC) 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys: Truro To Penzance. (R, CC) 8.00 Food Safari Water. (PG, CC) 8.30 Go Back To Where You Came From Live. (CC) 9.35 Deep State. (Malv, CC) 10.35 Bosch. (Malv, CC) 11.30 SBS World News Late. (CC) 12.00 Movie: Text For You. (2016) (Ml) 1.55 Miniseries: The Heavy Water War. (Mv, R, CC) 3.35 SAS: Who Dares Wins. (Ml, R, CC) 4.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 MacGyver. (PG) 9.00 Cheers. (PG) 10.00 Scorpion. (PG) 11.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 12.30 Star Trek. (PG) 1.30 WIN’s All Australian News. 2.30 MacGyver. (PG) 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 5.30 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) Follows the work of elite lifeguards. 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) A corrupt sheriff fakes an accident. 8.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) Hetty contacts a former co-worker after the team uncovers a threat to national security. 11.30 CSI: NY. (MA15+) 12.30 Home Shopping. 2.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 3.00 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 The Doctors. (M)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo. (C) 7.30 Larry The Wonder Pup. (C) 8.00 Toybox. (P) 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Lovejoy. (PG) 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 House Calls To The Rescue. 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. (PG) The ladies attempt to stop land being sold. 8.30 Judge John Deed. (M) A single mother pursues a case against a mobile phone company for causing her terminal brain tumour. 10.30 Cities Of The Underworld: Land Of Manson – Los Angeles. (PG) 11.30 Medical Emergency. (PG) 12.00 Escape To The Country. 1.00 House Calls To The Rescue. 2.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.00 Transformers. 10.30 Yo-Kai. (PG) 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Big Bang. (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 Dance Moms. (PG) 3.00 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon. 3.30 Nexo Knights. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.00 Adv Time. (PG) 5.30 Regular Show. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.00 Movie: A Walk Among The Tombstones. (2014) (MA15+) Liam Neeson, Dan Stevens, David Harbour. An ex-cop is hired by a drug dealer. 11.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 12.00 2 Broke Girls. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG) 1.30 Squidbillies. (MA15+) 2.00 Adventure Time. (PG) 2.30 Regular Show. (PG) 3.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.30 Beyblade Burst Evolution. 4.00 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V. (PG) 4.50 Yo-Kai. (PG) 5.10 Regal Academy. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30 Peppa Pig. 5.35 Wanda And The Alien. 5.50 Little Roy. 6.05 Octonauts. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.30 Dot. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Wild Adventures. 7.05 Ben And Holly. 7.20 Shaun The Sheep. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 8.30 The Catherine Tate Show. (M) 9.00 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 9.25 The Moaning Of Life. (M) 10.10 Peep Show. (M) 10.35 Workaholics. (M) 11.00 Archer. (M) 11.20 30 Rock. (PG) 11.40 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.05 Schitt’s Creek. (M) 12.30 Peep Show. (M) 12.55 Workaholics. (MA15+) 1.20 Archer. (M) 1.40 30 Rock. (M) 2.00 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 2.20 The Office. (M) 2.50 Extras. (M) 3.20 News Update. 3.25 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Dofus. 6.30 Mia And Me. 7.05 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.35 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 8.00 Totally Wild. (C) 8.35 Care Bears: Welcome To Care-A-Lot. 9.00 Littlest Pet Shop. 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Raymond. 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 2.00 The Young And The Restless. (PG) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 3.30 Becker. (PG) 4.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Frasier. (PG) 7.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 8.30 Movie: Tomorrow, When The War Began. (2010) (M) Caitlin Stasey, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Lincoln Lewis. 10.30 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.10 The Late Late Show With James Corden. (M) 12.00 Raymond. 12.30 Shopping. 1.30 Becker. (PG) 2.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 James Corden. (M) 4.30 Raymond. 5.00 Frasier. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Fish Of The Day. (PG) 7.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 9.30 Sound FX: Best Of. 10.00 A Football Life. (PG) 11.00 Klondike Gold Fever. (PG) 12.00 World Of X Games. 2.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 2.30 American Pickers. (PG) 3.30 Brandi And Jarrod: Married To The Job. (PG) 4.00 Klondike Gold Fever. (PG) 5.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.30 Family Guy. (M) Brian falls in love with a woman. 10.00 American Dad! (M) 10.30 Family Guy. (M) 11.00 American Dad! (M) 12.00 Black-ish. (M) 12.30 World Of X Games. 1.30 Brandi And Jarrod: Married To The Job. (PG) 2.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. (PG) 12.20 Movie: Loser Takes All. (1956) (PG) 2.15 My Favorite Martian. 2.45 Mad About You. (PG) 3.15 Miss Marple. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. (PG) 7.30 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 8.40 Agatha Christie’s Marple. (PG) Miss Marple investigates a suspicious suicide. 10.40 Cold Case. (M) 11.40 Law & Order. (M) 12.35 Four In A Bed. (PG) 1.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 1.30 Danoz Direct. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 8.30 Macedonian News. 9.00 Croatian News. 9.30 Serbian News. 10.00 Dutch News. 10.30 African News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 Rex In Rome. (PG) 1.50 Hipsters. (PG) 2.45 VICE. (PG) 3.20 Huang’s World. (PG) 4.05 News. 4.35 PBS News. 5.35 If You Are The One. 6.35 Seconds From Disaster. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Hunt For The Trump Tapes. (M) 8.30 Movie: 28 Days Later. (2002) 10.40 Movie: Land Of The Dead. (2005) 12.25 News. 12.50 The Feed. 1.20 Orphan Black. (M) 2.10 Wild Ride. (M) 2.40 France 24. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.


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44 Local TV Guide Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday October 4

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Headline News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R, CC) 1.00 The Bachelor Aust. (PG, R, CC) 2.15 Ent. Tonight. (CC) 2.30 Neighbours. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC) 6.00 Pointless. (PG, CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) 7.30 The Bachelor Australia. (CC) Final. Hosted by Osher Günsberg. 9.15 Gogglebox. (M, CC) Opinionated viewers discuss TV shows. 10.15 Blue Bloods. (Mv, R, CC) 11.00 The Project. (R, CC) 12.00 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 1.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, CC) 1.00 Extra. (CC) 1.30 Kevin Can Wait. (PGa, CC) 2.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Hot Seat. (R, CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 The Block. (PG, CC) 8.30 Paramedics. (PGa, CC) Premiere. Follows Australian paramedics. 9.30 Chicago Med. (MA15+amv, CC) Return. Dr Charles’ shooter goes on trial. 10.30 True Medical: Seeing is Believing. (M, CC) 11.45 Major Crimes. (Mv, R, CC) 12.35 Major Crimes. (M, R, CC) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 11.30 Seven Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Movie: The Brooke Ellison Story. (2004) (PGa, R, CC) 2.00 The Daily Edition. (CC) 3.00 The Chase. (R, CC) 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) 6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PGa, CC) Colby realises he still has feelings for Chelsea. 8.30 Movie: Suicide Squad. (2016) (Mhlv, CC) Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto. A secret government agency recruits a group of incarcerated supervillains. 11.00 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell. (Ml, R, CC) Gordon visits the Roosevelt Inn. 12.00 Scrubs. (PGs, R) A new group of students attends medical school. 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC)


6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 ABC News Mornings. (CC) 10.00 Grand Designs NZ. (R, CC) 11.00 Gardening Aust. (R, CC) 11.30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 Kids On Speed? (M, R, CC) 2.00 Newton’s Law. (Mav, R, CC) 3.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R, CC) 3.45 The Cook And The Chef. (R, CC) 4.10 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 ABC News At Five. (CC) 5.10 Drum. (CC) 6.00 Grand Designs New Zealand. (R, CC) 6.55 Sammy J. (CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 Grand Designs Australia. (PG, CC) 8.50 Loch Ness. (Malv, CC) Final. 9.40 QI. (Mls, R, CC) 10.10 ABC Late News. (CC) 10.40 The Business. (R, CC) 10.55 Exposed: The Case Of Keli Lane. (Ml, R, CC) 11.55 Loch Ness. (Malv, R, CC) Final. 12.45 QI. (Mls, R, CC) 1.15 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 1.55 Doctor Who. (PG, R, CC) 5.10 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC)

TV Guide 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. (CC) 2.00 Living Black. (R, CC) 2.30 Wild Canada. (R, CC) 3.35 Bear Grylls: Britain’s Biggest Adventures. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Digging For Britain’s Secrets. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 6.00 The Chefs’ Line. (CC) 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Tony Robinson’s Hidden Britain By Drone. (CC) 8.30 Go Back To Where You Came From Live. (CC) Part 3 of 3. 9.35 War And Peace. (CC) 10.25 Outlander. (CC) 11.30 SBS World News Late. (CC) 12.00 The Missing. (Malv, R, CC) 2.20 Resistance. (MA15+v, R) 4.25 Poh’s Kitchen. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 MacGyver. (PG) 9.00 Cheers. (PG) 10.00 Scorpion. (PG) 11.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 12.30 Star Trek. (PG) 1.30 WIN News. 2.30 MacGyver. (PG) 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 5.30 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) Carlos’ nephew is in trouble. 8.30 Hawaii Five-0. (M) A Samoan gang and mainland mob come to blows at a high-school gridiron match. 10.30 The Ultimate Fighter: Heavy Hitters. 11.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 12.30 Home Shopping. 2.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 3.00 Cheers. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 The Doctors. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo. (C) 7.30 Larry The Wonder Pup. (C) 8.00 Toybox. (P) 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Property Ladder UK Revisited. (PG) 1.00 Cities Of The Underworld. (PG) 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 House Calls To The Rescue. 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Father Brown. (M) 8.30 Murdoch Mysteries. (M) Murdoch investigates the death of a show dog. 11.30 Medical Emergency. (PG) 12.00 Escape To The Country. 1.00 House Calls To The Rescue. 2.00 Bargain Hunt. 3.00 Property Ladder UK Revisited. (PG) 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Big Bang. (PG) 1.00 Dance Moms. (PG) 3.00 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon. 3.30 Nexo Knights. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.00 Adv Time. (PG) 5.30 Regular Show. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 The Middle. (PG) 8.30 Survivor: David Vs Goliath. (PG) Hosted by Jeff Probst. 9.30 Movie: Species. (1995) (MA15+) Natasha Henstridge, Ben Kingsley, Michael Madsen. 11.40 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 12.05 WWE Raw. (MA15+) 1.05 Friends. (PG) 1.30 China, IL. (MA15+) 2.00 Adventure Time. (PG) 2.30 Regular Show. (PG) 3.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.30 Beyblade Burst Evolution. 4.00 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.50 Yo-Kai. (PG) 5.10 Regal Academy. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.50 Little Roy. 6.05 Octonauts. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.30 Dot. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Wild Adventures. 7.05 Ben And Holly. 7.20 Shaun The Sheep. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Chandon Pictures. (M) 8.30 The Hollowmen. (M) 8.55 Sammy J. 9.00 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 9.30 Black Comedy. (M) 10.00 Back In Very Small Business. (M) 10.30 Peep Show. (M) Final. 10.55 Workaholics. (M) 11.15 Archer. (M) 11.40 30 Rock. (M) 12.00 Parks And Recreation. (M) 12.20 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 12.45 Peep Show. (M) 1.10 Workaholics. (M) 1.35 Archer. (M) 1.55 30 Rock. (PG) 2.15 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 2.40 The Office. (M) 3.10 Extras. (PG) 3.40 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Dofus. 6.30 Mia And Me. 7.05 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.35 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 8.00 Scope. (C) 8.35 Care Bears: Welcome To CareA-Lot. 9.00 Littlest Pet Shop. 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Raymond. 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 2.00 The Young And The Restless. (PG) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 3.30 Becker. (PG) 4.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Frasier. (PG) 7.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 8.30 Sex And The City. (M) Miranda re-enters the dating scene. 11.00 The Late Late Show With James Corden. (M) 12.00 Raymond. 12.30 Shopping. 1.30 Becker. (PG) 2.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 James Corden. (M) 4.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 5.00 Frasier. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Fish Of The Day. (PG) 7.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 9.30 Sound FX: Best Of. 10.00 America’s Game: The Super Bowl Champions. 11.00 Klondike Gold Fever. (PG) 12.00 World Of X Games. 2.00 Brandi And Jarrod: Married To The Job. (PG) 2.30 American Pickers. (PG) 3.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 4.00 Klondike Gold Fever. (PG) 5.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 American Restoration. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Braveheart. (1995) (M) Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Catherine McCormack. A Scottish commoner raises an army. 12.00 Klondike Gold Fever. (M) 1.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 2.00 American Pickers. (PG) 3.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 3.30 Life Off Road. (PG) 4.00 Fishing Western Australia. 5.30 Shopping.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 10.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. (PG) 12.20 Movie: Spring In Park Lane. (1948) (G) 2.15 My Favorite Martian. 2.45 Mad About You. (PG) 3.15 Miss Marple. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) Revolutionary brain surgery is attempted. 7.00 As Time Goes By. Lionel and Jean visit Paris. 7.30 Call The Midwife. (M) Patsy is taken off the midwifery roster. 11.00 The Bletchley Circle. (M) Part 2 of 4. 12.00 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 1.00 Call And Win. (M) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Croatian News. 9.30 Serbian News. 10.00 Dutch News. 10.30 Somali News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 Rex In Rome. (PG) 1.50 Tattoo Age. (PG) 2.15 Needles And Pins. (PG) 2.45 VICE. (PG) 3.15 The Pizza Show. (PG) 3.40 Dead Set On Life. (PG) 4.10 News. 4.40 PBS News. 5.40 If You Are The One. 6.40 Seconds From Disaster. 7.35 The Feed. 8.05 Dateline. 8.35 Walt Disney. (PG) 10.40 Natural Wines With Clovis. Premiere. 12.05 News. 12.30 The Feed. 1.00 Orphan Black. (M) 2.40 Deutsche Welle. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

Friday October 5

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Headline News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Motor Racing. (CC) Supercars Championship. Round 13. Bathurst 1000. Qualifying. 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC) 6.00 Pointless. (PG, CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) A look at the day’s news. 7.30 The Living Room. (CC) Amanda Keller chats with Jamie Whincup. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (R, CC) Guests include Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga, Jodie Whittaker, Ryan Gosling and Rod Stewart. 9.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (Malns, R, CC) Five celebrities compete to see who can remember the most about events of the week. 10.30 Street Smart. (PGa, R, CC) 11.00 The Project. (R, CC) 12.00 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 1.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, CC) 1.00 Extra. (CC) 1.30 Kevin Can Wait. (PG, CC) 2.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. (R, CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 Vet On The Hill. (PGm, CC) A hedgehog goes on a fitness campaign. 8.35 Movie: Panic Room. (2002) (Mlv, R, CC) Jodie Foster, Kristen Stewart, Forest Whitaker. A woman and her teenage daughter become imprisoned in the panic room of their house by three burglars. 10.50 Movie: Machine Gun Preacher. (2011) (MA15+advl, R, CC) Gerard Butler, Michelle Monaghan, Michael Shannon. 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Global Shop. 4.30 Filthy Rich. (Mlv, R, CC) 5.30 Extra. (R, CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 11.30 Seven Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Movie: In The Line Of Duty: Smoke Jumpers. (1996) (PGv, R, CC) 2.00 The Daily Edition. (CC) 3.00 The Chase. (R, CC) 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) 6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (CC) Joh chats with the host of the new reality TV music competition, All Together Now, Julia Zemiro. 8.30 Movie: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. (2016) (Malv, CC) Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams. In the aftermath of the battle against General Zod, Batman takes on Metropolis’s controversial hero, Superman. 11.40 The Goldbergs. (PG, R, CC) Beverly gets a teacher fired. 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program.


TV Guide

6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 ABC News Mornings. (CC) 10.00 Grand Designs NZ. (R, CC) 10.45 Gardening Aust. (R, CC) 11.15 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 One Plus One. (CC) 1.30 Roger Swainston: Drawn To Water. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Newton’s Law. (Ma, R, CC) 2.55 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R, CC) 3.40 Teenage Boss. (R, CC) 4.10 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 ABC News At Five. (CC) 5.10 Drum. (CC) 6.00 Grand Designs New Zealand. (R, CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 Gardening Australia. (CC) 8.30 Father Brown. (PG, R, CC) Father Brown is drawn into the world of boxing. 9.15 Line Of Duty. (Mv, CC) Return. 10.15 ABC Late News. (CC) 10.45 The Business. (R, CC) 11.05 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (R, CC) 11.35 Planet America. (R, CC) 12.20 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

6.00 WorldWatch. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. (CC) 2.00 The Point. (R, CC) 3.00 NITV News Week In Review. (CC) 3.30 Nordlandsbanen Train Journey. (CC) 4.30 Digging For Britain’s Secrets. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 6.00 The Chefs’ Line. (CC) 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.35 Extreme Railway Journeys: Ice Train To Nowhere. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Movie: Up In The Air. (2009) (R, CC) George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick. A man teaches a co-worker about the business. 10.30 SBS World News Late. (CC) 11.00 Movie: Dangerous Liaisons. (2012) (Mav, R) 1.05 Ouro: Amazon Gold. (MA15+v, R) 4.00 Poh’s Kitchen. (R, CC) 4.30 Soccer. (CC) Women’s International Friendly. France v Australia.

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 16. Russian Grand Prix. Highlights. 9.00 Cheers. (PG) 10.00 Scorpion. (PG) 11.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 12.30 Star Trek. (PG) 1.30 WIN’s All Australian News. 2.30 MacGyver. (PG) 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.30 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) A record number of sharks are visiting Bondi. 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) A high school principal suspects a teacher is involved in increasing drug usage levels on campus. 10.30 UFC 229 Countdown. A preview of a lightweight match. 11.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) The team heads to Mexico. 12.30 Home Shopping. 2.00 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 5.00 The Doctors. (M)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo. (C) 7.30 Larry The Wonder Pup. (C) 8.00 Toybox. (P) 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 1.00 Better Homes. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 House Calls To The Rescue. 4.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 The World’s Oddest Animal Couples. (PG) Takes a look at unusual animal pairings. 8.30 Selling Houses Australia. A woman wants to sell her cottage. 10.30 Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 11.30 Medical Emergency. (PG) 12.00 Escape To The Country. 1.00 House Calls To The Rescue. 2.00 Bargain Hunt. 3.00 Selling Houses Australia. 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.00 Transformers. 10.30 Yo-Kai. (PG) 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 The Middle. (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 Dance Moms. (PG) 3.00 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon. 3.30 Nexo Knights. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.00 Adv Time. (PG) 5.30 Regular Show. (PG) 6.00 Movie: Spy Kids 4: All The Time In The World. (2011) (PG) 7.45 Movie: Around The World In 80 Days. (2004) (PG) Jackie Chan, Steve Coogan, Cécile De France. 10.10 Movie: The Tuxedo. (2002) (M) Jackie Chan, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jason Isaacs. 12.10 WWE Smackdown. (MA15+) 1.10 Total Divas. (M) 2.00 Adventure Time. (PG) 2.30 Rick And Morty. (MA15+) 3.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.30 Beyblade Burst Evolution. 4.00 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V. (PG) 4.50 Yo-Kai. (PG) 5.10 Regal Academy. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30 Peppa Pig. 5.35 Wanda And The Alien. 5.50 Little Roy. 6.05 Octonauts. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.30 Dot. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Wild Adventures. 7.05 Ben And Holly. 7.20 Shaun The Sheep. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. 9.00 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 9.25 Blackadder The Third. (PG) 9.55 I’m Alan Partridge. (PG) 10.25 Workaholics. (M) 10.50 Archer. (M) 11.10 30 Rock. (PG) 11.35 Parks And Recreation. (M) 11.55 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 12.20 Peep Show. (M) 12.45 Workaholics. (M) 1.10 Archer. (M) 1.30 30 Rock. (M) 1.55 Parks And Recreation. (M) 2.15 The Office. (M) 2.45 Extras. (M) 3.15 News Update. 3.20 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Dofus. 6.30 Mia And Me. 7.05 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.35 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 8.00 Kuu Kuu Harajuku. (C) 8.35 Care Bears: Welcome To Care-A-Lot. 9.00 Littlest Pet Shop. 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Raymond. 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 2.00 The Young And The Restless. (PG) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 3.30 Becker. (PG) 4.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Street Smart. (PG) 7.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 8.30 Movie: The Notebook. (2004) (PG) Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling, James Garner. 11.00 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.30 James Corden. (M) 12.30 Shopping. 1.30 Becker. (PG) 2.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 James Corden. (M) 4.30 Raymond. 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 5.30 Shopping.

6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Fish Of The Day. 7.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 9.30 Sound FX: Best Of. 10.00 NFL This Week. 11.00 Klondike Gold Fever. (PG) 12.00 World Of X Games. 2.00 American Daredevils. (PG) 2.30 American Pickers. (PG) 3.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 4.00 Klondike Gold Fever. (PG) 5.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 6.00 To Be Advised. 7.00 Cricket. Women’s T20 Series. Australia v New Zealand. Game 3. From Manuka Oval, Canberra. 10.30 Movie: Romeo Must Die. (2000) (M) Jet Li, Aaliyah, Isaiah Washington. A former cop avenges his brother. 1.00 American Daredevils. (PG) 1.30 Swamp Men. (PG) 2.30 Fishing Western Australia. 3.00 To Be Advised.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. 12.20 Movie: Trent’s Last Case. (1952) (G) 2.15 My Favorite Martian. 2.45 Mad About You. (PG) 3.15 Miss Marple. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 RBT. (PG) Follows the activities of police units. 8.30 Movie: Rain Man. (1988) (M) Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino. After his estranged father dies, the owner of a car business learns he has an autistic older brother. 11.15 House. (M) 12.15 My Favorite Martian. 12.45 GEM Presents. 1.00 Call And Win. (M) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.30 Serbian News. 10.00 Dutch News. 10.30 Armenian News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 Rex In Rome. (PG) 1.40 VICE World Of Sports. (PG) 2.35 VICE. (PG) 3.10 The Pizza Show. (PG) 3.35 Dateline. 4.05 News. 4.35 PBS News. 5.35 If You Are The One. 6.35 Seconds From Disaster. 7.30 Speed With Guy Martin. 8.35 Adam Looking For Eve. Return. 9.30 Nude. (MA15+) 10.25 The Plastic Surgery Capital Of The World. (M) 11.25 The Girlfriend Experience. (MA15+) 2.00 News. 2.30 NHK World English News. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Justine Elliot


Federal Member for Richmond

I'm always available to help you and your family. Please get in touch if I can be of any assistance. 107 Minjungbal Dr (PO Box 6996) Tweed Heads South NSW 2486 (07) 5523 4371

Local TV Guide 45 JustineElliotMP 79574

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals


Authorised by Justine Elliot, Australian Labor Party 107 Minjungbal Drive Tweed Heads South

Saturday October 6

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Escape Fishing With ET. (R, CC) 6.30 Reel Action. (R, CC) 7.00 RPM. (R, CC) 8.00 Sammy And Bella’s Kitchen Rescue. (R, CC) 8.30 The Living Room. (R, CC) 9.30 Studio 10: Saturday. (PG, CC) 11.30 Motor Racing. (CC) Supercars Championship. Round 13. Bathurst 1000. Top 10 Shootout. 6.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC) 7.00 Bondi Rescue. (PGa, R, CC) The tempers of the Bondi lifeguards are put to the test as they face the deadliest summer yet. 7.30 Ambulance. (Mal, CC) Final. An insight into the ambulance service, from the high pressurise control room to crews on the streets. 10.00 Law & Order: SVU. (Mav, R, CC) The team must break through military red tape when a soldier is suspected of sexual assault. 11.45 To Be Advised. 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program.

6.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. (PG, CC) 12.00 Destination Happiness. (CC) 12.30 Two And A Half Men. (PGs, R, CC) 1.00 Kevin Can Wait. (PGa, R, CC) 1.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PGa, R, CC) 2.30 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Garden Gurus. (CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Getaway. (PG, CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 Movie: Back To The Future Part II. (1989) (PGalv, R, CC) Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson. 9.10 Movie: The Expendables 2. (2012) (MA15+vl, R, CC) Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Liam Hemsworth. The Expendables seek revenge. 11.10 Movie: Carlito’s Way. (1993) (MA15+dlv, R, CC) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 Global Shop. 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Wesley Impact. (CC)

6.00 Home Shopping. (R) 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG, CC) 12.00 Horse Racing. (CC) Spring Champion Stakes Day. Turnbull Stakes Day. 5.00 Seven News At 5. (CC) 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Seven News. (CC) 7.00 Movie: Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone. (2001) (PGh, R, CC) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. A boy learns of his magical family background and is sent to a special school to train to become a wizard. 10.10 Movie: Lethal Weapon. (1987) (Mdlv, R, CC) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey. A veteran detective partners a young officer with a death wish to uncover a drug-smuggling operation. 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program.


6.00 Rage. (PG, CC) 11.10 Grand Designs Aust. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 12.30 Father Brown. (PG, R, CC) 1.20 The Wanderers. (R, CC) 1.35 Our Zoo. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 The Making Of David Attenborough’s Conquest Of The Skies. (R, CC) 3.30 Outback ER. (PGm, R, CC) 4.00 Landline. (CC) 4.30 Tony Robinson’s Time Walks. (R, CC) 5.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R, CC) 6.00 Compass. (CC) 6.30 Back Roads: Corryong. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 Miniseries: Exile. (Malsv, R, CC) 8.30 Miniseries: Apple Tree Yard. (Malv, CC) Part 3 of 4. Costley refuses to tell Yvonne what happened to Selway and insists she does not contact the police. 9.25 Rake. (Mls, R, CC) War is looming in the South China Sea. 10.25 Thirteen. (Mal, R, CC) Part 1 of 5. 11.25 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

TV Guide 6.00 Soccer. (CC) Women’s International Friendly. France v Australia. Continued. 7.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. (CC) 2.00 Small Business Secrets. (R, CC) 2.30 Giraffe: Africa’s High Society. (R, CC) 3.30 Gymnastics. (CC) FIG Artistic World Challenge Cup Series. Round 5. 5.30 Eating History: Italy. (R, CC) 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Cruising With Jane McDonald: The Inner Hebrides – The Isle Of Mull. (CC) 8.25 The Man Who Shot Tutankhamun. (CC) A look at the story of Harry Burton. 9.30 Pompeii: New Secrets Revealed. (R, CC) 10.30 Grand Tours Of The Scottish Islands. (R, CC) 11.30 Soccer. (CC) EPL. Leicester v Everton. 3.20 The First Night Of Television. (PG, R, CC) 4.25 Poh’s Kitchen. (R, CC) 4.55 Spice Journey Turkey Bitesize. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Cheers. (PG) 8.30 Hogan’s Heroes. 9.00 Australian Survivor. 11.30 Fishing Edge. 12.00 Australia By Design: Landscapes. 12.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 1.30 ST: Next Gen. 2.30 Star Trek: Voyager. 3.30 Fishing Australia. 4.00 Reel Action. 4.30 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.00 Attenborough’s The Life Of Mammals. (PG) 6.00 Scorpion. (PG) 8.00 Hawaii Five-0. (M) McGarrett and Five-0 are captured. 9.00 Bergerac. (M) Bergerac searches for sunken treasure. 10.10 Allo! Allo! (PG) 11.00 Movie: El Gringo. (2012) (MA15+) Scott Adkins, Petar Bachvarov, Zachary Baharov. 1.00 RPM. 3.00 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 16. Russian Grand Prix. Highlights. 4.00 Operation Repo. (PG) 4.30 The Doctors. (M) 5.30 Whacked Out Sports. (PG)

6.00 Home Shopping. 8.00 Travel Oz. (PG) 9.30 NBC Today. 11.30 Harry’s Practice. 12.30 Selling Houses Australia. 1.30 Sydney Weekender. 2.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. (PG) 2.30 Vasili’s Garden. 3.00 Queensland Weekender. 3.30 The Great Day Out. 4.00 Creek To Coast. 4.30 SA Weekender. 5.00 The Zoo. 5.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 7.30 Mighty Cruise Ships: Ocean Endeavour. (PG) Takes a look at the MS Ocean Endeavour, a small cruise ship designed for polar adventures. 8.30 Escape To The Country. Jonnie Irwin heads to Cheshire with a couple who are on the hunt for an extensive country property. 11.30 Air Crash Investigation: Out Of Control. (PG) 12.30 The Zoo. 1.30 House Of Wellness. (PG) 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.30 Travel Oz. (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 9.30 We Bare Bears. (PG) 10.00 Ben 10. (PG) 10.30 Tom And Jerry. 11.00 Captain Flinn. (C) 11.30 Heidi. (C) 12.00 Pirate Express. (C) 12.30 Surfing. World League. Women’s Tour. Vans US Open. Final day. 1.30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. 2.00 Beyblade Burst Evolution. 2.30 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.00 Gumball. (PG) 3.30 Clarence. (PG) 4.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 4.30 Uncle Grandpa. (PG) 5.00 Movie: Loch Ness. (1996) (G) 7.00 Movie: Mirror Mirror. (2012) (PG) Lily Collins, Julia Roberts, Armie Hammer. 9.05 Movie: Warcraft. (2016) (M) Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Ben Foster. A group of orcs invades a world inhabited by humans. 11.30 Kevin Can Wait. (PG) 12.00 Adult Swim. (MA15+) 12.30 Frisky Dingo. (MA15+) 12.45 Moral Orel. (MA15+) 1.00 Total Divas. (M) 3.00 Step Dave. (M) 4.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V. (PG) 4.30 Beyblade Burst. 5.10 Yo-Kai. (PG) 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.20 Ready, Jet, Go! 4.45 Thomas. 4.55 PJ Masks. 5.10 Fireman Sam. 5.20 Hey Duggee. 5.30 Peppa Pig. 5.35 Octonauts And The Amazon Adventure. 6.00 Pet Superstars. 6.05 Octonauts. 6.15 Peter Rabbit. 6.30 Dot. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Baby Animals. 7.05 Ben And Holly. 7.20 Shaun The Sheep. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8.30 Mock The Week. 9.00 Live At The Apollo. (M) 9.45 Chris Ramsey’s Stand Up Central. (M) 10.10 Comedy Next Gen. (MA15+) 11.10 Comedy Up Late. (MA15+) 11.40 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (M) 12.20 Live At The Apollo. (M) 1.05 Chris Ramsey’s Stand Up Central. (M) 1.30 News Update. 1.35 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Dofus. 6.30 The Barefoot Bandits. 7.00 Treasure Island. 7.30 Lexi And Lottie: Trusty Twin Detectives. (C) 8.00 Kuu Kuu Harajuku. (C) 8.30 Totally Wild. (C) 9.05 The Loop. (PG) 11.35 Charmed. (M) 1.30 The Bachelor Australia. (PG) 4.00 Frasier. (PG) 4.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG) 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) Five celebrities compete to see who can remember the most about events of the week. 9.30 Gogglebox. (M) Opinionated viewers discuss TV shows. 10.30 Street Smart. (PG) 11.00 The Loop. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. 3.00 Charmed. (M) 5.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG)

6.00 Adventure Angler. (PG) 6.30 Fishing Western Australia. 7.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 8.00 Shopping. 9.00 World Of X Games. 10.00 American Daredevils. (PG) 10.30 Klondike Gold Fever. (PG) 11.30 Life Off Road. (PG) 12.00 Brandi And Jarrod: Married To The Job. (PG) 12.30 Timbersports. Australian Championship. Stop 1. Replay. 1.00 Blokesworld. (PG) 1.30 Beverly Hills Pawn. (PG) 2.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 3.00 Rides Down Under: Workshop Wars. (PG) 3.30 American Daredevils. (PG) 4.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 5.00 Bloopers. (PG) 6.00 World’s Craziest Fools. (PG) 7.00 Movie: The Karate Kid III. (1989) (PG) 9.20 Family Guy. (M) Peter, Quagmire and Joe’s private plane crashes. 10.50 To Be Advised. 12.50 Klondike Gold Fever. (M) 3.00 American Daredevils. (PG) 3.30 Fishing Western Australia. 5.30 Shopping.

6.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 10.00 Movie: Victoria The Great. (1937) (G) 12.15 Movie: Duck Soup. (1933) (G) 1.40 Movie: Let’s Be Happy. (1957) (G) 3.50 Movie: It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. (1963) (PG) 7.00 Movie: Serendipity. (2001) (PG) John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale, Jeremy Piven. Years after a chance meeting between two strangers, they search across the country to find one another. 9.00 Movie: When Harry Met Sally. (1989) (M) Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Carrie Fisher. Two friends who have known each other for years obsess over whether sex would ruin their relationship. 11.00 Movie: Xanadu. (1980) (G) Olivia Newton-John, Gene Kelly, Michael Beck. A Greek muse inspires a man to build a roller-rink. 1.00 Call And Win. (M) A “live call” game show. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 Indonesian News. 6.10 Hong Kong News. 6.30 Chinese News. 7.00 Russian News. 7.30 Polish News. 8.00 Romanian News. 8.30 Macedonian News. 9.00 Croatian News. 9.30 Serbian News. 10.00 Dutch News. 10.30 Hungarian News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 Insight. 1.00 Front Up. (PG) 1.30 Adam Ruins Everything. (PG) 4.35 PBS News. 5.35 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 If You Are The One. (PG) 8.30 Go Back To Where You Came From Live. (M) 11.40 Munchies Guide To Scotland. 1.20 The Movie Show. 1.55 France 24. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

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Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.


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46 Activities Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals ACROSS 1 Mineral spring resort (3) 4 CDs (5) 9 Resin (3) 12 Ballet skirt (4) 14 Anoint (5) 15 Solitary (4) 16 Book of the Bible (4) 17 Bovine ruminant (US) (5) 18 Scottish island (4) 19 Narrow to a point (5) 21 Floor coverings (4) 22 Celestial body (4) 23 Durable cloth (5) 25 Type of medical specialist (init) (3) 27 Small demon (3) 30 Fruit of the palm (5) 32 Long fish (3) 34 Comprehend (3) 35 Neighbour of Canada (1,1,1) 36 Computer network linking newsgroups (6) 39 Single (3) 40 Taxi (3) 41 Doctorate of Philosophy (1.1.1)

Weekly Crossword

42 Court (3) 44 Sloping upwards (6) 46 Pard (3) 47 Flightless bird (3) 48 Male child (3) 49 Common bacterium (1.4) 51 Ready (3) 52 Digitally generated imagery (acronym) (3) 54 Stadium (5) 56 Fire (4) 59 Corrosion (4) 61 Strong wind blasts (5) 65 Cedar, Acacia for example (4) 66 Bury (5) 68 Legislature (4) 69 Unpleasant in appearance (4) 70 Narrative (5) 71 Lazy (4) 72 Excluding (3) 73 Steed (5) 74 Hardwood (3)

DOWN 1 Immediately (4) 2 Cougar (4) 3 Above (4) 4 Smear (3) 5 Matchless (10) 6 Plant yielding gingili oil (6) 7 Congeal (4) 8 Comprehend instinctively (5) 9 Black deposit (4) 10 Tolstoy novel, _ Karenina (4) 11 Fruit (4) 13 Employed (4) 15 Hearken (6) 20 Diminishing (8) 24 Of the nose (5) 26 Teasing (8) 27 Film sensitivity rating (1.1.1.) 28 Bill of fare (4) 29 Looks slyly (5) 31 Advocates (10) 33 Town in East Sussex (5) 37 Readily-splitting clay rock (5) 38 Volume (4) 43 Unfashionable (3)


1 6

Tools for Educators - free printable word search maker


Wordsearch: NSW Lakes A B J N H G N W V M B C A Z W J S C J











8 2 6 9 3


4 1

50 Small swivelling wheel (6) 53 Of the Emerald Isle (5) 55 German automobile manufacturer (4) 56 Daze (4) 57 Oscar-winning film (4) 58 Ancient Gaul (4) 60 A law ---- himself (4) 62 Team (4) 63 Inform (4) 64 Stalk (4) 67 Grain (3)

Last Weeks Solutions



45 Outdoor game (6)



9 6 8




9 8 3 7 1 5


6 3 7 8 9 1 2 4 5

1 2 9 4 3 5 8 7 6

5 4 8 7 2 6 9 1 3

3 9 4 5 1 7 6 8 2

8 1 2 6 4 3 7 5 9

7 5 6 9 8 2 1 3 4

4 6 5 1 7 9 3 2 8

2 8 1 3 6 4 5 9 7

9 7 3 2 5 8 4 6 1

3 8

The Weekly’s Look at Life


















of the URANAWeek









Luna is a 6 year old small desexed female kelpie MUNMORAH x - weighs about 14kg. She is people and child friendly and would suit a home on acreage as she WALLAGA is unused to traffic/busy areas. If you can give Luna a permanent, loving home please contact Pam on 0421017461. Visit to view other dogs and cats looking for a home.

Find us on Facebook




Tweed Valley “Locals Supporting Locals”



Because you read it, read it in the Tweed Valley Weekly.

Is this your number plate?

If our Weekly Sticker is displayed on your car we are on the look-out for your number plate THE WINNING NUMBER PLATE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY PAPER EACH WEEK!

$50 MEAT $50 FRUIT & VEG VOUCHER VOUCHER Sunnyside Mall (02) 6672 3158

Main Street (02) 6672 1155

CP 67 FT

If this is your number plate, you have won one of our amazing prizes!You have two weeks to collect your prize.

Terms and conditions: By displaying our sticker on your car, you give Tweed Valley Weekly permission to publish your vehicle’s number plate in a future edition to announce winners.To claim your prize, you must be able to prove that you are the owner of the vehicle, by presenting registration papers to staff at our Queen St. office.




Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018 Local Trades and Professional Services


Tweed Valley




To advertise in the Trades and Services Directory, call (02) 6672 4443 or email

Featured Business

Air Conditioning Professionals

•Commercial •Domestic •Industrial Lic: 148883 - 113491C

Phone: Chris 0419934812

Accountant Let us take the worry out of tax time and maximise your return We look after all individual or business tax, accounting and bookkeeping needs.

MOBILE SERVICE: we will come to your place of business or home. T: 02 6679 1498 or 07 5551 0415 M: 0408 075 626


Your business not

listed here? Call us and we’ll create AN AD for you

Since 1999

•Changeover/Replacement • New installs • Supply & installation • Split Systems & Ducted • Commercial Refrigeration


0499 576 180 Licence No: 246538 C

Backyard Mobile Welding Classic Car Restoration and Repairs on: Trailers Caravans Fences Rust Repair Aluminium and Steels


0421 251 477 FULLY INSURED

Fax: (07) 5523 3546

Unit 1/84-86, Industry Drive, Tweed Heads South

BUILDING SERVICES Licence no. 255878c

Tom Ewing


One Call-Fixes All


•Antenna •TV •Sound Gear •Satellite •FM •NSW & Qld TV 24yrs Local • Qualified Technician CALL MAURIE: (02) 6672 2721 | 0400 320 314

Satellite systems ● AM/FM radio ● Digital TV Specialists ●

(02) 6676 0903 0417 496 282 60 Poinciana Ave, Bogangar

“We only use the Tweed Valley Weekly for advertising our business. It’s generated excellent business for us. It’s all about locals supporting locals.“

Rhett Murray



Satellite & TV Antennas Phone & Data Points Free Quotes Mobile 0433 164 780 E

Vast repairs and installs Pensioner discounts

ANTENNA SERVICE Aerial installation extra Outlets Digital/Analog Repair of audio/video equipment Set Top Box sale & install Surround sound set up

Based in Murwillumbah Servicing The Tweed Valley

Phone Tom 436 799

Mobile 0408

HOW’S YOUR SHOWER SCREEN? Glass Restoration and Surface Protection New & Existing Glass ✓Reduce Your Cleaning Time ✓20% Discount for Readers ✓FREE No Obligation Quotes

CALL ANDREA 0405 986 246


0401 709 947



Free quotes, free information, 20 years local experience, 12 month warranty on all installations.

• Maintenance & Breakdowns

Ph: (07) 5523 3622

AVE Services

Graeme Archer

0416 108 733 • Sales & Service

Col & Cathy

Tweed Byron Building




lead; teaching self-control or selfconfidence around moving objects, loud noise etc; learning about body language, how a dog thinks and how to properly introduce dogs. I offer obedience training; behaviour modification and leadership skills through weekly classes or private consultation and canine massage by appointment. All ages and breeds are welcome.

DO YOU ENJOY TO COME HOME TO A FRESH CLEAN HOUSE? Customer oriented, quality cleaning.

Please ring 0428 848 628/ 02 6679 1233 FREE QUOTES

Carpenter Handyman Decks Reno’s Repairs Painting and Plastering.

Call Owen ~ 0412967461 or email


✓ Prompt ✓ Polite ✓ Professional


Blind & Curtain Cleaning & Repairs New Timber Verticals Hollands Venetians Romans Panel Glides







Also suppliers of

s Lands


offering massage for dogs seemed like a natural progression to my Remedial Therapies qualification in 1999. Massage can assist Sporting dogs, Working dogs, dogs with structural issues, or for general wellbeing and recovery. Some of the benefits include: • increased blood supply • elimination of toxic waste • increase nutrient supply • improved range of movement • reduced scar tissue • lengthening of connective tissue • breakdown and prevention of fibrosis • lessens body tension and muscle release There is no such thing as a bad dog. Learn how to transition from basic to advanced commands; behavioural issues like jumping, pulling on a


Hello, my name is Ronelle Herbert and I am a nationally accredited trainer with Certificate III in Dog Obedience and Behaviour Modification having qualified through National Dog Trainers Federation Australia. I decided to do this course due to training and behavioural issues I was experiencing with my two dogs, Foden and Elsie. I was proud of the success I experienced with my dogs and wanted to share my skills and knowledge to help other dog owners. In November 2011 I started DogYard. As a member of Pet Industry Association Australia (PIAA), I completed a Pet First Aid course which complemented the previously attained certificate in Animal Care Studies in 2005. Having recently completed Certificate III in Canine Myofunctional Therapy,





M: 0459 021 497 F: 02 6677 9456 E: Lic. 120463C



M: 0419 011 066 Lic. 215366C

0403 551 316


Carpenter & Joiner Lic 85828c

Repairs - termites, infested timbers, dry rot. Decks, pergolas, kitchens, cabinets, general building & maintenance



0403 551 316


Carpet Cleaning & Pest Management Steam Cleaning Specialists offering - Carpet, Lounge, Mattress and Rug Cleaning - Tile and Grout Cleaning - Stain Removal - Pressure Cleaning - Pest Control Locally owned and operated, servicing Murwillumbah and surrounding areas for 10 years

0487 493 769

NSW Lic: 5079140

Qld Lic: PMT1005887916

• Window Cleaning • Pressure Washing • Gutter Cleaning • Solar Panels • Shower Screen Restoration

Tim Slade

0426 146 684 Reliable & Professional Fully insured FREE QUOTES Call Allan: 0435 352 296 A/H: (07) 5590 9990


• Specialised Home Services • Internet, Networking and Business Solutions • Hardware and Software Repairs • No Job Too Small


“The Enquires I have had from my Ad in the Trades and Professional Services Directory in Tweed Valley Weekly have been quality leads. My conversion rate is 66% and they have been lovely clients as well. I am happy with the results”. Beck the Bo okk e eper





0434 066 762

48 Local Trades and Professional Services Thursday, September 27, 2018 ELECTRICAL

Browne Landscaping


Prompt Efficient Service Renovations Additions New Builds Commercial Domestic

0414 971 633

Small Family Business All Your Garden Needs

(02) 6672 3892

Call Scott 0435734770

Concreting All types of Concrete

Neil M> 0427 429 923 “Free Quotes” Dylan M> 0409 476 969


8418 TWEED VALLEY WAY ABN: 92315523296

Lic. No. 228605

• Fencing • Rock Walls • Retaining Walls • Balustrading • Paving • Concrete and Stencil


Uki Electrical


Phone George

(02) 6679 5915 0411 185 811

Timber Floors Emerson Wylie m. 0432 864 012 e.

Want your dog to obey you? ABN 52 534 639 694

Brays Creek Gas Supplies

Electrical Contracting NSW Lic No. 206213c QLD Lic No. 73010

Dog Training + Pet Supplies

Call: 0437 199 133

P: 02 6672 1737 M: 0415 299 220 W:

12 Wharf Street, Murwillumbah



Call Eddie 0415 148368


“I have been using the Tweed Valley Weekly for advertising for a few years now. It’s the only form of advertising I use. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Tweed Valley Weekly and would not hesitate in recommending the Weekly to other local businesses, as the results it has given me have been fantastic since advertising with them”.


•Experienced •Cost Effective •Friendly Service •All aspects of home and property maintenance


Caden’s aning Pressure Cle

Delivering to Tyalgum, Chillingham, Murwillumbah, Uki and Stokers Siding areas. Payment required at time of delivery.

Valley View Lawns & More

Trevor and Anne Stewart

427 Brays Creek Road, Brays Creek

PH: 0266 792160 or 0400 186 851


Push Mowing Brush Cutting Weed Spraying Chain Saw Work

& Tipper Hire


Licensed Licensed & Insured & Insured


(02) 6672 7620 ELECTRICAL ELECTRICIAN Split-system air conditioning installations

0422 827 881


6 TON TIP TRUCK HIRE LIMITED ACCESS SPECIALIST 1.8 Ton Limited Access Excavator •6 Ton Tip Truck with 1 Ton Crane • Ripper, Buckets, 350, 450, 600 1M Mud Bucket Knuckle

10 Kite Crescent Murwillumbah

1300 727 013


Phone Dave: 0417 942 288



Call the Garage Door & Equipment Specialists for • No-obligation Quotes • Door replacement and repair • AUTOMATIC OPENERS SUPPLIED AND FITTED, INCLUDING COMPLIMENTARY SERVICE OF DOOR.


An affordable Courteous Service

Richard Meredith


PHONE 0409 694 697


PH: 0409 243 066


Specialising in driveway construction & maintenance Lic No 28334c

CALL Stuart L’Estrelle 41 Park Ave, Bray Park 2484

• Tip Trucks 3 to 12 tonne • Excavator • Driveways • Roads • Clearing • House pads • Drainage • Carparks • Bush rocks • Rock walls

0410 056 228 ~ 0427 663 678

Lic No. 260953C









Anthony Marr 0427 800 978 Clint Smith 0447 600 627

P: 02 6672 3828


Ph: 0402 234 743

Most makes of door and related equipment catered for

GARDENING SPECIAL: Advanced Mulberries

Warren 0476 235 236

CALL GREG 0435 860 741

Give Us A Call

02 6679 1147 Neil 0490 374 229 Judi 0429 813 383

Rural Fencing Property Maintenance Fully Insured Free Quote


Carpentry • Decking • Plaster Repair Wall & Floor Tiling • Property maintenance Door Hanging & Lock Installation Fly-Wire Repair • Re-wire Clothes Lines

★ Carpentry ★ Household Repairs ★ Painting ★ Aluminum Screens ★ Kitchen & Bathroom – Design & Install ★ Custom Decks ★ Demolition ★ Hardwood & Veneer Flooring ★ Fencing – Glass, Timber, Block – Render

All those jobs no-one else wants to do!

Free Quotes – Free Rubbish Removal

It can cost more than $200 for a skip! Fully Insured – 6 Months Warranty

SMS SPEER Maintenance Services

Call Mark 0409 379 505 Office 0418 231 683



Open Most Days The Fruit Tree Man • PH 0447 487 808 981 Numinbah Rd, Crystal Creek


• Gardens Renovated • Landscaping • Pruning • Plant Selection • Weed Control

BARRY 0417 725 937 HOME PH. (02) 6672 7786





• Mowing • Brushcutting • Chainsaw • Weed Control • Rubbish Removal •Pressure Cleaning

David Caden 0434 232 551

Ray’s Mowing and Gardening Ray provides a friendly, reliable and honest service Tweed Shire Clean Ups & Rubbish Removal Fully Insured

Phone: 0400455425 Pushmower Ride-on 7 DAYS Hedging Brushcutting Rubbish Removal 4x4 Compact Tractor


0406 529 343



Has Your Hot Water System Been Checked Lately? Ever Heard of a Sacrificial Anode?

A sacrifi is a and vital I part of your system, I Willcial callanode you back will be therewater on time! andReduced having itfees inspected be the difference between for thecan Senior Team. an efficiently working system and a costly replacement. Feel free torecommend ring and have chat. Manufacturers that ayou maintain the anode in your system in order to prevent damage from rust + corrosion. THE ANODE IN YOUR SYSTEM SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO CORRODE AWAY, WHATEVER TYPE OR BRAND OF SYSTEM YOU HAVE SOLAR, ELECTRIC, GAS OR HEAT PUMPS FOR A LIMITED TIME we will check your anode in the Tweed & Gold Coast area FREE OF CHARGE.

“REMEMBER YOU CAN’T LOSE, NO ANODE REPLACEMENT NO CHARGE” Comes with a 5 year warranty ~ Make your Hot Water System last for 30 years!

2 handy locations - Murwillumbah/Tweed Heads - 38 yrs.exp

GOLD & TWEED COAST ANODES Arrange a free inspection phone

1300 166 673

ACE MOWING All Work Completed to Customer Satisfaction! Lawn Mowing, Edging, Hedging, Weed Spraying, Tree Trimming, Green Waste Removals


Cutaway section of a typical electric hot water heater

Bernard Grant ~ Fencing Contractor 0423 022 443 TWEED RURAL SERVICES Concrete Tank Repairs & Liners General Farm Maintenance




GARDENER • Qualified Horticulturist

Coo-ee Fencing

Rural Fencing Pump Sales & Repairs Irrigation & Stock Water Projects

Trade work at Handyman Prices

PH Shane Conroy


Essential Energy Accredited Level 2 AP30626

For all your Electrical needs!

Honest, Reliable, Punctual, Great Advice


NSW Lic No. 181118c - QLD Lic No. 086114

Domestic and Commercial Contractor Email:




NSW Contractors Licence 268688C QLD Electrical Licence 132564 ARC Licence L135933



Lic. 159254C

Open Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm

(Old Daily News building) Unit 3, 17 Church Lane

Pensioner Discounts FREE Quotes 7 Day a Week Service Rubbish Removal



Brad Ide

* Lawn Mowing - Ride-on & Push * Brush Cutting * Hedging * Tree Lopping * Garden Design & Makeovers * Turf Laying * Mulching * Weed Managment * Pool Maintenance

0402384 682


 Free digital X-Rays with every check up  Gap free check up & clean for kids  Medicare Teen Vouchers accepted here

Helping you win the backyard battle

Family Owned Business

• Over 45 Years on the Tweed • Free Quotes • Power Connections and Metering • 24hr breakdown service • All jobs small and large E:


•Quality Service •Value for Money •Experienced & Insured •Up to 3 Stories •Pressure Cleaning •Window Cleaning

PHONE MICK 0407 284 704


•Obedience Classes •Private Consultations •Training Equipment •Canine Myofunctional Therapy


ABN 30316267877

Lic. 30382C

Country Energy Authorised




All Electrical, data, phone & security.

NSW Lic. 147664c – QLD Lic. 054780


ABN 90764243556


Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals


Call Mitch for a FREE Quote

Ph: 0477 125 106




5 3 Full Hr

Full Body

Women, Men & Couples Mature age women welcome


Call Gary 0429 108 662 for Appointment

I’ve Got Your Back!

I can improve your health by reducing stress and releasing tight, sore muscles.


Ann 0433 323 687

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018 Local Trades and Professional Services



✓ Domestic Households ✓ Competitive Prices ✓ Interior & Exterior Painting ✓ New Work & Repaints ✓ Licensed & Insured – Matt Palmer Lic No. 283218C

Quality Work Guaranteed!

0439 444 467 –



Murwillumbah & Surrounding Areas Gold Lic A274 •Iron Roofing Contractors •Plumbing & Drainage •Commercial, Domestic & Industrial

Phone: 02 66721226 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 9 Prospero Street, Murwillumbah NSW 2484

Reliable, reasonable rates, pensioner discounts! Call now for more info! Free quotes!

G & M METAL Roofing

FREE Quotes- 0455319559



Restricted electrical licence.


Lookin’ Good


• Driveways • Retainer Walls • Pathways, Footpaths • Pergolas, Entertainment areas • Small Jobs - Big Jobs

ABN: 68179953430


PH 0422 308 103 PEST CONTROL




• Domestic • Commercial

(02) 6672 6822 “YOUR LOCAL BLOKES”


• Regular Maintenance • Algae Control • Equipment Repairs and Replacement • Solar Blankets

Locally owned and operated

Call Graham Benard 0408 661 785


•Gyprock Plaster •Trading Since 1992 •Reliable •Professional Finish

CALL 0414 060 582 Lic NSW 232783C

Repair Sagging Ceilings Home Improvements Small Renovations No Job Too Small

Green’s Pressure Cleaning

Call Gary NOW for free quote 0421 999018 or (02)6676 0098

 Tile, pavers and concrete surfaces  Patio’s/driveways  Retaining walls/fences  Exterior house wash  Boat ramps/bbq area’s  Graffiti removal  Mould/mildew removal  Roof cleaning  Environmentally safe 10% PENSIONER DISCOUNT

CALL ROB - 0429 794 833


Local, Country, Interstate

ph: (02) 6672 1586

1800 351 687 mobile: 0412 296 302

Licence # 235070C

0421 678 424

Andy’s Removals Murwillumbah

110hp 4X4 Tractor 80hp 4x4 Tractor Diesel 4x4 6ft Mowers 3x24hp Diesel 54’ Cut 4x4 Mowers

Servicing NSW. QLD. VIC

Andy 0400 483 101

Trees On Tweed All Trees Specialising in Small to Medium Trees Qualified Arborists Safety a Priority For a Free Quote

Call Warren

0458 795 659 Fully Insured


0414 538 077 UPHOLSTERER


Fully secured units within a warehouse


4 Kay Street, Murwillumbah

Load and Unload out of the Weather Special Long Term Prices Available

TILING Lounges & Chairs



SELF STORAGE 27-33 KITE CRES MURWILLUMBAH Container Storage 4, 6 & 12 metre

❑ Ceramic ❑ Marble ❑ Travertine ❑ Porcelain


Call Mauricio for a

        


Dot Walsh UPHOLSTERY ABN 26 915 290 875



Ph: (02) 6677 7239 Mobile: 0407 897 028

Car Seats

High Quality Horse Rugs A Speciality”


• Aluminium Handrails, Ballustrades & Gates • Structural Beams, Columns & Stair Stringers • On Site Welding • General Fabrication • No Job Too Small • Trailer Repairs 0412 726 056


Measure & Quote

0418 298 988

‘Still operating after 23 years’


20+ Years Exp.

Check your water levels now and give us a call Delivering to your tank within a day or two • TANKS AND PUMPS FOR SALE • CUSTOM REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS


Jai - 0467 482 948

02 6679 3245




1800 454 131

Cert 4 Arborist

0413 354 309 Chris Fahy


Jamie Nicholson




0407 119 910

02 6677 9482 - 0431 382 681


Lic # 225997c

Call Luke


1800 454 131


Since 1951

• Water Jetter for all sewer and general blockages • All Commercial & Domestic plumbing needs • Renovations • Septic Systems • Hot Water Systems


8c Hazelwood Dr, Pottsville NSW 2489


Call Gary NOW for free quote 0421 999018 or (02)6676 0098

Ph: 0415-419-222

0438 758 115







Large Truck Tail Lifter 3 careful men $129 p/h

NSW Lic 220259c QLD Lic 45923




Pty Ltd


r meup Garden Gloves m Suleaner E PlusGloves aTree C m uEp nlGarden y with every Skip m o R n e SulF Plus aTree ea d tim C limite EEnly with every Skip

“friendly Jamaican service”





* New Roof *Gutter * Re Roof *Down pipe * Fascia * Leak Repair Free Quote call Mark 0447 189 508 Lic no. 244930c

CALL: KRIS 0410 199 114

Pool Care




Tweed to southern Coast Tweed toGold southern Gold Coast



• Concrete construction • 24hr Access • Flood free

0418 763 253

Casuarina TREE SOLUTIONS No Job Too BIG or Too small Ph: 0408 344 412


• • • •

Specialising in problem weeds Devils Fig Parramatta Grass Lantana

0412 168 257

50 The Weekly Classifieds Thursday, September 27, 2018 Tweed Valley

Public Notices A.G.M. Murwillumbah Festival of Performing Arts Inc. Annual General Meeting. Wed 24th October 2018. 7pm Mt St Patricks College. Enquiries 0439 004 701.

A.G.M Murwillumbah Meals On Wheels Service Incorporated.

On 15/10/ 2018. At Meals on Wheels Office. 2 Golden Links Drive, Murwillumbah. 3:30 pm. All Welcome

Positions Vacant

CLEANER WANTED The Tweed Harbour Motor Inn is seeking to employ a casual cleaner to work on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings approximately 9 hours per week. The person required should have previous experience in cleaning motel rooms. Immediate start available for the right person. Above award wages are paid. Please email

POSITION VACANT: JUNIOR JOURNALIST Tweed Valley Weekly is seeking a Junior Journalist to join the editorial team based in Murwillumbah (Queen Street) office. The role requires someone with an open drivers’ licence and own vehicle to ensure you can travel to photo jobs and engage with all communities. Some previous experience as a reporter, a passion for storytelling and outstanding people skills would be an advantage. The role provides some editorial training in writing and photography training, with all equipment supplied. Please apply with both your resume and one article example (200 words with a picture) and email it to

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals


CLASSIFIEDS Positions Vacant

Boats for Sale

Caravans For Sale

BOAT FOR SALE 4.2 Mtr Alloy-Craft , 25 MP Mercury 0/B. 8 HP Tohatsu Aux. Bimini cover. All safety and many extras. Good trailer with electric winch. $5,500. For more details phone 0402 856 178.


Cars For Sale

TWEED HEADS COOLANGATTA TAXIS Requires Permanent, Part Time, Night Hours. Perfect for someone who wants to pick up an extra shift a week to earn extra cash to pay off the mortgage. Call 07 5536 3371.

Adult    FIT & SEXY. Attractive, Busty brunette. Full body relief, Private, Discreet. Tugun Beachfront. Phone: 0449882334   

Venus Lounge Gentlemen’s Retreat


Caravans For Sale COLLAPSIBLE ALUMINIUM BOAT TRAILER to suit a 3. M5 Quintrex Dart also a one-man loading winch, quite easy to operate. $900 for the whole lot. Phone 02 66 770 170

17 Morton St, Chinderah 02 6674 5020

Staff Required Agistment

One owner, garaged when not in use. 3-way fridge, air-conditioning, microwave, stove (1 elect, 3 gas) plus grill, 2 single beds. $18,300. Phone 07 5524 8795 or 0427 600 634

Cars For Sale

HONDA ODYSSEY 2017 Silver VTI, 4 door wagon, 21,000 klms. 8-seater, non-smoker. Roof rack & rear kayak loader. $33,000 o.n.o. Phone 0427 766 312. JAYCO CAMPERVAN 1995 swift model V.G.C. Gas/elect fridge, 2 burner gas, stove , new bed flies with privacy screen, full annex & shade awnings, many extras. Rego expires 15/5/19. $7,700 ONO. Phone 02 66 72 3606 / 0429 899 699.

2001 FORD COURIER Folding Marine Tp, double bed , fridge, stove, shower, no rust , reg 10 months good condition, just tuned. 2 spares. $4,250. Phone 0458 291 978, 07 5523 3418.

2010 MAZDA 2 sedan, 5 speed manual, 10 months rego. One owner, log book, great condition, very, reliable car, $8,200. Phone 0488057344, 0266771579.

AGISTMENT AVAILABLE – 200 Acres off Reserved Creek Road. Stock yard bale. $60.00 p/w . Phone 02 66 777 549. 1999 MAZDA METRO SHADES 5 Speed Manual, Airconditioning, Power Steering, Air Bag, Fully Serviced, Log Book History, Reluctant Sale, Immaculate Condition. $2700 ONO 0407120113

Boats for Sale

3.5 H/D HORIZON RUNABOUT with side pockets hatch cover, Mercury o/board,15 h/power, electric new battery, as new motor, 40 hours max use. New trailer & spare Wheel & heaps extras, safety gear ready for work. $5500 Phone 0407 788 799 for more details

2004 TRAVELLER 17’ POP TOP CARAVAN . Very tidy and clean no leaks interior 8 out of 10, East West double bed. air conditioned, microwave,12-volt battery and charger. Tyres good, electric brakes and wheel bearings checked. Registered to April 2019.Exterior good but some hail dents. Tow with large sedan or small SUV. $13,500. 0402123047

2014 NISSAN NAVARA STR 2.5 Cr, Turbo Diesel, 5 speed Manual. 6 months Rego. Excellent Condition. Never been driven in sand or dirt. 150 Klms. $17,000 O.N.O phone 0418 443 821.

2005 MITSUBISHI MAGNA WAGON, Auto, 6 Cylinder, 198,000 kms, timing belt done. Large cargo area, Rego until Feb 2019. $2000. ONO Ph. 0428 297 875

1998 NISSAN CIVILIAN BUS MOTORHOME in Murwillumbah sell due to drought in hometown.

CASUAL/PART TIME POSITION ACTIVITIES OFFICER/DIVERSIONAL THERAPIST TO COME AND JOIN OUR FABULOUS TEAM Greenhills Lodge Aged Care Facility - 44 Beds DESIRABLE Certificate IV in Leisure and Lifestyle or equivalent/or previous experience in position. Able to work as part of the team OUR VALUES ARE: - Compassion - Respect - Kindness - Integrity - Inclusion Please email resumes to: Or phone 0266 723435 for application packages Applications close: 4th October 2018

BOAT FOR SALE Reduced to $4,200 for quick sale, 3.5 Bluefin Trekker, Mercury 15hp Motor, Trailer/ Boat both with 12months rego, 16hrs max on motor, used once since full service of both motor and trailer 0417 793 549.

Serviced, 137000 klms. Diesel / Manual. 5 gears, plus overdrive, exhaust brakes. Queensland 6 month Rego. 2 seater , 2 solar panels . Reasonable Condition, Suits one person, hot water , shower, porter loo. Not Professionally fitted. $12,000 Phone 0408 658 570.

BOAT FOR SALE 3.9 Aqua Master runabout, 20 hours used Yamaha , 20 h.p , 4 stroke , electric start , tilt, Bimini top , full safety gear, redco trailer, lots of extras, excellent condition, fully registered , ready to go. $6,500. Phone 02 66 176855.

2000 GAZEL INFINITY 16.6FT Full Annex, Roll out awning, Sleep 2 people Island bed, Caravan cover, Large pantry , 4 burner cook top Griller& Oven, 150 Ltr Electrolux fridge freezer, 22 Ltr hot water heater, External Shower, All in excellent condition. $15,500 ONO, 0418250924

2003 HYUNDAI ELANTRA HATCHBACK 4 cylinder ,petrol, automatic, 121,300KM Rego until Dec 2018. Asking $2000 ONO. Phone 0455936050

HYUNDAI I30 AUTO 2011 97,000ks $11,800 4cyl 2.0L petrol. One owner. Very clean throughout. Reversing camera. Tinted windows. Full service record. Rego. until March 2019. Phone 0418 532 971

HONDA CRV, All Wheel Drive, Roof Rack, Towbar, sun roof, Nudge bar, near new tyres, 12.12.18 Rego. Rego No CC 29 BG. $4995. Taylor Made, 5 Prospero St, South Murwillumbah. Phone 02 66 72 5454

1999 FESTIVA “AUTO” Only 099900 K/M . Has Rego, $1995. Dl 16862 Taylor Made Services 5 Prospero St, South Murwillumbah NSW 2484 (02) 6672 5454

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Cars For Sale

For Sale

Thursday, September 27, 2018

For Sale

TENT OZTENT RV4 hardly used plus new side walls easy up/down. $1,000 Firm plus other new/hardly used camping equipment available. 0408 795 505.

12/2004 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER PRADO GXL 7-seater Ex Condition, 3.0 Lt Turbo Diesel, 5 Speed Manual, Bull Bar, spot lights, Towbar, Reg Services, 199,000 KM. $17,500. Phone 0439 840 037

FOR SALE Camper Trailer, off road, tailgate kitchen, big Queen Mattress, 2 Extra rooms, Sleeps 10, good condition, little use, heavy duty canvas. 11 may Reg. $5,500 ONO. Ph 0437 255 740

SOLID ALUMINIUM dinghy 3,8 meters, 5hp Yamaha engine, bilge pump, fish finder,12V trolling motor and brand new battery.Trailer registered in NSW $2,900 firm. Phone 0412 541 078

QUAD FOR SALE ATV 125CC, Persons up to 60 kg, Exc Cond, Not needed. $400. Phone 0400 425 845

Health & Wellbeing

First Aid Courses

HLTAID001 Provide CPR-Fee: $45 HLTAID003 Provide First Aid-Fee: $95 HLTAID004 Provide an emergency First-Aid response in an education & care setting-Fee: $100 HLTAID006 Advanced First Aid HLTAID007 Advanced Resuscitation Courses Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

POLISHED ROUND TABLE, extendable with four matching chairs, upholstered. Selling for $430.00. Phone 07 5523 1413.


e in th

139 Minjungbal Dr. Tweed Heads South Enrolment is easy just phone 0466 015 373 Pay on the day training delivered by Southern Cross First Aid Skills Training under the auspice of Safety Cord RTO.91694

First Aid Kits

Kits on display at 139 Minjungbal Drive TWEED HEADS SOUTH Phone: 0427 242 384

House Sitting

Need some extra cash? Call Ruby (02) 6672 4443 Place a classified ad and turn your unwanted items into $$$$$

TO LET Murwillumbah, 1 bedroom , unfurnished unit, self-contained , on hill, handy to town, car accommodation. $240 p/w includes electricity. Non-smoker. No pets. Phone 0438 722 665.

TYALGUM Small basic cottage, quiet single person $250 p/w. Includes water & power. No pets. Wild garden setting. 6679 3365.

TO LET Tyalgum lovely fully furnished, situated in village, minutes walk to general store. One bedroom, self-contained cabin. Suit single working person. $220 p/w. Bond & references. 0448 844 484. TO LET Banora point, large bedroom, fully furnished. Usage of half the house. $200 p/w power and water included. 0427 247 519.

Lost and Found

TO LET Cabin – great views Tyalgum . $350.00 p/w includes power & water. Phone 0412 990 752

LOST ENGAGEMENT RING near Sunnyside, Coles on the 25th July 2018. My wedding ring hasn’t stopped crying since its lost its owner. Please phone 04099 94758. LOST Green Parrot, white chest, orange head, Bray Park. Phone 0429 899 932.


HAVE YOU SEEN GUS? OIL PAINTING SALES By Margaret Hosie. Seascapes, landscapes and many more subjects. Prices to sell. 2 Fig Court, Murwillumbah. Viewing weekend only or by appointment. Everyone welcome. 0416 694 620

For Sale

ALL PLANTS MUST GO – Huge variety, as little as $1.50, $2.50 & $5.00. Unusal plants, Broms and baskets, ferns, cacti, natives, succulents. Ph (02) 6679 1532

To Let

ROOM AVAILABLE TO RENT in a large house in centre of Murwillumbah with own sitting room. 10 mins walk to shops, rent in advance required. Working person preferred. $140 p/w. Ring Jamie on 0429 108 662.

Double pass Winner!

MISSING from Duranbah area since 23/08/2018. ‘GUS’ is a Purebred Kelpie Working Cattle Dog aged 6yrs, all black, small for breed, trained and obedient. Owner badly wants “GUS” to resume duties urgently. If you see “GUS” or know where he might be please phone: George Cumming 641 Duranbah Road, Duranbah. Phone: 02 6677 7233; or mobile: 0427 264 089.

MORRISON RAPIER 710 SELF PROPELLED MOWER SLASHER 11.HP Honda. 24inch Cut. 3 Forward Speed and Reverse. Little Use, Serviced, Suit Acreage. 0407120113 $500.00 ONO

To Let

LOCAL RETIRED COUPLE Honest and reliable available for house sitting opportunities, whilst building a new home in the area. Both acreages and residential homes. Available from October through Christmas, anywhere in Tweed Valley area. Happy to look after animals. 0411 478 879.

Frog Found

✓ Approved for all workplaces ✓Quality kits available in various sizes ✓ Metal wall mounted ✓ Handy carry and store cases ✓ Suit small-medium-large businesses ✓ All kits include dressing and audit checklist.

BUSH ROCKS All shapes and sizes, quarry materials available. Ideal for garden edging and retaining walls. Phone: 0409 243 066

The Weekly Classifieds 51

SUITS SINGLE/WORKING COUPLE Must have a 4 wheel Drive. 2 Bedroom, open living in the Limpinwood area . Rental price on application plus bond. Phone 02 66 793 503 BEAUTIFUL RURAL OUTLOOK Main Bedroom with Ensuite, unfurnished room in furnished House. Room for own fridge & washing machine. No Cats or Dogs. References and Bond needed. $200.00 p/w Phone 0413 394 758 or 02 66721667. COOLANGATTA room to rent 200 metres from the beach, Club, shops, fully furnished, cooking facilities, No lease and No bond. Over 50’s from $225-$250 per week. 0755 363 233 TWEED HEADS 1 Bedroom flat, high on a hill in Tweed Heads, carport, clean & tidy, built in wardrobes. Close to river. $295 per week. Phone: 0400 225 944

A VERY NICE SPACIOUS 2-bedroom unit to rent in Murwillumbah. $320 P/W. For Enquiries call 0448 489 550 1 BEDROOM, UNFURNISHED SPACIOUS GRANNY FLAT Single person preferred. No pets. $300 p/w inclusive. 0401 283 236

Wanted to Rent JUST MOVED TO THIS AREA Looking for a 2 bedroom place. Good References. Neat and Tidy. Willing to pay $300 p/w. phone 0498 625 544. A RESPONSIBLE and reliable lady is looking for a granny flat or cottage to rent in quiet area. Please phone 0418 825 214. HOST FAMILIES in Tweed and Terranora areas needed to host two Chinese students from October 11th for 7 weeks. Payment $574 per week, call Margaret for details 0408078023, WANTED TO RENT 1 Bedroom, Granny Flat / studio, $240 p/w negotiable including bills and Wi-Fi. Would prefer walking distance to shops. Phone 0413 124 185.

Wanted WANTED Cash paid for unwanted horses. Phone 02 66 72 3086. WANTED - Mayor Tweed Shire. Acoustic Engineer to measure noise and low frequency Hz. Also required Environmental Lawyer. If you know any, ask them to phone Stan on 0481 203 014.

Work Wanted CLEANER reliable, honest, hardworking. Phone 0415 387 656

WE’LL RUN IT ...‘till you sell it!

Personal SOFA LOUNGE, MAT and COFFEE TABLE just three months old had to relocate asking price $500 for all three. FRIDGE four years old good condition $350. Two flat screen TVs with remotes $150 each. Powerfit with remote 18months old in good condition $250. Stylish Solid wooden velvet lined draws good condition $200. 0412386628.

ACTIVE MALE PENSIONER Non Smoker, Non Drinker, Slim. Would like to meet mature lady. 0474 733 922. DOES ANYONE KNOW A LADY KNOWN AS DEBRA OR DEBBIE who was friends with Narelle Riley? She lived in the Murwillumbah area in the late 1980’s- early 1990’s. Please Call 0448 043 966. It would be very much appreciated.

Seeking a Friend

BROWN BED SETTEE in good order. $120. Phone Robert 0755230372. Beige armchair also in good order $30.

YOUNG 59 YEAR OLD Slim, caring guy, not into dating sites, is looking for a naughty lady, any age, who likes to have fun and enjoy life with going out, drives, gardening etc, and is looking for a nice relationship and doesn’t need drugs or grog to be happy. Please ring Mark on 0484 136 120

Items Under $100 $15 per ad* Items Over $100 $45 per ad* Photos Extra - *Conditions apply

Tweed Valley

“Locals Supporting Locals”

Talk to Ruby Today

02 6672 4443

52 Tweed Community Diary and News Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Tweed Shire Community Diary BANORA POINT

• Banora Point Probus Club meets on the fourth Monday of each month at the South Tweed Bowls club at 10am. We are a mixed club, we have interesting speakers and an outing each month. The Speaker for September 24 is Roslyn Dunbar-Wells BA PhD (Music Ed). Contact Annette or Ron Finch on 5523 4 016 for further info. • Wrap with Love knitters needed to make rugs for needy people worldwide. Meet at Banora Point Community Centre on 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays, 2pm- 4 pm. Ring Barbara Waters 0414 272 898. • Al-Anon Family Groups: is your life affected by someone else’s drinking? Al-Anon can help. Banora Point Group meets Monday nights at 7.30pm Cnr Leisure & Woodlands Drives, Salvation Army Hall (external right side door). Enquiries and other meeting times 1300 252 666 or go to org/australia. BILAMBIL

• Bilambil Landcare every Tuesday from 9am. Contact Gary Austin 0427 269 486. COOLANGATTA

• Coolangatta Senior Citizens Centre Poets & Writers on the Tweed meet every Tuesday 1.30pm-3.30pm. Beginners and experienced poets and writers most welcome. Contact Lorraine on 5524 8035. FINAGL HEAD

• Fingal Head Coastcare every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8–11am, Saturday 9am–12 noon. Contact Kay Bolton 0402 839 479. HASTINGS POINT

• Hastings Point Community Dunecare every Tuesday and Thursday 7–9am. Contact Arthur Good 0428 760 000. KINGSCLIFF

• Kingscliff Community Dunecare every Tuesday and Thursday 8–10am. Contact Peter Langley 02 6674 5362. • Yoga of Meditation every Monday at 7pm offered free of charge. Relax your mind and body with the ancient teaching of Yoga Nidra (no exercise involved). Learn some easy and enjoyable methods of meditation. Enquiries welcome, contact Narelle (02) 66742556 • U3A Tweed Coast is offering a special one-day Colour Style and Image class on October 12 at Cudgen Leagues Club. The class looks at personal presentation and explores styles and colours to suit the individual. It’s free to U3A Tweed Coast members; non-members can join U3ATC for just $25, giving you unlimited access to other groups until the end of the year. To book, text your name and phone number to Lorraine on 0457 936 202. More info: www. • Kingscliff Mixed Probus Club holds its meetings at the Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am and outings on the third Wednesday. Join us for Friendship and Fun. Visitors are very welcome. Phone Joan on 02 6674 4700 • Kingscliff 500 Card Club meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-4pm at the Cudgen Leagues Club. Tuition available, phone Ian 0401 585 295. • Friends of the Library Kingscliff invite you to come to the library and snap up some bargains every Saturday morning. Prices are $1 or less. Donations of clean books in good condition are always welcome. Enquiries to Larry Price Phone 02 6674 1607. • Tweed Valley Toastmasters offers a supportive and friendly environment in which to develop and enhance public speaking skills and more. We meet on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 9.45am. Please call Lynda on 0434 103 409 for more information.. MURWILLUMBAH

• Murwillumbah Evening VIEW Club’s next dinner meeting will be on Monday, October 8, at the Murwillumbah Services Club. The meeting starts at 6.30pm for dinner at 7pm. Cost $25. This month is Anti-Poverty Month so we are starting a collection of nonperishable food items for You have a Friend. Members please remember, if you are unable to attend the meeting or will be bringing a guest, please contact Gloria Martin on 02 66723794 by 10am on Thursday before the meeting. • Do you have a cancer diagnosis and would like a morning out with some gentle nurturing? Join us for Sunshine Day on Saturday, September 29 at the Murwillumbah Community Centre, from 9.30am-2.30pm. We have a range of natural therapies, foot spas,

facials and manicures for you to choose from, along with nutritious food and supportive volunteers. No cost. Please ring office of Tweed Palliative Support to book on 02 6672 8459. • Justice of the Peace community table at the Sunnyside Shopping Centre Thursdays from 10.30am to 12.30pm. • Oxley Day Club meets every Monday 10am1.30pm (except public holidays), at Bray Park. Cost is $7 which includes morning tea and lunch, entertainment, activities, quizzes. games, exercises, guest speakers and occasional bus trips. Transport may be available. Come and have a laugh and make new friends. Phone Janelle 0479 154 737 or Rosemary 0402 236 193. • Weekly men’s circle Tuesdays 7pm upstairs at 96 Murwillumbah Street. For more details phone Andy on 0415 734 744. • Prayer and meditation group for recovering addicts and their loved ones. Tuesdays 5.45pm, upstairs at 96 Murwillumbah Street. Phone Andy on 0415 734 744. • Tweed Valley Friendship Force is part of an International Organisation which involves travel to and hosting people from around the world. The group meets regularly at the Murwillumbah Golf Club and also participates in various social activities. Enquiries to Carol on 0468 475 285 or Helen on 02 5613 6641. • The Bray Park Community Craft Group meet each Tuesday at 9am at the Bray Park Seventh Day Adventist Church Hall Eleoura Terrace Bray Park. There is card making, flower arranging, knitting, crochet much more. For further details contact Lois Chilton 0409 912 230. • The Murwillumbah Cancer Support Group new meeting time first Friday of every month. Meetings take place from 10am to12 midday at the Community Health Centre on the corner of Nullum and Wollumbin streets. These informal meetings offer mutual, practical and emotional support. For more information, call Cancer Liaison Nurse on 6672 0252. • Murwillumbah Toastmasters Club meets every second and fourth Thursday at 6.45pm at the Murwillumbah Services Club and we invite you to join us. Call Elle on 0488 488 385. • Film Chat 3rd Friday of the month after the 6pm film Regent Cinema. • The Murwillumbah Lions Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at the Murwillumbah Services Club 6.30pm for 7.00pm. Contact Peter 6672 1471 or Bob 07 5524 8860. • Tweed Valley Spanish Language Conversation Group. Hola amigos, we meet on the second Saturday of the month at 1.30pm and the fourth Thursday of the month at 5pm at the Regent Cinema, 5 Brisbane Street Murwillumbah. We are a social group only, there are no fees and all levels are welcome. For more information contact John (02) 6608 4229 or • All Saints Anglican Church Book Sale and Craft morning 9.30am–11.30am every second Friday. Craft morning open to everyone, come and enjoy some fellowship and a cuppa. We have yarn and patterns for anyone who wants to learn to knit or crochet. All welcome. Enquiries 0423 905 169. • Wrap with Love knitters needed to make rugs for needy people worldwide. Meet at Mountain View Retirement Village, Murwillumbah on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays, 1.30 pm- 3.30 pm. Ring Barbara Waters 0414 272 898. • Murwillumbah Autumn Club weekly activities include euchre and craft Wednesday at 9.30am for morning tea, fortnightly country music nights Friday 7pm supper included and raffle. Visitors welcome. Enquiries Noela 02 6672 2262. • Support Group: do you need support maintaining abstinence from addictive behaviours? Are you struggling to overcome the ‘Beast’ within. Tuesdays 5.30-7pm. All enquiries welcome. 0412 750 798. Confidential and free. • Smart Recovery: support group for those struggling with any addictive behaviours. Thursdays 1.15pm-2.45pm. 10 King Street, Murwillumbah. Come early for a cuppa. 0412 750 798. No charge.

• Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Watch meeting quarterly on the first Thursday of the month in February, May, August and November. At 3pm in the Reef Room, Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre • Pottsville Community Association meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm in the Reef Room of the Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre in Elizabeth Street. TWEED HEADS

• The AOOB’s monthly meeting will be held on Friday, October 5 at 2pm in the Secret Garden Room at South Tweed Sports Club. Guest Speaker is Margaret Stevenson, a volunteer from Tweed Palliative Care. We are also accepting donations for our Christmas Raffles. Further information phone Twenette 07 5523 2939. • Twin Towns & District Garden Club’s 25th Annual Show will be held on Saturday, September 29, from 8.30am to 2.30pm at the Tweed Heads Civic Centre. Exhibits are open to everyone and there will be approximately 400 exhibits on display. Prizes for cut flowers, pot plants, floral art, produce and photography. Exhibits accepted Friday, September 28 from 2pm to 5.30pm at the Civic Centre. Admission $5, children free, no fee to exhibit entries. Enquiries: Monika 0412 638 373 Freda 07 55 24 1357. Email: • Tweed Gold Coast Family History Association invites members and visitors to join us for our get together at South Tweed Sports Club, Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South on Tuesday, October 2 commencing at 1.30 p.m. Our guest is Judy Webster. Topic is Look Beyond the Border! Archival records with data for interstate and overseas folk. The talk will be approx. 90 minutes. Enquiries: Lloyd on 07 5525 0354. • Coolangatta Tweed Heads Probus Club is holding an Open Day 9.45 am Wednesday, October 3 at Tweed Heads Bowls Club, come along to hear an interesting guest speaker, meet our members and learn about the fun activities you can enjoy at our club. Contact Shirley – 07 5599 7316. • Tweed View Club’s friendly ladies meet on the third Thursday of the month at 11am at the South Tweed Sports Club. We have interesting guest speakers and social outings and all ladies are very welcome. • Red Cross Tweed Heads Branch meets in the Community Meeting Room next to Woolworths at Tweed City Shopping Centre on the second Friday of the month at 10am and craft mornings on the fourth Friday. We welcome new members. Phone Joan 02 6674 4700. • Addictive Eaters Anonymous hold weekly meetings on Fridays at 10.30am at the Raffles Assisted Facility Care, Peregrine Drive off Falcon Way, Tweed Heads South. Please call 02 6672 4665 or 0402 366 382, or visit www. for more information. • Justice of the Peace community table at Tweed City on Mondays from 10.30am to 1.30pm and Thursdays from 10.30am to 1.30pm and 5pm-7pm. Tweed Mall community table on Tuesdays from 10.30am to 1.30pm. • The Blind & Vision Impaired Support Group is a dynamic group which meets regularly for enjoyable social and support functions. We welcome new members. Some transport is available. Call Chris on 07 5633 3700 or Jenny on 02 6679 3490. • Tweed Parkinson’s Support Group now meets on the second Monday of each month at The Anzac Room, Twin Towns RSL. The meeting commences at 10.30am until noon. For further details please contact Marie on 07 5523 3494. • Alateen Meeting starting at 5-6pm every Thursday. Do you have a parent, close friend or relative with a drinking problem? Alateen can help 8 -16 year olds. St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church Hall 13 Powell St (corner Florence St) Tweed Heads 1300 252 666. • Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Information and Support Group meets on the first Friday of every month at 10.30 am at the HACC Community Centre, Cnr. Heffron Street and Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads POTTSVILLE South. All welcome. For further information • Pottsville Community Dunecare every Monday call Bronwyn on 5593 9319. 7–9am. Contact Bill Hoskins 0431 712 726.

In Memoriam

Penelope Jane Williams 9/12/1956 – 16/08/2018

There’s just one thing before I go, Something I need to let you know. To you, young or old of yesterday or days gone by. To you who listened and looked in my eye. To you who smiled, passing in the street. To you who gave and sold me all I need. Here’s one truth I hope you claim, You all made me who I am. Without you all I would not be, The person you knew or used to see. We shared happiness, we shared pain. Growing, learning, loving, it’s all the same. Our words or actions may seem mundane, But your presence with mine, always energy exchange! An Alchemy of souls, meeting each other’s needs, From which I emerged, borne of all your seeds. It comes down to this, I know I’m right, Your love gave me the power to see the Light. Much love, Penelope.

Savings for Tweed seniors MEMBER FOR Tweed Geoff Provest is encouraging local businesses providing essential services, products, and entertainment in Tweed to join the Seniors Card program. Mr Provest said the number of participating businesses offering discounts to Seniors Card holders has more than tripled since 2015. “It’s so important that we continue to do everything we can to put downward pressure on the cost of living, and the Seniors Card program has enabled older people in our community to do more for less,” Mr Provest said. Everyday living discounts range from energy and phone bills, education courses, travel insurance, accommodation, and through to your local café, gym, hairdresser, or mechanic. “Seniors are already enjoying savings from big brands like Woolworths, AGL and Telstra, but I am calling on local retailers throughout Tweed to get on board.” In 2015 the Liberals and Nationals Government committed to expanding the NSW Seniors Card program and since that time has increased the number of businesses from 1,600 to more than 5,700, while adding more than 250,000 new members. Businesses who sign up by November 9 this year will have the chance to win a $10,000 NSW Seniors Card advertising package, and members who nominate a business to join will go into a draw to win one of three $500 Visa gift cards. A recent survey of 35,000 Seniors Card members revealed NSW seniors are more likely to try a new business if it offers a Seniors Card discount and almost 70 per cent of seniors would return to a business if they offered a Seniors Card discount. For more information or to nominate, visit www.seniorscard.

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, September 27, 2018

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Jeanette Fuller 26/08/1945 – 03/10/2016

Our hearts still ache with sadness, and many tears still flow. What it meant to lose you No one will ever know. We hold you close within our hearts, and there you will remain. To walk with us throughout our lives, Until we meet again. Forever cherished Dearly loved wife of Colin Loving mother of Craig & Kim and Family

In Memoriam

Madelaine Rae Crawley 23/11/1987 - 29/9/2011

“Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but alway near, Still loved, still missed and very dear. Love you Mad, Mum, Dad, Ellie Grandma, Grandad, Nan Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and the rest of your big loving crazy family.

Death Notice

Kayla Jade Whitten

Rita Clare Prichard


How can it be that 16 years have passed since we first held you in our arms. We are so blessed to have such a kind, compassionate and artistic, all round and wonderful daughter. You are my sweet baby, your Daddy’s little girl, your Sisters greatest idol and your friends’ best friend. We love you and miss your beautiful smiling face every day. Love always and forever Dad, Mum, Kobi, Pop, Shannyn, Danika, Clare and spot.

Funeral Directors

(nee Martin) Late of Bundaberg, Formerly of Cudgen Passed away peacefully surrounded by her loving family on the

Tradition of care Murwillumbah (02) 6672 2144 Billinudgel (02) 6680 3084 Refer to our website for funeral notices w w w. m c g u i n e s s f u n e r a l s . c o m . a u 100% AustrAliAn FAmily Owned

Much loved daughter of Kevin (Dec) & Irene Martin, loved wife of Kerry Prichard, loved Mother, Grandmother, Sister and Auntie. With Jesus A funeral was held in Bundaberg for Rita

LOUDON George 19/09/2018 Dolphin Funerals 1300 678 443 TRAMMELL James Charles 20/09/2018 Dolphin Funerals 1300 678 443 O’CONNOR Robert John 21/09/2018 Dolphin Funerals 1300 678 443 ARMYTAGE Halimah 23/09/2018 Dolphin Funerals 1300 678 443 KELLY Janet (Wendy) 24/09/2018 Dolphin Funerals 1300 678 443

on the 26 of September

JULIE ANNE MYERS ( JULES ) Passed away peacefully in her sleep on 24th September 2018. Late of Uki. Adored partner of Trev. Life long friend of Jon. Beloved mother of Jaylee and Jake. Loved step-mother of Sonia, Bridget, Trev and Shaun. Cherished grandmother of Tahlia, Ollie, Saffin, Xavier, Felix, Cooper, Shayla and Mason. Dearly loved sister of Kim and Ron. Much loved aunty of Ava and Alex. Loved and missed by all “Sadly missed along life’s way, quietly remembered every day ....... No longer in our life to share, but in our hearts, you’ll always be there” Family and friends are invited to Jule’s Farewell Service to be held at the Tweed Valley Cemetery, 813 Eviron Road, Duranbah on Saturday 29th September at 11am.

Ultimate care for you, your wishes and your family XWL-TVW-ULT-50x250-0717

Death Notices

19th September after a long and courageous battle.

Funeral Notice McGuiness Funerals

In Memoriam 53

Murwillumbah (02) 6672 4305 | Tweed Heads (07) 5536 5300 |

MYERS Julie Anne (Jules) 24/09/2018 Dolphin Funerals 1300 678 443 KEIPERT Maxwell Clement 19/09/2018 White Lady Funerals 07 5536 5300 PAGE Ethel Beres “Beres” 21/09/2018 McGuiness Funerals 02 6672 2144

54 Local Sport Thursday, September 27, 2018

Holding with Shot Judy Tuckey THE ANNUAL Inter District Challenge between Clarence River, Mid North Coast, Northern Rivers and Tweed Byron Districts that took place at Park Beach last week was, as usual, a great event thoroughly enjoyed by all participants. This year Tweed Byron District opted for a change of pace in relation to team selections. In place of all clubs being requested to submit names for players for the District to choose the eight teams of four required to participate, the clubs were invited to each select and submit a team of eight of their choice. This new concept proved to be successful, particularly from the District selectors point of view given that they were “off the hook” in relation to dissatisfied players who were not chosen. Whilst the atmosphere in the venue club house oozed a wonderful aura of camaraderie and friendship, out on the

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals greens that quickly changed to a fierce, but still friendly, competition as the ladies went into battle. Round One on Thursday, under threatening skies, commenced with very light showers. However, 10 ends into the 18 end game saw the skies open and by the 12th end play was abandoned for the day. Brilliant sunshine, although accompanied by nasty winds, greeted the players Friday morning allowing the remaining 2 rounds to be completed. In an extremely tough competition, Pottsville’s shining stars Alana Sharp (S), Coral Nathan, Pat Field, and George Moore triumphed in all 3 rounds. Ocean Shores’ mixed team with Barbara Sprengel (S), Joan Highfield, Glenys Johnston and Kym Quinnell collected 2 round wins. Club teams skipped by Pat Bigg (Byron Bay), Maryann Sweetnam (Condong), Liz Fleming (Cudgen Leagues) and June Foran (Cabarita) each won 1 round only and the Lorraine McCormick (Brunswick Heads) and Di James (Kingscliff) teams were unlucky to suffer defeat in all rounds. At the end of play, Mid North Coast were declared winners, Northern Rivers were placed 2nd. Clarence River and Tweed Byron were equal on game wins with CRD awarded 3rd place on aggregate shots.

TBDWBA 2018 Inter District contingent at Park Beach.

Bring on 2019 when the Inter District Challenge will be conducted on home turf in the Tweed Byron District. See you on the greens. Good bowling everyone.

South Tweed Under 13s win JRL premiership SOUTH TWEED JRL Under 13s have won the minor and major premiership for 2018 at Tugun on September 8. The Under 13s beat Tweed Heads Seagulls 36-6 in a very dominant performance after a great season. Mason Moloney was Player of the Grand Final. Coach Dan Stanford said the team only had three losses for the year. “The boys just really played to their potentional at the grand final. “Their defence was outstanding and that’s what won as the final. “Their general attitude towards training and game day was exceptional for kids that age.

“Even outside of football they are just a really good bunch of boys and I really enjoyed working with them and being around them. “It was a real joint effort coaching this year.” We had Alan Cattanach, Paul Peisley and Lachlan and Kim Stanford all helping out and that made a huge difference. Club President Kevin Moloney said the team had a great year and deserved the win. “Congratulations to everyone involved with the team – the volunteers, the coaching staff Dan, Alan, Kim, Lachlan and Paul and support staff for all their hard work over the season. “The players have conducted themselves with honour and respect and showed outstanding sportsmanship so well done to them all.”

Tapped in to the waves

With Terry Tappa’ Teece

RIPPING WITH THE BEST CABARITA LOCAL, and former World Tour surfer Glen “Mr X” Winton showed he still was up there with the best of them at the World Masters Championships in the Azores last week. Winton, who placed fifth in the Grand Masters Division, missed out on the finals, but scored some great wave scores, with some massive turns that told the world Mr X has still got it. At least two nine point rides were racked up by the old Cabarita carver, and a whole lot of respect earned. The goofy footer had a ball and will even be coming home with a board gifted by 2000 World Champion Sunny Garcia.

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I watched the event online, and it was an all Aussie triumph in the three divisions, Rob Bain taking the Grand Masters from Gold Coast resident Cheyne Horan, Dave Macaulay (Dad of Women’s Pro Bronte Macaulay) winning the Masters Division from USA surfer Shane Bechen, and Layne Beachley getting another World Title winning over Rochelle Ballard. All the surfers had a ball, and got quite emotional at times. Layne Beachley, complete with husband and INXS member Kirk Pengilli on the beach as the support crew summed it up well: “This is really satisfying,” she said. “We’re all extremely grateful to WSL for recognising the pioneers and the trailblazers of the sport and putting this event on. As you can see we still love to compete, we still love to prove to ourselves and others that we’ve still got what it takes to win, and I look forward to competing again in this event in future years.”

Snapper girls grab the win

The Snapper Rocks Surfriders did not get it all there own way at the Vissla Kirra Junior and Women’s team challenge last weekend. The Snapper gals grabbed the win from Coolum, with Kobie Enright anchoring the team to victory in their last heat of the day. There were some great

performances over the weekend for the girls with heat wins from Pascha Luque-Light, Shaye Leeuwendal, and Lucy Tandler helping Snapper home to the win from the talented Coolum team. In the Junior boys it was southern domination, with Sydney Club North Steyne taking the win, from South Coast Club Southbridge, Burleigh Boardriders the only local club in the top three, with Snapper Rocks coming in third. Cabarita and Kingscliff put in some good performances in patches, with Blake Nekka one of the winners, Kingscliff finishing 14th in the field of 32 clubs from all around Australia, winning the local battle over Cabarita who finished in 18th. It was the 10th year of the event, and it was a great display of junior and women’s surfing, with clubs from Noosa to Wollongong and beyond sending up teams for the three day event. An awesome event, and a big thanks go out to the Kirra Surfriders putting on such a good event, which is slowly growing a history like it’s big brother, The Kirra Teams Challenge, now almost 36 years old. All the clubs will be back and the event will only be bigger and better next year. Catch Tappa’s surf reports on 105.7 Radio Metro at 7am and 12pm 7 days a week, or on instagram every day @ tappateece

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Between the Flags

Cudgen Headland SLSC - Keith Kennedy THE 112TH NSW Patrol Season commencing this weekend will be celebrated with a “Raising of the Flags” Ceremony this Friday at North Steyne SLSC. As the FNC BRANCH “Club of the Year”, Cudgen has the honour of conducting the raising ceremony for Far North Coast which will be held this Saturday morning commencing at 8.30 am to which the public are invited, with guests invited to stay for some light refreshment following. Representative honours continue for our competitors with Joseph Warne and Liam Worling selected in the NSW U18 Yr. Pool Rescue Squad to compete in the New Zealand U19 Yr. Championships October 11-15. At last years championships we had Anthea Warne in the Australian squad and Chantel Luxton in the NSW. Representation comes at a cost which has to be borne by the Club and parents. Cost for NZ is $1,900. In November Anthea will represent Australia in the World Titles and invoice for $2,600. Last Thursday 18 schools were represented in the Qld Secondary Schools Carnival at Coolangatta. Representing Lindisfarne, Lily O’Sullivan won the 15 yr. Surf and Board and was second in the Iron Woman with Ginger Allen 5th. Lily won the age division. Breanna Raymond 3rd Sprint, 2nd Flags. Representing Palm Beach – Currumbin Stirling Crawford won the 15 yr. Sprint and Flags and with Eli Hughes the beach relay. Eli was 3rd in the sprint and with Stirling, 3rd in the Cameron Relay.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

In the 16 yr. female, Kingscliff girls, Sofie Boyd was second in the Iron Woman and 4th in the Surf. Mia Taylor was placed 4th and 5th in the same events and Maddison Jones, Lindisfarne, 6th and 5th. Claudia Crawford, Kingscliff was 6th in the Sprint. Point score went to Palm Beach, Lindisfarne 6th, Kingscliff 7th. Cudgen provided 5 officials. The Lennox Head Enduro held last Saturday attracted 7 of your younger members. The event comprises of a runswim-board with distances varying for ages. Ethan Alcorn competed in U11 yr, Harrison Gray 12, Kloe Mills 13 and placed 4th Kalani Ives 1st in 14 girls, Lily O’Sullivan 1st in 15 girls with Ginger Allen 2nd. Liam Worling 2nd in the 17 boys. This Friday on completion of board training at 6.30 pm competitors and family members are invited to an information session on the season ahead of carnivals, representative selection, nominations, closing dates etc. The application form for subsidy of craft/equipment, training fees depending on funds available needs to be completed by October 13 and placed in the Surf Sport tin upstairs at the bar. The Coldies concluded their 39th season last Sunday with a luncheon and presentations. A total of 83 took part during the season. Only one swimmer ‘Nailed it’ with a spot on time which went to Sam Patterson. Darren Wright and Amanda Clarke achieved 100% attendance. Amanda also won the season point score from Sam Patterson and Charlie Buchanan. The “Boot” Award went to Erin Vote. Last trivia answer – National Labor Party President was Jenny McAllister. She is currently a NSW Senator. This weeks trivia. How many NSW Open Championships has the club hosted? (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5. October Calendar. 6-7th Coolangatta Gold 14th Open Carnival – Byron Bay.

Local Sport 55

Cudgen Coldies Winner Amanda Clarke with Tom Gielis

20th – 21st Oceans 6 – Queenscliff 21st Qld. Beach Series – Coolangatta 27th Cudgen Juniors Classic 27th National Awards of Excellence – Sydney 28th Open Carnival – Cudgen. Patrols: Sat. 29th. Sept. AM Prawns – Tim Regan (c) PM Whales – Anthea Anderson Brook Masons (c’s) Sun. 30th Sept, AM Sea Lice – Mick O’Brien (c) PM Oysters – Trevor Tesch (c) Mon. 1st Oct. AM Barracudas – Sue Eke (c) PM Ducks – Mark Haynes (c) ENTERTAINMENT: SUNDAY – BILL JACOBI. Drone surveillance will be in use by Lifeguards commencing in October and will also be used by our patrols as members qualify for its use.

Seagulls gets sports complex upgrade PIGGABEEN SPORTS Complex, home of Tweed Heads Seagulls RLFC, will undergo a major upgrade thanks to a $300,000 NSW Government grant. Member for Tweed Geoff Provest said the upgrade would include new change rooms, a gymnasium, storerooms and accessible toilets “Women’s rugby league continues to grow in popularity across the region, so we need to cater to this increase in demand,” Mr Provest said. “What we will see from this project is a regional sport facility for the Tweed

and northern NSW communities with a focus on women’s, junior and indigenous participation. “The project will open opportunities to host community sporting events and enable the complex to become a hub for increased participation across rugby league and softball.” Minister for Racing Paul Toole said the project was funded through the Clubgrants Category 3 Infrastructure Grants program. “More than $50 million in funding is being provided during this current term of government for projects

across sport and recreation, emergency preparedness, and arts and culture,” Mr Toole said. “These grants are funded by a contribution from the state’s registered clubs to reinvest profits from gaming machines back into community projects.” Mr Provest said there was now a more streamlined application process to help cut red tape and allow for faster assessment which encouraged a more diverse range of projects.

Seagulls funding

South Tweed Under 15s grand final glory THE SOUTH Tweed Bears Under 15s have won the minor and major premiership in the Group 18 JRL. The Bears beat Byron Bay/Lennox Head 22-16 at Tugun on September 8. Noah Johannsen was named Player of the Grand Final. Club President Kevin Moloney said he wanted to thank the committee for all their hard work throughout the year. “Without these volunteers and the hard work they do throughout the year we wouldn’t be able to run the club,” Kevin said. “We also want to thank the coaching and support staff Mick Warren, Chris Marrison, The Tweed Coast Tigers Under 12s defeated Byron Bay 22-10 in the AFL Grand Final

Tigers Under 12s take the grand final THE TWEED Coast Tigers have taken out the premiership in the AFL Northern Rivers Juniors Under 12s against the Byron Bay Magpies at John Rabjones Oval Murwillumbah on September 9. The team made it to the grand final against Byron last year but went down by three points. Assistant coach Glen Elliot said Byron were the strongest side in the competition all year. “No other side got within ten goals of them all year so they were the strong favourites going in, Elliot said. “Early in the game we tagged three of their prime movers - we planned that before the game started - which gave us an opportunity to compete.

“The team started really strongly and held the opposition goalless until 3.4 time. It was a huge effort. “When Jake Boyd marked and goaled in the last quarter that put the game in our hands. “The Tigers last five minutes were tense but we held out the Magpies with the final score Tigers 2/10/22 to Byron 1/4/10.” Elliot said that after round 7 the team had only had one win. “They were down on numbers so coach Brett Arthur recruited some new players and they snuck into the finals and had a close win in the first final against the Ballina Bombers and took out the competition,” he said. “Brett used his superior motivational skills to convince the players they could win and it worked.”

Brian Cox and Leith Andrews who have done such a fantastic job. “We would also like to thank all our sponsors for 2018 because they keep the children’s fees lower and let more kids enjoy the game.” The South Tweed JRL Committee also congratulated “these young men for playing with sportsmanship, team work but most of all represented our club with honour and respect.” Congratulations to everyone involved with the club and all the other Group 18 Tweed teams on a great year.

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