2017-2021 Strategic Youth Action Plan Presented by: Rick Henke and Julie Brett
Welcome to Twelve25
* Housekeeping – thanks to Arie * City of Salisbury’s main youth facility * Est 2007 * Focused on outcomes for young people * 4 E’s – engagement, education, employment and enterprise * Innovate, not duplicate, partnerships
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Programs of Twelve25 • Engagement • School holiday programs
• Education • Partnership with Northern Adelaide Senior College • ARA homework clubs
• Employment • Wheels in Motion • InterviewMe
• Enterprise •
Coffee, Pizza, Tutoring, Airbrush Tattoos
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Salisbury Youth Council • • • • • •
Sect 41 18 + 3 EM + 3 Mentors Ages 14-25 years Meets bi-monthly 2 project teams 2018 projects – disability inclusion and Anti-bullying
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The big picture City Plan 2030 is our blueprint for achieving the vision you helped us develop:
“Salisbury - a flourishing City with opportunity for all” City Plan 2030 provides practical strategies and actions to build on our existing assets and make the most of opportunities that have the potential to be transformative for not only the City of Salisbury, but the northern Adelaide region more broadly.
City Plan 2030 contains the following 4 key directions: • Prosperous City – driving Economic growth in South Australia, creating more jobs, providing
people with skills and knowledge to connect to those jobs and sustainably increasing our population. • Sustainable City - A place where people actively experience and care for their natural environment, where green industries throve and our urban and natural spaces are adaptive to future changes in climate. • Liveable City - A welcoming community that celebrates its diversity, embraces change and where people are able to participate in community life. Its a City with interesting places and experiences. • Enabling Excellence – A council where people work because that can make a difference, an organisation that anticipates, understands and meets community needs, a Council with a positive attitude. Faculty of Edit this on the Slide Master
The University of Adelaide
The big picture The 2017-2021 Strategic Youth Action Plan -
Drives the direction of our youth strategy
Was launched by Mayor and Youth Council chair
Is a endorsed strategy by council
Sits within the Community Capacity and Learning division (Libraries, Community Centres and Youth)
We are working to a implementation plan and framework
Reports back through Youth Council as a subcommittee of full council
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Youth Consultations • Research instruments consisted of: • A four-question qualitative survey (modelled on the discover and dream stages of Appreciative Inquiry) that was facilitated by council staff and Youth Council members • Questions one and two explored current personal and community-level strengths and supports (discovery questions). • Questions three and four explored personal and community-level aspirations for living a good life in the future (dreaming questions).
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Methods and Research Instruments •
Methods for individual consultations are detailed in the section of the engagement report titled ‘Datasets’ – however, all methods were drawn from the following pool:
• Street-level consultations • Focus groups • On-line and staff surveys • One-hour structured consultation sessions delivered in schools and with community groups • Community forums • Workshops for vulnerable youth
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Methods and Research Instruments (Cont) Despite the diverse range of research methods outlined in the previous slide the overwhelming majority of participants took part in the one-hour structured consultation session • One hour divided into three x 20 minute sections. • Section one: A quiz about the City of Salisbury • Section two: Four-question qualitative survey facilitated by Youth Council and council staff • Section 3: Brainstorming questions across four topics of jobs and education, health and wellbeing, multiculturalism and diversity, and active and creative lifestyles.
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Consultations • Sports clubs • Paralowie House FLO program • Bowden Brompton northern campus • Targeted consultations were also held with specific youth populations: • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth • Multicultural youth • Young people living with living disability • NEET youth (not in education training and employment) • LGBTI youth • Youth leaders • City of Salisbury youth workforce • Faith-based youth groups • Twelve local schools: Secondary and Upper Primary
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Snapshot: Four brainstorming questions • • • •
Education and Job Opportunities Health and Wellbeing Active and Creative Lifestyles Diversity and Multiculturalism
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The University of Adelaide
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Questions and queries?
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The University of Adelaide