Megaphone Email and Online Communications Policy Purpose and Scope
This document outlines the required usage and behaviour for all email users at Megaphone. This policy refers to all electronic communication systems including email, Skype, internet, text messaging, chat systems and any other communication through the services located at this company, or under the auspices of any login or domain name or numbers connected with this company.
Email protocol 1.1. All staff email addresses are in the following format: 1.1.1. First name in full [dot] first initial of surname @ megaphone [dot] com
Example: john.b@megaphone.com. 1.1.2. All new staff members will have an email address issued to them upon commencement of employment.
Email login 2.1. Smallsoft Outlook is used as the software program for Megaphone. Access to
this program is via employee’s computer. Username and password is required when login occurs. 2.2. In line with Megaphone’s computer use policy, when an employee is away from their computer, it must be locked. This will prohibit unauthorised use of email via third parties. 2.3. Employee’s email username is their email address, as mentioned in 1.1.1. 2.4. All email passwords are the user’s first initial of their surname followed by their date of birth - ddmmyyyy. Example: John Smith, born 12 March 1997 would have the password s12031997. 2.5. Passwords require changing every 30 days for security purposes.
Sending emails 3.1. All emails must follow Megaphone’s email template (located in the style guide)
and must be checked for the following: 3.1.1. Correct recipient’s address. 3.1.2. Correct cc and bcc addresses. 3.1.3. When sending a bulk mail out to multiple customers, bcc MUST be used. 3.1.4. Attachments are not to exceed 2MB. 3.1.5. Subject line is to be completed and text is concise and relevant to content. No slang or offensive language, as spam filters may block email being received. 3.1.6. Content should be clear and complete and have been proofread prior to sending 3.1.7. Spell check and grammar checks must be done prior to sending 3.1.8. All emails and attachments must be compliant with laws:
Megaphone Email and Online Communications Policy
International, Federal, State and Local laws and regulations, including but not limited to those principles of law which protect against compromise of copyrights, trade secrets, propriety information and other intellectual property rights, libel or defamation of character. Anti-discrimination legislation and sexual harassment laws.
Receiving emails 4.1. When receiving emails, all staff are to adhere to the following: 4.1.1. Identify urgent emails and attend to those first. 4.1.2. Check for confidential or personal emails and ensure that no breach of
privacy occurs, by forwarding them to the intended recipient. 4.1.3. If you receive an inappropriate email, one that breaches any of the laws contained in item above, then immediate deletion rules apply.
Immediate deletion rules 5.1. Immediately delete any incoming emails, without opening any attachments, if: 5.1.1. Email has an attachment and is from an unknown or suspicious sender. 5.1.2. Emails where the sender is unknown and the subject line is enticing or suspicious, i.e. stating that it is urgent to open email immediately 5.1.3. Spam or junk emails, if these are obvious, then add to junk email: In Smallsoft Outlook choose: Actions Junk E-mail Add sender to blocked senders list.
Megaphone uses an extensive fire-wall security system; however it is up to each employee to ensure that potentially harmful emails are deleted and viruses along with Trojans or Worms do not penetrate our system.
Returned mail 6.1. If outgoing emails are returned, staff are to follow these steps: 6.1.1. Check recipient’s address in contacts or database and if correct; 6.1.2. Check size of attachments. If attachments are ok; 6.1.3. Resend and check for return notification. 6.1.4. Contact recipient by phone if returned a second time. 6.1.5. Send via fax or post if contact with recipient is restricted.
Mailbox Management 7.1. The following rules regarding mailbox management need to be adhered to, to ensure consistency throughout the organisation:
Megaphone Email and Online Communications Policy
7.1.1. all security levels and filters have been set by IT and are not to be adjusted
by any individual without prior consent of senior management. Without consent, any adjustments made to security levels and filters will be returned to default upon computer shutdown. 7.1.2. the use of ‘rules’ is encouraged by all staff in the successful management of incoming emails. 7.1.3. all staff must establish email folders in the following format: 7.1.4. Under Inbox 7.1.5. create a folder called ‘Customers’ 7.1.6. Establish individual folders for each customer 7.1.7. all correspondence from each customer is to be filed in their folder within the inbox subfolder called customers, along with any attachments. If hard copies require printing and amendments or adjustments are made to originals, then these must be filed in accordance with hard copy procedures. 7.1.8. inbox emails are to be for outstanding/un-actioned emails only, any actioned emails require filing. 7.1.9. any emails of non-significance may be deleted upon actioning; these would include orders where hard copies have been filed in paper-based filing system, simple or quick email discussions. The deleted items bin must be purged monthly. A general reminder email has been established by IT and is sent to each staff member on the 25th of each month. 7.1.10. ‘mailing lists’ are encouraged to be used by senior staff for the mass distribution of internal correspondence to their team members. Team members wishing to establish mailing lists are to ensure they maintain the integrity of their recipient’s privacy by using the Blind Copy (Bcc) button. If in doubt, refer any mailing list set-up to a supervisor PRIOR to sending. The Privacy Act must be read and understood by all staff prior to establishing any mailing lists on their email system.
Email troubleshooting 8.1. Before calling tech support, staff are to follow the following troubleshooting steps:
8.1.1. 8.1.2. 8.1.3. 8.1.4. 8.1.5. 9.
Check email/online programs are connected at other terminals Shutdown PC Reboot, if problem persists Refer matter to supervisor, if problem persists Contact tech support
Online communications 9.1. Apart from email, the following online communications are approved and used at Megaphone: 9.1.1. Instant messaging. Instant messaging is encouraged to be used by staff members for short conversations or quick questions, rather than using email.
Megaphone Email and Online Communications Policy
Skype. All staff has Skype established on their computer desktop. This system is to be used by the senior management team to make conference calls with their remote staff. Skype is available to all staff to use with those customers who have instigated contact or asked about contacting us via this method. 9.1.3. Please note, Facebook, MySpace and twitter are not approved online communications methods at Megaphone. Employees are not to use these communication methods with their customers, nor are they to log onto any of these sites during working hours. Any breach of this rule will result in a written warning with subsequent dismissal if the situation persists.
10. Netiquette 10.1. In relation to the use of any email and online communication software, the following etiquette is recommended: 10.1.1. E-mail:
Don’t assume any Internet communication is completely secure. “Never put in a mail message anything you would not put on a postcard”. Likewise, independently verify any suspect mail, as addresses can be forged. If you are forwarding or re-posting a message, don’t change the original wording. If you are replying to a message, quote only the relevant parts. Never send chain letters. Do not send abusive or heated messages. Allow time for mail to be received, and replied to, keeping in mind time differences around the world and other people’s busy schedules. Use mixed case, UPPER CASE LOOKS AS IF YOU’RE SHOUTING.
11. Interactive Services (e.g. Skype) 11.1. The conversation leader is the person who invited each person to the
conference. 11.2. If you drop out of the call, wait to be reconnected by the conversation leader. 11.3. Respect the culture of the group including people’s differences and accents and adjust to the style and tone of the discussion group. 11.4. This is no different to having a face to face conference, the same respect is extended. Do not override others as they are talking, wait your turn.
12. Text Talk
Short cuts or text talk is appropriate whilst sending texts and on some internal email messages, however is not appropriate when sending emails to customers. If a customer initiates text talk and it is appropriate to respond in the same manner, then that is acceptable.
Megaphone Email and Online Communications Policy