The Wedding Guide by:
Hello! I’m so excited that you are interested in the Twelve 50 Photography experience. I’ve created this guide as a way for you to know the basics about what a bridal or engagement session with me will be like. I hope that most of your questions will be answered, but if they aren’t feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions you may have. I cannot wait to work with you!
S e ssi o n s
The Mini Session $250 Spend an hour with me at one great location that truly represents you as a couple. You will receive three gift prints from this session. The Intimate Session $550 Let’s go to a few of your favorite locations and show the world the best things about you and your future mate. You will receive a photo album and two gift prints from this session. The Storyteller Session $950 If you’ve ever wanted to feel like a star, this is your chance. This session is inspired by magazines and the awesome spreads therein. We’ll spend two to three hours making sure your theme comes to life. You’ll receive a photo album and a fine art print from this sesssion.
Co l l e c ti o n s
The Queen Collection $1,250 I’ll spend the whole day with you from ‘getting ready’ to the bouquet toss. Receive an amazing album following your wedding. The Royalty Collection $2,150 The favorite collection amongst couples gurantees I’ll be there the entire day. Receive a photo album, fine art print and one mini album from your wedding. Book six months before your wedding and receive a mini engagement session. The Kingdom Collection $3,550 This collection will give you all of the awesomness of the Royalty Collection, but you’ll also get a Bridal Portrait session prior to your wedding day. Receive a photo album, fine art print, two mini albums and a custom wedding slideshow. Book six months before your wedding and receive a mini engagement. session.
Final Payment Please remember that your final payment is due at your rehearsal (or prior). I will not accept any money on the day of your wedding. Your wedding day is filled with a lot of hectic moments and I don’t want to burden you with remembering to pay your photographer. Please note that no photography services will be performed until your balance is paid in full.
The big day! As yo u r day d raws c loser, I will be co ntac t ing you p er iod ic ally to ta l k a b out t he final d et ails. I f yo u’d like, we c an meet at yo u r cerem ony site and d isc uss w h ere you would like to t ake yo u r ph otos. Feel free to c all o r ema i l me wit h any quest ions yo u may have. On th e d ay of your wed d ing, I wa nt to b e tot ally c lear ab out w h at we are d oing. This will en su re that you d o not sp end to o mu ch t im e away from your gu ests.
Please inform your guests that I will alot time during each photo moment for them to snap photos, but I request that they please do not take photos while I am shooting. I cannot gurantee my usual quality of photos with additional flashes and lights. Thanks again and see you soon.