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MAJA KEUC interviewed AZERBAIJAN 2012: are they ready? A BRAZILIAN's story in Düsseldorf Eurovision CHRONICLES Eurovision NEWS & GOSSIP

Actually, this is the very


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Eurovision S ever made. Isn’t it GREAT?

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10 12 18 26 28 40 42

st issue 1 the


The current News and Gossip going on in the Eurovision world, commented by our marvellous editors.


The newborn Slovene diva speaks to TWELVE about her life, about Düsseldorf and even a bit more.


YES! WE'VE GOT THEM! The Azeri winner duo tells us what is it like winning Eurovision. And how's life going after it.


Eager to show themselves to Europe, the Azerbaijani people are going to host Eurovision 2012. What's the scenario for next year?

A BRAZILIAN IN DÜSSELDORF We've been living the Eurovision experience in Germany last May, and we tell you how it went, with the pictures we took.


Our editor Filipe Lima writes on his vision of the current voting system, and how it has been affecting the final outcome of the Contest.

AN EUROFAN'S CHRONICLE The Brazilian eurofan and TWELVE's editor Fernanda Barreto talks about her family and their relation with Eurovision.


Our page on Issuu: The ESC12points blog: Contact us:

Disclaimer: This webmagazine is made only for recreational and information sharing purposes by an independent group of Eurovision Song Contest enthusiasts. It has no intention of break any copyright rule. If you would like to know more about our policies, just contact us via email on


Some dreams, hard work, and it's done! How far can we go in our lives?

people who - as many of you, read-

What is our limit? Some people say

ers - discussed things about Eurovi-

that we can achieve things in pro-

sion with friends through the Inter-

portion to how big we can dream

net. But then, we saw we could do

and how much we can struggle.

more. We saw we could make a site

This webmagazine is a concrete

to talk about it and to give an out-

proof that these people are right: it’s

sider’s view - most of the sites about

all about dreaming and going after

the contest are made by Europeans,

what was dreamt.

and as they are in the game, they

In Brazil, Eurovision isn’t very

can have a partial vision of it; on the

famous. National television broad-

other hand, as we are not “playing

casters don’t show the festival

the game”, we don’t let results or

here, so the two basic ways a Bra-

anything else influence our analy-

zilian can get to know the contest

sis. This idea generated ESC12points.

are either being introduced to it by

com, our beloved site (which we re-

someone who already knows it, or

ally recommend you to read!), and

finding it by accident while zap-

now, the webmagazine TWELVE.

ping the international channels

What is really cool about our

which show it here (Portuguese

team, besides the capacity of dream-

RTP or Spanish TVE) in the exact

ing high, is that we are completely

moment it’s on air. In other words,

different among ourselves. Some of

there aren’t many Brazilians who

us, for instance, loved Lena’s victory

know Eurovision exists.

in 2010, while others didn’t like it at

Because of that, the few ones

all - the same happened with Dima

who know about the festival and

Bilan, Lordi, Sertab Erener... we are

love it usually go online in search of

very plural, and we respect and give

other people who share the same

space to every kind of taste (not like

feeling. That’s how the editors of

some others, who define what’s

TWELVE met each other - the need

good and what’s not as if musical

to find friends who understand this

preference wasn’t variable).

love and with whom you can dis-

You will see this plurality here

cuss the songs, the artists and the

in TWELVE. And we hope you en-

results united us.

joy reading it as much as we en-

For a long time, we were just

joyed preparing it to you! o ct '11




THE TEAM: Antonio Neto

22 y.o., architecture and urbanism student. Lives in Bel辿m, but dreams of going somewhere colder. Prays for an Icelandic victory on ESC and for September and Laura to perform on ESC someday (it'd be beautiful *-*). |

Filipe Lima

25 years old. A journalist who is studying to become a business administrator. Lives in Santos, but wishes to move to S達o Paulo. Loves eating junk food and sleeping (specially if he can dream of Sirusho). |

Fernanda Barreto (Fefe)

A 22 y.o. girl who works in a national bank. She suffers of addiction to nail polishes, True Blood series and dreams about that day when Portugal will win any competition. Specially ESC. |

Fernanda Cabrera (Nanda)

A 22 y.o. journalism student who dreams big. Has a Spanish heart. Addicted to soccer, nail polishes, Angry Birds and flat ballerina shoes, she does an exchange program thinking on the next one.

Leonardo Vaz (Leo)

The 20 y.o. dude from S達o Paulo studies Graphic Design and works at a home decoration magazine. Addict on eating KitKat, he lives to see Urban Symphony back to Eurovision (winning it, obviously). |

Marcos Paulo Pereira

24, Physical Education bachelor from S達o Paulo, hates to work, loves schlager divas, coreographies, wind machines, hair-whipping and flame-throwers on stage. Might represent Kosovo next century. |

Matheus Gomes

26, bachelor in Law, has got a special crush with (friendly) competitions between nations like ESC, the Olympic Games and Miss Universe. He thinks Ukraine should win all of them, because they were born to rock! | 8


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the latest Eurovision related stories! The hectic Irish twins strike back in 2012? It's being said the Irish broadcaster RTÉ is very pleased with Jedward's placing in Eurovision 2011, and therefore the twins may play the next year's Lena/ Dana/Zdob si Zdub/etc and will make a comeback to the contest, "in it to win it". And even with the same (Swedish) team of composers of Lipstick, the song that divided Eurofans in two groups: the ones that sing along to it, and the ones that pretend they don't. Guilty pleasure may be the "new" black for 2012.


Azerbaijan to guarantee human rights and visas

National finals season already kicked off!

The Azerbaijani government assured that all foreign

Apart from Switzerland (read more on the right), Swe-

visitors will have a simplified process to obtain

den already started the webjoker voting for Melodifesti-

visas, and all the security and safety actions neces-

valen (check the striking ballad I Mina Drömmar, by Maria

sary for everyone to enjoy thoroughly the event in

Benhajji - we bet it'll be given to Sanna Nielsen or Sonja Al-

Baku will be taken. The Prime Minister Artur Rasiza-

dén), Slovenia began airing the Misija Eurovizija shows

deh also said during the EBU Reference Group meet-

with newcomers singing cover songs, and some of the

ing that all European standards of freedom of

songs submitted to the Dutch selection are appearing

speech and assembly will be respected. All we

online. The Finnish UMK talent search will also start in

need now is some cheap staying and flights, isn't it?

early November. Nothing much yet, but watch this space!


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all Photos: EBU, divulgation

Swiss NF party: from Lys Assia to Same Difference, everyone's invited! The Swiss broadcasters (all the 3 of them, plus a radio

speaking RTS, leading to a live show in December 10th,

station) seem to be happy with the method used to bring

with 2-minutes-long performances of the songs, and

Anna Rossinelli to the Eurovision stage, and will use it

14 competitors (6 from SF, 2 from RSI, 3 from RTS and

again to select their entry to the contest in Baku. The in-

3 from the German-spoken DRS 3 radio, which are al-

ternet open selection of the German-speaking SF has al-

ready selected). In the French part, we like Valentine

ready more than 100 subscriptions, with artists from all

de Rham's Whitney Houstonized song It Doesn't Have

over the world. Eurovision's first winner ever, Lys Assia

To Rain Today, and two Quebecanian ballads: Wrong To

(above left), tries to represent her native Switzerland

Let You Go (by Katherine St-Laurent, from Canadian

after 56 years with the "retro" song C'était Ma Vie ("This

Idol '08) and Démande-Moi/Ask Me (by Marie-Élaine

was my life"), composed by the "legendary" Ralph Siegel.

& Étienne). The Italian part has the likeable R&B from

It's a bit too retro - unlike the entry from the former UK

Cloe's The End , a sexy song called L'assenza in the typ-

X-Factor competitors Same Difference, (above right)

ical Italian style by Barbara Berta (the Swiss entrant

that come with a song suggestively called Music, which

in 1997), and Vittoria Hyde's It's Your Love, which is

we suppose it's composed by someone of the Alcazar

an uptempo retropop song, driven by a sax riff (epic sax

team, as they already worked together and the new

guy, anyone?) and the powerful Anastacia-like voice

song reminds so much of Alcazar's latest efforts. Anoth-

of the singer. The South African male vocal group Ro-

er spotlight should be put on Ultra Naté: the American

manz appear with the song For You (I'll Build Rome In

singer is back from her 90s-dancefloors fame to fight

One Day), and as "already selected" in the Italian part -

for the Swiss ticket with My Love, a nice electropop

the song resembles of the Swiss entry in 2006, but sang

song with some nice synths and a great chorus. An-

by Il Divo. There's also Who You Really Are, a typical pop-

other cool song is the also retro-90s and totally catchy

rock song by Heinz Winckler, the winner of the first

Mr. Millionaire by Aleema (a new Swiss duo). There's

season of South African Idols. What's nice about this

also other two sub-national finals going on, organized

Swiss selection is that all the songs are already avail-

by the Italian-speaking broadcaster RSI and French-

able online - time to start the engines, everyone!

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MAJA KEUC In one of the toughest Slovenian preselection processes ever, she's made it with recognition from the jury panel and a runaway voting from the public. Singing an epic ballad in which she could explore all of her overwhelming (and always compared to Christina Aguilera's) vocal abilities, she then conquered the whole Europe, which shoot her to Slovenia's best placing in nine years. Read in the next pages the interview of the girl who's putting her country back in the Eurovision map. ďƒ˘ o ct ' 1 1



[TWELVE] Hello Maja, on behalf of TWELVE team,

sure, laughter and sparkling new ideas about music. There's

I want to thank you for answering our questions

always a discussion about the possible winners. Everyone in

and congratulate you and your team for the bril-

my family have their own favorites and we are often argu-

liant participation on the 2011 Eurovision Song

ing with one another about the best one. Therefore we al-

Contest‌ your song was one of our staff favorites!

ways watch the ESC for the music and the competitive spirit

[Maja Keuc] Thank you! You staff have a good sense

of it, keeping our fingers crossed for the Slovenian song.

for music :-)

About your Eurovision experience, how does it

Can you tell us about your early days in the music in-

feel to be on that stage, performing to an audience

dustry? We know you were in musicals and then you

from several countries all around the world?

were the runner-up in the Slovenia's Got Talent.

Crazy good! I enjoy being on the stage. Of course I was

In that case you know everything. After Slovenian

scared when I saw the size of the stage and hall, but then

talent show, where I took second place, and the invi-

when I was starting to sing, the fear disappeared and

tation to Slovenian selection for ESC 2011, where I

the pleasure of singing was everything that remained.

won, everything has changed. I had to grow up over

Slovenia isn't really used to qualify from semifinal.

night. My actual music career has only just begun and

Only Alenka Gotar and you managed to pass to

there are so many options in

the final since the semifi-

front of me. Many possibili-

nal rule started on Euro-

ties, a few different strategies, but everything is still open. I have a CD on the way that will be released in September 2011. Right now, I'm in the middle of some international agreements. Otherwise, we will see. After all, I'm only 19 years old. Why have you decided to


" But honestly, we can win one day if the song is an amazing piece of music of mixed tastes."

vision. Why do you think Slovenia has so much difficulty on qualifying? Did you see a voting system at the end? Here is the answer. But honestly, we can win one day if the song is an amazing piece of music of mixed tastes. How does it feel to reach a great 3rd place in the semi-

take part in the 2011 EMA

finals and the best position

and then Eurovision? And

ever for a Slovenian since

can you tell us about the song selection?

the semifinal rules started? Were you expecting

The reason? This was one of the options to see what it

it? [when the interview was made, EBU hadn't

looks like the musical world beyond the borders of Slovenia.

published the split results, which showed Maja

For me, it was an extremely important experience in which

had won her semifinal on the jury voting]

I had a lot of domestic public support, and therefore it was

I feel great and proud. I was not burdening myself

easier. Selection of songs has been made by the national

about the classification. Only the quality of singing

television RTVSLO, who invited ten outstanding good and

was important and nothing else.

popular performers. The expert committee has selected

There were three songs in Eurovision 2011 whose

two finalists, followed by a televoting window, who chose

main point was the voice quality of the singer:

the winner and representative of Slovenia in ESC 2011.

France, Albania, and yours. You were the best

Are you a Eurovision fan? If so, what's your favor-

qualified among the three, France was 15th and Al-

ite song ever in the contest?

bania didn't pass semifinal. Do you think Eurovi-

It's hard to say that I am fan of ESC. Eurovision Song Contest

sion fans are valuing voice quality less than they

has to be a celebration of music. It represents a time for plea-

should? What about songs which stand themselves ďƒ˘


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in the performance, not the musical aspect?

their second participation. Do you think you can

Eurovision fans are valuing everything – voice quality

also return to the festival someday?

and a lot of different other aspects. There is no miracle

I don't know. It won't be the same. It's really hard to

formula about possible winners. It's a matter of music

explain all those feelings and energy around me, the

taste, which has no objective rules.

good mood in my country, the sincerity of people… I

Talking about this year's songs: Which ones

think that there are a lot of good young singers who

were your favorites? How do you feel about

deserve this opportunity in their lives.

Azerbaijan's victory?

How do you feel being compared to such great

My favorites were the Italian and Austrian songs. I love

names as Christina Aguilera and Anastacia? Are

jazz and the way Raphael Gualazzi sings. Nadine from

they musical influences to you?

Austria has an excellent voice and there are no mis-

Both of them are great names and even greater vo-

takes when she's on the stage.

calists. Maybe Maja Keuc's voice reminds the voice of

How does the interaction among the contestants

Christina or Anastacia, but certainly I am neither one

work? We know you meet on parties, promo

nor the other. I am what I am, and once I approach the

events, backstage… Have you made any friends?

quality of their songs, I'll be happy.

And can you tell us if there

As you might know we're

was some not that nice?

Brazilian – so what do you

I'm not a woman who would burden with the celebrity status of someone. I can access to anyone who is interesting for me and I'm open to all those people who want to hang out with me. I'm feeling good both on stage and backstage, or at parties and receptions. Probably I'm a happy

" I'm not a woman who would burden with the celebrity status of someone."

know about our culture and music? Not much, I'm sorry. Like most people, I'm familiar with samba and bossa nova. But there is much, much more than that, I'm sure. Probably music plays a major role in Brazilian life and Brazil's music is as wide as the country itself, and as

person by nature, and I'm

diverse as its people.

able to accept different life

Last but not least, can you

situations with some personal distance.

leave a message for the read-

How does the Slovenian people relate to Euro-

ers and your Brazilian fans?

vision? Did you receive a lot of support since

I feel honored that you wanted an interview with me. I

you were selected to represent the country?

know that very few people in Brazil know my name. But

How was the reception of the people since you

music has the power to unite people, and I hope that our

returned to Slovenia?

paths will cross again. Support the musicians in Brazil

Slovenes offered a great support to me and they were able

and enjoy good music! Buena suerte Brasil! Eu lhes desejo

to enjoy with me. I'm grateful to them for this reason, and

sorte! [Good luck Brazil! I wish you luck!]

glad that they did not need a victory to be happy. Your result, a record for Slovenia, shows you were well received by the European audience. Some art-


ists that were well received but didn't win, such as

We would like to say thanks again to Maja

Helena Paparizou and Dima Bilan, returned to the

and her lovely team for the kindness and

Contest some years after and won Eurovision in

beautiful words! Hvala, Maja! Srecno!


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all Photos: Divulgation/EBU

Their country has been for only four years on the running. And not really scared of anything, this pair of young artists took a long way in the Azerbaijani national selection to finally conquer the juries' votes in the final and, then, be able to perform in DĂźsseldorf. The lovely duo spoke to our editors about their experience and their thoughts on the near future of the contest they've just won. ďƒ˘ 18


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[TWELVE] Tell us how both of you felt when you

about capturing the audience with your song and you

brought ESC to the Land of Fire for the first time. What

may do it as a solo performer, a duet or a band.

does it take to win the Eurovision Song Contest?

Bringing duos to Eurovision is almost a private

[Nigar] It was an incredible feeling, a dream come

tradition to Azerbaijan, since in four years in the

true! Our victory means so much for Azerbaijan – so

Contest, we had 3 pairs of singers waving the azeri

many people will discover our country thanks to it.

flag. Have you, guys, ever met before the duo was

[Eldar] I can’t say what it takes to win Eurovision for

formed? How hard it was to put you in the same

everyone, but I can say what it was for us. It was a lot of

page and find your place in the song?

hard to work and the fact that

[E] We were matched as a

we gave our all to our perfor-

duet in the finals of Azer-

mance plus the love and support of Azerbaijani people and our fans around the world. Some eurofans said that male/female duos were outdated, and then we had Paula Seling and Ovi who got the third place to Romania last year and you two winning the contest for Azerbaijan.

" Eurovision is really about capturing the audience with your song"

Do you guys think that in


baijani Eurovision selection – it was jury’s decision. We were surprised at first but it worked out just fine! Our voices sounded great together, we quickly became friends and our song Running Scared – it was as if it was written especially for us! There were lots of comebacks this year, like Lena, Dana International and Zdob

the next year we'll have a lot of duos?

Si Zdub. Would you guys make an Eurovision come-

[N] I don’t think a duet is a winning formula for Eurovi-

back sometime? The press are saying that maybe

sion or anything like that. Me and Eldar proved to be a

next year you two would come back... is it true?

good match as performers and our song is about love,

[N] We haven’t planned any comeback yet. Right now

so it only made sense that it was sang by a man and a

we’re focusing on touring Europe and spreading the

woman. Of course, there could me more duos next year

word about Azerbaijan and bringing as many people

just because we won as a duet, but Eurovision is really

as possible to our country next year.


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Eldar and Nigar joined as a duo during the final show of the Azeri national selection, back in February.

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[E] And we also have to focus on our career – we signed

native Azerbaijan that gave me a chance to participate

a contract with Universal and we will work on an al-

in Eurovision and helped me return to my music career!

bum, so I guess we have enough on our plate for now.

(To Eldar) How do you feel about all this attention

Had you become friends with any of the other com-

you're getting from fans all over Europe?

petitors? Do you still keep in touch?

[E] I guess I’m getting used to it little by little (smiles).

[E] During the contest we became friends with Lena,

It was shocking and awkward at first – so many people

Zdob Si Zdub, Dana International, contestants from

would recognize me, even come up to me in the street

Turkey and Malta. We didn’t even see them as com-

and ask for a photograph. But the most important

petitors, in fact, Lena herself

thing is to keep your feet on

predicted our victory!

the ground and not get car-




are you fans of or get inspiration from? [E] One of my favorite performers ever is Céline Dion and she also happens to be one of the best known Eurovision winners ever, one of the few who launched

" But the moment I heard the song (...) I felt like I’ve always known it."

I think I'm managing, so far! How was the process of the song selection? Did you guys have chosen to sing Running Scared? [E] No, the song was chosen for us by our team. However, if we were strongly opposed to it, and it didn’t really work – we

a big career after her vic-


ried away by all this attention.

tory. Of course I’m very inspired by her example.

wouldn’t go with it. But the moment I heard the song I was

[N] My music idol is Jennifer Lopez, but she’s not a Eu-

in love – it was just perfect, I felt like I’ve always known it.

rovision star. She’s simply a star!

So, what is Azerbaijan preparing for us eurofans

(To Nigar) Do you think living in London helped

for 2012 in Baku?

in your career in any way? Maybe being closer to

[N] The preparations are really serious – I’m sure

the world music tendencies...

you’d be really impressed. There are even plans of

[N] Of course when you’re living in a city like London,

building a new concert arena especially for Eurovi-

you’re in the center of everything and you get to know

sion! The whole city is getting ready to give Eurovi-

all the main trends in music, fashion, food. But it was my

sion fans the best welcome ever.


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The Azeri duo with Lee Ryan and Duncan James from Blue, the UK representatives in 2011. Partying hard.

They even met the President of Azerbaijan (2nd from right), his wife and the Minister of Culture. Très chic!

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We are Brazilian, so what both of you know about our culture and music? [N] I still remember Brazilian soap operas shown on TV (laughs), they were the first thing probably to introduce me to Brazilian culture. I was completely captured by it. I love your music, you have amazing beaches and great fashion. [E] I 'd also love to visit Rio de Janeiro carnival one day. And a proper Brazilian beach party – those must be super fun. Last but not least, can you leave a message to TWELVE readers and your Brazilian fans? [E&N] Thank for you support and for believing in us. It’s just great knowing we have fans in such an amazing country as Brazil. Good luck to you all and believe in your dreams – they will come true!

We would like to say thanks to Eldar, Nigar and their team for the kindness and Bakıda gelen il siz baxın!

AZERBAIJAN: from 8th to 1st in four years 2008: 8th place, 132 points Elnur and Samir | Day After Day

2009: 3rd place, 207 points Aysel and Arash | Always

2010: 5th place, 145 points Safura | Drip Drop

2011: 1st place, 221 points

Eldar and Nigar | Running Scared



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all Photos: EBU, internet resources

sympathy when answering our questions!

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What's up,


Now it's set: Baku will host Eurovision 2012. What should we expect from the host country? Written by Matheus Gomes

The city of Baku is going under a whole transformation. Old buildings will coexist with the new ones, changing and improving the Azerbaijani post cards.



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As you know, Eurovision 2011 is over, but the engines

the result of a great strategy, planned by the Ministry of

are still very hot! The Azerbaijani victory not only took us

Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan. First of all, they win

by surprise (even imagining a good position, we didn't bet

the largest music contest in Europe and later, faced with

in victory), but also left us a bit curious about the coun-

an overexposure in the international media, they show

try's ability to host an event as important as Eurovision

themselves to the world. Sounds easy, right? But it's not!

Song Contest – even because we know almost nothing

Baku still doesn't have the ideal indoor arena to receive

about Azerbaijan, right? And we are not alone in this

the event, but this might be resolved soon. Already under

boat: the European Broadcasting Union didn't know what

construction, the Baku Crystal Hall was announced as

Baku had to offer until the first meeting with Ictimai TV

the event's place, but until now, no formal confirmation

members, that happened two months ago.

by the EBU was released. The official dates for the festival

Azerbaijan was part of the Union of Soviet Socialist

are set to 22, 24 and 26 May 2012.

Republics, got independence nearly 20 years ago, on Oc-

Even if everything related to the festival goes well

tober 18, 1991, and is a member of the Council of Europe

until May, Azerbaijan will not cease to be a tension zone.

since January 25, 2001. It has nearly 9,047,000 inhabit-

Who is used to enjoy a full kind of freedom, will certainly

ants and a high literacy rate (99.5% - the 4 highest in

be surprised by the pace of Azerbaijani society, devoid of

the world). The country, which faces a constant struggle

excellence in basic requirements such as human rights,

for economic growth, is not intended to shut out from the

press freedom, among others. Another point that can not

world, but the opposite: it seeks to draw attention any-

be ignored is the conflict with Armenia, firm and strong

how. The Azerbaijani government has chosen tourism as

for many years (despite the fragile truce agreed in 1994),

their major priority, to make it the leading single contribu-

all because of a dispute over a land rich in natural fuels in

tor to the national economy in the coming years, and who

addition to the privileged geographical position .


To host ESC, the infrastructure problems can be solved

and this is how Eurovision Song Contest suits in the Azer-

easily, but deviating attention from the social problems will

baijan's history. It's not hard to see that this victory was

be a great equation to be solved by Azerbaijan next year. ď‚&#x;

all Photos: internet resources

wants to appear, nothing better than a great showcase,

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s s 端 D t Wha

h g u a t 28


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f r o d l e s me


Written by Leonardo Vaz | All photos by Leonardo Vaz o ct ' 1 1



From America, after 10 hours I don't remember exactly of when I decided to book flights, staying and the Eurovision tickets to Düsseldorf. Maybe it was after a teacher of mine told the students that we shouldn't postpone our dreams. Definately, living the whole Eurovision on-location experience was one of my biggest dreams. Corny lines, I know. Now I'll try to tell you how it all went to me. Airplanes are not really my cup of tea: I feel so uncomfortable when flying, because of the tight space of the chair that we have to fit into, and I can go really sick. Knowing that my way to Germany would take at least ten hours of lonely suffering wasn't cool. At all. But I was like "okay, it's Eurovision, let's go for it", and it was alright in the end. When arriving, I finally could perceive what the "European-ness" was like, in a lot of different ways. And that it even existed, in fact.  30


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I was inside the Düsseldorf airport, when I first saw the Eurovision logo. I think it was a funny moment, cause the guy followed the opposite path that the ESC arrow pointed...

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Breathing the Eurovision air Everything was so well organized. Such an event, if it took place in Brazil, would be a HUGE mess. Just as the 2014 Soccer World Cup, which we can already tell that it won't be nice. Well, and about Eurovision. The city breathed ESC, everywhere. Parties, museums, buses, stores, airport. Lena's face was in every billboard on the streets and in every show on the TV. I never thought an Eurovision act could be so praised in any country even more when it comes to a Big 5 country. Arriving in the arena was the ultimate experience: it was the moment when I said to myself: "Eurovision really exists". For me, it was something virtual, that happened only on my computer and TV set. And then, it was not measurable. Not until I passed through the arena doors and seen the stage. Enormous, as if it had to fit the whole European population in a few square metres. 



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One of the street corners near the Königsallee, the main shopping spot of Düsseldorf. This is a construction billboard, showing some of the latest winning acts.

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Audience's minds on fire If there's one thing that my eurofan side has learnt from this whole experience, it's that the reaction of the fans inside the Eurovision arena is not a good way to measure if a song will do well or not. Everyone went nuts dancing, singing and screaming with the songs from Estonia and Hungary, and they ended up so low on the final scoreboard. Denmark and Italy, countries that no one in the audience (except from their native supporters) really cared about during their performances, both ended up in the top 5. Something that looks awesome on camera and feels terrible when you're near the stage: the flame-throwers. The amount of flames blown in the air during the Albanian song was just unbearable for more than a couple of minutes. It's like your face is on fire because someone blew a strange invisible flame on you. I try to imagine how Aurela Gaçe felt, struggling to sing a diffucult song like hers, with this extra obstacle. ďƒ˘



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When in the audience, I thought: "I gotta capture one moment that all the flags are flying". I tried my best to catch the Lebanese one, but it kept running away from the lens...

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Shake your eurobooty! One of the things I was more eager to do when going to DĂźsseldorf was being at a real Europarty. The chance I have to dance to an Eurovision song, in a nightclub in Brazil, is close to zero - so I'd better dance for my life! And so I did. All the Swedish schlagers, all the oldie Eurovision stuff, all the folk from the East, all the improvised choreographic flashmobs involving the Spanish and Norwegian songs from this year, everyone punching the air during the keychanges and pretending to sing in a microphone. Like a beast that just got out of the cage after living there for long years - that was me. Getting to know the European way to party was something that broke some paradigmas to me: I felt like if it was much easier to hang out and chat with the people inside the club than in Brazil. It used to be the other way around, wasn't it? Welcoming, sympathetic, nice people. Was it really just the Eurovision flair? ďƒ˘



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There was always some people showing off their diva dancemoves on the stage of the Euroclub. I think I know these guys dancing the schlager out of them...

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The things that remain I must say that going back to the hotel after the semifinals and the final of Eurovision was one of the most exotic experiences of the whole week. Getting inside the metro back to the hotel was like entering the Noel's Arch itself: in the crowded train, there was at least one citizen from each European country, I suppose. From all the parallel conversations, I could hear dozens of different languages, from Russian to English, from Spanish to Finnish. Everyone commenting on the results, interacting with other (yet) unknown people. And living together in peace. In Brazil, it would end in groups fighting, people closed to themselves waiting for their suffered journey inside the train to end. That was sort of my farewell to Germany. I could realize that I wouldn't be able to live without Eurovision anymore, it is now a part of me that I can't let go. Passion, joy, music, people. Eurovision is not really a competition, but the opposite: it's a gathering. It's a celebration. The kind that everyone should have at least once in a lifetime. ď‚&#x; 38


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People moving outside the arena. Look at the Azerbaijani people in the front, and the Swedish in the back. The winning song was composed by a Swedish team, so I think this pic is a cool metaphor.

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Friday Talks

Jury, yes; specialized, not that much Written by Filipe Lima*

What is holding the EBU from giving up of the

It doesn't matter, as some argue, that the jury is

specialized jury and returning once for all to the

improving the pointing of songs which deserved - as

previous voting system, 100% televote?

it happened, for instance, with Maja Keuc, that, for

This year, the work of the "specialists" is, more than

me, had one of the best songs of this edition, and

anything else, questionable. According to the analysis of

who received a big help of the jury. It doesn't mat-

this people, on semifinal 1, Greece had more quality than

ter because this was never the reason why the EBU

Albania, and Lithuania was better than all the others

restarted the 50/50 method.

- that's right, the Lithuanians (with that excellent song-

As Nanda said while we were watching the

NOT!) were the winners of the jury on Tuesday! On semi

Eurovision final together: if you are hired to perform

2, Slovakia received more points than Bosnia and Herze-

a task and you aren't able to do it, you're fired.

govina. On the final, they qualified Ireland as better than Serbia, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary... Can we really call "specialist" someone who gives this kind of musical analysis?

So, EBU? It's past the time you do that with the jury, huh! See you people! Big hug!

And how about Italy? For the jury, Slovenia and Lithuania were the winners, respectively, of the first and second Eurovision semifinals. On the final, if you add the points of these two songs, you don't reach the score of Madness Of Love. In other words, they are saying the Italian song is, alone, better than the two best songs of the semis! Curious, to say the least, isn't it? But the facts I listed aren't the most serious point of this discussion. In fact, the main question is another one: the jury was brought back by the EBU to try to diminish the block voting which happens with


the televoting. And they weren't successful with

*Filipe Lima, 25 years old, is a journalist.

this mission in any of the three years. Then, what's

He doesn't want to believe the speculations

the jury doing on Eurovision? Distorting popular

about the jury being bought ― he'd rather

opinion, without avoiding the block voting.

believe the jury is just incompetent.


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raphael gualazzi: Photo by EBU

"Splenderaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaai!"

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Chronicles of a brazilian eurofan

There isn't another family like mine! Written by Fernanda Barreto*

Eurovision was unknown by my parents and grand-

My mom and dad listen to lots of Eurovision songs

parents, who were born in Portugal and now live in Brazil,

of all years. I confess that sometimes it happens by os-

and I was the one responsible to introduce this magnificent

mosis, but it allows them give their opinions about it

event to them in 2007. I still remember my dad going crazy

anyways. My dad keeps repeating the same thing every

with Elitsa & Stoyan's Voda, the best and most memorable

year about the contest: "There are some entries stuck in

entry of that year, in my opinion. Since then, we gather ev-

the 80's". While he was listening to this year's entries in

ery year to discuss on the quality of the songs.

the car stereo, he gave his opinion about his favourites:

Of course, the main focus of our discussions is the

"Azerbaijan is always strong. It's the most beautiful song

Festival da Can巽達o, Portugal's national final. My grand-

in this edition". He also enjoyed France, Norway and the

mother (poor little her) still complains about the results

United Kingdom. "France is ticking all the boxes", he said.

of this year's festival, won by Homens da Luta: "That

My mom prefers the traditional songs and romantic bal-

guy was drunk, he could barely sing, those portugueses

lads. She still loves the Icelandic entry in 2009, Is It True?

don't know what they have done", she said. Ah grandma,

by Yohanna, and the Portuguese entry in 2008, Senhora

if you only knew - as incredible as it could sound -, that

do Mar. This year, she surrendered to the italian charm

there are insane fans of that song... If even portuguese

and its Madness of Love, as a good italian music fan.

people didn't like this entry, what to say about the rest

In Europe, it's usual for families and acquaintances

of Europe... She was supporting Rui Pereira, and until to-

to get together and watch Eurovision on TV, but in

day, she says good things about S達o Os Barcos de Lisboa,

Brazil? I believe that this is, at least, eccentric. That's

Nuno Norte's song which got second place.

why I thank God everyday for the family that I have!

My little cousin Julia is a big fan of ESC since 2010.

And what about you? Do your family also follows

She's 11 years old and shows all songs to her school

the contest with you at home? You can comment on

mates on her cellphone. "I listen to Romania and Serbia

this on, we would

a lot and I love them", she said. In that case, as we're

love to hear your story!

talking about 2010, the songs the mentioned are Play-

Big hugs, see you!

ing With Fire and Ovo Je Balkan. She's a witness of my


fanaticism, and my blog friends' fanaticism as well. Last

*Fernanda Barreto, 22 years old, has watched

year we watched the Eurovision final in my house, on

Eurovision 2011 with her father, cousin and

TV with Filipe and Leo (which was in D端sseldorf this

two contributors of this magazine, Filipe and

year, kisses!), it was terrific and we had so much fun!

Nanda. She had lots of fun, just like last year.


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Photo: Fernanda barreto's personal archive

Left to right: Nanda, Filipe and me. The little cutie is my cousin, Julia :)

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