RCNA Strategic Plan

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Inspiring, Progressing and Promoting Nursing Strategic Plan



















Royal College of Nursing, Australia 1 Napier Close, Deakin ACT 2600 Tel: 02 6283 3400 Email: canberra@rcna.org.au ABN 69 004 271 103 www.rcna.org.au Design: twenty600 Printing: Xibit Printers

SNAPSHOT Vision We will be the leading organisation that inspires, progresses and promotes the profession of nursing

Mission To benefit the health of the Australian community through research, promotion and recognition of professional excellence in nursing by: • representing the professional needs of our growing, substantial membership base • influencing policy development and formation • advocating and advising on issues relevant to nursing • facilitating lifelong learning through a national professional development program • providing services that support the professional development of nursing • promoting and supporting the extended network of nursing

Core values Ethics





Strategic directions and goals 1. Membership Increase and diversify our nursing membership base in Australia 2. Centre of Excellence – Policy Establish and coordinate a strong position for nursing policy and professional issues within the Australian Government agenda 3. Centre of Excellence – Research Make a significant contribution to Australian nursing research 4. Centre of Excellence – Professional Development Develop RCNA professional standards in order to facilitate professional development, endorsement, credentialling and accreditation services to ‘gold standard’ 5. Excellence in governance Ensure the governance structures of RCNA are shaped to deliver the goals of the strategic plan

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PRESIDENT’S STATEMENT This year, which memorably marks the 60th anniversary of Royal College of Nursing, Australia (RCNA), the RCNA Board of Directors is proud to endorse and deliver the 2009-2012 Strategic Plan. The Board acknowledges the visions, care and work of generations of members and RCNA staff who have made RCNA the exciting and active organisation it is today. Towards the end of the first decade of the 21st century, RCNA remains an energetic and prominent entity capable of steering the profession of nursing into the future and building on the success for this great organisation for decades to come. The Board and the Executive Team recognises that current community issues such as the global financial concerns, the ageing and changing workforce (in nursing specifically and health in general) and the expectations of consumers and stakeholders will have a great bearing on how well we achieve the goals set in the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is a collaborative effort between the Board, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Executive Team which has influenced the determination of our vision and mission. This planning process involved drawing out and reinforcing elements of previous Strategic Plans and combining these with new opportunities that best embody our vision and energy for 2009-2012. The Board believes that RCNA’s core values reflect a commitment to the professionalism of nursing. These core values are underpinned by defining qualities that will influence the success in achieving the strategic goals. In commending this Strategic Plan to all RCNA members, I encourage you to embrace the plan and consider what each of us can contribute to enhancing the strength and future of our peak professional organisation. Dr Stephanie Fox-Young FRCNA President, Board of Directors May 2009

2009-2012 Strategic Plan 2009-2012 Strategic Plan

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This plan is designed to streamline RCNA’s approach in developing and communicating real responses to real issues for real nurses. Through the strategic planning process, it became evident that our core business of representing our members and projecting RCNA as the voice of nursing remains vital to achieving our goals. We have identified that we need to reconsider some basic questions during the next three years, such as: What do our members want? What do nursing leaders need to remain energised? What do the new generation of nurses (that is, those in the first three years post graduation) want? How do we ensure that we represent and involve the breadth of experience and knowledge of our membership through policy development, continuing professional development and profiling nursing in every possible arena? Our aim is to meet these challenges and many more, with an energy and focus that we believe our members will embrace.

Inspiring, progressing and promoting nursing

Inspiring, progressing and promoting nursing is an austere plan that will guide RCNA‘s continued organisational development through 2009–2012. This blueprint endeavours to build on the success of the 2006–2009 Strategic Plan and will ensure that RCNA remains an innovative, dynamic and responsive peak professional organisation representing Australian nursing.

Inspiring, Inspiring, progressing and progressing promoting nursing and promoting nursing


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We will be the leading organisation that inspires, progresses and promotes the profession of nursing

To benefit the health of the Australian community through research, promotion and recognition of professional excellence in nursing by:

Simply explained, the vision statement is the driving sentiment for our next three years of activity. Three strong themes underpin the vision: 1. Membership This is critical to the purpose of the organisation. Membership provides the mandate to represent the professionalism of nurses and revenue to deliver this all important function. 2. Professional growth As the pre-eminent organisation representing the professionalism of nursing, RCNA is in a key position to raise the standards and profile of the profession. 3. Community health Our members are driven by the desire to contribute to the health of the Australian community. RCNA plays a strong role in pursuing a national community health agenda.

• representing the professional needs of our growing, substantial membership base • influencing policy development and formation • advocating and advising on issues relevant to nursing • facilitating lifelong learning through a national professional development program • providing services that support the professional development of nursing • promoting and supporting the extended network of nursing Our mission clearly defines the purpose of the organisation and reinforces and strengthens the directions previously set by previous strategic plans. As the Australian member of International Council of Nurses we are committed to aiding the progress of the global nursing profession. This, in turn, allows us to be progressive in our contribution to the determination of professional standards.

We will be OUR CORE VALUES he leading organisation hat inspires, progresses nd promotes he profession

The consensus of the RCNA Board, the Executive Team, the Senior Management Team and National Office staff was that the core values that will shape our beliefs and behaviours are underpinned by a number of defining qualities:

We will be the leading organisation that inspires, progresses and promotes the profession of nursing




• Honesty • Accountability • Passion • Transparency • Pride • Courage • Promoting equity

• Inclusivity • Longevity • Sustainability • Attractiveness • Boldness • Assertiveness • Fearlessness • Drive • Outspokenness • Being informed

• Engagement • Contemporary practice • Responsiveness • Valuing nurses • Diversity of nurses and nursing practice • Recognition of experience • Professional standards

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Through the process of a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis the priorities for the strategic goals and strategic objectives of RCNA have been established. Long term strategic goals have also been identified.

Membership Increase and diversify our nursing membership base in Australia Strategic aims to consider: • Membership value proposition • Marketing plan • Recession strategy • Future associations

Centre of Excellence – Professional Development Develop RCNA professional standards in order to facilitate professional development, endorsement, credentialling and accreditation services to ‘gold standard’ Strategic aims to consider: • Recognition by regulatory authorities • RCNA Continuing Nurse Education (CNE) points • Perceived necessity for renewal or registration • Increasing value of RCNA endorsement within market place of professional development programs Long term strategic goal: Link between research and professional development

Long term strategic goal: Mandate membership as part of qualification or national registration scheme

Excellence in governance

Centre of Excellence – Policy

Ensure the governance structures of RCNA are shaped to deliver the goals of the Strategic Plan

Establish and coordinate a strong position for nursing policy and professional issues within the Australian Government agenda

Strategic aims to consider: • Ability to create new faculties • Future associations • Contacts and networks • Financial planning • Growth in membership

Strategic aims to consider: • Status with governments, both federal and state • Professional standards • Preferred first contact for voice/comment on nursing profession Long term strategic goal: Health sector recognition of RCNA as peak body for coordinating regulatory, education and professional agendas for nurses

Long term strategic goal: Substantial fiscal security and sustainability from an ever increasing membership base and prudent investment

Centre of Excellence – Research Make a significant contribution to Australian nursing research Strategic aims to consider: • Collaboration of RCNA and universities • Grants in research • Generating publications in practice • Membership involvement • Research to influence evidence-based practice Long term strategic goal: Create a niche in Australia for nursing research using RCNA membership base

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THE BUSINESS PLAN The Strategic Goals of RCNA inform the Executive Team to allow the goals to be operationalised into a dynamic executive business plan

Strategic Goal

Strategic Aims


Membership Secure an increased membership base of nurses in Australia that represents a greater proportion of the national nursing profession

1.1 Develop and implement an integrated recruitment strategy 1.2 Develop and implement an integrated retention strategy 1.3 Develop and implement a comprehensive marketing plan 1.4 Develop and implement a comprehensive communication and media strategic plan 1.5 Develop and implement membership categories based on professional requirements 1.6 Continually observe the market for business opportunities for RCNA in relation to membership

• RCNA to reaches all nurses with a tailored membership value proposition according to targeted market needs • RCNA events become revenue raising opportunities

Centre of Excellence – Policy Establish and coordinate a strong position for nursing policy and professional issues within the Australian Government agenda

2.1 Position RCNA as the peak professional body to influence policy direction and development 2.2 Ensure policy positions can be packaged and presented 2.3 Leverage opportunities with governments 2.4 Maintain profile as a representative body 2.5 Strengthen knowledge base 2.6 Communicate RCNA positions 2.7 Identify areas of professional focus 2.8 Utilise faculty membership to inform RCNA position statements and other documents 2.9 Utilise RCNA Advisory Council membership to inform RCNA policy position statements and other documents

• Increased member activity and RCNA profile • High profile forums for nursing profession • Increased recognition of RCNA as peak professional organisation • Members recognise that faculties are hubs of expertise for policy development

Centre of Excellence – Research Make a significant contribution to Australian nursing research

3.1 Ensure research is aligned to policy and education and can be packaged for public and member consumption 3.2 Ensure that research, policy and education are aligned 3.3 ICDL project – joint Monash University and RCNA project 3.4 Identify new funding sources for research grants 3.5 Establish and develop collaborative arrangements with universities 3.6 Establish and develop collaborative arrangements with other nursing bodies and organisations 3.7 Promote research capacity with Department of Health and Ageing 3.8 Promote research culture within RCNA

• RCNA research published • RCNA profile raised as a contributor for the future of nursing • Funding for research grants increased

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Strategic Goal

Strategic Aims


Centre of Excellence – Professional Development Develop RCNA professional standards in order to facilitate professional development, endorsement, credentialling and accreditation services to ‘gold standard’

4.1 Ensure professional standards can be packaged and sold to non-members 4.2 Establish health sector recognition 4.3 Develop and implement professional development services 4.4 Identify and support continuing professional development needs of generalist rural nurses and midwives

• Increased membership of 3LP • Increased number of organisations with Authorised Provider of Endorsed Courses (APEC) status • Professional development a valuable recruitment tool

Governance Ensure the governance structures of RCNA are shaped to deliver the goals of the Strategic Plan

5.1 Review and establish membership categories to facilitate growth 5.2 Financial planning process to support work of RCNA and supportive process to support members’ needs in membership turnaround 5.3 Consider and review all opportunities as prospective business opportunities 5.4 Build internal and external resources 5.5 Manage risk for the organisation 5.6 Increase investment in National Scholarship and Research Fund, streamline awards and raise profile of Research Fund to members 5.7 Identify, develop and manage appropriate business opportunities to consolidate financial viability 5.8 Scholarship sustainability (future proof) 5.9 Govern the organisation effectively 5.10 Ensure economic sustainability through strong management practice 5.11 Ensure RCNA Constitution enables Strategic Plan

• RCNA runs a small profit every year to enable growth • RCNA ready to take up membership growth opportunities rapidly as required • RCNA Board governs at a strategic level and Executive Team manage the operations of the organisation

The Strategic Goals of RCNA The Strategic Goals of RCNA

The Strategic Goals of RCNA

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INFLUENCING FACTORS At RCNA we realise that we must take into account the many great changes and opportunities the organisation currently faces. Events and trends identified in 2009 and forecasts for the period 2009–2012 that have been factored into decision making for RCNA’s strategic directions include:

Federal Government initiatives

Global financial crisis

The change in Federal Government in 2007 has produced significant changes in health policy. The new Minister for Health and Ageing is consulting widely with professional bodies in nursing and allied health. Initiatives released in 2008 and 2009 included the Primary Health Care Strategy, the Interim Report from the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission and the Maternity Services Review. RCNA has an opportunity to take a leadership role in ensuring that nurses have a strong voice in the delivery of a national primary health care strategy.

The third quarter results of the 2008–2009 financial year have confirmed that a global recession is under way. RCNA will need to create a value proposition to ensure that members perceive membership fees as a sound investment. The Australian Government is in the process of reviewing funding arrangements in health. Many of our collegial professional organisations may be adversely affected and RCNA needs to be able to extend a hand to the wider network of nursing.

National nursing regulation A national system of registration for nurses and accreditation of courses leading to registration is due to be introduced and implemented in 2010. A Commonwealth Government-appointed committee is responsible for overseeing the scheme and consulting with national health professional groups. Registration will require the meeting of accredited professional competency standards and education. RCNA is well placed as a nationally recognised professional body that provides accredited education, professional endorsement and accreditation services that could be approved by the regulatory authority.

Key personnel changes in health A number of significant appointments have been made in key nursing positions in Australia. New appointments include the Commonwealth Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer, ACT Chief Nurse and senior appointments to the National Health and Medical Research Council. In addition to the appointment of the new CEO at RCNA and the relatively new Minister for Health and Ageing, these changes in personnel continue to provide opportunities for fresh alliances and relationships to raise the profile and further the vision of RCNA.

Scope of other nursing participants in the health sector RCNA must continue to build relationships with other national organisations in the health sector. RCNA also looks forward to the continuation and expansion of cooperative and collaborative opportunities.

Speed of change RCNA needs to ensure that it can identify and respond swiftly to the opportunities presented in this environment, as they happen.

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As the recently appointed Chief Executive Officer of RCNA, I am honoured to be working with a Board of Directors who offer such knowledge, expertise and commitment to RCNA. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of the team at National Office who undertake essential activities to support RCNA members. I believe RCNA has a strong and positive future as the peak professional organisation for nurses in Australia. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the Members and Fellows of RCNA who are the essence of this organisation. For those who willingly give of their time and passion to be actively involved in a myriad of ways—from chapter members and network editors, to members who participate in conference steering committees and the recently formed faculty advisory committees, and all of those who contribute in so many other ways—we believe this Strategic Plan paves the way forward as we strive to secure the highest professional standards and recognition for the Australian nursing network. Now, more than ever, is the time to be excited by what nursing can offer the Australian community. Never before has nursing enjoyed such recognition and respect within the health sector as it currently does. Never before has the nursing network been so close to delivering health care to the full extent of its scope of practice as now. Through the many activities RCNA hosts, promotes and accredits, the values it upholds and advocates and the lobbying work it undertakes, RCNA continues to champion the profession through inspiring, progressing and promoting nursing. Debra Cerasa FRCNA Chief Executive Officer May 2009

t +61 (02) 6283 3400 | freecall 1800 0619 660 | e canberra@rcna.org.au | w www.rcna.org.au

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