Providence Theme & Mission Statement ���������������������������������������������������������������������2 Chairman of the Board Letter ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Head of School Greeting ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Providence Strong 2013-2018 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 5 Key Initiatives...........................................................................................................10 Initiative 1 - Spiritual Development ���������������������������������������������������������������� 12 Initiative 2 - Attract, Retain, Empower �������������������������������������������������������������18 Initiative 3 - Scholastic Distinction �������������������������������������������������������������������20 Initiative 4 - Financial Integrity ��������������������������������������������������������������������������24 Initiative 5 - The Master Plan ����������������������������������������������������������������������������28 Campus Map.......................................................................................................30 Providence School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin or gender in its administration of its educational policies, admissions practices, class assignments, financial assistance awards, or other school administered programs. Providence School of Jacksonville, Inc. is a ministry of New Life Christian Fellowship, Inc. Providence School is accredited by the following educational agencies: AdvancEd, Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS), and Florida Kindergarten Council (FKC).
CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD The inspiration to build Providence School of Jacksonville began more than twenty years ago. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me the need to build a school with the values, academics and Christian foundation needed in our nation today. The growth of our school has been blessed over the years as we seek to fulfill God’s call to raise up future Christian leaders in the twenty-first century. On January 11, 1998, Providence School was dedicated to God and our legacy continues to fulfill His call on this school. Through the years, the School Board and leadership have realized the importance of establishing a clear vision for the future of the school and thus developed our Strategic Plan. The committee has input from all stakeholders of the school including parents, students, teachers and administration and is headed by the School Board. The committee focuses on setting priorities, establishing agreement around intended outcomes and assessing the Strategic Plan to suggest adjustments to the School Board. The resulting Strategic Plan for 2013-2018 has resulted in 5 Key Initiatives: 1. Spiritual Formation 2. Attract, Empower, Retain High-Quality Faculty 3. Scholastic Distinction 4. Financial Integrity 5. The Master Plan This plan presents us with the vision and goals for the future of Providence School. As we develop these initiatives of our school, we hope that you will catch the vision and share in the enthusiasm as we fulfill our mission to be a school committed to Christian educational excellence. In Him,
Chairman of the Board
HEAD OF SCHOOL The Strategic Plan for Providence School serves as a guiding tool for the future development of our organization. Our mission statement embodies the culture and climate of our school. “In pursuit of academic distinction for all students, Providence School, in partnership with home and church, is committed to disciple students to boldly model Christ-likeness, pursue excellence, and become servant leaders who courageously transform the culture for the glory of God and country.�
Over the years, as the Strategic Plan has changed, the school has transformed in the physical facilities, scholastic distinction and spiritual maturity of our community. Much has been accomplished over the past twenty years with amazing growth potential and refinement to come. We have developed a program of strong academic distinction with the embodiment of a culture of Christian character and service producing in our students Christian leaders who will transform our nation. Strategic Planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions which will shape the future structure of our school. The decisions made help guide our organization, who it serves, what it does, why it does it, with a focus on the future. As we partner together to see these goals accomplished, we know that the outcomes will bring God all the glory. In His Service,
Don R. Barfield Head of School 6
PROVIDENCESTRONG 2013-2017 Our students are fulfilling the vision of Providence School everyday. A byproduct of this is a strong Christian community of families that glorify Christ. We call that Providence Strong! The following are just a few of the ways Providence has proven strong in the past few years:
trips. Including collaborating with local churches to help those of need after back to back hurricanes devastating the area. • Providence has 10 State athletic championships and 31 FHSAA state appearances • Completion of the Truth Project Module as part of our professional development plan.
• Providence graduates have been offered over $32 Million in college scholarships since 2013.
• Annual spiritual emphasis week implemented featuring nationally recognized speakers
• More than19,000 community service hours completed by the class of 2018
• Hired a Director of Curriculum and Professional Development to assist with accreditation, curriculum development and teacher certification
• The class of 2017 completed over 19,000 hours of community service • Constructed a multi-sport track and field Selman Track & Field • Nearly 80% of Providence middle school students participate in extra-curricular activities • In the past 4 years, students have traveled to London, New York, Costa Rica, and areas in need around the United States on service and missions 8
• Adoption of CurriculumTRAK online curriculum mapping database. • Dual Enrollment began in 2017 • Biblically based school year themes have been included in orientation, classrooms, hallways, chapels and publications • Local public schools have been adopted for service and missions outreach
• More than doubled the number of colleges, universities and service academies students have been accepted to. • Continued accreditation with AdvancED (formerly SACS), Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), the Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS), and the Florida Kindergarten Council (FKC)
• Hired a Lower School science lab teacher and creation of Lower School STEM Studio • Completed a $100,000 redesign of the Barfield Gymnasium. • Developed and implemented a Crisis Management Team • Installed campus-wide lightening detection system
•Hired a Marketing Director and a Web Content/ Media Manager.
• Secured Jacksonville Police Officers for campus security during the day and night
• Varsity Basketball won the FHSAA State Championship in 2013 and 2015
•Redesigned the Providence Preschool with a Discovery Village wing, outdoor tricycle track, and indoor play area.
•Over 30 athletes have advanced to collegiate level competition since 2013 • We currently have three alumni professional baseball and basketball players
5 10
KEY INITIATIVES Established in 1996 by Bishop Paul Zink, Providence School has grown from humble beginnings to one of the top private Christian schools in Northeast Florida. Currently, our faculty and staff serve over 1,300 students on two campuses. The quality of a Providence education continues to strengthen and is evidenced by life-changing spiritual development to academic related data from standardized test scores and a growing number of successful alumni. The key initiatives listed in this plan lay out the foundation for the next four years. Providence’s programs are ready to take the next step in pursuit of academic, fine arts and athletic excellence.
SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT So that we may present ourselves fully mature in the Lord Jesus Christ through a personal relationship with Him, it is the goal of Providence School to build a solid foundation in the Word and thereby disciple and educate students so that they also may model the life of Christ in thought, word, and deed.
STRATEGIES: 1. Implementation of Biblical integration and Worldview training
Providence School (PK2 - 12) will provide ongoing training for our parents, students, and staff on the integration of biblical and worldview topics into their lives.
In the coming years we will be offering topics and speakers covering: • Social Media and ways to engage the culture
• Pornography and the sexualized culture
• Cultural Diversity
• Racial Diversity
• Christian response to injustice
• Integrity
• Creation vs. Evolution
• Homosexuality and same sex marriage
• Statesmanship
“It’s an environment like no other school. The student body is one big family. I love Providence School” - Kinle Pullen, Class of 2015 University of Alabama
2. Establish Student Leadership Institute The Student Leadership Institute’s mission is to assist young people in the development of their leadership philosophy and skills by exposing them to a Biblically based, practical, multi-faceted yearlong program. Students are trained in a Biblical model and definition of leadership with a core emphasis on God’s Word, becoming selfless and other-centered and more Christ-like as they strive for higher levels of leadership training.
3. Establish a New Family Partnership Program This program is designed to get new parents quickly established in the school and the school’s mission. The program is purposed to teach the Kingdom Education principles and build lasting and meaningful relationships with one another.
• New Family Reception • New Family Mentor Program – where new families are partnered with established families • Parent Educational Programs • New Student Mentoring Program
4. Social Graces/Purity Program Young adults and children of all ages need good social skills in order to succeed. It is our desire that our students, upon graduation, will be both knowledgeable and comfortable in any social situation. From PreK2 through 12th grade, the following training will be integrated into our program and extracurricular opportunities:
• Respecting Parents, Elders and Authority
• How to Treat the Opposite Sex
• Table Manners
• True Love Waits
• Grooming
• Dating Courtesy
• Discovering Values
• Social Events
• How to Meet and Greet
• Ballroom Dancing
• Introductions
• Cell Phone Etiquette
• Body Language
• Social Media Etiquette
• Chivalry
• Business Etiquette
ATTRACT, EMPOWER, RETAIN It is the desire of Providence School to attract, empower, and retain teachers who are called to academic excellence, who are gifted by God, and who walk in a manner worthy of their calling. These teachers love students, are passionate about the subjects they teach, study the art of teaching, and are willing to invest their lives in their students.
STRATEGIES: 1.Strengthen Teacher Benefits The greatest way to insure our teachers are of the highest quality is to have a strong benefits package.
Increase employer match on 401K by 1.5% each of the next two years to reach 5% beginning school year 2014-2015 goal achieved.
2. Professional Development
Create a three-year plan to promote unity, consistency, predictability, preservation and maturation for all staff. This plan will include: • Establishing Director of Professional Development
a close family. I got saved at Providence and love the Christian environment. My team won the middle school volleyball championship and we really bonded during our season. It
• Budget increase for Professional Development from small tuition increase
was an experience I will
• New Teacher Mentoring Program to guide new teachers in their development
never forget.”
• In-services for staff to teach different learning styles • Biblical integration • Worldview training • Technology in the classroom 18
“Everyone here is like
- Avery Adcock, Current Student 8th Grade
SCHOLASTIC DISTINCTION In pursuit of academic distinction and excellence, Providence School will embrace our students as uniquely created in the image of God. All students’ intellectual abilities will be nurtured and developed so that each student will reach his/ her full potential.
STRATEGIES: 1. Expand Class Offerings Providence School will address the six areas that most significantly affect our culture by adding courses of instruction in the following areas: family, business, education, religion, government, and media.
• College Preparatory Program in addition to our current honors and advanced placement programs.
• Dual Enrollment Program earning college credit from Providence course
2. Enhance Technology
Providence School will enact the following changes to increase productivity, innovation, creativity, communication, and collaboration. These are the skills our students will need for college and beyond. • One-to-One Computers • Mobile Tablet Labs • Mobile Computer Labs • New Learning Management System • Laptops for all Teachers grades PK through 12th grade 20
“I love going to the Stem Studio and all the books in the library. I love singing songs about God. The teachers are nice and they love me. I love art class when and making snowmen.” - Teagan P., Current Student Kindergarten
• Use of e-Textbooks • Online Textbook Ordering Company • Curriculum Mapping Database
3. Analysis of Test Scores Providence School will place a greater reliance on collection of data from surveys and testing results to determine programs and services to be offered. Annual review of these programs will determine their continuation, modification, or nullification. Providence will offer a SAT/ ACT prep class to give our students the greatest opportunity for success.
4. Establish Academic Support Lab Consistent with our mission to have every student achieve academic distinction, we seek to provide a learning environment that enables our students to reach their full academic potential. The Academic Support Lab is a program that helps students who are having difficulties with grade-level expectations. Students meet daily with the Academic Lab teacher to work on difficult assignments in a small group setting. Collaboration with teachers and parents, developing organizational and study skills are strong focuses of this program.
5. Establish Program for Students with Learning Differences Establish a cognitive program for students with learning differences including comprehension, logical reasoning, executive function, visual memory, auditory processing, and attention deficit.
FINANCIAL INTEGRITY The Lord Jesus Christ has established His covenant on Earth; therefore, it is our responsibility to be found good stewards of all He has entrusted to us. To that end, Providence School will establish transparent financial policies and practices that ensure long-term institutional stability and trust.
STRATEGIES: 1. Financial Stability
Financial stability is necessary to guarantee the future of Providence School, especially during unpredictable economic times. For that reason, Providence will implement a Strategic Plan that addresses cash reserves, debt, facility maintenance fund, and capital campaign.
• A line item will be added to the operating budget to build cash reserves at an annual rate of 3%.
Providence are awesome and are truly invested in our success. Providence has given me outstanding opportunities for my
• A line item will be added to the operating budget to build a facilities maintenance fund at an annual rate of 2%.
future and I have gained
• Develop a one-year budget that incorporates the pay-off of land mitigation.
lifelong friends here. At
• Establish a three-year capital campaign to begin work on Phase I of the Master Plan. • Consider options to implement a tuition-insurance program for parents.
2. Strong Board Governance The Providence Board is charged with furthering the school’s mission and ensuring the school’s success. Their task will be to take viability-focused action on behalf of the next generation of students.
“The teachers at
Providence, we are one big family.” - Will Mallory, Providence Senior (Signed at the University of Miami)
FINANCIAL INTEGRITY •Implement a Policy Governance model for Board Leadership. This will help assure that our school maintains the highest standards of a quality Christian education now and in our future.
3. Marketing Students and families are attracted to and remain with a private, independent Christian school because it offers an education that is clearly distinctive. Providence School will develop and implement a marketing plan that addresses recruitment and retention strategies. The Marketing Plan will include: • Continued development of website marketing • Increase marketing budget and internal resources • Strengthen and streamline school to home communication through eNews, Net Classroom & Canvas, and social media • Develop and track social media strategies • Develop and implement schoolwide branding and graphics standards
3. Giving & Supporting Philosophy Providence School has the duty to ensure the multi-generational long-term success of the institution by establishing and maintaining a comprehensive development infrastructure to support the school’s Strategic Plan.
This Giving and Supporting Philosophy will include: • Centralize fundraising in Development Office • Work with all departments to establish a five-year financial plan • Annual Fund • Planned Giving • Capital Campaigns
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Where there is no vision, the people perish ... -Proverbs 29:18 We believe God’s vision for Providence School is much bigger than our human eye can see. To that end, Providence School will be dedicated to influence the world for the Kingdom of God.
STRATEGIES: 1. Development of Facilities
Providence School will examine the feasibility and priority of completing the build-out of the Campus Master Plan in order to accommodate a growing school community As part of the vision of Providence School, a preliminary, long-term, site plan for future construction and completion of a master plan includes:
PHASE I • New football stadium with turf fields, 8-lane track, and stadium lighting • Expand preschool playground and equipment for two-year-olds • Renovate interior of preschool environment to be interactive with Discovery Village themed rooms. PHASE II • Complete Barfield Gymnasium renovations • Selman Field bleachers and press box PHASE II • Aquatic Complex • Athletic Complex to include multiple gym floors, weight room, locker rooms, and athletic offices • Build out third floor for classrooms to accommodate growing enrollment • Build a dedicated Fine Arts wing to establish a school for the arts • Establish a production studio for media and entertainment studies • Dining Hall renovations • Tennis Complex Each facet of the campus Master Plan will be examined to determine the feasibility and priority of moving forward in part or in whole with additional construction. 28
“I like the Christian music and chapel services on Tuesdays. I love playing basketball on the playground and the meatball subs on Monday are my favorite!” - Andrew K., Current Student 5th Grade