Woodland Stockists SOUTH AUSTRALIA Kornacraft Sewing Centre Gawler 5008 Tel. 08 8522 3246 E. sales@kornacraft.com.au Tricia’s Discount Fabrics Melrose Park 5039 Tel. 08 8177 1041 E. triciasdiscfabric@bigpond.com Patchwork By Sea Morphett Vale 5162 Tel. 08 8384 8881 E. pbysea@bigpond.com Creatively Sewn Mount Gambier 5290 Tel. 08 8725 4933 E. kerry@ringwood-designs.com Nay’s Place Waikerie 5330 Tel. 0402 006 769 E. naysplace@hotmail.com Stitch ‘n’ Bits Cowell 5602 Tel. 0457 638 165 E. stitchnbits@bigpond.com Pretty Country Things Whyalla 5608 Tel. 08 8644 1297 E. prettycountry@internode.on.net
WESTERN AUSTRALIA TFS Industries Ocean Reef 6027 Tel. 0426 674 938 E. hayley@fairyshop.com.au Handcrafters House Midland 6056 Tel. 08 9274 4955 www.handcraftershouse.com.au Carols Of Midland Midland 6056 Tel. 08 9250 2722 E. carolsmi@bigpond.net.au Bernina WA Wangara 6065 Tel. 08 9303 2635 E. bernina@burnells.com.au Village Fabric & Yarn Kalamunda 6076 Tel. 08 6390 7038 E. chris@villagefabricandyarn.com.au
Kraft Daze Sewing World www.kraftdaze.com.au Maddington 6109 Tel. 0426 975 805 Booragoon 6154 Tel. 08 6180 5224 Patchwork At Homespun Myaree 6154 Tel. 08 9337 7182 E. info@patchworkathomespun.com.au Southlands Fabric & Sewing Centre Willeton 6155 Tel. 08 9259 4844 E. helen@sewingperth.com.au Craft Collections Bunbury 6230 Tel. 0419 616 714 E. stuffnbears@westnet.com.au Sew Gentle Era Bridgetown 6255 Tel. 08 9761 1490 E. email@sewgentleera.com.au Cotton Rose Vasse 6280 Tel. 08 9755 8828 E. tanya@cottonrose.com.au The Empty Bobbin Port Denison 6525 Tel. 0437 888 030 E. theemptybobbin@outlook.com
TASMANIA Thread, Needlework & Patchwork Hobart 7000 Tel. 03 6234 3966 E. delia@threadpatch.com Quarter Inch North Hobart 7000 Tel. 03 6200 1304 E. helen@quarterinch.com.au Flossy Fabrics Launceston 7250 Tel. 0400 727 663 E. info@flossyfabrics.com.au Stewart’s Sewing Machines Devonport 7310 Tel. 03 6424 5440 E. r.stewart2@bigpond.com Apple Patch Quilting & Craft Cooee 7320 Tel. 03 6431 2854 E. info@applepatch.com.au
NEW SOUTH WALES Material Obsession Drummoyne 2047 Tel. 02 9819 6455 www.materialobsession.com.au Cottage Quiltworks Warriewood 2102 Tel. 02 9997 4661 www.cottagequiltworks.com.au Lyn’s Fine Needlework Baulkham Hills 2153 Tel. 02 9686 2325 E. sales@lynsfineneedlework.com.au My Sewing Supplies Sylvania 2224 Tel. 02 9522 2340 E. info@mysewingsupplies.com.au Thorpe & Co Boolaroo 2284 Tel. 02 4929 4456 E. info@thorpeandco.com.au Stitch Between The Bridges Tamworth 2340 Tel. 02 6765 4138 E. stitchbtbtamworth@gmail.com Crafty Friends Stroud 2425 Tel. 0414 863 045 E. stroudvalleyharvest@hotmail.com Stitched ‘n’ Framed Port Macquarie 2444 Tel. 02 6581 3338 E. info@stitchednframed.com.au Nesting Needles Quilting & Patchwork Coramba 2450 Tel. 0400 055 989 E. lpeterson68@optusnet.com.au Stitches By The Sea Coffs Harbour 2450 Tel. 0412 355 438 E. infostitchesbythesea@gmail.com Rainbow Patchwork South Lismore 2480 Tel. 02 6622 3003 E. rainbowpatchwork@gmail.com Berry Quilt & Co. Berry 2535 Tel. 02 4464 3387 E. thegirls@berryquiltandco.com.au Rosemont The Patchwork Shop Mogo 2536 Tel. 02 4474 5402 E. staff@patchworkshop.com.au Picton Patchwork & Quilting Picton 2571 Tel. 02 4677 2802 E. troy@pictonpatchwork.com.au Thread Botanica Berrima 2577 Tel. 0438 450 244 E. threadbotanica@bigpond.com Patchwork On Parker Cootamundra 2590 Tel. 0429 200 069 E. soniacommins@gmail.com
Statewide Sewing Centre Albury 2640 Tel. 02 6041 2027 E. albury@statewidesewingcentre.com.au Whatever Where-ever Crafts Howlong 2643 Tel. 02 6026 5489 www.whateverwhereever.com.au Simply Stitches Wagga Wagga 2650 Tel. 02 6921 6722 E. simplystitches@bigpond.com Gone Barny Nursery And Eucalyptus Rosewood 2652 Tel. 02 6948 8380 E. gonebarny@bigpond.com Sew Fab Narrandera 2700 Tel. 02 6959 9819 E. leanne@sewfab.com.au Sew Can I Werrington County 2747 Tel. 02 9623 4570 E. sewcani@yahoo.com.au Down Patchwork Lane Penrith 2750 Tel. 02 4732 3469 E. info@downpatchworklane.com Fortunes and Fairies Richmond 2753 Tel. 02 4578 1650 www.fortunesandfairies.com Post Office Patchwork Glenbrook 2773 Tel. 02 4739 9555 E: pop@postofficepatchwork.net.au The Home Patch Bathurst 2795 Tel. 02 6331 5002 E. sales@homepatch.com.au Hobbysew Orange Orange 2800 Tel. 02 6361 7420 E. patriciajcole@gmail.com Thread The Needle With 4 Fat Ladies Orange 2800 Tel. 0481 770 479 E: admin@threadtheneedle.com.au Stella Stitch Broken Hill 2880 Tel. 0418 600 570 E. stellastitch@outlook.com
VICTORIA GJ’s Discount Fabrics Fairfield 3078 Tel. 03 9482 5528 E. info@gjsdiscountfabrics.com.au
Maree St Clair Quilts Strathfieldsaye 3551 Tel. 0429 393 757 E. maree@mareestclairquilts.com.au South Fabric Echuca 3564 Tel. 03 5482 2655 E. gta38265@bigpond.net.au Ginger Bears Of Benalla Benalla 3672 Tel. 0418 525 458 www.gingerbearsbenalla.com Lily Lane Quilting Rosedale 3847 Tel. 03 5199 2777 E. jennifer@lilylane.com.au Trintarabee Quilting Yarram 3971 Tel. 0448 449 779 E. trintarabee@hotmail.com
QUEENSLAND Make It Hobby n Craft Boondall 4034 Tel. 07 3265 2082 E: makeithobbyncraft@gmail.com Quick Stitch Quilting Enoggera 4051 Tel. 0409 343 868 E: quickstitchquilting@bigpond.com Peppermint Stitches Toowong 4066 Tel. 07 3161 6606 E: info@peppermintstitches.com.au The Quilters’ Store Salisbury 4107 Tel. 07 3875 1700 E. sales@tqes.com.au The Quirky Quilting Co Springwood 4127 Tel. 0401 864 688 www.quirkyquiltingco.com.au Bayside Stitchcraft Cleveland 4163 Tel. 07 3821 3020 sew@baystitch.com.au Fifi’s Fabricology West Burleigh 4220 Tel. 07 5520 3609 E. info@fifisfabricology.com.au Kaela’s Patch Ipswich 4305 Tel. 07 3202 2887 www.kaelaspatch.com.au Little Sewing Co North Lakes 4509 Tel. 0422 093 350 E: michelle@littlesewingco.com.au The Quilt Shop Eltham 3095 Tel. 03 8418 6770 E. sales@thequiltshop.com.au Sewn And Quilted Blackburn 3130 Tel. 03 9877 1664 E. carol@sewnandquilted.com.au Craft & Sewing Centre Mitcham 3132 Tel. 03 8838 8689 E. craftandsewing@optusnet.com.au Be Quilted Wantirna South 3152 Tel. 0423 007 081 E. bequiltedquilts@gmail.com Patchwork With Gail B Bayswater North 3153 Tel. 03 9729 3635 E. shop@patchworkwithgailb.com Lilly Patches Boronia 3155 Tel. 03 9761 2088 E. info@lillypatches.com.au Bellarine Sewing Centre Geelong 3220 Tel. 03 5221 3034 E. bellarinesewingcentre@outlook.com Lizzie’s Quilt Shop Geelong 3220 Tel. 0407 424 896 E. lizziesquiltshop@yahoo.com Gum Valley Patchwork Cooriemungle 3268 Tel. 0427 943 201 E. whites03@bigpond.com Periwinkle Patchwork Warrnambool 3280 Tel. 0428 189 375 E. periwinklepatchwork@bigpond.com Aunt Millie’s Patchwork Store Woodend 3442 Tel. 0475 700 963 E. milliespatchwork@gmail.com Alice In Fabricland Kyneton 3444 Tel. 0439 993 389 E. helloaliceinfabricland@gmail.com Honeysuckle Patchwork Bendigo 3550 Tel. 03 5441 3289 E. sales@honeysucklepatchwork.com.au
Makers On Main Samford Village 4520 Tel. 0458 966 151 E: makersonmain@yahoo.com The Patchwork Angel Forest Glen 4556 Tel. 07 5477 0700 www.patchworkangel.com.au
Fabric Patch Cooroibah 4565 Tel. 07 5442 4613 E: janeene@fabricpatch.com.au Somethings Country Kingaroy 4610 Tel. 07 4162 2040 www.somethingscountry.com.au Dewdrop Inn Patchwork & Crafts Hervey Bay 4655 Tel. 07 4124 9320 E: sales@dewdropinn.com.au 2 Chicks and a Sewing Machine Bundaberg 4670 Tel. 0431 030 680 www.2chicksandasewingmachine.com.au Cross Stitch Corner Malanda 4885 Tel. 07 4096 5109 E. cross_stitch@internode.on.net
NEW ZEALAND The Country Yard Whangarei 0179 Tel. 09 434 6748 E. kerryn@thecountryyard.co.nz House Of Patchwork Helensville 0800 Tel. 09 420 6355 E. houseofpatchworkltd@gmail.com The Ribbon Rose Mount Wellington Auckland 1060 Tel. 09 574 5381 E. info@ribbonrose.co.nz Cushla’s Village Fabrics Nelson 7005 Tel. 03 540 2011 www.cushlasvillagefabrics.co.nz Away With The Fairys Cust Village North Canterbury 7444 Tel. 03 312 5250 E. info@awaywiththefairys.co.nz
ONLINE STORES Fabric Pixie www.fabricpixie.com.au Tel. 0415 826 994 E. deanne@fabricpixie.com.au The Oz Material Girls www.theozmaterialgirls.com.au Tel. 0434 674 651 E. theozmaterialgirls@gmail.com The Quilter’s Angel www.quiltersangel.com.au Tel. 0407 776 964 E. info@quiltersangel.com.au Fabric Sauce www.fabricsauce.com.au Tel. 0427 847 384 E. info@fabricsauce.com.au MOTIFbyhand www.motifbyhand.com Tel. 0402 622 919 E. motifbyhand@gmail.com Stitches From The Bush www.stitchesfromthebush.com.au Tel. 0427 764 147 E. stitchesfromthebush@bigpond.com Utopian Threads www.utopianthreads.com.au Tel. 0431 757 949 E. utopianthreads@outlook.com Cavindew Artistic Designs www.cavindewad.com Tel. 0427 767 139 E. cavindewad@gmail.com Cozy Corner Quilts www.cozycornerquilts.com.au Tel. 0412 168 695 E. julie@cozycornerquilts.com.au Sew Piecefully Patchwork www.sewpiecefullypatchwork.com.au Tel. 0438 119 052 E. sewpiecefullypatchwork@hotmail.com Red Heart Designs www.redheartdesigns.com.au Tel. 0418 327 390 E. hello@redheartdesigns.com.au Bonnie And Rose www.bonnieandrose.com.au Tel. 0497 794 240 admin@bonnieandrose.com.au Kitty Rose Cottage www.kittyrosecottage.com Tel. 0412 302 773 E. kittyrosecottage@gmail.com
Proudly distributed in Australia and New Zealand by Two Green Zebras Pty Ltd T. 02 9553 7201 E. sales@twogreenzebras.com @tilda_australia