Thomas Woodard Jr Portfolio

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Architecture Portfolio

The H2O Building “Memorial Library� -Revit -Photoshop Community Connection (Honorable Mention) Design Resilience In Asia -Rhinoceros -Revit -Photoshop Kinet(ex) Housing -Revit -Photoshop






The H2O Building “Memorial Library” was

my final project for my collegiate career. For this portion of the project there was a strong concentration of materials, programs, atmospheres, and circulation to ensure design excellence. In the last project there were concrete facade panels but using that material was not an effective strategy. The next idea was to use brass panels reinforced with studs to ensure stability. Not only was the brass a better choice structural wise but it also helped in the building’s presence on the site. When passing the building on government street, the reflective material will create a strong presence for the library in hope of attracting the public. The buidling and the site needed to co exist for the message to truly stand out in a fast paced area.

The H2O Building “Memorial Library”

Understanding the site was part of

the project, but discovering the site’s potential was strategy. On on site you can see that it has the capability to take on a great amount of water and disperse that intake amongst the building. The rendering to the right is actually a strong time in the library. You see two gentlemen between two sets of buildings. The set on the right are homes of the future, while the set on the left are those of the present. After Baton Rouge faced a flood in 2016 this inspired me to study what could’ve went different in the communities. We may not have been able to change the weather conditions, but we probably could’ve saved some homes. Creating an atmosphere in which you bring a strong message to those that inhabit the space is what this walkway does. Even if you do not understand that we are building for the future, you will still become overwhelmed by the massiveness of the exhibit. Which is what the natives of Baton Rouge faced when the water rushed into our communities.


The H2O Building “Memorial Library”

H2O Building “Home Exhibit” two locals tour the exhibit of future homes vs present homes.

The relationship between the

classroom and the facade allows an interaction between program and materials. The classroom protrudes out of the facade of the building to actually give the public an opportunity to look into the exhibit farm where the homes of the present are built. In the building you can see that there is a unique way of draining water. The curtain walls extrude from the second floor all the way to the roof and bleeds into the home exhibit. This allows the building to become a system rather than just a building. The curtain walls also provide a aesthetic structure in the interior of the lounge and walkways. As rain proceeds the public can enjoy how the building circulates water from the roof to the exhibit. It provides a sense of sustainability and also provide a preview on how we can challenge moving water. The exhibit, curtain walls, and homes are what makes this building something Baton Rouge has never experienced.


H2O Building “Facade� The brass facade of the H2O Building.

The H2O Building “Memorial Library”

H2O Building “Interior Drainage” This is the main way the building circulates water.

H2O Building “Auditorium” Section Cut

H2O Building “Exhibit Homes” Section Cut


Taking a look into the section you can

The H2O Building “Memorial Library�

see how the curtain walls flows from the roof into the exhibit. Not only does this serve as the main way to drain loads such as rain but also provide a great exhibit to the public. Inside these exhibits the future homes are built at variant heights to gather a constant flow of information to further improve homes. Looking at the first section you can see how the auditorium seeps into the water and leaves just enough space so that water can rise up around that area. Paying close attention to the plan you can see on the 4th floor just how the class rooms actually protrudes the facade. Having this many functions in a building from proper draining to spacious programs that have meaning is what made this building something monumental.


H2O Building “Auditorium� At this moment the water has risen amongst the curtain wall.

The Auditorium’s message is one

The H2O Building “Memorial Library�

factor that tied the message of the building together. Embracing mother nature such as rain is still the most important factor of the library. This moment in time is caught in the underground auditorium to enhance the atmosphere. Imagine watching a performance and out of no where you see rushing water rising. Now this was Baton Rouge in August of 2016 when residents were caught off guard when the water had no where else to go but up. In this Auditorium I hope to raise awareness to these conditions that may happen again in the Baton Rouge area.


Community Connection rethinks civic

Community Connection “DRIA Honorable Mention�

engagement, reuses wasted assets, and reconnects the Polo community with large public spaces known as community nodes. These nodes support the Polo River area by providing basic needs such as water treatment and management housing, healthcare, material recovery, and entrepreneurship in centralized locations. A ferry and bike path system integrates the new nodes into the surrounding context and transforms the Polo River into a place for the community to reconnect. Individual trades taught by each community node secure the future of this system and pass it into the hands of the Polo community. Collective will explore more options for solving a problem depending on how many members there are.

Community Connection proposes the

transformation of the Polo River into a public gathering space by building spaces called community nodes that span across the river. The banks of the Polo are currently only connected by one bridge and walking times can be up to one hour. In order to further alleviate this issue a ferry route provides public transit from one node to another transforming the Polo River into a circulatory path that carries people where they want to go. Proposed bike paths are also used to make the community nodes more accessible and to connect the East and West banks of the Polo River. By centralizing these services, community nodes appeal to a wide range of demographics and can ultimately connect more people together. While every community node has the same services as the rest, one might be more proficient at that service than its peers. Once education is factored in with this specialization, even more potential for connection exists.


Community Connection “Polo River� The six installed community nodes.

Community Connection “DRIA Honorable Mention”

The Polo River Area consists of

two main four kilometer strips of land. Each of these strips contain a main street and many smaller streets that are perpendicularly connected to the main street. Tagalag Road is on the East bank while Fermin Alcanar Street is on the West. The west side of the River is much more dense than the East because there is more land available. This also means more commercial buildings and public spaces are seen on Fermin Alcanar Street due to the larger population. Understanding this great divide between East and West drove us to find a connecting point. Implementing a ferry route and bridges were effective strategies that made travel safe for the public. While walking the land the group actually found out that it takes up to an hour or more just to get drinkable water. Community Connection’s goal is to put an end to this problem and find a solution.


Community Connection “Ferry and Bridges”.

Community Connection “DRIA Honorable Mention”

Community Connection “Ferry” This ferry travels along the Polo River to help reduce travel time to the public.

ECO-BALL’s mission is to improve

waste management, while also providing essential needs for the community. Recycled goods such as clothes are cleaned and restored to be redistributed to those in need. Helping a community is more than just picking up waste it should increase community camaraderie. The picture immediately to the top right is one of many courts that lacks presence in the community. Courts are more than just a play area, but if constructed carefully it can become a “Safe Haven.� Having the ability to reuse wasted materials can provide a community with cleaner areas. Methods that have been adopted by existing communities are the implementation of MRFs. In each barangay the community has a MRF that is setup to handle waste management.


Community Connection “DRIA Honorable Mention”

Community Connection “Eco-Ball” The community have come together to help clean in a group effort.

A safe haven in short is a place

of security. ECO-BALL focuses on rehabilitating courts around the Manila community to ensure that those whom seek a place of comfort will find one. This is the MRF’s way of thanking the community for helping take part in increasing waste management. Connecting the community is a main focus but rebuilding areas that need help also have importance. The focus of the safe haven is to provide security at all times of day. Security at night is important to a community. The design was constructed to provide a sense of comfort at night too. In reality some individuals do not have a place to rest their head at and wonder the dark streets at night. This can become very dangerous for a child. Rehabilitating as many courts as possible to provide light through the night is another focus of ECO-BALL.


Community Connection “DRIA Honorable Mention”

Community Connection “Safe Haven” These courts act as a safe haven to those roaming the streets at night.

Community Connection “Transporting the Home”

Community Connection “Creating homes at the Housing Node”

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䔀瘀愀瀀漀爀愀琀椀瘀攀 倀愀搀

Establishing homes are more

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Community Connection “DRIA Honorable Mention”

than just implementing innovative materials, but to sustain life for future generations. The freedom of design that the community has itself, overtime, will flourish the land with diverse colors and textures. The combination of both can grant future generations 䔀瘀愀瀀漀爀愀琀椀瘀攀 䌀漀漀氀椀渀最 匀礀猀琀攀洀 a sustainable environment. When time passes families grow and begin to expand themselves. Requiring a solution to answer the question, how can homes expand at the same time as 䈀 the family. Families in communities have strong ties to the land they occupy and this starts to create a cluster of relatives. As the families grow, the amount of space needed to house each individual increases as well. Stacking of homes are solutions adopted by communities to ensure enough room for additional family. The axion illustrates the different generations stacked on each other. The new homes will follow this same method to ensure enough space for family growth.


Community Connection “DRIA Honorable Mention”

Community Connection “Sustainer’s” These homes are the durable in all weather.


“Kinet(ex) be the example that your neighbor

wants to follow.� Kinetex is a house that was constructed on Oretha St in New Orleans. The project was to be less than 2000 sqft and be a single family home. This home sits at 1860 sqft and provides the opportunity for the family to move freely in the interior. The first floor consist of the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and one car parking space.

Kinet(ex) Housing in New Orleans

An important aspect to this house

is that the east and west facade has the ability to let in sunlight. This is done by advancing your everyday louver system and evolving it so the system can become movable. This function is why the building is called Kinetex and may become the future of residential housing. The photo on the right is the living room when the louvers are up. In this room, consist of entertainment systems and the opportunity for leisure activity. Letting as much light in a possible is what homes should be allowed to control in a massive way. Giving the home the ability to fully transform shows how technology can become an effective strategy for homes of the future.


Kinet(ex) Housing in New Orleans

Kinet(ex) “Interior� Rendering shows how the space is lit up when the louvers are up.

Kinet(ex) “1st Floor”


Kinet(ex) “2nd Floor “

Kinet(ex) “Longitudinal Section”

Kinet(ex) “Transverse Section”

Kinet(ex) Housing in New Orleans

Kinet(ex) “Longitudinal Section� Rendering shows structural framework in the home.

Thank You

Thomas Woodard Jr 225-892-2758

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