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A TRIBE CALLED RED WINS JUNO A Tribe Called Red have the hearts of Canadian Music fans everywhere. The electronic trio won Breakthrough Artist of the Year at this weekends Juno Awards ceremony in Winnipeg. For more Juno coverage see our ACE coverage on Page 14. PHOTO COURTESY OF WWW.ATRIBECALLEDRED.COM PM42686517



APRIL 2ND, 2014

Six Nations organizing to fight C-10 By Jim Windle

SIX NATIONS – Last Wednesday night, Elected Chief Ava Hill represent represented her council at an input session organized by Band Council designed to offer opportunity to local cigarette manufacturers and smoke shop owners to voice their concerns and their plans in the face of the federal government’s pending final reading

of Bill C-10, which, once passed, would criminalize the Native tobacco industry. If the Bill passes into law, the economy of numerous reserves in Ontario would suffer great damage and thousands of Native workers would find themselves out of work and without an income. As was the case when the Two Row Times conducted a similar gathering

last month, the main room at Six Nations Polytechnic was close to filled as local cigarette manufacturers and retailers came together to discuss a strategy against the Bill itself but also to begin planning a defense strategy in case the OPP or RCMP begin conducting on-reserve raids. Six Nations Police Chief Glenn Lickers made a strong statement in the media that Six Nations

has had many accomplishments during her time here on Six Nations. According to a thank-you speech by Elected Chief Ava Hill, Miller helped get Six Nations Ambulance workers certified with the Advanced Care Paramedic program a few years ago. Miller was also working for Health Services when Band Council took over Iroquois Lodge years ago and helped bring the Di-

alysis Unit to Six Nations Health Services. Miller has had many other acduring complishments her career in the health services. Miller thanked councilors and said, “I have been here 16 years and came straight out of the nursing program at university. I learned a lot from Ruby Jacobs. I thank you for the growing opportunity.”

Director of Health Services resigns By Jen Mt. Pleasant

Six Nations Elected Council presented Ruby Miller, former Director of Health Services with a plaque of appreciation last week as Miller announced her resignation. Miller will be pursuing a career as a consultant in Canmore, Alberta. Miller has spent the past 16 years working for various departments within Band Council and

Director of Health Services Ruby Miller accepts a plaque from Elected Chief on behalf of Six Nations Band Council last week in honour of her years of service to the community. PHOTO BY JEN MT. PLEASANT

Be Summer ready by

Canada Day

Police Services personnel would not participate in any such raids should they be asked, to avoid his officers having to come against their own people over a political issue. “This is war, and I expect our men, our warriors to be there for us,” District Councillor Melba Thomas said to the men in the room. It was a call-to-arms, as it were, and Thomas challenged the men of the community to be ready to do whatever it takes to protect the community and its economic well-being. Chief Hill left little room for doubt what her opinion of C-10 is, promising to work hard within the political system with lobbying and demonstrations on Parliament Hill. She recalled the fight against the HST and how a large group of Six Nations and other Onkwehon:we people went to Ottawa and broke up into teams and conducted somewhere around 80 meetings in total with various political contacts of all parties and the Senate. Hill would like to see the same level of organizing take place in Ottawa regarding C-10. “We can get the busses and we have in the past,” she said. “But then when we put out the call the busses are not filled.” The most recent at attempt was three busses Band Council provided for Six Nations parents to go to Toronto and demonstrate about the school supplies for local schools not being

delivered in time for the start of last year’s school year. In that case, there were only about 20 people in each bus, which can carry 49 passengers each. There seemed to be some frustration with the many calls for Band Council to do something about C-10, but Chief Hill turned it back on the people, challenging them to set up a tobacco regulatory board or some kind of unifying organization that would include Band Council, the Confederacy, but also rankand-file citizens of Six Nations as well as those employers within the tobacco trade. Hill spoke about her attempts to join forces with the Confederacy on specific issues that threat threaten the entire community, like Bill C-10. “So far I have not heard anything back from them,” she said. “This is something we all need to stand together on with the Men’s Fire, the Mohawk Workers, the women, and everyone. We must have a united voice.” Hill asked for input on the numbers of people each smoke shop and factory employs that would be negatively affected by C-10, so that she can have accurate numbers when pushing against the Bill in Ottawa. AUTO SERVICE DEPT.


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One man explained that he does not work in directthe tobacco trade direct ly but has 55 employees that work for his security company which protects smoke shops around the community from robbery, and that they too could find themselves out of work should the Harper government continue to play hardball with Six Nations economic development. Hill promised another follow up meeting sometime soon to again try and facilitate an atmosphere threatfor those directly threat ened by Bill C-10 to organize themselves with the help of the Band office as an administrative body, should that be required. Hill was glad to hear that there are several strategy meetings involving large and small manufacturers and smoke shop owners taking place around the reserve and encouraged them to continue. Among others, Bill Monture, a member of the Men’s Fire, has been conducting regular meetings at his business location on Chiefswood Road, and Audrey Hill of the Turtle Island Trade and Commerce group has been holding meetings at the GREAT Theatre every Thursday night, which is open to the public. 365 Argyle St. South Caledonia, ON CUSTOMER SERVICE


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APRIL 2ND, 2014

Cornwall Island plebiscite announced By Charles Kader

AKWESASNE – Tensions on Cornwall Island remain (Kawehnoke) high after a hearing in the city of Cornwall resulted in a judge ruling on the fate of several empty buildings on the Kanienkehaka island. Social activists Beverly Pyke, Stacey Boots, Larry Thompson and Lloyd Benedict sat in on the March 27th settlement conference meeting, many as defendants, as did as representatives of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA). The headlines coming out of the meeting stated that a MCA plebiscite would help to decide the fate of the unoccupied buildings. The decision also aborted a preliminary deal between the Federal Bridge (FBC), Corporation which administers the bridgeinternational works between Massena, New York and Cornwall, Ontario, and the seven defendants. That deal saw the buildings erected by the Akwesasne People’s Fire (APF) being demolished by the people who erected them, in exchange for trespassing charges lodged against them being dismissed. That agreement now remains in limbo while the MCA prepares for a membership vote on the fate of the APF buildings as well as the Canadian Border Security Agency (CBSA) outpost which was abandoned during the summer of 2009 when federal staff walked off the job over threats related to staff weapons at the border inspection area. Ms. Pyke, a defendant in the case, remained adamant that her community efforts in 2009 were done with wider intentions in mind and were not just trespassing on government property. She stood firm in her position with the other individual defendants following the hearing. “These are life and death choices the people made here. We will not be intimidated by government to government agreements. We know

Social activist Beverly Pyke. what we are fighting for on behalf of the people of Akwesasne,” said Pyke, in reference to the announced plebiscite. According to Pyke, the defendants in the case proposed to address the state of the buildings over a year ago, which have been condemned by the MCA as uninhabitable. A local business could have performed the labor at that time, avoiding this recent ruling, but the MCA did not support the suggestion. “Many local people need this kind of work to get by. It is a very poor economy that they are dealing with. The construction trades can build and also do this sort of demolition,” said the community activist. “I think that the plebiscite will force people on the fence to agree that the decision is not one for the MCA to make or influence. It is a decision for the people themselves to support,” added Pyke. Local media commentary supports the decision to involve the MCA membership in a vote, which was estimated at over 12,000. The sentiment exists that a court settlement can be put off a little while longer while the voters from Akwesasne are heard on this subject. Individual actions have propelled the entire legal arc of this storyline. From the group of activists that surrounded the CBSA building the night that it was abandoned to the builders of the APF buildings to the recent arrest of Stacey Boots as he

planned to re-occupy the empty CBSA structure, the emotion of the past several years on Cornwall Island has come down to the outcome of the ballot box. The decision was supported in the city of Cornwall. The decision was not supported by the defendants. “MCA did not want the buildings torn down for political reasons. That is why the negotiated settlement was torn up. Jennifer Francis of Justice Canada, who represented the FBC, acknowledged there was a tentative settlement regarding the buildings. “My clients wish to have

the two protest buildings in the international corridor removed,” she said. “Today the CBSA building is no longer in use and the two buildings were put up in protest against CBSA who have now moved to Cornwall,” Francis stated. MCA lawyer Nathan Richards expressed a different view of the disagreement, according to published reports. “There is a political struggle right now between MCA and Akwesasne People’s Fire (which the protesters belonged to)” the MCA representative stated. “It’s not as simple as

just knocking down the buildings.” Richards said that first the MCA would hold a public meeting to discuss the issues and then hold a plebiscite on the issue. Two questions will be asked: ‘Do you agree with the removal of the CBSA building?’ and ‘Do you agree with the removal of the People’s Fire buildings after the CBSA buildings come down?’ Justice Paul Lalonde adjourned the meeting until June 16, 2014 following his ruling. Kanienkehaka news analyst John Kane commented on the decision afterwards. “If a “judge”


says the people can decide what to do on their own lands, then it must be true. It sure is a good thing we have these judges telling us who we are and what we can do (on our own land),” said the commentaoutspoken tor. Kane said his sarcasm was a testament to the mistaken belief that mainstream legal systems trump sovereign expression and action. “We never gave anything up, to them, their laws or the ability to decide for ourselves. It never happened,” stated Kane. Many eyes will be on the plebiscite, that is for sure.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MARCH 31, 2014 Union Gas Agreement approved by Six Nations Elected Council Six Nations of Grand River Territory – Six Nations Elected Council is pleased to announce the approval of an agreement with Union Gas that will enhance the current Six Nations Natural Gas system. Union Gas Limited has four (4) pipeline projects that are located in Cambridge, Kitchener/Waterloo, Oakville/Burlington and Milton areas. Elected Council representatives have met with Union Gas representatives since 2006 on the Brantford Kirkwall project and more recently with the CAP team on the last three (3) projects. The first two project pipelines cross portions of the Haldimand Tract lands and the last two projects cross through the 1701 Nanfan Treaty lands. Capacity Funding has been provided by Union Gas for due diligence regarding the projects. To summarize, the Union Gas Agreement is to be considered consultation/ accommodation for the 4 project impacts on Treaty lands in the form of:

a. A significant contribution was made to extend and enhance the flow of natural gas in the Six Nations Natural Gas system from fourth line to the Grand River at Chiefswood Bridge, and to ensure an adequate supply of gas is available for the planned expansion of Six Nations Natural Gas system to the north side of the Grand River. b. At their cost, Union Gas will be providing the engineering required to cross the Grand River at the Chiefswood Bridge; to complete the system capacity review for the additional line and arrange for this extension at a discounted rate by using its large volume buying power. c. Environmental mitigation and monitoring expenses associated with the Projects d. Employment opportunities: preferential hiring of qualified Six Nations members e. Local Business opportunities: maximize Six Nations business opportunities in relation to the Projects f. Six Nations Natural Gas Company select employee education and training

The present Six Nations natural gas system does not meet the needs of the Six Nations community. This upgrade will alleviate this issue and allow for the planned expansion on the north side of the Grand River. The funds will flow to the Six Nations Natural Gas Company to off-set the costs for the upgrade and planned expansion. The normal community engagement process was not undertaken for this agreement because money will be flowing through a previously established community company, and benefits flowing indirectly to the entire Six Nations of the Grand River Community. The CAP team is always looking for innovative ways to work with proponents to benefit the community in other forms than monetary payment, this agreement and upgrade of existing community infrastructure is an example of that. Chief Ava Hill said, “I am very pleased that the CAP Team and Union Gas have found this innovative way to accommodate Six Nations of the Grand River. The extension and enhancement of the flow of natural gas from fourth line to the Grand River at Chiefswood Bridge will certainly prove to be of great benefit to our community and will help pave the way for us to expand the line across the river. Now that we have the new Water Treatment Plant across the river, the provision of natural gas for this plant and for future development will certainly prove to be a valuable asset.”

For more information please contact: Lonny Bomberry Six Nations Lands and Resources 519-753-0665



APRIL 2ND, 2014

Hodinohso:ni heirloom seed & foods workshop By Jen Mt. Pleasant SIX NATIONS – Six Nawas Polytech tions packed full of eager and gardenenthusiastic ers and seed-savers last weekend. Deyohaha:ge, with the help of the Six Nations Legacy Consortium, the Indigenous Studies Program of McMaster University and the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres, hosted the annual event which was held last Saturday. This event was for community members and people in the surrounding areas to come and share their seed harvest from last year and also to exchange seeds and knowledge. One woman who brought a wealth of seeds to the workshop was Kahehtohkhtha Janice Brant who is from the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. One item stood out in particular and that was strawberry popcorn which is beautiful dark red and looks like a giant strawberry. Brant stated she grows every seed that she had displayed on her table, from blue corn

to tobacco. The strawberry popcorn, which was still on the cob, was given to her by Yvonne Thomas, wife of the late Jake Thomas. Brant has been growing it for about ten years now. Other seeds that Brant had brought to the workshop, had been passed down in her family from generation to generation. The blue corn she had however, was given to her by Iowne Anderson. Brant stated that blue corn is edible and is mostly used as flour and for mush.

Brant also had tobacco seeds that she gave away to interested growers. When asked how she plants her tobacco, Brant stated that although some people like to start their seeds indoors, she usually plants her seeds directly outside, including tobacco. She explained that she ‘broadcasts’ the tobacco seeds, meaning she disperses them out onto the ground in a ‘fanning motion’, without digging any holes. “They are able to grow on top of the soil,” stated Brant, however after she fans them out across the soil, she grabs a handful of dirt and spreads it across and on top of the tobacco seeds. Brant stated that tobacco is also used as a healing plant in that the seeds can be planted in ‘diseased soil,’ and the tobacco will actually cleanse and revitalize the soil. Last Saturday’s event also came with a traditional style meal. The first meal of the day was entitled Breakfast BC (Before Columbus) and included corn mush, maple syrup, berries and fruit and tea.

tre from home. It has long been known among every Ongwehoweh nation across Turtle Island whose parents, grandparents and great grandparents went to residential schools that many children never made it home from these schools. The questions today are how many children perished in these schools and what was their cause of death? Through the Missing Children Project, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is currently trying to get an accurate count of the number of children who died in residential schools, the causes for their deaths and the location where they are buried. The TRC has so far

confirmed about 4,100 deaths, but that number is expected to rise as they have so far only been able to access partial government documents. TRC researchers are also continuing their search through death records, historical records, survivor testimony, photographs and the use of ground penetrating radar. Last Friday the B.C. government handed over 4,900 death records to the TRC. The records include all the deaths of First Nations children between the ages of 4 and 19 between 1870 and 1984. The task of the TRC researchers now is to sift through all the records and find out which ones died in residential schools.

Kahehtohkhtha Janice Brant from Tyendinaga, had at least 10 different types of seeds to give away at her booth at last Saturday's Hodinohso:ni Heirloom Seed & Foods Workshop. PHOTO BY JEN MT. PLEASANT

Next to Blue Corn is a beautiful display of Strawberry Corn, which, according to Kahehtohkhtha Janice Brant, should stay on the cob until ready to plant. PHOTO BY JEN MT. PLEASANT A local catering business owned by Chandra Maracle and Bloss Martin served up a delicious salad of mixed greens, dried cranberries, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seed oil, apple cider vinegar topped with maple syrup; wild rice with celery and peppers; mashed beans; cashew and pumpkin seed gravy with shallots and a mouth-watering carrot, celery and apply beet juice.

included Speakers Steve McComber who is a sculptor from Kahnawake and also a farmer. He discussed the importance of saving Haudenosaunee heirloom seeds. For more information about his talk on Saturday, he can be reached at cornplanter@sympatico. ca. Heirloom seeds are seeds that are still maintained by gardeners and farmers particularly in communities like those

of the Haudenosaunee. Haudenosaunee seeds are those that were grown pre-contact and continue to be grown today. The seeds have been passed down from generation to generation and are not bought in stores. All different kinds of seeds were given away last weekend including: white corn, blue corn, strawberry corn, tobacco, different variations of squash, sunflower, and different kinds of beans.

BC government hands over death records to TRC By Jen Mt. Pleasant In October 1956, Charles Ombash, aged 12, and his brother, Tom, aged 14, left the Pelican Falls Residential School near Sioux Lookout, Ontario. Having planned to canoe back to Cat Lake or alternately, take the train to Savant Lake, a ride to Pickle Lake and then canoe to Cat Lake. Their families have not seen them since. Another heartbreaking incident involved the deaths of four boys, two aged 8 and two aged 9, in early January 1937. After excessive corporal punishment, the boys ran away from a residential school near Vanderhoof, B.C. The four bodies were found huddled and frozen together in ice on the Fraser Lake, barely a kilome-

Last week Alberta also followed suit with handing over 41 DVDs to the TRC, containing around 10,000 death records of First Nations people between 1923 and 1945. The job now is to sift through these records and find out which ones died in the provinces 25 residential schools. Nova Scotia, which was home to one residential school called Shubenacadie also recently turned over around 125 death records from 1922 to 1968. Thirteen of those records were of students who died in the residential school. Ontario has yet to hand over its records and Quebec has ignored repeated requests to hand over its records as well. It is widely known that

A tin marker, likely issued by the Dept. of Indian Affairs, marks the resting place of a student from the St Joseph's Indian residential school in Chapleau, Ont., photographed on Aug. 12, 2012. the number one killer at these schools was disease, mainly tuberculosis as many residential schools did not have good ventilation systems. But it is also known through survivor testimony that many children died unnatural, mysterious and even violent deaths. By getting the gov-

ernment death records of First Nations child deaths in all the provinces, the TRC can then find out which ones died in residential schools and also hopefully find out how they died and where they are buried as many families have waited decades to find closure.


APRIL 2ND, 2014


Commemorative monument coming to Mush Hole By Nahnda Garlow BRANTFORD – The Woodland Cultural Centre announced Sunday evening that a National Commemorative Marker recognizing the dark legacy of Canada & Churches Indian Residential Schools will be cast in bronze and placed at the site of the former Mohawk Institute. The commemorative markers are part of a project by the Assembly of First Nations and the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, to place monuments on all 139 sites of residential schools across Canada in partnership with local communities. It comes as part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) of 2007. The monument prototype was designed by a collective of five First Nations

artists and was unveiled in Ottawa on March 12 of this year. The prototype bears markings traditional of many nations along the inner rim of a hand drum, and the outer rim is surrounded by braids signifying the practice of students’ hair being cut off once enrolled in residential school. Six Nations Elected Band Council Chief Ava Hill made an announcement at the event on Sunday that Council would contribute $220,000 for repairs to the roof of the Mush Hole. She said, “The former Mohawk Institute is quite an old building and is need of much repair. Before Council decided whether to repair it or not, we asked the staff to conduct community consultations on whether the community wanted to keep the building or tear

it down. Although some people said that they would like to see it torn down, the majority wanted to see it kept as a reminder of the residential era and what the government of the day did to our people. The renovations will start with the roof and the estimated cost to complete that will be around $1M. Last night at the event at the Woodland Cultural Centre, I announced that the Six Nations Elected Council has committed $220,000 towards the costs and I also put out the challenge for other organizations and the government to match that contribution. WCC will be undertaking a fund raising campaign to raise the remaining dollars and I will assist them wherever and however I can.” Hill issued a challenge for MPP Dave Le-

the residential schools and passed down through generations by ill-equipped parents who grew up without a sense of love, family or purpose, which is the residential school’s multigenerational legacy. Friday night, the program focused on today’s youth with games and discussion designed to encourage self-esteem, improve teen relationships, stop bullying, create healthy life styles and give back to the community. Guest speaker Billy Rogers from the Kiowa Nation took the 200 or so participants over the two-day through interactive games and discussions bring out

the inner man and women and encouraging self-respect and pride. Ida Martin heads up the survivors organization and was very pleased with the number of people who participated as well as the engaging style of Rogers. “Wasn’t it great,” she said reflecting on the whirlwind two-day event. “We had a room full of young people last night (Friday) and to see them all standing in front of the people without embarrassment was fantastic,” she said. The event culminated with entertainment provided by Cec Sault and Ol’ Chicago along with special guest, Elvis-ish Presley.

Survivors group promotes healing and wholeness at Six Nations By Jim Windle

OHSWEKEN – Residential School survivors and their family and friends took part in a two-day community event, “Walking a Strong Path” at the Six Nations Community Hall, held Friday night and all day Saturday. She’:kon The Ke’n:thoYa’kwes (We Are Still Here) residential school survivors organization focuses on interactive activities, healing and empowerment workshops covering cultural, community and individual development. They also address issues of lateral violence brought on by the damage done at

vac, who was also in attendance at the announcement dinner, to involve the Province in the process of restoration for the site of the former Mohawk Institute. Centre Director Amos Keye Jr. said the opinions expressed at community input sessions were heard loud and clear – save the evidence. “Ninety-five percent said keep the buildings because it tells the truth seeing it,” said Keye. Keye says a big part of the work ahead is Six Nations making an official statement designating the former residential school property a national historic site. Keye said, “My next step is to work with Carl Hill and Wray Maracle to go forward under the watchful eye of Chief Ava Hill and use our own moral authority to respond to this moral

This protype will be cast in bronze and one will be placed at all of Canada's 139 residential schools. PHOTO COURTESY OF AFN imperative. For the first time in our history, our own people will establish and designate our own national historic site.” Keye says that the greater Canadian population is just beginning to grasp the truth about the history of Indigenous people, “We had a just and civil society. They are just now getting that.” It

is his belief that this project is an important part to facilitating further education to the public and honouring the youth who attended the Mohawk Institute. “It’s like they are veterans. It’s about honouring those young people. They have given us what we have today.”

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Change your Attitude....Change your life! Everyone Welcome Six Nations youth participate in an interactive exercise led by traveling motivational speaker, Billy Rogers of the Kiowa Nation. The event focused on healing and practical methods to help in getting past the multigenerational damage done in Canada's residential schools. PHOTO BY JIM WINDLE



APRIL 2ND, 2014



Have you ever been to Mexico and seen the beautiful turquoise waters embraced by fine white sand? Taken a long appreciating look at the clear blue of the sky? Walked out into your backyard to breathe in the smells of an earth renewing itself? Stopped to listen to the croaking of the frogs alerting us to the coming change in weather? We have so much natural beauty around us. Why then are we failing to appreciate and be responsible for what has been placed un-


der our care? We need to take the time to respect the cycles of life and renewal. Every spring brings us the new blooms of flowers, the sweet smell of lilacs wafting on the warm air and the soft songs of animals wooing their mates. The earth is awakening from its winter slumber and becoming ready to once again provide us with sustenance. Mother Earth prepares her womb to accept the seeds that will give birth to our nourishment and continued

survival. The plants that grow yield food to live on, trees to continue giving us breathable air, and invaluable medicines to repair our bodies. The creatures of Turtle Island once more begin the perpetuation of their kind for the animals also depend on these cycles of life for their well-being. Being true to who we are is essential to the ongoing existence of all. For one of the truths of who we are is that we are protectors of this earth, which makes us responsible for all infractions that occur here. The safekeeping of this world is a duty assigned to all who live Native or non-Native. So-

ciety has created special places for the preservation of wildlife, sanctuaries for endangered species and parks to preserve the growth of now rare plants. Our ecosystem is precious and endangered and yet we see the persistent destruction to our Mother from corporate greed and disregard. How many times have you driven on the roads of our community and found the ditches littered with garbage? We see the animals slaughtered by the passing of cars because they too have been disregarded and displaced from their homes. We have all seen the construction of housing, retail outlets, ware-

houses and much more where little or no attention has been paid to the irreversible damage being done. We here at Six Nations are lucky to have available to us many locations that are for the most part untouched by backhoe or bulldozer. A multitude of medicines still grow on the ‘rez’ here and need protection too. We need to be careful of the repercussions of our actions. As the steadily advancing machine of industry chugs forth we are losing vital parts of our anatomy. We need air that is unpolluted, water that is drinkable, food free from GMO’s and other chemicals. An-

imals are entitled to live without intrusion into their habitats the same as we are. The Onkwehon:we have long sought to be these protectors and have been working hard to accomplish these goals. There needs to be a more active approach taken to shield and shelter the infinite cycles of life that are being extinguished. Thought needs to be given to the importance of our own personal activities. Being true to the core of our responsibilities is important. Without working in accordance to what has been ‘given’ to us we leave nothing for the future generations. We leave no future.

The power of words and the perpetuation of stereotypes By Naomi Brisley “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” -Søren Kierkegaard I think we can all agree that words carry incredible power and their meanings are often times not held in what is being said verbally, but the connotations that are being applied subliminally. Phrases like “black” and “white” imply a system of higher and lower, good and bad, superior and inferior, but are viewed as if they are just superficial observations about skin color. This is very apparent in the racial slur “Redskin.” Something that appears to be a standard observation has historically been used in ways to undermine a vast group of peoples and treat them as inferior to the colonizers who coined the term. But what does “Redskin” really imply?

What do you envision when the term comes up in discourse? It is not a person with red skin, this is quite impossible. Instead I believe the popular conception is someone with high cheekbones, large eyes, a big nose, feathers, barely clothed, maybe holding a tomahawk or a peace pipe or bow and arrow or something of the sort. With this in mind; I would like to ask are there any representations or caricatures that come to mind when speaking of white people? Is there a standard get-up for people of European descent complete with clothing attire, facial structures and expressions? Can you imagine the feeling that whenever someone is introduced to you they try to pick out these characteristics in your personality or wait for you to behave a specific way in order to confirm their biases about the ethnic group you belong to? Or maybe even being the token representative for all

of your people in a given situation? Like saying, “You’re white, how would white people feel about this?” Or “Uh-uh, I talked to white people before and they don’t feel the same way you do about that situation.” At this point your whiteness is taken into question and attempts to categorize your amount of whiteness are enforced. the term What “Redskin” and the mascot actually do is reinforce the mass ideology of symbolic annihilation. Symbolic annihilation is the absence of representation, of some group of people in the media (of (often based on their race, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, etc.), understood in the social sciences to be a means of maintaining social inequality. By confining all Natives to this one depiction cultivates the misconceptions our society has indoctrinated in us from a very early age. It is an attempt to glamorize the

Volume 1, Issue 34 657 Mohawk Road Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, Ontario, N0A 1H0 Make all cheques payable to: Garlow Media Printed at Ricter Web, Brantford ON

genocide of millions of people with this friendly slogan for a competitive American sport. I’m sure if we try to think back to grade school we can all remember the symbolic annihilation that took place against Native Americans in the first 4 to 6 pages of our history textbooks. In this introductory chapter the historians cover hundreds of thousands of years of the histories of hundreds of tribes, their interactions with one another, their complex legal, moral, religious, and philosophical approaches, their helpfulness and brotherhood that was extended to the Europeans when contact was first made, the way they helped shape the American constitution, the way they helped the Americans fight the British and “win” American away from England, and also their bravery in the face of colonization. Or wait a second… I had to take college courses to learn all of this stuff.

term The “Redskin” and the caricatures of Native peoples dehumanize us to a nostalgic figure of times passed. They turn us into a mascot as if we are a concept that can be conceived or a snapshot in time that can be saved. This denies the fact that we are living, breathing, current, human beings who are ever changing. After over 500 years of massacres, exile, prison camps (reservations), broken treaties, boarding schools, smallpox blankets, poisoned rations, religious persecution, alcohol, prison, hazardous waste, and medical experiments, native americans are still here. The resilience of these people is definitely a trait to be revered and honored but if the nation truly respected these incredibly strong individuals they would not allow this systematic genocide to take place. Some Natives might not be offended by the term “Redskins” but

there is no ambassador for the politically correct police. Some white people might not be offended by the term “cracker” or “honky” but they should be offended by the hate and disdain evident in the use of the terms. Maybe someday we can get to the point where we can all be regarded as humans, but until then we should take a culturally sensitive standpoint for our depictions of one another. I was once told the Golden Rule, or “treat others as you want to be treated” is one of the most selfish ways to think imaginable. The way we should look at it is not from our perspective, but from their own. How selfish is it to think everybody wants to be treated the same way as we do considering everyone has different backgrounds and ways of life? So in conclusion, I ask you to at least consider “how can I treat this person the way they wish to be treated?”

Publisher: Garlow Media Founder: Jonathan Garlow General Manager: Tom Keefer Senior Writer: Jim Windle Production: Dave LaForce Business Manager: Kelly MacNaughton Advertising Coordinator: Josh Bean Web Manager: Benjamin Doolittle Circulation Director: Lucho Granados Ceja Arts & Culture: Nahnda Garlow Writer: Jen Mt. Pleasant Advertising: Sterling Stead & Jeff Ross Editorial Team: Jonathan Garlow & Tom Keefer Main office: (519) 900-5535 Editorial: (519) 900-6241 Advertising: (519) 900-6373 For advertising information: General inquiries: Website:


APRIL 2ND, 2014


Youth connect with tradition through storytelling By Tim Reynolds The Indigenous Education Coalition (IEC) held their 7th annual storytelling event at the Antler River Elementary school on the Chippewa of the Thames territory this past Wednesday. The event had youth from the Standing Stone elementary of the Oneida of the Thames, Antler River elementary of the Chippewa of the Thames, and Kettle and Stony Point Hillside Elementary Schools from grades four to eight competing for the prize of best storyteller. The IEC was established in 1996 and is located on the Munsee-Delaware territory. It is a

non-profit organization that focuses on providing education support to First Nations and off reserve communities in South-Western Ontario. The IEC assists with Indigenous self-controlled education by developing programs, curriculum and teaching resources that provide support for education systems, including schools. IEC focuses its programs and resource development in the areas of science, numeracy, technology and culture, First Nation language literacy and English literacy. The IEC also works in partnership with non-Native school boards, communities, and schools through

Letter to the Editors

the development and delivery of cultural programing related to First Nations history, culture, and language in the hopes of ensuring a future of understanding and fellowship. Eli Baxter, Attick Totem (caribou clan), Nishinawbe Aski Nation is the native language curriculum writer for the IEC, which hosted the event. The event opened with a prayer by Marlene Green, Oneida Turtle clan, of the IEC’s elders circle. In addition to Marlene Green, the judges panel consisted of Gregory Wilson (honorary member of the Marten clan) who leads and develops Education Partnerships Program, FNSSP and

Youth STEM programming for IEC and John Fitz Gibbon, an Algonquin from Greater Gold Lake First Nation, and member of the Student Achievement Team with an emphasis on the Youth STEM project in the schools and communities. Melissa Mt. Pleasant, Mohawk Nation, from Six Nations of the IEC videotaped the event. Eli started by telling all of those in attendance about the importance of this story telling event. He stated that when he speaks he always speaks in Anishinabe as well so he connects with the spirits of the ancestors because they are always there. “When speaking in our languag-

es and telling traditional stories you draw from our ancestor’s energy who are there to help you if you want it. I am a residential school survivor who was never given my traditional name by my parents because they feared that I would be punished by the school staff if I ever spoke it in their presence.” Gregory Wilson said that, “this is a good event to build confidence in the students and it’s not just saying a speech it is traditional storytelling which is a cultural practice.” The youth covered different stories from different nations such as, Nanabush and the Turtle; How the stars came to be; How the

Bear clan came to be. The families of the students also participated by reciting stories and teachings to the audience. After the stories had been told and the judges adjourned to another room to make their decision, Eli Baxter led a discussion on First Nations authors and displayed many of their books. After the results were read each student and adult participants received books by various authors such as, Tehanetorens or Joseph Bruchac. To see the results for the competition go to www. and click on events, then awards.

Send your letters to Letters may be edited for length and clarity. The opinions expressed in the letters or submitted opinion pieces are not necessarily those of the Two Row Times.

What you don’t know about wind turbines Dear Editor,

I cannot get behind the “local news” treatise condemning wind energy in the March 19th news piece entitled: “What you’re not being told about wind energy.” In the interest of full disclosure, I work for EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies, a renewable energy manufacturing plant in Welland, and I am a graduate of the Renewable Energy Technician program at Niagara College. The article refers to wind as “so-called” green energy. While it may be arguable what the definition of “green” is in terms of energy, wind is a renewable source of energy that is created as a by-product of the ever shifting temperatures that occur when our Grandmother the Moon rests and our Brother the Sun rises. As long as the days turn to nights, and the nights turn to days, we will have the winds in perpetuity. The alternatives to wind are grim. When the piece talks about the damning conditions that contributed to the plight of the bald eagle population it references a time when the food chain was disrupted by poor environmental con-

ditions. Development was ravaging the country side and part of it was the coal power that was billowing plumes of toxic sludge into the air destroying the ecosystem. This happened in concert with an eco-thrashing by unregulated business practices that wreaked havoc on our Mother the Earth. Since the colonial powers have deferred these practices to China, seemingly staying our environmental execution for a few decades, we don’t have to watch this happen in our back yard. Instead what we should be watching is smaller, replenishable sources of power such as wind and solar topping off sources that would otherwise be generated by nuclear, natural gas, and coal. When the Two Row Times took a drive to Nanticoke to watch the “disruption” of the birds migratory routes did they check out that huge decommissioned coal plant that used to kill the birds food sources and poison us, and the birds, with known cancer causing carcinogens? Did the Two Row Times take a drive to any of the urban centres which have skyscrapers where the carcasses of unsuspecting birds need to

be routinely scraped from the sidewalks beneath them? I am no fan of the addiction to power created by the colonial powers that are currently running this place, and I can’t say I love how the energy companies have given what amounts to pennies on the dollar of their profits as an afterthought to try to satiate the “elected” and traditional councils, but I am less of a fan of the alternative. The alternatives to wind, solar, hydro and other renewable sources of energy are more cancerous coal, natural gas (Elsipogtog anyone? Soaring hydro rates anyone?), and nuclear (spent deadly waste that lasts for upwards of 10,000 years; More soaring hydro rates anyone?). The alternatives to wind are costly, harmful, and sometimes outright deadly. What should be done is what the Haudenosaunee Development Institute has already started. It needs to be understood that as the caretakers of our Mother the Earth we need to condemn wasteful energy practices first and promote conservation, and then secondly demand that what power is needed to keep things running is

done by steadily increasing and improving clean renewable sources of power such as wind. For every turbine that

doesn’t get built there is fat cat in the nuclear industry prospering and a community somewhere in the world that will be exposed

to the perpetual risk of a radioactive illness or death to an unsuspecting life. Tkaké:tohse’ (Karl Dockstader)

Six Nations

Awards Banquet featuring the

Wilma General Memorial Award The Six Nations Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the Wilma General Memorial Award You are encouraged to submit a nomination if you know anyone who: • Is a community member • Possesses a strong background in volunteer activities • Promotes unity and strength both within the family and the community • Demonstrates ability to create change • Liaises to bridge the gap between Native and Non-Native • Possesses positive interpersonal skills and is always willing to sacrifice their personal time to help where needed. Nomination Forms can be picked up at the Council Administration Building during normal business hours Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Nomination deadline is Wednesday, April 17, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Late nominations will not be accepted



APRIL 2ND, 2014


Stirring the Ashes One of the biggest challenges for any people is broad participation in the issues that affect everyone. And when you stop and think about it, there is very little from the smallest ripples in a family to major calamities in a community that occurs without impacting others. The notion of “mind your own business” or “let someone else handle it” has become commonplace in many cultures. As we observe the flaws of some of these other cultures and societies there are those among us that would like to think the Haudenosaunee lived in a utopian society where conflict and controversy could never find a home. We speak of “the good mind” as though our ancestors never had bad thoughts. Of course, this was not the case. And a proper inspection of concepts captured in our language and our ceremonies make it clear that both were developed to provide the necessary lessons to avoid repeating the mistakes of those that came before us. Their wisdom is demonstrated in the timeless metaphors drawn upon generation after generation, not only without losing their meanings but also actually gaining in significance as time goes on. “Fire” is an example of this. A fire in its most basic form serves as a symbol for family. A fire provides warmth and protection. With its light wisdom and learning are provided and the soothing, almost hypnotic effect of dancing flames and glowing embers is something unmatched in nature. But beyond the family, the fire represents a council. In fact, the fire is a symbol for our right of assembly. We refer to our process of deliberation as an issue being handed across and around the fire. And while the fire and the tending of it is a significant part of ceremony, council and the very foun-

dation of our “Longhouse,” there are some very basic concepts associated with fire that are either missed, ignored or are interpreted far too narrowly. Poets, songwriters, storytellers and holy men have crafted messages and sermons with images evoked from “stirring the ashes.” But one of the most compelling and pragmat pragmatic cultural connections to this expression is neither spiritual nor loaded with spooky connotations. As it was explained to me, one of the concepts captured in the act of stirring the ashes is specifically associated with inclusion and encouraging participation. The very act pokof stirring ashes and pok ing around in the almost dormant embers of a fire livens up those embers. By exposing them, those not quite extinguished embers are made to glow with their own fire and even those that seemed to have lost their fire can be re-ignited. Many of our people are like those dormant or extinguished embers. While the hot flames flash and dazzle with flamboyant energy, many settle in to the quiet places allowing our fire to be fed primarily by the hottest setcoals among us. By set tling into the ashes, we preserve our thoughts and opinions, protecting them from scrutiny. And in doing so we often believe we retain the right to criticize quietly, away from direct engagement. The concept of stirring the ashes gives energy and life to those hiding from responsibility when their contribution to our fire is needed most. Stirring the ashes lights those up that may feel neglected as well as those that wish to be. It is a symbol for inclusion and participation. Yet as much sense as the image makes in this application, it is not widely held or shared. I am extremely fortunate to have people around me that continue to share and explain

these things. And because of these special relationships, my responsibility becomes to continue the conversations offered to me and to encourage this very concept of inclusion and participation above all else. It is through these conversations that like-minded people gather and those that are compelled to action can genuinely know that their actions are either supported or condemned. We need not fear or ignore the darkened embers. We need to stir the ashes to find the latent sparks among us. There is no real consensus on any issue if the light of so many is left buried in the ash. In the same way that we remove the dust with a seagull wing from the knowledge passed down from those that came before us, we stir the ashes of our fire to remove this dust from the knowledge quietly held right beside us. For those of us strong in their – and our – convictions, we should welcome those voices rarely heard. And if they challenge us, then such a challenge should be seen as an opportunity to teach those

who have not as yet been engaged or to learn from those waiting to become engaged. A bed of hot coals is a strong foundation for a fire just waiting to flare. And that sea of glowing embers is far more powerful than any single match, torch or beacon. We need participation far more than we need leadership. Strong leadership is only needed with weak-minded people. The great men and women who came before us knew all this and that is why concepts and expressions such as “re-

moving the dust” and “stirring the ashes” were specifically captured in our language and incorporated in our stories and ceremonies. These are not phrases coined for prayers to the sky world but rather concepts developed for teaching and avoiding the mistakes common to the nature of man on Earth. – John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk, a national expert commentator on Native American issues, hosts two weekly radio programs — “Let’s Talk Native…with John Kane,” ESPN Sports Radio WWKB-AM 1520

in Buffalo, N.Y., Sundays, 9-11 p.m. EDT and “First Voices Indigenous Radio,” WBAI-FM 99.5 in New York City, Thursdays, 9-10 a.m. EDT (“First Voices Indigenous Radio” programs are archived in perpetuity at John is a frequent guest on WGRZ-TV’s (NBC/Buffalo) “2 Sides” and “The Capitol Pressroom with Susan Arbetter” in Albany. John’s “Native Pride” blog can be found at www. He also has a very active “Let’s Talk Native... with John Kane” group page on Facebook.

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APRIL 2ND, 2014



So your baby was born in Canada By Nahnda Garlow Congratulations on the birth of your new baby and welcome to the corporation of Canada! Soon the corporation will be handing out all the identification labels for your new baby to help them ease into the corporation as smoothly as possible. This is something that might be hard for parents of newborns living within the geographical borders of the corporation of Canada to understand, so we’ve come up with this little cheat sheet to help you out! Let’s say that two women deliver babies at the same time, on the same day and in the same hospital room. Baby A is born to a Canadian family from Hagersville with no

indigenous heritage. He is beautiful, ten fingers, ten toes and smells like that “fresh baby smell”. The next day the government issues a Birth Certificate and a Social Insurance Number solidifying his identity in the corporation of Canada. He. Is. Canadian. The mother next to her gives birth to Baby B. He is born to an indigenous family living on Six Nations. Baby B has ten fingers, ten toes and smells like “fresh baby”. He is loved, he is beautiful, and he is also issued a Birth Certificate and a Social Insurance Number solidifying his identity into the corporation of Canada. But Baby B is the descendant of ‘Indians’. Therefore he is given a third number. This additional classification of humanity “entitles” Baby B to Indian Status as recognized by the corporation

of Canada. He. Is. “An Indian within the meaning of the Indian Act, chapter 27, Statutes of Canada (1985)”. Now let’s say there is a third mother giving birth to Baby Boy C. He has ten fingers and ten toes, he’s beautiful, smells of freshness, and is also indigenous. However Baby Boy C’s ancestors didn’t quite make the cut when Canada was labelling people ‘Indian’ or ‘White’. Therefore since Baby C was born post-1985 he is called ‘non’ status. He. Is. First Nations. Or is he? Honestly nobody really knows within the government offices and as a result I regret to inform you that he doesn’t qualify for the health coverage and education provisions his ancestors negotiated for him over the last two centuries of covenant making with the corporation of Canada. He gets a Birth


You’re Invited...

Accessibility Awareness Campaign

Brought to you by the Six Nations Elected Council Accessibility Advisory Committee We want your input!

Six Nations Elected Council Staff, Community Members, and the Public are welcome to attend! Date: Saturday April 12th , 2014 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Location: Community Hall Refreshments and Lunch Provided For questions or to register please contact Katie Maracle at or call 519-445-2223 ext. 5731. For those individuals needing accessible transportation, please call Jeff Martin at 519-445-0077. Requests for transportation will be accepted until April 2nd, 2014.

Certificate and he gets a Social Insurance Number, but unfortunately he doesn’t meet the ‘Indian’ standard of identification within the corporation. He. Is. Disinherited. Within the corporation we have our Metis babies. The Metis Nation are the descendants of the Cree and French voyageurs who formed a new hybrid nation around the time of the Hudson’s Bay Company and the Beaver Fur Trade. However the waters have since become a little muddied. Nobody really agrees within the corporation as to who is Metis and who isn’t, so we passed that on to the Provinces and Territories within the corporation to sort out. Thanks fellas! Metis babies are judged case by case, depending on who their parents are, who their ancestors were and where they happen to live. (Please Note: when applying for Metis

status for your baby it is also a good idea to make sure you have no enemies in the Metis Nation office where your application is being considered as rez rules do apply within the Metis community.) Now, until 1985, white mothers who married men with ‘Indian’ status were granted status and became “An Indian within the meaning of the Indian Act.” This gave a whole bunch of non-indigenous women actual ‘Indian’ status. This means that there potentially could be non-indigenous babies receiving health coverage and education benefits in their future. Whoopsies! On the flip side, pre1985 indigenous mothers who married white men lost ‘status’ and weren’t considered “An Indian within the meaning of the Indian Act…” anymore. I regret to inform you that that any babies born to

the descendants of indigenous women under this classification will have to fall under the ‘non’ status qualification as we don’t have enough money within the corporation to pay for your baby’s health care and education. However, there is a process you can begin to restore your ‘Indian’ status within the corporation. You just fill out some forms and make your way down to the Band Office and follow the sounds of screaming and shouting down to the door labelled ‘C-31’. They’ll be happy to help you out. In the meantime, Fear not! We within the corporation have compiled a list of big oil companies and financial institutions that would be happy to train your babies for full time jobs once they reach the age of majority. you Now would please rise for the singing of our national anthem…




APRIL 2ND, 2014

Six Nations’ Cher Obediah-Blasdell wins gold By Jim Windle TORONTO – Six Nations’ boxer, Cher Obediah-Blasdell won the Gold Medal for her 57K weight class at the Silver Gloves Tournament held this past weekend at the Dawn Valley Parkway Hotel, in Toronto. The Silver Gloves Tournament is a pre-qualifier for the Provincial boxing championships, which will begin May 1st, at the Hershey Centre. The Gold and Silver medalists from the Silver Gloves get to advance. Obediah-Blasdell won her four rounder against Emma James, fighting out of the TNT club in Guelph. “They fought each other about a year ago,” says coach Jackie Armour. “We’ve been trying to arrange a rematch, but until now, that wasn’t hap-

pening. I think they were avoiding Cher.” Armour designed a fight plan against James from what they saw in their first meeting. “Our plan going in was to try and exhaust her,” says Armour. “The last time they met, Emma look winded after three rounds.” Obediah-Blasdell was tentative in the first round, which went to James. But she began to get inside in the second and put together a few good combinations. One such left righthook uppercut stunned James in the third round, who was given a standing eight count. Obediah was gaining momentum and carried on into the fourth round where she caught James again with an uppercut for a second standing eight.

Six Nations Boxer Cher Obediah has her arm raised by the referee at the Dawn Valley Hotel in Toronto for the Gold Medal at the Silver Gloves Tournament this past week. She defeated Emma James of Guelph with a 4th Round TKO. PHOTO BY PATRICK CAMPBELL “I wasn’t jumping up because the rules are usually, two eight counts in a round or three in the fight,” says Armour. “I heard that Emma said she was done after the second eight count. Technically, it was a TKO in the fourth round.”

As a result, the Gold Medal went to Obediah-Blasdell making her the #1 qualifier for the Provincial Title in the 57K division, which is coming up between May 1st-4th in Toronto. United Promotions is hosting the event for Boxing Ontario.

“We’d love for Six Nations/New Credit and other Native boxing fans to come out to that and support Cher,” says Armour. import“A good fan base is import ant when you are thinking about turning pro.” As much as Obediah has expressed a desire to go pro as quickly as possible, Armour is handling his fighter’s career cautiously and believes that Cher has what it takes and is beginning to get the opportunities to build up a solid amateur career before taking that step. But ultimately, it will be Cher’s decision when she takes that step. The Nationals are in Toronto this year and Armour would like to see his fighter with a National Medal before she goes pro. “It’s first things first and we have to win the provincials in four weeks,”

Armour says. “So, it’s back to the gym. As a coach, no matter how well your fighter is doing, you always look for little things that can be improved on. For Cher, we gotta get her to box more. It tires the opponents out trying to fight you. It’s really quite simple. Hit but don’t get hit. That’s about it.” Before then, Armour is considering a fight at the Stockyards Gym in Toronto April 26th, a week before the provincials, against the 60K Gold Medalist, Natasha Szlatetis, who will come down to Obediah’s weight to fight her. Obediah-Blasdell is now considered an “open fighter” and can now face any amateur in her weight class no matter how experienced.

Falcons and Corvairs locked in tight battle By Jim Windle

CALEDONIA – The battle between the Caledonia Pro-Fit Corvairs and the St. Catharines Falcons may well be the best series of the year, as many predicted it would be. The Falcons and the Corvairs have been fighting for GOJHL supremacy all season and now the number one and number two seed clubs go nose to nose in the Western Conference title in their quest for the Sutherland Cup.

The series began with a 5-2 win for the Corvairs played last Tuesday, March 25th at the Haldimand Arena. Game #2 was played in St. Kitts and Caledonia went ahead 2 games to zero with a 2-1 win. But it was a different story Saturday night in Caledonia when the desperate Falcons pull it all together to take home their first win of the best of seven, with a final score ...CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


All You Can Eat Rib Wednesdays Kids Eat Free on Thursdays & Sundays Brier Jonathan creates some traffic in front of the St. Catharines Falcons net in Friday night's 4-2 loss at the Haldimand Centre Arena in Caledonia. Game #4 was played in St Kitts Tuesday night. No results were available by press time. PHOTO BY DAVE LAFORCE

68 King George Rd. Brantford 519-304-8818






APRIL 2ND, 2014


Demons and Lock Monsters advance to Creators Cup By Jim Windle SIX NATIONS - The stage is set for this year’s Creator’s Cup championship game after Saturday’s semi-final matchups between the Niagara Lock Monsters and the Barrie Blizzard in the afternoon game, and the Ohsweken Demons versus Southwest Cyclops elimination game that evening at the ILA in Ohsweken. The Lock Monsters put an end to the dramatic late season turnaround of the Barrie franchise by defeating the Blizzard 9-8. The Demons and Cyclops played Saturday night to determine who would make it to the big game and the Demons pulled out a 12-10 win. The teams traded goals throughout the first half, which ended in a 5-5 tie.

The Demons gained slightly more momentum in the second half, enough to pull ahead of the Cyclops 11-8 in the third quarter and held on for the 12-10 final. Ohsweken point getters included Chris Attwood (1G,4A), Ken Aaron (3A), Torrey VanEvery (2G,1A), Roger Vyse (3A), Shane Francis (2G), Elijah Printup (1G,1A), Lloyd Chrysler (2A), Travis Hill (2G), Tom Montour (1G,1A), Craig Attwood (1G), Isaiah Kicknosway (1A), Josh Johnson (1G), Murray Porter (1A), Blue Hill (1G), and Jason Henhawk (1G,1A). The Creator’s Cup game will be played Friday, April 4 at 8 p.m. at Iroquois Lacrosse Arena between the Niagara Lock Monsters and the Ohsweken Demons.

Southwest Cyclops Kimbo Squire sends a rocket towards Jake Henhawk in the Demons goal in Saturday's 12-10 Demons win at the ILA, in Ohsweken. Henhawk played a great game as the Cyclops poured everything at the net. The Demons will defend the Creators Cup this Saturday night at the ILA for an 8 pm start. PHOTO BY DAVE LAFORCE


of 4-2. All three games featured the best of both teams in the push-pull clash of the titans. Even Game #1, which the Corvairs dominated, had signs of the things to come. Caledonia’s Spencer Gourlay scored the only goal of the first period assisted by Todd Ratchford and Jordan Peacock, at 13:55. Connor Patton connected on a powerplay at 8:50 of the second period from Gourlay and Peacock which Brier Jonathan followed at 10:07 to take a 3-0 lead. Tommy Barszcz broke the shutout with the Falcons’ first powerplay goal of the evening at 17:55, when the Corvairs ran into penalty problems. Matt Quilty closed the second period scoring from Connor Murphy and Cody Brown at 19:21 to give the Corvairs a 4-1 cushion heading into the final 20 minutes. St. Catharines closed the gap to 4-2 with a powerplay goal scored by Yanni Rallis, but Quilty kept the game in the bag for the Corvairs with the 5-2 goal scored at 16:37. Kyler Nixon and Connor Murphy assisted.

The St. Catharines powerplay was working well, scoring twice on five opportunities. The Falcons defense tightened up considerably, Friday at the Jack Gatecliff Rink with one goal scored each period. Jordan Peacock cashed in on a powerplay at 11:04 of the first period from Nixon. Kyle Woodhouse tied the score at 1-1 with 44 setseconds remaining, set ting up for the all-import all-important third period. The play went end to end but both Colin Furlong in the Corvairs net and Knick Dawe for St. Catharines stood strong and their respective defenses kept the shots mainly low percentage, outside or from bad angles. Connor Patton muscled the winner past Dawe at 15:17 from Nixon and Gourlay, giving the Corvairs the 2-0 lead in the series at that point, but Caledonia dodged the bullet thanks to great goaltending and penalty killing as the Corvairs were assessed 16 minutes in penalties compared to only six by St. Catherines. The Falcons knew they could not afford let letting the Corvairs take a 3-0 series lead and pulled

out all the stops and got the battle back, Saturday night in Caledonia. Mark Rogers got the game started at 1:36 of the first period but Jake Brown neutralized that advantage at 10:13 from Peacock and Gourlay. Yanni Rallis handed the lead back to the Falcons at 5:32 of the second period which Kyler Nixon answered on a powerplay fom Cody Brown and Ryan Blunt at 13:35. With 20 seconds remaining in the period, Rodgers scored his second of the game to produce a 3-2 St. Catharines lead. Ryan Doucette played the hero in the third period by providing the Falcons with some breathing room as they closed off the zone and played the clock down the rest of the way to hang on for the 4-2 win. Jonathon D’ Ilario earned the win in the Falcons net. Furlong, who has gone the distance so far this post season, took the loss. The series heads back to St. Catharines Tuesday for Game #4 before returning to the Haldimand Centre Arena Wednesday night, April 2nd, at 7:30 for Game #5.

McCoys even series 2-2 with win in Brantford By Jim Windle BRANTFORD – The Brantford Blast led the Dundas Real McCoys’ two games to one heading into Sunday afternoon’s ACH playoff game at the Brantford and District Civic Centre. But the Blast was reduced to a light breeze with a 5-1 Dundas win. The series is now tied at two games apiece with Game #5 slated for Friday, April 4th in Dundas, and Game #6 back at the Civic Centre, Saturday. The McCoys were ready to throw some weight around, and with hard hitting and solid defense, the McCoys outworked the Blast producing a 2-0 first period lead. Darryl Smith took a breakaway pass from Simon Mangos at 7:31 and sped in on Brett Leggat to open the scoring. Greg Stewart was left alone in front of the Brantford goal and one timed a shot past Leggat at 13:16. Then, while most people were watching the play on the ice, a bench brawl almost erupted when Brant Brant-

ford’s Ryan Tocher, who was at one time a Real McCoy, and general manager Don Robertson exchanged words and some pushing and shoving occurred in the walkway between the benches. Tocher is alleged to have speared one of Robertson’s players during a line change at the bench, which Robertson took exception to. A beautifully executed three-way passing play in close on the Dundas net involving Cam Sault, Chris Leveille and scorer Chris Rebernik put the Blast in the game, at 3:42 of the second period. It did not create any kind of momentum, however, and Stewart and Jeff White added two more Dundas goals before the end of the period. McCoys’ Darryl Smith added the final goal of the game at 15:28 of the third as Brantford players seemed more interested in leaving a message with the McCoys than playing the game, especially in the third period when tempers were setting off sparks right up until the

final buzzer. Friday night at the Memorial Grightmire Arena in Dundas, the Blast poured it on early to take advantage of Dundas starting goaltender Mike Mole’s shaky night in net, building up a 4-2 lead after one period of play. Scoring for Brantford was Chris Leveille, from Chris Rebernik and Cam Sault; Mark Taylor on a powerplay from Mike Ruberto and Josh Brandon Domingues; Dietrich from Joel Prpic and Mike Burgoyne; and Taylor again from Ruberto and Kyle Spurr. For Dundas, it was Nick Smith and Ryan Christie. In the penalty filled second period, Chad Spurr scored twice and Dietrich notched his second of the game to lead it 7-4 after two periods. Brett Leggat was solid in the Brantford net turning aside 31 of 35 shots he faced. The game ended like it began with Chris Levielle doubling up on the McCoys, 8-4 with the only goal of the third period.



APRIL 2ND, 2014


The first ever CLax All Star Game April 12 The Canadian Lacrosse League is getting set for their first ever all star game at the end of this 2014 season. The game will take place on April 12th at the Wilmot Recreation Complex. “The game will be the Creator’s Cup Champs vs league allstars from the remaining teams. The day will start with 2 minor games at 11 and 12 then the pros at 2pm. After the game there will be autographs in the lobby from both teams and photo ops with all of the mascots. Then we will cap the day with two more minor games on the turf at 5 and 6.” Tickets are available at or by calling 1 888 655 9090

Proud Sponsors Of The Canadian Lacrosse League

For those who can't make the game you can catch it live as it happens on the Canadian Lacrosse League website: and you can watch it right through our site. If you haven't already followed us on Facebook you can like us here and Twitter here @swcyclops.


APRIL 2ND, 2014


Nolan back in Buffalo with contract extension By Jim Windle

BUFFALO – Not that he really had to prove himself, but Garden River First Nation’s Ted Nolan made a lot of heads turn when he led team Latvia in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Team Latvia made it to the quarterfinals for the first time ever under Nolans leadership. Buffalo Sabres general manager Tim Murray may have been watching too, and this week he announced that Nolan, who was brought back to the Sabers organization as an interim coach since November, has been signed to a three-year contract as the Sabers permanent head coach. “We are very happy to get this deal done and to have Ted Nolan as our permanent head coach going forward,” Murray said in a media release. “Teddy has proven time and again that he is an exceptional leader, motivator and teacher. He is

The pride of Garden River Ojibwa Nation, Ted Nolan is back in Buffalo for good after signing a new three year deal with the organization that fired him the year after winning the Jack Adams coach of the year award, in 1996-97. He was brought back on an interim basis in November when Sabres coach Ron Rolston was fired. Nolan is seen here with Six Nations' Lewis Staats president of the Rochester Americans when Nolan was signed to coach the AHL franchise owned by Curt Styres of Six Nations. PHOTO BY LET'S GO AMERKS exactly what we need in a head coach for our hockey team and we’re confident in his ability to guide our players and turn this team around.” Nolan won the Jack Adams Award as the NHL’s coach of the year in

1996-97 but was fired the following year after he and John Muckler butted heads over how to handle sensitive and demanding goaltender Dominek Hasek, who at that time was a superstar… and knew it. Muckler was a

member of the NHL goodol-boys club and some say Nolan was blackballed for challenging Muckler’s authority in Buffalo. Ted Nolan spent his time away from coaching in the National Hockey League but kept busy

by working on the Rose Nolan Memorial Scholarship fund, named in honor of his late mother who along with his father taught him to be proud of his heritage. Ted was asked to coach a team of young Aboriginal Players

to represent the Assembly of First Nations in an international tournament, where they would participate as a separate nation. eventually Nolan made his way back to the major leagues when he was called to coach the New York Islanders before being called back to the Buffalo organization when Ron Rolston was fired in November. Initially, it was an interim position, but Nolan and Murray have come to a new agreement that will see Nolan coach for the next three years past his interim contract. “I said back in November that it was a dream to be able to come back and coach the Sabres and that’s still true today,” Nolan said. “Hockey is my life and Buffalo is a special place for hockey. I’m excited by the challenge facing our team and our organization and I’m truly thankful to have this opportunity.”

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APRIL 2ND, 2014


Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, Artistic Director Santee Smith; Photo by Cylla Von Tiedemann

A Tribe Called Red & George Leach win at Junos By Nahnda Garlow

WINNIPEG - DJ Shub, DJ NDN and Bear Witness, the three members of indigenous electronic music group ‘A Tribe Called Red’, received the Juno Award for Breakthrough Artist of the Year at the Awards Ceremony in Winnipeg this Sunday. Looking surprised and overjoyed the group walked to the stage during what was one of the nights loudest cheers. The group read an acceptance statement, saying, “We just wanted to say to Native Youth everywhere on Turtle Island to know that this moment right now is proof that whatever goals you strive for in life, they’re completely attainable so aim high!” Social media shoutouts to the group via Twitter were coming in from everywhere during the Juno Awards using the hashtags #Junos2014; showing that ‘A Tribe Called Red’ is receiving nothing but love from the Canadian music fans. The group’s win for Breakthrough Artist of

the Year has also fostered a new discussion in music news, bringing indigenous artists outside of the margin and into the mainstream categories. This was a move ATCR made intentionally when submitting to the Junos. The group spoke about this choice with the Ottawa Citizen in February after receiving their nomination and said, “In one category you’d have the George Leach album, a really good alternative rock album, and then our album, an electronic album, to compete for the same award just because we’re of the same race. I’d rather be in a category with music of the same genre than being nominated because of race. Not to take away from anybody that’s nominated before, now or after, we just wanted artistically to keep it about our music and not necessarily about who we are.” In speaking to the media backstage after receiving their award the group said, “This moment right here is a perfect example that Aboriginal youth can

excel and achieve any goal that they could ever want. Anything is possible. They can do whatever they want and we’re proof of that.” ATCR have received rave reviews and accolades in the music industry after only two albums; including two nominations for this year’s Junos,

nominations for the Polaris Music Prize in 2012 and 2013, and numerous awards for the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards. The band has just completed a cross-Canada tour over the winter, and are scheduled to tour throughout the US, France and Norway this spring.

Another Indigenous Artist took home a Juno over the weekend. At an Awards and Gala Dinner held on Saturday evening, the Juno Award for Aboriginal Album of the Year was given to Sta’atl’imx artist George Leach for his album, ‘Surrender’. Leach spoke with JUNOTV about those who are sharing in

this win saying, “It takes so many people to build an artist, so many experiences to build songs.” At the Aboriginal People Choice Music Awards last year, Surrender brought Leach three awards; Best Single, Best Rock Album, and Songwriter of the Year.

New Career Opportunity: Aboriginal Student Counselor Education Services requires an Aboriginal Student Counselor (ASC) in our Aboriginal Students Health Sciences (ASHS) office. The Counselor must be a member of the Aboriginal community and has been designated Aboriginal (First Nations/Inuit/Métis) specific. Purpose and Key Functions: • Conduct assessments of problems or issues that are unique to Aboriginal learners. • Provide counselling to students based on results collected from assessment interviews. • Support students through transitions from Aboriginal communities to urban areas and the University environment. • Develop and implement student retention and success strategies. • Develop strategies to recruit Aboriginal people into postsecondary education. • Develop strategies to convey the experience of Aboriginal learners to various individuals, groups and committees across the University. • Liaise with the University and local Aboriginal organizations and communities. • Provide information to potential students on various University programs and encourage enrolment. • Plan and coordinate recruitment schedule. • Facilitate independent and group workshops and for students. • Develop and deliver presentations. • Coordinate and plan special events and contact external venues to secure space required for meetings, workshops, and speaker presentations. Arrange and reserve catering and audio visual equipment needs for various events. • Coordinate travel and accommodation for guests and visitors. • Design, develop, and distribute promotional materials, such as brochures, posters and pamphlets. • Update and maintain information on websites and social networks. • Understand a variety of Aboriginal languages. • Write grant applications and proposals for grants and other funding opportunities. • Write reports for committee meetings and the Aboriginal Education and Training Strategy. • Calculate budget projections for recruitment and retention activities as well as counsellor’s student services. • Responsible for securing student club monies. • Conduct database, literature and web searches. • Maintain confidentiality of student files. Position Requirements: • University experience (preferably in Health Sciences) in promotion and counselling needs of Aboriginal students at the undergraduate and graduate level, and the barriers experienced by Aboriginal learners. • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field and a minimum of 3 years of relevant experience. • Experience conducting assessments of problems/issues that are unique to Aboriginal learners; supporting students through transitions from Aboriginal communities to urban areas; developing and implementing student retention and success strategies; developing strategies to convey the experience of Aboriginal learners to various individuals/groups; and experience developing and delivering presentations. • Must know the protocols and policies for Aboriginal data collection and use. • Must have working knowledge and understanding of Undergraduate and Graduate Student Calendars, health sciences admissions requirements to academic and professional programs. • Must have a working knowledge of: university registration systems; Adweb; Oracle; MUGSI; SOLAR, RBS; and DCU; and proficiency with Microsoft Office suite; Adobe; WebCT; LearnLink; Avenue to learn and Medportal. • Experience communicating university options, and experience engaging students in discussion in an advising and/or mentoring capacity about admissions and resources to university. • Familiarity with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples’ history and culture is required.

George Leach pretends to almost drop his new Juno Award, hamming it up at the Juno Awards in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Additional Information: Please note that this position will be expected to occasionally work flexible hours (evenings and weekends); therefore a flexible working schedule is required. On occasion, this position may also be required to travel locally. Please apply by April 11, 2014 to: to


APRIL 2ND, 2014


Something new in OL’CD By Xavier Kataquapit

Making a living as an artist is not an easy thing to do but most of the time the rewards are amazing. As a writer I understand that money is not the big motivation to write. Most writers in this country just get by. However, even if the monetary rewards are not great I find there is a lot of satisfaction in being able to work at something I have a passion for. I believe that is the case for most artists whether they are writ writers, visual artists, performance artists, dancers or musicians. Every time I write a column or a story I enjoy the process of creativity. When I start to put words to screen or paper I have an idea of what I want to cover and it makes me feel great to move ahead one word at a time to produce a bit of writing where there was nothing before. When I see my work in print or online and there is a public reaction to it then that makes everything worthwhile. I know a lot of artists and in general I have heard them make similar comments when it comes

to producing their art. Recently, I had the chance to chat with a young friend of mine, Wesley Martin, who is a musician from Six Nations. Wesley reminded me of just how privileged anyone is to have the life of an artist. I met him immediately after he had returned from a tour through Ontario and Quebec with his band, OL’CD. He was so enthusiastic and still beaming with stage lights in his eyes when I had cof coffee with him. He talked about how great it was to hit the road in a van with his fellow band mates. He had great stories about going down the road, setting up the equipment in the various gigs and then rocking the night away for wild crowds of young people. Over the years I have come to know many artists and a lot of them are musicians. Wesley is my favourite for the simple fact that he is so intensely devoted to and passionate about his music. I recall first hearing him play guitar and sing when he was just a little boy. At that point he was in a group called Breaking Wind that performed in the Hamil-

ton area. I could see then that he wanted to be on stage, singing and playing his heart out. He kept at it over the years and never gave up the dream which led him to taking a music program at Fanshawe College in London. Over the past few years he has been honing his skills as a singer songwriter and guitarist. His recent education has also provided him a solid foundation in terms of what it takes to make it in the music business. He has studied everything from sound recording, management, creativity to performance staging. Like most things in this world things had to be right for Wesley to be free to follow his passion for music. Lucky for him, his parents Chris and Luanne Martin provided the fertile ground where he could access musical instruments and find encouragement to play and sing. His dad Chris has always been a natural on guitar and Wes’ brothers Chris Jr. and Glenn also play instruments and express their creativity as writers, musicians and actors. With all the support over the years Wes

has developed a no fear attitude to reaching for the stars with his music. His grandparents John and Norma Bradley, all of his immediate family and his extended family on Six Nations have all played a part in turning a determined little boy with a guitar into a blossoming musician with hundreds of fans at his back. Wes and his band OL’CD are all about good solid rock n roll. They are focused, tight, original and they know how to entertain a crowd. Right now they are preparing for the big release of their LP titled Choco Moloko. OL’CD cranks out some amazing rock n roll. My favourite tune is Now’s The Time and it very much describes the band’s philosophy when it comes to making music and life in general. Wes has found his soul mates in OL’CD members Cam Hilborn, Richard Stewart and Brad Picard. These guys have it all. They are the real thing when it comes to crafting exciting original tunes, they can play tons of covers when the crowd demands it, they are sophisticated musicians and at one with their in-

struments, they are hitech savvy and they know what it takes to get their music out and about. Wes, who is proud of his Mohawk ancestry, hails from a vibrant First Nation that has produced many prominent, artists. Two of its most famous sons Robbie Robertson of The Band fame and Graham Green, a world famous actor, have long been role models for Wes over the years. Right now he is running down many of the same trails these two powerhouse artists once trekked and he’s enjoying every minute of it. The time for OL’CD is now.

You can listen to their music and get to know the band by going to their website at: their facebook page at OLCDmusic or the twitter page @OLCD_music If you are a First Nation community, organization or group looking for exciting live music, contact the band. Xavier Kataquapit is a Cree writer whose stories tell of the people on the land in the area of Attawapiskat First Nation were he was born and raised. For more information see his website at

IL Thomas Students “Wanna See You Be Brave” J O B

Students at I.L.Thomas School at Six Nations wrote and will be performing a powerful anti-bullying play they call, 'I Wanna See You Be Brave'. The troop has begun serious rehearsals after class and are working very hard at it. Auditions were held and the cast was selected under the direction of drama teacher Julia Jamieson, who is working with the young actors, playwriters and back-stage crew, getting ready for the play's big debut, the first week in June, date to be set.'It carries a strong message about bullying and how to stand and be brave in the face of it,' says Jamieson. 'Through the process, the kids have been building friendships and learning the tools to speak up for themselves and for others who feel they can't.' PHOTO BY JIM WINDLE




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APRIL 2ND, 2014


Beans, Beans the Magical... By Joe Farrell I admittedly don’t really know much about beans. I don’t recall them being a notable part of my diet growing up aside from frozen lima beans. On my journey of rediscovering staple foods I have been trying to learn as much as I can about the many varieties of beans and how to cook them. Beans are pretty amazing, coming in many different shapes, sizes, colours, and all being delicious and nutritious. Spending last Satur-

day at Six Nations Polytechnic for their Hodinohso:ni Seed Exchange and Foods workshop, I admired the many varieties of beans people brought in to share. I played it safe and took home some black turtle beans to plant and later return as seed. I regret not taking home an awesome poster with many varieties I hadn’t heard of before. Whenever possible, I try to use dried beans as they are more vibrant in colour and texture, retain their nutrition-

al value, and have less sodium than those that are canned. I will discuss storing and canning beans in a later column. A very filling, protein rich, and affordable lunch we eat at the Edge of the Woods farm is rice and beans. This seemingly simple meal is tasty, healthy and gives you energy that will keep you going through the day. This guide is a result of a lot of trial and error. I have achieved yummy results using many dif different types of beans.

Step 1: Presoak Your Beans different are There ways of presoaking your beans. I recommend soaking your beans in a generous amount of cold water in your fridge the night before cooking. If that is not an option there are ways to speed up the process but will result in a reduction of the nutritional value and colour of the beans. A boil and soak for an hour is one method. Another is bringing them to the boil three times in cold water.

Step 2: Cook Beans Adding Desired Seasoning Cook onion and garlic in cooking oil on low heat until translucent. Add any dried herbs and spices you are using and salt (0.5 Tbsp per Cup of Beans). Add your beans and water in an approximate ratio of three parts water to one-part beans. Bring to the boil, skim off the white foam that will appear and reduce heat to a simmer and cook uncovered. You want to make sure the beans are covered by water the whole time so they will

cook evenly. Add more water as needed. When the beans have softened I add in my acidic ingredients like tomato or vinegar. This will stop the beans from going mushy. Right before serving I adjust the seasoning, add my fresh herbs and if I’m in the mood I will sweeten with sugar or a natural sweetener. The beans are even better the next day with your eggs and toast in the morning or for lunch again!


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APRIL 2ND, 2014





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FRASER: RONALD VICTOR Suddenly passed away on Monday March 31, 2014 at the age of 48 years. Beloved son of Wilma and the late Alton Fraser. Loving brother of Vicky, and Colin (Berniss). Uncle of Travis (Randi), Elizabeth (Shawn), Jolene (Logan), Erykah, and Ryan. Great uncle of Madison, Shayla, Kaylie, Jazz, Lavada, Shawn, Logan, Josy. Nephew of Penny Hill, Betty Vyse, Barbara Nemethe, Hugh Zimmerman and the late Lillian, Hilda, Barbara, Murray, Ronald, Mae, Joyce, Melita, Madeline, John, and Victor. Also will be remembered by special friend and cousin Bob Gee (Angie), many cousins and friends at the Hespler Legion. Resting at the Hyde & Mott Chapel, 60 Main Street South, Hagersville after 2 p.m. Thursday. Evening Service 7 p.m. Thursday. Funeral Service will be held in the chapel on Friday April 4, 2014 at 1 p.m. Interment St. Barnabas Cemetery, Six Nations.

Henry: Randy Sr. It is with great sadness that the family of Randy Henry Sr. announce his sudden passing at Tuscarora Nation on Monday, March 31st. Beloved husband of Renee (nee Fischer). Father to Nigel (Sarah Jacobs) Arlyn (Ira Harris), the late Eli, Linnie, Randy Jr., Lexie, Ambrose and Ruby. Cherished grandpa to Jayla and Reichert. Son of the late Daisy (Lavina) Henry and Roy Fish. Survived by his brothers Ben (Lorraine), Daniel (Lorraine), Mike (Janace), Roy (Fran), and sisters Mina General and Eunice (Vince Bomberry). Predeceased by brother Dennis. Medicine friend to Tammy Henhawk, Rachel Fish, Erika Skye, and Dennis Burning. Good friend of many years to Tabby Jamieson. and Loon Henry. Randy was a member of the International Association of Iron Workers Local 721. Resting at his home at 2999 River Range Road after 7pm April 1st. Funeral and burial to be held on Thursday, April 3rd, 11 am at Onondaga Longhouse, Six Nations

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APRIL 2ND, 2014


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CLUES ACROSS 1. Nonviolent reformer 7. Saudi people 12. Dawns 13. Former German state 14. Dallas & Miami coach 18. 3rd tone 19. Iguania genus 20. Expresses pleasure 21. Tear apart 22. Jacob’s 7th son 23. Mold-ripened cheese 24. Peel 25. Survivor Baskauskas 27. A Scottish Highlander 28. More normal 29. Plural of 23 across 31. Lettuce dishes 32. Fleshy seed cover 33. Abundant 34. Parcelings 37. Competitions 38. Paths 39. Take heed 40. Journey 44. Japanese sashes 45. Archaic word for worry 46. They __ 47. General Mills on NYSE 48. Heroic tale 49. Wrath 50. Indicates position 51. Whoopie’s birth name 56. Namaqualand peoples 58. Beginnings 59. Cooks slowly 60. Stopwatches CLUES DOWN 1. Urban instrument 2. Fleet 3. __ de plume 4. Moisture free 5. Pilgrim’s journey 6. Equal, prefix 7. Native Australians


ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you have a great deal of energy but have no idea where to focus all of it. This could be a good week to visit with friends and family and spend time together. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Don’t get swept away by old habits, Taurus. It is time to try something new and get a new perspective. Accept a new challenge and you will be glad for having done so.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you may be tempted to question the actions of others this week. But try to focus instead on what you are doing and do not be concerned with the motivations of other people. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you have to go to great lengths to get your point across this week. Approach such situations with tact and patience and do your best to simplify your point of view.

8. Norse sea goddess 9. Public promotion 10. Soiled with mud 11. Crack shots 12. Bugle weed 15. Leporid mammals 16. Pointed fastener 17. The woman 21. Frog genus 23. Yellow edible Indian fruit 24. Most pallid 26. Shows mercy 27. Spanish cubist 28. Risk-free 30. Greek god of war 31. Ailing 33. Stand

Answers for April 2, 2014 Crossword Puzzle

34. Topical phrases 35. The natural home of a plant 36. Cuckoos 37. Showed old movie 39. Fury 41. Cultivator 42. Mistakes 43. Laments 45. Wheeled vehicle 48. Impertinence 51. Crow sound 52. Note 53. Near, against 54. Be hesitant 55. Point midway between N and NE 57. Of I


LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, all you need is a little spark to motivate you this week. You may be able to tackle projects around the house or assignments at work with ease and a little inspiration. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, your romantic life is full of complicated patterns and obstacles, which could be taking their toll on your relationship. Some subtle changes might get things back on track.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Unfortunately, sitting back and doing nothing this week will move you nowhere fast, Libra. The vacation is over; you need to find the motivation to increase the pace.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Things move along quite smoothly for you this week, Scorpio. There are plenty of distractions heading your way, but do your best to stay focused. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Get outdoors and enjoy some fresh air, Sagittarius. Fresh air is just what you need after a bout of cabin fever. The weather is breaking and outside projects beckon. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, start planning a much-needed vacation for you and your significant other. Some time away from the hustle and bustle is just what the both of you need.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Trust your instincts, Aquarius. When something seems off-kilter, you owe it to yourself to trust your gut and speak up, even if others aren’t ready to believe you.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Express your passion for a special project to a loved one, Pisces. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings with those closest to you.

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APRIL 2ND, 2014

• 2014 CLAX FINAL • The Ohsweken Demons vs Niagara Lock Monsters • Friday, April 4th, 8PM @ the ILA

3613 1st Line

Enjoy customer service and great prices at Nancy’s Variety and Gas Bar

When you walk thru the front doors of Nancy’s Variety it becomes obvious that this is a special place. The main floor of the new store is beautifully finished, spacious and well stocked with a wide variety of products and groceries. Looking out the window at the full service gas bar and watching the staff in action it quickly grabs your attention as they wash windows, check oil and share friendly conversation with the customers. Full service actually means what it says at this gas bar, something you don’t see often in this business anymore.

The shopping doesn’t end once you have filled your tank and picked up a few things in the store, the upper floor is home to Nancy’s Gift Shop. This store is beautifully displayed and well stocked with a wide variety of native merchandise, authentic moccasins, children’s clothing and all those special items that bring smiles to people’s faces . Demon and Nancy Hill, owners of D&N Enterprise are the pulse of this business and its marketing platform. Their dedication to the community, people and culture are evident when speaking to

Nancy’s Full Service Gas Bar

Nancy’s Gift Shop

*Illustration not exactly as shown.

MSRP: $27,995

them, it becomes obvious that providing employment, positive work ethic and a future for their employees is one of the things that make them happy and hungry to expand.

Willy’s World on Chiefswood Rd. is another fine example of Demon and Nancy’s dedication to their community. Named after their son, Willy’s World was created to help provide cost effective options for everything from walkers to wheelchairs. Educated staff, competitive pricing and a well stocked inventory make this store the place to go for all your needs and friendly advice

Willy’s World Well Mart

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