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Right to left - Jesse Johnson, Timothy Johnson and Gary Dylan Johnson of the Six Nations Rebels. (Photo by Wray Maracle)

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Kanata Mohawks deny any part in reported extortion attempt By Jim Windle EAGLES NEST - A story which ran in a local newspaper and a letter issued by the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy implying that alleged members of the Mohawk Workers may have attempted to extort money from a family living on Birkett Lane has attracted the ire of many, including the Mohawk Workers themselves. According to the story and the Confederacy notice, “Individuals claiming to represent the Mohawks at Kanata who have attempted to extort lease payments from individual residents and/or businesses on lands in the area known as the Eagles Nest Tract are acting without authority of sanctioning of the Roy’ner (Chiefs) and Yakoya,ner (Clanmothers).” Bill Squire representing the Mohawk Workers of Kanata flatly denies knowledge or sanctioning from his group to anyone who would seek to harass or extort money from any Brantford family, including the Birkett Lane family who reported the intimidating visit. The timing of the unwelcome visit could not have been worse. The family was already grieving the death of a family member who died the day before the alleged extortion attempt. “This was all a surprise to us and a bit devastating because things have been going pretty smooth for a while up there,” said Squire. “Some people wanted me to put out a statement on it immediately, but I refused to do that at that time. I figured why should I respond to rumours? When I do respond it will be on my terms after I have had time to look into the matter.” Squire heard about it when got a call from local developer Steve Charest, who is working on a land transaction at that location with the Mohawks. Charest asked if they could meet right away to see “what the hell was going on.” By this time, Charest says he was told that Mayor Chris Friel and MP Dave Levac already had the story. But the story’s implications of involvement or sanctioning by the Mohawk Workers of Kanata seems to be dead wrong, and Squire insists that no one representing the Mohawk Workers had anything to do with it at all. “We know for sure it was not any of the people we are working with,” said Squire. “We instructed everyone that that neighbours property was off limits

Six Nations land defender, Ruby Montour, with Steve Charest in the background. to us. We understood that. That was the understanding – they own the place and we will not bother them.” “Who did it and why I don’t know, but it certainly wasn’t any of us,” says Squire. “We told the family that if there is a threat to them, it is a threat to us too and we would not condone this kind of behaviour.” The location of the incident is a home adjacent to an abandoned house that Charest acquired in preparation for a deal with the Mohawk Workers that would see several acres of Eagles Nest lands given back to Six Nations under the Haldimand Deed and not through the Ontario Realty Corp. When Charest heard of the extortion attempt he too was surprised and stunned. He contacted Floyd and Ruby Montour, Bill Squire and the upset family

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immediately to try and understand how much, if any, truth there was in the article and the associated rumours about this incident. “I believe the press can play a role in moving communities forward,” said Charest of the article and the accompanying statement from the Confederacy.“But other media did not report this story accurately at all and I wonder why they would immediately go on the attack.” Charest’s initial visit with the family was to hear the story directly from them. He discovered that the suicide took place the day before this unwanted visit not after as was rumoured. “I feel sorry for the family,” he told the Two Row Times. “They are going through a lot of pain right now. It is tragic that this happened.” Charest went to the police station and found that they had no record of this occurrance happening. The family told them they did not report it. “The family was pleased that I came to talk to them about it and I reported back to the Mohawks and Ruby, who was distraught upon hearing about it,” said Charest. When Ruby first heard about it, she could hardly believe someone would be so cruel. “It’s a pretty low thing to do,” she says. “We didn’t know about the tragedy these people were going through until we talked to the family and to have to go through it with somebody trying to shake them down? That was really unbelievable to me. I would never agree to such behaviour.” The printed story was much different than the initial story they had been churned out by the rumour mill. “When it first came out it sounded like she committed suicide because of those people who came to see them,” says Montour. “She had passed away the

day before that. I want it very clear in the paper that we had nothing to do with that at all. The Mohawks are being tried and found guilty by the media without any investigation or talking to the Mohawks about it at all.” Charest returned to the Birkett Lane family home with Ruby Montour and others. They provided their condolences and tried to reassure the family that the Mohawk Workers had nothing to do with, and would never condone such behaviour in their ranks. The empty house next door is being used by the Mohawks from time to time with Charest’s blessing. “I think it is pathetic that something like this would take place,” said Ruby. “We let them know that we never sent anybody and we never would, and that if they ever need help we would be there for them – that we want to be neighbours and friends and that we are not going to do any harm to them at all and we never intended to do them any harm. That is not our way.” “We went there and gave them a couple of gifts, and offered our condolences to them and made clear that if anything like this ever happens again, it would not be us,” she says. “We will be next door and if they need us, we will be there.” The aggrieved woman that Montour, Charest and Squire met showed them a picture of the young woman who died and her baby. “It really shows how fragile we are,” says Montour. “And to have to deal with this and have that compounded with a shakedown is really unforgivable.” “I believe God wanted to calm their hearts,” she says. “And let them know that we were truly sorry that this happened. I told her that we would be praying for her and her family.”

Wednesday, August 28, 2013



Six Nations Fall Fair 2013

Mark Laforme performing at the Six Nations fall fair.

White pine traditional dancers.

Outriders precision horse team.



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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Learning from the Youth: Two Row Summer Camp a Success

by Laura Lepper and Nicole Oliver Six Nations - From August 19th to 23rd the Two Row Society hosted a Two Row youth summer camp on a farm on Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. The camp brought together Onkwehon:we and non-Onkwehon:we youth and helpers for a week of traditional Haudenosaunee craft-making, dancing, games and teachings based on the principles of the Two Row Wampum. About forty youth, aged 2 to 15, participated in the camp. The summer camp was free, and was supported through the grassroots fundraising efforts of an Indigenous Studies class from York University. In the words of Sharon Henhawk, Wolf of the Upper Mohawk clan and mother of a camp participant, “it was an excellent experience for the kids be-

cause native and non-native kids came together to learn about our culture.” The camp happened because organizers believed that renewing our relationship with the Two Row means centring our hearts and minds on youth and the land through collective care. This way of working together means learning from the youth as they build their own relationships with each other and the land. Each morning began with everyone gathered around a fire to open the day and share a story. Organized into “camp clans”, groups then broke off into workshops led by Joanne LaValley, Donna Powless and Gilbert Hill to make moccasins, various crafts, and rattles. In sharing her skills as a moccasin maker Joanne learned “that I was confident enough to teach the skills to the youth. I didn’t know whether or

not I could. I put myself out there a little bit by taking it on to start with”. Joanne added that she’s “right into wanting to do more. It motivated me to get going on my moccasins, to continue on. You can’t duplicate the look in the eyes of the children after they finished making their moccasins – they were so proud of themselves.” Camper Marion Henhawk (11), shared that after camp she would like to continue learning Mohawk language. Fellow camper Moon Anitafrika (9) also stated that, “I would also like to continue learning more Mohawk language.” A healthy lunch, which always included fresh corn, was served each day. Organizers described the importance of meal times as an opportunity to appreciate the food and the land it comes from. The meat and vegetables were all sourced from local farmers. Afternoons were a time

to learn and practice social dances, as well as to play sports and games that encouraged the youth to come together in a good way. Moon (9) shared that “playing sports and eating made it fun”. Throughout the activities, camp organizers would discuss the importance of respect and friendship in building the warm, loving environment that the camp was intended to be. As a camp organizer, Sharon Henhawk really wanted to instil in the children “what a social really means and why you have to take your hat off and why you have to be quiet. When you use your native tongue you are basically taking to the creator and thanking mother earth for everything.” The camp took place on a farm on River Road. On the last day, the youth went on a nature walk through the farm fields. They were encouraged to imagine

how to heal and protect the land together because of our shared connection and responsibility to it. As part of closing the camp, the youth gathered around the fire and reflected on their experiences throughout the week in terms of what they learned about peace, respect and friendship. Camp organizers then shared a teaching and led a discussion on the Two Row Wampum. From the teachings Sharon Henhawk stated that “the kids learned how the clans work together, how the clans are all family, you know, and that’s very important because family is everything”. The youngest member of the camp went around to everyone giving out purple and white bracelets, with the principles of the Two Row written on it. The bracelets were given to symbolize a lasting

commitment to the relationships formed throughout the camp with each other and the land that hosted them. The youth then dipped their hands in paint and placed them on a white banner to form a Two Row of small purple hands. The beautiful banner was made in loving memory of Shiyloh Hill, who had been excited to join the camp but passed away in a tragic accident just before it began. The week culminated in a open house and social on Friday evening wherein all parents and community members were invited to come see the crafts, feast and to dance together. The sky blushed with a vibrant pink as everyone said their goodbyes. But as the sun set on the Two Row camp, it was clear that the work to build lasting relationships of peace, respect and friendship were only just

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013



Where to pick up your copy of TRT The Two Row Times can be picked up at the following fine establishments. This list is growing! See next week for more. SIX NATIONS


Bargain’s Discount Tobacco Bear Paw Convenience Big 6 Gas & Convenience Big Moose Tobacco Bowhunter Convenience Burger Barn Burger Barn Express Cafe 54 Cayuga Convenience Cedar Tree Chiefswood Park Chiefswood Tobacco Community Living Dubbee’s Smoke Shop Earlind’s Restaurant ET’s Smoke shop Factory Direct Gord’s Laundry Grandview Variety Hank’s Place Herk’s Variety Hwy 54 Gas & Convenience Icky’s Variety IQ The Smart Shop Java Joe’s Jay’s Smoke Shop Just a bit Kool Kidz KT Country Style KT Tobacco Little Buffalo Little Tee’s Lonewolf 4th line Lonewolf Townline Lonewolf 54 Lovey’s Middleport Tobacco & Newstand Mohawk Convenience Nancy’s Variety New Credit Gas Bar New Credit Variety Oasis Variety & Gas Pharmasave Parkway Plaza Diner Red Indian Riverside Bait and Tackle Rj’s Smoke Shop Six Nations Bingo Hall Six Nations Tourism Smokers Haven Smoker’s Paradise Styres Gas Bar Teepee’s Toby’s Gas Townline Variety Tri Creek Connections Village Cafe

Downtown Coffee Culture Bodega Hotel Lobby Laurier Native Centre MPP Dave Levac office Brantford City Hall Williams Coffee Library Brantford Native Centre St Andrews Church clinic Brantford Jail Station House Café Total Convenience Husky Convenience East Ward Telly’s Maple Convenience Shanghai Rest Just Friends Coffee Echo Coin Laundry Hasty Mart Conv. On the Run ESSO Shoppers Drug Brantford Food Bank Asian Foods Convenience Loonie Toonie Quality Inn Gemini’s Diner Calbecks Groceteria Native Housing Apts

Eagle Place Woodland Cultural Centre Big Top Subs Eagle Place Variety Doug Snooks Eagle Place Max Mart Convenience Sun Milk Convenience Eagle Place Remedies Petro Canada Convenience FreshCo Kanata Village

North End Native housing units Brantford Tourism Metro MP Phil McColeman Shoppers Drug Hasty Mart Euro Convenience Gretzky Sports Centre Brantford Native Housing Office Palace Sub Colborne St China King Buffet Canadian Tire Burrito Brothers Wilfred Laurier Campus Mohawk College Metro Freightliner and Truck Stop Carrier Truck Centre Cooperators on West

e t u b i r t s s h e t i i D w Tim

T wo



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Oakland Esso Foods Waterford Yins Chinese Restaurant Magic Mart Bradshaw Bogs Family Convenience Foodland Swazzee’s Simcoe Travelodge #3 Best Western Target Variety & Pioneer Gas Daily Grind Staples Shoppers Drugmart Tim Horton’s The Brick Tommy’s Variety Food Basics New Orleans Pizza Max Discount Convienence Norfolk Inn Sobey’s White Horse Convenience White Horse Laundromat Tim Horton’s Port Dover Mike’s NoFrills Esso Convenience BB Family Convenience Habour Pizza Jarvis Jarvis Mac’s Jarvis Foodmarket

Hagersville Hewitt’s Dairy Bar Coffeetime (New Credit) Hagersville Laundromat Mac’s Tim Horton’s Hagersville Restaurant South Coast Tattoo Godfather’s Pizza Pharma Save Cavandagh Pharmacy Kings Chinese Hagersville Convenience Pioneer Snack Express Buckwheats Hagersville Hospital Emergency Foodland No Frills Giant Tiger Lawson House Pub Submarine

SOUTH WESTERN London Nokee Kwe Occupational Skill Development Inc B Back Pawn Broker Fanshawe College Southern Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre My Sisters Place Namerind Friendship Centre Education Coalition Ninham Law Office UWO Indigenous Student Services Museum of Archeology AIAI Atlosa Family Healing Services Saps Sudz Laundry CSC

Oneida Nation G & D Variety Grandpas Little Brown Variety Store Little Arrows Smoke Shop Bevs Auto Repair & Tobacco Outlet Standing Stone Gas Bar Stand Alone Smokes Cig City Smoke Shop Stuck in the middle Mr. C Variety Little Brown Bear Smoke and Variety Store Oneida Family Healing Lodge Eagle Radio Station Notice Box Oneida Nation Administration Oneida Pride Convenience Oneida Ec Dev Employment & Training Ambrose Harvest Gold Elfs Restaurant Larrys Convenience Masons Convenience Smoke Shop Uncle Bob Smoke & Convenience

Munsee Delaware Nation Munsee-Delaware Paradise Bingo Munsee Delaware Admin KIIkii AEI Mnaasged Child & Family Indigenous Education & Environment Kitchener-Waterloo Cafe Pyrus CKMS Studio Eating Well Organically Different Strokes Dig Hut (house/community hub) Full Circle Foods The Princess Cafe Queen Street Commons Rum Runner Pub UW - WPIRG UW - SLC Great Hall Anishinabeg Outreach & Employment Centre Be-Dah-Bin Gamik (Conestoga Aboriginal Services Centre)

We are still looking for people who will take on distribution in your area, and we are able to offer a small honoraria in return for you helping us out. Contact or call Tom at 519-900-6013 if you’re interested in helping out.

KW Bookstore Second Look Books UW - Waterloo Aboriginal Education Centre Weejeendimin Native Resource Centre WLU - Aboriginal Student Centre WLU - LSPIRG The Working Centre

Moraviantown Green Arrow Southern First Nations Secretariat Naahii Grocery Naahii Eatery Indigenous Educational Environment Centre

Kettle & Stoney Point Chippewas of Kettle and Stoneypoint Admin Eagle Radio Station Lucky 7 Eagle Variety Eagle Video Store

Sarnia Sarnia First Nation Friendship Centre Chippewas of Sarnia Aamjiwnaang First Nation Chippewas of Sarnia Native Community Centre Petrocan Gas & Variety

Walpole Island Walpole Island Admin Walpole Island Coffee Shop @ Plaza Walpole Island Pizza Pit Stop Variety

Chippewas of the Thames Chippewas of the Thames Development Corporation Maitlands Gas & Variety The Store Bear Creek Gas Bar SOAHAC Chippewas of the Thames Admin Bear Creek Trust Chippewa Health & Mental Health Dept Nimkee

TYENDINAGA Library Band Office FNTI Rennaissance L & M Variety Elder’s Lodge Chief’s Inn Restaurant 49 Gas Station Buck’s Gas Station Turtle Island Groceteria & Restaurant Two Hawks Roxannes Restaurant Freeflow Store Phil’s Laundromat Village Variety


OFIFC Chiefs of Ontario Ryerson University Miziwe Biik-Aboriginal Employment Native Canadian Center Toronto Anishnabwe Health 179 Gerrad, 225 Queen, 22 Vaughan Rd. University of Toronto Na-Me-Res Native Child and Family Services Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre Native Women’s Resource Centre Coffee Pub - 720 Bathurst Average Joe’s Cafe-161 Baldwin Caribbean Corner - 171 Baldwin Kensignton Variety - 56D Kensignton Dry Food Store - 204 Baldwin Roacharama - 204 Augusta The Grilled Cheese - 66 Nassau Big Fat Burrito - 285 Augusta St Stephen’s Community Centre - 260 Augusta

Windsor Can-Am Friendship Centre

Copies of our paper are also mailed to every Native Reserve in Ontario.



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Our Language is Sovereignty Editorial - Jonathan Garlow My Dudah’s English name was Frances Butler and she married Joseph Garlow back before there was hydro on Six Nations Reserve No. 40. She once told me that our family is part Scotch and I suppose that is why she was a lighterskinned Dudah. I sometimes wonder if my family is related through her to the Butler’s Rangers. They were a British Loyalist regiment who fought in the Revolutionary War alongside Joseph Brant and many other Six Nations Hotiskennaketa (warriors). Despite her lighter skin tone she was Mohawk through and through. I can remember being a small child and playing on her rug beside the wood stove while she chatted away on the phone speaking a “foreign” language that I didn’t understand. Now I know that she was speaking Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk) to her friends and I was told that she preferred speaking that way because it was a much more colourful way to communicate. By the time I was a teenager she spoke less and less because her friends were becoming scarce; she was almost 80 years old. Before she passed away I had the chance to ask her

why she didn’t teach the language to her children and her response was “Back in those days (in the 40’s) it was too hard to be Indian.” What she meant was that the colonial government called Canada had imposed an Indian Act to create pressure to enfranchise the Ongwehon:we, to remove our customs, language and ceremonies and to assimilate us as citizens of their country. The colonial government was hoping that we would tire of the segregation and apartheid style living of Indian-hood and eventually sign up to enjoy the capitalist franchise by taking an English name and renouncing any Indian title, and thereby effectively becoming Canadian. For her and many other parents in those days, a future that didn’t involve Canadian education seemed very bleak indeed. None of these Garlows’ had been taken to residential school but we lost our connection to the language just as surely through voluntary election. Fast forward to 2013 and it has become apparent that the resurgence of national identity through language is imminent and is paramount for our people. At the Two Row Times we plan to implement a column written entirely in Gayogoho:no

and also (Cayuga) Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk) without translations. If you can’t read it then I hope it will inspire you to learn. I predict that in 20 years time we will have a circulation that is fully immersion without a drop of English. This idea could be troubling for those old fashioned English-only readers like myself but consider yourself warned. With this foresight and vision we can start preparing for the future right now by picking up the language a little bit at a time. Perhaps the Corporation of Canada should start developing a Canadian language because this land is not England and it will not be long before our nations come to consider English as the “foreign” tongue, not the original languages that have been spoken here for thousands and thousands of years. For my friends and relatives of immigrantdescent this will be a time to implement the friendship and trust that is promised within the white rows of wampum between our two beautiful vessels: the ship and the canoe. We must learn how to speak these ancient words together!

A Message From the Publisher

“Please Support those who Support Us” Our newspaper is free and always will be. If you enjoy reading the Two Row Times take note of our advertisers and feel free to base your shopping decisions around them. We would like to thank all those who have believed in us from the very �irst issue. If your business or organization is interested in supporting us and gaining exposure to our Ontario-wide and United States audience please contact us today by email: or by phone: 519-900-6373

Volume 1, Issue 2 657 Mohawk Rd Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, Ontario, N0A 1H0 Publisher: Garlow Media Editor: Jonathan Garlow Senior Writer: Jim Windle Production: Dave Laforce Layout and Design: ‘Young Steve’ da Silva Web Design: Benjamin Doolittle Advertising Director: Marshall Lank General Manager: Tom Keefer Contact:

Main office:

(519) 900-5535 Editorial:

(519) 900-6241 Advertising:

(519) 900-6373 email:


Bring your ads to Garlow Print & Copy at 657 Mohawk Rd. Six Nation of the Grand River 519-445-0601 or 519-900-5535 Email

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Good “Indians” Let’s Talk Native… with John Kane Let’s be honest. Most people have no idea who Philip Sheridan is – or care. The infamous quote, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” is attributed to him. Whether Sheridan really said it or not is like him – of little consequence. However, the quote is as entrenched in American racism as any opinion that was ever expressed. There are two ways to interpret the quote but neither leaves any room to describe a Native person who has survived the longest and most sustained attempts at genocide as “good.” The obvious and first assumed interpretation is that relative to a live “Indian” a dead one is better. U.S. President and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Theodore Roosevelt (d. 1919) once said, “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn’t inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.” This guy obviously subscribed not only to this interpretation but also to this sentiment. Is there any wonder why the Lakota want his face off their Black Hills? There is another way to view this classic American quote and that is to suggest that all the “Good Indians” have died or been killed. L. Frank Baum, author of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” thought Sitting Bull was a “good Indian.”

He called him the “Greatest Medicine Man of his time, by virtue of his shrewdness and daring.” And upon his cowardly murder at the hands of the U.S. government, Baum went on to write, “With his fall the nobility of the Redskin is extinguished and what few are left are pack of whining curs who lick the hand that smites them.” Now here we have a “gentleman” that so loved the image of the “early Redskins of America” who because of his belief that the “proud spirit” of the Indian “lingered last in the bosom of Sitting Bull,” called for “the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.” For Baum, the “Good Indians” were all dead and so as not to tarnish the image of those “good” dead Indians, he preached genocide. In his words: “Why not annihilation? Their glory has fled, their spirit broken, their manhood effaced; better that they die than live the miserable wretches that they are. History would forget these latter despicable beings, and speak, in latter ages of the glory of these grand Kings of the forest and plain.” Hell! They would model their Boy Scouts of America after them. They’ll name their high school, college and professional sports teams after them. But, of course, he meant name them after the “good Indians” – that is to say, the dead ones. Unfortunately, for America – and not for lack of trying – those “latter despicable beings” were not annihilated. Baum knew we would always be trouble. Here’s what he wrote following the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre: “Having wronged them for centuries we

Brantford Fire

stalled video surveillance throughout the building, but it never happened. Now how much is it going to cost them?” Suzan and Kelly MacNaughton, owner of Icky’s Variety and Tobacco on Second Line Road, Six Nations, have known each other for many years. She told Kelly about the situation last Saturday and, through her, is asking Six Nations for help. MacNaughton contacted the Two Row Times and asked if we could help get the word out. “I stopped at reserve and talked to Kelly,” she says. “She gave me a lot of cigarettes to distribute to the families. I know it’s something small, but many of these people have no money. If they had any, it is locked in their apartments which they can’t get to. “I have just begun and have some donations of cloths and a few other things,” says Alvernaz “The building manager let me use a storage room on

<<< Continued from page 18

the main floor to gather donated stuff.” Any donations are welcome but Alvernaz is uncomfortable accepting cash donations and suggests donations of that kind be made at Victims Services Brant at 519-752-3307, or dropped off at 344 Elgin Street, Brantford. Victim Services of Brant is a non-profit, community based agency which assists police, fire and other emergency services in providing emotional and practical assistance to victims of crime, tragic circumstances and disaster. Donations are also being accepted through the Brantford Red Cross, who have been helping the displaced families find lodging and food. Alvernaz will also be at the 28 Helen Ave apartment block on the main level to receive donation for her neighbours Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 6 pm and 10 pm.

had better, in order to protect our civilization, follow it up by one more wrong and wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the face of the earth.” I contend that most non-Native people on this continent suffer from a “Baum Complex.” They really like the “story” of the “Indians” so why do we living Indians have to mess it up for them? I don’t think the non-Native population is really worried that we will destroy their civilization – they are doing that just fine without us. But we sure do screw up their version of history; and messing with their sports teams is just unreasonable. Even those that claim to “empathize” with us because they acknowledge the undeniable, as Baum did – “Having wronged them for centuries” – just can’t understand why we don’t stop all this sovereignty nonsense. Just accept things now, be proud of who you were, and stop being “despicable.” Cheer for the Washington Redskins and the Cleveland Indi-


Philip Sheridan.

ans and be proud of your place in our history. So we’ve been told. I was told recently and very publicly by the Niagara Falls, New York mayor to “Let it go! Just let it go…!” Well, many have, but a growing number of us just won’t “let it go.” We will not be “Good Indians.”



Scone Dogs and Seed Beads By Nahnda Garlow There is a sorrowful place in my heart this week. Last Saturday, my niece Shiyloh Hill fell from her bedroom window while playing with a friend. She was ten years old and the fall was one from which she would never recover. Shiyloh loved to laugh. One time she put a plastic eyeball in my mother’s morning coffee. Another time she put on fake rotten teeth and begged me for candy. Shiyloh was artistic. She was a member of the Debra Brown Circus Arts School and earned a scholarship to study with the former

Cirque du Soleil choreographer. Shiyloh was loving. Whenever anyone was upset or hurting she would be the first one to offer a hug and words of comfort. I can still hear her high pitched voice asking me, “Are you okay Aunty?” She was an organ donor at her own request a few weeks before her passing. Her life has now spared four children here in Canada. She was covered in mosquito bites and had tangled hair because of that passionate childhood freedom bubbling up within her. She wasn’t only playing…she was conquering kingdoms, rescuing mermaids from pirates, or solving mysteries with her cousins to save the world! This week, the entire community offered support. The women’s shelter cooked food and Wilson Water donated a well full of water. Friends from far and

wide gathered to clean, paint and prepare the property for her burial. Helpers were sent from the Longhouse and the churches to carry the family through this crisis. A couple from northern Ontario came to plant a medicine garden around her gravesite and friends from the Annishnabe nation sent up prayers and dances at gatherings across the territory. Our aunties and uncles stopped and came from wherever they were to just to scrub floors and wipe away the tears. This family has been held up by love. When a child dies there is a unique process that takes place. You grieve the past, and you mourn for the future simultaneously. How do we walk forward without her? Was this all a part of the plan? Is this real? Every now and then I hit a brick wall of reality when I realize that I am making plans for the future without

Wednesday, August 28, 2013 her in them. As I was wandering the Six Nations Fall Fair this weekend, lamenting in one of these moments a child from the community came up to me of her own accord and hugged me from behind. “I’m sorry for your loss,” she said. I can’t tell you how this mattered. To honor and acknowledge one another’s pain is part of the Onkwehon:we protocol of life, and this child knew that. There is a speech used in the Confederacy when a chief dies and another is raised in his place. During this condolence ceremony the speaker addresses the nation saying they will “wipe away their tears” with the softest doeskin. This is the tenderness and love at the heart of this nation. This is the love among us, Ganohkwa’sra – and this was deep in the heart of Shiyloh. This week, we hold a ten-

day feast for Shiyloh just as our grandfathers and grandmothers held feasts for their departed. Ten days for her spirit to become accustomed and ready for her journey back to Skyworld, and ten days for us to prepare for letting her go. This rite of passage is a sacred time for the family and because of the love among us…instead of feeling robbed of her presence the entire family is grateful that her life culminated in this epic outpouring of love and support. We are honored by this community and believe that Shiyloh’s memory will be held sacred as she joins her place in the next world. Shiyloh Isobelle Hill, in your eleven years here you understood something so simple that evades so many. And in your name I will keep that love in my heart for the rest of my days. Travel on little Shiy, and rest in peace.

The Rebels had regained their form, finishing the 2008 regular season with a perfect 20-0 record and repeated as 2008 Founders Cup Champs by defeating the Guelph Regals after winning their second consecutive MacDonald Trophy. The next two years went by with the Rebs being close but unable to make the playoffs. In 2011, they were back in the thick of it again facing the Calgary Mountaineers. They downed the Mountaineers 14-11 to secure their third Founders Cup in 5 years. Six Nations still had most of their 2011 Championship team together in 2012 when the Rebels hosted the National Championship at the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena. The eight team series boiled down to the host Six Nations Rebels facing the Akwesasne Indians for the Cup. The Rebels were leading 6-2 going into the last 20 minutes, but the Indians surged back to make for a heart stopping final game

which the Rebels hung onto an 8-7 score to win the game and the Championship. Competition for National Championship in the Junior “B” classification was initiated by the Canadian Lacrosse Association in September, 1964. A silver cup donated by Castrol Oils limited served as the winner’s trophy (1964 - 1971) but was retired to the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame, New Westminster, B.C. in 1972. In 1972, the C.L.A. inaugurated the Founder’s Trophy (1972 - Present) as emblematic of the Junior “B” Championship of Canada. This beautiful handcrafted unique trophy commemorates the founders of organized Lacrosse, particularly the contributions of “The Father of Organized Lacrosse”, Dr. George W. Beers of Montreal, Quebec who wrote the first rulebook and in 1867 was instrumental in organizing the National Lacrosse Association, predecessor to the Canadian Lacrosse Association.



It all began with the Six Nations Red Rebels, who in 1997 went 4-1 in the preliminary rounds and finally defeated the Orillia Rama Kings 9-7 in over time at the Mimico Arens. And Wthis was in only the Red Rebels’ second year of existence. In 1998, they won the J.A. MacDonald Trophy as the Ontario Lacrosse Association’s best team. There was some controversy over the playoff formula that year and the Red Rebels had to settle for third place Bronze by defeating the Edmonton Miners 12-10. A few years of drout went by before the Rebels, as they were now called after dropping the Red from their name, got another shot at the Ontario Finals in 2003. That year, the Reb’s were

surprised and disappointed by the upstart Barrie Tornadoes who went on to win the Founders that year. The Rebels wouldn’t get another shot at it until 2007. After stumbling out of the gate by loosing two or the first three games of the regular season, they pulled it all together and finished the regular season with a 17-3 record. A hard fought playoffs against the Owen Sound Rams was followed by a closely played tilt against the Windsor AKO Fratmen for the Western Conference title. As in this past season, the Rebels, holders of the Western title, were up against the Eastern champs, the Clarington Green Gaels. After three very tightly played games, the Rebels came out on top winning their second J.A. MacDonald Cup and a trip to the Founders Cup played in Kam-

loops B.C. It came down to Six Nations versus Coquitlam Adanacs for the Founders Cup that year and the Rebels prevailed to bring the second Founders Cup in Franchise History back to Six Nations. After winning their second J.A. MacDonald Cup in as many years, the Rebels went on to defeat the Calgary Mountaineers 14-11 in the Championship game to earn their third Founders Cup in five years.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013



Akwesasne Week in Review- August 8-25, 2013 by Chaz Kader

Mohawk Land Claims – Update: St. Regis Tribe responds to August 12, 2013 United States legal ruling. St. Regis Tribal Spokesman Benjamin Herne stated that the tribe and the tribal membership will continue to refuse to comply with state and locals laws on land they believe is part of the reservation and is not subject to those laws. The statement was released in response to a ruling by U.S. District Judge Lawrence Kahn who ruled that his court lacks jurisdiction over both state and local building codes, as well as licensing procedures and taxation. The ruling resulted in a rejection of a tribal federal land claim for 2000 acres in Franklin County, New York in a long-disputed area known as the Hogansburg Triangle, which was leased to a retired Irish shipping captain for logging in the early 19th century and to this day remains controversial due to the failure of the U.S. Congress to allow the land to be sold from the reservation land-base. Tribal members and other Akwesasne Onkwehonweh residents point to the 1796 United States Treaty with the Seven Nations of Canada as a compelling reason for the land to be returned. The neighboring Town of Bombay, New York claims parts of the Akwesasne Territory on its tax rolls and assessments, including parking lots of the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort and the formerly world’s largest tribal IGA grocery store. The St. Regis Tribe remains a co-plaintiff along with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne band council and the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs (Mohawk Nation longhouse) in a three-decade’s old lawsuit against New York State for a larger historical land-claim.

Oxycodone trafficking nets prison sentence after guilty plea. August 12 – U.S. District Court in Albany, NY – Nathan Benedict and his wife Donna Lazore of Akwesasne entered guilty pleas for their participation in transporting oxycodone from Canada into the United States in 2010. Mr. Benedict was sentenced to 37 months of confinement followed by 36 months of post-release supervision. Ms. Lazore will be sentenced in October 2013. Additional guilty pleas were entered by three other defendants who purchased the $100 tablets from Mr. Benedict. Life sentences possible in cocaine and ecstasy smuggling charges after guilty pleas.

Undocumented alien trafficking charges result in more not-guilty pleas. August 22 – U.S. District Court in Syracuse, N.Y. – Angela Johnson and John Benedict, both of Akwesasne, entered not-guilty pleas to the charge of Conspiracy to Bring Aliens into the United States for purposes of commercial advantage and private financial gain, according to undercover informant testimony. The charges stem from an incident that took place on February 24, 2013 when U.S. Border Patrol officers based in Massena, New York reported a white Mitsubishi automobile “making numerous movements” in the Massena Wal-Mart parking lot, which “warranted elevated suspicion” when no one exited the vehicle. Subsequently, a white Cadillac Escalade appeared, parking next to the Mitsubishi, and officers allegedly observed four individuals exit the Cadillac and enter the Mitsubishi. The vehicle occupants of both vehicles were later arrested, including Ian R.E. Tarbell, described as a U.S. citizen, who allegedly admitted receiving $450 to transport “illegal aliens” (originally from Poland) from St. Regis Village to the Village of Massena. Mr. Tarbell also entered a Not Guilty plea in the matter, which also saw citizens of the Ukraine and Belarus charged in the conspiracy. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security did not comment if their officers regularly patrol the Wal-Mart Corporation parking lots.

August 21 – U.S. District Court in Albany and Plattsburgh, N.Y. – Several Akwesasne residents’ guilty pleas were included in a wider prosecution involving the smuggling of cocaine and ecstasy from the Akwesasne Territory to Cornwall, Ontario across the St. Lawrence River. Possible life imprisonment and millions of dollars of fines were noted in the large-scale conspiracy, linking Montreal with New York City and Boston. April Burns, Elizabeth Van Guilder and John French plead guilty in U.S. District Court in Albany, while Allan G. Jacco and Melissa Arquette plead guilty in U.S. District Court in Plattsburgh. The minimum sentence for Ms. Burns and Ms. Arquette is 10 years and up to a $10 million fine. Mr. Jacco faces a minimum of a 20-year imprisonment and up to a $20 million fine. The conspiracy Exotic reptile smuggling activity saw ecstasy from Cornwall taken south brings prison sentence to to New York City and Boston. Cocaine Hogansburg woman. was swapped for the ecstasy along with cash and transited back to Montreal August 23 – US District Court in from 2009 to 2012. Sentencing for the Syracuse, N.Y. – Olivia Terrance of case will begin in November and con- Akwesasne was sentenced to 18 tinue into Dec. 2013. months in prison and 36 months post-release supervision after she


The charges stem from the failure of Ms. Terrance to obtain required federal permits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to export the endangered and protected species. Terrance was under mobile and aerial surveillance when she was observed taking the reptiles across the St. Lawrence River by watercraft. Investigating agencies included the St. Regis Tribal Police, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Canadian Wildlife Service, RCMP and CBSA agencies. Akwesasne construction contractor sentenced for marijuana trafficking.

Arrow White of Akwesasne was sentenced by U.S. Judge Glenn T. Suddaby to 24 months in prison and 48 months post-release supervision after he pleaded guilty to conspiring to knowingly and intentionally possess marijuana with the intent to distribute the controlled substance. Mr. White admitted in his plea agreement that he delivered the cannabis between Hogansburg and Ogdensburg, New York from 2010 to 2012, supplying more than 100 kilograms of the substance, and drove a lookout car on separate marijuana deliveries. Mr. White, an accomplished carpenter, was recommended for a substance abuse rehabilitation program while in confinement.

CommunityLiving Six Nations ‘Ronatahskats’ Is seeking to fill the position of Financial Officer

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pleaded guilty to smuggle more than 18,000 reptiles into Canada from the United States. The reptiles involved included Timor tree lizard monitors, Chinese striped turtles and American alligators. Dennis Day of Cobden, Ontario is a co-conspirator in the case. Mr. Day paid for reptiles to be shipped from California, Florida, and Louisiana to Ms. Terrance from 2009 to 2010.

• • • •

C.M.A. or equivalent would be beneficial Sage ACCPAC would be beneficial Graduate of a post secondary course in Accounting or Business Administration or a hospital orientated Supervision Management course with a financial background. Good attendance record required.

Job description is available at the head office at 30 Cao Lane or G.R.E.A.T. CLOSING DATE: Monday September 9th 2013 @4:30 p.m. Please address to or drop off at: Community Living Six Nations “Ronatahskats” 30 Cao Lane Ohsweken,ON N0A 1M0 Financial Officer Selection Committee .

“Good luck to the Two Row Wampum Press! Im very excited for the Garlow fam and all they have to offer the community!”

A. Dion Tha Producer

Seminole/Kickapoo Nation

“Courageous honesty from rap music lyrics to story telling is what I know of Jonathan Garlow so read Two Row Times and feel the truth!”

Adrian Jacobs, Cayuga Nation

“Our strength (as a people) is in our kindness and ability to lift others to their highest potential. You always have my love and support.

Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, Ph.D Chippewas of Georgina Island



“Congratulations to the Garlow Family on the launch of their newspaper The Two Row Times. I wish them nothing but success.”

James Blood

Kanien’keha:ka Rapper

“Congratulations on the launch of the Two Row Times, the CCAB applauds your exciting business venture that continues to reinforce the dynamism that is Aboriginal business today.”

JP Gladu, President and CEO, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB)

“We can no longer “Follow our Dreams”... you have to chase that dream down like a wild rez dog and capture it by the throat... till it rolls onto its back and finally submits to you...” MC RedCloud of LightningCloud 2013 Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Award Winner

“Your newspaper provides the optimism and opportunity to shape each day and build a better world for our people, congratulations and the best of Times”

Andre Morriseau, Media Relations, Chiefs of Ontario

“Big up to Two Row Times!! Its ya boy killin’ em this year!! Much love to all m


2013 Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Aw

“Good luck on your journey relatives, speak the truth and ride a fast horse! Miigwetch”

Wab Kinew

8th Fire, CBC Series

“Saweeeet!” Suzette Amaya

Big Brother Canada

“Good luck to Tworowtimes! Our community needs to know the truth about what’s happening in the Aboriginal world!”


Drezus and we officially my fans and supporters!”

ward Winner

Murray Porter

Singer/Songwriter 2012 Juno Award Winner

“We need to explore our stories from our perspective. Two Row Times will strive for exactly that! Good luck man sounds awesome!!”

“Congratulations Two Row Times!! A new generation of newspaper. Perfect timing to share our views told from our voices, Six Nations voices across the world wide web. I wish you much success!”

Award Winning Rock Star Host, Guilt Free Zone TV Show

Actor Blackstone, APTN Series

Derek Miller

Cheri Maracle



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Introducing the new 2013 Six Nations Ambassadors By Jim Windle OHSWEKEN

There is a new set of Six Nations ambassadors in place for 2013, including Miss Six Nations winner, Kaylea Jamieson. The Fall Fair opened, as it always does, with the selection of Miss Six Nations and several other age category winners. With the change of the date of this year’s Fair, last year’s Miss Six Nations, Christa Jonathan could not be in attendance to pass the honour on to this year’s winner. She was in Australia attending an Indigenous Medical Conference, but she did appear through the miracle of video following her whirl wind year of public appearances around the world representing the people of Six Nations, including a visit to Vatican City in Rome, Italy for the Canonization of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, of Kahnawake, the “Lily of the Mohawks” as she was known in the mid 1600’s. The video chronicled the busy year Christa has had and prepared this year’s winner for an equally busy 2013.

This year’s winner received the honour of wearing a few very special and meaningful accessories with her blue cotton print dress. “My cousin Jewel Monture committed suicide at age 12 due to cyber bullying,” she said after the festivities. “I am wearing her feathers and beaded yoke. It meant the world to me. It was very heartwarming to feel her with me all night.” Kaylea Jamieson is 18 years old and is the daughter of Donna Claus and Bill Jamieson. She is a Grade 13 student at St. Johns College in Brantford. “I hope to have a busy year,” she said in the afterglow of her win. “I am really looking forward to it. I’m excited. This is going to be a busy, busy, busy weekend.” Hopefuls of all ages walked the catwalk at the Gaylord Powless Arena before a panel of judges consisting of Patty Hill, Ava Hill, Dakota Brant, Carl Robinson, Linda McGregor, Patricia Bus, Deneen Monture, Deb Martin-Able, Michelle Bomberry and professional wrestler, Tatanka. Fair Board President Les Sowden welcomed

the contestants, judges, families and the general public to open the event. Six Nations Tiny Tot Boy for 2013 is Silas Antone who is taking over for 2012 winner Cainan Martin. Tiny Tot Girl’s winner was Ciceleigh Martin who was crowned by 2012 winner Teegan Jonathan. Little Miss Six Nations winner Hanna General received the mantle from 2012 winner Kierin Martin, while the Miss Mini-Six Nations title was given to Kayne Martin. Last year’s winner was Juby Jamieson. The Miss Pre-teen Six Nations category was won by Cara Hill who received the sash and crown from last year’s winner Alexis Thomas. Miss Teen Six Nations honours went to Aleria McKay. 2012 winner Taylor Martin welcomed Miss McKay to this year’s ambassador’s list. The Two Row Times would like to congratulate this year’s ambassadors and wish them an educational and rewarding term for 2013.

The 2013 Six Nations team of ambassadors were selected at the Gaylord Powless Arena as the opening event for the Fall Fair. The young ambassadors will represent Six Nations amongst their age groups all year. They include, from left to right: Front Row: Tiny Tot Boy, Silas Antone, Li’l Miss Six Nations Hanna General, Tiny Tot Girl Ciceleigh Martin, Miss Teen Six Nations Aleria McKay, Miss Six Nations Kaylea Jamieson, Miss Mini-Six Nations Kayne Martin, and Miss Pre-Teen Cara Hill. (Photo by Jim Windle)

2012 winner Cainan Martin crowns this year’s Tiny Tot Boy, Silas Antone at the Six Nations Fall Fair over the weekend. (Photo by Jim Windle)

Little Miss Six Nations’ Hanna General enjoys her moment on stage at the Fall Fair to receive her honour and start a year of personal appearances and work as an ambassador to her age group. (Photo by Jim Windle)

Miss Six Nations 2013, Kaylea Jamieson, seems surprised by the big $1,500 cheque donated by the Dreamcatcher Fund (Photo by Jim Windle).

The Miss Congeniality award was voted for by other contestants and Kyleigh Farmer took home the prize for her light hearted and fun demeanor. (Photo by Jim Windle)

Among the judges for the Miss Six Nations Pageant was professional wrestler Tatanka who also appeared in the Fair’s wrestling show. (Photo by Jim Windle)

Miss Pre-teen Cara Hill is pictured with runners up Shauntay Longboat and Makenna Hill who was also winner of the fitness award. (Photo by Jim Windle)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013



August 31, 2013 Date: Date: Saturday Saturday August 31, 2013 Time: Time: 9:30am 9:30am ~ 4:00pm ~ 4:00pm Horse Track 10 K10Location: K Location: Ohsweken Ohsweken Horse Track : Community Lunch/Banquet Location: Location HallHall Lunch/Banquet Community

Louise Memory of Keely In Loving In Loving Memory of Keely Louise HillHill . . OurOur precious Keely lostlost her her battle with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type1 precious Keely battle with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type1 To honor andand carry on her beautiful legacy we we are are continuing ourour To honor carry on her beautiful legacy continuing fundraising efforts to complete her her Playroom at Ronald McDonald fundraising efforts to complete Playroom at Ronald McDonald House Hamilton andand TheThe Keely Louise HillHill Foundation thatthat willwill assist House Hamilton Keely Louise Foundation assist families with children living with SMA or aorterminal illness. families with children living with SMA a terminal illness. available! Pledge Pledge forms forms are are nownow available! ~ Enter ~ Enter as an as Individual an Individual or Team!! or Team!! *Individuals *Individuals mustmust raiseraise a minimum a minimum of $50.00 of $50.00 *Teams *Teams mustmust havehave a minimum a minimum of 4of team 4 team members, members, eacheach 4th member 4th member added added to your to your th team th team is free! teamteam is free! Ex;4Ex;4 in pledges. member member is free, is free, minimum minimum of $150.00 of $150.00 in pledges. be Top the Top to raise TakeTake the CHALLENGE the CHALLENGE andand be the Individual Individual andand TopTop Team Team to raise the the mostmost pledges! pledges! Prizes Prizes willwi bellawarded! be awarded! SPIRIT of pink or pink *This *This YearYear SHOW SHOW YOUR YOUR SPIRIT withwith butterflies, butterflies, lots lots of pink or pink andand en Spirit Award! brown for the for Jewel the Jewel Sowden SowdSpirit Award! brown Free Free to Participants to Participants

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Proceeds Proceeds raisedraised for this forevent this event will support the playroom will support the playroom in in Keely’s at Ronald Keely’s honorhonor at Ronald McDonald Hamilton McDonald HouseHouse Hamilton &Keely The Keely Louise & The Louise Hill Hill Foundation to support Foundation to support families of children families of children with with & terminal Illnesses. SMASMA & terminal Illnesses.



Wednesday, August 28, 2013


By Jim Windle WINNIPEG The Canadian Jr. B lacrosse title, the Founders Cup is starting to feel quite at home at Six Nations. The amazing Rebels swept away all comers at the National Championships played in Winnipeg this past week to become the first team in Founders Cup history to win the coveted cup three years in a row. They have now won it six times since 1997 – an amazing feat. The Rebels secured their place in history with a 17-12 win over the western champs, the Calgary Mountaineers Sunday evening in Winnipeg with Doug Jamieson between the pipes. The Rebel offense was driven by Zach Williams (2G, 5A), who was selected to the Tournament All-Star Team, and Frank Brown who won the Gold Medal Game’s MVP for his four goals and two assists. Mitch Green also had a fine game with three goals and two assists. Dallas John (2G, 2A) and captain Ian Martin (2G, 2A) also contributed greatly to the Rebels win. It was not a walk-over as Jamieson had to show his stuff many times making 35 saves to hold off the Mountain-

Rebels’ General Manager Wray Maracle, holding his new baby, thanked the fans and the players for an historic season. (Photo by Jim Windle)

eers. He was coming off a rare shutout tions Fire Services for welcoming the Team president Scott Maracle was as the Rebels crushed Quebec 21-0 in team back home by escorting the play- emotional as he considered the acthe Tournament Quarter Finals at the ers’ motorcade. complishment his team has achieved. Norbert Community Centre, Friday. “They are a dynasty,” he said. “They He also thanked what he called, Around 150 devoted Rebels fans – “The greatest fans anyone could have.” worked their buts off for this one. This who have adopted the moniker Rebels “Don’t forget these guys,” said goal- is history and they really are a great Nation – waited patiently in the Six tending coach Derek General. “They team.” Nations Community Hall parking lot really worked their asses off. They are a In the Gold Medal, Championship for two hours to welGame played Suncome the three-time day evening in WinFounders Cup Chamnipeg, the Rebels pions home. A transmethodically built portation mix up at the up a two-goal lead in airport delayed their the first period beplanned arrival time ginning with Austin to Six Nations, but the Staats’ goal at 4:23, fans didn’t seem to assisted by Ian Marmind. tin and Jesse JohnFinally, the sound son. Martin made of Six Nations Fire it 2-0 at 8:44 from trucks sirens and flashJacob Bomberry and ing lights broke the Frank Brown. night to announce that Calgary’s Luke the Rebels were home. Trimble brought the Fans began cheerMountaineers into ing as two pick up the game at 10:56 trucks loaded down It seens the Rebels players themselves can hardly believe the accomplishment they have but Mitch Green reachieved in winning the Founders Cup three years in a row, and six times in recent hiswith Rebel’s players stored the two-goal tory. (Photo by Jim Windle) followed close behind. lead at 13:21. Patents and loved ones welcomed part of history now and they will work Zach Williams responded with his their champions home with bear hugs that much harder to make it four in a first goal of the game from Zed Wiland kisses. row.” liams and Brown, 18 seconds later, and Everyone then filed into the ComAssistant coach Cam Bomberry Kyle Isaccs added another less than a munity hall for the official welcome took a longer look at what is in store minute after that from Staats and Rhys party. for many of this team as they graduate Tansley. Mountaineers’ Austin RockRookie Rebel’s head coach Murray to higher levels of the game. well closed the period with the Rebels Porter was ecstatic and proud of his “This team will always be competi- leading 5-3. team’s class and discipline through- tive,” he said. “I think this team could Defense was cast to the wind for out the series, but stood aside and let beat a lot of Jr. A teams and its because both teams in the second period as his assistant coaches players and staff of how much hard work these guys do. both teams contributed to an 11 goal It’s good to see them come together the period. have the limelight. “The players really gelled this year way they did. But the majority of these The Mountaineers came out and performed beyond belief,” said guys grew up playing on the same strong in the second scoring twice to team General Manager Wray Maracle. teams anyhow. That’s how we build the tie the game early in the period, but Six “They never wavered from our game program.” Nations sprung back with three unanplan. He anticipates many of his players swered goals by Zed Williams and two “It’s really great to see the fan sup- would eventually be moving on to the by Frank Brown. port tonight. They’ve waited two hours Sr. levels and some to the pros. Calgary responded with two before “That speaks volumes right there,” Brown netted his third of the period to see these guys.” He then gave thanks to the Six Na- said Bomberry. from Bo Henhawk at 14:01. Henhawk

The heroes have returned. The three-peating Founders Cup Champion Six Nations Rebels returned home Monday night to around 150 fans, parents and loved ones and gave them a chance to get a team shot. (Photo by Jim Windle)



followed with a goal of his own at 18:03, unassisted. Calgary scored at 18:51 but the Rebels, with possession of the ball in the last seconds of the period put an extra man on the floor which paid off with Dallas John’s goal scored with four seconds remaining to complete 40 minutes of play with the Rebels ahead 11-8. Calgary goalie Adam Virgo was excellent as the Rebels exploded with 33 shots on the Mountaineer’s goalie in the second period alone. Calgary was out shot 72-42 in the game. The wild action continued in the third period. After Brett Davis surprised the Rebels 27 seconds into the final frame, unassisted, John reduced the emotional impact of the early goal by responding 23 seconds later from Kessler Doolittle and Jamieson. Zach Williams recorded what would stand up as the game-winning goal at 2:50 assisted by Green and Doolittle. The Mountaineers were desperate and pulled out all the stops, scor-

ing at 5:06 and 8:04 to make it a 13-11 game and get them selves into striking distance. But once again, the Rebels showed dominance with goals by Kyle Isaacs and Brown. Calgary’s last gasp came from Sean Tyrrell who scored at 14:44 to bring the score to 15-12. Mitch Green put two cherries on top with goals at 19:01 and 19:45. Fifteen seconds later it was party time as sticks and gloves flew in the air and the Rebels proud orange uniforms came together as one in a team victory hug. For the third time in thee years, the Rebels hoisted the Founders Cup for their victory lap and then gathered for their traditional championship picture. The tournament began and ended with the Calgary Mountaineers. The Six Nations Jr. B lacrosse dynasty continued to overwhelm opponents as the Six Nations Rebels walked over the Calgary Mountaineers 16-7 in their opening game of the series played Tuesday, August 20th. The game was over after the first

20 minutes. Calgary scored first but the Rebels rebounded with six unanswered goals to end the first period leading 6-1. Scoring for Six Nations were Austin Staats, Mitch Green (2G), Zed Williams, Frank Brown, and Dalton Miller. The Mountaineers came back with three but Ian Martin notched the final goal of the frame to make it an 11-4 heading into the final session. It was more of the same in the first half of the second period when the Rebels’ charge continued with goals scored by Dallas John, Jesse Johnson and a pair by Frank Brown. Calgary faced a 10-1 mountain to climb, but that is what the Mountaineers do. Calgary fought back with three consecutive goals before Ian Martin scored from Jacob Bomberry and Austin Staats to end the period leading 11-4. Calgary continued to chip away at the lead in the third scoring the first three goals of the period. But then the Rebels Dallas John stopped the Calgary attack with a pair of goals. More from

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jacob Bomberry, Zed Williams and Austin Staats followed them, for the 16-7 final score. Game #2 was not a pretty sight for anyone as the Rebels dissected Nova Scotia 23-4. Pretty well everyone except the trainer scored at least one goal in that one. Thursday night, the Rebels did the same to the Manitoba Selects, trouncing them 18-4 in Game #3. That set up Game #4 against Quebec in the cross-over round played Friday night, when Six Nations crushed Quebec 21-0 and earned their third shutout in franchise history and first ever at the Founders Cup. Saturday’s games were to determine who would face whom in Sunday’s Medal Round and the Rebels’ power continued to brush aside all opponents as they hammered the ILA, 22-8, all leading to Sunday’s Gold Medal Game against the Calgary mountaineers.

Chiefs return to the Mann Cup By Jim Windle BROOKLIN The rebirth of the Six Nations Major Series Chiefs was made complete in Brooklin as the former three-time Mann Cup winners knocked off the Redmen in four straight games on Monday night with a 9-7 win. Cody Jamieson got things going with two goals scored less than three minutes apart. But Brooklin sucked it up and netted the next four goals to take a 4-2 lead. Kasey Beirnes closed the period at 16:23, and opened the second period at 3:47 to restore a narrow one goal lead. Jake Hayes tied it up for the Redmen before Colin Doyle and Craig Point scored for Six Nations at 14:48 and 16:36. Brooklin’s Shawn Williams scored the last goal of the period with 9 seconds remaining to send the teams to the dressing room tied 6-6. It all came down to the final 20 minutes. Mike Melnychenko gave the Redmen the 7-6 lead at 1:25, but they could not hold off the Chiefs any longer. Roger Vyse scored to even it up again and Cody Jamieson ended the game the same way he started it, with back to back goals to send the Chiefs to the Mann Cup. Game #3 was played Friday night at the ILA and the Chiefs looked like champions against the Brooklin team, doubling up on them 8-4. Johnny Powless, Colin Doyle and Cody Jamieson built a 3-0 lead in the first 20 minutes. Doyle and Kasey Beirnes made it 5-0 before the Redmen came alive with the next three tallies to end the second pe-

riod with the Chiefs leading 5-3. The Chiefs look like a team having clock? In 1995, the Six Nations Chiefs Powless added his second of the fun these days and it isn’t any wonder and the Brooklin Redmen squared off game at 3:23 of the third period from to Kilgour. for the best of seven MSL ChampionBeirnes and Jamieson. The Redmen got “Winning is fun,” he says. “But they ship and a berth into the Mann Cup that one back at 3:37, but that was all have put in the time and effort and playoffs. The Chiefs beat the Redmen they could muster as Doyle and Pow- sucked up a lot of stuff and keep put- that year and went on to take the first less completed their hat-tricks at 5:43 ting out a good effort and battled of three consecutive Mann Cup victoand 14:03 respectively to take a strangle through everything. When you have 20 ries. hold on the series. This year, the Chiefs and the Redmen guys pulling on the rope it becomes a Defending against the Six Nations lot of fun.” clashed four times in the 2013 regular Chiefs is like playing whack-a-mole. The Chiefs are now in a position to season, with the Chiefs winning two If you keep Colin Doyle wrapped up, make a return to the Mann Cup best of and tying one. Cody Jamieson pops up to hurt you. If seven game finals beginning SeptemThe Chiefs will face either Langley or you hold down Jamieson, Colin Doyle ber 6, in British Columbia. Victoria, the Western Lacrosse League Who says you can’t turn back the Champions. is there. Then there is Johnny Powless, and on it goes right down the Chiefs talent laden bench. The Chiefs opened the final series with a 12-7 win at the ILA last Tuesday, Aug. 20 powered by a well balanced attack and fine defense all backed up by Evan Kirk in the Chiefs net. Six Nations led 5-3 after the first period and 9-6 after two. Top guns for the Chiefs were Colin Doyle (1G,5A), Kasey Beirnes (3G,2A), and Cody Jamieson (2G,2ACraig Point (2G,3A). “To be up 3-0 against these guys is a real accomplishment,” said Chiefs head coach Rich Kilgour. “They took down Peterborough and the Redmen just keep Cody Jamieson put bookends on Game #4 scoreing the first two and the last two goals of the game in Brooklin Monday night to playing hard.” lead his team to the Mann Cup finals played in September in BC. (Photo by Jim Windle)



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

ONKWEHÓN:WE / ORIGINAL PEOPLES – WEEK IN REVIEW (August 20-27, 2013) by Steve da Silva

What’s Trending? By Jonathan Garlow

There’s times when I use terms and phrases in every day speech that are commonly used online but just sound wierd to say out loud in public. This week it has become apparent that I need to introduce some of these slang words into the rez vocabulary. It is my duty and responsibility to honour the elders of my community and bring everybody up to speed with some of these internet terms and I hope the coming faces of the future generations will do the same for me someday because I am starting to get up there in age myself and feel like I’m barely hanging on to my technological edge. 1. Memes (pronounced ‘meems’) - A meme is a popular picture taken out of context from a movie or iconic photo with hilarious sayings or phrases written usually using a play on words or portraying some other form of humor. Post-viral memes take on a life of their own and many, many others are re-created by regular people who inject more mileage into a meme with their own brand of humor. There are many native humor memes on Facebook.

Some of the most popular memes are Scumbag Steve, Good Guy Greg, Ermahgerd Girl, Grumpy Cat, Sweet Brown (above), Y U NO Guy, Overly Attached Girlfriend, Philosoraptor, and Ancient Aliens Guy. For more see 2. Selfie - Taking a picture of yourself with the camera on your phone is simply called a “Selfie” and is what young people do now these days (I hear) and could be considered a female thing, although that is starting to change. They are popular because they are easy to create and share. Comedian Chelsie Peretti says “loneliness and desperation for attention are crucial ingredients” for a good selfie. The selfie is most likely responsible for the advent of the duck face pose which has been misinterpreted by many native people as rude pointing into the camera.

Report Details Sex Trafficking of Onkwehon:we Women Across Lake Superior Last week, media outlets across in Canada widely reported on a decades-old trafficking of women and children across Lake Superior between the ports of Thunder Bay and Duluth, Minnesota. The Ontario Native Women’s Association reports that anecdotal evidence suggest that many of these young women are being shipped to Thunder Bay from Winnipeg. The reports are based on a 2011 joint publication by the Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition & Prostitution Research and Education. The study found that 39 percent of prostituted women were pulled into the sex trade when they were minors, and that 92 percent of the women interviewed wanted to escape from prostitution. The report also found a strong correlation linking childhood sexual assault to adult prostitution amongst native women. Over two-thirds of the women interviewed had family members who attended native residential schools. The U of Minnesota researcher told the CBC in an interview that “The men would often joke [to the young women] that ‘If you get out of control, we can always throw you overboard.” Thunder Bay police reportedly had no idea that native women and girls were being sold on ships in the U.S. One of the author’s of the 2011 study, Christine Stark, has another report being published in late September 2013.

not unlike those suffered by the survivors of residential schools. Approximately 250 day schools for Indigenous children were operating at one point alongside the residential school system. The Merchant Law Group in Regina is planning to launch similar such suits all across the country, seeking the similar compensation given to survivors of residential schools according to a 2006 settlement agreement. Because provincial governments played a role in administering the schools, the Federal government has been unwilling to address the day schools until now. Among the allegations made in the claim against the day school system in Saskatchewan is a planned “ethnocide” of Indigenous people. Wolastaqiyik of the Saint John River Valley in New Brunswick resisting open-pit diamond mine

People of the Wolastaqiyik (Maliseet) Nation from the St. Mary’s reserve are resisting the development of an open-pit tungsten mine on ancestral lands about 100km north of Fredericton, New Brunswick. Northcliff Resources has proposed the construction and operation of anopen pit tungsten and molybdenum mine at Sisson Brook. Although the company has been trying to win support for the project amongst the Indigenous people of the Saint John River Valley, this week, St. Mary’s First Nation Chief Candace Paul said she will fight the proposed tungsten mine. The August 16 decision prohibits the blockaders from preventing Tonare RCMP appoints ‘Aboriginal woman’ Energy from detonating the remaining 27 to head of its Saskatchewan division dynamite charges. The community is located 100 km One hundred and forty years after the north of Battleford, Saskatchewan. The North-West Mounted Police was formed matter returns to court next Friday. to repress Onkwehon:we people in the wake of the Red River Rebellion led by Dene and Tlicho authorities in NWT oppose new diamond mine Louis Riel and to provide “law and order” for Canada’s westward colonization, the Diamond corporations De Beers and Canadian police force is heralding the appointment of its first native woman to the Mountain Province Diamond are trying to head of one of its divisions. Chief Super- push through a joint venture, the Gahcho intendent Brenda Butterworth-Carr, of the Kué open-pit diamond mine, that would Tr’ondekHwech’in First Nation in Dawson drain Kennedy Lake about 300km east of City, Yukon, will become the first Indigen- Yellowknife. The project passed its environmental ous commanding officer of the Saskatchreview last month, but the LutselK’e Dene, ewan division of the RCMP. The appointment comes at a time when the Yellowknives Dene, and the Tlicho are the RCMP has come under increased scru- all opposing the mine for its impacts. The tiny after a February 2013 Human Rights GahchoKué mine would be the NWT’s Watch report accused the RCMP to be in- fourth diamond mine, and would run its volved in the rape of Indigenous women, course for over a decade. and in a context where the Harper government is resisting the growing chorus of voices calling for a federal inquiry into the missing and murdered Indigenous women. Saskatchewan lawsuit suing governments for “ethnocide” in day schools

3. Next week we will learn more about the Google and the Internets...

A class-action lawsuit representing former students of the Red Pheasant Day School south of North Battleford, Saskatchewan is bringing attention to the fact that their abuses were

The Gahcho Kué mine would empty most of Kennedy Lake to get at the diamonds.



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Defending Herself: Theresa “Toad” Jamieson faces court date Toad states, in reference to McHale’s actions, “Do you know about our law? Do you know that once you pass front line (on Kanonhstaton), our law, the Great Law of Peace applies?” Since 2006, hun-

dreds of thousands of dollars from Canadian taxpayers have gone in towards policing and court costs for McHale’s actions which have resulted in criminalizing several Onkwehon:we women, such as Toad.



by Laura Lepper SIX NATIONS

Theresa “Toad” Jamieson faces the latest instalment of her continuing trial on Wednesday, August 28th at 10am, at the Cayuga courthouse. The charges against Jamieson stem from an incident on February 18, 2012, after Gary McHale and

his supporters walked onto the reclaimed land of Kanonhstaton with a group of OPP officers. Toad has been defending Onkwehon:we land rights at Kanonhstaton ever since the land was reclaimed by Six Nations in February of 2006. Large numbers of Native and non-Native supporters

have rallied and filled the courthouse each time Toad has been in court. At the height of this winter’s Idle No More movement, a round dance with some 90 supporters took place during one of her court dates and sent a strong message that a successful fight for the land requires

the lasting support of Native women land defenders. Toad is defending herself in court, asserting that the Canadian justice system violates both the Two Row Wampum treaty and the rightful law - the Great Law of Peace - of the land on which the courthouse stands.

negative way so that he can say in court that our people are harassing and bullying him while he’s actually doing that to us.” Six Nations land defender Theresa “Toad” Jamieson is in court this week to deal with charges stemming from a February 18th, 2012 incursion by Ji’dawis and his supporters. Ji’dawis has long claimed that police and the government give special treatment to

Onkwehon:we people by not allowing “white” people like himself to spend quality time at Kanonhstaton. However, Ogehso:t stated that “we’re not saying that white people aren’t allowed at our site, because we have people of all different races coming to our site every week for potluck dinners. All people are welcome as long as they come with a good mind and act in the spirit of peace and friendship.”

Yako’nikonhri:yo, another Onkwehon:we woman who was present for Ji’dawis’s latest protest added “He’s not coming to seek information or for the purposes of visiting with us. He has a very contentious and negative energy about him. While we don’t really know what his intentions are, we can only try to counteract his presence by acting in a peaceful way.”

Ji’dawis continues to seek attention

by Ro’nikonhrowa:nen

SIX NATIONS Ji’dawis, a well known attention seeker who has made his name by regularly bothering both Caledonia residents and members of the Six Nations community, returned to Kanonhstaton on Monday, August 26th for an impromptu protest. Ji’dawis and a handful of his supporters milled about at the front entrance of Kanonhstaton seeking to provoke a reaction from Onkwehon:we land defenders living at the site. It was not immediately clear to observers what Ji’dawis was doing at the site, since it has been a quiet and uneventful space all summer. According to Ogehso:t, an Onkwehon:we grandmother who was on the scene observing matters, “Ji’dawis is trying to get people to respond to him in a




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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Brantford fire victims reach out to Six Nations for help

By Jim Windle BRANTFORD A Brantford resident is calls out to Six Nations for help on behalf of her neighbours after a fire on Helen Ave. displaced 16 families, many with young children, last week, just before school is about to start. Suzan Alvernaz and her son Nicholas live in the stricken building but were not affected buy it personally. But many of her neighbours were and she wants to help. In the wee hours of Friday, August 16th, at around 1 am, a intentionally started fire destroyed the entire fifth floor of her apartment block and damaged others above and below. It’s been almost two weeks since residents of the Graham Bell Apartments located at 28 Helen Ave., in Brantford, were evacuated and they still can not return to their homes. The apartment block has been the target of an arsonist or arsonists as many as five times over the past 30 days, according to one resident. But this was, by far, the most dangerous. It could easily have taken several lives if not for the quick action of Brantford Fire fighters and residents themselves who helped evacuate the burning building. The fifth floor was completely destroyed and water and smoke damage was evident on the fourth and sixth floors. Luckily, a resident out late walking his dog that morning happened to glanced back towards the apartment block and noticed fire on the fifth floor. He quickly returned to the building and pull the fire alarm which could easily have

saved many lives. According to eyewitnesses, many fifth floor residents, some with small children, tried to escape their apartments, but were stopped by a thick wall of smoke in the hallway and instead went to their balconies and called for help as firefighters arrived. In total, 16 apartments were destroyed or seriously damaged. The fire was contained to the fifth floor and all residents got out with their lives, although 12 were sent to Brantford General Hospital with smoke inhalation and later released. But there is more to this story that some residents are becoming quite impatient with, and who can blame them? On August 16th, a similar early morning series of fires had Brantford Firefighters at the same apartment building to deal with ceiling tiles deliberately set ablaze near the garbage shoots of third and sixth floors, along with the contents of a garbage bin in the basement. On August 1st, police were alerted to a pile of papers in the elevator which had been set afire but burned out without damage to the elevator or the building. Police are investigating these incidents but have not revealed if they have anyone in custody for any of the fires they describe as “suspicious”. Residents of the building say, off the record, that a couch that was in the hallway was pushed in front of the elevator and set on fire using some form of excellent which was

Susan Alvernaz and her son Nick have been tenants at 28 Helen Ave in Brantford since 1999 and know many of those families that have been displaced following an arson attack on their apartment block two weeks ago, which engulfed the entire fifth floor seriously damaging 17 apartments. Due to the ongoing investigation, her neighbours from that floor can not get back into their apartments. Police and the Fire Marshel have closed off the entire floor and placed security guards to ensure no one gets in. These people are no without a home, and have only have what was on their back when evacuated from the building. The Alvernaz’s are collecting clothes and other household goods for these people and is seeking help from the Six Nations community. (Photo by Jim Windle)

also spread down the hallway of the entire floor. When firefighters arrived, they encountered a thick wall of black smoke which filled the fifth floor hallway from ceiling to floor. Many residents remained on their balconies while the fire was put out after about an hour, and the hallways cleared of smoke. But they were ordered to leave and were put up for a few days in area hotels. Others went to stay with friends or relatives. As of Monday morning, however, the entire fifth floor was still locked up and security guards put in place to disallow anyone from entering the floor. Residents of all other floors could return, but the fifth floor was still totally off limits. Some residents have be-

come so intimidated by the rash of arsons in the building that they have either moved out or intend to move just as soon as they are allowed back into their homes to assess the damage. Suzan Alvernaz and her son have lived in the building since 1999 and know many of their neighbours, especially those who like them, have been in the Helen Street block for years. “It’s like a community here,” she says. “People have come and gone, but those who have been here for a while feel a part of it.” She said she has felt heartbroken for her neighbours, some with small children and animals, who suddenly have found themselves with nowhere to live and no possessions.

“I’ve never done anything like this before,” she told the Two Row Times. “But I just felt I had to do something. They can’t get back into their apartments to see how much damage was done to their personal possessions and how much they will have to replace.” Especially with back-toschool only days away, many of the children affected only have the clothes and whatever items they had with them when they were evacuated from their apartments and had their leases canceled. “Some probably left their wallets or purses and any money they may have had,” adds Nicholas. “The management company was told after the last fires that for under $10,000 they could have inContinued on page 7



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Chiefs recite the Great Law at Oneida of the Thames by Thohahoken



LAMBETH, ON - Over 300 delegates from Quebec, Ontario, New York State, and Wisconsin attended the recital of the Rotinohsionni master narrative called the Kayanerensherakowa or the Great Law of Peace at Oneida of the Thames from August 14 to 18 near London, Ontario. The Great Law describes the foundations of the Wisk Nihohnohnwhentsyake or what has been called the League of the Five Nations—the model used for the international League of Nations. The recital of the Laws was conducted in Onkwehonweneha by Bob Brown, an Oneida, assisted by Mohawk elder Tom Porter, who translated the narration into English. Other speakers included Leroy Hill from Ohsweken, and Richard Mitchell from Akhwesahsne. The recital began with a tobacco burning ceremony on Tuesday, August 13 that was followed by a workshop and discussion on decolonizing Onkwehonwe Indigenous knowledge and governance. The actual recital began on August 14 with sessions that lasted from 9 am until 1 pm daily. The final session on Sunday August 18 lasted until 4 pm. The first three days of the Great Law recital focused on the master narrative, the retelling of the formation of the League, the role of Tekanawite and his encounters with a variety of figures in league history such as the Tsi Konsase, the Handsome Cannibal, the sorcerer Atotarho, and the Mohawk warlords Ayonwatha, Tekarihoken, and Tsatekariwate. Also described was how the Oneidas, Cayugas, and Senecas joined the League. The League was formed by 12 founding member families: the three Mohawk turtle families Ayonwatha, Tekarihoken, and Tsatekariwate; three

Oneida wolf families Rotatshete, Kanakweyoten, and Teyonhakwen’n; three Cayuga families Teyonhtharekwen, Teyonh’hyoronkwen, and Wennenhs; the Onondaga family of Atotarho; the two Seneca families of and Skanyatariyo Satekaronyes. The Small Condolence (Wiping of the Tears) conducted on Friday was an important part of the Great Law recitals attended by many of the old League families – by tradition Great Law families holding titles may renew their duties because that is when all the laws are read. The final two days focused on protocols followed by the chiefs in their duties with some attention paid to the conducting of the Grand Council. A short presentation also

described the Large Condolence ceremony candidates when are presented to the League from each of the Wisk Nihohnohnwhentsyake Indigenous peoples. The chiefs’ roles was the major focus for this Great Law, with only short attention paid to the central role of the Mothers, and the power of the Peoples’ fires. Presenters noted that they were doing the best they could in the short time they had for the recital. Historically, the Great Law recital is held over seven to nine days. Two days feature the retelling of the Creation narrative, the arrival of the dark times ruled by warlord-sorcerer chiefs, and Tekanawite’s mission. This narrative is followed by a description of the roles, duties,

and responsibilities of the chiefs and councils over the next two days. The roles of the Mothers, and the various roles of individuals tending to the dayto-day affairs of the People, are described for another two days. The final days are spent describing the rights and freedoms of the People, and how they could protect themselves from threats to their peace. The last session reviews the week and outlined Rotinohsionni development through Kanonwheratonhshera, Kayanerensherakowa, Kariwiyo, and lastly the revitalization of onkwehonweneha during the last days called Kakaratsikowa. Another recital has been tentatively schedule for Syracuse, NY in 2014.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

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