Serving the Dish with One Spoon Territory - Great Lakes Region
The Annual Traditional Pow Wow and Native Harvest Festival held at the London Museum of Ontario Archaeology over the past weekend attracted thousands. Organizers wisely used the opportunity to educate non-Native visitors to many of the traditional ways of the Indigenous people of Ontario with a series of workshops, teaching seminars, and hands on learning experiences. Oh, and of course, lots of fun and entertaining traditional dancing and singing. See page 2 for more. (Photo by Jim Windle)
Pow Wow bring thousands to Archaeological Site By Jim Windle and Nahnda Garlow
Gavin Summers of Oneida performs and exhibition of the Smoke Dance for hundreds of Pow Wow goers in London this past weekend. (Photo by Jim Windle)
Donna Noah and Melanie Nicholas-Snat of the Munsee-Delaware Nation take a few shots at the archery range. (Photo by Jim Windle)
LONDON, ON - The Museum of Ontario Archaeology hosted its 5th Annual Harvest Festival and Pow Wow over this past weekend at Attawandaron Park in London. Enjoying perfect weather conditions, the two day festival brought over 2500 drummers, dancers and spectators together from all across Ontario to gather and celebrate. The Pow Wow was held at the Lawson Archaeological site, a historical Neutral Iroquoian village with a reconstructed longhouse and palisade. Archaeological digs have revealed a large Neutral Indian village site of between 4-5 acres which was once home for 1,000 people in the early 1500’s. Western University, McMaster University and the Museum work together through Sustainable Archaeology, a joint research facility whose focus is on digitization of archaeological collections and using those digital images to create virtual environments. “We have a virtual reconstruction of the Lawson site,” says Museum Director Joan Kanigan. “As we digitize more artifacts and get more information into the digital environment we may be able to stand outside, smell the grass, feel the breeze and have 3D goggles on where you are actually looking at a digital recreation of what it may have looked like.”
The event included work shops where the art of hand drum making was demonstrated by Ro’nikonkatste (Bill Hill), a Mohawk of the Bear Clan. He also conducted an interactive Hand Drumming workshop. The Museum also opened a traveling exhibition from the Royal Ontario Museum as part of the festival. O’h ya’h Ohdiwenagoh: Through the Voices of Beads brings together 20 pieces from the Royal Ontario Museum’s collection, as well as some pieces that the Ontario Museum of Archaeology has in their archaeological inventory as well. It also features works created by Cayuga artist Sam Thomas. “The exhibit really looks at the art and some of the history around beadwork as an artistic medium and as a way of sharing and telling stories and ideas,” says Kanigan. The exhibit gives detailed descriptions of the materials used and the stories behind the symbolism chosen by the artists. A movie entitled “Not a Good Day to Die” about motivational speaker Bossy Ducharme, an Anishnawbe from Manitoba showed at the Museum Theatre. The movie depicts Ducharme’s personal jouney through depression, addiction and thoughts of suicide, towards a reawakening of his “Anishnawbe Warrior” self and the changing of his entire life. He was also on hand to answer questions and to talk with
people with works of encouragement and peace. His inspirational story, and vision for a happier, healthier future, was presented in a manner that appeals to all ages, cultures and beliefs. Elijah Hill of the Mohawk Nation spoke on the four Medicines teaching and on Cedar Tea. The entire event was designed to be interactive with many more workshops for visitors to hear and experience for all ages, including a Hip Hop Workshop conducted by O.N.E. Dance Studios in London. Visitors had an opportunity to participate in various traditional workshops around the site, such as hide tanning and flint cutting. Powwow organizers Dennis White Eye and Gordon Nicotine Sands brought a narrative flow as emcee’s to the protocol and events of the pow wow over the course of the weekend. This is important to Museum Director Joan Kanigan. She shares, “We’re trying to create opportunities for people to learn and share more common understanding. As soon as you start to understand people you just break down barriers and make stronger communities.”
Friday 13th brings brisk business to New Credit
Riders from across Ontario stop at the New Credit Plaza for gas, coffee and maybe a cigar before they get to Port Dover for Friday 13th. (Photo by Jim Windle) By Jim Windle NEW CREDIT - The weather was not ideal, but an estimated 30,000 bikers from throughout Ontario and upstate New York braved the cool and wet weather to make it to the motorcycle pilgrimage at Port Dover known as Friday the 13th. The biggest biker gathering in Canada evolved from a private party held by Chris Simon on Nov. 13th, 1981, more than three decades ago. Friends invited friends each year until the Friday 13th event evolved into what it is today. Through the subsequent years, Port Dover has become the place to be on Friday 13th, for serious bikers and weekend warriors alike, no matter which month that may fall on — sometimes twice a year. At one time members
of the Hells Angels and the Outlaws would converge in large numbers. Although rival gangs, they would set their compounds far apart to lessen the possibility of violence and they stayed pretty well to themselves. In its many years, there has never been a serious outbreak of violence despite the large amounts of beer tavern owners report selling. There was certainly a lot of police presence around, as usual, but everything was peaceful and friendly and there were no major incidents to ruin the party. It’s the participation that counts. The majority of bikers simply come to show their machines, buy a Friday 13th t-shirt, maybe have a beer and turn around and go home. But there still remain a good number of overnighters who stay till the last Har-
ley is revved. Either way you slice it, Port Dover’s Friday 13th has taken on a life of its own with shopkeepers, who were once leery about all those motorcycles and leather jackets coming to their quiet little resort town. But now, they welcome the riders with specially made Friday 13th memorabilia to sell and invite the visitors into their shops where they can buy other things too. Six Nations’ own rider Rob Carpenter came on a poker run with his motorcycle club and was riding his Harley Davidson Elite Deluxe. “It is a mixture between a Fatboy and a Heritage Classic” said Carpenter. “It’s more camaraderie than anything. Its just a good reason to get together.” says Carpenter. “We have people from all over; Chatham, Windsor.
A steady flow of motorcycles went through the gas pumps at the New Credit Plaza on Friday 13th. Some stayed to stretch out their legs a little while others rolled back out onto Highway #6 headed for Port Dover. (Photo by Jim Windle) It’s always a good time.” Rob Shirk from Hamilton has been coming for the past 12 years and says he will not miss it. “I come to ‘em all,” he said while sipping a Country Style coffee in the New Credit Plaza. “This is a good stop over spot here where we can get gassed up and have a bit of a break.” He certainly wasn’t alone in his assessment. Thousands of bikes of all sizes, colours, shapes and brand names filled the parking lot all day from the early morning and into the evening with day-trippers coming back down Highway #6 from Dover on their way home. The next Friday 13th of 2013 will be in December, but even then, the cold weather will not detour the faithful in their pilgrimage to motorcycle Mecca.
Stephanie Martin and Emmi Donaldson serve up the java for thousands of visiting bikers as they stop in for gas and a coffee at the Country Style Coffee and Bestro located at the New Credit Plaza on their way to Port Dover for Friday 13th. (Photo by Jim Windle)
National Grid Continues Akwesasne electrical shutoffs by Charles Kader AKWESASNE - The National Grid electrical utility company is advertising new dates for Akwesasne community members to set up payment arrangements to avoid termination of their electrical service. Customer outreach sessions are being held at the Kateri Hall, located on Route 37, near the Four Corners intersection in Hogansburg. An advertisement was taken out by National Grid in Akwesasne publications pertaining to the ongoing field collections for all customers that have received a termination notice. The ad states: “Tribal members that have any past due balances with National Grid are encouraged to contact them to set up payment arrangements to avoid termination of their electrical service.” The National Grid Consumer Advocate Team may be reached at 1-800-443-1837 Monday through Friday from 7AM to 9PM and Saturdays from 7AM to 5PM. The customer service department assists low income
and special needs customers. Generator sales in surrounding communities have been reported as higher than seasonal averages as Akwesasne residents scrambled to compensate the loss of electrical service after National Grid allowed billing statements and accounts receivable collections to commonly exceed amounts of $10,000. Certain Akwesasne community members expressed outrage at the loss of power, both at the scene of the shutoffs as well as at a special meeting held at the St. Regis Tribe office. In an unrelated event to these meetings, criminal charges were pressed against St. Lawrence County residents involving National Grid field collection efforts there, as electrical service was discontinued over past due accounts. Edward Charleson of Winthrop, New York was charged with second degree harassment in an incident which took place in Buckton on September 4, 2013 involving a National Grid employee. Two other members of the Charleson family were also charged
with menacing, and four arrests in total were made from the incident. The individuals who were charged reportedly came out of the residence where electrical service was being disconnected and threatened the National Grid worker, in addition to responding New York State troopers. The outstanding balance of the residential bill exceeded $10,000 according to published reports. The increased National Grid collection efforts in Akwesasne are a change from past practice that saw more than 20% of Akwesasne residents receiving service from National Grid without making regular payments or having received disconnection notices, according to findings by the St. Regis Tribe while researching their own electrical utility operation to replace National Grid as an energy supplier. National Grid at that time planned to turn over all delinquent electrical utility accounts to the new electrical network system owners, had the plan gone ahead. A referendum held on the issue was passed by tribal voters in 2009.
Akwesasne Pow Wow 2013 wrap-up by Charles Kader AKWESASNE: The 13th Annual Akwesasne Pow Wow was held September 7 and 8, 2013 on Kawehnoke (Cornwall Island). Event organizers declared the event a success. The Remesha Drum Group, from Burundi, opened the cultural exchange celebration with a performance of dance and song. Pow Wow participants and visitors came from as far away as British Columbia and Prince Edward Island, as well as Europe. Categories for dance competition included: Girls Traditional, Girls Jingle, Girls Smoke, Boys
Traditional, Boys Grass, Boys Fancy, Boys Smoke, Teen Women’s Traditional, Teen Women’s Jingle, Teen Women’s Fancy, Teen Women’s Smoke, Teen Men’s Traditional, Teen Men’s Grass, Teen Men’s Fancy, teen men’s Smoke, Women’s Traditional, Women’s Jingle, Women’s Fancy, Women’s Smoke, Men’s Traditional, Men’s Grass, Men’s Fancy, men’s Smoke, Women Golden Age, Men’s Golden Age, Women’s Golden Smoke, Men’s Golden Smoke, Drums. A complete listing of participants and category winners is available at http://goo.gl/qM42rI
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Wendat Nation buries Neil Young calls Fort remains of 1,760 ancestors McMurray a “wasteland” By Steve Da Silva
Any people would be horrified to think of the remains of their ancestors totalling a large part of their nation to have been stolen from their graves and boxed up in a university basement for decades. So, one can only imagine the relief felt by the Wendat people this past week when the remains of 1,760 of their ancestors were repatriated to a Wendake burial site, returned by the University of Toronto after four tense years of negotiations. The Wendat Confederacy – made up of the Bear, Deer Cord, and Rock nations, from west to east – resided in their longhouse communities in their ancestral homelands just southeast of Georgian
Bay, until the diseases, warfare, and intrigues brought by French merchants and Jesuit priests in the middle decades of the 17th century decimated their peoples. Between 1634-1640 alone, 30,000 Wendat were killed. The trading, military alliances, and religious influences of the French split the Wendat and also severely aggravated wars with their fellow Iroquois-speaking cousins to the south, the Haudenosaunee. The Catholicized part of the nation fled to Quebec with the French in 1648, with their descendants making up the Huron-Wendat Nation of today at Wendake, Quebec; while others merged and migrated south with the Tionontaté (‘Petun’/’To-
bacco’) Nation to become the Wyandot. The remains were buried last week near Vaughan, Ontario, at the site of one of the larger ‘digs’ from which Wendat bones were previously grave-robbed. Negotiations over the Onkwehon:we remains also included the Mississaugas of Scugog, the Kawartha Anishnabe and Six Nations of the Grand River. The remains were mostly of the Wendat nation, but also included the remains of several hundred ancestors of the Attiwandaronk (‘Neutral’) nation – an Iroquois-speaking people whose ancestral territories were once on the Niagara peninsula.
By Jim Windle WASHINGTON - Wearing his signature crumpled hat and a green “Go Family Farms” T-shirt, Canadian rock legend Neil Young raised some eyebrows in Washington last week when he told the American press that Fort McMurray, one of the communities directly affected by the oil sands project, looks like Hiroshima. “When we got to Alberta we headed north and kept going north until we reached Fort McMurray, where we get much of the oil we are using here,” said Young. They call it “ethical oil” because it doesn’t come from Saudi Arabia or some country we are at war with. “The point is, Fort McMurray looks like Hiroshima. Fort McMurray is a wasteland.”
Young has never been afraid to call out politicians or in this case big oil when he gets a chance to. In the late 1960’s, he wrote and recorded the song called “Southern Man”, which criticized the racism of the American south during those days. It was in response to that song that Lynard Skynard wrote and recorded “Sweet Home Alabama”, which contains the lyric, “I hope Mr. Young will remember. A southern man don’t need him around anyhow.” During a reunion tour of Crosby Stills Nash and Young, the band came under heavy criticism for his blistering lyrics against then, president George W Bush. “The Indians, the Native people up there are dying,” Young went on. “There is fumes every-
where. You can smell it when you get to town. The closest place to Fort McMurray to where they are doing the oils sands work, is 25 to 30 miles out of town, and you can taste it. People are sick. People are dying of cancer because of this.” He then put out a plea on behalf of the Indigenous communities being pushed aside by the big oil companies with the blessing of the Harper government. “The Native people up there are threatened by this,” he said. “Their food supply is wasted. Their Treaties are no good. They have a right to live off the land like they always did. But there is no land left that they can live on. All the animals are dying. This is truly a disaster.”
Volume 1, Issue 5 657 Mohawk Road Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, Ontario, N0A 1H0 Publisher: Garlow Media Founder: Jonathan Garlow General Manager: Tom Keefer Senior Writer: Jim Windle Production: Dave Laforce Advertising Director: Marshall Lank Web Manager: Benjamin Doolittle Social Media: Dylan Powell IT: Christopher MacNaughton Editors: Jonathan Garlow & Tom Keefer
Contact Information: Main office: (519) 900-5535 Editorial: (519) 900-6241 Advertising: (519) 900-6373 ads@tworowtimes.com tworowtimes@gmail.com www.tworowtimes.com
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EDITORIAL: Jonathan Garlow
Should Have Fought Harder I am a terrible marksman, but I am passionate about hunting. Last year I shot a young doe and was excited to provide meat for my family that was free from steroids and other chemical additives. I was hunting with my buddy Hawk who also got two deers and he usually helps me hang the deer up a tree and skin it. I’ve learned to butcher the meat myself through his teachings and we try to get a few oskenón:ton each year. It is our code of honour to help each other process the meat and then split it up amongst those who took part in the hunt. When it came time to skin and butcher the three deer I was struggling with strep throat and I had a fever that left me very weak in bed. Hawk called wondering where I was, but I had to tell him that I couldn’t make it. It wasn’t a matter of character, I was just physically unable to get out of bed. I hope that history doesn’t remember my actions as just lazy or weak willed. In the end the work got done without me and a few days later 50 lbs. of meat was dropped off in plastic bags that I put in the freezer and my family ate. I appreciated it very much and still think of it from time to time. Last week when sifting through internet stories for my column I came across a picture of a Hollywood Indian with these words written on it: “Native Americans: Should have fought harder, you pussies”. It was obviously meant to insult and troll people in that special internet style. I think this meme captures a convenient worldview that permeates North American consciousness: that the “Indians” lost the war and then lost their land. The question I would ask is “What war in particular did we lose?” It is also worth identifying the specific “Indians” because there are at least 630 different groups of them in the lands now known as Canada. Before the treaty relationship between England and the Haudenosaunee was defined in 1677 the colonial authorities assessed the combined military strength of the eastern indigenous nations and concluded that defeating the Haudenosaunee in war was impossible. Not only was their numbers too large but the heavily forested
Appalachians were too foreign and hostile. It was in the best interests for England to make treaties with the sovereign nations of this land to secure a relationship so that other European countries such as France and Spain would not enter the picture and complicate matters. What happened next set the stage for the contemporary political situation here at Ouse, Grand River. A horrible smallpox epidemic of catastrophic proportions swept like wildfire across North America. Historian and Anthropologist Dr. Henry F. Dobyns concluded that 80-100 million indigenous peoples died to diseases introduced by the Europeans – thereby reducing the human population of planet earth by 20%. Nine out of ten people died in every household creating an ‘endtimes’ scenario for the Haudenosaunee. By the 18th century the honeymoon stage was over and the relationship between the Haudenosaunee and England was completely deteriorated. Land seemed free for the taking and the previously invincible eastern nations who once influenced lives from Manhattan to the Mississippi were too weak to respond to the squatters who were stealing their land and resources. In light of these facts it becomes apparent that the war we supposedly lost has in fact only just begun. It is not one involving muskets and tomahawks but the deadly stroke of the pen. It is a war over identity and definition. It is a war over history and popular opinion. It is a war of the mind. After 300 years of anguish it seems that we have made it through the ‘bottle-neck’ of adversity and if we were going to be extinguished or exterminated it would of happened by now. I expect to see prophecies fulfilled as a resurgent flood of indigenous language, culture and repopulation touches our colonial guests, Canada and the United States. The English immigrants didn’t bring us venison while we were sick. Instead they took advantage of our weakness for their own gain. But if justice can be implemented there is hope that our two people groups can reconcile our relationship and begin living together in harmony the way we were meant to.
Short Hills Should Be a Lesson in Settler Animal Advocacy In January of 2013 a proposed traditional hunt at the site of the Short Hills Provincial Park in Thorold, Ontario dominated local news headlines in Niagara. That initial coverage said little about treaty rights and amplified the voices of a vocal minority in the area who called the hunt “illegal” and who opposed it on diverse ethical rounds. “When the hunt took place some members of the local animal advocacy community found themselves in the awkward position of standing alongside members of the settler (non-native) hunting community united in their opposition to the Traditional Haudenosaunee deer hunt taking place. Many of the groups involved had not organized any animal-rights demonstrations in the community for years but they were on hand for the weekend as Haudenosaunee hunters, endorsed by the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, killed 4 deer
in the Short Hills. Other sections of the animal advocacy community spoke out against protest of the hunt and urged animal advocates to make the focus about respecting treaty rights. Statements along these lines were released by the Niagara Animal Defense League, Hamilton/Halton Animal Liberation Team and the Grassroots Ontario Animal Liberation Network which urged settler animal advocates to educate themselves on treaty rights and to respect the autonomy and sovereignty of Onkwehon:we nations and peoples. Local organizations also joined together in February of this year to march a giant Two Row Wampum flag through downtown St. Catharines in response to what they saw as racist and colonial mentalities at play in opposing the hunt. The issue is back again as another proposed hunt is coming at the end of this year. Those same voices from before
are again organizing - this time under the banner of the Shorthills Wildlife Alliance. Again, their understanding of treaty rights is flawed, and exaggerated claims dominate local news media. The campaign is short sighted in so many ways. Since this last hunt hundreds of thousands of animals have died at various industrial slaughterhouses across the Niagara Region a point which no animal advocacy group in Niagara has organized against. The Provincial Park itself was only made possible through practices of land theft and genocide. Even the most basic analysis of our society should make settler animal advocates realize that it is our dominant industrial society that poses the largest threat to domesticated farmed animals, wildlife and the destruction of habitat. Why then is one section of that community focusing their efforts squarely on this traditional deer hunt - which
As part of our coverage of the Six Nations Rebels triumphant return to Six Nations with the Founders Cup, we inadvertently labeled this picture as Wray Maracle holding his new son – the baby in fact was Wray’s grandson Jesse Wray Maracle. We apologize for any confusion. In our September 4th issue we ran a letter to the editor by Blanch Hill-Easton on the topic of white corn shortages in Six Nations. Hill-Easton erroneously referred the passing of respected farmer and elder Wilfred Jamieson who grew corn into his 90s. We are happy to report that Wilfred Jamieson is alive and well and regret that we published incorrect information.
is clearly protected by treaties? I’ll leave that for the reader to decide. Last week I wrote a story about the Coastal First Nations campaign to protect Bears in the Great Bear Rainforest in the Two Row Times. That initiative has gotten widespread support from the settler animal advocacy community. Those initiatives are easy to support. It is where we stand on issues where we diverge that truly tests
our politics and our role as allies. Treaty rights need to be respected, especially when they are inconvenient or distasteful to settler society. Short Hills should serve as a lesson to animal advocates to broaden their political vision and understand the role settler colonialism plays not only in shaping the land, but also in shaping their advocacy for animals.
Dylan Powell is a community organizer from St. Catharines, On. Born and raised in Port Maitland, On the Haldimand Tract and at the mouth of the Grand River, he is committed to the Two Row Wampum as a political reality. Dylan will be covering animal advocacy issues and how they intersect with the Onkwehon:we interets for the Two Row Times.
Full Newspaper available online at www.tworowtimes.com
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Rule of Law or Rule of Lawyers? We often hear from the righteous voices of the U.S. and Canada when looking at countries and peoples they view as inferior, that the “rule of law” must prevail in these “developing” nations. “Developing”…? Excuse me! Forget the fact the U.S. and Canada have no culture or even a language of their own and barely a history, for that matter, compared to other peoples of the world. But what does “rule of law” even mean? When the upstart British colonists became dissatisfied with their “mother country,” they set about trying to create something new and distinct from European monarchies — new to them anyway. There is much talk of “democracy” these days, but having male dominant aristocracies is a hard habit to break especially when it’s all you’ve known for several centuries. In the view of the “founding fathers,” democracy would empower the ignorant and the uninformed. They believed everyone should have rights. However, there was an important caveat: that “power” needed to be in the hands of the “capable.” The U.S. did not form a democracy. It was a republic. The distinction
between the two comes down to two concepts. The first is where sovereignty is vested. In a republic sovereignty is a birthright. It is vested in the individual; and the sovereignty of a nation comes from the people collectively. In a democracy it is the state that is the sovereign although it is an authority held by the collective of the people. The second thing that separates a democracy from a republic is the notion that the foundation of law or a constitution for a republic is natural law. That is to say that certain rights are inherent and unalienable. In a true democracy all laws are subject to majority (mob) rule. Both these ideas incorporated in the concept of a republic came from the Haudenosaunee. Sovereignty as a birthright, the understanding that creation is the ultimate power, and that any and all constructs of man are bound to that power, is the essence of our opening address, the Ohentonkariwatehkwa. So when the words, “rule of law” are uttered, I say: hell yeah, agreed, no problem - as long as we are talking laws of nature and not the laws of men imposed on others without consent. Seemingly, the en-
tire world has forgotten the distinction of natural law from man’s law. Laws do not solve conflict. Even nature’s laws don’t do this - ask the next dinosaur you see how that worked out for them. Law, by court or certainly by lawyers, cannot resolve conflict. No one has ever successfully challenged nature in court. They have used courts to defy it but nature, like us, does not recognize that jurisdiction. Man’s law, on the other hand, is supposed to be based on the establishment of legitimate authority at the foundation of every piece of legislation and should lay out everything from jurisdiction to the legislative intent to constitutionality and basic rightness. It fails on much of this. Now the biggest problem with this concept of “rule of (man’s) law” is that, unlike nature, we abandon diplomacy and negotiation and basic harmony for court rulings — i.e. winners and losers. And again, unlike in nature, there are flaws in much of the foundation of man’s law. As I sit here today striking these computer keys and pondering all of this, I insist that there still does not exist any proper legal foundation for the subjugation
of Native people to U.S. or Canadian law. And I would imagine the same could be said for many other peoples oppressed by colonial powers. The reality is there was no transfer of our sovereignty, no surrender agreement, no “treaty” asking to join the “club,” no referendum, and certainly no consent to genocide or assimilation. The U.S. and Canada cannot legislate our sovereignty away and their courts and judges cannot just rule it away. By definition the sovereignty of one people is outside the jurisdiction of another. While I do believe the United Nations should do more than ap-
– John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk, a national commentator on Native American issues, hosts “Let’s Talk Native… with John Kane,” WWKB-AM 1520 in Buffalo, Sundays, 9-11 p.m. He is a frequent guest on WGRZ-TV’s (NBC/ Buffalo) “2 Sides” and “The Capitol Pressroom with Susan Arbetter” in Albany. prove a “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,” I don’t believe the U.N. should be the final arbitrator of any justice. No individual or no organization should have this role - or this right. We must return to an era of diplomacy and statesmanship. A civilized society needs to have honest and meaningful dialogue to resolve conflicts. It should not be based on might
makes right but, rather, on right makes right. Statesmanship and compromise need to be held higher than court precedents and religious dogma. Lawyers and lobbyists playing word games with man-made laws to screw the less fortunate, the environment and future generations need to be thrown off the table and conflicts need to looked as things to resolve - not as contests to win.
Growing Thick Skin by Nahnda Garlow The morning of my double mastectomy the sun was shining. It was a beautiful morning and the summer sun was reflecting off the dewy grass, glistening across Hamilton mountain. I waited for that day anxiously after my doctor confirmed Ductal Carcinoma In Situ was growing in my right breast. A panel of experts at McMaster who studied my case recommended I have the radical procedure right away. The surgery took about three or four hours. After I woke up and gathered my mind total pain hit me. Every breath felt like I was being crushed. What remained of the day was a balancing act between morphine, sleep, and in-
coherent ramblings to my family about little blue popcorn men wearing numbers. Later that night, a group of nurses came to my room to help me start moving around. They lifted me up, and as I took my first few steps I hit a wall of physical pain that was so significant I fainted. There is no comparison to the amount of pain I felt in the hospital that night. There are no words to describe it. After four days I was allowed to go home. Yet, pain was with me. At the start I was unable to lift a drink to my lips because of the pain. Things like sneezing were excruciating. I couldn’t lay flat, so for six weeks I slept sitting up. The next six months pain was a part of my daily life. Three surgeries and
a year and a half later the process is nearly complete and pain is finally behind me. What remains are two scars across my chest, twelve inches on the left side and ten inches on the right. It is dark and the skin
does it actually take to make thick skin like that? In the literal sense, my thick scars brought me through a long journey of pain, pressure, and healing. Is it the same true for a leader of the people?
around my scars feels thick and tough. In the Confederacy there is a nugget of wisdom. ‘They say’ the chiefs need to have skin “seven spans thick”. I wondered, what
It is a natural human response to flee from pain for fear of destruction. Growing thick skin however, requires you to face pain head on. You have to endure
Growing thick skin however, requires you to face pain head on. You have to endure it.
it. Eventu-ally destruction and defeat become disarmed, and their power – void. Life comes into perspective and you become a survivor. At the beginning you carry a delicate wound, but after you have healed the process is complete. Here, a tender love for the people grows because of what you have been through. Creating peace and beauty for them becomes so much more important than preserving yourself. Maybe it’s why so many survivors become involved in advocating awareness for their conditions. It’s the same responsibility you feel when holding a newborn in your arms. They are so much more delicate and fragile because they have never
suf fered, and they need our protection. Our grandfathers knew all this. A developing servant-leader won’t run away from the good fight or anticipate failure just because pain or opposition comes along. Ultimately the struggle works for good; building strength and sharpness to your character that nothing else can hone. While the journey is arduous, a servant-leader with skin seven spans thick, who carries a peaceful mind, endurance, no fear of pain, and love for the nations will bring people to their own victory, and transform a nation.
@tworowtimes @jonathangarlow
This poster was created by Shepard Fairey. Visit www.honorthetreaties.org to find out more about this campaign and to download other awesome graphic images.
Bargain’s Discount Tobacco Bear Paw Convenience Bear’s Inn Big 6 Gas & Convenience Big Moose Tobacco Bowhunter Convenience Burger Barn Burger Barn Express Cafe 54 Cayuga Convenience Cedar Tree Chiefswood Park Chiefswood Tobacco Community Living Dubbee’s Smoke Shop Earlind’s Restaurant ET’s Smoke shop Factory Direct Gord’s Laundry Grandview Variety Hank’s Place Herk’s Variety Hwy 54 gas & convenience Icky’s Variety IQ The Smart Shop Java Joe’s Jay’s Smoke Shop Just a bit Kool Kidz KT Country Style KT Tobacco Little Buffalo Little Tee’s Lonewolf 4th line Lonewolf Townline Lonewolf 54 Lovey’s Middleport Tobacco & Newstand Mohawk Convenience Nancy’s Variety New Credit Gas Bar New Credit Variety Oasis Variety & Gas Pharmasave Parkway Plaza Diner Red Indian Riverside Bait and Tackle Rj’s Smoke Shop Six Nations Bingo Hall Six Nations Tourism Smokers Haven Smoker’s Paradise Speedway Pitstop Styres Gas Bar Teepee’s Toby’s Gas Townline Variety Tri Creek Connections Village Café
Ancaster The Egg and I
BRANTFORD Downtown Coffee Culture Bodega Hotel Lobby Laurier Native Centre MPP Dave Levac office Brantford City Hall Williams Coffee Library Brantford Native Centre St Andrews Church clinic Brantford Jail Station House Café Total Convenience Husky Convenience
East Ward
Telly’s Maple Convenience Shanghai Rest Just Friends Coffee Echo Coin Laundry Hasty Mart Conv. On the Run ESSO Shoppers Drug Brantford Food Bank Asian Foods Convenience Loonie Toonie Quality Inn Calbecks Groceteria Native Housing Apts
East End
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North End
Native housing units Brantford Tourism Metro MP Phil McColeman Shoppers Drug Hasty Mart Euro Convenience Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre Brantford Native Housing Office Palace Sub Colborne St China King Buffet Canadian Tire Burrito Brothers Wilfred Laurier Campus Mohawk College Metro Freightliner and Truck Stop Carrier Truck Centre Cooperators on West
SOUTHERN HALDIMAND Burford Davis Fuels Foodland Burford Auto Service Pharma Save Godfathers Home Hardware
Travelodge #3 Best Western Target Variety & Pioneer Gas Daily Grind Staples Shoppers Drugmart Tim Horton’s The Brick Tommy’s Variety Food Basics New Orleans Pizza Max Discount Convienence Norfolk Inn Sobey’s White Horse Convenience White Horse Laundromat Tim Horton’s
e t u b i r t D i s with es im T wo
T w Ro
Esso Foods
Yins Chinese Restaurant Magic Mart Bradshaw Bogs Family Convience Foodland Swazzee’s
Port Dover
Mike’s NoFrills Esso Convenience BB Family Convenience Habour Pizza Tim Horton’s
Jarvis Mac’s Jarvis Foodmarket
Senior’s Centre
Hewitt’s Dairy Bar Coffeetime (New Credit) Hagersville Laundromat Mac’s Tim Horton’s Hagersville Restaurant South Coast Tattoo Godfather’s Pizza Pharma Save Cavandagh Pharmacy Kings Chinese Hagersville Convenience Pioneer Snack Express Buckwheats Hagersville Hospital Emergency Foodland No Frills Giant Tiger Lawson House Pub Submarine
Unlisted Zone
Al’s Smoke Shop Chiefswood Dawn’s Shell Gas
MID HALDIMAND Burlington Joseph Brant Museum
Fresh Start 40 Baker St. Lobby OPIRG Guelph Matrix Centre CMHC Resource Center 2 Quebec Street JT’s Wyndam St. Variety Ed’s Video Thomas Video Biggie’s Wimpy’s Lutherwood Dis-A-Ray Antiques Cornerstone Kit Kat Variety Shawarma Coco Latte 264 College Ave Townhouses 125 Cole Road Housing Co-op Tim Hortons (Stone Rd.) Scottsdale Public Library Stone Road Mall Food Court Williams Coffee Pub Metro Store 216 College Apartments
U of Guelph
Central Student’s Association Univeristy of Guelph University Ctr. CFRU - UofG Radio Guelph Resource Centre for Gender Empowerment and Diversity Cafe Royale Stone Store
Java Garden Sunnyhill Variety and Gas Bar Jovanny Pizza Tops Shawarma
Coffee Culture J & A’s Family Restorant Monigram Coffee Roasters Brown Dog Coffee Shoppe Melville Cafe Soaring Spirit Grand Cafe Cafe 13 Lutherwood Self Help Alliance
Red Tea Pot Fiddle and Firkin Pub City Cafe Bakery Argyle Arms Preston Chip Wagon Westiminster Abbey Pub
Cafe Pyrus CKMS Studio Eating Well Organically Different Strokes Dig Hut Full Circle Foods The Princess Cafe Queen Street Commons Rum Runner Pub UW - WPIRG UW - SLC Great Hall Wordsworth Books Anishinabeg Outreach & Employment Centre Be-Dah-Bin Gamik (Conestoga Aboriginal Services Centre) KW Bookstore Second Look Books UW - Waterloo Aboriginal Education Centre Weejeendimin Native Resource Centre WLU - Aboriginal Student Centre WLU - LSPIRG The Working Centre
Nokee Kwe Occupational Skill Development Inc B Back Pawn Broker Fanshawe College Southern Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre My Sisters Place Namerind Friendship Centre Education Coalition Ninham Law Office UWO Indigenous Student Services Museum of Archeology AIAI Atlohsa Family Healing Services Saps Sudz Laundry CSC
Oneida Nation
G & D Variety Grandpas Little Brown Varirty Store Little Arrows Smoke Shop Bevs Auto Repair & Tobacco Outlet Standing Stone Gas Bar Stand Alone Smokes Cig City Smoke Shop Stuck in the middle Mr. C Variety Little Brown Bear Smoke and Variety Store Oneida Family Healing Lodge Eagle Radio Station Notice Box Oneida Nation Administration Oneida Pride Convenience Oneida Ec Dev Employment & Training Ambrose Harvest Gold Elfs Restaurant Larrys Convenience Masons Convenience Smoke Shop Uncle Bob Smoke & Convenience
Chippewas Thames
Chippewas of the Thames Development Corporation Maitlands Gas & Variety The Store Bear Creek Gas Bar SOAHAC Chippewas of the Thames Admin Bear Creek Trust Chippewa Health & Mental Health Nimkee Chippewas Community Centre Chippewas Early Years Chippewas Education/School Clench Fraud Trust
Munsee Delaware Nation
Munsee-Delaware Paradise Bingo Munsee Delaware Admin KIIkii AEI Mnaasged Child & Family Indigenous Education & Environment Munsee Delaware Community Ctr.
Green Arrow Southern First Nations Secretariat Naahii Grocery Naahii Eatery Indigenous Educational Environment Centre
Kettle & Stoney Point
Chippewas of Kettle and Stoneypoint Admin Eagle Radio Station Lucky Seven Restaurant Two Eagle Video Smoke Shop Jors Video Shop
Sarnia Lambton Native Friendship Centre Chippewas of Sarnia Aamjiwnaang First Nation Aamjiwnaang Community and Youth Centre Aamjiwnaang Health Centre Petrocan Gas & Variety
Walpole Island
Walpole Island Admin Papas Place Coffee Shop Thunderbird Plaza Big Daddys Pizza Thunderbird Plaza Pit Stop Variety Thunderbird Plaza
Can-Am Friendship Centre
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Buffalo Burning Books Native American Community Services NASO Buff State
Iroquois Smoke Shop Mikey G’s Smoke Shop Sprague’s General Store Crossroads Root’s Cafe Seneca Nation Clinic (waiting area) Seneca Nation Library Wolf’s Run Cattaraugus Community Center Adlai’s Seneca One Stop First American Tobacco Catt-Rez Native Pride Keyes Super Center Big Indian Smoke Shop Doogie’s Mikey’s Emporium Heron’s Landing Signals Seneca Nation Wellness Center Papa’s Place AOA Seneca Laundromat SNI Education Seneca Hawk Tadeninoneh Big Buffalo ERW Oak Tree Auto Lube Plus USDA Office
Community Center Gail’s Smoke Shop Smokin Joe’s Jay’s Place Smokin Joe’s Indian Hill Randy’s Hank’s Garlow Road Trading Post Gail’s 2 Smoking Joe’s Trading Post Mike’s Trading Post No Blanket’s Patterson Tuscarora Trading Post
Wolf’s Den Jesse’s The Rez Rez Creations Sacajawea’s 49 Express Jan’s Smokeshop Smoke Rings Totem Pole TP Deli Western Door Smoke Shop
Lakeside Trading Post
Grand Center Station Iroquois Gas & Go SNI Museum SNI Library Allegany Community Center Holiday Inn Express and Suites NAFCO Seneca One Stop Seneka Smoke Shop VIP Gas and Tobacco Broad St. Tobacco Post Smokes Cafe Salamanca Laundromat Redhouse Tobacco Broad Street Smokeshop Cloud & Co. Killbuck Cigarette Outlet Mikey’s Emporium M&M’s Ron’s Smokeshop Allegany Junction Ken’s Smokeshop Antone’s II OJ’s Smokeshop All Nations Lacrosse WW Gas Mart Steamburg Smokeshop Hoag’s Papa’s Place
Niagara Falls
Native American Community Services Niagara Native Women’s Services Smoking Joe’s - Niagara Old Fort Niagara Gift Shop
TORONTO OFIFC Chiefs of Ontario Ryerson University Miziwe Biik-Aboriginal Employment Native Canadian Center Toronto Anishnabwe Health - 179 Gerrad Anishnabwe Health - 225 Queen Anishnabwe Health - 22 Vaughn Rd University of Toronto Upper office, Jackie EsquimauxHamlin Na-Me-Res Native Child and Family Services Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre Native Women’s Resource Centre Coffee Pub - 720 Bathurst Average Joe’s Cafe 161 Baldwin Caribbean Corner - 171 Baldwin Kensignton Variety - 56D Kensignton Dry Food Store - 204 Baldwin Roacharama - 204 Augusta The Grilled Cheese - 66 Nassau Big Fat Burrito - 285 Augusta St Stephen’s Community Centre 260 Augusta York University YU Free Press Stands, OPIRG
EASTERN MOHAWKS Tyendinaga Library Band Office FNTI Rennaissance L & M Variety Elder’s Lodge Chief’s Inn Restaurant 49 Gas Station Buck’s Gas Station Turtle Island Groceteria & Restaurant Two Hawks Roxannes Restaurant Freeflow Store Phil’s Laundromat Village Variety
Ahnawate Marina Big Boy’s Gas Twin Leaf West Jreck Subs Tarbell Management Group AK Gas Seneca Select Distribution Keegan’s Tobacco Urban Thrift and Tobacco (Bill Sears) Rose’s Tobacco - Mohawk Junction Akwak’s Smoke Shop
Contact distro@tworowtimes.com or Tom at 519-900-6013 if you’re interested in helping distribute the Two Row Times.
Members of Mi’kmaq Warrior Society Swarmed by Moncton RCMP By Steve Da Silva On September 11, 2013, members of the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society, “the Homeland Security of the Mi’kmaq Nation,” were tailed throughout Moncton, New Brunswick just before being swarmed by undercover RCMP agents. The warriors were on their way to the Crowne Plaza Hotel, where they were to going to discuss the situation around shale gas fracking on their ancestral lands with “Indian Act elected representatives”. James Pictou and Annie Clair were arrested and charged. During Clair’s court appearance, Suzanne Patles was arrested by 19 RCMP officers at the Moncton courthouse. In accordance with their treaty rights, the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society appealed to the Canadian military to intervene
in what they considered an act of hostility at the hands of the RCMP. According to a statement issue by the group, they sought the help of the Canadian military “to assist in the protection of the people against enemies both foreign and domestic” and stated that their refusal to protect the Mi’kmaq against the RCMP is yet another “violation of the Pre-Confederation Peace and Friendship Treaties.” The statement continued: “The Mi’kmaq Warrior Society has sought to create peace with the RCMP but all requests for negotiations for peaceful resolution have been declined on several occasions.” Broad resistance to seismological tests in search of natural gas intensified this past summer, as Mi’kmaq, Maliseet, Passamaquoddy, Acadian
and other peoples of the traditional territories of the Wabanakik set up an anti-fracking camp along Highway 126 near the Elsipogtog First Nation in Kent County, New Brunswick. In late June 2013, “booming sounds” in the middle of the night alerted and attracted residents of Elsipogtog to a forested site at which Southwestern Energy, guarded by the RCMP, were performing their seismological tests. The encounter concluded in people of the Elsipogtog First Nation confiscating the trucks and drilling equipment of Southwestern Energy. Among many of the arrestees throughout the summer was Media Coop journalist Miles Howe, who was arrested a week after being asked to and declining to become a paid informant for the RCMP.
Flags of Mi’kmaq Nation flapping alongside the Unity Flag. Hydraulic fracking is a process of extracting oil and gas from shale rock by injecting high-pressure water and chemicals into the ground before
drilling, a highly destructive process carrying high risks to groundwater supplies. Oil from ‘fracking’ is quickly replacing traditional methods of
extraction: As of 2010, it was estimated that 60% of all new oil and gas wells worldwide were being hydraulically fractured.
Chiefs’ 17 year long Mann Cup drought is over By Jim Windle
VICTORIA BC - It’s been 17 years since the Mann Cup was last hoisted by the Six Nations Chiefs, but the OLA Major Series Chiefs ended the drought Friday night in Victoria BC with a hard fought 8-5 win over the Victoria Shamrocks -the same franchise they defeated in 1996 to win their third Canadian Lacrosse Association championship in a row. The Chiefs’ young star Johnny Powless was three years old at the time. Since then, the Chiefs have been unable to make it to the big show until this 2013 season. It was an especially long wait for GM Duane Jacobs and head coach Rich Kilgour who were both part of that glory team of the mid 1990’s. “We’ve been close in recent years but lost two Game 7’s and were put out by the Lakers last year,” says Kilgour. “I guess that just makes this one all that much sweeter.” “Dewey (Jacobs) has been really working hard over the past few years trying to rebuild this team,” recognizes Kilgour. “When that clock ran down, I think he was the first one on the floor.” Both Jacobs and Kilgour want to thank the Six Nations community for their support and energy this year and hope they can keep this ball rolling. “I don’t wanna jinx it, but this team could repeat next year,” he says. “I think the average age of this team is around 25.” If Jacobs and Kilgour can keep enough of this team together, who knows? A handful of Chiefs’ faithful gathered at the ILA Friday night and tolerated buffering issues in the transmission of the live feed to watch their heroes defeat the Shamrocks in BC in Game #6 of the best of seven series. With the three-hour time difference, the game did not end until close to midnight. But one would have to look back at Game #5 to
Victoria Shamrocks’ captain Scott Ranger is given a rough ride in the Chiefs zone in Game #6 of the Mann Cup championship played in BC last week. (Photo compliments Victoria Shamrocks web site. See hundreds more shots at Twitter Victoria Shamrocks.)
Cody Jamieson adds another couple of mantle pieces to his collection by earning his Mann Cup ring and Tournament MVP honours. (Photo compliments Victoria Shamrocks web site.
Six Nations lacrosse star Cody Jamieson earned the Mike Kelly, Mann Cup Tournament MVP honours. Seen here with Curt Styres and the great Gary Gait. (Photo compliments Victoria Shamrocks web site.
find the turning point in the series. The Shamrocks threw everything they had at the Chiefs including the rulebook and still ended up losing the game with Chiefs star forward and captain Colin Doyle in the net. In desperation, the Shamrocks called for an equipment measurement on starting goaltender Brandon Miller to begin the third period. They found his shin pads were 1/2 inch too wide and he was ejected from the game. The Chiefs were leading 7-4 at that time. Back up goaltender Evan Kirk took over and was playing well when the Shamrocks tried a
adding an assist on Steven Keogh’s last goal of the game.
measurement on Kirk’s gear as well. His pads were declared 1/2 inch over width too and he was ejected from the game at 8:56. Now what? Under league rules, the Chiefs had only minutes to put a goalie in the net. “Doyle jumped up and said, ‘I got this” said coach Rich Kilgour. Doyle hurriedly threw on bits and pieces of goalie gear from Kirk and Miller and emerged from the dressing room to fill the breach for the final 11 minutes of the game. Once he got settled in, Doyle, turned away six of the nine shots he faced to preserve the win while
“Somebody checked the records and said that it’s the first time in Mann
Cup history that both goalies were ejected from the game,” said Kilgour. “It’s also the first time the same player recorded points as a runner and as a goalie in the same game.” The desperation in Victoria spilled over in Game #5 as well when some of the Chiefs, including star Cody Jamieson, said he and others on the team were the targets of a number of racist comments from beer lubricated Shamrock fans. “I didn’t hear it myself,” said Kilgour. “But some of my guys did and I believe them.” The social media showed many Victoria fans heard the racism themselves and distanced themselves from the small handful of “bigots,” as one Victoria fan tweeted. There was also controversy over Six Nations fans bringing hand drums to cheer on their team. Some Shamrock fans tried to have the drums banned from the arena, but organizers refused to do so. “That only motivated the guys and made them play that much harder,” said Kilgour. “You can’t fight ignorance. Heck, their own best player Jeff Shattler is Native. We weren’t about to let five or 10 guys ruin our experience.” After the buzzer ended the game, Doyle quickly discarded the sweaty upper pads and helmet to receive the congrats from his teammates.
A small but very loyal gathering of Chiefs fans watched Game#6 by live feed at the ILA. Despite electronic glitches, and the three-hour time difference, they stuck it out and were cheering as time ran out and the Chiefs celebrated in Victoria. (Photo by Jim Windle)
Caledonia Pro-Fit Corvairs go 4-0 so far in schedule By Jim Windle
CALEDONIA - The Caledonia Pro-Fit Corvairs have been hot right out of the gate this year and are riding atop the Golden Horseshoe Conference with a perfect 4-0 record heading into this coming weekend’s games. Saturday night, the Corvairs took the second leg of a home-and-home series against the Port Colborne Pirates, 7-2. The night before, they handed the Pirates a 7-3 slap in the face in Port Colborne in taking all four points. Head coach Mike Bullard is somewhat surprised at how quickly this year’s team has begun to gel. “At camp, we gave everybody who came out a good chance to make the team,” he says. “But our bar is pretty high, with the success we have had. We finally trimmed our roster down and these guys are gelling already.” One area in particular that is well ahead of last year’s team at this juncture is the power play and penalty killing situations. In four games, the power play percentage is 25.93% and the successful penalty kill is 89.47. Both are respectable and better than last year when the special teams were a bit hot and cold at times.
The Corvairs are also playing in a new division. Bullard is happy with the move to the Golden Horseshoe Conference from the Mid-Western. “It’s a lot better for us in travel,” he says. “In the Midwest there are longer road trips, but here in the Golden horseshoe, everything is pretty close.” He believes the closer distances will reflect at the box office as well. “Being so close to these other teams, we would expect more out of town fans coming to watch their teams and more of our fans will the following us on the road too” said Bullard. “It should start a few good rivalries.” Mitch Brown put the Corvairs in the drivers seat early Saturday night with a goal at 3:40, assisted by Ryan Moran and Jeffrey Marlott. He then added another for good measure at 12:04, from Matt Quilty and Justin Abraham. With Scott Dorian in the box for unsportsmanlike conduct, Mack Steele took advantage on the ensuing power play and cut the Caledonia lead in half before the period ended at 2-1. Port Colborne soon found out that giving the Corvairs an extra man is not a good idea. The
Caledonia power play was connecting like it was mid-season, especially in the second period when the Pirates started to get frustrated with the Corvair’s speed. An altercation began in front of the player’s benches, which resulted in a mini melee with Brier Jonathan, ejected for a checking from behind call and a Fighting Aggressor major. That set the tone for the second period. But Port Colborne seemed to be taking all the penalties while the Corvairs were getting all the goals. Spenser Gourlay, Connor Patton and Connor Murphy all got power play goals to increase the Caledonia lead to 5-1. Murphy scored again at 15:03 to complete the second period leading 6-1, and in complete control of the game. Patton opened the third with his second goal of the game to make it 7-1, before Mack Steele netted for the Pirates their second goal of the game at 18:12 with Dorian off for a “Head-check.” Former Kingston Frantenac, Colin Furlong was confident and solid in the Corvairs goal standing against any Pirate attacks and turning away 28 of 30 shots. Friday night, in Port Colborne, it was a third
game (3G, 6A) to power the Chiefs offense. Neither starting goaltender, Evan Kirk nor back up Brandon Miller were in the Six Nations net for the last 11 minutes of the game. Instead, their captain and star forward, Colin Doyle volunteered to strap on the pads after both Kirk and Miller were given game suspensions for illegal equipment violations. Doyle stepped up when Miller was ejected and performed surprisingly well, turning aside six of the nine shots he was forced to handle to secure the win. Fortunately for the
Chiefs, Doyle’s absenteeism on the front line of the Chief’s offense was more than covered as Jamieson, Steve Keogh and Alex Kedoh Hill aptly stepped into the breach to carry the load. Jamieson scored first at 7:05 assisted by Hill and Craig Point, but the Chiefs were caught with too many men on the floor. Shamrock’s star of the series, Jeff Shattler made them pay with the tying goal at 14:06. Six Nations Chiefs head coach Rich Kilgour says that reported racist comments against his team by a small number of Victoria fans during the
Kyler Nixon has been a welcome addition to the Corvairs this year. He has set up eight Caledonia goals in just four games and is always a playmaking threat. (Photo by Jim Windle) period outburst of five unanswered goals that sunk the Pirates, 7-3. Patton led the Corvairs with two goals and two assists. The game had an explosive start when Corvairs’ JC Thieving got a bit too aggressive with a body check and was charged with a Head Contact penalty at the 17-second mark. The teams were relatively toe-to-toe for 40 minutes with Port Colborne taking a slight 3-2 lead. Booker Muir scored first for Caledonia from Kyler Nixon and Patton, but the Pirates managed
to get two goals late in the period to lead the Corvairs 2-1. Matt Quilty evened up the score at 9:16 of the second frame before Liam VanBuren took the lead back at 12:09. It was the Caledonia power play unit that seemed to turn the game around in the third period with two extra attacker goals. Mack Steele was given a tripping call late in the second which spilled into the third. Quilty didn’t take long to make him pay, and at 44 second, he tied the game at 3-3 from Nixon and Gourlay.
Four minutes later, Connor Patton handed the Corvairs the lead with the 4-3 goal on a powerplay, assisted by Gourlay and Quilty. The puck remained in the Port Colborne zone for most of the rest of the period with Jeff Marlott, Patton, with his second, and Gourlay pilling on more Corvairs goals to finish the contest 7-3. This coming week will see only one game, that against the Buffalo Regales, Sunday night in Buffalo.
game only inspired his guys to play harder. “Too much beer is no excuse. But we were not going to let 5 or 10 guys ruin our experience.” For the first time in Mann Cup history, both the starting goalie (Evan Kirk) and the back up (Brandon Miller) were ejected from the same game – both for equipment violations. The CLA allows an 11 inch shin pad width at the knee and both goalies were measured at 11 1/2 inches. It was also the first time star forward Colin Doyle ever put on the pads in competitive lacrosse game. Apparently he
played goal at an old timers event once, but never in a competitive game or even a practice. “We knew they were desperate and we made sure our guys were legal before the game,” said Kilgour after the game. “But as the game goes on the kneepads flange out a bit. Something should be done about that rule. Measure them before the game or something.” He thinks the move may have backfired on the Shamrocks as his players, especially his defense, really turned it up to protect Dolyle. The Six Nations Chiefs went on to win the Mann
Cup the next night, after demoralizing the Shamrocks who did everything to upset the flow of the Chiefs the night before.
Desperate measures did not detour the Chiefs By Jim Windle VICTORIA, BC - It was an emotional series with more than enough distractions. But despite racist comments from a few BC fans, an attempt to stop Six Nations Chiefs’ fans from supporting their team with traditional drums, and two desperation equipment calls that ejected both Chiefs goaltenders, the Chiefs sucked it up and defeated the Victoria Shamrocks 11-7, Wednesday night in Game #5 to take a 3-2 strangle hold on the 2013 Mann Cup. Cody Jamieson broke loose with a nine-point
Colin Doyle
What’s Trending? by Dylan Powell
Leith Mahkewa Kaneratonta “when the buds are coming out” by Nahnda Garlow
#Voyager1 Enters the Final Frontier Some folks may remember when the Voyager 1 satellite launched in 1977 to explore the solar system. This week it was confirmed by NASA that Voyager 1 left our solar system around mid August 2012, becoming the first man made object to ever leave our solar
system and enter interstellar space. Should the satellite come in contact with alien life in its new uncharted mission it is equipped with gold audio-visual discs containing information about life on Earth - including greetings from then U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
Judge Rules ÈDarwinÈ the Ikea Monkey To Stay at Sanctuary Home
This week a Superior Court Judge ruled that “Darwin,” the Japanese Snow Macaque who made headlines last December when as he ran loose in an Ikea parking lot, is to stay at the Storybook Farm Primate Sanctuary and not be returned to his owner Yasmin Nakhuda. Darwin had been purchased illegally and has been in the care of Storybook
Farm Primate Sanctuary since the OSPCA rescued him from that parking lot. Many Onkwehon:we folks will remember the story as media focus shifted from #IdleNoMore demonstrations to covering this story – something which organizers and activists were unimpressed by.
Salvage of the Costa Concordia Cruise Ship Begins The MS Costa Concordia slammed into a reef on January 13, 2012. It has sat off the coast of Giglio Island in Italy ever since. The wreck took the lives of 32 people. Five ship staff have been convicted of manslaughter and the ship’s Captain is currently on trial. Salvage efforts underway right now are an attempt to right the ship and remove it from the area – where locals feel it has been an eye sore since the tragic wreck. The effort will take an estimated
6,000 tons of force to try and peel the ship from the reef. The process, known as “parbuckling,” is planned to take 17 hours and will cost $300 million dollars – making it the most expensive salvage effort ever. If successful, the ship will be righted by print time. When completed, the ship will be towed to port and cut up for scrap. The ship itself weighs 114,500 tons - making it twice the size of The Titanic.
Leith Mahkwea - Kaneratonta is an Oneida-Hopi Beadwork Artist from Kahnawake, QC “I didn’t even think I would get in!” exclaimed Mahkewa. The artist submitted an application to show her skills at the 2013 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market in Arizona. The festival brings over 700 top quality Indigenous artists from all nations together with over 20,000 visitors eager to purchase exclusive, one of a kind works. Her piece was not only accepted, but went on to take First Place in her division, and then Best in Class overall in Diverse Art Forms. The award winning piece is a beaded bag, titled “Raotonnets - His Spirit.” The bag carries the story of a boy beginning his journey into manhood. Her vision is of a young man carrying this bag as he walks into manhood, learning to become a strong provider and protector, hunting with his elders, and carrying in it medicines for offerings of thanks. In creating the piece, the artist went through some essential growth in her creative process. “Everything I’ve made has been for somebody, this was the first thing I made that was for nobody.” While that process was freeing, it also came with its own set of complications. “It had no purpose at first. It was just something I was making to be judged. There was no soul to the bag, and then it came.” Mahkewa says this was her breakthrough piece as an artist, bringing a strong artistic maturity, “The art is taking you where it wants you to go, rather than the piece telling you where you have to go.”
This is not her only work of art. Leith’s beadwork is in high demand throughout the nation. “For me its all about somebody who is using it. I want to see somebody using it. I don’t want to see my work sitting in a box. That is the greatest compliment to me. Whether they are gifted or bought, that is what gives those pieces life. Its good to find things that are in perfect condition but if it shows the time, if you can see the persons footprint that is what is good to me.” Her work is available to view, and for purchase, on her Facebook page Leith Mahkewa. Email address: leithmakewa@ gmail.com
Brantford Harmony Square – and all that Jazz
Indigenous South American latin, jazz band The Imbayakunas performed at the 6th Annual Brantford International Jazz Festival held in Harmony Square, Brantford, this past weekend. (Photo by Jim Windle) By Jim Windle BRANTFORD - The 6th annual Brantford International Jazz Festival attracted thousands to Harmony Square in Brantford with a long list of world-renowned jazz artists and a few to local jazz acts. The event is getting bigger and better every year and organizers Frank and Nancy DeFelice, both jazz performers in their own right, were pleased again with the friendly atmosphere and top rank music presented free through corporate sponsors TD Bank, OLG Gaming, Marcedes-Benz Burlington, Millards Charter Accountants, Gates Rubber, Best Western, Yama-
ha, Music Plus, and Brantford Downtown. The headliners this year were The Manhattan Transfer, one of the world’s most respected jazz vocal acts for decades, who performed in a ticketed event across the street from Harmony Square at the Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts. Performing again this year was Six Nations’ own singer/songwriter/actor Cheri Maracle on Saturday evening at the Local Stage on Dalhousie Street who attracted a large andn appreciative audience with her band. Among the great artists playing on the Main Stage Sunday was the South American indige-
nous band, The Imbayakunas with a great set of haunting melodies played on traditional Andean instruments like the pan flute, rondador, charango, hand drum, ronrroco and cajas, blended with modern electric instruments. “Our musical intention to share the rich sounds of the Andean regions,” the band states in a media release. “In Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia traditional music is the privileged expression of 20 million Quechua.” It was also the privilege of the large Brantford audience to enjoy the fun and enchanting indigenous sounds from South America.
the lying process. Artistic Director to the WCC Naomi Johnson said the work involved was difficult but satisfying. “Its definitely not for wimps,” she joked. There were many cut fingers in the class, but all were pleased with the workshop. “It is a great learning experience.” said participant Bobi Jo Johnson. Maracle, a basket weaver and teacher from Tyendinaga shares, “I made a bucket list and when my children moved
out basket making was on the top of my bucket list.” She started learning the art form, but it was a big commitment. Maracle travelled for two and a half hours, twice a week from Tyendinaga to Akwesasne for her three hour class. “I took fancy baskets, sweetgrass baskets, strawberry baskets and the fancier baskets. I took a four day workshop for the large backpack basket. For the last four years I have been teaching it. I grew up doing leather-
There is nothing more soothing and enchanting than the sound of a pan flute as played by the Indigenous musicians of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia., known as The Imbayakunas. (Photo by Jim Windle)
The Two Row Times being enjoyed by a Jazz lover in downtown Brantford during the Brantford Jazz Festival. (Photo by Jim Windle)
Black Ash Basket workshop at Woodland Cultural Centre a success by Nahnda Garlow SIX NATIONS - The Woodland Cultural Centre had its first Basket making workshop this past weekend. Nearly 15 participants went through the two day workshop with Tyendinaga basket weaver Carol Anne Maracle. Each person completed a corn wash basket made with Black Ash strips. These baskets were traditionally used for rinsing the hardwood ash from white corn in
work and beadwork and was teaching at the local schools. Once I got more comfortable with basket weaving, I started teaching that at the schools as well. It went from a hobby to becoming a job.” The baskets are made from strips of wood from the Black Ash tree. Since being involved in basket making Maracle has become aware of the depletion of the Black Ash in Southern Ontario. A devastating infestation of the Emerald Ash Bor-
er has claimed millions of trees in the dish with one spoon territory. Since 2004 large spread quarantine for infected forests have been part of an ongoing effort by the Canada Food Inspection Agency to protect the ash trees which remain. Maracle encourages people to look through local nurseries for black ash seedlings and plant them as part of a reforestation effort in Southern Ontario. “They are the most versatile wood. They grow in the
water, so the actual tree loves the water. If you take one down, put one back.” For more information on the black ash visit the Ministry of Natural Resources website http:// goo.gl/AO8xtD and for more information on future Basket Weaving workshops contact the Woodland Cultural Centre http://www.woodland-centre.on.ca or call (519) 759-2650.
Classifieds GARLOW PRINT & COPY REQUIRES A PART TIME WORKSHOP ASSISTANT from 9-1 Monday to Friday (20 hrs per week). If you are trustworthy, enjoy working with the public, have good organizational skills and can lift a box of paper, resumes are now being accepted for this position. Must have own vehicle and a valid license. Knowledge of the Six Nations/New Credit community, and intermediate to advanced computer skills are essential. Duties include cleaning, light production duties, and interacting with customers. Please submit a cover letter, resume and references to garlowprintandcopy@ gmail.com
OPEN JAM Country - Gospel - Bluegrass - Blues. etc. Saturday September 21, 2pm until ?? at Chiefswood Fellowship. 506 4th Line Road, 7 km west of Ohsweken, Six Nations. Door Prizes, 50/50 Draw, refreshments. For more information, contact Phil Sault, 905-768-5442. www.chiefswoodchristianfellowship.com. Bring your voice and be a star. SPAGHETTI SUPPER Fundraiser for Lorelei and Amanda Isaacs. They will be going to do training with YWAM, Youth With A Mission in Muskoka for 3 months. Then go to a Northern Reserve for 3 months. Proceeds from our supper on the 20th will help the girls. Ohsweken Baptist Church, Friday September 20th at 4:30.
HARVEST SUPPER New Credit United Church, 2961 1st Line Hagersville, Friday September 20th, 4:30-7:00pm, COST $12 adult, $10 senior, $6 child (10 and under), $25 family rate (2 adult, 2 children) TAKE OUT AVAILABLE
CHIEFSWOOD GAS & GARAGE is holding their 1st Annual “I Found It On The Rez” Swap Meet and Car Show on September 28-29, 2013. Swap Meet open from 9am-5pm daily. Car Show open all years 1pm5pm daily. For more information text Charlie Skye (519) 754-6276 or call Chuck Skye (905) 7654213. NO MORE VIOLENCE. Honour the Women. Honour the Land and Water. Join us at an Idle No More rally on October 7th, 2013 at 12 noon at Dundurn National Historic Site, 610 York Blvd, in Hamilton. For more information email inmoctober7@gmail.com
CLASSIFIED SECTION Bring your ads to Garlow Print & Copy at 657 Mohawk Rd. Six Nation of the Grand River 519-445-0601 or 519-900-5535 Email ads@tworowtimes.com
e t u b i r t D i s with es R o Tw
m i T ow
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20
CLUES DOWN 1. A French abbot 2. Civil Rights group 3. The third hour, about 9 a.m. 4. Am. ventilation corporation 5. A prince’s fortified building 6. Felt deep affection for 7. A tractor-trailer 8. Noshes 9. British auto maker 10. Wild sheep of northern Africa 11. 2-wheeled transport 12. Breezes through 13. Radioactivity unit
21. Neocortical temporal lobe epilepsy (abbr.) 22. Frosts 27. A design or arrangement 28. The class of birds 29. Pickled ginger 30. Alkenes 31. A spoiled child 32. Arabic agarwood perfume 33. Christian __, designer 34. Japanese waist pouch 39. Lures with desire 40. Joined by stitching 41. Locks of hair
CLUES ACROSS 1. Peruvian province 5. Mama __, rock singer 9. Elephant’s name 14. Yellow edible Indian fruit 15. Arabian Gulf 16. Lucci’s Kane character 17. Minstrel poet 18. Huxley’s fictional drug 19. Atom-bombed 20. Strangenesses 23. Mortar’s crushing partner 24. Kilocalorie 25. Very efficient light source 26. Slow oozing 31. Corpses 35. Abounding in trees 36. Total destruction 37. About aviation 38. Reveres 41. Lymphatic throat tissue (1 of 2) 43. Monarch seats 45. Macaws 46. Icahn’s airline 47. City railways 51. Able to be put out 56. Imitative 57. Conclusions 58. Grizzly, black or teddy 59. Bitstock 60. Six 61. The largest continent 62. Study or work tables 63. Young children 64. Large integers 42. Solemn pledge 44. Most wise 45. Among 48. Capital of Morocco 49. Excessively fat 50. Murdered 51. Ireland 52. Yuletide 53. Sound of a clock or timer 54. Freshwater mussel genus 55. Amounts of time 56. Million barrels per day (abbr.)
LIKE PUZZLES? Then youll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! HERES HOW IT WORKS: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Answers available online at www.tworowtimes.com or in next week's edition.
Aries, the week ahead is looking pretty good, as you will find people are more sensitive to your needs. Work with those willing to work with you.
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21
Taurus, your visions of how things should be might differ from how things really are. Work toward improving those things that need some work, and things will turn out just fine.
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21
Some surprises come your way this week, Gemini. But things will soon begin to fall into place. Just be patient before you make important decisions.
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22
Things may seem a bit strained this week, Cancer. But all it takes is a little cooperation and an increased focus on teamwork, and things will quickly return to normal.
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23
Leo, stay prepared and well organized and this week should fly by without a hitch. Feel free to try some things that go against the grain.
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, don’t feel badly about the things over which you have little control. Go out and have a good time this week, and eventually things will run their course.
LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23
Libra, it may prove challenging to sit still the next few days. People may be pulling at you from many different directions, and you will not know which way to lean.
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, try not to be overly protective of your secrets this week. A friend or family member is offering their help and guidance, and such insight will prove invaluable.
SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21
Sagittarius, a seemingly insurmountable obstacle presents itself this week. Some creativity and quick thinking will be necessary, but you will enjoy the challenge.
CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20
Keep your feet on the ground this week, Capricorn. Even if you prefer to have your head in the clouds, keeping your cool will pay dividends in the long run.
AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, enjoy some quiet time so you can regroup after a hectic couple of weeks. You earned some rest and relaxation, and this time away will recharge your batteries.
PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20
Pisces, you have a lot of good ideas, and it’s time to share those ideas at the office. Your star will soon start to rise.