TWOSE Strategic Plan 2015

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Strategic Plan 2015-19

January 2015

Table of Contents 3 TWOSE Vision and Mission Statement 4 Motivation for this Strategic Plan 5 TWOSE’s Moonshot 6 Transformation – TWOSE in 2019 8 Community Feedback + Observations 10 Strategic Goal 1 – Lead the SCIENCE CONVERSATION 14 Strategic Goal 2 – Engage and inspire our AUDIENCE 18 Strategic Goal 3 – Practice sustainable FINANCIAL OPERATIONS 21 Strategic Goal 4 – Build a STANDOUT FACILITY for our community 24 Phasing the Rejuvenation & Growth

STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


Vision To inspire voyages of life-long discovery

Mission To create a positive science and technology culture in our region that inspires and motivates people to learn about, and contribute to, science and technology advances that strengthen themselves, their families, and their community. In delivery of this mission, our priorities are: • To make opportunities to learn about science and technology accessible to everyone. • To inspire people to embrace science and technology as a vital component of their education and personal development • To be a catalyst for partnerships and alliances that promotes science and technology in our community. • To position The Edmonton Space & Science Foundation and TELUS World of Science – Edmonton as the primary external science and technology resource to the formal education system.

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Motivation for this Strategic Plan In early 2014, TWOSE committed to the preparation of a five-year Strategic Plan. This was an important initiative for two key reasons: • With the arrival of a new President & CEO, it was imperative that the organization set goals that align the new leader’s vision with the goals that are already in process. Planning is a time for introspection and learning as well as outward vision. The strategic planning process would be an opportunity for TWOSE to assess its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities so that it could best articulate a bold vision of its future and the steps required to get there. • A Strategic Plan that addressed operational excellence as well content and construction plans was a necessary step for advancing the core elements of the 2009 Master Plan. The 2009 document described a very ambitious and resource intensive way forward for TWOSE. In order to make any of it happen in a timely manner, the entire organization would need to be involved in developing the requisite strategies and tactics. Many of the key objectives in the 2015-19 Strategic Plan are elements drawn from the 2009 Master Plan. Some have been re-imagined to fit changing circumstances. And there are many new objectives, particularly those focusing on operational improvement, that are essential in order to be successful with these bold steps forward. To that end, the Strategic Plan supports the key objectives of the 2009 Master Plan, but puts them into a framework that sets priorities, ensures operational support, and accounts for changing circumstance. It provides clear direction around what TWOSE intends to and can accomplish in the next five years. The Strategic Plan was built around the premise that TWOSE could secure capital funding to support growth. With the approval on December 4, 2014, from the City of Edmonton for $12 million toward a $40 million rejuvenation plan, that challenge has been met. The plan will be revisited in two to three years, since the world changes and it will be time to refine and renew our objectives.

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TWOSE’S Moonshot Moonshots occupy that space somewhere between calculated ambition and outrageous ideas – that special place (we know it when we feel it) that inspires us and pushes us forward to do more, to stretch further, and to make the future remarkably different from the present; instead of incremental change, moonshots aim for outsized improvement. The combination of embraced opportunity, innovative thinking, and relentless focus is the definition of our Moonshot. Source: Andrea Mondor Management Consulting Ltd. planning document

TWOSE will be the iconic, ‘must-visit’, destination for inquisitive Edmontonians of all ages who want to explore our amazing world, in an exhilarating environment that celebrates the joy of science and its connection to this community. The enthralling Arctic Galleries will be unique in Canada. TWOSE visitors will stay longer than planned, and return sooner than expected. State-of-the-moment, compelling, and relevant science will be the experience every day, from the precision and insight of the pure scientists to the creative 21st-century solutions of the engineers and technologists. The scientific landscape at TWOSE will resonate with the city. TWOSE will be a portal to the North as we explore the science of Canada’s Arctic. The dark winter nights will be our canvas as we transport our guests to the edge of the universe and back into the heart of the atom. At TWOSE, the community will gather, the tourists will flock, and visiting friends and relatives will be brought to experience a unique facility, one that pulses with the great themes of this city – the Gateway to the North, an education powerhouse, a wellspring of economic and entrepreneurial energy. STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


Transformation – TWOSE in 2019 A short five years from now, in 2019, with a newly renovated planetarium, galleries, classrooms and entrance, TWOSE is a vibrant attraction that residents of Greater Edmonton proudly brag about to their friends and family from other cities. The centre is an exciting place as there is always a lot of activity all around – stuff flying through the air, people making things buzz and beep, and all ages of people laughing and having an enjoyable moment with their families. Upon entering, kids and adults alike cannot wait to cross the threshold into the magical arena of gadgets and science. An open stage entices visitors to interact, laugh and learn. Your senses are alive with sights, sounds and smells of science! The galleries, corridors and iconic exhibits blend together creating a labyrinth where exploration is encouraged – and rewarded. As guests move throughout the building they are intrigued by a mix of puzzles, gadgets, games, and elements which blend items from their youth to new technology and science of today. STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


The themes in the science centre mingle together as the corridors work to transition between them. The focus and themes aren’t tied to specific disciplines of science, but rather global issues so guests see how science has an impact. Similarly, each theme has key facets related to each of the different “local” aspects – Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and the world – so regardless of the issue, guests see how they fit in and the impact of this issue at each level. Each area of the centre features an iconic element that is unique to the centre. Together, these iconic elements make the backbone of the centre as these are what guests photograph and where memories are made. These iconic pieces are remarkable due to their uniqueness, interactivity and ability to captivate audiences. The centre operates in one of three modes based on the primary audience on that given day and time – school, families, adults. The programming and activities shift with subtle nuances and content based on the primary audience at that time – school-focused activities during the day, with sophisticated, challenging, and provocative content in the evening. For other local organizations, the science centre enhances their operations. The science centre becomes their outreach tool and venue to showcase the work from local universities. Local businesses showcase the often behind-the-scenes science and engineering aspects of their products as a means of outreach and education. Local government uses the centre to help showcase complex issues. For example, a digital map of the city allows people to control variables based on Edmonton’s traffic patterns and try their hand at engineering better traffic flow while dealing with different obstacles. TWOSE will be a more visible ambassador, participant, and interpreter of science matters in the city. The science centre is an attraction where people frequently return to have fun. Children bring their parents because there was unfinished business when they were here on a field trip and the kids want to see it all. Adults come to stimulate their senses, slow down, wake up, take a break from it all, and play. Families return because it is an awe-inspiring environment where lifelong memories are made. The experience is fun, adventuresome, and fascinating – unlike anything else in Alberta. STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


Community Feedback + Observations Focus groups were held with a total of 21 stakeholders attending from the broader community. Additional one-to-one interviews were also held at interviewees’ respective offices. The consulting team visited TWOSE on four unscheduled occasions to observe visitors and to allow staff informal opportunities for conversation. In consideration of these activities, as well as the preceding consultation activities, some key observations and highlights emerged.

1. Simply great to work with – Stakeholders value their relationships with TWOSE, noting both the organization as a whole, as well as individual staff members are flexible, creative and “get things done”.

“The best sponsorship we have.”

2. Be bigger and bolder – Stakeholders expressed a keen interest in seeing

more from TWOSE – more science, more interactivity, more innovation, more experiences.

“Let’s work together to do something amazing.”

3. Show us, teach us – Science and science disciplines; Edmontonians’ and

Albertans’ discoveries, scientists and research; Edmonton and Alberta and its accomplishments; life and what it means to be human; life in Edmonton and Alberta as well what it means to live here were all of interest to participants.

“Make science come alive for Edmontonians. Drive an agenda.”

4. Make us get our hands dirty – Many asked for TWOSE to do what

science centres can do better than other settings like museums or galleries or other attractions: be brash, forward, educational and interactive. Participants asked TWOSE to stop them during their visits, make them think, engage them, and move them.

“More hands-on.”

STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


5. Go far beyond the building – A consistent theme centred around

reaching beyond the walls, indoors, footprint or what is accessible only by driving to the facility. Participants asked TWOSE to be more engaged and visible in their communities and at events, sharing important moments. They asked TWOSE to play a greater role in acting as hosts, media commentators, ambassadors and trusted advisors, ultimately representing science in Edmonton.

“Be at the forefront of helping people to understand science current events.”

6. What about us? – A variety of groups were identified as potentially

underserved by current programming or services, including: adults without children; vulnerable or low income citizens; cultural communities; newcomers; never visited TWOSE, unsure or undecided; those who are restricted to public transit travel; those who would visit TWOSE via walking or biking only; more remote or distant communities; the business community; and visitors from outside Alberta and Canada.

“As the city grows and becomes more diverse … engage people who don’t come here.”

7. The science is important – Participants asked for more breadth and

depth in programming and exhibits; the inclusion of a variety of special topics and interests; .a more varied approach to interpretation which would include multiple points of view; enhanced understanding of scientific analysis and inquiry; and greater “sense-making” that provides organizing principles and coherence for the variety of science activities and topics covered at TWOSE.

“Sometimes the science feels overly simplified.”

8. Blaze a trail – Stakeholders noted particular strengths in Edmonton’s

science community and economy and stressed that TWOSE could be more relevant, current and innovative, including its use of technology. TWOSE was encouraged to break away and be unique, inspirational, experimental, intelligent, or inspirational – carving out its place as a destination as well as a science centre in Canada and North America.

“We can be world class.”

9. Big opportunity is out there. Lead. – Stakeholders indicated high

levels of support for TWOSE and encouraged the organization to take on a stronger leadership role in the community, emphasizing their continued willingness to partner and support initiatives.

“We are too small for the grand vision that we should have.” STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


Lead the science conversation






The hallmark of any great science centre is great content – meaningful, relevant, challenging, fun, and credible science. TWOSE is poised to tackle new science that will define Edmonton region in the 21st century. We will create a major new exhibition space devoted to the science of the polar regions, particularly the Canadian Arctic. We will expand our collaboration with the University of Alberta and others to create a window on contemporary, cutting-edge science. We will develop new spaces for the creative application of science in the fields of technology and engineering. We will expand the hugely popular Discoveryland into a full-scale Early Childhood Learning Centre. And we will re-invent the Margaret Zeidler Star Theatre as a world-leader in data visualization. The new glass-fronted Aurora Atrium, connecting the new Arctic Science Galleries, will offer auroras nightly through controlled LED lighting. This is not incremental change – this is a bold, unique vision of what a science centre can be, with the emphasis on science. It will resonate with the community, reflecting our values as a leader in education, ingenuity, and resourcefulness.

Objectives 1. Design and build a unique and inspiring visitor experience exploring the science of polar regions, particularly the Canadian Arctic Key strategies • Create new gallery and programs in expanded science centre • Build partnerships with content, education, and research specialists • Connect the Edmonton region with polar communities around the globe

2. Build upon our space science strength – be the resource for all things astronomy in our community Key strategies • Build the best planetarium in existence and use it to provide the most fascinating way to learn about astronomy and space sciences • Implement and commercialize the MASAV database project • Re-imagine and renovate the Space Gallery and Observatory • Lead the community’s awareness of, and involvement in, astronomy research and space exploration STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015





3. Create new workshop and exhibit spaces that enable creative, insightful problem solving and produce greater participation from our audience Key strategies • Create new workshop spaces that explore applied science and technology, particularly engineering • Build new galleries that encourage participation both inside and outside the science centre • Re-imagine and redevelop TWOSE’s early childhood development centre as a learning space, creating pedagogical and research opportunities

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4. Create science experiences that are timely and relevant to Edmonton and to Alberta Key strategies • Showcase emerging science and technology from our researchers here in Alberta • Implement exhibits, programs, and other experiences that connect science and technology to Alberta’s energy sector • Build an outdoor science experience that connects TWOSE to Coronation Park year round • Fully realize the relationship with the University of Alberta laid out in the 2010 MOU • Maintain an on-going series of presentations from the world’s most respected scientists and researchers • Renew the current science galleries to become more participatory and relevant to our visitors and more suitable for engaging the public in real-time science

5. Develop our digital presence and tools to provide a science experience to the community and beyond Key strategies • Create simple science to do at home • Build capacity to deliver outreach 24/7 to schools, organizations, and homes across Alberta

STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


Engage and inspire our audience






The core of good communication is knowing one’s audience. TWOSE’s core audience comprises of all ages from all parts of the Edmonton metropolitan region. They are our neighbours, our friends, our stakeholders. We are here to serve all residents of the Edmonton Capital District, and sometimes that means we need to work a little harder to reach challenging or underserved audiences. Success within our community then makes it a lot easier to reach tourists and attract the many thousands of out-of-towners who want to experience the best that Edmonton has to offer. We need to reduce barriers – distance, financial, perceptual – so that we can reach as large an audience as possible. We want an audience that wants to come here and finds us accessible. When it comes to the science experience, we need to not only meet audience expectations, but exceed them. We accomplish that by challenging our audience to think, and making them smile. We want to build a life-long positive association with the joy that comes from scientific exploration and understanding of our amazing universe. TWOSE visitors will stay longer than planned, and return sooner than expected.

Objectives 1. Deliver a best-in-class inspiring, educational, and fun visitor experience Key strategies • Implement a suite of visitor service standards and metrics • Initiate regular and consistent assessment of the quality of the visitor experience • Develop and implement organization-wide training around the TWOSE service and science brand • Rejuvenate the welcome experience to the TWOSE facility • Achieve a clear and distinctive brand identity and engagement with our audiences

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2. Act as a hub of science learning for our formal educational system Key strategies • Implement digital education content to serve schools and the public across Alberta and beyond • Develop and implement a Science School • Provide a slate of unique, relevant, and engaging programs that provide a compelling complement to the school system • Expand programming and experiences aimed at high school students • Create advisory groups of educators and students that keep TWOSE connected with the school systems

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3. Improve our inclusiveness to extend our reach Key strategies • Create programs and experiences to serve First Nations families • Remove barriers wherever possible to increase accessibility to underrepresented residents of metropolitan Edmonton • Expand audience share of adults without children • Provide programs and experiences to serve a larger audience of teens

4. Empower our team’s initiative and creative capacity Key strategies • Develop and implement new tools for internal planning, communication, and collaboration • Prepare and implement professional development that builds staff capacity, skill, and connection to the global science centre and informal education community

STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


Practice sustainable financial operations






TWOSE has an admirable record of prudent financial management over the past decade. As the science centre grows, potential financial rewards await, but so does an increased financial risk. A larger centre incurs more expenses, and needs to see a concomitant rise in revenue. Larger, more complex budgets and transactions require reliable systems and processes, as well as properly trained staff. The centre is dependent upon sound finances to thrive, and it has made a commitment to the community to be an economic contributor, not an economic drain. To that end, TWOSE needs to build new revenue streams, strengthen existing ones, and ensure that the entire organization is financially knowledgeable. All staff have a role to play in driving revenue and managing expenses.

Objectives 1. Grow existing revenue streams and diversify with new products and experiences Key strategies: • Identify and create new science experiences for high revenue audiences, particularly adults and seniors • Improve sales effectiveness and efficiency in retail and food services • Expand high-revenue, high-per capita programs such as camps and sleepovers • Identify, create, and market science products that fit our core competencies • Provide enhanced experiences at the centre beyond conventional operating hours • Expand the facility rental program

2. Improve operational efficiencies and performance Key strategies: • Implement energy efficient practices and equipment to reduce utility costs • Provide staff training in financial procedures • Assess and update, as required, all core support technologies

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3. Increase attendance in the core attractions – Science Centre, IMAX Theatre, and School Programs Key strategies: • Develop and implement metrics to understand spending habits of our visitors • Further develop our membership program to expand its reach, impact, and revenue • Meet annual attendance target of 700,000 by 2019

STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


Build a standout facility for our community






In 2012, TWOSE opened a new Feature Exhibition Hall and in 2013, a completely refurbished digital 3D IMAX Theatre. These new facilities immediately attracted new audiences and expanded the scope of the TWOSE experience. The continued growth and success of the science centre depends upon renewal not just of the content but of the physical facility itself. The core science centre needs space to meet growing demand, extend length of stay, add new science experiences, and serve the changing expectations of a 21st century audience. The continued success of the science centre requires the rejuvenation, reimagining, and expansion of the core science centre. This is not a surprise – this has always been the plan. TWOSE is not a viable facility if it is just an exhibition hall and Imax Theatre. The core science centre needs to be revitalized. And it’s not just about new science and program space. TWOSE needs improved amenities for food service, catering, events, and retail. These are all vital elements in serving the community and generating revenue. They make the overall experience more enjoyable and encourage length of stay, a very significant component in the perceived value of the science centre visit. Edmonton needs a science centre with capacity to respond to a growing population and the many opportunities that presents.

Objectives 1. Secure multi-source funding and partnership to achieve Master Plan vision Key strategies: • Prepare a staged plan to fulfill the outcomes of the Master Plan and which fits the financial capacities of funders • Secure financial support from all three levels of government (municipal, provincial, federal) • Implement a private-sector capital campaign funding initiative that leverages government financial support to raise all the required capital funds

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2. Build a place-making, iconic building and footprint with architectural, cultural, and aesthetic value Key strategies: • Initiate construction of the first stage of Phase 2 expansion in 2015

3. Become a true community hub and gathering place Key strategies: • Create multipurpose event spaces inside and outside the building that encourage use of the facility for new science programming and community events, at all times of the year and at any time of day • Build on partnerships already established and create new ones that connect our science experiences to the entire capital region • Provide superb amenities – food, retail, other – as part of the TWOSE experience

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Phasing the Rejuvenation & Growth There is significant construction and facility renovation that is an integral part of TWOSE’s Strategic Goals. With City of Edmonton’s confirmed support for this development, TWOSE can lay out the scope and sequencing of the main elements of the physical changes to the facility. These physical changes are called Phase 2a: The Aurora Initiative, symbolizing our emphasis on unique and evocative Northern science, creating a visitor experience that inspires and engages. Most importantly, the elements identified give the science centre the maximum impact for a modest investment. Once complete, TWOSE will embark upon Phase 2b, which will add more exhibition and science space to the facility. The components will be approached in this order:

1. The North Star Dome (2015-16)

With the success of the IMAX renewal, reinventing the Margaret Zeidler Star Theatre (MZT) is essential, as it is also 30 years old. We are committed to a Digital Visualization Theatre (DVT) concept and this domed theatre will be the venue. The Microscopic and Sub-Atomic Visualization project (MASAV) – a digital database of the micro-universe – is being re-invigorated. It is clear among staff and Board that the MZT is a core part of the experience that has fallen into disrepair and irrelevance, largely through lack of capital. Data visualization in the MZT will take audiences to the outer edges of the universe and into the core of the atom. STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


2. The Cardinal Building – the heart of the science centre (2015-16)

The Space Place galleries in the center of the original Cardinal Building are 13 years old and need to be replaced. This central space will be renovated as the Early Childhood Education Centre, an important element of the Master Plan expanding on the success of DiscoveryLand. This new centre brings art and science together to stimulate creativity and explore how children learn and interact with the world around them. This expansion will increase our capacity for this audience, as our current DiscoveryLand is overcrowded. The vacated DiscoveryLand will be renovated as space galleries leading to the North Star Dome.

3. The Science Galleries (2016-17)

The existing Hole and Allard galleries are great exhibit spaces, but have not changed significantly in over ten years. They need to be stripped bare, and re-done from scratch, with content addressing aspects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, particularly as they relate to Alberta. This is what our audience, our partners in the formal education system and our staff are asking for. And because the very tall ceiling heights, we may be able to add mezzanines to the space as a relatively inexpensive way to add new floor space.

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4. The Portal to the Arctic (2016-18)

The most exciting new addition to the TWOSE experience is the new Arctic Galleries and TWOSE’s new entrance portal. A fusion of real research and public interpretation, the Arctic Galleries will be a major element of the expanded TWOSE.

The galleries will feature dynamic hands-on exhibits, views of real science in action, and activities that shed light on the cultures and science in the North. This is a timely opportunity to build vital partnerships with polar researchers and our northern communities.

We will size the Arctic Galleries so that we can be assured of sufficient quality and critical mass to have an impact on the audience appeal, length of stay, and retention of content. The new entry portal to the science centre is important, as it will provide a new welcome experience, plus food and retail services.

STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-19 | January 2015


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