2008 Annual Report

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Annual Report to the Community 2008

The Edmonton Space & Science Foundation is a non-profit organization which operates TELUS World of Science – Edmonton, a broad-based and interactive science centre. Our facility offers five permanent exhibit galleries, one feature gallery, an IMAX® theatre, the Margaret Zeidler Star Theatre, a science demonstration stage, Observatory, numerous school and community programs, a Gift Shop and a Café. Our Mission is to inspire and motivate people to learn about, and contribute to science and technology advances that strengthen themselves, their families, and their community.

241 Number of communities served

717,649 2008 attendance (a new record)


Public visitors to BODY WORLDS 1


10,250 Volunteer hours contributed during BODY WORLDS 1 by hosts and health/medical specialists

School visitors to BODY WORLDS 1



Total volunteer hours contributed

Number of students participating in school programs


12,923 TELUS World of Science – Edmonton Annual Members

Number of full-time employees



TELUS World of Science – Edmonton Annual Membership households

Number of full-time equivalencies (part-time employees)


380 Number of volunteers (including Board and Foundation members as well as BODY WORLDS 1 volunteers)

2008 was an amazing year in which many of our attendance and revenue records were broken, thanks to a rich variety of programming—and most important, the world-famous BODY WORLDS 1 exhibition. We will continue to focus on relevant and engaging exhibits and programming to fulfill our Mission, as we build on our 25-year history and plan our next major expansion to continue to position ourselves as a preeminent science centre. • The provocative and educational BODY WORLDS 1 exhibition from June to October 2008 shattered all previous attendance records for TELUS World of Science – Edmonton, with 249,371 visitors and 19,972 school children taking in the most famous travelling exhibition in the world. A series of special BODY WORLDS 1 related events ran throughout the summer of 2008, including a number of speakers on various health, nutrition and related issues. • Our Brightest Minds program was honoured to host world-famous oceanographer, environmentalist and explorer Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of legendary Jacques Cousteau, who challenged us to become more globally engaged, responsible and connected to the ecosystem that supports all life on earth. • The first art exhibit in the world made exclusively of LEGO®, The Art of the Brick™, opened in December and remained popular into 2009. • 2008 started strongly with two great IMAX films: The Alps and Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs. Other IMAX films included The Human Body, a great companion to the BODY WORLDS 1 exhibit, as well as Wired to Win, and Dinosaurs Alive! • We launched our Food for Health exhibition and reopened Close Encounters of the Science Kind, celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars with models from the Northern Alberta LEGO® User Group.

• We hosted Science Cafes on Nanotechnology, Grey Matters (prions and their effect on the brain), and Climate Change. • We continued to engage our community about space sciences, with celestial events such as the lunar eclipse on February 20 of 2008 and a meteor shower on August 11 and 12, as well as an array of full-dome shows in the Margaret Zeidler Star Theatre. • We benefited from a record number of volunteer hours, more than 25,000 overall—10,000 of those for BODY WORLDS 1 alone, including many medical and health professionals. • Our school programming shattered previous records, hosting 192,688 K-12 students from all over the province. Summer camps were also a success, with over 1,100 children attending dozens of different programs during their holidays. • We served 241 communities throughout Alberta and in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and even Montana through our continuing Science in Motion (SIM) program, bringing science to school children and adults in an engaging, fun and educational way. SIM has grown into one of the most successful Outreach Programs in North America with over 32,000 students taking part each year. The popularity of SIM means this program is pre-booked as far as 18 months in advance. SIM staff are certified teachers.

Annual Report 2008  3

Anatomy of a Great Year

After a banner year in which we toppled many records, TELUS World of Science – Edmonton continues to be one of the most successful science centres in Canada. We presented some of the most unique and powerful exhibitions, shows and programs ever offered in our city and province. Our attendance soared to almost 720,000 visitors as a result, including nearly 200,000 school children. We continue to be the second-most visited cultural facility in Alberta and the seventh-most visited attraction overall in the province.

J.D. Hole, Chair

2008 was truly a milestone year for us. Most spectacularly, the internationally acclaimed travelling exhibition BODY WORLDS 1 broke all attendance records in our 25-year history during its only scheduled visit to Canada’s Prairie Provinces. Since its debut in 1995, its various versions have been seen by more than 26 million visitors in over 40 cities globally, Edmonton now among them. It is the single most visited travelling exhibition in the world and we were proud to host it at our own site. Our community agreed. Almost 270,000 visitors enjoyed the thought-provoking, educational and engaging BODY WORLDS 1 experience between June and October of 2008, boosting overall attendance for the year to record levels. The powerful, educational and inspirational BODY WORLDS 1 exhibition offered Albertans and numerous out-of-province guests a tremendous opportunity to improve their knowledge and understanding about their own bodies and the health impact of their lifestyle choices. Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS 1: The Original Exhibition of Real Human Bodies allowed us to demonstrate what we are capable of, hosting one of the largest, most prestigious and well-known international exhibitions, highlighting our world-class status, experience and abilities. Generating more media and community engagement than any exhibit in our history, BODY WORLDS 1 also saw hundreds of volunteers stepping forward to offer more than 10,000 hours of their time, during an economic boom and a scarcity of available talent. Many Northlands volunteers stepped forward to help, and we are grateful to Northlands President and CEO Ken Knowles and his people in this regard.

George Smith, President and CEO


Vision 2020 Still On the Horizon Over the longer term, bringing in more world-class exhibitions such as BODY WORLDS 1 will require significant further expansion of our facilities. This will help us to fully realize the contribution TELUS World of Science – Edmonton can make to our community, not only for children but for visitors of all ages, as we expand and improve our ongoing displays, exhibits and programs. We have been working for some time on our new Vision 2020, to be recognized as a world-class science centre by 2020, a science centre that will provide the people of Edmonton and beyond the best possible opportunities for learning about innovation, science and technology. Our challenge is to continue to make world-class exhibitions available—but our available space and our resources must also continue to grow. To that end—and to ensure we continue to effectively engage, excite and educate the people of our community—work on our longer-term Master Plan continued throughout 2008 and into 2009, thanks in large part to support from The City of Edmonton, for which we are grateful.

Other Highlights of 2008 We were delighted to host world-famous oceanographer, environmentalist and explorer Jean-Michel Cousteau in 2008 as part of our ongoing Brightest Minds program, which brings in some of the top thinkers and inspiring speakers of our time. The son of legendary Jacques Cousteau challenged more than 500 dinner guests at the Shaw Conference Centre—as well as almost 2,000 school children the following day—to become more globally engaged, responsible and connected to the ecosystem that supports all life on earth. Our year also started strongly with two great new IMAX films: The Alps and Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs. And we launched the first art exhibit in the world made exclusively of LEGO®, called The Art of the Brick™, which opened in December and remained popular into 2009, including a special visit by the artist. As always, we continued to engage our community about space sciences as well, including celestial events such as the lunar eclipse on February 20, 2008 and a meteor shower on August 11 and 12.

BODY WORLDS 1 created enormous interest throughout the community and attracted record numbers to the TELUS World of Science – Edmonton. At the news conference before the opening of this world-class exhibit (left to right): President and CEO George Smith; Dr. Angelina Whalley, Director of the Institution for Plastination in Heidelberg, Germany; and Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel, who said BODY WORLDS made an important contribution to the richness of the Edmonton experience.

Annual Report 2008  5

Going Forward As we prepare to celebrate 25 years of innovation, creativity and success, we are proud to report that 11.5 million visitors have come through our doors since the day we opened, of which two million were students— strong evidence of our role as key support to the formal education system. In this landmark year we are delighted to bring in the world famous Da Vinci exhibit from Italy, and an intriguing new IMAX film on seminal Dutch artist Van Gogh. We will also mark our Silver Anniversary in a special celebration on July 1st, our official anniversary date—and will offer the Da Vinci exhibit at no extra charge while it is in Edmonton, another way of thanking our community for its patronage over the years. We are poised for even greater success on our journey toward becoming one of the preeminent science centres, a goal now closer to reality. The next few years will require renewed commitment and effective planning on our part, continued growth in our membership, increased private sector support, and greater participation by all levels of government. We are grateful for the tremendous support we continue to receive from our hard-working and talented employees, from our many and faithful volunteers, from our committed members, from our growing number of visitors, from our generous sponsors, partners and donors—most especially from our signature sponsor, TELUS, without whose help we would not be able to achieve as much as we have—and from The City of Edmonton. As our city continues to grow and evolve into a world-class centre of excellence, creativity and success, TELUS World of Science grows and evolves with it. We will continue to provide leadership in the areas of science and technology learning, tied to the real issues of our day and providing objective and balanced approaches that engage, excite and educate all who visit our facility. The City’s ongoing support of our operations, as well as our ambitious plans for the future, remains vital to our success.

Of the many special relationships we enjoy with a variety of organizations, one growing partnership is that with the University of Alberta (U of A), with whom we have worked for many years. We are strengthening our partnership in order to create opportunities that help Canadians and the global community better understand and appreciate the scientific, technological and related social issues and concerns of Canada’s peoples and communities. Together with U of A, we will serve as a portal for information about ongoing scientific research and technology, including social issues and concerns, in order to increase awareness and understanding about vital regions of our planet. We will work together to develop Edmonton as an internationally renowned centre for research, training, public education and knowledge management. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of our Council of Governors, comprised of all the past Chairs of the Board of Directors, our Foundation continued to grow and attract the involvement of many government, business, academic and community leaders. In the years ahead we will continue to seek the participation and support of many other leaders from throughout all areas of our community. Our future will be greatly enhanced through their insights, feedback and ambassadorship. We would be remiss to not acknowledge the incredible leadership provided by our volunteer Board of Directors. The Board of the Edmonton Space & Science Foundation has remained focussed on providing strong strategic leadership and ensuring excellent governance and fiscal accountability. During the past twelve months our Board contributed much energy and time to refine and enhance its role in all these areas. We are immensely appreciative of their continued commitment, dedication, support and leadership… without which our future would be uninviting. Last but far from least, enormous thanks goes to our Executive Management Team. Without their ongoing dedication, drive and determination, neither our current nor future success is possible. We are building on 25 years of a fascinating and successful past as we design our future. Let us both Celebrate Our Past and Anticipate Our Future as we make our vision for the next 25 years reality. Great regions of the world have great cultural facilities, facilities their citizens are proud of. The Edmonton Space & Science Foundation will continue to apply every effort to make the citizens of our region proud of TELUS World of Science – Edmonton.

J.D. Hole Chair, Edmonton Space & Science Foundation

George Smith President & CEO, Edmonton Space & Science Foundation/TELUS World of Science – Edmonton 6  EDMONTON SPACE & SCIENCE FOUNDATION

Anatomy of a world class exhibition BODY WORLDS 1 featured authentic human specimens preserved through a revolutionary process called Plastination. This remarkable preservation technique replaces bodily fluids and fat with reactive plastics, thereby preserving human tissue in its natural state. The almost 270,000 visitors who embarked on this amazing journey below the skin’s surface during the exhibition’s four months in Edmonton saw an extensive collection including more than 200 authentic organs, systems and whole-body displays, such as the gymnast pictured here. Gunther von Hagen’s BODY WORLDS exhibitions are the original, precedent-setting public anatomical exhibitions of real human bodies, and the only ones that use donated bodies, willed by donors for the express purpose of educating the public about health and anatomy. During BODY WORLDS’ time in Edmonton, TELUS World of Science featured the IMAX film, The Human Body, as well as themed activities on germs, genes, blood, breathing, fitness, the senses and human movement, and speakers on sleep, smoking cessation, joint and bone health, physical therapy and nutrition.

Annual Report 2008  7


Brightest Minds presents Cousteau Recognized as a voice for the ocean who communicates to a new generation, Jean-Michel Cousteau continues his quest to “carry forward the flame of his faith” and to educate listeners worldwide on the importance of the oceans and preserving underwater ecosystems. The son of legendary ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau challenged hundreds of guests at an October dinner at the Shaw Conference Centre in Edmonton—and almost 2,000 school children the next day—to become more globally engaged, responsible,

and connected to the ecosystem. The evening was part of the ongoing TELUS World of Science Brightest Minds program, which brings in the best thinkers and inspiring speakers in the world. Cousteau continues the legacy of his father as a world-renown explorer, environmentalist, educator, oceanographer and filmmaker. He founded the Ocean Futures Society, a marine conservation and education organization that serves as a “Voice for the Ocean.” Cousteau has also produced over 70 films, many of them award-winning.

Annual Report 2008  9

We could not achieve any of our amazing success without the help of our Corporate and Community Sponsors. Their generous support made our array of IMAX® films, exhibit and special event offerings possible for all our visitors, including the tens of thousands of school children who come through our doors every year to be engaged, entertained and educated. IMAX® Presenting Sponsors Mummies: HSBC Bank Grand Canyon Adventure: EPCOR

Exhibit Sponsors BODY WORLDS 1 Presenting Sponsor: Edmonton Journal. Supporting Sponsors: Health Sciences Association of Alberta; Capital Health Authority; EPCOR. VIP Event Sponsor: Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors.

Special Event Sponsors Brightest Minds – Jean-Michel Cousteau Presenting Sponsor: Alberta Lottery Fund – Community Initiatives Program. Supporting Sponsor: Horse Racing Alberta. Contributing Sponsors: Ocean Sports; Alberta Sport & Recreation. Science Café: Alberta Ingenuity Fund

Corporate Sponsors TELUS – In addition to funds received for the naming rights to our facility, TELUS provides an annual contribution that is used to support our program development and delivery. Coca-Cola – As the official supplier of our soft drink program, Coca-Cola also provides us with an annual contribution that supports our science programs. Crystal Glass – A long time supporter of the Edmonton Space & Science Foundation, Crystal Glass provides an annual contribution that helps support our program development and delivery.

School Programs

Inner City School Programming

Ducks Unlimited; Pyramid Electric; SM Blair Family Foundation; Shell Canada; EPCOR.

Presenting Sponsor: Edmonton (Host) Lions Club For the 7th year running the Edmonton (Host) Lions Club agreed to sponsor the Inner City School program which allowed students at 11 Edmonton schools to attend programming at no cost to them. Busing was also provided.

Science in Motion (SIM): Begun in 1996, thanks to excellent program content and the financial support of our sponsors, SIM has grown into one of the most successful Outreach Programs in North America. Presenting Sponsor: Suncor Energy Foundation. Supporting Sponsors: Alberta Lottery Fund CIBC. Contributing Sponsors: AECOM; NSERC; APEGGA .

Almost 200,000 children came through TELUS World of Science in 2008 to enjoy a variety of programming that is complementary to the Alberta school curriculum. Over 1,000 children also attended an array of summer camps, and thousands more benefitted from the Science in Motion (SIM) program, which brought science to school children and adults in 241 communities throughout Alberta and Western Canada in 2008. SIM is one of the most successful outreach programs of its kind in North America, pre-booked as much as 18 months in advance.

In all 2,140 students participated during the 2007/2008 school year bringing the 7-year total to 16,748 students.

Inner City Summer Camp Program Sponsor: Rotary Club of Edmonton

Iron Science Teacher Presenting Sponsor: Alberta Ingenuity Fund. Supporting Sponsor: Devon Oil

School Field Trip Calendar Sponsor: ATB Financial

Visitor Guide & Connector Newsletter Sponsor: Sutton Real Estate - Edmonton

Annual Report 2008  11

The Edmonton Space & Science Foundation gratefully acknowledges the support of the following individuals, foundations, corporations and public and private agencies that share our vision by supporting the Foundation and its programs. $100,000+

$10,000 – $24,999

$1,000 – $4,999

Alberta Lottery Fund: Community Initiatives Program City of Edmonton Edmonton Journal Suncor Energy Foundation TELUS

Alberta Research Council The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta Coca-Cola Bottling Company Crystal Glass Canada Ltd. Horse Racing Alberta HSBC Bank Canada Bruce A. Saville Sutton-Premiere Real Estate Pat Whittaker

AECOM Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks & Wildlife Foundation Allard Foundation Steve and Tina Baker and Family Dr. Elmer Brooker College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta EMCO Corporation Focus Corporation Kohler Co. Don and Lorna Kramer MacEwan, Faculty of Health & Community Studies Deb Manz Melcor Developments Ltd. Lisa Miller and Farrel Shadlyn National Bank of Canada Ocean Sports Pyramid Corporation The Rotary Club of Edmonton S. M. Blair Family Foundation Shell Canada George and Anne Smith, and Family Rocky and Kathy Springer, and Family John and Avery Stobbe Syme Family Neil and Merle Taylor Civic Service Union 52 Benevolent Society Maureen Young Nault

$50,000 – $99,999 Alberta Ingenuity Fund Capital Health Edmonton Area Edmonton Airports EPCOR Health Sciences Association of Alberta

$25,000 – $49,000 Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors CIBC Edmonton (Host) Lions Club Synergy Projects Ltd.

$5,000 – $9,999 ATB Financial Corus Entertainment CTV Devon Oil Global Edmonton J. D. Hole Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Pattison Outdoor John and Barbara Poole & Family R. G. Unyk


$500 – $999 Jack N. Agrios Big Top Tent Rentals Louis and Marcelle Desrochers Doug and Wendy Elkow Ross McBain PosterTech Lindsey and Dr. Linda Uniat Tony Varga

$50 - $499 Dr. John Burger Darren Chivers Karin and Ron Dowling Scott Duncan Ardith and Davis Edwards Mei Hung Steven Jim James and Carol-Ann Lewis Albertina Luchko Sandy Lyon, SL Discovery Consulting Services McBain Camera Ltd. Alan McQuarrie Laura Milroy Cecil and Helen Paull Dan and Donalda Pelton Roland Shum Tim Spelliscy Paul Voyer Dr. Lorraine Wilgosh Jeanette Wozny



A unique fund-raising program where the public is invited to designate stars valued from $50 to $15,000 to support the programs and operations of TELUS World of Science.

Fund Value = $25,989

Stars Designated = 688 Total Donations = $79,965

VEGA SCHOLARSHIP Fund Value = $77,153 The VEGA Scholarship Program was established in 1987 through the generous support of Helen Tkachenko. This fund sponsors elementary school-aged children to attend a summer science camp or computer camp. In 2008, 25 children received VEGA Scholarships to attend camps at TELUS World of Science.

In honour of Les Young’s dedication and leadership of Edmonton’s space and science centre, in 1999 the Edmonton Space & Science Foundation Board established the Les Young Fund for Science Education as a permanent legacy in his name. Interest earned on this Fund will provide for the development and presentation of unique and innovative programs to inspire, motivate and challenge students to advance their knowledge and understanding of science and technology. Every effort has been made to ensure this listing of donors is accurate. Please accept our apologies if your name has been inadvertently omitted or listed incorrectly. Please notify the Edmonton Space & Science Foundation so that we may correct our records.

FIELD FUND FOR SCIENCE EDUCATION Fund Value = $33,731 Established in 1995 through the generous support of Gig Field, this endowment fund is designed to support the long-range future of the Foundation. The Foundation encourages additional contributions to this fund.

Annual Report 2008  13




J. D. Hole Chairman Lockerbie & Hole Contracting Limited

Nick Culo Vice President, Public & Community Affairs, TELUS

Reg Milley President & CEO, Edmonton Airports

Vice Chair Gord Syme* Vice President & Manager TD Waterhouse Private Client Services

Director Vi Becker VP, Corporate Resources and Technology, Stantec Consulting Ltd.

Director Dennis Blumenthal Partner, Tax PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


Secretary Kerry Day Associate, Bennett Jones LLP

Director Barry James Managing Partner Edmonton PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Director Eric Newell Chancellor Emeritus and Special Advisor to the Provost University of Alberta

Director Bruce Saville President, Saville Group



Debbie Manz Executive Director & CEO College of Chiropractors of Alberta

Dr. Gregory Taylor Dean of Science, University of Alberta

Director John McDougall President & CEO Alberta Research Council

Tim Boston* Director Government Relations, EPCOR 14  EDMONTON SPACE & SCIENCE FOUNDATION

Director Robert J. Turner, Q.C. Vice-Chairman, Partner Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP *City Appointee

Dr. Mohamed Ally Kevin Anderson Jane Batty Dr. Owen B. Beattie Vi Becker Dennis Blumenthal Tim Boston Jerry Bouma Rick Brommeland Denise Carpenter Joan Carr Joan Cowling Nick Culo Vicky Davis Kerry Day

Anne Marie Decore Karyn Decore Alan Dunn Brad Ferguson Bernie Galbraith Frank Gibson Gord Gilroy Luther Haave Ron Hayter Ben Hochhausen J. D. Hole Dr. Douglas Hube Barry James Donald Kramer Anna LaBrie

Oryssia Lennie Dr. Michael Leung Dr. David Lewin Franklin Loehde Dr. David Lynch Pat Macdonald Debbie Manz Jill Matthew Rod Mc Connell Jack McBain Bruce McCurdy John McDougall Lisa Miller Reg Milley David Nevett

Eric Newell Myka Osinchuk Allan Otterdahl Dr. Nils Petersen Ken Pilip P. Eng. Dr. Bill Preshing Stephen Rawlinson Dr. Will Reese Dr. Dale Ripley Sol Rolingher, Q.C. Rose Rosenberger David Salloum Bill Saul Bruce Saville Edgar Schmidt

Tim Schultz Genevieve Segger Gisele Simard Lily Simpson Sandy Slator Bill Stephens John Stobbe Gord Syme Dr. Gregory Taylor Merle Taylor Robert J. Turner, Q.C. Dr. Larry Wang FRSC Bart West P.Eng. Dr. Robert Westbury Neil Windsor P.Eng.

Annual Report 2008  15

Corporate Challenge Spirit Champions 6th year running! The enthusiastic team from TELUS World of Science – Edmonton was crowned the Spirit Champions for the sixth year in a row at the conclusion of the multi-week 2008 Corporate Challenge contest in Edmonton. Even better, for the past five years the team has competed in the Blue division, but due to the expansion of staff complement the team moved up to the very competitive Green division, making the win even more significant. Adding to the excitement was capturing second place overall in the Green division for the event/sport category. It should be noted going into the final days the team was in 4th place. However, with a bronze in Basketball and a Gold in the Disco Dance Challenge, and the added points for the Spirit win, the team moved up the ranks to take second place.

Nate Ragosin Memorial Award Colin Lin Gallery Guide/Interpreter and Assistant Program Leader Through Colin’s seven years volunteering at TELUS World of Science – Edmonton, he has grown significantly in leadership, public speaking and interpretation skills. With more than 1,000 volunteer hours, he is a star interpreter on the floor, actively engaging visitors in science discussions and getting them excited about learning. He succeeds in teaching children and adults alike, exciting them about science. Colin is a quiet, focused, energetic, service-oriented volunteer, respected by colleagues, sought after by visitors for quality guidance and information.


(Clockwise from top left) A special visitor emerges from the crypt to emcee the opening event for the IMAX film, Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs; a genuine moon rock enthralls a young visitor; Mr. Anatomy poses for pictures as part of the promotional campaign during the BODY WORLDS exhibition; BODY WORLDS featured a number of whole-body displays showing various anatomical systems at work in real-life activity.

Annual Report 2008  17

Auditors’ Report on Summarized Financial Statements To the Board of Directors of Edmonton Space & Science Foundation: The accompanying summarized statement of financial position and statement of operations are derived from the compete financial statements of the Edmonton Space & Science Foundation as at December 31, 2008 and for the year then ended on which we expressed an opinion without reservation in our report dated February 25, 2009. The fair summarization of the complete financial statements is the responsibility of management. Our responsibility, in accordance with the applicable Assurance Guideline of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, is to report on the summarized financial statements.

Edmonton Space & Science Foundation Executive Management Team 2008 George Smith – President & CEO Howard Pateman – Vice President, Operations Kathy Springer – Vice President, Finance & Operations Valerie Collins - Vice President, Programs Steve Baker – Director, Fund Development Karin Dowling – Director, Human Resources Andrea Kuhlmann – Director, Marketing & Communications


February 25, 2009

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements fairly summarize, in all material respects, the related complete financial statements in accordance with the criteria described in the Guideline referred to above. These summarized financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Readers are cautioned that these statements may not be appropriate for their purposes. For more information on the Foundation’s financial position and results of operations reference should be made to the related complete financial statements. Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP Chartered Accountants

Some artists use paint, others bronze – New York’s Nathan Sawaya chooses to build his awe-inspiring art out of toy LEGO® bricks. The Art of the Brick exhibition opened at TELUS World of Science – Edmonton in late 2008 and remained popular throughout its run, well into 2009. It included an exclusive visit to Edmonton by the artist. Sawaya’s art is currently touring North America, the only exhibition focusing exclusively on LEGO® as an art medium. His creations, constructed from nearly one million pieces, were built from standard bricks beginning as early as 2002.

FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2008 ($ – 000’s) RESULTS FROM OPERATIONS 2008 Revenues: Admissions $ Operating grants Sponsorships and donations Amortization of deferred capital contributions Gift Shop, net revenue Rentals, lease and other Food Services, net revenue Total Revenues Expenditures:

2008 5,550 $ 1,907 1,286 590 448 240 214 10,235

2007 3,639 1,847 1,256 559 285 272 160 8,018

Salaries and benefits Operations Advertising and promotion Amortization Royalties, film leases Utilities Interest on long-term debt Loss on disposal of interest

3,953 1,835 884 742 414 328 75 1

3,302 1,920 634 607 394 306 85 -

Total Expenditures



Excess of revenues over expenditures





3,033 $ 6,525 137

1,313 6,921 150




Current assets $ Property and equipment Investments



Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ Deferred admissions, contributions Current portion of long-term debt



Long-term debt Deferred capital contributions

1,397 2,723

1,675 3,313



Investment in property and equipment Internally restricted Unrestricted

2,127 2,008 (9)

1,665 503 (45)





Net Assets:


611 $ 560 278


445 561 267




Annual Report 2008  19

11211 142 Street  ·  Edmonton, AB  ·  T5A 4M1 780-452-9100  ·  www.telusworldofscience.com/edmonton

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