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M o r r i s M u l t i M e d i a A d v e r t i s i n g t r a i n i n g G U IDE REVISED :

f e b r ua r Y

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Successful Sales characteristics of successful sales representatives


Focused on outcomes.


Determined and persistent.


Act ‘on purpose’.


They are passionate.


Manage time.


Perform tasks efficiently.


Establish clear communication channels.


Effective networker.


Constantly identify opportunities.




Provide detailed, accurate reports.


Understand customer’s needs before presenting a proposal.


Solution based vs product based seller.


Always negotiate for a win/win.


Carry themselves as someone whom clients look to for advice.


Constantly seek to improve their knowledge.


Believe in their product. 2




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Prospecting It’s one of the most important activities a salesperson can engage in and yet many are reluctant to do it. In this article we’ll look at the key aspects of prospecting, including: why salespeople don’t like to do it, how to identify a qualified prospect, and where and how to find them.

(Who is a prospect?) n Someone who needs

Why Sales People don’t do it There are three major reasons many salespeople may not prospect.


1: It’s embarrassing. There are two sides of this coin: an experienced seller who’s embarrassed and a newcomer who’s embarrassed. Many experienced salespeople don’t like to prospect, because in their minds they’ve paid their dues. They’ve done the networking and cold calling. They’ve been disappointed, insulted, frustrated, and through it all they’ve built a book of business. For them, going back to their “roots” is uncomfortable and reminds them of how things used to be, about how they used to feel, and they don’t want to go back there. Because at this point, most experienced salespeople have created enough pull so they don’t have to push for referrals, contracts, and business. The problem with that thinking is those sources may run dry on them or the salesperson may become complacent; thinking, “Why should I work harder when I already have everything I want? This is why selling is such a challenging profession. A salesperson trying to generate new business has: n A 1 in 2 chance of selling more to an existing client n A 1 in 4 chance of selling to a lost/regained account

n Someone who needs advertising now n Someone who has money n Someone who has the authority to make the commitment n All competitors to current advertisers n All new businesses n Businesses that

n A 1 in 14 chance of selling to a new prospect A seasoned salesperson should spend about 70% of their time working on their 1 in 2 chance. But they have to put that other 30% in their 1 in 14 chance because without working that end of the pipeline - there are no existing clients to sell to. If they don’t prospect - they don’t even have customers to lose and try to regain! They have to keep new business coming in or the pipeline will eventually go dry. Now for the newcomer salesperson with no book of business, they’re starting from scratch. All they have is a 1 in 14 chance and there’s no way around it. It’s probably going to be pretty miserable, or at least challenging, while they build a customer base. For the most part, there will be a lot of rejection, disappointment and frustration but the persistence they demonstrate in building a client base is going to pay off for them and their organization in the long run.

use the services of competitive media

It’s usually at this point that most salespeople question their profession and they start getting dejected because they always feel they’re in a subordinate position, seeking the “approval” and positive feedback of the prospect. Your manager will help you develop an emotional shield against this kind of onslaught to help you keep moving forward.



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It’s important to remember that the prospect isn’t rejecting you personally. It may feel personal, but it isn’t. In many cases the “rejection” is based on timing. Remind yourself that a sale happens when you are in front of a qualified prospect when that prospect is ready to buy. Also, it’s good practice to enter the account at the highest point possible then get handed down to the right person, rather than calling on buffers and gatekeepers all the time. Finally, remember that you are selling a great product or service for a great organization and that, in effect, you’d be doing a disservice to potential customers if you didn’t try to put your message in front of qualified prospects. Sales is one of the highest paying and consequently one of the most competitive professions around and it takes a certain kind of person to excel.

For the most part, salespeople don’t have a strong sense of organization or interest in systematic thinking. People tend to gravitate to what they do well and enjoy doing. Most good salespeople enjoy being in front of qualified prospects, selling their products or service - not working on their file management. A salesperson who would rather work on his or her filing system than go on a sales call probably isn’t a very good salesperson. Salespeople need a system to track their prospecting efforts but it can’t be one where the details or implementation kills the sales productivity. A good idea is to keep a log or journal. That way you can keep notes about who you’re talking to, how qualified they are and so on. Eventually, you will get your own system out of that notebook.

2: It takes too much organization.

The key is to get started. Once you see what kind of new ground they can gain by taking an organized approach, you’ll inevitably develop your own system for keeping track of everything.

Prospecting can get confusing and hard to keep track of with so many components.

3: They don’t know where to look or what to look for.

Good prospecting takes systematic thinking. n

Who’s qualified


Who isn’t


Who’s been contacted


Who hasn’t been contacted


Who asked for information


Who needs a follow-up

Your sales manager is an expert on your organization’s ideal prospect. They can you tell you where your customers mostly come from: Are they mid-size, large or small companies? What are some niche industries, or markets you’ve had success in? Who are the decision makers? What is a good time to call on those kinds of professional? Do they usually have morning or afternoon meetings? Are they out of the office most of the time? For you to know the answers to all the questions, you’ll have to know your prospects well, what events and seminars, or tradeshows they participate in, what publications they subscribe to, what websites they visit, what blogs they read and what associations they belong to.

Thousands of salespeople have been assessed and studied over the years. There are a few characteristics that tend to make for a good salesperson; strong interpersonal skills, high energy, and resilience are among them. Strong organizational skills and systematically thinking are not as essential for a salesperson as they are, for say, an engineer. Correspondingly, an engineer doesn’t have to have strong interpersonal skills. In short, it takes one person to build something and a different person to sell it.






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media executive Homework before meeting with the client Step 1 n

Fill out Client Diary Form

n Gather information from Account Scout n Gather information from client website n Gather information from prospecting tools

Step 2 n

Fill out Quick Digital Service Audit form

n Gather information by Googling the client n Look at their website from your mobile phone n

Pull reports from Yext

database USA - Prospecting research To view the Training Video, visit: To login to Database USA: • Visit: • Choose New Hanover County Library • Enter this library card number: 24200102771340



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media executive Homework before meeting with the client

CLIENT DIARY BUSINESS INFORMATION Advertising Executive Name __________________________________________________________ Date ______________________ Business Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Office Phone ______________________________________________ Mobile Phone ________________________________________ Email address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Principle/Partners ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Owned Since ____________________ Business Established ____________________ Anniversary Month _____________________ Type of Business ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Products/Services Offered _______________________________________________________________________________________ Target Groups _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best Months to Advertise: Best days to Advertise: Best Day to Call On: Client Classification:







Aug Sept


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday A










PERSONAL INFORMATION Birthday _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spouse ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anniversary ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Children Names/Ages ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Principle’s Hobbies/Interests _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spouse’s Hobbies/Interests _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Children’s Hobbies/Interests______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________





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media executive Homework before meeting with the client


A few minutes online your researching account canwe help IDhelp howthem we can help them mos A few minutes online researching accountyour can help ID how can most!

Rep Name: ________Name of Client: _______________________ Website: ______________________

AE Name ______________ Name of Client ________________________ Website ___________________ Date _________

Check Visibility? 1.1Check Visibility?



2. Condition of Website? Action RESULTS?

3. Social Pr Action


1. Google them for 1. Does Site reflect the 1. Do they have a Pres their best keywords quality of their business on Facebook? (not their business name) Where do they rank? (not their business in the real world? 2. How many times a name) Where do rank? Ahead of them or? 2. Give it a Grade- A, B, C? 2. Where does competition week/month do the they rank? Does it have a modern post? w minutes online researching your account can help ID how we can help them most! 3.2. Are they appearing Where does in the Google My Business listings? wide screen design, 3. Quality of Updates? Competition Rank? _Name of Client: _______________________ Website: _______________________ Date: ________ Photos, Contests, et quality photos, video? 4. Have they claimed their Google Business listing? Ahead of them or? 3. Is Web Content Fresh or 4. How many Fans? 3. Are they appearing out of date? the Fans interac Conditionof of Website? isibility? 2.2Google Condition Website?4. Smartphone3.friendly? Social Presence? 5. Are in the My with the posts? Lik Business listings? Sites now must be Action Results? Shares? Commentin Action Results? Results? ACTION RESULTS? 4. Have they claimed mobile friendly to rank 6. Other Social Channe 1. Does Site reflect the 1. Do they have a Presence their Google high on Google. 1. Does site reflect the quality of their business in the real world? quality of their business on Facebook? Business listing? 5. Test it at: in the real world? 2. How many times a 2. Give it a grade: A, B, C? Does it have a modern wide screen 2. quality Give photos, it a Grademasters/tools/mobile-friendly/ week/month do they design, video?A, B, C? Does it have a modern post? 3. Is web content fresh or out of date? wide screen design, 3. needs Qualityhelp of Updates? Using Recommendation: Based on the above, this client with _______________________________ quality photos, video? Photos, Contests, etc 4. Smartphone friendly? Sites must now be mobile friendly 3. help Is Web Content Fresh or 4. How many Fans? n help ID how wetocan them most! rank high with Google out of date? 5. Are the Fans interacting Website: _______________________ Date: ________ friendly? with the posts? Likes? 5. Test4. it at:Smartphone Sites now must be Shares? Commenting? mobile friendly to rank 6. Other Social Channels? Social Presence? Website? 3. 3Social Presence? high on Google. Results? 5. Action Test it at: Results? 1. Google them for their best keywords

Quick Digital Services Audit

ices Audit



1. Do they have a Presence masters/tools/mobile-friendly/ 1. Do they have a presence on Facebook? on Facebook? 2. many times ahelpdowith sed on the above, this client _____________________________________________ 2. HowHow many timesneeds week/month they post? week/month do they 3. Quality of updates? Using photos, contests, etc? post? 3. Quality of Updates? Using 4. How many fans? Photos, Contests, etc many Fans? with posts? 5.4.Are How the fans interescting 5.Likes? Are the Fans interacting Shares? Comments? with the posts? Likes? 6. Other social channels? Shares? Commenting? 6. Other Social Recommendation:Channels? Based on the above, this client needs help with ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ S A LES


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Cold Calling: How to Nail the First 20 Seconds and Engage the Prospect The golden rules of cold calling n It’s not an optional skill. n Call reluctance is common but must be overcome if you’re serious about success. n Talking about yourself or your product is a sure-fire way to turn off prospects. n Cold calling is not just a numbers game. Quality counts … do your homework.

Scripting your first 20 seconds n

A strong script is an absolute must. Invest the time in writing, practicing, and rewriting until it works.


Before you write a word, think about what the prospect cares about. Remember, they don’t care about you or your product.

1) Who are you?

The three key elements of your script:

Keep it short. Don’t embellish. 2) Why are you calling? Prospects don’t want to be sold. If you’re calling to introduce them to a product and explain the features, you’ll lose them. 3) What’s in it for me? Focus on how you can help them achieve critical business goals.

Things to consider Before you make that call

n What have I learned about this company?

n What could I say to build value and create interest?

n What are common industry problems?

n Do I have any customers in the same industry? Is their

n What objections might I hear?




ad successful?


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Interviewing your Client = Needs Analysis When we interview our clients about their business we put needs analysis in first gear. We want to gain trust first, and then sell a program based on their needs. When we interview our clients we want to:


Find out more about them/their business.


Ask the 5 w’s.

Ask permission to take notes n Identify the problem/opportunity n Uncover the issues n What made you go into business? n Did you study this in school? n Is your family involved in your business?

n Who – Who buys this stuff? Demographics,

psychographics – age, income, male/female

n What – What do they buy a lot of? What

problems do you solve for your customers?

n When – When do they buy it? Seasonally? n Where – Where do your customers come from?

The surrounding 2 miles? All over the state? Web site?

n Why – Why do they buy it from your instead of

the competition? Price, quality, selection? Why is that important to the customer? Does it pass the “So what, who cares test?”


Find out the value of a customer. n How much does the average customer spend? n How often do they shop your store? n What is the gross margin of the product?


Find out who their competition is. n What are the key advantages you have over the


n Who are your competitors? n Is the competition gaining, slipping or holding

their ground? n Where do you get most of your new customers from?


Know the seasonal treads of their business. n Which months are the best and which are the

slowest? Why? n Outline the whole year from Busy to Average to Slow



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Interviewing your Client = Needs Analysis


Understand their marketing budget.

tools to use:

n Where do you currently advertise? n What do you currently do in advertising? (frequency, size) n Do you have co-op funds available? n What percent of gross sales do you spend on advertising?

n Client Diary

n Do you advertise on Social Media?

n Digital Services Audit

n How often do you update Social Media?

n Needs Analysis Worksheet

n Do you do any events?


n Breakeven Analysis Worksheet

Understand/Analyze their web presence.

n Customer Action Forms

n Are you happy with your current website?

n Work with Creative on spec

n Do you have any plans to redesign it?


Understand/Analyze their advertising history.

ads - sell a campaign. Online:

n What advertising have you tried in the past?

n Metro Creative Connection

n How did it work? n What was your most effective promotion?


Know their goals and objectives. n What goals do you have for your business? 90 days, 1

year and 5 year goals? n What specific goal would you like to accomplish from your marketing program (must be measurable). n What should constitute “Breaking Even� on your marketing budget? 1 0




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Set a time to get back with them with ideas n Follow-up n Make your exit n Set a future appointment n Do not sell them!

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Needs Analysis Call script This call is your second contact with the client. It is important to state the purpose of your being there. Call Objectives: n Ask the Needs Analysis questions

n Secure an appointment for the “Presentation” call

n Gain Information

n Trial Close

Script: Hi … thank you for taking the time to talk/meet with me today. The purpose of my call today is to ask you some questions regarding your customers and current advertising program. I will then take that information and prepare recommendations for future advertising. Once we’ve completed our meeting I’ll take your information and match it to our readers responses for you to review. This is a service that we provide to local businesses with absolutely no charge involved. Now ask the “Needs Analysis” questions, using the form provided making sure to document their answers. What I plan on doing is taking the information I gather today and prepare recommendations on what I feel would work best for your future advertising. If I can do that for you and you like the recommendations would you consider taking a portion of your existing budget and reinvesting it in (your publication name)? Set the date for the Presentation or call back: Should be within 5 working days of the Needs Analysis Call



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NEEDS ANALYSIS WORK SHEET C O N F I D E NT A I L AE: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Business Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Client Name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________ State: _______________ Zip:_________ Office Phone: ______________________ Ext: _______ Mobile: ______________________ Email:___________________________________________________ www___________________________________________ Other _________________________________________________________ YOUR CUSTOMER: What are the demographics of your current core customer? M _______% age/ range __________ F _______ % age/ range __________ Married _______%

Children at home _______% Annual HH income $ _______

n Who is your ideal customer? ______________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n Where do the majority of your customers come from? ________________________________________________________________ n How far will they travel to your store? _____________________________________________________________________________ n How many customers per week do you see? ________________________________________________________________________ n Are there any seasonal customer differences? ______________________________________________________________________ n What is your average dollar amount per sale? _______________________________________________________________________ n What is your average profit margin? _______________________________________________________________________________ n What percent is repeat business? _________________________________________________________________________________ n What products and services do you offer? ___________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n What is your best profit center or product? _________________________________________________________________________ n Annual sales amount for last year? ________________________________________________________________________________

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NEEDS ANALYSIS WORK SHEET Continued C O N F I D E NT A I L KEY OBJECTIVES: Please check 6 – 12 objectives you wish to accomplish with your marketing and advertising in the next 12 – months and choose 3 that you would like to accomplish immediately. Prioritize and circle 1-3 Product/Service


______ Introduce New Department

______ Retail Current Customers

______ Introduce New Products/Services

______ Recapture Previous Customers

______ Call Attention to Brands Carried

______ Increase Traffic/Lead Calls

______ Promote Off-price Items/Services

______ Expand Target (by age, income, geography)

______ Feature Specialty Departments

______ Change Consumer Attitudes



______ Make Promotions Stronger

______ Maintain Market Dominance

______ Develop a Quarterly Sales Spike

______ Build Brand Name Awareness

______ Develop Seasonal Campaign

______ Establish/Re-establish Image

______ Increase Other Media Response

______ Create Pent-up Demand

______ Enhanced Digital/Mobile/Online

______ Increase Market Share

______ Develop Special Event

______ Other

n Do you hold any events or seminars for your customers? __________________________

If yes, please elaborate: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ n Do you like to attend events where you can market your business to potential customers? Have you attended any this past year?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n Do you publish articles about your products, services or your specialty? _________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n We produce a number of monthly and annual specialty publications that target specific demographics and customer interests. n (Show the client our annual special section calendar). n Can you tell me which of these publications do you feel might be a good fit with your core customers? _____________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

CREATIVE AND COMPETITIVE INFORMATION: n How many years have you been in business? ________How many locations?______ n Where are they located? ________________________________________________ n How many employees do you have?_____________________________ __________ n What is your best location?______________________________________________ n What is your worst location that needs extra sales help? _______________________________________________________________ n What are the biggest misconceptions consumers have about your business? (list 4-5) ______________________________________




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NEEDS ANALYSIS WORK SHEET Continued C O N F I D E NT A I L n What are your businesses most distinctive selling advantages? (How are you different from your competition?) _________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n Who is your main competition? __________________________________________________________________________________ n What are their strengths? ________________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n What are their weaknesses? ______________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n What do you want your company’s name to project to your customers/consumers? _______________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n Current company slogan _______________________________________________________________________________________ n Does your current slogan or theme project that same image? _________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n Are there any recent changes in the competitive landscape? ___________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n What was your most successful promotion? ________________________________________________________________________ n When are your next scheduled promotions? ________________________________________________________________________ n If someone shops you, where else are they likely to shop? _____________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n What major reasons do people give you for NOT buying? ______________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n What are your poorest performing months? ________________________________________________________________________ n What are your best performing months? ___________________________________________________________________________ n What are your best performing days? __________________________________ Worst? _____________________________________

MARKETING HISTORY AND GOALS: n What media are you currently buying? _____________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n Which media do you believe performs the best and why?______________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n Which media do you believe performs the worst and why?_____________________________________________________________


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NEEDS ANALYSIS WORK SHEET Continued C O N F I D E NT A I L n What was spent last year in advertising in: n Radio


n TV


n Cable


n Billboards


n Direct Mail


n Yellow Pages


n Social Media


n Digital/ Internet


n Web site hosting


n Print

$_______________ (magazines, newspapers, shoppers)*

n Other


Total Media Investment Prior Year $_________________ How frequently did you run? ______________________________________________ Daily?______ Weekly? _______ Monthly? ______

• What would you change, modify or improve with your current advertising? _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Do you have an advertising agency? ( If yes, name and contact info.) ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Is there anyone other than yourself that will be involved in the final media marketing decision? Please list their names and contact information: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE PLANS: Are you planning an expansion, or opening new stores in the next 12 months? ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you adding any new product lines or services in the next 12 months? __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What do you feel are your largest growth opportunities in the next 12 months? _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Can you share a recent success story with me? ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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Digital Marketing Survey 1 SOCIAL MEDIA & CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGIES 1. Do you have a social Presence? Which sites? ___________________________________________ (Circle icons above or list in the blank provided.) 2. Frequency of Updates? _____________________________________________________________ 3. Total Fans? Growth this year? ________________________________________________________ 4. Who manages your presence? _______________________________________________________ 5. What is your content strategy? (Buying Content?) _______________________________________

2 TARGETED DIGITAL MARKETING 1. Digital Marketing efforts now or ever? _________________________________________________ 2. Measuring/Growing website traffic? __________________________________________________ 3. Lead Generation Program? __________________________________________________________ 4. Branding/Top of Mind Awareness?____________________________________________________ 5. Events/Promotions/Spikes? _________________________________________________________

3 DATABASE (E-MAIL & TEXT) MARKETING 1. What percentage is repeat business? __________________________________________________ 2. Stay in touch with customers? _______________________________________________________ 3. Customer Referral or Loyalty Program? ________________________________________________ 4. Online Review Program? ____________________________________________________________

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Obtaining Clients’ Advertising Budgets is Crucial Build Trust Because many customers have experienced negative interactions in regard to money with salespeople in the past, they are often uncomfortable sharing their budgets. Most are concerned they will be taken advantage of, or the salesperson will attempt to “over-sell” them for his or her personal gain. It is critical you build trust with customers in order to uncover an approximate monthly budget range each business wishes to invest in their advertising. (You will not recommend the business invest the same amount equally each month. The budget allocation will be based on the sales trends.)

Notes Caution: Some sales representatives encourage customers to advertise beyond their budgets. While clients may agree to the assertive solutions suggested, they often deplete their

If you do not determine a budget, you are simply guessing the volume and size of the advertising schedule. This frequently causes you to waste time and work. It also creates frustration with clients when they realize the program you recommended is above their budgets.

advertising funds quickly. This

Maintain Trust

Sales representatives who focus

Clients extend their trust to you when they provide their budget. In turn it is vital you maintain that trust by preparing an effective strategy that fits within their budgets. AVOID Recommending Solutions Above the Budget Some representatives choose to share solutions that are higher than the budgets provided by their clients. They take this approach because they assume prospects are not honest with them. This method is highly discouraged, as it creates an uncomfortable negotiation situation, and lessens the level of trust. While money may be “left on the table,” you are attempting to build a relationship with prospective clients. By preparing plans that fit customers’ needs, you will build confidence, and ultimately, long term partnerships. Sharing Several Solutions Other representatives bring in a few solutions – one at budget and one above it – and allow the clients to decide which they prefer. If choosing this approach, share the one within the budget first, and then ask permission to share additional solutions to add greater impact to the plan.

stalls their promotional efforts, as well as the momentum their advertising has established.

on long-term plans create lasting relationships, and significant advertising results for the business they serve. If during the planning stages, you realize the budget the client shared with you is less than necessary to achieve the goals, you may share a program higher than the budget. However, before you share your recommendations, say: “I know you gave me your budget, and I respect this number.. When I was preparing a strategy for you to reach your goals, I came in slightly higher. Please allow me to share

Uncovering Budgets Reduces Price Negotiations & Objections For smaller businesses, or those not accustomed to setting aside an advertising budget:

the entire program; then we can discuss a few options to get closer to your budget, if you feel that is necessary.”

“I am excited to partner with you to assist you in meeting your goals, In order for me to provide recommendations for your business, it is important for me to have an approximate monthly budget that you feel comfortable investing in your advertising. What is the monthly budget you would like me to work with? If the customer says they don’t know, or is reluctant to share the information with you, say: “I appreciate you may not have a range in mind at this point. Typically, businesses in your industry invest approximately $__to $__ on average per month. Is this a comfortable figure to use



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for planning purposes only?” If the client indicates the range is unacceptable, say: “No problem, we have programs and products to fit a variety of budgets. Is $__to__ a more comfortable range?” (Continue altering the range until one is provided.) You may wish to determine if the budget is for your products only or their entire media plan. For existing customers: “Last year you invested on average approximately $__to $__ a month in your promotional strategies. You shared with me that the local and online competition is becoming extremely aggressive and you wish to grow your sales this year. I highly recommend increasing your advertising investment to achieve your goals, Do you have an approximate monthly budget in mind?” If the customer tells you he or she does not have a budget in mind, say: “For planning purposes is $__ to $__ per month a comfortable amount?” For savvy clients who understand investing a percentage of their gross sales in advertising: “I am pleased you understand the importance of planning a long-term advertising strategy. So I can provide recommendations for your business, CAN YOU PLEASE SHARE WITH ME YOUR TOTAL GROSS SALES AND THE PERCENT YOU REINVEST IN ADVERTISING? Based on that percentage, your average monthly investment is approximately $__, is that correct? Is this the amount you plan to invest in our products, or is this your entire media budget?” Prospects looking for specific recommendations who refuse to share a budget with you: “I am excited about the opportunity to partner with your company. In order for me to provide solutions best suited to your organization, it is vital I have a range to work with. For planning purposes, I will start with the range of $__-$__ per month. Is this acceptable?” In some cases, businesses, such as advertising agencies and national accounts, will refuse to provide you with a budget. In these cases, they are typically investigating your market and product options, and therefore, at this point in the discussion an investment level is often not needed. You may wish to ask if the budget provided is for your products only or their entire media mix. For smaller clients you may assume it is only for your products; however, larger businesses may share their entire media budget and, therefore, it is important to verify the information.

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Customer Action Form Customer Name:


Salesperson Name: Newspaper (or Publication): Customer Rating Customer Rating Code (A, B, C, D) (based on annual spending with all media) A. Spend $10, 000 or more in your territory C. Spend $3,000 - $4,999 in your territory B. Spend $5,000 - $9,999 in your territory D. Spend less than $3,000 in your territory

Media BreakDown Annual Spending Daily Newspapers (list below)

Cable TV



Newtwork TV









Direct Mail




Other (list Below)


Money Mailer



Yellow Pages






Social Media


Total Annual Budget (All Media)


Account History Does this customer have a contract with MMM?



Actual Revenue with MMM

Prior Year:


Current Year:


Next Year’s Goal:




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proposals: Great Proposals and Great Presenters Always:

n Talk about the client’s needs and goals n

Set Expectations, including what a great ROI looks like, (using the Break Even Analysis) n Practice the Presentation n Restate, Integrate, Close

Every time you present a proposal, email information to your prospect, make a sales phone call or even when leaving a voice mail, be sure your message always answers one simple question for your prospect: “what’s in it for me?”. Whether you are selling a one-time feature, a special section, or a 26 week campaign, your proposal must show value to help the customer understand why it’s worth their time to meet or speak with you. How will they benefit from talking to you and using your media services? Talk about what our print and online publications and digital services can do for them. Talk about results and how we can help them solve their problems. A well planned proposal should attract their attention and entice them to respond. It should include these elements.

1. Drivers - Here are the top key elements businesses really care about. Demonstrate ways our products offer solutions to these drivers. Show them why they should choose us. Community connections Increase Sales New Opportunities Competition Increase Traffic Profit Margins Customer Retention Inventory Turnover Return on Investment Ease of Use Leads Generation Staffing Increase Awareness Market Share Time Sensitivity

2. Movement - Customers will be reluctant to change unless your proposal can show significant improvement over their current choice. Use some of these key “movement” verbs to start them thinking about change. Accelerate Enhance Leap Revitalize Active Flow Maximize Save Balance Free-up Minimize Shrink Build Grow Move Stimulate Cut Improve Quick Strengthen Eliminate Increase Reduce Stretch

3. Tangible – Use business metrics. Metrics are quantifiable measurements that are used to gauge performance. Keep them specific, it will add strength to your proposal and make it more believable. Here are four metrics that will attract your customer’s attention.

Dollar Amount

Market Share

Percentages Time Frame

Examples: (1) An ad campaign in Morris Multimedia will increase your store traffic leading to more sales and an excellent ROI. We’ve agreed that we only need two new customers per week to pay for the entire campaign. (2) Your new campaign will enhance your position in this market to help you quickly strengthen and improve market share over your competitors. (3) Morris Multimedia is used by 76% of local businesses. One of our recent customers had 86 coupons the same day the ad appeared. (Value Proposition story). I’m looking forward to helping you grow your business too.

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proposals (continued) Now let’s create the proposal integrating the information: n Prepare Prepare your proposal by reviewing the client’s needs analysis (CNA) data carefully and carrying out research to build your understanding of the client’s markets, products and challenges. Develop your strategy for the campaign and assess the strengths and weaknesses of your proposal before committing it to paper. Your proposal should reflect primary selling times, special sections, print, digital and any events that fit their objectives. Sometimes it can include a proposed budget for competing media or other marketing recommendations. Involve your ad director, creative and marketing specialists in the development of the proposal.

A successful Proposal is based on 4 pillars: Client Specifics, Advertising Roadmap, Strategy and Execution. The goal of the proposal is to lay out best practices clearly and succinctly, setting you up as the expert. n Pillar One: Client Specifics List key information from the CNA to lay the groundwork for your recommended strategy, i.e. “This is what you told me, which is why this particular strategy is ideal.” Try to limit to one page with a maximum of two pages Example of key information from CNA: n Primary services and products offered

n Advertising budget for the past year

n Perception in the marketplace

n Distribution of spending, e.g. TV, radio, billboards, etc.

n Strength of the business

n How much for each?

n Current customer base, e.g. women, 30-60 years old; middle income, etc. n What was the most effective? n Number of customers a week

n What wasn’t as effective?

n Annual value of a customer

n How do they determine their budget, e.g. percent of revenue?

n Major competitor(s)

n What do they want their advertising to do?

n Strengths of competitor(s)

n Grow the business

n Client advantages over competitor(s)

n Tell people who they are

n Reasons customers wouldn’t choose the client

n Tell people about their services

n What’s needed for the client to grow? n Pillar Two: Advertising Roadmap Every successful advertising campaign has three things in common: 1. Defined goals n In the CNA, you talked to the client about what they want from their advertising. Now you need to talk about what needs to be said or done to make those things happen. 2. Clear and consistent messaging n The client should be able to clearly state the area of focus, e.g. if they’re a builder and they want to drive windows, focus on windows as a profit center of its own. n No laundry list of everything they can do. Focus only on the areas of business they want to grow. n The client needs to understand the importance of keeping their name out there but remember, there’s a fine balance between quantity and quality. n The more “stuff” they tell customers, the more likely they’ll get confused. n Consumers are hit with an average of 3300 messages a day! Be clear and concise. 3. Targeted messaging n Effective advertising isn’t just about achieving the client’s goals. The most effective advertising is geared to the target audience. n The client should understand they need to spend their money where their target spends their time.



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proposals (continued) n Pillar Three: Strategy Detail the specific strategy you believe will help grow the client’s Business. Examples: n Quarter page ad n Email or targeted digital campaign n Special section n Advertise consistent days of the week n“Increase your budget. You are low compared to others in your category.” Reinforce the advertising roadmap: n Focus on the area of your business they want to grow n Stay consistent n Keep the name out there n Spend money where the customer spends their time Creative Idea- Show “spec” ad n Pillar Four: Execution Sell your paper, web site and digital agency services n Summary of what you’re proposing n Relevant industry information n Why should they advertise with newspaper or web site? n How you can help them with targeted advertising? n “Choose a media partner that has had success with your category of business.” Give them examples. n Share success stories - Written or video testimonials (one minute in length max) highlighting the benefits of working with your paper Proposal n Summary of what you’re proposing n Cost n Incentives/ Added Value o Needs to have real value o Kicks in after a certain period of time (Example: sponsorship of special section) Contract n Summary of the plan n The client’s signature and yours n Addendum to contract - timeline and dates of what will happen next Now you are Ready. n Practice with a friend or business associate. n Set the appointment. n Restate what you learned in the needs analysis, Integrate their objectives into your Proposal and Close them with Conviction! n If you did your homework, you might be surprised if the client sells you!

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Features Versus benefits



A fact or physical attribute of a product or service.

The real problem that is solved for the buyer; the emotional button it pushes and how it makes the buyer feel.

Flexible advertising rate agreements.

Low agreement rates to suit any business needs.

We will design your ad campaign for free.

Client doesn’t have to spend additional money hiring an ad agency to develop the concept – we do it for free.

Circulation and readership is greater than any other daily area newspaper.

We can help you effectively reach your market.

We offer frequency discounts.

Advertisers achieve better results from consistency and save money on their advertising.

We have daily distribution.

Advertisers have frequent opportunities to adjust their message to the market.

We have a classified format that positions advertising by category.

Allows your advertisement to be found easily and placed where readers are looking for your product.



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How much does the average customer spend in one transaction at your client’s business?





Take the average transaction from step one and subtract the hard costs assocaited to make the sale, such as the cost of the inventory sold and any extra labor or costs required that would not have been incurred if the sale had not been made.








Multiply STEP TWO x STEP THREE. This is what a new customer is worth to your business each year.




Now we determine how often the typical customer shops at the business in one year.



Divide the Total Advertising Investment (below) by Annual Customer Value (Step Four). This will tell you how many new customers you need in order to have the ad pay for itself.










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Make certain you have a plan for measuring results, otherwise you cannot determine if the ad worked or not. The best plan is to post the ad at the cash register and ask new customers if they saw the ad in their community paper/publication.


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Overcoming Objections Overcoming Objections

What “No” Really Means

Your ability to successfully deal with objections, to find the “heartbeat” of the sale, will define your success as a salesperson.

“No” doesn’t always mean no…it probably means: n

“I’m busy right now,”


“I’m having a bad day.”


“I’m testing you. How strongly do you believe in your product?”


“I had a bad experience with your paper and don’t trust you.”


“I need more time to think it over.”

n People usually only object when they are interested in buying!


“I’d like to, but am afraid the ad won’t work.”

n Objections are a normal part of the relationship

Why Clients Object

n Objections should be ENCOURAGED because they keep the selling process moving towards a sale.

People object for a variety of reasons.

Objections: What they say…isn’t always what they really mean.

n Fear of the unknown

Why we are teaching you this: So you can understand and be able to respond to just about any objection you hear when selling advertising. How it will benefit you: Learning to handle objections means more advertisers and more commissions.

Objections are Opportunities

n LOGICAL: Listen to the stated objection. The objection might be something of a logical nature, i.e. readership, dollars, etc. n EMOTIONAL: Ask yourself: What does the client really mean? Feelings, worry, hope, fear, etc.



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Want to buy, but need more information

n Lack of information n Genuine lack of need n Bad history with the paper/publication Fear is the most common reason advertisers object. They fear advertising will cost them more money than they get in new business, or they fear that they will fail.

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Types of Objections

7 Ways to Overcome Objections

There are two main types of objections, real and false. Real objections are honest barriers to overcome from advertisers who may want to buy. False objections are smoke screens that keep the advertiser in control of the situation, but may not be the real reason they are saying “no.” Think of yourself in buying situations: Have you ever shopped for clothes and told a salesperson that the shoes simply didn’t fit, or that you didn’t see something you liked, when maybe the price point was your real objection? A good salesperson keeps probing. Real Objections n Sincere Objections: genuine objections that can be overcome n Vocal Pauses, Expressions: they just seem to object by their mannerisms, but don’t really overtly object. False Objections n

1. Restate the objection “Let me make sure I understand you correctly, Nancy. What you’re saying IS …” Repeat 2 favorite things about the paper, then restate objection. Example: “…you like our distribution and excellent readership but your only concern is signing a long term contract.” 2. Use Empathy Demonstrate you can appreciate their concern by finding areas of agreement. n

“I can see how you feel the rates are high. But as you know…”


“That makes things clear…”


“I know how you feel…”

3. Answer the objection Answer it clearly, with conviction. When you falter, you are in essence telling them that their objection is justified to block the sale. Here are some ways to answer objection: Admit it:

Excuses, Avoiders & Brush-Off’s

Agree with the adviser, but quantify with additional information. “Yes, we are expensive, but when you calculate the cost per reader, we’re actually the least expensive.”

Effectively identifying, isolating and overcoming REAL objections will almost always result in a sale! Identifying the Objection: Probing Questions Probing questions can often effectively help you identify the real objection. n

“I’m curious, why is that?”


“In what way?”


“How do you mean?”


“Where did you get that information?”


“Why do you say that?”

Allow the prospect to vent

n Gather more information



“Since you said money is tight now, what you need are more customers, right? I’ve got 50,000 readers who reported they plan to buy a new or used car. Those buyers can certainly provide you that money you need, right?” Explain it:

“Now if we can help you sell just one more home then advertising will pay for itself and your lack of budget won’t be a problem, will it? Of course not. And reaching 60,000 readers we’re bound to sell at least one, isn’t that right?” Deny it: A little more aggressive, but can be effective. Deny their objection and cite evidence. Test their willingness to continue with the objection. “You said our readership wasn’t your customer, but that is not accurate. Our Pulse Research shows that nearly 50% of our readers earn more than $50k per year. That’s a qualified customer for you, wouldn’t you agree?”

n Identify specific objection

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Use the advertiser’s objection as the main reason they NEED to advertise.

Using the power of logic and the force of your conviction to turn the tide.

Identifying the Objection: Emotions vs. Logic n

Reverse it:


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Let them answer it: Using questions, you allow the advertiser to see the error of their logic using their own words. “You say you don’t have the budget to advertise but your goal is to grow by 15% this year. If you do nothing, will you hit your 15% goal? Do you have any other plans to help you grow by 15%? If advertising in the _____________could help you reach that 15% goal would it be worth reconsidering advertising in the _______________?” 4. Use a question or statement to redirect the discussion on the benefits of advertising. “Money certainly is tight, but what will it mean to your bottom line if you don’t grow any more this next quarter? I imagine a few extra customers could mean a lot to your bottom line.” 5. Verify you have answered the objection. Confirm that the advertiser feels comfortable that their objection is handled and that they feel their objection has been answered. “As you can see, you can afford to advertise in the ________, as we’ve outlined, right?”

Plan for Objections Objections are a healthy part of the sales process. Don’t give up! Your toughest sales usually turn into your best advertisers.

n Objections are a challenge, not something to be feared or avoided.

6. Quickly restate the benefits and get affirmation. Remind the advertiser why it’s a wise investment to advertise with you. Get the power of affirmation, strings of “yes’” responses, working for you. “Now, you said you wanted more landscaping customers, right? And you said that you draw from Gainesville and Oakwood isn’t that right? We reach both those markets and have over _____ readers who use landscapers.” 7. Agreement in principle n Reduce the sale down to a single issue n Subtract the final objections, ask if the prospect would then buy. “So if I could offer you a 6-week contract instead of a 13-week contract, you would feel comfortable with that?” If the answer is not “yes”. Then there’s another objection!

n Objections are a normal part of the sales cycle. n Preparation is the key to successfully overcoming objections. n Ask clients for their main concerns. Talk to your Sales Manager and other reps about how they handle key objections.

THE POWER OF PERSISITENCE & CONVICTION Advertisers will test you. Before they believe in you, advertisers want to know that you believe in your product, and are willing to endure some hardship. You must believe!! Keep going back. Don’t give up. Advertisers highly respect persistent people who believe strongly in their product. Occasionally you MUST disagree with the advertiser. The customer is NOT always right, they are often wrong. Your willingness to disagree tests the advertiser’s own conviction. Often they will back down in the face of your strong belief in your product. n

Advertisers will test you

n Don’t give up n It’s okay to argue … for the right reasons



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Specific objections Practice these answers to common specific objections. You should know these responses cold, and be able to deliver them without stumbling. Don’t Need to Advertise Isolate the real reason. Too much business? Don’t believe in advertising? Not convinced it will work? This is usually a stall or an objection that is hiding the real one. Very few businesses would turn down more business. Usually, they simply don’t believe the advertising will make them money. Don’t Have any Budget to Advertise

Too Much Business Question if this is true. Can they handle no more business at all? None? Profits are highest when business is good. Will things slow in the future? Suggest creating a campaign to hold in reserve. Many advertisers will find budget to run a campaign they like. Business Too Slow Question how it will improve if the advertiser does nothing. Question if reaching your thousands of readers might not help turn things around. Suggest a plan to help them increase sales. Only slow seasons (like selling ice cream in January) and bankruptcy are legitimate excuses here. Had Bad Experience with the Paper

Usually, ignore this response and press on with the interview. Often advertisers magically find money when they have an idea they believe in. “No Budget” usually means, “Don’t believe it will work.” The best defense is to proceed with the interview and put together an ad campaign for when “money loosens up a little”. It’s amazing how many companies find money to advertise when they like the ad campaign idea presented.

Let the advertiser air their gripe. Listen. Take notes. Most clients simply want to be heard. Assure them you will do your utmost to see that the error doesn’t happen again, and then change the subject to their business and their marketing goals. Often angry clients just need to vent. If their gripe is serious, let your manager know.

Don’t Value your paper

Paper Doesn’t Reach My Market

Look for areas of agreement. Do they value your 1000’s of readers? Do they sell to your readers? Get them to give you specifics. What will they acknowledge? How many of your readers do they believe can sell, and is this a benefit? Once you find areas of agreement you can work benefits. Also, showing real marketing creativity will often cure “don’t believe in your paper.”

Specifically determine who their target market is, geographically and demographically to see whether this is true. Often the paper does reach the advertiser’s target market, but they don’t know it.

Like Newspaper Better Acknowledge the newspaper is good and that you’re glad they believe in newspaper advertising. Transfer that belief into whether they believe adding your additional (glossy) will make financial sense. It’s not a question of whether one likes a product, but if it works. There is nothing wrong with buying multiple papers. Encourage the combination buy. Show them how you would best use your publications. Like Other Media Better Appreciate their loyalty and then transfer it to a marketing decision. Why do they like the medium? Have sales gone up as a result of using it? Are sales, in fact going up at all? Will adding your paper make sales go up even quicker? How many sales can they directly attribute to using that media? Do not put the competitive media down; rather play up the benefits of combining media. For example; TV is great for image and emotion, but the newspaper is better at merchandising product. Customers who see your ad in the newspaper and then see the ad in other media are even more likely to buy!

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We Don’t Believe in Advertising, Rely on Word of Mouth Agree that word of mouth is the best, but acknowledge it is slow. Remind them proud companies advertise. Advertising will INCREASE word of mouth response as people who already like the company see the ad. Nobody Reads Your Paper/Newspapers are dead Absolutes like “nobody” and “everybody” can be conquered by repeating them back. “Nobody reads our paper? Not one soul?” Start by finding out what they really believe. Do they believe you have 100 readers? 1,000? 10,000? Once you establish what they believe you can demonstrate a value to those readers. This objection usually means, “I don’t read it and I’m not sure if my neighbors do.”

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digital specific objections bad experience in the past Listen/Empathize “That’s one of the problems with an emerging media like digital, it’s been sold by people who don’t understand how/why it works. I can help you understand how it fits in with what you’re doing today, and how to make your media investment work harder.” Anticipate “I know you did business with us in the past and from what I can see there were some issues. If those have left you with a bad taste, can I spend a few minutes sharing with you how those have been addresssed?” Avoid Confrontation/Defensive Stature: “I can completely understand why you would be hesitant to go down this road again, and I can tell you that it would be easier for me to just sell you a media schedule, but I think a combination of (media) and digital services will return the greatest amount of new customers.” Automotive “I use Cobalt/ services for my digital advertising.” • We can offer very similar tools, and focus on what you want rather than just new vehicles • Factory programs make you look exactly like the other dealers • Rather than get someone to come to your site from a referral, wouldn’t you rather have them come directly to your site? No website, just have Facebook page • Facebook is not your brand, can’t control what’s posted • Facebook does not reach everyone, especially certain demos • Facebook making it harder to reach without boosts and ads • Facebook page will not rank high in search • Who updates your page? How often?



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Already on #1 website in the market • Great! I can show you other ways to reach your audience (YouTube, FB, Retargeting, email, SEO) • Follow the customer whereever they go online • How else do people get to your site? we don’t need to advertise our grand opening with you because we are using social media “Mr. OR Ms. Advertiser: We understand the value of including social media in your advertising mix, please understand, Posts made to your Business Facebook Page(s) no longer reach all of your followers. Research estimates that on average, less than 5% of your followers will see your Facebook posts unless they are boosted. Using our Friends2Follow advertising feature will provide an instant, hyper-local audile for the posts you invest your time and energy in. Every time you post to your Facebook (or any other type of social media you choose to promote) we push that post to the loyal, local audience we serve every day via our website” Educate your advertisers about decreased reach they receive to their Followers. Your average local business is only reaching about 5% of their followers with each post they put into Facebook. Some links on the decreased reach of Facebook Posts can be very helpful for reluctant advertisers: • • why-your-organic-facebook-reach-is-still-falling-and-what-todo-about-it/#2621f515643b • Promote the audience the newspaper serves. AND talk about the different audience they would inherently reach by being part of something different than the same ol’ distribution channel they are currently using to “get the word out.” You don’t want to deter them from posting to Facebook, but you want them to realize there is a local audience that you serve on a daily basis clamoring for their social media posts.

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Closing Pointers Questions to ask & discussion points Learn to be better prepared mentally and emotionally, distinguished between concerns and objections and learn how to deal with both and learn different approaches to handling tough objections. The better you identify and match clients needs, the easier it is to “close”. Research shows that more than half of what has been heard will be forgotten within 24 hours. It can be difficult to concentrate while listening. The stems from the fact that we tend to think much faster than we hear, therefore allowing some “spare time” to think about other things. Learn to become a better listener. Closing is a very delicate subject that will create strong feelings. This is when you need to influence another human being into making the final commitment to buy what he/she wants and needs. When you understand the subject better, that alone will inevitably make you a more successful closer. Learn to recognize and read buying signals. They will provide you with a good indication as to how close you are to making the sale. In complex sales, much time may have passed, and frequently, more than one sales meeting held between the first appointment and the final handshake. With a prepared summary of your previous conversation, you will help the prospect by reviewing the important facts before asking for the order. Congratulations! After all of your preparation, your presentation and a successful close, you got the sale. But you’re not finished yet… Don’t forget to FOLLOW UP!

Why learn to close?

Types of Closes

1. It’s essential to the job of salesperson. Without closing skills, you will have lower sales and poor performance.

There are many different closing techniques. Choosing the one that’s right for you will make you feel more at ease and come across more naturally to the client.

2. It demonstrates to your client and your employer that you are a professional, confident you know what to do and how to help your client. 3. You will make more money!

Assumptive: Assumes the client is ready to buy, for example: n

“What offer do you want to include in your ad?”

Getting the customer to say yes


“Let me confirm your business address.”

Every time you get a customer to say yes, their buying temperature goes up. Saying yes leads them down the path of commitment. An example of yes questions would be:


“Sign and initial here to get your advertising started.”

Alternative: Giving the client options while still assuming the sale, for example:


“You like to run Wednesday as opposed to Saturday, right?’’


“Would you like the start your ad the 12th or the 15th?”


“Don’t you usually like to run color at the beginning of the month?”


“Do you prefer spot blue or full color process?”


“Do you prefer the spec ad with your photograph or the one without?’’

Once you’ve got the customer agreeing, it’s time to ask for the order.

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Urgency Close: Compels the client to act now, for example: n

“If we don’t start advertising before your competitor you could lose valuable market share.”


“The Back Page is a premium position. It’s first come first serve.”

The Direct Close: n

“Is your first ad ready to start?”


Ask for the business: “Can we count on your business?”


Don’t use negative statement: “Why don’t we start this week?”

Trial Closes: Used to determine if the client is ready to buy. Use phrases such as “what if,” “what do you think,” “Just suppose.” n “By running your ad for 13 weeks, you’ll save 15%. Does this make sense to you?” Let’s Make a Deal! n

Avoid cheapening the rate card. Word gets around when you have “rubber” rate card.

n Start high… and allow small victories while keeping the value. n Don’t be afraid to walk out the door. If clients want to deal, they want to buy. If during the close you get an objection it’s a sign that the client needs a little more information. Get a clear understanding of the objection, try asking probing questions so you can overcome and re-close. Try to get positive answers to trial close questions such as: n Do you think this might help you business? n Can you see how I came to the conclusion that this might help your business? n If this ad brought you in some business do you think it would make sense to go ahead and run with it? Let the buying signs encourage you to write up the order Always watch for these buying signals, once your customer gives you a sign, ask for the order! Buying signs include: n

Agreeing with an opinion


Asking about a price or terms


Altering a spec


Agreeing to integration

Knowing When Not to Talk When you ask the final closing question, this is the time not to talk. Wait for the client to speak first. Wait a minute…5 minutes…wait an hour. But don’t talk. They may need time to digest the information, decide if they have any other objective or reason not to buy. No matter what, the ball is in their court so let them hit it back.



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reinforcing the close Reinforcement After the Close: It’s important to reinforce the client’s decision to advertise. Often times the client will feel a little insecure about their decision to commit and may get cold feet and cancel their contract midway through the year or campaign. Ongoing reinforcement throughout their contract period will help to alleviate this. Remember you’re dealing with the emotional side of the buy that either played a part in getting the sale or the side that kept the sale from happening sooner.

reinforcement after the close Reinforcement after Close Wish them congratulations on their wise decision, not just a Thank You. This is a mutually beneficial relationship, and something to be celebrated.

And if you don’t make a sale… Become a pro at dealing with rejection. Extracted from Kansas City Business Journal – by Hal Becker Rejection is the game of sales. Without it, there are no sales. What do you think, that when you call people they say, “Hey, whatever you’re selling… I’m Buying!” Not gonna happen. No way, no how! To be a great salesperson means understanding that rejection is part of the sale, in fact, a big part. You must get the “no” before you get the “yes”. If you walk into someone’s office and the person buys real fast, and it is a product or service that you are selling that is a repetitive sale, you probably will lose the sale as fast as you got it. Great sales take time, thought, building up some sort of relationship and, of course, creating trust.

Think of rejection as one of the stepping stones in the sale.

Send a ‘Thank You’ card. Remind client of benefits, low break-even, etc., then re-ask for the order.

Win the Customer Stay on top of the relationship; service the client after the sale to insure that you keep the customer long term. Remember, when you’ve closed the sale, you’re just 50% of the way to winning the customer. They still must get results; learn that they can trust you if things go wrong, and recognize that you’ll continue to work with them, modifying the ad as needed to keep them getting results. The goal is to win the client, not just close a sale. Closing is a skill easy to master. They key is to do a good interview, have a strong recommendation that YOU believe in, and then read the buying signs. If you have good information from the client and a strong conviction that you are recommending the right campaign, closing will come very easily.

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Handling Rejection - A professional way to deal with NO It will happen, and you must look forward to it. Yea, I said it; LOOK FORWARD TO IT. Rejection and objections in the course of the sale are almost the same. You need a few objections, which mean the customer is interested. If the customer says, “Well that is more than we want to spend, “ it means that he or she is interested in buying but not quite yet at the price you quoted. Either value has not been established, or its out of their budget… period! So this is where the fun begins. Selling is a game and a profession! Just as it is for any pro athlete. The game is still played, but to be a pro, you have to get your game in order and play like a pro. Professional athletes train hard and practice hard before and game. The only problem is that sale people do not do either of these things. They just SHOW UP for the game. If you want to be treated like a pro, you must act like a pro. Here are some things that a pro does whether he or she is an athlete or in any other profession, such as lawyers, doctors, even teachers. n Have fun during the game. Oh, you can be intense, but enjoy doing your profession. Surgeons might talk or play music during an operation. Teachers can engage the classroom, or and attorney can “play” with the jury. Just make your day interesting for you and the people involved. n Learn you craft. Memorize the plays or the information or whatever is necessary to perform your job better than anyone else. n Don’t take yourself so seriously. Take what you do seriously, but get off you ego trip. It is so much fun to be around someone who is famous or has a lot of power who is just genuine, nice or just regular plain folks. n Show up for the game prepared. That means do your homework so you are ready to win or give your best performance. I surely do not want to go into surgery is my doctor is not at the top of his or her game. n Smile. It’ OK to smile no matter what you do. A smile warms people up and can change the mood of anyone around you. Even a pro athlete, such as a linebacker, can smile before he knocks the daylights out of you, and he can smile as he picks your broken body off the ground and says, “Sorry, are you OK?” If we are going to spend two-thirds of our waking moments (sleeping doesn’t count) at work, we might as well make the best of it and try to have fun. The rewards are numerous, but the best people to be associated with are truly the ones who enjoy what they do.



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Get out there Remember the basic rule of any sales endeavor

“You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet a prince.” n That’s the job and you’ve got to kiss ’em. n Don’t try to substitute. n You cant stay in the office and wait for them to hop in and kiss you. n A promo ad isn’t going to change them into a prince. n You can’t ask your ad controller to kiss them, it’s not their job. n You can’t kiss the same frog 40 times – it doesn’t take a lot of smooching to tell the difference between a frog and a prince. n You can’t change kissing styles every 30 days or spend all your times in kissing school. n You’ve got to spend time with frogs and you’ll find them out there in the marshes. n Then, when you find on, you’ve got to make contact. n Kissing is a contact sport.

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a d v e r t i s i n g

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Action Figures 15 Reasons to Advertise During Tough Times 1. You’re open. You still turn your lights on. Why not invite people in? If you are open for business at all, you must market that business. 2. Opportunity. When the pie gets smaller you can still get a larger slice. Advertising during the tough times increases your odds of being the vendor of choice and seizing share from your competitors. 3. Reliability. When your business gets softer, increase your core media. Media mix is a desirable goal except during tough times when you need to rely more heavily on your base medium; newspaper. 4. Proven results. Newspapers get proven results. During tough times, your advertising needs to be focused on ROI and not the other nice options. Newspaper advertising is a proven ROI vehicle. 5. Fish where the fish are. Newspapers offer the best local reach, and that means that newspapers are the first place to look for local consumers for your services. 6. Tough customers. Consumers research purchases more during tough times. Be among the considered choices. The newspaper is the marketplace for shoppers and if you aren’t there, you may not be considered as a choice for those who are buying. 7. Credibility. Advertising in a credible medium is an indication that you are also credible. 8. Bravado. Never show your fear. Advertising indicates your confidence in your business. 9. Convert wants to needs. During tough times, consumers buy what they need and not what they merely want. It is up to you to convince consumers they need what you offer.

10. Start the funnel. Even if the customers are not buying today, advertising is your opportunity to start people thinking about what is important to buy and who from. It will pay off later. 11. Customers forget. Have you seen an ad today for Coke? Pepsi? McDonalds? You probably have, or will before the day is over. Why do these companies still advertise? They’ve established their names; they’re some of the best known brands in the world. Why not cut back a little on the advertising? The reason is simple. Customers forget if they don’t see and hear constant reminders. Every day a customer doesn’t hear about you company is one more day they start hearing about your competitor. 12. Name recognition. When a customer thinks of a product, whom do they think of? Target? Walmart? Or you? It’s hard for them to immediately think of you if they rarely see your name. 13. People take their time for major purchases. Example: I use a laptop when I travel, and I’ll need a new one soon. Will I go out and buy one tomorrow? Probably not. I’ll start watching for ads, studying brands, and thinking about the features I need. I may not be able to purchase for several months, but when I do, I will probably have a dealer in mind already. 14. Customers move. Think everybody in town knows who you are? Think again. Studies show that 14% of your customers move every year, so it’s important to continually lure new customers to replace the ones who leave. 15. A portion of the market is always shopping. Did you notice the store ads in the paper today? If you need tires, you probably did, if you don’t need tires, you probably didn’t. Every day, there are a certain number of people shopping for your product. Your message has to be out there when they’re looking.

Your Clients Can Rely on the proven ROI of Newspaper and Digital Ads during tough times. S A LES


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