TWR Find Your Voice recruitment booklet

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Table of Contents Message from the President 3 TWR History: The Beginnings of Hope


The World’s Most Far Reaching Christian Radio Network


Why Radio? 6 Radio Plus... 6 Program Content: Using Radio to Speak Hope


TWR Canada: What We Do 8 What Can I Do? 9 How Do I Do It?



How Do I Begin?


Pam Wise: TWR Missionary


Kirk Baskin: TWR Missionary


Listener Testimonies


From the President, TWR Canada In 1985 I heard about TWR. I had a keen desire to serve in missions, but I didn’t have a clear view on how, as a diesel mechanic, I could be a part of reaching out to the millions who need to hear the Gospel. But God had a plan, and today I serve as President of TWR Canada, after serving 9 years in the Caribbean and Latin America and 13 years in Africa. A few years ago while travelling in Angola, I was invited to have supper with a missionary doctor from Brazil. When I sat down with him, he said, “I am here because of you.” I asked him to explain. He told me that when he was just a boy his parents got him up at 4:30 every morning to listen to TWR broadcasts from Bonaire. As a result, he accepted Christ as his Saviour and made a commitment to one day become a missionary. TWR is a mission that enables the Gospel to be preached in people’s heart language, using media as the primary source of distribution. TWR missionaries are traditionally not on the front line. We aren’t pastors or teachers, but without the skills we bring, millions would not hear the Gospel. After 26 years with the ministry, I can tell you that there is nothing more fulfilling than being part of a team that enables the Gospel to be shared on a daily basis. I encourage you to get in touch with us. It takes a team to do ministry, and you can play a vital role on our team.

Ray Alary President, TWR Canada



TWR History: The Beginnings of Hope

For nearly 60 years, Trans World Radio has existed to communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world. TWR founder Dr. Paul E. Freed began with a small suitcase transmitter in 1954. By 1956, TWR was broadcasting in more than 40 countries and 20 languages. Today, millions of people in 160 countries hear Biblical truth, practical living instruction, and discipleship resources taught in over 230 languages and dialects.





The World’s Most Far Reaching Christian Radio Network

There are many discouraging statistics in the realm of world-wide evangelism. They suggest that 41% of the population is in an “unreached people group”.

transmitters (and 2000 radio stations) worldwide, TWR is able to broadcast hope-filled radio programming to over 2/3 of the world’s population. And that is through the use of AM and shortwave radio alone! Imagine: over 4 billion people have been given access to Biblical, hopefilled radio content in their “heart language” – the language they best understand.

41% sounds hopeless. The happy news is that TWR is uniquely set up to reach the unreached. Using 14 high-powered long distance radio

As a TWR missionary, you will have an opportunity to reach the unreached with the Gospel and work towards fulfilling the Great Commission. Won’t you join 5

Why Radio?

In a day and age when thoughts and experiences are summed up in 140 characters or less, is there still a place for radio programming? The answer is emphatically “yes�. While you may only listen to your radio occasionally to listen to traffic updates, a person in Africa, for example, may cling to his radio as one of his most prized possessions. Radio can be accessed by an individual at any time or place. Radio ownership is quite widespread (for example, one in three Africans own a radio). Radio can be listened to in groups. It can cross social, political, and religious borders without incident. It goes where 6

a missionary is unwelcome, it speaks to the illiterate and impoverished, and communicates to those with only an oral language. Combine all of those benefits with the fact that radio programming is affordable to produce and with the fact that radios are often the only communication tool available in developing nations, and you find that radio is truly the most effective way of speaking hope to the world.

Radio plus…

In our commitment to speak hope to the world, TWR is pursuing the use of other media devices to transmit our radio programming. Two such devices are handcrank shortwave radios and solar-powered media players. Alternatively-powered devices are an immense help in areas where other sources of power (for example, batteries) are expensive or unavailable. Portable, solarpowered media players have the ability to store hundreds of hours of programming, and allow TWR to reach people who may have no other way of hearing the Gospel of Christ. Additionally, TWR extensively uses media such as internet and cell phones, as well as satellite radio, TV and print media to further extend their reach to the unreached with the message of hope in Jesus Christ.

Program Content: Using Radio to Speak Hope

Part of what makes TWR programming so effective is that it is produced and contextualized for specific, local needs. The program content is written, spoken, and produced primarily by indigenous Christians. The high-quality, highly applicable content that TWR provides ranges from children’s Bible stories to daily living strategies to regional advocacy support to in-depth Bible study all tailored to the needs of the listeners. For example, TWR’s “Women of Hope” programming uses a conversational, “friend-to-friend” style to communicate to the women listeners that they are loved, that they are not alone, and to provide them with practical advice and Biblical wisdom they need to find hope in the midst of their trials. Of course, the heart of our communications is rooted in sharing the life-giving truth of the Bible. In addition to TWR-produced content, we also partner with other Bibleteaching ministries. TWR Canada has partnered with many ministry organizations including People’s Church Toronto, Campus Crusade for Christ International, Thru the Bible, and The Gideon’s International in Canada to produce and provide the content and resources our listeners need. 7

TWR Canada: What We Do

At TWR, we have two key objectives to our programming: Discipleship and Evangelism. Everything we do falls under those categories. This is the Great Commission: to go out with the Gospel (evangelism) and to make disciples of all nations (discipleship). To be intentional in fulfilling that mission, we break down those two key objectives into five main initiatives: Women, Leadership (both lay people and Church staff), Children, Orality Training, and Holistic Health. Practically speaking, the tools we use to do discipleship and evangelism, through our ministries, are the technology and infrastructure that we have built and the media that we can distribute.


But even the reach we have through radio would not be complete without our missionaries, and the national workers, who are on the field responding to the listeners, making sure the technology is in place (and that it works consistently!), and distributing additional materials to the listeners. Our missionaries come to the field with skills, knowledge and resources that are desperately needed. TWR missionaries are an invaluable resource for the equipping of the national workers. The close-knit working relationship between the TWR missionary and the national worker ensures that the work of discipleship and evangelism – the work of Speaking Hope to the World – is done well. Consider your abilities and knowledge. Are they suited for this type of work? Has the Lord equipped you with the specific, practical skills that TWR needs on the field? Are you ready to go and do the work of evangelism and discipleship in this way – to speak hope to the world?

But I’m not a pastor or teacher! What can I do?

Whether you’re an engineer, a journalist, an accountant, a programmer, or a graphic designer, a college student, a family, a retiree, or someone in between, God can use your skills to further His kingdom by serving in missions. Come find your voice through TWR! If you have professional or practical skills, are prepared to raise the necessary funds, and are convinced of the Lord’s call to the mission field, or are looking for a short-term assignment to confirm that calling, we want you! Most of the roles that a TWR missionary will fill occur in our primary regional offices. Other roles involve training nationals in the skills needed to complete the mission. Therefore, some of the specific skills that are needed on the field are: •


Media (production and distribution)

Radio Technology



Finance and Accounting

Journalism 9

How do I do it?

There are many opportunities to serve with TWR. From volunteer roles to Discovery Trips and Internships, TWR gives you the exposure you need to act upon the call on your life to serve the Lord in missions. Outside of those initial opportunities, TWR has missionary openings of differing lengths and commitments.

Under 6 months:

Missionary Discovery Trips are 4 weeks to 5 months in length and offer the opportunity to meet real needs, and often fill in for missionaries on furlough. Trips vary depending on current needs. Volunteer service is an opportunity for people of all ages to help out in a variety of ways in our offices, at events, and on the mission field. Volunteer service may be short or long term. Volunteers provide great experience and expertise to our teams in Canada and around the globe. Internship Opportunities Interns will receive mentoring and experience on-the-job training related to their field of interest/study. Internships last about 4 to 12 weeks. TWR will complete required internship paperwork for class credit, provide on-site 10

transportation, and housing. Interns must have a minimum of 2 years of post-secondary level study or equivalent work experience.

6 months & more

Short Term postings with TWR last from 6 months to 3 years. On these assignments you will be exposed to international cultures, you will be given the opportunity to use your passions and training, and you will be able to explore the possibility of full-time mission work. Long Term postings with TWR last for 3 years or more. Depending on the location, the role will vary widely. Possible positions include working in production, distribution, mass media, administration, and journalism. If you’re passionate about cross-cultural work, this is the opportunity for you.

How do I Begin?

To start finding your voice through missionary service, fill out the “Getting Started” questionnaire: Our team will be in contact with you in 1-2 weeks to answer any questions you may have, and to help find the right-fit position for you. We’ll also walk you through the next steps: application and references, interviews with potential field supervisors, and selection of an assignment.

Support-raising FAQs: Why do I need to raise support?

As with most missionary organizations, we rely on the generous donations of God’s people to provide for God’s work. Although TWR does generate ministry revenue through the offering of media services, such as translation, production and distribution of Christian media content, the purpose of these funds is to assist in the generation of more Christian media content. Therefore we do require that all interns, short-term, and long-term missionaries raise their own financial support.

How much support do I need to raise?

This depends on where you will be working and how long you will be there. Depending on location, costs could range from $1,200 per month to $3,000 per month, plus round-trip airfare. (This includes a living allowance for food and other expenses.) A complete breakdown of the support requirement will be provided upon completion of the application process.

How do I raise support?

Once your application is complete and you have been interviewed and accepted by the department you will be working for, you will receive a welcome packet and later a packet that includes a sample prayer letter, donation response slips, a book about the biblical foundations of raising support and a document providing a detailed explanation of how to go about raising your support. 11

Pam Wise: TWR Missionary

“In a part of the world often scarred by war and interracial conflict, Christ stands as a shining source of hope and inspiration to people who are desperate for answers to the difficulties they daily face. To have a part in seekers coming to know Christ is a tremendous privilege and blessing.”—Pam Wise


fter having served as lay representatives for TWR in the early 1980’s, Pam and her husband, Steve, have now been overseas for 5 years as Pam serves as a full-time missionary with TWR working with Project Hannah. Her training and experience as a nurse in Canada is being used in Cambodia, Malaysia, and Singapore (and other countries) to train and educate her overseas colleagues in matters of physical health. This practical teaching, however, is also an open door for the Gospel. Pam explains: “A good deal of my time is spent working with a large secular health care organization in Cambodia, organizing and participating in training in Moral Values using a Christian curriculum developed by a partner mission that addresses issues of moral values and spiritual health and how these impact the health of the individual, family and communities. Through this project, individual members of this essential and influential organization have come to know Christ and are starting to influence the direction this organization develops in Cambodia.” Pam sees that all the details of her training and education, and the circumstances of life have brought her to this place of being equipped to 12

serve the Lord with TWR. She says, “I have enjoyed seeing just how each experience that God has taken me through has prepared me for the work I am doing here. Every experience that God takes you through can prepare you for a life in His ministry if you stay connected to His greater purpose for your life.” Even personal traits that Pam would have described as weaknesses in the West have proven to be precisely the trait she needs to be successful in her ministry in South East Asia. Much of Pam’s time is spent researching, editing reports and documents, preparing training materials, and organizing conferences and workshops. However, when she travels with Project Hannah staff, she also has the opportunity to meet some of the listeners. Pam writes: “I have the privilege of seeing firsthand how their lives are impacted by the programs. I get to see projects such as literacy and skills training that the Project Hannah teams are doing to support women living in desperate conditions. Many of the listeners just want an opportunity to tell someone from outside just how blessed they are by the Women of Hope broadcasts and to say thank you to those who support them in prayer and giving.”

Kirk Baskin: TWR Missionary

“I like TWR’s simple commitment to sharing God’s word, and their innovative use of media in doing so.”—Kirk Baskin


aving grown up in a missionary family, Kirk Baskin always felt that he was serving the Lord as part of the team. He says, “I’ve seen life through the lens of ministry and missions since I was young.” It is that perspective of ministry and missions that led Kirk to make the decision to commit his life to serving the Lord in missions during his second year at Moody Bible Institute.

I love to hang out and have rich discussions, and we’ve started a Bible study.”

Serving in the office of TWR Africa, Kirk uses the practical skills and knowledge that he has. He writes: “The work I do at the office is in relation to technical things and the operations of TWR Africa. It’s a lot of work in front of the computer. My day consists of things like: working on web or video production, coordinating future training events, giving training to staff, helping out wherever I’m needed, and often a meeting or two.”

Having practical skills and technical education is obviously an asset on the field, and being able and willing to work hard and manage time and resources well is clearly an essential skill. Kirk acknowledges, though, that the Lord doesn’t always use our strengths to accomplish his will: “(I am always surprised by) the fact that God can work through me and despite me. The things I think I’m good at can actually become my biggest pitfalls when it comes to serving God. I think my own insecurities have contributed to helping me be more approachable and better at interpersonal relationships. I am surprised and amazed again and again by how often God works through the seemingly weak and foolish things in life.”

While the day is filled with using the abilities and resources he has gained on the technical side of ministry, Kirk uses his personal time to further the Gospel on a relational side as well. “Outside of work hours, I have been developing relationships with some friends who live in a nearby township.

It is TWR’s simple commitment to sharing the Gospel of Christ through media that made Kirk choose TWR as the organization with which he would keep his promise to dedicate his life to missions. The Lord is using Kirk’s strengths and weaknesses to accomplish His will in Africa. 13

Listener Testimonies Mara’s Hope-filled Life

Every week, I cranked the handle on the radio to listen to the Women of Hope program. I identified with the voices on the radio. People in my village think women are worthless, but these people on the radio were speaking to me! They said I was precious and had value. I learned how to care for my children. The stories of Jesus healed my pain and gave me hope.

My life did not change, but my fear and sadness left. I sang to my children and told them stories from the Bible. My husband continued to beat me, but instead of crying, I smiled. Then one day, I saw a shadow in the doorway! It was my husband. He just stood there looking at me. He didn’t shout. He didn’t beat me. After a few minutes, he said, “I’m sorry, Mara...” I was shocked! He had been sitting outside the window while I was listening to my radio. He learned about the God who forgives and was asking for my forgiveness. He saw that God had changed me, and knew that God would change him too. God answered my prayers.

Hope to the Hurting

My life was so hard. My husband died from health problems due to drinking, and I had to raise five children by myself. I have been changed a lot through the Women of Hope program….My nature has changed. Now I am happy to share with other people who are in need and I can forgive others when they hurt me…” 14

Hope in Iran

Before becoming a Christian, I had no purpose in life. I was tired of religion and all the ‘holy’ people. I didn’t believe God cared for me. I tried to come close to God, but felt separated from Him. I heard the living words of Jesus Christ through TWR, and the more I listened, the more I wanted to learn. First, I thought Jesus Christ was like the other prophets. He wasn’t crucified. But after listening over time, I told myself, I will now accept that He was crucified, but I cannot accept that He is the Son of God. With the help of God and the definitions given during the program about sensitive issues, this truth was slowly revealed to me. I finally realized Christ is indeed the Son of God. I gave my heart to Him, and He changed my life. He gave me comfort and hope. From that time on, Christ became the captain of my ship. Now I have at least 2 friends who are Christians. They have the same purpose in life as I have. Together we listen to TWR. We have never been to church nor seen a pastor, but with this program I believe we’re a church for Christ.


Ways To Get Involved PRAY:

Prayer is a significant part of TWR Canada’s ministry. Sign up for our prayer guide featuring a different missionary, program, project, or need each month. Subscriptions to the Project Hannah monthly prayer calendar with daily items for prayer, and TWR Canada’s weekly ministry e-updates are also available. These informative prayer tools help you to pray more effectively.


We have many opportunities for individuals to serve as a volunteer, or in the mission field from four weeks to two years to full time. We are always seeking skilled professionals in the areas of engineering, journalism, broadcasting, administration, and other related disciplines. Our missionaries and volunteers become the hands and feet of Jesus by meeting everyday needs of regional importance.


TWR Canada receives its funding from generous individuals, churches, and organizations who choose to sponsor a ministry project or a TWR missionary. TWR Canada receives no government funding.


Stay informed by signing up for TWR Canada’s weekly emails highlighting projects, missionaries, and new initiatives. Connect with TWR Canada on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and on our website for updates and news that can be easily shared with friends and family. We also look for people to coordinate local events and TWR presentations across Canada to help share the work of TWR.

TWR Canada PO Box 25324 London, ON N6C 6B1 (888) 672-6510

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