Mozambique words of hope appeal2

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Words of Hope for Mozambique

Our world is filled with despair and great need. People are facing poverty, conflict and spiritual persecution. Many live in conditions that are simply unimaginable to us. Right now, there is no more urgent need than in Africa where untold anguish and devastation abound: deadly conflict from rebel groups; atrocities of tribal war; increase of HIV/AIDS; chronic malnutrition because of insufficient harvests; displaced people forced to leave their homelands. These are the realities of the African people. We are bombarded by reports of these needs, and our mail boxes overflow with requests for funds to meet them. We wonder what we can possibly do, but there is good news!

“Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 Chr. 20:15b Today, I want to tell you about one very exciting project in one African country -- Mozambique -where TWR broadcasts have established hundreds of local churches and listener groups and delivered hope to thousands of people. Some of you may already know about this project, but it’s such a powerful testimony to the impact of the Gospel, that I want to share it and tell you that this lifetransforming work is still going strong today. In Mozambique, radio is still the most effective way to communicate to both the believer and nonbeliever. Many pastors have no formal bible school training and rely on radio for their education. Other believers are discipled and encouraged. For the non-believer, radio plants the seed of faith. During the devastating civil war that affected Mozambique, it was nearly impossible for people to travel and minister. However, one church identified Pastor Mutilima as the man whom God would use to produce radio programs for his people in the Mozambique heart language of Lomwe. As a result, in 1991, the Words of Hope program began airing throughout the Mocuba region. Pastor Mutilima has shared passionately about countless testimonies over the years: of the over 300 churches that were planted during the war in response to the Words of Hope messages; of how a chief decided he and his tribe needed to learn more about these words of hope and eventually the whole village accepted Christ. Perhaps the most remarkable testimony is about a witch doctor who heard the radio program and was transformed as she listened to the Words of Hope broadcasts. As she listened, she began to understand that she needed Jesus as her personal Saviour. Her witchcraft tools were burned, and today she worships with other believers.

From the witness of this one woman, 150 people in the village also received Jesus as their personal Saviour and were baptized! In the midst of spiritual battles, God plants seeds of truth and hope. TWR Canada produces and broadcasts the Words of Hope program in the Lomwe language that the Lord used to transform this former witch doctor. As well, we deliver Words of Hope in the Makhuwa language. Here’s one changed-life testimony from a Makhuwa listener: “Listening to the Words of Hope program brought me to the realization of my spiritual needs, which led me to approach Jesus. I believe that the Lord Jesus saved me when I could not save myself.” The cost of producing and broadcasting these daily Mozambique programs is approximately $100,000 per year. Our vision is to broadcast the Gospel so “lasting fruit is produced.” In Mozambique, this is clearly happening. We need your financial support to continue delivering these broadcasts for the people of Mozambique who rely on radio to feed them spiritually, to disciple them and to encourage them. I ask you to consider what part you may play. Billy Graham once observed, “Trans World Radio’s ministry is extremely significant in reaching the world for Christ. How thrilled I’ve been that TWR has been able to put a blanket of the Gospel in so many parts of the world that no one else could reach.” These days are uncertain, but we remain firmly committed to the cause of Christ and to making Him known to millions of listeners in Mozambique and throughout Africa. Will you join us? Your gift will change lives! Yours in the cause of Christ, Ray Alary, President, TWR Canada P.S. I invite you to send your gift today by giving online at our website or by calling 888-672-6510. Your gift will help us continue reaching the lost—preparing them for the Gospel, presenting them with the Gospel, and teaching them and edifying them once they have received Christ as Saviour. May the Lord bless you and keep you as you serve Him.

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