Thanksgiving appeal2

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What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for? Every year, I take stock of the many blessings in my life like my earthly family, a home and my health, but I wanted to share a few more things I’m thankful for.

I’m thankful for TWR’s purpose. Imagine for a moment the scene of Revelation 7:9-10: “…I looked, and behold a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, people and tongues standing before the throne and before the lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!’” Can you imagine this scene? Multitudes from all nations, tribes, tongues and peoples standing before the throne of God praising Jesus for his eternal sacrifice on their behalf. This hope is why we broadcast, webcast, and utilize a variety of new and old media tools to help make the Good News of Jesus available in so many languages. As a partner with us, you’re helping facilitate that meeting in heaven. Every time you pray, give or serve in Jesus’ name, you are advancing the Gospel. That meeting is going to happen, it’s only a matter of how much longer He tarries so that all may come to know Him. “I used to listen to your program from a refugee camp in Tanzania. It was a blessing to me and the other Burundian refugees in the camp, because we could hear a program in our mother tongue while we were away from the homeland. The messages caused me to change my life and surrender it to the Lord Jesus Christ. I am amazed by how you are able to reach people thousands of miles away.” (listener from Burundi)

I’m thankful for new technology. There is amazing new technology that can engage people like never before. Even though I don’t have Facebook or Twitter (nor do I have much personal interest in such things), I am thankful that modern technology lets us reach more people more cost effectively than ever before. For example, in Malawi (a small country in central Africa), listeners respond to our programs by sending text messages from their mobile phones — nearly 20,000 last year. TWR’s Italian partner began an online forum for listeners to interact and reported more than 200,000 messages. In Quebec, our partner produces programming available on the Internet. Last year these programs were downloaded 80,000 times — more than double the total from 2007!

I became President of TWR Canada in 2009, but I started with TWR as a diesel mechanic and electrician. I try to keep myself humble and sometimes wonder why God placed me here, in this role at this time, but through my 22 years as a TWR missionary in the Caribbean and in Africa, I can say with certainty there’s never been a greater opportunity to preach the Gospel to everyone, everywhere. I’m no theologian, and I don’t pretend to be one, but we know that our time to share the Gospel is limited and Jesus will return to take his believers to be with him forever. Jesus, knowing of this moment, told the disciples in Mark 13:10: “And the Gospel must first be preached to all nations.” We continue to live out this command by speaking hope and boldly representing Jesus in every corner of the world. Trans World Radio is uniquely positioned to blanket the Earth with the Gospel. Many people joyfully anticipate Christ’s return because of the TWR ministry. People like this former gang member… “I used to be an armed gangster. One day, I turned on the radio, looking for any radio station. I found TWR. The program “Words of Hope” got my attention. Pastor Mutilima was talking about crime and all kinds of sins. He said those who live in sin will be judged on the last coming of Christ. I placed my faith in Jesus and told this message to my other gang members. They also accepted Jesus into their lives and are testifying about his second coming to others.” (a listener from Mozambique).

I’m thankful for generous ministry friends. In the midst of a struggling economy, God continues to provide the necessary funding to preach the Gospel and hasten His return. This bold focus for our work is only possible because of the faithful, sacrificial giving of our supporters. If you are able, and God puts it on your heart, your support will help give the world something to be truly thankful for! Your gift will allow us to reach remote areas; to maintain our offices and transmitter stations; to fund broadcasts in languages to unreached peoples, and allow us to place media players in strategic areas to deliver hundreds of hours of Biblical truth and teaching. These days are uncertain, but we remain committed to the cause of Christ and to making Him known to our entire world. With thanks,

Ray Alary President Trans World Radio Canada You can give securely online today at or by calling 888-672-6510.

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