TWR Canada 2013 Christmas Catalogue

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12. Deliver Joy to the World! Reach the World for Christ through the TWR Global Media Outreach Fund Speaking fluently in more than 230 languages and dialects, TWR exists to reach the world for Jesus Christ. For 60 years, God has enabled TWR to lead people from doubt to decision to discipleship, engaging millions in 160 countries with Biblical truth. Whether using highpowered AM, shortwave or FM radio, streaming content to Internet users or visiting face-to-face with listeners, TWR leaves a lasting spiritual footprint. TWR is uniquely positioned with the capacity and capabilities to blanket our entire Earth with the Gospel. Now -- more than ever -- there is greater potential for the Gospel to be preached to everyone, everywhere. Today, two-thirds of the world can hear the Gospel through TWR’s international broadcasting network. Delivering the Gospel audibly and orally, across geographic, political and social borders, with appropriate, available, and affordable technology is the only way to communicate to the entire world. This Christmas, your gift of $100 to the TWR Global Outreach Fund can help blanket the world with the Gospel. Suggested Gift


or use the enclosed Direct Giving Plan pamphlet to make an ongoing monthly gift to this important fund

TWR CANADA • PO BOX 25324 • LONDON, ON • N6C 6B1 TOLL FREE 888-672-6510 • EMAIL:


Christmas Gift Catalogue

Unique gifts with lasting meaning… that you don’t have to wrap! • making disciples • equipping leaders • radios and media players • offering hope to hurting women • reaching hard and hidden places

Use the enclosed order form or call 888.672.6510

Dear Friends in Christ, In this catalogue you’ll find gift ideas that have lasting meaning and eternal value. By helping meet the needs in this catalogue you’ll be sharing the Good News of Christ’s salvation into the hard and hidden corners of this world, delivering the greatest gift of all and the true meaning of Christmas. If you want, you can also give your gift in honour of friends and loved ones, and we’ll send them a special card to notify them of your gift. Celebrate God’s greatest gift by sharing the Gospel. Thank you for considering TWR as a recipient of your Christmas generosity. Merry Christmas!


Ray Alary, President, TWR Canada

11. Equip the Church in China Sponsor a Seminary on the Air (SOTA) Student. The Church in China is exploding! More people attend Sunday services in China than in all of Europe. Strong leadership is needed in China. Incorrect teachings have infiltrated the house church movement causing confusion. In answer to this urgent need, TWR Canada provides SOTA, an intensive seminarylevel training program teaching Biblical doctrine and life applications through the Internet and in-person training. For $900 (or $25 per month over 3 years), you can fund a Chinese student through the full SOTA program. Equip China’s future Christian leaders. Many of the graduates return to their home regions and begin a home church. SOTA equips them to meet the spiritual needs of their church family, and support the explosive growth of churches in China with sound Biblical education. Suggested Gift


per month through TWR’s Direct Giving Plan (use the enclosed pamphlet) or a $900 one-time donation to cover the costs for one student

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1. Hope for Burundi Deliver Good News! Burundi is deeply scarred by oppression, ethnic divisions, food shortages, and civil conflict. People need hope and to see the value of life. TWR delivers the Good News For All and Jesus Is The Answer programs so that listeners can hear about the peace and hope available only through Jesus Christ. Your gift of $30 will help produce and broadcast these life-changing radio programs.

10. Support Canadian Missionaries TWR Canada sends missionaries to meet critical staffing needs around the world. Your gift to the Missionary Support Fund provides first-time missionary assistance for missionaries requiring additional funds to complete their remaining support needs. The Dunlop family is a current example of a missionary family needing just a few hundred dollars more per month to ensure they can fulfill their assignment on schedule. The Dunlops are excited to have the opportunity to serve with TWR on Guam in 2014. Nathan will be Guam’s Content and Program Traffic Manager where he will manage program scheduling and audio file management for an automated play-out network for multiple radio stations. From Guam, TWR uses the broadcasts to China to help strengthen and fuel the growing house church movement with programs that offer seminary training, Bible teaching and spiritual encouragement. TWR also broadcasts to numerous unreached groups, such as the Han Chinese and Cantonese, and into North Korea, Myanmar and Vietnam. Also within range of Guam’s broadcasting site, India and Indonesia receive numerous programs in multiple languages. From High River, Alberta, the Dunlops have already struggled through the challenge of the devastating High River flooding earlier this year, but the call of God on their lives to serve with TWR is stronger than ever. Giving to the Missionary Support Fund helps TWR assist missionaries like the Dunlops, ensuring they get to their assignments on schedule. Suggested Gift


per month through the TWR Direct Giving Plan (use the enclosed pamphlet) or a $300 one-time gift.

Suggested Gift

2. Critically-Needed Leadership Training for Africa The church in Africa faces strong opposition. It needs solid, effective leadership, and pastors with a solid understanding of Biblical principles. The weekly program Tools for Wise Leadership broadcasts across South and Central Africa to meet this need. This program provides teaching for professionals and leaders in education, health, social welfare and church sectors. Invest in Africa’s future with a gift of $250. Suggested Gift



$250 3

3. Making Disciples In many nations, there is a critical gap between growth in the number of believers and the impact that the church is having; an impact evidenced by the lack of transformed lives and communities. Trained disciples are urgently needed! In response to this need TWR is harnessing the potential of the mobile communication era. TWR’s newest outreach ministry - Discipleship Essentials - is a media-based, multi-platform, multi-lingual discipleship training program, based on content provided by Campus Crusade for Christ International, and distributed via new media technologies (media players, SD Cards, mobile apps, Internet), and traditional broadcast media (radio or any other format deemed appropriate) to supplement the discipleship ministries of on-theground partners. The programs can be accessed by any digital device, from anywhere in the world. Our initial focus will be restricted-access regions of the Middle East and Asia. Your gift will provide translation and production of content into essential languages, and purchase and distribute media players loaded with Discipleship Essential content for pastors or lay Christian leaders. Most players will also have radio capability to tune into scheduled TWR broadcasts as well as having anytime usage as an MP3type player for individual or group study. Help us with the launch of this cutting-edge discipleship-training project. Suggested Gift $75

9. Deliver Devotional Books to Cuba TWR’s Ministry Director in Cuba, Alberto Gonzalez, has produced over 600 radio programs from his Havana studio, sharing the message of the Gospel to Cuba. He receives thousands of responses to his ministry and distributes Christian literature across the island. Often, it is a challenge to have enough Christian resources for all of the listener and ministry follow-up. We have an opportunity to deliver 5,000 Alimento Para el Alma devotional books to Cuba. In past years it has been a challenge to print these popular books within Cuba. A printer in Colombia has now offered to print the books and include them with a shipment of other printed materials to be shipped to Cuba. This is an answer to prayer for our brothers and sisters in Cuba. Most Cuban’s live on an income between $12 and $70 per month and cannot afford the $1 cost for the book. Each year, Alberto and his son David coordinate distribution of the devotional books. Alberto has requested 5,000 devotional books for the new year. Your gift of $60 will help with the cost of printing and shipping the books to Cuba. Suggested Gift




4. Quebec

7. Support Project Hannah’s Global Ministry “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31: 8-9 (NIV) As part of TWR’s ministry to women, Project Hannah has been actively responding to this command since 1997. Project Hannah offers compassion, encouragement and hope to hurting women worldwide through a global prayer movement, awareness, mercy ministries, and radio programming. Your gift of $100 helps ensure that Project Hannah continues to reach around the world offering hope in Jesus’ Name. Suggested Gift

TWR Canada shares the transforming message of Jesus Christ in French with the people of Quebec through a translation of Charles Price’s 30-minute weekly Living Truth program on radio, television, and by Internet. These programs are available every day, any time. Calls are answered from listeners 24 hours a day, and new believers are connected with churches. TWR Canada also purchases air time on commercial stations throughout Quebec. Your gift of $100 will continue the life-transforming ministry of TWR Canada in Quebec, an important mission field in our own backyard. Suggested Gift



5. Persian Ministry Conference

8. Provide a SOTA Media Player to a Chinese Believer SOTA (Seminary on the Air) provides leadership and discipleship training to Chinese believers at a seminary level. Provide a SOTA player for $20. The entire SOTA program (over 600 hours of courses plus a full Mandarin-language Bible) is loaded on these players. To be given to established students and graduates, this player will allow SOTA resources to be available for study at any time. The material can also be shared in group settings, multiplying the impact of the SOTA program. Suggested Gift 8

Provide an amazing opportunity. For believers in the Middle East, meeting with other believers, getting baptized, and learning Biblical truths are difficult and potentially dangerous. Your gift of $500 will allow one believer to attend a week-long conference outside their home country in safety. It’s a wonderful blessing for those who receive sponsorship to travel to these conferences. Your gift will cover the conference expenses (including transportation, food and lodging) for one attendee. Suggested Gift


$20 5

6. Support

Women of Hope Broadcasts

Millions of women worldwide need hope. They suffer from poverty, disease, domestic violence, human trafficking and slavery, prostitution and sexual abuse, spiritual bondage, and the violation of basic human rights, often in the context of oppressive cultural teachings. This physical, spiritual and emotional oppression strips away their dignity and sense of worth. They are left in darkness, feeling trapped and hopeless. Into this darkness, Project Hannah’s Women of Hope programs show the light and hope of Jesus Christ. Sharing practical advice and Biblical teaching, listeners learn that they are understood and loved – especially by God. Your gift of $50 can help fund one of the seven languages that Project Hannah Canada is committed to supporting. Invest in every language for $350!

d. Umbundu: Take the message of Christ to the

four million Umbundu speakers in Angola who need to hear of His hope. Suggested Gift

a. Persian: Share the hope that comes from Jesus

e. Bambara: Reach out to the six million Bambara-

with Persian-speaking women who desperately need to feel God’s love and understand their true value in His eyes. Suggested Gift






g. French: French is a primary language throughout

Portuguese-speaking women in Angola and Mozambique who suffer daily from the impacts of war, poverty, violence and discrimination. Suggested Gift

northern Mozambique, spoken by four million. Share the hope and healing provided by the Women of Hope programs in this heart language. Suggested Gift


c. Portuguese: Bring healing and restoration to


f. Makhuwa: Makhuwa is the primary language of

observe strict external rules to earn salvation. Introduce the hope that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus to these needy hearts. Suggested Gift


speaking people in West Africa, helping them learn practical life skills and find hope in Jesus through Women of Hope broadcasts. Suggested Gift

b. Low German: Some Low German speakers



West Africa. Impact countless lives through the Women of Hope broadcasts that air to millions of French- language listeners. Suggested Gift

$50 7

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