Cardiovascular Disease
Electronic-free Adventures
page 14A
page 20A
Bowling a 300
page 16A
Elder Law page 8A
February 2013 Vol 26 No. 2
POMMER: Education Concerns
page 3A
page 7A
By Matt Pommer
Remembering McGuire & Supportive Care Directory
MONEY SENSE By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
Section BBy Bruce Nemovitz
SENIOR and a Statesman
APRON MONEY SENSE STRINGS Herb Kohl: A Gentleman By Aunt Emma
By Karen By Tom Frazier Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker After four terms in the U.S. Senate representing the people of Wis-Lipsky
By Tom Frazier
See sports on page 16A
Geri Hoefs, right, has 12 perfect 300 games to her credit. With her in the picture is Kandy Birmingham, manager of the Milwaukee Women’s Bowling Association.
Is the 300 Game in Bowling Still a TRAVEL Mark of Excellence?
Answer Man
gress, Senator Kohl was so popular among the voters of Wisconsin that I believe he would have easily won reelection if he had sought it. When he announced that he was not running, he said, “The office doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to the people of Wisconsin, and there
consin, Senator Herb Kohl made the decision not to seek reelection in 2012. Despite the growing dissatisfaction with members of Con-
is something to be said for not staying in office too long.” This humble attitude was one of the things that made him so popular with the people of Wisconsin. His popularity is evidenced by the electorate who first gave “No-
Frazier continued on page 3A
2A • 50plus • February 2013
What the Fiscal Cliff tells us about Congress By Lee Hamilton Ordinarily, the start of a new Congress is a time for optimism. Fresh faces and a purposeful spirit combine to get Congress off to a hope-filled start. Yet Capitol Hill right now is far from optimistic. That’s because last year’s session, with its distressing end by the edge of the fiscal cliff, left the new Congress confronting head on all the challenges that should have been resolved but weren’t: getting spending and the deficit under control, spurring economic growth and reforming the tax code. Congressional performance at the end of 2012 fell far short, leaving not just a sour taste in most Americans’ mouths, but real cause for concern about how Congress operates. We learned a lot about Capitol Hill from the fiscal cliff episode, and not much of it is flattering. Even when faced with dire consequences, for instance, Congress seems incapable of addressing big national needs in an ambitious way. In an earlier effort to punt on fiscal issues, it created the “fiscal cliff” — and
then failed to deal with it. Instead, it cobbled together yet another stopgap measure at the last moment. All of the key issues it had a chance to resolve — the sequester, spending, the debt ceiling — will have to be revisited in the next few months. And that’s before Congress can even get to the real issues of reviving economic growth with investments in research, human capital and infrastructure. This throws into sharp relief an even more fundamental problem: the traditional legislative system for dealing with tough issues in a rational manner is broken. The time-honored approach afforded by the regular committee process, the pull and tug of negotiations as legislation worked its way through multiple players, the vetting and deal-making that once took place in a Congress organized to do so — all of that is gone. Instead, like an uncontrollable twitch, Congress repeatedly indulges in fiscal brinksmanship. This leaves it unable to deal effectively with our challenges, raises serious doubts about the viability of our system and causes
the rest of the world to question our ability to lead. It was noteworthy that the broad outlines of the fiscal cliff agreement were negotiated by just two people, Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, while thousands of tiny but important details were left to staff. Some of the most prominent names in American politics decried the lack of transparency in the process and their own irrelevance to it. The issues being negotiated were of enormous importance to their constituents, but powerful and back-bench legislators alike had less input into what was going on than even the unelected staff members of the key players. Their only role was an up-or-down vote at the end. This is worth noticing because one other thing the fiscal cliff fiasco made clear is that the approach many new members of Congress took during the campaign — that they intend to help Congress get things done — is sorely needed. Politicians on Capitol Hill at the moment are simply unwilling to make truly hard decisions.
Commenting on the Republicans in the wake of the negotiations, New York Times columnist David Brooks said, “The core thing [the fiscal cliff deal] says about them is that they want to reform entitlements and cut spending, but they can’t actually propose any plans to do these things because it would be politically unpopular.” The same might be said of Democrats and the White House, who recognize that entitlement reform needs to be on the table, but are reluctant to specify what they want to see. So we’re left with two parties passing one another in the night, unable to come to terms and unwilling to risk alienating their core constituencies to do so. In our system of representative democracy, Capitol Hill should be the place where their competing concerns get hammered out. What we learned from the fiscal cliff negotiations is that Congress isn’t that place. As a former member, I’m embarrassed that we can’t govern this nation better. Maybe the new Congress will have the courage to change course.
February 2013 • 50plus
• 3A
Added security could limit educational improvements Two decades ago, then-Gov. Tommy Thompson floated the idea of a longer school year, calling it a way to improve education. This year in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting, the National Rifle Association has suggested that armed officers be located in each school building as a deterrent to gun violence. Thompson retreated from his improve-education idea after being reminded that it would take tens of millions of additional dollars. The NRA idea is likely to fail because it, too, would cost lots of money. The Wall Street Journal has said it would cost $5.7 billion across the 50 states. Everyone wants to improve education and make schools safe for children, but politicians think the public has absolutely no interest in higher taxes to achieve those goals. State Sen. John Lehman, D-Racine, a former educator who headed a school-safety committee four years ago, recently suggested exempting security matters from school spending. State Sen. Luther Olsen, R-Ripon, has said he’s considering the idea. Despite that sort of bipartisan talk, the school-safety idea faces
an uphill fight. The top politicians seem more interested in property tax issues than increased school safety, even if the powerful NRA is behind the idea. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, said school districts MOVING IN THE should use the money they already RIGHT DIRECTION get from the stateByfor such expendiBruce Nemovitz tures. “School districts can use the money they already receive to address security issues as well as provide an excellent education for our children,” Vos said in a newspaper interview. That might meanAGING using classroom-targeted dollars ISSUES to pay for the By Tom Frazier NRA idea of armed guards in the schools. A spokesman for Gov. Scott Walker said exemptions make it difficult to hold down property taxes. Extending the school year is being discussed in various parts of
ing important issuesPLANTING affecting the Frazier continued from page 1 TOMORROW’S elderly, and then, quietly being efDREAMS TODAY body’s Senator but yours” 52 perabout By Brad Olson cent of their votes in 1988. That fective in doing something them. One example was his role in percentage increased to 58 percent saving Wisconsin’s SeniorCare Rx in 1994, 62 percent in 2000, and 67 percent in 2006. Evidently, his per- drug program. Senator Kohl held a sonality and commitment to the peo- public hearing of the Special Comple of Wisconsin met with increas- A statesman is defined as “one ing rates of approval. who exhibits ability of the A big part of his personality, to highest kind in dealing with me, was always being a gentleman, SPORTS Sports Plus important public which the dictionary defines as “a By Jackissues.” By Jack Pearson Pearson man of good breeding, education and manners.” In all my contacts mittee on Aging, invited testimony with Senator Kohl, I never heard from advocates and consumers from him personally criticize another per- Wisconsin and from representatives son, or lose his temper. He treated of the federal Center for Medicare everyone with kindness and respect. and Medicaid Services (CMS). DeI knew him best as the Chair- spite the glowing testimony from man of the U.S. Senate Special Wisconsin, CMS denied the waiver Committee on Aging, where he to continue the program. Most of us had an uncanny knack of identify- thought that SeniorCare was history, but not Senator Kohl. He rallied
America as a key to improving education. Proponents note that European and Japanese schools have more classroom time than the average U.S. school district. Some might suggest that circumstances have changed since Thompson was governor. Two years ago, Republicans maimed collective bargaining in the public sector, effectively allowing municipal employers including school disMONEY SENSE Karenthey Ellenbecker tricts to do much of By what want Ellenbecker in personnel terms. & Julie-Lipsky Republicans say these are the “tools” to hold down property taxes while state aids were scaled back. But funding additional security from existing revenues could limit educational Emma improvements designed by school districts. Even if districts By Aunt Emma were to opt to extend the school year while providing little additional compensation for teachers and prin-
cipals, some costs would increase as a result of additional class days. For example, districts need bus drivers and gasoline to get the children to school. Electricity is required to operate schools and meals are an important element of the pupils’ school days. There are other political hurdles to a longer school year. It should be noted that the vacation industry, an important factor in Wisconsin’s economy, might not be enthused about shorter vacation periods for families. The vacation industry decades ago successfully convinced the Legislature to enact a law prohibiting the start of public schools before Sept. 1. The fall term starts in August in much of America.
Answer Man
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50PLUS HERMAN WHITE WRITES What’s new for phase two of your life?
the entire Congressional delegation from Wisconsin, Democrats and Republicans, and got the waiver extended in a supplemental appropriation bill. Senator Kohl did not criticize and attack the opponents, but rather figured out a solution and implemented it. Over 100,000 older persons and their families are still grateful for what he did in his own quiet, effective way. Other issues where he was equally effective included his great support for the Ombudsman program that advocates for people in nursing homes, and for programs Enis Wright and funding toByprevent elder abuse. Similar to SeniorCare, his priorities always seemed to be for those who were most vulnerable and unable to advocate for themselves. A statesman is defined as “one who exhibits ability of the highest
kind in dealing with important public issues.” I cannot think of anyone who better fits that definition than Senator Kohl. At a time when bitter political partisanship dominates our country, Senator Kohl rose above it and, in his last speech before his Senate colleagues said, “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve these 24 years in this hallowed institution, alongside my fellow senators and my staff, and as the voice of the people of Wisconsin.” I am sure it was such an honor for him, but it was also our honor to have such a good and decent man represent us. Herb Kohl is a gentleman and a statesman. I know that he will continue to advocate for those less fortunate even though he is no longer a U.S. Senator. But when you see him at a Buck’s game or around town, tell him thanks.
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
Karen Ellenbecker 2013 4A • 50plus By• February & Julie Ellenbecker
By Aunt Emma
Answer Man
Are you addicted to daytime dozing? If so, join the crowds heading for brief afternoon naps. NG ES It seems numerous older people razier are experiencing (some might even NEY SENSEsay enjoying) daytime sleeping, even if it is only a 15-minute nap in en Ellenbecker e Ellenbecker the easy chair. The problem - if it -Lipsky really is one - could be caused by ING chronic insomnia. ROW’S TODAY We have read that too many Olson people - not just older people – are sleep-inducing pills. In RON overusing addition to tiredness during the day, INGS taking sleeping pills for nighttime nt Emma snoozing can possibly cause troublesome daytime cognitive powers,
By Tom Frazier
with Jim McLoone calendar KILLING TIME
Answer Man calendar
By Enis Wright
I know the Rose Bowl is far into KILLING the past, but ITIME could havewith cried Jim all night after the Badgers lost their third in a row. That is, I might have cried all night, except that I immediately flipped from the Rose Bowl to the Marquette basketball game against Connecticut.
I am still upset and, yes, some- win and then donated to the aid of confused thinking, dizziness, un- what crabby about the Wisconsin all Madison’s street citizens, who steadiness, memory lapses, halluciloss in the Rose Bowl. As my wife can’t sleep in the Capitol building SPORTS Sports Plus nations and a myriad of otherBy probsays time and again, “Just get over anymore. I’m sure the benevolent By Jack Pearson Jack Pearson lems. it.” Barry would have at the very least PLANTING The best suggestionTOMORROW’S for a good But, you see I am sure, that I am done this much for the UW dropouts night’s sleep seems to DREAMS be toTODAY forget crabby about the $50,000 that Bar- now sleeping in those cardboard By Brad Olson By Enis Wrightwith a the afternoon nap, to exercise, eat ry Alvarez could have gotten boxes. a lighter evening meal, avoid alcohol four to six hours before bedtime and, if all else fails, immerse yourself in a warm bath to assist you in winding down your body andPlus mind Is it true as we’re told that some- gress. What’d we tell you last month SPORTS Sports By Jack Pearson before attempting sleep. times when the Good Lord is disap- about those leading us in WashingBy Jack Pearson Do you still recall the days the WRIGHT pointed with the performances of a ton and that new word that describes when you worked so diligently that person SIDE on earthof that He just gives that them, ineptitude. enjoying a full night’s sleep came so person what By Enisis Wright being requested? M M M M naturally? M M M M I received a letter stating that Most readers are old enough to I should quit picking on the sheriff. with atJim I had feared a similar outcome, recall when we sometimes theMcLoone Pick on him, no way. He’s bigger but was I ever surprised. The Gold- thought of being disciplined real- than I am. Now the county executive, en Eagles, thought to be about fifth ly did honor our father and mother. that’s another story. on the win-loss chart of the Big East Now, too often, we honor as first and M M M M this year, came through with a big foremost, the almighty dollar. By the The Russian leader, Putin, has overtime win over Connecticut. It way, what denomination is that al- outlawed further adoptions by AmerMcLoone resulted in smart overtime play after mighty bill? ican parents of Russian children in Jr. Cadugan tied the score up at the M M M M orphanages. Now, just who does he regular game-ending buzzer. We elect people at the various believe he’s really hurting? You have And speaking of buzzers, the levels of government whom we be- heard the story, I am sure, about how MU “Buzz” wasn’t even there. He lieve to be above reproach, smart if many people it takes to change a light was banished for two first–of-con- not brilliant, honest, able to think on bulb. Obviously, no one changes his ference games for naughty recruit- their feet (not with them) and known light bulbs. Otherwise, he would not ing. for their integrity. Is it not amazing have such a dim view. how many of these fine traits disapM M M M pear once they’re elected? Blessed are those who do not forM M M M get to give during this season of want. After the Fiscal Cliff fiasco of a More blessed are those who receive month ago, we must suspect there’s and do not forget to give thanks. The Among the super foods for a more than just a few “dim bulbs” illu- word “thanks” certainly is not a long healthy diet are sweet potatoes, man- minating the wondrous works of Con- word, but just is a big one. killing time continued on page 23A goes, unsweetened Greek yogurt, broccoli, wild salmon, crispbreads, Garbanzo beans, watermelon, butWriter/Proofreader ternut squash and all leafy greens, Cyndi Strayer especially kale, collards, spinach, Advertising Director turnip greens, mustard greens and Saran Piehl Swiss chard. These greens could be Hartland, WI 53029 Art Director/ served with a few squirts of lemon 262-367-5303 EDITORIALS Production Manager juice or, even better, red wine vinSTATE CAPITOL Nicole Hesse COMMENT Publishers egar. graphic designer Eat heartily, Tom and Maureen Slattery Peggy Duffy Senior answer Man Editor MONEY SENSE TRAVEL P.S. Don’t believe that all Italian Office Manager Jim McLoone dishes are good for what might ail Paula Koeppen MOVING IN THE find us on facebook at RIGHT DIRECTION you.
Answer Man
By Aunt Emma
RTS s Plus earson earson
n Ellenbecker Ellenbecker Lipsky
t Emma
Answer Man
Dear SAM: I know you published a list of the best foods for us to eat a while back, but I have lost it or, in all honesty, tossed it. Would you please print this again as your answer to me? Do have a great 2013. Hoping to eat healthier, Herman Hedgehoaler
T f
Dear Herman:
with Jim isMcLoone This request fulfilled here-
ENTERTAINMENT with. While I don’t always do as I say, I do try to follow these recommendations and happen to have a copy on my desk.
By Matt Pommer
By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
By Bruce Nemovitz
50 APRON Plus News Magazine STRINGS By Aunt Emma
Answer Man
February 2013 • 50plus
Start planning for retirement distributions STATE CAPITOL COMMENT
By Matt Pommer we No matter who is elected, expect certain economic realities: increasing taxes and inflation, interest rates remaining low, additional volatility in the bond and stock markets, and increasing health care costs. While we can’t control these issues, we can understand and reduce the risk to our overall financial MOVING IN THE plan. It is important to understand RIGHT DIRECTION how your distribution will be By Bruceplan Nemovitz affected by the economic risk factors listed above. Begin by taking an inventory of the income sources you will have in retirement. Include earned income, investment and interest income, realized gains, Social Security, and pension or disability AGING income. Once ISSUESincome, you know your expected Tom Frazier you can determineByyour estimated tax bracket. Will your income sources be sufficient for cash flow or will you need to take distributions from your investment account to make ends meet? If you are over age of 59½, de-
By Jack Pearson
ordinary income rates. Additionally, the interest on your HELOC is currently deductible on your income taxes. Everyone’s personal situation is unique and the best way to protect your retirement is to plan ahead and rely on professionals to partner with you in that process. Many individuals wait until retirement to plan for taxes and are stunned at the impact taxes will have on their withdrawals. It is never too early to start planning for your retirement distributions. For more information call Ellenbecker Investment Group at 262691-3200. We offer complimentary financial checkups to assess your needs and determine an action plan for moving forward. Securities and advisory services offered through SII Investments, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC & Registered Investment Advisor. Ellenbecker Investment Group, Inc. and SII Investments are separate companies.
MONEY SENSE By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
termine how much you can withdraw from your IRA without accelerating into the next tax bracket. If you are short of your income goal and do not haveAPRON after-tax or taxEmma free accounts, you STRINGS will be forced to By Aunt Emma from withdraw the additional money tax-deferred investments, which could increase your tax bracket. If you have saved in after-tax or taxfree accounts, you will have the freedom to withdraw from those assets without increasing tax liability. Tax-deferred accounts have never been taxed and the more withdrawn, the higher the tax. At 70½ you are forced to withdraw a portion of your retirement accounts based on life expectancy.
Answer Man
SPORTS Sports Plus
By Jack Pearson
There are a few things you can do to minimize the overall tax impact. Begin accumulating assets outside of traditional retirement accounts to increase flexibility and tax control in retirement. If you are over 59½ and not withdrawing from your IRA, consult your financial or tax advisor to discuss the benefit of withdrawing from your tax-deferred investments to accumulate assets outside of retirement accounts. Evaluate whether it makes sense to do a Roth conversion to help offset some of the tax implications imposed at age 70½. I often recommend having a home equity line of credit (HELOC) established before retirement. Therefore, if you get into a tax pickle you can offset tax implications by withdrawing additional cash needs from your HELOC. Repaying the loan in the next tax year will defer the tax liability into the following year. Borrowing money at HELOC rates is often better than paying taxes at
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
• 5A
6A • 50plus • February 2013
The ten most common misconceptions about Social Security By: Tom Margenau If I had the space, I probably could write a column called “The One Thousand Most Common Mis-
conceptions About Social Security.” I see examples of them almost every day in the emails I get from my readers. Alas, I’ll barely have room
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to cover the top ten. For now, I’ll stick to the program side of Social Security. Later, I’ll go over some of the most common policy and political misunderstandings. Misconception One: Social Security retirement benefits are based on your last 10 years of earnings. Other misunderstandings say benefits are based on a “high five” or a “last three” base of earnings. None are true. All retirement benefits are based on a person’s highest 35 years of earnings — with each year being adjusted for inflation. Misconception Two: If you work after you start getting Social Security, the extra taxes you pay will automatically increase your Social Security check. You will only get such an automatic increase if your current income is higher than the lowest of the 35 inflation-adjusted years of earnings used in your original computation. Misconception Three: You can take reduced benefits at 62 and later switch to full benefits on your own or a spouse’s record. With very few exceptions (the major one applying to widows), you simply can’t do that. If you apply for any kind of Social Security benefit before age 66, you must file for all other benefits you are due at the same time. But those rules change dramatically if you wait until age 66 to file. To understand these rules, send me an email and ask for a free digital copy of my fact sheet, “When to Take Your Social Security Benefits.” Misconception Four: Working women are cheated because they cannot get their own retirement ben-
efit and a wife’s or widow’s benefit from their husband’s account. I get emails almost every day from women complaining about this issue. Interestingly, I’ve never once heard from a working man complaining that he can’t get a husband or widower’s benefit from his wife’s Social Security record. Simply put: As a general rule, if you are due two benefits (and any married person who works is potentially due benefits from his or her own record and from a spouse’s account), you only get the benefit that pays the higher rate. To clarify further, you should understand that spousal benefits are only due to financially dependent wives or husbands. Misconception Five: You must be married for at least 10 years to qualify for spousal benefits from Social Security. That 10-year duration of marriage rule applies only to divorced spouses. Misconception Six: Any benefits paid to a divorced spouse offset payments due to a current spouse. That is simply wrong. Social Security checks paid to an ex-spouse have no impact on benefits payable to a current spouse. They each can receive whatever spousal benefits they are due. Misconception Seven:Teachers are cheated out of Social Security benefits on a spouse’s record. This fallacy grows out of a misunderstanding of a law called the “government pension offset.” That law simply says that teacher’s pensions (received by teachers in jobs not covered by Social Security) will social security continued on page 9A
Reverse Mortgages Beth Kuehl License# 502455
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February 2013 • 50plus
Leaving a legacy One definition of legacy is “something handed down or received from an ancestor or predecessor.” The type of society and lifestyle STATEhasCAPITOL we leave for our children always COMMENT been at the center of our being. We By Matt Pommer work hard our entire lives to provide a good life for our kids so that one
day they in turn can provide a better life for their offspring. What we hand down to those in the next generation is often central to our desire to provide a better life for our loved ones and their families. AGING For some families, housing is cruISSUES By Tom cial to a family’s stability andFrazier overall happiness. Home ownership can provide a stable environment as well as a sense of pride for those who purchase their own house. I think most of us can agree that one of our central goals in buying our first home is to start a legacy, which would be an example for PLANTING our children to follow TOMORROW’S when it is time for them to raise their DREAMS own families. TODAY By Brad Olson Unfortunately, housing affordability determines how many new buyers can be a part of home ownership as well as the size and location of that home. In the boom of 2000-2006, we experienced a 15-40 percent spike in home prices, depending on location. And that feeling of unexpected equity we felt during that time felt SPORTS Sports Plus good. It made us feel more secure. By Jack Pearson By Jack Pearson But that increase in home values also created a different scenario for our children. For example, my two girls entered the real estate market in 2007 and both experienced a negative equity situation after the recession. Imagine purchasing your first home only to find that the value dropped 15-40 percent in a matter of a few years! That is not a legacy any of us would wish to leave for our children. According to the National Association of Realtors, 2012 will go down
as a record year for favorable housing affordability conditions. The affordability index for all of 2012 is 194, up from 186 in 2011 (which was a previous record). That figure represents the relationship between median home price, median family income and average interest rate. The higher the index, the greater the household purchasing power. This type of record keeping began in 1970. MONEY SENSE By Karen Ellenbecker An index of 100 is defined as the & Julie Ellenbecker point where a median-income-Lipsky household has exactly enough income to qualify for the purchase of a median-priced existing single family home (levels can vary by down payment). This means that for 2012, on a naEmma tional basis, a median-income family would have 194 percent of the income By Aunt Emma needed to purchase a median-priced existing home! As for 2013, it is projected to be the third best affordable index number as interest rates and home prices will likely rise slightly. The good news is that one effect of the fall of home prices during the recession has had great benefits for the next generation. They will be able to purchase a home for their family and create a legacy of home ownership for their children. This also means that today’s first time home buyers will not be going over their heads in debt to buy their first home. This is also a good thing for society and financial security of all homeowners, as we will not see again a rash of foreclosures due to young buyers purchasing homes they cannot afford. A stable market is always a good thing for long term investment such as the investment in real estate. My point is that we can’t have it both ways. When one group benefits from a real estate windfall such as we experienced in 2000-2006, another group can be affected adversely. All of us want the best for our children and grandchildren and a legacy of afBy Enis Wright fordable home ownership is a gift we can be proud to leave behind.
SENIORRents Start at $670 Answer Man
Bruce Nemovitz is a Senior Real Estate Specialist, as well as Certified Senior Advisor. Bruce has sold residential homes in the four county Milwaukee-Metro areas for 37 years. Bruce is one of only a handful of realtors who are continually included in the top seven percent in client satisfaction in the Milwaukee Metro area.
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
• 7A
8A • 50plus • February 2013
Attorney Leifheit’s goal is to educate clients Attorney Joanne Leifheit’s clients explain it best. “Joanne explained our options in estate planning very thoroughly and in terms we could understand. She is a very professional, knowledgeable and compassionate person.”
Attorney Leifheit explains her goal is to help to educate clients as well as to offer them guidance and representation. She offers advice in plain English and does not try to overwhelm her clients in legalese. Some of the questions she assists clients with include: • What is the difference between a living will and a will and a revocable living trust? Do I need or want any of those documents? • I am the spouse or widow of a veteran. Is my veteran spouse (or widow of a veteran) entitled to any additional benefits? • Can I gift money or property and what is this five year lookback for Medicaid (Title 19)? What is Family Care? • My family member just passed away. What do I do next? • I have a living will; do I need a power of attor-
ney for health care? • A family member is entering the nursing home. Will the state take the house? • How can I avoid probate and should I be worried about estate taxes? How do I name a guardian for my child? • A family member has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimers disease, but refuses to sign a power of attorney – what should I do? • My family member is in the hospital and needs to enter a nursing home. The hospital told me to contact an attorney for a court guardianship proceeding – can you help? • I want to submit an offer to purchase on a house. The seller has a realtor. Do I need an attorney? • I am spending much of my time helping my parent(s) with daily cares – is there anything I should be doing? With over 17 years in experience as an attorney, Joanne Leitfheit explains her primary Alzheimer’s
disease of family members, veterans’ benefits analysis and representation before the VA, estate planning (wills, trusts, powers of attorney), probate and trust administration, court guardianships of adults, Medicaid (Title 19 also called Title XIX) planning and evaluation (elder law), and residential real estate. In 2010, Attorney Leifheit completed the requirements to become accredited by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and undertook specialized training in veteran’s benefits. Attorney Leifheit also offers her own list of 200 Senior Citizen Discounts to local food and attractions in the Milwaukee area. And finally, let’s let one of her clients explain her work. “Joanne was very gracious, highly knowledgeable and put effort into explanation of her documents. I will most certainly secure her services if future needs arise.”
February 2013 • 50plus
• 9A
Provide for pets in your estate through directives
By Attorney Barry W. Szymanski Through your will and trust you provide for your children and other loved ones after your death. Additionally, you can also make provisions for your pets by both gifting assets and designating guardians for their care. By proper planning you can also prevent or minimize difficulties between beneficiaries, heirs and nominated guardians. And by appointing a guardian for your companion animals you help avoid an unknown fate for your pets by assuring continuity of their care. You can also prevent or minimize difficulties between your heirs as to whom, if anyone, will assume their care. Lifetime care for your pet can be accomplished by outright gift or by provisions in your trust. A trust
will obligate your trustee to continue to provide oversight of your pet by monthly or quarterly funding to your pet’s guardian. Choosing a Pet Guardian. As you select your personal representatives, trustees and guardians, you may also wish to select a guardian for your animal companions. In choosing a guardian for your pet, you may wish to list the persons already involved with your pet’s and your life. Simply because a potential guardian is a lover of animals may not be enough for proper care of your pet. You may even want to ‘try out’ the potential guardian to see if there is a ‘fit’ between your pet and the guardian, either on a weekend or while you are on vacation.
Discuss guardianship and receive permission from the potential guardian for your pet. I request the full legal name, address, telephone number with area code, Social Security number and date of birth for each principally named and alternate pet guardian. You may wish to name separate guardians for different pets, as some guardians may be willing to care for, let’s say, your cats, but not for your pet iguana or snake. Complete Pet Information. For documentation provide your pet’s name and a complete description [sex, coloring, type, weight, breed, microchip identification, license, and tattoo], complete information on the veterinarian who has provided care, health problems, medication, special instructions, in-
cluding likes and dislikes, known commands and daily routine. I also like to receive a photograph of your pet animal for my files. Trusts and Your Pet. Lifetime care for your pet can also be accomplished by provisions in your Trust. A Trust may obligate your trustee to continue to provide oversight of your pet by monthly or quarterly together with funding to your beloved companion’s guardian. Probate and Pets. If you do not provide for your pet in a trust, you can leave assets for care for your pet in your will. This should be discussed in detail with me because your nominated personal representative becomes the legal owner of your probate assets including pets after your death.
er medical costs. You qualify for Medicaid, which is as comprehensive as both parts of Medicare, not because you’ve worked and paid taxes, but only because you are poor.
If you have a Social Security question, Tom Margenau has the answer. Contact him at
social security continued from page 6A be treated like a Social Security retirement benefit. Social Security retirement benefits have always offset any spousal benefits a person might be due. The GPO law simply says that teacher’s retirement pensions will also offset any spousal benefits due. To understand this better, send me an email and ask for a free digital copy of my fact sheet, “Pension Offsets and Social Security.” Misconception Eight: Social Security disability benefits are welfare. Where does this idea come from? (Actually, I think I know, and it’s explained in the next paragraph.) Let’s look at two people. Joe has worked and paid Social Security taxes all his life. He retires at age 62 and gets Social Security retirement benefits. Jack has also worked and paid Social Security taxes all his life. Unfortunately, he comes down with prostate cancer at age 58 and starts getting Social Security disability benefits. Why do so many people think Joe is getting a benefit he earned while Jack is getting some form of welfare? They are both getting Social Security benefits for which they have worked and paid taxes.
Misconception Nine: SSI is some kind of Social Security benefit. Supplemental Security Income is a federal welfare program that has nothing at all to do with Social Security other than the fact that it is managed by the Social Security Administration. SSI benefits are funded by general tax revenues, not by Social Security taxes. SSI pays a very small monthly stipend to poor people who are over age 65 or who are under 65 but disabled. Unfortunately, many people confuse SSI disability payments with Social Security disability benefits. They are two distinct programs. The former is a welfare payment. The latter is an earned benefit. Misconception Ten: Medicaid is part of the Medicare program. Just like SSI and Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare are two separate government programs. Simply put, Medicaid is welfare and Medicare is not. To qualify for Part A, or hospital coverage, under Medicare, you generally must work and pay Medicare taxes for at least 10 years. And anyone over 65 or getting Social Security disability benefits can buy Part B Medicare coverage. Part B pays for doctor’s visits, lab tests, outpatient hospital services and oth-
10A • 50plus • February 2013
Elder Law questions and answers
What is a Durable Power of Attorney?
A Power of Attorney is a document you sign while you are competent that authorizes another person (your “agent”) to act for you. A Durable Power of Attorney allows that person to act even if you later become incompetent. You can create a durable power that will be effective when you sign it or after some triggering event, such as when two physicians state, in writing, that you are not capable of handling your affairs. The second option is called a “springing” power. Name only someone you absolutely trust to follow your wishes and handle your finances honestly.
What can your agent do?
Depending on what you say in the Power of Attorney document, your agent may be able to sign legal documents in your place, buy and sell real estate for you, pay your bills and take other financial actions on your behalf. If there is no specific authority to make gifts, the agent may not do so.
What about health care decisions?
Wisconsin law allows you to create a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. You may use the stan-
dard form created by the law, or you may have an attorney write an individualized document for you. Either way, there are specific requirements about how the Power of Attorney for Health Care must be executed, just as there are with a will. In addition, the law restricts who may be your agent and who may be a witness to this document.
Is this Power of Attorney for Health Care the same as a Living Will?
No. A Living Will is a declaration to physicians that you wish life-sustaining procedures or nonorally ingested nutrition and hydration to be withheld or withdrawn if you are in an incurable condition and your death is imminent or if you are in a persistent vegetative state. A Power of Attorney for Health Care appoints an agent to make most decisions related to your health care if and when you are unable to make those decisions yourself. If you specifically grant the power, your agent can decide to withhold or withdraw nonorally ingested nutritional support and fluid maintenance, admit you to a nursing home or community-based residential facility and make other health care decisions. If you have both a Living Will and a Power of Attorney for Health
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Care, the Power of Attorney for Health Care controls if there is any conflict between the two. You should review your documents periodically to make sure that they are up to date.
What if you become incapacitated and you have not executed powers of attorney?
If you are no longer able to manage your property or care for yourself and you have not signed a power of attorney or appointed a financial or a health care agent, any interested individual (for example, a family member, agency or healthcare provider) may petition the court to appoint a guardian to act on your behalf. The guardian will be respon-
sible for managing your financial assets (the “guardian of the estate”) and he or she may also be responsible for decisions related to your care (the “guardian of the person”). A single individual may serve as both guardian of the estate and person, or the court may appoint separate individuals.
How is a guardian appointed?
Any relative, state official or other person may request that the court appoint a guardian. The person who is alleged to be incompetent must be informed of the petition for appointment of a guardian and of the scheduled time for hearing. The court will appoint a guardian ad litem to interview the individual and others, investigate and make a
February 2013 • 50plus
recommendation to the court as to whether it is the individual’s best interests to have a guardian. The allegedly incompetent person also has the right to be represented by an attorney.
Where do you get the state forms?
You can get the forms from the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services website or by sending a stamped, self-addressed business-sized envelope to Living Will/Power of Attorney, Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 309, Madison, WI 53701-0309.
Elder Abuse
Elder abuse may include four distinct categories of abuse of a person who is age 60 or older, including: a. abuse, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, treatment without consent, unreasonable confinement or restraints; b. financial exploitation, including obtaining money or property by deceit, enticement, force or compulsion; c. neglect, including the failure of a caregiver to secure or maintain adequate care; and d. self neglect, which is the failure of the older person to adequately care for himself or herself. Wisconsin has a voluntary elder abuse reporting system. Each of Wisconsin’s counties has designated an elder adult at risk agency that provides a helpline. For more information about the Elder Abuse Reporting Law, you
can check, or call the hotline toll free at 1-800-488-2596. There is also a caregiver reporting system, which requires that certain facilities, agencies or organizations must report misconduct committed by a caregiver against a client. More information can be found at
Benefit Specialists
Elderly benefit specialists are persons trained to help older people who are having problems with their private or government benefits. Benefit specialists can provide more information, and can suggest alternatives, explain legal actions, advocate on your behalf with other parties or refer you to an appropriate attorney for legal action when necessary. Benefit specialists can provide assistance with a variety of programs including Medicare and Medicare Part D, Medicare supplemental insurance, SSI and Social Security, Medical Assistance, consumer problems and a variety of other matters. The benefit specialist program is supported with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the Federal Older Americans Act. There is no charge for the services. For more information go to genage/benspecs.htm or www.cwag. org/legal/benefit-specialists/.
Burial Instructions
Beginning in 2008, Wisconsin law allows you to designate a representative to control disposition of your remains and to list special wishes you may have. More information is available at www.dhs., including a link to print the form.
Other Internet Resources of Interest
Veterans Benefits and Services United States Department of Veterans Affairs, 1-800-827-1000 or Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs, 1-800-947-8387 or Longterm Care Ombudsman,
• 11A
Elder Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin, sections/elder National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, AARP, Medicare Advocacy Center,
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12A • 50plus • February 2013
Grandfather got laid off
By: Doug Mayberry : My grandfather is 52 and has worked for one company for more than 26 years. Three months ago, his company filed for bankruptcy. He assumed he could find another position rather quickly. Now, after sending out nearly 100 resumes, his efforts have resulted in only one response. He was overqualified! He is experiencing mood changes, stress and being quite vocal about it. As yet, our family has not needed to dip into financially helping them out. That may change soon. Is there anything we can do to show our support and encouragement?
: Almost everyone’s reaction to losing a job hits him or her with shock, then fear and at times evolves into anger. Often, the individual believes he or she made a mistake and blame himself or herself for what has happened. The fact that his company went out of business is not his fault. The fact that your grandfather worked for his employer for all those years expresses his contribution, value and loyalty. A wise employer is out there who will recognize and find a spot for him. Looking for a job is the hardest job there is. To bring your grand-
father up to speed with a selling resume, should he hire an employment coach? Could you suggest he enroll in an accounting class in which he could get exposure from peers, instructors and find networking contacts? Does he belong to a bookkeeping group or can he locate one? To keep him active and positive, should volunteer his abilities to a company that might lead to a permanent job? Your grandfather may be forced to lower his career expectations. Many companies are flooded with applications. They can now offer less salary, medical coverage, just a week’ vacation and employ only part-time work. Many cities have or are in the process of outsourcing some of their internal departments, which cuts down expenses. Utility billing departments seem to be high on the list for possible outsourcing. Could these new outsourcing companies use your grandfather’s abilities? Encourage your grandfather to remain positive, tell him that he will find a new job, and it is only a matter of timing. Based on his abilities, the odds are in his favor!
: Many of us no longer make annual personal resolutions because we fail to accomplish them. I continLaid off continued on page 13A
February 2013 • 50plus
• 13A
Take vitamin K for bone health By: Rallie McAllister Most of us think calcium when we think of strong bones, but vitamin K may play just as vital a role in preserving our bones as we age. Calcium, of course, is found in dairy products, greens and fortified products. Vitamin K (best known for its blood clotting abilities) is found in deep green vegetables. Research has shown that people with low level of circulating vitamin K tend to have low bone mineral density. Data from the Nurses’ Health Study, which included more than 72,000 women, found that those who got at least 110 micrograms of vitamin K per day were 30 percent less likely to break a hip than women who got less. U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers also found that low vitamin K intake was associated with low bone mineral density in women involved in the Framingham Heart Study. And data from a third study — the Postmeno-
pausal Health Study II — also found that groups receiving dairy products supplemented with two forms of vitamin K had more favorable changes in bone metabolism compared to the group that received unsupplemented dairy products.
Laid off continued from page 12A ue to do so, but as usual, even in January, I am already flunking. I simply get overwhelmed with my hopes and desires to improve myself.
Recently, I learned from a reader that she had developed a system that makes her resolution track record more successful. She simply makes one resolution each month and concentrates on accomplishing it. By doing so, she finds she can concentrate, and it increases her odds of success. She admits that she is not 100 percent successful, but her overall average is better! Give it a shot. It may be your winning ticket? Doug Mayberry makes the most of life in a Southern California retirement community. Contact him at
: Procrastination is the primary reason we do not make our resolutions successful. We expect too much of ourselves. In order to change our habits and routines, we must take greater control of our wishes. This requires discipline, which is challenging and difficult.
The bottom line: For optimal bone health, try to achieve the recommended amounts of vitamin K in your diet through daily consumption of vitamin K-rich foods. Those include leafy greens such as kale, spinach, collards, swiss chard, mustard greens, turnip greens and parsley as well as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and green and ro-
maine leaf lettuce. Asparagus, avocado and peas also contain smaller amounts of vitamin K. How much is enough? The adequate intake for vitamin K is 90 mcg per day for women and 120 for men. However, be careful if you take blood-thinning medications . Those who do should check with their health care provider. Information courtesy of Environmental Nutrition.
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14A • 50plus • February 2013
Cardiovascular disease risk can be diminished By: Dr. David Lipschitz The risk of having cardiovascular disease — including heart disease or stroke — during a lifetime is 60 percent for men and 55 percent for women. Cardiovascular disease accounts for more deaths than the next seven causes combined. These facts highlight the importance of reducing as
many risk factors as possible to stave off cardiovascular disease. Even in those individuals in whom every risk factor is rigorously controlled, 30 percent will develop — and perhaps die from — cardiovascular disease. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers from the Northwestern
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University Medical School in Chicago attempted to define which factors, if corrected, led to the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease. The study observed 50,000 men and women for many years. It determined that by the age of 45, lowering your total cholesterol to below 180, maintaining a blood pressure below 120 over 80, not having diabetes and not smoking staved off the time to developing cardiovascular disease by 14 years and promoted a better quality of life. The study noted that at every age, women had a lower risk than men. It also found that after a person suffers from a cardiovascular illness, death occurred within an average of four years, regardless of age or sex. This information highlights that every one of us is at risk of cardiovascular disease, and our lifestyle during our young adult years profoundly affects the chances of illness in later
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life. It is never too early to pay attention to your health. It is also never too late. While the benefits are not as great, beginning to live a heart-healthy lifestyle, having an ideal weight, eating right and correcting underlying medical risk factors is the most effective way of reducing cardiovascular risk in the Medicare population of all ages. And the benefits of prevention are always greater than treating the disease. We know that some of us are at a far greater risk than others. A strong family history of cardiovascular disease among parents, siblings and relatives increases risk by an additional 50 percent. And a new research study shows that certain physical characteristics can be a harbinger of cardiovascular disease. At the American Heart Association annual meeting, Danish scientists presented the results of a study of
February 2013 • 50plus
11,000 men and women over the age of 40, showing that a series of physical characteristics appear to increase risk of heart disease by 40 percent to 50 percent. These include a receding hairline at the temples, baldness at the crown of the head, a crease in the ear and yellow fatty deposits around the eyelids. Where you live and the time of the year affect risk of cardiovascular disease. Living at a high altitude tends to raise blood count, which increases blood pressure and causes more cardiovascular disease. There is also evidence that heart attacks and deaths from heart failure are 26 percent to 35 percent more common in the winter than the summer. This applies to sunny California and freezing South Dakota. The cause is not clear, but being more sedentary, exposed to more viral infections and being at a higher risk of depression may be contributing factors. The greater an individual person’s risk, the more important it is that aggressive approaches at prevention be instituted at a younger age. If family history or physical characteristics suggest a high risk of heart disease,
cholesterol levels should be measured at age 20 and blood pressures frequently assessed. If levels are significantly abnormal, treatment to lower blood pressure and cholesterol should be considered. Even if there is no obvious increased risk, initial screening should occur at age 20 and, if everything is normal, every 10 years thereafter until age 50. The profound impact of stress on the risk of cardiovascular disease also must be considered. The hormonal changes accompanying chronic stress lead to weight gain, elevated cholesterol, rising blood pressure that in turn greatly contributes to heart disease and strokes. Learning to be peaceful is just as — or even more important — than exercise, diet, maintaining an ideal weight and smoking cessation. The more we know about cardiovascular disease, the better. The silent progression requires that we be continuously vigilant and intervene early. Dr. David Lipschitz is the author of the book “Breaking the Rules of Aging.”
• 15A
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16A • 50plus • February 2013
Is the 300 game in bowling still a mark of excellence? By Jack Pearson Bowling a 300 game has been an extremely difficult achievement to attain, sort of like getting a hole in one in golf. At least it used to be. Apparently, it’s not so hard to do anymore. For example, in this past year, within the Milwaukee Bowling Association, which covers Milwaukee and parts of Waukesha Counties, there were 340 perfect 300 games rolled. In 1963, 50 years ago, there were only 27. That’s a huge increase, especially when you consider that there are fewer league bowlers now than there were then. Why is this? Is it because bowlers are more skilled than years ago? Is it that the balls are better? Or is it the lanes? Perhaps, something is being done by the bowling establishment proprietors to promote this? The answer is all of the above. Over the past year or so, in the sports pages of our daily newspapers, there’s been a small, boxed section with agate type that gives information about high games and series as well as 300 games the night before in league bowling. The box usually lists who rolled the 300 games and where, and how many of those perfect 300 games the bowler has thrown in his or her career. Some of those totals have been listed in the 30s, 40s and higher. This seemed unbelievable, especially since years ago, the best of the bowlers, such as Ned Day, Hank Marino and Charley Daw (top national bowlers who were from Milwaukee), had only a half dozen or fewer 300 games in their entire careers. How is it that so many bowlers today, not just the pros and the top of the line bowlers, but the ordinary, once a week bowlers, too, are coming up with so many? In the Milwaukee Bowling Association, the most 300 games on record have been rolled by Dale Traber, 55, of Cedarburg. He has 76. And among the women bowlers, Geri Hoefs, 60, of West Bend, holds the most with 12. And this prodigality of perfect games is not just occurring in Wis-
SPORTS Sports Plus
By Jack Pearson
By Jack Pearson consin. There’s a fellow in Ohio named Fero Williams who has rolled 135 of them. Not too long ago, I wrote a story that appeared in this publication about Tony Roventini of Greenfield, who had bowled a perfect 900 series, which consists of three consecutive 300 games. That great triplicate by Roventini was only the second 900 series ever rolled in the whole country in more than 100 years of competition. In the 14 years since his 900, that feat has been duplicated 21 times. Two of those 21, were by area bowlers, Mark Wukoman, 56, of Franklin and P.J. Giesfeldt, 30, of West Milwaukee. In more than a century, only two 900s had been rolled; in just the last 12 years there have been 21 more. Something, obviously, has changed. I began looking into the issue by talking with John Stawicki, 59, of New Berlin. John is an avid student of the game and knows more about its history and workings than anyone I know. He’s also a pretty fair bowler as well, once maintaining an average as high as 224, and he’s also rolled six 300 games. “It’s all tied in with the decline in popularity of bowling over the past few decades, especially in leagues,” he told me. “The number of participants in league bowling dropped to almost half what it was 50 years ago. The bowling proprietors were losing their sources of income, and had to do something. They determined that one way was to make bowlers happy in their bowling; that if they could do that, more and more of them would start coming back,” John said. “They reasoned that one of the primary things that made bowlers happy was rolling good scores, getting 700 and 800 series, getting more 300 games.”
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
Dale Traber, at right, has rolled 76 perfect 300 games, the most in the Milwaukee area and believed to be the most in the state. He’s also a member of both the Milwaukee and the Wisconsin Bowling Halls of Fame. Also in the photo, Dan Janke, manager of the Milwaukee Bowling Association. Bowling ball manufacturers and companies that built the bowling lanes were already working on these factors, so it was a joint effort, and a mutually beneficial one. The construction and makeup of the balls began to change dramatically, becoming as high tech as rockets to the moon. Even the surfaces of the balls were vastly improved. The wood of the lanes was changed to an extremely hard form of plastic. The procedure for oiling of the lanes also underwent changes, John explained, “all of which paved the way for much higher scores and, correspondingly, more 300 games,” he said. John lent me a book, “Revolutions to the Game,” by Chip Zielke, which went into this kegling
metamorphosis in great detail. This book details all the changes and improvements in bowling balls, the ball surfaces and hole alignments, the weight inserts as well as changes in the lanes from simply wood to a hard plastic and finally the oiling procedures. “All of this didn’t exactly make bowlers better,” John said. “What it did was to reduce mistakes and thus lessen the effect mistakes had on scores. A bowler could be a halfinch off on his delivery, which before would have resulted in a pin or two left standing. With the new balls and new hard plastic surfaces, and especially the new oiling methods, that ball that was thrown a half inch off line would correct itself along its path, hitting the pins at exactly the correct spot and angle with a result-
February 2013 • 50plus
ing strike.” Aside from those changes and improvements, John noted bowlers, themselves, are better physically and better trained as youngsters than they were before. “That’s a factor, too, but 90 percent of the reason for higher scores and more 300s has to do with improved equipment and changes in lane surface preparation,” he said. Don Janke, manager of the men’s Milwaukee Bowling Association, said, “It’s very difficult to determine exactly how many 300 games any particular bowler has. We can give you statistics about averages and perfect games in our own association area, but we don’t have anything on what’s happening in other parts of the state or country. If a bowler has rolled say eight 300s in our leagues, we can tell you that; but if he’s rolled five more in tournaments or leagues elsewhere, that’s another thing.” So according to Janke, those reports spoken of before in the daily newspapers that list a recent bowler’s 300 as his 12th or 21st or whatever, are going on what the bowler himself or the league secretary has told them. There is no verification for any of those reports. “But, on the other hand, I don’t know of any bowler who would give an incorrect total,” he said. “Bowlers are the most honest people in the world,” Kandy Birmingham, manager of the women’s Milwaukee Bowling Association, agreed with a laugh. Birmingham also provided some interesting information about three game totals bowled by area women. “Thus far, no woman in the Milwaukee Bowling Association has ever bowled a 900,” she said, “but actually no female bowler in the entire country has ever rolled one. Our high is an 836, and would you believe four of our ladies tied on that total, Margie Wukoman and Gina Daroszewski, both of Franklin, Roxanne George of Waukesha and Shannon O’Keefe, who had lived in Brookfield, but is now residing in Arlington, Texas. Isn’t that something? Four tied for the top. The odds on that have to be pretty high.” (Those four women’s three-game
• 17A
highs were all in the Milwaukee area. Diane Northern of Kenosha is tops in the state with an 864.) If you’re interested in bowling achievements and records, and if you haven’t already subscribed to the Ten Pin Journal, the state’s major bowling newspaper, call Doug Schmidt, publisher and editor, at (414) 529-1965.
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One of the main reasons for so many 300 games today and higher scores is the new high tech bowling ball, as shown here with John Stawicki of New Berlin, who provided much of the background information for this article.
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Ryczek , Larsen Bros. Chapel 3774 E. Underwood Ave.
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Skubal-Slattery-Koelsch, Larsen Bros. Chapel 7626 W. Greenfield Ave.
-Gordon Hinkley Gordon Hinkley is the spokesperson for Church & Chapel and is not a funeral director.
HERMAN WHITE WRITES 18A • 50plus • February 2013
February 2 Great Lakes Pet Expo State Fair Park 640 S. 84th St., West Allis Shelters and rescues will feature By Enis Wright hundreds of companion animals available for adoption. All proceeds from this non-profit show benefit companion animals and
their families in Wisconsin! Visit for more information.
February 2 Family Free Day at the Zoo Milwaukee County Zoo Sponsored by North Shore Bank and FOX 6 - on these special days,
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
all visitors receive free Zoo admission; the parking fee remains in effect. Also Groundhog Day, our resident groundhog, Wynter, makes her expert weather prediction at 10:30 a.m. February 4 Around the Corner with John McGivern Preview 255 S. Water St., Milwaukee Previews of most of the season’s episodes will be offered free in the community they cover shortly before MPTV airs the programs. The Walker’s Point episode will air on Feb. 7 at 7:00 p.m. on MPTV 10.1 HD and 36.2. February 5 Clutter-Free Closets & Drawers VMP Manor Park 8621 W. Beloit Rd., West Allis Turn your closet and drawers into useful storage, 6 p.m., $15 per person, light refreshments. RSVP one week prior to class.
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Tickets $42 Adults / $30 Kids 12 & Under • Groups of 10+ Save! Call 414.273.7121 Ext.210
February 6 Rita Coolidge The Northern Lights Theater Multi-Grammy® Award winning songstress Rita Coolidge holds a seat among musical royalty, 8 p.m. Northern Lights Theater Box Office: (414) 847-7922, Ticketmaster: 1-800-745-3000 Online: February 7 - 10 Milwaukee NARI Home Improvement Show Wisconsin Expo Center State Fair Park Ideas for kitchens, decks, cabinets, windows and much more. Admission in advance $5 through February 6 then $8 at the door, $5 for seniors 60+, Children 12 and under and Military personnel are free. Over 700 booths! Visit the website at for more details. February 10 Traditional Czech Dinner Norway House 7507 West Oklahoma Ave. Milwaukee A Bohemian Bazaar will feature
Bohemian garnets, beautiful Czech crystal, ceramics and other traditional Czech items. Advance reservations required and due by February 1, (414) 483-6799. February 10 The George Dyer Show - Direct from Branson Schauer Center, Hartford One of the finest tenors in the world, George Dyer adds a polished showmanship that will make you feel as if you were on Broadway, in Las Vegas or at the Met. Call (262) 670-0560 or visit the website at February 14 Happy Valentine’s Day! February 16 - 17 Winter Festival Historic Cedarburg Enjoy a weekend full of wintery fun during Cedarburg’s 39th Winter Festival - the theme this year is “Winter Safari” ice carving contest, chili contest, costumed bed races on ice, barrel races, grand parade (1 p.m. Saturday), Alaskan Malamute Dog Weight Pull (Sunday) and so much more fun. Call for details at (262) 377-9620 or visit February 19 - 24 Sister Act Marcus Center for the Performing Arts The story of Deloris Van Cartier, a wannabe diva whose life takes a surprising turn when she witnesses a crime and the cops hide her in the last place anyone would think to look—a convent! A sparkling tribute to the universal power of friendship. For tickets, call (414) 273-7206 or 1-888-612-3500 (Toll Free). February 22 - March 24 Pinkalicious the Musical Todd Wehr Theater Marcus Center for the Performing Arts How much pink is too much pink? Pinkalicious Pinkerton will soon realize how much when she develops “pinkititis” from eating too many
February 2013 • 50plus
pink cupcakes and turns pink from head to toe! Order tickets online at or call (414) 2737206 or 1-888-612-3500. February 22 The Mealies Willy Porter & Carpe Diem Ruth A. Knoll Theater 147 N. Rural St., Hartford A collaboration between guitarist/ singer/songwriter Willy Porter and the Carpe Diem String Quartet, The Mealies have created an ensemble outside of their own identities. Call (262) 670-0560, ext. 3. February 25 Home Selling Secrets VMP Trinity 7300 W. Dean Rd., Milwaukee Sell your home faster and make more money by learning about staging, curb appeal and much more. Angela Walters from Realty Executives will teach this class in our East End Cafe. RSVP by February 18 to (414) 607-4125, $5, 6:30 p.m. Future Events March 4 ZUMBA Gold® Dance Class For Seniors and Beginners Tudor Oaks Retirement Community S77 W12929 McShane Drive Muskego March 4th – April 8th (Free demo on February 25th), April 15th – May 20th (No demo for this session). Cost Muskego Resident $36.00 / Non-Muskego Resident $54.00. To register contact Muskego Park and Recreation Department at (262) 679-4108 or Lisa at Tudor Oaks at (414) 529-0100. March 16 - 17 2013 Painting Weekend Cedar Community, West Bend Join us for a weekend in the country, away from the daily stress. Relax and experience the Joy of Painting. Certified Bob Ross instructor Jim Lackner returns to guide you through the process of painting your very own masterpieces, suitable for framing after just one weekend. For information, please call (262) 306-2100. M M M M
On-Going Afternoon Dance American Legion Post #449 3245 N. 124th St., Brookfield Everyone Welcome! Second Monday every month, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., Big Band dance. M M M M Charles Horwitz Planetarium S14 W28167 Madison St. Waukesha Visit planet for more information on upcoming programs. M M M M Milwaukee Art Museum 700 N. Art Museum Dr. Open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday Sunday. Call (414) 224-3200 or go to M M M M Milwaukee County RSVP – Interfaith Older Adult Programs, Inc. Contact Eddie at (414) 220-8655 to be a volunteer. M M M M Museum of Wisconsin Art 300 South Sixth Ave., West Bend Public hours, Wednesday – Saturday 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and Sunday 1 - 4:30 p.m. (262) 334-9638/ M M M M O.A.S.I.S. 2414 West Mitchell Street Fifty Five Plus Travel Club meets monthly. For details, call (414) 647-6041. M M M M Potawatomi Bingo Casino Senior Day is every Tuesday of the month. That means more chances for you to win! Fire Keeper’s Club® members 55 and older. M M M M Schlitz Audubon Nature Center 1111 E. Brown Deer Rd. Milwaukee Call for information at (414) 352-2880 Ext. 0. M M M M SC Johnson Tours Golden Rondelle Theater 1525 Howe St., Racine Reservations are required, admission is free, open all year on Fridays only. Offering three tour programs that run from 1 to 3.5 hours. For information, contact,
SC Johnson Wax Tour Office (262) 260-2154. M M M M Sociable Singles Provides various events for singles 55 and older in Washington, Ozaukee and Northern Milwaukee Counties. Call Kathi (414) 416-4624 or Norman (262) 628-1278. M M M M
• 19A
Title 19 & Pre-Arrangements
Simple Cremation $595.00 (Excluding Cremation Permit & Fee)
Traditional Funerals 1, 395.00 at your Church or Cemetery Chapel of your choice Call for more details
20A • 50plus • February 2013
Adventure detox travel:Where do you go when you can’t go online? By: Marilynn Preston I planned it to be a vacation of firsts: my first trip to the Caribbe-
an island of St. Lucia, my first time mountain biking through a jungle plantation and, modern girl that I am, my first digital detox.
That’s right; I was committing to a fun-in-the-sun week without going on the Internet or checking email, something the average person does about 60 times a day. You calling me average? Digital detox is a growth industry. There are detox nights at bars, weekly detox camps, even detox
Jade Mountain! The setting is sensational, and so is the Jade cuisine — mangos, papaya, passion fruit, almonds and, yes, chocolate — all organic and divine, from their own Emerald Gardens. The tropical weather is also sublime —even the rain feels as if it’s kissing you — and the beaches are pristine. Daily
y 2013 12
Beautiful St. Lucia is to be enjoyed.
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*On select units. Some apts reserved for moderate income
cruises. The idea is so 2013. You disconnect from technology, face the addiction and, for a price, get coaching about effective strategies for finding balance. My strategy was simple. I would lock up my MacBook Air and iPhone in the hotel safe and resist their gravitational pull until it was time to fly back to reality. No Facebook, no Twitter, no cloud, no apps, no texting, no smarter-than-I-am phone. My hotel space — I can’t honestly call it a room — didn’t even have a TV. Where do you go when you can’t go online? Could I survive? And if I did, would life be worth living? It was also my first visit to Jade Mountain, a unique collection of 24 exquisitely designed private sanctuaries overlooking the 82-degree Caribbean Sea. It’s ranked as one of the finest and most luxurious hotels in the world. I got a great deal. Be happy for me.
yoga. Hourly mojitos. Scuba, snorkeling, kayaking and, new this season, paddle boarding, which I found disturbing. Why? Peeking out through the bottom of my straw, I saw more than 30 paddle boarders during my arduous week on St. Lucia, and not one of them smiled. Ever. Paddle boarding may be going the way of snowboarding. Yes, it is physically possible to stand on a modified surfboard and push yourself around the sea, but why would you? But back to Jade Mountain, where each sanctuary has its own infinity pool with a built-in system of light therapy based on ancient ayurvedic beliefs about the healing power of color. Blue, for example, is good for toxic cleansing and helps bring on physical and mental calmness; red stimulates creativity and helps activate your blood flow. At least that’s the theory. I can’t tell you for sure travel continued on page 21A
February 2013 • 50plus
travel continued from page 20A that it works, but after a week of focused relaxation in my infinity pool, my liver sent me a huge orchid plant and a new Vitamix juicer. Each Jade Mountain sanctuary comes with three walls. What does that mean? It means your private space is completely open to the outside. There is no fourth wall — just like Bertolt Brecht’s plays. But no one can see in. You can float naked into boundless nature. You are drawn to the 3-D view of two mountain peaks, called the Pitons, which are iconic symbols of the island and available for climbing if you’re very fit. If you’re not fit, you might exhaust yourself navigating the geometry of Jade Mountain, ingeniously devised by its owner-architect, Nick Troubetzkoy. It’s all stairs and steps, leading to dramatic bridges and private landings, and at the very top — hundreds of steps from the bottom — there is a floating spaceship of a dining room, run by kind St. Lucians who are trained to say yes. My digital detox went perfectly.
I was surprised. There were a few panicky moments on day one, when I realized I’d forgotten to leave an “I’m away” message on AOL, but once I fixed that, I simply let go. Love the one you’re with. Listen to the birds; do a little yoga; paddle a kayak; play in the sea; stare at the patterns of light that dance across the ceiling as the raindrops hit the pool and the sun explodes into ripples. It was true R & R. And dishy, knowledgeable Joevan got me over my fear of jungle mountain biking. Marilynn Preston — fitness expert, well being coach and speaker on healthy lifestyle issues — is the creator of Energy Express, the longest-running syndicated fitness column in the country.
50 Plus News Magazine
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• 21A
Your Source
for Inspiration
22A • 50plus • February 2013
By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
Emma’s sauerbraten whet’s the appetite Who would MOVING have believed IN THEthat it is already February? WeDIRECTION have enjoyed RIGHT By Bruce Nemovitz such a mild winter to date that come next summer, the power company will be looking to the Public Service Commission for a raise in rates since the amount of usage is so low. I know the winter has been mild. Henry has never even worn the nice fleece-lined leather gloves I gave to him at Christmas. I sneaked a few centsAGING here and there over the last six months or so to get ISSUES By Tom Frazier
Bedroom Closet
Washer/ Dryer
enough money together to order those from L.L. Bean. It seems like I just removed my apron. This is barely past lunchtime
One of my close friends just called. I told her what I was cooking. She said she could tell it by the odor that was coming right through the phone cords. I said I’d save the sauerbraten for Henry and that she was just full of baloney. As my Henry says and I don’t even like to hear it, “There are many different ways to skin a cat.” But what this has to do with my cooking, I don’t know. So why am I even telling you this? Unless, of course, I am also going to tell you that there’s only a few good restaurants with sauerbraten. I had some once in downtown Milwaukee that was so tough that it might have been a problem to even shape it into shoe leather. That’s certainly enough about Henry’s dinner. Annie and I were just talking about the upcoming February 14th party at the club. The old boys are in charge again this year. Instead of putting up nice hearts and flowers decorations, they plan on hiring a party place to do the work and then hire a caterer to bring the food. We decided that they’d better not be using any paper plates and plastic knives and forks. Henry told me that they will play tunes to dance to on the old nickelodeon. I don’t know how he believes the tunes will only be a nickel. My guess is that if they are up-to-date they will be at least a quarter. But have you ever heard of a quarterodeon? I guess this is enough for today. But still in my Germanic mode, I’ll tell you as the old farmer down the road a piece always said when he left our house after a visit, “auf Wiederschen.” In more plain language, farewell!
SPORTS Sports Plus
By Jack Pearson By Jack Pearson
Answer Man
By Aunt Emma
Living Room
and I surely did have a busy morning. I had it on while I was turning the sauerbraten that I have had cooking on low since just after Henry left for work this morning. Yes, I do know that sauerbraten, usually a beef chuck roast at best, is supposed to marinate for days. But I hurried this process along so I can serve it tonight. It may not be as tasty a chunk of beef as when the Germans cook the sauerbraten, but the odor already really whets my appetite. After I hide it in a pile of sauerkraut that will come right from the can, my guess is that Henry won’t have any trouble chewing it or especially while he’s washing it down with a Miller High Life. He just doesn’t go for that light stuff and just between you, me and the fence post, his belt line seems to be getting larger. Does this just go along with natural aging? How do I know how to make sauerbraten? Well, my grandmother, Giselda Winterhaugen, knew all what she and my maternal grandpa always said were the good old German recipes brought right into their kitchen from the old country. They were all stored in her noggin underneath that sheath of white hair that was covered while she worked by a babushka. Henry always tells me that I am prone to exaggeration so I won’t even tell you that I believe Grandma had more recipes in her memory than Duncan Hines - pardon me, Duncan had in that first cookbook. Anyway, Giselda and her sister, who was only known as Nonna to me since I didn’t know her when she was a mere girl, were absolutely nonpareil in the kitchen. I still can smell that freshly baked bread and oh, how I’d go for one of her cinnamon rolls. How many calories might that be? But getting back to this sauerbraten that I am cooking, in addition to the beef, I placed in the simmering pot, a cut up onion, a few bay leaves, a bit of garlic powder and a dozen or so peppercorns. Of course, the marinade is of vinegar. Yes, I do know in the old country that the piece of meat was a cheaper and tougher cut and that’s why it soaked for a long time.
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
February 2013 • 50plus
• 23A
Health care, mandates and such
An old saying, paraphrased, goes, er their workers. But we’re informed the best of plans cannot be really that these penalties won’t be as much judged until they are put into action as most insurance coverage per perand their degree of success can be son will be. But the enrollments don’t MONEY SENSE measured. In this instance, we are re- begin for about eight months so there TRAVEL Karen Ellenbecker Julie Ellenbecker ferring to the Affordable Care Act that is still much in limbo. However, it is -Lipsky suspected that the large companies is to take full effect in 2014. The federal plan, now known to and those unionized won’t see much most people as Obamacare, on Jan. different than the programs in effect APRON 1, 2014 will have great effect on all right now. But current plans that cover TRINGScovered, especially workers. Employ- retirees might be trimmed since retiry Aunt Emma Man ers Answer that have more than 50 employees ees would be covered by the new law will face penalties if they do not cov- anyway.
The questions that will loom very large as 2014 nears will be how the retail and restaurant industries, known to have mostly lower-income and/or part-time employees, will meet the proscribed goals. Often, at best, limited coverage is offered. We’re told that penalties per worker could be as much as $2,000 to $3,000 for each uncovered worker above a threshold of 30. The new law will impact further as it requires all employees working at least 30 hours weekly to be covered.
In a recent national survey conducted by a reputable firm, the number of companies maintaining health care for their employees is estimated at over 80 percent in 2014. While a love song is sweet words set to music, it is yet to be determined if Obamacare is a waltz or a hillbilly polka. We don’t, at this time, see anything too distressing about Obamacare for seniors. In fact, we just might like it.
CRABBY Senior League vs. Immigration
The Senior Citizens League, headquartered in Washington, D.C., obviously has a problem with the current Administration in the Capital arena of law making and circumventing the making of laws to protect American citizens. The Senior League calls this a fight to “Defending Your Earned Benefits.”
The league is upset that the president seems to be going around Congress to make a treaty with Mexico that will give 11 million illegal immigrants (Mexicans) amnesty, or more understandably said a path to citizenship. Why the president had to go around Congress is questionable, but there are certainly merits in making many of these hard
working and honest people citizens. They pay into our programs, so why should they not benefit from them? Whether or not Congress will pass this amnesty program as proposed by the administration is unknown to us. But we will encourage those of you who believe either way, to contact your representatives in congress. They soon may be voting
on HR 787S95 and S181. Those of you who wish further information could contact your representative as already suggested or you could contact The Senior Citizens League at P.O. Box 97173, Washington, D.C. 20090-7173 or visit the leagues’ web site at www.
killing time continued from page 4A We have been told of a cheerful giver at a recent establishment. While he perhaps only knew few of the people present, he paid for each and everyone’s dinner. I’d say that is great, but it would have been truly more wonderful if he’d have given those with JimtoMcLoone same dollars the Salvation Army, Repairers of the Breach or Milwaukee Rescue Mission. Their “clients” could use a bit more tender loving attention that such green stuff would buy. M M M M Yes, we know that this is the month when we observe the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. But first, we have St. Brigid’s Day on Feb. 2. I wonder how she feels when she looks down from Heaven and realizes she shares it with the groundhog? If Feb. 2 is cloudy and shadowless whenever Groundhog Day is celebrated, the little critter will anticipate an early Spring. M M M M
So many older people shoulder a burden. For too many, it is dislocation. We’ve read that people who play golf, tennis, swim or do a lot of overheard exercises, should work over the winter on shoulder conditioning. Buy a light weight and do lifts with it in various motions – down, up, sideways. M M M M Was our annual exodus to Florida ill or perfectly timed? An hour before we were to leave home, the furnace repair person announced that the lower unit had burned out. How many days would it have taken for the water in the toilet bowl to turn to bursting ice? M M M M I have very often said and heard that competition is the spice of life. “Of all the human powers operating on the affairs of mankind, none is greater than competition.” Henry Clay first said this in the early 1800s. This is one spice that Penseys can’t sell. M M M M A friend who has a beautiful flower garden and resides next to a golf course has been having a problem
with golfers hitting into his flowers and then searching for their golf balls. I suggested that he place a sign there as I did once when we lived alongside a golf course several years ago, “Beware of Snakes.” M M M M We recently made our first trip to COSCO as we were generously given a membership as a Christmas gift. A two-hour battle of playing “dodge cart” through the aisles was challenging enough to be good brain exercise as well as for the legs.
M M M M What type of problem? It is not true that our federal government has a revenue-income problem. What it really has is a spending problem. It is like onto a King Kong, with an appetite that cannot be satisfied. M M M M As a contributor to this column claims, we really are OWLS: Older, wiser, laughing souls. M M M M
HT of
February 2013 Vol 26 No. 2
Buying houses or coaching, Al McGuire did itEDITORIALS his way STATE CAPITOL COMMENT By Matt Pommer
By Jack Pearson o you remember when you bought your first home? You probably looked at a dozen or more different houses, with or without the aid of a realtor, before you narrowed your options down to two or three. You then carefully examined each of them before making your final choice. After all, buying a house is usually the biggest single investment anyone will make in his or her lifetime. MONEY SENSE By Karen Ellenbecker For most people, that seems like normal procedure. But Al & Julie Ellenbecker McGuire, the former head basketball coach for Marquette Uni-Lipsky versity, was far from being a normal human being. When the irrepressible and highly unconventional McGuire was hired to be the new coach of the Warriors, he had been coaching at tiny Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina, so he needed to find a place to live in the area.APRON Emma So McGuire, after he had learned that the MU job was his, STRINGS Aunt Emma coach Hank Raymonds to go out and incredibly askedBy assistant buy a house for him and his family. He gave him a signed, blank check and that was it. McGuire said he didn’t have the time to do any more, as he had to get on a plane to get back to North Carolina and see his wife, Patricia. He left Raymonds with no input as to the type, size or age of the house, nothing as to price range or locality and nothing as to nearness to schools or shopping. That was the summer of 1964, and not only was Raymonds successful in his strange endeavor, but McGuire happily accepted Raymonds’ selection and stayed in the home in Brookfield for the next 37 years until his death in January, 2001. That little tale was not meant to imply that McGuire was crazy, even though on many occasions he gave evidence of being so. There was an occasion when, I admit, I thought so, too. So often, when someone does things or thinks entirely differently than everyone else, people assume he’s off his rocker. I was once writing an article about the finest restaurants in the Milwaukee area, and in doing so, interviewed a dozen of the best known names in the area, the mayor, the county executive, leaders from business and the world of arts and so on. They all named high-class, expensive dining establishments. When I asked McGuire, he said his favorite was a small fast-food place near the Marquette campus, Miss Katie’s Diner. He insisted that the food, the service and everything there was the best he’d found in the area. At first I wasn’t going to use his reply, but then I thought, why not? If that’s where he liked to eat, so be it. Why does good food and good service have to
Answer Man
One of the few photos of Al McGuire when he had a big smile. He didn’t particularly like to have his picture taken and would always glower at the photographer.
By Tom Frazier
What’s Inside...... Supportive Care: Directory for Assistance in Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5B SPORTS Sports Plus
We Saw You At . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By . .Jack . .Pearson 19B By Jack Pearson
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
McGuire continued on page 2B
2B • 50plus • February 2013 McGuire continued from page 1B
The many faces of Al McGuire equate with high cost and posh surroundings? So I wrote the story with McGuire’s input. Aside from his eccentricities, McGuire was the most successful, most famous coach, in any sport, Marquette University ever had, or ever will have. No one else is even close. He had more wins, easily the highest winning percentage, more championships (NIT & NCAA). Over 10 consecutive seasons his teams won 23 to 28 games a year and were always ranked among the top 10 in the country. This was unprecedented at Marquette. His teams once won 39 straight games, easily a Marquette record, and also won 81 in a row in the Milwaukee Arena. He was voted National Coach of the Year twice. He truly put Marquette University on the basketball map of the world. McGuire’s overall 21-year record at both Belmont Abbey and Marquette was 404 wins against 144 losses for a .727 winning percentage. It was over his last 10 years at Marquette, however, 252 wins against only 41 losses for a .860 winning percentage, that placed him up there in the elite of college basketball coaches. His mark against cross-state rival Wisconsin was even more exceptional, 18 wins in 21 games, much to the displeasure of the Badger faithful. Those are just a few of the highlights of his coaching career. To go into detail about his coaching style, his many great players and more would fill a book or two. One aspect of the man I will touch on is that probably no other coach, in any sport in any era, other than pro football’s Vince Lombardi, has been quoted more, and conversely, spawned quotes from others than McGuire. (It’s interesting that both
Lombardi and McGuire were born in New York but came to Wisconsin to attain their tremendous successes and fame.) Here are a few of those words of wisdom: “I think everyone should go to college and get a degree and then spend six months as a bartender and six months as a cab driver. Then they really would be educated.” “We rush for the stars as we crawl toward our graves.” “Every coach coaches the way he played. I couldn’t shoot so I stress defense.” “I sometimes say things I shouldn’t. I go berserk. If I were a university, I wouldn’t hire me.” “A team should be an extension of a coach’s personality. My teams are arrogant and obnoxious.” “I like sea shells and balloons. Ribbons and medals. Bare feet and wet grass.” “Winning is only important in war and surgery.” “I hang around people who know nothing about sports.” “They call me eccentric. They used to call me nuts. I haven’t changed.” On how he treats his players: “I’m more interested in the young man than what he looks like or how he dresses. But we have an understanding. I’m the boss. That’s it. Sure, we fight and yell at each other. It’s kind of like brothers. But if someone else attacks us, we’ll gang up on him.” On team ball: “My job is to take these diamonds in the rough and polish them. Then take out the cancer -- selfishness -- put the individuals all together and make it we, we, we, instead of I, I, I.”
On physical appearance: “Trends come and go. Hairstyles, clothes, shoes, they all change. Why should it bother us? Why worry about exteriors? You just cause problems for yourself.” On recruiting: “It’s distasteful and way out of hand. I can’t imagine any coach enjoying it, I feel sorry for the kids. They’ve got 50, sometimes 100 and more coaches telling them why they should go to a particular school. They’re only 17-18 years old. That’s a lot of pressure on someone that age.” On statistics: “It bothers me that the average fan, the average sportswriter for that matter, pays so much attention to what’s in a box score. A box score does not properly represent the most important thing -team play.” On officials: “Only God could be a good official. He’s the only one who could please the other 50 percent. Some officials have tendencies to call different things, but I don’t think there’s a dishonest one.” On his coaching: “I’m not sure I have the basketball knowledge of a good high school coach. I don’t know if I coach. I think I’m like the master of ceremonies. I create a party on the court and keep it going.” On growing older: “In what other profession than coaching are you dumber as you get older? It’s wacky. In coaching they say you are over the hill or not in tune with the times anymore. They never say that about bankers or doctors or politicians.” On his impending retirement: “It’s time for the next stratum. For me, there is more than yelling at guys who wear short pants. Basketball and Marquette have been
important parts of my life. I’m proud of my association with both.” Back then, everybody seemed to have an Al McGuire story. Here are a few of them. From Leonard Piotrowski, S.J., then the MU Team Chaplain: “Al often weaves religion into his quotes. I remember him saying, ‘I don’t believe in looking past anyone. I wouldn’t look past the Little Sisters of the Poor.’ And once, after beating Notre Dame and commenting on one of his players, Bo Ellis, ‘Bo seems to play his best against Catholic schools like DePaul, Detroit and Notre Dame. Maybe it’s because he’s a Baptist?’ And, after beating an opponent with a flurry, ‘When you get a run like that, close the hymn book, services are over.’ And finally, regarding Dean Meminger’s speed, “He’s as fast as a 12:15 Mass at a summer resort.’” From Paul Levy, then a Milwaukee Sentinel reporter: “Al does a lot of funny stuff, but I think the best thing he does is the putdown. My favorite happened last year at a practice when he was going after Bernard Toone and Toone was ignoring him. Al yelled, ‘Hey, Bernard. Pay attention. This isn’t school.’” From Mike Kupper, then a Milwaukee Journal reporter: “At practice one afternoon, teammates Dave Delsman and Marcus Washington hassled one another until Delsman punctuated the verbal hassle with a punch to Washington’s jaw. McGuire, who doesn’t always disapprove of honest hostility, must have had a busy session planned that day because he intervened. ‘Hey, Dels,’ the 6’ 3” McGuire yelled at the 5’ 10” Delsman. ‘If you want to hit somebody, hit me.’ Delsman did, knocking McGuire down. Later, McGuire
February 2013 • 50plus
• 3B
When Al McGuire was alive and during the years he coached basketball at Marquette, this was his home in Brookfield.
marveled. ‘Can you imagine that little squirt putting me on the floor? I should have just hit him on top of the head and been done with it.’” From Tom Collins, then the Warriors play-by-play announcer: “The Warriors were 18-4 and they had already accepted a bid to the ‘69 NCAA tourney. Marquette was playing at Denver, a team that had won only two games. It was early in the second half and the Warriors were getting beat. Al called time, walked out to the officials, and in a voice that could be heard all over the Rockies, said, ‘Hey, what are you guys trying to do to me? We’re going to the NCAA and these clowns aren’t going anywhere.” When play resumed, Denver was charged with traveling, charging, basket interference and the Warriors went on a scoring rampage to win 65-61.” From Pete Axthelm, then a columnist with Newsweek, and prior to that, a Marquette student: “After developing his coaching style at tiny Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina, Al moved up to Marquette. Then he began beating and shocking people with his handpicked assortments of ghetto fighters, social protesters and guys who would celebrate victories by cutting down the basket nets -- with switchblades.” Another from Axthelm: “Al has always run a kind of traveling circus. When his players aren’t throwing punches at him in practice or playing ring-a-levio during National Anthems, McGuire, himself fills in as a pitchman or acrobat, high wire thrill seeker or wildeyed clown. But the masks can be deceptive. Al McGuire is about as crazy as P.T. Barnum.”
From Barry McDermott, writing in the April 4, 1977 issue of Sports Illustrated, commenting on the Marquette NCAA Championship: “Al McGuire’s stunning triumph and tearful goodbye at the NCAA basketball finals in Atlanta, showed that he is more than a street corner aphorist, a barroom philosopher, a guy who makes his own and singular way. The soul of the man is this: he is a winner -- last Monday night, today, forever. To the end, McGuire entertained and enthralled us, indulging in the bizarre behavior that has characterized him and his teams for 20 years. But when it came time to finish his career, there he was on the sidelines, his back straight, calling out the plays on a rainy night in Georgia when Marquette outplayed and out hustled North Carolina 67-59.”
Rick Schabowski, an avid college basketball, fan, points out that after McGuire retired as a coach and joined Dick Enberg and Billy Packer in the CBS television booth, they became the most famous such team in history. “They didn’t just report the action out there on the floor,” Rick said, “they analyzed and explained everything, making the game far more enjoyable for the viewer, and even fought and argued among themselves as was never done before. They set the standard for every broadcast team since to follow. The verbal disputes between McGuire and Packer were classics; I wish I would have taped them.” You may have noticed that throughout this column the Marquette University basketball team was referred to as “The Warriors,”
rather than their current nickname of “The Golden Eagles.” The reason is that in the time span that Al McGuire served as the team’s head coach, the team was called “Warriors.” For you history buffs, prior to 1954 the nickname was “The Hilltoppers,” and way back in the ‘20s it was “The Golden Avalanche.” I hope all of these words have somewhat rekindled your memory of a very remarkable man who touched our lives once, all to briefly. For you, Al, seashells and balloons.
Al McGuire and his 1976-77 Marquette Warrior basketball squad, NCAA champions. McGuire was late for the team photo, which was typical of him. That’s Rick Majerus, then an assistant coach, at far left; All American Butch Lee is No. 15 in the front row, and Jim Boylan, No. 23, next to him, is now an assistant coach with the Milwaukee Bucks. Hank Raymonds is second from the right in the back row.
4B • 50plus • February 2013
Al and the neighbors February Poem By Jack Pearson After taking a picture of McGuire’s home, I decided to speak to a couple of the neighbors to ask about their remembrances of him. They recalled that he was very friendly and had absolutely no airs of importance that one would expect with such a famous man. They recalled, too, that he would often sit out in his garage for hours on end, reading or just puttering around, and that he also disliked doing any form of yard work. About that sitting
in the garage, one of them felt that it was because the garage also housed his beloved motorcycle, and that he loved being on it or near it. Grant Wittberger, who with his brother Russ starred for the Marquette basketball team in the early ‘50s, also lives in Brookfield, and not far from the then McGuire home. “Soon after he took the coaching job at Marquette,” he said, “I walked over to his place and introduced myself and welcomed him to the neighborhood.”
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Winter is still with us as we begin February. Cold winds outside cause us not to tarry. Despite this, roosters are up early to crow. They’re looking for more than oats to sow. Despite the season’s early A.M. darkness, Early robins find this weather a great mess. Cold weather brings on some runny noses. Others stay inside, not wanting frozen toes. The dim seasonal light, early and later, is at hand. There’s no way for it that we’d hire a band. Sunshine disappears as if thru an hour glass. Yet, teachers will not early dismiss their class. Vivid descriptions are mostly just unspoken. These 28 days of 365 merely are somewhat of a token. January is past. For that month we will not grieve. A nice story of its 31 days we cannot even weave. We observe, but no longer celebrate two of great birth. Serious, Lincoln and Washington were not of great mirth. But in their time when they did take to the floor. There first was hush, then great cheers did roar. In between those special days, Feb. 14 is a day for love. Only spinsters among adults don’t have a turtle dove. But let us struggle along, awaiting a hint of Springtime With warm sunlight later, it then is time to end this rhyme.
February 2013 • 50plus
r t o i p pu re ve a c
Directory for Assistance in Living EDITORIALS
MONEY SENSE By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker
• 5B
6B • 50plus • February 2013
Supportive Care
Directory for Assistance in Living
“This is my second family.”
ormer biology teacher Lyn chose Regency because of the independence and activities the campus offered. Lyn stays active with volunteering, socializing and exercising. “Exercise keeps your motor going. I enjoy everybody here very much. I always say they’re my second family. This is the best place to find friends and activities...we have people playing cards practically every single night. There’s bingo, exercise programs. My favorite sport is darts, and my team is the noisiest. We cheer everybody on—I love it!”
“I felt the need for people around me.”
ay, a retired kindergarten teacher, lived alone for six years after her husband died. The need for social interaction prompted her to move to Regency. “Regency has so many things to keep us busy and entertained. I’m involved in reading, crafting and I love the exercise programs. They give us what we need to keep limber and agile. The best part is all the wonderful company I have around me. I’ve made so many new friends. I can prepare meals in my apartment. But if I feel like being with company, I can take advantage of the wonderful meal program.”
“Regency is all about our continued independence.”
ennis and his wife Bev describe Regency as “our kind of place. It’s not an old folks home. If you just take a tour and look around at how happy the people are—that’s what sold us. Everything is first class. Our neighbors are very friendly and helpful, we just love it here. Regency helps us keep our independence. We highly recommend it!”
777 N. Brookfield Rd.
3.5 mi. S of I-43 on Racine Ave.
13750 W. National Ave.
262-780-0321 262-789-1699 262-679-0888
Assisted Living at St. Camillus
10101 W. Wisconsin Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53226 (414) 259-6310
Assisted Living at St. Camillus is a network of service programs designed to meet different levels of need in a safe, wellness-oriented and serene setting. These services are provided at three levels to meet a spectrum of needs experienced by seniors at various stages. Assisted Living at St. Camillus is integrated with a continuum of care that includes independent living, skilled nursing, rehabilitation therapy and hospice. Our Assisted Living and Memory Care Programs are designed to carefully monitor and provide services around the clock. The 24-hour a day availability of nursing staff to regularly assess any changing health needs provides greater assurance to residents and family. Our caring staff blends residents’ independence and daily support, our activity staff offers varied opportunities for meaningful social, physical and spiritual activities. Living arrangements include studio and one-bedroom apartments. Assisted Living at St. Camillus offers an on-site medical clinic, massage therapy, podiatrist and pharmacy. Available support services include: transportation, banking, beauty salon, country store, library and chapel. Assisted Living at St. Camillus is a faith-based not-for-profit organization sponsored by the Catholic Order of St. Camillus and serving the Milwaukee area for more than 75 years.
Cedar Bay Assisted Living
5595 County Road Z, West Bend, (262) 306-4299 101 Cedar Lane, Elkhart Lake, (920) 876-4050
Part of Cedar Community, the nation’s 86th largest not-for-profit, continuum of care providers, serving seniors since 1953. With the completion of Cedar Bay at Elkhart Lake, Cedar Bay assisted living’s tradition of compassionate, attentive care now includes a total of 186 studio, one- or two-bedroom apartments in three unique environments. All offer engaging activities, private bathroom, kitchenette, storage, onsite and awake nursing care 24/7, three delicious meals served restaurant style, housekeeping and more included in monthly fees. Award-winning restorative and therapeutic programs, pet therapy, music, outings and more. Visit our website for pricing and virtual tours or call for an appointment.
February 2013 • 50plus
• 7B
Supportive Care Directory for Assistance in Living Clement Manor Retirement Community Assisted Living 9339 W. Howard Ave., Greenfield (414) 546-7000
Enjoy a continuum of health and well-being where personal growth and intellectual stimulation are available regardless of physical limitation. Our spacious apartments feature all the necessary amenities and are just a few steps away from the on-site chapel, bank and gift shop. Breakfast and dinner are served daily and lunch is available casually in the cafeteria or restaurant-style in the dining room. Weekly housekeeping and linen service are available so you can spend more time at the Center for Enrichment enjoying watercolor classes, Bible study, field trips, yoga or swimming in our warm water pool. Sponsored by School Sisters of St. Francis.
Your Premier Assisted Living In Waukesha and Milwaukee Celebrate your individuality at home with CLE Where your family is our family Visit a CLE home in your neighborhood
Call today at 414.258.9955 Email
Offering multiple
The Courtyards at Luther Manor 4545 North 92nd Street, Wauwatosa, WI (414) 464-3880 • Contact Client Relations at (414) 464-3880 or
The Courtyards at Luther Manor takes a flexible, individualized approach to Assisted Living. From the privacy of personal resident single rooms and two-room suites, to the enjoyment of socializing and sharing experiences with other seniors, The Courtyards offers a distinct blend of support, life enrichment and senior care services. Personalized care plans allow residents to tailor services best suited to their needs and abilities. 24-hour, trained nurses are available to assist residents with daily living activities such as bathing, dressing and medication supervision, while encouraging maximum mobility in a safe, caring environment. In addition to comfortable lounge areas for reading and visiting, we also have family rooms with kitchenettes and outdoor patios that are perfect for entertaining. Our large Life Enrichment Center hosts everything from lively card games and uplifting Bible studies to exercise classes, musical participation groups and arts and crafts projects. The Luther Manor community also offers onsite conveniences such as a clinic, pharmacy, beauty salons/barber shops, convenience stores and an ice cream parlor. Pastoral care, worship services and a variety of social and entertainment opportunities area available, as well. In addition to assisted living, Luther Manor provides independent housing and long-term care options, as well as rehabilitation services, adult day services and hospice care.
Lives are Enhanced Expectations Exceeded
Introducing... Windsor Place Assisted Living at Tudor Oaks Wherever you or your loved one are on life’s journey, we invite you to call or stop in to discuss your situation and needs with our professional consultants.
S77 W12929 McShane Drive, Muskego, WI 53150-4039 For more info visit
levels of care and providing the lifestyles and environments that allow people to live to their greatest potential.
Windsor Place
Assisted Living For those seeking a bit of help with life’s daily tasks such as bathing, dressing and medication management.
Windsor Place
Memory Care For those experiencing memory loss and associated concerns.
From wellness opportunities to lifestyle activities and chef prepared meals, all our assisted living programs are designed to address the “whole person.”
Tudor Oaks is owned and operated by American Baptist Homes of the Midwest, a not-for-profit provider of senior health care since 1930.
8B • 50plus • February 2013
Supportive Care
Directory for Assistance in Living
Creative Living Environments, LLC (Five Homes throughout Milwaukee & Waukesha) 4926 W. Washington Blvd., Milwaukee Contact Person: Laurie Hintz (414) 258-9955
CLE is a subsidiary of Creative Community Living Services, Inc and is for profit. With 43 beds within five homes. Private and semi private bedrooms in community homes throughout Milwaukee and Waukesha which spouses may share. Monthly rent for private $3100, shared $3200 per month with meal plan included. Our recreation and programs include art, discussion groups, spiritual and cultural offerings, holiday/ seasonal festivities and parties, bingo, card and board games. Registered nurse visits weekly. CLE pioneered home-like settings offering socialization, home cooking, physical and emotional well-being that enhance self-worth and independence; working together with residents and families in a fulfilling life. At CLE we provide community living in residential homes in gracious neighborhoods. Uniquely skilled staff assist those with emotional and mental health issues.
Ellen’s Home of Germantown
N113 W16358 Sylvan Circle, Germantown Contact Person: Wendy Robertson (262) 250-6455 W150 N11127 Fond Du Lac Ave, Germantown Contact Person: Elaine Ellis (262) 250-9800
Affiliated with Ellen’s Home of Port Washington with the capacity of the facility of 20 and is for profit. Spouses may share the private bedrooms with full baths, also suites. Enrollment/endowment fee of $2000 and is refundable (prorated). Monthly rent is based on free assessment and the meal plans are included in rent. Medical personnel on staff include 2 RN’s and numerous CNA’s. Numerous programs for a variety of resident needs and interests. We promote a safe, social, active, Christian atmosphere for seniors who can’t live on their own but don’t need a skilled nursing home. Our facility offers a pharmacy, lab, radiology, podiatry, therapy and salon services available. Our activity directors will keep your body active and life full and exciting.
February 2013 • 50plus
• 9B
Supportive Care
Directory for Assistance in Living
Forest Ridge, A Wimmer Community Senior Residence
11077 W. Forest Home Ave , Hales Corners, WI 53130 Contact Person: Patti Frost – Administrator or Mary Zurowski – Resident Services Coordinator (414) 425-1148
• Private suites • Therapy & pharmacy services • High staff to resident ratio • Medication & health monitoring • On-site lab & radiology • Outstanding activity programs
Forest Ridge, a Wimmer Senior Community Residence, is your affordable hometown senior community. We feature 208 residences with 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms with 2 bath, and 1 bedroom with den apartments, many with patio or balcony. If you join our community as an independent resident and your needs change, you may stay in your same apartment while accessing the services of our Assisted Living Program. Rents start at $910 with an optional and flexible meal plan available at a modest additional cost. Our community offers an expansive array of recreational and lifestyle opportunities. Our resident social calendar includes a variety of activities, special events, tours and trips. For your convenience, we offer a daily dining program, enclosed parking, a full service bank, country store and a beauty salon/barber shop, all within the facility. In addition to our on-site Wheaton Franciscan Medical office, scheduled transportation is available, shopping, special events, tours and trips. Health staff consists of RN, LPN’s and Certified Nurses Aides. At Forest Ridge, we make a very special lifestyle possible. You will find the affordable retirement you want with the services you may need to assist you through the years.
The Gardens of Hartford
112 Peace Lutheran Parkway, Hartford Contact Person: Abby Janssen (262) 345-5590
The Gardens of Hartford affiliated with WLCFS Christian Family Solutions and non-profit. Having a capacity of 48 of one and two bedroom apartments which spouses may share. Monthly rent starts at $2000+ depending upon level of care for assisted living. Meal plan is mandatory for assisted living residents, not for independent residents. Recreation and programs include social activities, fitness, bible study/chapel and onsite salon. On staff we have a full-time RN, on call RN staff. Special advantages at The Gardens of Hartford include a full-time RN care manager at our Christian facility that is non-profit.
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10B • 50plus • February 2013
Supportive Care Directory for Assistance in Living Heritage Court
N48 W14250 Hampton Ave., Menomonee Falls Contact Person: Ben Peterson (262) 432-0222
A 34 unit, secure Memory Care residence. When you enter the doors of Heritage Court you will find a warm and compassionate community with a very home-like atmosphere. We have caring, dedicated caregivers on staff 24 hours a day to provide our residents with love, respect and dignity. With an enclosed outdoor garden, residents can enjoy the outdoors in a safe and secure area. We provide three home cooked meals a day and snacks and have an array of activities for everyone to enjoy. All private suites with private bath. Activities: outings, movies, cards, daily events and more. Affiliations: Lexington Heritage, Heritage at Deer Creek and Heritage West Allis.
Heritage at Deer Creek 3585 S. 147th St., New Berlin Contact Person: Ben Peterson (262) 432-0222
Assisted Living and Memory Care residence. Within Heritage at Deer Creek you will find a warm and compassionate community where daily assistance is provided with love and utmost respect for personal integrity of our residents. Our compassionate staff is trained to serve with an open heart and friendly smile. Living arrangements: Assisted Living – 43 apts., studios, 3 sizes/1 bedrooms, 2 bedrooms/2 baths, walk-in showers, individually controlled heat and air, kitchenette. Pets welcome. All utilities except telephone included. Memory Care – 33 private suites with bathrooms, most with walk-in showers. Monthly rent: Assisted Living – start at $2,955; Memory Care – start at $3,800. In house physician, podiatrist, coordination of therapies and lab services. Activities: lunch outings, movies, cards, bingo, happy hour and more. Affiliations: Lexington Heritage, Heritage Court and Heritage West Allis.
Heritage West Allis
7901 W. National Avenue, West Allis, WI 53214 Contact Person: Chris Kohn (414) 302-9700
Heritage West Allis offers an elegant, Assisted Living and Memory Care community where daily assistance is provided with love and the utmost respect for personal integrity of our residents. Choose from studio, one and two bedroom apartments with no entrance or endowment fee. Within each apartment is a kitchenette, private bath with walk-in-shower, spacious closets and a reassuring personalized emergency call pendant. Amenities include: community pub, beauty shop, fitness center, community room and library. Professional care giving staff is available 24 hours a day to assist you with anything from bathing to medication administration. Heritage Memory Care Neighborhood specializes in care for residents with Alzheimer’s or other related Dementias. Our two 20-suite communities offer residents an uncomplicated design with home-like private accommodations. 40 residents will reside in private suites with bath and walk-in showers. A beautiful secure interior courtyard will provide safe access to the outdoors. Our activity program is designed to stimulate and engage the residents remaining cognitive strengths. Affiliates: Heritage at Deer Creek, Lexington Heritage, Heritage Court.
Jackson Crossings Retirement Community N168 W22022 Main Street, Jackson, WI 53037 (262) 993-2838 Contact Person: Amy Lloyd
Living on the Lake is important to many Wisconsin residents. At Jackson Crossings, people enjoy the birds, gardens and fishing on a small “Northwoods” lake among friends and family. Our spacious 1 bedroom, two bedroom and studio apartments include lakeside patios or balconies, utilities, cable TV, housekeeping, towel and jackson crossings continued on page 11B
February 2013 • 50plus
• 11B
Supportive Care Directory for Assistance in Living jackson crossings continued from page 10B
linen service, concierge service and much more. Depending on the services provided, monthly fees range from $2,390 to over $5,000 per month and include a meal plan, fitness and wellness programs as well as many recreational activities such as bus tours, theater outings, live music and entertainment, art programs, wine tastings, barbecues, theme parties, Bingo, card parties, family picnics, transportation to shopping and more. The best thing about Retirement Living at Jackson Crossings are the excellent services and outstanding staff who make you the priority. If you should need rehabilitation or other help, you can receive the best care and never have to leave. Independent Apartments, Assisted Living and Memory Care are available. Our staff includes RN’s, CNA’s, a social worker, therapists and a certified Alzheimer’s educator. No entry fee or endowment is required and pets are welcome.
Lexington Heritage
5020 S. 107th St., Greenfield Contact Person: Chris Kohn (414) 302-9700
A 20 unit Assisted Living residence. When you enter the doors of Lexington Heritage you will find a small and comfortable facility with a very home like atmosphere. Throughout the days many enjoy sitting in our sunroom viewing the beauty of our private patio. We have caring, dedicated caregivers on staff 24 hours a day to provide our residents with love, respect and dignity. We provide three home cooked meals a day and have an array of activities for everyone to enjoy. Studio, large and small/bedrooms with private bathrooms. 2 bedroom/2 baths. All units have microwave and refrigerator. There is no enrollment/endowment fee. Activities: musical entertainment, trivia, crossword puzzles, church services, Pokeno, crafts and van for transportation. Affiliations: Heritage at Deer Creek Assisted Living and Memory Care, Heritage Court Memory Care, Heritage Eau Claire and Heritage West Allis.
Oak Park Place Wauwatosa 1621 Rivers Bend, Wauwatosa Contact Person: Trisha Senart Director of Housing Contact Number: (414) 292-0400
Oak Park Place has a capacity of 67 studio and 1-bedrooms which spouses may share and we are for profit. Monthly rent varies based on care needed with a mandatory meal plan. Recreation and programs are customized to resident interests. Medical personnel on staff includes a full time RN plus consulting physician. Oak Park Place provides an upscale, comfortable environment with independence when you want it, assistance when you need it. Our facility at Oak Park Place Wauwatosa offers a comfortable, upscale environment with all the features you expect in your home and caring staff to provide support when needed.
ProHealth Care Regency Senior Communities Brookfield 777 N. Brookfield Rd., Brookfield Contact: Terry Sommers Director of Community Services (262) 780-0321
Regency’s Assisted Living offers seniors the privacy and independence they want with the individualized support services they may need. We provide two levels of care to residents as their needs change, reducing the need for a future move. As part of the ProHealth Care family, we also offer free transportation to ProHealth Care medical appointments. We have 94 studio and one-bedroom apartments ranging from $2,515 - $4,880 a month. Our rent includes a meal plan, nursing services, and many social and recreational opportunities such as cards, excursions, baking, exercise programs and worship services. Our staff includes an RN, LPNs and CNAs.
12B • 50plus • February 2013
Supportive Care Directory for Assistance in Living PROFESSIONAL CARE WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH
ProHealth Care Regency Senior Communities – Muskego W181 S8540 Lodge Blvd., Muskego Contact Person: Judy Sorce, Director of Community Services (262) 679-0888
An affordable alternative serving the special needs of the elderly community. Our elderly living facilities provide a comfortable and charming homelike atmosphere.
Our Amenities Include: • 24-Hour Service Staff • 3 Meals Daily • Housekeeping Services • Assistance with Medications
• Daily Activity Programming • Peace of Mind of Resident & Family • Private Accomodations • Linen/Laundry Service
812 Marquette Avenue South Milwaukee 414-762-2511
• Nursing Services • Personal Care Assistance • Special Events, Tours, Trips • R.N. Owner Operated
1313 Missouri Avenue South Milwaukee 414-762-8026
Hometown Senior Living at a Great Value in Hales Corners! From just $910 per month!
Regency-Muskego’s Assisted Living programs provide several levels of care to meet the changing needs of our residents. Our 96 one bedroom apartments offer residents the privacy, independence, and comfort they want with the excellent care, compassion and respect they need, all for one affordable monthly fee of $3,285 - $4,755 per month. Besides offering three chef prepared mails daily, our residents enjoy hundreds of different types of activities including trips, socials, fitness, educational, recreational and spiritual programming. Around the clock care is provided by our staff of Registered Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants. Our Attended Care Program is a better alternative to a nursing home, allowing people with higher physical or memory needs the privacy of their own apartments and excellent care at an affordable price. Free transportation to ProHealth Care clinics and hospitals is also available.
ProHealth Care Regency Senior Communities – New Berlin 13750 W. National Avenue, New Berlin Contact Person: Arleen Houssaye, Director of Community Services (262) 789-1699
Let us give you a private tour of our beautiful campus & private apartments. UÊ iiÌÊ ÕÀÊÀià `i ÌÃÊEÊÃÌ>vvÊ UÊ ÃiÊÃi ÀÊ ÀÊ>Ãà ÃÌi`Ê Û }Ê «Ì Ã
Personal Tours Daily
UÊ À }ÊÞ ÕÀÊv> ÞÊ> `ÊvÀ i `Ã UÊ Ý«iÀ i ViÊÌ iÊ ÀiÃÌÊ, `}iÊ V Õ ÌÞÊEÊ ÌÃÊ > ÞÊ> i Ì iÃ
Monday-FridayÊn\ääÊ Ê{\ääÊ Saturday & SundayÊ££\ääÊ Ê{\ääÊ Or by appointment
11077 W. Forest Home Ave., Hales Corners 414-425-1148
At the Regency New Berlin Assisted Living, we have 88 one bedroom and studio apartments. We also offer assisted living services in our independent one and two bedroom catered care apartments. As part of the ProHealth Care Family, we provide various levels of care for your changing health care needs, which enables many residents to avoid future moves to other facilities. Assisted Living rents range from $3,140 to $4,605 depending on the level of care and apartment size. Rent includes 3-meals a day, basic utilities, housekeeping, bed-linen change, and personal care services. We also provide recreation and activities including free musical entertainment, exercise classes, crafts, book and card clubs, bingo, day outings and church services. Free transportation is provided for group events. All apartments are equipped with an emergency call system, and we have on-site nurses available 8 hours a day, seven days a week, and oncall 24/7. Certified nursing assistants are on-site 24/7 for personal care services and emergencies.
February 2013 • 50plus
• 13B
Supportive Care Directory for Assistance in Living Shorehaven Tower
1305 W. Wisconsin Ave., Oconomowoc, WI 53066 Contact: Lorna Gartzke, Shorehaven and Shorehaven Tower administrator (262) 567-8341
Shorehaven Tower’s is non-profit with 75 apartments, studio, one and two bedrooms with no enrollment fee. Monthly rent starts at $2197 to $4354 for 325 - 975 square feet. Two meals a day are included in the fee. Activities, trips, weekly housekeeping, weekly linens change, wellness clinic/health monitoring, satellite tv/wi-fi, transportation arrangements, all utilities, free use of washers and dryers, emergency response system, computer use and flu shot clinic on site. We have trained staff on duty 24/7 with two full-time nurses on staff. Spouses may share apartments. Assisted living provides friendship, menu choices, mental stimulation, access to services and freedom within a safe living environment. Shorehaven Tower residents enjoy their choice of services, menus, activities and amenities on a convenient, price-friendly a la carte basis. Access to the public Cafe LaBelle and Center for Life Enrichment. Continuum of care, lake access, pontoon rides on beautiful Lac La Belle, banking and beauty and barber shop on site. Also, lab, podiatry, dental and eye services available on site. Established reputation, Christ-centered care.
Shorehaven is the trusted, faith-based resource of choice for older adults. Trusted for Generations. “Reflecting Christ’s love, we provide homes and resources for seniors.”
St. Anne’s Salvatorian Campus 3800 N. 92nd St., Milwaukee Contact Person: Jill Hogan Contact Number: 414-463-7570 x401
Affiliated with the Sisters of the Divine Savior we are a nonprofit facility. The facility has a capacity of 39 apartments which include studio, studio deluxe, one-bedroom and two bedroom which spouses may share. Enrollment/endowment fee is $9,500 which is not refundable. Monthly rent starts at $3,590 - $5, 490 with a meal plan included. Recreation and programs include exercise and yoga classes, scripture studies, monthly bus outings, social clubs, art and music, book club, table games, cooking and baking and pet visitors. Medical personnel on staff include an RN director, LPN and CNA. The advantages of assisted living here for the residents include having the comfort of their own private apartment and support and services they need, while continuing to be as independent and active as possible. St. Anne’s also offers memory care, enhanced assisted living, rehabilitation services, beautiful park with walking path and pond, worship services and much more.
14B • 50plus • February 2013
Supportive Care Directory for Assistance in Living Cedar BAy
Assisted Living at St. Camillus Ellen’s Home
Heritage Court
Creative Living Environments, LLC.
Heritage West Allis
February 2013 • 50plus
Supportive Care Directory for Assistance in Living Oak Park Place
Jackson Crossings Retirement Community
ProHealth Care Regency Senior Communities – Brookfield
Lexington Heritage
ProHealth Care Regency Senior Communities-New Berlin
Luther Manor
ProHealth Care Regency Senior Communities-Muskego
• 15B
16B • 50plus • February 2013
Supportive Care Directory for Assistance in Living St. Anne’s Salvatorian Campus
St. Clare Terrace
TuDor Oaks Shorehaven
VMP-Manor Park
February 2013 • 50plus
• 17B
Supportive Care Directory for Assistance in Living St. Clare Terrace 3553 S. 41 St., Milwaukee (414) 649-0730
The finest assisted living apartment homes for seniors who may need help with life’s day-to-day needs. Spacious apartments feature all the necessary amenities including walk-in showers. Enjoy three meals prepared daily, a beauty shop, scheduled activities and the professional care of an on-site nurse who can help you with your medical and health questions. Another benefit is the beauty and spiritual comfort of our on-site chapel. St. Clare Terrace helps families combine their personal independence with professional care. Sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of St. Clare and managed by Clement Manor, Inc.
St. John’s Manor
812 Marquette Ave., South Milwaukee (414) 762-2511
St. John’s Manor offers personal attention with full-time nursing assistants, full-time activity staff and a charming home-like atmosphere. Living arrangements include private rooms and activities such as bingo, van rides, entertainment, community programs, a patio and a transportation van. There is a refundable enrollment fee.
St. Mary’s Manor
1314 Missouri Ave., South Milwaukee (414) 762-8026
St. Mary’s Manor offers personal attention in a charming home-like atmosphere and provides many levels of care. The facility has private rooms, full-time nurses and a full-time activity staff. Most popular activities include bingo, van rides, entertainment programs, community programs and the outdoor deck. There is a refundable enrollment fee.
Assisted Living and Memory Care Communities
Walk through the doors of one of our Senior Living Communities and you will immediately sense the home-like and friendly atmosphere. Compassionate staff has been specially selected and carefully trained to serve with an open heart and friendly smile. Our Memory Care Neighborhoods offer specialized care for the unique needs of residents with Alzheimer’s or related dementias. For tours and information, please contact us at (262) 432-0222.
We’re Just A Click Away! Check US out at:
18B • 50plus • February 2013
Supportive Care Directory for Assistance in Living TUDOR OAKS RETIREMENT COMMUNITY S77 W12929 McShane DR., Muskego Contact: Marketing (414) 525-6500
Tudor Oaks Retirement Community is affiliated with American Baptist Homes of the Midwest and is non-profit. Capacity of the facility includes 36 RCAC and 22 CBRF Memory. CBRF rooms include a studio with private bathroom and shower. RCAC rooms - an alcove with separate bedroom, living and tea kitchen with private bath. Enrollment/endowment fee is only for Independent Living. Spouces may share room/apt. Refundable based on contract selected and monthly rent based on care level. Meal plan included with monthly fee. Our recreation/programs include fitness classes, swimming, music, games, spiritual programs, bus trips and entertainment. Medical personnel on staff include a CNA 24/7 on the floor, and RN 24/7 on campus. Assisted living helps residents stay as independent as possible while providing for their needs. Residents enjoy social opportunities while living in a safe and happy community. All housing is under one roof from independent to assisted to skilled with rehab care. Long term staff provides caring and compassionate assistance.
3023 South 84th Street, West Allis Contact: Sue (414) 607-4104
VMP Manor Park offers rooms that are singles, kitchenettes, and apartments which spouses may share. Monthly rent depends on size of rooms/ apartments selected and there is no endowment or enrollment fee. Three meals daily are included within monthly rent. Our recreation and programs include exercise, music therapy and they promote interaction. Helping Hands is a group comprised of residents who perform social service acts for school children, cancer groups, humane society, military, etc. On staff we have a manager, nurses, CNAs, recreational staff, therapists, food service, social workers, pastoral staff. Residents receive medication administration and health monitoring, meals, housekeeping and laundry. Sliding scale insulin injections are possible. We offer an on-site medical clinic, rehabilitation, lab and X-ray services including mammogram. Chapel, store, and beauty shop are on-site. Another advantage is access to on-site skilled nursing, hospice and a ventilator unit.
7300 West Dean Road, Milwaukee Contact: Peggy (414) 371-7350
t Assisted Living t Skilled Nursing t Rehabilitation t Memory Care t Respite Care
3800 N. 92nd Street Milwaukee, WI 53222 414-463-7570 SPONSORED BY THE SISTERS OF THE DIVINE SAVIOR
A decision the whole family will feel good about ...
Cedar Bay Assisted Living!
VMP Trinity is owned and operated by VMP, a leader in senior healthcare for over 85 years. VMP Trinity offers a full array of services to meet the challenging needs of seniors. Residents enjoy the one and two bedroom apartments in the assisted living care area which provides support for those who need some help with daily activity tasks. All residents receive three meals daily, housekeeping, laundry services, medication administration and social activities. Additional supportive, personal care or nursing services are available as needed. There is no enrollment or endowment fee. Residents also benefit from an on-site medical clinic and rehabilitation center. As an added convenience, the clinic can provide lab and x-ray services on-site, including mammograms. Another advantage of VMP Trinity is access to more advanced care, including skilled nursing, hospice and a ventilator unit.
. Improved quality of life for your loved one . Vibrant and engaging activities program . Peace of mind for the whole family
. Three delicious and nutritious meals daily
. Outstanding reputation for quality, compassionate supportive care services
. Comfortable apartments with private bath
. Warm, welcoming, positive environment
. Enjoy natural lake settings at both our Big Cedar Lake and Elkhart Lake campuses!
Call 262.306.4299 or visit for helpful advice on assisted living and other options! Apartments for financially qualified individuals.
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February 2013 • 50plus
• 19B
We Saw You At . . . .
The 28th Annual Waukesha Fire & Ice Jamboree
By Margaret Pearson The 28th Annual Waukesha Fire & Ice Jamboree was held in January. Here are a few scenes from the Ice Sculpting Contest in downtown Waukesha on Saturday, 19th. Talented sculptors transformed 300-pound blocks of ice into beautiful works of art that enthralled all, young and old alike.
Pat Kruse of Waukesha (right) and her grandson Owen Ruck checked out the work of Waukesha artist Dan Ingebritson.
Wauwatosa sculptor Phyliss Schlessinger with Bob Hardy and Suzanne Janzen of McHenry, Illinois.
Paul Laabs, a Waukesha artist (right), with Bob and Louise Noble of Pewaukee.
Fox Lake Illinois artist Todd Lutz with Marie and Sam Brink of Waukesha.
Krista Gustafson, an ice sculptor from Rockford, Illinois, is congratulated on her skills by Bob DeGroot of Waukesha.
20B • 50plus • February 2013
Services Offered Top Cash Paid!! If you don’t wear it. . . . We buy it.
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Wanted to Buy Antiques & Collectibles
Attic to basement & garage. Jewelry, pottery, crocks, old kitchen items, old toys including tin & steel cars & trucks. Advertising items, tins & signs, old fishing lures, old wood working tools & planes, old gas station signs & automotive items.
Call Frank or Karen
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licensed, fully insured, needs work; carpentry, painting, porches, glass block windows, vinyl replacement windows, gutters, tiling, siding, kitchens, baths, cabinets, drain cleaning, window & gutter cleaning. Reasonable, reliable. No job too small. Senior discounts available.
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Strack’s Antiques We Buy Entire Estates
Old Toys, Military Items, Swords/Knives, Advertising, Watches, Coins, Fish/Hunt, Paintings, Jewelry, Silverware, Gold/Silver, Old Clocks, Pottery/Glass, Old Lamps, Beer Signs, Furniture, Musical Items Friendly • Honest • Professional • No Pressure • Free Estimates
50 Plus News Magazine