Caregiver's Guide of Southeastern Wisconsin

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Caregiver’s Guide


In cooperation with

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PLUS INSIDE . . . . . . . .

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Home Health Care DIRECTORYpage 20


Having a family meeting before a crisis situation Why have a family meeting? Too often a family meeting is delayed until the older adult has a health or housing relocation crisis. They are frequently held informally through discussion during the holidays or at special family events. However, when family meetings are held because of a crisis or during informal activities, discussion can be fragmented and often not everyone involved is consulted. It is common for family members to have misconceived or pre-existing ideas regarding the physical and mental capabilities of the older adult. Family members also may be confused about exactly what their caregiving role is going to be. This is why having a family meeting is so important; and why doing so before a crisis situation can help avoid the heightened emotions brought on by stressful circumstances. Ideally, in a situation of aging parents and adult children, the parents should openly discuss their caregiving expectations with their children. The adult children need to define their limitations as to how much caregiving they are willing to do. All immediate family members should be present in a non-crisis situation. A good way to bring up the topic of caregiving is to get all close family members and friends, age 18 and older, together to fill out their Power of Attorney for Health Care forms, appoint health care representatives and discuss care preferences. The forms, which are free, can help stimulate discussion about the older adults’ care and housing preferences. They can be found at

Is a family meeting always needed? Some families who frequently communicate by telephone or face-to-face and understand the need to “share” caregiving functions may not need a family meeting. However, this scenario is rare. A family meeting can still be a nice way to check on whether or not everyone feels they are being treated fairly or kept in the communication loop. How do you hold a “family meeting?” The meeting should be kept as small as possible, only attended by those individuals who will have direct decision-making or care involvement. If the older adult is mentally competent, he or she needs to be involved in all decisions about his or her own care and attend all family meetings. A basic agenda should be developed to keep the meeting on track. Before the meeting, everyone should be able to give their input on the topics for discussion and no one’s ideas should be discounted. The outline can change and develop with future meetings and as care needs change. For ideas on important topics to include and discuss see the Family Caregiver Support Network’s handout entitled “Family Planning Is Important”. This handout may be obtained by calling (414) 2208600. If disputes are expected, the first meeting can be about setting ground rules about behavior, understanding what are convenient times for meetings and goals for meetings. If relationships are strained, a neutral third party such as a social worker or geriatric care manager trained in offering family meetings may be a good person to have at meetings.

If the only time all family members can get together is during the holidays, schedule a special time, possibly the day after the holiday, for a family meeting. Then whenever discussion about caregiving is brought up, there can be a reminder that it will be discussed “tomorrow.” Everyone can then enjoy the holidays and complete attention can be given to discussing caregiving concerns during the meeting. FAMILY MEETING CHECKLIST 1.) Invite everyone, including the older adult, who has an interest but keep the meeting as small as possible. Limit attendance to those people who have direct contact with the aging loved one. If this is a planning meeting and not an older adult care or relocation crisis, set the guidelines for future meetings – frequency, respect while talking, length of talking, place for meetings and goals for meetings, etc. The older adult can discuss his or her preferences for immediate or future care and housing. i Also, Advanced Directives known as Powers of Attorney for Health Care and for Finance, when completed, can help give direction when delegating duties and choosing roles. 2.) Everyone in the meeting should be encouraged to participate so that no one can later say, “I didn’t get to talk.” 3.) Listen “generously.” Remember that there is usually more than one way to solve a crisis or situation. 4.) Take notes so that things can be sorted out later and ideas can be written down if more thought is needed. 5.) Obtain the help of an objec-

tive outside party if needed. Many social workers and geriatric care managers are trained to help families negotiate sensitive issues with a goal of having the best possible outcome. 6.) If anger crops up, suggest a break so folks can “cool off ” and hopefully come back to the table a little more willing to work through the challenges. 7.) Be willing to compromise. Rarely does anyone get to have his or her way all the time and on every point. 8.) Agree to disagree without being “disagreeable” if at all possible! Common courtesy and civility do matter in keeping things positive in family discussions. 9.) Have more than one meeting if needed and if appropriate so that ideas can be explored, phone calls made and new facts presented before a final decision is made. 10.) End the meeting by affirming the following: i What was decided? i What is left to be decided? i Who is going to do what before the next meeting? i Setting up a time for the next meeting if needed. Interfaith Older Adult Program’s Family Caregiver Support - 414.220.8600 –



Caregiver’s CONTENTS Caregiver’s Guide Listings..........................................3 Adult Day Services.................................................... 5 Alcohol and Substance Abuse..................................... 5 Alzheimer’s and Memory Loss..................................... 5 Animals/Pet Care...................................................... 5 Assisted Living........................................................... 5 Caregiver Education..................................................5 Consumer Protection.................................................. 5 Dental...................................................................... 7 Driving..................................................................... 7 Employment Services................................................. 7 Elder Abuse..............................................................7 Faith/Spirituality........................................................ 9 Financial Issues.........................................................9 Funeral and Burials.................................................... 9 Geriatric Assessment.................................................. 9 Geriatric Care Management and Support.................... 9 Grandparents and other Relatives Raising Minors....................................................... 9 Grief Resources........................................................9 Health Care Clinics.................................................... 9 Hearing Resources................................................... 11 Home Maintenance / Chores................................... 11 Home Safety........................................................... 11 Homemaking and Healthcare................................... 11 Hoarding...............................................................11

Published by


Hospice.................................................................. 11 Housing.................................................................. 11 Insurance- Medicare................................................ 11 Legal Matters.......................................................... 11 LGBT Caregiving.....................................................12 Lifelines- Medical Alarms.......................................... 12 Long-Distance Caregiving.........................................12 Medicaid/ T-19....................................................... 12 Medical Equipment.................................................. 12 Mental Health and Counseling.................................. 12 Nursing Homes....................................................... 13 Nutrition-Dietitians, Home Delivered Meals................. 13 Older Adult Services-ADRC and Volunteer..................13 Older Adult Services by Volunteers............................13 Podiatry.................................................................. 13 Publications............................................................. 13 Relocation Services.................................................. 14 Respite Care........................................................... 14 Silver Alert Program................................................. 14 Socialization........................................................... 14 Support Groups....................................................... 14 Transportation......................................................... 14 Veterans Benefits ..................................................... 14 Visions Resources.................................................... 14 Websites................................................................. 15

In cooperation with

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For advertising information on this Caregiver’s Guide or 50 Plus News Magazine please call: 262-367-5303 Ext. 12. 128 Cottonwood Ave. • PO Box 230 • Hartland, WI 53029 •


Being an advocate Each Caregiver’s journey is unique, but something we all face is being an advocate for our loved ones. Chances are, you are already an advocate and just don’t think of what you do as advocacy. According to Webster’s Dictionary an advocate is “a person who pleads another’s cause; or someone who speaks or writes in support of something.” We may not identify our role as an advocate when we first make that call to the doctor’s office to arrange a check-up or have a simple conversation with neighbors to ask if they are willing to continue to help with the snow shoveling again this year. Then again, the role of advocate may be much more obvious when we need to address concerns regarding the health or safety of our loved one while they are recuperating at the hospital or nursing home. Sometimes we have to be the eyes, ears or voice of a loved one who cannot or will not express their needs or concerns. If their care is being compromised or their rights as a person or as a resident are being violated, we need to make sure our loved ones are seen and heard. Advocating comes easily to some caregivers but for others it may seem overwhelming to speak up and “make waves, or stir things up.” However, if carried out correctly, advocating for a loved one will result in better care for them and peace of mind for you. Here are 5 basic skills that can help you be the best advocate you can be: i Reflect: First, reflect and recognize the underlying reason why you advocate. Often, it is out of love, respect and belief in the dignity for the person you care for. Once the reason or purpose can be

recognized and taken to heart, the emotional impact may not be as difficult or burdensome. i Discuss the Tough Stuff: Make sure you know what your loved one would want. To be assertive on behalf of another person requires understanding that person and respecting their wishes. Medical professionals expect families to have had conversations about life, death and all the stuff in-between in order to provide quality ongoing medical treatment and care. There may be times when you as the caregiver do not agree with the choices of your loved one, but honoring their choices shows respect for the person. That in itself is advocacy. i Communicate: When advocating it is important to be assertive in order to get your concern addressed. It is possible- and is actually more likely- for you to get results without being aggressive. What we really want is someone to truly listen to our concerns, take them seriously, and do something about them. A useful communication tool to accomplish this is to try using “I” statements rather than “you” statements. For example, think about how you would feel if someone said to you “Why does it always take you so long to respond to my mom after she presses her call light?” “You” messages unintentionally irritate people because they sound accusatory, blaming, critical or hostile. They can veer a conversation off track because people focus on their irritation or hurt feelings, and not on what you intended to say. Now, consider if someone said to you, “I am very concerned because my mother tells me she waits

a long time after pushing her call light.” Using “I” messages in a firm and matter-of-fact tone allow us to express our feelings such as anger, frustration, disappointment or concern without “blowing up,” blaming others or causing them to become defensive. “I” messages can be helpful when you need to raise a problem or concern, ask for help, state your intentions (or what is not intended) and to set limits. Although it may take some time and effort to break old habits, good communication techniques like “I” messages can open the door to effective problem solving and create an atmosphere of working together which can make a difficult situation much easier to discuss. i Be Informed: It is important to develop a knowledge base about medical, social service, legal and financial systems. Find out about the services and resources that are available in your area. How might they meet your needs and whom should you talk to? Knowing where and whom to bring your comments, concerns or praises to is critical to being an effective advocate. i Document: Sometimes the pen really is mightier than the sword. In the medical, social service, legal and financial worlds, “it doesn’t exist or didn’t happen if it’s not written down.” Keep a caregiver journal or notebook and write down everything you do on behalf of your loved one. Record all phone calls with the date, place or person you are calling, the name of the person you spoke to, a contact number and some general notes about the conversation you had. Write down any questions you asked as well as

the response you received and any concerns that were resolved or decisions that were made. It is equally important to make sure things are being documented on the professional end as well. If there is a care plan in place make sure that any concern, no matter how small, is reflected in the care plan, even if you talked to someone about it. Ask for copies of any paperwork or documents and keep them in a safe place. Finally, never hand over an original document or your only copy. If you absolutely have to turn over an original, make a copy for yourself first. If it comes down to your word against someone else’s your paper trail backup can provide tangible evidence to your claim. Last but not least, know that at the Family Caregiver Support Network, 414-220-8600, they are ready to assist and support you in your role as your loved one’s advocate. We understand the types of information you may need, the hats you wear and the emotions that you wade through on any given day. Just as you are an advocate for your loved one, we are an advocate for you as the caregiver. Come to us for information, resources and support. We are here to help you be the best advocate you can be. Interfaith Older Adult Program’s Family Caregiver Support - 414.220.8600 –


declines to a diversity of past or Waukesha..................262-542-8851 Adult Day Centers are designed present medical conditions, nutritional deficiencies or medication Washington...............262-677-4388 to service adults who are encing a decrease in physical, men- side effects. If you or your loved one is experiencing trouble with Ozaukee.....................262-377-7580 tal and social functioning and who may need the protective environ- memory, discuss the problem with Refer to your yellow pages for ment when their caregivers are at your physician. pet related services such as in home work or in need of respite. Full and half day services are usually avail- For 24/7 information and refer- veterinary care, pet sitting, groomable. Range of services may include ral helpline (English and Spanish), ing and yard clean up. These serrecreational therapy, meals, social contact Alzheimer’s Association vices have often been the answer to services, transportation, personal Southeastern Wisconsin chapter at. a number of older adult pet owners care, including bathing, hair and ................................ 1-800-272-3900 needs. nail care, nursing services, rehaWisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute ASSISTED LIVING bilitation therapy and medical serAssisted living facilities are for vices. Fees for Adult Day Services – Milwaukee Project: Education, people who need assistance with vary based on what services are in- services, research opportunities, cluded in the fee. Some centers may and resources for Milwaukee’s Afri- Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), but wishing to live as independentbe able to offer low income persons can American Community ly as possible. Assisted living exists ...................................414219-5083 a reduced fee based on ability to to bridge the gap between pay. Most centers offering the wide pendent living and nursing homes. (WAI Milwaukee tab) range of services are licensed by the The services provided may include State. Those that are more informal Dementia Care Specialist but are not limited to meals, assisMilwaukee County Department with more of a recreational model tance with bathing, dressing, launon Aging are not licensed. ....................................414-289-5792 dry, housekeeping and assistance iShould you need community ser- with medications or medication iContact your local county vices and or respite, contact your monitoring. resources. local county resource. Memory Cafe Assisted Living options include: ALCOHOL AND Share your stories and socialResidential Care Apartment SUBSTANCE ABUSE ize with others who have worries Complex (RCAC) independent Alcohol and Substance Abuse is at epidemic proportions among with memory. There are a number apartment units that can provide the elderly. It remains for the most of Memory Cafes in Southeast Wis- up to four hours of skilled and/or supportive care per day. part, unreported, undiagnosed, or consin. Alzheimer Association of SE Community Based Resignored. Most drinkers who startWisconsin. . ................414-479-8800 idential Facility (CBRF) state lied late are affected by social (click on censed supportive living facilities tion and physical health problems Memory Cafe) where five or more adults reside. which may include grief or loss, They are staffed 24 hours per day housing, marital or mental health ANIMALS/PET CARE and can provide three hours of problems. Whether you are looking for skilled nursing care per week. For a facility locater in Wisconsin listings of animal friendly landAdult Family Homes (AFH) a go to: lords, information on the imporplace where three or four adults retreatment-centers/wisconsin or tance of spaying and neutering, side and receive care, treatment or refer to your local yellow pages under Alcoholism information and available options when you are no services that may include up to sevlonger able to care for your pet and en hours per week of nursing care. treatment centers. You may also nutrition programs to provide food choose to talk to local county for pets of individuals with low in- iCall Family Caregiver Support resources.i come, contact your local Humane Network – Living Options service for more information, Society. ALZHEIMER’S AND Milwaukee.................414-264-6257 call 414-220-8600 or MEMORY LOSS 800-449-4481 or visit Problems with memory can or call have many causes that may range Elmbrook...................262-782-9261 your local County resource. from normal age related memory



Milwaukee County....................414-220-8600 Ozaukee County.......................262-238-8120 ...............................................262-284-8120 Walworth County.....................262-741-3200 Washington County..................877-306-3030 Waukesha County....................262-548-7848 State Wide Toll Free..................866-843-9810

To file a complaint or ask about State regulations contact the Office of Quality Assurance ....................................800-642-6552


Caring for an older adult can by highly demanding work. Throughout your caregiving journey, you will have questions related to the many aspects of caring for your loved one. The following websites and phone numbers will provide you with the education, information and support you need. www.caregiversupportnetwork. org i Contact your local county resource for caregiver education that may be available in your community.


Consumer Protection works to eliminate unfair or deceptive marketplace practices. To file a complaint against a business contact the Better Business Bureau at................ 1-800-273-1002 ....................................414-847-6000 or To file a complaint against a nursing home or assisted living facility contact the Office of Quality Assurance at ....................................414-227-5000


Caregiver Stress Warning Signs

The Leeza Gibbons Memory Foundation – The first step in dealing with caregiver stress is to recognize the signs. Common signs that stress may be affecting your health include:

PHYSICAL SIGNS • Disturbed sleep • Back, shoulder or neck pain, muscle tension • Headaches • Stomach/digestive problems (upset or acid stomach, cramps, heartburn, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea)

• Loss of hair • High blood pressure, irregular heart beat, palpitations • Weight fluctuation (gain or loss) • Chest pain • Fatigue • Perspiration

• Skin disorders (hives, eczema, psoriasis, tics, itching) • Periodontal disease, jaw pain • Reproductive problems/infertility • Weak immune system suppression: more colds, flu, infections • Sexual dysfunction, lack or libido

EMOTIONAL SIGNS • Anxiety • Depression • Moodiness/mood swings • Butterflies • Feeling out of control

• Irritability, easily frustrated, road rage • Argumentative • Feeling of isolation • Memory problems and lack of • Job dissatisfaction concentration • Increased substance abuse • Phobias

FOR MORE INFORMATION Please visit and to take a Caregiver Stress Assessment, please visit

We Can Help. Living Options Service



Concerns with inappropriate marketing and sales practices of Medicare Advantage plan agents contact: The Medigap helpline at ................................ 1-800-242-1060 Wisconsin No Call List prevents telemarketers from calling for two years...................... 1-866-966-2255



For a Comprehensive Driver’s Readiness Evaluation contactAurora Rehabilitation Centers: West Allis Memorial Hospital ....................................414-328-6633 Sinai Medical Center ....................................414-219-5241

As we age, our dental care becomes critical to our over all health and well being. Cost is one of the main reasons older adults do not seek dental care. Below is a list of dental clinics that offer services based on income or at discounted rates.

Driving is affected by a variety of health issues. If you have concerns about your loved one’s driving abilities contact: Driver Services Medical Division at.............1-608-266-2327 For Driver Safety contact

The Alzheimer’s Association has a variety of information and AIDS Resource Center of WI/ materials. Dental Clinic ............414-233-6800 For 24/7 information and referral helpline- contact Alzheimer’s AssoGuadalupe Dental Clinic, Inc ciation at ............... 1-800-272-3900 ....................................414-643-8737



Independent Care Health Plan Significant numbers of work(ICare)........................414-231-1067 ing caregivers often need to make adjustments to their work life, from Marquette University Dental reporting late to work, reducing Clinic..........................414-288-6790 hours or giving up work entirely. Spanish.......................414-288-1520 For information on all State of Wisconsin Job Centers MATC Dental Hygiene Clinic directory/ ....................................414-297-6573 Milwaukee Milwaukee County Residents/ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Dental caregivers of any age can get job Clinic..........................414-383-3220 search assistance at the following locations: Ann_Seton_Denta Northeast Comprehensive Job Center iContact your local County 1915 N. Martin Luther King Dr resource for another clinic in your Milwaukee, WI 53212 community. ..............................414-267-3291 For a list of Title 19 dentists in your area contact the Greater Milwaukee Dental Association at ....................................414-276-9911 Outside the Milwaukee area contact ................... 1-800-362-3002 Mobile Dental Care ...........................262-786-4819 x222

Job Center Central 4030 N. 29th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 ..............................888-258-9966 Job Center Northwest ..............................414-760-6060 ..............................414-385-6920

Hire Center job-seekers/the/hire-center Job Center Southeast 2701 S. Chase Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 ..............................414-389-6600 Job Seekers age 55 and over can get assistance at the following locations: Mature Worker Resource Center Washington Park Senior Center 4420 W Vliet Street Milwaukee, WI ..............................414-931-0253 Interfaith Older Adult Programs 600 W. Virginia, Suite 300 Milwaukee, WI 53204 ..............................414-291-7500


Workforce Development CenterOzaukee County 5555 West Highland Road (P.O. Box 547) Mequon, WI 53092 Phone..................262-238-2880 FAX......................262-238-2890


Walworth Job Center 10 E. Centralia Street Elkhorn, WI   53121 Phone..................262-741-5180 FAX......................262-741-5275


Workforce Development Center Washington County 2200 Green Tree Road West Bend, WI 53095 Phone..................262-335-5300 FAX......................262-335-5321


Workforce Development Center Waukesha County 892 Main Street Pewaukee, WI   53072 Phone..................262-695-7800 FAX......................262-695-7890


Milwaukee County....................414-220-8600 Ozaukee County.......................262-238-8120 ...............................................262-284-8120 Walworth County.....................262-741-3200 Washington County..................877-306-3030 Waukesha County....................262-548-7848 State Wide Toll Free..................866-843-9810

For individuals 55 years of age and older call: Southeastern Area Agency on Aging, Inc. Attn: Older Worker Coordinator 125 N. Executive Drive, Suite 102 Brookfield, WI   53005 Phone:................ 262-821-4444 Southeastern Area Agency on Aging serves all four counties. They also have a caregiver support program that can supply additional information. iContact your local county resource for Family Caregivers for employment or caregiver reimbursement options.


Wisconsin Statute 46.90 states that “Elder adult at risk” means any person age 60 or older who has experienced, is currently experiencing, or is at risk of experiencing abuse: Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Sexual Abuse Treatment without Consent Unreasonable Confinement or Restraint Financial Exploitation Neglect Self-Neglect For Definitions of each of the above: public/definitions.htm#adultatrisk To report a suspected case of elder abuse or neglect, call your county resource center.i For Milwaukee County call the Aging Resource Center at ....................................414-289-6874


The “I” In Caregiver A member of the Family Caregiver Support Network Advisory Committee once said that as a caregiver people always ask how your mother or father, husband or wife is, but rarely ask how you are doing, so, how are you doing? You are the I in caregiver and only you can answer that question. Caregiving even for the most independent individual can be and most often is lonely. It is lonely at times even when we have help because it is such an individual thing. Let’s take the two sisters both willing to assist mom with her groceries. One believes in getting her out and into the store as an outing while the other cannot handle the amount of time it takes to read the new product labels so she prefers to shop for her mother. Sound familiar? Lonely is not a bad thing as long as the feeling of being alone does not create the stress associated with feeling isolated. Caregiving brings change into our lives. Change brings on stress and impacts our lives in ways we may not even realize. The type of stress we live with depends on whether we have selected a role as victim, survivor or navigator. Which role do you think you are? Navigator is where you need to strive to be. A critical thing to understand about “caregiver stress” is that it is not for sissies. (Wow? A double whammy of i’s.) Stress can not be taken lightly if we want to remain both healthy and our body actually responds in predictable ways:

i All of our senses are heightened. i Our hearing can be more acute and our eyes can dart from side to side. i Our blood pressure and pulse increase and our heart can race. i We breathe more quickly but with more shallow breaths. i Constant stress lowers our immune system. i Our thyroid speeds up and we can feel jittery. i Because we are jittery we can lose weight or because we do not take time to prepare meals, we gain weight from eating out more and/ or not exercising. i We do not produce as many sex hormones so our sex drive decreases. i W e put out more insulin and no longer metabolize sugar well so we have an increased tendency towards diabetes. i O ur cholesterol increases which can lead to an increased chance of stroke and heart disease. We need to listen to what our bodies are saying to us. The following five suggestions will go a long way to help maintain physical, emotional and spiritual well-being: Exercise is the easiest and most beneficial thing we can do to help our bodies. A regular exercise routine of even 20 minutes a day helps us feel better physically and mentally. It allows us to be alone with our thoughts and we can concentrate on our bodies so we stay well. We get busy as caregivers and we may not take the time to think about our nutrition, what we are putting into our own bodies, even though we watch what our loved

ones eat very carefully. We may eat out more, eat more fast food or snack more. We may be upset, lose our appetite and eat less. We feel tired and need energy so we eat more sugar and caffeine. We often forget that it is as easy to cut up an apple as it is to dig into the ice cream, and that a glass of water will go a long way toward keeping us hydrated. In addition, it is important to consume enough vitamins, especially from fruits and vegetables. Taking care of our mental health lets us blow off steam. There is no road map to caregiving; at times it is constant change. Most caregivers say that only other caregivers get it. So how do we hold our emotions in check? How and to whom do we express our anxieties and still feel safe? Who will listen? For some caregivers the answer is to join a caregiver support group. For others, it is seeing a therapist. (Our office has lists of both.) We once asked a large group of caregivers at a conference what helps them through their days? 85 percent said their “faith.” Most believe they do not walk their journey alone and without spirituality they would not make it through most days. Prayer can be a form of meditation. It causes mental relaxation. People also find their strength through worship, prayer, song and fellowship. Prayer and meditation help to counteract many of the negative symptoms of stress. Lastly, reclaim you life to include caregiver but not to be only a caregiver. You are the daughter or son, wife or husband who is now also a caregiver. Write down all the

roles that you now have and remember you should have no more than seven, including that of caregiver. Once you have done that, can you …Take a class? Plant a garden? Walk your dog? Go fishing? Get a job? …and somehow remember there is no i in stress….only in caregiver. Interfaith Older Adult Program’s Family Caregiver Support - 414.220.8600 –

Caregiver’s Code I need to… Take care of my self physically, emotionally, spiritually; Accept my limitations and be satisfied with doing my best; Recognize and get help, no matter how difficult that may be; Enjoy time away without guilt; Maintain relationships with friends, family, co-workers; Set goals, pursue dreams and remember to live life. A prepared, informed and supported family caregiver provides better self and older adult care.



iFor information on how to talk As a caregiver you may draw with your loved one about funeral your strength each day from your arrangements, contact your local church, synagogue, mosque and county resource for Family Careother faith based groups to help givers. you manage your daily caregiving Talk with your funeral home of challenges. choice about the burial assistance program offered through your iContact your local county resource for Family Caregivers for county. Caregiver Retreat Information or iFor more information contact to find out about respite options your your local county resources. that would allow the caregiver to attend church. In Milwaukee contact the Benefit


As seniors age, many struggle to keep up with their finances. Some pay their bills late or forget entirely. It is uncomfortable for children— no matter if they are 30, 40 or 50— to ask if their parents are struggling to pay their bills. Below is a list of tools and resources available that will assist the caregiver with financial issues.

Specialists of Legal Action for burial trust information......414-278-7722


Progressive memory loss, a decline in eating or isolation from family or friends is not a normal part of the aging process, and often family members are the first to notice that something is wrong. Early detection and intervention is crucial as many symptoms are reversible. A Geriatric Assessment For information on services that offers a comprehensive approach to may be available through Medicare dealing with the problems, which and Medicaid and information on includes a multidisciplinary team all benefit programs in Milwaukee to diagnose and treat all types of County, contact Senior Law Benefit memory and health issues. Below Specialist of Legal Action at is a list of geriatric clinics or talk ....................................414-278-1222 with your family physician about options available in your area. iContact your local county resource for Family Caregivers Froedtert Memory Disorders or for Benefit Specialists in other Program ....................414-805-3666 counties. Aurora Center for Senior Health Money management services are ....................................414-219-7300 available through Aurora Center for Financial Wellness at GERIATRIC CARE MAN....................................414-482-8801


Geriatric Care managers can provide coordinated care Preplanning a funeral allows management for caregivers who an individual to express their views live near or far. They have extenin the selection of services that sive knowledge about quality, costs, best fit their beliefs and desires. and availability of services in your Preplanning can save a family 50% community and can connect you or more on funeral and burial arwith the services that will be right rangements. for you or a loved one. Professional Geriatric Care Managers generally charge a fee and can be found throughout the country.


iContact your local county resource for a list of Care Managers in your area. Consumers may locate geriatric care managers throughout the Untied States by visiting


Researchers tell us that grandparents and other relatives raising children 18 and under are one of the fastest growing types of families in America. This is due to a number of reasons - death, divorce, mental health, crime/jail, drugs and alcohol. The courts would prefer to remove a child from their biological parent(s) and place them with a family member if at all possible. This situation knows no racial or economic boundaries. It is estimated that 1 in 12 children are being raised by a ‘grandparent’. The National Family Caregiver Program has been asked to work with Grandparents 55+. iContact your County Aging / Family Caregiver Program for possible respite options, support groups, workshops and other local resources.


Milwaukee County....................414-220-8600 Ozaukee County.......................262-238-8120 ...............................................262-284-8120 Walworth County.....................262-741-3200 Washington County..................877-306-3030 Waukesha County....................262-548-7848 State Wide Toll Free..................866-843-9810


It is natural to grieve the death of a loved one before, during and after the actual time of their passing. The process of accepting the unacceptable is what grieving is all about. For support groups and to learn about resources for anticipatory grief, ambiguous loss, grief at death, chronic illness and loss, symptoms and stages of grief and helping those who are grieving, visit:

Caregiver Education Fact Sheets; caregiving issues and strategies; grief and loss. If you have been involved with a hospice program, take advantage of their grief education and support. Or contact Horizon Home Care and Hospice Grief Resource Center ....................................414-586-8383


Many times individuals earn just enough income to be ineligible Also in Milwaukee contact: for Medicaid coverage, yet do not Gary Dobbs Family Center receive health insurance through ....................................414-265-2222 their employers and cannot afford Grandparents Support Group to pay for “out of pocket” health ....................................414-220-8600 insurance. Often, these individuals Kids Matter are forced to seek treatment at local ....................................414-344-1220 emergency rooms and become dled with medical bills that they are Legal and social service information not able to afford. Free or reduced AARP fee medical clinics fill the gap in w w w. a a r p . o r g / f a m i l i e s / healthcare access for the uninsured. grandparents Parenting Network Helpline iFor a list of free or reduced fee clinics in your area contact your ....................................414-671-0566 county aging services or 211. For a list of free medical clinics The Women’s Center - Waukesha in your area contact ....................................262-547-4600


The Caregiving Experience Why is the Caregiving Experience Different for Everyone? Did you ever notice that your caregiving experience is different than that of even a very close sibling or friend? Have you wondered why your father will not let anyone in to help with mom? Information from tells us that caregiving experiences are just as unique as the people involved. Each caregiver has different needs, feelings, challenges and rewards. And each family member’s relationship with the care receiver is unique, influencing expectations and the overall caregiver experience. Much has been learned about the differences in these experiences as the result of a growing body of research. For example: i Men tend to think about and approach caregiving differently than women. i Husbands and wives differ from adult children or other relatives in what they do, how they do it, how long they do it, and when they consider letting others help. Each of us forms personal expectations of ourselves as caregivers. These expectations are shaped by past experiences and observations, societal rules, our cultural heritage and our own family rules. Caregiving can affect us in multiple ways. It can cause changes in physical and emotional health, finances, and time available to participate in other family, social, work, leisure or community activities. Caregiving can be stressful at times. Yet, people who perform the same task may have very different experiences. One person might feel

very uncomfortable emptying a commode, while someone else may not give it a second thought. Caregivers also experience different types and levels of stress over time. Rhonda Montgomery, PhD, has been studying family caregiving experiences for more than 20 years with her colleague Karl Kosloski, PhD. Out of their work has emerged a theory called Caregiver Identity Change. It says the caregiving experience over time involves a process of change in activities, responsibilities, and in the partner-like relationship between the caregiver and person receiving care. It also involves a change in the way the person giving care views him or herself in relation to the person being cared for. This new role grows out of the earlier relationship between the two care partners. The Caregiving Journey Changes You The caregiving role unfolds over time as the caregiver takes on greater responsibility, helping with everyday household affairs, personal care and decisions. Caregiving involves an identity change process. At some point, the person providing care begins to identify himself or herself as a caregiver in addition to being a wife, a son or other kind of relationship. The journey is different for each person in terms of when and how we begin to identify ourselves as caregivers. Caregivers who are providing assistance for a short period of time may never see themselves as a caregiver, while those providing care for years may see themselves and act more like a caregiver than spouse

or adult child. This is reflected in a statement repeated by many adult children: “I feel as if I’m the parent now and not the child.” They have assumed a caregiving identity and lost their identity as an adult child to their parent. Personal rules and expectations play an important part in how we each feel about what we are doing in the caregiving role. Montgomery and Kosloski find caregivers experience increased levels of stress when a mismatch occurs between what they are doing and what they think they should be doing on behalf of the individual receiving care. Often, the source of distress is not the activity itself, but how the caregiver feels about it. The first step to lowering caregiver distress is to identify its source. Once this happens, caregivers can work toward reaching a new comfort level. A number of strategies have been shown to help reduce caregiver distress: i Adjusting or modifying the expectations we have of ourselves. i Changing what we are currently doing--perhaps by making room to let others help or by letting go of some current responsibilities. i Changing the way we view or judge our own actions. Share Your Caregiving Journey with Others through Research Montgomery and Kosloski’s research on the differences in caregiving experiences continues to move forward with the help of a national caregiver registry called the League of Experienced Family Caregivers. The purpose of the League is to help create better services and resources

to support family caregivers. Caregivers share their knowledge and insights by completing brief questionnaires in one of three ways--telephone interviews, mailin surveys or online. More than 1,000 caregivers are currently enrolled. If you would like to join log on at: www.familycaregivers.uwm. edu or call toll free 800-410-2586. Reprinted with permission from the UW Extension’s “extension” website. Interfaith Older Adult Programs Caregiver Support 414.220.8600 –

CAN YOU ANSWER “YES” TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS? Are you concerned about an older adult who lives nearby or at a distance, either at home or in a facility? Do you help with grocery shopping, housekeeping, rides, doctors appointments, bills or insurance? Do you help with feeding, bathing, dressing or supervision? Are you concerned about someone who isn’t taking care of him or herself? Are you using all your own sick leave or vacation time to help or care for someone?



health care team of doctors, nurses, social workers, home health aides, the age of 65 report problems with Today’s older adult wants to clergy, therapists and trained volhearing. Persistent failure to un- grow old at home, the place he/she unteers care for you. derstand what is being said can lead feels most comfortable. Assistance iSee your local yellow pages to frustration, discouragement and with homemaking, personal needs under “Hospice” or talk with your embarrassment. Two of the most and transportation can help an older County resource. common consequences of hearing adult maintain independence. HOUSING impairment in the elderly are deSoutheastern Wisconsin has pression and withdrawal. iContact your county resource to a wide variety of housing options. discuss options or for resources Contact your county resource to Contact the Center for Communi- for homemaking and healthcare discuss the options available to you. providers. cation, Hearing and Deafness for Contact the County Resource information on the wide variety of – Living Options Services for inforHOARDING services offered................................... Hoarding is generally charac- mation on all types of living options 414-604-2200 terized as obtaining and refusing for older adults to throw out a large number of ....................................414-220-8600 HOME MAINTENANCE / items that would normally appear ................................ 1-800-449-4481 CHORES Although the average elderly to be worthless, hazardous, or unindividual would prefer to remain sanitary. Living spaces become Contact United States in their own home; frailty, chronic significantly cluttered and prevent Department of Housing and Urban activities for which those spaces illness, and disability often prevent this dream from materializing. Be- were designed. Hoarding can be Development (HUD) for area low is a list of programs available a contentious issue among family information on low income housing. to help the elderly remain in their members adding stress and frus- ....................................414-297-3214 tration to an already sensitive issue. homes. For information on housing Volunteer chore services and While the exact underlying causes of hoarding are unknown, there are available for individuals with resource information: Independence First (main office) i some underlying factors including: disabilities contact Independence ....................................414-291-7520 OCD, ADHD, Psychosis, and De- First at .......................414-291-7520 For volunteering see older adult mentia. Catholic Charities in Home iSee your local yellow pages services on page 15B. Support Program......414-771-2881 under “Hospice” or talk with your Covers Milwaukee and Wauke- county resource. iA resource serving people with sha Counties. disabilities in Milwaukee, OzauINSURANCE - MEDICARE kee, Washington, Waukesha iContact your local county reCounties: For information on different souce for assistance. Your county resource may have types of insurance options, see the For information, resources and list: other options available to you. professional tools visit www.milwaukeehoarding.wee- Medicare information, ordering HOME SAFETY Each year older adults are inMedicare booklets, and information jured in and around their homes. about health plans, contact HOSPICE Many of these injuries result from ................................ 1-800-633-4223 The hospice philosophy hazards that are easy to overlook 24 hours a day, 7 days a week recognizes death as the final stage but easy to fix. of life and seeks to enable patients Medigap / HMO Hotline / Spousal iContact your county resource for to continue an alert, pain-free Impoverishment................................. a list of agencies that will do home life and to manage other symp- ................................ 1-800-242-1060 safety assessments and offer home toms so that their last days may Provides Information on Medisafety check lists. be spent with dignity and quality, care Insurance, Long Term Care surrounded by their loved ones. Insurance Home Health Care InsurContact the family caregiver Hospice care can be given in the ance and other health insurance that support network website at www. patient’s home, a hospital, nursing might be available prior to Medicare. for home, or private hospice facility. Community Insurance a home safety check list. Typically, an interdisciplinary


HOMEMAKING AND At least 25% of individuals over HEALTHCARE


Milwaukee County....................414-220-8600 Ozaukee County.......................262-238-8120 ...............................................262-284-8120 Walworth County.....................262-741-3200 Washington County..................877-306-3030 Waukesha County....................262-548-7848 State Wide Toll Free..................866-843-9810

Information Center 700 West Michigan Street, Suite 350, 53233 ....................................414-291-5360 Information on car, home (non Medicare) health and renters’ insurance. Hours are Mon. 1:00 p.m-4:00 p.m. Tues.- Thurs.8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Railroad Retirement Board 310 West Wisconsin Avenue Suite 1300 53203 ....................................877-772-5772 Retirement unemployment and sickness program Senior Care............ 1-800-657-2038 Prescription drug assistance program for Wisconsin residents 65+ who meet eligibility criteria. Veteran’s Insurance Information .......

................................ 1-800-669-8477 Veteran’s Affairs Regional Office 5000 W. National, Milwaukee, WI 53295 ..............................  1-800-827-1000

Wisconsin Medicaid

For assistance with Title 19 and SSI-E applications and financial assistance for individuals 60 and older contact the Benefit Specialist through your County resource.


There are a variety of personal legal matters regarding health and finances which need to be taken care of. This can best be done by an Elder Law Attorney. Elder Law Attorneys specialize in age related legal matters and problems including qualifying for public benefit

12B • 50PLUS • CAREGIVERS GUIDE • OCTOBER 2015 programs, long term care, estate planning, advance directives and guardianship issues. Your local county resource may have a list or call: Milwaukee Bar Association’s Referral Service....... 414-274-6768

May discuss legal matters and or seek a referral to an attorney in Milwaukee and surrounding counties. National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys...................703-942-5711


As American’s live longer, greater attention is being paid to the concerns facing aging adults and caregivers. Some unique considerations arise for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people dealing with aging. For information on topics such as finding supportive health service providers, dealing with your employer, and caring for an LGBT spouse, domestic partner or friend, the following resources may be helpful: The Milwaukee LGBT Community Center........................414-271-2656 ...................................292-3070(SAGE) adults Under caregiver education fact sheets, “Special Concerns of LGBT Caregivers”


Telephone monitoring systems assist seniors in their home in case of a medical emergency. When a subscriber activates a monitoring pendant, the monitoring agency immediately contacts the subscriber as to inquire the type of assistance needed. Emergency Medical Technicians and personal emergency contacts are notified if the subscriber is unable to respond.

Contact telephone monitoring agency for listing of other monitor- MEDICAID/ T-19 ing services offered as well. For assistance with Title 19 and SSI-E applications and iContact your county resource for financial assistance for individuals more options. 60 and older, contact the Benefit Specialist through your county LONG-DISTANCE Aging and Disability Resource CAREGIVING Centers (ADRCs). For those If you are providing care or 18-59 contact your ADRC. See assistance to a person who lives “Older Adult Services ” ADRC an hour or more away, you are section in this directory. “long-distance caregiving”. You You may apply for Medicaid may be paying bills on line, ar- by mail, telephone or in person. To ranging for services and appoint- obtain an application or apply in ments over the phone, commu- person, contact your county aging nicating with service providers; a service number. care center, the bank, a pharmacy, neighbors, friends, relatives or even For information on the Medicaid driving or flying in when there are program contact their website at or “emergencies”. Please know that you are not alone icaid/index.htm in your efforts. There may be as many as 7 million people caregiv- If you are unsure of where or how ing at a distance in the US. Pro- to obtain an application or need grams and services are growing in help in completing an application, the understanding of your efforts call Recipient Services at................. . and dilemmas. Don’t be afraid to ................................ 1-800-362-3002 seek out the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) in MEDICAL EQUIPMENT The Independence First Moyour community or the community of your care receiver for informa- bility Store, formerly Wheelchair tion, assistance to access services, Recycling Program (WRP), is an education, support, respite and non-profit program that offers low cost, refurbished and sanitized mosupplemental services. bility and medical equipment to those who lack the resources to acWisconsin Caregiving ................................ 1-866-843-9810 quire new equipment. It also offers a selection of low-cost new ment. Eldercare Locater ................................ 1-800-677-1116 Greater Milwaukee Area, 3720 N. 124th Street, Unit F Publication: So Far Away Wauwatosa National Institute on Aging # 10..............................414-988-5333 5496............................800-222-2225 (search for So Far Away) Independence First Assistive Geriatric Care Managers Technology ....................................414-291-7520 iContact your local county resource for NFCSP services, additional suggestions and assistance Experienced staff has informain seeking help to move someone tion on assistive technology and closer to you. adaptive equipment. The Try-AGadget Center offers 700+ items


Milwaukee County....................414-220-8600 Ozaukee County.......................262-238-8120 ...............................................262-284-8120 Walworth County.....................262-741-3200 Washington County..................877-306-3030 Waukesha County....................262-548-7848 State Wide Toll Free..................866-843-9810

to try. Formal and informal assessments, advocacy, information and referral, and equipment trials are services available through this program. iContact your county resource for more options.


For both the caregiver and or the care receiver. Nearly 20% of those who are 55 years and older experience mental disorders that are not part of normal aging. Most common disorders are anxiety, severe cognitive impairment and mood disorders. The rate of suicide is highest among older adults compared to any other age group. Nearly one out of every four U.S. households provides care to a relative or friend aged 50 or older. Studies show that caregivers experience a sense of burden and estimated 46% are clinically depressed. Center for Psychological Services ....................................414-288-3487 at Marquette University Mental Health Association in Milwaukee County.........414-276-3122 Resources for prevention in mental health. NAMI Wisconsin, Inc. Greater Milwaukee Office ....................................414-344-0447 State Office............ 1-800-236-2988 Waukesha Office.......262-524-8886 NAMI is an advocacy, referral and support group, founded for people with mental Illness and their families. NAMI also has ed-


ucational programs. Everything is free of charge. iContact your local county resource for Family Caregivers for other counseling services within your community.


Nursing Homes and Health Care Centers are skilled nursing facilities designed to meet the needs of persons convalescing from illness or surgery or to provide longterm care which is not appropriate for a hospital or available through other alternatives. All persons entering a nursing home do so under physicians’ orders. Their care is supervised by nurses and other professionals under the direction of a physician. Facilities may offer special programs in rehabilitation, mental health, developmental disabilities, Alzheimer’s, hospice and subacute care. Along with meeting long term care needs they may offer outpatient services for rehabilitation, respite care (1-28 days) and short term or recuperative care (190 days).

State of Wisconsin Office of Quality Assurance................. 414-227-5000 Call to ask questions about nursing home regulations or file a formal complaint about a facility in southeastern Wisconsin.

mation tailored to their situation. The ADRC provides information on a broad range of programs and services (home care/chores, home delivered meals, transportation, housing, financial assistance, elder abuse and much more), helps Medigap Hotline people understand the various ................................ 1-800-242-1060 long term care options available to Information on spousal impov- them, helps people apply for proerishment, nursing home insurance grams and benefits, and serves as and other ways nursing home care the access point for publicly-fundmay be paid for. ed long term care. These services can be provided at the ADRC, via Nursing home inspection reports/ telephone, or through a home visprovider search website it, whichever is more convenient to the individual seeking help. consumer/search.htm


A significant number of elderly fail to get the amounts and types of food necessary to meet essential energy and nutrient needs. There is evidence that good nutrition promotes vitality and independence whereas poor nutrition can prolong recovery from illness and lead to a lesser quality of life.

Family Caregiver Support Network: Living Options services ....................................414-220-8600 ................................ 1-800-449-4481 Assists when exploring options or needing to select a facility by providing Federal and State inspection report information, touring check lists and more information on facilities (size, rates, smoking, a religious affiliation) in southeastern Wisconsin.

iContact your county resource 211 or Milwaukee County 414-289-6874 for a list of meal sites and providers of home delivered meals.

Wisconsin.............. 1-800-815-0015 “Ombudsman” means ‘advocate’. Ombudsman acts as advocate in licensed facilities such as nursing homes on behalf of residents and/ or their families. Leave a message including the facility name so that your call can be routed to an Ombudsman assigned to the facility you are referring to.

Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) provide accurate, unbiased information on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability. ADRCs are friendly, welcoming places where anyone - individuals, concerned families or friends, or professionals working with issues related to aging or disabilities - can go for infor-

Outside Milwaukee

For aging and caregiver resources anywhere in the country contact the Eldercare Locater number at ............. 1-800-677-1116


Milwaukee County DRC............................414-289-6660 (age 18-59) ARC............................414-289-6874 (age 60+) Ozaukee County.......262-284-8120 Walworth County.....262-741-3400 Washington County ....................................262-335-4497 Waukesha County....262-548-7848 For aging and caregiver resources anywhere in the country contact the Eldercare Locater ................................ 1-800-677-1116


Milwaukee County....................414-220-8600 Ozaukee County.......................262-238-8120 ...............................................262-284-8120 Walworth County.....................262-741-3200 Washington County..................877-306-3030 Waukesha County....................262-548-7848 State Wide Toll Free..................866-843-9810

Ozaukee County ....................................262-376-5362 Waukesha - Interfaith Senior Programs ....................................262-549-3348 Washington County - Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County ....................................262-365-0902 Wisconsin InterFaith In Action Network


Foot care is of utmost importance in older adults because of the need for ambulation and mobility. Circulation to the lower portions of the body tends to decrease with age. Decreased circulation, coupled with diminished sensation, can lead to skin breakdown and infections. Older adults are less agile and may experience difficulty in maintaining good hygiene of the feet. Many times podiatry services are covered by insurance, depending upon your medical condition. At home services are also available.

iContact your county resource for more information or talk with your There has been a long stand- primary care physician. ing tradition of “neighbor helping neighbor” in Wisconsin. Because PUBLICATIONS AARP - American Association of active lifestyles, it is often volunof Retired Persons teers who assist with friendly visits, Yearly membership & receive the phone calls, transportation, shopmonthly newsletter “Bulletin” and ping, chores and other “neighborly” activities. Organized through the “Modern Maturity” magazine, churches and other community free brochures & discounts. Membership Processing Center groups, older adults are assisted P. O. Box 199 to remain independent in their Long Beach, CA  90801 homes. 50 Plus News Magazine Milwaukee - Interfaith Older P. O. Box 230  Adults Program Hartland WI   53029 ....................................414-291-7500 ..............................262-367-5303 Ozaukee - Interfaith Caregivers of


14B • 50PLUS • CAREGIVERS GUIDE • OCTOBER 2015 Today’s Caregiver ..............................800-829-2734 A bi-monthly publication providing information, support and guidance for family and professional caregivers.

Facilities that offer respite, you new information. It can offer an do not need to live in Milwaukee atmosphere of understanding and County. support.

St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care ....................................414-977-5000 iContact your local county reBased on assessment, provides source for Family Caregivers to both adult day and overnight sersubscribe to a free caregiver news- vices to people 18 years and older letter within your community. who have disabilities and special needs. Care is provided 24 hours a RELOCATION/MOVING day, seven days a week for up Making the decision to relocate to 20 days. Reservations accepted (move) can be a welcome decision or a traumatic one. Many procras- SILVER ALERT PROGRAM tinate because the thought of all the Wisconsin’s Silver Alert law work to move, even where to move, (Act 264) took affect August 2015. is overwhelming. There is a com- Similar to an Amber Alert, Silver plete series of resources available to Alerts will go out by e-mail, cell provide assistance all along the way. phone, text, or fax through the County social workers and other Wisconsin Crime Alert Network to professionals can help determine notify the public that an adult with the best level of care. Placement Alzheimer’s, dementia, or other services, most of which do not permanent cognitive impairment charge a fee, can assist in finding a is missing. Anyone may subscribe new ‘home’. A number of realtors on-line to receive Silver Alerts and have chosen to be certified as a Se- Crime Alerts for free by e-mail, cell, nior Real Estate Specialist (SRES) text or fax. Visit and other companies are available to assist with packing, and all the SOCIALIZATION details of moving. Exposure to social and physiContact your county resource. ical activity improves cognitive performance and sleep quality in Family Caregiver Support Network the elderly. Maintenance of social – Living Options Service engagement and avoidance of so....................................414-220-8600 cial isolation are important factors ................................ 1-800-449-4481 in maintaining cognitive vitality in old age. There are many opportuRESPITE CARE nities for social interaction which Respite service allows caregiv- include adult day programs, senior ers to have free time for themselves centers, friendly visitors, and telewhile their loved ones receive assis- phone reassurance, to name a few. tance when needed. Respite services are available in a variety of op- iContact your county resource to tions, ranging from a few hours to discuss appropriate options or for several weeks. They can be offered a list of programs in your area. within the home, group home or nursing home, depending upon the SUPPORT GROUPS level of care needed. Each service For both the caregiver and the has a different rate of cost, some care receiver, support groups can services offer a sliding scale fee. help with the well being of one’s physical and mental health. A supiContact your county resource port group is one way to share your for respite services and or a list of troubles, exchange ideas and gain facilities that offer respite.

iContact your local county resource for information on the many support groups in your area. Alzheimer’s Support Groups ....................................800-272-3900


Without effective transportation, many individuals cannot access medical appointments, shop for necessities and may be isolated in their home. This presents health and safety risks for some and may result in the elderly being forced from their homes before they need to be, solely because of the lack of transportation. iContact your county resource for transportation options in your area.


Eligibility for most VA benefits is based upon discharge from active military service under other than dishonorable conditions. Active service means full-time service as a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Generally, men and women veterans with similar service may be entitled to the same VA benefits. Benefits will also be based on conflict, time served and if a sustained injury had occurred. Kenosha County Veteran’s Service Office 8600 Sheridan Rd., Suite 700 Kenosha, WI 53143-6516 ....................................262-605-6690 Milwaukee County Veteran’s Service Office VA Hospital Grounds, Bldg. 6 6419 W. Greenfield Ave. West Allis, WI 53214 ....................................414-266-1234 Ozaukee County Veteran’s Service Office


Milwaukee County....................414-220-8600 Ozaukee County.......................262-238-8120 ...............................................262-284-8120 Walworth County.....................262-741-3200 Washington County..................877-306-3030 Waukesha County....................262-548-7848 State Wide Toll Free..................866-843-9810

121 W. Main St., Rm 237 PO Box 994 Port Washington, WI 53074-0994 ....................................262-238-8326 Racine County Veteran’s Service Office 209 N. Main Street Burlington, WI 53105 ....................................262-767-2900 Walworth County Veteran’s Service Office PO Box 1001, 100 W. Walworth Elkhorn, WI 53121 ....................................262-741-4222 Washington County Veteran’s Service Office 432 E. Washington St. Rm 2006 West Bend, WI 53095 ....................................262-335-4457 ....................................800-616-0446 Waukesha County Veteran’s Service Office 500 Riverview Ave., Rm. G138 Waukesha, WI 53188-3680 ....................................262-548-7732


As we age, the quality of our vision diminishes naturally. Most changes typically are not severe, and a new prescription for glasses or a few adaptations, such as improved lighting, may be all that is needed. Eye care is important. Only a doctor can detect certain vision changes when you cannot—before symptoms become noticeable. Wisconsin Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped ....................................414-286-3045 ................................ 1-800-242-8822 Sends books postage free, loans cassette players and much more at no charge.



Appleton couple wins $10,000 social innovation prizen in Wisconsin for dementia work MILWAUKEE — September 17, 2015 — Interfaith Older Adult Programs is honored to announce that Susan McFadden, PhD and Rev. John McFadden, M.Div, are the winners of the 2015 Social Innovation Prize in Wisconsin. Susan, 66, and John, 67, of Appleton, Wis., are two of the co-originators of the state’s leading dementia friendly/capable community, The Fox Valley Memory Project (FVMP), and will receive $10,000 to continue their work. One of the FVMP’s primary goals is to educate and create more open communication about dementia in an attempt to end the stigma and social isolation that is often associated with it. Susan and John are highly respected for their vast knowledge, commitment, and personal investment in building and nurturing friendly communities where those with dementia are welcomed and supported. “They believe that, even in advanced dementia, people can live in communities that honor their personhood, provide opportunities for creative expression, and support the fundamental human need for meaning and relationships,” said Beth Belmore,

Chair, Executive Coordinating Committee, FVMP, in her nomination for the duo. Just a few of the FVMP’s services include: operating seven memory cafes that help hundreds of people; providing educational roundtables; and training senior living community staff in new and creative engagement programs such as Poetry Project, TimeSlips, and drumming circles. The impact of the FVMP is undeniable. Belmore reports that participants who take part in activities have a sense of being part of something and belonging. By being involved in their community, quality of life has improved for both the person with memory loss, as well as their caregivers. The idea for a more dementia-supportive community started in 2011. Susan had learned about Great Britain’s memory cafes, and she and John traveled there, putting nearly 900 miles on a rental car to experience and learn more about memory cafes. They brought home what they learned, and the FVMP was born.

Most recently, the McFaddens presented at the 25th Annual Conference of Alzheimer Europe in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in early September. They also have a blog, “Aging Together: Dementia, Friendship & Flourishing Communities.” Both plan to continue volunteering and advocating for creative engagement opportunities in memory cafes, long-term care communities and private homes. “We move forward with hope for the continued growth of the FVMP,” Susan said. “The need is great and there’s much to do.” The FVMP is based out of Appleton, Wis. Learn more at This year, Interfaith received a record number of nominations for the Social Innovation Prize. All 2015 nominees are eligible for the national Civic Ventures “The Purpose Prize,” which provides five awards of $100,000 each to people over 60 who are taking on society’s biggest challenges. It’s for those with the passion and experience to discover new opportunities, create new programs, and make lasting change.

Vision Forward ....................................414-615-0100 Local outlet for equipment, offers advocacy and organizations for the blind.

County Aging Services:

Social Security Medicare AARP National Alliance for Caregiving National Caregiver Alliance Wisconsin Caregiver

iContact your County resource for services in your area.


Interfaith (support for family caregivers tab) Family Caregiver Support Network www.caregiversupportnetwork. org





Waukesha Living Options Elder Locator Public/Home.asp

ABOUT INTERFAITH OLDER ADULT PROGRAMS Since 1975, Interfaith responds to the current physical and social challenges of aging by providing innovative programs, successful solutions, and the often much needed extra helping hand. Learn more at interfaithmilw. org. ABOUT THE SOCIAL INNOVATION PRIZE The Social Innovation Prize in Wisconsin honors adults 60 and older who are defying expectations by channeling their creativity and talent to address critical social problems at the local, regional, or national level. This award was initiated by honoring the creative vision and committed service of the late Fred Lindner and those that follow in his footsteps. Lindner’s extensive work on behalf of the elderly, his lifelong commitment to justice and fairness, and his innumerable contributions to the aging network — both locally and statewide — is the inspiration that has motivated the Helen Bader Foundation, The Social Innovation Prize Planning Committee, and the Fred Lindner family to offer this prize.


Staying at Home Responsibly Cost Sheet/Expenses Family Caregiver Support Network For Family Members and Friends Who Help or Care For Older Adults Compare the costs of bringing private pay services into the Home vs. Assisted Living at $2,200-$5,000 a month and Nursing Home care at $5,000+ per month.

Service Provided*

Home Delivered Meals (1-2x/day, 7 days a week)

Cost Per Day/Hour/Service


Cost Per Week

Total $57.00-$99.00 $57.00-$78.00

$168.00-$336.00 +$60.00 Shipping (If shipped weekly) Total $228.00-$396.00 $228.00-$312.00



$7.00 Round Trip (Taxi Rides Transportation Using Milwaukee County’s Transit Plus May Exceed This Amount) (2x/week) (414) 343-1700



Adult Day Service (2x/week)



1x Installation Fee of $50.00-$99.00 (Sometimes Waived) Chore Service for Snow, Leaves $10.00-$25.00 etc. (1x/week) Medication Monitoring System 1x Installation Fee of $99.00 through Life Line







Grand Totals



Homemaking and/or Personal $19.00-$26.00 Care (1x/week) (Usually 3 hr. Minimum) Bathing Service (1x/week)

Life Line Alert Service



$42.00-$84.00 + $15.00 shipping/week

Cost Per Month

Don’t forget to add up the other costs of living at home such as utilities, taxes, home maintenance etc. in addition to these supportive services. Then compare the total to a facility that offers it all under one roof. The Family Caregiver Support Network’s Living at Home Expense Sheet (Next Page) can be helpful in adding up the costs you already incur living at home.

Remember that with supportive in-home services you can adjust the type and amount of care to your needs. Your monthly totals may be different than the example above based on which services, how many and how much you choose or can afford to use. *There may be government assisted or volunteer services available to help offset the costs of some of these services. Contact the Family Caregiver Support Network (414) 220-8600, or the local Aging Resource Center of Milwaukee County (414) 289-6874 for more information on what may be available. **As supportive care needs increase to skilled care needs or if 24-hour care becomes necessary, a higher skilled assisted living or nursing facility may be a viable alternative to meet the senior’s needs safely.



Living at Home Monthly Expense Sheet Family Caregiver Support Network For Family Members and Friends Who Help or Care For Older Adults Supportive In-Home Care


Mortgage/Rent Property Tax Homeowners/Renters Insurance Association Fees Home Security Home Maintenance/Repairs Invisible Mortgage* Monthly Total

Meals Homemaking/Personal Care Transportation Adult Day Services Life Line Alert Service Chore Services (lawn, snow, etc.) Medication Monitoring System Monthly Total

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $



Water Electricity Gas/Fuel/Oil Trash Groceries, Cleaning Supplies and Hygiene Items Monthly Total

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Cable TV, Internet, Phone Hobbies Shopping-Hair/Skin/Nail Care/Clothing Dining Out Gifts (birthdays/holidays etc.) Monthly Total

$ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $

Monthly Totals

Home Utilities Entertainment In-Home Care Monthly Grand Total

$ $ $ $ $

*The “Invisible Mortgage” or “Lost Interest” is 5% of the selling price of your house divided by 12 months. If you stay at home you are losing X amount of investment income, per month.

We Can Help. Living Options Service (414) 220-8600



Family Caregiver Support Network

FREE RESOURCES (414) 220-8600

Interfaith offers free help and support for family members and friends who assist older adults. Contact a Resource Specialists to help you sort through personal and older adult care options, because … …



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Title 19 & Pre-Arrangements

September 2015 Vol 29 No. 9


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It is school time again

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By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

By Matt Pommer

“I want the best for you”

page 18B


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Know about sector weighting

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50 Plus News Magazine Subscription Department P.O. Box 230 Hartland, WI 53029

page 1B


By Bruce Nemovitz

Thriller at Miller

“Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today”

By Brad Olson, CFP



APRON Should you be worried about your health care? Emma STRINGS MONEY SENSE


By Tom Frazier


share of spending on Medicaid. The same article indicates that The Urban Institute estimates that accepting the federal money would save Wisconsin $2.5 billion in state dollars between 2015 and 2024. The article goes


FRAZIER continued on page 3A


“Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today”


Answer Man both serve more low-income people and reduce state’s

A recent article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel By Aunt Emma (“State continues to snub Obamacare”), states that WisBy Karen Ellenbecker consin has passed up more than $550 million in federal & Julie Ellenbecker money available under the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare).-Lipsky This is money that the Governor and Legislature have refused to take for Medicaid that would

By Brad Olson, CFP

calendar the WRIGHT SIDE of

By Jack Pearson

By Bruce Nemovitz



Financial Fi i l Wellness W ll MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION



Four of the players, Jim Orndorf of Cudahy, Cy Swiecichowski of Jackson,

Dennis Financial Fi i l Wellness WErmi ll of West Allis and Bob Christensen of Menomonee Falls who took part in the annual:


SENIOR By Enis Wright

APRON with Jim McLoone KILLING TIME Emma STRINGS Answer Man By Aunt Emma


By Tom Frazier



SPORTS By Jack Pearson


calendar the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright

KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone


Address: City/State/Zip:


Home Health Care DIRECTORY

Ana Ventures, Inc. DBA Home Helpers

“At Your Service” Inc.

Serving Waukesha, Milwaukee and Racine Counties we specialize in providing exceptional home care services. Home Helpers mission is to treat you or your loved one, as an extension of family when family can’t be there. We bring a personalized, compassionate approach to in-home care assistance that is unique. Whether you require 24/7 around the clock care or just a few hours a month, our team of experienced office staff and caregivers will work with you to provide exceptional support for you and your family. The services we offer include housekeeping, respite care, cooking/ feeding, overnight care, personal care, bath, and administer medication, check medication compliance, companion/daily check.

Our company services Waukesha County and the surrounding communities. The services we offer include housekeeping, respite care, cooking/feeding, telephone reassurance, overnight care, personal care, baths, etc., administer medication, check medication compliance, companion/ daily check, conversation and companionship, medication reminders, transportation, errands, grocery shopping along with paperwork on insurance claims. Our staff includes a registered nurse. “At Your Service” Inc., provides an affordable alternative for those individuals who wish to remain in their homes and live a fulfilling healthier and happier life. We help all of our clients to experience quality of life, maintain independence and most importantly, peace of mind. As for the future, we see 10,000 people turning 65 every day for the next 15 years. Most of who will want to remain in their homes. There will be a huge need for both qualified caregivers and dependable, flexible and affordable home care companions.

158 W. Chestnut Street • Burlington Contact Person: Justin Mushel 262-510-4379

414 Genesee St. • Delafield Contact Person: Tom Genetti 262-646-8668

A community that comes to you With home-based Cedar Supportive Care, friendly, reliable Cedar Community staff provide one-on-one, non-medical services. Call 262.306.2691 for help designing a service package, from light housekeeping to friendly visits to taking you on errands, to fit your needs. Start small with a minimum hour-long visit! In most cases, you’ll see a familiar face each time, always on time – and we honor the price structure quoted. Cedar Supportive Care’s trusted staff participate in the rigorous quality standards, screening and training for which Cedar Community is known. Services available across six southeast Wisconsin counties including Washington, Dodge, Waukesha, Ozaukee, Fond du Lac and Sheboygan.


home health  hospice  pathfinders

Live life your way! From a few hours to 24/7 care, we’re there when and where you need us.

Call 262.457.7871

for a FREE no obligation consultation Serving Waukesha & Milwaukee Counties



Home Health Care DIRECTORY

Cedar Home Health & Hospice

Rent-A-Daughter, LLC

Cedar Home Health & Hospice services Waukesha, Washington, Fond du Lac, Dodge, Ozaukee and Sheboygan. Services we offer include housekeeping, respite care, cooking/feeding, telephone reassurance, personal care, baths, etc., supportive care, case management and hospice. We are Medicare approved and do paperwork on insurance claims. Staff includes a registered nurse and medical director. Benefits of home health care include quality care, trustworthy with a solid reputation in the medical community. One hour visits available. Helps prevent medical emergency and offers peace of mind.

Rent-A-Daughter serves Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties. Services offered include housekeeping, respite care, cooking/feeding, overnight care, personal care, baths, etc., check medication compliance and companion/daily check. For 30 years, our mission has been to come alongside older adults to help them live independently by providing non-medical home care. Rent-A-Daughter caregivers become an extension of the love and compassion that people receive from their own families. As for the future, we see the needs of the elderly population increasing.

5505 County Rd. Z, West Bend, WI 53095 Contact Person: Kathy Weston Phone: 262-306-2691

Home Health Care


12660 W. North Ave., Brookfield Contact Person: Jean Henke Phone: 262-754-0550

In-Home Care For Older Adults






or Better Expo Wilson Park Senior Center 2601 W. Howard Ave. • Milwaukee October 22, 2015 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.







What’s new for phase two of your life?



50 PLUS OR BETTER EXPO October 22, 2015 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Stop And Visit With The Following Vendors AARP Wisconsin Advance Physical Therapy Services American Republic Insurance Services ANA Ventures, Inc. DBA Home Helpers Badger Bus Tours/ Potawatomi Hotel Casino Bath Fitter CapTel Outreach Caring Transitions Centennial Senior Apartments Champion Windows & Sunrooms Connect Hearing Disability Rights Wisconsin EverDry Waterproofing Fortis Great Day Improvements, LLC Heritage Senior Living Highlands Communities Humana Interfaith Older Adult Programs

Lamers Tour & Travel LeafFilter Gutter Protection Milwaukee County Dept. on Aging My Choice Family Care Peace of Mind Physicians Mutual Medicare Supplements Pixologie Social Development Commission St. Ann Rest Home St. Camillus Continuing Care Retirement Community The Woods of Cedar Village Tops Club Inc. Universal Services VMP Waters Edge & Sheridan Medical Rehab & Care Center Wellspring of Milwaukee Wilson Commons WPS Health Solutions

Wilson Park Senior Center 2601 W. Howard Ave. • Milwaukee




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