Your Hearing and You
page 8A
Budget and Tax Cuts
Look at Handball
page 14A
page 10A
May 2013 Vol 26 No. 5
To Buy or Lease page 13A
Ron Blomberg, today, with Deborah Wollner, a long time friend of the family who helps take care of him.
POMMER: Pension Changes
page 3A
Portfolio Diversification By Matt Pommer page 11A
Independent Retirement Community Directory MOVING IN THE page 1B
A Voice Out of the Past,
Ron Blomberg of the TRAVEL Bucks MONEY SENSE
By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
By Jack Pearson In the 1970s, Ron Blomberg played many roles for the newly formed Milwaukee Bucks. Because of health problems and other issues, Ron, once known as “The Old Professor,” has been out of the limelight for some time. However, when you hear of some of his achievements as a player, a coach and of his career with the Bucks, his life is more than interesting.
Recently, I had the opportunity
Byto Karen attend theEllenbecker American Society on Aging (ASA) conference in Chi& Julie Ellenbecker cago. It is a large -Lipskyevent with 2,500 AGING ISSUES
By Tom Frazier
blomberg continued on page 22A
APRON Emma The King is STRINGS dead, long live the King MONEY SENSE By Aunt Emma
Answer Man
benefits of attending national conferences is the chance to get away from daily activities and reflect about things that you do not usually take the time to do. In reflection, I came away from the conference with the thought that there is a vacuum of leadership and
attendees, and hundreds of speakers and workshops. I was able to attend on a press pass representing 50 Plus News Magazine. One of the best
advocacy at the national level for elders. Two speakers in particular got me to thinking about this problem. First, Kathy Greenlee, Assistant Secretary for Aging at the federal Department of Health and Human Services, talked about the new Ad-
Frazier continued on page 3A
2A • 50plus • May 2013
May 2013 • 50plus
• 3A
Pension changes are not necessarily partisan EDITORIALS
A Republican legislator is proposing a change in how the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) calculates initial pensions, creating a mild case of jitters among those who work for state and local governments. The WRS is the ninth-largest pension system nationally and covers more than 500,000 persons, many still working and some who have left governmental service. The major exemptions are Milwaukee County and the City of Milwaukee, which have separate retirement programs for their workers. State Rep. Duey Strobel, R-Saukville, thinks some workers especially University of Wisconsin System faculty - are getting promoted to higher paying levels as they near retirement, boosting their starting pensions. Currently, the initial core pension is based on the three highest years of WRS-covered income. His plan would make it the five highest years. Overtime pay, rather than promotions, is the pension-boosting route
Frazier continued from page 1 ministration of Community Living, which replaced the Administration on Aging. What was shocking to me was how blithely she admitted that the reorganization was done covertly and announced without anyone in the aging network (hundreds of area agencies on aging and providers of services) being allowed input or discussion about the decision. So, suddenly there is no longer an Administration on Aging administering the federal Older Americans Act. The irony is that the law mandates advocacy for older people, but the federal agency that administers it didn’t allow any older persons or their advocates to comment on the decision to remove “Aging” from the Administration on Aging. The second person who got me thinking was keynote speaker Ken Dychtwald, President and CEO of Age Wave, and a person who has been studying and speaking about aging for 30 years. While, in general, his message is positive, he talked about Social Security as an “entitlement,” and implies that the large number of per-
Changes are made in the WRS “core” program pensions based on the gains and losses of the State Investment Board. Under state law the initial core pensions can not be reduced beyond the beginning level. The investment gains and losses are smoothed over a five-year period. The Retirement System also runs a more volatile “variable” program, which is almost fully invested in the stock market and has no smoothing system or guarantees. Moving the initial pensions to a five-year top pay average might slow down the retirement process. But that won’t help state and local governments that have little money for compensation increases, such as higher health-insurance premiums. For example, new teachers get substantially less pay than those who have been working in classrooms for decades. Encouraging veteran workers to retire is not limited to the public sector. Many private employers will build financial incentives for longtime employees to retire.
associated with blue-collar employees such as prison guards. For example, one Madison bus driver attracted statewide attention with reports he pushed his one-year’s pay total to over $120,000 by working gobs of overtime. IN THE Ironically, theMOVING proposed change RIGHT DIRECTION would cramp the decades-old job By Bruce Nemovitz hopping by members of the Legislature. Legislators can more than double their initial pensions by taking a cabinet spot in the executive branch. Among those ex-legislators in Gov. Scott Walker’s cabinet are Administration Secretary Mike Huebsch, Transportation Secretary Mark GotAGING tlieb; Natural Resources Secretary ISSUES Cathy Stepp; Agriculture Secretary By Tom Frazier Ben Brancel and Public Service Com-
mission Chairman Phil Montgomery. This is not a partisan thing. When a Democrat gets elected governor, some Democrats are advanced to high-paying jobs in the executive branch of government. Public employees are wary of initial pension changes in the wake of the dismantling of public employee unions in 2011 by the Republican-controlled state government. That SENSE year, a record 18,780 MONEY WRS-covered By Karen Ellenbecker employees applied for pensions. & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky alMore than 168,000 persons ready are receiving WRS pension checks. An estimated 61,000 will be notified this month that their monthly pension checks will be reduced by 9.6 percent because of investment losses Emma sustained in the recession, which began in 2008. By Aunt Emma Starting this May, a person who retired since 2000 will find his WRS core pension is just the amount he originally received. There is no costof-living provision in the Wisconsin pension system as there is in Social Security.
sons on Social Security is a negative thing. He has been quoted as saying we should, “Unhinge old age entitlements from the obsolete marker of 65, and ‘index’ them to rising longevity,” and, “Turn off the ‘third rail’ and stop PLANTING TOMORROW’S powerful special interest groups from DREAMS TODAY blockading thoughtful debate about By Brad Olson this much needed course-correction.” In my opinion, the debate has not been blockaded, and it has not been very thoughtful. Add to the above reflections the fact that there are those in Congress, led by Wisconsin’s own Paul Ryan, who proposed to privatize Social SeSPORTS curity and Medicare while cutting benSports Plus Byeligibility. Jack Pearson efits and raising ageBy Now, Jack Pearson even President Obama has proposed a budget to decrease the Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment (i.e. “Chained CPI”), and further meanstest Medicare benefits in the name of deficit reduction, despite the fact that Social Security has never added one penny to the deficit. Social Security used to be the “third rail” of politics (touch it and you die politically), but there no longer seems to be any po-
litical consequences for “touching” it. In the past, there were leaders who would strongly challenge politicians who proposed to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits. I am thinking specifically of Maggie Kuhn, founder of the Gray Panthers, and Claude Pepper, Congressman from Florida. But, who do we have today? The only name that comes to mind is Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont who has vigorously opposed the Ryan and Obama budgets. And, from all the national organizations, including AARP, can you name any of the leadership of those organizations that are visible, effective advocates for the elderly? My guess is that you cannot. The phrase “the king is dead, long live the king” refers to the transfer of sovereignty that occurs instantaCAPITOL neously at the moment of death.STATE We COMMENT By Enis Wright know that Claude Pepper and Maggie Kuhn are dead, but, unfortunately, we have not been able to say “long live the king” (or queen) since a vacuum in leadership and advocacy for elders remains after their deaths. We need a new king or queen.
Answer Man
All The news in
calendar HEaltH
Eye Care
From Player to Security
page 14A
60 By Matt Pommer
Where does your Money go?
page 10A
page 2B
Is Reverse Mortgage Right for You?
page 15B
April 2013 Vol 26 No. 4
By Jack Pearson A fellow I know who loves to stump people on sports trivia once asked me, “Who is the only guy to have played for both the Milwaukee Brewers and the Milwaukee Bucks?”
Should Voucher Programs be Expanded
page 3A
I tried to recall names of athletes who played in
at his home in naples, Florida. Charles’ rec room has countless Brewers memorabilia, including these large cardboard cutouts of Paul Molitor and robin Yount.
By Matt Pommer
page 8A
page 5A
By Bruce Nemovitz
ChARLEs continued on page 6A
Frank Charles, Truly TRAVEL a Music Man for Baseball MONEY SENSE
By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
STRINGS MONEY Governor’s SENSE budget By Aunt Emma rejects Medicaid expansion
By Tom Frazier
By Tom Frazier
Probably the most controverBy Karen Ellenbecker sial part of Governor Walker’s &proposed Julie Ellenbecker budget for the next two -Lipsky was his years (2013-2015) deci-
and money
By Aunt Emma
IT MAKES ME SPORTS Sports Plus By Jack Pearson By Jack Pearson
Answer Man
Act (ACA, a.k.a. Obamacare). 2010 and required states to cover Also, his decision would decline almost all non-elderly adults with over $4 billion in federal money incomes of less than 133 percent of to pay for the expansion. the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)sion not to expand the Medicaid $15,282 for one person, $20,628 program to provide health care for BACKGROUND for two persons and $31,322 for low-income people as envisioned The Affordable Care Act a family of four. However, a U.S. by the federal Affordable Care (ACA) went into effect in March FRAzIER continued on page 3A
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
Answer Man
By Aunt Emma
4A • 50plus • May 2013
By Tom Frazier
Background checks
Why are some people so enraged over having background checks as a necessity to buying guns? Such may not deter hardened criminals, but it certainly would slow down the numONEY SENSE aren Ellenbecker ber of guns sold to questionable charulie Ellenbecker -Lipsky acters if such was mandatory across the country. The leaders of the NRA claim that the background check system done PRON by licensed dealers of firearms will stop the died-in-the-wool crimRINGSnever inals and homicidal maniacs. True? Aunt Emma However, any way that the people can slow down the rise of lawlessness and senseless killings is to be appreciated and definitely sought. Statistics show that the number of homicides by guns have diminished as much as 50 percent in the last 50 years as the ownership of guns by
The National Rifle Association law-abiding citizens has increased is a very powerful organization. The dramatically, especially in the last two amounts of money poured into it decades. Nonetheless, gun violence probably could feed the starving peoPLANTINGple in Haiti for years. But what is this remains a serious national problem, TOMORROW’S organization and who are the heavyas firearm injuries remain the DREAMS eighth TODAY By Brad Olson leading cause of death in the Unit- weights, the people who run it? First, its board of directors is ed States. In addition, for every fatal shooting, there are roughly three non- comprised of 87 percent men and they come from 34 different states. Ninefatal shootings. As a gun owner for over 60 years, ty-five percent of these members are I am one of the many Americans who white. Would you expect any differown over 300 million firearms. Most ently? You won’t be surprised to learn SPORTS Sports Plus that executives of large firearms and of the purchased guns by gun owners By Jack Pearson By Jack Pearson have been bought for hunting purpos- ammunition manufacturers are among es, a few for safety and some just to the directors. We know of two women who are say that they owned one. By Enis Wright My question is, “Would the vast board members. majority of these owners of firearms feel badly or rights violated by the FBI having such knowledge?” I think absolutely not. The month of May is upon us. While the recent visit of the Easter Bunny was immediately followed by • Avoid drinking alcohol at night April Fool’s Day, many of us may as it is a stimulant, recall the May 1 baskets of candy • Turn off the television set and that were given to children. But that other electronic devices, including “May Basket Time” can be seen only cell phones and computers at least a through a somewhat clouded-by-time half-hour before bed to avoid still be- rear view mirror. With more concern ing engrossed in the goings-on when about sweets and their causing caviyou’re trying to fall asleep. ties, when kids today are delivered • Avoid caffeinated beverages in lemons, they make sugar-free lemonthe evening. ade. • Don’t take a snoring or nervous k k k k k pet into bed with you. Even getting JC Penney is the man who first on and off of the bed can disturb your said publicly that to attract crowds of rest. buyers a firm had to keep its prices Adios! Hasta la vista. Have a low and its shelves well stocked. With good night and wake up fresh to face the day.
Answer Man
HT of
Answer Man
with Jim McLoone
I am rather happy today as I got up early, shaved, showered and dressed in my Sunday best so I could meet and tackle any presented problems. For too much time, I have looked on days as being difficult times, something like college algebra. But I listened intently as a preacher on television told anybody listening
that there’s nothing quite as important in life as faith, family and friends. CAPITOL I have the faith, the friends, butSTATE lack COMMENT By Matt Pommer these family ties. My brother and I argued over our deceased dad’s things including his assortment of beautiful ties. Right now, we’d need a rope to have family ties. I guess I’ll give him MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION the ones with the gravy stains. By Bruce Nemovitz
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
your life away AN Don’t WHITEsleep WRITES EDITORIALS While we have been told that the early bird gets the worm, there are many seniors who seem to be sleeping their lives away in retirement. Still, there are others who just don’t get sufficient sleep. But did you know that the person who gets too little sleep (days or nights) is susceptible to heart problems, diabetes and, would MONEY SENSE By Karen Ellenbeckerand a myriad of you believe it, obesity & Julie Ellenbecker other problems-Lipsky like depression. Some sleep tips we’ve read about include: • Keep a consistent schedule. • Don’t snack late at night. APRON Emma • Lower the temperature in your STRINGS By Aunt Emma house at night.
Patricia Clark, a resident of, yes, Newtown, Connecticut, who is the chairperson of the NRA Nominating Committee, and Marion Hammer, an NRA female president at one time and the person most responsible within the NRA of successful lobbying for the Florida Stand Your Ground law. This is being tested in the Zimmerman shooting of Treyvon Martin. There are politicians and lawmakers and ex-politicians among board members. But these names you may recognize: Oliver North, NBA all-star Karl Malone and Grover Norquist, who also argue for tax reform. Are you a member? If so, why?
the problems some big stores are having right now competing for the buy, it appears that there’s a little something else that’s often missing in big stores and must be added. That’s a smile plus a thank you. k k k k k Watching some of the new season shows on television is about as exciting as sitting at the window staring out at the falling rain. k k k k k President Obama likes basketball, and so does the North Korean ruler. Perhaps they could get together and play a winner gets to make peace. On second thought, Pres. Obama had better not do this. After all, he just killing time continued on page 23A
Writer/Proofreader Cyndi Strayer Advertising Director Saran Piehl Hartland, WI 53029 Advertising 262-367-5303 EDITORIALS Margo Lehmann Art Director/ Publishers Production Manager Tom and Maureen Slattery Nicole Hesse Editor graphic designer Jim McLoone MONEY SENSE Peggy Duffy TRAVEL Office Manager find us on facebook at Paula Koeppen By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
50 Plus News Magazine APRON STRINGS
By Aunt Emma
Answer Man
May 2013 • 50plus
• 5A
Evidence still elusive for fountain of youth By Dr. David Lipschitz One day we may slow aging so much that life expectancy could increase dramatically. Will we ever find the fountain of youth, prevent aging and prolong life? Technology and scientific breakthroughs in recent years have made this elusive goal more understandable and feasible. Knowledge of the aging process and of mechanisms leading to the common diseases that occur in late life are increasing rapidly. Some scientists believe that someday there will be a discovery offering the promise of prolonging the quality and quantity of our lives. Recently, a study published in the journal Science showed that resveratrol, an antioxidant in red wine that prolongs life in worms, flies and mice, stimulates the production of a protein called surtuin. This protein prevents disease by speeding up energy production in cells. The research showed that resveratrol stimulates a unique gene that leads to the increased production of surtuin. Dr. David Sinclair, the senior author of the study, stated that this research might result in the development of drugs that can prolong life and prevent disease by increasing the manufacture of surtuin. Resveratrol is only one of many compounds that prolongs life in animals. A hormone precursor called DHEA prolongs life in mice by stimulating the formation of hormones that prevent aging. These include growth hormones produced in the pituitary, estrogen and progesterone in females and testosterone in males. Antioxidants (of which resveratrol is one) such as Vitamin E and C prevent aging in some animal species as have numerous compounds found in blueberries. Of all the approaches to prolonging life, the most successful has been calorie restriction. In the nematode, flies, mice, rats and even monkeys, restricting calorie intake by 30 percent prolongs average and maximum life expectancy by as much as 30 percent. These animals remain healthy, do not suffer from many age-related illnesses and die ultimately from causes simply
related to “old age” (in other words, an autopsy fails to find any significant disease). Scientists have identified a number of so-called “longevity genes.” Increase the production of these genes and these strains of species have substantially longer life expectancies. This approach offers the potential of manipulating female eggs or sperm in a way that guarantees longer and more disease-free life. Of course, each of these breakthroughs in prolonging life has, so far, been confirmed only in animals whose lives are remarkably different from man. They are very inbred, are identical to each other, live in sterile, highly controlled environments at a constant temperature, always eat the same food — every aspect of their existence is rigidly controlled. Not so for man. We live in the “wild,” as it were. Our genetic profiles vary significantly, making each of us, from a research point of view, far different from each other. How we age depends on a complex interaction between the individual and his environment over time, but the best predictor of longevity is having long-lived parents. In other words, our genetic composition can predict our life expectancy and susceptibility to disease. But this is substantially modified by our diet, the stressors in our lives and our ability to cope, smoking or exposure to environmental pollutants, our socioeconomic status, the level of public health programs and sanitation and many other inputs. While we cannot choose our parents, we all have the capacity to live healthier lives. Eat right, exercise and learn how to cope with stress and a longer and better life will be assured. Dr. David Lipschitz is the author of the book “Breaking the Rules of Aging.”
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50 Plus News Magazine
6A • 50plus • May 2013
Your home will sell in any market! We have been through some truly spectacular financial shifts over the last six years. Though real estate home values have followed these economic ups and downs throughout history, one constant throughout the years has been the saleability of residential homes. Homes continue to sell
because the desire to own a home versus rental has been and always will be the preferred choice for those seeking housing. It is a myth when you hear, “I can’t sell my home.” Homes sell in any market in any condition. It is just a matter of price and marketing. The
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only reason some homes will not sell is due to faulty pricing and preparation for the market. There is a range of pricing for any home. Location is the basis point for the actual low to high range of pricing a home, and condition is the determining factor as to where the final sales price will settle within that range. So when a home is properly priced in any market, the seller of that property will attend a closing in a reasonable time. When it comes to pricing, a Realtor or appraiser suggests a listing price by using other homes currently listed and recent sales to determine where your home would fit into the range of pricing based on the condition at the time it is offered to the public for sale. Only the homes that are not priced properly will fail to sell…again, only the homes not priced properly will fail to sell in any market. You also have control over where your home will fit in its particular price range by determining how you will offer your home to a prospective buyer. You can: * Sell as is - Many sellers choose to sell their home as is, with no preparation or downsizing. Homes in need of great structural repair and the interior show poorly. These properties generally sell to a ‘cash’ buyer, meaning no lender or mortgage would be needed. These buyers generally purchase for investment and would either rent the home, or do a ‘flip’ where they would rehabilitate the home and sell it for a profit. These sales would generally be 40-60 percent below the top of the range for that home. The time on the market, if priced properly, is usually 10-30 days.
* Sell in good but dated The majority of my clients would like to sell their homes in good condition but somewhat dated. Dated condition means that the flooring and carpeting may be older, the walls may need painting and kitchen and baths not AGING updated. These homes will also sell in ISSUES By Tomtime. Frazier any market in a reasonable The key is to base the price on its condition and to make sure the home has been ‘thinned out’ meaning no clutter. Also, I suggest that major defects are repaired such as basement, roof, furnace, plumbing and electrical systems. * Stage the homePLANTING - If you want TOMORROW’S the top dollar, the peak of the range DREAMS TODAY for your home, stagingByisBrad a great way Olson to achieve this result. Professional interior designers suggest cosmetic improvements so that your home will appeal to today’s buyer. They will even bring in furniture and accent pieces to enhance the look of your home. This process works best when you, the seller, move to your new home first, takSPORTSproping your furniture andSports personalPlus By Jack Pearson By Jack Pearson erty with you. Many of my clients hire a professional downsizing company to orchestrate the downsizing. They bring in the dumpster for items to be thrown out, send items to charity organizations and hold an estate sale for the remaining items.
Nemovitz continued on page 7A
May 2013 • 50plus
• 7A
Tax cuts, Seniorcare, Family Care and other budget items By Tom Frazier MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUTS A major initiative in the governor’s 2013-2015 proposed budget is an income tax cut of $343 million over the biennium. This would be accomplished by reducing the three lowest tax brackets from 4.6 to 4.5 percent, 6.15 to 5.94 percent and 6.5 to 6.36 percent. According to the Legislative Fiscal Bureau (a non-partisan legislative agency), almost half of the tax decrease would go to those with incomes over $100,000 with half of that going to tax payers with incomes between $100,000 and $150,000. Taxpayers with incomes under $25,000 would see a little less than two percent of the total decrease. The largest number of tax filers is in the $30,000 to $40,000 range, and they would receive 5.44 percent of the total decrease. The second largest group is in the $100,000 to $150,000 range, and they would realize 24.65
percent of the decrease. The next group that would benefit the most is those in the $150,000 to $200,000 range who would receive 10.85 percent of the tax cut. An estimated 73 percent of all tax filers would have a tax decrease under the proposal, with an average tax decrease of $83 a year. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the governor chose not to restore the tax increases included in his last budget on low-income elders and working families with children who receive tax relief through the Homestead Tax Credit program and the Earned Income Tax Credit program. SENIORCARE Wisconsin’s highly popular Rx drug program for lower-income older persons is continued under the governor’s proposed budget. However, estimated funding for the program is reduced by $51.6 million over the biennium to $92.9 million in the first year and $96.6 million in the second
year. The Department of Health Services says that the decrease is due to increased utilization of the federal Part D Rx program, and a decline in overall Rx drug utilization. This decrease is not cause for alarm since, as a Medicaid waiver program, all those eligible for SeniorCare will be enrolled and receive benefits. FAMILY CARE The good news is that this successful long-term care program is continued in this budget, and there is an increase in funding to fully fund the development of Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs). The bad news is that there is no expansion proposed for the remaining 15 counties that have not yet implemented Family Care. There are eight counties that have completed the planning process and want to begin implementation but, so far, their wishes are being ignored. Family Care has proven to be the most cost-effective long-term care program
Nemovitz continued from page 6A
ties and those who choose not to listen to the professionals who offer proper advice as to pricing and preparation. A properly priced home based on its condition and location will sell in any market! Bruce Nemovitz is a Senior Real Estate Specialist, as well as Certified Senior Advisor, who has sold residential homes in the four county Milwaukee-Metro areas for 37 years. He is one of only a handful of Realtors who are continually included in
the top seven percent in client satisfaction in the Milwaukee metro area. He’s rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau, and was a finalist for Concordia College’s Ethical Business Leadership Award. Bruce works with his wife, Jeanne, at Realty Executives Integrity. Please feel free to call Bruce or Jeanne with any real estate questions you may have at 262-242-6177, or email at You also can go to their website at
Once the property is vacant, the stager does the magic and transforms your home into the diamond in the rough that awaits a buyer who has been through average to below average homes. This buyer will pay a premium price for a home in this move-in condition that will more than pay for any investment made to upgrade it. So, the myth ‘I can’t sell my home’ only applies to those who choose to avoid today’s market reali-
according to studies by the Department of Health Services, and seven of the eight counties in northeastern Wisconsin have data that indicates an actual savings over their existing programs. DHS continues to support expansion of a self-directed program that costs $1,000 more per person per month than Family Care. OTHER ITEMS The governor proposes to increase funding for nursing homes by $26 million. The governor’s budget prohibits local governments from instituting or enforcing residency requirements and prohibits employers from bargaining collectively to impose such a requirement. And, the governor recommends changing the funding for Mass Transit Operating Aids from the Transportation Fund to the General Fund beginning in fiscal year 2015. If approved, this would represent a major threat to mass transit funding.
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8A • 50plus • May 2013
Hearing loss and older adults
Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions affecting older adults. One in three people older than 60 and half of those older than 85 have hearing loss. Hearing problems can make it hard to understand and follow a doctor’s advice, to respond to warnings, and to hear doorbells and alarms. They can also make it hard to enjoy talking with friends and family. All of this can be frustrating, embarrassing, and even dangerous.
What should I do? Hearing problems are serious. The most important thing you can do if you think you have a hearing problem is to go see a doctor. Your doctor may refer you to an otolaryngologist, a doctor who specializes in the ear, nose, and throat. An otolaryngologist will try to find out why you have a hearing loss and offer treatment options. He or she may also refer you to another hearing professional, an audiologist. An audiologist can measure your hearing. Sometimes otolaryngologists and au-
Serving The Hearing Needs of Milwaukee For Over 60 Years According to Consumer Reports Health, the “suggested choice is a medical office headed by an Otolaryngologist (an Ear Nose & Throat Physician) who employs an Audiologist to fit and dispense hearing aids.” Anne Mudlaff, M.S., Audiologist • Robert Gogan, MD., Otolaryngologist
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diologists work together to find the treatment that is right for you. If you need a hearing aid, an audiologist can help you find the right one Why am I losing my hearing? Hearing loss happens for many reasons. Some people lose their hearing slowly as they age. This condition is known as presbycusis. Doctors do not know why presbycusis happens, but it seems to run in families. Hearing loss can also be caused by a virus or bacteria, heart conditions or stroke, head injuries, tumors, and certain medicines. What is hearing loss and how can I prevent it? Hearing loss occurs when the ear is damaged preventing the perception or ability to hear sounds. Patients often report difficulty hearing with background noise, understanding speech, or a muffled sound quality. Hearing loss can come in three types, conductive, mixed, and sensorineural. A hearing test, performed by an audiologist, will determine both the type and degree of hearing loss. If you have concerns about your hearing, have it tested. The most preventable form of hearing loss is hearing loss caused by noise exposure. Many people expose themselves to noise without knowing that it could potentially cause hearing loss. Daily noises such as lawn mowers, power tools, motorcycles, snow mobiles, musical instruments, and iPods can cause hearing loss. To prevent hearing loss caused from noise it is important to use hearing protection, such as; ear plugs or ear muffs to reduce exposure to noise. An iPod can be internally limited through the settings to reduce exposure to loud levels. Decibel limiting earbuds are also available to provide a safe listening environment. Musician’s earplugs can be used to reduce exposure while maintaining the sound quality of the music. Protect your ears. These questions and answerers are by Tracey Irene, AuD, CCC-A, of Professional Hearing Services, a division of Moreland Ear, Nose and Throat Group of Waukesha. She may be reached at 1-262-549-5150. Visit their website at
What treatments and devices can help? Your treatment will depend on your hearing problem, so some treatments will work better for you than others. Some of the most common devises to improve hearing are hearing aids, personal listening and TV listening devices, direct audio input hearing aids, telephone amplifying devices, mobile phone amplifying devices as well as Cochlear implants. Can my friends and family help me? Yes. You and your family can work together to make hearing easier. Here are some things you can do: • Tell your friends and family about your hearing loss. They need to know that hearing is hard for you. The more you tell the people you spend time with, the more they can help you. • Ask your friends and family to face you when they talk so that you can see their faces. If you watch their faces move and see their expressions, it may help you to understand them better. • Ask people to speak louder, but not shout. Tell them they do not have to talk slowly, just more clearly. • Turn off the TV or the radio if it does not have to be on. • Be aware of noise around you that can make hearing more difficult. When you go to a restaurant, do not sit near the kitchen or near a band playing music. Background noise makes it hard to hear people talk. Working together to hear better may be tough on everyone for a while. It will take time for you to get used to watching people as they talk and for people to get used to speaking louder and more clearly. Be patient and continue to work together. Hearing better is worth the effort. I think I need a hearing aid. How do I know for sure? Are the tests painful and how do I know I am getting the right one? The moment that someone thinks they need a hearing aid, they should contact a state certified Hearing Instrument Specialist or Audiologist to be tested for a hearing loss. The test results will show if you have a hearing loss and the severity for the loss. Stud-
hearing continued on page 9A
May 2013 • 50plus
hearing continued from page 8A
ies show that when someone makes the decision to be tested, they probably should have done so 6-7 years prior. Hearing tests are not painful. The process that includes testing and consultation should take 45-60 minutes. Hearing aids come in 3 tiers of pricing. Basically, think of this as good, better and best. Most hearing losses can be addressed with the better price selection. The patient will have a 30 day trial period. During this time it’s important to have an open dialog with the hearing professional regarding the pros and cons of the function of the hearing aid. It’s important that the professional discuss with the patient the real expectations that the hearing aid will provide. If the hearing aid provides the patient the ability to understand speech better in several listening environments you’ve picked the right one. Question above has been answered by Andy Cmeyla of Home Hearing Aid. He may be reached at 1-262-253-2151.
I sometimes hear ringing, roaring, clicking, buzzing or hissing sounds. What does this mean? If you experience any of the above symptoms, you are not alone. Approximately 50 million American adults experience tinnitus. It can occur at any age, and can begin suddenly or get gradually worse. Tinnitus, the perception of sound in the head, has many causes but the most common include noise exposure, hearing loss, a head injury, and side effects from medication. Most of these sounds are heard when in quiet environments, so try keeping a constant noise source around you. A sound generator (i.e. pink noise, white noise, or recorded sound samples) or fan typically work the best. If you have hearing loss, hearing aids may help relieve the sounds you are hearing. For more information, visit the American Tinnitus Association at www.ata. org. This question was answered by Anne Mudlaff, M.S., of Milwaukee Ear, Nose and Throat of Mequon and Milwaukee. She can be reached at 262241-8000. Visit their website at www.
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• 9A
10A • 50plus • May 2013
Local MDs offer latest advances in ophthalmology By Cheryl L. Dejewski At least 16 million Americans struggle with the daily challenges of low vision. And that number is expected to reach epidemic crisis levels. Why? “As baby boomers age and people continue to live longer, more Americans are hitting the age bracket where risk levels for debilitating eye conditions increase,” warns Mark Freedman, MD, partner and surgeon at Eye Care Specialists, one of Wisconsin’s leading ophthalmology practices. What can you do to protect your vision? Brett Rhode, MD, Head of Ophthalmology at Aurora Sinai Medical Center and partner at Eye Care Specialists, advises, “Your best protection is to schedule regular, comprehensive eye exams. Our practice strives to offer the latest technology to detect, track and treat nearly every cause of vision loss. But the most advanced equipment and finest services in the state are of no use if people don’t utilize them.” The following are just a few of the cutting-edge devices and procedures his practice wants people to know are available.
Diagnostic Laser Eye Scans
“With the fast, accurate, non-invasive and painless OCT scanning device, we can generate a CTlike scan of the retina and optic nerve to detect, track and treat signs Diabetics often do not notice a probof glaucoma, lem until it’s so far diabetic advanced that lost retinopathy, sight can’t be remacular stored. OCT scans degeneration, may prevent this. and other sight-threatening diseases— often even before any damage occurs. The information gained from a single OCT scan is often more useful than any other diagnostic tool for protecting vision,” notes Freedman. “If you are at risk for sight loss, you may want to ask about having an OCT scan.
Cataract Lens Implants
Cataract surgery requires making an opening in the eye to remove the cloudy lens (cataract) and replace it with an artificial Blurry vision due to lens (to once cataracts increases again focus the risk of falls and light rays onto accidents. the retina). Standard lens implants (IOLs) are “mono-focal” or single-focus. They are like miniature internal contact lenses set for a single prescription power—usually to provide clear vision in the distance (for driving, watching TV, etc.). Most patients, still need to wear reading glasses or bifocals to focus up close. “Now, however, we can offer patients a new option,” explains Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD, an eye care specialist with credentials from Harvard and Johns Hopkins. “Some ‘premium’ IOLs are ‘multi-focal’—providing multiple focusing zones for a full range of vision day and night, near and far. At least 70% of multi-focal IOL patients can see to read, drive, do computer work, or perform most any activity—while never or only occasionally needing glasses. At Eye Care Specialists, we’re pleased to offer these special implants to qualified candidates upon careful review of expectations, costs, and other concerns.”
Glaucoma Laser Treatment
“We typically treat glaucoma with prescription drops (often with only one drop a day). For some patients, howLeft untreated, glaucoma can ever, laser treatlead to “tunnelled” ment may be loss of vision. effective in both controlling glaucoma fluid pressure and reducing the need to use drops.
Our surgeons are trained and utilize the highly specialized LTP, SLT and ECP laser procedures on an outpatient basis to qualified candidates. which take less than 10 minutes at our outpatient surgery center and are covered by Medicare and most insurances,” says eye surgeon Daniel Ferguson, MD, who is also trained in the use of a special glaucoma drainage implant. “If successful, laser surgery can help to reduce the hassle and expense of buying and taking drops.”
Eye Injections to Treat AMD & Diabetic Eye Disease
“This is truly one of the greatest advances in ophthalmology in the past 50 years,” reports Ferguson, Eye injections can help stop loss of who sees vision to AMD (as patients of shown) and diabetes. all ages at Eye Care Specialists’ West Allis and Mayfair locations. AMD is the leading cause of central vision impairment in Americans over age 50. As baby boomers age and life expectancy increases, AMD looms as a growing health and cost concern. "That's why we're so excited about the results we're getting with injections of revolutionary medications, like Avastin, Eyelea and Lucentis, that can inhibit the growth of the abnormal blood vessels that cause ‘wet’ AMD.” (They are also used to treat diabetes-related vision damage.) “Although there are NO guarantees, we have seen remarkable results with in-office medication injections. A few years ago, there wasn't much we could do. But, with regular injections (about every month or so), we have been able to stop the progression of wet AMD in 90% of our patients, and even had up to 30% gain improvement in vision. . . . It’s incredibly rewarding,” adds Rhode, who performs sight-saving injection treatments on a daily basis.
Restasis Dry Eye Therapy
“In addition to other treatments, we utilize Restasis, a prescription drop which treats the inflammatory process that causes dry eye disease, Dry eye disease rather than just is a painful and acting as a reirritating condi- wetting agent to tion involving an reduce symptoms,” imbalance in tear notes Freedman. film components.
FREE Booklets Call 414-321-7035 for free booklets on AMD, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes or dry eyes. Or call one of the offices below to schedule a comprehensive evaluation. Since 1985, Eye Care Specialists has provided comprehensive care for virtually every eye condition to more than 121,000 Wisconsinites and has made the following achievements: ■ First in state to utilize phacoemulsification (ultrasonic) cataract removal & foldable artificial lenses ■ Forerunners in OCT laser scanning technology for eye disease diagnosis, tracking and treatment ■ Leaders in AMD, glaucoma & diabetic eye disease treatment (including lasers and Avastin injections) ■ Provide continuing education and operating room instruction for optometrists and physicians ■ Information source for local media ■ Accept Medicare & most insurances ■ “Top Doctors”—Milwaukee Magazine and M Magazine
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EDITORIALS Diversification and allocation STATE CAPITOL Are you feeling confident that the COMMENT stock market is going to continue to By Matt Pommer grow? Are you certain your financial plan is positioned to weather any market cycle? Have you repositioned your portfolio to increase the downside protection in case the market corrects? If you answered “no” to any of these then it is time to meet with your financial advisor and develop a strategy you are comfortable with. MOVING IN THE There are many RIGHT variables DIRECTIONin the financial worldBywe cannot control. Bruce Nemovitz We cannot control inflation, and even though we hear on the news that inflation is at zero percent, everything seems more expensive these days. We cannot control taxes no matter how meticulous our tax advisor is or who are serving in government. We cannot control rising health AGING care costs or insurance premiums. WeISSUES have no control over market volatility orFrazier investment By Tom performance. In a profession where we are focused and rewarded on planning, you can imagine that having so many variables to contend with can be tricky. What can we do? It’s simple: we can identify, assess and prioritize your overall risk. PLANTING TOMORROW’S DREAMS TODAY By Brad Olson
Imagine a large picture window in your home, with a clear, beautiful view. Now imagine that a neighbor’s child hits a baseball right through the middle of it, causing it to shatter and fall to Emma To your dismay you realize the ground. that you must replaceBythe Auntentire Emma window. Next, imagine a beautiful window with panes dividing the glass into twelve segments. Now if a ball smashes through the window you might only need to replace some of the panes. You can think of your investment portfolio as a large picture window. Are you comfortable being completely exposed or do you prefer to have some cushion among your risks? The best tool for reducing risk in your investment portfolio is diversification. Many financial advisors believe
Sports Plus
By Jack Pearson
ly, none of those situations is realistic. Our lives and emotions around money are always changing. It is important to communicate with your advisor and be willing to make any necessary adjustments to better align your portfolio with your current goals and objectives. When asset allocation is implemented effectively and continuously monitored, it can create a resilient investment portfolio with both downside protection and upside potential.
Answer Man
Ellenbecker Investment Group, in Pewaukee, provides comprehensive financial planning services. EIG has an A+ rating with the BBB and has twice been awarded the Wisconsin BBB Torch Award for Business Ethics and Integrity. Learn more at or call (262) 691-3200 to schedule a complimentary consultation. Securities and advisory services offered through SII Investments, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC & Registered Investment Advisor. Ellenbecker Investment Group, Inc. & SII Investments are separate companies. Diversification and asset allocation do not guarantee positive results; loss of principal may still occur.
call for a complimentary consultation! SPORTS By Jack Pearson
we listen
before we advise,
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MONEY SENSE By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
fundamentally in asset allocation. This diversification strategy helps minimize losses and has been proven over time. To use the window analogy, in asset allocation if one asset class (or pane) has a sharp reduction or volatile cycle, the rest of the portfolio is insulated from that particular risk. It would be inaccurate to suggest that being well diversified makes you completely immune to market volatility, but a well diversified asset allocation model will prove effective in minimizing overall investment risk. The asset allocation model portfolio that is right for you is determined by evaluating your personal goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. There is no “one size fits all” approach to asset allocation. A well-developed asset allocation is only the first step to successfully using diversification as an investment model. Equally important is your advisor’s method for monitoring and making adjustments when necessary. A buy-and-hold strategy works only if the investment’s grade is continuously high, performance is always good and nothing ever changes in your goals, risk tolerance, age or time horizon. Clear-
May 2013 • 50plus
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
N35 W23877 Highfield Court, Suite 200 | Pewaukee WI 53072 | 262.691.3200 | Securities and advisory services offered through SII Investments, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC & Registered Investment Advisor. Ellenbecker Investment Group, Inc. and SII Investments are separate companies.
Now a regular guest contributor The Morning Blend on TODAY’S TMJ4 . Watch Karen the second and fourth Tuesday every month. The Morning Blend on TODAY’S TMJ4 airs weekdays from 9 to 10 a.m.
12A • 50plus • May 2013
Same-sex marriage and Social Security -- Again By: Tom Margenau As I am writing this, the Supreme Court is hearing two cases involving the controversial topic of same sex
marriage. This is an issue I have discussed before in this column, obviously with respect to how it might impact Social Security. I decided to resurrect
that column and reprint it here because the subject is so timely. So here is a question and answer I printed in that original column. And I will follow it up with some feedback I got from my readers after the column ran the first time. : I am a 61-year-old gay man who is about to retire. I have a 60-year-old partner. We have been together now for 38 years. I have worked all my life. My partner has spent most of his life as a stay-at-home husband and father. (Yes, we raised a son and daughter, both of whom are now very successful.) I really enjoy your column and have learned a lot from it. But I have never seen a column in which you have discussed Social Security issues that impact gays and lesbians, especially with respect to benefits for spouses. What can you tell us about this? : Frankly, there isn’t much to tell you that doesn’t apply to everyone else. In almost all respects, Social Security is the same for straight people and for gay people. You said you worked all your life. So you will qualify for reduced Social Security retirement benefits when you turn 62. Or you can choose to wait until 66 to get your full rate. Or you can even wait until age 70 to retire, at which point you would get your full benefit plus a 32 percent delayed retirement bonus. But there is a huge difference for gays and lesbians when it comes to spousal benefits. There aren’t any! I am accustomed to telling people that Social Security follows state law when it comes to marital relationships. In other words, if your state says you are legally married, then Social Security will consider you legally married. Of course, all states recognize routine marriages between a man and woman. But this rule becomes an especially important issue for people involved in “common law” relationships. There are only a few states that recognize common law marriages, so there are only a few states where people in such relationships will qualify for spousal benefits from Social Security. As most people know, there are also only a few states that recognize same sex marriages as being legal. So
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normally I would be able to tell you that if you were married in one of those states, your partner would qualify for Social Security spousal benefits on your record. Unfortunately, as I’m sure you know, there is a federal law that trumps state laws on these matters. It has the silly name (in my opinion) of the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA. Among other things, that law essentially says that when it comes to any kind of spousal benefit from a federal program (and Social Security is the biggest of all federal programs), those benefits can only be paid if the marriage is between a man and a woman. As one might guess, that law was passed by a very conservative Congress in 1996. President Clinton signed the bill into law and has pretty much regretted that move ever since. I know I am putting my liberal stripes on display here. My conservative readers will take offense at what I am saying and will send emails blasting me for my views. But I just have a hard time understanding why the law allows a divorced spouse in a heterosexual relationship who was married for only 10 years to claim full benefits from the ex-spouse’s Social Security record — and possibly be due benefits from another account if there was a second failed marriage that lasted 10 years. Yet the partner of the person who wrote this letter, someone who has been part of a couple for almost 40 years, someone who has raised two wonderful kids, can’t claim a nickel of his partner’s Social Security benefits. Where is the justice in that? As you might guess, after that column initially ran about seven months ago, I got many responses. And frankly, the replies really surprised me. Out of perhaps 200 emails that I received, only four of them took issue with what I wrote. Three of those four responses quoted Bible verses and essentially told me that my “sin” for supporting gay and lesbian marriage was as damnable as the “transgressions” committed by same-sex couples themselves. Two of the four wondered if I would support marriage between a man and an animal. Really! That’s how wacky some people’s thought process can be.
Choosing buying versus leasing? By: Doug Mayberry : My husband and I are retiring, and we plan to move to a retirement community in about two months. Our problem is that we have a choice of either buying or leasing a unit there, and we cannot decide what the best choice should be. What would you recommend? : It boils down to your best guess. Many retirees believe that in retirement it will be like living on a cruise ship without water. We cannot escape responsibilities, nor will we be able to learn if we made the best choice until a later date. Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle of it. Mark one side “pros,” and mark the other side “cons.” List items such as your likely future health, your financial capabilities, your social activities, pets in the community and the general amenities and maintenance and whether you’re interested in attending classes. Would leasing for a year offer you extra time to evaluate your lifestyle change? Could a year’s lease that includes an option to buy prove benefi-
cial? Will real estate prices go up or down? Should a negative unanticipated family development require you to help out? Is it better for you to buy or keep your nest egg handy? Is heath care available? Do not be surprised if other issues do not raise their heads. Many seniors like the idea of settling in and owning their home. Becoming a part of a new community and getting rid of a lot of maintenance details is a great stress reliever. Handling emotional, financial and family decisions for seniors is enough of a challenge for most of us. However, remember the best part of retirement is that it provides the freedom we have looked forward to for most of our lives. HOORAY! : Seniors as well as younger individuals sometimes get down in the in the dumps for a couple of hours without justification. It just happens! I do not understand my negative thoughts and believe they are mostly based on loneliness, fear, boredom, missing friends or whatever. Do you have any suggestions to pep me up when I experience these downers?
May 2013 • 50plus
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: A quick and positive solution that works is to distract yourself by reminiscing about your younger days. Reminding yourself of a great belly laugh that you experienced with your family and friends will lift your spirits. You cannot beat laughing for a tune-up! Exercise is one of the most satisfying pleasures we can enjoy. Flinging yourself out the door for a 15-minute walk will distract you and make you feel better and more upbeat. Just people watching reminds us of how happy a positive outlook can be. Burst out loudly singing your favorite song and enjoy taking a few dance steps. Call up a friend and tell him/her you were just thinking about them and how much they mean to your life is a winner. Lunch isn’t too bad, either! Doug Mayberry makes the most of life in a Southern California retirement community. Contact him at
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14A • 50plus • May 2013
Handball is a great sport, but its future is in doubt Handball is one of the best individual sports ever devised. And yet, the sport now has a pile of problems. Let’s look at its positive points first. For hundreds of years the sport of handball has been an exciting, ultra fast and highly competitive activity played by skilled and dedicated athletes. It’s also a relatively inexpensive sport as well; meaning, it doesn’t cost a fortune to play, such as with golf and many other games. For equipment, all one needs, besides a pair of good athletic shoes, is a small, hard rubber ball and a pair of handball gloves to protect the hands. And it’s a wonderful sport to keep you in shape because the action is intense and almost non-stop. A game or two will give you a real workout. For a long time, especially in the decades after WWII, southeastern Wisconsin was a national hotbed for the sport, boasting such stars as Simie Fein, Ray Neveau, Tom Schoendorf, Ernie Virgili and Jim White, all ranked among the top players in the entire country. In the Milwaukee area during that era, the sport was played in several locations, primarily the Milwaukee Athletic Club (better known as the MAC), the Jewish Community Center, the downtown YMCA and the Eagles Club. It was also played in a number of Milwaukee Fire Department stations that had their own courts where firemen played the game during their off hours. During the height of its popularity, the sport was so in vogue that at those organizations listed above courts were filled to capacity 12 to 14 hours a day. Some of the clubs had to limit the time players could use the courts to 45 minutes, to give everyone a chance to play. Because of its great popularity, in the late 1960s builder-developer Art Patch decided to construct The Milwaukee Racquetball Club. It was located on N. 117th St., just south of Burleigh, and it was the only facility of its kind in Wisconsin built specifically for handball and its related sports, racquetball and squash. In fact, it was one of the only such clubs in the country. It soon became one of the favorite sports venues in the area, and many well-known local figures be-
SPORTS Sports Plus
By Jack Pearson
By Jack Pearson came involved with the club. For example, Rod Lanser, who later became a Milwaukee alderman and also director of Summerfest, was one of its managers. Members included a gentleman who later became a U.S. Congressman and owner of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, Herb Kohl; as well as John Shinners, who played NFL football with Cincinnati. Bob Kendler of Chicago, founder of the U.S. Handball Association, was a frequent visitor to the club and helped sponsor tournaments there. A few years later, another similar facility offering handball and related sports came into being, the Wisconsin Athletic Club on Highway 100 in West Allis. It was also innovative in that it offered courts with unbreakable glass walls, which allowed for watching the games in progress. In the past, the courts were surrounded by solid walls; therefore, viewing was done only through a small window in the entry door, so watching the action was extremely limited. Point of clarification: the sport of handball discussed here is a one-onone (singles) or two-on-two (doubles) game played on an indoor court. Competition is pretty much confined to the United States and Canada. There is another sport called handball (or field handball) that is actually a team sport and bears no resemblance to the court sport. It is played outside in an open field and more resembles lacrosse or soccer. It is played in other areas of the world and in the Olympics every four years. It was once called “field ball” and still should be. In any event, the handball discussed here is played indoors and within courts originated in Ireland more than a thousand years ago. It became very popular in the mid-1880s when a gentleman named Mehan Baggs developed into an unbeatable star. Baggs had conceived a procedure
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone Two of the top handball players in Wisconsin for many years, Ray Neveau (left and serving) and Simie Fein. Between the two, they had more than 40 state and U.S. championships. in which he hit the ball in such a way as to make it spin and curve on the rebound, to the bewilderment of all his opponents. Challengers came from all over, England and the Continent, to try their skills against him, but he beat them all. The sport was brought to the U.S. in the early 1900s by another Irish lad, Phil Casey. He immigrated to New York, and was amazed that there were no handball courts in this country, and obviously no handball play. So he decided to build a court of his own, and the game quickly became popular. A few years later, the U.S. Amateur Athletic Union adopted the sport and began conducting tournaments. And during the next several decades, the game spread to other large cities in the east, then all the way across the continent to Los Angeles, and somehow made stops in Chicago and Milwaukee. There’s not much written history of the early years of the sport. What is recorded is that the first national champion was Bill Ranft of the Los Angeles Athletic Club in 1919, who won the singles title and also, with his partner Jim Lacey, the doubles crown in the same year. Three years later, the national singles championship was won by a Milwaukee man, Art Shinners. Two decades later, a Chicago player, Joe Platek, came along and dominated the sport like no other player ever has, winning the U.S. Singles Championship every year from 1935 through
1941, and again in 1943 and 1945. He had won nine titles in eleven years. The sport really boomed in Wisconsin after World War II. In addition to the five listed above – Fein, Neveau, Schoendorf, Virgili and White – there were other top-flight players. Also listed alphabetically, they included Bob Anderson, Marv Bines, Jerry Cronin, Burt Dinkin, Irv Hansen, Arnie Heling, Ray Jeske, Wally Kewan, Gus Kopatich and later his sons Tom and Jim Kopatich, Chuck Kostrivzas, Jerry Lawetzke, Ray Leske, Frank Milonzi, Don Pichotta, Dick Roth, Les Simon, Mark Simpson, Jack Stebbins, Ray Stark, Dan Trost and Dick Wickersham. Please note that the late Paul Haber’s name is not included. Even though he may have been one of the greatest handball players in the world ever, Haber only resided in Milwaukee briefly. He actually lived all over the country at one time or another, and competed in national events, where he won many championships. I’m sure there are some fine players from that era whom I’ve not listed, if so I apologize. The problem is that no one, not the state handball association or any of the handball clubs, kept complete records. So if you weren’t there in person to see them play, and there’s no written account, if you want to know who won what, what you must do is to talk to some of the old-timers. The best handball players, such as those named above, are invariably
May 2013 • 50plus
topflight athletes. They possess a combination of speed, agility, strength and endurance, and have the reflexes of a cat. Almost all of them have also been very good in other sports. I haven’t touched much on handball instructors and club directors. Two of the best were at the MAC, first, for many years, Jim White, and then Dan Trost. By the way, most of the time handball is played in a four-wall court, which has a ceiling. It is also played in three-wall courts, which have no ceiling or back wall, and in one-wall courts, which have no side or back walls and no ceiling. That last version is usually played on courts set up on seaside beaches and resorts. What is the negative side of handball? Although handball today is played in the Milwaukee area in a number of locations, four of the old standbys are no more. When the Jewish Community Center was relocated from Milwaukee’s east side to Mequon a few years ago, the decision was made (not without a good deal of opposition from many of its members) not to include any handball courts. The Downtown YMCA is also gone; the building was sold to Marquette University and has been converted into a student dorm. And the sport is no longer conducted at the Eagles Club. Even the Milwaukee Handball Club, opened specifically in 1971 because of the great demand for court time, has closed its door. (The portion of the club that was a restaurant still exists; it’s called the Open Hearth and is a fine dining facility.) Handball is still played at the Milwaukee Athletic Club in Milwaukee, and especially at the Wisconsin Athletic Club on Highway 100 in West Allis, which also has affiliate clubs in downtown Milwaukee, Waukesha, Greenfield, Wauwatosa and Fox Point. The club recently hosted the annual state handball championships as well as the gala “Irish Days” handball festival, the latter on March 17 in honor of St. Patrick’s Day and the country where handball originated. Handball is also played in the area at some of the suburban YMCAs, at the Blast Athletic Club on Hawley Road and a few other venues. But at all of them, racquetball play now far exceeds that of handball. Handball advocates and the Handball Association don’t like to admit it,
but the sport is declining in acceptance “Right,” he plunked a ball into that and use. The courts are still busy, but hand and told me to throw it against now primarily with racquetball play. the front wall and to catch it with the Whereas once there were thousands of same hand. I did, and thought it was handball players in southeastern Wis- going to be easy. Then he said to take consin, the Fox River Valley and in the the ball with my left hand, and repeat Madison area, today there are only a the procedure. Again I did, but with no couple hundred, and perhaps less. Few speed or accuracy. It felt very clumsy, if any women play the game. And, whatever hope I had turned to fruswhich bodes ominously for the sport’s tration. The instructor laughed, and future, few young people either. Is assured me that every beginner had there a high school, college or univer- the same experience. He then instructsity in the state of Wisconsin where ed me to continue throwing the ball handball is offered and taught? against the wall, with my left hand, unThus, as it has come to pass with til I could do it as well as I could with former Milwaukee Braves baseball my right. He said it might take weeks, players and Marquette University or months, and perhaps I might never football players, the numbers of good attain that ability. handball players are diminishing. Of that list of top flight players above, a few are dead, and those who are left are in their 60s, 70s and 80s. Another stumbling block is that almost always the only places in which you can play handball are in private clubs or organizations where you have to be a member or guest to get on the court. Some places allow outsiders to come in and play for a one time fee, say $25. But here’s the biggest problems facing the sport. Handball is an ex- Here’s a rare photo of another of Wisconsin’s tremely difficult sport to master, and all-time great handball player, Ernie Virgili that’s true even for accomplished ath- (left), and a couple of his pals from Kenosha. letes. It is not difficult to learn, but to Serving is football star and Heisman Trophy master. As the name indicates, handball winner Alan Ameche, and to the right, another is a sport played using the hands—both gridiron star, Mario Bonofiglio. hands, and both with gloves. Compare doing that, as opposed to playing rackWell, I didn’t. I didn’t possess the et sports such as squash, racquetball, patience, or in truth, the skill. And I badminton or tennis, all played with suspect that most people who try to a racket with a forehand or backhand learn the sport go through much the swing. In handball, a player can’t do same thing. And if you can’t use both that. A player can’t return a ball hit to hands with somewhat equal skill, you his left by reaching over with his right can’t play handball well. Basically, hand; well, he can, but it’s awkward it would be like trying to play golf and the ball won’t go anywhere. So if without learning how to swing a club. you’re playing handball, and you are And because it is so difficult to teach right-handed, your opponent will al- yourself how to use your “off” hand ways hit to your left, and you will nev- and arm, the sport of handball is more er win a match. You may not even win often being replaced by racquetball. a single point. Both sports are played in the same The only way to become profi- courts, and both have basically the cient at handball if you’re right-hand- same rules. ed is to first learn to use your left hand Aside from people who want to and arm, vice versa. Here’s what an learn the sport or just to watch it, for instructor had me do when I was try- the general public, handball doesn’t ing to learn how to play the sport many exist. Visit any bookstore and see if years ago. We went into a handball you can find even a single book or court, where he first asked me if I was magazine about it. You might find right or left handed, and when I said, something about that team handball
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sport, but nothing about the sport we are concerned with here. That is also true if you try to search the Internet. The sport is rarely mentioned by either the print or electronic media, even when championships are held. A causative factor is that when there is a championship match, hardly anyone sees it. Handball would be a terrific spectator sport if there were any way for large amounts of people to view it. Unfortunately, handball courts have always been made of solid walls with the only viewing through that small window. The Wisconsin Athletic Club has attempted to rectify that problem by building their courts with glass walls, but even that allows for only a small group to watch. So is the game really dying out, going the way of the automobile running board and the telephone booth? I asked a gentleman who knows the game as well as anyone, Simie Fein. “I love the game of handball,” Fein said. “Just about all of my closest friends are handball players. But I’ll be the first to agree with you that the sport is facing some serious problems. “It’s always been one of the toughest sports to learn to play well. When I was learning, I actually tied my right arm to my body, forcing myself to use only my left hand in play. It’s far easier to learn and adapt like that when you’re young. In that regard, I think the only way handball is going to endure is if more young people are taught how to play, and if more people see and learn about the sport. “I remember once when I was playing in a tournament at the University of Texas. It’s a competitive sport there, and many high schools offer and teach it. For the tournament, the university had an all-glass walled court set up in their basketball arena, and more than three thousand people watched the matches. (By the way, Fein won that tournament.) “Here in Wisconsin, the only school that has handball courts is UWM, and I don’t think it’s taught there or offered as a sport.” What Simie said is right. Handball needs help, and the schools can offer it. That is, if they should choose to do so. Now, as Bugs Bunny says, “That’s all, folks.”
EDITORIALS Special considerations for traveling overseas with the grandkids CAPITOL 16A • 50plus • May 2013
tt Pommer
There’s nothing like time spent with the grandkids to keep you on your toes and make you feel years younger. Lots of grandparents love the opportunity to have the grandkids MONEYvisit SENSEthem By Karen Ellenbecker for long weekends, extended holidays & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky during and, of course, for longer visits summer break, which may even allow for vacation time together. Having the chance to take the grandkids can be a breeze. Here are a few tips for travelgrandkids out of the country on vacaAPRON Emma ing with kids that can help make the tion with you is sure to be quite an adSTRINGS long trip go smoothly for the kids and Aunt Emma venture that all of youBywill remember Answer Man for a lifetime. Although traveling with grandparents. Also included are some kids often presents certain challeng- safety travel tips so everyone gets es, with a little knowledge of safety there safe, sound and in one piece! travel tips and pointers for a stress free flight, your overseas trip with the
m Frazier
Tips for Traveling with Kids suggests that you throw the normal routine right out of the window! It works best for the sanity of everyone involved if you can be more flexible and go with the flow a little more while traveling long distances with kids. Allowing them to have video game time, watch movies on the airplane or jam to their iPods can really go along way to help the time fly by for them (and you!) Safety travel tips from for traveling abroad include keeping a close eye on the grandkids at all times. Be sure to hold their hands while walking in crowded areas and do
not allow them to go out alone. It is much better to fly at night with kids. This may help the kids relax and will avoid you having to entertain and keep them occupied! Carry a recent picture of your grandkids with you when you travel and make sure they all have identification cards with contact information with them at all times. If you follow some of these simple tips for traveling with kids, you can all have a much more relaxed and enjoyable trip abroad and return home with plenty of great memories to share. Content Provided by
Forever young: 3 crazy things you should do with your spouse on vacation
Reinvigorate your love life next might need a list to remember game time you go on vacation with your equipment, special clothing or outspouse by playing forever young. door gear. ANTING ORROW’S Here are three crazy things you can MS TODAY do, but start with a couple important Fun & games -- remember the hula ad Olson other lists: packing checklist so you hoop? Still have one? Bring it along don’t forget what you really need and and try two inside the hoop. Do something new, like bungee jumping or a things to do list. Lists are the mainstay of reality winter camping. for many people, young as well as older. A list takes the heat off your brain; Shower mania -- when you are ORTS rts Plus you stay organized and don’t have to young, showers are for a lot more than getting cleaned up. Bring along k Pearson deal with that awful feeling of forgetk Pearson fulness and embarrassment when you the hippie loofah sponge and some can’t find or forget something. Make special creams or lotions. Plan a nice lots of lists, but keep them organized massage and then try a two-person By Enis Wright shower for added fun and romance. in one place so you don’t lose them! A packing list for your vacation jaunt comes in handy when you have Try a mystery tour. Set a destinawithtionJim McLoone but don’t use the map. Have some special plans in mind. For example, if you want to do some of the crazy idea of what direction to go and take things from your youthful days, you some interesting back roads. Be flexi-
ble about where you end up spending the night; you might rediscover some really neat old inns along the way. The journey and the stay should be fun and filled with surprises.
Be crazy, take your time and create some new memories with youthful flavor. Content Provided by
Mother’s Day Poem By Gayle Schilz
Love is more than poetry or more than words can say. I see the grace that’s in her eyes. She means everything to me. So please Dear Lord, what can I give unto thee? Please except this heart of mine that I offer thee? Even if I see a tear I know it is not fear. She is so kind and gentle. So I give her my love to last throughout the year. I see the sun and moon and stars and every flower fair. I see her gentle grace that always fills the air. When it comes to mothers, she is all of the above and rare. I see her grace and beauty so what more can I say. When it comes to moms, Happy Mothers’ Day. “A mother’s love is the closest to God’s love. We are love and peace becomes the way for you and me. We exist at this moment a reflection of who we are. We are unchanging impartial love and peace.
By Matt Pommer
May 2013 • 50plus
Emma: What’s this world need? Wisdom, courage and women
By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
MOVING IN THE Hi! Here we are again and I am RIGHT DIRECTION happy as a larkBy in Bruce the park these days Nemovitz as it appears that the spring season finally has arrived. What will the rest of this belated season be like? It is time to get my apron on and get with it. Let’s just start by knowing that this is a day that God has made. Let us rejoice and be glad. I heard a preacher say this once and it AGING obviously made a great impression on ISSUES me. I would like to take advantage of By Tom Frazier this day to enlighten your mind and lift your spirits. As we girls talked about this morning at Gertie’s over coffee, crunchies and munchies, there is so much strife in life today that we really need wisdom and courage to rightly not just face the day, but to do so with understanding and kindness. The kindness PLANTING bit really makes TOMORROW’S us think about how DREAMS we talk about others whenTODAY they aren’t By Brad Olson part of our group. We’re supposed to love each other as brothers and sisters. If we really did this, we’d understand that no two of us are alike. As my hubby would say, “Thank the good Lord for that.” As for the “brothers and sisters bit,” we almost pulled a Cain and Abel on each other when we were growing up. SPORTS Sports Hubby Henry, who is Plus not much By Jack Pearson of a church person, doesPearson go with me By Jack on Sundays just to please me (and I hope the good Lord, too). Henry says he doesn’t really care for our preacher, saying that he repeats himself. I tell Henry that all preachers repeat themselves. After all, there only are 10 Commandments. Pushing Henry to faithfully and prayerfully join me, I tell him that he doesn’t care for the way that new waitress at the Ham and Egger gossips with customers when she should be refilling coffee cups, but he still goes there regularly. I tell him he has to look past his feelings about our preacher and set his mind to the fact that both he and the preacher are in church to praise God. I guess that is about enough about our pastor, etc. I won’t even write anything about another of Henry’s pet religious peeves; all the fancy art works, ornamentation and expensive
Answer Man
By Aunt Emma
things in the churches when so many people who are starving to death could be helped by our worshiping less ostentatiously; in other words, with a bit less. Generosity has to be part of a person’s real faith. Amen to this subject. We girls decided this morning that if there were no women in the world, it could not exist. What I really mean is that we are compassionate, nurturing and helpful. We may never be named as the “Player of the Year,” but we’re here setting good examples if only from the sidelines, behind the scenes or even just in the kitchens. I suspect that too many of our husbands just take us for granted. We often are the ones who offer the solutions to the problems that may present themselves. But we’re not about to say that we know who really caused the problem. We seldom run out of patience. Speaking of patience, Henry told a cute story to me about the man who walked into the doctor’s office, said that he had the shingles. The office girl summoned a nurse, who took him into another room and again he said, “I have the shingles.” By Enis Wright She told him to undress so he could be checked over by the doctor who would be right in to see him. The doctor came in and immediately asked, “Where do you have the shingles?” The man answered, “They’re on the truck outside for the roofers to use tomorrow.” Do enjoy a happy and a much appreciated Mother’s Day.
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
50 Plus News Magazine
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S AY n
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HERMAN WHITE WRITES 18A • 50plus • May 2013
Through May 5 Jackie & Me First Stage Children’s Theater, Marcus Center for the Performing By Enis Wright Arts Young Joey Stoshack is a headstrong boy with the unique power with to travel through time by way of a baseball card. Joey travels to New York City in the year 1947 to meet one of history’s greatest baseball players, Jackie Robinson. For tickets call the Marcus Center Box Office, (414) 273-7206.
a.m. for many items to refurbish your home! Visit
May 3 Annual Milwaukee/Nari Foundation Rummage Sale Milwaukee Millwork 11712 W. Dixon St. Looking for a sale! Be there at 8
May 11 Tails on the Trail Dog Walk Greenfield Park Jim 2028McLoone S. 124th St., West Allis Join us for the Wisconsin Humane Society’s first annual dog walk at Greenfield Park. Registration fee and information at tailsonthetrail2012. May 11 – 12 Native Plant Sale Wehr Nature Center 9701 W. College Ave., Franklin Find just the right plants for your home’s landscaping. From 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
May 12 Have a Happy Mother’s Day! May 14 – 26 Dixie’s Tupperware Party Vogel Hall-Marcus Center Join Dixie as she makes a stop in Milwaukee to throw a good ol’fashioned Tupperware Party filled with outrageously funny tales, heartfelt accounts, FREE giveaways, audience participation and the most fabulous assortment of Tupperware ever sold on a theater stage. Call (414) 273-7206 for tickets. May 18 Arthritis Walk University Lake School 4024 Nagawicka Road, Hartland The Arthritis Foundation’s annual nationwide event that raises awareness and funds to fight arthritis. Registration for this free event is available online at http:// or
at the event. Participants that raise $100 will receive a free t-shirt and those that raise $250 are eligible for National Arthritis Foundation incentive prizes. May 18 Waukesha County Museum Open House 101 West Main St., Waukesha In honor of historic preservation month the museum will be open from 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., free. For more information on our other hours of operation, please call (262) 521-2859. May 26 Maxwell Street Days Firemen’s Park, W65 N796 Washington Ave., Cedarburg Popular flea market with a varied selection of vendors and their wares. Call (262) 377-8412 or visit
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HERMAN WHITE WRITES May 2013 • 50plus
Alzheimer’s Support Group Jackson Crossing Lakeshore Building N168 W22026 Main St., Jackson By Enis Wright Held third Wednesday of each May 27 month, 6 p.m. Respite care is availBadgerland Water Ski Show able. Please call for reservations at with Jim McLoone Frame Park, Waukesha (262) 677-8864. Free Water Ski show, human [ [ [ [ pyramids, jumps, barefoot skiing. Afternoon Dance Bring a lawn chair or blanket and American Legion Post #449 enjoy free family fun. (414) 6403245 N. 124th St., Brookfield 6361 or visit Everyone Welcome! Second Monday of every month, May 27 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., Big Band dance. Pewaukee Lake [ [ [ [ Water Ski Show Charles Horwitz Planetarium Lakefront Park, Pewaukee S14 W28167 Madison St. Memorial Day water ski show. Waukesha (414) 350-8713 or For more information on upcoming programs visit - www.waukeFuture Events June 6 – 13 [ [ [ [ Downtown Dining Week Milwaukee Art Museum Be sure to participate in one of 700 N. Art Museum Dr. the restaurants in the area and try Open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday something new! For restaurant Sunday. Call (414) 224-3200 or go listings visit www.milwaukeeto[ [ [ [ ingweek. Milwaukee County RSVP – Interfaith Older Adult June 12 – July 7 Programs, Inc. Wicked Contact Eddie at (414) 220-8655 Marcus Center for the to be a volunteer. Performing Arts [ [ [ [ Back by “Popular” demand, one of Milwaukee Dancing Grannies Broadway’s biggest blockbusters Interested in becoming one of Marcus Center Box Office, (414) Milwaukee dancing grannies? 273-7206. Contact us at (414) 630-4493. [ [ [ [ On-Going Museum of Wisconsin Art Alzheimer’s Support Group 300 South Sixth Ave., West Bend Cedar Bay West, Fellowship Hall, Public hours, Wednesday – Satur5595 County Road Z, West Bend day 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and SunMeets second Wednesday of each day 1 - 4:30 p.m. (262) 334-9638/ month from 1 to 3 p.m. For tails, call (262) 306-4230. [ [ [ [ May 27 Memorial Day Remember the fallen military veterans today!
• 19A
HERMAN WHITE WRITES 20A • 50plus • May 2013
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
Fast-talking Tupperware Lady, Dixie Longate, packed up her catalogues, left her children in an Alabama trailer park and is taking America by storm! Join Dixie in Vogel Hall as she throws a good ol’ fashioned Tupperware Party filled with outrageously funny tales, heartfelt accounts, free giveaways, audience participation and the most fabulous assortment of Tupperware ever sold on a theater stage! CONTAINS ADULT INNUENDOS. MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 16.
MAY 14-26 • VOGEL HALL • MARCUS CENTER 414.273.7206 • • Tickets $45 • Groups of 10+ Save! Call 414.273.7121 Ext.210
O.A.S.I.S. 2414 West Mitchell Street Fifty Five Plus Travel Club meets monthly. For details, call (414) 647-6041. [ [ [ [ Potawatomi Bingo Casino Senior Day is every Tuesday of the month. That means more chances for you to win! [ [ [ [ Schlitz Audubon Nature Center 1111 E. Brown Deer Rd. Milwaukee Call for information at (414) 352-2880 Ext. 0. [ [ [ [ SC Johnson Tours Golden Rondelle Theater 1525 Howe St., Racine Reservations are required; admission is free, open all year on Fridays only. Offering three tour programs that run from 1 to 3.5 hours. For information, contact, SC Johnson Wax Tour Office (262) 260-2154. [ [ [ [ Square Benders Club Modern square dance lessons for singles and couples. Call for details at (414) 355-9424 or (414) 964-5443. [ [ [ [
Stillwaters Cancer Support Services 2607 N, Grandview Blvd., Ste 110, Waukesha Visit or (262) 548-9148. [ [ [ [ Racine Art Museum Free Friday RAM, 441 Main Street, Racine For details, call (262) 638-8300 or [ [ [ [ Vagabond Ski & Social Club May 1st Knights of Columbus Hall 3200 S. 103rd & Oklahoma Ave. An active social club for singles and married couples. Meeting and dance, 7:30 (meeting). Admission fee. [ [ [ [ West Allis Public Library Sales 7421 W. National Ave. Book sales are held the second Saturday of each month from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Check US out at:
May Poem
May 2013 • 50plus
The many toilers of winter look forward to May. It arrives as almost another very nice payday. Trees fill out as limbs again grow leaves. As nature awakens, the hungry spider weaves. It toils until it catches insects in its net. One insect, two, three, the net was a good bet. The lowly insects, not one will be a pet. Environmentalists know spring won’t last long. So quickly, they salute Mom Nature in song. The atmosphere is such that all nature is alive. You doubt it? There’s a bee heading to the hive. School sports move outdoors, like track and field. In track most run, while some a javelin do wield. Both young and old take to the game of tennis. Watching from afar, some servers are a menace. Now in fishing season, at lakes some cast for bass. But game wardens check fishers for licenses. Alas! By now, drive-ins are busy serving ice cream. Please ask for service. There’s no need to scream. School time for a few now becomes a real drag. But patient teachers may frown, but never nag. As for adults, many find golf as their spring game. For fun they play; there’s never a thought of fame. They play on fairways so smooth and ever green. A bad shot or two, they pretend not to be seen. All the while, farmers busily plant many a seed. Then they spray. There’s no space for a weed. Yes, May of 31 days certainly will be good. Nature’s creatures agree, most are in the wood.
• 21A
I’m 55+. What do I do now? Professionals age 55+ with talent, experience and generosity of spirit can make a social impact and reinvest a career’s worth of skills towards serving a nonprofit in their community. Learn How What is ReServe Southeast Wisconsin? ReServe Southeast Wisconsin is operated by Interfaith Older Adult Programs and matches continuing professionals age 55+ with part-time service opportunities, which are critical in helping nonprofits meet their mission These opportunities allow you to give back to your community while earning a stipend.
Attend a First Impressions information session in Milwaukee. To register, go to and click on “Register” in the upperright corner.
Questions? Learn more at southeastwisconsin or contact us at 4 14.220.8643 .
22A • 50plus • May 2013
Ron was quite an athlete as a youngster, especially in basketball. There was one big problem. Because of his work, Ron’s father had to move from one location or another quite often, so the family didn’t stay in one spot for very long. Born in Kenosha, Ron started his high school days in Prentice, then as a sophomore he was at Superior High, and concluded with his last two years at Manitowoc Lincoln. At Superior, Ron played on the school’s basketball team with Bud Grant, who later went on to coach the Minnesota Vikings for many years. In Manitowoc, he really blossomed, earning all conference honors in basketball and finishing second in the conference honors in scoring. He also played on the football team and was on the track squad. He played well enough that, in 1997, he was elected into the school’s hall of fame. After high school, Blomberg earned a bachelor’s of science degree from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. This was followed by his coaching career, which included six years at Peshtigo, 11 at Brookfield and four more at Wayland Academy in Beaver Dam. In those 21 years, his teams won 12 conference championships. While at Peshtigo, he was head coach in basketball, football and track. At Brookfield, he was the head coach of basketball and baseball. At Wayland, he was the athletic director and basketball coach. While he was at those schools, Blomberg also taught physical education and health. His coaching achievements earned him another honor, this time to the Wisconsin Coaches Hall of Fame. Blomberg also founded and operated summer camps where youngsters could come to learn the game of basketball. Those camps, for ages eight through 18, eventually grew in number to 19 different sites in eight midwestern states, totaling more than 4,000 campers a summer. In the later years, some of the instructors were Milwaukee Bucks’ players. The Bucks became affiliated with the camps after a while, and they even became known as Bucks’ camps. But it was Ron who ran them. Ray Patterson, who was the headmaster at Wayland during Blomberg’s tenure there, became general manager
In the early years of the Milwaukee Bucks, these two gentlemen handled the radio and television broadcasts: Eddie Doucette, play by play (left), and Ron Blomberg, analyst and color commentator.
of the newly formed Milwaukee Bucks in 1968. Recalling Blomberg’s varied abilities, it was Patterson who asked Blomberg to come to the Bucks as an assistant coach and scout. He accepted, but soon took on other responsibilities. After Wayne Embry succeeded Patterson as the Bucks’ GM, he asked Blomberg to become his administrative assistant. Blomberg also served as an assistant coach during practice sessions, and, of course, he continued to run the camps. After a few more years, Blomberg was asked to join the legendary Eddie Doucette in the TV and radio booths as a television sports analyst. “The years that I was with the Bucks almost seem like a dream,” Blomberg, now 85, recalled. “I say ‘dream’ because it all was so incredible. It was the greatest success, with some of the greatest players, not only for Milwaukee but for any city in the country, in any era.” He paused and leafed through a large scrapbook his late wife, LaVerne, compiled of those years. “Players included Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Oscar Robertson, Bob Dandridge, Jon McGlocklin, Brian Winters, Junior Bridgeman and Bob Lanier. It would have been a thrill just to watch them play, but here I was, a part of the same organization. What an era. Not to minimize the Bucks’ teams since then, but do you realize that the
Bucks have retired only seven player numbers, and six of them were from among those seven I named. The only one whose number hasn’t been retired yet is Dandridge, and, as far as I’m concerned, he was as good as most of them. In ’70 – ’71, the Bucks won the NBA championship in only their third year of play. That was and still is the quickest of any expansion team, in any major pro sport, which has ever won a championship. In that year and for the next two, the Bucks won 60 or more games a season three times. They have only won as many as 60 once in all the years since then. Yes, it was a magic time, and I’m so happy and proud to have been part of it.”
When he was on the air, Blomberg was so analytical of Bucks’ play on the court that he was nicknamed “The Old Professor.”
It was broadcaster Doucette who gave Blomberg the nickname “The Old Professor.” He said, “Ron’s knowledge of the game was almost encyclopedic. At halftime, when he’d start explaining the plays and procedures, he’d be like a college professor conducting a class. For a guy who had no broadcast experience, he did an exceptional job.” Blomberg concurred with Doucette’s assessment, up to a point. “When they put me in the TV booth with Eddie, I had absolutely no experience behind a microphone. You think it’s easy; it’s not. The first time Eddie turned the mic over to me at that first game, I choked. I couldn’t say a word. Eddie laughed, and had to take the mic back and talk himself. But I learned, and it was because of Doucette. He taught me everything.” Although Blomberg left the Bucks’ organization in 1980, he has kept close to the team in all the years since primarily because of two men, John Steinmiller and Jon McGlocklin. When Blomberg was in his first year with the Bucks, Steinmiller, a Marquette student at the time, came on as a part-timer in public relations. He also helped out at Blomberg’s summer camps. Then, when he was replaced in the television booth as an analyst, it was McGlocklin who took over. And amazingly, after nearly four decades, both men are still with the Bucks’ organization. The three men were good friends when Blomberg was there in the ‘70s, and still are. Blomberg and his wife, LaVerne, had five children, three sons and two daughters. Their son, David, died at age 10, and another, Don, died in 2007. The third son, Steve, lives in Waukesha. One daughter, Chris, lives in Florida, the other, Barbara, in Georgia. There are nine grandkids. It was because of LaVerne’s health that Ron left the Bucks and relocated to Arizona. LaVerne died there when she was only 53 years old. “She was a wonderful wife and mother,” he said. “And a beautiful person. I was never the same after she died.” Blomberg has had his own health issue recently when he suffered a heart attack and had a pacemaker inserted. But he said he is doing just fine, words of assurance from the old professor.
May 2013 • 50plus
killing time continued from page 4A k k k k k made two of 22 free throws in a White Mother’s Day looms large this House show. month. Take a few moments to think k k k k k about your mom. Sending an email to a person is k k k k k reminiscent of the time when people MONEY SENSE I heard about the man who excitsent each other postal cards.TRAVEL Today, Karen Ellenbecker Julie Ellenbecker edly was reading a book on levitation. -Lipsky most of these are relegated to vacation sending. “Wish you were here, but not I’m told he could not rise to the occasion of putting it down. really.” k k k k k k k k k k I like North America just like it APRON Remember those old time detecTRINGStives like Charlie Chan, Dick Tracy is. A CITI Bank person says that by y Aunt Emma Man andAnswer others in the early movies, the the year 2020 we could easily become radio time serials and comic books. the new Middle East. He, of course, How much more quickly they could was referring to our production of oil. have solved those mysteries if they We now are producing over one milhad security cameras. We’re moving lion more barrels of oil a day than we, closer by day to a lifestyle of scrutiny meaning the United States, Canada and Mexico, did in 2008. by others almost everywhere. k k k k k k k k k k Do you own a hybrid car? You We will miss Jay Leno on late night TV. For when it was tough to must drive a lot of miles to justify fall asleep, I just turned on Jay’s pro- the difference in new vehicle price, usually $8,000 to $10,000 more. But gram. EY SENSE with the rising prices of gasoline, how k k k k k n Ellenbecker Ellenbecker Barbara Walters is said to be re- many miles might that be? Perhaps reLipsky tiring. It is only right that she put the gretfully, we see oil as the main fuel source for many years to come. “re” in front of tiring.
nt Emma
HT of
calendar SENIOR Answer Man
60CRABBY Dear SAM: I always hesitate when I am driving in busy traffic; and when I do this I have a tendency to slow down and am often honked at for doing so. with JimI McLoone At times, have problems keeping up with what is considered as the minimum speed limits and I never accelerate nearly enough to go to maximum speed. My husband says I am just an accident waiting to happen. Your opinion and/or suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks much, Gwen Trainor
mental fitness. It is There is also SeniorDriving. This has certain exercises that may help your alertness. Your eyes need much more light as you reach ages 60 and upward. Also, be careful about driving if the pills you are taking may be said to cause drowsiness. I believe firmly that there is no established age at which a driver no longer is capable of being behind the steering wheel. Your family will probably be the first to suggest you give the keys to your car away. But if you are computer savvy, please check out the online programs. Do drive carefully. The life you save may be your own. Good luck, Senior Answer Man
T f
Dear Gwen: I am a great believer in AAA service and also read the magazine. Let me paraphrase a few suggestions in a recent issue of AAA. I believe it is good advice. There is a resource program that’s free and is online that will help improve your
• 23A
k k k k k Sometimes it requires an old STATE CAPITOL COMMENT soldier to help other soldiers. Take By Matt Pommer Howard Winterthur, for example. The Vietnam War veteran is active in a campaign to restore the aging Soldiers’ Home buildings at the VA. To help, go to k k k MOVING k INkTHE RIGHTmost DIRECTION We just figured out of the By Bruce Nemovitz federal abbreviations and now they come along with FOIA, the Freedom of Information Act. k k k k k Would you believe that God, disappointed with Adam and Eve due AGING ISSUES fruit, to their eating of the forbidden
gave them children? The children were a problem as we’re told in the Bible. So what did God do next? He returned Adam and Eve to happiness by giving them grandchildren. k k k k k SENSEwe missed Being in MONEY Florida, By Karen Ellenbecker Poncho Pelisse’s 90th Birthday cel& Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky ebration. From what we’ve heard, very few others weren’t there. k k k k k We learned recently that the APRON Emma restaurants that are using smaller STRINGS By Aunt Emma plates to save money are alsoAnswer helping us stay healthier, for quite naturally, we eat less off of smaller plates. k k k k k
By Tom Frazier
Church and Chapel HERMAN WHITE FUNERAL SERVICE PLANTING Non-Sectarian TOMORROW’S DREAMS Skubal-Slattery, TODAY Bros., Koelsch, By Brad Olson
Ritter, Larsen Ryczek, Rudolph, Bistricky-Irsch-Grosse-Abe, Leszczynski
262-827-0659 ARTS ENTERTAI
PROFESSIONAL SERVICE • Church and Chapel Funeral Services provides dignified funeral services in your church, cemetery chapel, our funeral home chapels, or the chapel of your choosing with SPORTS Sports Plus savings of more than $2,000 are common. By Jack Pearson By Jack Pearson • For example, we provide the service in your church, or beautiful cemetery chapels are available when final disposition is made there. • We make personal service arrangements in the comfort and privacy of your home, church, our arrangement office, or any of our funeral home locations.
• We display monuments, caskets, vaults, and urns making Church and Chapel your one stop planning center.
• Pre-planning Centers are open Monday through Saturday or by appointment. Stop by and browse at your leisure and receive free no-obligation information. Should you wish, we can meet in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
• Dignified Services with less expensive fees compared to other fine funeral homes.
Ritter-Larsen Chapel 1875 N. Calhoun Rd.
Rudolph, Larsen Bros. Chapel Bluemound Rd. at Hwy. J 4 Blocks South of I-94
• All cremation service options are available utilizing on-site crematory. PRE-PLANNING CENTERS • 92nd & Bluemound • Bluemound Rd @ Hwy J
With Church and Chapel Funeral Service... Savings of $2,000 are common
Ryczek Chapel 1910 W. Becher St.
New Berlin
Ritter, Larsen Bros. Chapel 15250 W. National Ave.
Bistricky-Irsch-Grosse Chapel 6709 W. Capitol Dr.
Ryczek , Larsen Bros. Chapel 3774 E. Underwood Ave.
West Allis
Skubal-Slattery-Koelsch, Larsen Bros. Chapel 7626 W. Greenfield Ave.
-Gordon Hinkley Gordon Hinkley is the spokesperson for Church & Chapel and is not a funeral director.
SECTION B • May 2013
etirement community directory
MONEY SENSE By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
By Tom Frazier
Answer Man
2B • 50plus • May 2013
1800 Kensington Dr., Waukesha
262-548-1449 • FREE Utilities • Spacious Floor Plans • Free Indoor Parking • Pets Welcome (limited) • Social Activities • On-Site Bank, Chapel,
Beauty Salon, Fitness Center • Convenient Elevators • Transportation to Shopping • Located on City Bus Line • Pergola and Gazebo w/BBQ grills
1414 S. 65th St., West Allis • FREE Heat, Hot Water • FREE Underground Parking • Elevator • Courtyard with Gazebo, BBQ Grill • Social Activities for Everyone • Near Historic West Allis Shops
BERKSHIRE Communities
BERKSHIRE GREENDALE 7010 W. Grange Avenue, 53129
• Near Historic Downtown • Laundry rooms on each Greendale & Southridge Mall floor • Spacious floor plans with • Free underground/surface walk-in closets parking • Balcony or patio with all • Business & fitness centers, homes community room & BBQ • Heat and hot water included patio • Pets cherished • Select homes with washers • Alive with daily social & dryers activities! Professionally Managed by OAKBROOK CORPORATION
• On-Site Exercise Room & Classes • Beauty Salon & Library • Near Senior Center, Walgreens, Banks • Located on Bus Line
210 S. Main St., Oconomowoc
• Pet friendly with some • Spacious floor plans restrictions • Ceiling fans • Elevator service to all floors • Walking distance to the downtown area and two lakes • Laundry room on each floor • Activities w/Oconomowoc • Free heated underground parking Area Senior Center on site • Free heat and water
Comfort, Privacy, Peace of Mind... What More Could You Ask For?!
S30 W24890 Sunset Drive, Waukesha, 53189 (Corner of Prairie Ave. & Sunset Drive)
• Full-size balcony/patio with every home • Spacious open floor plans with walk-in closets • Free underground/surface parking • Heat & water INCLUDED • Laundry rooms & storage
BERKSHIRE GRAFTON 1004 Beech St., Grafton
Set up a personalized tour today!
units on each floor • Convenient shopping at the New Shoppes on the Fox River • Pet friendly (restrictions apply) community, library, computer & fitness areas • Social Activities for every one!
Join our carefree style of living!
• Convenient location in the heart of Downtown Grafton • Heat & water included • Free underground/surface parking • Same floor storage units
• Patio or balcony for each unit • Media center, fitness room, community room & patio for everyone’s enjoyment
Affordable Living In The Heart of Grafton! *Income Limits May Apply
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• 3B
do Stu miniu m dio On e-B Two edroo m -B Two edroo Units mU -Be Off droom nits -St Pl r Un eet Pa us der rkin g On round g Bus Pa Sha Line rking red Lau Lau ndr ndr yH yF ook aci -Up Pri litie vat in P s eG riva te U ara Poo nit ge l Exe rcis Air e Roo m Co Pet nditio s nin g Sec ure Cab d Entr anc le T e Clo V se t Han o Sho ppi dic n ap Co Acc g nve nie ess nt A ible cce s
May 2013 • 50plus
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Alta Mira II Senior Apartments 3
Contact Person: Suzanne Steiner
community directory
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Available homes in a wide array of floor plans. Free high-speed internet access, and one heated underground parking space is included. Located in Menomonee Falls, near churches, shopping and downtown.
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 There is a deck or patio from every unit, walk-in closet. Income limits apply.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Located in a quiet-residential setting, you will have all utilities included in rent, lobby and library with fireplaces, guest suite, lots of activities, store, bank and beauty salon!
Berkshire – Greendale
7010 W. Grange Ave., Greendale Contact Person: Joann Cizel 414-421-4900
Berkshire at Kensington
1800 Kensington Dr., Waukesha 262-548-1449
3 3
3 3 3
210 South Main St., 3 Oconomowoc, WI 53066 Contact Person Sandy Griesemer
3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
Berkshire – Oconomowoc
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 www.berkshire– Located in a city setting.
Lake Terrace Apartments has a new look! Patio
Spring Open House and Tour
Living Room Bedroom
Monday, May 13th
from 1 to 3 p.m.
1380 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Oconomowoc
Kitchen Washer/ Dryer
Live music with keyboardist Howard Schneider performing a variety of Jazz and Big Band Music from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Tour our newly refurbished areas, sample refreshments, register for door prizes and experience active adult living at its best. Meet residents and learn about this exciting lifestyle option.
Lake Terrace living includes:
A lake at your doorstep. A private clubhouse for gracious dining and gatherings. Security, activity, and friendships without the worries of home ownership. Spacious one and two-bedroom apartments now available. • Underground heated parking • Art studio and fitness area • Wi-Fi Internet and Satellite TV included • Transportation to local shopping and activities • Library, billiards, game room, woodworking shop • Continuum of care setting, and priority admission to Shorehaven and Shorehaven Tower
RSVP to (262) 560-6919 or email
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community directory
Berkshire Senior Apts
1004 Beech St., Grafton, WI Contact Person: Jill Recore 262-376-9661
3 3 3 3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Berkshire at Sunset
S30 W24890 Sunset Dr., Waukesha 53189 3 Contact Person: Rhea Whiteley 262-548-0131
Berkshire West Allis
1414 S 65th St., West Allis 3 Contact Person: Chris Sorensen 414-258-2720
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
Contact Person: Cathrine Boerschinger
3 3 3
Berkshire Senior Apartments is located in a quiet-residential city setting.
3 3 3
We offer spacious open floor plans with a balcony/patio in every home, located in a quiet-residential setting. Complimentary parking, heat and water included & great social activities! Income restrictions apply.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Free heat, storage, community room, outdoor courtyard with gazebo and BBQ grill, computer center, beauty salon, social activities, across from West Allis Farmer’s Market, in a city setting.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Breezewood Village is located in a park-like setting with a meal site next door.
3 3 3 3
Breezewood Village
450 Sunnyslope Dr., Hartland
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do Stu miniu m dio On e-B Two edroo m -B Two edroo Units mU -Be Off droom nits -St Pl r Un eet Pa us der rkin g On round g Bus Pa Sha Line rking red Lau Lau ndr ndr yH yF ook aci -Up Pri litie vat in P s eG riva te U ara Poo nit ge l Exe rcis Air e Roo m Co Pet nditio s nin g Sec ure Cab d Entr anc le T e Clo V se t Han o Sho ppi dic n ap Co Acc g nve nie ess nt A ible cce s
4B • 50plus • May 2013
RENTS starting at
$550 1BR $675 2BR
for Value?
You will find it here!
Williamstown Bay Senior Apartments AFFORDABLE APARTMENTS FOR THOSE 55+
Spacious 1 & 2 Bedroom Units • Elevators • Intercom, Entrys • Community Kitchen & Living Rooms • Walking Distance to Shopping, Parks & Entertainment
3400 E. Ramsey Ave. • Cudahy
Professionally Managed by Oakbrook Corporation Income Limits May Apply
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community directory
Brookfield Highlands
20825 George Hunt Circle, Brookfield Contact Person: Trish Driver 262-798-9898
3 3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
Burnham Village
5202 W. Burnham Street, West Milwaukee Contact Person: Ken Becker 262-240-9406
3 3
3 3
3 3
Cedar Glen
1661 River’s Bend, Wauwatosa Contact Person: 3 Suzanne Steiner 262-719-3884
3 3
3 3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3
Cedar Lake Village Homes 5595 County Road Z, West Bend Contact Person: Jill Pink 262-338-4626
3 3 3
5020 South 55th Street • Greenfield • Call 414-282-0506 Beautiful serene country setting overlooking a private lake. Close to shopping, churches and medical facilities. Heated underground parking, blinds and ceiling fan. Beautiful community room. • Heat & Water Included • Air Conditioned • Intercom Access • Appliances • Community Room with Kitchen • On Bus Line starting at • Laundry on each Floor
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath 930 Sq. Ft. $870 / month
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• 5B
do Stu miniu m dio On e-B Two edroo m -B Two edroo Units mU -Be Off droom nits -St Pl r Un eet Pa us der rkin g On round g Bus Pa Sha Line rking red Lau Lau ndr ndr yH yF ook aci -Up Pri litie vat in P s eG riva te U ara Poo nit ge l Exe rcis Air e Roo m Co Pet nditio s nin g Sec ure Cab d Entr anc le T e Clo V se t Han o Sho ppi dic n ap Co Acc g nve nie ess nt A ible cce s
May 2013 • 50plus
200 Southtowne Dr. • South Milwaukee • Call 414-764-5335 Quiet spacious apartments, elevator, underground parking, community room, library and exercise room. Friendly atmosphere. Larger units available. • Heat & Water Included 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath • Air Conditioned • Fitness Center 930 Sq. Ft. • Resident Library • Laundry on each floor starting at $870 / month • Quality Appliances • On Bus Line
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Spacious, remodeled one and two bedroom apartments in a park-like setting. No entrance or endowment fee. Community room, guest suite, beauty/barber shop, garden area, social activities and more! Tenants pay 30% of income for rent. Gas heat and hot water included. On-site management. Building also includes community room. Cable TV available, but not included. City setting. For seniors 55 and better in quiet-residential city setting. Includes one heated underground parking stall, water, heat, and garbage removal, monthly planned activities, club room for social gatherings, and much more.
Spacious homes nestled on 245 acres on Big Cedar Lake. Clubhouse, activities, access to Cedar Ridge restaurant, pool and more!
s to
Cedar Landing at Elkhart Lake
community directory
101 Cedar Lane, Elkhart Lake Contact Person: Monica Smith 920-876-4050
3 3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Part of Cedar Community. New side-by-side homes with center park, gazebo, pond, clubhouse and assisted living on site. In the heart of Elkhart Lake resort community.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Restaurant, country store, activities, wellness nurse, woodwork shop, 2-hole golf course, college courses, business & shipping center all available on site.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Located on the southern edge of a residential neighborhood, offering income eligible and market rate apartments. The convenient location is near bus lines, neighborhood shopping centers, restaurants and parks.
Cedar Ridge Apartments
113 Cedar Ridge Drive, 3 West Bend Contact Person: Betty Christen 262-338-2811
3 3 3 3 3
Clare Heights
717 W. Holt Avenue, Milwaukee Contact Person: Christine Slock
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
Clare Meadows 7700 S. 51st Street, Franklin Contact Person: Beth Nacker
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do Stu miniu m dio On e-B Two edroo m -B Two edroo Units mU -Be Off droom nits -St Pl r Un eet Pa us der rkin g On round g Bus Pa Sha Line rking red Lau Lau ndr ndr yH yF ook aci -Up Pri litie vat in P s eG riva te U ara Poo nit ge l Exe rcis Air e Roo m Co Pet nditio s nin g Sec ure Cab d Entr anc le T e Clo V se t Han o Sho ppi dic n ap Co Acc g nve nie ess nt A ible cce s
6B • 50plus • May 2013
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
Offers luxurious, income-eligible or market-rate senior apartment homes. Floor plans are available in one or two-bedroom layouts. Located in the peaceful country setting of Franklin.
a brand new life at
In July 2004, Judy did not think twice about Independent Living at Harbour Village for her new home. Shortly thereafter, Betty, Judy’s mom, moved in to enjoy the good life in Assisted Living. You will rarely find Judy in her apartment, because she’s always on the go, enjoying the things she has always loved–theatre, museums and so much more. Judy loves life because she feels energized, safe and cared for by her new family and friends.
Celebrating 25 Years
of Quality Service and Care to Milwaukee Area Seniors Harbour Village
Independent Living Assisted Living | Memory Care 5700 Mockingbird Lane Greendale, WI 53129
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community directory
Clement Manor
Retirement Community 9405 W. Howard Avenue 3 Contact Person: Kim 414-321-1800
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3
Cottonwood Trails
4600 S. Nicholson Ave., 3 Cudahy Contact Person: Deb Geisler 414-254-8490
Crestview of Woodland Ridge 3904 S. Prairie Hill Lane, Greenfield
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 The lifestyle you deserve! Gracious, affordable, relaxed living for seniors 55+ conveniently located. Enjoy living without the worries of maintenance. Heat, underground parking, laundry hook-ups, all in a quiet-residential and park-like setting.
Deer Creek Village
3 3 3 3 3
3 3
East Terrrace
801 N. East Ave., Waukesha Contact Person: Renee Hammen 3 262-544-9757
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
Beauty salon, free parking, community room, resale shop, library, exercise area, puzzle area. Located in a city setting.
3 3 3 3 Spacious one and two bedroom apartments located in a park-like setting. No entrance or endowment fee. Community room, fitness center, library, social activities and more!
Foresthill Highlands
8930 West Highland Park Ave., Franklin Contact Person: Lori Woodie 414-425-6611
Forest Ridge, a Wimmer Community Senior Residence
Contact Person: Geeta & Christine 262-790-0033/262-790-1845
3 3
3 3
3 3
11077 W. Forest Home Ave., Hales Corners Contact Person: Mary Zurowski 414-425-1148
Foxbrook & Capitol Hill Senior Apts
3 3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Francis Meadows
2209 Browns Lake Dr., Burlington Contact Person: Stan Janowski 262-210-8501
Offers income eligible apartments. Cottonwood Trails offers a non-smoking environment for those interested in independent living. Located near the bus route, stores, restaurants, and a shopping center.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Sponsored by the School Sisters of St. Francis; full-time Pastoral Care, Life-Long Learning Courses; short-term rehab services.
Offers income eligible apartments. Walk-in closets and laundry hook-ups are available. Within the community there is an exercise room, hair salon, media room with internet access, and spacious common area with fireplace.
Contact Person: Brandon Froom
3601 147th St., New Berlin Contact Person: Lorillee Krebsbach 262-641-9410
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• 7B
do Stu miniu m dio On e-B Two edroo m -B Two edroo Units mU -Be Off droom nits -St Pl r Un eet Pa us der rkin g On round g Bus Pa Sha Line rking red Lau Lau ndr ndr yH yF ook aci -Up Pri litie vat in P s eG riva te U ara Poo nit ge l Exe rcis Air e Roo m Co Pet nditio s nin g Sec ure Cab d Entr anc le T e Clo V se t Han o Sho ppi dic n ap Co Acc g nve nie ess nt A ible cce s
May 2013 • 50plus
3 3
3 3 3 3
Senior and Assisted Living, dining, in-house MD clinic, transportation to shopping and activities, bank, fitness center, chapel, store, beauty salon, computer center, bank all located in a quiet-residential location. Foxbrook is located in a quiet-residential park-like setting within walking distance to shopping and restaurants. Capitol Hill is a park-like setting and quiet. Apartment homes for seniors 55 and better in a country setting offering a mix of income eligible and market rate homes. Includes heat and water, 24 hour emergency maintenance, a smoke free community, planned monthly activities and much more.
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community directory
3 3
Tenants pay 30% of income for rent. Gas heat and hot water included. On-site management. Building also includes community room. Cable TV available, but not included. City setting.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Apartment homes for seniors 55 and better in city setting. Includes heat and water, club room for social gatherings, planned monthly activities, deck or patio on all homes, an option for heated underground parking and much more.
Gonzaga Village
1415 S. 92nd St., West Allis 3 Contact Person: Ken Becker 262-240-9406
3 3
3 3
Granville Heights 6840 W. Granville Circle, Milwaukee
Contact Person: Nichelle Primm
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8B • 50plus • May 2013
3 3
3 3 3 3
4955 S. Greenbrook Terrace Contact Person: Karin Strubel 3 414-282-5020
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Harbour Village
5700 Mockingbird Lane, Greendale Contact Person: Karri Biscobing 3 414-421-9600
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Heritage Lake Apartments
5020 South 55th Street, Greenfield Contact Person: Ruby Thiel 414-282-0506
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
Heritage Lake Apartments are located in a park-like setting.
3 3 3
Offering luxurious market rate apartments for adults 62 & better. Apartments range from 707 sf. to 1310 sf. Located in Greenfield, on the maturely wooded campus of Woodland Ridge.
Highlands at Riverwalk
10954 N. Cedarburg Rd., Mequon 262-243-8888
3 3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3
Highlands at Wildwood Lake
N77 W17700 Lake Park Dr., Menomonee Falls Contact Person: Kelly Duncan 262-251-9999
3 3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
Hill Crest
3993 S. Prairie Hill Lane, Greenfield Contact Person: Brandon Froom 3 414-541-3333
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
Additional amenities offered are 24-hour emergency response, concierge services, wellness center, convenience store and coffee shop. The monthly fee includes a flexible meal program, weekly housekeeping, transportation services, appliances and all utilities.
3 3 3
High Grove of Woodland Ridge
3940 S. Prairie Hill Lane, 3 Greenfield Contact Person: Brandon Froom
Greenbrook is located in a park-like setting.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Opening August 2013. Kitchens feature granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and plank flooring. Other on-site amenities include a guest suite, library, media room, sunroom and walking path located in a park-like setting. Spacious one and two bedroom apartments, located in a part-like setting. No entrance or endowment fee. Community room, guest suite, fitness center, beauty/barber shop, social activities and more! Apartment homes for those 55 and better in park-like setting. Includes heat and water, community room for social gatherings, planned monthly activities, 24 hour emergency maintenance, smoke free community and much more.
013 3
May 2013 • 50plus
AffordAble Housing for 55+ and 62+
Pay only 30% of gross income in rent! One-bedroom apartments located in Milwaukee, Butler and Racine Call Reilly-Joseph Company today for an Application
• 9B
Enjoy the quiet residential neighborhood and make it your new home.
We Offer Offer:: • Air Conditioning • Secured Entrance • Cable TV hook-ups • Exercise Room • Pets Welcome • Garages available • Parkside is handicap accessible
414-271-4116 Ask about immediate openings
• Convenient access to Interstate • Close to shopping and more • 1 & 2 Bedrooms • On Site Management • Heat & Water Included
Call Today for More Information
Tudor Oaks Resident
Tudor Oaks
Retirement Community
Senior Living Designed by You! • Independent Living
Luxury apartments with attached heated garages
• Assisted Living
Brand New Wing is Open
Sign a 12 month lease before May 30, 2013 and receive:
1 MONTH FREE RENT!* at our Brookfield location
*On select units. Some apartments reserved for moderate income seniors at select locations
• Skilled Nursing 24/7 Quality Care
• Rehab Stays
Private Rooms, 40-inch TVs & WiFi
• Memory Care
Personalized Supportive Environment
Brookfield | 262-798-9898 Franklin | 414-425-6611 Menomonee Falls 262-251-9000 and 262-251-9999 New Berlin | 262-821-5106 MEQUON OPENING IN AUGUST 2013 262-243-8888
• Respite
Private Room, up to 28-day stay
Call for a tour
Scan this QR code with your smartphone for more in-depth information on the Tudor Oaks Retirement Community.
S77 W12929 McShane Drive, Muskego, WI 53150
Tudor Oaks Retirement Community is owned and operated by American Baptist Homes of the Midwest, a not-for-profit provider of senior housing and healthcare since 1930.
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10B • 50plus • May 2013
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community directory
Hillside Woods I 3280 Hillside Dr., Delafield Contact Person: Tori Bean 262-370-2662
3 3
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3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Quiet residential setting.
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Quiet residential setting.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Apartments with Lake View Balconies, 24 hr. staff, housekeeping, linen service, recreation and professional entertainment, meal service, assisted living also available. Park-like setting.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Trust Luther Manor when selecting housing or healthcare services for yourself or someone you love. To schedule a tour, please call 414-464-3880 ext 747.
Hillside Woods II 3270 Hillside Dr., Delafield Contact Person: Tori Bean 262-370-2662 Jackson Crossings
Retirement Community N168 W22022 Main St., Jackson 3 Contact Person: Amy Lloyd 262-993-2838
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3
Luther Manor
4545 N. 92nd St., Wauwatosa Contact Person: Maureen Robinson
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
414-464-3880 ext 747
RIDGEDALE Quiet Senior Community 7740 W. Grange Ave. Greendale, WI 62 & Older Don’t Delay, Call Today
(414) 421-9314
Welcome to your new home!
Silver Creek Village Independent Senior Living for those 55 and better
Apartments Starting at
• All units include HEAT, WATER, appliances, underground parking & balcony or patio • Guest suite available for visiting friends & family • Minutes from specialty shops, dining & clinics • On Bus Line • Activities • Beauty Salon • Exercise Room • Computer Room • Community room for private parties
2455 W. Silver Spring in Glendale 414-578-3612 Professionally Managed by Oakbrook Corporation • Income restrictions may apply
• Affordable Income Based Rent • Great Floor Plans • Attractive 1 Bedroom • Heat Included • Picturesque Setting • Appliances/Microwave • Elevator & Laundry Facilities • Convenient to Shopping
May 2013 • 50plus
• 11B
Here’s what our residents have to say about life at Regency! “I’m so glad I met Ruth— she’s my BFF!� - Nancy
u? Are Y•o62+ • Make less than $25,350 a year? • Enjoy Bingo, Movies, Parties? • Want to spend your day playing cards or going on day trips? Plus, on site Hair Salon & Garden Plot for the “Green Thumbâ€? If these sound like things you enjoy then your new home is waiting...
Call today for more information: GREENBROOK APTS
4955 S. Greenbrook Terrace Greenfield, WI 53220
Welcome home. Luther Manor offers retirement housing options to suit the unique personal preferences and lifestyles of those who call the community their home.
“There’s so much to do at Regency. You can keep up with old hobbies or you can try something new with all your friends and neighbors.� - Lyn
“Now I have the time to work out every day at Regency. That’s how I stay a few steps ahead of Father Time!� - Joe
With amenities ranging from a pharmacy and bank to an onsite grocery store, as well as a variety of health and wellness opportunities, everything you need is here. For more information or to schedule a tour, contact our Client Relations team at (414) 464-3880 or
777 N. Brookfield Rd.
3.5 mi. S of I-43 on Racine Ave.
13750 W. National Ave.
262-780-0321 262-789-1699 262-679-0888
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community directory
Maria Linden Independent
& Assisted Living 2735 W. Greenfield Ave., 3 Milwaukee, WI 53215 Contact Person: Ariane Dawson 414-384-3800
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
3 3
3 3 3
Marquette Manor 2409 10th Ave. South Milwaukee, WI 53172 Contact Person: Candace 414-764-7997
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
Contact Person: Lisa Storheim
3 3
3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Amenities such as underground heated parking, community room, computer room, chapel, workout room, gazebo, scenic pathway, patio/balcony, in-unit washer/dryer and spacious living areas all in a quiet-residential neighborhood.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Spacious one and two bedroom apartments and townhomes located in a quiet-residential setting. No entrance or endowment fee. Community room, fitness center, library, social activities and more!
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
We offer professional site manager, inside mailboxes, elevator, clubroom with activities, beauty and barber shop, media room, chapel, van for shopping, smoke-free and meal program.
Parkwood Highlands
13800 Park Central Blvd., New Berlin Contact Person: Julie Mattes 262-821-5106
3 3 3
3 3 3
Prairie Hill of Woodland Ridge
3953 S. Prairie Hill Lane, 3 Greenfield Contact Person: Brandon Froom 414-541-3333
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 Enjoy our brand new, beautiful community that offers high quality, adaptable apartments that allow residents to age in place. Located in a city setting. Dining available. You will love all our amenities!
Marquette Manor is located in a quiet-residential city setting. Heat and storage included with rent.
Meetinghouse 10901 W. Donna Dr., Milwaukee
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do Stu miniu m dio On e-B Two edroo m -B Two edroo Units mU -Be Off droom nits -St Pl r Un eet Pa us der rkin g On round g Bus Pa Sha Line rking red Lau Lau ndr ndr yH yF ook aci -Up Pri litie vat in P s eG riva te U ara Poo nit ge l Exe rcis Air e Roo m Co Pet nditio s nin g Sec ure Cab d Entr anc le T e Clo V se t Han o Sho ppi dic n ap Co Acc g nve nie ess nt A ible cce s
12B • 50plus • May 2013
The Regency
200 Southtowne Dr., South Milwaukee Contact Person: Ruby Thiel 414-764-5335
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3
Regency Brookfield
Senior Living Community 777 N Brookfield Rd., Brookfield 3 Contact person: Terry Sommers 262-780-0321
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Regency-Brookfield, situated on a 23-acre conservancy, park-like setting, offers a range of health and lifestyle activities for today’s senior. Nine different floor plans, includes underground parking, scheduled transportation and an optional dining program make Regency a great place to live! For information, contact
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
55 and above community with continuum of care located in a beautiful park-like setting. Private lake with patios and balconies. Clubhouse with many extras. Close to shopping with free transportation.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Regency-New Berlin offers health & fitness areas, a computer lab, mini-market, plus numerous recreational and leisure programs every month, with access to select health services. Affordable chef-prepared meals are also available. Located in a city setting.
Regency Muskego Senior Living Community W181 S8540 Lodge Blvd., Muskego
Contact Person: Judy Sorce 262-679-0888
3 3
3 3
3 3
Regency New Berlin Senior Living Community 13750 W. National Ave., New Berlin Contact Person: Arleen Houssaye 3
3 3
3 3
The Regency is located in a park-like setting.
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Reilly Joseph Company
Ridgedale Apartments 7740 West Grange Ave., 3 Greendale, WI 53129
Milwaukee, Wauwatosa, Butler, Racine 414-271-4116
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• 13B
do Stu miniu m dio On e-B Two edroo m -B Two edroo Units mU -Be Off droom nits -St Pl r Un eet Pa us der rkin g On round g Bus Pa Sha Line rking red Lau Lau ndr ndr yH yF ook aci -Up Pri litie vat in P s eG riva te U ara Poo nit ge l Exe rcis Air e Roo m Co Pet nditio s nin g Sec ure Cab d Entr anc le T e Clo V se t Han o Sho ppi dic n ap Co Acc g nve nie ess nt A ible cce s
May 2013 • 50plus
3 3 3 3
3 3
3 3 3
Several different locations in quiet, residential city settings. Affordable 1-BR for 55+ and 62+. Rent based on 30% of gross income. Laundry & on-site management. Ask about immediate openings.
Ridgedale Apartments is located in a park-like setting.
Contact Person: Sarah Timmerman
Rivershores Regency
555 Veterans Ave., West Bend 3 Contact Person: Dave 262-483-9150
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3
Rivershores Regency is in a quiet-residential setting. Beautiful community room, w/full kitchen and planned activities, laundry in each unit, salon, library, game room, 2 br/2 bath available.
3 3 3 3 3
San Camillo is located across the street from the Milwaukee County Zoo in a quiet-residential city setting. Residents have the security of continuum of care St. Camillus offers.
3 3 3 3 3
City, park-like setting, individuals 55 plus can enjoy a lake setting, private restaurant and many activities and amenities right on campus. Choose from six floor plans.
San Camillo
10200 W. Blue Mound Rd. Wauwatosa, WI 53226 Contact Person: Catrina Keane 414-259-6310
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3
Shorehaven Campus 1380 W. Wisconsin Ave, Oconomowoc, WI 53066 Contact Person: Sue Seegert 262-560-6919
3 3 3 3 3
3 3
3 3
Steeple View
12455 W. Janesville Rd., Muskego Contact Person: Ron Spear 414-525-5500
3 3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
On site chapel, beauty/ barbershop, bank, car wash, all appliances included, heated underground parking, building security.
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
Stoney Creek Adult Community is located in a quiet-residential country setting.
Stoney Creek Adult Community
S69 W14142 Tess Corners, Muskego Contact Person: Cindy Thiel 414-422-4686
Sunrise Village
2500 10th Ave South Milwaukee, WI 53172 Contact Person: Candace 414-764-7997
3 3
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3 3 3 3 3 3 3
The Centennial Senior Apartments
400 E. Centennial Dr., Oak Creek Contact Person: Teri Zeise 414-762-7762
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Sunrise Village is located in a quiet-residential city setting. Heat & storage included with rent.
Quiet-Residential. Your rent includes underground parking & laundry. Other ammenities: transportation for shopping, salon, chapel, on-site bank, country store and many activities & wellness programs.
14B • 50plus • May 2013
Alta Mira II Senior Apartments
Brookfield Highlands LLC
Berkshire at Kensington Berkshire Oconomowoc
Berkshire at West Allis
Breezewood Village
Cedar Landing at Elkhart Lake
Clare Heights
Clare Meadows
Berkshire at Greendale
Clement Manor Retirement Community
Berkshire at Sunset
Berkshire Grafton
Cottonwood Trails
May 2013 • 50plus
• 15B
Deer Creek Village
Forest Ridge Senior Residences, A Caring Communities Senior Residence
Granville Heights Foxbrook & Capitol Hill Senior Apts East Terrace
Harbour Village
Francis Meadows
Heritage Lake
High Grove of Woodland Ridge
16B • 50plus • May 2013
The Highlands at Wildwood Lake
Hillside Woods I
Hillside Woods II
Luther Manor Terrace Apartments
Lexington Village
Jackson Crossings Retirement Community
Marquette Manor Living Communities
Prairie Hill of Woodland Ridge The Meetinghouse
The Regency
Regency Senior Communities New Berlin
Regency Senior Communities Brookfield
River Shores
Regency Senior Communities Muskego
Stoney Creek Adult Community
May 2013 • 50plus
Sunrise Village Senior Living Community
The Centennial
The Silvernail
• 17B
San Camillo
Tudor Oaks
Thompson Meadows
White Oaks
VMP Manor Park
Villas at the Station
Washington Heights/Harthaven
VMP Trinity
Williamstown Bay
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do Stu miniu m dio On e-B Two edroo m -B Two edroo Units mU -Be Off droom nits -St Pl r Un eet Pa us der rkin g On round g Bus Pa Sha Line rking red Lau Lau ndr ndr yH yF ook aci -Up Pri litie vat in P s eG riva te U ara Poo nit ge l Exe rcis Air e Roo m Co Pet nditio s nin g Sec ure Cab d Entr anc le T e Clo V se t Han o Sho ppi dic n ap Co Acc g nve nie ess nt A ible cce s
18B • 50plus • May 2013
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3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Quiet residential setting. Your rent includes underground parking & laundry. Other amenities: transportation for shopping, salon, chapel, on-site bank, country store & many activities & wellness programs.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Quiet-residential setting. Community room, library, game room, garden area, 24 hour maintenance, elevator, resident activities.
The Silvernail Senior Apartments 2451 Silvernail Rd., Pewaukee Contact Person: Lisa Lechner 262-896-2100
3 3
3 3 3 3
Thompson Meadows
3120 E. Norwich Ave. 3 St. Francis, WI 53235 Contact Person: Sheila Crabb 414-769-9240
3 3
3 3
Tudor Oaks
Retirement Community S77 W12929 McShane Dr., 3 Muskego Contact Person: Judy Radish 414-525-6500
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Quiet-residential, country, and park-like setting on 110 acres. Art gallery, bistro, theater, Laurel Pine gym, green house, gardens, man cave, fishing, and walking trails, golf carts, lake, bus and car transportation also available.
Villas at the Station 8935 S. Wood Creek Dr. Oak Creek, WI 53154 Contact Person: Audrey Miller 414-788-0242
3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Villas at the Station is located in a quiet-residential setting.
Exceptional Living For those 55 and better Affordable independent living with amenities to enhance a comfortable & secure lifestyle. L Prime Locations L Free Transportation to Grocery Stores L Free Underground Parking L Free Laundry L Social & Recreational Activities L On-Site Banking L Salon L Chapel L Craft Center L Fitness Center L Pet Friendly L Smoke-Free
one month free!* * or Discoun
ted rents on select units. Move-in by 6-1-13 *Income restrictions may apply
Rents Start at $670
do Stu miniu m dio On e-B Two edroo m -B Two edroo Units mU -Be Off droom nits -St Pl r Un eet Pa us der rkin g On round g Bus Pa Sha Line rking red Lau Lau ndr ndr yH yF ook aci -Up Pri litie vat in P s eG riva te U ara Poo nit ge l Exe rcis Air e Roo m Co Pet nditio s nin g Sec ure Cab d Entr anc le T e Clo V se t Han o Sho ppi dic n ap Co Acc g nve nie ess nt A ible cce s
• 19B
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May 2013 • 50plus
19B • 50plus • May 2013
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VMP Manor Park Wesley Park
8621 W. Beloit Road, Milwaukee 3 Contact Person: Tamara 414-607-4322
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3
On-site senior center, medical clinic, rehab center, chapel, bank, beauty shop/barber, transportation, wellness center, library, emergency response system, on-site store, and gardening. Quiet-residential city setting.
3 3 3 3 3
Activity room, bank, beauty shop & barber, emergency response, library, on-site store, medical clinic, rehab center, chapel, transportation, wellness center, housekeeping. Quiet-residential park-like setting.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Located in a quiet-residential setting. Dining Room, grocery store, library, woodshop and hair salon.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Apartment homes for seniors 55 and better in quiet-residential park-like setting featuring a community room for social gathering, 24 hour emergency maintenance, heat and water included, deck or patio on all homes and an option for heated underground parking.
3 3
VMP Trinity
7300 W. Dean Road, Milwaukee Contact Person: Peggy 414-371-7316
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3
Washington Heights Contact Person: Lorraine Hefter 262-670-9450 525 N. Main St. Hartford, WI 53027
3 3
3 3
White Oaks
4200 South 35th St., Greenfield Contact Person: Macy Anderson 3 414-282-1188
3 3
3 3 3
Foxbrook or Capitol Hill Senior Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Units Available • 55 & Over • Income Restrictions Apply Free Weekly Shuttle to Shopping and other events (Foxbrook within walking distance to shopping)
Chapel • Underground Parking • Library • Beauty Salon • Exercise, Movie & Game Rooms Voluntary morning check-in system available
For more information and a tour call Monday-Friday, 9:30-4 pm Foxbrook Senior Apartments
Capitol Hill Senior Apartments
Carolyn 262-790-0033
Chistine 262-790-1845
18915 Thomson Drive, Brookfield
17390 Crest Hill Drive, Brookfield
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community directory
Wildwood Highlands N78 W17445 Wildwood Dr., Menomonee Falls Contact Person: Joyce Block 262-251-9000
3 3 3
3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Williamstown Bay 3400 S. Ramsey Ave. Cudahy, WI Contact Person: Maria or Roselle 414-481-8580
3 3 3
3 3 3
Rental & Life Care Available
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Fitness Room & Program Dining Room - 10 free meals/month Chapel-Catholic/Ecumenical Services Underground parking 24 hour emergency call system Heat, A/C, electricity, water included Basic cable + more channel options Computer/Internet access Outpatient therapy services
• • • • • • • • •
Senior Community Club Laundry/Housekeeping Wellness Nurses Banking Convenience Store Rehabilitation Transportation Service Aurora Medical Clinic Pastoral Care
Let us give you a one-on-one tour of our beautiful campus & private apartments.
UÊ iiÌÊ ÕÀÊÀià `i ÌÃÊEÊÃÌ>vvÊ UÊ ÞÊÌ iÊ ÀiÃÌÊ, `}iÊ UÊ À }ÊÞ ÕÀÊv> ÞÊ> `ÊvÀ i `à iÝ«iÀ i ViÊEÊ ÌÃÊ > ÞÊ> i Ì ià UÊ ÃiÊ `i«i `i ÌÊ ÀÊ UÊ }ÊEÊ ÕÃi ii« }ÊÃiÀÛ ViÃÊ >Ãà ÃÌi`Ê Û }Ê «Ì à vviÀi` Monday - FridayÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊn\ääÊ Ê{\ääÊ Saturday & SundayÊ££\ääÊ Ê{\ääÊ Or by appointment
11077 W. Forest Home Ave., Hales Corners (414) 425-1148
Limited number of apartments, rst come- rst served. Call to schedule a tour and have a meal on us! Expires 6/30/13
Williamstown Bay is located in a quiet-residential setting. Controlled, secured entrance, community kitchens and living rooms.
From just $910 per month!
Personal Tours Daily
Spacious one and two bedroom apartments and townhomes in a park-like setting. No entrance or endowment fee. Community room, fitness center, beauty/barber shop, social activities and more!
Hometown Senior Living at a Great Value in Hales Corners!
VMP now has apts for rent with NO ENTRANCE FEE REQUIRED! Life Care options are also available to ensure a full continuum of care. RENT SPECIALS for studio, 1 bdrm, 2 bdrm and 2 bdrm luxury apts. • • • • • • • • •
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20B • 50plus • May 2013
Expires 12/31/13
May 2013 • 50plus
• 21B
Check US out at: Ten years ago I said I’d never move to a senior community.
I lied. “They say when you get older you get wiser and, well, I guess I wised up. Between the lawn, the repairs, my friends and neighbors moving away … the idea of staying in that house the rest of my life lost its appeal. I decided Cedar Ridge might be worth checking out. I got to choose my own décor, have plenty of room, met so many interesting people who share my interests. Now I’m free to enjoy my retirement years. “It’s OK to change your mind! I’m glad I did.” Call 262.338.8377 to schedule a visit or receive VIP event invitations. Independent living for adults age 55 and better.
Warmth of Home
Strength of Community,
22B • 50plus • May 2013
Seniorfest 2013
May 2013 • 50plus
REad All The news in
Eye Care
Where does your Money go?
page 10A
From Player to Security
page 14A
Is Reverse Mortgage Right for You?
page 2B
page 15B
April 2013 Vol 26 No. 4
By Jack Pearson A fellow I know who loves to stump people on sports trivia once asked me, “Who is the only guy to have played for both the Milwaukee Brewers and the Milwaukee Bucks?” I tried to recall names of athletes who played in
Should Voucher Programs be Expanded
page 3A
at his home in naples, Florida. Charles’ rec room has countless Brewers memorabilia, including these large cardboard cutouts of Paul Molitor and robin Yount.
By Matt Pommer
page 8A
page 5A
ChARLEs continued on page 6A
Frank Charles, Truly TRAVEL a Music Man for Baseball
By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky
By Bruce Nemovitz
STRINGS MONEY Governor’s SENSE budget By Aunt Emma rejects Medicaid expansion
By Tom Frazier
Probably the most controverBy Karen Ellenbecker sial part of Governor Walker’s &proposed Julie Ellenbecker budget for the next two -Lipsky was his years (2013-2015) deci-
Answer Man
and money
Act (ACA, a.k.a. Obamacare). 2010 and required states to cover Also, his decision would decline almost all non-elderly adults with over $4 billion in federal money incomes of less than 133 percent of to pay for the expansion. the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)sion not to expand the Medicaid $15,282 for one person, $20,628 program to provide health care for BACKGROUND for two persons and $31,322 for low-income people as envisioned The Affordable Care Act a family of four. However, a U.S. by the federal Affordable Care (ACA) went into effect in March FRAzIER continued on page 3A
By Tom Frazier
SPORTS Sports Plus
By Jack Pearson By Jack Pearson
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
with Jim McLoone
Retirement Community • Independent Apartments • Assisted Living • Memory Care
r Hwy 45 North to Hwy 60 East Exit Sports Plus SPORTS By Jack Pearson By Jack Pearson
the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright
KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone
Call for a tour of our beautiful Assisted Living apartments on the lake Enjoy Lakeshore Living Only Minutes From Milwaukee
JOIN us Thursday, May 30 at Discovery World-Pier Wisconsin Ticket Price: $100 | Time: 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Emcee: Lance Allan; Main Sports Anchor, TODAY’S TMJ4 Keynote Speaker: Paul Krajniak; Executive Director of Discovery World Wisdom Awards | Silent & Live Auction | Hands On Discovery Stations Register at or call 414-220-8616
• 23B
24B • 50plus • May 2013
Burlington Francis Meadows: (262) 210-8501
Cudahy Cottonwood Trails: (414) 254-8490
Delafield Hillside Woods I & II: (262) 370-2662
Franklin Clare Meadows I & II: (414) 421-8499
Greenfield Crestview: (414) 541-3333 High Grove (Ages 62+): (414) 541-3333 Hill Crest: (414) 541-3333 Prairie Hill: (414) 541-3333 White Oaks: (414) 282-1188
Menomonee Falls Alta Mira II: (262) 719-3884
Milwaukee Southeast - Clare Heights: (414) 254-8410 Northwest - Granville Heights: (414) 333-4465
Wauwatosa - Cedar Glen: (262) 719-3884