50 Plus November

Page 1


Holiday Gift Guide

page 8B


Do You Believe in Horoscopes

page 4B


Pearson Visits LaBelle page 20A


A Tour of Jefferson County page 18A

November 2015 Vol 29 No. 11


POMMER: The New Recipe

page 3A


The Road to Governing


page 3A


How About Long Term Care?

page 5A

NEMOVITZ: Is It Time To Move?

page 7A


We Saw You At . . . . WAGFEST

page 5B



he memory of a son or daughter killed in military action never will diminish. It eats at that person’s memories and causes an aching heart. These surviving mothers, inspired by their faith and determination, have the awesome challenge to continue through life. Can those of us who have never had the experience of opening the door to such news, “Your son/daughter will not be coming home. He/she has been killed in action.” know and we cannot, of course, feel this shocking pain? While we too often have not, we should be reaching out to those who have especially suffered this aggravating mental pain. If nothing else, exBy Karen Ellenbecker pressions of sorrow are in order at their loss and ap& Julie Ellenbecker preciation for what the soldier, sailor, marine did to -Lipsky protect our ways of life. We should be asking God to give these Gold Star Mothers strength to carry on. Their determination generally will be self-sus-


THE GOLD STAR MOTHER: Elizabeth Kryst, the Metro Gold Star Mothers’ president, designed and flies a flag at the West Bend, WI home of she and her husband, Glen. It has a white background, two blue stars for living military sons and a gold overleaf proudly, but sadly, indicating Kevin’s death.


taining. Recognizing that “internal grief could create great suffering, Grace Darling Siebold, in 1918, felt this intense grief and began to work diligently with others so affected by the tragedies of war. However, it was not until 1928 that plans were put into place for the Gold Star Mothers organization. The incorporation in January of the following year found the initial membership at 65 perGOLDSTARS continued on page 9A

2A • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

MDs focus on stopping diabetes-related vision loss by Cheryl L. Dejewski

Diabetes is reaching epidemic levels in the U.S. Chances are you know someone with the disease. If so, take note. Diabetes does more than affect blood sugar levels. Without proper precautions, it can rob a person of their sight. "Of the more than 29 million Americans diagnosed with diabetes, up to 45% have some degree of diabetic retinopathy (damage to the sensitive retina in the back of the eye), which can lead to vision loss and blindness,” reports Dr. Mark Freedman, senior partner at Eye Care Specialists, who has treated thousands of diabetic patients since 1988. “For some people, when a routine vision check-up uncovers signs of retinopathy, it is their first clue that they even have diabetes.” Retina

Leakage & bleeding

Damaged blood vessels

Diabetes can cause abnormal retinal blood vessel growth, leakage and bleeding that can lead to blurring, dark spots, and loss of vision.

Incidence "Diabetic eye disease can appear as early as a year after the onset of diabetes. All diabetics—type 1 or 2, insulin-dependent or not—are at risk, which increases with the number of years you are diabetic. For example, patients with diabetes for less than five years have about a 15% incidence of retinopathy. This skyrockets, however, to 80% in people with diabetes for 15+ years,” says Dr. Michael Raciti, an ophthalmologist at Eye Care Specialists.

Vision with Diabetic Eye Disease




“Blood sugar fluctuations can temporarily affect vision, making it difficult to know if a serious problem is developing. Significant retinopathy may also be present and progressing even if a person’s vision appears to be good. That’s why diabetes-related damage can only be diagnosed through a comprehensive eye exam. Pupil dilation (enlargement with drops) is necessary to best view inside the eye for early signs of retinopathy before noticeable vision loss occurs,” explains Brett Rhode, MD, an ophthalmologist who conducts continuing education programs for diabetes coordinators and doctors.

“We have been very pleased with the success of medications that can be painlessly injected into the eye to decrease blood vessel leakage and abnormal new growth—thus staving off progression of diabetic eye disease,” reports Daniel Ferguson, MD, a former engineer who is now one of Wisconsin’s leading eye surgeons. Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD, an ophthalmologist with credentials from Harvard and Johns Hopkins, adds, “We evaluate each patient’s response individually to determine if and when (about every 4-12 weeks) they should receive injections. We have seen amazing

“Diabetes-related sight loss is often preventable with good blood sugar control, yearly dilated eye exams and early intervention. But all of our expertise and treatments are of no use if patients don’t come in for regular checks,” says David Scheidt, OD, optometrist and member of the Wisconsin Diabetes Advisory Group.

More Information

Call 414-321-7035 for FREE booklets on diabetes, cataracts, glaucoma, or AMD. Or, call one of the offices below to schedule a comprehensive evaluation.

For Free Booklets & Information: Call 414-321-7035 or visit www.eyecarespecialists.net


Explanation With diabetes, high blood sugar levels can weaken blood vessels in the eye, prompting them to leak. This causes the retina to swell and form deposits that can lead to vision loss. Blood sugar fluctuations can also promote the growth of new, fragile blood vessels on the retina, which can sometimes leak blood into the vitreous (the clear, jelly-like substance that fills the eyeball). This retinal blood vessel damage, or “retinopathy,” can blur vision and lead to permanent sight impairment.

results with Avastin, Eylea and Lucentis, including stabilization of vision and, in some cases, improvement in sight.”

Normal Vision


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Medical, surgical & laser services for every age and every need. ■ ■ ■ ■

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Wisconsin’s leading ophthalmology practice. Trusted by more than 130,000 doctors & patients since 1985

Symptoms Usually, none. Most people don't notice a problem until retinopathy is so far advanced that lost vision can't be restored. That’s why annual dilated eye exams are crucial. You should also call your doctor immediately if you notice recent vision changes (not associated with fluctuations in blood sugar), numerous floating spots (like spider webs), or a veil over your vision.

Mark Freedman, MD

Brett Rhode, MD

Daniel Ferguson, MD

Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD

Michael Raciti, MD


West Allis 10150 W. National Ave.


Wauwatosa 2323 N. Mayfair Rd.


Milwaukee 735 W. Wisconsin Ave.


David Scheidt, OD


New recipe: Is it really what we need?

As Thanksgiving approaches, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, wants to carve up the agency which oversees ethics and elections in Wisconsin. Critics seem to view it like getting years-old turkey out of basement freezer. Vos’ plan, backed by Gov. Scott Walker, would replace the six retired appeals court judges now sitting on the Government Accountability Board (GAB) with two bipartisan commissions dominated by politicians. Unlimited funding for investigations would be eliminated, and the governor would get to appoint the top staffer on each commission. The speaker is angry about the GAB’s role in the John Doe investigation into the coordination between Walker and conservative groups during the 2012 recall election. Vos called it an “unconstitutional investigation.” “As they went through the process, they did some things I think were patently wrong,” Vos contends. The Legislature created the GAB in 2007 to replace the State Elections Board and the State Ethics Board in the aftermath of the 2001-2002 scandal that involved legislative leaders of


both parties. Former State Sen. Mike Ellis, R-Neenah, is generally given credit for the GAB idea. The GAB officially began work in January 2008. Matt Rothschild, executive director of the Wisconsin MOVING DemocraIN THE cy Campaign, called proposed RIGHTthe DIRECTION By Bruce Nemovitz changes “petty vengeance on the part of Republican leaders,” adding it is a fevered effort to shield themselves STATE CAPITOL from embarrassment and prosecution COMMENT in the future. By Matt Pommer Vos calls the GAB “a failed experiment.” He touts his plan as following the general model of the Federal Elections Commission and ofAGING other states. ISSUES Alas, the Federal Elections CommisBy Tom Frazier sion is usually deadlocked. Rothschild notes it has a tough time even deciding what food to provide for its meetIN THE ings, let alone makeMOVING policy decisions. RIGHT DIRECTION

State Rep. Dean Knudson, R-Hudson, who has helped draft the new legislation, downplayed the idea the new commissions would be hopelessly deadlocked. He said commission members would be “wellSENSE qualiMONEY fied people able to compromise.” By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker Retired Appeals Court Judge -Lipsky Gordon Myse of Appleton served on the old State Elections Board and was on the GAB for three years. Yes, the Elections Board members were “exceptional people,” he has written, “but the board was unable to act positively on any matter of substance. Financial Fi i This lW Wellness lldeadTomorrow’s lock was caused by a“Planting partisan view Dreams Today” of all proposals. There By is no reason beBrad Olson,toCFP lieve returning to this flawed concept will work any better this time around.” Walker has appointed five of the six retired judges now MONEY serving SENSE on the By Karen Ellenbecker APRON GAB. Board chair Gerald Nichol, a & Julie Ellenbecker Emma -Lipsky former Republican district attorney STRINGS By Aunt before becoming a judge, hasEmma offered an alternative to dismantling the GAB. He has suggested allowing each major party to have a non-voting member on the board.

people spend great amounts of time and huge amounts of money to win election to something that they declare they cannot stand—Government. Candidates run against Washington and Madison because they believe that is the only way to win. It seems ironic that when they do get elected to govern, things become even worse, continuing a self-fulfilling prophecy that government doesn’t work. Here is what troubles me the most. The anti-government faction tends to attack more of what does work than what doesn’t. For example, at the federal level, there have been attacks on Social Security and Medicare, arguably two of the best run and most successful government programs ever. The anti-government crowd even claims that Social Security is nothing but a “Ponzi” scheme. I’ve never heard of a Ponzi scheme



By Tom Frazier

lasting for 80 years. And, I have never heard of a Ponzi scheme that has SPORTS a Board of Trustees By thatJack issues an anPearson nual report that projects the fiscal sustainability of the scheme for the next 75 years. If the government bashers PLANTING wanted to make government work, TOMORROW’S DREAMS TODAY they would pass legislation that would By Brad Olson easily make Social Security solvent for the next 75 or more years. Instead, they refuse to pass a simple change that would solve a short-term problem with the Disability Trust Fund, and then claim that this “proves” that the program needs “reform”—read cuts

It can be argued Republicans don’t need Vos’ proposed changes. Gerrymandering has created legislative district lines that virtually guarantee they will control the legislature through 2022. Conservatives control the State Supreme Court. Earlier this year the high court halted the John Doe investigation. The conservative justices are expected to give Walker control over development of education rules for the state. But changes are coming for next fall’s general election. Registration hours have been limited and a photo ID requirement takes effect. Both will make it harder for the poor and elderly to vote. The last Republican presidential candidate to carry Wisconsin was Ronald Reagan. Vos would have the new commissions in charge by mid2016. Jay Heck of Common Cause in Wisconsin said Vos’ plan “would fundamentally transfer what was a nationally admired model of effectiveness, efficiency and impartially into a partisan, toothless backwater state agency completely under the control of partisan politicians. “It won’t be worth the office space it will occupy,” added Heck.




SENIOR Answer Man

IT MAKES ME CRABBY Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll “Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today”

By Brad Olson, CFP

The road to governing is to and be against it privatization. It’s that time of year again when By Bruce Nemovitz

• 3A



At the state level, again the targets of Emma the anti-government legisSTRINGS lators are mainly the programs By Aunt Emmathat have worked very well—education, UW, the Government Accountability Board (GAB), Civil Service, Family Care, SeniorCare, and others that don’t work as well as they did, such as Transportation, Health Care, and Economic Development. Wisconsin’s K-12 education system has, for many years, had the highest graduation rate in the country and at or near the top every year in scoring on college entrance exams. Yet funding for public schools is cut and laws are passed and funded to create a parallel private education system. We risk having two systems with neither being as good as what we had to begin with. Wisconsin has one of the best long-term care systems (Family Care) in the country but the Governor and

some legislators are willing to destroy it because they cannot believe, despite the evidence from other states, that our publicly-run system could possibly be better than a privately-run system. Wisconsin for many years enjoyed a reputation for honest, open government, but now we pass laws requiring Voter ID that is likely to prevent many more eligible people from voting than it will prevent illegal voters. It appears that the Governor and majority legislators are going to eliminate the Government Accountability Board and replace it with two partisan boards. This is going back to what we By Enis Wright had when the GAB was created and passed on a nearly unanimous bi-partisan vote because almost every legislator knew that it was not working. And, while it did not pass, there was even an effort to circumvent Wiscon-

Answer Man






FRAZIER continued on page 6A


Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll


“Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today”


By BruceBy Nemovitz Matt Pommer

By Brad Olson, CFP


By Karen Ell & Julie Elle -Lips


By Bruce Nemovitz

us? Absolutely not! Mars is so many APRON Emma miles from us that a future skyways By Karen Ellenbecker STRINGS & Julie Ellenbecker Emma By Matt Pommer bus could not reach itByinAunt a coon’s -Lipsky Emma age, STRINGS Answer Man and I’m told they live quite a while. By Aunt Emma DEAR SAM: Seriously, I think anyone planning a I recently read thatAGING NASA scien- trip to Mars is ready for the psychiaAGING Financial Fi i lW ISSUES tists have discovered thatISSUES there is flow- trist’s couch. Save someone’s life by donat“Planting Tomo By Tom Frazier Of course, you should be well restBy Tom Frazier As for our government’s explor-Dreams Tod ing your blood. But before you think ed, have eaten a good meal, be suffi- ing water, possibly just dripping, on Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll the planet of Mars. MOVING IN THE atory projects, if they weren’t wasting seriously about it, be certain that you ciently hydrated with water or juice By Brad Olso “Planting Tomorrow’s Today” I ask, soDreams what? RIGHT DIRECTION way, they’d perhaps our money this are in good health, weigh at least 110 and just plain relax. MOVING IN THE By Brad Olson, CFP SINCERELY, By Bruce Nemovitz RIGHT DIRECTION find another method. pounds, have a photo i.d. with you that If you wish to give blood and don’t By Bruce Nemovitz FLOYD SHAREBBEIN shows your birth date, be prepared to know of a center, contact the Blood This should explain my feelings; share your prescription list and your Center, bcw.edu/blood they’re based on improbability and PLANTING TOMORROW’S DEAR FLOYD: medical history. waste of taxpayers’ dollars. DREAMS TODAY APRON PLANTING times in life for By Brad Olson Emma There are different Thanks and have a nice ThanksTOMORROW’S STRINGS Emma different people. Do DREAMS I personally think giving, TODAY By Aunt Emma By Brad Olson that worrying about whether there is SENIOR ANSWER MAN By Aunt E water on Mars or not should concern Remove your sunglasses and do a then present value AGING of the car, ISSUES step in the bit more than kick the tires when you This is the second By Tom Frazier step into the showroom to buy a new scheme of things when buying and AGING SPORTS car. If this might be your first car, conowning a car. ISSUES By Jack Pearson Perhaps the world, especially the Encourage your kids to monitor all gratulations in becoming a potential Chances are good that instead of By Tom Frazier one of permissiveness is passing me by. of the programming, or better yet, turn debtor for many years to come. The budget buying or spending a lot of the WRIGHT see the blatant off the tube on school nights. payment due guy can’t follow you to moola on a repair bill, the person may It rather sickens me to SPORTS ofBy Jack Pearson near pornography today as a Having grown up listening to radio the grave. And you won’t need the car opt for another new car. Adding the displays of SIDE By Enis Wright there anyway so, yes, he can take it financing charges PLANTING on to what the buy- regular fare on television, in magazines, shows such as Jack Armstrong, Captain TOMORROW’S Midnight, the Green Hornet and First back and probably will do so. owes TODAY on the trade-in via the Internet, etc. er perhaps still DREAMS By Brad Olson What can we expect of our children Nighter Theater, do we look at potential You know of the old story about tells you that the buyer must have been how you sign on the line for a new car standing behind the door when dad and, for many of we older people, our problems in a more realistic way? God with Jim McLoone and as soon as you drive it off the lot, was preaching from Life’s Instruction grandchildren, when they are so ex- bless the era when our kids were growits dollar value has shrunken by a seri- Booklet. “But dad, it’s so pretty and posed? We see the television as the big- ing up and there was only a few TV staPLANTING gest offender since the children watch tions to monitor. ously unsuspected amount. smells so good.” TOMORROW’S reading. Worse yet, depending to some We know at the average age much more of it than they do DREAMS TODAY extent where you finance the vehicle, of readers, we’re sort of preaching to By Brad Olson the payments you make over, say, five the choir with thisSPORTS scenario. Perhaps, By Jack Pearson years may leave a balance of one, two, grandson might need to read it. Amen! Really kind-hearted people might QQQQQ possibly $3,000 on the debt over the not agree with this, but there are many A hunter was so well camouflaged among us who may think, “Yes.” It is the other day as he pumped gas it almost time to cease crossing oceans to assist Byseemed like there was nothing holding Enis Wright people, who would not even cross a the hand at the pump. We really do not believe that less tances, will have no place to celebrate puddle to do the same for us. QQQQQ can be more. Think about it. How can Thanksgiving, a genuinely AmeriQQQQQ Would you believe there are easily it be possible? Still, some supposedly can holiday. As we remember our dead, let us over 100 types of roasted coffees? Do brilliant people go about espousing Learn to give a bit if you already especially this month recall those who SPORTS any of these grow caffeine free? that less is more. do not know how. Ample food will gave their lives to save us. Too often, QQQQQ By Jack Pearson By Eniswho Wrightso believe should mark a special event for many this seaPeople we tend to forget the 1106 Wisconsinvisit a Salvation Army shelter, the St. son. For some, it may again be a bleak ites killed during the unnecessary VietKILLING TIME continued on page 19A Ben’s lunch counter or the Milwaukee time of year. Having food on the table nam War. Rescue Mission. Yes, less food can should be an ordinary occurrence. bring hunger. Less clothing, chills, less Why not do your part to make it an EDITOR housing, family problems. extra special one this holiday season? Jim McLoone As we see it, less can bring a greatWe have only mentioned three of WRITER/PROOFREADER er appreciation for the more. This more numerous worthy organizations helpJill Slattery Hartland, WI 53029 first comes via education coupled with ing the hungry, the children and elderADVERTISING DIRECTOR 262-367-5303 ambition. ly. There are many. Do strengthen your Saran Piehl OWNERS Don’t just park your ideas and resolve to help those in need in every ART DIRECTOR/PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom & Maureen Slattery your gifts on family this year, but community. Nicole Hesse reach out to those in need. Too many PUBLISHER OFFICE OPERATIONS MANAGER people, possibly none in your acquainMaureen Slattery Peggy Duffy STATE CAPITOL COMMENTAPRON


Donate blood









Answer Man


How to never get out of debtENTERTAINMENT ARTS



Answer Man









HERMAN calendar the WRIGHT SIDE of

calendar Less is not more the WRIGHT SIDE of

cale IT MAKE

KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone



By Brad Olson, CFP



KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone

KILLING TIME with Jim McL find us on facebook at 50 Plus News Magazine





Long-Term Care — Why do you not insure the RISK? By Matt Pommer

I was recently discussing long term care with a client and they said, “Why would I want to spend money on a long term care insurance policy that I may never use?” This got me to thinking, why do people have this attitude about long term care insurance and not other insurance? If you own a home, MOVING IN do THEyou have homeowners insurance to protect RIGHT DIRECTION Bruce Nemovitz one of your biggestBy assets? When is the last time your house burned down? The odds of having a house fire are just .08 percent* for all U.S. homeowners. As homeowner for over 35 years, I calculated I have spent over $23,000 on homeowners insurance and never have had a claim. It would have been pretAGING ty risky to not have insurance. Why do ISSUES people take the risk and not have long By Tom Frazier term care insurance to protect their life savings? Remember, there is a 70%** chance that a 65 year old will need long term care, which is dramatically more than .08 percent chance of a house fire! This lack of planning for long term care isn’t really surprising. When you’re busy building your careerPLANTING and raising a TOMORROW’S family, it’s hard to imagine a time when DREAMS TODAY you may need help with some of the By Brad Olson

• 5A

By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

Myth #1: “The government will take care of me.” The most common myth is that the government will pay your bills, but Medicare and Medicaid are not resources you can necessarily depend on when it comes to funding long-term care expenses. Medicare is only for people over age 65 and is not intended to cover debilitating disorders that may result in the need for true long-term care beyond 100 days. Medicaid does provide long-term care benefits, but you may have to spend down your savings and assets considerably in order to be eligible, which may make it an unattractive option if you have a healthy spouse or wish to leave a legacy for your loved ones. And then of course, there is the future of these programs to consider, in light of the ballooning federal deficit. Myth #2: “I’m already covered” Myth number two is that long-term care expenses are covered by your employer’s medical or disability benefits. That simply isn’t the case. Medical benefits are designed to pay for acute medical conditions that you will recov-

er from, like a broken leg or pneumonia. Your disability insurance is meant to replace the income you lose when you can’t work due to illness or accident, without anything extra designated to pay for your care needs. Myth #3: “My children will take care of me.” Myth number three is that you don’t have to worry about long-term care costs, because your children will take care of you. This might have been a reasonable assumption years ago, but nowadays your children may live too far away to be able to help or they may have work and have child-rearing responsibilities. Loved ones who are willing to assume responsibility for your care, may find that it has a huge impact on their lives and you may not wish to place this kind of burden on them. PLANNING AHEAD IS EASY The good news in all of this is that a long-term care event can be very manageable if you plan ahead. To get started, you may wish to consider the purchase of long-term care (LTC) insurance. The coverage is designed to pay for care in a


Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll “Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today”

By Brad Olson, CFP

most basic activities of daily living, like eating or bathing. As a result, it’s easy to deny the possibility that you may need long-term care at some point in your APRON life. Unfortunately, accidents or illnessEmma es can strike at any age.STRINGS In fact, 41% of By Aunt Emma Americans who need long-term care are under the age of 65***, and, 70% ** of people who reach age 65 will require some period of ongoing assistance or supervision, due to physical or cognitive impairment. That’s why it’s so important to have a plan in place. The first step in creating a practical plan is to get past some common myths surrounding long-term care, and to familiarize yourself with the facts – especially when it comes to paying for care.

SENIOR Answer Man





SPORTS By Jack Pearson

the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright

KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone


OLSON continued on PAGE 6A

6A • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015



Visit www.TheRetirementClassroom.com Or call (888) 287-0951

FRAZIER continued from page 3A

tack successful government programs than they are to go after the programs that actually need fixing. Maybe we should support candidates who want to improve our representative form of government, not those who are anti-government and are likely to make it worse.

OLSON continued from PAGE 5A

and investment questions or suggestions for future article topics at 262649-9202, or email me at brad@otfsllc. com.

sin’s Open Records law so that even more things could be done in secret. So running to be elected on a platform that is anti-government doesn’t mean that these people want to improve government since it seems to me that they are more likely to at-

Registration appreciated but not required

Plymouth Public Library

130 Division Street, Plymouth, WI 53073 WED, NOVEMBER 4, 5:00PM – 5:30PM- Planning for Nursing Care and Final Expenses WED, NOVEMBER 4, 6:00PM – 7:30PM- Getting to Know Medicare SAT, NOVEMBER 7, 10:00AM – 11:30AM- Strategies for Social Security and Retirement Income

Mukwonago Community Library

511 Division Street, Mukwonago, WI 53149 TUE, NOVEMBER 10, 4:00PM – 5:30PM- Planning for Nursing Care and Final Expenses TUE, NOVEMBER 10, 6:00PM – 7:30PM- Strategies for Social Security and Retirement Income

Muskego Public Library

S73W16663 Janesville Road • Muskego, WI 53150 TUE, NOVEMBER 17, 3:00PM – 4:30PM- Strategies for Social Security and Retirement Income TUE, NOVEMBER 17, 6:00PM – 7:30PM- Getting to Know Medicare TUE, DECEMBER 8, 6:00PM – 7:30PM- Getting to Know Medicare

Jack Russell Memorial Library

100 Park Avenue, Hartford, WI 53027, United States WED, NOVEMBER 18, 6:30PM – 8:00PM- Getting to Know Medicare

Whitefish Bay Public Library

5420 N Marlborough Dr • Milwaukee, WI 53217 WED, DECEMBER 2, 6:30PM – 8:00PM- Getting to Know Medicare

Classes in upcoming months will be held in

Delafield, Germantown, Grafton, Hartford, Mequon, Muskego, Mukwonago, Pewaukee, and Sussex

The licensed insurance professionals involved in the seminar are in no way connected to or affiliated with Medicare. The seminar will provide basic Medicare information while not mentioning any companies or specific products. There is an intention to gain insurance prospects. Form #TRC50Plus15

variety of settings, from your own home to a nursing home setting. The premiums for the coverage are far less than the amount you would have to pay for your care, should you ever need it. Many people start considering this insurance coverage in their late forties and early fifties. This is a good idea for a couple of reasons. First, you must be in good health to be accepted for coverage. If you wait to apply and your health changes, you may not be able to purchase a policy. Second, LTC insurance premiums are based on your age when you buy the insurance, so the younger you are, the lower your premiums. Please free to call me (Brad Olson, President of Oak Tree Financial Services) and I will connect you with our Long Term Care Specialist. Also, feel free to call with any financial planning

Securities offered through Questar Capital Corporation (QCC) Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services offered through Questar Asset Management (QAM) A Registered Investment Advisor. Oak Tree Financial Services, LLC is independent of QCC and QAM. Certain insurance activity is independent of QCC or QAM. The information in this article is not intended to be insurance, investment, tax or legal advice. You are encouraged to seek tax or legal advice from an independent professional. The content is derived from sources believed to be accurate. Neither the information presented, nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security or insurance. * Randy Watson, Actuary, BCE August 22nd, 2009 Examiner Article **U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information, accessed September 25, 2009. ***Urban Institute analysis of US Census Bureau’s National Health Interview survey, 2009 and American Community survey, 2010.



By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

By Matt Pommer


Struggling with the tough question: Should I move? Just recently, I met with a lovely lady who put her home on the market and then…an offer arrived! She knew the inevitable would come to reality, but somehow put the thought of actually landing a buyer in the back of her mind. I listed her home about 10 days ago and buyers began to view her home. A wonderful couple put in an offer to purchase and now the sale of her home of 60 years became reality! Our minds are so complex. None of us share an exact blend of thought patterns. Our brains are designed to protect us at all costs, no matter how we get there. Each one of us views the world differently, yet in the end we confront many of the same obstacles in life. One of those challenges is moving from your long-time home to a condominium, apartment or 50 plus community. How we approach change is unique to all of us, but there are many similarities to ponder. I set up an appointment with this beautiful lady who had raised her family in the home to be sold. She had a flood of memories. Her husband had passed a few years ago so she was entering into


this transaction without her partner of so many years. She had already put money down on her new apartment at a popular senior community, so selling her home was necessary. However, as stated before, her mind, designed to protect her from harm, viewed change AGING as a possible danger to her overall health.ISSUES Change can By Tom Frazier bring on so many emotions, but resistance to a new environment is an outgrowth of that fear of new and unfamiliar surroundings. The offer on her home was a very good offer and one that was hard to turn down. The timing was perfect and the buyers solid. Price was close to asking PLANTING TOMORROW’S so acceptance took place. However, DREAMS TODAY after signing the offer aByflood emoBrad of Olson tion and tears followed. I held her hand and looked her into her kind eyes. Her

daughter was present and she, too, began to cry. I asked if she would share some of her thoughts with me so I could share them with you. She agreed. Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll My first question was, tell “Planting“Please Tomorrow’s Dreams Today” me what is going through your mind By Brad Olson, CFP at this very moment. What brought on your tears?” “I am doing wrong. I know it is the right thing. I know I can’t take care of my home the way I had inAPRON the past and I Emma don’t want to depend on anyone to help STRINGS me maintain my home.” By Aunt Emma I urged her to go deeper into her feelings and she did. She continued, “I can’t undo selling my home. It is a relief as the costs to maintain my home are growing and hard to handle. I love the people in my neighborhood and it is a wonderful neighborhood. It is becoming closer. I’ll miss my neighbors. One of them brings a wreath to me at Christmas. However, I know it is not safe for me to be alone. What if something happens to me? I have a call button, but that is not so reassuring to my family. I don’t want to be a burden to my children. It will be a relief to everybody! It’s time

• 7A

to move. I knew that when my stamina left me. I try to maintain the home, but my knees hurt and I become tired. It’s just too hard! Well, you get the flavor of her wide range of emotions. On one hand, she loves her home and the neighborhood. On the other hand, she knows the time has come to move to safer surroundings. She is somewhat isolated, especially in the winter and loves people. How many of you have struggled with the thought of leaving your long-time home? How many of you are conflicted? Are you waiting for a sign from above to let you know when it is time to move? As I say in my seminars, we have an insurance plan, a financial plan, but how many of us have a housing plan? Do we let fate determine our next move or do we assess our surroundings so that we can be proactive instead of reactive? Add to the quandary of moving our family dynamics. If you have a spouse or partner you both must get on the same page. Men are usually more reluctant to move from long-time surroundings. Our children have other ideas. Some want to keep that home in the family as


SENIOR Answer Man



Don’t know where to start when it SPORTS comes to selling your home?

ENTERTAINMENT NEMOVITZ continued on page 13A


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the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright


8A • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

Veterans’ Day Banquet

What’s Up For

The annual Veterans’ Day Banquet will be held Wednesday, Nov. 11, at the War Memorial Center in downtown Milwaukee. Branch 14 of the Fleet Reserve Association will be the host. Specially honored will be sea service veterans. Captain James D. Hawkins, commanding officer at the Great Lake Naval Station, will be the guest speaker. The Veteran of the Year will be

VETERANS This Month?

honored. The banquet, which begins with cash bar cocktails at 5:30 p.m., is by reservation only. Call Marcia Cunningham at 414-426-8124 for reservations or additional information. Checks for $30 per person can be made out to and sent to the Veterans Board of Directors, P.O. Box 370575, Milwaukee, 52237-1675.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOO Veterans’ Day Ceremony “Operation Welcome Home” will be celebrated at a Veterans Day ceremony at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison. This special recognition of especially Vietnam War veterans comes as this county observes the 50th anniversary of the ending of the Vietnam War. A two-year statewide commemoration named Welcome Home will be held at various communities throughout the state during the two-year, 2015-2016 thanks to all Vietnam veterans.

VETERANS’ CEREMONY: Naval Captain Tim Tyre, a North Lake resident, at left, was one of two guest speakers last year at a Veterans’ Day ceremony at St. Mary’s University in Winona, MN, from which Tyre is a graduate. Ret. Captain Tyre is shown with another retired naval person, Mike Stinson, who was a classmate of Tyre, class of 1969. Tyre previously was instrumental in the erection of a veterans’ monument on the St. Mary’s campus.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOO USS Milwaukee Commissioning


Marquette University helps vets in need of advice The Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinic for Veterans and Their Families is conducted on the first and third Mondays from 4-6 p.m. at the Veterans Service Office, 6419 W. Greenfield Ave. 414-266-1234. This is a

walk-in clinic with no appointments required. The volunteer attorneys and law students will provide free legal advice and/or referrals on all, but criminal matters. No questions will be answered by phone or email.


Milwaukee helps the homeless Vets As part of a Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative, donations of household goods - almost anything in and for the home - are being collected regularly at the Milwaukee Veterans

John A. Scocos, Secretary of the Wisconsin Division of Veterans Affairs, said a traveling version of the Vietnam Wall monument in Washington, D.C. will highlight the commendation ceremonies in various communities as the veterans are thanked for their service and sacrifice on behalf of all of us. Names of 58,307 personnel who lost their lives in the war are on the monument. Of these, 1,618 are from Wisconsin. You can learn more at Wis.Vets. com

Service Office, 6419 W. Greenfield, WI through Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11. Potential donators with questions can call 414-266-1235.

USS Milwaukee, the fifth such warship to be built, a Littoral Combat Ship, is being commissioned in its namesake city as it was built in Wisconsin. This commissioning ceremony will be at Veteran’s Park on Satur-

day, Nov. 21 at 1 p.m. This celebration is by invitation only. Requests for tickets, state the number desired up to six, should be sent to http://www.ussmilwaukeelcs5. org


A new World War II documentary movie is showing “Lucky Strike,” about a bomber crew after dropping bombs on a German target desperately flew to Sweden as their airplane was too damaged to go back to its base in England. Seventy years after the war, Swedish filmmaker Jan Olof Nilsson searched and found those fliers. The story, which includes a local crewmember, tells how Sweden came to their rescue. This crew was among the more than 12,000 airmen who were

aided by the Swedes. The movie, with limited seating, will be shown Friday, Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. at the historic Hose Tower, 5699 Parking St., Greendale. Tickets at $50 each, if still available, can be had by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope with money to Bonnie and Jim Cyganiak, 7338 Devonshire Ave., Greendale, WI 53129. The movie is being sponsored by the Greendale Veterans Memorial Committee.


GOLDSTARS continued from page 1A

sons. These were women who shared the remembrance of opening that door to news that shattered their lives evermore. Just ask the oldest living Gold Star Mother, Monteen Purdie, Los Angeles, CA, whose son was killed in 1968 in Vietnam. The hurt never leaves. She only asks, Why did so many have to die? Gold Star Mother’s Day was proclaimed by Congress in 1936 to forever be observed in the United States on the last Sunday in September. The memorial day was enacted to be morally and spiritually uplifting. The proclamation signed by the then president, read that the action was a public display of love, sorrow and reverence for the American Gold Star Mothers, who suffered the supreme price of war in the loss of their son or daughter. In 1930, at the insistence of President Herbert Hoover’s wife, a group 231 Gold Star Mothers and widows sailed from New York City to visit the battlefields where their sons or daughters were killed. For the following three years, 6,692 persons visited these graves in a manner of showing appreciation of a grateful nation. The United States, in World War One, had 60,000 killed in action. While the Metro Milwaukee Gold Star members are mothers of 10 killed in action, we recall the American Gold Star Mother, who perhaps suffered the greatest tragedy, Aletta Sullivan, whose five sons were killed as their ship, the USS Juneau was torpedoed in the battle of Guadalcanal in 1942. Now that we have explained somewhat the why and the wherefore of the organization, let’s explore to some degree the Metro Milwaukee Gold Stars Mothers Association. There currently are 10 members and, of course, we would hope for many fewer, but the ravages of war have struck some dear ladies in the Southeastern Wisconsin community. The active members are mothers of three killed in Vietnam and seven in Afghanistan-Iraq. Elizabeth Kryst, West Bend, wife of Glen Kryst and mother to six children, knows only too well that God has taken the oldest of those children to sit near His heavenly throne. Captain Kevin Michael Kryst, 27, USMC Cobra helicopter pilot, was killed by

• 9A

mortar fire in an attack on the Marines’ base in Al Anbar Province, Iraq where he was serving as part of the Marines’ Third Air Wing. Al Anbar Province is said to have been one of the deadliest battlefields of the war. It borders Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Shrapnel struck Captain Kryst as he walked with another pilot toward their barracks, in an unexpected mortar attack on Dec. 18, 2006. The death occurred during his second deployment there.

JUSTIN KRYST: Is now in training as an F18 pilot in California.

PAST PRESIDENT: Janice Dahlke was the leader of the metro Gold Star Mothers before Kryst. Dahlke is very active in various veterans’ activities. Two of Kevin’s brothers followed his lead into joining the Marines. Daniel, who earned the rank of staff sergeant, joined the Marines after high school graduation. He served two tours of duty there. A third son, Justin, now is a Marine first lieutenant in training as an F-18 pilot in California where he will graduate this month. Kevin, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, class of 2001, was the 65th Wisconsin service person to be killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Kevin has been buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. A French horn player and swim team member, Kevin is remembered by a West Bend High School principal as a “Quality individual of high

BROTHERS IN SERVICE: The late Captain Kevin served in the Marines. He served two tours of duty in Iraq. character and dedication to completion of the tasks at hand.” Mother Elizabeth has time now to devote to the Gold Star Mothers and also to volunteering one day a week at the Blood Center, helping as needed one day each week at the Milwaukee VA Center and also volunteering at their church as their other children are, so to speak, out of the nest. They are Bradley, Dan, Jenny, Justin and Tim. A pleasant person, Elizabeth, as do other Gold Star Mothers, takes part in various veterans’ activities and is a featured speaker occasionally at different veterans’ venues and schools and can be reached at 262-335-4156 if you ever wish her for a program. She says, “The Gold Star Mothers have a

mission to honor our sons and daughters who have been lost by promoting patriotism, honor to country and assist the veterans’ causes. We also support each other in ways few others may understand unless they have lost a child. Our fellowship and support flows over to promote peace and goodwill with each endeavor we undertake. We have a bond of shared love, support and sympathy for each mother who ever lost a child in the military. Sharing in our grief brings peace to our hearts.” The Metro Milwaukee chapter meets February through October each year. For details about meetings, call Mrs. Kryst.

10A • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

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About Alzheimer’s Disease: Alzheimer’s Basics • What is Alzheimer’s disease? • What happens to the brain in Alzheimer’s disease? • How many Americans have Alzheimer’s disease? • How long can a person live with Alzheimer’s disease? What is Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. In most people with Alzheimer’s. Symptoms first appear in their mid60s. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia among older adults. The disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer. In 1906, Dr. Alzheimer noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died of an unusual mental illness. Her symptoms included memory loss, language problems, and unpredictable behavior. After she died, he examined

her brain and found many abnormal clumps (now called amyloid plaques) and tangled bundles of fibers (now called neurofibrillary, or tau, tangles). These plaques and tangles in the brain are still considered some of the main features of Alzheimer’s disease. Another feature is the loss of connections among nerve cells (neurons) in the brain. Neurons transmit messages between different parts of the brain, and from the brain to muscles and organs in the body. Although treatment can help manage symptoms in some people, currently there is no cure for this devastating disease. What happens to the brain in Alzheimer’s disease? Scientists continue to unravel the complex brain changes involved in the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. It seems likely that damage to the brain starts a decade or more before memory and other cognitive problems become evident. During this preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s disease, people seem to be

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symptom-free, but toxic changes are taking place in the brain. Abnormal deposits of proteins form amyloid plaques and tau tangles throughout the brain, and once-healthy neurons stop functioning, lose connections with other neurons, and die. The damage initially appears to take place in the hippocampus, the part of the brain essential in forming memories. As more neurons die, additional parts of the brain are affected. By the final stage of Alzheimer’s, damage is widespread, and brain tissue has shrunk significantly.

How many Americans have Alzheimer’s disease? Estimates vary, but experts suggest that more than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. Unless the disease can be effectively treated or prevented, the number of people with it will increase significantly if current population trends continue. That’s because the risk of Alzheimer’s increases with age, and the U.S. population is aging.

How long can a person live with Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s is a slow disease that progresses in three stages—an early, preclinical stage with no symptoms, a middle stage of mild cognitive impair-

• 11A

ment, and a final stage of Alzheimer’s dementia. The time from diagnosis to death varies—as little as 3 or 4 years if the person is older than 80 when diagnosed to as long as 10 or more years if the person is younger.

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12A • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

Too much sugar is a major cause of obesity By: Dr. David Lipschitz When I was a child, my mother thought my brother was not going to live because he was so painfully thin. He did not eat much, and she pushed as many calories into him as possible. Gradually, over the years, his weight became acceptable, and by the time he was in his 30s he was pleasantly plump, gradually increasing in weight with

each passing year. There is no question that something happens to our metabolism when we become young adults. This alteration, not well understood, I might add, leads to the beginning of weight gain that averages about a pound per year of life until about age 65 and then levels off. Weight gain becomes less common over age 75. During the past 50 years, something

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bad has been happening. Weight gain is the norm rather than the exception, and children are becoming ever more obese. We have blamed this change on keeping a sedentary lifestyle, choosing unhealthy foods, large portion sizes and consuming far too many calories. In the mid- and late-20th century, fat and cholesterol took the blame. A low-fat diet became everyone’s goal. Fat intake was restricted, but starch and sugar were not, and sadly we became even more rotund. Recently a great deal of evidence is accumulating that refined sugars such as table sugar or sucrose and high fructose corn syrup were a major cause of weight gain. Many decried sugar’s negative effects on health, including an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and, of course, dental cavities. Even though this was well-accepted by some, the research evidence left much to be desired and many experts in the field felt that the cause was not how much sugar you consumed, but how many calories. In a new study published in the prestigious British Medical Journal, researchers demonstrated a very significant correlation between increased

sugar intake and weight gain. And vice versa, reducing sugar intake lead to weight loss. The link in sugar intake and weight was very strong in adults but less so in children, presumably because their diet is so varied. However, if you only looked at sugary drinks consumed, the more sugar consumed by a child, the fatter they were. Recent research contends that refined sugar should constitute less than 10 percent of total calories consumed. According to the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, sugar intake in Americans ranges from 16-20 percent of total calories consumed. And when the fat content of the diet is restricted, excess carbohydrate from starches, cookies and other fat-free products are used to assure adequate calorie intake. Too much sugar and starch in the diet leads to weight gain and the socalled “metabolic syndrome.” In the body, both refined sugars and carbohydrates are converted to glucose. In order to maintain a normal blood sugar, excessive amounts of insulin are released from the pancreas and the glucose is pumped into cells where the excess is converted into a special form of fat called triglycerides, which are then stored in fat cells. As weight is gained, insulin loses its ability to reduce blood sugar to normal. This is referred to as insulin resistance and leads to type II diabetes. These individuals are overweight, have very high triglyceride blood levels, are prone to cholesterol deposit in blood cells and hence heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and kidney disease. The most remarkable aspect of this “self-made” disease is that it is imminently curable by diet and exercise. Anyone who has developed the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance and is overweight should see a diabetic educator. Learning the importance of consuming an appropriate diet, as well as exercising frequently, returns the blood sugar to normal, reducing the risk of heart disease and prevents hypertension. The fact that sugar and, to a lesser extent, too much starch has negative impacts on our weight provides more compelling evidence for a diet that is prudent. Consuming the right amounts of fat, fruits and vegetables, protein and sugar and starch in moderation is the best approach to dieting.


NEMOVITZ continued from page 7A

they feel nostalgic and tied to the home of their youth. Others in the family want a move now. In the end, it is up to you, the homeowner, who knows yourself better than anyone else. You know how you think, how you feel both physically and mentally. But so often we put our feelings aside and begin to bargain with ourselves to avoid a decision that should be made. Take some time to be in the moment. Write down your feelings about moving. Sometimes seeing it on paper can bring emotions to the surface for you to understand what is behind procrastination and fear. Talk to your spouse about your future. Does your current home meet your current needs? Do you have the energy to maintain your home as you did in the past? Are you relying more and more on outside help? Do you have challenges navigating stairs, cutting grass, shoveling snow and cleaning your home? Are finances strained in maintaining your home? These are all questions that can be shared with your partner and family. A discussion of your current physical and mental wellness can be a great first step to your overall health. Maybe a move is not necessary as there are many services to help keep you at home. Maybe your home just isn’t set up for your specific needs and outside help won’t change your home’s setup. But in the end, this life is not necessarily a dress rehearsal. It is the only life you have and why not make sure you are getting the most out of it! You deserve happiness and well-being. You worked hard raising a family or at your job for so many years. Now is the only moment you have. Putting off


decisions of change can be miserable as you have one foot in your home and the other in an unknown place not yet determined. That uncertainty can cause many sleepless nights. You keep it to yourself as you don’t want to burden others, but in the end the involvement of others will happen if you wait until you react to a sudden health or financial change in your life. Conversations with loved ones, moments of honesty with yourself can be freeing and healing. Live life to its fullest and make sure you are in a healthy situation. Discuss your inner-most feelings with those who truly care about you. You may find that the answers have always been there. Bringing those answers to the surface can only happen if you choose to be honest and forthright with that one person who knows you the best…YOU!

Bruce has been a full-time Realtor and Senior Real Estate Specialist for over 35 years serving the Greater Milwaukee 4 County area. Bruce and his wife, Jeanne, specialize is serving those who have been in their homes for several years and are in need of downsizing, packing, sorting and preparing their home for market. Bruce and Jeanne have a “Bruce’s List” of trusted contractors who will make all the necessary repairs so that your home will sell quickly and without problems. Bruce is an author, writing two books which discuss the rather difficult transition from one’s long-time home to a senior community. His first book, “Moving in the Right Direction”, A Senior’s Guide to Moving and Downsizing, focuses on the senior. Bruce’s second book, “Guiding Our Parents in the Right Direction”, deals with the family which supports mom or dad. Bruce was chosen by 4,000 area Realtors as ‘Realtor of the Year’. Bruce just received the Better Business Bureau 2015 Torch Award, as a finalist for honesty and ethics in business. Bruce serves on the ethics and arbitration committee for the Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors.

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• 13A

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14A • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

Is Mom in love again? By Doug Mayberry : We are a family of seven adults and multiple grandchildren. Our parents owned a large three-story home. Our father died nearly five years ago. About a year after he passed, Mom realized she could not cope with the responsibility and maintenance of her home. She sold it and purchased a smaller one. However, last week while one of my sisters was visiting Mom, one of her new neighbors told my sister that Mom had purchased a car for a friendly bachelor living across the street. What shocking news that was! We are stunned! We are now hesitating about how to approach Mom. She has always been independent. We could use some advice!


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: Before getting overly concerned, is the neighbor’s information reliable? Did your mother actually buy that neighbor a car? It may just be gossip! There are many reasons why you should determine the truth without possibly upsetting your mother unnecessarily. Could it be only partly a fact? She may have lent him or gifted him money. In any case, the money belongs to your mother. She has the right to spend it however she desires. Naturally, some siblings may feel they have lost some inheritance. Continue to be loving and caring to your mother. The issue of having enough money to live out your life is always on the table and up for discussion. Move slowly, and after you learn if and when money was involved, that will be the time to schedule a family powwow to determine how best to discuss the is-

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sue with your mother.

MAJOR HEALTH DECISIONS MAY BE OPTIONABLE We have just learned from my husband’s doctor that my husband’s prostate cancer has worsened. That news has come as a surprise and shock as we have been living under the impression he was doing well with his ongoing treatment. His doctor is unaware that we have made a down payment for a two-week cruise next month. The news has thrown a monkey wrench into our plans. We have been looking forward to our oncein-a-lifetime cruise. What should our next move be?


: Make another appointment with his doctor for a serious discussion of his outlook, the fact you have a planned cruise and other details. Is it an emergency, and the treatment needs to be done immediately? Can it safely be delayed? If it’s not absolutely necessary that he immediately receive treatment, you have a choice. Consider questions such as: If you go, would you be too nervous and concerned to actually enjoy the trip? Have you purchased trip insurance that would allow your trip to be refunded with the doctor’s statement? If your doctor says it can be done after your cruise, would you be comfortable knowing what’s ahead after your return? Is shipboard medical help available? If you choose to override his doctor’s recommendation, would you regret it later? Whatever decision you make, make it together. That is what love and caring is all about! Doug Mayberry makes the most of life in a Southern California retirement community. Contact him at deardoug@ msn.com. Betty is a friend of Doug Mayberry, whom she helps write this column.


• 15A

A healthy cup of coffee?

News of coffee’s potential impact on health has for years gone back and forth. Initially, concerns centered on caffeine, a naturally occurring stimulant. The positives about coffee centered on antioxidants, compounds generally associated with potential health benefits. Robert Sheeler, M.D. and medical editor of the Mayo Clinic Health Letter, says it appears coffee may be just fine for most, and possibly even of some benefit. Here is a look at coffee’s pros and cons as related to health, based on the research. COFFEE MAY PROTECT AGAINST: 1. Type 2 diabetes. Researchers found that compounds in coffee -- chlorogenic acid and caffeine -- may thwart protein formation that contributes to the death of pancreas cells. Normally, pancreas cells produce insulin. An earlier study of younger and middle-aged women found that drinking two or more cups of coffee a day was associated with a substantially lower risk of Type 2 diabetes. 2. Parkinson’s disease. Numerous studies indicate regular coffee consumption may reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease. 3. Various cancers. A recent study found that women who drank coffee reduced their risk of endometrial cancer by 20 percent. A recent analysis of multiple studies suggests there may be a correlation between drinking coffee and a reduced risk of pancreatic cancer. One study found that drinking an additional two cups of coffee a day was associated with a 43 percent reduced risk of liver cancer. 4. Alzheimer’s disease. A recent review of multiple studies reported there’s a trend toward a protective effect from coffee, but more study is needed to determine if the trend is significant.

COFFEE MAY POSSIBLY BE HARMFUL TO: 1. Bone health. Caffeine is known to increase the amount of calcium that’s passed in urine. It may also interfere with how well calcium is absorbed in the digestive tract. One study found that women who drank 20 ounces of coffee -- about 2 1/2 cups -- or more on a daily basis had a modest increase in fractures related to osteoporosis. However, other studies have found that if coffee drinkers get adequate calcium, the effect is minimized. 2. Blood pressure. For people who consume coffee only occasionally, there may be a temporary rise in blood pressure. However, regular coffee drinkers appear to develop a tolerance so that there isn’t much effect on blood pressure. 3. Lung health. A recent overview of 13 different studies concluded that high or increased coffee consumption might increase the risk of lung cancer. However, the authors of the overview also cautioned that other factors -- specifically the effects of smoking -- might have affected their findings. More study is needed to determine a connection -- if indeed there is a connection. The bottom line is, for most healthy adults, moderate doses of caffeine -- 200 to 300 mg a day, which is two or three cups of regular brewed coffee -- are fine. Coffee is among the top-10 food sources of antioxidants, and it’s also a major source of chlorogenic acid, which is one of its star players for antioxidant activity. Antioxidant activity associated with coffee has been linked to protective effects on multiple diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Information courtesy of Mayo Clinic Health Letter.



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16A • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

Surprising ways car wax can make your life easier By Mary Hunt I wouldn’t be surprised to learn there’s an old can of car wax hanging out

in your garage or basement. Now would be the time to find it, dust it off and hope it’s not all dried out. I promise that by

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the time you finish reading, you’re going to be clamoring to put these tips to work. Prepare to be amazed. MIRRORS. There’s nothing like a nice hot shower to steam up bathroom mirrors. Car wax is the secret to make them fog-free. Apply a small amount to the entire mirror and allow it to dry. Buff it away with a soft, dry cloth. TUB AND SINK FIXTURES. No matter how water-spotted and dull your faucets and fixtures are, car wax will make them look like new -- and help them stay that way. Rub a small bit of car wax into all of that metal and allow it to dry for a few minutes. Now polish it away with a soft, dry cloth. The wax will prevent new water spots and keep those fixtures sparkling. TOOL CARE. Say goodbye to rust on garden, garage and auto tools when you apply a coat of car wax to all of the metal parts. Make sure you rub a little wax into the hinges and moving parts to keep them from jamming and sticking. OUTDOOR GRILL. Apply a good coat of car wax to the outside of the grill to make it shine, repel water marks and make it much easier to clean in the future. Make sure the grill is not in the hot sun when you do this. SHINY TABLETOPS. Apply car wax to your plastic, laminate and Formica tabletops. Wipe it on, then wipe it off to a beautiful shine! PATIO FURNITURE PROTECTOR. Whether yours is metal, plastic or molded vinyl, apply car wax in the same way you would wax your car to protect against rust, add shine and repel water marks. RUSTY RINGS. You know how cans of shaving cream, hairspray and other aerosol products can leave a rust ring when left in the shower, bath, garage or even the patio? Remove the rust easily with, you guessed it, car wax. WHITE RINGS. Someone forgot to use a coaster, and their drink left a white ring on your beautiful furniture? No worries. Hit it with car wax. Rub it in with your finger until the ring disap-

pears. Let it dry, and then buff it away. STICKY DRAWERS. And closet doors and windows, too. Rub a dab of car wax onto the tracks of those drawers, doors and sliding windows. Who knew that would make them move more easily? Now you know. BACKSPLASH. If you apply car wax to the areas behind your stove and sink, grease and gunk will wipe off easily. Your kitchen will sparkle, too. PREVENT CORROSION. Wherever you see it -- on the mailbox, door and window frames, outdoor light fixtures, garage door mechanisms -- clean the rust away with car wax. You’ll automatically prevent further corrosion from weather and water damage. GRANITE AND MARBLE. Apply a coat of car wax to granite and marble countertops to fill in fine scratches and restore the glossy finish and shine. SNOW SHOVEL. Apply two coats of car wax to your snow shovel before you begin to clear the driveway and sidewalk. The snow will not stick, allowing you to glide through the task. That’s only a start for all the ways you can use car wax around the house. As for which car wax works best? I prefer Meguiar’s Cleaner Wax because it cleans, polishes and leaves a beautiful finish -- all in one step. Turtle Super Hard Shell Paste Wax is a fine choice, too, just know that you’ll need to clean the surface before applying the car wax. Mary invites questions, comments and tips at mary@everydaycheapskate. com, or c/o Everyday Cheapskate, 12340 Seal Beach Blvd., Suite B-416, Seal Beach, CA 90740. This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of www.DebtProofLiving.com, a personal finance member website and the author of “Debt-Proof Living,” released in 2014.

Read All The News In




Full retirement age for widows By Tom Margenau About a month ago, I wrote a column in which I explained how “full retirement age” (the age at which a person can claim 100 percent of his or her Social Security retirement benefits) is going up. To quickly recap, FRA is 66 for people born between 1943 and 1954. But if you were born in 1955, your FRA is 66 and 2 months. If you were born in 1956, it is 66 and 4 months. And it keeps going up in two-month increments for each year of birth until it caps off for folks born in 1960 and later. They have to be 67 to get full benefits. Congress did not change the early retirement age. It remains at 62 no matter what your full retirement age is. But because there is a pro-rated monthly reduction for early retirement, the higher your FRA is, the greater your age-62 reduction will be. For example, if your FRA is 66, you would get a 25 percent reduction if you take benefits at 62. But if your FRA is 67, the age-62 reduction will be 30 percent. The age at which widows and widowers can claim full benefits is also going up. But it goes up at a different rate.

I am usually pretty good at providing the rationale behind various Social Security laws and regulations. But for the life of me, I cannot explain why widows (and widowers) have a slightly different FRA. I know that Congress didn’t get around to passing the law increasing FRA for survivors until a few years after they increased it for retirees. But why they simply didn’t match the age increases is a mystery to me. Anyway, the age at which a widow can claim full benefits is 66, if she was born between 1945 and 1956. You will note that is two years behind the retirement age increase. Then, like the retirement age FRA, it begins to go up in two-month increments. Widows born in 1957 must be 66 and 2 months. Widows born in 1958 must be 66 and 4 months. And it continues to climb incrementally until it caps off at age 67 for widows born in 1962 and later. (For retirees, the age 67 cap began with folks born in 1960.) And like retirees, Congress did not change the earliest age at which a widow can claim benefits. It remains at age 60. But because Congress apparently doesn’t like messing around with a wid-

ow’s monthly Social Security benefits, they did not change the reduction factor. So, for example, a widow who was born in 1949 and whose FRA is 66, can opt to take a 29.5 percent reduction if she takes benefits at 60. Likewise, a widow who was born in 1962 would get the same 29.5 percent reduction if she also starts her benefits at 60.


: I am 61. My husband of 35 years died several months ago. I filed for and received the Social Security death benefit. When I asked about widow’s benefits, they rather curtly told me I wasn’t eligible, so I just left it at that. Now I’m wondering if I should be getting something. Can you help? Here is some background. Both my husband and I worked all our lives. He always made a little more than I did. I am thinking of retiring next year.


: Assuming you are making considerably more than the Social Security earnings penalty limit of $15,720, then you are not due any benefits right now. But if you retire next year, you will have a couple options.

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You could, for example, take reduced retirement benefits (assuming you are 62 or older when you retire). You would get about 75 percent of your full retirement benefit. Then when you reach age 66, you could switch to 100 percent of your widow’s rate. Or you could go the other way around. You could start out taking reduced widow’s benefits at age 62. You’d get an 81 percent benefit rate. Then you’d continue with those benefits until age 66, when you would switch to 100 percent of your own. Or you could opt to wait until age 70 when you would get a “delayed retirement bonus” of 32 percent added to your retirement rate. In other words, you’d get 132 percent of your retirement benefit if you can hold off making the switch until age 70. Which way you go (taking the widow’s benefits first or taking your own retirement benefits first) depends entirely on the money amounts involved. So you will have to ask someone at your local Social Security office what to do retirement and widow’s benefits are and then sit down with a calculator and figure out what to do.


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18A • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

A visit to Jefferson County


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Since we definitely do know what Milwaukee and its closest neighbors have in the way of interesting areas and attractions, who Answer Man ever thought about revealing the “Fun” and places of interest in Jefferson County? Yes, Jefferson is home to much more than you’d ever expect. We will begin with the Fireside





Theater, in Fort Atkinson. Why The Fireside, you may ask? The answer is that this theater, which is possibly 50 or more years in continuous operation, has stage performances that we believe are as good as what you might see on New York stages and, possibly even better, it is a dinner theater so stage shows are accompanied by a good dinner. Possibly the dinner might not always be judged as world-class, but such can be said for the performances. We have enjoyed the shows. They’re one-of-akind experiences. Depending upon how heavy your foot is on the gas pedal, Fort



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Atkinson may be a bit over an hour We suggest a visit to the Jeffrom Milwaukee via I-94 and then Hwy. 26 South. ferson Historical Society and atFORT ATKINSON also is home to tending the Spring and Fall Car and the Hoard Historical Museum and Swap Shows if you are so inclined. National Dairy Shrine; Fort Kos- The city is attractive as it is located hkonong fur trading reenactments where the Rock and Crawfish rivers are conducted at the Rock River merge. For further details, call 920Park. 6744511. For more information, we sugLAKE MILLS is a community that gest you call the chamber of com- boasts of friendly people, great natmerce at 920-563-3210. ural beauty, unique shops and fabuAs we are just skipping lous food. There are legends about around through the county, our the mysterious waters of Rock Lake. next stop would be at the JOHNSON A visit would be interesting to AztaCREEK Premium Outlets, where lan State Park and Museum. And, eight national and also smaller the Zeloski Marsh, Lake Mills is at chains of the stores appeal to the the eastern edge of Jefferson; take bargain buying public. We’re sure Exit 259 off I-94. The information you have seen the mall right be- number is 920-648-3585. hind the Pine Cone service station PALMYRA is a relatively quistop along Hwy. I-94. et little community that boasts of So as not to really slight them, its location within the Kettle Mowe will herewith at least mention raine State Forest, which has 20,000 the other Jefferson County commu- acres of glacial hills, prairies, ketnities: Cambridge, Jefferson, Lake tles, lakes and gorgeous hiking Mills, Palmyra, Watertown and scenery. Call the Carlin House and Whitewater. Turner Museum for open times and WHITEWATER, of course, is further information or the chamber well known because of the univer- of commerce at 262-495-8316. sity there. The community is a stateWATERTOWN’S many historof-the-art place for education and ic districts showcase the rich herialso business of which it has sev- tage and antique style architecture eral big names in industry, here. The Octagon House and the As well as visiting the univer- first ever kindergarten in the Unitsity or attending theater or athletic ed States have guided tours through events there, visitors will like the this month. The Dodge-Jefferson Whitewater Historical Museum and Counties Genealogical Society is the Effigy Mounds Preserve. The at 504 South 4th.St. The Watertown information number is 1-866-499- Players use the Octagon stage sev8687. eral times yearly. There are arts, If and when you are in CAM- antiques and shopping galore in BRIDGE, you will find an attractive town and along Hwy. 26 as it winds small city where the arts are said to its way towards Johnson Creek. thrive. The Cambridge School Mu- It is a nice, self-sufficient little city seum is listed in both Wisconsin and and has lots of activities and upNational Registers of Historic Plac- coming winter events. The tourism es. number is 920-877-733-9886. Lake Ripley Park and Koshkonong Creek are popular with water enthusiasts. JEFFERSON boasts of its German heritage and has a large German influenced celebration each Septem50 Plus News Magazine ber. We’re sorry we just missed it.


• 19A

Editorials Continued KILLING TIME continued from page 4A

The old saying was that give a man a fish for food, and he’ll eat well that day. However, it went on to say that if you teach him how to fish, he’d survive for life. This, of course, surmises that he won’t then spend all of his time tying fishing flies, buying casting rods, etc. Another thought: What ever happened to cane poles? QQQQQ An advertisement recently bragged about the sumptuous dinners. Have you ever tried to eat that sumptuous? QQQQQ Being an old codger, I believed that the weekend began at 5 p.m. on Fridays. An in-college granddaughter tells it as beginning at bar time on Thursday evenings. Which granddaughter? I’ll never tell. QQQQQ Bar flies are the only kinds that you can’t get rid of with a fly swatter.

QQQQQ We have come to the conclusion while watching cars on the highways whiz by us and then weave in and out of traffic that such stupidity causes accidents. Sadly, such is not covered by insurance. QQQQQ The weather people certainly were right a few weeks back when they said there would be an eclipse of the moon. They got this one right. But what about the unpredicted falling temperature or the sudden rain shower? Long-range forecasts definitely are easiest. Just ask the person with severe arthritis. QQQQQ A granddaughter no longer will try to bite off more than she can chew as her smart teeth recently were removed. Why were they ever called Wisdom? QQQQQ A fellow said his wife’s grandfather was the city mayor and also the postmaster. If people didn’t like the manner in which he ran the city, he’d buy them a stamp to get out.

QQQQQ The old adage that practice makes perfect obviously does not hold true on the football field. QQQQQ Thanksgiving is just weeks away and we have so much to be thankful for even if you don’t care for cauliflower dressing.

Per capita wealth Certain states with prosperous large cities (Wisconsin not included) finish at or near to the top in per capital income in the United States, Wisconsin ranks 26th among the 50 states. Somewhat surprisingly, it ranked lower in per capital income than three of its four neighboring states. Only Michigan, as a neighbor, ranked below Wisconsin and that state, again somewhat of a surprise because of all its manufacturing income, is in 39th place, or near the bottom tier. Four of the top five states are located in the eastern seaboard corridor. The fact that oil-rich North Dakota snuck into fourth place from the top proved somewhat surprising to calculators. Who would have envisioned the North Dakotans as having more money in their pockets than New Yorkers? The Midwestern picture and that of the top several and the bottom rung are printed herewith. The

ranking will be listed first. 1. Connecticut, $64,864 2. Massachusetts, 57,337 3. New Jersey, 57,620 4. North Dakota, 55,802 5. New York, 55,61 13. Minnesota, 48,998 17. Illinois 47,649 24. Iowa, 44,937 26. Wisconsin, 44,186 39. Michigan, 40,740 45. Kentucky, 37,30 46. New Mexico, 37,091 47. Idaho, 36,734 48 South Carolina, 36,677 49 West Virginia, 36,132 50 Mississippi, 34,431 All we can add to this detailed account, is don’t outlive your money. For we Wisconsinites, it is a good thing that we like inexpensive brats and reasonable fish fries. Caviar and filet of beef just don’t adorn too many of our tables.

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By Jack Pearson As the headline above proclaims, this is a tale of two CCs, a play on words, to be sure, and our apologies to Charles Dickens, but the head is actually what the following story is all about. It’s a chronicle of two excellent local golf courses, both adjacent to the city of Oconomowoc. One of them, the La Belle Country Club, is now undergoing a rebirth and has a new name and new owners. The other one, the Oconomowoc Golf Club, is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The two clubs, La Belle and Oconomowoc, share more than simply a geographic proximity; their stories have intertwined for more than a century. In a sense, both owe their very existence to a stubborn old 19th century farmer who never played a round of golf in his life and, in fact, thought golf courses were a poor use for good farm land. Another possible twist in the story involves Donald Ross, who a century ago was the most famous golf course architect in America. Ross was the gentleman who was contracted to design the Oconomowoc course. His efforts were quite successful and the course layout was greatly admired by all. Legend has it, however, that Ross designed the course without ever having seen it, accomplishing it by only looking at a topographical map of the area. A front-page story in the October 15, 1995 Milwaukee Journal, refutes that version. More on that later. So on with the show. Here’s the story of two golf courses, a tale of two CCs. We’ll begin with La Belle. It’s my guess that you’d be hardpressed to find three sports businessmen as congenial, accommodating, hard working and as successful as Frank Romano, John Meunier and Troy Schmidt. They are the new owners and operators of the La Belle Golf Club. They’re not newcomers in the field, by any means. They also have owned and run the Scenic View Country Club in Slinger for the past 37 years; have done the same at the Fire Ridge Golf Club in Grafton (formerly called the Country Club of Wisconsin) for the past 12 years; and at the Blackstone Creek Golf Club in Germantown (formerly called The Lake Park Golf Club) for the past eight years. Romano, in addition, is also the treasur-



SPORTS By Jack Pearson

er of the National Golf Course Owners Association. I met them one Saturday afternoon recently, returning from Madison after watching the Wisconsin football Badgers demolish poor little Miami of Ohio 58-0. Wish it could have been Ohio State instead. The new La Belle Golf Club was having an open house – new member party, and since the club was on the way back from Camp Randall. I thought I’d stop in and check it out. The course and the clubhouse, despite all the recent problems, are in great shape. Most impressive. When I walked in, the gathering was in full swing. I looked around, trying to pick out the new owners, but I had no idea of what they looked like. Just then a smiling fellow wearing a chef’s hat and an apron around his waist came by, carrying a tray of freshly baked pastry. “Have a cookie?” he asked. “I just made them myself, and I think, in all modesty, that they’re pretty good.” I was going to ask him if he could point out Frank Romano to me, and then I discovered I was talking to him. I told him who I was, and his smile grew even wider. “Thank you for coming by,” he said. “The media is always welcome, and especially someone from 50 Plus,” and he gave me a wink and took me by the arm. “Come on over here with me, I’ll introduce you to one of my partners, John Meunier. He has just returned with a group that he took on a tour of the clubhouse and is due for a break.” Romano paused then and looked out one of the picture windows. “And here comes the other partner, Troy Schmidt. He’s been taking another group around the course via golf carts. You have to meet him, too.” I point out these seemingly unimportant little items actually to make a point. Romano, Meunier and Schmidt may all be high powered executives and perhaps even wealthy,

the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright


KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone

Oconomowoc head golf pro Chuck Wood, beside a treasured club artifact; it is the topographic map that golf architect Donald Ross used in 1915 to design the original layout of the course. It now hangs in the clubhouse dining area.

but they obviously are not above handling the most mundane of tasks, such as baking cookies and walking around with them on a tray offering them to guests and taking newcomers on tours. All are duties they could have delegated to staff members. They weren’t doing them simply to make an impression. They seemingly enjoy work of any kind and enjoy meeting people and getting to know them. Might these be examples of why they’ve been so successful over the years? By the way, Meunier will serve as the club’s general manager and Schmidt as the head golf professional. You may have noticed that the name, “La Belle Country Club,” is not quite the same as it had been for so many years. It was “The Lac La Belle Country Club” for decades, which reflected the name of the lake it borders, Lac La Belle. I asked Romano about that. “Well, it’s really no big deal,” he said. “When we were looking into buying the course, we noticed that nearly all the local people we spoke to referred to it by simply ‘La Belle.’ The only time Lac was ever used was when they were talking about the lake. So we sort of just went with the flow.” Most people in the area, even the golf enthusiasts, don’t know that La Belle Country Club very well may be one of the two oldest golf courses in the entire state, started way back in 1896. It was a good year in sports. The Modern Day Olympics began then, and Gentleman Jim Corbett was the new

heavyweight-boxing champ. It’s almost impossible to come up with an accurate ranking of the oldest golf courses. For example, Milwaukee Country Club, and Tuscumbia, up near Green Lake, Janesville and Lake Geneva all claim to have been started around 1894. Well, they were, but all four closed within a few years, then re-opened in different locations some time later. So do they qualify? About the only golf club I can determine that started before La Belle, and has stayed in the same location since its inception, is Eagle Springs, a nine-hole layout started in1893. It’s also in Waukesha County, by the way. When La Belle was opened in 1896, it was known as the Country Club of Oconomowoc. It was located on the north end of Lac La Belle; at that time the playground for Milwaukee’s rich and famous for swimming, sailing, golf, and naturally, partying. The course was designed by David Foulis, then the head pro and designer of the then famed Chicago Golf Club, and Silas Strohn, president of the American Golf Association. In those days employees of the club and its members got to the club via a steamboat, which took them from downtown Oconomowoc to the course. Cost of the trip was a quarter. The course was only nine holes. About half the club’s membership wanted it enlarged to a full 18 holes. The problem was, there was no room for another nine. To the south was the lake, and enclosing the course on the other three sides was a huge farm. The


club’s owners repeatedly offered to buy a portion of the farm so as to be able to enlarge the course, but were always rebuffed. The farm owner absolutely refused to sell anything. So the half of the membership that wanted a complete 18hole course were frustrated. So much so that they decided to form their own group, put together enough money and to buy enough land elsewhere to build their own course. This decision culminated in the summer of 1915. In the lead story on the front page of the October 25, 1915 Milwaukee Journal the plans for the new golf club and that the famous Donald Ross would design it were announced. The story had a three-column headline and was the major story of the day. This, when you think about it, was somewhat odd. At that time, in 1915, the Great War in Europe, which later was to be called World War I, was raging. The U.S. was not officially in the war yet, and would not be until 1917, but still the conflict filled the pages of all the major newspapers of the day. But in Milwaukee, the story of a new golf course was deemed more important. Work began on the course in late 1915, but it was not until the next year that it was completed and the course opened. Thus the current 100-year celebration at the club is about when work was started, rather than when it was finished and opened for play. Switch back to the La Belle CC to complete our historical journey. The club has actually had four names. As noted, it was first called The Country Club of Oconomowoc. Then, after the split and half the membership moved away and called their new facility The Oconomowoc Golf Club, the other half stayed on. Because of the nearness of the lake, they took on the name “Lac La Belle Country Club.” Then, many years later, they were able to coerce the farm’s owners (the original unyielding owner was long gone) into selling them a parcel of land. They then built an additional nine holes, and at long last now owned a full 18-hole course. Around year 2006 the club was sold to Jeff Kernen, who also was the owner of Deer Haven Golf Club in New Berlin. He changed the name from Lac La Belle to Rolling Hills. He ran the club for a few years, then obviously had difficulties. The Oconomowoc bank which held the mortgage on the property, foreclosed, and Kernen was out. Because they could not find a

new buyer, the bank was forced to run the course, and changed it into a public facility. Since it was now public, all memberships ceased. Which meant that when Romano and his group purchased the club from the bank last July for $1.335 million, they were buying a fine 18-hole course, a new and enlarged clubhouse, but inherited zero members. This seemingly did not dissuade them in any way. “A good many of the old members have already returned,” Meunier said, “and we’re signing up new members all the time.” Romano noted that next year the club will be a country club and have members, but will also be open to the public, much as it is now at the Hartford Golf Club. “We’re doing other things, in addition to signing new members, to bring in more cash flow,” Romano said. “We’ve already booked many weddings and private parties for the winter months, and are working on bringing in golf events from the WSGA and other groups.” Anyone playing the course this past summer and fall enjoyed some tremendous rates. For examples during the week, green fees were only $25 walk-

At the recent new member get-together at the La Belle Golf Club, a couple of visitors admire the club’s excellent condition. Standing, Dick Wallace of Waukesha, and in the golf car, Jack Pearson of Brookfield. ing, $35 with a cart, and on weekends only $30 walking and $45 with a cart. I don’t know of another course in southern Wisconsin with rates that low. I will be very surprised if they are again offered next summer. It was pointed out earlier that the operations of the two clubs have long been intertwined. When I went to the Oconomowoc Golf Club to look into their 100-year anniversary plans, the

• 21A

Here they are, the owner-operators of the newly opened La Belle Golf Course: right, Frank Romano, center, John Meunier, and left, Troy Schmidt. first person I met was club pro Chuck Wood. Prior to taking over at Oconomowoc, Wood was the head professional at Lac La Belle for almost a decade. “There’s a reason why we call ourselves ‘The Oconomowoc Golf Club’ rather than ‘The Oconomowoc Country Club,’” he said. “Other clubs offer tennis and swimming pools and other social events. Here at Oconomowoc, it’s golf. Always has been, and always will be. I’m very proud of the fact that we have 20 golfers here with handicaps of four or less. I don’t know of any other club in the entire state that can claim that.” Along the same lines, current PGA Touring Pro Mark Wilson played his early years at the club, first as a junior then as an adult, and still maintains a membership. At the club’s recent 100 Year anniversary dinner, Wilson and Milwaukee Journal golf writer Gary D’Amato were featured speakers. Something else of note about the Oconomowoc club, by charter it has a maximum of 187 members. There is a waiting list to join, but unless the charter is changed, there will never be more than 187 members. This mandate exists obviously to benefit the members, eliminating long waits for tee times and other problems. That Journal story from Oct. 25, 1915 referred to earlier also included commentary about Ross at the Oconomowoc site. This disproves the legend that he designed the course without actually seeing it. There is an old 1915 topographical map a groundskeeper found in an equipment shack, which probably instigated the legend. It is now framed and is hanging in the clubhouse. By the way, locations of and directions to the two clubs are: To La

Belle, from the Milwaukee area, west on I-94 to Highway 67, then north on 67 through the city of Oconomowoc a couple of miles. Right after passing under the Highway 16 overpass, take a left on Lang Road, then west a mile or so to Pennsylvania Ave., then south a short distance. You’ll see the sign and entrance to the club on the east side of the road. There are two large parking areas; drive through to the second one and you’ll be much closer to the clubhouse and pro shop. To Oconomowoc Golf Club, from the Milwaukee area, drive west on I-94 to Highway 16, then north and west on 16 to Highway P, which is about a mile before you get into the city of Oconomowoc. The course is only a short distance north on P and is easily spotted on the west side of the road. All of this historical material is not all that easy to find. I was greatly aided in my research by a couple of long time golfing associates, Gene Haas and Dick Wallace. Haas, the former Executive Director of the Wisconsin State Golf Association, wrote the definitive book on Wisconsin golfing history, ‘Playing Through,’ which is an excellent source of material. Wallace, a PGA teaching professional for many decades, is very familiar with both courses and, in fact, is one of the few golfers ever to manage a hole-in-one at the 232 yard par three 13th hole at La Belle. As noted, the La Belle Club is busily signing up new members. If you’re interested and want cost figures or other information, give them a call at 262567-7833. You won’t need the Oconomowoc Club’s number as it is strictly a private club; they’re at capacity and there’s a waiting list. But I’ll give it to you anyway. It’s 262-567-7721.

22A • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

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Palmer’s Tent Event Aug. 23rd

Assistance in Living

Senior Softball Tourney

page 2B

page 11A

August 2015 Vol 28 No. 8

page 18A


page 14B

What about the low wages


Adams Toys & Collectibles 5303 W. Greenfield Store Hrs: T-F 10-5 Sat 10-3


Wilson Park Senior Center | 2601 W. Howard Ave., Milwaukee October 22, 2015 | 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

page 3A


The $64,000 question

page 6A

The right time is now! page 1B

KNAP continued on page 8A


Milking parlors need the workers

page 3A

OLSON: page 11A

page 6A



page 20B By Bruce Nemovitz

By Jim McLoone

with 13 years at First Federal Savings Bank.

Matt Pommer



By Brad Olson, CFP

By Bruce Nemovitz

By Bruce Nemovitz




By Tom Frazier


SPORTS By Jack Pearson


In present day sports reporting, the term “superstars� is often misused and over-used. In this instance, however, it is most appropriate. Although Senior Olympic competition doesn’t receive any-


Recently, I was invited by the Wisconsin Counties STRINGS Aunt Emma Association be on aBypanel at its annual meeting to By Karento Ellenbecker discuss “The Future of Long-Term Care in Wisconsin.� & Julie Ellenbecker This is in response to state budget changes that will -Lipsky potentially make major changes to Family Care, Wisconsin’s existing long-term care system, by requiring

SUPERSTARS continued on page 24A

FRAZIER continued on page 3A


“Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today�


health care, and contracting with large for-profit insurance companies to manage Medicaid long-term care and health care. Existing Family Care manages long-term care and coordinates health care, and it is run by Wis-


Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll

Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll “Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today�


Paula Larsen and her partner in life, Jim Reiher, a Senior Olympic athlete also, as their two colorful shirts indicate.

integration of long-term care and acute and primary Answer Man


By Tom Frazier

SUTTER continued on page 11A


Mary Blandino today, a star Senior Olympic athlete, a coach, a referee and a bit of everything.

Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll By Jack Pearson “Planting Tomorrow’s In the headline above, the word “superstars� is Dreams Today� there to describe a couple of Wisconsin Senior OlymBy Brad Olson, CFP pic athletes, Mary Blandino of West Allis and Paula Larsen of Delafield.

APRON The Future Of Long-Term Care In Wisconsin Emma MONEY SENSE




By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

By Matt Pommer

The Volunteer Any Organization Would Cherish

By Matt Pommer



Technology Ills

The man who knew the presidents, Ted Knap, out on the balcony of his Shorehaven Lake Shore Apartment where he now lives.

Time may pass slowly for some retired people who search for ways Terry Sutter, who is reported to have a heart of gold, also has hands to hold a to pass the time of day, as their level of activity mostly is moving from vacuum cleaner, which he does often as chair to chair. But this definitely is not so for retiree Terry Sutter whose he volunteers for cleanup duties after volunteering activities keep his mind and muscle in prime time condition. This retired bank vice president spent most of his 40-plus years’ fivarious Ellenbecker non-profit activities in Waukesha. By Karen nancial career in Waukesha. Now a spry 76-year-old, Sutter had no diffiFor his voluntary efforts, Sutter recently culty delving into his memory to the days of his banking career’s begin& Julie Ellenbecker was awarded the “Golden Vacuum ning at the once prominent Marine Bank. After Marine, he spent over 30 By -Lipsky Award� due to his dedication to service. years with its succeeding Chase Bank and finished his financial career



Where there’s a will or way COMMENT NEMOVITZ:


Mary Blandino and Paula Larsen, A couple of real life superstars

October 2015 Vol 29 No. 10



By Jack Pearson That’s not a spelling error in the headline above; it’s Knap with one “P,� thank you. It’s a Polish name, and the way it is spelled in Poland. Ted Knap. (Actually he was christened Thaddeus L. Knap.) His parents immigrated to Milwaukee way back in the World War I years. The family then lived in a middle class neighborhood on Milwaukee’s east side, and that’s where Ted and his three brothers and one sister grew up. They attended St. Mary Czestochowa Elementary and Messmer High Schools.

By Brad Olson, CFP

By Jack Pearson

the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright


By Aunt Emma











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Starting Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015 Walgreen’s Associates will be Handing Out Copies of 50 Plus News Magazine at the Registers,

Be Sure To Ask For Your Copy!!



APRON Emma with Jim McLoone Answer Man KILLING TIMESTRINGS

Answer Man








50 PLUS or Better Expo

Road America

Hobnobbing with Presidents was routine with






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Complimentary activities for those who DONATE A TOY! 60• Hot Chocolate/Coffee 60 Bar • Horse Drawn Carriage Rides • Ornaments & Craft Stations SPORTS

By Jack Pearson

the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright

KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone

the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright

• Usinger’s Hot dog KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone • Cookie Decorating

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Kapco’s Kids 2 Kids Christmas was created to teach kids the spirit of giving. VMP Manor Park | 3023 S. 84th Street | West Allis | Hotline (414) 607-4110.


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50 Plus November 2015 | SECTION B

December 4, 2015 1:00 - 4:00 pm

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2B • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

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By: Marilynn Preston Dealing with death — your own, a loved one’s, the death of a child — is a required course at the University of Wellness, Ballet and Refrigeration. No one gets out of here alive. This we know. What we don’t know is everything else. Death is the biggest mystery of all, leaving many of us clueless when it comes to comforting someone who’s lost a loved one. What do you say? What don’t you say? Do you mention the dead person by name? Do you try to offer good advice, to be helpful and loving? “Do not give advice,” advises Edie Hartshorne, a master of social work, longtime therapist, former Fulbright Scholar and award-winning author of “Light in Blue Shadows,” (Ellsberg Books), a wise and inspiring book about death, compassion and transforming grief. After her 20-year-old son Jonathan died, unexpectedly, tragically, Edie went on a dark and deep journey into her own pain and unraveling. When she came out the other side and wrote her book — “A journey of loss and grief that leads to a place of wonder,” says Isabel Allende on the jacket cover — Edie had a new awareness of many things, including what it means to comfort, and be comforted. “Many times when we feel uncomfortable with another person’s loss, we offer advice, hoping to make everything better.” Resist, says Edie. The person grieving doesn’t need advice. She needs to be heard, to have her loss acknowledged. She needs her friends, her family, to be fully present, listening to whatever she has to say. Here are some more empowering Edie-isms to help you through the inevitable: Don’t say you know just how the grieving person feels. Don’t equate or compare your grief to the other person’s. When you say, “I know just how it is. I lost my mom a year ago,” it can trivialize the other person’s pain. “This can be particularly true when a parent has lost a child,” Edie writes. “It’s better to make no comparisons.”

Don’t remain silent. Very often, because we fear saying the wrong thing, we say nothing at all about the truth of what’s going on. That’s a mistake, Edie counsels. It’s isolating for the person grieving to be surrounded by silent friends. “It’s so important to validate the other person’s reality,” she writes. Share your truth plainly. “I just heard your terrible news. I am so sorry and sad. I just want you to know I am holding you in my heart.” Say it your way, with your true voice, but don’t hide in silence. Don’t try to fix your friend or family member. This goes along with Not Giving Advice, but you can’t hear it often enough: “There is nothing to fix,” Edie writes. It’s natural for someone to feel grief when a loved one dies, and it’s very painful. Your job is to “stay present to the other person’s pain.” Just be there. There is nothing to repair. Don’t ask, “Is there anything I can do?” Just do it. Take the initiative. When people grieve, Edie says, they’re often too overwhelmed to sort out what needs to be done, too shy to ask for help. Notice what needs to be done and take action: bring over dinner; drop off flowers; walk the dog. This requires a sensitive touch, but if you wait to be asked, you may miss the opportunity to truly be of service. So much for the Do Not’s. The Do’s are closer to Edie Hartshorne’s true nature. She’s a poet, a musician, a peacemaker and a very positive person: Be present to exactly where your grieving friend is in the moment. If 6 months have passed, and he suddenly bursts into tears, “take a deep breath to bring yourself fully into the moment, speak slowly and lovingly. “Listening fully and with a big heart is the most powerful medicine.” Make phone calls to your friend or family members during that first year. Grieving people are fully aware of the birthdays and anniversaries involving the person who died. Say something! says Edie, who writes beautifully about this in her book. It feels very lonely when those dates go by, unacknowledged.


• 3B

November Poem

My goodness, we’re 10 months into this calendar year Thanksgiving is just ahead and Christmas time is near. Most crops are harvested and shelled corn is in the bin. It seems this year Nature helped the farmers really win. We notice turkeys in fields to be readied for another crop. Late laziness and not plowing could just predict a 2016 flop. But let’s write of interesting topics other than agriculture. No! No! We certainly didn’t mean the current Legislature. Despite what you may think, time really is on our side. Without more financial concern, some may run and hide. Wit, wisdom and honesty do not allow for great stupidity The road to success is through genuine productivity. But now as we turn our thoughts to other necessary things, We realize it is hunting time as we see many birds flapping wings. We don’t forecast, but feel arthritically first snow is not far off. Heavier jackets, gloves, hats and overshoes we must soon doff. Electric bills soon may be eclipsed by those of natural gas. Don’t expect energy bill collectors to smile and give you a pass. Soon the season will be the reason for great and happy smiles. At Thanksgiving, friends gather at table from many miles. Now begin thinking of nice things to say to everyone this day Best wishes to all and turkey, too, is not that difficult to say. So now we bid adieu to November, looking ahead to December. We know right well it will be 31 days to always remember.

Gasoline By Melvin Clark




for leases signed by 12/1



By Patricia Lynne

Gasoline buying, Is getting to be a pain, Every time you need it The price is not the same.

Sometimes precious memories trickle from my eyes as tears Snippets flashing so vividly clear Apparitions of my past appear

The reasons are a plenty But none are too clear. We are kept in the dark And it’s just what we hear.

Reaching out I touch the images embracing this scene so vintage are they real, are they alive parading lightly through my mind?

They tell us it’s an oil spill That is either close or near. That pollutes the water And harms the atmosphere.

Sensing laughter from beating hearts my inner smile settles for a time as I sip my luscious red wine feeling the waves of ocean’s tide

You’ll need the gas Or your car won’t go. When you have to travel To and fro.

With closed eyes, I hang on tight to memories using all my might not wanting to return to life rejecting reality, I try to fight

For this is one old battle That you’ll never win. For they hold all the aces And your chances are very slim.

If only I could remain here safe haven from all fear of forgetting my many years and the loved ones I hold dear


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4B • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

“Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today”

Emma: Do you believe in horoscopes? MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION

DEAR FOLKS:By Bruce Nemovitz When I looked at my horoscope for today I immediately thought of heading back to bed and then cover up my head

By Brad Olson, CFP




By Tom Frazier


By Jack Pearson

SENIOR Answer Man

is a football game ritual, I said. To this Henry just shook his head and smirked however that can be done. I suspect this is more than enough about football games and their advanced timing. I really had wanted to discuss problems with sitting. Henry, who sits in front of a machine at least eight hours each work day, really believes the theories that working from a stationary sitting position has accelerated his bodily aging. He claims it also has increased his problems with constipation. He won’t like my telling you about that even as he claims it to be true. What bothered Henry about learning about the problems his sitting so much could be causing was when the chiropractor spieled off several potential problems and said one of them could be non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This upset him to no end, as he’s now been regularly fearful of liver disease caused by alcohol. Henry always has worried and practiced what he preached and that was that moonshine was not what the moon did nightly on this earth, but was what he and his buddies regularly mixed up in the house pantry. When I said Henry was worried about liver disease, what I meant was that he is so concerned that they have a 20 oz. beer mug hanging by the beer spout at the club. Henry says before he has a problem with the liver from drinking a few beers with the boys, he’ll have a quicker one with his kidneys. I will tell you for certain that when Henry had a recent physical examination, the examining doctor told his that he should take a break from the machine about every hour and take a brief walk. That particular doctor said that there is the potential of getting any one or more of about 35 different diseases let’s say, health problems from too much sitting, also known as inactivity. Now please don’t stand up to complete reading this newspaper, as too long standing isn’t good for you either. I guess you have to like the ups and downs in life.


so my eyes couldn’t see what’s ahead. I told Henry about my horoscope for today and he laughed. He claims this stuff is a bunch of hogwash; that some looney bird is sitting at a desk in a fancy office somewhere and making this stuff up. If this is true, I have to admit this “looney bird” is quite intelligent, finding such a unique way to separate the gullible from their money.



I will say that my Henry is a bit cranky today. He watched our college in its football game yesterday and, because of the extreme length of the game, he didn’t get his normal Saturday chores accomplished. He’s at them today even though he says that Sundays should be devoted to God and not to work. He should preach this message to all those who work at the fast food places and mega stores that make money by the carloads on Sundays. Getting back to that football game, Henry says it seems that all of the times out and even the time taken for the halftime seem to have elongated the 60 minute game. It seems to me that any one hour game that takes over three hours to play is like going to church Sunday morning so you can get a nice nap in during the pastor’s elongated preaching time. Henry timed this particular game at 3:21 (minutes and seconds) on his stop and go watch. I informed Henry that I recently read in a national daily newspaper that some games this year have actually gone over four hours in length like one late night nationally televised one that ended at 1:26 a.m. Why some of those attending perhaps didn’t get home until after 3 a.m. Just what would that have done to church attendance just a few hours later? By Enis Wright Would you believe that this newspaper, the one that generally serves the rich people in this country (How in heck did I ever get delivery of a free one as a potential subscriber?) even projected that there will be close to 20 college games this season that will consume over four hours. Henry says that he remembers his days at college and says that he and his buddies would have had to bring in more moonshine if games then lasted that long. But as I told Henry, they really didn’t. The longer we go into this decade, the longer the games seem to be. But smart aleck Henry, who graduated from the College of Hard Knocks a while back, asked about those of twoplus decades ago. Henry said if the games had been that long 30 to 40 years ago, that almost all of the student section boys would have been pie-eyed by the time they were over. Thank goodness that drinking of alcohol no longer


calendar the WRIGHT SIDE of

KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone



• 5B

We Saw You At . . . . . By Margaret Pearson

Wagfest was the Elmbrook Humane Society’s 8th Annual salute to the wonderful canines in our lives. A wise man once said that dogs were actually very special gifts from God to we humans to bring companionship, comfort and love into our lives. If you look closely at the photos on this page, you’ll see the wise man knew what he was talking about. Mitchell Park was again the scene of the fundraiser for the Humane Society. Attendance was estimated at more than 5,000 people and 1,000 tail wagers.


The Collie is Beamer, here with his proud owners Sean and Marge Shuerba of West Allis.

It was a warm day, which is why Kassandra Klein of Wauwatosa was giving a drink to her Siberian Husky, Zeus.

Malicia Holifield of Milwaukee with Mock and Marley.

Ernie and Karen Macke of Pewaukee, with their English Doodle, Mae.

Rick and Laura Worchester of Pewaukee and Nuggett.

Ray Januz of Brookfield and Amy Januz of New Berlin, with Harley and Coty, a pair of Golden Retrievers.








November 3, 10:30 am MACC 33rd Annual Couture For A Cure Hyatt Regency, 333 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee The MACC (Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer) hosts the premier runway fashion show, with an exceptional silent auction, exquisite wine pull, trendy Boston Store boutique featuring the fashion show fashions to purchase day of, makeup stations, luncheon and program. The proceeds will go to pediatric cancer and related blood disorder research. Contact the event co-chairs with any question at alfalkowski@gmail.com or katyglodosky@gmail.com.

TIME with Jim McLoone

November 4, 2:00 pm A Tale of Two Singers Regency Senior Communities, 777 N. Brookfield Road, Brookfield Leah ByCarson performs the songs Enis Wright of Marlene Dietrich and Vera Lynn, revealing rich historical commentary about the war years, wartime entertainment, and how the starlets raised morale from the home front to the front lines of World War II. This activity is open to the public. For additional information, call (262) 780-0321.



November 6, 1:30 – 3:30 pm Physical Assessment Day Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center, 6255 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Whitefish Bay

Every year the Marquette University Physical Therapy students go into the community to perform Physical Assessments as part of their advanced studies. These assessments include balance, flexibility, posture and strength or the BEST tests. Marquette has hooked up with The Parkinson’s Dance Class and the Jewish Community Center, to offer these assessments FREE of charge to anyone with Parkinson’s in the metro area. The Marquette PT Department has a national reputation for excellence in the field. For further information contact Susanne Carter at 414-871-1523 or carterproductions@sbcglobal.net. November 7 Family Free Day Milwaukee County Zoo, 10001 W Bluemound Rd, Milwaukee. Bring your family, friends and neighbors because Zoo admission is FREE! Regular parking, rental and concession rates still apply. November 7, 8-10 am and 10:15 am - 12:15 pm UWM’s Saturday Seminar UW Milwaukee School of Continuing Education This is one Saturday morning you won’t want to sleep in. Join in by attending seminars on stimulating topics and networking with other business professionals. You’ll gain valuable insight for career success from experts in the field, and leave with tips and resources you can apply immediately. For registration information, please contact Jan Allen at allen3@uwm.edu, 414-227-3219.

Friday-Sunday • November 20-22, 2015

Celebrate the YeAR oF LIGHT Explore the World of Music, Food, Dance, and Arts

State Fair Park exPoSition Center www.FolkFair.org

Achieve Endless Discovery and Travel Around the World HouRS All Nations Theater: traditional music and dance Fri., 2 p.m. - 10 p.m. International Stage: Young people performing ethnic dances Sat., 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Coffee House: eat, drink, and hear music Sun., 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Tanzhaus: enjoy a variety of musical styles World Cafe: tempt your taste buds with traditional dishes GATe AdmISSIoN Heritage Lane: explore the unique traditions and customs of diverse cultures through interactive exhibits $12.00 for Adults International Bazaar: Cultural artifacts that create a unique shopping experience $10.00 for Children ages 6 to 12 Chef ’s Stage sponsored by Callen Construction: traditional foods prepared $10.00 for Seniors 62 and over Around The World In 5K Run/Walk: Sunday, november 22 Children under five and all at 9:00 AM benefitting The Salvation Army of Milwaukee County. military personnel with a military ID card admitted free. Register at www.active.com For more information, visit www.FolkFair.org, or call 414-225-6225

November 7, 7 – 10 pm An Evening of Wine & Beer Tasting Community Center, 14750 W. Cleveland Ave., New Berlin Join the Prospect Lions for an Evening of Wine & Beer Tasting to benefit the New Berlin Food Pantry. Sample wines from around the world, as well as local beers. Light snacks will also be served. November 7, 8 am - 5 pm November 8, 10 am - 4 pm Annual Open House Waukesha Floral & Greenhouse, 319 S. Prairie Ave., Waukesha

Stop by and enjoy free holiday design seminars both days on gift ideas and inspiration for a fun, fresh, and fabulous holiday season. Also during the open house weekend, guests can enjoy refreshments, door prizes, coupons, samples, and more. Collection barrels for non-perishable items will be available for donations. Guests are encouraged to bring a few items to help stock the shelves of the Waukesha Food Pantry. November 9, 6 pm Gathering on the Green – Evening with Al Jarreau Ozaukee Country Club, 10823 N. River Road, Mequon This special evening will feature an intimate performance with 7 time Grammy Award Winner, Al Jarreau, hors d’ oeuvres and cash bar. For ticket information go to www.gatheringonthegreen.org or call 262-242-6187. November 13, 6:30 – 10 pm Compassion Never Goes Out of Style Country Springs Hotel, 2810 Golf Road, Pewaukee Fashion and fun for a cause! The event begins with appetizers, cocktails, silent auction and raffle. Dinner, a program and fashion show follow. Susan Kim, TODAY’S TMJ4 anchor and The Women’s Center board member, will emcee. Proceeds benefit The Women’s Center’s free programs and services that help women and children heal and break the cycle of violence. For more information, to sponsor this event or to donate a silent auction item, contact Dana at ddossett@twcwaukesha.org. November 14, 5 – 10 pm Club Warsaw ‘38 Polish Center of Wisconsin, 6941 S 68th St, Franklin In the 1930’s, Europe and the United States were alive with nightclubs, cabarets, musicals, jazz, and song. Warsaw, then known as the “Paris of the East,” along with London, Vienna, Berlin, Paris, and New York had a vibrant nightclub and cabaret culture. Relive those heady days and enter Club Warsaw ‘38. You will be treated to fine dining (five courses), fabulous live music and entertainment, a superb silent auction, and a well-stocked open






• 7B




bar. Call 414-529-2140 for additional information or to purchase tickets. Don’t miss this gala event! November 14 & 15, 9 am – 5 pm Trainfest – America’s Largest Operating Model Railroad Show Wisconsin State Fair Park, Visitors will enjoy exhibits, displays, clinics & demonstrations and have an opportunity to play in the kids’ activity zone. Activities for all ages. For a list of exhibitors or to purchase tickets go to trainfest.com.

TIME with Jim McLoone

November 14, 10 am – 12:30 pm Silk Scarf Painting Workshop Cedar Valley, 5349 County Road D, West Bend Learn to create beautiful, wearable art using bright, vibrant dyes. Kasia Drake-Hames will instruct participants as they create three scarves each in this fun, hands-on workshop. The class will be small and relaxed so each student will receive individual attention. No previous experience is required. All are welcome but registration is required and space is limited. Please call 262-629-9202 to register. November 14, 9 am – 4 pm Jewelry at The Domes The Domes, 524 S. Layton Blvd., Milwaukee About 30 artists will sell their unique beaded and handcrafted jewelry, accessories, and decorative items at the annual show presented by the Loose Bead Society of Greater Milwaukee. A variety of techniques were used in creating the original pieces. Bead weaving, bead embroidery, and beaded braiding, along with wirework and metalwork are among the methods used in traditional and innovative ways. Entrance to Jewelry at The Domes is included with regular Domes admission. For more information, visit loosebeadsociety.org.

November 14, 5 – 7:30 pm “Flavors of Fall” Cheese Tasting and Stew Sampling Wehr Nature Center, 9701 W. College Ave., Whitnall Park By Enis Wright Artisanal cheeses from some of Wisconsin’s fine cheese makers will be available for sampling. The Beer Barons of Milwaukee will share a seasonal beer brewed especially for the event. One complimentary beer, wine, or non-alcoholic beverage is included with the cheese tasting. At 6 p.m., the stew sampling will commence. Featured will be three stews—one vegetarian—all made from locally grown produce. Funds raised will go toward the accessibility project at the Nature Center. For more information, contact Wehr Nature Center at (414) 425-8550.



November 19, 7 pm Red Hot Chilli Pipers Marcus Center, 929 N Water St, Milwaukee Bagpipes with attitude, drums with a Scottish accent and a show so hot it carries its own health warning. In the intimate space of Vogel Hall you can sit a little closer to the fire and feel the Chilli heat! Visit www.marcuscenter.org for ticket information. November 20 – 23, Holiday Folk Fair International State Fair Park Exposition Center, 8200 West Greenfield Avenue, West Allis America’s premier multicultural festival which explores the world of music, food, dance and art. A world of cultures and customs are united in peaceful solidarity to be felt, listened to and tasted through a variety of honored family recipes, artifacts, ethnic music and spirited folk dances at the Holiday Folk Fair International. For ticket information contact info@folkfair.org

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8B • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015



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Maggie Mae’s Country Christmas Show with The Heartland Country Band

“A show you don’t want to miss !” You are sure to get in the Christmas Spirit while watching Maggie Mae’s Country Christmas Show. You’ll enjoy some of the best traditional country and Christmas music around that will have your toes tapping. Maggie Mae, a home-grown, talented country singer/Nashville recording artist and Branson performer from Oxford, Wisconsin has been entertaining crowds with her music and yodeling and promises enjoyment throughout her show. She is becoming one of the biggest Midwestern names in pure country music. A familiar face in millions of homes across the country appearing regularly on RFD TV’s Midwest Country Show and Virginia Dreams Show. You will also enjoy the very talented Heartland Country Band…all from Wisconsin!

Maggie Mae’s Country Christmas Shows

Saturday, November 7 • 2pm WISCONSIN RAPIDS PERFORMING ARTS CENTER With Special Guest performer:

MOLLIE B from TICKETS: 608-617-0500

Saturday, November 14 • 2pm FOND DU LAC PERFORMING ARTS CENTER With Special Guest performers:

Amanda and Leah Berthon TICKETS: 608-617-0500


Thursday, December 3 • 2pm & 7pm THE SCHAUER CENTER FOR THE ARTS, Hartford, WI With Special Guest


MOLLIE B from TICKETS: 262-670-0560


Looking for the perfect gift this season? CONSIDER A CHARITABLE DONATION

By: Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz DEAR CARRIE: My friends and I have agreed to give charitable donations for the holidays instead of physical presents. What’s the best way to do this? — A Reader DEAR READER: What a great

way to put the true spirit of the holidays back in focus. Gift-giving has become so stressful — and expensive — the whole reason for giving a gift often gets lost in the rush and worry of the season. So I applaud you and your friends for wanting to share your good fortune with others, while, at the same time, acknowledging each other in a special way. But just because you won’t be hitting the malls and combing the stores for just the right scarf or sweater, it doesn’t mean you don’t need to give a lot of thought to your gifts; in fact, it’s the thought you put into choosing a charity that’s meaningful to the recipient that will make this type of gift truly memorable.

SET SOME GIFTGIVING GUIDELINES With this in mind, I suggest you and your friends get together ahead of time to set some parameters. For instance, are you all going to give gifts to each other or will you draw names? Will you set a financial limit on your gifts, say $50 or $100? Since it’s likely you have different levels of discretionary income, this might make everyone feel more comfortable. You could also consider buying a small physical gift in addition to making a charitable donation. There’s no right or wrong way to go about this, but all of you should agree upfront so that everyone feels equally included. MAKE IT PERSONAL It’s one thing to write a check to a charity in someone’s name and another to choose just the right charity to represent that individual’s interests. You won’t have to be thinking about what colors friends looks good in, but you can give equally careful thought to their beliefs and personal causes. Is it saving wildlife? Feeding the hungry? A special program for kids or teens? Do they volunteer at a specific organization? There’s so much to choose from, and every community has a

myriad of worthy local programs on top of the well-known national charities. Take the time to research creditable organizations using your unique insight into what’s most meaningful to your friend. You might also write a short note describing why you chose a particular charity for a certain person. It then becomes a very personal gift. EXPLORE DIFFERENT WAYS TO GIVE Once you have a type of charity in mind, there are a variety of ways to make the donation. A quick search on the Internet shows a number of online charitable giving sites that make it easy to choose from literally thousands of individual charities. Some even offer charitable gift cards you can personalize and give to friends who can then choose to “spend” it on specific charities they want to support. If you want to make charitable giving a more constant part of your life — and you have the money — you might want to look into a charitable gift account (also known as a donor-advised fund account) offered by many major financial institutions. It takes an initial contribution of around $5,000 to open the account, but you get an immediate tax deduction. You can DONATION continued on page 10B

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then make grants over time to any public charity — including grants made on behalf of someone else. This could be particularly helpful if you plan to make this type of gift-giving a yearly event. Of course, you can always write a personal check to the charity of your choice in your friend’s name. Organizations are usually more than willing to provide some sort of acknowledgement you could then include in a personal card. And just for the record, if you make a donation to a qualified charity, it may be tax-deductible, but only if you itemize your deductions. For any cash donation, you need a receipt or bank record that includes the date, amount and name of the charity. There are a few other IRS rules, so it’s best to check with your accountant for specifics on tax deductibility. KEEP IT A SURPRISE To me, the element of surprise of giving a gift you don’t have to lose because you’re doing things differently this year is half the fun. Whether you get together as a group to exchange gifts or do it individually, if you keep your charity choices a secret until you present the gifts, I think you’ll have just as much fun surprising one another with your thoughtfulness as you would with a traditional gift. And if you take the time to think it through and do your research, you can feel confident that your gifts will be just the right fit. Happy Holidays! Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER(tm), is president of Charles Schwab Foundation and author of the forthcoming book “The Charles Schwab Guide to Finances After Fifty,” available in bookstores in April 2014. advice.


At Interfaith Older Adult Programs, more than 2,500 volunteers donate their time, energy and resources each year to help thousands of adults 50+ in the Milwaukee area stay healthy, active and engaged in their communities. While many older adults remain independent, others are isolated, frail and in great need of help from volunteers in day-to-day living. Starting at age 14 and up, Interfaith offers many volunteer opportunities to match personal interests and schedules. Volunteers help older adults each day by: providing rides to the doctor or pharmacy; helping with grocery shopping; working around the yard on seasonal chores; or simply making friendly home visits. Even more volunteers can be found at Interfaith-run senior centers and dining sites, helping with everyday activities and meal service. “Interfaith volunteers make an incredible difference in thousands of lives in our community, and we’re so grateful for them,” said Felice Green, director of public relations/ marketing for Interfaith. “We hear from our older adult clients nearly every day on how just a little help or a simple act of kindness from one of our volunteers makes a world of difference.” Another sector of Interfaith’s volunteer opportunities is designed specifically for adults 55+. Through Interfaith’s Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), older adults

have the opportunity to volunteer their time by tutoring Milwaukee Public School students, making daily phone checks to isolated seniors, volunteering for veterans and becoming a senior ambassador. Another volunteer opportunity for adults 55+ is Interfaith’s Foster Grandparent Program. Older adults provide one-on-one attention to children to help them develop skills, confidence and strength. Deborah Lewis, an Interfaith volunteer for RSVP, was inducted into the Milwaukee County Senior Citizen Hall of Fame in May. Lewis has been an Interfaith volunteer for nearly four years, most recently as a Senior Ambassador. She helps older adults find services and resources available to them throughout their community. “The fact that our older adult volunteers like Deborah are being honored for their service to the community is a testament to the spirit of Interfaith,” Green said. “They show us that, not only is aging not going to slow them down, but that you can be active and engaged at any age.” Volunteers looking to get involved can log on to interfaithmilw.org and complete a volunteer application to get the process started. Others are welcome to help us continue linking older adults with a caring community by making a tax-deductible donation at interfaithmilw.org/donate or call (414) 2917500.

You can make a difference.

For 40 years, Interfaith Older Adult Programs’ volunteers have made a positive impact in the lives of seniors. Be a part of that impact. Interfaith provides many meaningful and rewarding volunteer opportunities.

YOU CAN: Provide transportation • Make friendly phone calls • Mentor • Tutor • Share your talents and hobbies Help us continue linking older adults with a caring community. Visit interfaithmilw.org or call (414) 291-7500 to make a tax-deductible donation, or to give the gift of volunteering.



600 Rolfs Avenue West Bend, WI 53090 P: 262-338-1188 F: 262-338-9453 www.thresholdinc.org

Our mission: Creating Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities to Live Fulfilling Lives For over 50 years, The Threshold has been committed to providing meaningful service options that meet individual needs and promote independence, employability and inclusion in the community. For more information, or to volunteer email info@thresholdinc.org or call 262-338-1188

What Will You Build?

Racine Habitat for Humanity is a local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International and was founded in 1988. We are a Christian-based non-profit whose vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. “We depend on our volunteers to help build houses the we sell at a 0% interest rate to low-income families who earn the opportunity to become homeowners by putting in 300 hours of “sweat equity”. Our ReStore, which is stocked by donations, staffed by volunteers and open to the public, was opened 8 years ago to provide a recycle/reuse service to the community and generate funds to support Habitat’s mission. To date, the ReStore has diverted over 2.4 million pounds of materials from our local landfill. During the past 27 years, we’ve built and sold 84 houses, 48 new and 36 rehabs. In addition to eliminating blight in neighborhoods, over $250,000 in property tax revenue is generated annually from Habitat homeowners. If you have construction skills, then we need your help! Volunteer anytime Monday-Saturday from 9-noon. Please call 262-637-9176 or email us at info@habitatracine.org to start building!

Racine Habitat for Humanity www.habitatracine.org Phone: (262) 637-9176

• Build a friendship. • Build your fitness. • Build community change. • Build a family tradition. • Build hope. We need donation pick-up help during daytime hours Tuesday and Thursday at our ReStore. Any help is welcome. Please call 262-898-2929 to sign up!

$5.00 OFF ANY IN-STORE PURCHASE over $50.00

2302 DeKoven Avenue • Racine, WI 53403 • 262.898.2929 ReStore Hours: Tues/Thurs 10-4 pm and Sat 9-4pm

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12B • 50PLUS • NOVEMBER 2015

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*2015 UnitedHealthcare internal data. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Consult a health care professional before beginning any exercise program. AARP and UnitedHealthcare do not endorse and are not responsible for the services or information provided by this program. Availability of the SilverSneakers program varies by plan/market. Refer to your Evidence of Coverage for more details. SilverSneakers® is a registered trademark of Healthways, Inc. © 2014 Healthways, Inc. You are not required to use OptumRx home delivery for a 90- or 100-day supply of your maintenance medication. If you have not used OptumRx home delivery, you must approve the first prescription order sent directly from your doctor to OptumRx before it can be filled. New prescriptions from OptumRx should arrive within ten business days from the date the completed order is received, and refill orders should arrive in about seven business days. Contact OptumRx anytime at 1-877-492-5843. OptumRx is an affiliate of UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information. Limitations, co-payments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, premiums and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change on January 1 of each year. Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. You do not need to be an AARP member to enroll. AARP encourages you to consider your needs when selecting products and does not make specific product recommendations for individuals. AARP does not employ or endorse agents, producers or brokers. 2828835 H5253-004 Y0066_150821_144103_FINAL_WI_50PL_1101_ROP Accepted WI_50PL_1101_ROP WI_50PL_1101_ROP 1

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